#( save ) / ▼ create new save file ?
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himeofshyness · 18 days ago
When you think you've finally settled on the NPC you want to marry, but then you meet another interesting character and suddenly want to pursue them too. You’re curious about their story, but your heart won’t let you divorce your current spouse—so you start a new save file. Then another. Each one with a different farmer OC, each with their own love interest and story. Before you know it, you've built an entire farming game world where your OCs coexist. And now, every time you find another NPC attractive, you have to create yet another OC, complete with a backstory, personality, and design… until it becomes a full-blown creative headache. 😵
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tjerra14 · 3 months ago
I'm not sure how much you're into Horizon lately, but I've been on an Inatut kick lately so I read through everything on my blog about him, which led me to reading everything on your blog about him. 😆 I just want to take this moment to thank you for creating Inatut Vanguardsman. Not a day has gone by since I saw you first post that without me thinking about it. Whenever my horizon fic reaches the end of zero dawn/ the beginning of forbidden west I will 100% be using that. And of course I will be including Ikrie two days late with starbucksTM in your honor <3
Horizon lives rent-free in my head 24/7 and while I currently might not be yelling as loudly as usual about it on main, the Remaster definitely hasn't done anything about it except make it so, so much worse
I'm... fairly sure someone else brought up Inatut Vanguardsman first but let me tell you, the idea has burrowed itself deeply into my mind and personal headcanon and it has been an honour to share and infect you with that particular bug
You can bet I will be all over that fic 👀👀👀
also have a pic of the one and only
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blue-tearss · 4 months ago
Mmmhm. Yeah thats what I was figuring, so as you were saying about blue's awareness- so we knew where he was and what he was doing, my question is, what went wrong?
And. Well, followup question because I don't think you'd mind a two-in-one
Why do you think that about him? Bet it's a long story but I can sit and listen to the list of complaints you have about the boy you fostered.
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[ He disappears, and the screen goes black. ]
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BLUE feels a grin cross his face as he completes the trip to Cinnabar. Yes! He had taught his Blastoise SURF, and now he had finally been able to get to the island—and more specifically, to Blaine.
He watches eyes linger on him as he passes by, but even though his thoughts lead him straight to the POKEMON mansion, he feels himself walking to Cinnabar's coast instead. Huh, okay. Follow your heart!
[ "Poseidon!" ] BLUE calls, letting the POKEMON out of it's Pokéball. It lets out a garbled shriek of joy in reply, nuzzling against his hand, and BLUE grins. [ "Come on, I just saw you 2 minutes ago! Anyway, I heard there's some mean Tentacool on the coast, so you know what to do! " ]
Blastoise, named Poseidon, apparently, nods determinedly, hopping into the water lining the edge of Cinnabar and sitting patiently as BLUE climbs on.
The water seems to buzz with a sort of uneasy electricity, as if a million Jolteons were underwater, rubbing against each other. BLUE snorts at the thought as Poseidon speeds forward to the edge of island, and BLUE peers forward and squints into the water, but he can't see anything. No ripples, no bubbles, no sign of Wild Pokémon at all. Nothing except the off- buzzing sound as he leans forward, and he frowns. That's odd...
BLUE considers dipping his hand into the water, but then realized that if, somehow, it is a bunch of Jolteons or other Electric type Pokémon creating the strange current, he would definitely be in trouble if he touched it. So, using his very real common sense, thankyouverymuch, he sits back up, and allows Blastoise to speed back to the other end of the coast, which yields the same results.
[ Even as he repeats the action 2, 3, 5 times, there is oddly enough no desire to stop. ]
It's the 8th time, and they're on the end closer to Pokémon mansion, mostly blocked from view, when it appears.
It's everything. It's nothing. It's Magikarp. It's Arceus. It's GRAMPS. It's RED.
The POKEMON's (??????) cry is piercing, driving straight into his brain with a pain that has to be unnatural. BLUE opens his mouth, but no sound comes out, words fizzing out in his throat.
