#( &. ooc - 90's bby )
badassxbirdy · 2 years
March Activity Update (Pinned post)
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these (usually) monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. The last few months have been bonkers, so we’ve missed a few. That being the case, this update includes things posted or in drafts for December, January, and February. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping:
I have a biiiiig queue posting over the coming week or so. Thank you all for your patience while I got things sorted. ❤️
If you can’t trim our thread, please let me know so that I can fix it. A lot of my access is on mobile, so the extensions get a bit iffy at times.
I’ve lost the login for Ty’s discord. 🤦‍♀️ If you want to reach me, whether that’s IC or OOC, then tumblr DM’s or Ty’s Wire are the best ways.
My todo list for Ty’s blog is absurdly long, but I’m getting started with updating rpthreadtracker. I’m on a mission to get it updated and check in with folks this week!
Lots of OOC madness happening, but the most positive one is this: I’ve moved! 🥳 After 2+ years of trying, I’m out of the HMO bedroom I’ve been in, and into an accessible flat. Still in my beloved city and actually in a bit more of a convenient location.
I’m much better since my hospital stay. Follow up appointments still to come which I’ll no doubt post about on the ooc sideblog, but overall things are moving in the right direction. Thank you for the kind messages during that alarming few days. ❤️
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (queued) - @demcnsinmymind (and I’ll just be over here crying about Sasha)
Serial killer ghosts (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Making their escape (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Starter from @demonstigma (link)
Jeremy/Jonathan meet Hyde!Ty (queued) - @harkcr
Ty is very confused by Wednesday (queued) - @hvbris
Meeting the Captain (link) - @hvbris
FBI!Fish babysits human!Ty (queued) - @imprvdente
Image meme starter for @indyflanery (queued)
Boring bucket list (link) - @innerwar (Lucius)
Monster encounter (queued) - @lcbcshcart
Demon problems (link) - @magaprima
Ty is angy and Proteus is bby (link) - @nightiingaled
“I was just trying to help” (link) - @normallyxstranger (Casey)
Under pressure (link) - @normallyxstranger (Casey)
“Get down!” (link) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
“Does it still hurt?” (queued) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
“Are you following me?” (link) @normallyxstranger (Jamie)
Low expectations (link) - @normallyxstranger (Jamie)
How many fingers? (link) - @normallyxstranger (Tabitha)
Banishment gone wrong (link) - @normallyxstranger (Victor)
Lost in the compound (queued) - @razorfst
“Guess I’ll drink my sorrows away.” (link) - @sanguinelupus
Kiara to the rescue! (link) - @thatevester
Meeting Teine (link) - @timelxrd-victorious
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Character arc dash game: romance/friendship arc (link)
They’re a 10 but… (link, link, and link)
Da bby is growing up. 🥹 (link)
“BUT WHAT IF YOU’RE PEEING?” (link) (Okay, I take it back, she isn’t growing up that much.)
Holy water + humidifier (link)
Holy water + candles (link)
Teaching Eli about human things be like: (link)
When main!verse Ty gets to let out some of her darker side: 👍👌👌👍👌👀💖 (link)
Peanut the Racoon! Expect him to be riding shotgun in Ty’s car until further notice. (link)
90’s icon on 90’s icon violence ☠️ (link, link, and link)
Ty’s Christmas mischief, featuring gifts and assorted nonsense. (link)
I think that's everything, but if I've missed something then please do let me know. Stay safe, lovely people!
