#'toukachan....do you get it? do you get it?'
pseudocitrus · 7 years
But gosh, imagine the puns Kaneki could come up with if they do have a living child.
RIGHT? haise is supposed to be gone but he lives again with every excited mutter about how everyone's in a tight spot against the CCG but at least the infantry is coming.
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izukutodo · 7 years
Dude, idk why you dispute sm hatred for Touka (and I don’t feel like getting into an argument about hidekane or touken), but I just wanted to know what your beliefs are on hide’s future (like how you believe things will go for him within the end of the manga?) Also, what do you believe his role will be during this hell of an arc? Thanks dude ✌️
Because she’s fucking useless. How is that not obvious, geez. She had some actual development in TG but TG:re touka hasn’t moved forward at all. So far, she has only been around to become Ken’s useless waifu. And yet, she still treats him like crap. Why else are the touken fans so happy about one panel of them, holding hands? That’s like the third solely positive interaction they had in 300+ chapters. It’s pathetic. But hey, Ken has already begun to realize that his desire to feel needed wasn’t healthy so this shitty touken thing won’t last long anyway.
I’m sorry but I don’t think I can answer that. There’s things I want to see happen and then there’re things that I might try to theorize happening - but I can’t. I love Hide too damn much, I can’t be objective. I want him to get a happy ending, no matter what. One thing I do know for sure is that, moving forward, Hide is going to continue to be more useful than ~toukachan~ He is also definitely a good guy even though so many readers seem to want or think of him to be evil. He already threw away his normal life for Ken, and he’ll keep giving him literally anything he can, I’m certain.
Also, please don’t reblog my anti touken shit and add your unnecessary comments if you ain’t actually anti touken. Thanks.
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even tho the anime is not that good I'm dying to watch toukachan say "are you a virgin?" and kaneki say "how do ghouls get married" bc yeah we need that, and we need 125
Mod k:I want to see that too, but I have zero hope in sp keeping anything that I enjoy in the anime so we’ll just have to wait and see.
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coromoor · 7 years
I can’t stop thinking about how cute touka and kaneki would be throughout the pregnancy so headcanons~
in the early days, touka is getting dressed and takes her top off only to be startled by an excited choking noise and kaneki yelling “AREYOUSTARTINGTOGETABABYBUMP!!!” "what the hell??” “ah.. i mean i-is that a baby bump starting to show?” “......... no way” touka turns side on in front of the mirror trying to get a look and they stand there examining it, bickering about whether or not the bump is showing yet. they catch eyes in the mirror and can’t help a nervous-excited grin
when she first starts noticeably showing, touka would get a little annoyed at how touchy-feely kaneki gets. not that she’d admit it out loud but she’s upset about getting “””fat””” (a term kaneki vehemently protests) and self conscious about being touched on the stomach, even by him. but seeing how kaneki’s eyes lock onto her tummy all the time with that soft look on his face makes her melt and she gives in.
touka gets a baby app on her phone which tracks the pregnancy and tells you how big the foetus is each week by comparing it to a fruit. she gets so excited when it ticks over to something new that she waits up until midnight to see. except as a ghoul.... touka doesn’t know what half of these things are.
week 10: “oi kaneki... wake up. no, its ok, everything is fine. what the hell is a kumquat though?” week 11: “hey kaneki are you asleep?.... *cue disgruntled noise from kaneki* ok good. what’s a brussel sprout? how big is that?” week 20: “oi kanek- oh you’re awake still? what about an artichoke?” week 23: “egg... plant...? why is it called an eggplant if its not the size of an egg.”
eventually kaneki stays up too and it becomes a weekly ritual to wait and see which fruit or vegetable it is next. they stop doing this, horrified, when a pineapple shows up on week 33 and touka almost faints at the thought.
when the baby starts kicking, every single time kaneki tries to feel it, it immediately stops and for weeks he mopes. touka even swore she saw a tear welling up in his eyes the last time he was rejected (“they’re not even born yet and they already hate me as a father ToT”). so whenever she’s kept awake at night by the kicking she gets kaneki to sleep with his arms around her and his hands on her stomach to quiet the baby so she can rest peacefully.