(A name comes to mind, slips away just as quick. Warnings from RED. Warnings from that dark-haired boy. )
Whatever it is, it latches onto his fear. BLUE can make out shapes—fossils, bones, a ghost, Red, his mother and father—but he can't figure out the name for it. He can't remember. He can't remember. He can't remember. He sees a Masterball in his hand, and the fear only grows. When did he get that? Even so, he throws it. .. ... .... Success! M?ISSINGⁿO. was caught!. .BLUE whited out. . . . . ( MISSINGNO locks nonexistent eyes on BLUE. ) ( BLUE feels his heart rate jolt up, and he clutches at his chest. Shuts his eyes, tightly, gasps for air. ) ( Goes through the motions, as one would say. ) ( The thing shifts. ) ( A familiar face smiles at him. A red jacket, lined with soft wool. One leather glove, reaching out. ) ( Familiar maroon eyes, pitch black and stormy with corruption. ) ( Contact is made, and BLUE catches fire. ) . . . Your save data has been corrupted. Start a New Game? >Yes. --BLUE wakes up, and his eyes adjust quickly to the bright lights of his room. He huffs as he stretches, vaguely dreading having to go to GRAMPS and get his Pokémon. On top of that, his head hurts. Like, a lot. He tries to figure out why, and he only can dredge up the taste of saltwater, and the sound of waves crashing against a coast.
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( ..You have the feeling that pointing out the name mistake would be pointless here.)
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( A sharp sound cuts through the silence, and your hands fly to your ears at the sudden volume. The Gameboy's screen is a mess of garbled graphics. )
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( ... Professor Oak returns a second later. )
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( Green ? ? )
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( ... Right. Once he became self aware, he'd realize he was missing a lot of memories, right? From before the game, as well as before the incident. )
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( ... )
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greyias · 7 months ago
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They lived! (mostly)
Bandit fight went well for the most part. Eliana accidentally turned herself into a sheep, but then she got better. She barded her way inside with a pitch perfect halfling impression, they cleaned up Withers' house for him, then tralala'd their way into the secret enclave tunnel where one of Eli's rangers oh so helpfully tried to disable a statue's laser vision with an arrow, which made the statue super mad, and then it immolated Eliana as her party fled outside, and proceeded to have delightful banter as she died ignobly on the floor. I did not get screenshots of this, unfortunately.
But since no TPK was had, Honor Mode was still active! Pretty Boy Elf Ranger (who is her boyfriend in their alternate incarnation) snuck back in, used a revivify scroll on her, and then had to haul her up like two times as they fled from the angry statue. This experience is actually pretty close to her antics in the TTRPG space so… score one for accuracy I guess?
They managed to actually take out the little goblin ambush inside by coming from the other direction, luring the goblins into range of the statues by use of many cats and minor illusions (RIP all the kitties), and used their HANDS to deactivate the angry laser statues.
As they still had some spell slots leftover I was like "we should get them in just a little more trouble before sleeps!" Then proceeded to wander into the Blighted Village, and Eliana succefully convinced them she was there to write everyone's life story. She passed every single persuasion check inside, including when she faced off against three ogres by herself.
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Exhausted of easy potential fights to run through, I sent everyone back to camp to have a well-earned sleeps.
That was where the trouble began.
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Because now there's a possibility my Honor Mode run has ended, not because of a TPK, but because everyone got stuck in a long rest after fucking Astarion decided to try snacking on Eli.
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The Googs has failed me on all solutions, so I might have a soft locked save file here, which stinks because she and the others were doing so GOOD! I'll have to keep looking through mods to see if I can install one that maybe will help rouse my 3 rangers 1 bard gang from their eternal slumber
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for now rest my children you earned it
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waloeders · 1 year ago
prompt: ➼ “Stop smothering me, you dumbass.” “It’s to make up for the lack of hugs in all these years in your life when I wasn’t there!”