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myheartisbro-ken · 7 years
Hi! 💙 I hope your are doing well. Congrats on the article. The reading will probably be okay. Are you a fast or slow reader? I read rather slowly, especially if I'm enjoying what I'm reading. It sticks with me better that way, but it takes me longer to do things. 😅 My semester ends next week, then have finals period. l'm taking Summer courses tho to get ahead. I get what you mean. I don't party, but around TH and F there's a certain restlessness about some of the students to drink/part. (Pt 1)
Ugh, I hate group work. 😐 Best of luck to you. Maybe your for a decent group. Anyway, I prefer morning courses. I get up at an obnoxiously early time to attend though. I’m fine with it though because it lets me take my courses in a block with out breaks, so once I’m done, I’ll be done for the day. 😥 Probably an unpopular schedule though. Oh, so My Immortal can actually be constructive to writers. That makes sense. It’s what a writer shouldn’t ever do. About JK, I think it’s an attempt (pt 2)(pt 3) Lowkey don’t recall my train of thought..Anyway, wow, I definitely agree with your statements about Lena knowing Kara’s dual identity. Snapper knowing wouldn’t help anything, since he’s too minor a character to do anything useful with information. Lena knowing would create more depth, tension, plot possibilities etc., which is why’d it would be a shame for her to be left in the dark. Also, I feel her not knowing (or at least theorizing Kara’s supergirl) is ooc. I suppose the writers– –haven’t had an issue with that based on what they’ve done to Alex. :-/ Hmph. I’m still so annoyed about that. Partially, because I’m a SuperCorp shipper, but mainly because it’s an insult to Alex’s personality to force her to advocate on Mon El’s behalf. Who was your favorite character from S1, btw? I’d probably go with Kara, but for S2 it’s definitely Lena. Anyway, yes Lena looks so amazing in the trailer! Heh, I intended it to be a soft FMK…I was going to make it all Katie, but wasn’t–(4)–words, words, something, but wasn’t going to be that cruel to you. (Hopefully that fit with my previous thing). Smh, you’ve no qualms though do you? ;-) I’m kidding. Your answers were well thought out…even though you didn’t kill anyone. I can’t blame you though. I don’t think Red K! Kara is all that bad, but she’s definitely intimidating, so is Kate. Anyway, let’s see FMK: Lena, Morgana,and Kate… :-/ 3 M'kay, that’s hard, especially since I love them all and ship SuperCorp. (5 TBC)–words, words, something, but wasn’t going to be that cruel to you. (Hopefully that fit with my previous thing). Smh, you’ve no qualms though do you? ;-) I’m kidding. Your answers were well thought out…even though you didn’t kill anyone. I can’t blame you though. I don’t think Red K! Kara is all that bad, but she’s definitely intimidating, so is Kate. Anyway, let’s see FMK: Lena, Morgana,and Kate… :-/ 3 M'kay, that’s hard, especially since I love them all and ship SuperCorp. (5 TBC)(6) Uh, let’s see. I’m going to assume they are all brought to current times, so the 21st century. I would marry Morgana. You know what? I’d marry Morgana S1 or S5 because I’ve so many emotions for her and what she went through. I’d want her to know someone would be on (*cough* and by *cough*) her side. Also, she has magic that’s cool, but not the point. I don’t really want Supergirl to kill me or be sad. I wouldn’t kill Lena as of now; she’s not done anything wrong. Also, her company is (TBC)(8?) So, yes: M:Morgana, F: Lena, K: Kate. Hmm, I see yours and raise you: FMK: Lucy, she’s a vampire now but has some control over it | Kara Danvers, more so S1 in personality, but she’s still elects to become a reporter and encourages you | Lena, before she met Kara and is still learning to be a CEO…I guess that’s a younger!Lena? Idk. Okay, that should work. I hope you have a good day and night. Do you read comics? I don’t, but was curious if you did. U seem to know some lore. :-)
Heyyy! I’m not so sure I’m a fast or slow reader, it depends on my state of mind, if I take my meds and external interruptions. Usually I can read pretty fast if it’s something I’m interested in but I tend to miss things and have to read it again, with school things I’m the worst. I still have things from last year that I never got around to read and one of them was about superman (I miss studying cinema because we could have an entire class about superman and co and then write fanfiction of the world as an activity). We don’t have summer classes here, that sounds interesting, it’d be nice to get ahead, also it’s about to be winter here so after July we’ll get maybe a month off and then it’s back to being unresponsible adults. I’ve nothing against drinking and partying, I like drinking (parties are usually weird but sometimes it’s cool) but don’t freaking leave class to do it, go after the class, how disrespectful is it to leave the poor teacher there waiting 20 minutes to see if the rest of the class will show up or they’ll have to do with six or seven people? Also you pay over 1.000 bucks a month to study and you don’t give a shit about being in class? it’s throwing money away and it’s disrespectful to whoever is paying school, even if that someone is yourself. I’m not those kids that say you should only do what’s right and never skip class never drink or do anything because you have to study instead of throwing your life away. But school is expensive and respect is something you should have for everyone (unless someone is a jerk, because it’s not murder if the person is a jerk…jk)
I never liked studying in the mornings but it’s sort of better, however, my classes only exist at night, there is morning journalism classes, but it’s in another neighborhood and we have to cross the bridge and there’s no cool campus. I like my campus.