when he finally feels the kicking for the first time, he really does cry.
kimi helps them get ultrasounds done across the pregnancy and kaneki ends up making her take 100 photos every time. he keeps them in a flip out credit card holder for easy access to show to everyone he meets. “toukachan don’t you think they have my nose?” “... kaneki that’s their foot” “... oh”
touka begrudgingly admitted that it would be best if kaneki named the baby but everything he comes up with gets rejected “we’re NOT naming it after a takatsuki sen book, you already did that with goat and look how that went” “well fine what do you want to name it then!!??” “...... usagi” “no.”
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neimana · 7 years
Do you remember Ishida's art work of Touka holding whatever it is (skull/mask?), I think it is a hint to the situation rn which is the pregnancy. What do you think? That Kou kid seems like a risk too. We know in the latest chapter that CCG is trying to get underground and this kid is suspicious asf. If it is true and we know now that Touka handle the kids and if Kou knew she is pregnant
was looking at that artwork yesterday and seeing the current events ...the way she's holding kanek's mask(?) is similar to how you would hold a child... then you look at her clothes..like mourning clothes... the bg..that looks like a cemetery....+ the cover chapter&the stain in her belly... seems like everything points to tragical events huh :,) .. but all of this is also a bit obvious? so idk..idk....
kou is suspicious &he seems to have some interest in kanek?? so ..if he's somehow affiliated with the ccg&is undercover, trying to become close to kanek&the others...well, yeah.. if it's confirmed toukachan is pregnant&the info reaches furuta&kanou's ears.....is very possible things can get very ugly :,,,)
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coromoor · 7 years
In 19 times he recalled Touka, there is one "Touka" between 18 other "Touka-chan". (In Japanese raw). In addition, he talked to himself: "I can't meet Touka again, can I? (Here is just "Touka", not "Touka-chan" as usually). Do you think it's something Ishida implied or just his mistake?
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Yeah! In addition to those two instances, there was also ch 125 where he dropped the ‘-chan’ honorific… although I guess he was a bit preoccupied there
I don’t think it was a mistake or Ishida trying to foreshadow anything in particular, but rather a progression of Kaneki and Touka’s relationship that was bound to happen sooner or later. Generally, couples refer to each other by just their first name alone because it’s more intimate. Except for these 2 giant idiots of course 😂😂😂
Kaneki still uses the ‘-chan’ honorific with Touka.Touka still calls him by his last name.
It reminds me of this shoujo j-drama I’ve watched. The main couple have known each other for years from high school and when they eventually get married, the girl still calls her husband “LastName-kun” out of years of habit and because she’s too embarrassed to say his first name.
It’s Touka and Kaneki’s first relationship so they’re both still finding their feet in all this, and with Touka getting flustered all the time over intimacy she would definitely be embarrassed saying ‘Ken’. To me, Kaneki’s little ‘Toukachan’ is super endearing so I would actually be sad to see it go completely, but Touka calling him ‘Ken’ for the first time is sure to be a big cheesy cute moment and I can’t wait 😈
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pseudocitrus · 7 years
touken week day 4: memory
this is a continuation of my previous touken week fic about 240neki and toukachan. it only vaguely follows the touken week prompt though... 😂 this fic is also inspired by this anon!
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it doesn’t have exactly all the details you noted,, but, thank you for the inspiration!
~1500 words, contains mostly fluff! excerpt:
It not...exactly secret...but it’s not — it’s not like he was trying to trick Yomo or anything like that. It’s just...he didn’t really know how things would really pan out, so he was just going to remain quiet until he was absolutely sure, but —
“Well?” Yomo asks, and Touka saves him, with a sigh.
“It’s nothing, he’s not sneaking out or anything, he’s just been sleeping in my room,” she explains, bluntly, and Yomo looks at her. At a time like this, Kaneki would expect that even Yomo’s face would betray...something. But he remains as calm as ever.