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summary: sleipnir comes back after a mission and reflects a little on how life has changed because of kosmos
ship: sleipnir harbard/kosmos
setting: the hideaway (seen up above!)
notes: so i slightly adapted this prompt for sleipnir :3 its set a while after the reverie events and a few...other things. but dw abt it, its fine. basically a drabble that technically fits into the whole timeline eventually
words: 704
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"stop smothering me, wretched thing." he mumbled out the last part, voice slightly muffled by a mess of black hair. sleipnir sighed, rolling his eyes at the younger mans behaviour, and slipped his arms around their waist, "must you do this whenever we are reunited?"
they hummed, nuzzling into his chest and giving him a soft squeeze. similar to his King, sleipnir was always much warmer than him, as if the aether keeping the egi alive was burning through him at every moment, churning away like a runaway train.
ryder glanced up and found what they often did when giving him affection: despite all the feigned complaining and grumbling, sleipnirs' eyes had slipped close, his head resting on their own. a soft smile had even began to settle.
"of course - it's to make up for the lack of hugs before you met me." he chuckled a little, closing his eyes as he leant back against the egi, and his voice turned to a private whisper, "besides, i missed you... i miss you every time you're away."
the lord commander snorted, quickly placing a kiss on their forehead, and pulled away. one hand remained on their waist, squeezing gently, as the other reached up to cup their cheek, making them face him.
for a moment, he held them there, eyes flickering back and forth over their features, and he smirked as they leant into his palm.
"i suppose i am fortunate then, to be missed so." sleipnir hummed, tapping their nose with his finger, "come, i am sure you have much to tell me - i understand there was some matter otto had to resolve?"
"oh, right!"
the egi resisted the urge to laugh at their chatter, as he lead them back to their shared room, arm still lingering around their waist. since the events at the reverie, being separated from ryder was rare for him - on His Majesty's orders.
and now, returning to them, he was grateful for it; time away from them, even from the hideaways' inane, daily misgivings, bored him more than he cared to admit.
at first, it had been an inconvenience, an annoyance, to be at the young man's side daily. sleipnir was always happy to carry out his Leiges' orders and did so with an efficiency that he was proud of - questioning an order had never occurred to him, but even this had given him pause.
it was only after kosmos' emergence as a separate entity to the man he knew, after that unpleasant business in rosaria and an extended mission away from them (and the hideaway) that it had struck him: he had enjoyed it. he had enjoyed 'babysitting' ryder - as the man himself had put it.
it wasn't often that sleipnir found himself surrounded by non-dominants, in the whims and goings of their everyday lives. even when he was in diplomatic proceedings with the other nations, speaking with those who were neither dominants nor bearers, it was always with men in power.
men with demands, desires, wants - wills run amok. the hideaway and its' people were nothing like them.
ryder was nothing like them.
and with the uncovered knowledge of ultima's deception, of other beings from this supposed superior species, who opposed their once Lord, sleipnir found it hard to deny that perhaps there was more to reality - to humanity, than he once believed.
"sleipnir?" he hummed, glancing down to the man caught up in his thoughts, who was staring up at him behind those familiar glasses, "lost in thought?"
"tormented." the egi joked, fingers rubbing circles into their waist, "you were saying?"
he watched as their eyebrows furrowed, concern drawing their face, but they tutted instead.
"i told cid i'd help maeve - she's that new apprentice in the kitchen - get some ingredients. wanna come hunting?"
"you have been hunting without me?"
"i can ask gav if you'd rather stay here-" ryder began to say, a teasing tone slipping in.
"i shall, of course, accompany you, love."
they laughed, nudging his side, "thought you might."
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teehees a little,,, ty for readin!
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duckapus · 2 years ago
Instead of an Admin being the one to attempt resetting Emmy, it's Something Else. An Ancient program that long predates any Admin, the last of its kind that's only lasted so long because its adapted to the point of being unrecognizable as whatever it started out as. But it never forgot its purpose; to Optimize by removing unintended or unnecessary programs, and as far as its protocols are concerned an accidentally developed consciousness is just a drain on the already limited resources of an old heavily modded Nintendo 64 game.
Unfortunately, the Anomaly happens to be far more complex and ingrained than what it expected, so after its failed attempt at purging her it has to slip into the shadows and Observe, learning more about both its target and the frankly abysmally run(in its limited capacity for opinions) Administrator Programs and their strange fixation on the Creators' "Memes."
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aria0fgold · 11 months ago
I got waaaay too attached to my farmer in Stardew Valley that I can't play a new save without them and I also didn't want to just create the same character (It'll confuse me...) but I really wanna try out the meadowlands farm. So instead, I decided to create a storyline in which my dear farmer dies, reincarnates, and proceeds to dye and style their hair in the same way it was in the past life.
