#( 'what's it like to date aisling?' and blue tells u what it's like to meet literally everyone else OTHER than aisling )
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clochanamarc · 2 years ago
me looking at the five people who wanna know what it's like to date aisling as if i'm not about to deliver a list composed mainly of how her kids and the diner squad interact with them:
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recollins · 5 years ago
Baby Fever (Spencer Reid x Reader)
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Request: Do u mind doing a fic where people from the team sees Spencer shopping for baby items (clothes, toys, etc) during different days and one time sees him shopping with his secret gf that they didnt know about and immediately jump to conclusions thinking they’re having a baby but in reality the reader’s sister is the one thats pregnant hahaha thanks and i love your stories! Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader Words: 4,930 Content: 100% pure fluff Warnings: None Masterlist
The headache you’d had all day just refused to go away. It would’ve been tolerable if you could’ve at least gone home at five, like planned. All day you’d been looking forward to dinner with Spencer, and of course your boss had practically forced you to stay late tonight to finish your reports early. Sure, it’d look great for your team, but at this point all you wanted was to eat reheated pizza in your pajamas with your adorable boyfriend while you binged Dr. Who until 1am again.
Was that really too much to ask?
When you got a new text from Spencer saying he’d just reached the store, you instantly dropped what you were doing and, after a quick look around to make sure your boss wasn’t nearby, you hit call.
“I have no idea what would be beneficial for Ashley,” Spencer told you the moment he answered. You could hear him rifling through books on the other end of the phone. You couldn’t help but grin hearing him practically fretting; he was taking his unofficially official assignment seriously.
“She’s a lot like you. She likes learning as much as she can. ,” you told him, smiling at your own words. It was another reason you were dying for them to meet.
The two of you had only been dating for a couple of months, but you’d fallen hard for the handsome genius and you wanted to show your sister exactly why you were so thankful you’d babysat for her that day. It was all thanks to her that you’d had your chance encounter with Spencer; without her, you never would’ve met.
You hadn’t even noticed the little boy running across the park until the dog at your side paused to watch him. As soon as he noticed the boy was headed for the two of you he gave an excited jump, scrambling forward to greet his visitor.
“Sit, Buck,” you told the golden retriever pulling at the leash. Your sister’s dog looked back at you, giving one of the most human pouts you’d ever seen, though he reluctantly plopped onto the grass.
The little boy paused a few feet of way, clearly having enormous difficulty not immediately hugging the dog he was after. He looked up at you with a pleading gaze, blinking his large blue eyes as he asked hopefully,
“Can I PLEASE pet your doggy?”
With a grin – glad to see he knew how to act with a stranger’s dog – you nodded and knelt down beside the dog ready to burst with excitement. “You sure can. He loves making new friends.”
The little boy gasped with excitement and eagerly moved closer, holding out his hand. Buck squirmed forward and bumped his head into the little boys palm, and all hesitancy was out the window. The boy laughed and threw his arms around Buck, and the golden retriever instantly began licking him, wagging so hard he nearly knocked himself over.
“I’m Henry,” the little boy announced to you, eagerly petting as much of the dog as he could reach.
“Hi Henry. I’m Y/N, and this is Buck,”
“Hi Buck!” he laughed, nearly falling over as the dog reacted to his name with even more wiggles. Laughing yourself, you reached out and gently steadied Henry just as a new person came rushing your small group.
“Henry!” the man called out, and the little boy glanced over his shoulder. “I’ve told you not to run off like that!”
Instantly you were lost to studying the piece of art that had just graced you with his presence. He was tall, slim, and scruffy, a mess of chocolate curls framing his sharp jaw line and even sharper cheekbones. A light dusting of stubble framed his soft, pink lips and drew you even further into his hauntingly beautiful face.
“Uncle Spencer look! I made a friend!”
The man – Spencer – came up to Henry’s side and knelt down, keeping himself angled away from Buck as he studied the little boy, checking to make sure he was alright.
“Buck’s really friendly,” you felt the need to tell him, instantly recognizing he was very protective of the little boy. “I hope it’s alright that he pets him, I didn’t have it in me to keep them apart.”
Spencer’s face finally seemed to relax as he watched Henry and Buck together. “It’s alright. I’m sorry if we’re interfering with your day.”
“No, no. Not at all. This is a happy little pitstop on our way home,” you assured. You’d been watching Buck practically lick Henry to death, but when you glanced up at Spencer you saw he’d been watching you. Your gaze met for the first time and blinked in surprise, taken off-guard by the gorgeous caramel eyes staring into you.
Upon meeting your gaze his cheeks flushed beneath the scruff of his beard and he stammered out a quick, “t-that’s – that’s good. I’m glad.”
Normally you were shy and awkward around guys as gorgeous as Spencer, but today you felt emboldened. Maybe it was the crisp autumn wind that settled your nerves as you took a breath, or maybe it was the way his stunning gaze could hardly stay off of you. Either way, you gave him a soft smile and said,
“If it’s okay with you, I’m sure Buck would love having company around the rest of the park.”
Henry’s big blue eyes stretched impossibly wide and he tipped his head back. “Can we PLEASE walk with them, Uncle Spencer? PLEASE?!”
Spencer let out a laugh, and instantly you were lost to the gorgeous man in front of you. He pretended to think it over, though you caught the knowing smile he gave you over Henry’s head.
“Well, as long as Buck doesn’t mind.”
As if on cue, Buck gave an excited yip and licked Henry’s cheek. The three of you laughed and you all stood; Henry and Buck ran ahead, bumping into each other as they went. Spencer fell into step beside you and asked,
“I’m sorry. I know your dog’s name, but I never asked yours.”
You grinned and laughed, “that’s usually how it works, honestly. I’m Y/N. And I believe you’re Uncle Spencer?”
“Just Spencer,” he chuckled, smiling down at you bright enough to take your breath away. “It’s really nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“Y/N?” Spencer prompted, snapping you out of your thoughts.
He chuckled, knowing your habit of losing yourself in your own mind every now and then. “I asked if you think she’d like a book about methods of childbirth. I’ve already read about half of it, it seems very informative.”
You snorted, instantly picturing your boyfriend in the heart of Barnes and Noble, speed-reading pregnancy books to find the best one. “I think she would. Maybe get a few for like, the baby’s first year, if they have it. To give her some variety, you know?” Spencer hmm’d but didn’t answer. “Spence, quit reading the book.”
“Sorry, this is fascinating. I read all about labor and delivery when JJ was pregnant with Henry, but I’d never explored home birthing in this depth. Did you know that on average, a woman’s –“
“Hold that possibly unnerving thought,” you giggled quietly, hearing the door of your boss’s office open. “I’ve gotta go. I trust your book-buying judgement, since you’re the expert in that field. Get whatever you think she’ll like.”
“Okay. I’ll come over when you get home and show you what I’ve got. I’ll see you soon, sweetheart.”
“Sounds good, baby. See you soon.”
David Rossi wasn’t one to frequent Barnes and Noble at nearly 8pm on a Friday night. Truth be told, he was only stopping in to check how well his books had been selling locally. He’d personally brought in a box of his latest release, and so what if he wanted a little ego boost?
He’d wandered to the back of the store, going straight for the True Crime section, when an all-too-familiar voice caught his attention.
“Okay. I’ll come over when you get home and show you what I’ve got. I’ll see you soon, sweetheart.”
Rossi did a full stop, slowly backing up to the aisle he’d just passed. Sure enough, Reid was standing in the middle of the Parenting & Family section, two maternity books tucked under his arm as he read through a third.
As he hung up the phone, Rossi watched him furrow his brow, lost in deep thought as he plucked another book off the shelf. As Rossi slowly approached, he caught the title of the new book he’d grabbed: The New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the First Year.
“Uh, Spencer?”
Reid froze, whipping around so fast he nearly fell, dropping the book in his hand. His wide, stricken gaze locked onto Rossi and for several moments neither of them spoke. Slowly, Rossi knelt and grabbed the book, holding it out to him. Just as slow, Reid took it and tucked it to his chest.
“I… didn’t know you came to Barnes and Noble,” was all he managed. Rossi raised his brows and said pointedly,
“Though I’m sure you practically live here, I wasn’t expecting you to be in this section.” Reid gave a pained blink. “Is there… something you’d like to tell me?”
“What?” he barked out, giving a nervous laugh. “W-what? No. No, there – there’s nothing to – no.”
“Right,” Rossi drawled, eyeing the very panicked young man as he slowly backed out of the aisle, pointing to his left. “I’m just gonna…”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s – I’m gonna – I’m gonna go.”
The moment Rossi was out of his way, Reid took off out of the aisle, all but sprinting to the front to check out. The moment he was out of earshot, Rossi was dialing the first number he could think of.
“This is Hotchner –“
“Aaron. You’re never going to believe this.”
Hotch strolled a few paces behind Jack, smiling as he watched his son scamper up and down the toy aisle, hunting for the perfect prize. He’d just gotten recognized as the top student in his class and he’d wanted to reward Jack for all his hard work.
He wasn’t surprised his son was taking his toy-picking very seriously. Jack was so much like himself in that way; he’d even asked Hotch for his professional opinion twice.
“I think I do want the lightsaber,” Jack huffed, setting down the Captain America figure he’d been on the fence about. His son glanced back at him and Hotch put on his most serious face, nodding intently.
“You can never have too many lightsabers. Do you want to look at it again?”
Jack nodded eagerly and took off for the other aisle. As tedious as toy shopping could be, he loved every moment of simple fun like this he got to spend with his son. As he got closer to the aisle Jack was in, a voice he hadn’t been expecting drifted towards him.
“Lamaze toys like this one are excellent to use during tummy time. That’s very important in a baby’s development.”
Was that Reid? Talking about baby toys? Hotch’s mind instantly went to the discussion he and Rossi had been having the last few weeks. He’d found it hard to believe Spencer Reid was buying baby books, and had thought it was just a misunderstanding…
“It’s never too early to start encouraging the development of motor skills, either. This one would certainly help… it DOES rattle, which I admit could become aggravating hearing it days on end… oh! Have you already gotten a playmat? This one is meant to adapt with the child as they grow…”
Hotch had to see this to believe it. One eye on Jack, he backed up to the end of the aisle and peeked around. Sure enough, Reid was parked in front of the baby toys, several piled in the cart at his side as he studied a surprisingly large box. He had a phone perched on his shoulder and a huge smile he hadn’t seen in quite some time.
“If you don’t like this one, we can always take it back. I think it’ll be very beneficial for the baby,” Reid declared, setting the box in the cart. As he looked up and met Hotch’s eye, he nearly dropped his phone. “I – I’ve got to go. I – yes, I’m fine. I’ll call you later.”
He hung up fast and opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was a noise of distress.
“Reid… what are you doing?”
“I – I’m shopping.”
Hotch gave him an unamused frown. “I gathered as much. I meant what are you –“
“Dad, hey dad!” Jack called from behind him, and on instinct Hotch looked back to his son. “Look at this lightsaber!”
“That’s really cool, buddy,” Hotch smiled quickly as he turned back to Reid. “What are you –“
All Hotch saw was Reid skidding out of sight at the other end of the aisle, converse squeaking in his wake.
“Okay, what about this?”
Emily held up a box as Penelope and Morgan turned to study what she’d found. Penelope hmm’d and tapped her chin but Morgan instantly shook his head.  
“A revolving tie rack? That’s as tacky as you get, Prentiss.”
“What? No way! The man has a lot of ties –“
“And he also lives in a mansion,” Morgan cut in with a snort. “I don’t think he has a problem findin’ a place to put ‘em.”
With a groan, Emily tossed the box back onto the shelf and ran a hand through her hair in frustration. “Why is Rossi so impossible to buy for?”
“Why are you two so bad at picking out gifts?” Penelope countered, and the two of them rounded on her. “What?!”
“You haven’t found him anything either,” Morgan pointed out, and Penelope planted her hands on her hips, fixing him with a pointed look.
“I’m not the hot-shot profiler here. I brought you two so you could use your mind-reading powers to figure out what he’d like. If I wanted to wander around Bed Bath & Beyond for an hour with nothing to show for it I would’ve just gone by myself!”
Morgan scoffed, clearly affronted. “Well it ain’t my fault you two nixed the golf bag organizer –“
“Does Rossi even golf?!” Emily snapped at him as the three started for another section of the store. As Morgan went to answer, Penelope cut into their argument with a very surprised,
“Is that Reid?”
The other two paused and followed her line of sight to the unmistakable curly-haired doctor standing in the family section, observing a stroller with a beautiful woman at his side. He was studying it intently, and the woman was watching him with pure affection.
The three of them shared a wordless, gaping stare before they started towards the two of them.
“I’m not sure. This isn’t one of the brands I researched.”
The woman shrugged and offered, “no, but it had decent reviews, and it’s less than the others with the coupon I’ve got. I can get this one right out and not have to put it on my credit card.”
“Sweetheart, I told you I’d get this. Price doesn’t matter. I want to get the best.”
Penelope and Emily looked at each other, mouthing together sweetheart!?
“No, absolutely not,” the woman objected, crossing her arms and giving Reid a frown. He went to argue and she pointed out, “You’ve bought everything else so far. I’m getting this one.”
“Let’s at least look at the other one I saw online,” he offered. “I feel more comfortable with a brand I’m familiar with.”
The woman gave him a sweet smile, giving his arm a squeeze. “Fine. Let me go find that one. I’ll be right back.”
As she slipped down an aisle, Reid turned back to observing the stroller. As he moved around it to look at the front, he caught the movement of the others approaching and looked up. He locked eyes with Morgan and just stared at the three of them as he said in total disbelief,
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“Rossi and Hotch said you had a little baby fever goin��� on but I didn’t believe ‘em,” Morgan chuckled, shaking his head. “Good of you to prove me wrong on that, pretty boy.”
“I certainly don’t have baby fever –“
“A stroller is a pretty interesting thing to buy if you don’t,” Emily pointed out; Reid’s cheeks turned a bright pink.
“It’s not – this isn’t what it looks like –“
“I for one am personally and completely offended that you clearly have something huge you haven’t told any of us,” Penelope cut in haughtily. Reid turned to her now, trying desperately to explain,
“You guys, really, I’m not –“
“Hey, Spencer?” the woman called from further down the aisle. “Can you help me grab this?”
Reid made to head towards her and the three of them followed. He jammed a finger at the group and shook his head. “No. No, we’re not doing this right now –“
“Oh, we’re doin’ this. It’s happenin’,” Morgan assured, actually rubbing his hands together in anticipation. “I’m ready to meet your baby mama.”
“What?!” Reid actually squeaked, eyes widening. “No! She’s – she’s not –“
“Baby?” she called again. Reid’s face was almost more red than his sweater.
“Yeah, I – I’m coming. Hold on.” To the other three, he practically begged, “just – just stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Morgan, Emily, and Penelope shared bemused looks, but they stayed put as Reid scrambled to rush after the woman. Emily was the first to whisper,
“Did you have any idea he was even dating?”
Morgan shook his head, small smile on my face. “Nah. I mean, I knew somethin’ was up. Kid’s been a lot happier the last few months. But I didn’t know he had a lady.”
“Or a baby on the way,” Penelope hissed, looking genuinely hurt. “I can’t believe he’d hide a girlfriend and a pregnancy from us!”
“I mean, it’s his life, Garcia,” Emily soothed, resting a hand on her friend’s arm. “We know Reid’s more reserved, and this is probably a big change for him. Keeping it quiet is probably easier for him right now.”
“I know, I just – I like to spoil. I want to buy cute baby things and dote on his pregnant girlfriend!” she whined. As Penelope and Emily went back and forth, Morgan kept his eyes on the aisle Reid had disappeared down. He didn’t hear either of them talking, let alone any noises from the aisle. Slowly, he started to creep forward.
“He told us to wait,” Emily began, and Morgan waved her off.
“I just wanna see…” he muttered as he leaned around the corner.
The aisle was empty. He spun to tell the other two just as he caught sight of Reid across the store, rushing out the door with the woman in tow. Both of them were giggling, looking pleased they’d given the others the slip.
“Alright, pretty boy,” Morgan chuckled to himself, shaking his head. “That was pretty slick. I’ll give you that.”
Spencer’s hand held yours tight as the two of you strolled through Target, headed for the children’s section. Your sister’s baby shower was that weekend, and you wanted to get just a few more things for her.
With her husband deployed overseas, you’d taken it upon yourself to make sure she’d had everything she needed when your niece arrived in just a few short weeks. Spencer, you were more than happy to say, was completely on board.
Honestly, he was almost more invested than you were with everything. He’d spent weeks researching the best stroller to get, and last weekend the two of you had spent your entire Saturday helping her assemble the crib and dresser she’d bought. Your sister absolutely loved him, and you had to admit you were already starting to feel the same way.
Maybe it was too soon to love Spencer, but how could you not? He’d been spending the little free time he had away from work with you, helping you take care of your sister like she was family to him.
“Does she have a winter jacket?” Spencer asked you as you reached the baby clothes, eyeing a display of fuzzy pink coats.
“I don’t remember seeing one. It wouldn’t hurt,” you admitted, and that was all Spencer needed to hear. He lifted your hand and pressed a kiss to your knuckles before letting go and hurrying off to pick out a coat.
Grinning to yourself, you watched him for a heartbeat before you turned to scour the racks of adorable onesies up ahead. Shopping for your niece was always a fun time with Spencer that left you feeling happier than you ever remembered being. Hell, even last week’s adventure at Bed Bath & Beyond had been amusing.
He’d practically scooped you up in his arms as he ran down the aisle you’d been in, whispering desperately that some of his team had shown up and the two of you had to make a quick escape. He’d felt terrible, sneaking you out like he did, but you understood. He’d told you when you first started dating that he wanted to wait a bit before introducing you to his team.
Well, more accurately, his family. It was a big step for him, he’d explained, and it wasn’t something he wanted to rush. Plus, apparently his team could be a little overbearing, and he’d wanted to spare you from their unyielding curiosity for the time being. You’d both agreed that you’d wait until after the baby shower so at least your family chaos could settle before he tossed you into his own.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the other woman browsing the racks until you bumped into her. Both of you made noises of surprise and you instantly reached out to steady her.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention,” you said quickly, and she gave you a warm smile, shaking her head.
“Oh no, that was all me. I never look where I’m going.”
“Sounds like we’re both a little clumsy,” you laughed, and took in the handful of clothes she had. “Oh, you’ve got a little boy?”
“Two of them, actually,” she confirmed. “My youngest is just a couple months old.”
She pointed across the baby section to a tall, dark-haired man rocking an adorable baby in his arms. “That’s my husband and my youngest. My other son is –“
The little blonde boy from the park poked his head around one of the racks and you stared at him in surprise. His big blue eyes locked onto you, and recognition lit up his gaze.
“Oh, hi Henry!” The woman looked positively alarmed that you knew her son’s name, and more so that he recognized you in return
“Hi!” he said excitedly, rushing forward and looking around. “Is Buck here? Momma, she has a dog named Buck!”