“I see,” he says. “Then, Ken, please move things into the spare room today, if you’re not going to use it. It’s crowded down here with all the coffee beans.”
“Oh...oh...okay,” Kaneki manages, barely.
It not...exactly secret...but it’s not — it’s not like he was trying to trick Yomo or anything like that. It’s just...he didn’t really know how things would really pan out, so he was just going to remain quiet until he was absolutely sure, but —
“Well?” Yomo asks, and Touka saves him, with a sigh.
“It’s nothing, he’s not sneaking out or anything, he’s just been sleeping in my room,” she explains, bluntly, and Yomo looks at her. At a time like this, Kaneki would expect that even Yomo’s face would betray...something. But he remains as calm as ever.
“I see,” he says. “Then, Ken, please move things into the spare room today, if you’re not going to use it. It’s crowded down here with all the coffee beans.”
“Oh...oh...okay,” Kaneki manages, barely.
“And I still think it would be a good idea to dye your hair sooner than later,” Yomo adds. It sounds like a soft request, but he’s been saying as much every day since he returned from foraging to find Kaneki sitting in the cafe kitchen with Touka, holding an upturned cup shakily over a growing puddle of coffee.
“Of course,” Kaneki coughs. “Sorry.” There’s really no good excuse for why it isn’t dyed already, except that whenever he and Touka have time to themselves, they usually...end up...being busy.
“I’ll be going then,” Yomo says, and maybe it’s just Kaneki’s own nervousness that makes him suspect Yomo is beating an unusually faster retreat than usual, but he doesn’t have much time to dwell on it because the bell on the door is ringing, and Touka is saying, “See? Not a big deal,” but of course she would say that, Touka is the kind of person that pulls no punches and didn’t even hesitate to ask him, afterward, that day, in the kitchen: “So, were you a virgin?”
“I don’t know why you were so worried,” Touka continues, cleaning off the machine.
“Do you really not know?” Kaneki asks helplessly. “I mean...Yomo is...he protects you, right? He cares about you.”
Touka’s single eye regards him skeptically. “And?”
Kaneki grimaces. Maybe it’s different with ghouls. Despite the time that’s passed he has to admit there are a lot of things about them that he doesn’t quite get. In any case, Touka is glancing up and past him now, and Kaneki follows her gaze to the storefront and to the clock, which says they still have half an hour until opening time. He feels Touka step closer. He looks down and sees her looking up at him.
“Let’s do it one more time before the store opens?”
Direct, and yet her voice is so small and sweet that Kaneki feels himself blush. She rubs his back briskly — right at that place, which she can always find instantly, even over his clothing — and he sucks in a breath and nods quickly and Touka smiles at him beautifully and yanks his apron strings loose.
When Yomo returns after hours, he looks around at the cafe, and then at Kaneki’s hair. He makes no comment, except, “Thanks for moving the beans.”
It’s not the return he always imagined. People are missing — Hide, and Yoshimura, and Hinami and Irimi and Koma and everyone else. But the days pass along calmly, even the ones where CCG investigators come to visit. He remembers, quickly, how to make coffee. Touka and Yomo take him in as easily and simply as if he had always been there, patient with his fumbling and even the nightmares that wake them all up at night. Eventually, the nightmares dwindle. He spends the evenings reading or re-reading the books in the cafe, which all, somehow, are to his taste. Soon, the books pile up at Touka’s — no, at his — no, at their beside, easy to reach even when Touka lies across him contentedly.
It’s not the return he always imagined, but other things exist in this life too, which he could have never dreamed — like waking up beside Touka, feeling the weird nice comfort of her body draped over him, listening to her breathe gently against his chest and combing her hair behind her ear in the sunlight. Sometimes he could cry at the sight of it. Other times, he finds his heart so overflowing that he doesn’t mind getting up and dressed, even if it’s cold, to answer whoever is banging on :re’s back door.
“Excuse me,” Kaneki says, “but please be quiet,” and then he says, “Oh, good morning, senpai,” and Nishiki yawns. He covers his mouth with a hand that’s holding a crinkling, bulging paper bag.
