#'they are both cats that refuse to be swayed'
I'm kinda bummed that more people don't care for Isaac and Stiles' canon dynamic
you put them anywhere near each other, they are already fighting, insulting everything about each other, the haircut the trauma the outfit, no bars held. Isaac puts his hand too close to Stiles' face, stiles bites him. they have a staring contest while Isaac slooooowly pushes all of his stuff to the ground
but Isaac is one of the only people to go "hey stiles I think you're really fucked up are you straight up dying??" and stiles refuses to answer so Isaac is immediately more on edge. and Isaac was trusted to finally trap the nogistune, which I imagine stiles would have some pretty heavy sway over.
also, the scene at the lunch table? "you could try being helpful for once" "for half my childhood I was locked in a freezer so being helpful is kinda new to me" "you still milking that?" it's so easy to read this as stiles being a dick (because he kinda is) but watching back season two, Isaac is actually fairly reluctant to talk about his father, even to people that FOR SURE know what happened. further more, stiles just doesn't care in the same way about the pack that other characters do, so the pack isn't trying to justify themselves to him. so Isaac doesn't want to talk about it and stiles isn't pressuring him, but suddenly its four months later and Isaac is bringing it up casually and stiles isn't surprised about ANY of that. and they both refuse to skate around it despite that fact that that is one of their strongest skills. whether or not Isaac actually uses his father's abuse as a way to get out it isn't QUITE as interesting as the way that the two of them seem comfortable talking about it, especially when everyone around them DOES seem visibly uncomfortable
anyway. those two are my favorite pair of angry cats. they would die for each other. last week Isaac ate Stiles' homework. about a month ago stiles broke into his house to hide his spoons. they got each other for secret santa, Isaac got him a box full of pennies and a bottle of his mom's perfume stiles got him bottles of dirt and a handknit scarf
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son1c · 2 days
part 2 of my sonic x dungeon meshi crossover is finally here!! read part 1 if you haven't already and please enjoy 🐉
Something was wrong. Even with his eyes closed, Sonic knew that. It felt like something was poking around inside of his head, its ghastly claws sinking into his delicate brain-meat, and it hurt! In fact, the relentless jabbing was more than just painful; it unnerved him, its apparent wrongness causing his stomach to twist and turn as if to say, Get out!
So, Sonic scrunched up his nose and did something. 
What did he do? How did he do it? These questions weren’t important to Sonic. All that mattered to him was that it worked. As soon as he gathered his strength, the intruder retreated. It took Sonic’s soon-to-be migraine headache along with it, leaving Sonic to exhale in relief. 
Good riddance, he thought.
Then, Sonic opened his eyes.
Surrounding him were the rolling fields of Green Hill. The grass swayed in a gentle breeze and the sky was a perfect blue. Sonic looked around, but there didn’t seem to be any Flickies nearby, because he couldn’t hear their telltale song. In fact, other than the wind, it was completely silent, almost like the whole world had just two occupants: him and the creature laying across his legs.
"Well, then," the creature--a winged lion--mused, its voice pleasant. "How did you do that, I wonder?"
Sonic blinked. He realized he couldn't feel his legs and tried to move out from under the lion, but couldn't. Frustrated, he asked, "Mind gettin' off me?"
The lion sighed. "I'm afraid I can't." Sonic opened his mouth to protest, but the lion continued, "A powerful spell has bound us together. But enough about that. I'm much more curious about you."
"Oh, yes. You."
Sonic didn't like the look in the lion's eyes. They sparkled, not unkindly, but not in a way he found particularly trustworthy, either. "First," Sonic said slowly, "you tell me something."
The lion smiled. "Of course," it replied. "Anything."
"What were you doin' in my head?"
The lion's eyes grew wide. "Ah, so the cat’s out of the bag, is it?" When Sonic frowned, the lion went on to say, "I was looking for something. I'm surprised you were able to tell--usually, no one notices." Tilting its head, the lion asked, bemused, "But you're not of the usual sort, are you?"
Sonic's eyes narrowed. Looking for something? He didn't like the sound of that! "Not cool, dude," he said, ignoring the lion's comment about him being weird. "You have a mouth, right? If there's something you wanna know, use it and ask!"
"Fair enough," the lion conceded. Then, it set its large head down on Sonic's chest. "For what it's worth, your mind shut me out quickly. A passing glance is all I managed to capture before you overwhelmed me." The lion paused. "Yes, you're truly unusual."
Sonic bristled. He was liking this guy less and less by the minute. "What, you thought I'd roll over and let you take whatever you wanted? Not a chance!" He tried to shove the lion's head off him and sit up, but couldn't. The lion's skull was like a cinder block that'd been bolted to his rib cage and it refused to budge.
Irritated (and beginning to feel a little claustrophobic), Sonic spat, "Just who are you?"
The lion's smile returned. "Me?" Its yellow eyes flashed. "Hmm. Right now, I suppose I'm you."
The grass stilled as the breeze died. But Sonic wasn't afraid.
"So much for a lion!" Sonic sneered. "You're more like a copycat. All roar, no bite, I'll bet!"
"An imitation has no appeal to me," the lion replied smoothly. "What I'm really after is happiness. Now, it's my turn. So, please, tell me: what do you desire?"
Sonic gritted his teeth. The wall he'd unknowingly constructed to keep the lion out of his mind grew stronger with his determination. Then, with both hands, he grabbed the lion's head and lifted it off of his chest. Finally, he was able to sit up, although his legs still felt tingly.
"Such willpower!" the lion said, delighted.
Sonic furrowed his brow. After a moment, he let go of the lion's head and muttered, "What's with you? First you wanna know about my desires, then you're happy when I fight back?" He shook his head in disbelief. "I don't get you at all."
Chuckling, the lion replied, "The chase sweetens the prize."
Sonic snorted. "If all you want is to make me happy, that's easy. Just get off me!"
Instead, the lion curled up on Sonic's legs and closed its eyes. "I like you," it said, almost absentmindedly. "You're interesting. Indeed, anyone else would've folded to my vast consciousness. But there you are, still here."
Sonic didn't really understand what the lion was saying, but it made him angry anyway. "I'll never fold to you!"
A lazy grin played on the lion's lips. "Then we'll have to share. After all, you won't be going anywhere without my legs." Cracking an eye open, the lion added, "Although, you may find your heart has shifted once you wake. The Lord of the Dungeon's blood flows through it now..."
Sonic squeezed his eyes shut in exasperation. This whole conversation was so confusing!
Suddenly, Green Hill began to fade. Literally--the world around them was melting away into nothing. Before it disappeared completely, the lion said, "Good luck, Sonic."
Thistle inspected the gauntlet Sonic had surrendered to him with an impatient sort of fervor. He looked at each finger, the thumb, and the palm, but still didn’t find what he was looking for. So much of his focus was devoted to searching for the inscription he knew to be there–somewhere–that he didn’t notice the lion chimera peering over his shoulder until their faces were practically touching. 
Thistle jumped. “Stay back!” he snapped, a bead of sweat rolling down his neck.
Sonic blinked, surprised by the mage’s outburst. But then he huffed and did as he was told.
"You hurt his feelings," Merlina told Thistle.
"It doesn't have feelings," Thistle replied automatically. Once he was sure Sonic wasn’t going to sneak up on him again, he began prying a screw loose from the gauntlet with his fingernails. Maybe the inscription was hidden underneath the plating?
Merlina put her hands on her hips. "Oh, certainly not the demon. But what of the hedgehog?"
Thistle didn't look up. "What of him?"
Merlina bit her lip. She didn't like how dismissive Thistle was, but it would be suspicious for her to care about Sonic like a friend, when they were supposed to be strangers. Still, when she looked over at the lion chimera, she couldn't help the ache in her chest, because it was her summoning spell that had brought him here in the first place. Though, her plan had gone awry.
In the end, Merlina simply turned away from Sonic and said to Thistle, "Nothing. Have you found the inscription yet?"
Thistle ignored her. But if he’d responded, it probably would've been something along the lines of, No. Or, No, obviously. Or maybe even, No, and you're not helping, so be quiet!
In response to his silence, Merlina turned up her nose. If he was going to be rude, then so be it, but as a member of the King's Court, she was above such petulant behavior! For that reason, Merlina chose to return his silence in kind. 
Truly, the irony was palpable… 
If Sonic had been listening to their conversation, he would’ve rolled his eyes. But he wasn’t listening, because he was more focused on his paws–all four of them. 
Leaning over, Sonic stared down at his two front paws with wide eyes. A strange feeling filled his chest as he watched the moonlight shine through his gray fur. He knew without touching it that his fur was rough, like a nice winter coat, and that his dark claws could tear through even the toughest armor.
He tapped one of his toes. The sensation of his claw scraping against the dirt confirmed that what he was seeing was real, but it didn’t make the strange feeling go away. Like a boulder, or maybe a whole mountain’s worth of cascading rocks, it weighed heavily on Sonic’s chest. And it only grew stronger as he continued to look down at the feet that didn’t feel like his own.
Finally, Sonic looked away from his paws. He couldn't bear to see them anymore, since they were making his head hurt. Was he angry? Was he happy? The strange, seemingly contradictory feelings pounded against his skull like a jackhammer, threatening to split his head in two.
That’s not me, he thought. That can’t be me.
In desperation, Sonic looked this way and that, trying to find something--anything--to ease the pain. But everything he saw only made it worse. The feathers covering his chest and arms, the dragon with a human head, the she-mage Merlina. They all served to further his confusion until eventually, he turned his attention toward the only thing he had left to turn to: Thistle.
Instantly, a wave of calm rushed in. It washed away all other feelings and rid the lion chimera of his headache. He blinked slowly. His strange body didn’t bother him so much now. No, it didn’t bother him at all. His quills relaxed and his feathers laid flat, all because of that wicked glass vial, containing none other than a drop of the mad mage’s blood.
The winged lion had been right about Sonic’s heart. 
Now, Sonic cared only for the Lord of the Dungeon.
“There you are,” Thistle hissed. He’d finally pried the plating off Sonic’s gauntlet. Between his thumb and forefinger, he held up a single iron strip to examine under the light of the moon. The glyphs glinted with an unmistakable power, their carving as masterful as he’d expected, each stroke etched perfectly into the metal. “I knew the Great Wizard Merlin’s work hadn’t been lost. With this, I’ll finally be able to…”
“There are still more fragments to be found,” Merlina interrupted, looking uncomfortable. “Or have you forgotten?”
Scowling, Thistle pocketed the iron strip before discarding the rest of Sonic’s gauntlet. It fell to the grass with a muted thunk.
Sonic cocked his head and gave the gauntlet a brief glance, but quickly lost interest. He felt nothing at the sight of its mangled corpse and forgot about it as soon as he looked away. Yawning, the lion chimera closed his eyes and began to think about blueberries…
It was then that the dragon chimera approached. Her heavy footsteps caused the earth itself to tremble as if in warning while her long tail swished behind her, slow and steady. She peered down at Sonic, her bright yellow eyes standing out against the shadows of her face, her expression unreadable.
Sonic cracked one eye open to look at her. Her size failed to intimidate him, and her pinprick pupils drew another yawn from Sonic. If she thought he'd be impressed by her Studio Trigger shading, she had another thing coming! But right as Sonic was about to go back to daydreaming, he noticed the red splatter on her huge dragon hand, and his nose twitched.
Heedless to the danger, Sonic got close enough to her hand to touch the splatter. It was dry and cracking but still smelled familiar, although something about it wasn’t quite right, like a latte with the wrong kind of milk, or a chili dog without the chili.
Just when Sonic was about to take a step back, he found himself being picked up by the human hands of the dragon chimera. At first, he squirmed, his wings flapping uselessly in an attempt to get away. But then he caught sight of the dragon chimera’s face and stopped.
She no longer looked like she belonged in a suspect lineup for the critically acclaimed 2023 game, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. Instead, her features had softened to a more natural state, and Sonic couldn’t help but think that she looked too kind to be a dragon. 
“You’re,” Falin started to say, her voice strained, “just a… child…?”
Sonic wanted to fire back with a witty retort, but when he opened his mouth, he found it hard to say anything. It was like there was a weight pushing against his throat that hadn’t been there before, making even simple sounds difficult. Clearing his throat didn’t solve the problem, which irritated him, but he wasn’t a quitter, so he forced the words out anyway.
“Nnnothin’... ‘just’... about it!”
Then, with his back paws, Sonic pushed off against the dragon chimera’s feathery abdomen and flipped out of her grasp. He landed on the ground with Olympic grace, rubbing his nose with his thumb as he grinned up at her. But his throat was shredded from just those four words, so he let his actions speak for themselves. 
Falin, in all her mid-20s wisdom, knew that Sonic was trying to look cool. So, she clapped her hands together and smiled at him, because who was she to deny him of that? She’d already killed him once. Instead of sulking about what had been, unbeknownst to her at the time, a cold-blooded child murder, she found it much more productive to be supportive.
Now that Sonic smelled like the Lord of the Dungeon, there was no need for Falin to commit double child homicide, anyway.
“Dragon,” Thistle said, commanding both her and Sonic’s attention. “The next artifact awaits. Quickly, now. We mustn’t keep Delgal waiting.”
As the dragon chimera shuffled over to Thistle, Sonic’s keen eyes noticed something. Inside Thistle’s chest, another blueberry had formed, and it sat, radiating warmth right next to the mad mage’s heart. Sonic remembered the irresistible taste of the first blueberry he’d eaten and before he knew it, he was moving, running past the dragon chimera and straight at Thistle.
In turn, Thistle held up one of his hands and demanded, “Stop!”
Sonic skidded to a halt. He barely managed to avoid plowing into Thistle, his nose mere inches away from the mad mage’s outstretched palm. Impatiently, Sonic flicked his tail. The delicious blueberry was so close now. It was making his mouth water.
“You’re more useful to me in this form than as a book,” Thistle said. “But if you start acting as you did before, it won’t matter. I’ll return you to the pages. Understand?”
Sonic didn’t understand. He had no idea what Thistle was talking about. Still, he really wanted that blueberry. So, he flashed Thistle a thumbs up and gave the mad mage a toothy grin. 
At this, Thistle wrinkled his nose. “Perhaps your other head was best,” he muttered. Then, he straightened his face and put his hands on his hips. “I want to gather all the artifacts before two week’s time. The next one isn’t far, but we shall need to…”
To be honest, Sonic stopped listening after Thistle said “I want.” Because when those two words were uttered, the blueberry in the mad mage’s chest grew a little bigger, and with it, the flavor grew a little stronger. In that moment, Sonic figured out how he’d be able to eat that blueberry, as well as every other blueberry that sprouted from Thistle’s heart. 
