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l3irdl3rain · 2 days ago
Does Lazarus meow? Or is he a silent old man
He does meow!! And it’s very funny sounding
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 3 hours ago
thank you for carrying on the legacy of heritageposts (gone but never forgotten)
I was here before heritageposts and I will be here long after
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theinternetarchive · 1 day ago
What image have you posted that has most impacted you?
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this photo is the header for this blog because it amazes me. 1940s drag queens, how beautiful is our long history!!!!
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smallpwbbles · 1 day ago
I took it upon myself and decided to do a frame by frame of these two, I'm so glad I did.
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That was unbelievably hilarious, and I hope his breath didn't stink when that happened 😂
It probably reeks of coffee
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akanemnon · 2 days ago
how do you draw heads and bodys and stuff, specifically for frisk :D
So... I've been drawing these guys for so long, that I don't really break them down into these clean shapes. I just sketch them. But you can still somewhat see the shapes in the sketches. at least I do.
This here is a general visulization to make it easier to understand.
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(Because when I break them down like this without it being sketchy, it turns out a bit weird. They look stiff and not flowy enough...) But it should give you a general idea.
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txttletale · 3 days ago
what’s to incentivize people to make art if not for copyright? you might point out that creatives often don’t own their own work, they are paid a wage by a company who owns the IP. but even still, they are only paid that wage at all because the company is incentivized to pay people to make art that they can sell. in a world with no copyright laws, how would people make money off creative works? in a world where people can’t make money off creative works, would we have any art aside from passion projects? would that be a good thing?
i recognize that i’m probably wrong, but please consider explaining why (even though i know you probably have a really funny dunk on the stupid anon locked and loaded).
i mean, just frankly, i struggle to think of any great work of art that's happened because of the profit motive, rather than because somebody wanted to make it, with the need to monetize it hanging around its neck like an albatross. there's a reason why "cash grab" is a perjorative, innit. i think 'passion project' describes essentially all art that's actually worth a damn -- whether it's a blockbuster film that makes billions or a tgirl's edgy poetry that gets 10 notes, every piece of art that's any good has been made because someone (or several someones) wanted it to exist.
moreover, the world i advocate for is not a capitalist world with copyright laws cleanly snipped out, affecting nothing else, but a socialist world, in which people are free to create art without having to worry about it paying the rent. the entire capitalist mode of production is a decidedly bad thing if you want to see more art, interesting art, thoughtful art, good art!
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loojii · 20 hours ago
Prim's name is like just Prim or is it shorter for Primrose??
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Its just Prim! For now 😤
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kicks0u · 22 hours ago
Im so lesbians for smush
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she is lesbians for u too and thinks ur very epic
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qqueenofhades · 2 days ago
Gotta say, it's heartening to see just how terrible a time these GOP chucklefucks are having. This administration and its cronies are even MORE disastrously incompetent than last time, and that's saying something. Yeah, the next several years are still gonna suck, but at least we can laugh at these shit-for-brains assholes continuing to run head-first into the brick wall of their own incompetence. And perhaps even prevent the worst outcomes.
Honestly, the biggest fear for everyone was that giving the fascists four more years to plan and actually write down all of Project 2025 would mean that they were focused, competent, stone cold driven, ready to actually work to change things for real, and otherwise buckle down and be -- well, if not something approaching competent, at least effective. Or the fear that the American public, being fickle and underinformed at the best of times, would just sit back and let them do it. Because, yknow. Half this godforsaken country did just somehow shrug and vote for the orange monster again, so.
But that said, as I pointed out earlier today, it IS fucking heartening to see that they're the same mean, stupid, chaotic shitbags as ever, they really decided to go for the shock-and-awe LOL WATCH US BLOW EVERYTHING UP!!! approach that has gotten them nothing except turbo-sued and enraged the entire country, they basically united the entire world against Russia and for Ukraine in literally ten minutes yesterday (hope you enjoyed that little clown show, Vladimir!) and furthermore, nobody is afraid of them, which is death to fascists. I often point out that fascists desperately want people to be afraid of them and think they're cool, competent, unstoppable, and suave. They also especially, incredibly, desperately hate being laughed at and mocked. They can't stand it.
As such, the fact that they're just the same as ever except worse, and are not magically more competent (in fact, much worse) and are their own worst enemies, does in fact bode well for our ultimate ability to get through this. They will break shit, they will needlessly alienate friends and allies, they will torment every vulnerable group they can just to be dicks, and all of this was just so avoidable... but. Nobody likes them for it, even the people who deluded themselves into voting for them. They're scared little chickenshits who are having a bad bad time that will only get worse, especially if they actually try to cut Social Security and Medicaid, which is basically the death knell of stupid things to do in American politics. Because they just can't help themselves, but this is really, REALLY not going to work out well for them. It just won't.
As such, when they're already running from the heat ONE MONTH into the Glorious Eternal Rule of King Donald, like the little pissbabies they are, it tells me that there is literally no way they're gonna manage four years of this. They just aren't (and Deo volente Trump will finally have an aneurysm and die facedown in a Big Mac before 2028). To say the least, the 2026 midterms are gonna be interesting, especially if the GOP keeps digging their own grave, and yes.
