#'walk somewhere else' i cant. is the thing. i can see their house from the end of mine. i can't just
mojaves · 6 months
people across the street have a huge dog that i think would 100% be able to jump over their garden wall at the front of the house if it tried. and then just. let it wander around anyway even though it has proven itself to be kind of aggressive!!!! and they don't care!!!!!!!!
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nadvs · 2 months
What if Rafe and his friends goes to a party at her college and a fight happens 😄
Maybe its after a game and Max is jealous because he sees them flirting at the game and then he sees them at the party. Maybe he says something to her and Rafe cant hold back.
omg i LOVE this. protective rafe throwing punches always gets me 👀
based on this fic
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the first time she invites rafe to a party on her campus, especially after he just won a game against her college’s team, he doesn’t even have to think about it. it’s an automatic yes.
but because it’s rafe, he’s casual in his response, giving her a simple, “sure. text me the address.”
he brings a couple of his teammates to the loud frat house, loving the fact that he’s getting dirty looks from some people.
they recognize him as the guy who mercilessly antagonizes his opponents on the court. and if there’s anything rafe likes more than being known for how good he is at his sport, it’s being feared.
when he sees her, rafe approaches her and ducks to kiss her cheek.
he can see that idiot max hammond’s eyes on them. he noticed him scowling at them when rafe was chatting with her after the game. she recently told rafe how just a few days ago, her ex switched up from begging her for a second chance to shit-talking her to school’s team and cheerleaders.
in small, almost imperceptible moments, he’s seen the frustration flash on her face whenever she mentions how max has affected her reputation.
so, his hand slides down her hip and grabs her ass, making her laugh against his chest.
“you know your asshole ex is still hung up on you, right?” he murmurs in her ear over the music. “fuckin’ staring daggers.”
“is that why you’re grabbing my ass?” she says with a smirk.
“that’s part of it.”
she laughs again and shifts to take his hand.
“i’ll take you to the keg,” she says.
he follows her as she walks deeper into the crowded house, her fingers linked around his.
it’s odd how much comfort rafe simply being here brings her. she didn’t think the person to make her feel better after a messy break-up would be a common enemy, the guy known for playing dirty and shouting insults on the court, but she’ll take it.
this thing with rafe did sort of start as a revenge plot, but she stopped caring about that before she even walked out of the bar the night she first spoke with him.
as they fill up their solo cups, she sees max in her peripheral vision. he’s getting closer. and he’s clearly drunk.
“what the fuck are you doing here?” max mutters.
rafe turns, looking down at him. he’s got a few inches on him and he loves to show it.
“celebrating,” rafe replies with a self-assured smile. “we won. did you forget?”
“you can celebrate somewhere else,” he says.
“give it a rest, max,” she sighs.
“nobody’s talking to you,” he says.
“really,” rafe says, his smile disappearing. “you were pretty fucking desperate to talk to her a few days ago, weren’t you?”
max is clearly embarrassed. she’s satisfied.
“that’s none of your business,” max mutters. he looks over at her. “what kind of bullshit have you been spreading?”
“me?” she laughs. “you’re embarrassing yourself. just leave us alone.”
max’s jaw hardens in frustration. she could tell he had quite a few drinks, but when he says his next words, she realizes just how out of his mind drunk he is.
“why are you being such a bitch about this?” he mutters.
within a second, rafe throws a punch, his fist colliding with max’s cheek. the crowd splits in mania. rafe lands another punch. then another.
max lunges low to tackle rafe onto the floor. max’s friends jump in. then, so do rafe’s.
she’s overwhelmed. in shock. frozen. she watches in disbelief. thankfully, a few guys pull them apart.
she’s been at this house before and knows the layout, so when she grips rafe’s bicep, she pulls him towards the door past the kitchen, leading into the backyard away from the chaos.
rafe is heaving, spitting out blood onto the grass. the music is muffled once the door shuts behind them.
“piece of shit,” he mutters. “he’s fucking lucky they pulled me off of him.”
she stares at him with wide eyes. she’s never felt this way with any man before. protected. safe.
so, she gives into her adrenaline-fuelled impulse and hugs him. his chest rises and falls quickly against her cheek. she can feel his pounding heartbeat.
“nobody’s stood up for me like that before,” she admits. “thanks.”
rafe doesn’t say anything for a moment. his reaction wasn’t solely out of hatred of max. it was because he genuinely likes her as a person. and someone upsetting her pisses him off to a ridiculous level.
finally, he places a firm hand on her shoulder. they’ve hooked up countless times now, but this sort of gesture feels out of their element.
“sure,” he says tensely.
she steps back, her eyes on the ground.
“there’s another party down the block if you want to go there instead,” she says.
“alright,” rafe replies.
“hopefully nobody calls me a bitch there.”
his lips pull into a small smile.
“alright,” he echoes. “let’s go.”
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noroi1000 · 1 year
hello ! Can you write a fic where reader who is gojos wife accidentally to travels to when gojo and reader were just students and havent started dating yet?? Like young reader is like ""ohmilord!! I got married?!?! Who is it??" And future reader is like..."cant spill" ?? Thank you have a nice day😇
In a few years 5
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An: So I created this as the next part of this series because it fit here.
Words: 1,5k
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"T-Toru? What is it?" you asked looking at the silver pocket watch in his hand.
"Cursed item." He said with the same smile.
"I thought I told you not to bring dangerous items home." You said looking at him sharply.
"If I brought Sukuna's finger it would be even worse. This finger is dangerous. However, this item is made by humans. By sorcerers like me."
"Like you? I thought you were going to say something else..."
"Fine, created by sorcerers much older than me who could do only that. They probably lived 200 years ago and none of them are alive now."
"Now better. Now, please, put this in a safe place and take it to school tomorrow. I don't want curses in our house when you're not around."
"My son will protect you!"
"Your son? What if it's a daughter?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe even a daughter! Gender doesn't matter ! My child will protect you! Because I feel the energy changes in your body."
"Who would have thought my husband would be a walking pregnancy test..." you muttered with a smile before heading to the laundry room to pick up the laundry Satoru was supposed to do this week.
"Be careful. I'll take it. You can't overload yourself." He said grabbing the clothes basket.
"Satoru, three weeks ago we found out I was pregnant. I can do household chores."
He ignored you and took the clothes to the dressing room.
"And then you tell me you're not overprotective at all..." You smiled with your head tilted slightly.
"Can't I take care of you?" he asked, shouting from the room.
"Of course you can, but I can see you're being overprotective now."
"Hey! I don't want anything to happen to you, okay? Is it that bad that I do this?" he asked as he entered the living room where you were.
"I have nothing against. Now, calm down. Big baby." You patted his head.
Then you hugged him.
"So what was this watch about?" you asked.
"There are two in the world. One gold and the other silver. Gold brings you into the future, and silver into the past . I just wanted to show you this. Because, you know, I'd like to see what our baby will look like..."
"You're impatient. Wait a few months."
"I know. But I was curious. Because, you know, when I was a teenager, I remember going to the future, and when I came back, I knew you would definitely be my girlfriend. Because it was such a belief combined with the fact that in the future I saw that it was."
"What does it have to do with it?"
"I don't remember anything that happened when I was in the future then. And now we met me from the past. So it must be true. Even though he probably remembered as much as I remembered after that trip. I wanted to see our baby at least for a while. And maybe then I would know what gender it is now? Or does it have my eyes?" He laughed.
"Then why do you have a silver watch and not a gold one?" You asked as you pulled away.
"The past self must have put it somewhere where I don't know. Maybe in another place? Because I only found this. I was thinking about going back in time and looking at your virgin ass during training."
You hit him on the head as he laughed.
"You're perverted!"
"I am your husband."
"But you're 28 and I was 16 at the time!"
"Will I be that even if I look at you as my wife? Come on. I already know every inch of your body."
"You're not going back in time to look at my ass!"
"It's the same now. I know. Or even better?" He leaned down to punch you in the buttock. "Much better now! The only thing different about your body is that you were a virgin then and now you have my child inside of you. You don't know how cute it is!"
"Or would I like to travel back in time to look at you when you were a virgin? And you probably acted like a perpetually horny animal."
"You weren't wrong about that. Every time I looked at you." He laughed, waving his hands.
"Give me that watch." You said. "Maybe I'll tell myself in the past not to marry you as long as you're such a pervert."
"But baby, you love me! That also means you love me as a pervert!"
"You finally admitted it. But maybe it would have been nice to see old school when we were young."
"We're not old, (y/n)."
"Okay, but we were teenagers then."
"Fine... Even if we don't remember much of it, we can do it. Hold on, I'll go get a blindfold." He handed you a silver watch.
You felt the coldness of the metal, and you weighed it with your hand. It was probably real silver...
To check this, you clicked the button, slowly counting the seconds.
And when the watch showed 12 seconds, you stopped it.
"Mochi, we were supposed to move in together!" cried your husband sadly when he saw the watch lightly shining.
And your image began to wave before you disappeared.
"Halo! Mrs!"
You heard a voice calling you.
You slowly opened your eyes.
You saw the girl's face. You from your younger years...
"Where am I..." You muttered quietly.
"At Jujutsu High in Tokyo." Said the girl sitting next to you on the bench.
"Are you -." you started.
"Do you know me?" She asked, pointing at her.
"I certainly wouldn't mistake myself from the past..." you laughed.
"From the past? Wait, are you me from the future? Is that why you look like me?!"
"Yeah... I couldn't really click that button myself."
"Button? Oh... Time-traveling watches?"
"Do you know about them? I don't remember learning about it here."
"Recently, Satoru was talking about this. That he had heard that they were here and that he would look for it to visit the future."
"Oh... I know something about that..."
"Let me guess, he made it?"
"Yes. But he doesn't remember anything after that. Probably. What year is it?"
"So I moved 12 years, huh... When I get home, I'm going to be lectured about how I should have moved with him."
"With him? With whom?" Suddenly, the girl looked at your hand, seeing the wedding ring. "Ohmilord!! I got married?!?! Who is it???" she screamed.
You smiled looking at her face. Shocked and almost scared.
"Sorry, I can't spill." You said with a small smile. "You'll live a few more years and you'll find out."
"Ugh... Now I'm going to live in suspense..."
"Don't worry. You will have a boyfriend who will later be your husband and you will be pregnant by him. It's nothing that terrible."
"I will be pregnant?! Are you pregnant?!" She looked at your belly.
"I am, but only recently."
"Should you use cursed items while pregnant? You know... Even Satoru knows that using it in a state where you don't know what's going to happen is inappropriate."
"Even Satoru?"
"Yes. Although I know he would probably do something irresponsible. Besides, what is he doing in the future?"
"He's still a sorcerer."
"He had a girlfriend? Wife? Kids?"
"Hmm..." You thought for a moment what to say. "Yes. He does."
"Oh..." The younger you mumbled sadly.
By the time you were 16, you had feelings for him.
Poor, you thought he had a wife and kids with some other woman.