He’d make sure Thistle got everything he wanted. 
And in exchange, Sonic would eat the blueberries. 
Tails wasn’t worried about Sonic. He knew Sonic. Sonic was the coolest guy he’d ever met and stronger than most people could ever dream of. So, when Sonic didn't show up after Tails and the knights finished off the last of the monsters, Tails figured he must still be fighting the dragon.
It was a big dragon, Tails reasoned. In fact, it was huge! And things only got that big if they had several hundred health points, right? By that logic, it made perfect sense that Sonic wasn’t back yet; it could take him all night to fell an enemy as ginormous as the red dragon! 
In the meantime, Tails focused on helping people who’d been hurt from the monster invasion. He pulled up his socks, spun his twin tails, and got to work surveying the area. He’d make sure no one was left alone in the rubble… which there was a lot of.
Tails shook his head. Restoration plans could wait. 
Sonic was counting on him to help these people right now!
It was a little hard to see through the haze of destroyed architecture, but not even the darkness of night could keep Tails from hearing the cries of two kids trapped under a broken food cart. With Percival’s help, Tails was able to pull the kids out from the wreckage and get them standing again. Then, he sent them off toward the castle where the rest of the townsfolk had gathered.
Lancelot wasn’t as content as Tails to simply let Sonic be, however. As Tails and the other knights helped the injured, Lancelot kept looking off toward the horizon until finally he said, “I’m going after him.”
Gawain scowled under his helmet. “You’re needed here, Sir Lancelot. Stay and help the people whose lives you’ve sworn to protect.”
Lancelot bristled. “Their safety is assured,” he said, his voice hard. “Unless I’m wrong to entrust them to your care?”
Gawain rose to his full height, but before he could draw his weapon, Percival moved in between him and Lancelot. “Now’s no time for a quarrel,” she interjected. “There’s much to do.” She spoke confidently, but the echo of her voice through the empty, damaged streets gave her words a more solemn gravitas. “With Prince Tails, that makes four of us. If we each tend to something, we can assure the continued safety of our kingdom and its people. As is our sworn duty.”
Gawain grumbled, knowing she was right.
Tails, meanwhile, blushed at the title Percival had unceremoniously bestowed upon him. If Sonic was uncomfortable being called a king, then Tails was embarrassed to be called a prince! 
“I’m going,” Lancelot said, looking directly at Gawain. “When I return, it will be with the king.”
“Wait,” Tails suddenly said, having regained his composure. “Sha–... um… Sir Lancelot, don’t go. I know you’re worried, but Sonic’ll be fine. He’s beat bigger bad guys than this before! Really.”
Lancelot’s intense stare caused Tails to fidget with his tails. But he had faith in his big bro, so he didn’t back down. “It’s just… Don’t you think we could use your help around here? Those monsters broke a lot of stuff, including the wall! What if more monsters get in? I really think we should fix it first. Before anyone goes anywhere, I mean.”
“The fox is right,” Gawain said. 
Lancelot turned away from Tails and the other two knights. It was impossible to see his face under the visor, but if Tails had to guess based on the hard line of his mouth, he probably didn’t look very happy right now.
“I want to see King Sonic’s return too,” Percival told Lancelot. “And we shall. After securing his people.”
The tension in the square was so thick, it could be sliced with a sword. But as the dust settled, so too did Lancelot’s frustration, and before long, he turned back toward the three of them. Curtly, he said, “One hour. That’s all I can spare.”
True to his word, Lancelot stayed to help Gawain, Percival, and Tails rescue the remaining townsfolk from precarious situations. (One of them had even gotten stuck inside a chimney somehow! After being freed, the man explained that he’d been trying to hide from the monsters, but didn’t realize how narrow a hiding spot he’d chosen until it was too late.) 
By the time half an hour had passed, every last person had been sent to the castle. That left just one thing: fixing the town’s outer wall.
The part of the wall where the red dragon had broken through was nothing more than piles of broken stone. The wall had crumbled completely, leaving a distinctly dragon-shaped hole behind, and creating an unwelcome window out into the dark forest on the other side.
If Tails had more time, he could’ve invented a contraption to fix the wall for them. Maybe some sort of brick flinger? Or a cement spitter? Unfortunately, he was in the Middle Ages, and he had no idea where to find the materials he’d need to build those things. So, that meant Plan B…
“Stand aside,” Lancelot suddenly said, startling Tails out of his reverie. 
Tails looked up at Lancelot, but the knight didn’t seem to be angry. In fact, he seemed determined, and so Tails did as he was asked. Though, his ears were perked in curiosity. The fox didn’t know much about Shadow, so he was interested to see what his doppelganger could do.
As it turned out, “what Lancelot could do” was fix the wall. Not only that, but he fixed the wall without lifting a single cinder block! He just drew a small, detailed circle into the dirt at the foot of the wall, and then burned it into the ground with the bottom of one of his jet shoes. Once the circle was aflame, it sent the stones in motion, seeming to reverse time until they all tumbled back into place, just like they’d been before the dragon had knocked them down.
Gawain rolled his eyes. “Show off,” he grumbled.
“Wow!” Tails said, his eyes sparkling. “That was amazing! How’d you do that?”
Lancelot didn’t look at Tails when he replied tersely, “I learned it from my mother.”
Tails raised an eyebrow, but before he could comment, Percival set a hand on Lancelot’s shoulder. “Thank you for your help, Sir Lancelot,” she said. “Now, I believe you have somewhere else to be. Sir Gawain and I will await your return with King Sonic.”
Gawain looked like he wanted to protest, but thought better of it when Percival shot him a glare so withering, its heat could be felt even through her visor. 
Hmph. Well, he didn’t want to be around Lancelot for any longer than he had to be, anyway.
So, Gawain and Percival left for the castle. Lancelot’s shoes began to spark as they powered up, signaling his impending departure, his body already leaning the same direction he’d seen Sonic and the red dragon disappear into.
“I’m coming too,” Tails said.
Lancelot didn’t want to waste more time arguing. Would he have preferred to go alone? Yes, of course. But he’d kept his king waiting long enough, and wasn’t willing to make him wait any longer, so instead of fighting, he gave Tails a sharp nod.
The dragon’s tracks were large and noticeable, even in the relative darkness of night. Tails and Lancelot followed them out into the forest, taking note of the crushed bramble and torn bark along the way, until they reached the wicked spike field, where they suddenly stopped. 
Tails looked around. The spikes were as plentiful as they were jagged, and he could see a blue quill lodged into one of them. That by itself wasn’t a bad sign–Sonic lost quills during fights all the time–but it was the silence that began to unnerve Tails.
Sonic was loud. If he was around, Tails and Lancelot would’ve already caught one of his quips on the wind. But they hadn’t. Instead, the only sounds in the forest were the quiet rustling of the leaves and an ominous dripping from one of the spikes.
Tails looked at that spike. He saw it, broken in half, the sharp tip hanging horizontally over the ground. There were claw marks at the base from the dragon, so it was clear she had broken it. And there was another blue quill stuck to the side of it, too. But that wasn’t all.
The dripping was forming a puddle on the ground. A very large puddle that made Tails sick to his stomach. It smelled like iron. It was red like Sonic’s shoes. And it was dripping from the tip of the spike.
Lancelot stood beside Tails. He looked at the puddle of blood too.
Tails’ mind was racing. There was no way that blood could belong to Sonic. It must be the dragon’s blood. But if it was the dragon’s blood, then where was the dragon? And, more importantly, where was Sonic?
The puddle of blood stared back at Tails in response to his question.
The silence pressed in on Tails like an omen. It was suffocating, but he couldn’t let himself choke on it. Sure, this looked bad. Really bad. But Sonic had been through worse and made it out. He must’ve made it out of this too. All they needed to do was keep looking, and they’d find him.
Because Sonic wouldn’t die. He wouldn’t leave Tails alone. 
He just wouldn’t do those things.
“Sir Lancelot,” Tails said, his voice small, “let’s–”
Lancelot stopped Tails with a harsh, Shh!
Tails strained his ears. He heard branches cracking as they shifted in the wind. He heard distant voles chattering nervously. And then, far away, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps–heavy enough to belong to the red dragon.
No words were said. Tails and Lancelot simply took off, careful to avoid the pool of blood, in the direction of the sound. Eventually, it led them to the lake where this story began. But Sonic and the dragon weren’t there. As if by magic, everyone who’d been at the lakeside had disappeared. However, they’d left behind three crucial clues: Sonic’s gauntlet, a pair of tattered, bloody white gloves, and a single strand of long red hair.
Tails was horrified at the state of the gloves, but Lancelot was more focused on the hair, because he knew who it belonged to. 
“She was here,” he said, his voice low and filled with barely contained rage. “Merlina the Wizard.”
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powdermelonkeg · 10 months
*editing script* And...Taliesin...and...Shadowheart...are...besties.
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reddesires · 19 days
Logan Howlett x Mutant Reader
Summary: There's only one way of satisfying your undying curiosity of finding out whether or not those fridge magnets will stick to the one and only Wolverine, who just happens to have an adamantium skeleton.
A/N: There may or may not be a continuation of this, idk yet.
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It first started off as mere curiosity, the fact of knowing Logan's skeleton was enveloped by pure metal on the forefront of your brain.
Your eyes would constantly wander to the fridge that was decorated by various colorful magnets by the students, the cat and and the multicolored alphabet letters, especially catching your attention.
The growing need to know if those magnets would stick to Logan or not was just too irresistible to refuse as you snatch the grumpy cat magnet from the fridge door, examining the narrowed green eyes on the face of black feline. Yeah, it reminded you very much of the rugged mean mugging man who was all too unaware of your devious intentions.
Logan was used to your teasing antics of playing with his tufts of hair whenever you got the chance or somehow discovering all the new hiding places he hides his beer in, just to hide them elsewhere (he thinks it's your sixth sense at this point). He feels as if he's always on his toes when it comes to you, your mutation aiding you in somehow bypassing his enhanced senses, you find great joy in sneaking up on him when he least expects it.
So when you casually walk in the room that he's in with your hands behind your back with a feign, innocent look on your face, his eyes narrow suspiciously. “Oh hey Lo! Didn't expect to see you here!” The lilt in your voice and the sway of your body as you walk over only cause him to tense as he sits up straight, his eyebrow raising in question.
“You know I usually sit here,” his voice trails off as his eyes trail up and down, analyzing your body movement. “You're up to something.” You grin immediately, a laugh bubbling up as you round the table as if you're trying to corner him, and he doesn't waste time standing and quickly rounding the table from you.
“Hey, don't make me spill my beer,” He says warily, holding his beer up by the neck of the bottle. You smile deviously as you slowly trail along the side of the table, still holding the mystery item behind your back and he doesn't like how you're looking at him as he mimics your movements ready to bolt to the exit any second. “Okay, we're playing that game.”
He exhales exasperatedly as he immediately swerves and runs out the door, holding his beer securely as he hears you run after him. “Logan! Get back here!” The laugh in your voice is mischievous and he doesn't trust you as the two of you run past Jean and Ororo, they look after the both of you surprised as they never expected Logan to run away from you of all people.
“Get em, girl!” Ororo cheers as they watch you round the corner after Logan, he's trying to lose you by running in front of innocent students and taking unexpected turns and it isn't long for you to have him cornered.
“Aye, have mercy.” He says your name with defeat as he clutches his beer to his chest, he somehow managed to save it from even spilling a drop during the chase and it makes you giggle as you step forward building the anticipation before getting to him, and he only watches with a close eye as you do. Only when you're within an inch from him, your face almost intimately close to his, do you notice his adam's apple bob up and down with trepidation, his eyes fluttering slightly as he's aware of how close you are to him.
You slap the magnet onto his face.
He blinks once then twice as the magnet sticks securely on to his cheek. You gasp with unadulterated joy, a cheer pulled out of you as your curiosity has finally been fulfilled.
“It does stick! Oh, this is gonna be so fun!” His face falls as he realizes what this concurs. He's become your magnetic plaything as he remembers the millions of magnets that are currently adorned on the fridge door.
“No, don't you think about it.” He grumbles as he pulls the magnet off his cheek, the crabby cat image only intensifying his dismay for your new upcoming hobby. “Oh Wolvie, it's all I can think about.” You tease as you gently squeeze his cheek, walking away feeling rejuvenated.
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
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Prosecutor!Hotch x reader warnings: language, teasing, semi public sex, smut. This might be my last one shot for a while, I'm likely going to be working on one shots in tandem with the series I want to wrap up, but only be posting the series for a while. This plan is so that when I eventually get back to work (cause yes, we shut down again and the job I was *guaranteed* to have over the break was pulled out from under me at 2am the day we closed by the same ppl who promised it to me...) i have a lot of stuff finished to queue so y'all aren't empty handed lol. Like Hotch and don't want to miss out?! Sign up for the taglist here! Enjoy what you're reading or want to prioritize a request? But me a ko-fi! 🩵🫶🏻
Aaron had been eyeing you up since you’d refused his plea deal back at the precinct, then again, he’d been eyeing you up for what felt like years already. He found it incredibly hard not to, you were always well dressed, clothes fitted, likely designer and tailored perfectly for you, never a hair out of place, your lips coated in a shade that complimented your skin perfectly and made him want to kiss you until he felt drunk. He had yet to win a case against you and shamefully felt like his attraction towards you was more or less the reason, constantly distracted while you did your crosses, feeling admiration at the way you spoke, wrapping the jury around your perfectly manicured finger rather than annoyed that you were swaying them against his client. His eyes raking up your form, trying not to linger to much on your curves perfectly accented by your skirt suits, feeling the rush of adrenaline when you’d suddenly turn back to the gallery, nearly catching his eye before cocking a brow or sending him a smirk, a sure fire sign that you knew you were about to win.
The lingering glances went both ways of course, you happened to be just that much more subtle about it, your eyes on Hotch while your ears were still vehemently listening to his questioning, ready to object whenever you could. You were able to play it off easier than he was, barely giving him a glance before you would redirect the witness and be whisking past him to the stand, a whiff of your perfume enough to intoxicate him for a moment.
