#( –– EDEN ) replies.
furiarossa · 1 month
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And no amount of love will keep it around If we don't choose it And I don't know what's got its teeth in me But I'm about to bite back in anger No amount of self-sought fury Will bring back the glory of innocence [x]
Work in progress!
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dol-dee · 3 months
So... you imagine DoL set in the early 2000s? ME TOO. Tell me more about that!
aaaaaaa yes I do!!!! (Sorry for the late reply haha. I kept forgetting to come back to this ask) I think I started to feel that way pretty early on, since there's hardly any electronics around in game.
You don't have access to a phone yourself (which, admittedly makes sense as an orphan) but electronics get barely mentioned in general. (I'm guessing the true reason for it, is that it would be too much of a hassle to implement electronics as a mechanic in game. bc arguably you should easily be able to buy a phone or w/e later on, if dol actually took place in our time) Named npcs often have phones to record you with (which I kinda forgot about tbh lmao) but unless in that context, phones don't get brought up at all iirc. None of the named npcs ever ask you for your phone number and Social media isn't really a topic of conversation either.
The only Computers that I remember mentioned in game are Leightons, Mickey's, Kylars and the one you can check in the police station. (I don't remember if Bailey even has one or not.) They are far and few between. They also all read as desktop computers to me and not laptops. Hell, the only gaming Console to ever be a topic of interest, is Robins. I don't think we hear of/see any handheld conosles at all. Even TV's rarely get mentioned.
Pop Culture, like manga, anime and games doesn't seem to be a big thing yet either.
All of that gives me the impression that most electronic is still pretty sparse and hard to come around and kinda reminds me of my childhood when those interests where still conisdered niche/nerdy and weird. The few characters that have desktop pc's seem to be ones that had/have enough money (like Kylar, maybe Bailey?) to foot the bill, are either in a high enough position of power to own one (like leighton) or they're involved enough in shady business that they might have the resources to have their own equipment (Mickey).
tbf a lot of my reasoning can be argued against or easily explained away, but I think dol is infinitely more interesting as a game/story when it's set during the early/mid 2000s, where most electronics were still hard to come by.
Oh and last but not least: it simply makes for easier story telling haha. I think there would be way more ""plot holes"" you'd have trouble explaining away if it was set during modern times. considering how much digital surveilance we have nowadays.
Aside from all the examples I just brought up, dol just has that 2000s grime to me. It's so grungy and dank in it's vibes that it always reminds me of that timeframe. Just has that kinda clunky/kitschy charm to it. (a more eclectic personal explanation is that the seasons in game still feel the way I remember them for my childhood. nowadays everything feels really out of wack thanks to global warming. Although I'm sure that people who are older than me would say the same haha)
to keep this already long post short(er lmao) I'm gonna go into some headcanons under the cut; Basically which Characters have electronics and why:
Avery: has an expensive af and extremely clunky looking (by todays standards) work laptop, that she sometimes lugs around. Also owned one of the first mobile phones. Those really big and blocky ones. Maybe even had one of those phones that were built into cars. However, I think shed be kinda annoyed by mobile phones*, even if she's extremely diligent in answering her calls. (the grind never stops) *based on this comic from 1919 about pocketphones: Mostly because she strikes me as someone who doesn't care to be overly accessible and also hates it when whatever shes doing at the moment gets disrupted by something else.
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Alex: Canonically has a phone in game. To me it's a landline phone. They don't own much electronics beside it. They have no desktop pc and no mobile phone. (canonically the own a tv and I feel like they'd have a radio, maybe even an old record player) Bailey: It would make sense for them to have a desktop computer but I can't remember if they canonically (and with that I mean in game) do have one or not. I could see it either way tbh. As they strike me as a stubborn hard ass whos paranoid about electronics and quickly gets annoyed by it) They only own burner phones aside from the official landline phone thats designated for "over the counter" orphanage business. Eden: Has an old ass radio and an extremely dusty burner phone that bailey gave them once. They don't own anything else
Harper: has a mobile phone they got from Remy, it's purely for business. I don't think they have one for personal business. They own a pager though bc of the hospital. They probably have a desktop pc too if only for hospital stuff.