As I keep saying: things are bad. They will get worse. But these miserable jabronies are just as pathetic and beatable as they have ever been, they did not suddenly get magically competent at being pointlessly evil, the country is showing out with a spirited will to make them suffer immensely for every braindead numbnuts piece of Nazi performative cruelty they attempt and often fail, and in these dark times, every day that we can fight back matters a lot. It’s working and we have gotta keep doing it. Idk about you, but I feel energized by seeing it. So yeah, say it with me:
The end.
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skycowboys · 3 days ago
How would steering a Pegasus work? I see that often when you draw them they don’t have any bridles or reins. I can understand that because you can’t give the pegasi cues to go up or down like that. Is it something on the saddle maybe. Is it more like the dragons in httyd where the rider kind of uses their grip on the saddle and leaning their weight to steer?
Hi! Great question!
Yeah, the main way to steer a pegasus is weight shifting. This is similar to real-life riding where there's seat weight vs stirrup weight, and where that weight is in the saddle speaks volumes to the horse. A rider can give many cues through seat weight, and seat weight is often combined with other cues to execute complex moves. In fact, many horses can be cued with seat and leg cues alone, with no need for bit cues. I'm not against bit cues at all, but I default to seat and leg cues with my own horse because 1) I know he can and 2) the less I can cue his mouth, the softer his mouth is, and when I do cue the mouth, he knows something is important.
In my mind, a pegasus works on that same principle.
A saddle and pilot are positioned like this:
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A pilot sits with their knees on the meaty part of the wing base:
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Another view, including the heel slings, which are important to steering:
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NOW for steering, pilots use their knees, their toes, and sometimes their hands:
Rolling the pegasus, angling the wings up and down, is done all with the knees and pilot weight shifting.
Pitch (nose up and down) is controlled with mostly toe cues, with some weight cues. Toe cues are more subtle.
Yaw (tail side to side) is controlled by a combo of everything, including hands.
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Hope that helps!
~ Larn
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ink-ghoul · 3 days ago
just out of curiosity,
Is Scar asking to continue to have short-shorts in each new skin or were you like "y'know what would be funny?"
Because i can see both happening and i love it either way
Y'all need to give more credit to him, he knows what he's doing
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rarepears · 3 days ago
Top 5 weirdest ways Cang Qiong first met Shen Qingqiu’s husband, Shen Yuan, before Shen Qingqiu was finally willing (forced) to do introductions
1. Found in a Succubi nest taking notes. Liu Qingge was assigned a mission to look for an “abducted young noble or rich person taken by succubus” and tada there was Shen Yuan merrily chatting away with the barely clothed ladies asking a million questions (and also sneaking in some pleas to help him win over his angry spouse)
2. Sighted in a brothel taking notes while interviewing a brothel patron (Tian Langjun in human disguise), Mu Qingfang coming down to town to give free check ups to the local village
3. Coming out of the sect leader’s bedroom - Shang qinghua delivering the budget reports
4. Coming out of Shen Qingqiu’s bedroom holding a large pile of dirty bedsheets. Qi Qingqi just assumed this was a mere servant and paid no mind, going so far as to order for dessert and snacks to be brought to the table and then getting angry when the servant ignored her
5. Walking out of a just killed snake’s mouth covered in blood from stabbing said snake through the mouth Harry Potter style. The peak lord in question just brushed it off as his drunken imagination.
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acerikus · 2 days ago
not a kh fan or a pokemon fan where did the character kidnapping come from. it's fascinating to observe but i'd like to know why
okay so basically, theres a kingdom hearts mobile game called kingdom hearts union cross (khux for short) thats fully lore relevant (now out of service as of 2021) that featured a very very loved character named brain (yes thats actually his name). He looks like this:
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at the end of that game he woke up in a new place we had yet to see and thats pretty much where it left off.
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In 2022, they announced a new mobile game, called missing link. he showed up in the trailer for it, lots of kh mobile game fans were very excited.
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the thing is. we were told the game was releasing last year. we had a closed beta for it early last year and then... nothing. no news. not even an announcement that its been delayed or anything. this particular corner of the fandom has been slowly going more and more insane these past three years. people have been starving for any kingdom hearts news at all for the past three years and brain fans especially seem to have been going insane.
this is a fandom who go completely off the wall bonkers with no news. 'stairposting' was a thing after khux dried up, where everyone talked about their favourite step in a. random flight of stairs in an area of khux. i am not joking. 'stairposting' is a whole-ass tag filled with khux posts almost exclusively, i just grabbed a couple but theres a lot if you search it
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(first post) (second post)
lots of jokes recently about how hes trapped on the balcony he was seen on in the trailer this past week. ive seen 'roofposting' and 'balconyposting' for a while.
enter the new pokemon legends ZA trailer. we got footage of the game for the first time on thursday, as well as getting to see what the protags look like.
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this is the male protag.
all of the missing link fandom has decided this is brain now, that hes finally free from his balcony and decided to fuck off to pokemon france since his game is never coming out.
people were making posts about him being trapped on the balcony THAT MORNING before the announcement, even. and you know what the kicker is?
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they put this fucker on a balcony.
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daily-grian · 15 hours ago
Can he be happy please people keep projecting pain on him but I want him to be happy for a day (also i’m happy so does this count as projecting anyway?)
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today he gets ice cream and a silly hat
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sonic-pja · 2 days ago
Did Shadow actually defy the laws of nature and got Sonic pregnant? Or (this is how my own fan-kid came to be) is Sunny a doom parasite that is supposed to consume it‘s host?
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The first one, yeah, Shadow defied the laws of nature.
How exactly? It's a mystery.......
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