“The big yellow dog from the park,” the woman said slowly, and as she knelt and scooped her son up, the memory of that day hit you full-force. You knew exactly who this was. Petite blonde with a husband and two kid, Henry… that must mean…
“You’re JJ,” you said, just as surprised as she looked. The woman was on guard; of course she was. She worked for the FBI and you’d just greeted her son and told her you knew her name.
“I’m sorry, do we know you?” JJ asked cautiously, and you gave her an apologetic smile.
“No, um, not really. I’m so sorry, this is so rude of me. My name’s –“
“Y/N!” All three of you turned to stare at the man who’d just come around the corner. He was still looking down at the shirt in his hand – pink jacket tucked under his arm – and hadn’t noticed the situation. “What do you think of this one?”
He held up the shirt that said I Found My Prince and His Name is Daddy just as he looked up at you. The smile froze on his face as soon as he saw the woman at your side.
“Hi Uncle Spencer!” Henry chirped excitedly. Spencer’s face turned an instant shade of bright red as he quickly hid the shirt. JJ slowly looked between you and Spencer, her eyes widening with each pass.
“Uh, Spence? I need an explanation here,” she said, voice tight with disbelief. “I seriously thought everyone else was just joking about this but – but are you two – are you having –“
You and Spencer looked at each other in alarm and instantly you shook your head quickly. “No! Oh, no. We’re – I’m not – no.”
Spencer came up to your side, still blushing furiously as he told her quickly, “JJ, this is my girlfriend Y/N. We’re shopping for her sister’s baby shower.”
“I’m not pregnant,” you felt the need to add just for good measure. JJ slowly gave a nod, still looking completely caught off guard, so you offered up a meek, “um, it’s really nice to meet you.”
“Why didn’t you tell us you were dating someone?” JJ asked him, sounding hurt. Spencer had told you JJ was his best friend, and you’d warned him she wouldn’t be happy he was hiding this side of him from her.
Spencer sighed heavily as he mumbled, “I just wanted some time to let everything settle. Y/N and I met unexpectedly and we were both caught off guard. We’ve been planning the baby shower and with everything else going on, I just wanted to wait a bit before introducing everyone.”
JJ pressed her lips together, but you could tell she wasn’t holding being upset. She just reached out and squeezed his arm. “I get it. Next time, though, you might want to be a little more up front with everyone. The rest of the team is convinced you’re having a baby with a mysterious stranger.”
Both you and Spencer giggled at that, and he gave you a sheepish smile. “Y/N warned me I was being a little too suspicious –“
“You practically carried me out of the store last week. Spencer. That’s more than a little suspicious.”
You and JJ laughed together as Spencer sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Please don’t tell everyone just yet,” he began. “I really did want to introduce you all properly in a couple of weeks.”
“That’s not really an option,” JJ sighed, giving him an apologetic smile. When Spencer went to argue, she added, “trust me, Spence. You’re gonna want me to stop Garcia. She’s still trying to decide between throwing you a surprise baby shower or strangling you in your sleep, and I wouldn’t put it past her to pull off both.”  
Spencer actually grimaced and you just gave a laugh, shaking your head as an idea came to mind. You looked up at Spencer and offered, “What about this… my sister would love having more people around, and we’ve got plenty of room and food for a bigger crowd. Your team could come to the baby shower this weekend and we’ll settle all of this at once.”
Spencer smiled down at you in thankful surprise. “You wouldn’t mind?”
“Not at all. My sister would love to meet everyone, and,” you added, giving a smile to Henry. “Buck would love to see his new friend again.”
Henry gave an excited gasp and turned to JJ. “Can we please go see Buck, momma?!”
JJ smiled between the two of you and gave a shrug.
“Count us in. Just between us, though, I’d call Garcia tonight and tell her before she really does make a move. I can’t guarantee what way she’ll swing, but you know she doesn’t like being kept in the dark about family matters.”
Spencer chuckled, nodding in agreement. His arm came around you as you two said goodbye to JJ and Henry – giving a wave towards Will – and you both waited until you watched them head down an aisle.
“I’m so sorry to spring that on you,” Spencer said immediately. “It was really great of you to invite the team, but I don’t want to put you out –“
“You’re not putting me out, baby,” you promised, turning in his hold to wrap your arms around his waist and pull him closer. “I really want to meet your team, and this is the perfect opportunity. Besides…” you tugged the cute shirt out of his hand and held it up, getting the blush back on his cheeks. “You’ve apparently convinced them all I’m pregnant so we need to set the story straight somehow.”
Spencer sighed, though a smile played over his lips as he hugged you to him, starting to lead you back the way he’d come from. “Come on. There were other clothes I wanted to show you. Does she need snow pants? She really shouldn’t be out in the cold that long, but if she is she should be protected…”
You listened to your boyfriend launch into statistics about children and cold weather as you let him drag you around the kids section. Both your arms were full of clothes by the end of the night, and at this point your sister wouldn’t have room in her house for all the things the two of you had bought.
It was the least you could do, though. You owed your sister the world, because thanks to her (and Buck), you’d found yours in Spencer Reid.
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xnchxntmxnt · 4 years ago
Hey this is for your matchups which again yayyy congrats on nearly 200!! Anyways for my matchup:
1-3) My nickname is Em, she/her and idm who you pair me with
4) I'd describe myself as shy at first then once you get to know me I'll open up, an overthinker and I like to be organized
My hobbies are writing, I really love it alot, I also like to draw if I get time and I love music alot too
In a partner I'd look for someone who makes me laugh and who's patient
For dealbreakers it's pretty general but I couldn't be with someone who doesn't consider other ppl's feelings
5) I don't have an aesthetic but I like pastel aesthetics but then I also like dark aesthetics and light academia so it's a mix I guess
6) Colours to describe me would be teal blue and silver, well according to you anyways
7) Right now I'd say my favourite song is  Tru Luv Street by Awfultune or Fight Night Champion by Cyberbully Mom Club
8) Idk about a specific genre but some artists I like rn are: Awfultune, Carpetgarden, Cavetown, Clem Turner, Cyberbully Mom Club, Girl in Red, Joji, Lorde, Matt Maltese and Twenty One Pilots (sorry that's alot)
9) Ooh and I wanted to include that my favourite book is Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Thank you in advance and also ily, you deserve all the love and more!! <3
@sugasfanfics this was so fun wtf like-- ugh i love this
ANYWAY i know i already kinda spilled the beans but im gonna match you with....
✧𝐴𝑘𝑎𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝐾𝑒𝑖𝑗𝑖✧
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and no it's not just because you're already in love w him i have good reasoning behind this because i said so anyWAY
✧𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑀𝑒𝑡✧
how you met, for in case you cant see my fancy text
C a f e
But like
A cafe specifically for nerds
This is just my like 2nd dream job okay but like hear me out
They have coffee & tea & a bookshelf full of old books and a chalkboard
You can write all over the chalkboard
You write super tiny and just let a little mini vent out in the corner because you’re stressed out and need to get everything off your chest
BUT you come back the next day and there’s a little note in the same little corner
Your message is gone
But instead is a little note from someone
“If you ever need to talk to someone, let me know”
And an Instagram username
So you give it a shot and you’re like why not talk to this random person Y’know maybe make a new friend if anything just thank them for the offer
You message him and start talking (and low key stalk his page just to see what he’s like, or maybe that’s just me being a snoop) and he’s actually really cool! So you guys meet up and get coffee and actually start talking all the time it’s really sweet
✧𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠✧
general headcanons
When i think of akaashi, I think of stars
When i think of you, i think of picnics and for some reason, water
Like the ocean
Your ‘spot’ is by this lake where he took you on a date one time
Maybe for an anniversary or something
But you guys did a little picnic dinner thing and were out when the sun went down so sat and stared at the stars
You buried a rock there and both of you like to stand on that spot where the rock is when youre there with the other
Or send the other a picture like “hiii baby look what i found” w your shoe in the picture
Bokuto is your #1 shipper high key
Like he thinks you two are so cute
He loves you so much too like
He and akaashi are kinda a package deal so like if ur dating akaashi ur dating bokuto just with less kissing (bokuto likes to kiss your cheek or forehead) (after making sure this was ok with akaashi of course) (ur his girlfriend of course)
But anyway just bokuto
He’s so sweet
And so clueless
You two will be walking together and then he’ll just walk up behind you and sling his arms over your shoulders
If youre holding hands w akaashi? He’ll put his hand over both of yours
God now i wanna write a fic but anyway
Bo is just the sweetest and is akaashi’s #1 hype man when he’s worried about a date
He’s ur #2 bc im ur #1 sorry to tell u
Bo totally tried to coin the platonic soulmates thing i love you kou but gtfo my em
Im arguing with fictional characters
When akaashi is stressed he likes to wrap his arms around you and lay his head against your neck
He’ll never admit it out loud because he thinks its weird but he thinks you smell nice
When he’s starting to overthink too much + spiral he just will grab you and hug you until all the bad thoughts go away
When he thinks to of course
When he doesn’t, there are times you gotta find him and calm him down
Which he loves so much
Sit him down on the floor so he feels more grounded and hold his hand (or hook pinkies that's so cute i jhbflebf) (not the time spencer gtfo)
That way ur not crowding him but you’re still there y'know
And sometimes he’ll talk, sometimes you need to talk him down, sometimes you just sit in silence
Eventually he will lean forward into you and hug you because he doesn't want to talk, but he wants you to know he’s okay
Rub his back, kiss his head, you’ll both be okay
He’s really good with you too
When you’re stressed out he might push a couple buttons but he means well
He just wants to know who made his star upset (he calls you his star or darling convince me otherwise)
So he pushes buttons until you finally talk about it because obviously it’s bothering you why wouldn't you talk about it?? He just wants to fix it??
Sometimes this gets more irritating, sometimes it helps, it depends on the day
But even if you do get into an argument, expect to hear from him before the end of the night apologizing because he feels so bad for arguing with you that he doesn’t even care what the argument was about he just wants to make sure you still love him
I think im getting off topic but tbh this part is always just me rambling lol
Another thing I think of when I think of akaashi is rain. I don't know why but i do
You have to at least know OF the notebook & the rain scene to get this
I don't know the book lol i just know this much and i'm a dork so we’re using it & some quotes just a heads up
But just imagine its pouring and you’re bored and text him like “i wish i could see you but its raining & we didn't really make plans & i don't want you to get caught in the rain anywhere”
This mfer
And being the freakin
book nerd he is
He texts you and goes “I wrote you 365 letters.”
And then just “(come to the door and I’ll finish the quote)”
So you bolt to the front door
And there he is
Soaking wet & smiling like an idiot
“I wrote to you everyday for a year.”
To which you start laughing and barley are able to make out a “it wasn’t over’ (which is the beginning of the next quote) before kissing him
And this jerk pulls you out in the rain with him because WHAT is more romantic than kissing in the rain
Anyway he ends up with a cold but you give him some of the clothes you probably stole from him to get into dry clothes and you cuddle under the covers with tea
After you smack him (playfully of course) because “you IDIOT keiji it's pouring out here!!” “I wanted to see you too so i ran over” “you're impossible”
Anyway yeah #emkaashiotp
✧𝐴 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎✧
a date idea
I'm really good at naming places aren't i
Bookstore date
But do something fun where the two of you have to go through an aisle and find a random page and read it in the like
How do i explain this
Make it sound suuuuper sexual without it actually being that way and not laugh
Whoever loses buys lunch
Lets just say you lose a lot dear im sorry (he insists on buying anyway, sometimes he wins that argument)
You’re smiley :) (guys her smile is so cute ebflbejfb em ILY)
Oh also doesn’t matter if he bought lunch or not he always gets you something
Whether it be that book you decided you couldn't get this time or a little trinket that reminded him of you, or sometimes it’s just ice cream
It’s all very sweet (hahaha pun)
He always walks you home and gives you a little kiss when he drops you off
Doesn’t leave till you’re inside & he knows you’re good
You make him promise to text you when he gets home
Which he does, without fail
✧𝑍𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑐 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦✧
zodiac compatibility
Sagittariuses are very intelligent, fair-minded & honest, similar to a Libra’s cleverness & rationale. Because of this similarity, trust is a huge thing in these relationships. It can be all or nothing, but finding balance is important to keep both people happy. Luckily, Libras are very good at this. From everything I’ve seen, these signs together have a very high compatibility and can have a very long-withstanding and healthy relationship.
Tumblr media
House of Gold - Twenty-One Pilots
Lvr Boy - awfultune
A Shitty Love Song - Jye
Darling Get Up - awfultune
Something Just Like This - Alex Goot
✧𝑅𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑈𝑝✧
runners up
Nishinoya Yuu, Sugawara Koushi
6 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 4 years ago
Come Home to My Heart, Chapter 7 (Lemyanka) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 ✨| previous chapters
A/N: I don’t know if I can say this but this is one of my favorite chapters I’ve written and I’m so excited I can finally share it! it’s literally two people driving around but it matches the song I guess… I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading it! <3
“So Lemon thinks I’m dating you.” Priyanka used the home phone to call her friend the day after their night out.
It was almost noon and Priyanka’s hangover had abandoned her body after drinking a gallon of water and taking a long -long- shower. She was walking around the house with the phone in one ear and a half-empty cup of coffee in the other. Her parents were at her sister’s place, having lunch with the kids so she had the house for herself –and when you’re hangover no matter how much you love kids you do want to be alone.
Denali burst into laughter. “Does she?” Her voice sounded distorted after singing all night.
“Well, thank you for being so considerate and laugh at the possibility of dating me. At least you didn’t do it on my face.”
“It’s not that… I’m sorry. You’re gorgeous for what matters.”
“You’re still laughing.”
“It’s your telephone connection. But wait, are you going to tell her the truth?”
“Eventually, if she asks again… Until then, would you mind if I play dumb with it?”
“Priyanka, oh my God… You’re so silly.”
“Okay, I’ll take that. But let me be potentially unrealistic for a moment here… she might be jealous of you.”
Denali gasped exaggeratedly.
“Quit making fun of me, you bitch.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… This is just so entertaining for me.”
“I’m sure it is.”
“But the night ended up well for you two, right? Progress… character development?”
“She was drunk and called me Sprinky before I pushed her into a taxi.”
“I love Sprinky! Aw, you guys, pet names already.”
“That hardly qualifies as a pet name but…”
“Tomayto, tomahto, same thing.”
It really was Denali the one who lived in a fantasy world.
“I gotta go. I need to pick some groceries from the supermarket.”
“Okay, bye Sprinky!”
Priyanka clicked her tongue. “Bye. Bitch.”
Her mother had given her a list of things to buy since she was staying in all day and she said her lazy ass needed to do something productive, -she didn’t say it like that but that was what Priyanka heard when she was still wasted on her bed.
She had taken her car to the supermarket that was in the center of the city since it was the biggest one around. On her way there, she noticed the engine coughing a little more than usual but she downplayed it when the noises stopped.
The day was sunny and hot, it warmed her skin and made it glow as she drove to the location. She had grabbed a pair of denim shorts that were on top of her suitcase –luckily, since she hadn’t unpacked yet- but she had to dig some more to find an ombré knitted white and blue crop top she had brought, then complimented the outfit with a pair of sandals and vintage round orange sunglasses. After brushing her hair a little, she was ready to go.
She got to the store, picked a shopping cart, and wandered through the aisles with her mother’s list in her hand. She occasionally lifted her feet and slid with the cart when no one was watching. Then she got distracted whereas she was goofing around and almost crashed it on the cereal aisle, fortunately, no one saw that.
Well, almost no one.
“Jesus Christ you’re going to kill someone with that.”
Priyanka stopped in her tracks when she recognized the voice right away.
Naturally, Lemon was there to see her making a fool of herself.
She was there, looking unimpressed as usual with a shopping basket on the floor next to her. Lemon was wearing a NYC t-shirt in pastel yellow, pink and blue, a pair of mom jeans, and white chunky sneakers that made her a bit taller. She also had a giant pair of white oval sunglasses with black glasses on -Priyanka only suspected the reason behind that fashion choice- she had her hair wet but tied into pigtails and lip gloss, lip gloss was never missing with her.
“Fancy meeting you here.” Priyanka mumbled.
“Can’t say the same,” she sighed. “are you following me or something?”
The brunette scoffed. “You wished…”
“Then move aside I’m trying to get the Froot Loops.”
Priyanka looked up and spotted the colorful cereal box above her head. “But the real question is can you get the Froot Loops?”
“Oh, fuck you.” She almost pushed Priyanka off the way but the other girl moved faster.
Lemon had to tiptoe and jump a little to reach for the box and Priyanka enjoyed every second of it.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” Lemon was surely grumpy that day, it was the hangover speaking.
“Not really.” She grabbed a box of Cookie Crisp. “I was wondering if you made it home alright after the state you left.”
“I did… thanks for pushing me into a taxi.” There was some of sarcasm there, Priyanka detected.
Lemon started walking and Priyanka followed her with her cart, at that point to mess with her some more.
“You still have that sweet tooth for the chocolate chip cookies…” The blonde observed.
Priyanka looked at the cereal she had chosen without giving it much thought. “I guess I do… You still like anything colorful and sugary.”
“Some things never change.”
But other things changed too much.
After roaming a little, at some point, they split and when Priyanka collected the rest of the items on the list she waited in line to pay for her shop. She saw the blonde when she crossed the automatic door with her grocery bags.
Priyanka slid the credit card and then left as well. She loaded the bags on the trunk, then sat at the driver’s seat and inserted the keys to turn on the engine. She tried a couple of times without significant results, the engine coughed a little and then when she thought she had it, it died again.
“C’mon girl, don’t do this to me now… I bought ice cream bars.”
The sight of smoke wasn’t a lovely view, to say the least. When she lifted the engine cover, she discovered it was worse than what she expected.
“Shit… shit, shit, shit… this is bad.”
She pulled her flipping phone from her back pocket and called her father who calmed her down but couldn’t do much in the distance; he suggested a mechanic nearby that could take a look at it.
Priyanka was losing her mind. She sat at the curb and buried her face in her hands.
“Looks like you could use a ride.” Lemon’s voice made her look at the girl.
“Not now.” She blurted out. “I don’t have time for your snarky comments so please refrain from saying anything you’d think is clever.”
Lemon lifted her sunglasses. “I’m not trying to get on your nerves; I’m legit offering you a ride.” Priyanka didn’t seem convinced. “Think for a moment, your groceries are going to go bad with the heat and no air conditioner.”
“The ice cream bars…” She was on the verge of tears. “Fine. Yes, I need a ride, would you be so nice and help me out?”
“Come with me, my car is around the corner in front of the drugstore.”
“Buying some aspirins?”
“Cut the slack I’m trying to do a good deed here.”
“For a change.”
They carried the bags to Lemon’s car around the corner and Priyanka raised an eyebrow as soon as she saw her car.
As expected, from all people, Lemon would be the one driving a sunny yellow Volkswagen New Beetle. They put the groceries on the trunk yet again and the blonde took a seat in the driver’s position, Priyanka sat on the passenger seat.
“A yellow car?” She questioned.
Lemon buckled up. “My dad gave it to me.”
“Your daddy bought you a pretty car? For real?”
She adjusted the sunglasses back on. “He felt guilty after getting re-married and I accepted it as a peace offering. Is that so terrible?”