Well, you didn't say it like you loved him very much.
So she thought your husband was someone else.
"Can you tell me what are you doing in the future? Or what will our relationship be like?"
"You care about him, don't you?"
"...Yes... You were me after all...
"You love him..."
"I... I-I..."
"All right. I know it is. After all, I was you." You laughed.
You saw a watch in your hand that suddenly appeared.
It showed you had two minutes left here.
Why when you go to the future you get hours to stay there and when you go to the past you get minutes?
Because it's already happened, and you've already been through it.
Therefore, you have less time.
You had 12 minutes. It was enough for you to talk to her.
"I have little time. But I can tell you that our relationship is still close." You told her.
And the moment you had a few seconds left, you showed her your hand with the wedding ring engraved with his name.
You don't know if she saw it, but you gave her a quick signal of what she might expect before you disappeared.
Straight to the living room to be grabbed by Satoru who immediately started hugging you, saying that he wanted to be there too and now you have to wait for the watch's energy to recharge.
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writers-potion · 6 months
hi! its fairy anon again, thank you for your suggestions! i know my story sounds very gore heavy with my fairy eating babies worldbuilding but i promise my tone is actually much lighter than that 😭 i was kinda trying to take inspo from old fae stories where children would get lured away and go missing because of fairy antics. but anyway! i really like the idea of a chamber where people cant really see what happens inside. it actually gave me an idea to take that a step further to say that no one in-world actually knows what happens to the babies, so people just assume they get eaten. the idea of babies being whisked away somewhere else somehow, and that the place they get sent is linked to the fairy's longevity, i think is a good way to get my lore across without being gratuitously gorey. id love to know what you think of that idea and definitely would welcome any ideas you have in addition if you have any!
also for clarification, you understood my worldbuilding very well but i made a mistake by saying "enslaved" instead of "imprisoned". each noble house has a fairy living in a cell somewhere in the head of house's estate, and each noble house gets one element. for example, my protagonist is the heir to the house that recieved the ice blessing. but also the whole "fairies eating babies" thing is a secret from the public, the commoners of this kingdom have been fed lies for generations about the ancestors of the nobility saving the fae from extinction, which resulted in the faries "blessing" them. this is their justification for why they should be the ruling elite, despite there being very obvious corruption throughout the nobility
"The Mysterious Cave" Trope
Hi! I'm glad that my ideas helped you :)
I think the best way to further develop this idea of babies being whisked away is to take inspiration from existing ones:
The Piped Piper of Hamlin Type
The imprisoned fairies sing/whisper an enchantment that lures children, who walk voluntarily down to their prisons at night.
The "fairy song" picks up a baby, cradle and all, and delivers it to the fairy waiting in their prison
After that, no one knows what happens to the kids who were taken.
The Arabian Nights Type
In this case, there will be some action required from the child/baby, which will open the doors to the fairy's prison
For example, multiple babies can be brought forth in front of the prison's gates. The first baby to cry will automatically get the gates to open, and he will be claimed by the fairy.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears Type
The child/baby to be given is kept for a while (you can decide for how long) in a special room, fed special meals (this can be related to the particular element that the fairy controls) to optimize them for...consumption.
After the baby has been fed/washed/dressed for the occasion, the fairy can be brought into the chamber, or the babies given away to them in prison.
The Sleeping Beauty/Rapunzel Type
This is where the destiny of the babies are determined even before birth.
You can have the loyalty pay for their magic by giving up their second-born to the fairies, or have the loyalty pay off peasant parents to give up their unborn child in exchange of lifetime's worth of wealth.
Alternatively, it can be the fairies who foresee the birth of the babies that they'll consume ("a girl born in -- at -- hour shall be given to me" and such), and as soon as they're born, they'll be claimed.
Hope this helps! :)
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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ravenromanova · 1 year
Is It Really You? Pt.1
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Parings: MoM Wanda x female reader Other universe Wanda x female reader
Warnings: None?
Summary: Wanda wants to find billy and tommy but y/n tries to stop her with the help of Dr strange and America. Y/n gets transported to another universe in the fight. Where will she end up? Will wanda get her way and get the darkhold? or will y/n stop her?
your pov: 
Im currently running for my life desperately trying to find somewhere to hide while i figure out my next step. As im running down the streets of new york looking on each side of me trying to find somewhere to go i see what looks like an abandoned house. I run into the house and find a chair to put underneath the door handle... not like that'll stop her if she tries to get in. I sit on the what looks like 200 hundred year old dusty couch and try to recollect myself. thinking back to the events that just took place
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* flashback*
" you don't need her power! she's a kid please try and be reasonable here, i know you wanna be with them i know you want to find them but this isn't the way to get what you want. if you do this you'll kill the poor girl! please! just think for a minute!" i scream at the woman in front of me trying to reason with her
" (y/n) this is me being reasonable, darling please you have to understand that i just want our boys.. thats all i want and i will do anything in my power including taking the child's power if that means i can be with billy and tommy." she spits out and i just stare at her in disbelief. i cant believe she's really thinking about doing this.. well not even thinking more like just letting me know her plan.
" Wanda please... don't do this." i plead tears swelling in my eyes. i know she wants our kids. i know she wants us to be a happy family but i cant let her hurt an innocent child. i wont let her do this. even if that means i die trying i love her more than anything but i wont help her kill a child.
" (y/n) if you don't get out of my way i will have no choice but to make you get out of my way. you might be the love of my life but if you wont let me see our children then i cant be held responsible for my actions." she says turning her attention back to the dark hold and i gasp in utter shock. those words couldn't have just come out of her mouth thats not possible. no she- she loves me she wouldn't hurt me theres no way... right?
  i stay silent for a few minutes racking my brain on how to stop her. eventually she walks away for a few and without even thinking about it i grab the darkhold and run for dear life. probably wasnt the best choice but its the only one i had at the moment. i didn't know where i was gonna go all i knew was i needed to get the darkhold away from wanda. 
I assume she realizes i took the book when i can feel the ground underneath me shaking and the buildings trembling. i see flashes of red hitting things in front of me flipping cars, trash cans and anything else flippable attempting to make it to where i was stuck. But i just dodged and jumped over and passed anything she threw my way.
" GIVE ME THE DARKHOLD (Y/N) I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO HURT YOU!" wanda screams at me from behind i turn to look at her and stopped to speak to her
" NO! i will not let you hurt a child for your own selfish reasons. i wanna be with the boys too! i wanna be a family too! but this isn't the way wanda! and you know it you cant kill a child and i wont let you even if that means you kill me in the process i don't care anymore. i tried to reason with you. i tried to love you. tried to help and no matter what you were always more obsessed with getting what you want no matter who you hurt! even me..." i yell back at wanda as she floating in the air. i can see my words hurt her but at this moment i don't care. the woman i loved is gone and isn't coming back and thats very clear now.
  Wanda is about to say something when right before she can she is blasted out of the sky by what looks like a gold/orange blast. i turn to look behind me wanting to know who or what that was and i'm suddenly met with a man in a very strange get up with a cape and a big ass golden eye around his neck. he looks at the book in my hands and gestures for me to hand it to him. for some reason right off the bat i trust him. even without talking i knew he was on my side. i handed him the book and he nods and walks away from me going to grab wanda. i hear her screaming for them to let her go as i get running ears streaming down my face.. i really lost the only thing i have ever loved. 
*end flashback*
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I start to tear up at the events that just happened letting my head flood with all kind of thoughts. How could she do this? Why is she doing this? I know she wants our boys but she knows they don't exist in this universe she knows that we aren't meant to have them in this life. If i can come to terms with that so can she. I thought she loved me enough to stop... but she didn't. I wasn't for her. why wasn't i enough for her... I lay back on the dusty couch as my mind drifts off and i eventually fall asleep.
I'm woken up by a sudden loud noise filling the house i'm in. I quickly shoot up from the couch and  look around me to be met with the same man from earlier along with a girl that looks familiar. I look at the both of them stunned.
" Who are you? are you following me?" I ask them both backing away as i feel my heartbeat quicken with each step i take. 
" i'm Dr. Stephen Strange and this is America Chavez." The man says pointing to himself then the girl.
" i'm-" He finishes my sentence for me 
" you're (y/n) Maximoff Wanda's wife..." He says looking at me with sorrow in his eyes almost as if he's saying sorry for everything thats happened within the past couple hours.
" Yea i am even though at the moment i'm not very proud of my relationship with Wanda.. I'm so sorry she's trying to hurt you America. I tried to reason with her but she's no longer Wanda. She's no longer the woman i married, The woman i loved might as well be dead. The scarlett witch has fully taken her over and i don't think theres any chance of saving her... She wont stop til she gets our kids.. I'm so so sorry." I say as the tears that i fought so hard to stay away finally fought their way out. i fell to my knees and started having a panic attack. The girl comes and sits next to me and puts an arm around me and pulls me close.
" We don't blame you for what's she's doing. Pease don't blame yourself (y/n) we know you tried to stop her. we know you tried to help me. Dr. strange locked her away in a place called to sanctum sanctorum she cant reach us at the moment til they know how to stop her-" Americas sentence is cut off by a large red blast knocking strange over. America and i get up and run to the nearest thing to hide behind. blast after blast things are flown around the room. 
" WANDA STOP PLEASE" I stand in front her despite America trying to stop me.
" Please baby don't do this" I beg as she comes down to the floor and looks at me she puts her hand on my cheek and runs her thumb up and down my face.
" My dear (y/n) i love you more than life itself before you i never knew what real love felt like... that was until i found out about Billy and Tommy.. And now i will do anything i have to to make sure i am with them. And since you want to try and stop me at every turn i have no choice but to remove you myself."  She spits out her voice dripping in hatred. She uses her powers to life me by what feels like my neck and throws me against the wall as hard as she could causing me to hit my head extremely hard. 
" (Y/N)!" America screams and runs to me as strange is trying to fight Wanda off.
" i-i'm okay i'm okay" I say rubbing the back of my head. Before i knew it Wanda was coming at the both of us at full force. Before i knew what was happening i saw a blue flash of light and i was sucked into the light. As i'm falling i look around me seeing all kinds of weird stuff. I think at one point i was paint? Before i could make any kind of sense of what was going on i hit a hard surface hard causing knocking me out.
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I don't know how much as gone by when i wake up. I try to look around me despite my very blurry vision. I try to stand up to walk around trying to get a better understanding of my surroundings but i fail as i fall back on my ass. I rub my eyes and sit for a minute before standing up again and walking around. I walk up and down the street taking in everything i see. i'm exactly where i was when i met strange the first time except the fact that theres no damage done. I furrow my brows trying to understand what the hell is going on. After a minute or two of not having a damn clue. I get a feeling i should go check and see if Wandas at our house. So i make my way towards our house since it was only a five minute walk from where i was.