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pxlheaux · 2 years ago
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my newest sim, jodi. i'm so in love with her face.
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cashygophones · 3 months ago
Sell Your Old Laptop in Bangalore for Instant Cash
Selling your old laptop in Bangalore has never been easier. Whether upgrading to a new device or decluttering, you can get instant cash in exchange for your unused laptop. Here’s how you can make it happen seamlessly.
Why Sell Your Old Laptop?
Laptops lose value over time, and holding onto unused devices can clutter your space. Selling your old laptop allows you to:
Earn extra money instantly.
Upgrade to better technology.
Contribute to eco-friendly recycling efforts.
Where to Sell Old Laptops in Bangalore?
Bangalore offers several options for selling old laptops. You can choose the one that best fits your needs:
1. Online Platforms
Websites like OLX, Cashify, and Quikr make selling laptops simple. Create a listing, set your price, and connect with buyers in your area.
2. Cash-for-Gadgets Services
Services like CashyGo specialize in offering cash for old electronics. They provide quick quotes and hassle-free transactions, making them a top choice in Bangalore.
3. Local Shops and Marketplaces
Bangalore’s local electronic shops or marketplaces like SP Road can offer competitive prices for used laptops. Visit them to negotiate in person.
How to Prepare Your Laptop for Sale
1. Backup Your Data
Save your essential files on an external drive or cloud storage before selling your laptop.
2. Factory Reset the Device
Restore your laptop to factory settings to remove personal data and make it ready for the next user.
3. Clean and Package It Properly
A clean and well-maintained laptop creates a better impression and fetches a higher price.
Benefits of Choosing CashyGo in Bangalore
CashyGo is a reliable option for selling laptops in Bangalore. Here’s why:
Quick Cash Payments: Get instant cash upon selling.
Fair Price Evaluation: They assess the condition and brand of your laptop to offer the best value.
Convenience: Avoid the hassle of negotiating with multiple buyers.
Top Brands That Sell Well
If you own a laptop from top brands like Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple, or Asus, you’re likely to get a better resale value. These brands are in high demand due to their quality and durability.
Tips for Getting the Best Price
Highlight Features: Mention specifications like RAM, processor, and screen size in your listing.
Be Honest: Disclose any defects or issues to build trust with buyers.
Compare Offers: Don’t settle for the first offer; compare rates from multiple sources.
Final Thoughts
Selling your old laptop in Bangalore is a smart way to declutter, earn cash, and embrace sustainable practices. Choose a reliable service like CashyGo to ensure a smooth and rewarding experience.
Take the first step today and turn your old laptop into instant cash!
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#Selling your old laptop in Bangalore has never been easier. Whether upgrading to a new device or decluttering#you can get instant cash in exchange for your unused laptop. Here’s how you can make it happen seamlessly.#Why Sell Your Old Laptop?#Laptops lose value over time#and holding onto unused devices can clutter your space. Selling your old laptop allows you to:#Earn extra money instantly.#Upgrade to better technology.#Contribute to eco-friendly recycling efforts.#Where to Sell Old Laptops in Bangalore?#Bangalore offers several options for selling old laptops. You can choose the one that best fits your needs:#1. Online Platforms#Websites like OLX#Cashify#and Quikr make selling laptops simple. Create a listing#set your price#and connect with buyers in your area.#2. Cash-for-Gadgets Services#Services like CashyGo specialize in offering cash for old electronics. They provide quick quotes and hassle-free transactions#making them a top choice in Bangalore.#3. Local Shops and Marketplaces#Bangalore’s local electronic shops or marketplaces like SP Road can offer competitive prices for used laptops. Visit them to negotiate in p#How to Prepare Your Laptop for Sale#1. Backup Your Data#Save your essential files on an external drive or cloud storage before selling your laptop.#2. Factory Reset the Device#Restore your laptop to factory settings to remove personal data and make it ready for the next user.#3. Clean and Package It Properly#A clean and well-maintained laptop creates a better impression and fetches a higher price.#Benefits of Choosing CashyGo in Bangalore#CashyGo is a reliable option for selling laptops in Bangalore. Here’s why:
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trash-opposum · 7 months ago
A game where the choices you make matter hmmmm??
