#( * interactions | ft. addam marbrand. )
ycungtrident · 4 years
for: @ofaddam​ location: the red keep
Edmure was in search of answers, ones that he so far had been unable to find by his own means.  He had sent his people out looking for them, for the reason of the wedding massacre, and more importantly, for Lysa’s death. And despite finding no real reason, he considered himself sated with his efforts, that is until his own nephew asked him just what he was doing about it.  That’s when he knew sending his people out wasn’t enough, and that’s how he found himself in the back corner of the Red Keep, eyes searching the crowded bar for a painfully familiar face.  He was a bit paranoid about being seen with Addam in public, but he figured a rowdy, busy bar with views constricted by the large boxing ring in the middle and the industrial pillars every few feet, a corner booth in the back was inconspicuous enough.  His fingers traced the rim of his scotch glass (he was normally a beer guy, but was in desperate need of something a bit more numbing), mind caught up in exactly what he’d say to the man who he had such a long history with, enough so that he seemed to have missed his approach.  
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