I make my way up the driveway towards the front door as i hear laughing. I decide to not go in right as i get to the door. I decide to peak in through the window wondering who the hell is in my house right now. But nothing could have prepared me for what i was about to see. Wanda... with our kids.. happy.  I swallow the lump in my throat and make my way inside. All three of them stop and stare at me like they've seen a ghost.
"(y.n)? is that really you?" she says.
To be continued...
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part 2
i do not give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on other sites
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cosmxc-ars3hol3 · 3 months
Oh, ashes, ashes, Dust to dust
Title - Oh, ashes, ashes, Dust to dust
Rating - General Audiences
Archive Warning - No Archive Warnings Apply
Category - M/M
Fandom - Keeper of the Lost Cities - Shannon Messenger
Relationship - Councillor Bronte/Fintan Pyren
Characters - Fintan Pyren, Councillor Bronte
Additional Tags - Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Book 03: Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Summary - ‘After Fintan burnt Oblivimyre down during his healing, he sneaks his way into Bronte’s Castle in Eternalia so he has somewhere to stay. Bronte decides to help him stay hidden/keep people thinking he’s dead.’
Chapter 2 time!!!
The punch knocked Fintan off his feet, landing with his back against the hardwood flooring of Bronte's lounge room. ‘Why are you here?’ Bronte demands, ‘How are you not dead?’ Fintan takes a moment before responding, ‘I had nowhere else to go. As for how I'm not dead? Maybe I will tell you, but not today.’ ‘not enough,’ ‘Well then, what can I do to make it enough, Bronte?’ begged Fintan.
Bronte took this as an opportunity to take a deep breath and look over the scene of his lounge room and, on a larger scale, his castle. His bodyguards were downstairs; they couldn't hear them. Bronte made sure when his castle was built that upstairs was soundproof. Fintan guaranteed that they couldn't tell he was there. Hell! They probably walked right past him while they were searching the house. They were free of interruptions. He then chose to look around the room, leaving Fintan in suspense, waiting for his answer. He looks at Fintan, nose bloody from where Bronte had punched him; he could feel the blood on his fist. not a lot of it, but enough to be noticeable. Bronte took another deep breath through his nose, taking in the ashy smell of smoke from the fire Fintan had set, one that Bronte and everyone else had just gotten out of, everyone but Kenric. Bronte considered holding hope that he was alive, but he knew it was foolish. Fintan was only alive because he knew a way out. Kenric didn't.
‘I need to sleep; my head is still spinning after the healing.’ ‘Your head is spinning? How do you think I feel, Fintan!’ Bronte started to yell, ‘You KILLED a councillor! I thought you were DEAD! I thought you had DIED!’ His voice went small. ‘I'm sorry, Bronte, really I am,’ he said, sounding genuine.
Bronte looked at him. Fintan was standing there, his eyes displaying a diverse mix of emotions; sadness, grief, and fear were the first he saw, but he could also see, albeit a smaller level of tenderness and affection was also present. Did he really care that much about Bronte? Surely not…
‘It was the only way I could get out without being arrested again.' Fintan started to explain ‘Then why on EARTH did you come here?’ Bronte was starting to become confused again. ‘I knew you wouldn’t arrest me’ Fintan reassured ‘How did you know I wouldn't?’ Bronte questioned, but he felt like he already knew the answer. ‘I know you’ he said tenderly.
Was there something there? Or was Bronte just assuming too much about his old friend. Was he picking up something that wasn't there? He finally could tell what he felt.
‘My duty is to the council first, personal life will always. come. second.’ Bronte said, his voice cracking ‘you should know this’ ‘but it’s me, Bronte,’ he said softly I know. that's why i won't arrest you’ he reassured ‘i won't tell anyone you’re alive. I just need you to promise me you wont go doing anything too stupid.’ ‘I wouldn't’ Fintan reassured, although that response wasn’t what Bronte wanted from him ‘You did. That's how we got here.’ he reminded him gently, a reminder to what Fintan has done, what he has risked for what he perceived to be the ‘right’ thing. What Bronte has done for what he knows is right. ‘Promise me, Fintan. Promise me you wont do anything to stupid. Promise me you wont actually die, i cant lose you again, my love,’ Bronte pleaded with Fintan, not realising at first what had slipped off his lips. ‘i promise, i wont do anything stupid, darling.’ responded Fintan, with an amused but reassuring smirk. Bronte could feel a warm flush travelling to his face, betraying his reaction past his usually cold facade.
Bronte, said after he cleared his throat ‘did you get hurt by the everblaze?’ ‘i got a few burns, nothing to worry about though, if you want to sleep, i can take care of them myself.’ ‘if youre so sure? don’t feel bad if you have to wake me up,’
Bronte and Fintan lock eyes for a moment before Fintan looks away, about to walk off before having to ask - ‘where’s the bathroom and first aid kit?’ ‘just down the hall and to the left, and all the elixirs and other first aid items are all labeled.’ he responded ‘thanks, good night Bronte’ Fintan said, ending the conversation.
Bronte wished he had used a nickname for him again, but he knew that with his topic change, he had made it too awkward with his reaction. he felt bad about that. but he still walked to his room, planning on sleeping off the embarrassment caused by his accident of calling Fintan ‘my love’
Fintan had found his way over to Bronte’s bathroom, not shutting the door. he didnt need to, Bronte’s asleep. he took off his fire-ruined shirt, back to the mirror, looking behind his shoulder.
a massive burn covers majority of his back and parts of his arms. he could feel similar burns to his arms covering his legs. Fintan reasoned that his back was the worst because his clothes must’ve caught fire slightly and started to burn his back. now that he was aware of his injuries, adrenaline worn off, made it hard for him to try to treat the extensive burns covering his back and arms. every time he tried to reach back and put some of the burn cream he found in Bronte’s massive first aid kit, it hurt to try and reach his back, a few tears slipping out, silent at first but then growing to pained sobs. at first, he tried to keep his crying quiet, not wanting Bronte to hear him, but as he kept trying, the pain would get worse and worse.
Bronte never really fell asleep, stuck thinking about everything that happened in past few hours. Fintan’s healing, Kenric dying, thinking Fintan died, Fintan showing up in his house, realising that he might like Fintan. he cant though, hes a councillor. then again, councillors arent meant to harbour fugitives and thats what hes doing. thats what Fintan is. but he cant step down, hes a councillor, a pillar of example, what people should aim to be like. its all a facade. he just hopes the cracks dont show. if he steps down now, there would be repercussions. when youve served as long as he has, watched so much happen, to the many past and current councillors, to the elven population, and society, finally showing its cracks. hopefully that doesn’t happen with him. he cant afford to be found in cahoots with a leader to a rebellion, trying to bring down what he has been fighting for, for millennia. no one can afford to have to elect multiple councillors right now, and there is no guarantee that they will do what is right for the world.
his train of thought is disrupted when he hears gentle cries coming from another room. it has to be Fintan, unless he has another visitor.
Bronte rises from his bed, leaving his room and going down the hall, stopping right beside the open bathroom door. his heart saddens at what he sees. Fintan sitting on the floor, attempting to treat his burns. even worse, the extent of his injuries was underplayed by him, sending Bronte off to bed, making him deal with them on his own.
Fintan’s back is covered in burns, probably second or even third degree, his arms up at the shoulders are covered in the same burns and further down the limb, the burns look less serious but theyre still there.
Bronte stood silently for a moment, taking in the sight of Fintan's pain. Without a word, he stepped into the bathroom, kneeling beside him. "Let me help," he said softly, reaching for the burn cream and gently applying it to Fintan's injuries. "You shouldn't have to endure this alone."
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dearreader · 2 years
royai is just like “we can’t make any promises now can we babe/but you can make me a drink” and “sometimes when i look into your eyes/ i pretend your mind/ all the damn time” and “i don’t like that anyone would die to feel your touch” and “what must it like to grow up that beautiful” and “we’re on the phone and i realize your laugh is the best sound. i. have. eve.r. heard.” and “i’m on my guard for the rest of the world/but with you? i know it’s no good” and “the stakes are high/the waters rough/but this love is ours” and “see you in the dark… all eyes on you my magaician… all eyes on eyes on us… you make everyone disappear” and “all eyes on me your illuionust/all eyes on us… i make all your gray days clear” and “i’m so chill but you make me JEALOUS” and “i’d kiss you as the lights went out… swaying as the room gave out… i’d hold you as the water rushes in” and “cause they see right through me/they see right through me/they see right through/can you see right through me?” and “that’s the heartbreak time could never mend/i’d never walk cornelia street again” and “the more that you say the less i know/where ever you stray i’ll follow” and “but it fades away into my day old tea cause it’ll never be” and “you showed me colors you know that i can’t see with anyone else” and “look at this idiotic fool that you made me/YOU TAUGHT ME A SECRET LANGUAGE I CANT SPEAK WITH ANYONE ELSE” and “i’ve been meaning to tell you, i think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why” and “and wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles im faking” and “i thought the plane was going down/how’d you turn it right around?” and “we’re burned for better” and “somewhere in the haze got a sense id been betrayed” and “all you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing” and “put your lips close to mine as long as they don’t touch/out of focus eye to eye till the gravity’s too much” and “the only one who has enough of me to break my heart” and “but your untouchable burning brighter than the sun/and now that your close i feel like coming undone” and “i wake up screaming from dreaming/one day i’ll watch as your leaving cause you got tired of my scheming/and life will lose all its meaning (for the last time)” and “it’s nice to have a friend” and “your touch brought fourth an incandescent glow/tarnished but so grand” and “all i know is you held the doors/you’ll be mine and i’ll be yours” and “like starlight starlight don’t you dream impossible things” and “you would break your back for me to break a smile” and “who could ever leave me darling… but who could stay?” and “say my name and everything just stops… i don’t want you like a best friend” and “i don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you” and “i screamed for whatever it’s worth/I LOVE YOU AINT THAT THE WORST THING YOU EVER HEARD?”
and people expect me to be normal about that?
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kinnsporsche · 1 year
Thank you for your kind words on my AITA for calling the police on my sister.
