#'women are different creatures. women do this. women can tell.' ummmm as a woman i can't tell shit ever. actually!
gender essentialism 🤮
4 notes · View notes
sunritual · 3 years
Let’s try this again
They should make a law where if the police don’t read you your Miranda rights you get out of jail free, like if you don’t get your receipt at fast food restaurants you get a mail free
The shaggy law - There should be a law that if you continuously and shamelessly deny doing something, no matter how indisputably obvious it is that you did it, you should get off free for pure savegery.
Confederates as “rebels for tradition” is laughable
Ram rainbow spiral horns profile.
People think grammar rules are etched into the universe — they’re not. When people say AAve is incorrect and ignorant, they say that their conception of how one should speak is inherently correct despite no evidence/truth. Grammar is agreed upon not mandated
Hippie sauce infusion pizza joint
Plain nude balconette with little purple and pink flowers at wiring
How could anyone predict anything happening but how could any be surpised either
Hierarchies - nahhhh
Humans aren’t inherently higher than any other creature or thing, but as humans i don’t think it’s wrong to prioritize other humans. There no better or worse but there is optimal for certain environments and lifestyles.
What differentiates a piece of art from a slightly different replica - when is it an entirely different piece altogether? Moving a figure slightly? Adding a splash of paint ? Changing a color to the point where no one could tell? Is the persons perception the deciding factor or what’s actually on the canvas. If abstract art is about the perception, and the waning behind it - does it change with these things?
An exhibit where people are invited to paint over and destroy or change the art
The differences between us and other. Are feeble - not illusory but
Periwinkle sky blue black and white each of a half circle . Faded out
Uni should be about exploring ideas — new and old famillar and foreign - honeing writing reading reasoning debating listening etc skills.
Umm, Karen were your parents married when you were born?
Ummmm no, umm i mean , uh ,yes —what??
Then why are you policing what other people do?
Dark blue light blue orange lemon circles layer on top of each other, several difffent sizes
Job apps tip!! For every job you apply to , Change your last name on your resume to the last name of the hiring manager and they will think you are related to them and hire you with nepotism. ( then, or coarse, legally when you get the job)
Unpopular opinion: i don’t really mind diarrhea
I for one think it’s incredibly brave of the brats girls to reclaim such a derogatory term
Starting every Describtion of every British show with “its kind of like skins but..”
Beanie baskin took that treat she snatched it - she ain’t even askin
The squad bod - a group of ghost friends share one body in which they have to live their lives -
My playlists are a matter of fact, not opinion. They reveal truths about the human experience
A cats gorilla imeritive of aesthetics.
I don’t chose them, they are not for joy but for truth. They are not intelligible but feel able
📝 narrative - longing
👼 chaotic
🌾 childlike wonder
Things that seem homo and phobic ATST
- Woodstock
- Brown eyed girl
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on ya when you think everything BG a gone wrong and everything bows up in your face
If women can’t do drag because they have an advantage then what is drag? Is it having good looking tits and a waist ? Looking like woman? or is it about having charisma uniqueness nerve and talent?
Examining Tik toks through different philosophical lenses
What makes it so they put parenthesis around lyrics in a song? What intonations and such make it parenthesis worthy
What’s an article of clothing from your childhood that you viscerally remember for seemingly no reason
I feel like the problem with the property brothers is they had too good of a childhood
Do you ever wonder if personality traits would be diffferntnin different cultures? Would a quiet person be even quieter if they were brought up in North Korea? Or the same amount of talkativity? Do we have the traits no matter what, or are we inclined to be more of one way than the others around us. Are personality traits created by comparison to those around?
Maybe the anxiety comes from knowing your not “supposed” to be as quiet as you are. You don’t really want to talk, that’s okay , but it’s expected that you do. So you are anxiety that your not living up
I find happiness every single day
This feeling has made me so appreciative of my mental state usually. How many people feel like this on the regular? How many people have this as their default? I am so lucky. My default is happy. I have my issues, but i need to appreciate the gift i was given. I was given elation. Childlike wonder. Curiosity. Adventurousness. Self completion and fullness. The rest will come.
