#( ** kostya. )
psikonauti · 3 months
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Kostya Lupanov (Russian, b. 1977)
oil on canvas
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cherryviscera · 16 days
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drawing to celebrate 100 days over 100 degrees ARIZONA NUMERO UNO ((although there are no beaches here, maybe hes at a lake))
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cipherhunter · 2 years
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Alfred Molina as Konstantin Dmitrievich Levin in Anna Karenina (1997)
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verysmolnerd · 6 months
You know what? Frik it!!! Some characters are getting booped!! By you!! 🐾🐾🐾
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Otto Octavius:
He wasn’t expecting it one bit. He was hard at work and this attack came out of nowhere!
You had caught him overworking so many times, you’ve lost count at this point!
So, when it comes to dragging him away from the desk, you’ve gotten more creative.
There are times where you have lured him away by using your newlywed charm, and then there are times when it’s absolutely bonkers.
You’ve pulled him away with his spinny chair, you’ve even pulled it out from under him.
It gets a laugh out of him every time. Why? Because it shows him how much you care. When he loses track of time, you’re there to remind him.
He sometimes gets excited when he notices what time it is. Because it’s time for your mischief again.
You walked up to his chair and rested a hand on his broad shoulder.
“Hello, my dear. How are-“
You booped him right on his crooked nose. 🐾
What was once a look of adoration turned to one of shock. His eyes are wide and mouths agape; he couldn’t make heads or tails of it!
In fact, the piece of machinery that was in his hand fell to the table.
With the power of the boop, You powered off Otto. Cute and absolutely priceless.
Doc Ock:
How many times must he bolt the entrances down?! It seems like you’re always finding ways in here!!
He seems to close off one exit, and then he turns around to see you -his loving partner who’s more stubborn than they should be- arms open ready to embrace him.
You love him far too much, and he can’t take it at times. He’s no longer in control of his body, his free will is gone. He’s a slave to his own creation.
And yet.. you’re still there, for kisses, for comfort… it’s amazing, gobsmacking even. To have someone who will show him the light when he’s stuck in the darkest pits.
Regardless, he’s working nonstop: welding, wiring, or stealing; Doctor Octopus has been always working. Never resting.
He was placing another one of the components for his containment chamber when he heard a crashing noise.
He huffs when he sees that you had fallen out of the air vents. Scabs, dust, and dirt littered your face; but still a smile grazes your features.
He opens his mouth to say something, but you are quick to rise to your feet.
“For the last time. Get out-“
Boop attack!! 🐾🐾
The arms stop whatever they are doing and fall to the ground, limp.
They soon rise up and become docile for a brief moment. Chirping, nearing you.
And Otto? He’s in shock.
He looks at you with an aghast smile appearing on his face as you both discovered a way to fight the actuator’s influences.
The power of the boop. In the palm of your hand.
Maxim Horvath:
You were practicing alongside him. As per usual, he’s showing that tough love you’re so “ever” fond of.
It’s not like you hate training, it’s just that it gets tedious at times and there’s no banter between the two of you.
When you preform a spell correctly, you hear his huff of approval. Yep. That’s your indication.
When it’s time for a break you sit across from him in the fanciest chairs known to man. He has style, you’ll give him that.
He has a critical eye, reading a person is almost second nature to him. He’s been a live for a thousand years, after all.
Nothing seems to catch him off guard anymore, well, you don’t think anything ever did… until later in the evening.
It’s your turn to cook, despite his protests…. So when he took back the stove using magic, you weren’t surprised.
So, you had your own trick up your sleeve as you slowly approach him.
“Whatever you’re trying, I suggest you stop. It’s not going to work-“
Beep bap! Boop attack! 🐾🐾
You laugh at his shocked expression…. But then you start running when the furniture starts floating and is launched at you.
Snidley Whiplash:
With all the criminals piling into the bank, you would think that you’d be shaking in your boots… you’re not.
It’s Snidely and his hang you can see the top hat set atop his proud head as his incompetent criminals part like the sea.
“Give us your money and all of your gold.”
You roll your eyes despite the shouting you’re getting from your boss.
“Or what? You’ll drop an anvil on me?”
An array of clicks could be heard from all the pistols.
“Or we’ll shoot you!”
You can’t even count how many gun muzzles are pointed directly at your head.
Snidely looms over the counter, while you swat away your boss. Silently urging them to call the police. They run away, covering the ulterior motive by saying, “You’re on your own!”
“Hoo hoo,” you almost laugh from his stupid cackle. So you decide to lean forward, challenging him instead.
Snidely starts to lean back, unsure of what you’re planning.
“You think you can oppose, Snidely k Whiplash. Well, thing agai-“
You’ve been hit by🐾🐾 you’ve been struck by🐾🐾a boop criminal!