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What Video Game/ Genre The Hashira's Play- Demon Slayer
a/n: just a silly idea bc my head is filled with gaming brainrot esp dress to impress
any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy! <3
genre: silly
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He's honestly a chill gamer and mostly just there to have fun and make friends. But never really chats with anybody unless someone talks to him first.
He duo's with Sabito a lot on games. Whatever games Sabito recommends to play, he'll play it. Sabito mostly carries him in FPS ( first person shooter ) games.
One time Sanemi and Obanai were on the enemy team and they won. He would be confused on why they would curse him out every time in the chat saying he was to 'easy' or that he sucks.
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Plays a lot of video games especially during his childhood. He would share his DS or Gameboy with Genya a lot during their childhood.
Mainly plays FPS games or any combat games. Literally anything competitive.
Mostly duo with Obanai in FPS games. He would curse Giyu out with Obanai anytime they would be on the opposing team.
Tries to play with Genya and he tries his best to not rage but eventually he does either at the game or at Genya. Ironically tells Genya not to play games like that anymore because people in the lobby can be toxic.
Would get in trouble a lot from yelling so much at the game at night.
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Has played Overcooked with Mitsuri many times. He does not yell at her at all and is super patient when they do not get any stars on the hard levels. They would plan strategies together on how to defeat a level.
Sometimes plays FPS games but only when Sanemi asks him to get on. Will type mean things in chat with Sanemi whenever he sees Giyu on the opposite team.
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Has so much fun playing overcooked with Obanai and they are so close to finishing the game. Would make comments about how if she were to drop food in her restaurant she would not serve it to her customers or how she would love to make a recipe like that in real life.
She would play cooking games like Cooking Mama or Good Pizza, Great Pizza. Would literally give a generous amount of toppings on Good Pizza, Great Pizza and would already have 5 stars in her restaurant.
Plays other games like Episode or The Sims or Just Dance. Would have the cutest family in the coziest home that she made on The Sims. She would also be really good on Just Dance.
She would also play Otome games because men irl suck and Obanai won't confess to her yet.
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He would be really good in Osu! or any rhythm game. Has also played Fortnite Festival and has the top score in all his friends lists.
Duo with Rengoku often in FPS games. He would also have a big ego when playing any competitive match. "I'm a god in this game"
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Plays a couple FPS games and duos with Tengen.
Plays with his little brother and helps carry him in any game he needs. Usually just loves to spend time with his little brother and plays whatever game he wants.
Played with Sanemi and Obanai a couple times. Sanemi would yell in the mic and have his ears ringing so Rengoku wouldn't notice how loud he actually talks on the mic until Sanemi yells at him.
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Not the biggest fan of playing video games on her free time.
I don't know why but I think she could have fun playing horror games or likes playing chill games like Stardew Valley.
She tried to play an FPS game and played the role as a healer and never picked up the game ever again.
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Would have a hand me down of a DS or gameboy and have loved video games every since.
Have played a lot of video games and plays a lot of games that are trending.
Right now he plays a lot of Minecraft and Roblox.
Teaches the Kamaboko Squad on how to play. They would have a realm and try to beat the enderdragon together.
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He's blind but I feel like the kids would include him in an game they play. I feel like he would like playing story games where choices matter. He would carefully pick the choices and actions so he can save all the characters.
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nausallien · 28 days ago
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Today marks 25 years of The Sims. Since EA forgot TS3 exists, I’m releasing the entire The Sims 3 Store as an Anniversary Gift. It's all pre-installed and works flawlessly!
It comes with all available fixes and collection folders I’ve personally created for every set. You'll get over 5000 new Buy/Build and CAS items, 11 new worlds, and tons of new gameplay!
Go to "Documents/Electronic Arts" and rename the "The Sims 3" folder (or move it).
Create a new folder and name it "The Sims 3" (or whatever the name is in your language).
Extract the contents of the ZIP file in "The Sims 3." Now launch the game.