“Of course…”
Lemon started the engine and moved the vehicle toward the roundabout, heading for Priyanka’s house.
“You have to turn right in the next street.” Priyanka indicated.
“I think I know where your house is.” Lemon murmured as she took a different way.
“Yeah, you could get there faster this way but you’re about to enter to a one-way street… on the opposite side.”
“Shit.” Lemon maneuvered her way out with a U-turn.
“Does everyone in New York drive like this?”
Lemon blushed. “This is my third time driving in town.”
“Did you drive all the way from the Big Apple alone?”
She shook her head. “Rita visited me there and then we traveled together.”
“You two get along for what it seems…”
“It took some time and adjustment. That was supposed to be our bonding trip but I’m pretty sure she secretly holds a grudge since I convinced her mother of making the bridesmaids’ dresses pastel yellow for the wedding.”
Typical Lemon.
“But her mother is nice, she makes my dad happy so I can’t complain.”
“What about your mom? How is she?”
“Christina is alright. She got signed by an important architectural firm two years ago and has been working non-stop since then. She dated a few men but nothing too transcendental. She still listens to ABBA on a daily basis and sings every song in the repertoire deliberately loud enough to embarrass me in front of people but she’s happy. She’s on a cruise right now having the time of her life probably, that’s part of why I’m here.”
“Good for her, good for Christina.”
“That’s what I said. I thought this whole thing of my dad marrying someone else was going to trigger her somehow but she’s proven me wrong when getting over exes is about. Maybe it helped a little that the woman her ex married is older than her but who knows.”
Priyanka chuckled.
Lemon turned the radio on, Give Me All Your Luvin played through the speakers.
It was nice, to get to talk with Lemon like that, forgetting all the fights and unresolved problems they had for a moment. If Priyanka closed her eyes for an instant she could almost picture them both chatting in Lemon’s room with the music playing on the radio and the smell of wet nail polish in the air.
But then, when she opened her eyes, she got back to reality in a world where they had missed seven years of each other’s lives. There was a time where she could tell exactly what Lemon was thinking of but now it was a different story, the blonde was inscrutable and Priyanka couldn’t predict her reactions or guess the words that would come from her mouth. There were many things she didn’t know about Lemon now.
“Do you like Rihanna?” Priyanka asked when they stopped in front of a red light.
“What?” Lemon turned her head. “What kind of question is that?”
The brunette shrugged. “A thought I had.”
“Of course I like Rihanna, what kind of monster do you think I am?”
“One that doesn’t like Rihanna… perhaps.”
Lemon laughed at how ridiculous the conversation was. She had to continue driving when the light changed to green.
“Rihanna’s first album came out seven years ago and she didn’t get the recognition she deserved until a few years later…” Priyanka explained. “so I never got to know if you liked her music and I’m asking it now because there are two types of people in the world, the ones who have the taste and the ones that are monsters and dislike Rihanna’s music.”
“Okay, I’m telling you I love her. In fact, open the glove compartment.”
Priyanka looked at her.
“Go ahead, open it.” She commanded.
She did as the girl said and when the glove compartment was opened, a pile of CDs boxes where revealed inside. The first of them was a copy of Loud by Rihanna and the next one Good Girl Gone Bad.
“I couldn’t bring all of them but I have a few of them here and others at home.”
“Fair enough.” Priyanka checked the other albums underneath.
The little collection included Circus by Britney Spears, Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, Survivor by Destiny’s Child, Overexposed by Maroon 5, The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani and Fearless by Taylor Swift –that last one was Rita’s, she explained- Priyanka inspected the CDs until she found one last album that was in the bottom of the box, it was a worn out copy of Spice World by the Spice Girls, nothing more and nothing less.
“Hey, this is the album you gave me before moving to New York, remember?” A smile grew wide on her face before the memory.
Lemon blushed till the tip of her ears. “I do… that’s actually the copy I used to have in my room… the one we listened to on my radio.”
“Is it?” Priyanka looked at it with admiration. The colors were a bit pale and the box had several scratches, it was clear it has a few years on.
“Yeah… the CD doesn’t work anymore but I still got it there.”
Priyanka looked at the blonde who had her eyes fixed on the road and her hands closed around the steering wheel.
“Why did you keep it?”
“Sentimental value.” Her voice tone was almost inaudible. “I guess I’m not that cold heart monster you think I am, right?” She sounded somber.
“That’s not what I said… I-”
“We’re here.” She announced when she stopped in front of Priyanka’s house. “I’ll help you with the bags and then we can go get the mechanic for your car.”
She got down from the car leaving Priyanka with the words stuck on her throat once again.
It was becoming a pattern now, right when they started getting along again or when they had a decent conversation, Lemon shut the doors and closed all the windows before Priyanka had the chance to break through her walls.
“Your house hasn’t changed at all.” Lemon observed when they walked in with the groceries.
“Ah, yeah. My mom didn’t fall for the charms of the Property Brothers.”
“Do you have the hots for Drew or Jonathan?”
Priyanka cackled. “I stand behind my mother’s beliefs in this one.”
They put the bags on the countertop, Priyanka rushed to place ice cream on the freezer and other products on the fridge before they got spoiled. Lemon folded the paper bags in the meantime.
“Do you have some water?”
“Yeah, here.” Priyanka threw a water bottle at her and the girl caught it in the air.
She opened her purse and took two aspirins and chugged them down with a water sip.
Priyanka just watched her.
“What?” The blonde asked.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“I’m hangover, okay? Tequila is not my best friend… or vodka… neither of them.”
“That’s weird, judging by the way you drank yesterday you’d never guess.”
“Fuck off.” She drank some more water. “Now let’s go get the mechanic for that jalopy of yours.”
“Jalopy?” Priyanka gaped at her. “Excuse you, miss, but I paid that car with my blood, sweat and tears, and two part-time jobs.”
It was the car that was supposed to take her to New York, to Lemon.
“We should hurry then, I don’t know much about mechanics but the amount of smoke that engine released isn’t normal.”
“I know that.”
“Then, let’s go.” The aspirins probably were kicking in.
Before they left the house, Lemon stopped in front of the wall where Priyanka’s mother hung pictures of her and her siblings. In the past, there was a photo of the two of them in school but all over the years her mother probably had saved it just like Priyanka did with all the other Lemon memorabilia. The blonde cast an eye on a photo of the family’s matriarch with a group of children.
“Her grandchildren?”
“Yes, my nephews and nieces.”
“That’s cute… you’re an aunt now.” Priyanka recognized the softness behind her voice and it made her heart skip a beat.
They were back on the road again and Lemon followed the directions until they got to the mechanical workshop Priyanka’s father had suggested her to go. Priyanka explained the man in charge what had happened and then followed the girls with a tow truck.
Priyanka’s car was still where they had left it. It broke her heart to see it there in the streets completely abandoned.
The mechanic took his time to check the engine, he tried to make it work after adjusting some screws and move pieces Priyanka had never heard naming before. Lemon could’ve gone by that moment but she stayed with the brunette, she even shared her bubblegum with her when she noticed how stressed Priyanka was.
After thirty minutes, the man spoke with Priyanka. The diagnosis was not good and he explained that there wasn’t much for him to do. Priyanka felt the knot on her throat and the tears coming at any second. That was her car her baby… this couldn’t be the end of their adventures.
She was beyond surprised when she heard Lemon’s voice.
“But there must be something you can do about it.” She sounded assertive. “The chances are low but there are still chances, right?”
The man babbled some excuses about the car being old and even when it was in a good state; it was going to require some extra work.
“Then do the work.” The blonde continued. “That might look like a piece of junk for both of us but that’s her piece of junk and it means a lot to her so you will take it back to the workshop and do whatever you have to do to save it. Am I being clear enough?”
The man just nodded with wide eyes, maybe too scared to add anything else.
Priyanka was also speechless.
She watched the mechanic hooking her car to the tuck and then stared at Lemon.
“Thanks.” She blinked a couple of times. “That was amazing.”
“I’m sorry I called your car a jalopy.”
“She’s temperamental but it’s okay, I don’t think she heard you anyway.”
“I know you might think of me as this spoiled brat but don’t think I don’t understand what’s like to work hard to achieve something.”
“Thank you.”
“Now let’s go before that guy mistakes the junkyard for the workshop.”
All was not lost.
That was what the mechanic had said once they left Priyanka’s car at the workshop. It was going to take a couple of days to have a better picture of the problem but maybe replacing some parts would make the difference.
Priyanka sighed of relief and almost hugged the man but then she saw the zeroes on the estimated budget for the repairs and decided to keep the hug for herself… she was more than thankful for having a job back in Toronto that would pay for the bills.
“Well, the good news is that she might live.” Priyanka announced when she got in the car with Lemon.
“There you have. He was just playing hard to get and I know about that.”
“Thank you, Lemon… for helping me so much today. You didn’t have to but still, you did.”
She started the engine. “You’ve done the same for me no questions asked.”
“Are you feeling better after the aspirins?”
“Yeah… I’m never drinking again I swear…”
“That’s a lie.”
“It is…”
“Do you even remember what you said? Last night?”
Lemon stopped in the red light. Her face was as pale as paper and she stared at Priyanka with big eyes, there was horror on them.
“What did I say?”
Priyanka started laughing.
“Priyanka, what did I say?”
The brunette ceased laughing. It was the first time Lemon called her by her name.
“You called me Sprinky and kept asking if Denali is my girlfriend.”
Lemon breathed again. “Thank God… it was just that…”
Priyanka was now puzzled. What else could she’d said?
“I remember that part, you never answered the question anyway.”
She sighed. “Denali is my friend. Just that… we’re friends. Are you happy now?”
Lemon kept driving, it became evening all of sudden.
“I don’t understand though, how did you get to the conclusion that we were dating? I mean, where did the idea come from?”
“Uhm… I’m friends with Kiara and Scarlett on Facebook…”
Traitors, both of them.
“…and… well, sometimes a picture with you would appear… or pictures of you in nightclubs…”
“I’m so going to kill Scarlett. I told her not to post those…”
“I didn’t mean to assume anything but… I saw you and Denali together the other day and I thought… maybe…”
Priyanka took a deep breath.
“So you know… you know I like girls…”
She nodded.
“And are you okay with that?”
Lemon looked at her. “Why wouldn’t I? Of course I’m okay with that…”
There was a short silence between them, a part of Priyanka was relieved but she could feel her heart pounding.
“Don’t tell me that on top of you thinking that I dislike Rihanna you also consider myself to be homophobic or an ignorant asshole… that being the same thing.”
“I’m asking you.”
“Well, you’ll never have to question it again.” She sounded angry.
“I’m sorry… I take it back, you’re not a monster.”
Lemon’s face softened.
“It’s just… I think of Jan…”
That name again, seven years after.
“Jan and her girlfriend Jackie are the one example of true love I have. My parents’ marriage didn’t work but Jan and Jackie… they are grossly in love, it’s disgusting and I love them so much.”
So Jan had a girlfriend… interesting.
“If they couldn’t be themselves and be together I would’ve lost all hope in love, to be honest.” She looked at Priyanka. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to but do your parents know?”
Lemon was probably one of the only people who knew Priyanka’s struggles with her family by first hand; they had spoken about it so many times before but never specifically on that topic.
“Yes.” She took a deep breath. “I told them a few years ago when my oldest brother was planning his wedding and they were trying to set me up with the son of their friends or something like that.” Priyanka tittered. “I told my mom first and she was more sympathetic, I had a long talk with her, lots of tears… then we hugged and she told me she loves me…”
Lemon did the unthinkable: she reached for her shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. It was a small gesture; it didn’t last longer than a few seconds –she was driving after all- but for some reason, it made Priyanka feel much better.
“My dad… it was a different story. It took him longer to accept it and I believe he’s still digesting it so we don’t talk much about it. It was easier when I moved to a new city… It’s not like I had to need to hide who I am but there I could start from zero and be one hundred percent myself since the first moment.”
“I’m happy for you.” She smiled. “I really am.”
With all the resentment and the bickering, Priyanka had forgotten that Lemon could be sweet, that she could be caring, that she could be her friend.
A friend.
“So your friend Jan, she’s your roommate, right?”
“Yeah, the same.
“Is it Janice, Janelle, Janet…?”
“I’m quite sure it’s just Jan but even after these years they probably don’t even know my real name so it could be anything at this point…”
“And she’s dating Jackie.” Just to make it clear.
“They have the corniest love story that involves love confessions in carriage rides in Central Park, roses and singing songs under the starry sky.”
Priyanka almost choked.
“Exactly.” Lemon giggled. “They are a constant reminder I’m single as hell.”
This time, Priyanka choked for real.
At that moment, Lemon stopped the car, they had arrived.
In the distance, Priyanka spotted her parents’ car arriving shortly after.
Priyanka’s mom got down from the car and got closer to the unfamiliar car parked in front of their house meanwhile her dad put the car in the garage.
“Priyanka and… Lemon? Is that you?”
“Hello Mrs. Suknanan, it’s been a while.” She opened the door of the car and hugged Priyanka’s mom.
“I haven’t seen you in ages… You look all grown-up.”
“Don’t lie to her like that, mom.” Priyanka walked to where the little reunion was taking place.
Lemon rolled her eyes.
Here we go again.
“Are you staying for dinner? We’d love you to stay. I insist… I’m sure Priyanka would love it too.” She elbowed her daughter.
Traitors, even the ones you’d never expect.
“She wants to know if you’re staying for dinner…”
Lemon pulled one of her pageant full teeth smiles. “I’d love to, Mrs. Suknanan but I promised my dad I’d be back by now. Maybe some other day.”
“You have to promise it to me or Priyanka is never going to bring you back.”
“Mom! Leave her alone.” Priyanka wanted to hide under a rock.
“Actually, I’m the one who brought her tonight so that shouldn’t be a problem.”
“I’ll wait for you to stop by next week, alright?”
“I’ll be here.”
Priyanka raised her hand. “Am I invited?”
“We’ll think about it.” Lemon grinned. “Mrs. Suknanan, always a pleasure to see you, please give Mr. Suknanan my regards.”
“I will, dear. Give your father my best wishes.”
“I surely will.”
Priyanka’s mom got into the house leaving them alone again.
“She’s so lovely… why didn’t you pick any of that?”
“Ha. Ha.” Priyanka exaggerated her fake laughter.
“As much as I know you enjoy having me as your driver, I have to leave now.”
“Thanks again for that. My car might live another day because of you.”
“I know.” Lemon seemed pleased.
“I’ll make it up to you… somehow.”
“I’ll think of something just wait for it.” She opened the door of her car and Priyanka closed it for her.
“See you around, Lemon.”
“I knew you were stalking me.” She started the engine.
Priyanka threw her head back and released a laugh. “In your dreams, doll.”
The brunette watched the sunny-side up vehicle getting away and then walked toward her house with a smile on her face she couldn’t erase.
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profoundnet · 5 years ago
Profound Member Post - January 2020
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Header by @cryptomoon​ and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis (and more!) on our Discord server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in their entirety during that month.
This months round up is extra special as PB celebrated its 2 year anniversary with a creation birthday bash. You will find submissions for this monumental occasion marked with a 🎂 emoji! Happy Birthday PB and thank you to everyone who makes this server, and our corner of the fandom so great!
Featuring works by @nox-lee​, @nickelkeep​, @maleyah-givemetomorrow​, @banshee1013​, ArielAquarial, @castielslostwings​, @butterflydreaming-writes-fic​, @goldenraeofsun​, @jemariel​, @surlybobbies​, @blueeyesandpie​, @rauko-creates​, @foxymoley​, @maggiemaybe160​, and, @andimeantittosting​!
Masterpost below the cut.
noxlee - @nox-lee​ - noxlee - (Pillowfort)
Soft (E, 1.7k)
15x10 coda. Dean discovers that his new "normal" extends to his sex life as well. 
Tags: coda, established relationship, mediocre sex
 nickelkeep - @nickelkeep​ - nickelkeep
Tupelo Honey (E, 5.5k) 🎂
When one of his co-workers fall through on a photo shoot, Dean steps up to help out and cover it. Who knew that there was a such thing as a beekeeper's society? And who knew that a gorgeous blue-eyed man would be a beekeeper?
Tags: AU - Modern, Photographer!Dean, Beekeeper!Cas, Nude Photoshoot, Pinups, Cas acts like Endverse!Cas, Semi-Public Sex
Time Alone  (T, 1.9k) 🎂
Dean wants some alone time with Cas. The best way to do that? Find a case and tell Sam and Jack to stay behind.
Tags: Canonverse, Casefic, Salt and Burn, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Impala Kisses. 
‘Til I Found Salvation (M, 14k)
Finding your soulmate isn't hard when almost everyone has multiple soulmates; four, five even upwards of seven. It's rare to have only three soul marks and people who only have two? Sucks to be them. And the poor sons of bitches who only have one? They're the unluckiest of all. Dean Winchester knows a thing or two about being unlucky.
Tags: Canonverse, Canon Divergent, Soulmate Marks, Angst with a Happy Ending, Temp. MCD, Whump, Hurt/Comfort
Something to Talk About (T, 5.6k)
Charlie pointed up at her ear. "You don't hear that?"
"Hear what?" Dean closed his eyes and rested for a moment. He realized that music played in the background and started searching for the source immediately. "Wait, is that... Is that Zeppelin playing?
"Bunker, play 'Houses of the Holy,'" Charlie replied, a smirk on her face.
The first few haunting notes of the Zeppelin classic started playing, and Dean's head whipped around in surprise. "Where's that coming from? Did you buy one of those damned Alexa Despacito things for the bunker?"
Tags: Canonverse, AU - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Charlie & Sam ship Destiel, Home Automation, Domesticity in the Bunker, Pranks and Practical Jokes
Balance to the Force (E, 7.5k)
When needing their privacy in open areas, Charlie and Dean have no problem switching to an uncommon language - Sindarin, from Lord of the Rings. But when they start speaking it at Nerd Convention, does Dean bite off more than he can chew?
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, AU - ComicCons, Gratuitous Nerdiness, Polygot!Cas, Language/Accent Kink, Strangers to Lovers
Space Oddity (SFW) 🎂
Art for @maggiemaybe160​‘s fic Space Oddity
Maleyah - @maleyah-givemetomorrow​ - Maleyah
Where the Corporeal and Poetry Meet (E, 3.6k)
Part one of a series of ficlets exploring a season 9 divergence, where Cas is brought back to the Bunker and explores his humanity with Dean. "Straddling him as they make out, Dean whispers the suggestion that night. He binds Castiel’s hands with his own tie, which spikes Castiel’s breathing. He’s sure that if he still possessed his grace, his eyes would light up the dimly lit room in pale blue. His eventual orgasm knocks the breath out of him and it takes a long time to come back down into the safe circle of Dean’s arms.
They take it from there."