I'm sorry you've been through that. It's very rough and it's hard especially in situations where the child is abusing a parent.
hiiii op!!! (context, it's this @am-i-the-asshole-official post)
my brother was around the same age, maybe a little bit older, when everything went down with them. when i was growing up he'd always been abusive to me physically and emotionally (the worst thing i remember is him pushing me into a bunch of thorns and nettles and then him and his friend shooting me with a bb gun and when i was super young maybe 4 or 5 he hung my toys from the ceiling with rope) but he didn't start getting physically abusive with my own mum until somewhere between 16-18.
unlike your situation, i was young so i was home with my mum when it happened and so she never had to ask for our help, but i do have core memories of her hiding me and my little sister behind her whilst my brother was going off on one, i remember him shoving her and her hitting her head on the counter and splitting her eyebrow open and there was blood all down her face, i remember her having bruises all over, i remember him holding a knife to her, i remember her pulling one back to defend us (i was 11/12 which made my sister 7/8 at the time) and for most of his teenage years, he never changed. my mum made a lot of excuses for him until it got really bad - he was abused by his own dad (not my father, he's my half-brother) and she felt guilty for that, she felt like she messed up his childhood so this was her fault and she deserved it.
i dont think she started to understand how bad it was until the knives got involved, until he brought a group of people into our house whilst some man waited for them outside and threatened to tie everyone in the house to the back of his car and drive around our estate, until i, a twelve year old child, had to go up against him to protect my own mum whilst she was bleeding on the floor until my dad came over and got him out of the house. and after that is when my mum also became heavily involved with alcohol and alcoholism and lost herself until i was about 16/17. she's okay now, we're both in good places and super close, but i lost my childhood to the both of them because of how bad things got with the abuse and the drinking. i was kicked out of my own house at 14 iirc, i have ptsd (which fucking destroys my memory hence the broad age range bcs i cant remember shit), depression, social phobia, and anxiety from it all, i'm still scared of my brother, i'm terrified of confrontation, i have attachment issues, but the worst part of it all are the nightmares and the flashbacks. my mum doesn't know i have them, i've only told a few people, but they happen regularly. most recently my brother in one of them my brother tried to drown me and poured scolding water on my face so theres that.
op you did the right thing by showing her that there's consequences for what she did, if your mom was willing to let it lie, i am 100% sure it would and might still will grow into a situation like my brother. i cant believe there's people on that post claiming yta for calling the cops on your sibling when they laughed in the face of your own mother almost dying at her hands. yes acab, we know this, but until there is a better system in place to help and protect in situations like this, what else are you supposed to do? wait for your sister to one day do too much damage that your mom can't recover from? fuck no you have every right to defend your mom from her and, even if your mom understand it now, one day she will, especially if your sister continues to walk such a dangerous path.
please please see what i went through as a warning, and if you want to share this with your family so there's even the slightest chance that they might see how bad things can get if she isn't punished for her behaviour, if it's left to fester and root, if she thinks she can get away with it, then please send it to them. i'm wishing nothing but love and safety for your family, especially your mom.
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itskoolest · 2 years
mandela catalogue story thoughts
alright time for more rambles, im gonna explain my understanding of and best guesses about tmc, if anyone sees this who things i got anything wrong or who knows more, please tell i wanna know. so in 1981, the first reports of alternate encounters begin, and the first basic understanding is formed about alternates, with the first warnings broadcast. a couple years before this, a young mark heathcliff is made his "scary night" story, around the intruder, which may have been the first ever report or sighting of an alternate in any form/capacity. then, in (as far as i can tell) a seperate incident, in september 1992, cesar's mum was attacked by an alternate, and so cesar takes her to the hospital and asks mark to head over and turn on the cams. mark does so before leaving, but the alternate was still in the house at the time and followed him home, where it then sat outside his door for days until he y'know, unalived on 15 september 1992. After mark's prolonged absence from school, one of his teachers alerts the police with a voicemail, and thatcher heads over to investigate, and discovers mark's body on 21st september 1992. sometime after this, the situation with the murrays occurs which results in baby adam (would be 3 or 4) being abducted, lynn committing die and jude disappearing in one way or another. personally im running into a lot of what seems like conflicting information in/about this section so i cant yet clearly understand the timeline, but that's the result. somewhere along the line, an investigator attempts to check out the house but 'pussies out', however a volunteer is able to set up some in house cameras, though despite what we see in intruder alert, thatcher doesnt see any anomalies with the findings and so has to conduct an investigation with weaver. when they check the house out, the alternate created by adam whilst watching stanley on the tv is still there, and kills weaver during the investigation. thatcher then flees for the station, but the alternate follows him there, and assaults and assimilates him as we see in the end of 333, though thatcher doesnt seem to be physically injured by the encounter, only mentally. following this, thatcher goes into hiding in an attempt to escape the alternate, and because of this, we think everyone else assumes he is dead.
in 2007, mark's sister, sarah, who was only 3 at the time of mark's death, starts the bythorne paranormal club in an attempt to understand more about what happened to her brother. adam, now 19, joins the club as well, bc he freaky as fuck idk what the hell going on with that guy im ngl, but i think the abduction might have a part in why he's like this, and he might have been under the guise of even gabriel/false shepard/literal devil himself when he was missing, although that said he failed the toddler assessment review before this even happened so i dont think we have enough info yet. anyway, him and sarah conduct their first mission on 14-15 july 2007, in which adam makes shit get crazy and sarah decides "yk what, ill just do admin and look at results instead of getting them myself", and so adam hires jonah as his new partner. vol 2 then takes place in mid january of 2009, resulting in the death of jonah but not adam, who walks for miles in the cold so he can steal his dead friends car lmao. and i dont fully understand what happens with him and the guy at the end of 4 tbh, thats the one part i cant come up with a theory for. all i know is that he is absolutely the mandela prophet.
meanwhile, evelin looks through dave's tapes, and i think the reason dave always wears sunglasses is because they protect from the effects of the alternates interacting with those tapes. knowing that evelin wouldnt have looked at these tapes with shades, he is kinda forced into firing her,or at least not being around her too much, as she could theoretically summon an alternate to their location at any time with the wrong stimuli. however during this time, dave has been speaking with a friend named o'brien, who has effectively been opening dave's eyes to the potential wonders of life outside of chasing alternates, and because of this dave decides to basically retire from the alternate stuff. eventually he agrees to meet o'brien outside of the church, to intiate whatever post-alternate plan they had been working on, and so he phones thatcher on short notice and just tells him that he's leaving. imo this is going to be a big fucking problem for thatcher, as he doesn't know nearly as much as dave did about alternates and might struggle to go alone, with potentially only evelin to work with. oh and also there is now an all powerful being after him. either way, dave goes to meet o'brien outside the church, however to his absolute fucking horror, o'brien was actually gabriel all along, posing as a friend to deter him from learning too much about the alternates, and most importantly luring him right into gabriel's trap - despite his wealth of knowledge and experience with alternates, he still managed to follow the shepard. ok i definitely missed some detail stuff but i think this gets the majority of the important plot points, even if theyre probably all horribly wrong lmao. if anyone wants to correct me on stuff or tell me things i might not know, go ahead!
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diary-of-a-miles · 3 months
writings no. 1
an absolutely unorganized amalgamation of thoughts and musings :)
you know the feeling of wishing you could hear a song again but knowing that you cant?
i have been feeling that way about everything i do in my life; i will never experience this moment again, and even if it is replicated, it will not feel the same. 
now, i try to be in constant awareness that the only time ill ever experience the very moment in front of me is right now. 
its so nebulous to think about, which is in my opinion why many are driven away from philosophy; our brains aren’t made to process so much information and curiosity, so the very act of thinking so much is a rebellion against the somewhat self imposed limits on our thoughts. 
(it’s beautiful)
these limits are further reinforced by the imaginary forces we are governed by, whether that for you is god, the state, a person, the church, really any institution or mechanism that attempts control over the human, who is at his core ungovernable. the institution of the world is built against the human, and we are brought back to how the masters tools will never take down the masters house, as said by Audre Lorde. 
so what, then, do we do to take these institutions down, in order to start rebuilding our ability to think and live as humans, rather than these drones, slaves, servants to the systems causing our downfall? from my own thinking, we must stage a firm revolution in which we blend Dr. King’s strategies of civil disobedience with an unyielding spirit, emphasized by a heavy incorporation of art, music, and love as an act of rebellion.
many may recoil at this statement; they may see it as a call for a peaceful revolt, which is not at all what i am in favor of. the revolution will not be peaceful, for it will be an unavoidable obstruction in the lives of all; nobody will be neutral, everyones stance will be known. In this way, it is not peaceful; it disturbs the peace in a beautiful way. 
However, it will not be overly violent. Though violence is necessary if our comrades are outwardly slaughtered, it may not be upon the civilians, even those who are anti-liberation. The revolution will only be able to grow, flourish, and therefore change the world if we let the people adapt and learn, and that doesnt happen if we kill them, or their families, or their friends. 
As we are now, there just arent enough committed revolutionaries that are willing to give up their own livelihoods in order to preserve the world. We need people, and they must come from somewhere, and that will be from those who we tend to pass off as ignorant, uneducated, and even bigoted. Everyone is able to change their involvement in the revolution and everyone is able to participate in their own liberation. 
It is crucial that we as revolutionaries do not take away that sacred right that they also have, regardless of if they accept their duties to keep the liberation moving.
Another obstacle is infighting, obviously. But I'm not even just talking about minuscule cases: a local event not requiring masks, a server member not understanding neopronouns. My dear comrade, if these grievances upset you greatly, youve got a storm coming when you will have to yield to the idea that there will be all sorts. People from all walks of life, whether towards or against the liberation they claim to fight for, will want a part in the movement. You have to keep in mind that if nothing else, they are numbers. For instance, we the people can all unite on the idea that there is a housing crisis. However, some people who want that changed are homophobic assholes, and think that is independent from the thing theyre pissed about. In order to get these not-insignificant numbers of people to be a part of that hypothetical cause, youd need to encourage the person and welcome on the basis of their opposition to the housing crisis. Then, once being around queer people, seeing how we care for eachother (which we must demonstrate - time to play nice, fellas), and seeing our ideal plans for the end of the housing crisis, the person may open up, and what used to be a position of hostility may turn to a willingness to debate, which could turn into neutrality, which then could turn into an ally, and hell, maybe another queer person! it is a dangerous affair, only for the bravest, kindest, and most patient people. it may not be a job suited to everyone, which makes me wonder whether we as revolutionaries should have roles? ponderable. 
A trait that is ideal for a revolutionary is the ability to educate, treating every asshole you come across like they just don’t see yet how this is helping them. oftentimes, this will be the case. Most assholes are only angry because theyve had a bad experience, and you can grow the revolutionary forces by treating these people with basic kindness.
furthermore, an aversion to revolt and rebellion, i believe, comes from our conditioned aversion to sudden change, which is more persistent when the outcome cannot feasibly be predicted. we must be the ones to push ourselves past this fear, which is instilled in us from our upbringing and strengthened by every instance in which we insist that any amount of worthwhile change will come from anything but a communally organized, meticulously planned revolution, rooted in love and understanding of the innate human ability to shift our viewpoint.
mind, the revolution (enlightenment, if you might) need not necessitate violence, and though violence is likely to occur and may ensure the fruits of the revolution, it needs to be used with discretion, and it too must abide by the plans mutually agreed upon. and it would need to be provoked. violence for the sake of violence, directed at just about anyone, will solve nothing, but rather create more hatred towards us. people shouldn't be dying from any of our organized things until it is visible to the public that the treatment people receive from the institutions that have made themselves the enemies of the people truly is murder. this is a non-starter; no revolution will flourish if numbers do not increase dramatically, which should be a major and overarching goal. therefore, we cannot tarnish the public opinion of the revolutionaries! YES! unfortunately, until the revolution is done, there will be an uncomfy amount of masking and pretending to be more tame, pretending like the anger doesnt permeate your soul! as hozier said in “arsonists lullaby”, “dont you ever tame your demons / but always keep them on a leash” meaning that YES YOU NEED ANGER, and yes, that anger must be calm and controlled if your goal is to garner the favor of the people WE NEED for the revolt! the time will come for the outward, largely unrestricted anger, and it must wait until we have a stable build of people who trust and will fight for the liberation of the people. for a time, the revolution will regrettably get its starts as almost a pageant!
we must unite a broad spectrum of people who are generally pro-liberation. there are gonna be people on our side that you and i will fucking hate, and we will differ greatly on many beliefs, some on the very meaning and validity of our existence. we must see past this, which is perhaps the most difficult part of the revolution for many. we simply cannot flee a coalition for the freedom of the people over things that aren't directly harmful to the cause. and YES. this means there are gonna be people in the revolution who don't believe in things you may find fundamental! you must restructure how you view your activism if trivial things cause you to abandon groups, until all you have is a small group of people with the exact same beliefs as you. these will never bloom into something to truly liberate.