It wasn’t a flirtation, it wasn’t a trend of ‘will they, won’t they’ it was rather a game of cat and mouse. Who was going to give in, who was going to be the victor and rightfully claim their prize, though it was a constant guessing game between the two of you of who was the predator and who was the prey. You flaunted yourself more often than he did, clothing in rich colours, pulling focus in the court room, designer heels that brought you up closer to his eyeline, shiny pieces of jewelry placed in just the right spots to have him glancing where he wouldn’t otherwise. Aaron rarely even opted for a colourful tie, leaving practically everything to your imagination, which honestly, you weren’t complaining about.
But it wasn’t just about the over the top professional and shark like performances in the courtroom that drew you to each other. It was the more candid and intimate moments when he would show up at your office to drop off a warrant or barter through an offer. Catching you halfway through lunch, your blazer off, exposing more skin, the curve of your breast peeking out over the top of your blouse when you bent over your desk to grab something. The more casual way you spoke, the way you insulted your client, agreeing that they were an idiot, the way the word ‘fuck’ rolled off your tongue so perfectly he wished he could hear you moaning it.
The judge called for lunch and Aaron felt like he could barely keep up with your stiletto powered steps in the hallway as you sauntered towards the elevator. Quips and teasing jabs were volleyed back and forth as the stern tone of the courtroom dissipated and a playful nature took over between the two of you. Aaron’s large hand, warm and strong was suddenly on your waist, guiding you out of the way of incoming foot traffic and it practically electrified your senses. Your hand wrapped around his wrist, nails tickling his skin and he felt himself twitch in his pants, suddenly intoxicated by the smell of your shampoo as your head whipped around to look at him.
Neither of you were entirely sure how you’d ended up behind the locked door of a spare witness prep room, but you weren’t going to complain about the way Aaron had you pinned up against the wall as he kissed you. There was a fire behind it, deep and passionate as you battled for dominance, one of his hands on your hips, pressing you harder into the wall while the other one tangled into your hair. Your hands looped over his shoulders, nails scratching at his scalp while you tried to resist the urge to wrap your legs around his waist. You nipped at his lower lip and he retaliated by slipping his tongue into your mouth, commanding the kiss, his hand cupping your cheek, holding you directly where he wanted as his hips rolled against yours, pressing his growing hard on into you. You couldn’t help the moan you let out into the kiss, your tongue moving with grace right along Aaron’s, his free hand crept up your body, palming at your chest and you broke the kiss with a gasp. He took full advantage, mouth moving across your jaw until he was peppering kisses down the side of your neck and your hands were tugging at your blazer, dropping it to the floor once it was off your body.
“This is a one time thing!” You panted, hands clawing at his back as his teeth sunk into your neck, his head nodding ever so slightly when his tongue lapped out to soothe the burn of the bite. You felt the tingle burn its way through you, starting from where his mouth was on you, working down you body to where he was pawing at your chest, all the way to in between your legs where it burst into flame.
“Now why would you say that?” He muttered, a devilish smile on his kiss swollen lips and a dark gleam in eyes and you huffed, grabbing his wrist to direct his hands back to your body.
“Oh just shut up and stop being a tease.” You growled and he laughed.
“Yes Counselor.”
Aaron ducked his head once again, but this time to the other side of your neck, leaving a trail of messy kisses up it until he reached your lips again, swallowing down your moans and whimpers. Your leg wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to you so you could roll your hips, your panties dampening with each time your cunt brushed at his clothed cock. He let out a small groan, his cock throbbing in his pants at just the thought of being buried deep inside you. His hands found the hem of your skirt, bunching it up around your waist before one of them sunk between your legs, palming at you through the flimsy fabric of your underwear. He moaned against your lips, the heel of his hand rubbing at your clit while his fingers gently massaged your pussy, your hips jolted toward the touch, a whine escaping your lips before you nipped at his.
A smirk broke out on his lips at your neediness and he nudged your panties to the side, fingers running through your folds, collecting your wetness before rubbing at your clit. You broke the kiss with a gasp, your forehead resting on his as you panted, whimpers and quiet moans coming from your lips.
“Please…” you murmured, your eyes fluttering shut at the way he was toying with you and he swiftly slid two fingers into your pussy, letting out a groan as he did so.
“Fuck sweetheart.” He cooed, “you’re so wet.” His fingers began lazily pumping, the heel of his hand still brushing over your swollen clit with each thrust.
“What did I say about teasing?” You grumbled, a hand sinking between your bodies to palm at his cock through his pants and he let out a hiss, his fingers curling inside you. Your breath caught in your throat, hips grinding down into his touch.
“Have to warm you up honey…” he groaned softly, rocking his hips into your hand, “don’t want to hurt you.”
You could only manage a noncoherent string of words, muffled by his shoulder as your head fell forward when his fingers curled inside you again, hitting your g-spot on the first try. Your pussy began to flutter around him as he scissored and curled his fingers, your juices leaking down his wrist. His free hand began to paw at the neckline of your shirt, pulling it down just enough to pull your tits out and his mouth wrapped around one of your nipples, sucking it into his mouth and you let out a moan, your head falling back onto the wall behind you. The hand Aaron had inside you picked up the pace, thrusting deeper into you, wet sounds from your pussy accompanying your quiet moans while your thighs trembled. Your hands shot to his belt, quickly undoing it in order to actually get into his pants and he groaned against your skin when your hand rubbed at his cock through his briefs, the leaking beads of pre-cum smearing against the fabric. Your fingers slid into the waistband of his briefs, shoving them and his pants down just enough for his cock to spring free and his teeth sunk into the curve of your chest as the cool air sent a shiver of pleasure through his body.
“This feels dirty.” You muttered, palming at his length and he chuckled, finally pulling away from your chest as his fingers continued to stretch you out. A piece of his normally styled hair fell forward over his forehead as he glanced down at you with dark eyes, his breath hot on your lips when he spoke.
“That’s because it is.”
“Then hurry up and fuck me already.” You groaned, your body jolting as he curled his fingers once more before pulling them out of your cunt and you let out a whine, grabbing his wrist to suck his fingers into your mouth, tongue lapping around them to get all your juices off.
“Fuck..” Aaron felt any coherent thought leave his brain as his cock throbbed, your eyes not leaving his until your lips parted with a gasp and you let his fingers drop from your mouth and he was able to surge forward, capturing you in a kiss, tongue diving into your mouth in an attempt to taste you. “I don’t have a condom.” He murmured against your lips and your leg wound around his waist again, grinding your pussy against his pulsing cock.
“I don’t fucking care.”
That was all he needed to wrap a hand around his cock, lining it up with your soaked pussy before thrusting forward and sinking fully into you. Your legs eagerly wrapped around his waist as he shoved you into the wall, hips meeting yours as his head buried into the crook of your neck, your cunt already fluttering around him.
“Fuck…” The swear was mutual, you’d never felt so full and stretched out as you were around him, his cock reaching deeper inside you than you’d ever imagined. You were so wet, so warm, Aaron felt like he could combust in that exact moment, but he knew he wanted to feel you for so much longer.
Reluctantly, he pulled out until just the tip was still wrapped in your pussy and set a steady pace fucking you against the wall, knowing neither of you really had that much time. Your whimpers and moans right in his ear were more than enough to drive him wild, picking up the pace, feeling the way your cunt was squeezing around him with each thrust. Your hands clawed at his back, one wrapping around the back of his head, fingers threading through his previously perfectly styled hair. Your lips latched onto the side of his neck directly below his ear, the only visible spot of skin in that area, leaving sticky kisses. In any other moment he’d be worried about the shade of your lipstick transferring to his collar but right now all he could think about was how your pussy felt wrapped around him.
Each thrust of Aaron’s hips you could feel every ridge and vein of his cock dragging over your walls, every time you squeezed around him you could feel him twitch inside you and it drove you wild. He started to grope at your chest again and your head fell back against the wall, thighs trembling around his waist.
“Fuck that feels good.” You murmured, and he fucked into you harder, his hips snapping into yours and you nearly let out a yelp.
“Quiet pretty girl.” He panted, his hand quickly clapping over your mouth, “can’t have anyone know what we’re up to.”
You nodded the best you could, your moans and whines now muffled by his large hand, your breath hot on his fingers. The sensation made his dick twitch inside you, a low swear on his breath when your lips began to kiss at his hand, your tongue surging out, wrapping around one of the digits and pulling it into your mouth. Aaron knew he wasn’t going to last very long with the way you were sucking on his fingers, your moans muffled around them while he fucked deeper into you, his cock absolutely throbbing while your thighs gripped around his waist tighter. His free hand sunk between your bodies, finding your clit and beginning to rub, your teeth scraped against his fingers when he increased the pressure, matching the speed of his thrusts.
Your pussy clenched down around his cock, juices smearing around him with each pass of his fingers and your head dropped against the wall again. Pleasure was shooting through you and if it wasn’t for his hand covering your mouth you were certain the entire floor would know exactly what you were up to. Aaron had you seeing stars already, your body shivering between his and the wall before he nipped at your earlobe,
“Gonna need you to come for me gorgeous.” He panted, his brow slick with sweat, doing his best to hold back his own orgasm until he’d made you come around his cock.
“Fuck!” It came out the best it could under his hand while your body convulsed, thighs gripping incredibly tight around his waist as your back arched off the wall, pussy pulsing around his cock.
Aaron fucked you through you orgasm, slowing the pace of his hips until you were no longer shaking in his arms and one of your legs dropped from around his waist and you started to relax against the wall. A second later and he was slipping out of you, spinning you in his arms to bend you over the table in the center of the room.
A moan broke free from the back of your throat as he re-entered you, his cock a throbbing mess, coated in your cum as he began to chase his own orgasm. A hand tangled into your hair, pulling you up off the table and flush to his chest.
“God you feel so good.” He grunted and you chuckled softly.
“Yeah?” You asked, head turning back to husk into his ear, “you like that Hotchner? The way your thick cock feels buried deep in my wet pussy?” You squeezed as hard as you could around him and he let out a hiss.
“Fuck.” The hand in your hair tightened, “do that again and I’m gonna come.”
“Yeah?” You purred, squeezing your cunt around him once more, holding it for longer as you felt him beginning to pulse inside you, “come for me Aaron, fill my pretty pussy up with your cum.”
“Shit!” His hips faltered against yours as his grip on you loosened and you barely caught yourself on the table as he pounded the last couple of thrusts into you before he let out a low groan, stilling against you.
A very satisfied sigh left your lips at the feeling of his cock twitching inside of you while his cum painted your walls. Aaron was careful, catching his breath as he squeezed at the base of his dick, making sure every last drop of cum was buried deep in your cunt before he slowly slipped out. Part of him was tempted to see if any of it dripped down your thighs, but he was starting to come back to his senses, tucking your panties back into place, pressing them against your swollen pussy lips to catch all of his release.
“You alright?” He asked, his hand soothing up your back, readjusting your skirt before he tucked himself back into his pants.
“Never better.” You replied with a sigh, pushing yourself back upright. Confident you were no longer on shaky legs you stepped over to the mirror, tugging your shirt back into place, fixing your hair and slightly smeared lipstick.
“Here.” Aaron handed you a paper cup of water from the water cooler and you chuckled.
“Such a gentleman.” You teased, taking a sip before reaching up, fixing his mussed up hair and wiping the remnants of your lipstick from his collar. You were about to tease him again when your phone pinged a couple of times and you pulled it out from your bag, “jury’s back. Guess now we’ll find out who really came out on top.”
Shooting him a wink you were gone from the room before he even managed to fully collect himself and his thoughts, slipping back into the courtroom and behind his respective table just in time. Somehow, he wasn’t surprised twenty minutes later when the jury came back fully in favour of you and you were looking over at him with a cocky smirk as everyone packed their things up.
“Well,” he stepped to your side of the room once you were up, “congratulations counselor.” He stuck his hand out for you to shake and you took it after a small laugh, “can I buy you a celebratory drink?”
“Oh Hotchner.” You chuckled, stepping closer to him, “you know the general guideline is that you’re supposed to buy the drink prior to when your cum is dripping out of my cunt.”
“So is that a yes?”
“I seem to remember telling you that was a one time thing.”
Part 2
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ofstarsandvibranium · 8 months
He's A Pretty One
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Summary: You're visiting your cousin in Hawkins for the summer and you meet his very pretty and very rebellious friend and bandmate.
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You're mindlessly perusing through the aisles of Family Video. Your younger cousin, Gareth dragged you along so you could help him decide on what movie to pick.
He approaches you with two in hand, "Halloween or Texas Chainsaw Massacre?"
You grimace and look at him with a confused look, "Gare, it's the summer time. Why the hell do you want to watch horror movies?" It was summer time. You were one hundred percent sure there were better movies to pick than either of those two.
Your cousin rolls his eyes at you, "You can watch scary movies any time of the year, Y/N." His statement makes it seem like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"It feels wrong watching it during the summer," you try to reason with Gareth.
He smirks, "Do you not want to watch it because it 'feels wrong'," he says using air quotations, "or is it cause you're a scaredy cat?" He's looking at you with the most annoying look on his face that you kind of want to punch him.
You narrow your eyes at him, "Shut the fuck up, Gareth. I'm not the one who refused to swim in the pool three summers ago after watching Poltergeist."
You hear a snort around the corner, causing you and Gareth to turn. A guy who looks around to be your age comes into view. His arms are crossed over his chest and he's smirking at Gareth, "You refused to go swimming after Poltergeist?"
Gareth rolls his eyes, "You never know if the pool you're swimming in was built over dead bodies that hadn't been relocated!"
The guy snorts and looks at you, sticking his hand out, "I'm Eddie-"
"Munson. Yeah, Gare's mentioned you before. I'm Y/N," you grasp his hand and give it a quick shake.
"Huh. Funny. Gareth never mentioned he had a girlfriend," he looks you up and down with no shame.
Both you and Gareth gag.
"We're cousins!"
"That's so fucking gross."
Eddie chuckles and holds his hands up, "Sorry. Didn't mean to assume," he then grabs the two movies from Gareth's hands. He looks at both and then shoves Texas Chainsaw Massacre to his chest, "Chainsaw Massacre is better."
He smirks and looks you up and down one last time, "Hope to see ya around Y/N," he gives you a wink and heads to the counter to pay.
Gareth looks at you and then Eddie and then back at you, "Please, don't," he says with a pleading face of desperation.
"What? I didn't say anything!"
"Please don't tell me you like Eddie."
"I don't....I just think he's...pretty."