“Yeah, sure, good morning. Where the hell did Touka go last night?”
“Touka-chan?” Kaneki echoes. “Um...she was here.”
“Well — she was sick,” Kaneki explains. “She was throwing up.”
Nishiki sighs before Kaneki can explain his suspicions that she’s trying to practice and steel her stomach before trying to meet Kosaka-san.
“Good thing I got her two, then,” he says, and hands the bag over. Kaneki takes it, with confusion, and uncurls the top to peer in, just to confirm what the smell and the grease stains are telling him.
“Sure. Can’t be too careful. Just pretend it’s one each.”
“Each?” Kaneki echoes.
“Well, yeah. Come on, are you stupid? One for Touka, and one for the brat.”
They stare at each other. They realize it, at the name time. Nishiki groans.
“She’s going to fucking kill me.”
It’s been a long while. He remembers, still, the first time that she stuffed meat into his mouth. The time he managed to stagger down to Anteiku’s cafe after fighting Nishiki, and saw her gingerly fold her sleeves over her bandage. The shock with which she looked at him as he held her at Aogiri, and then, the sharp, stabbing instant of disbelief and hurt when he told her he didn’t want her with him. The time the bandage fell from his eyes and he saw her, again, gazing up at him with peace and pleasure. The many times he’s woken up from dreams in which he’s lost everything and everyone and Touka held him, firmly, for as long as it took for him to stop shaking.
He sits on the edge of the bed, holding the bag. He waits, and eventually Touka begins to stir and stretch and wrinkle her nose.
“What’s that smell,” she grumbles, and Kaneki shakes the bag indicatively, and Touka furrow her brows at him, and then jerks up. She props herself on her arms, looking at the bag, and then at Kaneki, and then sits properly, pulling the blanket over her chest.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” she says, half-heartedly. Kaneki smiles and gives her the bag.
“There’s two,” he says, “one for...one each.”
They are quiet.
“I want to ask you something,” Kaneki says, at the same time Touka says, “I need to tell you something,” and they look at each other, and fall silent.
“You first,” Kaneki offers, and for a second it looks like Touka won’t accept. She looks at the ceiling, taking a breath. Then she looks right at him.
“I’m pregnant,” she says. “It’s not...I wasn’t trying to keep it a secret...or trying to trick you or anything.” She looks down at the bag. “I just...don’t really know if it’ll be born properly anyway, so...I was just going to keep quiet until I knew for sure. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Kaneki tells her, and to prove it he reaches for Touka’s flushed cheek, and he holds it. She tips her head up and studies his expression, the smile he’s making for her, genuinely.
“I’m...I’m glad.”
“Yeah,” he realizes. He feels his smile broaden. “Really.”
She shuffles her weight. “Is this what you were going to ask about?”
“No,” he says. “What I wanted to ask you about was how ghouls get married.”
“Wh — what?”
It takes a little while after than — to wade through her shock, to calm her embarrassment, to understand her explanation clearly and then assure her again that he’s serious, yes, he’s really, seriously, serious. He adds this moment to, to his list of times he never wants to forget: when she looks at him, with her uncertainty blooming into a soft, shy, small happiness. She lets the blanket fall, to expose one shoulder, and he inches close to her, and wraps his arms around her body. His body shivers as she leans against him. He kisses her gently, and then opens his mouth a little wider.
Afterward, his shoulder aches as much as his chest. He presses his finger to the mark on her shoulder, which is healing, slowly. Even the edges of it, though, are already silvery, and his heart races a little to see it. His mark. On Touka.
She grimaces at him, uncomfortable with his staring, but before he can apologize she spreads her arms, and he breaks eye contact to lay against her happily. She embraces him. She rests her head on his and strokes his hair.
“Looks like we won’t have to dye your hair after all,” she says after a moment, and Kaneki stirs.
She has to reach around for her phone to take a picture so that he can see it. Even then, he has to zoom a bit. But they’re there, as clear as morning: black hairs, growing on top of his head, stark against the white.