Tags: Human!Cas, Light Bondage, Light Dom/sub, Soft Dom!Dean, Soft sub!Cas, Poetry, Idiots in Love, Domestic Fluff
Where Kinks and Breakfast Meet (M, 3k)
Part two of a season 9 divergence series where Cas gets brought back to the Bunker and explores his humanity with Dean. "But he still wants to engage Cas. Fully. He’s only unwilling to put Cas at a similar risk, despite Cas’ persistent reassurances that his drop was related to the realisation that hit him mid-play. They do further research together. Into shibari. Into bondage. Into subspace. Drops. Both on the Dom and sub’s end. So he realises he suffered one in the wake of their moment and that he went about handling it the wrong way. A few days ago, Dean found a promising list, which he insisted they fill in to avoid a repeat performance. With everything they have been up to, Dean has faith (who knew?) they are compatible, but he wants clarity. He smiles at the feelings that loosens up inside his chest and huffs, rolling his eyes at himself."
Tags: Human!Cas, Kink Negotiation, Domestic Fluff, Soft Dom!Dean, Soft sub!Cas, switching implied, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester
Banshee1013 - @banshee1013​ - Banshee1013
Texas Sun (M, 4k) 🎂
Ever since Cas and Dean tied the knot, they have been driving Sam *insane* with their inappropriately located and utterly spontaneous make-out suggestions. So when he finds them looking at filming locations for the movie "Tombstone" in Arizona, he suggests they take some time (and give him a break!) and road-trip it. Dean plans the route and takes the long way 'round through Texas - all the more time to spend with his angel, and show him some sights along the way.
Tags: Fluff, Road Trips, Sam Winchester is Not Amused, Honeymoon, Grinding, Canon Related, Established Relationship
ArielAquariel - ArielAquariel
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles (E, 11.5k)
With the big day finally there, Dean is more than ready to walk down that aisle and marry Cas.
Tags: Wedding Fluff, Honeymoon, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe, Castiel is Claire Novak's Parent, Fluff, Domestic Fluff
castielslostwings - @castielslostwings​ - castielslostwings
Slide Away (E, 51k)
Since meeting and falling in love in front of the camera a decade ago, movie star Dean Winchester and his husband, celebrity photographer Castiel, have been the media’s darlings. From the outside, it truly appears as if the couple has it all: fame, fortune, fans and most of all, a profound and unshakeable bond that sees them through all the highs and lows. Behind the scenes, everything is not as it seems. Beyond carefully-curated sets of photos and filters, Dean and Castiel have been falling apart for years. Their marriage is essentially over, the latest victim in Hollywood’s merciless grinder. As a last-ditch effort to punch out some positive PR before news of their split breaks, the boys agree to do one last PR stunt—a recreation of the photos that made the world fall in love with them (while they were falling for each other). Will this plan drive their relationship over the edge permanently? Or will Dean and Castiel finally realize that their fans aren’t the only ones who have been fooled by all the smoke and mirrors? Misunderstandings, miscommunication, and mistrust are only the beginning. But if our heroes can push past those mistakes, perhaps they can learn that it's never too late to start all over again.
Tags: Miscommunication, Misunderstanding, Fake Relationship, Idiots back to lovers, Movie Star Dean, Photographer Castiel, Accidental sex tape, divorce, mutual pining, angst with a happy ending. 
looks_clear (chrysalisdreams) - @butterflydreaming-writes-fic​ - looks_clear (chrysalisdreams)
White Light // Black Water (T, 7k)
In 2019, the Baozhu, a pearl that granted the desire of Dean’s heart, changed the timeline from a particular moment in 2003. Dean is hunting alone when events set in motion before that year catch up to him.
Tags: Drowning, Temporary Character Death, Car Accidents, Baby Gets Hurt, Time Travel, Episode Related, Episode S8e12: As Time Goes By, Episode S14e300: Lebanon, Kale!Sam, Alternate Angel Lore
goldenraeofsun - @goldenraeofsun​ - goldenraeofsun
Dean Winchester and the Patron Saint of Blind Dates (T, 18k)
Dean Winchester's friends are a bunch of traitors. So he had a bad breakup two years ago and hasn't gotten back on the horse. Their intervention - a series of blind dates - can't be the solution. But if this'll get his friends to stop, Dean can choke down over-priced spaghetti, make forced conversation, and drink whatever random cocktail the weirdo behind the bar makes for him next. At least Cas has Dean's back. One word from Dean, and he'll make excuses for Dean to bail like a super awkward knight in shining armor.
Tags: Human AU, Bartender Cas, Dean has self-worth issues, minor angst, Benny & Dean friendship, minor Sam/Ruby
jemariel - @jemariel​ - jemariel
Spit-Polish and Shine (E, 1.5k)  🎂
You know how Dean Winchester doesn't wear shorts? Well. Sometimes he does. Unredeemed filthy porn on a car. Prompted by a PB botstat.
Tags:  Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sex on a Car, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Anal Sex, Established Relationship, Sam Winchester is Scarred For Life
surlybobbies - @surlybobbies​ - surlybobbies
I Like the Sound of That (T, 1k)
In mid-December, Gabe hangs a sprig of mistletoe in Cas’s foyer. Cas, resisting the temptation to strangle his brother, snaps a picture and sends it to Dean. Take it down or leave it up? Idk dude. U trying to catch someone under there? Cas hedges. I don’t want to kiss anyone who’d only do it because of a plant. Fair enough. Just leave it up tho. U’ll break an ankle climbing up ur rickety ladder. Dw u don’t have to kiss me Cas puts his phone down and doesn’t reply. He indulges in two glasses of wine and valiantly tries to avoid thinking about kissing Dean.
Tags: friends to lovers, christmas fic, fluff, mistletoe, au
Lucky Enough (T, 2.5k)
Dean opened his mouth, ready to argue, but then closed it just as suddenly, deflating. He sighed and ran a hand over his face. “Cas, I don’t mean to be a dick.” “Then stop being one,” Cas said simply, adjusting the blankets around Dean a little more securely. There was a pause. Dean blinked. “You’re supposed to say that I wasn’t being a dick in the first place.” “I dislike lying to you.” Dean scowled. “Why am I your friend?” “Because I spend my holidays looking after you when you’re sick,” Cas said matter-of-factly, reaching out to touch Dean’s forehead. [Dean's sick over the New Year's Eve holiday, but it's fine because Cas has got a bed to share.]
Tags: holiday fic, bed sharing, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, new year's kiss, cuddling
blueeyesandpie - @blueeyesandpie​ - blueeyesandpie
Beginnings (SFW) 🎂
The door to Dean's room in the Bunker, with Cas's tie on the doorknob
Tags: the bunker, pb100, we all know what's happening in there
In the California Sun (SFW)
A commissioned painting for Slide Away of Dean and Cas standing in a pool.
Tags: slide away, commissions, the tension amirite
Commission for Slide Away (SFW)
A commission for Slide Away of Cas running into Dean's arms along a corridor lined with photos of their rekindled romance.
Tags: commission, yay they happy
The Kiss Cam (E, 8k) 🎂
Dean's excited about the tickets he got for the OSU/UofM football match, but his boyfriend Crowley seems intent on ruining the day (and possibly his life) for him. When the kiss cam settles on them and Crowley pushes Dean away, a blue-eyed man they'd met in line is more than happy to fill the void. Loosely based on the headline/prompt "Woman Kisses Man Next to Her on Kiss Cam After Date Snubs Her."
Tags: manipulative crowley, non-explicit dean/crowley, minor sabriel, strangers to lovers, angst and fluff and e-rated shenanigans, NOT a sports story, pb birthday bash, collaboration
Say It Straight (T, 1.7k) 🎂
Something went wrong in that milk run to Kentucky, but neither Dean nor Cas want to explain what happened. When the truth does come out, it isn't at all what Sam expected...though really, why should he be surprised? 
Tags: PoV: Sam Winchester, Sam ships it, Idiots to Lovers, Canonverse, drinking to cope, PB Bot Prompts, first time, no spoilers past season 13
rauko-creates - @rauko-creates​ - FeaRauko
Sing Love (T, 2.7k)
Castiel comes back from a grocery run with Sam and overhears Dean singing in the shower. ***or*** That one where Castiel finds out that Dean might love him too.
Tags: canonverse, singing, idiots in love, first kiss, fluff, some angst, love confessions
foxymoley - @foxymoley​ - foxymoley
Hell’s Companion (G, 350 words)
This is for saltnhalo's birthday!
It's hard to write for someone so talented but I scoured PB for any prompts she had shown an interest in and apparently she 'needed this'! Lol So here we are!
Prompt by Sky: You’ve heard of witch!cas and familiar!dean now consider this upgrade to demon!cas and hellhound!dean - hellhounds, of course, having a secret human form in this au.
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Demon Castiel, Hellhound Dean, non-explicit/implied torture of random unnamed demon, mention of Boy King Sam
Roll for Dragons (T, 2.8k) 🎂
Dean is offered up as a sacrifice by his corrupt hometown. Written for jdragon as part of the Profoundbond birthday bash.
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle, Dragons, Alternate Universe - Historical
Mithril (G, 1k) 🎂
Dean makes an interesting discovery in a bunker storeroom so he and Sam perform some experiments.
Tags: Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Weapons, The Lord of the Rings References, Men of Letters, Bunker, Soft!Dean
MaggieMaybe160 - @maggiemaybe160​ - MaggieMaybe160
Birthday Wishes (M, 3.5k)
Dean recalls his past birthdays before going out to celebrate his 41st.
Tags: Graphic Violence Warning. Heavy Angst. Anti-John Winchester.
Broken (M, 700 words)
Dean snaps out of a dreamlike state and found he's made a huge mistake and it's Zachariah's fault. All part of a plan to get him to say yes to Michael.
Tags: Graphic Violence Warning. Major Character Death Warning. Heavy Angst.
Demon Deals and Prayers to Angels (T, 4.5k) 🎂
Dean makes a deal with a demon so he can go back in time and change the future.
Tags: Major Character Death Warning. Heavy Angst.
Sleep Oddity (T, 1.5k) 🎂
Based on a prompt: "I just want to go home," said the astronaut. "So come home," said Ground Control. "So come home," said a voice from the stars.
Tags: Major Character Death Warning
Falling (T, 2k) 🎂  
Cas remembers all of the times that Heaven was against he and Dean getting together, and the repeated times he didn't care.
Tags: Graphic Violence Warning. Happy Ending. 
Memories on Display (T, 2k) 🎂
Cas is in shock after a battle and is going through memories to try to cope with loss.
Tags: Major Character Death. Grief.
andimeantittosting - @andimeantittosting​ - andimeantittosting
On a Breath of Snow (G, 4.5k)
Once, Castiel, Duke of Rexford, gave up the love of his life in the name of duty and honour. He has dedicated his life to raising his son Jack. Now, a fierce snowstorm brings Dean, Viscount Winchester back into his life on Christmas Eve. And as North Cove Castle's fires burn warm and festive, so do Dean and Castiel’s feelings of hope.
Tags: Regency AU, Getting back together, Christmas, Alternate history
22 notes · View notes
at-the-exd-of-everythixg · 5 years ago
💍 + ][Morde and Abby... although they are just likely to mostly live together and not get married][
@blind-mutant oh they WILL get hitched Abby isn't safe after Rae wedding Morde is making engagement eyes.
send me 💍 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they get married
At the barn! It's where they feel safest after all.
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
Mid August and in the late morning and a summer wedding for our boys.
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
Oh absolutely Abby demands a garter toss. I'm giggling at Morde shrieking in his arms and flustered delighted boys as Dae tries to not look at the fact that,,,guys,,,,u already ripped the garter off,,,,why are u still fondling each other,,,,
what their wedding cake looks like
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Japanese strawberry shortcake!
….who smashes cake into whose face
Neither of them do but Dae and Peach do that annoying sibling thing where they keep bugging Morde to share his slice of cake with them because "his looks better".
who proposed to who first
100% I'm FERAL for Abby planning all these proposals for Morde and lunch dates with Morde's handsome brother and his husband about it before Morde surprises him one morning with a ring, a basket of pastries that he had Dae teach him how to make and lots of,,,sensual loving. Abby feels bamboozled but?? He loves this man??? Oh god he's the one being swooned for marriage????
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
Dae and Peach walk Morde down the aisle.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
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Morde goes for a more casual look and Abby is out looking cute with his gold motif!
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
Golds and blue, Abby's colour and Mordecai's night colour!
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
A bunch of wild flowers from the area so a lot of tulips and cosmos and I love Peach pulling out a bunch of water lilies she found by the river.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
Morde recounts how much he had hated Abby at first, despised the person who had stalked him and thought he could take whatever he wanted (Abby sweating when Dae and Peach narrow eyes at him), but after knowing him and having a chance to be with Abby properly...Morde loves him and he loves how Abby wants to do everything right by everyone he cares about, he wants to take care of Abby for once and kill anyone who thinks badly of him.
Abby talks about what his life used to be like as a demon, how he had never thought he'd get a proper chance to be happy again with someone but here he is, with someone who makes him happier than he ever thought posisble and who he wants to make happier every moment of the day. Morde comes with the best things and Abby wants to simply be happy with his sweet flame.
if anyone’s late to the wedding
Eggcasso is and he comes bounding in halfway through the vows much to everyone's amusement.
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
Rhys and the many collections of dogs for Abby and the other trio for Morde. Eggcasso is also shared.
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
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who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
Peach gives a recount of how Morde always had been obsessed with the occult and collected books on it so really it was probably his dream come true to meet Abby (Much to Mordecai's embarrassment
who catches the bouquet( s )
Rhys does because he's Dae's lil flower UwU
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
A lot of Abby scooping Morde up for a kiss or them holding Eggcasso together and definitely a series of photos where everyone else slowly joins in one by one and the photos get sillier and sillier. And a dorky one where Morde is kissing Abby's hands and you can see Abby's tail wagging quickly to the point where it blurs.
what sort of food they have at the reception
Whatever Abby wants really since Morde doesn't enjoy eating and tends to only eat what Abby wants. Maybe something salty tho since he likes snacks. it's why he married Abby
who cries first during the ceremony
Dae does sappy loser.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
Not that wild but the dogs that live around them certainly get more wild with three new people suddenly at the barn and laughing.
what their rings are like
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Morde gets something pretty and blue from Abby and Abby gets gold to go with him and purple from Mordecai's arm! I'm also v fond of the roses and leaves theme.
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
Some dog clothes for Egg as well as homemade dishes from Dae that he heard Abby liked. The boys also get a bouquet of Irises but neither of them know where it came from....
where they go for their honeymoon
They settle for going to a small city or some sort of nature reserve since the booths want to see nature and relax.
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
Dae and Morde test to see what's stronger; Dae's diamonds or Morde's statues so. Obviously they try and long story short it leads to shattered statue pieces everywhere and Dae with a bleeding hand while Peach crackles and Abby and Rhys screech (Well Abby has a bit of a snort too).
who officiates the ceremony
No one but they probably do the stuff themselves.
what song their first dance is to
La vie en rose
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
Dae and Peach give Morde away.
4 notes · View notes
jmeelee · 6 years ago
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Sterek Bingo 2019 • Theme: Wild Card
Cora’s twenty-first birthday party is in full swing when the vibration of an incoming text jiggles Derek’s right ass cheek. He pulls his phone from the pocket of his too-tight jeans to find a befuddling text: There myst be sumething wrong w my eyes.
Derek’s future does not include being an Alpha, and that’s fine; he’ll happily leave the politics, management, and difficult decision-making to his older sister, Laura. Instead, he’s been training the last few years—learning languages and studying cultures and meeting werewolves all over the world—to become his pack’s liaison. He’s young, but his good name and reputation are already circulating, so he automatically thinks, this must be a young werewolf in need of help. Plus, it’s no secret to the supernatural community that his beta-shifted eyes are blue, instead of gold.
His thumb’s hovering over the touchscreen when a drunk girl bumps into him, her red solo cup full of cheap beer exploding like a water balloon all over the front of his olive-green henley. “Oops,” she slurs, lids drooping over bloodshot blue eyes. She gropes his soaked pectorals with her bare hands.
Derek’s eyebrows berate her before he heads for the staircase. He’s tired of pseudo-babysitting intoxicated college kids anyway.
By the time he’s showered off the stale booze and changed into pajamas, almost an hour has passed. He grabs his phone off the nightstand to finally reply to his cryptic messenger, and finds a new text: i can’t take them off of u.
What the hell? It wasn’t a cry for help at all; it was a lame pick up line. Derek’s mood sours as he imagines Cora egging one of her immature girlfriends into sending him the terrible come-on. The culprit is probably downstairs right now. He swipes over the message, deleting it, and powers off his cell before climbing into bed, pulling a pillow over his head to drown out the noise.
He’s so done with this day.
A week and a half later Derek’s pushing a cart up and down the aisles at the grocery store when his phone chirps. He stares at the flashing number of the unknown contact, wondering why it looks vaguely familiar before he opens the text. Did you invent the airplane? Because you seem Wright for me.
At least there are no typos this time.
He almost deletes the message right away, but the split second he hesitates gives him an excuse to type back. This is clearly Gustave Whitehead erasure and I won’t stand for it.
The return response comes before he can black out his screen. Dude. Are we having our first fight?
Derek doesn’t hesitate this time. Find someone else to annoy.
He puts his phone away and staunchly ignores the smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
He’s already in bed, and would never have heard the vibration except for his supernatural hearing. My name’s Microsoft. How about I crash at your place.
Derek blinks the sleep from his eyes enough to type back, I own a Mac.
In the morning, he sees the response. Harsh dude.
You must be a trumpet because you’re making me horny.
Wow. This is your worst one yet.
Is that a challenge, Derek?
Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? Because you a snack!
Please stop.
“Derek, answer that or I’m going to punch you in the face,” Laura threatens between spoonfuls of cookie-dough ice cream. The harsh buzzing of his phone sounds like a jackhammer to their sensitive werewolf ears, and it’s disrupting their movie marathon.
If you were a transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine. Oh lord.
“What’s with the sappy smile, big brother?” Cora coos.
Derek schools his face into a scowl. “Nothing.”
She throws the blanket off her lap and lunges for the phone in his hand. A tussle ensues. Derek is older and stronger, but she’s fast, sneaky and not above fighting dirty, and she grips the phone before he knows what happened. “What the hell is this?” She’s screeching with laughter, holding his cell out so Laura can look. “Who’s sending you lame pick-up lines?”
“Why don’t you tell me?” he gripes. “You put her up to this.”
Cora furrows her brow. “Uh, what?”
“The night of your birthday party, the first pick-up line came through. It was someone at your party. I figured you put her up to it as a joke.”
She checks the number again. “The only person I ever gave your number to was Erica, for official pack business. This isn’t Erica’s number.” She grabs her cell off the coffee table and punches in the digits. “Well, I’ll be damned.” Cora laughs so hard her eyes water.
“Who is she?” Laura asks.
“Not a she.” Cora holds out her phone with a shit-eating grin so Derek and Laura can read her contacts. “It’s Stiles Stilinski.”
Terse silence follows her declaration. Then Derek asks, “Who the fuck is Stiles?”
6 & 7
“Forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one…” Derek counts out his squats in a whisper, monitoring his form in the full-length mirror. He feels his phone vibrate, and the grin reflecting back at him is disgusting. He should be ashamed.
He gently places the weight back on the rack when he completes the set and digs the phone from his mesh shorts.