A blush adorns his face, as does the blinding police sirens outside.
He has heart eyes locked on you while he’s being pushed inside the squad car.
Hugh Weldon:
He had taken you star gazing. A common date, but a lovely one nonetheless.
You happily sit on the blanket while he excitedly tells you everything about the constellations he could see.
You felt like you could be his best student if you weren’t dating. Seeing him smile feels like your lifelong mission… and who are you to deny him of such happiness?
He had draped his coat over your shoulders, smiling with how it essentially swallowed you.
But now, you find that his ways of showing affection are short and sweet while dates are long and romantic. Cute.
He kissed you right before he went to view the stars, leaving you wanting more. So you swore for revenge.
So when he sat next to you, the trap was set.
When he opened his mouth, you got ready to strike.
“I think I saw the Orion constellation-“
He just triggered a boop attack!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
He laughs and allows you to attack him with kisses as well.
You got him back, in the best way.
Comte de Reynaud:
The spring festival is in full swing, and you couldn’t help but notice that the Comte was watching from afar.
You don’t know why it s a shock to you considering that he’s there every single year after his wife left him.
He always looks so gloomy or cold and calculating. Always looking out for his people, never for himself.
Well, it’s about time someone looked out for him.
You made your way over to him, and you find that his demeanor is a tad bit different. He looks uplifting, like he had a sudden change of heart.
And you’re especially shocked when he asks, “May I have this dance?”
He’s not light on his feet, however, when the music slows…. That’s a different story.
He holds you like a man deeply in love and you couldn’t help, but wonder what caused this change.
When the songs softly decrescendo to an end, he pulls you closer.
“I believe that I-“ he stops himself.
Oh hell no! Boop for answers! 🐾🐾
His eyes flutter as he finishes his sentence, “I love you.”
That passionate look in his eyes was the last thing you saw before he claimed your lips…. And your heart.
The landowner makes frequent visits to your humble shop. You find that he does a lot of the manual work himself alongside others.
You know he likes you, by the way he gazes at you from across your shop. Some of the people who work here as well can see the adoration in his eyes. It’s as clear as day.
However, the shy landowner is famously known for holding his own words. Dying with his own verbal desires.
So, if you wanted anything to do with him, it would be on your own accord. You’d make the first move.
It seems like all the patrons are rooting for you as well, as you tap your fingers on your counter; thinking on what to do.
So when he enters the shop the same time he always does, you’re quick to accompany him; offering your help.
Rather than wanting anything, he takes the opportunity to talk to you. He’s very flustered when he admits it.
Honestly, he’s just a flustered mess to begin with.
“I’m sorry, I-“
Take that! Boop attack! 🐾🐾
His mouth is agape and it seems his flushed expression spread to you.
He quickly composes himself and asks you out on a date. That was his plan after all.
The boops brought him out of his shell.
Armand Gamache:
Reading together in the evenings is a common occurrence between you two.
You sit on his lap while he’s facing the fireplace. Three Pines is a cold and grueling place, but when you’re together, the freezing temperatures don’t appear to be all that bitter.
You’re cuddled right up next to him as he reads the page, pausing for you to read as well.
He had chosen another book about escapism. You’ve read so many with him that you don’t remember the names of the books, just the plot.
You don’t mind at all, you wouldn’t trade these moments for anything. Because normally, it ends up being a de-stressor for the both of you.
However, you were feeling a bit of mischief tonight. You’re always antsy when you’re plotting a scheme, he knows it all too well.
“What are you planning?”
And it was at that moment… he got booped. 🐾
He arches a brow, not sure what to make of this at first.
But then he marks the page he left off in and tightened his embrace on you. Peppering you with kisses until you couldn’t breathe.
Then he boops you as well, making you burst out in laughter.
It seems he has a few tricks of his sleeve as well.
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josei-lee · 5 months
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kostya my beloved
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do-kontsa · 18 days
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felyas-stuff · 8 days
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was trying out a simpler art style with some of my faves and ended up making two height charts - the cyberfarm one was my first attempt at this cartoony style and the tmnt one was my second attempt and i think it looks a bit better, practice makes perfect i guess.
the cf height chart is canon btw - i based it of off the actors actual heights and info from the official artbook
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gacougnol · 3 months
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spectrelopeart · 9 months
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@censeredsinner's and I's characters in a style QUITE BEFITTING of them. >:)
It occurred to me semi-recently that when I was a kid watching/reading Spy vs Spy that I figured those pointy nosed bastards were in love with one another and that shaped all my ship dynamics for the rest of my life.
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ripeteeth · 2 months
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Carnifex Nekrotis Kostya, Robber King of the Ghostwood. Finest archer in the known world.