If you see a celebrity you want to talk to in public but don’t want to bother them, make sure they don’t see that you saw them and start a fake conversation telling a friend that they should buy a product they are a sponsor for, and that they should use their coupon code. When they approach you to thank you for being such a loyal fan, obviously pretend to be shocked that they just so happened to be there
Christianity excuses selfish politics and beliefs
Things i never would’ve noticed if they weren’t pointed out to me:
-Left and right handed ness
Rating sports teams by uniform colors
Balloon animals but make it clothing!
Logics doesn’t care about your feelings, but it certainly cares about your biasees.
He who findeth keepith, whilst he who loosith weepith.
Religious thought often starts at the conclusion they want and attempts to make arguments justifying it.
Jewish debate starts with an agreement that we are going to follow the book, but argues about what the book truly says. Not good enough when you are still just following the book
Why did Jesus need to die for our sins
Dream - swimming in a lake and bump into something you think is a human tying to save to but is it! Oct 29 9:03
Candle company logo etc
I’m sorry for your loss
It’s not oka
If people can accept that stupid bad jokes can be
Is there a reason for each thing existing? Sufficient reason
Understanding if an area is a matter of perspective or fact? Is it Emperical ?
If you assume you have free will you limit your critical thinking ability and therefor stour actual free will - you need to navigate technology such as algorithms that show you why at you want to see or you completely loose free will - you cannot chose when you don’t even know a choice. there is Somthing controlling you
Revelation is within it doesn’t involve others - can happen in a moment
Revolution- requires work and years and years of convincing others m
What counts as a second chance? What counts as a first chance? What does giving someone the benefit of the doubt entail ? Letting them out of jail , or letting them have a 2nd term as president.
**Picture of coke or Pepsi book**
Trump supporters be like: THIS is the BALLOt sleepy crooked joe SEND to MY neighbor. So much FOR democracy
One flew over the coup coups nest
Ashge-nazi = Jewish trump supporter
The heathers of the USA are Cali, New York and Texas. Florida, too
Shape shifting would solve all of this. I could go to Washington DC, pretend to be trump, concede then leave. It would be hilarious, however if me and trump looked identical and had to so the most idiotic crazy shit to prove to America that we indeed are the true DJ.
Coup busting outfit - light cute short sleeve camo shirts , army green super utalitarian cargo pants , double sash belts in leather with grommets studs or spikes (to be decided by team (with democracy) or left up to the individual) leather (vegan available) lace up knee high boots (maybe with spikes if not too 2012) and the pies de resistance two army green denim shoulder high gloves that fold down as far as needed for the comfort of the fighter. Will be adorned with patches decided by the wearer. Edges will be frayed to honor to the coup busting aesthetic and spirit of the endeavor. We can decide on a signature lip color, but spf is required for all fighters. Of coarse we will have those football stripes below the eyes, don’t be stupid.
How far away can something be from a face and still have humans think it’s a face
Senator Portman - i hope you are well, and want to thank you for the hard work you have put in to this election. However, it has become abundantly clear that joe Biden and Kamala Harris have secured more than enough electoral and popular votes to warrant recognition as president and vice elect. Upon reading the transcripts of he hopeless court cases, there is absolutely no evidence of vote measurable fraud. is time you stand up for democracy and face reality by congratulating he pair on their success. Americans and scared and they need a powerful republican voice to demounce the unsubstantiated conspircy theories that attempt to thwart democracy in this beautiful county. Please do the right thing , and stand with sanity, freedom and democracy. History books and citizens will thank you. May god bless you, your staff and loved ones
Could mermaids exist through evolution in the future
Me learning about real us history - all the nations destroyed by the USA—- I’m the baaad Guy
The rest of the world - duh dodododosodo
Print that looks like a page of writing that has been sourced in water so it’s bleeding and darker in speckles
Zamps= examples
Clothes with green screen cut outs
Robots don’t need to be sentient to destroy us.