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augment-techs · 1 year
“You know how it’s fall? At least I’m hoping the postman delivers it while it’s still fall, There are these really beautiful maple leaves that are falling all around, and somehow, somehow, just like the golden glow of the sunset, they remind me of you. They remind me of all the days you walk me home, of all the times you and I spend just walking through the woods, hand in hand.
I could live forever in your smile, make a home in your dimples. I see you playing your piano, and suddenly my heart wants to sing in tune with the notes you play.
You and I, aren’t we like piano keys? Major and minor, sharp and soft, blue and orange? You’re the sunset before my nightfall, you’re also the dawn that follows.
Even the laws of thermodynamics would place you and me together, because we’re meant to be.
I know I say this every time I write, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you so, I’m sorry I broke you, I’m sorry for everything I ever did to you. The truth is, I can never make up for what I did; if only I could go back in time, turn it back, bring you with me, never let you go, I would.
When I was transported to another dimension, and found out I was no more, in that world, my first thought was of you. I’ve never told this to anyone, not even my friends, but the only one that came to my mind, was you. How you were in that universe. Were you with me? Or were you apart?
I never thought you and I would ever end up this way. Things went so wrong, somewhere, but I’m glad you reached out. I’m glad Bulk didn’t break me in half when he found out I still loved you.
Truth is, I never stopped loving you. You were my first, you’re going to be my last.
I cant imagine being anywhere else, where you are not— no home would be would be warm enough, no house could compare, if you’re not here to share the warmth with me.
We’re getting older, life is changing, and so is everything else, but you and I, let’s never change?”
One of the many many letters to Skull, sent by Billy~ //enclosed, a maple leaf, and a couple of candid Polaroids Kim took from her camera of the two of them//
"...Not okay." Billy blinked up from his warm spot in their shared bed, squinting blurry at Skull's back and the dried leaf the pianist was spinning around quietly as he stared down at the letter in his lap. A little spike of shame raked through Billy's ribs when the blond recognized the note as he lifted up to settle his chin over Skull's shoulder, wrap arms around his middle, and tuck his knees on either side of his hips. He tried not to pay attention to the slight chill coming off of Skull's bare arms that spoke volumes about how long the man had been sitting in the moonlight--so bright in the winter months, reflecting off the snow and amplifying everything it touched--without Billy noticing. "What's not okay, sweetheart?" "That other me you talked about here. I think..." He reached up to needle and loops fingers into Billy's own, chewing his lip as he breathed out and back in. The white of his breath almost made Billy pull him back under the blankets, but then Skull continued and Billy went so still and silent from the shock. "I think if I were them, at the end of the day, I would have done everything to make things easier for everyone else until things got better, but I don't think I would have wanted to go on. I can't even imagine a life without you in it, somehow. I think he's probably dead, even if he's still walking around." Billy did not have an answer to that. All of his breath was wadded up in his throat, not quite choking him, but so still that it was almost impossible to think he would be able to exhale. But Eugene turned around and brought them both under the covers, pressing the note onto the side table with the leaf and wrapped Billy up like something precious and immortal and only for him. All ragged smile and crows feet at the side of his eyes and he blew a warm breath over Billy's face in that way that he always had since they were very small. It tickled and got Billy breathing again and he understood the next bit, right down deep in his bones. "Makes me glad we're here."
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injvre · 2 years
dream i had a while back about dogs barking. a little scary, idk. sorry for how i decided to write this, it felt faster & i thought about posting it somewhere else but decided not to
it’s pretty rare, but sometimes when i dream, i’m not me / my circumstances are totally different from my real life / everyone else in the dream is a stranger, and it may have a more coherent plot. this is one of those
>move into gated neighborhood >way nicer than last neighborhood >had scary home invasion incident in last place, paranoid & want to get away >spend lots of money on getting a guard dog and getting it trained >have to introduce dog to neighbors because they also have dogs (2 or 3 little toy breeds) >immediately hate my dog because he's big and scary, convinced he’s going to eat fifi gigi & mimi i guess >see lots of “missing dog” posters for dogs in our neighborhood but think nothing of it >our neighbor increase comments abt my dog eating other dogs, make weird accusations to an owner of one of the missing dogs that my dog ate theirs >(even though i moved in after his dog went missing) >my dog behaves fine, never hear or see dog do anything they say >neighbor gets contentious, mentions going to court >don’t want to lose my dog so i say i'll set up a security camera so we can get it solved >rig up camera (wanted to anyway) >also rig up microphone >program to record on movement & on loud detection of noise >also it’ll play a sharp noise that dogs hate but people cant hear >wont hurt dogs and will have win/win of making sure neighbor dogs dont bark back >neighbor snotty about it but agrees >go to bed >dog wakes me up to go out in the middle of the night >let dog out & go back to bed to watch the cameras on my phone >neighbor’s dogs already out b/c doggy door & bark at mine >my dog does his business & goes patrolling smells >he ignores their dogs barking but they settle down >like couple min of footage on the cameras  >dog lays down on back porch for nap >their dogs go inside >no footage bc not enough movement/noise to activate cameras >basically this for a week or so >nothing interesting just normal shit, people locking their cars etc >neighbor starts saying this is it this is your dog antagonizing i told you >can’t let my dog out because hers bark immediately >she says let my dog out when hers aren’t out but can’t do that because she has a doggy door so if they hear / see my dog let out then they come out to bark. >whatever. i cope >one night i hear my dog bark so i look at the clips on my phone >tfw my dog DOES start it >heart drops to asshole thinking my dog will get taken away >clip starts a few secs b4 trigger so dog laying on porch. see ears perk up / neck fur stand up going guard dog mode >growling starts >dont see anything >dog stand up >walk slowly to end of porch >neighbor dogs start cowering by back door yapping >my dog starts doing big scary booming dog barks >its fucking over they totally think my dog is gonna eat theirs he's gonna be taken nononono >finally notice he’s not even looking in their direction  >another dog starts walking btwn our fences in little alley thing >can barely see it because growing grapes along fence & some other plants >but kind of large and reddish/brown >moving slowly taking really weird steps walking slow >head moving back n forth weirdly >my dog standing back from fence as this thing approaches just barking trying to scare it off >my dog & neighbors dog keep flinching bc dog frequency bell going off >just keep barking tho clearly super pissed about this >meanwhile strange dog not flinching at all ?  >neighbor lady is gonna be pissed my idea didn’t work >neighbor dogs get a little bolder & go to mid yard also barking >light turns on in neighbor house >they yell at dogs & get theirs inside >i come get my dog >he hurries inside kinda like he’s scared of smthn but i dont see shit at that time bc its out of range of porch lights >look on camera when i’m back in bed >on camera it shows >strange dog keeps going to neighbors back gate >stands up on its hind legs >realize it was a fucking human man on his elbows and knees >can see straps/belts holding ankles to hip and wrists to shoulder with caps???? or bandages on the joints >penis out >more straps across his middle >realize its how this guy is wearing the dog fur >red/brown. still got head but it's like a bear rug where it's kinda flattened >fiddling w stupid wrapped-up elbows at gate that just latches >OPENS GATE >goes back to all fours to go across their yard >moving like he’s tired >gets to porch >squeezes himself into dog door >immediately freak out & call the police >have to give huge interview and show footage and their house is searched and they catch guy from a few houses down and charge him with all kinds of things and he's going to jail >tfw neighbors never say thank you even though w/o me & my dog they never would have known this happened and i’m not sure if they’d even know he went in their house >still hate me over stupid shit
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technowoah · 3 years
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It only takes one time to realize you fucked up.
50) "Fuck off... I mean it"
24) "Get in the car" "..." "please get in the car"
⚠︎ angst to fluff, swearing, based on the song Taunt by Lovejoy ❤🐈 its short btw yall
[Updated 3 hours after upload I messed up the prompts sorry yall now it fixed]
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She was always asking if he was alright. He always lied to her just to get her off his back for the night, but it was his fault that he wanted her to move in. He has to deal with that all of the time, it was her fault anyways. She made him upset, she made him not alright. She didn't know that. She constantly complained about things that didn't even concern her, she dodged their relationship making it more about her than them.
It was tiring to him. Constantly providing, trying to tie a broken knot, but he didnt let that get in the way of his career, or his friends. There's another issue, he never talked to his friends about her. She accused him of not being proud of their relationship and that became a problem that never got resolved.
Did anyone ever say "no" to her? Well if no one did, he would be the first one to do so. Fuck that.
He listened, and listened, but nothing kept this relationship together.
Wilbur talked to the three people chatting on his discord through his headphones as a soft LED lights flowed through the room. These nights were simple because she didnt have to see him when he decides to stream, he basically has his time set out for himself without trouble. He wasn't ecstatic, he felt horrible, but the facadè was there.
Her on the other hand wasnt happy either. She never got attention from him, and of course she could get moody from time to time like every other human being, but she always took it out on him. Who else was gonna be there for her? He acted like her cared, she knew he was lying. His "caring" consisted of humming and him responding like a default character in a video game. He didn't care, he acted like he never did. She needed that attention and he knew damn well she did.
She wasnt asking for much, at least to her it did feel like it. She knew when she was wrong, but she didn't want to admit it when they were both in the wrong too. They dont get each other, she didnt know why he asked her to move in when he didn't want anything to do with her. Ever since he moved her in he kept her in check like a child, she hated and loved that at the same time. Its true that she wanted her own way, she did what she wanted and gave her attention to whoever she wanted her attention to be. She thought that was fine, but apparently she dosent give any effort to the relationship.
Rolling her eyes at the thought she decided to leave the dishes in the sink dirty. She thought about leaving and finding someone who will get her, yes Wilbur listened to her, but there was no effort. When he's drunk and tries to "figure out what makes her brain tick" ends up in more distaster.
Lying in the couch her mind began to wonder, he always said that she could get away with anything. She always took it as a taunt. Everytime it was brought up. He called it "pretty privilege" and he always taunts her saying she abuses that power.