group projects are the worst. They end friendships, they end marriages, they end happiness, they lead to murder… it’s never fun. I always imagine that scene with the guy getting pizza and coming back to the place on fire and people bleeding, or that one from Mean Girls with the fighting over Aaron Samuels in animal style. Those are the only representations of group projects that are realistic.
I love how you just started to talk about JK, had two words in and
Honestly Alex has been so ooc this season it’s almost sad. No offense to Sanvers, but I think even that relationship is a bit ooc. Not the fact that there is a relationship but how it is being handled. Not gonna go into it cuz I don’t want to rant here. but I would ship Sanvers if they had put a bit more of effort into getting them together not ‘I don’t want a baby gay rn, so let’s be friends. PSYCHE I just got shot in the most harmless area of my entire body, let's make out!’
The same Alex that thought James wasn’t good enough for Kara and decked Maxwell Lord for existing would never make excuses for someone that is basically the dumb alien version of Lord with worse hair and more aggression and more pretending to be a #goodguy who’s just trying so hard and changed because after 9 months on earth as a grown man he decided to read a book, feed himself and clean his own mess… or pretend to clean his own mess while Kara actually does it and he just sits there and says she’s annoying because she doesn’t want to run away from her problems. (hey look, ranting… she said with surprise in her voice for some reason)
My favorite character was definitely Cat… and Kara. Both at the same time, I can’t choose between them, please don’t make me. and now it’s Lena… and still Kara even though she’s basically dead inside and that girl who cries because her boyfriend is moving away and it will destroy her life because that person she knows nothing about and met 9 months ago when he tried to kill her and has been lying to her and shoving her self-esteem down ever since is apparently the most important person in her life and she can’t live without him. he cooked her breakfast so he can’t move away and face his responsibilities, she’s the best thing he’s ever known, not person, thing. That woman in the best thing… god, this is so gross I cannot continue even to joke about this. so yeah, Kara is SUPER ooc this season, but I still love her and have faith she will recover from this terrible illness and come back to us, I miss her.
Yes! I would totally still marry Morgana even season 5 Morgana. poor thing just needs a hug and a friend to tell her she’s not a monster for being born different. I might start crying now so I’ll change topics. 
Definitely Marry Kara, no questions asked. Fuck Lena because, I mean, just look at her. And Kill Lucy, my poor bby, but she’s a vampire so she has to go, control or not, ‘vegetarian’ vampires are dumb.
I do read comics, not as much as I’d like, but I also watched all of the DC cartoons (minus Legion because it looks dumb) most of Smallville and Lois & Clark and when I want to know some more I read about the storylines and all, like even when I don’t read the comic itself, I read about the comic. I won’t say I know all about everything, but I can hold my ground, I guess, I’m also not above admitting I don’t know/haven’t read enough about one subject/character and reading about that on one of the sites I trust. Also watched a lot of Marvel cartoons and most of the movies aaaand I read a lot of Marvel comics, specially Balck Widow, Hawkeye, and Young Avengers.
Did you watch any superhero cartoons? They were a pretty big deal in the 90′s and early 2000′s.
Hope you have a great day and night 💙😊
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