#( @atrickything )
wintershieldedheart · 2 years
☆ stiles & margot☆
The Bound Woman: You wake to find yourself handcuffed to a radiator and steps coming down the stairs... verse: teen wolf
☆        it wasn’t the discomfort in her shoulders, the numbness in her wrists, or the noise coming down from down the hall; it was the noise from the person tied up against her back that ultimately made her eyes pop open. Taking in a quick survey of her surroundings, her adrenaline spiked when she realized that she had no idea where she was, and her she forced herself to settle at the notion that she was merely hand cuffed. Clearly, they didn’t know much about her if they thought standard metal handcuffs were going to hold her. Aside from the soreness in her head from where she’d initially been knocked out, Margot was fairly certain that she was okay. 
all she had to focus on now was making sure that both she and Stiles got out of this alive. She wasn’t sure how long they’d been gone, but she had to reckon that his Dad, and hers, were looking for them. Scott, as well, and if she had to guess, he’d have roped in Isaac and Allison at the very least by this point. Outlasting was their best chance at survival, but Margot was ready to fight too. 
which was why her attention snapped solely over to her usual partner in crime. It wasn’t hard for her to figure out who was stuck here with her. ‘ Stiles, ‘ she murmured, trying not to draw anyone’s attention but his. ‘ are you awake? are you alright? ‘ she asked, keeping her tone calm despite the worry she felt. 
however, as she heard footsteps coming up towards them, Margot shut up, preparing herself for anything that came through that door. Instinctively, she reached for his arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze as the door swung open.
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firelightfables-arc · 2 years
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* it’s truly a wonder that you’re still alive. (amara at st. john)
@atrickything​ isn’t wrong on this count...
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St. John spreads his hands out and up, innocent feigned or insisted upon, depending on your vantage point. Fires still crackling behind him and whether asked or not, he was certainly going to give his opinion on. “Amara, darling, you don’t give me nearly enough credit. Certainly you know I’m a bloody hard bloke to kill, by now. Not one to go out in anything less than a blaze of glory, of which this hardly qualifies for.”
A hand moved to his heart, however, patting his chest and ignoring the eddy of fire that swirled over his feet, as if scoffing at him. “Though your concern over my well-being is deeply appreciated.” A wink went with the action. “One might even say you’re taking a fancy to me, Amara, of which I’m flattered, but you just aren’t my type I’m afraid.”
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thebabysittertm · 9 months
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How do you best like to be loved?
touch me with tender truth
you crave being known and held. you just want the warmth and pressure of another body against your own. sometimes, late at night when you're alone in your bed, your skin aches with the lack of touch. you've tried touching yourself, and it isn't the same. one time someone gripped your shoulder and squeezed it in passing, and you thought about it for weeks after - the ghost pressure of their hand lingering. don't you deserve it? consistent physical love and caring? i think so, i think you do. but i also have to ask - do you fear it even as you want? after all, if you get it then it might also be taken away. i hope that if you fear it, you push through past that fear. that you ask for the touch you desire and deserve. i hope that you get touched with love and kindness, wrapped up in warm arms and rocked from side to side until the tension and pain falls away layer by layer and only you are left.
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tagged by: @havvkinsqueen
tagging: @greenscrunchy, @hellmartyr, @atrickything, @knowseverythingaboutyou @v1ctimplagued and whoever else hasn't done it!
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starsinshadows · 2 years
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@atrickything​ is being especially rude today...
     ❛ i can read your fortune. it says you’re a nerd. ❜ (steve, from barb)
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     “Seriously? Pretty sure literally everything on my social resume says the exact opposite,” he pointed out, aware that she wasn’t entirely serious, but also aware that he was being made fun of. “Like you can talk, anyway.”