Navy mock neck long sleeves big orange and little white stripe on tube cage sides
A veritcal line stretch waistband
Cross cross and straps back
Square high neck
Scarlet polka dots around can light blue text and beach image as front
Blue stroke red inside square, blue triangle rainbow with eye and funky font
Y either know a particular topic or not , but it’s hard to pin down intelligence on one category
Cream background , ice cream pink script name kinda bev hills hotel script looking ish
Move your mouth in a differ way
Supersonic vibrating butt cleaner
Half magenta half red violet a blue teacup in the center with white floral frills thick serif font
Pink background am orange flower in a vase white present ribbon n red as a table
An app that familiarizes people with science - through experimental learning ― hands on experiences that make it seem less top down and authoritarian , and more like a set of steps that we take, things that anyone can do to get closer with nature and the world
A social media philosophy app - teaches what others said and gives people a chance to express their views , postulate, argue, etc gadfly? How would be avoid a shit show, how can we make social media more humanitarian. how can we care about people while also expressing deeply held ideas , how can we encourage users to examine their deeply held ideas without alienating them. How can we discourage hatred and abuse and groupthink with design? How do we slow people down and encourage them to recognize the human behind the screen. Street epistemology? Socratic dialogue?
Socrates - asking questions. Breaking it down to bits. Deeply understanding their argument. Asking about different possibilities and circumstances. Take vast assumptions and show scenarios that make go against them.
Build fact checking into apps
Narrative self vs experiential
Walks you through steps of the sciefitifc method and encourages you to explain how you feel each step actually helped you- then walks you through a scientist doing the same for their reasarch
Republicans only want to be free in the specific ways that benefit corporations
Are Christians more willing to support the death pen early because they already believe in the cruel and overstepping punishment of hell?
Where did the idea come from that you need to remain impartial when trying to persuade
The idea that there is someone in a similar but different dwelling, hearing similar but different sounds and feeling similar but different feelings is wild
We synthesize sets of traits, and particular actions in a super biased culturally constructed way
With the way we see things as humans- we categorize things into groups that aren’t really reaaal ― paratheletic groups
I just want the people and jobs that benefit society
Connection to nietzsches Dionysian art and eckheart tolle/Taoism
No matter your personality, there is probably a part of the world that you would fit in with naturally.
An ordinary girl is selected as one of the representatives of earth in the first meeting of various alien species after one advanced planet discovered and United 10. Confused as to why she was chosen, she goes on her journey meeting
Wha ba Bada da da da da dada he’s a wha ba ba dadada as a matter of fact it’s not my fault if you came up here thinking that you would win
Wanting to break boundaries and rules for the sake those who are hurt by the rules
You are imagining the best case scenario of the life you want to have and experience Ming the reality of the life you so have.
Yes her drips cosmetics line to students i. Class
Chez it people can goldfish people
Your personality flows where a system needs it to go to maintain balance
0 notes
Let’s try this again
They should make a law where if the police don’t read you your Miranda rights you get out of jail free, like if you don’t get your receipt at fast food restaurants you get a mail free
The shaggy law - There should be a law that if you continuously and shamelessly deny doing something, no matter how indisputably obvious it is that you did it, you should get off free for pure savegery.
Confederates as “rebels for tradition” is laughable
Ram rainbow spiral horns profile.
People think grammar rules are etched into the universe — they’re not. When people say AAve is incorrect and ignorant, they say that their conception of how one should speak is inherently correct despite no evidence/truth. Grammar is agreed upon not mandated
Hippie sauce infusion pizza joint
Plain nude balconette with little purple and pink flowers at wiring
How could anyone predict anything happening but how could any be surpised either
Hierarchies - nahhhh
Humans aren’t inherently higher than any other creature or thing, but as humans i don’t think it’s wrong to prioritize other humans. There no better or worse but there is optimal for certain environments and lifestyles.
What differentiates a piece of art from a slightly different replica - when is it an entirely different piece altogether? Moving a figure slightly? Adding a splash of paint ? Changing a color to the point where no one could tell? Is the persons perception the deciding factor or what’s actually on the canvas. If abstract art is about the perception, and the waning behind it - does it change with these things?
An exhibit where people are invited to paint over and destroy or change the art
The differences between us and other. Are feeble - not illusory but
Periwinkle sky blue black and white each of a half circle . Faded out
Uni should be about exploring ideas — new and old famillar and foreign - honeing writing reading reasoning debating listening etc skills.