Gareth gags again and you smack him on the head, "Oh quit it! Besides, I can have a summer fling if I want! You said there's nothing fun to do in this town, so why can't I create some fun for myself?"
"That's gross," your cousin shudders and goes to the counter to pay.
The next time you see Eddie is at band practice. Eddie as well as the rest of Corroded Coffin arrive at Gareth's ready to practice their new set.
Eddie gives you a nod while the rest of the guys are fairly awkward around you. While they're warming up and tuning their instruments, you go up to Eddie, putting an extra sway to your hips.
"Is it okay if I'm here?"
He nonchalantly shrugs with a grin on his face, "Why wouldn't it be okay?"
You nod towards Jeff and Doug behind him, "I think I make them uncomfortable."
Eddie looks over his shoulder and snorts, "It's just 'cause they've never been in the presence of a hot girl before."
You smirk at him, "You think I'm hot?"
He looks you up and down like he did at the video store, "I think you know the answer, sweetheart."
"CAN WE PLEASE START PRACTICE NOW?!" Gareth yells, breaking the tension that started to build between you and Eddie.
Eddie rolls his eyes and slips his guitar strap over his shoulder, "Yeah, alright." He slowly backs away but shoots you a wink as he gets into position.
You plop yourself onto the couch ready to watch what your cousin and his friends got.
You thought Eddie was hot before but holy fuck was he sexy as hell now after you've watched him perform. The way he plays and sings his heart out is just...it leaves you speechless...and a little hot.
After practice was over, Gareth goes up to you, sweaty but with a proud look on his face, "So? Whaddaya think?"
"You guys sound pretty good, Gare. And you guys are performing this weekend right?"
"Yup! You're coming right?"
You snort, "I have nothing else better to do, plus, I gotta support your annoying ass," you shove his shoulder and your cousin rolls his eyes.
You try to shove him again but Gareth dodges you and steps away. You chuckle and then glance at Eddie, who's had his eyes on you the entire time.
You walk up to him with a smirk, "Not bad, Van Halen."
"Thanks," Eddie puffs up his chest in pride, "Gonna be our first groupie, hm?"
You scoff and wave off his comment, "Oh please, I'm just supporting my cousin."
Eddie licks his lips and leans closer to you, "Come on. Once we get big, you can have bragging rights that you were our first fan and that you knew us before we blew up."
You cross your arms over your chest and tilt your head to the side, "That all I get for seeing you guys perform? Bragging rights?"
He looks at you with a smirk, "Why? You want something more?"
You snort and take a step closer to Eddie, your face very close to his, "Think you have something I'd want, Pretty Boy?"
He's smiling wide at you now, "You think I'm pretty?"
You look him up and down just like how he did earlier. To repeat his words back to him, "I think you know the answer, sweetheart." You then turn on your heel and head back inside Gareth's house leaving him feeling equally as hot as he made you feel.
Part 2
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Rick/reader/Daryl are a throuple and the Alexandria residents don’t know how to react.
.⋆。Her Poor Cat。⋆.
Daryl x plus size reader x Rick
Obviously the Alexandrians were pretty vanilla
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and smut, bit of a crack fic, humour, fluff
WC: 900
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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The welcome party was an interesting touch to the new-comers. It was so weirdly reminiscent of the old world with the nice clothes and good food and alcohol but at the same time, many in the room carried that haunted look in their eyes from the hell just outside the walls. But the food was fresh and the company was pleasant enough.
Carl had scrambled off a couple minutes ago, presumably to try and sneak some whiskey behind his father’s back, leaving you alone with a sleepy Judith perched on your wide hip. Her chunky hand tightly clutched at your shirt as her big blue eyes fluttered.
“Mama.” She muttered, nuzzling further into your hold. You gently cupped the back of her head and began to sway softly. 
“We’ll leave soon, just need to find your dads and make sure they don’t get into any trouble.” Your eyes skipped over the crowd but you were quickly stopped by someone coming up beside you.
“It’s so good to see healthy children during these times.” Deanna seemed less focused on you and more on the now half-asleep child in your arms, which you were incredibly grateful for considering that your poker face wasn’t as good as it used to be and she legitimately freaked you out.
Judith grumbled as you hitched her higher on your hip. “Judy is an easy baby, pretty much eats anything that gets put in front of her.” You chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“You and Rick must be very proud of your kids.” 
Your eyes widened. “Oh, it’s not-“
A strong arm was suddenly wrapped around your thick waist and you were tugged back into their hard stomach. The scent of cigarettes and motor oil filled your senses as Daryl’s lips brushed against your earlobe. You watched as Deanna went pale, obviously coming to her own conclusion about your relationship with the archer.
“I-I didn’t realise, given how affectionate you are with the kids, I thought Rick was your partner.” You could feel Daryl’s broad chest rumble with discontent.
“So what if he is?” The noise from the party faded away to a faint whisper as all eyes turned to you. Internally, you groaned, vowing to get some sort of revenge on your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry?” Deanna seemed genuinely confused but you knew that whatever was about to come out of Daryl’s mouth would not serve to lessen that feeling.
With your free hand, you dug your fingers into his hip, urging him to shut the hell up but like always, Daryl refused to listen. “So what if we’re both fucking her?”
And there it was. Your body sagged with embarrassment as heat raced up your neck, blooming across your cheeks. “You fucking asshole.” Your group all seemed to be holding back their laughter as the Alexandrians were suddenly incredibly uncomfortable. You heard Carl groan loudly from somewhere behind you. “Not again.”
“Both of them?” Spencer materialised beside his mother, jaw practically on the floor. “At the same time?”
Just as Daryl’s mouth opened once more to very rudely answer the mayor’s son, Rick’s hand on his shoulder stopped him. His grip was light enough to appear friendly but the way his fingers curled into his collarbone kept the other man silent. “What Daryl meant to say is that we are all in a relationship together.”
You then made the mistake of making eye contact with Maggie and Carol who both seemed to be on the edge of suffocation as they desperately tried to stop giggling. You glared at the women and got back a rather rude gesture from Carol that restarted their laughter anew.
“I think I need to get Judy to bed.” You tried to pull away from Daryl’s grip but the stubborn man he was, he just held you tighter.
“How does that work?” The question came from a woman towards the back. You could practically feel Rick’s smirk as he cleared his throat but very quickly, another woman decided to answer for him.
“Obviously they take turns.” A murmur of agreement filled the room followed by- “Oh her poor vagina.” This makes Glenn snort into his drink.
With a horrified look on her face, Deanna spoke again. “This is highly inappropriate.” Yet no one seemed to hear her because someone else piped up.
“I can’t believe that she isn’t pregnant all the time.”
“I think that’s enough of that! Thank you all for the wonderful party, but we really should be going now.” Your voice boomed, starling Judith awake but that was the least of your concerns at the moment. Daryl went easily enough as your fingers clamped down on his wrist and you pulled him along, although there was a prideful smile on his lips.
But Rick had other ideas. “It’s not like we don’t try every chance we get.” Faster than you thought you were capable of, you dropped Daryl’s hand and your arm darted out, grabbing Rick’s ear with a force that made him visibly flinch.
“I said that’s enough.” You snarled and tugged him towards the front door, Daryl trailing close behind you. “Goodnight.” The door slammed shut behind you, leaving behind a room full of stunned Alexandrians and your friends who were all laughing loudly.
“Well, I guess that cleared that up.” Deanna murmured and took a long pull of her drink.
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Daryl Dixon 
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k-atsukibakugou · 4 months
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hiring you after a particularly tense night could either be the best decision endeavor ever made, or the worst.
pairing: enji todoroki x f!reader w/c: 2.7k warning/s:fem!reader, escort!reader, cheating, reader has hair out, finger sucking notes: sorry not sorry i just wanna be a rich mans toy; dialogue is a lil clunky my bad lmao
crossposted to ao3 • masterlist • wip updates & voting • kofi • askbox
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“so, what’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?” despite the firepower of his quirk, the ice is thick between you, your teasing words hardly making a crack in the frigid surface. undeterred by it’s solidity, you make your way over to the hero, still seated at the desk on a chair that makes him seem more imposing than he is, his shoulders flaring past the edges of the high back, the only thing in the room that towers over his seated frame.
the expansive office isn’t enough for the both of you, the air already thick when you take another step closer, the heavy mahogany swinging shut behind you, latching into place with an echoing thud. still without a word, endeavor stares you down like he would a villain, watching your every move, every rise of your chest, the slow sway of your hips. his ears tingle hearing your sleek heels click along the hardwood floor, slow, calculated steps across the ice, no fear of falling when you venture further into the icy depths of the office.
crystal blue eyes trail over your body with every click, drinking in the sight of your tight, white blouse, the top three buttons undone to expose a sliver of your lacy bra, the skirt with a slit far too high on your thigh to be appropriate, your sheer black stay-ups that stop at your mid thigh, a peek of your garter poking from beneath your skirt to keep them up. his ears are ringing when his glare reaches your heels, unsure if it’s his blood rushing to his head, or the sound of you stepping over the rug echoing in his head.
the hero’s heart pumps in his chest incessantly, he can already see the headlines now, top hero hospitalised for cardiac event after inviting escort to his agency. your proximity might be a fate worse than death.
drawing his eyebrows down, he averts his eyes; it shouldn’t be this easy to work him up, you’ve just walked into his office and his mind is already wandering. and yet, when he slouches in the leather, he spots the dark red lace beneath your skirt, the minute layer of fabric doing nothing to hide your dizzying cunt. enji’s sure he’s pale as his head rolls back, the blood rushing from his head, swallowing hard, he wills himself to just relax. you weren’t a threat, you were a woman. so, why was his skin burning so damn hot?
slinking around the corner of his desk like a cat readying for a nap in the sunlight, your non-existent tail curls around his throat, bringing his attention back solely to you. perching yourself on the edge of his desk, shuffling back just enough until the bare skin of your thighs squishes against the cool surface, your position hiking your skirt higher on your limbs, even more so when you cross one leg over the other, pushing the fabric to your hips. he’d never admit it, but his cock jumps just watching you move, gliding over the slowly melting ice with a confidence that made his head feel like static the longer he stared.
your allure makes his head fuzzy, your little office getup flattering every curve and plain of your body; the cliche glasses perched on your nose working better for him than he’d thought. it only gets fuzzier taking you in, your exposed thighs, squishing around the elastic of your garter, the curve of your throat, the shape of your tits when you leaned closer, the colour of your lips. you study him through the glass, licking your lips just to watch him squirm, nearly drooling yourself at the flex of his thighs as he adjusts in the seat, his bulge more than enough evidence of everything he refused to say aloud.
despite calling you after a late patrol, heaving and panting down the line with his fat cock grasped in his hand, he never quite expected the follow through.
“i’ve never been inside the number ones office before,” his gaze is still glued to your thighs listening to you speak, the weight of your sultry gaze making him shift side to side again. quirking your head, your voice is low and even when you lean closer to question him, “what are you so nervous about, endeavor?”
it takes every ounce of his self control to keep his eyes from rolling into the back of his head at the sound of your purring voice, instead, he keeps his blue eyes trained on your sparkling, mischievous ones. even with his attempt to remain stoic, the glimmer in your eyes makes it abundantly clear you remember the low, gravelly tone of his voice when he’d called you, the addictive rumble in his throat as he’d all but groaned down the line, asking to see you. you didn’t bother to respond with your rates, you knew he’d pay from how fucked out he sounded.
“i’m not.” enji wordlessly thanks any god above that his voice is even, that he doesn’t choke on the words, even when you drift closer. your scent clouds his mind, he doesn’t know if it’s your perfume, or a quirk, but the smell sticks to the inside of his nose, melting into every wrinkle and ridge of his brain with every slow breath in. shaking his head doesn't quite clear his head. countless villains defeated by him, but a gorgeous escort clad in a tiny skirt was making him tremble, the pure lewdity of you draped on his desk dressed like that had his blood rushing to places it hadn’t been in years.
growing closer to the hero,his dick twitched like it did the night he called you, the fat tip of his cock starting to stick to his boxers when your lips brushed against the stubbled skin of his jaw in an addictive, barely-there touch, marring the skin with a line of dark lipstick from the corner of his lips to his ear.
“let’s get you more comfortable,” you purr in his ear, the sound waves sending jolts of electricity down his jaw, through the jugular in his throat, down his oesophagus into the depths of his stomach with a deep shudder. your head is just as foggy as his when you drop to your knees in front of him, the wet dream of the hulking hero falling apart at the seams when you’d hardly touched him, hadn’t done a thing to make him so clammy, to get him so worked up, to have his fists clenching at his sides. you hadn’t even looked at his fat cock yet, let alone touched it.
kneeling between his thighs, each wider than your head, you lift a heavy foot that’s nearly as long as your torso, setting his heel in your lap as he studies you like you’re alien; dark red eyebrows furrowing, wrinkling in the centre when you unzip the side of the boot, tugging the moulded lather off his foot. he can see down your thin shirt at this angle, his stormy eyes locked on the charm at the centre, hypnotised by the way it catches the light like a crystal sun catcher in the middle of july, his attention only drawn away from your chest when you tugged his other foot into your lap.
the longer you fiddled with his shoes, the more strung out he got, his tendons feeling like they were about to rip under his skin, his knuckles itching to reach for you, to tug at the flimsy buttons holding your shirt together until the stitches split, growing more and more desperate to bury his cock in your cunt. fuck, he nearly forgot how a warm, wet pussy felt gliding up and down his cock. his eyes fluttered shut, the relief of his boots slipping off his feet doing little to relax his wired body, especially the more he thought about how you’d look bouncing in his lap, still in that short, tight skirt, your pretty manicured fingers rubbing at your clit, your mascara smudging under your eyes when you came, how you’d moan his name when you ride him. would you shudder feeling him dip his head into your weeping cunt? would you ask him to go slow, shiver atop him sinking down his length? would you let him spill his seed in your cunt? or swallow all his cum while you lick him clean of your juices. biting his lip, he stifles a groan at the fantasy of your cheeks full of his cum, of it spilling over your perfect lips, dripping down your chin onto your chest, tainting your thin shirt.
—his eyes squeeze shut with a groan, a heavy hand rubbing at his lidded eyes, the pressure of his knuckles in the socket forcing the picture of you from his mind. he shouldn’t be doing this. he can’t do this. his cock is aching, he can’t be doing this, but fuck, he needs it.