Her jaw clenched as she recalled those memories. Summoning the courage she brought herself up onto her feet and rushed to their shared bedroom. Taking a deep breath she opened their closet and started pulling her things off of hangers, not caring if she made a mess. She tossed her clothes onto the messy bed that they didn't bother to make this morning.
Bringing a small backpack out from underneath the bed she tried shoving most of her clothes into a bag for a night. In total frustration she emptied the bag and only backed necessities that she would need for the night.
She was tired of him and he was tired of her so she was doing both of them a favor. She made her way out of the door grabbing a coat and sliding on some simple shoes. Shooting a quick text to a close friend letting them know she's coming over. Her friend wasn't that close, but she decided to walk. As she locked the door to their shared apartment she debated texting Wilbur. She didnt want to, but she didnt want him to freak the fuck out because she wasnt home.
( Wilbur )
Me: Ill be back for the rest of my stuff tmrw.
She closed her phone and started on her night time journey down the street trying to let everything from the past few weeks go with the cool wind.
Him on the other hand stayed silent. He had just finished his stream and had gotten a text saying that she'll be back for the rest of her things. This was inevitable, one of them had to leave, but to him it didnt seem right. He didn't want her to leave. Something in his heart was making him chase her back, the same thing in his heart that moved her into his apartment in the first place. Maybe it was love, maybe he wanted to persevere and have someone in his life. Something in his mind was telling him that he let go of something special.
Wilbue thought about it as he shut everything off and went to go grab his belongings, before rushing out the door to try and find her. Sadly to his discovery, she turned off her location. He finally made it to his car and started driving towards his house to see if she was around there.
He couldn't call a friend because she never introduced her friends to him. She did that on purpose because of him not doing the same. As he drove down the not so busy streets of Brighton he thought if he could get to know her, pull emotions and feelings out of her and see the real her. And if he cant do that? Who knows what will happen.
He remembers this face she always pulled when he always said "Im alright." She scrunched up her nose in annoyance and he always took it as a taunt because he couldn't figure out the real meaning. They were both going at this the wrong way, he dosent know anything about her and maybe thats the problem, but she needs to calm down as well. She needs to start paying attention to both of them instead of herself.
He was seated at a stoplight until he saw a figure on the sidewalk walking past him. The person looked shocked then kept walking, but even faster this time. He rolled down the window to see it was Y/n walking. Wilbur ran the red light and found a place to turn the car around to follow her. He drove a couple of feet in front of her before putting his hazard lights on and stepping out of the car to confront her.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Wilbur said while getting our of his car.
"Im getting away from you. And what are you doing here?" She said.
"Well I could ask you the same thing. Its not safe out here alone." He calmed down a little. Wilbur's main goal was to get her back home so they can have a civilized talk. He didn't want to be out here.
"Oh? Ive been fine for the past fifteen minutes." She sasser back.
"That dosent mean its not safe!" He exclaimed.
She stayed quiet so that gave Wilbur an opportunity to speak.
"See, I want us to go home so we can have a civilized talk without feeling defensive. I want to get to know you, I know you're my girlfriend and yes, it was my mistake rushing things. Im not putting the blame all on myself either." He finished and she stayed quiet with her arms crossed infront of her chest.
"Are you cold-?"
"Fuck off...I mean it." She said while trying to pass hin on the street.
He stood in her way and he kept doing that every time she tried to get around him. Wilbur saw that she was getting annoyed at his actions. Wilbur held her by both of her biceps trying to hold her still so he could talk.
"You're being childish!"
"Fucking listen to me! You cant just keep walking away from us! From me! This is not healthy!" Wilbur yelled. He let go if her and surprisingly she stayed there.
"Get in the car." He ordered but she stayed silent. "Please get in the car."
She turns around gets in the passenger seat if Wilbur's car. He sighed a sigh if relief and followed her lead. They both got settled into the car and he didn't move. He wasn't going to drive unless she talked to him. After a minute if silence she spoke up.
"I know its- its both of our faults. And i have some things I need to work on. I cant just run away. Also your thoughts of me need to be rearranged, but I need to give you all of me. At leat 50 percent so we can start somewhere. But Im sorry." She said while she looked down at her lap maybe in embarrassment.
In the end they both wanted to fix themselves. In the end they wanted eachother. And they can both see that.
He leaned over the armrest and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She turned to him with a surprise look on her face, like this was the most affection he gave her, because it was true. She grabbed his hand that rested on the armrest too as he started to drive towards their home together.
As the nightly drive continues on and now shes drifting off in the passenger seat as In Love With An E-girl plays softly. She's left too tired to talk with Wilbur and be in touch with her emotions right now, but she'll do it for the both of them this time.
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afro-hispwriter · 3 years
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After Ricks disappearance (twd) and Fixing the plane era(ftwd)
F/I- first initial
Warnings- language, implied smut
a/n- i wrote this a long time ago, its been posted on on wattpad for a while so i decided to post it on here… Enjoy!
Rick was gone, things were falling apart. Your dad, Daryl left the communities to join search parties all the way until he was the last one searching. Michonne and you wanted to keep looking but her pregnancy was to far along, and you basically took care of her and Judith. The atmosphere feels familiar just like when Carl died, you and him were best friends, you supported him in every one of this decisions even helped him get with Enid.
But this felt worse.
The person who has made sure everybody survives is dead. The man who was a mentor to you, the man who saved your father in countless occasions is dead. Morgan left almost 2 years ago and nobody heard from him. You knew Rick and him were close, he helped Rick when he came out of hospital. He deserves to know what happened and you will make sure of it.
"I want to go out and see the world for myself and I want to find Morgan." You said at dinner to Michonne and surprisingly who joined your dad.
"Excuse me what, you want to leave a whole state and travel to Texas just to see the world and find Morgan and for what?" Asked Michonne raising an eyebrow. Your dad sighed and leaned back in his chair.
"I agree kid. Why?" He asked looking at you.
"Ok first I'm pretty sure I'm 18, I'm supposed to be enrolling for college planning out my life, seeing what else is out there. I can take of myself of the time I have been surging in this world I can make it I'm sure if it. And second all of us know how much Rick meant to Morgan, I can go to Texas and tell him what happened maybe he will even come back even if it's for a little bit." You said enthusiastically. The adults shook their heads taking in the information.
"I'll think about it." Said your dad and Michonne nodded going back to eating.
"There's gotta be another reason you wanna leave." Said Daryl as you walked to your home.
"I already said why Dad." You said looking ahead
"No, you didn't I know ma own kid." He said stopping and he grabbed your arm so you would stop as well making you roll your eyes.
"I hate the atmosphere that is going on, it's like when Carl died but worse and I hate it. I just need to go, I need fresh air Dad, i need to see whats out there maybe even help people." You said throwing your arms in the air looking up at the sky. Daryl smiled, you would always talk about helping people when you were just 4 years old. But now that the apocalypse happened he never thought he'd actually have to let you be on your own anytime soon, maybe it was time.
"Alrigh I'll talk to Michonne tomorrow, I'll get ya that trip." He said and you smiled before pulling him into a big hug.
"Thank you father." You said and he chuckled.
"Ok y/n, ya have a high range walkie(i know those don't exist for very long distances)for when you get farther and farther away from ere and you have food to last a month or so and water for a week or two. And gas in the car to last Ya couple miles at least to get out of Virginia. A map, a gun with 2 rounds, and please try to put notes or something out there to tell me your alive, please I don't want to go out lookin for ya. Cant loose you kid." Said your dad who it was clear was very nervous on letting you leave.
"I'll be fine dad, I have been taught from the best of the best." You said and then you saw his eyes water.
"No, no dad don't cry because then I will. We have to be strong i promise I'll be fine. We agreed on 2 months if I'm gone more than that or if you don't hear from me when those months come to an end you come looking for me." You said holding back the tears.
"I know kid, I know it's just ya growin to fast." He said looking at you.
"Fuck it come ere kid." He said and pulled you in for a tight hug. You hugged him back hard, soaking up his affection, which definitely doesn't come everyday. You pulled away and looked up at him.
"I'll be fine dad ok, I'll be back." You said and backed up, everybody stood around and you waved before looking at Michonne and pointed at her belly.
"I better be godmother when I come back." You said smiling
"Yes ma'am." She said with a smile on her face. You got in the car and turned it on, you had some doubts on leaving but knew this has to happen. Your dad came to the window and leaned on it and you took in a breathe.
"Please don't loose yourself, if you have to stop stop. Don't leave the people who care about you." You told your dad and he sighed knowing exactly what you meant by that. He was looking for Rick so much it was taking him away from you. Daryl stepped back and you smiled at everybody and waved.
"I'll be back in 2 months I promise." You announced and they all smiled, you put the car in drive and drove off watching the gates close behind you.
"Y/n can you hear me." Your dad said over the walkie and you grabbed it.
"Yeah dad I can hear you."
You got to Tennessee right before the car stopped. You sighed and looked around to see if there was anything a car or a store. You grabbed the walkie and took in a breathe, please work, you thought.
"Dad can you hear me?" You asked and heard static then his voice.
"Ya I can, ya alright?" He asked
"Ya I'm fine, I'm in Tennessee but I think that soon probably a couple more miles you won't be able to hear me so im starting with the notes." You said and held back tears.
"Alright I love ya." You heard him sniffile before the walkie went out.
"I love you to dad." You said and out the walkie away and grabbed the pack. You opened the pack and grabbed the note book and pen. You wrote, STILL ALIVE- F/I, and looked for a place to put it. After an hour you found a gas station and put the note on the counter under a rock.
"Dad not sure if you can hear me but, if you do come for me I'm leaving notes in stores." You put the walkie back and grabbed your knife and stabbed a walker that came for you.
Almost 13 days (that's what google said). 13 days and nights of running and hiding from herds. Avoiding people, some you had to kill. Your feet hurt even after taking a days break in Arkansas but you finally have reached Texas. Not knowing where Morgan is you decided to use the walkie every few miles in. You looked at the map and Texas was huge, it could take a few weeks to find him, if he is even alive. But you needed a break so you needed to find somewhere safe. You found a house that looked safe enough so you cleared it, only 3 walkers where in it.
You set up a fire and out a can of beans over the fire. You grabbed the map and decided where you should head to next.
(A/n- I read that season 5 of fear is filmed in New Braunfels, Texas and its near Austin soon)
Austin, Texas, in school in Alexandria the teacher said Austin is pretty popular. Morgan could be there so that's where you would start. You took a 2 days rest and even found a lake to bathe in, after getting supplies you made your way to Austin. You left a note at the WELCOME TO TEXAS sign and left another at store the another. There was a hotel a little father form the house and out another there.
After a day or so you were closer to Austin and decided it's time to try with the Walkie.
"Morgan, it's Y/n I'm in Texas, I don't know if your alive but I'm here." You said and put the walkie away after no answer. You walked for what seemed hours when you saw the Austin sight and grabbed the walkie.