Umm, Karen were your parents married when you were born?
Ummmm no, umm i mean , uh ,yes —what??
Then why are you policing what other people do?
Dark blue light blue orange lemon circles layer on top of each other, several difffent sizes
Job apps tip!! For every job you apply to , Change your last name on your resume to the last name of the hiring manager and they will think you are related to them and hire you with nepotism. ( then, or coarse, legally when you get the job)
Unpopular opinion: i don’t really mind diarrhea
I for one think it’s incredibly brave of the brats girls to reclaim such a derogatory term
Starting every Describtion of every British show with “its kind of like skins but..”
Beanie baskin took that treat she snatched it - she ain’t even askin
The squad bod - a group of ghost friends share one body in which they have to live their lives -
My playlists are a matter of fact, not opinion. They reveal truths about the human experience
A cats gorilla imeritive of aesthetics.
I don’t chose them, they are not for joy but for truth. They are not intelligible but feel able
📝 narrative - longing
👼 chaotic
🌾 childlike wonder
Things that seem homo and phobic ATST
- Woodstock
- Brown eyed girl
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on ya when you think everything BG a gone wrong and everything bows up in your face
If women can’t do drag because they have an advantage then what is drag? Is it having good looking tits and a waist ? Looking like woman? or is it about having charisma uniqueness nerve and talent?
Examining Tik toks through different philosophical lenses
What makes it so they put parenthesis around lyrics in a song? What intonations and such make it parenthesis worthy
What’s an article of clothing from your childhood that you viscerally remember for seemingly no reason
I feel like the problem with the property brothers is they had too good of a childhood
Do you ever wonder if personality traits would be diffferntnin different cultures? Would a quiet person be even quieter if they were brought up in North Korea? Or the same amount of talkativity? Do we have the traits no matter what, or are we inclined to be more of one way than the others around us. Are personality traits created by comparison to those around?
Maybe the anxiety comes from knowing your not “supposed” to be as quiet as you are. You don’t really want to talk, that’s okay , but it’s expected that you do. So you are anxiety that your not living up
I find happiness every single day
This feeling has made me so appreciative of my mental state usually. How many people feel like this on the regular? How many people have this as their default? I am so lucky. My default is happy. I have my issues, but i need to appreciate the gift i was given. I was given elation. Childlike wonder. Curiosity. Adventurousness. Self completion and fullness. The rest will come.
If you see a celebrity you want to talk to in public but don’t want to bother them, make sure they don’t see that you saw them and start a fake conversation telling a friend that they should buy a product they are a sponsor for, and that they should use their coupon code. When they approach you to thank you for being such a loyal fan, obviously pretend to be shocked that they just so happened to be there
Christianity excuses selfish politics and beliefs
Things i never would’ve noticed if they weren’t pointed out to me:
-Left and right handed ness
Rating sports teams by uniform colors
Balloon animals but make it clothing!
Logics doesn’t care about your feelings, but it certainly cares about your biasees.
He who findeth keepith, whilst he who loosith weepith.
Religious thought often starts at the conclusion they want and attempts to make arguments justifying it.
Jewish debate starts with an agreement that we are going to follow the book, but argues about what the book truly says. Not good enough when you are still just following the book
Why did Jesus need to die for our sins
Dream - swimming in a lake and bump into something you think is a human tying to save to but is it! Oct 29 9:03
Candle company logo etc
I’m sorry for your loss
It’s not oka
If people can accept that stupid bad jokes can be
Is there a reason for each thing existing? Sufficient reason
Understanding if an area is a matter of perspective or fact? Is it Emperical ?
If you assume you have free will you limit your critical thinking ability and therefor stour actual free will - you need to navigate technology such as algorithms that show you why at you want to see or you completely loose free will - you cannot chose when you don’t even know a choice. there is Somthing controlling you
Revelation is within it doesn’t involve others - can happen in a moment
Revolution- requires work and years and years of convincing others m
What counts as a second chance? What counts as a first chance? What does giving someone the benefit of the doubt entail ? Letting them out of jail , or letting them have a 2nd term as president.