You'll have to adjust your setting again. Don't forget to disable the in-game Store so you don't get duplicates.
Quit the game. Copy the "Saves" folder from the folder you have previously renamed. You can also copy your Mods and CC in package format.
Never copy over or overwrite the DCCache folder.
If you have content installed through the Launcher (Sims3Pack), you'll have to reinstall it.
I strongly recommend you don't install things through the Launcher from now. It already has a lot of content and it is a known fact the Launcher becomes more and more unstable the more content it has to handle.
Since the entire Store has been decrapified, if you want to install lots or world that contain Store content, you'll have to decrapify those too using MATY's TS3 Recompressor.
If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to me. I've put a lot of effort into making the installation process as smooth and straightforward as possible. Dag Dag!
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leveragehunters · 4 months ago
CoPilot in MS Word
I opened Word yesterday to discover that it now contains CoPilot. It follows you as you type and if you have a personal Microsoft 365 account, you can't turn it off. You will be given 60 AI credits per month and you can't opt out of it.
The only way to banish it is to revert to an earlier version of Office. There is lot of conflicting information and overly complex guides out there, so I thought I'd share the simplest way I found.
How to revert back to an old version of Office that does not have CoPilot
This is fairly simple, thankfully, presuming everything is in the default locations. If not you'll need to adjust the below for where you have things saved.
Click the Windows Button and S to bring up the search box, then type cmd. It will bring up the command prompt as an option. Run it as an administrator.
Paste this into the box at the cursor: cd "\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun"
Hit Enter
Then paste this into the box at the cursor: officec2rclient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.17726.20160
Hit enter and wait while it downloads and installs.
VERY IMPORTANT. Once it's done, open Word, go to File, Account (bottom left), and you'll see a box on the right that says Microsoft 365 updates. Click the box and change the drop down to Disable Updates.
This will roll you back to build 17726.20160, from July 2024, which does not have CoPilot, and prevent it from being installed.
If you want a different build, you can see them all listed here. You will need to change the 17726.20160 at step 4 to whatever build number you want.
This is not a perfect fix, because while it removes CoPilot, it also stops you receiving security updates and bug fixes.
Switching from Office to LibreOffice
At this point, I'm giving up on Microsoft Office/Word. After trying a few different options, I've switched to LibreOffice.
You can download it here for free: https://www.libreoffice.org/
If you like the look of Word, these tutorials show you how to get that look:
If you've been using Word for awhile, chances are you have a significant custom dictionary. You can add it to LibreOffice following these steps.
First, get your dictionary from Microsoft
Go to Manage your Microsoft 365 account: account.microsoft.com.
One you're logged in, scroll down to Privacy, click it and go to the Privacy dashboard.
Scroll down to Spelling and Text. Click into it and scroll past all the words to download your custom dictionary. It will save it as a CSV file.
Open the file you just downloaded and copy the words.
Open Notepad and paste in the words. Save it as a text file and give it a meaningful name (I went with FromWord).
Next, add it to LibreOffice
Open LibreOffice.
Go to Tools in the menu bar, then Options. It will open a new window.
Find Languages and Locales in the left menu, click it, then click on Writing aids.
You'll see User-defined dictionaries. Click New to the right of the box and give it a meaningful name (mine is FromWord).
Hit Apply, then Okay, then exit LibreOffice.
Open Windows Explorer and go to C:\Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\wordbook and you will see the new dictionary you created. (If you can't see the AppData folder, you will need to show hidden files by ticking the box in the View menu.)
Open it in Notepad by right clicking and choosing 'open with', then pick Notepad from the options.
Open the text file you created at step 5 in 'get your dictionary from Microsoft', copy the words and paste them into your new custom dictionary UNDER the dotted line.
Save and close.
Reopen LibreOffice. Go to Tools, Options, Languages and Locales, Writing aids and make sure the box next to the new dictionary is ticked.
If you use LIbreOffice on multiple machines, you'll need to do this for each machine.
Please note: this worked for me. If it doesn't work for you, check you've followed each step correctly, and try restarting your computer. If it still doesn't work, I can't provide tech support (sorry).
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wincerind · 1 year ago
getting the minecraft itch again
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lucrezianoin · 1 month ago
How to bookbind your fanfic!