“i can hear you thinking,” you study his face, taking in the bright topaz of his eyes, the indecision swirling in them, the jagged scar tearing through the left side of his face, leaving a gap in the hair on his jaw, the stubble spattered around the clear skin surrounding it, the start of a beard a red only a shade darker than the hair on his head. enji’s hand drops to his thigh, his bright aquamarine gaze meeting yours, the blue a deep navy in the shadows stretching over his face, somehow still glowing an electric blue despite the darkness beneath them, the weary lines that come with the job, and age. propping your chin on his knee, his head rolls back, the front of his boxers nearly wet from staring at you, the glittering of your eyes that looked like you were starstruck, the dark eyeliner smudged around your lash line that he desperately wanted to make run down your face, the creamy lipstick already starting to smear around your lip line, half of it still left on his cheek.
“i don’t know if i can do this…” running a hand through dark red hair, leaving it in spikes. even with his apprehension, he doesn’t stop you from dragging your fingertips over the hard muscle of his thighs, doesn’t jostle your chin from his knee, allowing you to slide your hand under the hem of his shirt to feel the heat of his bare abdomen.
“i..i’m married.”
there’s a flash across his face, a guilt, a worry. you we’re used to clients having… commitments, someone to go home to after you, although, this was the first time you’d seen a man so concerned about it, the morals of betraying his family, the morals of just thinking of you laid bare for him to lick, nip and suck as he pleased, to make your spine arch into him. he’s itching to have you melt on his tongue, on his fingers, fuck, the longer he ogles you, the more he thinks tarnishing his reputation might be worth it. your posture straightens, the hero doesn’t miss a single twitch in your muscles, waiting for you to stand, to storm out. instead, you hum, an amused sound from low in your throat, your hands sliding from beneath his shirt back down the length of his thighs.
light as a feather, your touch grazes his aching cock, his blood running hot through his veins to his crotch, like it was his own hellfire ablaze beneath your touch. it doesn’t cool when you reach for his left hand, tugging the limb easily into his lap, not a single one of his bulging muscles straining to stop your light touches on his skin. sparing a glance at him, you gently trace your fingertips over the cold gold of his ring, the metal dinged, scratched and worn smooth at the edges from years of marriage, decades even.
“i’m not trying to be your wife, endeavor,” your eyes shine looking up at him, “it’s cliche, but i’m anything you want; a lover, a girlfriend, a date— if you don’t wanna touch me,”
your pink tongue pokes out from between your lips when you trail off, slowly licking down the length of his finger. the digit’s calloused, thick from years of hero work, his skin hot in your mouth like a cookie was right out of the oven, when you were too impatient to let them cool, instead savouring the dough melting in your mouth. wrapping your lips around his finger, your eyes are still locked on his, hardly sucking at the digit when he breaks the eye contact, heavy eyelids fluttering shut with a deep groan at the sensation of your tongue and lips around the third knuckle. he sounded even better than he did down the phone; so gravelly, like the noise was alien to his vocal chords.
“then, you don’t have to touch me,”
neither of you have shed a single piece of clothing, he hasn’t even touched you, you’ve barely touched him, yet, his head rolls back when you moan around his finger, licking at his hand like you were trying to taste his leaking cock, your ministrations hardly helping the pre steadily dribbling from his tip. enji’s hips jump when your tongue dips in the webbing between his fingers, any apprehension melting inside him with every pulse of his echoing heartbeat, desperation thrumming in his veins, the need to feel your drool dripping down his cock, to feel the heat of your cunt beneath the red lace of your panties. he throbs with the need to sink into you, he’d fuck you on the floor of his office right now if it meant he could see your pretty pussy dripping with his cum. unfortunately, instead of your creamy slick gathering in his palm, sliding down to his wrist, it’s your saliva, drooling from your bottom lip onto his thick skin, dripping onto the front of his trousers to make a patch on the front mirroring the ever-growing one on his boxers.
“i won’t touch you unless you decide it,” your voice is like an angels chorus, even as devilishly sultry as it was.
“huh-i’m—” breathing heavily, enji’s voice is garbled, his mouth drawing into a tight line, every muscle in his body tensing when you bob your head, sucking his fingers deeper into your throat like you were trying to milk his dick. your hair falls onto your face when his hips jolt off the chair, his hips pushing his palm into your face, his ring finger pressing against the back of your tongue. his resolve is melting, his hips grinding shakily into the air the longer you sucked at his hand in his lap, your soft lips wrapping around the ring beneath his last knuckle, the sensation of your teeth against his skin forcing a rumbling groan from his chest. gold ring between your teeth, you sensually drag your tongue along the underside of his finger, setting every nerve on fire with the tip of your wet muscle fluttering against every ridge of his knuckles.
he’s fucking ruined above you, bulky thighs raising off of the office chair in search of your wet, hot mouth to release into, his hair sticking up in every direction from his fingers constantly tugging on the ends, the veins in his throat shining with sweat at every heavy thrum of his blood. with white knuckles, his abdomen tenses, every muscle in his body fighting against the urge to cum, to wait until he had you beneath him, on top of him, on his face would be less fucking shameful than making a mess of his boxers from a little pseudo-blowjob.
enji mumbles something, his tongue too heavy in his mouth to make any discernible words, especially not over the sound of your slurping at his fingers, he sounded more like he was huffing and grunting than speaking, the sound clawing itself out of his throat when his eyes screw shut, his muscles losing the fight to restrain himself.
shuddering, every solid muscle relaxes at once, the tension ebbing, melting from his veins into pleasure when his cum spits from his hot tip, sticking the front of his boxers to his cock.
his head drops back when you sit back up on your knees, his ring looped around the tip of your tongue, his finger falling from your mouth with an audible pop in the quiet room, the only sound his heavy breathing and the shuffle of your clothes as you adjust your position.
he can fucking hear the grin in your voice spotting the dark stain at the top hero’s crotch, “still worried about your marriage, endeavor?”
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© all works belong to @k-atsukibakugou, @gwen0m, and dlirious on archive of our own, do not plagiarise, translate, repost, feed my works into ai or recommend my work on other platforms, or bind my fanworks for sale.
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rosiesmuts · 1 year
After Dark
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BLACKPINK Rosé  Words: 3,000  Tags: 🍑
Whoever said nothing good happens past 2AM has clearly never met one Park Chaeyoung. An unexpected knock on your door brought upon the greatest present a man could ask for.
"Hello Rosie."
"Fuck you. You know I hate when you call me that." A side eye reserved for only the most despicable is thrown your way.
"Oh I know. Why do you think I keep doing it?"
Rosé sucks her teeth, scoffing in your direction as she pushes you out of the way to invade your living space.
"So why are you here? Didn't you just get back from your tour?" You already knew the answer, but you wanted her to say the words out loud.
"What are you? Some kind of fucking stalker?" She's always the quick witted one, never making it easy with a game of cat and mouse.
"I'm the stalker? I'm not the one who shows up unannounced at people's houses in the middle of the night."
An idol with multiple talents, one of them lesser known to the general public–able to switch from devil to angel in a blink of an eye. She stares you down, her hips swaying side to side as the distance between the two of you dwindles. Your back is against the wall, her tight little body is pressed against yours, her knee raised up right under your crotch to trap you in place. Both hands roam underneath your shirt, her nails harshly digging in as she feels around your chest.
"Oh? You don't want me here? I can take a hint, just tell me to leave and I'll get out of your hair…" 
Her angelic voice didn't match her devilish actions, her fingers nimbly trail down your chest and stomach. She works her left hand into the elastic of your sweatpants–wrapping her delicate fingers around your shaft, squeezing it tightly but refusing to stroke. Her other hand cups your face, you’re left wondering how the situation flipped so quickly.
“So should I leave?” 
Fuck. You shake your head, which brings the divine feeling of her hand methodically pumping away. It's an incredible thing. How a woman so tiny could have you wrapped around the palm of her hand. In an instant, your pants are wrapped around your ankles, she's on her knees, her gaze staring into your soul looking up into your eyes. 
Her soft fingertips gently graze against your balls, her warm breath lingering around the tip of your cock. You're left speechless, completely enamored by the gorgeous face nearly pressed against you. She spits on your cock, using slow agonizing strokes, and repeating this process until it's completely lathered in saliva. 
Rosé continuously teases, little flicks of her tongue gathering up every drop of precum. Her eye contact never breaks, opening up her mouth, merely seconds away from her lips wrapped around. The power of her seductive eyes was too strong, your eyes closed, head leaned back, already imagining the heavenly embrace of her warm mouth.
Your eyes pop wide open. ‘What the fuck?’ Your immediate thought when what was supposed to be immeasurable pleasure is instead met with great pain. She lets out an evil laugh, her grip on your balls ever tightening.
"You think I came all the way here to suck your cock?" She spits on your cock again, this time any sense of seduction gone and replaced with only disgust. Your face contorted in displeasure, the stranglehold of your precious jewels solely left to her whims. 
A groan of frustration as Rosé pops back to her feet, dragging you by the cock into the bedroom. Even in the shroud of darkness, she’s easily able to navigate your quarters, instinctively finding her way onto your bed. 
“Don’t waste my time.”
Her voice could only be described as a cold and emotionless jeer. But that couldn’t take away what was presented right in front of you. A beautiful sight that no words could ever sully: Rosé bent over on all fours, her delectable body just waiting to be taken. 
How easy it would be to go dive right in. But that's exactly what she wants. A little bit of payback was required. She needed to be teased, tested, to be shown who was in charge. 
Simple light kisses on the nape of her neck causes her whole body to tense up with light moans fluttering about. The flimsy fabric separating you from greatness stands no chance, easily torn in half and tossed away, the cost of the designer garment not even in consideration. Your lips trail down covering every surface of her slim back with gentle kisses, reaching your hands around, small sensitive nubs hardening in between two fingers. When you reach the small of her back, there’s a lingering pause for two different reasons:  taking in the visual perfection of her body and to leave her longing for more. 
The second obstacle. Another piece of flimsy fabric standing in your way, but this time you keep them on for one simple reason–they needed to be soaked through with her juices. Through the most frustrating barrier, two fingers gently graze against her outer lips, her moistness already seeping through to coat your fingertips and down her thighs.
"Is this what you wanted?" You ask, feeling the warmth radiating off of her. 
She's clearly enjoying it, letting out light moans, but she shakes her head, wagging her butt back and forth.
Every fiber in your being was telling you to stop, to torture her as she did to you just a moment ago. But her cute little ass was simply too irresistible. Too delicious to even think about stopping now, pulling down her panties just enough to expose that cute little ass. 
“Oh my gosh!”
She screams out from just the first light lick–an unexpectedly cute response to this otherwise depraved activity. This was your specialty, the thing that set you apart from all the nobodies who didn’t have Park Chaeyoung bent over in their bed. Rosé moans softly as your tongue explores her innermost depths. Each flick of your tongue soft and gentle, yet sending waves of pleasure through her body. She’s caught under your spell, your tongue like a magic wand, caressing her most intimate and sensitive areas with a skill that leaves her trembling and wanting more.
Every lick and caress sends her further into the abyss of bliss, completely at your mercy and you knew it. Her body tenses as you continue your ministrations–your tongue alternates from circles and figure eights, teasing and tantalizing her in ways like your life depended on it. The plan coming into great fruition, her panties completely soaked through, steady streams of delicious liquid flowing down her legs.
“Feels so good…” she let out, unable to catch her words until it was too late.
“What was that?” you pause, taking great pleasure in seeing Rosé quiver beneath you.
She’s close, it’s painfully obvious, you know her body more than she likes to admit. Her fingers dig into the sheets, tethering on the cusp of release–her heavy moans grow louder and louder as you worship her ass. Her inhibitions melting away with each passing second of your warm tongue tracing circles around her most sensitive hole. But then you remembered how cruel she could be. Her budding orgasm is only met with disappointment when you take your tongue away, gasping out in shock as you rip her panties into pieces, placing your hand firmly across her ass. 
"Tell me what you are Rosie." You command, your voice low, yet authoritative, your hand rubbing her ass with wicked intent. 
Again that name. You knew what response it would invoke, each party fighting for just the slightest edge of control. The look of anger in her eyes tells the whole story, her gaze piercing your soul while looking back at you with vitriol. She knows exactly what you want to hear, but refuses to give in, gritting her teeth as she shakes her head. What comes next is something she hates, yet strangely desires.
A harsh spank sends jolts of electricity through her entire body. The initial feeling of pain is chased by an overwhelming desire to be dominated. The harsh slap of your hand on her ass is followed by another. Then another, her cheeks getting redder with each subsequent spank. 
"Say it Rosie!"
Rosé screams in pain, each harsh spank on her supple ass stripping away her resilience. While she secretly loved this treatment, her tolerance can only go so far; her face is flushed with shame as she forces herself to say the words out loud. 
"I'm your little fuck doll…" it was hard to think a voice that could fill stadiums could also sound so timid.
There's nothing more satisfying than hearing her say those words–knowing that she hated herself for saying it makes it doubly so. Here she was, a world famous idol with literal tens of millions of fans reduced to nothing more than a personal plaything in your hands. She was your toy, your possession, and you could do with her as you pleased. The tension in her torso releases, thinking it was finally over with her admitting defeat.
"I couldn't hear you!" One more swift slap against her ass and she screams out as the shock, pain, and pleasure reverberates from the top of her head all the way down to her toes.
"I'm your little fuck doll!"
"Good girl," you cheekily respond, your hands tenderly soothing the spots where you slapped her skin. For just a brief moment Rosé thought you were actually a decent human being. However that thought is quickly forgotten, your hands spreading apart her cheeks and she remembers what a piece of shit you really are.
"Are you ready for what you came here for?" 
Rosé has no time to respond. She gasps, her head spinning as you push the tip of your cock against her asshole–slowly stretching her out as you push further in. 
And there it was, the confusing satisfaction of pain as you stretched out her tight little hole. The entire reason Rosé loses all logical sense with you. She hated herself for being here, laying in your bed, willing to do whatever you asked. She hated herself for being addicted to you, your cock–her discovery of how good pain can feel has been her downfall.
Yet she still let out low moans, her body betraying her mind, slowly submitting to your every demand. Her ass is tight, perhaps too tight, bordering on the line of it painfully gripping your shaft. Pain is what's part of the fun, taking a fair bit of effort to push in and out, but something that's completely worth it.