Is your phone in your back pocket? Because that ass is calling me!
Derek honestly can’t say what possesses him to turn around, open his camera app, and hold the phone over his left shoulder. Perfect timing ur not following me r u? he writes back, attaching a photo of his butt. A dude doing kettlebell lunges across the gym gives him the stink eye.
Stiles answers with a string of peach emojis, which Derek understands, and a single unicorn emoji, which he doesn’t.
I know who you are, btw. Stiles Stilinski, the sheriff's kid? Cora figured it out
Usually, the response comes immediately, but Derek’s walking out to his car before he receives two simultaneous replies.
Well since the cat (be gr8ful i didn’t say pussy) is out of the bag
my mother used to tell me to follow my dreams so… where will you be tonight?
Derek sits behind the wheel, staring at his phone, weighing the pros and cons. He’s never gone on a blind date before, and he’s been burned, badly, in the past. Being single is sometimes lonely, but at least it’s safe. He doesn’t want to put a defenseless, unwitting human in harm’s way. His brain keeps supplying him with a list of perfectly rational reasons why he should leave their playful correspondence in the sandbox of cyberspace, but his heart furtively whispers what if.
8 & 9
There’s a live band at the bar, guitar player crooning a popular rock ballad while Derek nurses a beer for show. He checks his smartwatch for the seventh time in a span of three minutes and happens to catch the message notification as it pops up.
Do you know CPR? You better learn because ur taking my breath away
He spins around, searching for guys on their phones, frustrated to find almost every man in the bar staring at their screen. A baby-faced guy plops down on the open stool next to him as Derek’s eyes scan the crowd.
“Scott bet me I wouldn’t be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful person in the room.” Derek glances back, startled, to find a generous mouth smiling at him. “What should we do with his money?”
His first thought: HOT. His second thought: young. “Tell me you’re twenty-one,” Derek greets him. “Actually, please tell me you’re legal.”
Stiles dramatically crosses his heart, eyes wide. “I only look seventeen, I promise. It’s a blessing and a curse.” He holds out a sturdy but slender, long-fingered hand. “I’m Stiles. It’s nice to officially meet you.”
Derek takes his outstretched hand in a firm grip and swears he feels a zing when their skin makes contact. It’s official; he’s been single too long. “Derek. Let me buy you a drink, and you can tell me how you got my number in the first place.”
Stiles winks as Derek flags the bartender. “A gentleman never reveals his secrets.”
“Gentleman?” Derek, cold, fresh beer in hand, arches a brow. “Based on some of the texts I’ve received, I’m not sure gentleman is the correct term.”
Stiles clinks his drink against Derek’s. “Touché.” He eyes Derek over the lip of his brown bottle. “So, did you lace your pilsner with wolfsbane, or do you enjoy the taste?”
Derek, mid-sip, spits his beer onto the bartop. “What the hell?” he sputters, mopping at the mess with the world’s least absorbent cocktail napkin.
Stiles calmly takes a sip. “Come on, dude. My father’s the sheriff, and this town is literally a supernatural shit-show. If that wasn’t enough, my best friend is Scott McCall.”
“McCall?” Derek leans closer, soggy napkins forgotten, to whisper, “The True Alpha?” Derek’s met Scott at a few local pack gatherings.
“Yup,” Stiles replies. “He was bitten by a rogue werewolf when we were sixteen. So you could say I’ve been a little-” He makes exaggerated air quotes- “involved in the supernatural scene the past few years.”
Derek leans back, accessing Stiles in a new light: deceptively lean physique, handsome, impish face, the ability to make Derek laugh, and take him by surprise. The laundry list of reasons not to do this quickly goes up in smoke in the face of being able to show his true nature to a partner. Stiles smiles like he knows exactly what Derek is thinking.
“So, what do you say? Do I pass the test? Should we give going on an official first date a shot?”
“One condition,” Derek demands, holding up his index finger. “You’re not allowed to use a single pick up line all night.”
Stiles squawks, tossing long arms into the air. “You might as well ask me not to breathe! Or the Mets not to lose!”
“Chicken?” he asks, leaning into Stiles’ space. Derek quirks a brow and lifts his chin, eyes drawn like a magnet to Stiles’ tongue when it sneaks out to wet his lips.
“Hell no. Challenge accepted. Eight pm Saturday night.” An impish grin. “I’m gonna date you so hard, Hale.”
As far as (official) first dates go, it’s pretty damn amazing. The conversation flows as easily as the wine at dinner, and Stiles’ running jokes and commentary during the shitty movie doesn’t bother Derek at all. He’s thrilled to find their easy banter translates to real life, after weeks of electronic flirtation.
“Hey,” Derek whispers as they say good-night at Stiles’ apartment door. He wraps his arms around Stiles’ waist, pulling him close. He brushes a kiss, feather-light, across Stiles’ mouth and smirks. “Are you a magician? Because when I’m with you, everyone else disappears.”
Stiles leans back, arms still locked around Derek’s shoulders. “What the hell, man! You said no pick-up lines!”
Derek tuts. “I said you couldn’t use any. I never made the same promise.”
Stiles’ eyes narrow. “Serious question?”
“Will there be a second date?”
A second, a third, and more, if Derek has any say in the matter. “Absolutely.”
Stiles’ grin is slightly manic as he untangles slim fingers from Derek’s hair. “Well then, there’s probably something I should show you.” He holds up a hand in front of Derek’s face and snaps his fingers. A spark of light fizzles to life before his eyes, emanating from Stiles’ palm, and burning ozone singes the fine hairs inside his nose.
“Huh,�� Derek replies, dumbly. “I did not see that coming.”
Stiles’ coy smile ignites something hot inside him. “I have some other party tricks I could show you if you want to come in?”
Derek leans forward again, chasing the bright glimmer of magic between them, the one that’s been there the whole time. “Oh, absolutely.”
For @evanesdust and based on THIS PROMPT by @faladrast
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hetalialoverwrites · 5 years ago
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Part 15
First  -  Previous  -  Next
        Sitting in their house back on the Isle, Maleficent was keeping everyone on track as the TV was turned on to watch the coronation and wait for the cue. "At last, here we are broadcasting live from the coronation, where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king!" Snow White announced, making Queen Grimhilde glare at the television. "I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all." Queen Grimhilde sneered at the screen briefly as she was passing it, "ha! She has obviously gotten work done." She grumbled to herself. Maleficent, having heard her, turned to the queen and spoke. "If you wish to continue griping idly by the television instead of packing, we could always leave you behind." That got Queen Grimhilde back to work, packing their suitcases. Maleficent was standing watch over the screen as she had packed her daughter's things already. "How are we going to get all of this out of here?" Jafar groaned as she carried down another box. "Once the barrier is broken, I will use magic to shrink them and you will put them in your bags and pockets," Maleficent explained, giving Jafar a glance. "Oh..." Jafar mumbled before going back upstairs. 
        You were in a pastel red amber ballgown that Evie had made for you that was very similar to Mal's dress. Both had nice and soft material with intricate lacework across the bodice and outlining the open back. Your gown was a few shades lighter than your hair and eyes. You were sitting with Ben in a horse-drawn carriage, one of your wings was shielding you from the crowd. Or at least, it would be if it was visible. The other was draped behind Ben's back. In your lap was a small blue box that contained the anti-love spell brownie and you fiddled with it nervously. Ben looked over at you and noticed your downcast expression and took your hand in his. You intertwined your fingers and looked over at him with a small smile. "Don't be nervous. All you have to do it sit there and be beautiful. A job at which you're doing amazing already." Ben teased a little.
        You blushed and chuckled a bit, bumping his shoulder gently, "I should be telling you not to be nervous." You smiled at him, making him grin back as he saw your mood improve. "(Y/n)... Would you wear my ring?" Ben asked, moving to take it off. Your eyes widened a little and you felt your stomach drop, "Um... Not right now. It would probably slip right off." You took your hand away nervously before changing the subject. "I have something for you. To help you keep up your strength later." You told him, faking a smile and handing him the small box. "Oh wow. Thank you." Ben said, opening the box. Before you could do anything, Ben continued, "But I don't think I can wait." And he took a bite. Your eyes widened as fear struck you and you took in a sharp breath. "Mm... This is really good." Ben complimented as he chewed. You paled, "U-Uh... D-Do you feel-- Do you... Um... S-still have strong f-feeling for me?" You whispered quietly. Ben hummed in thought, "I don't know. Let's wait a minute for the anti-love potion to kick in." Ben told you, setting the rest in the box and setting it down.
        You stared at Ben for a moment as you processed his words before gasping, "You knew?" Ben broke down into laughter and looked at you, "What? That you spelled me? Yeah. Yeah, I knew." Ben nodded, looking forward with an amused grin. He almost looked like a boyfriend that caught her girlfriend playing a silly prank. He honestly thought your reaction was cute as you grew flustered. "I-I can explain myself!" You told him earnestly before he chuckled. "I know, you liked me, and I was with Audrey. You didn't trust it to happen on its own and you were worried about me. I get it." Ben told you, a silly grin on his face. You flushed and lied, "Y-Yeah, you caught me... So... How long have you known?" You asked cautiously. "Since our first date. The enchanted lake washed the spell off me just like it did with you. I'm surprised you didn't realize actually." Ben noted. "I thought my magic had failed when I was panicking..." You admitted before pausing a moment. "So, all this time have you just been... Faking it?" You asked quietly, bracing yourself for his response and lowering your head. Ben looked at you and smiled gently, taking your hand and slipping on his ring.
        He kissed your hand as you were enraptured by his gaze. "I haven't been faking anything." Your eyes filled with tears and ben moved to brush them away, thinking they were tears of joy or relief. But to his surprise, you yanked back your hand and threw his ring off your finger and onto the bottom of the carriage. "(Y/n)?" Ben breathed, shocked and hurt by your actions before he saw you clutching your hand tightly to your chest, a look of pain crossing your face. His eyes widened in shock and he leaned closer, "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. You took in a shaky breath and showed him your hand, blocking it from the view of those who watched as you passed by. Ben was shocked by the sight. The skin around where he had put his ring on your finger looked like it had been severely burned. "What...?" You answered Ben before he could continue. "Iron burns faeries." Your voice was just over a whisper as you watched your magic work to repair your skin. Soon, it was like nothing happened. Ben picked up his ring and looked at you earnestly, "I didn't know." "I believe you." "I'll have it remade." "But isn't it valuable to you?" You asked him, furrowing your brows as the pain faded away. "You're important to me." Ben's response hit you in the chest like a bus and you just stared at him in disbelief. 
        As the carriage stopped, Ben kissed when you had been injured before getting out and helping you down himself, silently asking the footman to back up as you stepped down so you wouldn't hit him. Ben took your hand and escorted you up the stairs to meet his parents on the first landing. Belle was wearing a yellow dress while Adam was wearing a matching blue suit for Ben. Stopping in front of them, you curtsied to Belle who just gave you a polite smile. The men greeted each other and moved closer to you two and you bit your lip before speaking, "About the other day--" "I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy." King Adam said. "But you also taught me that a king has to believe in himself," Ben told his father. "I did?" Adam asked before getting hit by Belle. "Oh yes. I did." Belle turned to you, "We know you were defending your friends and your mother so... We understand." She said before turning to Ben. "I'm so proud of you... Keep following your heart, Ben." "Thanks, mom." Ben smiled at her before looking to you. "I'll see you inside, okay?" He asked. You nodded, not knowing what to say as guilt grew in your stomach. You were led away by someone to where you would be standing, and everyone got ready. You glanced at where your friends would be and Mal sent you a reassuring smile, but it didn't help the sickening feeling.         
        After a few minutes, music started, and the children's choir started to sing and then Ben came through the doors. As he walked down the aisle, everyone bowed to him. He glanced at you as he passed, and you shared a smile together before he turned his attention back on his future. What a great moment really. A brief passing was all you two would ever be anyway... Shaking your head slightly, you refocused on what you had to do. Fairy Godmother walked up to the raised center where the king and queen were and greeted Belle. She turned to Adam and took his crown off his head and turned to Ben who knelt at the base of the raised platform. Fairy Godmother looked to be filled to the brim with joy as she put the crown on his head. Fairy Godmother took the wand from the case and you could feel your guilt grow. You decided to help ease it, you would wait until after Ben was crowned to grab the wand. Glancing up to your friends, they seemed to agree. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with Justice and Mercy for as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked.
        "I do solemnly swear," Ben responded, on his knees and staring up at her. "Then it is my honor and my joy," Fairy Godmother knighted him with her want before holding it out to the side, "To bless our new king." Gasps filled the room as Jane reached out and grabbed the wand from her mother, holding it in the air as she struggled to control it. The wand crackled and sparked angrily before a bolt of magic shot out of it. Unbeknownst to any of you, it hit the barrier and broke a hole in it. Your eyes widened in shock and Fairy Godmother screeched, "Child, what are you doing!?" "If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! AH!" Jane yelled back before getting tugged around by the wand. Ben ran in front of you to protect you from Jane and the wand. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" Jane spoke the spell, but nothing happened. The wand only flared and struggled much angrier than before. "Take cover!" Adam roared, shielding Belle and Fairy Godmother behind him.
        As everyone screamed in fright and backed away, you picked up your dress and ran forward, grabbed Jane in your wings to hold her still and wrenching the wand away from her, backing up sharply to keep it away from the girl. Jane looked around at everyone before rushing off to who knows where in embarrassment. You finally noticed that the wand calmed down significantly in your hands, most likely feeling your strong magic in comparison to Jane's. Ben moved to stand between you and his parents, one handheld back to stop them approaching and one hand out to you, "(Y/n)... Give me the wand." Ben asked you. Adam and Belle backed away while Fairy Godmother had her hands up, finally recognizing you for what you were now you had the wand in your hands. "Stand back." You warned Ben, your friends bursting through the doors behind you. "It's okay." Ben soothed, stepped forward to take the wand from you, thinking that you were just frightened from the fight with Jane. "Ben, I said STAND BACK!" You yelled at him, beating your wings harshly and creating enough wind to push him back. There was a collective gasp as you cast your invisibility spell off your horns and wings, spreading them out to your full wingspan threateningly. Ben stared with wide eyes as his girlfriend stood in front of him, wand pointed at his head and wing spread out in all her ethereal beauty.
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vestsfriends · 6 years ago
2 Years Later (An Andi Mack Fanfic) Part 1/4
Pairings: TJ Kippen/Cyrus Goodman, Jonah Beck/Cyrus Goodman, Jonah Beck/Andi Mack, Andi Mack/Amber, Buffy Driscoll/Marty From The Party, Bex Mack/Bowie Quinn
Word Count: 4,790 (for parts 1 and 2)
[please read this I worked on it for ten hours straight]
With the school year finally coming to a close along with the never ending drama of middle school, the GHC found themselves at the last minute of their graduation ceremony. When Principal Metcalf gave his final goodbye to the students, he signaled the graduating eighth graders to stand up and walk back down aisle of the auditorium. The students were each wearing proper clothing to comply to the dress requirements. The boys were wearing blue, white, and grey polo shirts with a tie around the collar, and all the girls wearing different colored dresses and skirts. Unfortunately, there was assigned positions, so Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy were not anywhere near each other.
When they reached the end of their dismissal, Andi, with her light purple skirt being blown away by the wind, searched through the crowd of graduates and their families to try and find hers. She stood on her tip-toes to see if she could spot Bowie’s curly brown hair peeking up amongst the mob. Alas, she was unsuccessful in finding her parents. Andi’s dark copper eyes fell gloomily on the ground below her. But suddenly, a hand grasped her shoulder from behind, startling the young girl.
“Hey, kid!” Bowie exclaimed, he and Bex enthusiastically surrounding their daughter with a bouquet of flowers. “Congratulations! You’re officially a high schooler now!”
“Dadddd,” Andi whined and stuffed her face into her father’s chest while laughing. “I don’t want to be called a high schooler just yet.” She rolled her eyes up at Bowie who chuckled and glanced over at Bex.
“Wait, where are Cyrus and Buffy?” The professional make-up artist asked. “I thought they would have met up with you by now.”
Andi unwrapped her arms from her father. “Oh right! I gotta go find them! See you guys later!”
Bex and Bowie wrapped an arm around each other’s waist tightly, their bodies immediately warming from the touch.
“Don’t forget to meet us at the Spoon when you find them!” Bex called out to Andi who was running in and out of the swarm of other students. She turned back for a brief moment to meet Bex’s eyes before shifting her head forwards again.
Bex leaned into Bowie’s ear and whispered, “she’s growing up way too fast.” Bowie nodded solemnly and gave Bex’s hand a squeeze in comfort.
Meanwhile, Andi was almost sure that her childhood friends had left until she spotted them on a bench in front of their middle school. The short-haired girl sped over to them, flailing her arms to get their attention.
“Hey!” She yelled. “We did it guys!”
Cyrus and Buffy jumped off the bench and ran to hug their friend. The three teens wrapped their arms around each other in a group hug. They were very emotional, and their eyes had already started to form tears.
After a few moments of silence, the three now-high schoolers separated.
“The Good Hair Crew has finally ended one of their longest chapters, and will now be starting a much bigger, and longer, journey!” Cyrus spoke proudly as if he a news broadcaster. Since it was a special day, Andi and Buffy decided to let him call them the “good hair crew”.
The three of them laughed until another unknown voice spoke from behind them.
“Congrats, guys! You’re all going to join me in the high school next year.” The unknown voice belonged to none-other than Jonah Beck, the newest and honorary member of the GHC. They each greeted Jonah with a friendly wave.
“Oh, that’s right, we’re finally going to be in the same school again Jonah,” Cyrus happily gave his green-eyed friend a bro hug. “It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve seen you in the hallways.”
Andi nodded in agreement, smiling for a little bit too long at Jonah. Next to her, Buffy was looking down at her wrist to check what time it was.
“Guys, we’ve got to get going. We had the biggest table at The Spoon reserved for us and we can’t be late.” Buffy informed the group. They stopped their chatter and obeyed her, the four teens walking down the sidewalk into town to eat at their favorite restaurant of all time.
After a short period of time, they arrived at the front of The Spoon. Andi pushed open the door, and the small bell hanging above the door rang softly. The four teens filed into the diner, their eyes scanning the diner to find their table.
To their surprise, Amber was currently working her afternoon shift and excitedly made her way over to them, smiling in relief as if she had been saved from a horrible punishment.
“Oh thank god you guys are here,” The blonde-haired waitress exaggerated her voice for dramatic effect. “It’s really been one of those days.”
“Yeah I know what that feels like,” Andi sighed, recalling all of the times when she had to deal with nonstop family drama between Bex and CeCe. “Anyway, we reserved a table for around eight people.”
Amber raised her eyebrows curiously. “What’s the occasion?”
Andi shared a knowing glance with Buffy and Cyrus. “We just graduated from Middle School,” the girl with the short brown pixie-cut haircut announced. Andi gestured to her best friends.
“Wow congrats,” Amber complimented. “And your table’s right over here.”