Kylar: Has a Desktop pc, their parents footed the bill for that many screened monstrosity (tbf i dont know enough to remember if old pcs are even able to have several monitors connected to them or not). Probably had a mobile phone once. Whitney stole it. They own a few consoles but they prefer pc gaming (pc master race /j) Some 2000s era games (with no consideration for an exact timeframe) that I think Kylar would be into are : Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines American McGee's Alice Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 / Persona 3 Portable The Urbz: Sims in the City The Sims 2 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Robin: No mobile phone, the only electronics they keep around (until they inevitably need to sell them for emergency money) are an old tv and a gaming console. I have no concrete headcanons regarding the exact console and games unfortunately. (They seem to like superhero related stuff and I don't remember enough games that I associate with that direction of the top of my head)
Sydney: Has access to a landline phone but thats it. they don't have a mobile phone. Maybe they got to look at/ try out a pc at Kylars house once upon a time, but I don't think Sirris has one themself. I might be off with this but I could see Sirris being the one who bought a few early nintendo consoles like the SNES and Game Cube. Maybe even a gameboy.
Whitney: I don't think Whitney or their family is particularly wealthy so all of the access to electronics that they got, is either through wealthier friends, bullying or stealing. They have a mobile phone and probably a few handheld consoles they nabbed off their victims (in secret).
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ask-eden · 1 year
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Eden shuffles a bit on the railing, thinking more about what Mosy had said. He could only ever dream of having the level of passion and optimism the fellow mew seemed to beam out. Did he have something that drives him? Yes... Most certainly. But is it enough? What if being driven out of fear or obligation good enough? Should he feel more passion outside of the dire circumstances he was facing? Eden slouches slightly, tail swaying back and forth in deep thought. His own anxieties clouding his mind, rattling back and forth as he attempted to understand deeper on what Mosy was saying. He glances back over at the shiny mew for a moment, before his eyes quickly darted back to the ground, almost out of shame. Eden:... I think... I understand what you are trying to say... I mean I GET what you are saying but also just.. I don't know. Trying to wrap my own head around it.. I guess.. Eden: You seem.. very confident in yourself.. I guess I... e-envy that a bit... Eden looks back up at the sky, his ears flicked back with a more serious, but soft, expression. Eden:.... But it does help to know that... There was another mew who was like me... who didn't start off with all the fancy powers... but managed to achieve it... Eden looks back at Mosy for a moment, then looking away to look down at his own paws Eden: and you even got a lovely family out of it all too... Huh... Eden: I don't know if I'll ever get THAT much outta everything but.. It is nice to know.. it can be possible.. Eden smiles a bit Eden: Thank you for your advice.. I uh.. R-really do appreciate it. I'll try to remember that as I go along.. Eden: Maybe one day I'll be able to float and do stuff like you too..
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Eden scrambles off the railing and back onto the ground, praying that the other mew didn't hear the awkward sentence that just left his mouth. Although he didn't mean it to come out awkwardly, the damage was done. He avoids eye contact and attempts to soothe his puffed fur Eden: B-BUT UH.. T-THANK YOU.. Y-YEAH.. I'LL.. TRY TO REMEMBER THAT... T-THANK YOU AGAIN.. FOR HAVING ME ON YOUR... P-pORCH... YEAH. - - - -
[ Eden will remember Mosy's advice ] This action will effect the future - - - - [ << Reply to This ] [ @ask-mirage-mews ]
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mystiquedrops · 6 days
Yeah no, I'm bored- so let's chat. (Or you can ignore this post if you want- Idk how to make new friends, or interact w people-)
Name a DT duo that fits "Mesmerizer", and who as who ! (the second one is optional actually)
I'm listening :33
(It can be random too, dw-)
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junjunjunko · 9 months
Im a bit crazy bout her rn
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😔Unfortunately, that is exactly what she wants you to do
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darkdemeter · 21 days
Dem Hi! I'm back with a bit of an unhinged ask here:
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Im sure this doodle gives you an idea where this is going. I was just making myself some tea, and I was thinking about Lovers In Eden (i was going to listen to a song called Eastward of Eden by Amelia Day,hence the association). And Since I am a film student, a writer and i took script classes as my subject las trimester, i offer you this unhinged recap of my conspiracy theory. So LIE (Lover in Eden) introduces us to the idea that Strife killed Y/N after a bloodlust outburst,right? Well, at first i didnt think too much of it, but then the chapter ends with the four on earth, which felt a little disembodied from the prologue. Which brings me to the hipothesis which is: Strife's lover is on earth,reborn without their memories. My proof for this theory is this: 1) We know that in the darksiders universe there is such thing as a well of souls, we know they go through the kingdom of the dead to repent and then be reborn through the well. 2) you wouldntve put the line "Love slayer" if it wasnt relevant to the plot. (Writing often times includes phrasing things a certain way to hint at other things). 3) Why would you close the chapter where you did? What relevance does the fact that the four are now on earth have? Simple, Strife will find a reborn,survivor Y/N and will fall in love with them (and have a crisis once he realizes its a whole like soulmates finding eachother again situation) 4) and last (which came to me as i wrote this) if you were to center the story only on Strife and the reader without the reader being reborn, you wouldve just started it from the medieval age/wherever strife met the reader and not end with the four on earth. Of course dont gotta tell me if im right,dont want to spoil the whole fic anyways. But I felt the need to share this with you. (I genuienly felt like the pepe silvia meme). And yeah, one offshoot of all this is that maybe the reader isnt a reborn soulmate, and that the prologue could just set up this inherit guilt and fear towards love that Strife has. Until we get the next chapter, i lay in wait...scheming/lhj/hj Have a nice rest of your day and i hope you've enjoyed my unhinged ramble. -Jer. PD: i feel so silly for sending this whole thing but as a fellow writer i know theres nothing we love more than ppl theorizing about our stuff. So here you go. I hope it doest read as overbearing,i just genuienly love your stuff.
First off, I love your pepe doodle! It’s so perfect. In fact I find it so funny that I made this a little bit ago myself... (As much as I'd love to rant and such about my AUs' lore and headcanons, I made this for shits and gigs)
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I absolutely adore hearing theories readers have about my fics. (Sorry this has taken FOR-EV-ER to respond to, I'm terrible with replying at times)
I also fucking LOVE that you're a film student, I think that makes this whole theory situation even better because I do tend to have a very movie-esque thought process when writing. (Blooper reel and BTS footage rent free in my head)
And I think I've got the mind stewing a bit with that recent post, Flowers From My Lover. Without hopefully giving away anything, you do have some valid and interesting points in your theories and has me going, "Oh Jer is good little detective." You get a cookie for your theory skills!
There are indeed certain key details and clues I put in on purpose and it's so interesting to see what readers pick up on. And yes, the well of souls is involved to some extent in this plotline, but not in the way you might think...
I also find your choice of the word "reborn" interesting. Very obviously and right out the gates, I will say that yes, reader is alive in this story. But it's the manner in which reader's alive and again, the reborn theory is interesting and again, possibly not in a way you're expecting. Though it seems rather simple, I will tease that there is... quite a bit more to it than what's at face value.
And I wanna tease this little clue too because it is one of my favourites: It's interesting how the fic's title has a double meaning in plain sight...
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asksavel · 1 year
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"I am not far away if you need me, or my power. you only have to ask. The only thing I will say is this:"
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"I will NOT blow you up."
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"Just keep that in mind, alright?"
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candyn-gutz · 3 months
wheres that im in my villain era <- i asserted boundries post because me as hell rn
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transmechanicus · 5 months
Fuck missing Teeth of God, the price of the ticket buys me two band shirts and doesn’t cost the currency of agony from being locked in a car for 6 hours with my ex and their *******.
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ask-eden · 1 year
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Eden twitches slightly in his sleep once more, Goddess softly nuzzles his side, licking behind his ears once more, like a mother would to a kitten.
Slowly calming the mew's twitching down, Goddess get's some small mewls in reply to her efforts.
Her gaze shifts from soft and motherly to suspicious as she switches between Eden and Dysnomia.
Goddess: You both certainly move a lot in your sleep… don't you…
She once again rests her head on Eden's side, shifting her body to wrap around him a bit more in a attempt to keep him warm.