**Picture of coke or Pepsi book**
Trump supporters be like: THIS is the BALLOt sleepy crooked joe SEND to MY neighbor. So much FOR democracy
One flew over the coup coups nest
Ashge-nazi = Jewish trump supporter
The heathers of the USA are Cali, New York and Texas. Florida, too
Shape shifting would solve all of this. I could go to Washington DC, pretend to be trump, concede then leave. It would be hilarious, however if me and trump looked identical and had to so the most idiotic crazy shit to prove to America that we indeed are the true DJ.
Coup busting outfit - light cute short sleeve camo shirts , army green super utalitarian cargo pants , double sash belts in leather with grommets studs or spikes (to be decided by team (with democracy) or left up to the individual) leather (vegan available) lace up knee high boots (maybe with spikes if not too 2012) and the pies de resistance two army green denim shoulder high gloves that fold down as far as needed for the comfort of the fighter. Will be adorned with patches decided by the wearer. Edges will be frayed to honor to the coup busting aesthetic and spirit of the endeavor. We can decide on a signature lip color, but spf is required for all fighters. Of coarse we will have those football stripes below the eyes, don’t be stupid.
How far away can something be from a face and still have humans think it’s a face
Senator Portman - i hope you are well, and want to thank you for the hard work you have put in to this election. However, it has become abundantly clear that joe Biden and Kamala Harris have secured more than enough electoral and popular votes to warrant recognition as president and vice elect. Upon reading the transcripts of he hopeless court cases, there is absolutely no evidence of vote measurable fraud. is time you stand up for democracy and face reality by congratulating he pair on their success. Americans and scared and they need a powerful republican voice to demounce the unsubstantiated conspircy theories that attempt to thwart democracy in this beautiful county. Please do the right thing , and stand with sanity, freedom and democracy. History books and citizens will thank you. May god bless you, your staff and loved ones
Could mermaids exist through evolution in the future
Me learning about real us history - all the nations destroyed by the USA—- I’m the baaad Guy
The rest of the world - duh dodododosodo
Print that looks like a page of writing that has been sourced in water so it’s bleeding and darker in speckles
Zamps= examples
Clothes with green screen cut outs
Robots don’t need to be sentient to destroy us.
Navy mock neck long sleeves big orange and little white stripe on tube cage sides
A veritcal line stretch waistband
Cross cross and straps back
Square high neck
Scarlet polka dots around can light blue text and beach image as front
Blue stroke red inside square, blue triangle rainbow with eye and funky font
Y either know a particular topic or not , but it’s hard to pin down intelligence on one category
Cream background , ice cream pink script name kinda bev hills hotel script looking ish
Move your mouth in a differ way
Supersonic vibrating butt cleaner
Half magenta half red violet a blue teacup in the center with white floral frills thick serif font
Pink background am orange flower in a vase white present ribbon n red as a table
An app that familiarizes people with science - through experimental learning ― hands on experiences that make it seem less top down and authoritarian , and more like a set of steps that we take, things that anyone can do to get closer with nature and the world
A social media philosophy app - teaches what others said and gives people a chance to express their views , postulate, argue, etc gadfly? How would be avoid a shit show, how can we make social media more humanitarian. how can we care about people while also expressing deeply held ideas , how can we encourage users to examine their deeply held ideas without alienating them. How can we discourage hatred and abuse and groupthink with design? How do we slow people down and encourage them to recognize the human behind the screen. Street epistemology? Socratic dialogue?
Socrates - asking questions. Breaking it down to bits. Deeply understanding their argument. Asking about different possibilities and circumstances. Take vast assumptions and show scenarios that make go against them.
