#( ╰ ♡ ❝ you shouldn’t have left girls ravenous for blood alone amidst the roses. › & viserra.
viburni · 1 year
tag drop. characters & dynamics
( ╰ ♔ ❝ you cut me loose and said it was creation. › lina., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ my god is shining lights and hands that won't stop giving. › shyrein., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ trapped a handful of stars in my clenched fist. › amethyst., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ magic bends down to you as if in a dance. › viserra., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ take a crowbar and pry out the broken pieces of god out of me. › charrus., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ in the sharp blade of the mirror i lose you again and again. › radu., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ și n-ai rămas nimic decât o pată de sânge ce vorbește. › viorica.,
( ╰ ♡ ❝ și pe sub glii ți-am auzit a inimei bătaie zgomotoasă. › ship inspo., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ i feed my flesh to my god and she makes me drink ichor. › & shyrein., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ you shouldn’t have left girls ravenous for blood alone amidst the roses. › & viserra., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ where are you? howls the wind. the wolf doesn't answer. › & radu., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ a deluge of hope my love and we swept by currents. › & viorica., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ for i am death's child and death'll save me from his own clock. › nakriss., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ 'cause we're made out of all the little bones of our fathers. › codrin., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ i am my mother's daughter; a sword that won't stop cutting. › rahela., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ this is a story about heroes dying. this is a story. › the hands of the gods.
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