Her gaze fixated on Dysnomia
Goddess:…. You better not be up to anything… scrawny ribbon…
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the-rayman-show · 5 months
hey rayman jus wanna know were you the guy in the 20,000 credit trenchcoat buying the space dust in the eastside? me personally, i wouldn't be wearing something so nice when im buying some space dust, but that jus me
Huh???? That doesn't sound like me at all- where'd you get that from???
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junjunjunko · 9 months
I just need Eden to know that if she ever needs the blood of a virgin to do a ritual or something me and my 3,705 liters are available and very willing.
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I mean, you said you were willing, anon.
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flo-nelja · 6 months
mind control
I get this one often, because people love me <3 also while it changes the two first are always the same.
Xavier/Magneto (X-men)
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I have read fics with consensual mind control for them that were extremely formative. I also read fics with noncon mind control, though in general they were gen. The last one has happened in canon a few times, though it was often more complicated than that. It's never easy. But damn it works so well for well and there are so many possibilities
2. John/Scorpius (Farscape)
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Nothing beat the horror of John realizing how the mental chip was influencing him, slowly, then too fast. And it was hot too.
3. Doctor/Master (Doctor Who)
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With a Shalka image, because with the Master living in a robot body and unable to leave the TARDIS, there's at least an element of this, but there is potential in both directions and it would be so creepy and this show already has so many mind control plots. I think it might work.
4. Eden/Mohinder (Heroes)
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I used to ship this really hard when I started watching Heroes, and the mind control was canon, and it had unrealized potential. So I spent quite a bit of time looking for fics. ^^
5. Christabel/Geraldine (Coleridge)
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Discovered this ship in a Locked Tomb related accident, and damn, the canon mind control and creepy homoeroticism was everything.
6. Horatio/Lin (Horatio Lyle)
The fact that Horatio has trauma about Tseiqin mind control makes the possibility of this - for plot reasons of for sexy reasons - even more delightful.
7. Jon/Martin (The Magnus Archives)
The universe is good for this, and I've read so many good fics for this, from canon-typical use of compulsion to Web!Martin AU...
8. Sistah Spooky/Mindf**k (Empowered)
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In canon Hannah is too much of a good person to brainwash anything but herself (and it's creepy enough), but she did some invasive-things-you-can-safeword-from in Theresa's mind anyway, and there would be so many possibilities, if the writer had not evilly made them fail to resurrect Hannah.
9. Knives/Legato (Trigun)
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It happened once and of course the power dynamics totally go in the opposite direction, but still, it has fanfic potential.
10. The Gentleman with the Thistledown Hair/Stephen Black (Jonathan Strange and Mister Norrell)
Yes, still here for the creepiest aspects of fairy magic!
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morning-star-joy · 9 months
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
EDEN you lovely soul ty for the bouquet 🥰
1. Emotionally unavailable grumpy stoic old men (fictional)
2. Sanrio characters 💖
3. Going insane when reading fanfiction (like punching the air silently screaming and commentating to myself kind of experience)
4. Roleplay writing! Love it even more than fic writing tbh and it’s helped me grow sm as a writer
5. Daisies!
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
specialagentartemis "John accidentally broke the mon and when he resurrected everyone he just decided to not mention it" is the best TLT theory I didn't know I needed
Fucked up, couldn't fix it, so decided to wipe everyone's minds and gaslight them about it for 10,000 years is his MO in all things. Why not also 'accidentally exploded the moon'.
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suprntralsa · 5 months
@ofbluercses :: continued from here.
He must not recognize me, she realizes. Though to be fair, she wasn't one who spent a lot of time in the spotlight. She tried her best to avoid the paparazzi when she could. Occasionally she might be seen in the tabloids for some rebellious act she did, but that was about it.
A genuine smile spreads across her lips. "You don't know who I am do you?" she asks. Her head tilts to the side, as curiosity fills her gaze. "I'm Pegasus J. Crawford's daughter, Eden." she explains. "I thought I recognized you from an event Mr. Kaiba held that, my father and I attended."
White hair is pushed behind one ear as she stands before him. She's wearing a white polo shirt and a pink plaid skirt. She's also wearing white knee socks and a pair of pink sneakers. "I don't want anything from your boss by the way. I just wanted to say hello." she adds.
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