#( ᴜɴʜᴏᴏᴋ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴀʀs ) ! wishlist
granxaire-a-blog · 8 years
out of fucks to give;; okay but that poly soulmate thing i reblogged last night picture this:
Joly and Boss start writing on their skin to communicate with each other when SURPRISE R throws in his two cents. Sweet poly soulmates being a trio of nerds until: Chetta’s handwriting shows up on J’s and B’s skin, but not R’s. The four of them still bonding super tight and close with each other without ever meeting. J and B corresponding for R and M so that they can all pass messages and wit. BUT surprise surprise, one day R gets a message in handwriting he doesn’t know asking why he’s having conversations with himself? Hello Enjolras, who is also linked to Courf and Ferre but has only recently started getting R’s writing on his skin too and has been confused af because?? ‘I already have you and Courf, Ferre, who tf is this???’ Cue CC and JB(M) teasing E  and R over their new soulmates who they constantly seem to fight with but still end up whining about liking to the others ( which is an effort in futility because I saw that you think I’m funny E fucking @ me )
other sweet qp poly mix ups: Feuilly having Bahorel and Jehan and Enjolras too. Jehan has Ferre and Bahorel who uses them to send dumb jokes to Grantaire and Courf respectively. Courf and Marius link up and Marius also writes to Cosette, who also has Bahorel
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londondanger · 7 years
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monsterparnasse · 7 years
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