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coromoor · 7 years
Do you think we'll still get a Touka breakdown, and if so do you think we could see her self loathing issues carry over from the original
I think Touka accepting herself and her nature as a ghoul is something that still needs to happen. I expect Touka reuniting with Yoriko and seeing that Yoriko accepts her and still loves her even if she is a ghoul will be the turning point for her. 
It’s something that seeing Kimi accepting Nishiki brought up:
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(not sure if that translation is a little bit too over dramatic :’D)
This quote from Days is particularly relevant to Touka’s feelings over being a ghoul:
“What the hell do you know?! It’s all because I can’t eat, because I could be a target at any time, all because I’m a ghoul! No matter how much I try, there’s a wall I can never jump over, and there’s happiness that I can never have. But I’m still hanging on to life. Despite it all.”
So Touka learning she’s allowed to have happiness and to see a world where that wall between humans and ghouls is torn down will also be important for her.
As for her breakdown, I think she already had it:
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Tears are another form of catharsis and Touka rarely EVER cries or lets herself give into those types of emotions. 
We were led to believe Touka would get angry and lash out again
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but typically Touka’s angry outbursts have only ever made her feel worse (aka the bridge scene with Kaneki). So seeing Shuu’s speech cut through her despair and frustration to give her a sense of renewed determination was a pleasant surprise.
In saying that though, I would like to see more of her own insight, especially in regards to this scene and Touka’s flashback to the Anteiku Raid:
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“All we can do is live while losing things.”
That mind set is all good and well in the world where there was no hope for ghouls, where the tragedy was hanging above their heads and their back was pressed against the wall. But now they have a fighting chance at saving Kaneki and uniting humans and ghouls so it’s not gonna cut it any more.
Now it should be “We can fight so we don’t lose those we love.”
Touka is clearly on that path:
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(that steely determined gaze though *thumbs up*)
Now I would just like to see some inner monologue from her rejecting Yomo’s words back at Anteiku (sorry Uncle)
Depending on how this whole Rescue Kaneki mission goes though, my answer may change. If the tragedy comes back full force, then Toukachan breakdown about not wanting to live while losing things anymore would be ace.
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coromoor · 7 years
Hey Cor! Do you know why Ishida redrew some panels for the new volume? I understand if he just wanted to add extra content but he changed characters’ expression as well (Touka, Hajime, Urie).
They always retouch up and make minor details for the tankobon! The weekly versions are on a pretty tight schedule so Ishida obviously gets some time to redo some panels he wasn’t happy with and add in a few extra details to make it nice and shiny for the volume. Sometimes it’s when he’s given a character 6 fingers, sometimes its just purely for aesthetics. Besides the panel of sad Toukachan, this one is my fav
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The Oggai look so cool and the close up of Toukas eye!
If anyone is interested, someone on reddit has done a side by side comparison of the changes between the YJ magazine version (aka the version we got scanlated) and the digital volume here [x]. I knew Ishida did retouches for the volume but I never knew the changes were this big until I saw them laid out like that side by side. I’m gonna go through my volumes and see what else might have been changed!
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coromoor · 7 years
hey cor,what do you think is going to be the baby's gender and name?have a nice day.
boy purely because
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I want to see this with Kaneki and his child (although I guess a girl could easily replace that)
As for name, I think it will be a new one. I’m in love with the idea that Kaneki gets Touka to pick out kanji she likes from a newspaper or his favourite book and he makes a name out of it not before rejecting a few lmao “umm... toukachan why don’t you try another one....”
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Next chapter is just the quinx squad trying to steer Mutsuki from the path of evil while Aura is still stepping on Touka, awkwardly waiting for the conversation to be over because he has no idea what to do to Touka. Touka is like 'Urgh, how long is this going to take? *looks at Aura* can you hear what they're saying?' and Aura is just like 'nah but I think the quinx gang is tryna use talk no jutsu but it's not really working so far cause this ain't nardo'. Touka sighs and resigns to her fate.
Mod K:Someone is gonna get Aura off of Touka-chan. Even if it's Toukachan, a Q, or one of the Kaneki kagune zombies 👌.
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