Narrative self vs experiential
2 notes · View notes
the-fiction-witch · 4 years
The Enchantress P3
Tumblr media
I packed the last things from my room, that I would be taking with me. I had left some clothes and books here as they were heavy and in some ways, I wanted to reassure y/n I would come back that she could walk past my room and see my things still here, maybe she would go in and hug my clothes if she missed me too much. I put my last bag over my shoulder heading out the temple into the spring woodlands. The sweet birds singing their songs and the sun shining brightly even if I felt like crying. I stood at the bottom of the stairs where this all started so many years ago I looked up to see y/n stood holding her bunny tightly as she looked down to me,
"Where will you go?" she asks
"I can hitch a ride to Newmarket, then there's a train to the capital from there" I explain
"When will you be back?" she asks
"When we're old enough," I told her "When both you and I have matured, I suppose we'll be different people then"
"You might not recognize me" she laughs
"I will," I blushed "I know I will"
"Will you bring me a present?"
"Of course I will" I smiled "Promise me you'll look after yourself?"
"I Promise, You be careful," she says
"I will" I nodded I turned to leave but
"Thomas wait!" she called I turned back as she ran down the steps holding my face resting her forehead on mine I held her close too I hardly wanted to go,
"I'd stay if I could"
"I know" she cried "You promise you'll come back?"
"I promise y/n, You promise you'll be here when I get home?"
"I will" she smiled moving away I held her hands a moment "Thomas?"
"Yes y/n?" I asked she smiled pulling me closer to her pressing her lips to my own, I was lost in joy her lips as soft as cotton and as smooth as silk, I never wanted to stop kissing her, not for a moment, for the rest of my life. Like her lips were intoxicating better than any beer or any drug, better than anything I had ever dreamt of  till she pulled away "So better go, You'll miss your ride" she smiled
"Okay, I'll see you then" I smiled
"I'll see you" she smiled back I gave her a sweet kiss before I began walking the well-trod path blowing her kisses as I went and she happily did them back too as she waved me goodbye.
The second I left, I regretted it. But I knew it was for the best, for both of us. I hated being away from her for so long, I forget how long exactly since I left But I had grown up a lot. I looked out my little window looking out the vast high buildings that stretched for further than I could see. It made me smile a little that knew somewhere Miles from here laid a green country that seemed unfathomably large to me once, and that in that green place y/n waited for me. She honestly never left my mind, she was all I ever thought off and all I ever wanted. my only wishing for it all to go faster so I could go home to her. And in the light of the moon, I could swear sometimes shes still with me, Like I see a flash in the dark a sound in my flat as if she was here. In some ways I think she'd like it here I can imagine her jumping from roof to roof hunting on all those who believed in her bondage. I liked the moon, somehow it gave me joy thinking no matter how far away I was she'd be looking at the moon too and that maybe she'd be happy and hunting like the little enchantress I know she is.
I noticed the darkness creep into my room so I shut my window and locked up getting into bed. But for whatever reason, I couldn't sleep. I sat up getting some paper using the light of the moon to draw figures and places but no matter what I began to draw I could only draw women. In long beautiful dresses hunting men and animals. I shoved my drawings away looking at the moonlight as it cascaded through the window as I had no blinds or curtains, I couldn't think straight, I couldn't do anything...
What's happening to me?
"Uhhh! Y/n" I moaned I clamped my hand over my mouth sitting up I felt strange...
I laid back in my bed trying to sleep this off trying to get myself to sleep to stop whatever this was bubbling up in my head
"Ummmm Y/n! Y/n..... Y/n" I groaned I put my hand on my mouth again to try and shut myself up.
as I laid on my back on my half-broken bed, the mattress as torn and broken as the bed as it was here then I got here. I could see the chill in the air yet I felt so hot. I slipped my clothes off confused why I was so hot, tucking my covers around me as I began to get goosebumps to come up across all of my skin. My blood felt like it was bubbling, racing around my veins. my whole body twitching and contorting in desperation, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think, I could barely breathe every breath was a gasp for air, my back often arching off the bed, I was sweating, I was unable to think about anything but...
"Y/N!!" I screamed even if I tried to stop myself but... everything just felt so good. I looked down at myself and noticed I was harder than I ever had been in my life and in some ways I didn't want it to stop! "Uhhh Y/n.... Y/n...Y/n... My sweet ... my angel ... my beautiful y/n..." I groaned uncontrollably, I felt like I didn't have control of my body anymore. "Please... Please y/n!"
Then it flashed through my mind...
the sounds my stepfather made the night he died. they were the sounds I made now.