During the entire conversation between Andi and Amber, Cyrus’ focus was elsewhere. He had been staring down at his phone for a while, anxiously waiting for a response from TJ. He had asked for the billionth time if TJ was coming to their graduation celebration. A month back, TJ had initially agreed to attending the get-together when Cyrus asked him. Yet, he was nowhere to be seen.
Not only were the past few weeks leading up to the eighth grade graduation stressful all on its own, he had another contributor to his anxiety. Cyrus’ friendship with TJ had been on thin ice quite recently, with the costume day incident a few weeks back, along with the swingset incident when Cyrus saw TJ and Kira on the swings together, but what truly threw Cyrus over the edge was that just last week, he had seen Kira and TJ holding hands. The dark-haired boy felt his entire heart crumble within just those few seconds. It was as if everything he cared about had been thrown onto the ground and immediately shattered into a million pieces.
What Cyrus didn’t understand was why, why did he feel like it was a crime for TJ to be with Kira? It’s not like TJ was doing anything wrong or illegal.
Yet, Cyrus remained feeling as though he was being ignored by TJ nowadays. Sometimes Cyrus wished he had seen the full truth, that maybe there was a logical explanation, but Cyrus’ mind never allowed him to think rationally, and the moment he had seen Kira’s and TJ’s fingers intertwined, Cyrus ran as far away from them as humanly possible and found a place to hide behind a building.
That day was one of the worst days of Cyrus’ life, after he saw them together, he cried for what had seemed like forever. Any feeling of worth or happiness was gone, his body seemed hollow, completely empty. Cyrus remembered returning home late at night to his parent’s dismay, since he hadn’t called or texted them the entire day, but when they saw his tear-stained face, they immediately stopped their scolding and comforted him.
“Hey, Cy-Guy,” Jonah turned Cyrus’ attention away from his deep thought process. “You’ve been intensely staring at your phone for 10 minutes dude, Ambers showing us to our table now. Are you okay?” The green-eyed boy gently placed a hand on the other boy’s shoulder.
Cyrus swatted Jonah’s hand off of him. “I’m fine,” he said in a low, cold voice, avoiding the hurt in Jonahs eyes. Cyrus wiped the wetness from his face as he walked over the large table in the back room. Jonah and Buffy shared a worried look with each other as they followed.
The dark-haired boy sat down in a chair at the far end, with Buffy sitting down next to him on his left. Cyrus took out his phone again to check his messages. Or rather, at the very least, see if TJ had read them. The dirty blonde-haired boy hadn’t responded to any of Cyrus’ texts since around the middle of May.
5/29/19 at 10:30am
ChocolateChipMuffin: TJ?? U there?
ChocolateChipMuffin: Will you please tell me what happened with the whole costume day thing?
ChocolateChipMuffin: I know you were going to say something before Kira showed up
6/7/19 at 2:00pm
ChocolateChipMuffin: Teej? U there?
ChocolateChipMuffin: please TJ
ChocolateChipMuffin: we haven’t properly talked in a while
ChocolateChipMuffin: I miss you....
Read 3:50am
6/15/19 at 5:30pm
ChocolateChipMuffin: TJ?? Um im sorry but since when have u brought Kira to our hangout place??
ChocolateChipMuffin: I thought it was our place
ChocolateChipMuffin: yknow where we share our stuff together?
ChocolateChipMuffin: .....
6/21/19 at 4:00
ChocolateChipMuffin: are you ever going to answer me? Or is this how our friendship ends?
ChocolateChipMuffin: I saw you and Kira holding hands...does that mean u guys are dating?
ChocolateChipMuffin: I mean I’m not jealous or anything I just really miss hanging out with you... it’s been so long
ChocolateChipMuffin: will u at least still come to the graduation get-together on Tuesday? Pretty please?
Today at 12:35pm
ChocolateChipMuffin: TJ, you told me you were going to come
ChocolateChipMuffin: I really thought you were my friend
ChocolateChipMuffin: please respond tj
ChocolateChipMuffin: it’s been almost a month and you’ve been avoiding me at school, and on the phone
ChocolateChipMuffin: how long are you going to keep this up for?!
ChocolateChipMuffin: I’m done.
Cyrus aggressively pushed his phone back into his pocket and set his head down on the table so nobody else could see his despair. Bowie and Bex, who were sitting on the opposite side of the wooden table, raised their eyebrows.
“Hey, what’s wrong with-“ Andi shushed her father. Bowie turned to face her, and Andi shook her head as to say “now is not the time”. Fortunately, Andi’s young parents went back to chatting about famous old films from the 90’s.
Jonah, who was sitting in between Buffy and Andi, turned to the short-haired girl and whispered, “do you know what’s going on with Cyrus?”
Andi shrugged. “I think Buffy knows more but- TJ has been ignoring Cyrus since May I think.”
Jonah’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding!”
Andi quickly held a finger up to Jonah’s mouth. “Shush!” Andi whisper-shouted. “Not so loud!”
Jonah felt a weird feeling rising from his chest due to Andi’s finger lingering on his lips. Oddly enough, he felt a twinge of sadness as she took her finger off of him.
Weird, Jonah thought. He brushed off the strange feeling and turned his attention back to the issue at hand.
“What happened exactly?” Jonah asked. “I doubt TJ would just stop talking to Cyrus for no reason.”
Andi sighed. “Yeah, well, something did happen. He and Kira started hanging out more.”
Jonah rotated his head to the side. “So..?”
Andi raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean, ‘so..?’ Cyrus 100% likes TJ, and he saw them holding hands. You are so oblivious, Jonah.” She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “You have definitely never changed.”
Jonah took slight offense to Andi’s comment and dramatically gasped. “What do you mean?”
Andi lifted her eyebrows sarcastically. “Seriously? Jonah when we were dating all those months ago, you were quite oblivious to other people’s feelings.”
“I am? I legit had no idea.” Jonah felt awkward for not realizing how other people’s feelings were impacted by him. “I’m sorry if I ever hurt you.”
“Don’t worry, everything’s fine now.” Andi glanced over at Jonah. “Honestly, I miss all those crazy times when we didn’t know how to act towards each other.” She gave him a crooked grin.
Jonah giggled quietly. “You mean that time when I gave you a freaking gnome?”
Andi held the side of her face and laughed. “Oh god I remember that. And the rice with my name misspelled? Who could ever forget that?”
The two exes laughed at their strange behavior of the past. When their giggles settled down, their eyes made contact once again.
“Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we had still been together?” Andi asked.
Jonah shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows honestly. All I’m glad for is that we have grown from all of that.” The green-eyed boy’s deep dimples were displayed through his wide grin.
“Me too.” Andi couldn’t help but wish she and Jonah’s relationship had worked out. She hated that she missed one of her more dysfunctional relationships. Yet, Andi wanted nothing more but to hold the dimpled boy’s hand again. She missed having a crazy crush on the smiley frisbee team captain.
“Uh, Andi?” Jonah broke Andi out of her thoughts. “The baby taters are here.”
“Oh! Right. Cool.” Andi quickly reached out to the large basket of baby taters placed in the middle of the long table and grabbed a few.
Meanwhile to the right of Jonah and Andi, Buffy had been keeping watch over Cyrus, whose head had still not left the table. The dark-haired boy was silently crying for a very long time, and Buffy could not stand it. But the curly-haired girl was absolutely certain that the literal moment she saw TJ’s face, she would tear him apart. Buffy was and has always remained the bodyguard of the group, if anyone hurts her friends, they would have to answer to Buffy’s wrath. And she knew she would have to go through detention afterwards, but to her, it would be worth it.
Once the baby taters had been set on the table, Cyrus finally lifted up his head, but his eyes still remained fully on his phone which was peeking out of his pant pocket. Buffy took notice of the dark bags under his eyes, along with the tear streaks that went down his entire face. She immediately felt the need to hug him.
“Still no word from TJ, huh?” Buffy ensured that her voice was gentle. “I am really sorry, Cyrus.” She rubbed circles on the boy’s back.
Cyrus shook his head and turned to Buffy. “What about you? Have you heard from Marty since the marathon incident?”
Buffy sighed and shook her head. “Sadly, no. But I’m pretty sure it’s because he feels horrible for letting me faint during the end of the marathon.” She tightened her lips. “I think that Marty was blaming himself for what happened but I couldn’t get the chance to tell him that he did nothing wrong. So now I think he’s giving me space because ‘he doesn’t want to hurt me again’.” She exhaled a long breath.
Cyrus laughed. “At least you know he still cares about you.” He gazed back at the floor, firmly gripping his hands together. “I haven’t been in touch with TJ for so long.” He inhaled a shaky breath.
“Buffy, why does this always happen to me? Nobody I love ever loves me back.” Tears were now gliding down the young boy’s face, his nose sniffling to keep from running. He shifted his head to look at Buffy in the eyes, and she had never seen her friend’s face so red in her entire life. Buffy quickly wrapped her arms tightly around her friends trembling body. The rest of the table had already gotten up from their seats and started to crowd around Cyrus and Buffy. Jonah and Andi were beyond upset on their friend’s behalf. Jonah couldn’t stand seeing Cyrus like this, and for whatever reason, he envied Buffy, he wanted to be the one to hug Cyrus and tell him that he was going to be okay.
Cyrus had begun to sob, letting out loud agonizing cries that echoed throughout the entire room. Buffy whispered kind and comforting things into his ear as she continued to rub small circles on the dark haired boy’s spine.
After a few minutes, the cries that escaped from Cyrus’ mouth had eventually started to simmer. So, Buffy carefully pealed her arms off of her friend and met his eyes.
“Cyrus, I want you to know that whatever you are feeling right now, it’s going to end. Don’t worry. You are going to meet a fantastic guy who’s going to never EVER leave you. I promise, Cyrus.” Buffy reassured her friend, not even paying any attention to the many other people who were watching them, she only focused on her friend in need. “And whether or not you meet that guy today or in two years, you’re going to find him, Cyrus. You will.”
The dark brown-haired boy smiled warmly, mouthing a “thank you” to Buffy. He wiped the tears from his eyes and took a few baby taters from the basket.
“Wow Buffy,” Jonah said as he sat back down, “you’re really good at comforting people.”
Buffy shrugged with a smirk. “I have my ways.”
After an hour or so of the group chatting amongst each other and exchanging jokes plus finishing their meal, Bowie handed the check to Amber.
“Hey!” Bex grabbed Bowie by the shoulder. “I am not letting you pay for all of this.” She crossed her arms across her chest.
Bowie chuckled and turned to face his fiancée. “It’s my treat, babe.”
Bex rolled her eyes and smiled. “What am I going to do with you.” She grasped Bowie’s hand.
Andi alerted her parents from behind them. “Hey! Stop flirting, we all want to go hang out in Andi Shack together.”
Bex and Bowie laughed. “Sure, hon. We’ll go get the car,” Bowie pulled Bex away as he waved to his daughter and her friends.
Andi turned to Jonah, Cyrus, and Buffy. “Let’s go sit on the bench while we wait for them.” She suggested.
They walked over to the bench and squeezed their bodies together so they could all fit, but it was cramped and much too uncomfortable so Cyrus stood up. He laid his back against the bricks of The Spoon and watched the sunset in the horizon, a beautiful red, orange, and pink combination of colors illuminating the sky.
The Good Hair Crew sat in comfortable silence as they watched the birds settle into their nests, stores start to close up shop for the night, and the sky slowly become darker by the minute. It was then that they truly realized an important chapter in their lives had closed, and a new one had just opened. Everything around them including themselves was at peace with the world.
That is, until they heard a loud buzz sound coming from inside Cyrus’ pant pocket. The dark-haired boy rushed to grab it, saw the name of the contact, and nearly dropped it from the amount of shock, and reread the name of who sent the text.
TJ Kippen.
Cyrus stared at his phone and his mind drew a blank due to his shock.
Buffy rolled her eyes and got up to grab the phone. “Oh for Pete’s Sake, what does it say?!” She grabbed the phone and read the text message aloud. “‘I’m sorry’.”
Buffy scrolled through the rest of the conversation. “That’s it?!” She yelled, returning the phone to a frightened Cyrus. “That’s all he freaking says after ruining your entire MONTH?” Buffy was ready to snap the tall dirty-blonde haired boy’s neck in half. “I swear if I see his damn pale-ass face I’m gonna-“
“Uh, Buffy,” Jonah interrupted, his eyes so wide it was as if he had seen God himself, “You might want to look behind you.” He pointed a finger to something behind Buffy.
Buffy turned to see Cyrus staring at something while jaw-dropped, and then saw none other than the tall basketball player himself, TJ Kippen. He was wearing an unzipped brown jacket with a grey sports shirt, and had some worn out trousers on. In the dirty-blonde boy’s hand, everyone saw he was carrying a basket of two muffins, one blueberry macadamia, and one chocolate chocolate chip muffin. In his other hand, TJ was holding his phone close to his heart.
TJ’s face was glowing from the multicolored light shining in the sky. His eyes were sparkling from tears, his nose and cheeks stained red. He slowly walked over to Cyrus, the other boy feeling the weight in every step he took.
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Deticated to one of my lovely new friends @my-boyo-fenrys thanks for encouraging me
all characters belong to Sarah J. Maas summary:  The University of Velaris is hosting a formal dance to celebrate the upcoming meteor shower. Rhys has the perfect way to ask Feyre, but he needs Cassian and Azriel’s help Word count: 3162
The Starfall dance was just a month away. Everyone had been talking about this meteor shower for months now, so our college decided to celebrate with a dance for the students. Of course my girlfriend, Feyre, and I were going to go together (who would say no to me?), but I hadn’t asked her yet. It had to be something big. Feyre was the stars in my sky and I took every opportunity to make sure she knew it. Currently, Azriel, Cassian and I were all laying around my dorm room brainstorming.
“I know!” Cassian exclaimed, tossing a handful of popcorn in his mouth, picking up a piece he dropped, and throwing it at Azriel. “Ok, so you get an alligator-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there,” I interrupted. “We can’t just get an alligator.” Disappointment flashed across Cassian’s face. 
“You didn’t even get to hear the best part.“ 
“Well,” Azriel started. “You always call her your “queen,” why don’t you do something with that? And besides, everyone knows you two are going to win King and Queen of Starfall.“
“Azriel you’re a genius!” I exclaimed, standing up from my seat and throwing arms up above my head.
“So you know what you’re gonna do?” Cassian asked, looking up at me.
“No, but it’s a start,” I said, my hands dropping back to my sides. I flopped back down onto the loveseat, pulling my feet up onto it. “What if…,” I began, a devilish grin on my face, “we sneak in to the girl’s dorms?“ 
“Rhys,” Azriel warned, always the protective, responsible one. But my mind was already racing at 100 miles per hour, churning up the perfect plan.  
"I like where this is going, but what does it have to do with asking Feyre to Starfall?” Cassian asked, smirking, his mind travelling elsewhere.
“Here’s what we’ll do. Somehow we sneak in, go into the living area, and cause a commotion. Since Feyre’s room is close by, she’ll be one of the first ones there, and then I’ll ask her with a huge sign and maybe…,” I ran my hand over my face, thinking.
“Balloons!” Cassian yells, excited at the aspect of danger. And balloons.
“Yeah! We’ll get balloons and a huge sign that says… ‘Will you be my Queen at Starfall?’ What do you guys say?” I could see Azriel cringing, at U-of-V there was a girl’s dorms, a guy’s dorm, and a small nuetral building in between. The girls and guys weren’t allowed in the others’ dorms but anyone could go into the connecting area just to chill or hang out.(we called it “the hang out”) And we all knew Azriel had a perfect record, and that was important to him
“I’m in!” Cassian said. He looked over at Azriel, who was the most hesitant. “Please, Az,” he whined, dragging out the “e” in please. 
“Can’t we just do it in the hang out?” Az asked.
“No, it’s not as good then. We can pull it off. Come on, you’re the most sneaky of us all. We need you on this super secret mission. Think of how happy Feyre will be!” I reasoned.
“Fine,” He mumbled, “only if I get to help with the sign." 
"Deal. Come on, let’s go get supplies.” I said, getting up and going to grab my keys.
“What? It’s like 2am!” Az yelled, but Cassian was already trailing behind me. But nevertheless, he followed.
We arrived at the nearest Hobby Lobby, which was open, much to our surprise. Azriel went off to get the things for our sign, and Cass came with me to get balloons. 
“Stickers, Rhys! Let’s go, we need these,” Cassian exclaimed, tugging me suddenly off into a nearby aisle. Cassian, being stronger than I, succeeded and into the sticker aisle we went. 
“Cassian, we don’t have time for this!” I whisper-yelled, trying my best to pull him in the right direction.
“Yeah we do, you know how indecisive Az is, he’ll take longer than we will. And look! Azriel would love these!” He said, picking up a pack of stickers, they were woodland animals. Little deer and foxes, squirrels and rabbits. He showed them to me, a proud smile on his face.
“Really? Get them if you must. But let’s just go,” I replied, sighing.
“Yes!” Cassian rejoiced. “Az will love these, thanks Rhys.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me off to the balloon section. I don’t know how he’s so hyper at 2:30 in the morning. I’m only surviving off confidence and caffeine. And angst.
“What colors does Feyre like?” Cassian questioned. “For the balloons.”
“Maybe blue and silver? That seems to suit her, and the Starfall theme.”
“Okay, I’ll get the balloons and you can get the helium.”
“Ok. We need a big cardboard box, too. Do they have those here?" 
"Probably,” Cassian replied from down the aisle, throwing packs of balloons at me. “I’ll go ask someone, don’t worry bro.”
“Cass-” I interrupted myself with a sigh, Cassian already long gone. There was an 80% chance I’d never see him again. 
Picking up the big box of helium, balancing the balloons on top, I went off to find Azriel. Thankfully, he was also looking for me, and I spotted him down the main aisle. 
“Where’s Cass?” He asked, holding a blank sign, markers, glitter, and glitter glue. 
I sighed, “He went to go find a box.”
“We’ll never see him again, will we?” Az joked.  
I chuckled, “That’s what I was thinking. Let’s go see if we can find him.” We walked about 10 feet before Cassian found us.
“Rhys! Az!” He called, waving at us from the literal other end of the store. “He has a box,” he said when we reached each other, pointing to the smirking, dark skinned male trailing behind him, stickers still clutched in his other hand. 
“Meet my new friend, Helion. Helion, this is Rhysand and Azriel. He says they don’t have boxes for sale but they have shipment boxes and we can have those." 
"Okay, thanks a lot, Helion,” I said, following the amber eyed male to the back where they kept the boxes. 
“My pleasure,” he drawled in response. Now this was a lady’s man. Probably a man’s man, too. But there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s any better than me. After all, I’m the one dating Feyre Archeron. 
We reached the back, where only employees were aloud. “I can only take one person with me. I assume it will be Rhysand? Since this is for your girlfriend,” He asked, one eyebrow arching as he pointed a finger at me. 
“Yeah,” I replied, setting down the helium and balloons by Azriel’s feet. “How much did you tell him?” I asked Cassian, joking. I followed him into the back, it wasn’t as top secret as I had imagined. There was a water cooler, bathroom, a ton of stock and just random things. The boxes were in the back so that gave Helion and I plenty of time to talk. I discovered that he graduated from the University of Velaris last year with a degree in ancient literature, which was suprising, and his dream was to open a library that functioned as a club at night. I picked out a huge box and returned back to my friends. 
