#( Yep. Derek is his only friend to Ace unfortunately.. Missing Limbs based btw. )
cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 5 months
Back then, Ace was just forced to be living his miserable traumatic life during his dysfunctional family, but not only that.. his middle and high school is worsen too. He can't remember because of his memories blurred away.. but there is some students who treated with disrespect, one PE teacher, and two "popular" people spreading rumors. But at least... He had one friend who is the only one who treated him with respect.
Now that Ace moved away from UK, grew up and turned to be a journalist.. he is not sure of how his only friend is doing right now, but he hoped to remind him that he'll be back soon..
Before... It's too late.
I'm so sorry Derek... Please, don't find me.. you'll get the same fate as I am. Don't forget me please. Because I'll remember the day you saved me, the day you helped me, the day you comforted me, the day we have fun.
I'll never forget it.
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