'When an enchantress Chooses her prey They will cause their prey to wallow in an aroused state calling out the predators name and in the light of the full moon, she will claim him.'
I was enchanted.
I couldn't sleep. I couldn't think. Nothing I did would make this go away, Every night for weeks the second the moonlight touched me I was a wreck. grinding and writhing calling her name into the empty darkness my body contorting in pleasure and in desperation. It felt so good But so horrible I felt as if I was being tourchered so close but yet so far, like a single touch and I would cum, But I never ever could. always just on the edge constantly at the peak but even if I touched for hours nothing would happen."Uuuuhh... Y/n... Please... Please... Y/n! My angel please!"  There would be nights I would be in tears by morning in pain and agony, Somehow in some way, I put a hundred miles between us and still she enchanted me. I was her prey Calling out in the moonlight for her touch but she was miles away she wouldn't hear me, she couldn't help me she was hunting prey miles away and I was left with no choice but to suffer.
I knew I couldn't stay this way, there had to be something I could do. and the only one who would know how to stop it would be y/n.
as soon as sunrise came I packed my bags and went out into the city I had to do one thing before I went home. I promised her a present. I looked around the shop windows for a while nothing seemed right at all, until I saw something glinting in a window. I looked and saw a hairpin a knife with roses across the stem so the flowers would sit on her hair but the knife keeping her hair together I smiled a little and bought it hiding it in my bag and heading on the first train back home.
I watched as the world went past as the high towers and buildings fell away taking me back to the vast green fields, as soon as I got off I managed to find someone heading back to town I sat in the back of his cart till we got there where I simply thanked him and jumped out, it seemed smaller then I remember like houses I knew where gone, I walked down the paths and walkways I know so well most of them I made from years of walking back and forth but as I got closer I felt darkness drawing close the closer I got to the temple. When I got there it seemed abandoned and instantly a fear grew inside me that something might have happened to her. I went to take a step but I heard a growl
"Who Dares to step foot in my woods" A voice warned from the darkness
"A friend" I answered
"You smell like prey," The voice said and I heard a noise and there on the top of the temple stood a woman "I suppose your hear to beg for the enchantment to be lifted"
"No, well... sort of, Miss I seak a woman who used to live here"
"Knowone has ever lived her beside me, any others are dead" she said as she lept from the roof to stand in front of the door she began to step down and I got a better look at her.
She was tall and frightening she loomed over me like a queen. he was barefoot as often when she stepped or jumped they changed from feet to claws she wore a blue robe that hung off her beautifully her breasts partly exposed her hair falling as if it were wet, she seemed... hungry. Like she could smell that I was a man and that to her I was her prey.
"Please you're an enchantress-" I began
"How do you know what I am?" she asks
"Because I have met your kind before, I cared for one of your kind. Please just tell me. is she alive?"
"I am the last of my kind"
"Where's Y/n? What happened to her?" I asked but she froze
"You seek Y/n?" she asks
"yes, Please where is she? what happened to her? Please I promised her I'd be back..." I begged almost in tears she jumped to the side of the steps looking at me she seemed confused I looked to her eyes and... I knew those eyes "Y/n?" I asked
"Thomas?" she asks resting her forehead on my own
"Ohh y/n! I was so scared I'd never see you again!" I cried so overjoyed to see her rubbing my nose on hers as we both smiled widely so happy to see each other again,
"You were gone an awfully long time," she said
"I know, But I'm here now" I smiled "You uhhh... you look beautiful" I smiled looking at her better as she did her robe up a little more "You look just Like your mother"
"Thank you" she smiled "You look incredibly handsome thomas"
"Thank you" I blushed she offered her hand and I happily took it as she leads me through to the garden and we sat on the little steps
"I'm happy your back Thomas, but I didn't expect you back yet" she smiled
"I wanted to come back, I missed you"
"I missed you too" she smiled nuzzling onto my shoulder
"Y/n... its been so long, Could I kiss you?"
"Of course Thomas" she smiled so I happily held her close kissing her sweet lips as heavenly and perfect as I remembered them being, she kissed back pulling me closer to her to so barely an inch of us was part from each other.
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