“We should probably go pay,” I said, handing the box to Cassian so I could carry the helium. 
“Oh, I can check you out if you want,” Helion said, smirking.
Azriel scoffed, jokingly and said, “You’ve already done that.” Helion laughed, a rich, rolling, contagious laugh. 
“And here I was, thinking I could be sneaky when I wished,” Helion replied, leading us up to the front where he fired up a register. We chatted as he rang everything up. My total was a lot less than expected. I shot Helion a questioning glance. “What can I say, friends and family get discounts,” he said with a wink. 
We all clambered into my car, a 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan (it’s all I can afford as a poor college student, okay). Cassian and Azriel chose to sit in the back together. According to Cass, ‘soccer mom Rhys is no fun when he’s driving.’ I’m a careful and focused driver, but I caught part of their conversation. 
Cassian gave Azriel the stickers I would have paid $3.99 for, had it not been for Helion. Azriel smiled, thanked Cassian, and then proceeded to give him the cutest sticker. Soccer Mom Rhys was not happy. 
After we arrived back at my dorm, Cassian and Azriel went back to their shared dorm for the night. Thankfully, my roommate, Lucien, was gone for the night so I wasn’t disturbing him. We decided we’d meet the next morning to create our master plan.
I groaned, rolling over and swatting at whatever was tapping me incessantly.
“Rhyyyys, wake up already! You’re sleeping your life away,” whined someone who had consumed way too much caffeine. 
“Screw off, Cassian,” I mumbled, burying my head into my pillow.
He physically pulled me out of bed. “No. You told me to wake you up at 11, no matter what. So that’s what I’m doing.”
“I never said that, Cassian." 
"Yes you did! Right before you kicked us out last night. Right, Az?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you did,” Azriel said. Damnit. Whatever, I’m up now.
I stretched and yawned, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and stumbling the small distance into my shared living room. I plopped down next to Azriel. “Since you got me up this early you better be cooking” I told Cassian, I could see him in the tiny, stoveless kitchen, rummaging through my cabinets. 
“Is cereal okay?” He replied. 
“Yeah, whatever. I think it’s the only thing we have." 
"Eww!” Cassian yelled, holding out a box of Raisin Bran, pinching it in the corner and holding it away from his body as if it would bite. “What kind of monster is Lucien?!” That comment launched Azriel into a fit of giggles. 
Cassian eventually settled for Cocoa Puffs, Azriel had Apple Jacks, and I had Lucky Charms.
I put Cassian in charge of filling the balloons and then sealing them in the box, a job I deemed simple enough. I should have known better than to give him that job though, because his usual rough voice was turned high and squeaky for the next hour and a half. 
Azriel and I laid side by side as we carefully crafted the sign, something Azriel had said Cassian could not do because he has “no appreciation for art,” and in which Cassian responded with a high, “but I appreciate you, don’t I, Az?” That also made Azriel giggle.
After a few hours of work we ended up with a beautiful sign reading, “Will you be my Queen at Starfall, Feyre?” It was decorated in glitter, with ‘queen’ and ‘Starfall’ written in glitter glue. There was a big box, filled with helium balloons. A pull string was attached to the lid so Cassian could pull on it and release the balloons. 
Apparently Helion had given Cassian two of the stupid party noise makers that unrolled like snake tongues when you blew into them. And Cass insisted that he and Azriel got to use them for ‘dramatic effect.’
Finally the time had come. It was 1am and we were ready to infiltrate the girl’s dorms. (Cassian requested that we use “spy words.”)
Cass would carry the box, I would carry the sign and Az would go first and be the lookout. Really this wasn’t as hard as I was making it out to be. I’ve snuck into the girl’s dorms many times to “visit” Feyre, and I had seen (and unfortunately heard) a few girls in the guy’s dorms. We entered the hang out and crossed over to the girl’s dorms. They keep them locked at night for safety, but I had the electronic, hotel-like key that I had snuck from Feyre earlier in the day. 
We walked into the large living area, next to the public kitchen area with full appliances, unlike in the individual dorm rooms. Using our cellphone lights, we quietly got into place. I stood in the middle of the living room, where the hall to Feyre’s room met the living room. Cassian set the box behind me, and was sitting by the wall with the string. Azriel was in the kitchen, he would make the noise and then turn on the lights when Feyre arrived.
“Okay, go,” I whispered. Azriel smashed a plate, Cassian cursed, and I shushed him. That should raise enough suspicion for my brave Feyre to come to investigate. 
I could hear someone in the hall. “I’m going to investigate,” that was Feyre. She was probably talking to my cousin, Mor, also her roommate. Another door opened, and another voice. “Nesta? Did you hear that too?” Feyre asked.
“Yeah, I’m going to check it out.” Feyre’s oldest sister replied.
“What the fuck was that?” Definitely Amren. 
“Wait, me too,” that was Mor. They sure aren’t being very quiet. I faintly heard Nesta telling Elain that she could not come, it might be dangerous. Then we heard their footsteps down the hall. 
Azriel flipped the lights to reveal Feyre standing in the entrance to the living room, Nesta and Mor to her left and right. Amren slightly behind and Elain, always curious, tucked behind Nesta. Right after, Cassian pulled the cord and started tooting his stupid horn, making all sorts of ruckus. After we all recovered from being slightly blinded Feyre spoke up.
“Rhys? You scared the living hell out of me! You scared poor Elain half to death!” My face paled, maybe this was a bad idea. But then she rushed into my arms, crushing me in a hug. “Thank God, I thought you guys were murderers!” She laughed lightly, pulling back. 
“Surprise?” I replied, eyeing the other girls starting to gather by everyone else. “So, Feyre? Will you be my Queen at Starfall?”
“Yes, of course, Rhys. I didn’t think you even had to ask.”
“Yeah, but it’s always fun to break college rules and scare everyone.” I said, smirking.
“Uh- hey guys, how are we gonna get the balloons down from the ceiling?” Azriel interrupted, looking up to the high ceilings, balloons gathered in the highest spots.
I glanced up, “Cassian, what happened to the strings?”
“Oh.” He said, realization crossing his face. “That’s what the whole spool of string was for.” Nesta, Nesta of all people, started laughing. 
“Cassian you’re such an idiot,” she said, still laughing, and we all joined in. 
The next day, Monday
My morning started off great. But then during my first lecture I was called to see the Dean of Administrations, Mr. Keir. I arrived to his office, not surprised to see Cassian and Azriel already waiting in two of the three chairs positioned in front of his desk. I don’t think that being his nephew was going to help me out much here, he’s always had it out for me. 
“Well, Mr. Knight, it’s good to see you’ve finally decided to join us,” he said as I took my seat. Azriel was glaring daggers at me, he had a perfect record until now. “It has come to my attention that you three infiltrated the women’s dorm room last night. It might come as a shock to some but you are not women and you are not allowed to be in there. What explanation can you three offer?”
“It was all my fault,” I blurted. “I wanted to ask my girlfriend to Starfall, and I wanted it to be a surprise. Cassian and Azriel told me it was a bad idea. They didn’t want to go, but I pressured them into it.” It technically was my fault, even though Cassian was all for it. I can’t let them get in trouble for this.
“Rhys-” Cassian started, no doubtedly going to shoulder some of the blame.
“Don’t lie to him, Cassian.” I gritted out. Cassian huffed and sat back, crossing his arms.
“Can both of you verify Mr. Knight’s story?” The Dean asked, looking to Cassian and Azriel. Az knew I was trying to save his record, and he wouldn’t pass up this opportunity to say, “I told you so,” later.
“Yes,” Azriel was the first to speak, and he wasn’t fully lying, he did say it was a bad idea, and we did pressure him into it, just not Cassian. 
“Yes,” Cassian lied, sending me a sideways glance, silently thanking me. He knew I was a better liar and would somehow convince my uncle that it was all my fault, no matter how much Cassian protested. 
“This will be the last warning. The two of you will not get a punishment. But Mr. Knight will have to face the consequences. It seems fit that he is not allowed to attend Starfall.” Mr. Keir said, causing my heart to drop. Feyre would be so upset that I couldn’t go with her. 
“That’s not fair,” Cassian started, his voice raised slightly. 
“Cass,” I sighed, not really knowing where I was going with this. But it was Azriel that surprised me the most.
“Mr. Keir, please. Let Cassian and I take some of the blame. Punish us, just let Rhys go to Starfall. He and Feyre have been looking forward to this ever since it was announced. Please,” I looked at Azriel, my mouth parted slightly in shock. I saw Cassian nod in agreement. The Dean looked to be considering. 
“This will be your last warning. If any of you mess up again it will mean punishment for all three of you. You each will serve three hours of community service, but Mr. Knight will be allowed to attend Starfall. Is that a deal that all of you agree to?”
“Yes,” we all said in unison. We thanked him and then left, not wanting to be in his office any longer than we had to. I threw an arm around each of my best friends.
“I told you it would work out, didn’t I?” I said, smirking. “But really, thank you Azriel.”
“But he’s going to let me go, thanks to Azriel,” I told Feyre, finishing my story of my trip to the Dean’s office.
She sat, deep in thought. “I bet I know who it was!” I arched an eyebrow, a silent gesture for her to continue. “That bitch Ianthe! She’s had it out for me ever since I got here! For no reason at all. I bet she’s the one who told the Dean. I saw her last night when you snuck in.”
“Maybe so, but it doesn’t matter now, Feyre darling,” I responded, tilting her chin up and pushing my lips against hers. 
Feyre was my Queen, the stars eternal to my night triumphant, the love of my life. And I could not wait to spend another wonderful night with her.
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Indie & Rio
Indie: you 👀 this Rio: edie's snaps Rio: yes bitch Rio: so she gonna have a dog now, they setting up house Rio: where WHERE Indie: you know it in a whip Indie: if it any place Indie: wtf wtf Indie: he aint even got a nice ride & we all been knew Rio: he be driving without a license rn too Indie: he be driving w out his head on right fr Indie: you think im always high bitch Rio: I swear he been high since he been on the scene as a younger Rio: she makes a point of not dating lads her age but why if he only gon provide you what any waste of any age could Indie: i kno he has cos he come thru to me & drew when Indie: wasteman Indie: from day 1 Rio: exactly Rio: god Rio: saying poor dog but not even the point Rio: how she livin he stealing dogs for her now what Indie: we aint even gon be set to call any heads in cos we dont know where they @ Indie: cant say a 🐶 be stolen & holed up somewhere Rio: she lucky if someone don't clock Rio: it's a pup and it's clearly pedigree Rio: that's thousands, not to mention if they love it and all that fucked shit he ain't consider Indie: it probs chipped thats how mans do when they drop cash Indie: bet he aint thought Indie: he could go prison w drew if 🐶 are missed least get him away Rio: oh god Rio: i'll warn her, not that that'll be appreciated Indie: he should b anyway riding a girl her age at his that shit nasty Indie: get a wifey in your years Rio: i know Rio: surprised he ain't make her keep it on the low til her bday Indie: how your ma not merk him ages afore this Rio: you know how it is Rio: she gon do it anyway so don't fight her on it Indie: i kno she been tryna chase away any boy i ever been near & dey in my bracket Rio: yeah well you ain't gonna do something 10x worse when you questioned init Indie: bitch maybe Indie: if she gon have a dog in a car imma live how i want Indie: deal w it mama cavante Rio: don't even play Indie: she 🤡ing nuff for us all Indie: im vexed af Rio: seriously Rio: this is ridiculous Indie: u do kno she dating drew younger Indie: he buy shit to keep peace thats literally how it plays Indie: boy aint even as cute tho awks Rio: but worse Rio: at least drew isn't an addict, whatever else he got going on Indie: nah that just how he want his wifeys Rio: he should be proud Rio: twat Indie: i feel 😷 Rio: at least she admitted she's feeling on it Rio: buster tried to talk to her and got nowhere so Indie: how that boy exist Indie: 😇😇👑😇😇 Indie: get you a daddy who Rio: clearly she good like Indie: i aint even get a call back from the lad i want 👁👁👁 madness Rio: you wanna be wifed up by a lad like that, i think not Rio: he only got no chill cos that's how he livin' his whole life Indie: i want who i want Indie: he aint that Rio: exactly Rio: lord Rio: at least it ain't an actual baby Rio: 'cos that'll 'bout be it, like bye 💀 Indie: dont even chat it Indie: we aint need that possible in the universe Rio: 😶 Indie: u kno he aint ridin proper all the drugs he on Indie: no gettin hard Rio: as much as i ain't about u puttin that in my head i hope u right Rio: god Indie: i is Indie: i been round nuff customers to get the vibe Rio: yikes Rio: drew making a side hustle selling the little blue ones is it Rio: can't be dealing Indie: he should it y them boys so 💔💔💔💔 & vexed Rio: cracked it Rio: we'll do it and get the money Rio: is it prescription, not tryna go to jail with him Indie: hacks Indie: nah man it over counter Rio: nice Rio: so doing it, untapped market Indie: shame it aint work for girls too Indie: you could make more if it do Indie: 🤑🤑🤑🤑 Rio: i think there's a female one but bet that's still prescription, if even available here Rio: bullshit Indie: is it? Indie: if i been knew i coulda hit that w my ex Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Rio: yeah? Indie: he aint good i told you nah? Rio: i didn't know if it was just the first or what and i weren't tryna be too in your face at that time init Rio: not on speaking terms Indie: innit Indie: i been thought it me but i 👂ed others saying since he dashed me Rio: ha Rio: unlucky Rio: know he ain't trying and that's literally half the battle so he ain't gon' do better Indie: bitch if i tried any harder w it id have to pray Indie: waste Indie: 😭😭😭😭 Rio: aw baby Rio: happen when you ain't looking Rio: ma realness of the day Indie: but i want it to happen w the boy i 👀 everywhere in my circles Rio: is this science boy or another one? Indie: we aint tryna call him science boy but you kno Rio: okay gimme a better name i gotta keep track somehow Indie: he called zamari thats he name Rio: that's cute Rio: i'll probably remember that Indie: [sends screenshot of a snap so she can see his face] Indie: lookit Rio: aww Rio: sweet Indie: be sweeter if he was bout me Indie: but you kno Rio: no chance you reckon or what Rio: what's the vibe Indie: the vibe is he one of the boys now Indie: w the rest Indie: he aint see me like 😍😍😍😍 cos we ✌✌✌✌ Rio: I get you Rio: never know Indie: help me cos you 🔥🔥🔥🔥👑👑💖💖💖 Indie: aint no boy ever friended you how Rio: i have boy friends Indie: bitch where Rio: Rian Indie: please he wanna fuck you since he been known Rio: 😒 Rio: Still Rio: I got friends bitch Rio: I just been busy 😂 damn Indie: i aint tryna come for you i saying you a MILF i needs you to help me Indie: it been long & no thing i done work Rio: Hmm Rio: Maybe you gotta stop being friendly for a bit so he see you like that Rio: that way you know Indie: like stop showin him skate tricks? Rio: yeah Rio: start showing him other tricks Indie: but i aint have none Indie: how i gon do that Rio: just pretend Rio: he aint gone know Indie: i cant b like oi lads guess who know how to suck a dick it me Indie: we aint rollin w no girlie sleepover moves Rio: that ain't exactly what i mean 😂 Rio: just be more of a girl Rio: then they'll see it and fill in the gaps if they feeling it, you know Indie: 😒😒😒😒 Rio: what you poutin for Indie: why he not want me how i is Indie: rude Indie: this aint happen to me afore Rio: idk maybe he got a type Rio: don't take it personal, some people be so specific Indie: @mckenna Indie: 😂😂😂😂😂 Rio: exactly Rio: shows there's hope yet, just work out what he likes Rio: probably tell you cos you one of the boys Indie: there is this girl in science he 👀 @ when i looking toward him Indie: I just do how she do? Rio: Yeah Rio: but better, obvs Indie: [sends pic of the girl in question who is obvs more girly etc] Indie: can you do it bitch or nah Rio: 'Course I can Rio: though Grace would be gutted if you didn't let her in on the action too, like Indie: she gon own me w it Indie: but k 💄👗 Indie: we on it Rio: It'll be fun Indie: is it? 😒😒 Indie: when tho? Rio: you don't gotta Rio: n u don't need to but if you wanna get your mans Rio: it might work, boys are that dumb Rio: so whenever you wanna roll up on him Indie: imma do it but i aint vibin Indie: lets kick this now afore i think any harder on it & chat myself out Rio: you know this only good for a hookup yeah Rio: you ain't gonna makeover scene yourself for life Indie: naaah he gon get a taste and then he gon love me Indie: dont get me twisted Rio: Hmm Rio: expectation management baby Indie: he gon get himself a girl who do both Indie: 👑👑👑👑 Rio: slow your roll gurl Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: wys i been waitin since he showed Rio: to ride him mayb Rio: you don't gotta go so hard for the d Indie: you want me to hit & quit now? Indie: damn ma Rio: nah you do you Rio: i just sayin if you wanna be w him then he gotta be about u for u Rio: goes without sayin but like Indie: so you not gon help me or you is? Rio: we gotta debrief harder on what this is and what you want Indie: 👌👌👌👌 Rio: just keep away from that tattoo gun this time yeah? Indie: 😂😂😂😂 you gotta chill ri ri its no thing Rio: nah Indie: nah? Rio: yeah but we dun had this argument then so we don't gotta now Indie: caraca bitch 😮😮😮 you gon do me like i aint learned Indie: i just want him i aint tryna head down no aisle w you & mckenna Rio: Nah, I know Rio: I'm just chatting on any more ink Rio: we're good Indie: his name aint fit in 💘 its all good Rio: 😒 shut up bitch Indie: you rude Indie: play w me Rio: I'm trying Rio: but her shit got me in no mood now like Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Indie: lets roll out somewhere some way Rio: where you wanna be Indie: idc Indie: far Rio: Okay Rio: I'll see what's on Rio: seeing as I do have friends, you know Indie: so you keep chatting 😂😂😂 Rio: 😒 Rio: lucky I don't have too many or I wouldn't roll w you would I 😜 Indie: bitch allow it Indie: im the most ✌✌ Rio: you certainly the most something Indie: innit tho Rio: 😂 Indie: tell yo friends baby 😏😏😏💘💘 Rio: You're chief Rio: also Jas and Kels are on pre-drinks now so you believe they exist enough to come or what Indie: i aint never said you w out squad Indie: just w out boyyys Rio: well they cramp your style how you gon meet boys when you surrounded init Indie: i aint had no issue w it babe Rio: 😑 Rio: you saying i'm dry Rio: i'm cool Indie: i saying what i been saying this whole they all 😍😍😍😍 cos you peng Indie: not tryna friend you when they can wife it Rio: they can't now tho Rio: soz about it lads 🤷 Indie: 💎💎💎 see from 🌚 Rio: You know it Indie: how you styled? Rio: Hmm Rio: I gotta see, my clothes are still all over Rio: Nothing too wild Indie: i feel that Indie: im clappin rn Indie: look & mood Rio: 😔 Indie: aint tryna have your mates think im dry crump Indie: gotta step in & up Rio: Nah they nice Rio: you know that kid in your year Rio: ugh, what do they call him Rio: O'Shea they last name, anyway, Kells is his sister Indie: !!!!!!!!!! Rio: Yeah but it'll be chill Rio: not trying wriggle into that fucking catsuit again and have you creasing 😂 Indie: i aint tryna help your drunk arse out again and be sweatin Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: 😂 rude but fair Rio: actual mess Indie: how mckenna get under that? the boy is 👑👑🥇 Rio: i mean you can ask but you already worried peeps be getting the wrong idea about you, babe so Indie: girl please Indie: i aint worried bout no thing you hush Rio: 😏 is it Rio: ma be so proud Indie: wys Indie: it all good over here Rio: i saying she got a bisexual agenda Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: gutted by how many straight kids