But then it gets easier, her tight little hole adjusting, stretching out to take in more and more of your length. Beforelong, her body starts shaking underneath your rough pounding, each thrust harder than the last. Rosé bites her lip, a desperate attempt to contain her moans, but it's an impossible task–the sensation of your thick cock completely filling her up makes her scream out. It becomes a personal mission to hear her honey moans even more. 
Her sensitive nipples harden underneath your touch and just the lightest touch of her clit elicits an immediate response when you graze it with your thumb.
Now stimulated from multiple points, Rosé is quickly becoming undone, the pressure of your thumb increases while it circles her clit, your other hand full on groping either of her tiny tits. Endless moans echo the room with growing frequency–losing any sense of decency with her body succumbing to the pleasure.
"I'm gonna make you squirt all over these fucking sheets."
Rosé shudders at those words, knowing her fate was inevitable. Regretfully enjoying your rough treatment, an impending eruption started to build within her core and she could do nothing to stop it. Like a prophecy coming true, her body tenses up, the euphoric feeling in the pit of her stomach threatens to release at any moment.
Somewhere in between a moan and a scream, she lets out a deafening cry, losing all strength, her arms giving out, her body flopping on the bed. A warm viscous fluid flowing out of her pussy as her orgasm rips through her entire body. She almost starts to feel embarrassed at the amount of fluid that continues to flow out of her, but that feeling is quickly taken over by something else.
A swift slap of her ass snaps her back to reality. 
"Did you just cum all over my bed?"
Rosé nodded, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps.
Now laying in a prone position, her body is on full display: her slim elegant body covered in a thin layer of sweat, legs that never seemed to end, and to top it all off is an ass that was way too shapely to belong to someone so slim. 
Seeing her squirt gives you a much needed second wind. Rosé has no escape from your almost animalistic desire for her body. Chasing after the blonde haired beauty, your thrusts continue with a renewed vigor, her entire body quivering as you fuck her with such force that she practically embeds into the sheets. Her first orgasm still felt throughout her body, she's helpless in your grasp, her face buried in a pillow, a last ditch effort to stifle her moans. 
Hearing her carnal noises was the best part; you tug on her long blonde hair and her beautiful moans once again echo in the air. Her upper body arching back while you continue to pound her ass gives you the perfect opportunity. "Do you ever let anyone else fuck you in the ass?" Your voice practically growls into her ears.
Rosé shakes her head, her brain tortures itself at the unbelievable amount of pleasure coursing through her.
"Use your voice Rosie," you tug at her hair even harder. She shudders in disgust hearing you call her this name, but she's in no position to argue–pushed far past the point of caring. She's been through this before and knows what you want to hear.
"Naur! You're the only one allowed to fuck my ass!" Rosé screams out, her lack of restraint on full display, willing to say or do anything to continue this incredible feeling.
"That's right." An evil laugh escapes, letting go of her long locks to grab two handfuls of hot idol ass–your fingers digging into her flesh as you relentlessly thrust into her.  "That's because this ass belongs to me." 
Seemingly something inside Rosé snapped. Thinking about nothing else besides the thick cock stretching her out to her limits. She looked back, her eyes practically begging. 
"Fuck me harder! Give your little fuck doll everything you've got!"
There were no words that could be more beautiful. Rosé has given up any sense of pride–fully embracing her role as your personal fuck doll. She feels so small in your hands, her entire waist being engulfed in your hands. So delicate and so small, seemingly possible to snap in two at any given moment. And yet here she was, begging you to fuck her even harder. You give her exactly what she asked for, pulling up her hips, her tight pert ass now up in the air. Rosé is the first to act, rocking her hips back and forth, her tight, fleshy paradise threatening to already milk you for everything you're worth.
There was no way you could give up control, holding her hips in place while driving her into the bed. Rosé's given up all sense of restraint, her moans come freely and in abundance. A rough rhythm is found, the exploration of her svelte physique could never truly be satisfied. 
Just when she thought her body was already pushed to its limits, endorphins continue to rush into Rosé’s brain, her asshole filling up with ecstasy as she receives the fucking of her life. She screams out, another orgasm flowing through her–her body writhing and squirmy, her mind a complete mess wracked with a combination of pain and pleasure.
The tightness of her ass increased, seemingly begging to milk you dry. Your thrusting continues even as her ass constricts until you could take no more. Rosé gasps out loud, almost in relief, feeling a new flood of hot cum unloading deep into her ass with every thrust. 
Completely spent, you collapse onto the bed. Your faces now merely inches apart, her beauty actually takes you by surprise as she lays there with lidded eyes and heaving chest trying to catch her breath–her moaning continuing even after you pulled out.
While you were too busy admiring her, the realization of what just transpired has come rushing back to her. The feeling of your cum leaking out of her for the countless time takes over her. She catches you staring and looks at you with her legendary bombastic side eye.
"I really fucking hate you," she says in a low exhausted voice.
You couldn't help but laugh, her cold callous words simply feeding into your ego.
"And yet you just begged me to fuck you in the ass. It's not my fault how much you need this dick." 
Rosé yelps when you give her ass one final slap.
"What, no smartass comeback? You're usually so feisty. It's what I love the most about you."
She lays there feeling dirty and ashamed, wondering how she ended up letting you fuck her yet again. But she also knew you were right, she was addicted and would come crawling back for more
A/N: Hi
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inou-ie · 1 year
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HONKAI STAR RAIL WOMEN AS YOUR CAT/DOG GIRLFRIEND(SFW) WARNINGS: female reader, cat/dog ears, tail, suggestive, cuddling, biting, licking, hugging, kissing. CHARACTERS: Cats(Jingliu, Kafka, Natasha, Seele) Dogs(Stelle, Himeko, Bronya, March 7th) AUTHOR'S NOTES: Prepared this as thanks for reaching 400 followers.
Jingliu often fixates her gaze on you, her tail swaying in a lazy rhythm, and tilts her head in a manner that suggests she views you as a fascinating plaything, as though she might pounce at any moment. However, she doesn't make a move; instead, she maintains an enigmatic, blank expression, keeping you captivated with her intense stare.
When you ask about what might be troubling her, Jingliu responds by drawing nearer, gently nuzzling her face against your neck, and enveloping you with her arms. In a soft, reassuring whisper, she reassures you that there's nothing amiss, and she simply can't help but find you utterly adorable.
At times, she surprises you by swiftly lifting you into her arms, cradling you in her embrace, and carrying you towards the bed. With the utmost care, she sets you down gently before reclining on top of you, her soft, white tail enveloping your leg in a soothing embrace. As she purrs with contentment, you find yourself comfortably nestled in her cuddles.
She absolutely adores it when you pat her head and play with her ears. While she's quite cautious about her tail, she allows you to touch it as long as you promise to be gentle, explaining that it's a particularly sensitive spot for her. As your interactions continue, and she becomes more comfortable in your touches, the soft hum of her purring begins, a clear sign that she's completely at ease and enjoying your company.
Jingliu possesses a playful and mischievous side, often nibbling on your fingers or your neck with an air of amorousness, all the while her tail sways in a seductive manner. While she's typically calm, it's important to note that if you ever decline her advances, she can become a bit grumpy and persistent, intensifying her nibbling until you ultimately succumb to her desires.
Kafka's behavior can be quite unpredictable. Most of the time, she seems preoccupied with everything except giving you her attention. However, there are moments when she becomes incredibly clingy, refusing to let you go and holding onto you tightly with both her limbs and tail. It's as if there's no middle ground with her, swinging between moments of aloofness and intense affection.
When Kafka is engrossed in her own activities, she still desires your presence by her side, even if her attention is elsewhere. Her tail becomes the subtle yet affectionate communicator, wrapping around your arm and moving in a playful manner, almost as if it's gently tickling you. It's her way of expressing a desire for your company, even when she's absorbed in other things.
On those days when Kafka isn't occupied with any specific activity, she becomes incredibly affectionate and clingy. She'll repeatedly pull you back onto the bed, insisting on cuddling with her and not letting you escape her embrace. Her attachment is so strong that she'll follow you everywhere, unable to bear being separated from you for even a moment.
Kafka has an endearing way of expressing her affection. With a gentle smile and a lowered head, she'll invite you to pet her. The moment your hand touches her head, she starts purring in delight, and she'll wrap her arms lovingly around your waist, savoring the warmth and connection of your touch.
Kafka certainly has a playful, teasing side to her. She'll give you a mischievous lick, accompanied by a daring smile that seems to challenge you to respond. Her persistence knows no bounds, and as long as you resist, she'll intensify her efforts, gradually increasing her playful actions until you ultimately give in to her charm and playfulness.
Natasha's gentle and caring nature shines through in times when you're having a tough day. She's always quick to offer her support, preparing the bed to be as comfortable as possible so she can cuddle away your stress and worries, providing you with the comfort and warmth you need when you need it most.
Her way of offering comfort is truly special. Instead of seeking affection for herself, she tenderly caresses your hair and gently rubs your earlobe while humming, all to help you calm down and forget about everything else, focusing solely on her soothing presence.
Natasha's nurturing nature extends to cradling you to sleep, whispering sweet praises into your ear until you drift into peaceful slumber. However, be prepared for a delightful surprise when you wake up – you'll find her showering your face and neck with affectionate kisses, greeting you with a loving and heartwarming gesture to start the day on a positive note.
Even though Natasha is usually gentle and caring, there are moments when she can be a bit intimidating, especially when you've done something wrong. She'll cross her arms, her expression displaying annoyance, and her tail will flick with impatience, making it clear that she's not pleased with your actions.
Natasha expresses her affection through kisses, peppering your face with them while her ears twitch in excitement. If you happen to touch her ear, she blushes a little, interpreting it as a signal to shower you with even more love, intensifying her displays of affection to let you know just how much she adores you.
Seele's personality can be summed up succinctly: a perpetually grumpy cat. She often appears annoyed and exudes impatience, with her tail constantly flicking from side to side and her arms crossed, making her disposition quite evident.
Despite Seele's grumpy exterior, you hold a unique power to calm her down. A simple pat on her head can make her blush, and if you add a bit of chin scratching into the mix, she becomes a blushing mess, revealing the softer side of her personality that she reserves just for you.
If you dare to stop petting Seele before she's fully satisfied, she might let out a soft whimper. In an embarrassed yet endearing move, she'll grab your hand and pull it close to her head while averting her gaze, clearly expressing her desire for more attention. It seems she's willing to endure a bit of embarrassment just to have your comforting hand on her head again.
When Seele seeks your attention and affection, she can be quite direct. She'll climb on top of you, locking eyes with an amorous gaze, her tail swishing enticingly from side to side, and her ears twitching with anticipation. You'll feel her arms wrapping around you in a tight and affectionate embrace as she buries her face against your chest to hide her blush.
During cuddle sessions, she'll gaze at you with an expectation in her eyes, silently urging you to figure out what she desires. If you fail to decipher her wishes, she won't hesitate to give you a gentle bite on the cheek or leave your hand with a few bite marks as a playful yet clear signal of her desires. It's her unique way of getting your attention and affection.
Stelle's joy is pure and unfiltered. When she looks at you with a bright smile, there's a genuine lack of any complex thoughts behind those eyes. Her tail becomes a perpetual motion machine, wagging with such enthusiasm that it seems like it might just fall off. Giving her attention only amplifies this cheerful display, showcasing the unbridled happiness she feels in your presence.
Her attachment to you is evident in every step you take. She consistently wraps her arms around your waist and rests her chin on top of your head while the two of you walk, making it quite challenging to go anywhere when you have such bug puppy behind you.
Leaving Stelle's side is no easy task, as she's quick to grab onto you with a tight hug, accompanied by gentle whimpers. You'll notice her ears and tail drooping, a clear sign of her sadness, as she pleads with you to stay even though you're just going to the bathroom. Expect her to watch you with a bright smile while you sit on the toilet.
It's clear that Stelle values your presence above all else. Even when scolded, she'll just look at the floor with her tail down, but she won't release her hold on you. She seems to prefer being scolded over the prospect of you being away from her.
Stelle's playful nature takes the form of using your shoulder and neck as her chew toy. She'll energetically hold you down while her tail wags with excitement. Despite the lack of complex thoughts behind her eyes, her strength becomes apparent as she keeps you still. Once she's satisfied, you'd find yourself full of bite marks and Stelle would just look at you proudly.
Being enveloped in Himeko's arms and fluffy tail is a cozy and comforting experience. Her tail acts like a warm blanket, covering your body and providing a sense of security and relaxation. Even upon waking up, you can't help but feel drawn back into slumber in the embrace of her comforting presence.
The majority of your time is a tranquil scene, sitting on Himeko's lap. She delicately wraps her tail around your waist, creating a secure and comforting embrace. As she kisses the top of your head, her hand tenderly caresses your hair. In this intimate moment, she asks about your day, and her attentive listening shows the depth of her care and affection.
Himeko is someone who loves to shower you with affection and care, making you feel truly cherished. She spoils you with her undivided attention and overflowing love. However, there are moments when Himeko yearns for your affection in return. She'll tenderly approach you, curling up beside you, gently guiding your hand to rest on her head, her eyes filled with a longing for your touch.
There are moments when you wake up feeling a little sore because Himeko is sound asleep on top of you, holding you in a tight embrace that leaves you without the ability to move even an inch. You patiently wait for her to awaken before you can regain your freedom and stretch comfortably.
Himeko has a penchant for showering you with affectionate kisses as she perches on your lap, playfully adorning your face with lipstick marks. Despite her taller stature, she relishes being close to you, her tail swaying leisurely. It's best not to wipe away those lipstick marks, as she'll only add more with her loving gestures.
More often than not, Bronya hesitates to seek your attention, but her tail gives her away with its eager wagging, and her ears remain attuned to every sound you make. She silently watches you, deep in contemplation, until she eventually surrenders to her desire and quietly moves closer to you.
Bronya often settles beside you, inching closer and closer until her tail playfully obstructs whatever you're doing. When you ask about it, a faint blush graces her cheeks as she musters the courage to voice her longing for affection from you
When you finally grant her the affection she seeks, you can't help but notice the unmistakable sparkle of happiness in her eyes. However, she still hesitates, seeking reassurance from you, asking if what she's doing is acceptable and not too bothersome. Her consideration for your comfort remains evident.
When it's time to sleep, Bronya adores cuddling with you to lull both of you into slumber. You can playfully run your fingers through her fluffy, soft tail and caress her ears until you drift off to sleep. Once you're in dreamland, she quickly embraces you, wrapping her limbs around you protectively beneath the cozy blanket.