"Morgan I'm in Austin." You said into the walkie and decided to start trying different channels as you repeated the question though each. You tried the last channel and was about to put it away when you heard voices and your heart sped up.
"Morgan?" You asked and kept moving the circle to hear it more clearly.
"John, June you there." Someone said, it was a deep voice and noticed it was Morgan's voice.
"Morgan, Morgan, it Y/n Dixon from Alexandria, please hear me." You said pleading to yourself.
"Y/n wha-." He started. "What are you doing out here so far, where are you?" He asked.
"Umm I'm by the Welcome to Austin sign. Where are you maybe I can find you." You said and out down to the ground pulling the map out."
"I have two people close to you y/n, don't be alarmed their names are John and June." He said and you sighed.
"Ok." You said wearily.
"John, June did you hear that." Asked Morgan and a female bodice came through.
"We hear you Morgan, on our way Y/n." A man said.
"Hang tight y/n." Said Morgan and you sat back. You grabbed a paper and pen and wrote. FOUND MORGAN. You sat there for a while when a car approached and stopped next to you, you raised you knife reading to attack of nesassary. The window went down and the man and woman out there hands up.
"Hold on hold on young lady I'm John and this is June, we come to get you." John said and you hesitated.
"We won't hurt you i promise." June said. You nodded and grabbed your stuff and opened the car. You sat down and watched John and June's every move.
"So where did you come from?" Asked John and you sighed.
"Long story." You breathed out a laugh and they smiled.
"Guess we will know about it after you meet Al." Said June and you cocked your head to the side.
"Who's Al?" You asked wearily.
"She was journalist before and she interviews everybody on their stories." Said John and you nodded.
"Morgan, who is y/n?" Asked Alicia as she and Luciana approached him.
"She's comes from Virginia and Alexandria like me, she's around your age Alicia." Said Morgan smiling and Alicia rolled her eyes.
The car came to a stop out some gates and they opened. The car pulled in and people crowded around. John and June got out and your door opened revealing Morgan. You got out of the car and hugged him before pulling away to look over all the people. It was a whole bunch of little kids then a whole bunch of adults.
You looked around and your eyes fell on a very pretty girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. Her eyes where on you but they seemed defensive like yours at the moment. You felt uncomfortable and Morgan said to clear a path so you could sit down.
"I have been walking for almost 20 days, Car broke down when I reached Tennessee." You said to Al and she smiled. Everybody else was sitting around eating dinner as they heard your story how you arrived here.
"You have any family, back in Virginia?" She asked and you nodded.
"I have my dad, and more people who became my family, we have lost some but they will never be replaced." You said.
"Lover?" She asked and you shook your head no.
"Nope pretty much a virgin." You said and they all laughed.
Alicia started at you slowly relaxing that you were not a threat, all of them did.
"Why did you come here?" Asked Al and you sighed.
"I was 12 when the world started, I'm like 18 now. I'm supposed to be enrolling into college now, planning out my life going to go see what's out there. The apocalypse may have happened but I still want that chance. And Morgan I need to tell you something, privately." You said and he looked at you concerned. He gave Al a look and she shut the camera off then got the film. He stood up and you followed, he stopped just a few feet from everybody and waited for you to speak.
"Ricks gone." You said. "Gone not dead, just gone it's like he disappeared." You said looking down, thinking about that day.
"Wha- what how, what happened." He asked.
"Bridge explosion, he saved everybody." You said and Morgan nodded then you heard someone clear their throat.
"I'm sorry Morgan." Said June, you looked at him confused.
"I told them about Virginia, they how me and Rick go back." He said and you nodded.
"They haven't the body?" He asked and you shook your head.
"No, my dad, he has been looking out there by the bridge everyday, Michonne is pregnant with Ricks kid and she's about to give birth so she can't look anymore. And I was practically taking care of Judith so I couldn't either. And others have their own thing." You said and Morgan nodded again before walking off. You sighed and and smiled at the group.
"Anything else you guys want to know about me?" You asked and Al came forward.
"I want to know about the king and the tiger." Said Al and you nodded walking back to the fire.
You told everybody what you needed to know. Your guard was down long ago, you kept sneaking glances at the girl who's name is Alicia and she looked back at you as well. You got ready for bed when you were approached by Alicia.
"We never had a formal introduction, I'm Alicia Clark." She said holding her hand out and you shook it.
"Y/n Dixon."
You talked the night until you fell asleep from exhaustion. You learned about her family, all the things she has been through and you shared hers. She told you about her boyfriends and you felt a pang of jealousy, 'Gosh y/n you don't even know this girl,' you told your self. You fell asleep after an hour and Alicia put a blanket over you and whispered goodnight and left. You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and got up. You looked in the mirror and braided your hair into two. You went outside and the people started building some type of plane. You approached Alicia as she was talking through a microphone looking at parts. She saw you approach and she smiled, you then looked up and saw a plane.
"Hey what's with the plane, didn't see that last night?" You asked Lucianna as you approached her, she smiled and sighed.
"A few weeks ago we were on a plane and we crashed landed a few miles from here, we actually came from here at first so we came back. Those kids they left biters out there tied up to keep us away, because it's not safe. We gained their trust and we are building this plane so we can get out of this place." She said sun you nodded you looked over the people and your eyes fell on him.
"Dwight?" You said sternly and he looked at you eyes widening.
"Mini Dixon, what are you doing out here?" He asked and you glared at him grabbing your knife when you felt a hang go to it, you saw Morgan shaking his head to stand down.
"What are you doing here, I thought you were dead?" You asked him.
"I'm lookin for Sherry, my wife, not trying to cause any trouble." He said and raised his good arm as a surrender. You nodded and stood down every body who watched went back to what they were doing. Alicia came in-front of you with a concerned look.
"So what's your story with him?" She asked
"He served the man who killed two people of my family and kept my father in a cage keeping him like an animal." You said looking at her with hard eyes.
You lended you knowledge on fixing things with the plane. It's clear they were grateful on your help, you fixed the engine to the best of your ability.
"Y/n want to come with me to a ware house, we need more parts." Said Alicia and you nodded. You made your way down and smiled at her.
Small Alicia POV
Gosh she is so beautiful. I met her yesterday and I feel like I have known her since forever. Call me crazy but I'm starting to get feelings for her already.
Regular POV
The butterflies in your stomach were almost painful when you were near Alicia. She was gorgeous, you felt like you could tell her everything and you almost have from Atlanta to now. You grabbed your backpack, emptying it out of anything that was worth leaving just encase. You took your knives and gun and left to find Alicia. She was waiting outside a car and got in when she saw you. You sat in the drivers seat and looked to see if anybody else was going, luckily no one was there.
"Anybody else going?" You asked and she shook her head.
"Do you have a problem with it, because I can get someone to come with us may-." She started but you shook your head no.
"I have no problem at all." You said and winked making her cheeks flush red. She drove to the warehouse and she told you the parts to look out for as well as food. You took out two walkers with your knives and looked back to see Alicia looking at you with awe.
"Never taken out biters with knives really." She said chuckling. You looked down and saw a metal pole that was sharpened at the edges.
"Well I mean that pole is badass, where did you get it, might need to get myself one." You asked.
"A water park." She said smiling and you nodded.
"Alright tell you what I teach you how to fight with knifes and we stay a little longer to find a pole similar to yours. Deal?" you asked holding your hand out. She thought for a second and took your hand and shook it.
"Ok come here stand in-front of me." You said as two walkers approached you both. She stood infront of you and you handed her your knives, you stood close to her.
"Now, you going to want to dodge them, go in between them. Remember you have to use strength to kill them just cant push it in. I'll be here just encase." You said. The walkers go closer and Alicia tightened her grip on the knives.
"Go you said." And she ducked as they swung at her, you backed up out of reach then one by one they were both put out.
"That was great, remember you gotta faster and if you have someone behind you, let's say as kid you have to push them back, maybe use you leg or arm. Even an adult if they don't notice you have to act quick." You said and she nodded cleaning the knives.
"Thanks I'll definitely use that, after I find knives." She said.
"If you can get a hunting knife there much stronger and lighter." You said and she nodded. You found a majority of the parts needed and headed back to the car.
"I found this." She said and handed you a metal pole with holes in it. You grabbed it and smiled at you, you got one of your knives and it's holster and handed it to her.
"Thank you Alicia, as a true thanks here's one of my knives, work with one just for now you will go better I just know of it." You said and she smiled brightly.
"Thank you, now let's get back and we can sharpen the edge." She said and started the car.
You kissed her cheek and pulled back getting a red face. You looked at her though the corner of your eye and saw her face was red.
When you arrived back to the truck stop, she helped sharpen the metal pole. You and her had a flirty thing going on for the rest of the month until you started feeling sexual tension start to arise. The stares would last long as well as lingering touches, she thought you how to use the pole and you taught her knives. Everybody shared their knowledge with you and you did with them.
The plane was just about finished when you realized if they finish the plane you may loose them, loose her.
"So, where do you guys plan on going after getting the rest of your group?" You asked Alicia as she ate dinner, sitting on the ground.
"Not sure, definitely leave this area." She said and you nodded seeing how bad the area is, you sat down next to her and she offered some of her dinner but you waved it off.
"Maybe fly to Virginia." She said lowly and you looked at her like she was crazy.
"I'm just playing can't risk another crash, especially where the girl I likes home is." She said and looked at you. Your face went red and the butterflies in your stomach, she grabbed your chin and pulled your face closer to hers.
"Y/n Dixon I like you a lot, it's ok if you don't but-." She said but you silenced her with a kiss. She pulled you in harder making you moan, she set her dinner down and you pushed her on the ground, straddling her. You looked up and saw there were people still around so you pulled away.
"Want to take me to your tent?" You asked and she nodded, you got off her and held your hand out which she gladly took. She led you to her tent opening it and pulled you inside. You slid your shirt off and she did the same.
She looked at yours left arm and stomach and noticed a beautiful tattoos.
(This but all around the forearm)
(Something like that)
"Didn't know you had tattoos." She said and scratched her head.
"Oh yeah... do they bother you?" You asked.
"No no they are actually really hot." She said making you blush. You walked over to her and pushed her onto the makeshift bed.
"Wait crap I've never had sex with-." She started and you kissed her.
"It's ok, I'll teach you." You said and she looked at you confused.
"After Carl died, his girlfriend, Enid, and me got close and we ended up in bed together. It was just one night didn't mean anything." You said and stroked her hair.
"Didn't say that in the interview." She said and leaned back letting you crawl on top of her.
"Some things are just not to be meant to be said." You said and winked at her. You went down and captured her lips, she raised her hands and caressed your sides. You laid down on her putting your weight on her body making her moan.
"Just relax let me do the work." You said and trailed down her stomach.
a/n- once ftwd season 6 comes to hulu I’ll be able to continue my part 2
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mayans-sauce · 3 years
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Female Reader
Word Count: 730
Warnings: hint of smut
Request by @cind-in-real-life which you can find HERE
A/N: thanks for requesting! Hope you enjoy <3
Sign up HERE to join my taglist!