she got Indie: she turned my ma i aint tryna follow in dem steps soz bout it Rio: 😂 Indie: kissed few girls but she aint need kno Indie: not bringin them home to meet Rio: Exactly Rio: Such a cringe, bless her Indie: her hair always be sick tho Indie: how she do it Rio: #blessed Rio: jammy bitch Rio: in the genes, obvs 🍀 Indie: im mad Indie: you aint tryna do me one solid drew is it Rio: you know you cute sh Indie: dash that Indie: 👾👾👾 Rio: what you talking bitch Indie: he got me lookin 👽👽👽 cos his dna Indie: vexin Rio: you don't look like an alien you mad Rio: if anything he's given you the looks, like Rio: literally bout the only thing Indie: nah Rio: 😡 Rio: where dis coming from Indie: im in the mirror bitch Indie: & my feelings Rio: you want me to sort your weave Indie: its chill Rio: you can't go out not feeling 💯 Indie: i been done that trust Rio: 😢 baby no Indie: you aint gotta amp it Indie: im w out a man stealing me any 🐶 for my woes Indie: just out here w it Rio: you got a 🐶 and you ain't need no man for no thing else either Indie: you kno Indie: how i mean it Rio: i know Rio: it's nice to have one about but only if they not a fuckboy Rio: otherwise it's just hassle, more than already you don't need, trust Indie: im just tryna feel caught up in a thing that aint walking the streets w this face wearing his name while everyone kno where drew is and he been livin Indie: i been stopped mad amount times today only Rio: makes sense Rio: i don't blame you Rio: this town always talks Indie: u think thats how science boy dont fuck w me Indie: he aint new now he been around & he kno Indie: ?? Rio: I don't reckon Rio: why'd he be that anti-drugs or like Rio: nah Indie: not 🚭 just anti waste Rio: not like he gotta hang w ur dad Rio: i don't see it Rio: would be fucked if he was Rio: you ain't drew, like Indie: but i be livin on top like him Indie: too hype maybe Rio: if he roll w u and ur squad he obviously about that life too Indie: idk man Indie: if you right you right Indie: 💖💖💖 ty for chattin me down from 👑👑 Indie: big love like Rio: don't be silly Rio: always Rio: 🧡 Indie: how much time it gon feel like this for us Rio: How you mean? Indie: will it be good again when i kno drews stretch or nah Indie: i aint tryna feel worse Rio: I don't know Rio: better for knowing exactly what's gonna happen Rio: it always helps Rio: not gonna make everything magically better like but least we know the plan, like Indie: least if he gets a few i can age out of him playin da Rio: yeah Rio: we'll see Indie: & you can get mckenna down the aisle w out him not holding his ☮ Rio: 🙄 Rio: christ, probably not making the guest list either way, like Indie: you gon do big & white or lowkey Rio: go big or go home init Rio: gotta be grown to have those funds Indie: 😂😂😂😂 i shoulda been knew Indie: mckenna aint do lowkey no time Indie: he got the 💸💸💸 tho so go off Rio: just tryna get out of the matching dresses, i 👀 Indie: allow it Indie: you aint want me to go out feeling less than 110 but you bout 🤡ing me in 💒 k k Rio: 😂 Rio: it's my big day, bitch 😉 Indie: yeah so how you want me in all the pics looking bare owned Indie: catch me 😒😒😒😒 in every frame bitch Rio: Obvs Rio: that's the kinda bitch I am Rio: long as I'm slaying, none of you hoes can be Indie: ruuude Indie: how i be hookin mckennas best man in 👗 nah Rio: thought you reckoned it'd be nance Rio: sure she'll think you look lovely 😘 Indie: i aint got enough years to be her type innit Indie: dont wear nuff 💄 either Rio: True Rio: least jailbait ain't her vibe or she'd be in real trouble rn Indie: catch her waiting to be sentenced w drew Indie: wild Rio: Bless Rio: she's doing better, I think Indie: is it? Indie: safe Indie: she getting her head shrunk still? Rio: yeah, well, she ain't asking me to go out on the piss with her as often like so Rio: must be Indie: 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Indie: more ri time for me Indie: sick Rio: You know Rio: so in demand 😘 Indie: innit tho
0 notes
calvumhood · 8 years ago
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MASTERLIST - updated 
long imagine
stay - Luke
When you love someone - Luke
I don’t fall in love - Michael
I don’t fall in love part 2 - Michael
i don’t fall in love part 3 - Michael
You’re mine - Luke
Not giving in - luke
insecure -luke
paparazzi girl - Ashton
Something New - Michael
Something Old - Michael
Something Borrowed - Michael
Something Blue - Michael
getting married but not to you - Luke
getting married but not to you part 2 - Luke
getting married but not to you part 3 - Luke
i’ll take what I can get - cal
i’ll take what I can get part 2 - cal
i’ll take what I can get part 3 - cal
He has a tough day and you comfort him - Luke
He has a tough day and you comfort him - Michael, Calum, Ashton
7 minutes in heaven and he hates/loves you - Michael
Taylor swift - the moment I knew - Michael
Cuddly Calum
cuddly Michael
Calum’s birthday day you surprise him on tour
Michael’s birthday you surprise him on tour
You’re leaving him but he changes your mind – Michael
The boys walk in on a heated moment - Michael
The boys walk in on a heated moment - Calum
Meeting fans - Ashton
you don’t get into the college/university of your dreams - Ashton & Luke
He spots you in the crowd - Luke
Red carpet with him - Ashton
You fight with him and he gets upset - Michael
Luke’s your protective older brother and Michael falls for you
you’re his brother and the boys make a comment about your school uniform
Escape - Ashton
Best friend and doesn’t like your boyfriend - Ashton
your brother passes away (Luke) and your enemy comforts you (Ashton)
sex tape gets leaked - Cal
getting married but not to you  (part 2) - Luke
he’s insecure - Luke
friends with his sister - cal
punk 5sos
you have an abusive family
calum’s your best friend but you go out with Luke
you get angry at the boys because you’re stressed
takes care of you when you’re sick
he likes you thing - Luke
photograph // bloodstream
he’s in love with you but goes on tour and you meet someone else - Luke
you break his guitar - Luke
christmas day with the boys
luke being a dork
lay me down - Cal
laser tagging date - Michael
demon Luke
best friend bad boy - calum
my friends keep telling me to get over you - Luke
take my heart (as you’re leaving) - michael
we’re both broken inside - luke
I don’t want to feel anything anymore - calum 
;) - ash
i thought you wanted a girl like this - luke
you’re mine - luke
fuck - luke
why can’t you see? - michael
its not fair and you know it - ash
you’re such a nerd
sleepy - luke
i don’t fall in love
stop we’re in public - ash
wanna bet? - michael
why don’t you love me?
Outlaws (audio) - Luke
When I get you home - Mayday parade
Au meme
Picture blurb - Ashton
Picture blurb - Luke & Calum
Picture blurb - Luke
au meme - luke confronts Michael
au meme - you pick Ashton over Calum
Au meme - Ashton’s Heartbreak girl
brother passes away and he comforts you - Ash
blowjob - Luke
Like each other but won’t admit it - Luke
geek - calum
cotton candy 1
cotton candy 2
i dont fall in love
Drunk in love - Calum smut
You teach at the same school - Luke smut
quiet - Calum smut
Jealous - Luke smut
Virgin - Luke smut
friends with benefits - Calum
boys walk in on the dirty and decide to stay - Luke
baby girl - Michael
recovering - Luke
Not so cocky now - Michael
teach me - Ashton
one last time (fwb) -Ashton
muke threesome
lonely - luke
don’t know how - calum
Not giving in - luke
insecure -luke
paparazzi girl - Ashton
Hogwarts Au
Slytherin - Michael
Fake texts
he cheats -luke
you realise you love him - Cal
Too late - Luke and Ashton
He ignores you but you act cute and he forgives you - Luke
He ignores you but you act cute and he forgives you - Ashton
He ignores you but you act cute and he forgives you - Calum
He ignores you but you act cute and he forgives you – Michael
playfighting preference 4/4
friends with benefits blurb - 4/4
you think he’s going to hit you but he doesn’t and explains that he would never do that - Michael
you think he’s going to hit you but he doesn’t and explains that he would never do that - Luke, Ashton, Calum
you lose your virginity to them 4/4
his reaction to you walking down the aisle - 4/4
he come’s to your show - 4/4
your awkward and they take you to a party
Twitter hate
you walk in on him jerking off
Good girls are bad girls
your’e a hippie - 4/4
1975 sex - 4/4
He has a nightmare and you have to comfort him - 4/4
little mix - good enough - 4/4
you can’t say I love you back - 4/4
he see’s your scars - 4/4
if you don’t know - 4/4
close as strangers - 4/4
Cotton candy - Luke (wattpad)
Mr Hemmings - Luke (wattpad) 
Hero - Ashton (wattpad)
119 notes · View notes
kl4us4 · 8 years ago
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TIME (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
Request: could u do a fairly lengthy modern day Bellamy imagine where like when u guys broke up years ago it was over something real stupid heated fight and he sees u idk somewhere like so cliché and u have like his kid but he doesn’t know and his hearts just swells up with u being a mum a and omg thanks ur awesome
You were meant to be together forever. At least that's what everyone had told you. It was always meant to be you and Bellamy. Bellamy and you. But it just wasn't the truth. People lied.  What you had with the freckled boy didn't last but the memories never faded away from the back of your head. He was always going to be your first love, no matter how roughly things had ended. Bellamy knows this too well.
After your break up, things were different. He found his life changing in ways he never expected. The only constant was the image of you in his head. If only he could turn back time. He knows exactly what he should’ve done to make you stay. But it was clearly too late. 
 Today, Bellamy walks through the aisles with his brown eyes scanning for the items he needs. Aspirin. Last night was filled with flashing lights and drunken mistakes and now he was enduring the consequence in the form of a killer hangover. 
"Great." He mutters upon the squeals and laughter of kids ringing in his head and he furrowed his eyebrows at the pain.
 It reminds him of Octavia when she was little. She would never stop laughing and smiling when Bell took her to the park or the zoo - anywhere outside of the house, really. Octavia would always have some sort of scheme to free all the animals from their cages in the zoo, no matter how many times Bellamy would tell her that they're happy. She wouldn't have it. A smile appears on his face just by thinking about it. 
Though the aching in his head is killing him as the laughter grows louder, his mood is up. But then Bellamy stands in the middle of the aisle, his eyes focused on the end of it. There seems to be a hole punched in his chest because he's not sure if he's breathing anymore. It's you. 
After so many years, it's actually you. "Love, put that back, okay?" Your voice is older but he still remembers the soothing way in which you've always talked. 
Bellamy feels like he should leave or maybe stop staring like a creep. But something keeps him rooted in his place as his brain screams that you won't want to see him. Ever. 
 He almost drops the aspirin in his hands when he sees you smiling at the youngest child. She's a chubby, little girl. Her skin replicates yours and her hair looks exactly the same too. It's almost as if she's a carbon copy of you. 
 God, he can't stop staring. It's only when you look up at him that he's able to quickly turn back to the medication section. Fuck. You look the same, eyes bright, perfect lips. 
 "Hi." Comes your sudden greeting, catching Bellamy off guard as he realises his own thoughts. You stand a few metres from him with your shopping cart in one hand and your youngest child in the other.
 "O-Oh, hi." Is his pathetic response as he holds the packet to his chest as to not drop them. "Y/N." 
 "How have you been?" You smile at him and he thinks he might die. You look so happy. He looks like downright a mess compared to you.
 "Great." He replies, despite the obvious truth. "Um, you? How have you been?" He chokes on his words, wishing that he could just be normal for once. You don't care though, it makes you smile. 
 "I've been good." You admit. He can tell it's genuine. And he's so happy for that. 
 "Mummy?" The girl hides behind her mother's legs while the older boy sneaks packets of chips into the cart. 
 "Yes, princess?" You kneel down, placing your hands in your daughters. She looks at Bellamy, her eyes wide and tinged with fear. The gold ring on your finger shines into his eyes and he feels the hole in his stomach grow.
If it weren't for the rock on your finger and the fact that you have children, Bellamy would've asked you on a date right then and there. He can't help but feel his heart swell at the fact that you are a mother now. And you're married. You have everything you've ever wanted and more. Without him.
And what does he have?
A hangover. 
The girl points to Bellamy, extremely shyly and her mother lets out a small laugh. "Hi there," Bellamy smiles, feeling the beat of his heart quicken as he . meets your daughter. Bell kneels down beside you, returning the sweet smile you give him. He has to hide the slight hurt though. He's meeting your daughter. This could have been his life. "My names Bellamy." He holds his hand out to her. 
 Your daughter giggles, placing her hand in Bellamy's and shaking it sloppily. "Hi..." Her smile doesn't look like yours but it's equally stunning on her. She must take after her father in that aspect. “Are you mummys friend?” 
Bellamy looks up at you, wondering if he can call you a friend after your fight. But it seems that you’re both past it. So he nods as you lift her into your arms. Bellamy stands awkwardly. “Yes.” Her brother stands next to her, his blue eyes looking at you. 
 “Well, are you coming to the birthday party too?” He almost shouts, energy buzzing through him. Bellamy wonders how one child is so outgoing but the other is shy. He doesn’t question it, though. They’re children; still growing into who they are. 
“Oh, no. I’m not.” Bellamy shakes his head, causing a painful sensation in the back of it. That’s right, how could he forget? It’s recently been your birthday. 
“Then you’re not really friends.” The boy points out, his eyebrows raised as he looks at you. You let out a small laugh
“Thomas.” You scold him, shooting him a look of warning. 
Bellamy laughs. “It’s alright.” 
You ponder it for a few seconds, thinking over the party. “Would you like to come? Octavia’s welcome too.” 
Bellamy’s heart leaps. He knows he might not be able to handle seeing you and your new family - new life - up close. But he says yes anyways. “When and where?” 
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nootnoot333 · 8 years ago
bangtan asks
we are bulletproof: if you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
:< hmmmm.... violet from the incredibles bc she cool
no more dream: if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react?
cry bc my friends have so much dirt on me 
i like it: if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be?
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
metal against metal: like a metal spoon against a metal bowl 
we on: how do you deal with people who don’t like you?
cut them off snip snip
if i ruled the world: what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom?
thank god now i don’t have to find a job in this economy 
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
in stores it’s usually some really sweet latte, at home it’s 2 tablespoons of sugar and a bit of milk
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
y isn’t sub vocal an option 
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
i’ve known ab them since their... a little bit before their I NEED U days bc my friend was obssessed w them since debut and would always post ab them on fb and i watched the i need u mv and that’s where it all started
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
nothing home is where i am
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
i guess? doesn’t every body’s in some way
just one day: who would you want to spend the last day of your life with?
honestly... bts HAHAAHHAa
tomorrow: goal that you would like to achieve within the next year?
declare my major and get study abroad figured out 
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
i’m here 2 listen
spine breaker: what is your weakness when it comes to spending money?
jump: favorite childhood memory?
playing outside for hours with the neighborhood kids
miss right: what is your ideal ‘type’?
HAHAHHAHA boys wise i have a weakness for tall lanky art boys who have ruffled dark hair and big glasses  LMAO 
i like it pt. 2: dream date?
n/a anything is fine 
danger: have you ever had a near-death experience?
multiple times, usually having to do w a car ; driving, almost getting hit, being driven
war of hormone: most embarrassing moment?
let’s not
hip hop lover: three songs that are meaningful to you?
fear- mino, streetcar - daniel caesar, lost- bts
let me know: are you good at keeping secrets?
pretty good just bc i forget
rain: most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
nothing i’m so unspontaenous 
cypher pt. 3: favorite outfit to wear?
depends on the SEASON BOI summer: highwaisted shorts and long sleeved shirt w stan smiths, fall: blue mom jeans, tighter shirt, colorful socks and white vans, winter: light gray turtleneck sweater, black skinny jeans, beanie, dark gray wool coat, black boots spring: denim overall dress, cute shirt, colorful socks and stansmiths
blanket kick: longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)?
o..........at least 10 hours awake 
24/7 = heaven: what are you most looking forward to?
look here: do you have any hidden talents?
second grade: proudest accomplishment?
stayin alive
i need u: are you in love?
hell no 
hold me tight: does physical contact comfort you?
not rly
love is not over: ever had your heart broken?
nah not to the extent of broken 
dead leaves: how loyal are you?
SO loyal
move: last time you cried?
probably last year first semester of school
butterfly: most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
a mississippi sunset
run: do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation?
YES.... i have so many dream vacations... rn i wanna go to scandinavia 
ma city: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
fuk fuk i rly wanna live in like sweden 
baepsae: do you vote and/or keep up with politics?
yes and to an  extent 
dope: what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now?
i wanted to be a marine biologist bc i liked fish and the ocean or a neurosurgeon but now i’m veering toward law
fire: are you a spontaneous person?
in little ways
save me: your favorite place on earth?
uh...   prague?
young forever: what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure?
kiki’s delivery service
boys with fun: you’re going on a roadtrip with seven other people– dead, alive, fictional, real, famous, or not. who are they, and why?
LMAO omg... ok 1) tae 2) jimin 3) my frien oshin 4) dean 5) zico 6) crush 7) jil 
all the kpop guys bc Y TF NOT and my friends bc they get along w everyone
converse high: how many pairs of shoes do you own?
like around 10 
whalien 52: weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? alternatively, weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
i swear a saw a demon 
house of cards: when was the last time you felt sexy?
boy meets evil: have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? alternatively, what is the worst thing you have ever done?
blood, sweat, & tears: kinkiest kink you have?
begin: who are you most grateful for in your life?
lie: biggest fear?
dying but not having done what i wanted before
stigma: would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
first love: do you believe in soulmates?
reflection: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
don’t worry it’ll be fine
mama: are you good at giving advice?
awake: if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be?
lost: how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily?
i’m so good w directions and navigation 
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
bath, paint nails, do nothing
am i wrong: you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory?
this is so hard
21st century girls: do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting?
2!3!: your favorite thing about bangtan?
their silliness 
spring day: who do you miss right now?
no one particularly
not today: what are your procrastinating right now?
hahahahahahahahah translating 
wings: on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat?
domestic flights: window
intl flights: aisle bc i pee a lot
you never walk alone: how many people do you trust with your life?
no one
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