“He is pale and drawn, but his eyes burn as brightly as torches. Everyone has come to the square, pressed in tightly around the platform to see the kingkiller die. Justice moves quickly when there’s a spectacle at hand, and Kostya swallows a wild, bitter laugh. It’s simple. He had killed the king, in plain view of the entire court, and blood begets blood. He expects it. He had expected it before he drew his arrow. His wrists chafe, bound behind his back.
Idly, he supposes that won’t matter soon.
Not when Yuri stands on the platform, his dark eyes severe and thin mouth pressed into a solemn line. His blade gleams, biting against his black tunic. Like the first time they met, Kostya thinks, when Yuri, as elegant and sharp as he is now, had found a young Kostya in the forest, branches in his red hair and scabs on his skinned knees. Kostya’s hair is wild now, unbound and tangled. He wonders if Yuri is thinking of the same thing.
“Yuri!” Kostya calls, grinning for a reason even unknown to himself. Something’s thick in his throat, desperate. He watches the other man, a dark slash against the blue sky. Yuri blinks, unmoving. “You’ll be quick about it, right?”
After all, they’d been friends of a sort once, hadn’t they?”
(Please god click in on the images, tumblr is compressing the fuck outta ‘em)
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ciderbird · 8 months
You know what I really appreciate is the Romanov family dynamic in this movie
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psikonauti · 3 days
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Kostya Lupanov (Russian, b. 1977) 
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kislovpegger · 3 months
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Outfitssss :333
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seldonhari · 2 years
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Alfred Molina as Konstantin Levin | 1/? | ANNA KARENINA (1997) 
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my0favorite0art · 4 months
CurbItKirby Masterlist A.2
Masterlist A.1
Masterlist B (OCs w Molina face-claim)
A masterlist of @curbitkirby's Alfred Molina character fics. The masterlist had to be split into parts due to tumblr's link limit. The lists are sorted alphabetically by character, if you can't find what you're looking for check the other lists!
Note: up to date as of May 28, 2024
Konstantin “Kostya” Dmitrievich Levin
Sexworker!Reader bathing soft 
Former!Sexworker!Reader rough sex thigh riding choking biting kink 
angst p.1 
angst p.2 
jealousy light angst drabble 
Dom!Reader human furniture collars angst 
Former!Sexworker!Reader honeymoon sex 
Dom!Reader crossdressing object insertion 
slut shaming jealousy angst 
Virgin!Kostya Dom!Reader orgasm denial begging 
Reader gives Kitty to Kostya dubcon bondage
femdom dom-drop drabble
femdom mistress!reader
Rose!Kostya x Jack!Reader Titanic AU p.1
Chandler Manning
chandler dubcon drabble
Ricardo Morales
sub/dom workplace sex
jealous workplace sex
Reader convincing Ricardo to take a break 
lingerie kink sex anal play  
Undercover!Morales and Biker!Reader 
I don't think this is proper police procedure
Ricardo gives you a stamp of approval
Ricardo punishes reader drabble
Otto Octavius/Doc Ock
breeding kink
hate fucking
Otto brings Reader apology flowers 
Super!Reader choking dirty-talk 
Super!Reader groping dirty-talk angst 
Reader titfucking Otto drabble 
gentle Otto comforts Reader not ready for sex 
Otto eating out Reader overstimulation 
Otto fucking Reader overstimulation 
Comte De Reynaud
hate sex slut shaming face slapping 
slut shaming face riding choking kink face slapping angst 
Housewife!Reader loving sex 
Comte hungry for pussy 
Boss!Comte eats Reader out workplace sex 
knife kink argument 
Pregnant!Housewife!Reader angst falling out 
Comte lusting Reader drabble
Jekyll-Hyde!Comte dubcon sadism
Comte Caroline angst
Edy Rodriguez
edging belt leather kink 
santa kink object insertion 
Thief!Edy dubcon drabble 
Thief!Edy dubcon somnophilia
That's not the real santa Tiny!Reader Thief!Edy
Hank Spallone
Janitor!Hank x Teacher!Reader p.1
Janitor!Hank x Teacher!Reader p.2
Janitor!Hank x Teacher!Reader p.3
Janitor!Hank x Teacher!Reader p.4
Hugh Weldon
Dom!Reader face slapping crossdressing masturbation
non-discussed somnophilia wake-up blowjob 
breeding kink 
Dom!Reader pegging 
Dom!Reader puppy play edging 
exhibitionism watching a meteor shower fluff 
Paul Weller
tender sex throat fucking size kink 
College!reader light angst
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cherryviscera · 9 months
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kostya in waffle heart that i bastardised to suit her colour scheme
i dont have a cute banner but no n/sfw / k*nk interaction you will be blocked
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