It's only when you're asleep that she doesn't feel as embarrassed about openly displaying her affection. Bronya adores stealing gentle kisses while you slumber peacefully, but on occasion, her desire becomes too overwhelming, and she can't resist nibbling on your fingers. You'd wake up to find her looking guilt-ridden, her ears and tail drooping, and she'd quickly confess to her late-night actions.
March 7th
March is an affectionate and vibrant presence in your life, unapologetically expressing her desires and needs with refreshing clarity. She's not one to shy away from playful teasing, often wagging her tail right in front of your face while sharing hearty laughter, adding a lively and joyful touch to your moments together.
March absolutely cherishes those moments when you pamper her with headpats and gentle scratches while the two of you unwind. In return, she lovingly pats your head, sporting the most endearing smile that you can't help but find utterly adorable. However, you'd soon discover her mischievous side, as she playfully messes up your hair during these affectionate exchanges.
At times, you'd discover March hiding beneath the blanket, softly whimpering. Despite her efforts to maintain a cheerful facade in your presence, there are moments when her emotions become overwhelming. Her tail drops, and her ears droop down as she struggles to contain her feelings.
When March is feeling down, a comforting cuddling session and gentle pats here and there work wonders in lifting her spirits. Playing with her ears and running your fingers through her hair also helps her relax as she curls up on top of you, seeking solace in your comforting presence.
Once March is back to her cheerful self, she can't contain her excitement. She hugs your head tightly while her tail wags furiously. Playfully, she nibbles on your ear, whispering her gratitude for you. As time passes, the two of you end up in a delightful tickle fight, sharing laughter and cherished moments together.
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bitten-fruit · 9 days
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Houndtooth | ⇦ Chapter 5 ⇨
Ghost x f!Reader - tags: slow burn, enemies to lovers, abduction, bodyguard, forced cooperation, smut
18+ mdni - cw: physical violence, waterboarding - 5.1k words
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𝐕. 𝐒𝐨𝐚𝐤
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You can see it in his eyes, in the shadowed window of his mask, that disdain.  
They always carry it, don’t they? That pure, vitriolic contempt for the power you hold over them, the sway you have on their mind and body just by existing in your cursed vessel. Just by having your cunt, so he calls it, that he both scorns and hungers for.  
It must be tiring, you think, having to walk that tightrope. Having to hate and want you in the same breath.  
But you take quiet pride in your small victory. His silence, his glower, are proof enough that you have left him with nothing to say. He simply drums the armrest of the steel chair in impatient contemplation, scrutinising you with his glare.  
“Sold my body, you reckon?” He probes, coarse and bitter.  
Your agitated teeth gnaw at the inside of your lip, you stifle your instinctive urge to bite. Careful. It’s satisfying to get your digs in, to prod and to irritate. But you don’t know how short his fuse is.  
So you nod, cautiously, shooting a glance at the Union Jack patched on the shoulder of his jacket. “To the Crown,” you muse softly.   
A shift in his skull-painted mask, a tug in its knitted cheek. Is he smiling?  
“You think I do this for money?”  
Your brows tighten. “What, then, for glory?” 
He leans forward in his seat, widening his legs, propped up by his elbows – his predacious stare lingers, impaling you, it forces you to swallow a restless gulp.  
“For fun.” He mutters, through his teeth.  
An uneasy scoff jumps from your throat. “I don’t believe that.”  
“You don’t seem like you’re having much fun.” You huff, tone gentle, still careful not to set him alight. 
He tilts his head with a flick, conceding. “Not yet.”  
With that, too close to a threat, you fall silent. Adjust in your seat out of disquieted reflex.  
“That must be where our similarities end, Mia,” he continues, sneering. “I can’t imagine you sell yourself to that hideous cunt for fun, eh?”  
Keep your lips sealed. He wants a reaction from you and you refuse to entertain him. 
“So that leaves the money, doesn’t it. And you know where his money comes from, don’t you?” 
You swallow.  
“Don’t you?” He barks – his sudden aggression makes you flinch like a frightened cat. Your eyes glue to him, refusing to blink, they sting with their dryness. Your heart flutters, barely pushing your cold blood through constricting veins.  
“I did what I had to.” You spit, though your attempt at animosity fizzles quickly, dampened by the whimpering terror in your throat. He must see the stream of tears that leak from your tired eyes. How could you ever dream of feigning strength? 
“Had to, eh? You had to spread your legs for a warlord? To what – buy a nice car? Live in a fuckin’ castle?” 
“To survive.”  
“Survive?” He scoffs, almost amused, “fuck, you poor thing. It must have been hard to endure the millions in pocket change. Survived by the skin of your teeth in that fuckin’ mansion of yours, eh?”  
His fury is hot, scornful, threatens to reduce you to quivering prey despite your desperation to maintain your defiance.  
“Do you sleep well knowing your fuckin’ wage is paid for by genocide, Mia? Do you sleep like a baby with that blood on your hands?”  
Your lips curl into a scowl, you taste the salt of the tears that dribble into the corner of your mouth. You croak out; “Do you?” 
The hunter bites his tongue. He squints at you sharply.  
“I do,” he murmurs, after a bitter pause, “because I don’t work for fuckin’ terrorists.”  
Your eyes jump once again to his Union Jack, proud and bold on his arm. “Yeah, you do.” 
He surprises you, when a huff of laughter escapes him, a quick jolt of his chest as he chortles at you. Leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms nonchalantly over his chest, for a moment he says nothing, only drawing in an ireful sigh.  
“You’re a smart-arse, aren’t you,” he remarks stiffly. “That’s not going to do you any favours, here.”  
You suck down a slow and trembling breath, deep into your chest, you hold it there like you’re about to plunge into deadly waters. “Then what will?”  
He chuckles under his breath. “You want me to help you?”  
You know your hunter has no interest in charity. Takes no pity on you. By the incredulousness in his tone, it’s clear he is amused that you even had the gall to ask. 
No, your pleas will not work on him. Your attempts to beguile with puppy eyes and wet lips will fail you. Your hunter is observant enough to see through any attempt to obfuscate your intentions. Best you remain translucent. 
“I – I want to know what I have to do to get out of this alive,” you admit, nearly a whisper, there’s a nervous squeak in your voice that you do your best to conceal. “You might be willing to die for your employer, but I’m not.”  
He laughs, again, and his apparent amusement only serves to enrage you. You swallow it, though, that bile of anger. Keep your cool. 
“Greedy and disloyal,” he hisses, taunting you.  
You lick your teeth. “I don’t think being loyal to Victor will help me anymore.”  
A lie when you uttered it, but as you sit with the statement it begins to ring true. Your husband is in no position to help you. And even if he could, would he? Might he suspect you of betraying him already? Leave you to be eaten alive by the soldiers who stole you from him? 
“Maybe not,” he shrugs, and you blink to look at him. “But it does make me question the value of any of your information.”  
“Why,” you squeak.  
“If you’re willing to do anything, who’s to say you’ll tell the truth, eh?” 
Your lips stiffen. “I’m not a liar.” 
“No?” He jeers, “You don’t strike me as an honest woman, Mia.” 
“You don’t–”  
“In fact, Mia, I think you’re a conniving slut.” 
Your brow crumples into a pointed scowl, letting his caustic insult fester in the heavy air for a beat.  
“You don’t know anything about me.” 
“No?” He goads, “Enlighten me.” 
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What an intriguing little thing you are.  
Ghost watches you, meticulously – every movement of your legs, every flutter of your eyelids, every twitch of your lips. To read you, he tells himself. To better understand you. To learn how best to play you, how to get in your head.  
That’s his objective, now, for the brief time he has you alone. Once he’s in, once he can splay you open like a filthy book – he can take you apart, page by page, letter by letter. That’s when you’ll be useful to him. When you’re spread thin, desperate to please, fearful of his discipline. 
Though you seem determined to prevent him from finding any satisfaction in doing so. As if you have opened your book willingly, presenting your schemes to him in plain English. 
As you say, you want to survive.  
And you have made it clear, now, what you’ll do to ensure that. You’ll spread your legs for him. You’ll backstab your husband. You’ll blow your whistle. Or, you’ll lie.  
He’ll find out which soon enough. Not long until that Shadow Company wanker shows up. Perhaps you’ll resort to all four. 
For now, he toys with you. And he awaits your answer.  
Who do you think you are?  
You must know how much of a revolting little monster you are. What could you possibly say to prove him wrong? 
You hold your thighs together tightly and coil your white-knuckled fingers between themselves, tensed enough that they might snap. You keep your pretty eyes on him. 
Your lips part only slightly, just enough to inhale a minuscule gulp of air before you finally speak.  
“Where are you from?” You query, gently, apprehensively, you blink at him as you sniff.  
He frowns, bemused, his immediate reaction concealed from you by his balaclava. Leaves him flummoxed for heartbeat – not a witty retort, or some vitriolic insult – what, some attempt at conversation?  
No, he determines. You, little rabbit, must be playing your own game.  
He’ll play along. Licks his teeth in capitulation.  
“Manchester.” He answers, eventually, keeping his tone dull and irate. Doesn’t want you to detect how suddenly you’ve piqued his interest. 
He watches you chew your lip, careful gaze flitting about him, you assess him. Finds himself immediately regretting his decision to tell you his hometown, and questioning why he answered you at all. He can’t have you feeling empowered enough to question him, can he?  
“Nottingham.” You say.  
His breath hitches in his throat. 
He had undoubtedly noticed a faint accent in your suspiciously natural tongue, but he chose not to acknowledge it.  He didn’t want to. 
But you’re not his neighbour, he reminds himself. You’re not a girl-next-door.  
If you are an Englishwoman, as you say, then you’re even more of a treacherous creature than he had first assumed. Dismissive of the spates of blood spilt from your own countrymen at the hands of your Soviet husband and his ilk.  
Surely you’re not attempting to fraternise with him. You cunning little whore. He’s not that stupid. He can so easily detect your attempts to manipulate him. First with your body, then your eyes, now your tongue. You’re not subtle, not even slightly.  
Yet as he glares at you, wordless, regardless of how adept he is at identifying your influence – he finds that he is not immune to it.  
Not when you look at him like that, fluttering eyelashes over your glittering stare; so frightened of him, and yet so willing to challenge him.  
Not when he catches glimpses at the shadows that follow you, at their reflections in your fretful eyes, their silhouettes so perplexingly familiar. 
One question from you, one answer, and his long anticipated and carefully planned assault begins to waver. Proven now, especially, by the fact he is riddled with questions he feels compelled to ask you. A pathetic interest in determining who you are. What you are.  
But he gleans one thing from you, from your artful balance of fearfulness and bravery, of submission and retaliation.  
You’ve played this game before. 
Before he has the opportunity to respond, an impatient clatter echoes out from the door behind him. His gaze lingers on you as he listens to it open, the shrieking of old steel hinges resonating in the empty room. You jump at the noise. Your façade of confidence is quick to slough off from you. 
“Hey hey,” greets the visitor, intonation so casual he utters it as though they had crossed paths on a walk in the park.  
Commander Graves.  
Later than he had been expected to join you. He watches your eyes dart from him to the American, who eventually closes the door. Too arrogant to lock it.  
“’Bout fuckin’ time.” Ghost grumbles.  
Your pupils widen at his arrival, glistening black voids that anxiously track his every movement. You shrink in your seat. He senses the swift acceleration of your delicate heartbeat.  
Poor thing.  
Ghost knows what Graves is here for. By the look on your face, you do too.  
With not one, but two fifteen-litre water jugs in tow, the kind intended for drink coolers, he dumps them onto the vinyl floor beside the table. Seems like he’s being purposefully loud with them, threatening water sloshing around noisily in their plastic chambers as he drops them.  
Ghost watches as he saunters in your direction with an affected swagger, thumbs tucked into his beltloops. His lips pucker to sing out a low whistle. A real show pony, the yank.  
“Jee-zus,” He jeers, donning a snide grin. “Look at you.”  
You flinch like a spooked animal, resorting to your silent nature now that you are outnumbered, the prey you are. Your wide glare follows him, glued to him as he comes to a stop in front of you.  
With a gloved hand, he grabs hold of your face by your cheeks, forcing your lips to pucker as he moves your head about to inspect your features.  
“No fuckin’ wonder you went solo to grab this one,” he chortles, swivelling on his heel to present your face to Ghost like a prize catch. “I get it, man.” 
Ghost bounces his knee. Impatient. Irritated. He rolls his eyes. 
He feels the need to busy himself as Graves continues his lecherous inspection of you, irked by the shamelessness of his needlessly grabby attention. So he pushes himself to stand, huffing in frustration. 
And you, poor girl, you catch his eye. You say nothing but your stare speaks for you. Have you decided he’s the lesser of two evils, hm? 
He keeps your gaze, down his nose, as he lumbers towards the corner of the room. He turns his back to you. You won’t find any help in him.  
Takes of his snow jacket. Slips off his gloves. Prepares. Listens.  
“Look at me,” Graves growls at you, through an audible sneer. “Not him, me.”  
You let out a quiet yelp. He must have hurt you. Ghost doesn’t turn to check.  
“Mhm,” he drones. “Open your mouth.”  
“Open it.” 
“‘Atta girl.”  
“Fuck... what a goddamn waste.”  
“Alright. Gimme a hand, buddy, before I get ahead of myself.”  
Ghost rolls his head on his shoulders, stretching out his neck to the point of hearing his tendons crack with the strain. For something he had been itching for, fervently anticipating for the days leading up to your capture – he is confronted with an eagerness to get it over and done with.  
And he’s unsettled by a distaste, an acrid bitterness that swells in his mouth at the brazen piggishness of that American mercenary.  
Still, duty calls.  
So he returns to you, tossing the keys to your cuffs to Graves when he gestures for them with his open hand. Observes with crossed arms as he kneels beside you, deftly unlocking the cuffs with the tiny keys and prying open the steel looped around your ankle.  
Yet you surprise him, again – the second both of your feet are free, you wind back your knee, hurling the heel of your foot down into the side of Graves’s head with as much force as your shaky legs can muster. Lands square in his temple with a dull thud, and a shriek of your chair jolting back on the linoleum floor. 
He stumbles back with a furious grunt, cupping the impact. Whimpers like a wounded dog. “Sonofabitch.” 