GROUP CHAT for updates!
Gif Credit: @pedropcl
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“Yea?” His voice was coming from somewhere in the house, but you couldn’t pinpoint his location.
“Baby, where are you?”
From the kitchen entrance, you saw Angel leaning his elbows on the countertop, typing away on his phone, smiling at whatever was on there. “Whatcha doin’?” Arms wrapped themselves around his torso as you looked at the screen.
“Sending memes to Coco.”
“Can you come with me for a second to the living room?”
He put his phone down as he gave you his full attention. His hand was placed in yours as you took him to sit down on the sofa.
The whole week you had fixed up a secret surprise for your boyfriend. It took a bit of hard work, but in the end, you were happy with pulling it through without him knowing.
You stood in front of him, all giggly as you couldn’t wait to show him. “What are you so excited about?”
“So,” your hands clapped together, “I know how much you love toys, Angel, so that’s why I’ve spent all week buying some I think would be fun to try out.”
“Toys?” His arms leaned on the back of the sofa at you, mentioning that, “what kind of toys?”
“I think you will love this,” you said, wiggling your eyebrows, “wait, here I’ll go get them.”
Once you came into his vision again, a big box was held in your hands. Angel’s eyes lit up at the amount that was probably in it. A heavy thud was heard when it was placed on the coffee table.
“Open it.”
He rubbed his hands together before he unclasped the lid. Once it was lifted off, his face went from excited to complete confusion.
“What… is this?”
“Toys Angel!”
He lifted a toy car from within the box. “When you said toys, I was expecting something else.” His expression changed from confusion to annoyance now. Pouting like a child, he crossed his arms together like he was just denied ice cream.
You tried your best to keep a straight face at his reaction, but all you wanted was to burst out in laughter.
You wanted to test the waters in seeing how much Angel was pissed off at the moment, “I love you.” “I hate you.” “Hey! Be grateful! You enormously stubborn pain in the ass. It took me a long time to find all these toys for my perfect little man-child.” He gave you a major eye roll at your comment, “whatever.”
He so wanted this box to be filled with sex toys he could use and experiment on you. Instead, the box was filled with all kinds of children’s toys. He should have seen this coming knowing his girlfriend. You always like to pull stuff like this on him.
The only thing he took from the box was a pair of hot wheel cars. The rest he told you to give away to someone that could have use of it. The remainder of the evening, he spent sulking in the bedroom, being his extra self in pretending he was mad at you, but in reality, he was planning something of his own that would serve as payback.
1 week later
“Where are you?”
“Living room!”
Angel came walking in with a big box that looked rather heavy. You wondered what would be inside. Something good? Something scary?
When he dropped it on the table, it made a loud sound, indicating that it was filled with a lot of stuff.
“Payback,” was all he said.
“What?” You were very confused right now.
“Just open it.”
Taking the lid off, and when you saw what was in it, your eyes widened in surprise and a little bit in fear. It’s not like you didn’t expect him to have some form of payback, but you didn’t think it would be like this. Inside were heaps of sex toys: vibrators, dildos, handcuffs, nipple clamps, and stuff you had never even seen before.
“Wh-wha,” your tongue was tied, and you couldn’t even make out a sound. You knew where this was heading, and to be honest, you both feared for your life and felt incredibly horny.
“You, me, these toys, and the rest of the evening NOW!” He pointed towards the bedroom where he wanted you to go and wait for him.
“Y-yes, Sir…”
Thank you for reading❤️ a quick reblog and feedback would be so appreciated❤️ Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist.
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses @siriussnape07 @adaydreamaway08 @miss-nori85 @oldstuffnewstuff @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @jatriciaaa @browneyes912 @cole-winchester @blackksunflower12 @phoenixhalliwell @cant-decide-at-this-moment @love-mesome-me @holl2712 @jennisdirtyimagines @balladbloodwrites @lilacyennefer @smallflower16 @marvelmaree @brwnlikefoxy @kaylaygrace @stupiddsapphicc @violet624 @boomclapxox @mijop @macgruberrr @queen-under-the-shire @missihart23 @vixemi @heeeeeres-saint @paintballkid711 @x-goddess-of-nature-x
ANGEL REYES TAGLIST: @spnaquakindgdom @Negansnympho89
GENERAL TAGLIST: @everyhowlmarksthedead @-im-fantastic- @idorkish @megantelford
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Settling In - Public Figures: The Todoroki Name
Inspired by: @i-cant-sing
Unlike the other mornings during the past three weeks, Rei doesn’t wake you up to lead you into another part of the house to monitor you in. Today, she gets you up and ready for school. Rei eventually conceded, letting you go to the Somnei Private Academy.
You don’t know how you feel about this new school. It isn’t the first time you’ve had to transfer schools, but it’s certainly the first time you’ve gone to an elite private school. The black, houndstooth skirt and white blazer combination is stiff, but it’ll become more comfortable as time passes. That’s at least what you hope will happen—with this outfit and living with the Todorokis in general. This place is too nice, this home is too large. They’re so much older and different from you, completely foreign to how you used to live.
It’s different, but you’ll manage. Besides, it’s not a bad different, just… different.
Rei set out the red blazer, white socks, and black Mary Janes in the living room. After she made you breakfast (which you ate all of, on Rei’s insistence), she helped you into the rest of your uniform. You haven’t had someone do this since you were just starting primary school, but Rei seemed so happy doing this. You wouldn’t want to ruin this for her, would you?
She passes you your bag and then a cellphone. It’s a coral color with a clear case. Not what you would’ve chosen, but cute nonetheless.
Rei puts her cold hand on her shoulder, “Y/N, listen to me. This phone is for emergencies, alright. If you need anything, anything at all, call or text one of us, alright? We’re here for you, alright. And we want you to be safe at school. So if we text to check in on you, text back quickly, alright. We don’t want to worry about you.”
“Okay.” You reply, “Can we get going or…”
“No!” She exclaims, digging through the navy blue purse on her side, “I need pictures! I never want to forget this!”
“Oh, alright.” You stand there, smiling. Rei’s camera light flashes almost continuously for half a minute. You don’t know how many photos she took, but you’re definitely seeing flashes of light afterwards.
She wraps her arm into the crook of your own, “Now we can head out!”
With the camera’s flash affecting your vision, Rei’s able to guide you out. She keeps you two locked together until you make it to the car. A driver silently takes you to your school, which leads Rei to fill the space.
“You don’t need to be nervous, you know.” Rei obsessively fixes your hair, even though she did it this morning.
You don’t stop her, but you do correct her, “I’m not nervous, really. I’m just—”
“You don’t have to lie to me Y/N.” Rei cuts you off, “It’s perfectly fine if you’re nervous. It’s natural when you’re leaving somewhere so safe and comforting to such a scary and unknown place.”
“I— alright.” You bite your tongue. No school is inherently as scary as moving into a new place like the Todoroki residence. But you wouldn’t tell her that. You’re just going to smile and nod and keep her happy and content, like a good daughter should.
The driver pulls into the drop off lane. The all white, shining academy is surrounded by a massive gate, which you had to wait to go through. Rei just sat there and chattering on.
Kids walked across the campus and you can look at them outside the bulletproof glass of the limousine. You want to look more, but Rei gathers your attention.
“Y/N, baby,” She looks you in the eye and fixes a piece of your hair, “are you going to be fine?”
“Yeah, Rei.” You nod, “I’ll be fine.”
“Make sure you text us back if we check in on you.”
“...I will.” You make a promise you know will be difficult to keep. If this school was like most of your other schools, they'll take away your personal technology if they catch you on it. You doubt they would be happy if on your first day gone, you got your phone taken away.
“If you need any one of us, we are literally a text away.”
“Love you, Y/N.” She replies, “Wait! I took the liberty of printing off your schedule!”
You ignore the ‘love you’ in order to grab the piece of paper she had folded in her purse. She waves at you through the window and you wave back. You eventually have to leave her. She wants to watch you enter—making sure you’re safe every step of the way.
Going inside of the building was easy. This would be a breath of fresh air. It was your first time leaving the Todoroki Residence since the shopping trip Rei took you on. Three weeks of an isolating spring vacation now leads to you returning in time for your final year of junior high.
You head to the front desk. The front desk lady always knows where everything is. This isn’t the first time you’ve had to move around. “Excuse me,” you ask, “can you print out my class schedule and point me in the direction of my new class?”
“A new student, huh?” Her accent isn't Japanese. She’s not from around here. It’s sophisticated, like one of those high society ladies you’d see on television. You hear it more when she continues speaking, “give me your first and last name and I’ll call in the Class Head for whichever class you have and they’ll be your new guide.”
“Y/L/N, Y/F/N.” You fiddle with the strap of your bag. She types it into the system and then places a phone call. A name you wouldn’t recognize is mentioned, but you don’t catch anything else. She then turns to you to hand you a slightly warm piece of paper, “Do you mean Todoroki Y/F/N?”
Todoroki? You didn’t think they’d sign you up with their surname, but nevertheless, you answer, “Yeah, sure. Sorry about that.”
“No problem. So your teacher is Ito-san and your Class Head will be here any minute to escort you to your new classroom.”
“Thanks.” You go to wait by the office doors. They separate the front desk from the rest of the school and thus give you a chance to breathe. You probably won’t be here long and then you can go to a school that fits you better. Private school—you silently laugh at the idea. You never thought you’d get here.
The kid is in a similar uniform, except he’s in a pair of well fitting pants. He introduces himself and you sigh—at least this’ll only be temporary.
You didn’t expect much from this school and in all honesty, you’re happy that the day’s over. The teacher’s alright and the kids are all in their little cliques, but it’s not anything you didn’t experience at your other schools.
Though, one thing sticks out at you. Everybody called you Todoroki. It was a surprise. Even if you live with them, you aren’t a Todoroki. You’re just Y/N.
The same car that Rei dropped you off in picks you up. Rei opens the door and steps out. She’s the only Todoroki there. You don’t know how you feel about that.
She frets over you, as if she didn’t text you thrice today to see how you were doing. Though, you try to push down any amount of unease—your mother did the same thing, some time ago.
You step into the vehicle and Rei sits beside you. She’s the first to speak, “So… how was school?”
“It was alright. Just like any other school.”
“That’s good!” Rei exclaims, “Did you make any new friends? Was the teacher nice? How was lunch? I can start packing your lunch if it isn't good. Just say the word and I’ll do it!”
“Lunch was good. So was everything else…” You broach the subject of your name, “Hey, uh Rei? Why did you all sign me up under the Todoroki name?”
“You’re one of us now, silly.” She laughs, “Didn’t want you thinking we’d give you up whenever you got difficult. You’re a part of the family.”
“Oh, alright.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Rei replies, “You can do your homework before dinner and afterwards we can watch a movie, your pick. Doesn’t that sound nice.”
“Uh… yeah.” You tell her, “Yeah it does.”
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