#( THANKS FOR THIS ONE SYNNIE ( and cyan I hope u like!! ) )
kamipyre · 1 year
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@lovlorne sent in: let's hear aboutttt... ray :} || the paper machine's gossip session ( ft. talk about meme )
send “talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
scorched verse:
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“He needs to broaden his HORIZONS.” And she’s not just talking from one shore…for one thing, he ( @bloodxhound ) still hasn’t budged ( and probably will never ) on his cruelty towards crocs. But that’s a long-term goal- for now, she can settle with the one that gives her a bit more flexibility! “He says he doesn’t mind seaweed, which I think is more than a start!” After all, seaweed is the lettuce of the ocean…if Ray can digest that then bonito flakes are more than doable. That being said, she is getting off-topic and needs to talk about the detective himself- “…He’s weird. He’s all for wrecking stuff and making Mister Godot write reports about it, but then he’s all orderly about like, his stuff. And schedule.” Like how he drags her to the gym with him at least two times every month and unless there’s a case going on, he visits the gym almost every day. “He gives me free paper. And food! Even if his opinions there are wrong half of the time- but it’s okay! We have TIME to convince him otherwise!”
embers verse:
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Eyes widen ever so slightly. Well that’s a name she hasn’t heard in a while- where did they hear that name? One that was once at the center of the biggest scandals within LAPD has now become a relic of an old era. A name that is only whispered in passing as if the owner himself has died. But really, it’s been what, a year or two since he resigned? Her fingers fold. “…He said he’d be back.” Her voice is firm, eyes steady. That’s why he gave her Paper Moozy and its city, didn’t he? Ray’s not the kind of break his promises anyway. “If he were here, we wouldn’t be dealing with half of these problems. He wouldn’t stand for it.” Of course that could be said about the others too- the ones who care more about the truth than a spotless record. If they were here, perhaps the public wouldn’t have lost faith in the LAPD either. Her fingers keep moving. “He’ll be back. I know it.” 
In her hands, there’s a paper replica of MOOZILLA.
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