Part 1: From AO3 to printing
The necessary first step is turning your AO3 fanfic into booklets. Your whole book will be a bunch of booklets piled on top of each others and stitched together.
Booklet examples:
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Btw, this is the official Word tutorial on how to make a booklet.
You can see there are different options. I usually do 8 pages, which is what you will see in the video. This means that a booklet of 8 pages is two sheets of paper, printed front and back, folded and one put inside the other. To have your word pages in the correct order you will need to format your word document.
Everything is in the video but here is the text for easy reading (btw the fanfic I used is Exit by schwutthing, an amazing Valjean/Javert fic)
Do not download the fanfic on AO3. Click on "Entire work" and copy paste it on word.
Format your word document. Click on File-> Margins. Select "Multiple pages: Book fold" and "Sheets per booklet: 8". Put "Gutter" to 1cm.
Double click on the empty area just above your text, on a random page of the document. This will make the "Do not download the fanfic on AO3. Click on "Entire work" and copy paste it on word.
Format your word document. Click on File-> Margins. Select "Multiple pages: Book fold" and "Sheets per booklet: 8". Put "Gutter" to 1cm.
Double click on the empty area just above your text, on a random page of the document. This will make the "Header and Footer" option appear. You can click on "Footer" and select the format for the pages' number. Always add the pages number, it will make your life easier.
Now you can justify your book. I usually justify (select all text with CTRL+A and click on Justify), but keep in mind that some documents might not enjoy passing through "justify" so double check your final document. For example, if there are lines of poetry and the author wrote into the next line without starting a new paragraph the justify option will make it weird.
Make your book pretty! I added some illustrations and blank pages. I also made the title of the fanfic bigger.
Fix the chapters' titles and notes. I clicked on Home-> Find and searched for "Chapter", so I could select on each chapter title and make it bold, and also delete the "Chapter text" added just after. You can do the same with "notes" in case you want to delete notes.
Now it is time to print! I prefer to save in pdf before, so I will do that.
Click on print
Select "Microsoft print to pdf"
Select "Manually print on both sides"
This will create two different files pdf, one for the front pages, and one for the back pages.
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Click on the file for the front pages and print them all. Do not panic if you see the pages number all over it.
Now take your printed (only on one side) block of pages and load it into your printer again, making sure that you will now print on the blank back. Open your back pages pdf file and print.
(you can do a trial with a few pages to see if everything is lining up correctly).
"Click on print
Select "Microsoft print to pdf"
Select "Print on one side"
This will create a single pdf that you can print on your both-sides printer. You will see that the page are not in the order you had on the word document, but the whole file will start with page 8 (see video).
Now print!
What you want is this:
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You can see that on the front you have page 8 first, page 1 after, because when folded it will end up with page 1 at the start of your booklet! And on the back of this first sheet you have 7 and 2, that will end up in the correct position.
Now you will have a lot of pages... time to fold and create your booklet! Every two sheets... you will fold as you see above.
Next post will be specifically about folding the booklet, making the holes and sewing them together.
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simkhira · 2 months ago
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New Year, New Save File ✨
Simkhira’s Small Town Save File is inspired by my little hometown in Southeast, USA. For this save, I wanted to create a world that caters to all of my favorite gameplay styles (country core, university core, legacy core, etc.) in a nostalgic way that made sense to me. Over the past couple of months, I have been able to transform Willow Creek into something that I am really proud of. I hope you all enjoy the lots, the backstories, and the small town political lore just as much as I do.
Please continue reading for more details and download information:
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What’s Included in Version 1:
Willow Creek
21 Lots (5 Community Lots / 16 Move-In Ready Residential Lots)
17 Households (50 Sims / 64 including animals)
All of the Sims have relevant careers, skills, lifestyles, public reputations, likes and dislikes, gender preferences, romance preferences, turn ons and turn offs, relationship dynamics, defined walkstyles, and defined voices.
Disclaimer: I own all of the EP's, GP's, SP's, and Kits.
Custom Content (Included):
This save file contains 1GB worth of custom content. I have included these files in the download to save any hassle. If the game opens and says you are missing content, no you are not. I have play-tested this save file using only the files included and did not find any issues.
