#'you failed your entrance exams didnt you' 'how did you know about that' 'you posted about it'
mihotose · 9 months
ok. margarete not taking the L is cringe. but now shes being cyberbullied on the internet. also shes 14
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superstuckclamp · 2 days
saw you tagged "how do you pass the class without knowing at least half the material" on the dan and phil/uk grade boundaries post and i thought id explain even tho that was prob rhetorical: thats not really how they grade here at university! my experience isnt universal because i did a humanities degree not like engineering or whatever, but you dont get quizzes and multi choice tests Ever afaik unless its like, languages and grammar. (for major grades anyway) its mostly essays and coursework, they are testing your application of knowledge more than memorisation of specific things youve been taught. so you do have to know the material, but what theyre grading on is if you can prove it to them, basically. 40 is the pass mark and it usually means its sloppy work but you know what youre talking about or maybe didnt try hard or rushed it, in my experience. in gcses and A levels you do get more of that multi choice thing which is why the boundaries are a bit higher. also that chart says a D is a pass which, technically anything except U ("ungraded") is a pass, but in reality if its less than a C its considered a fail by most people. you have to get C or above in maths and english in order to progress to A Levels, for example. i obviously dont know how the american system works or how they grade you at college but i think the SAT is a multi choice test right? our college entrance exams are A levels and they dont work like that, theyre usually part coursework and part exam, and the exam might have some multi choice questions in but a lot of it will be stuff like "explain the function of mitochondria. balance this equation. translate this excerpt. explain the nitrogen cycle using a diagram" so yeah. god a levels were a fucking nightmare
I don’t know anything about STATs- I’m not American.
I think I misunderstood that it was a college/university grading system. I’ll take the L there. I assumed it was high school.
Regardless- I wouldn’t consider sloppy work to be passing. From when I remember from my grading system it had to be both a clear argument and an understanding of the course material in order to pass when it came to university/senior high school students. That’s how you you would do well in the provincial exams in high school… and that’s how you do well in university exams. Like the exam is to show your demonstration of the knowledge as well as your ability to take outside knowledge and apply it to the material. And we got docked heavy for grammar, which was my worst nightmare because I suck at English grammar. Then course material is just the learning part of the program, yeah it gets graded, but definitely not nearly as important as the tests/exams for demonstrating your understanding.
Multiple choice is like 10% of the grade, short answers and essay questions were the majority from what I did. If you aren’t clear, don’t use proper grammar, and aren’t demonstrating what you learned; definitely a fail- or 50% depending on the prof/instructor. Which is passing where I live.
Which I think is the same thing your talking about, applying rather than memorising. I think we just place the percentage at a different point even thought the bar is the same. If that makes sense? I don’t know. Drunk as fuck. Definitely not rhetorical, I was really questioning how it worked. I like learning so thank you 💕💕💕
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fragmentwitch · 4 years
Episode 21 livebloggin
Nice Ciconia reference bro, I was wondering when/if you'd start advertising that novel.
Idk who Mitsuyo is though. Doesn't ring a bell.
Idk that codename either. Stop speaking in riddles Not-Featherine!!!!
So it seems like even she is just a piece. I know Ryu said "yall dont need to read Umineko to get this" but that doesn't mean he's not going to use similar language to things said in the original novels like "This is the Devil's Script"... he's always kinda implied some sort of higher power is cursing everyone to bad endings. But I digress, I don't want anyone to foam at the mouth thinking abt that lol
So she's like Hanyuu and can give someone the ability to loop directly. After a long time? Uhhh ok ig
"I dont get it, I dont understand a single word of this!"
Same, Satoko. She just dumped some 4th wall exposition at you and I'm totally at a loss even as a viewer who knows pretty much eveeything. No amount of required reading has really helped me make good theories anyway with Gou. I'm just an observer so don't look at me to help girl
Im so sorry Satoko, you weren't even given a choice in all this. Please dont take it out on Rika... pls i beg u, the horned lady is the enemy! :(
Ok now I'm certain the OP is actually a back and forth between Rika and Satoko. Originally I thought it was about Hanyuu and Rika but I quit thinking about that after she disappeared. The duet the girls had kinda gives it away huh
I legit don't think Rika is aware of Satoko's feelings at all... "I don't remember what you're talking about" is a line she used on Rika... so it sounds like she resented rika up until Rika apologized. This scene makes it clear that Satoko is more upset about the way Rika treated her in favor of her new school life more than the fact Rika wanted to leave.
Ok so this is a repeat? Getting big Madoka vibes, I dont like this... Aw, Satoko. Rika is sadly set in her ways, with how defensively she kneejerked a reaction to her. I didnt realize the first time around Rika started studying right after dealing with the Yamainu, so it seems that Ryukishi retconned out pretty much the post-Matsuri OVAs where they'd have fun (Rei and Kira, and more importantly Saikoroshi-hen). Rika was kinda mean saying "if you wont come with me then FINE I'll do it by myself"... I hope this'll get those "Satoko bad" redditors to let up on her now lol. Telling you, both girls aren't 100% right or 100% wrong here. There is always both sides at fault to nearly every tussle like this.
Satoko bought the book anyway. Rika really is her soft spot. But Satoko, taking away her study time also isn't a good solution... though, I cant tell if Rika is also looper here. Rika never could just pick and choose what fragments to go to, but if Not Hanyuu gave Satoko a more refined looping ability, then Satoko could easily take Rika's soul with her to the next world. But that means Satoko has to also ensure she dies, and that falls pretty consistently with all the early deception arcs. Satoko was never shown to die til after Rika (or at the same time as Rika), it didn't really matter who'd kill Rika. At this moment I'm still fairly certain Satoko hadnt killed Rika herself til the ritual.
So it seems like Rika is compromising with her friends, at least. But I get the feeling it'll lead to either failing the entrance exams or her becoming resentful of Satoko intentionally swaying her all the time.
This Rika promises, but I'm guessing she doesn't actually fulfill it. Or she does and gets killed? Idk. I dont believe this for a second lmao
It's just a hug girls, wtf lmfao. I know Yellow is Sus but...
Bruh. Damn nevermind, Satoko, you're fucking nuts!!! You definitely take after your Nee-Nee huh.
Anyways he's really laying it on thick for the "Lambda is Satoko" believers!!
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