#( 🌹 ) > ned & lyanna > promise me.
advitameternal · 24 days
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rosewritesfy · 3 months
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Hi y’all! This is the First chapter of my new fanfic as seen above, it’s a Ramsay Bolton fanfic. It will switch between multiple characters povs, but mostly his and our main character my OC! Trinity Snow! ‘Bastard’ daughter of Ned Stark and younger sister to Jon, so in this fic, Jon was born a like two years before her, so he was two, when Lyanna gave them to him. Ty! Pls like, comment, and repost! I will write for any fandom, just give me names, and what you want and I’ll write it, stay safe little my roses ||🌹 🎀💕||
It was cold. Dark. The dungeons of Winterfell were underground. I couldn’t tell if it we’re night or not. How did I get here? I wondered. Only a few years ago, I’d lived here. As a bastard of course but still. I know what your thinking, Trinity how can you be so foolish? Haven’t I always been? I fell in love with a man who liked to torture people. But I knew him. He was better than this. Though that did not excuse his actions. Ramsay Bolton. A man many feared. As a kid he’d been so gentle and kind. Never mean to anyone. As he got older he became more and more obsessed with being Naturalized. Being a true Bolton. We shared this cell. And not too long ago, he’d been fighting my brother. He killed Rickon. And now I was stuck here. With a Man I should hate. Where did I go wrong? When did I make the wrong choice? Was it when I let Theon take me prisoner to save bran? No. When I offered to marry him, before he’d have to marry someone else? No. When I fled from winterfell not long ago to warn Jon? Maybe. When I let Theon kill Myranda? Someone who held the attention of the man I loved? No. When I betrayed my family to save him. Yes. But if you really think about it, it might have been that fateful day when I let my father go to kings landing. Yes let’s start there.
Two years ago;
“Arya! Give Sansa back her hair ribbon!”
“Mm, no! You’ll have to take it!”
“Arya Stark! A lady shouldn’t be running around the castle!” Said Robb, teasing of course, Arya was his favorite sibling.
“Sansa what did you do it make her take it?” I said weary. I was Sansa age of course, and I knew how she felt, Arya was tricky to handle but a joy to have around. Those two fight too much.
“I didn’t do anything, Trinity! I swear it!”
“Arya did Sansa say or do something? And don’t yell, you’ll wake up Rickon and Bran.”
“Yes she did, she said I need to act more properly.” Arya said as she crossed her arms and pouted.
“Arya darling you don’t have to. Now how about you hand me the ribbon, and me and Jon will teach you how to shoot a bow, yeah?” Robb said as he knelt down to Arya’s height, hand held out.
“Fine. But only if Trinity comes too!” She said as she handed Robb the ribbon, which he then gave it Sansa who turned and walked away, with a stern look on her face.
“I’ll come just let me get changed. And you too, Arya Stark, you can’t run around your night clothes again.” I said as I got up and headed to my room. Today was going to be a long day. I made my way to my room, and grabbed the dress I’d made. Lady stark taught me and Sansa, and now she taught Arya. I was good. But I didn’t really like wearing the same type of dress over and over. So I had asked our aunt, Lysa who came to visit from the south, to borrow on of her dresses. And since then I’ve been making myself southern styled dresses instead. Sansa wanted to as well, but Lady stark said Sansa should wait. The dresses were a bit showy. Sansa pouted but I promised I teach her how once she was old enough as if we weren’t both 13.
I picked out a blue dress. It was made of a pale blue material. And a white under dress. With billowy sleeves. I was only in my chemise right now, so I threw on the under dress, then the over dress, and with the help of a made, laced it up. I brushed my hair, and slipped on my stockings and my shoes.
I walked towards the archery range, where Robb, Arya and Jon stood. Theon, Rickon and Bran, all sat on the grass as Theon supposedly told them a story. I joined Jon, on the right side of Arya, and watched as Robb tried to teach an impatient Arya the safe way ti shoot.
“What took you so long, sister?”