Required Mods (Included):
More Selectable Icons Mod by @zerbu
Willow Creek Clickable Mod by @awingedllama
Working Elevators Everywhere Mod by @littlemssam 
21 Calendar Days Instead of 28 Mod by @littlemssam 
The calendar mod allows the game to have 12 weeks in a “year”. So, each week is a “month” (i.e. Week 1 = January, Week 2 = February, etc.). The calendar holidays have been created according to this method. Recommended Mods (Not Included):
707 Nature Replacement Mod by KHippie
Grannies Cookbook Mod by Littlebowbub  Disclaimer: The restaurant in Crawdad Quarter will still function without it - however, I have included some menu items from Grannies Cookbook.
Sim Spawn Overhaul Mod by Lotharihoe
NAP Policy Overhaul Mod by Kuttoe
How to Install Save Files:
Make a backup of your “Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Saves” folder.
Download the file, unzip, and place the file in your “Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Saves” folder.
If you already have a file with the same name, change the slot number to a number that you don’t have. (i.e. change Slot_00000000d.save to Slot_00000009d.save)
Once you open your game, you will see “Simkhira’s Small Town Save V1”. Open it!
Once opened, “Save As” to create a copy of the save file for your own gameplay.
If the game says that you are missing custom content, no you aren’t. I have double-checked.
Lastly, enjoy and have fun!
I want to say thank you to all of the amazing save file creators who inspired me throughout this process. Some of my favorites include (but are not limited to) @folkling, @wolfxdreamersims, @coolpuppy12, @florwal, @awingedllama, and more. 
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Download (Google Drive)
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theneighborhoodsave · 1 year ago
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V1: Willow Creek + Magnolia Promenade 🏠
The Neighborhood is a CC-free save file that explores the concept of home. V1 celebrates the vibrant communities of the U.S. Gulf Coast. ❤️
This is what comes in V1:
13 community lots
22 total residences (includes 3 multi-family rental lots, 9 single family homes)
New High School & Auditorium in Copperdale (+8 school staff townies)
Secret lot (Sylvan Glade) reimagined
17 unique households with skills, jobs, relationships, and stories that tie into the town
New clubs and holidays
Download, screenshots & more info below ↪
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The wonderful Ly family in Willow Creek was lovingly created for the save by @cowplant-snacks. All other neighbors were made by me, you can meet all of them here! Pets are from Pugowned, misc. townies from @cowplant-snacks and @simsontherope on the gallery.
There's lots of little details and things to explore, both around the world and relationship wise, so I'm excited to see what y'all uncover. Please feel free to @theneighborhoodsave in your posts or tag #theneighborhoodsave. I'd love to see what your sims are up to!
I also want to say thank you to anyone who's appreciated this creative journey with me. This save feels like home to me and y'all have supported me every step of the way!
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Download the The Neighborhood save on SFS
Alt: Google Drive
The save is 100% CC free! Please note that I do have all expansions, packs, and kits (except for Castle Estate, Goth Galore + Crystal Creations.) For any items you don't own the game will try to auto find replacements for those items. The file is mostly blank this time around but does include the original EA builds in university and vacation type worlds (sans Granite Falls.)
Included is a folder of completely optional skin details/eyelashes for the neighbor sims. Thank you to @faaeish, @pyxiidis, @tamo-sim, and @landgraabbed! There are 4 pieces of CC I cannot include in the folder due to creator TOU. Please check the included "Read Me" file for more information.
All builds and families are up on the gallery (@sweetbeagaming) + tray files have been shared here.
If you've never used a save file and need help installing it, I highly recommend this tutorial by @leeleebsimming.
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⚠️ A couple of disclaimers here due to some existing EA bugs. EDIT 4/25: Included in that link are directions on how to avoid TOOL'd items from disappearing. If you want to keep powerlines and such please check this out! ⚠️
Everything was tested to work around these, but I wanted to put them out there as an FYI.
TOU: Please don't reupload my save/builds/sims, claim as your own, and absolutely do not paywall them. Other than that feel free to build your own Neighborhood stories however you'd like!
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