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lostsouldierbye · 2 years
@atrickything​ :  how many fights have you been in this week? (peter parker)
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‘ Uh, one. Parakeet bit my finger. ’ He holds up said finger, flesh and bone fortunately for the parakeet or it would have broken its beak going for the shiny metal one. He’s healed over by now, of course, so there’s nothing to see but a slightly crooked finger in Spiderman’s face. ‘ Why ? ’
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firelightfables-arc · 2 years
a random starter for Barb at @atrickything​!
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Normally, she was a talker. Everyone knew Robin as always having something to say, even if that something was at times nonsensical and perhaps borderline idiotic. But it was a way to fill the silence and to get people to react, which was better than staring, which was, well, what she found herself doing now.
Not without reason, though. She knew that shock of red hair. Knew it oh so very well not just because they’d gone to school together but because it had been plastered all over town on any number of posters. Missing. Missing. Missing.
Until now.
“Uhhhhhhhh...” Wow, way to go Buckley. Blinking a bit, shaking her head, a finger coming up as if to mark a point. Falling. Starting, then stopping again. “Wait. So.” Glancing around, as if half expecting someone to shout surprise, Robin looked back over at Barb once more and wrinkled her nose. “You’re...back. For reals. This isn’t, like, too many scoops of chocolate espresso beans before close, right? Because I haven’t had that job in forever and also preeeeeeetty sure you’ve been gone for even longer than that.”
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firelightfables-arc · 2 years
steve + vanilla
headcanon meme / accepting
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Vanilla is a flavor that Steve remembers very differently from when he was young.
It's considered a boring choice and there's a reason the expression is the way it is; vanilla is supposedly easy and everywhere and overused. But vanilla and vanillin are vastly different compounds and Steve can't help but be that old person who says things were different in his day.
Because it was.
Vanilla just tasted more...rich. Complex. Not like the artificial stuff that's everywhere today. And while everyone says back then was simpler times they really weren't. In a way, vanilla is a reminder of that. Complexities change, but society is always going to be one of those things that's hard to master.
Plus, Steve just really enjoys the fact that vanilla goes with just about any topping there is.
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firelightfables-arc · 2 years
jim + driving
headcanon meme / accepting
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You might be surprised to discover that Jim actually can drive! He used to own this ugly as sin brown manual Volkswagen Beetle - a convertible! - that he drove around during the late 80s when he was operating as a paranormal P.I.
Clearly, he has no concern for parking where he isn't supposed to!
But he's actually a fairly decent driver, if not perhaps a bit impatient. He'd say that's just the New Yorker in him, however.
These days Jim doesn't have much reason to drive; and after his fourth death in the early 90s he stayed dead for good. He has no idea what happened to the Beetle but he hopes it went on to do great things. Jim still remembers how to drive, however, though he definitely learned on stick and definitely does not understand how computers came to be in cars these days.
Bonus: don't let him touch your GPS screen in your car! Not unless you want a spirit image burned into the screen.
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firelightfables-arc · 2 years
clint + autumn
headcanon meme / accepting
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Is it basic to say that Clint has fond memories of autumn?
Autumn is when it's still warm enough to ride with the windows down; all of seventeen and no fucking license at all but who cares? The fields on either side all look the same - there's no change to anything in the Midwest, not really - but the road is open and the cassette player is pumping. The last of their money has been used on shit food and they'll regret it tonight. But in that moment waves of corn ripple and there's literally nothing to hold them back.
It's a time when the nights are crisp and chilly. You need a sleeping bag to sleep in the truck bed, but a fire does wonders until late in the night. Crackling embers and spitting sparks as they share a jar of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff with the last of the bread. Seeing who knows the cruder version of the joke.
The summer circuit is over in fall and the winter one just starting.
But it's two weeks or so of freedom, where nothing matters. Where an overlook is a worthwhile stop and a lake is something not to be missed. Laughing and skipping stones and for once everything is up to their whims, their mercies, their very own decisions.
Autumn is when Clint used to feel the most free.
It's been a very long time, however, and autumn is most certainly not that anymore. It likely never will be again.
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