“I couldn’t lace up my dress on my own. I had a maid help me, brother. They seemed too occupied to notice if I slip away…”
“Are you really going to leave now? Surely you have something’s to do, sweet sister.”
“Mind you, I want to talk ti my friends. I’ll back in time to break fast with you guys.”
“Did you ask father, sweet sister?”
“I asked both him and lady stark. They said it was fine as long as I’m back soon, if Arya notices im gone cover for me, dear brother.”
I nodded and made my way to stables where I saddled a horse, and set of for where the Boltons were currently staying. Not far from here. They’d been invited since the king was coming to see my father. We we’re having a feast. Once I got there, a maid answered the door, and I said I was here for Ramsay, she shyly nodded when I mentioned him, and went to fetch him. Of course Ramsay would sleep with a maid. Of all people. Ramsay came out with a grin.
“Thought I’d have to wait till the feast to see you, Trin.”
“As if. Not letting my best friend, wait to see me.”
“And how long are you staying this time? I can have them set up an extra chair at the table. You can break our fast with us?” I hated to see the hope in his eyes, must have missed his best friend.
“I can’t stay long, I’ll come and see you after our guests arrive though. Just wanted to see how you were.”
“Oh…No I understand. It’s alright, we’re fine by the way. You should probably get going. Yeah?”
“I should. Goodbye Ramsay. I’ll see you later then.” I said as I smiled and watched him go back inside and close the door. From there I left for back to winterfell. When I arrived Jon and Arya were still at the archery targets. Robb now sat with Rickon, while Bran and Theon walked up to me, as I dismounted my horse.
“And where have you been, Trinity?”
“I’ve been to see my friends, Greyjoy.” I teased him, as I saw bran smile and come to hug me.
“We must get back inside, don’t want to miss breakfast.” said Theon as we all started to walk inside. Lady stark, sat by my father at the table, and we all started to file into the room.
“Girls, I want you to be on your best behavior when we greet the king and his family later.” Lady stark said as me and Sansa sat down. Of course she was worried. Even if father was friends with the king we’d need to be good.
“We will be. Won’t we Sansa?”
“Yes mother we will be.”
Lady stark nodded and we all broke into conversations and started to eat. Later that day it was fun time to greet the king and his family. Lady stark had all of her kids, in order of oldest to youngest. Me and Jon stood behind Her and our father. The king was a fat man, with white skin, and puffy eyes. He greeted my father with a joke, and Lady stark kindly. The queen was second to arrive with their kids. She was beautiful, with golden hair, a delicate figure, and the red gown she wore was exquisite. Her son and the eldest was my age. He looked like a prick. Him and Theon would get along well. When everyone was done greeting each other. I slipped away to visit Ramsay as I promised. When I got to where him and his father were staying, he stood in the front, with a girl in his arms, they were kissing. It bothered me and I knew why. I had a crush on him. Of course I did. He was handsome. I let out a fake cough to let them know I was there. Ramsay and the girl stopped kissing and he looked at me with wide eyes, before smiling and walking towards me with the girl.
“This is Myranda, a new friend of mine.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Myranda.” I said politely, I was a good liar. Always had been, not even he could tell when I was lying. She was beautiful, more so than I could ever be. At least in my opinion.
“It is. Ramsay says only good things about you.” She said, but it wasn’t fake it was genuine kindness. Odd, most girls I met that Ramsay was with were rude to me.
“Well I must be going. Really only came to say hello. I’ll see you both at the feast then.” I said as nicely as possible before quickly getting back on my horse and riding away. Not looking back to smile at him like I usually did. Not to see the look of hurt that passed his face, not to see him tell Myranda to leave.
(Ramsay’s POV)
She left. I didn’t know if I upset her. She was my friend. My best friend of course. My only true friend. She was beautiful, and kind. And smart too. And I was completely head over heels for someone who didn’t want me. I should be able to have whoever I want. But not this time, not her. She didn’t know the many nights I lay in bed with other woman, pretending they were her. They weren’t. No one came close. And I stood there thinking maybe I should tell her at the feast.
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