Ghost only observes; he should intervene, but he finds himself crudely entertained. He can see in your wide eyes, that burgeoning fight. Can scent the adrenaline beating though your blooming arteries, as you prepare to land another kick – leaning back in your seat, wrists still bound, you fling your legs recklessly in Graves’s direction for the brief moment he takes to recover from your first blow.  
He’s almost envious.  
You didn’t put up this much of a fight when he hunted you down. Really, you gave him no fight at all. Handed yourself to him wrapped in a bow. He had no chance to relish in your attempts to combat him, to let you throw your blows, to watch your tenacity fizzle out once he inevitably overpowered you.  
So he watches. Knowing the cocky American left the door to the cell unlocked, he steps casually towards it. Pre-emptively blocking your exit, anticipating that you might slip past the mercenary after you land your second kick.  
And you do, right in the collarbone. Far too easily. Aren’t you a slippery little thing?  
Graves roars as you evade him; “Motherfucker!”  
You bolt towards the door, ducking down to evade Graves’s clumsy attempt to apprehend you amidst his frustrated cursing. And as tempted as Ghost is to let you flee, if only for the thrill of hunting you again – he intercepts you with his swinging arm, hooking you by the waist and lifting you off the floor, you nearly break in half over his forearm with your momentum.  
A heart wrenching shriek erupts from your chest as he wrestles to restrain you; you writhe around franticly in his grip, bucking and kicking in every desperate effort to break free from his capture. But you fail, of course, sweet thing – and as he had hoped and predicted your resilience is quick to falter. 
He reels you into his chest, pinning your back to him with both heaving arms as your wriggling subsides. Keeps your feet off the floor, your legs dangle as you swing your heels backwards to get a few final kicks in, landing futilely in his padded shins.    
“That was stupid,” he growls. 
He feels you deflate in his arms, falling limp, and the jolt of your ribcage as you let out a pained sob. With his mouth by your ear, knitted mask pressing into your unkempt hair, he snarls, under his breath;  
“You want to survive, yeah?” 
Your breathing is panicked, erratic, your lungs expand shakily under his control. He knows you have submitted. That you have resigned to your ruin. But in some primal greed, a refusal to release his freshly caught quarry, he cannot yet set you down again.  
“Don’t you?”  
You nod, sheepishly, he feels the movement of your head against his collarbone.  
He huffs, exasperated, angry. “Then fuckin’ behave.”  
And you nod, again. Good girl. You wriggle, just slightly, a polite request to be let go. But – you're so soft, so pliant, so warm. There’s something addicting in the aroma of your perfume and sweat, roses and musk, as he constrains you so close to him; a concoction of the sweetly feminine and the raw and animal, it fills him with a hunger that threatens to overpower his better judgement. 
But he sets you down – forces himself to, as Graves impatiently marches towards you, after having finally locked the cell door.  
And while Ghost still has a grip on your upper arm, ensuring your quiescence – Graves lunges with a closed fist, clubbing you in the cheek with a wholly unwarranted ferocity; a sucker punch, the kind of assault Ghost holds an enormous contempt for. A fucking coward’s move.  
You crumble immediately after the strike, knees buckling as you keel over; knocked out so cold not even a squeak escapes you on impact. But he keeps you upright with his grasp of your arm, heaving you upwards until your strength returns to your legs.  
Disapproval leaps from Ghost’s throat before he has the opportunity to second guess himself. “Fuck’s sake, Graves.”  
“Evil little bitch,” Graves growls, shrugging dismissively, shaking out his fist as if he had hurt his soft knuckles.  
Ghost glares at him with pungent scorn, but swallows his urge to lash out any further than his already humiliating impulse. Why would he feel the inclination to safeguard you at all?  
While you’re still dazed, the soles of your feet struggling to find any grip on the floor, Graves reaches for the dropped cuffs. They chime shrilly as they shake in his grip, he moves to grab your ankles while you have no capacity to deter him. He cuffs them together, needlessly tight, your skin turns white under the wrenching pressure of the steel incising into your flesh.   
With another petulant growl of fury, Graves dabs the growing welt on his temple; the one you gave him, you wild little thing. “Got one hell of a kick, I’ll give ‘er that,” he grumbles. “Just gonna make this part more fun, though, eh?” 
Your dwindling fire beaten out of you, you put up no fight as Graves heaves you up by your legs, and the two men haul you to the steel table. You’re conscious, at least, a winded yelp shooting out from your lungs as they drop you onto the cold surface.  
“Alright, missy,” Graves barks, cadence once again returning to its characteristic, painfully cloying nonchalance. “Time to start talkin’.”  
You attempt to curl up on the table, blinking slowly and groaning in either pain or confusion – likely both, poor creature. Graves moves to one of the other nondescript surfaces in the hollow room, returning with a towel, ragged and cut raw on the edges – a tired scrap, that had been used for this purpose, many times over. Probably had the screams of its last victims still trapped in its frayed fibres.  
“Here ya go,” he chimes, leaning over the head of the table, clutching you by the bare shoulder and pushing you to lie flat. He lays the towel over your face, covered entirely, pulled into the contours of your nose and mouth as you breathe deeply underneath it. “Covers up that bruise nicely, huh?” 
Ghost merely stands at your feet, fixated while Graves busies himself in preparation for your suffering. Listens to your quiet, delirious whimpering as you come to more lucid consciousness.  
“You can ask the questions, Riley,” the mercenary continues, as he heaves one of the gargantuan water bottles from the floor by the table. “You know what I’m better at.” 
Right. The questions.  
In truth, the veneer of this endeavour acting as an interrogation is thin and unadorned. They don’t anticipate you will have answers to many, if any, of the questions they might have for you. No, your husband is the source of truth. You, a witness, at most.  
What you’re here for, is just this. To be hurt. To be frightened. To emerge shaken and scarred, for the sole purpose of leverage. A cat’s-paw to wring further information from your husband, should he remain stiff-lipped.  
A war crime, of course. But not his first. Nor his last. A quotidian necessity in his line of work – operating in the realm of shadows, his transgressions are welcomed by the dark. We get dirty, as the Captain reminds him, and the world stays clean.  
Dirty, he will get, if he needs to. Now, more than ever. With the lives of millions on the line, at the many filthy hands of both your husband and his confederates. You are merely a tool. And he’ll use you as one. 
Besides, he tells himself, you’re a prudent little thing. It would not surprise him if you were indeed more aware of your husband’s sins than you have so far let on. And, as you say, you want to survive.  
So, for your own sake, you’d better talk.  
“We need to know where the gas is manufactured,” Ghost finally says, voice low, throaty, a near growl. “Factories, labs, all of it.”  
A muffled cry emerges from you, he watches your ribcage shudder as you struggle to suck down a breath amidst your sobs.  
“Cryin’s not gonna get you anywhere, doll,” Graves chides, as he impatiently twists off the cap to the cooler jug.  
You whimper. “I don’t know. I don’t – I don’t know what gas you’re talking about. Or about any factories, I don’t know. Please, I don’t–”  
You sound honest. Desperate.  
“I dunno! I dunno!” Graves mocks, sing-song tone rich with amused derision, “why do they always start with that? It never works, y’know?” 
Another sob, animal, raw, it’s almost abrasive to hear. “I don’t! I really – please! I–” 
Too eager, Graves cuts you off as he tips the jug above your covered face. The stream of water is unsteady, glugging and sputtering as it spills from its blue mouth, splashing into the towel and spilling over either side.  
With his free hand keeping your head still, a controlling palm on the side of your face, there’s very little you can do to escape the drowning stream of cold water. And it’s not long before you begin to writhe, bucking and squirming, flailing your body in any way you can to escape the suffocation.  
Ghost is compelled to pin you down, a wide hand pushing your bound wrists into your soft stomach, the other at the top of your thigh, close enough to your hips to limit most of your movement. You kick with your free leg, still fighting. Sucking in what short, squealing breaths you can amidst the inconsistency of the waterfall.  
It’s never been a difficult watch for Ghost. Far from his first waterboarding. If anything, he’s hardened to it. Bored by it. And of all people, the very object of his most visceral and blistering hatred, he expected to thoroughly enjoy spectating your torture. Anticipated he’d be the one drowning you, not the one holding you down. 
But there’s something especially sick about it. How the icy water saturates your lingerie, rendering the thin pink fabric even more sheer than it already had been. How the gooseflesh spikes across your bare skin, your nipples stiffening with the sudden cold, plainly visible in their silk cups. How the veil of your negligee is pulled up by the hands pressed into your stomach, exposing your belly, displaying the lacy little knickers you wear underneath, so close to his controlling hand. How Graves lets his overly indulgent glare linger on the bouncing of your breasts as you writhe while you suffocate, that sneer curling in his maw. 
It repulses him. 
Graves finally deems the first pour to have persisted long enough, lifting the bottle upright and balancing it on the edge of the table. He plucks the saturated fabric from your mouth, folding it over your nose – and you immediately vacuum in a heaving breath through your open lips, relentless dry coughs interrupting your attempts to inhale.  
“There’s a lot more water here, honey,” He gloats, “and if I run out, I can  get more.”  
Another wail, cuts like a knife. “No, no, please, I–” 
“It’d be my pleasure,” he persists, chuckling to himself. “Sure don’t mind watching those tits of yours jiggling ‘round.” 
You sob, audible disgust wet in your throat. Ghost merely glowers at him. Finds himself similarly revolted by the mercenary’s crude cruelty. 
“You’ve got to give us something.” Ghost murmurs coarsely, returning to the objective. 
As though momentarily pacified by his voice in particular, your breathing steadies enough to form a coherent sentence. “I-I don’t know about any factories. Or labs. But V-Victor travelled a lot. There – there were a few places he went to all the time.”  
“Where.” He demands. “All of them. Where.”  
You sniff, swallowing the sob that almost interrupts you. “I – uh – I think, Moscow, Verdansk – um, I can’t remember, the third one – uh – somewhere in Kastovia–” 
The mercenary, the prick, mutes you mid-sentence, unfolding the towel to cover your mouth once again, tilting the jug to pour more icy water overtop of you. You shriek in dispute before the stream hits you, silenced by its gushing, you quickly begin your convulsing as you drown under the cascade.  
“Fuck’s sake, just let her talk.” Ghost roars, a fuming command.  
“She was stalling,” Graves groans in dispute, but is quick to relent, halting the pour.   
He eventually frees your mouth from the choking towel. At first you simply cry, hardly able to suck in a breath between your eager sobs. Ghost can feel you trembling under his restraint. You must be cold.  
“Where in Kastovia?” Ghost insists.  
Perhaps you’re delirious. Your first response is merely a whimper.  
“Mia,” he prods.  
You swallow a quivering breath, shallow and unstable. “It – it’s only a small town, I think, he – he only mentioned it once. I can’t – I can’t remember. I swear, I can’t.”  
Ghost lets out an exasperated sigh. Frustrated that he believes you.  
“Fine,��� he begrudgingly concedes. “Where did he go most often? Where did he spend the most time?”  
“Verdansk,” you answer quickly, obediently. “He – he’s there f-for weeks at a time. But I don’t know if he, if he stays in the city.”  
“He brings – he packs gear, I don’t know. Boots and s-shit – not suits. He usually w-wears suits.”  
“I don’t fuckin’ care about your husband’s wardrobe, Mia.”  
You groan, in panic or frustration, he cannot tell. “I mean – I just mean, when he travels to b-big cities, for business, he only packs suits. But only Verdansk – only when he says he’s going to V-Verdansk, he brings h-his utility stuff.”  
“For business,” Graves scoffs, finding humour in your euphemism. “That’s what we’re calling it?”  
“What does he do there? What business, eh?” Ghost questions.  
Only a whine. “I – I don’t know.”  
“Don’t give me that shit.” 
“He doesn’t tell me! I can only guess, I can only t-tell you what I can guess. You’ve d-done your research, I can’t tell you anything y-you don’t already know.”  
Graves lets out an irate grunt. “Yada, yada,” he mutters, covering your mouth, returning to the routine.  
“No, nonono, please–” you plead, muted by the damp cloth, and silenced by another waterfall. The stream is steady now that the jug is half-empty, pouring cleanly over your mouth and nose, right on target, giving you no gaps in which to inhale nor exhale.  
Your soft body contorts on the hard table, its steel legs rattle with the vigorousness of your resistance – kicking, twisting, arching, flailing – all in vain, as Graves does not ease up.  
“Okay–” Ghost barks, urgently, feeling your struggle begin to wane, your muscles weaken and stiffen as the cascade persists its unrelenting suffocation.  
Graves ignores him, seemingly determined to empty the bottle, he tips it steeper to continue the steady pour.  
You start to go limp, purposeful wriggling turning into frail convulsions.   
“Jesus – Graves!” Ghost finally roars, releasing his restraint of you to barrel towards the mercenary, viciously tearing the jug from his grip and hurling it carelessly to the far side of the room. It leaves a torrent of water in its path and sends a splash up the wall when it lands with a loud bounce. “You’re gonna fuckin’ kill her, you fucking idiot.”  
“Far out, Ghost, who fuckin’ cares?” Graves retorts vexedly, but raises his palms to prevent further altercation.  
Agitated, furious, Ghost savagely shoves him in the chest, sending him stumbling backwards. “We need her alive.”  
“She’s fine, Jesus Christ,” Graves insists, still upright, to Ghost’s ire, he points to you on the table.  
Briefly glancing over his shoulder, he sees you reach slowly for the towel over your head, with your bound hands, pulling it aside to allow yourself to breathe. 
“Fucking mercenaries,” Ghost mutters, a growl under his breath.  
Graves rolls his eyes. “What, we’re too efficient? Practical? Did you want me to fuckin’ wine and dine her beforehand?”   
“Reckless,” Ghost spits, correcting him. “And fucking shameless.”  
“Oh, please, don’t you high-road me, Riley. I’ve heard the stories.”  
Ghost lumbers towards him, then, chest puffed, tall enough to intimidate without needing to utter a single threat.  
“Fuck off back to your Shepherd,” he murmurs through gritted teeth. “Tell ‘em she’s good to go.”  
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Next chapter ⇨
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hey-august · 9 months
A Favor for the Captain - Chapter 2 | NSFW (Buggy x afab!reader)
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→ Chapter 1
Description: The day after helping your captain with a favor, you end up stuck on night duty again. As much as Buggy wanted to avoid you and his feelings, he still has something he needs your help with. Word count: ~2.3k A/N: This is the last chapter for this story. Sorry it took so long, perfectionism and imposter syndrome fight dirty, lol. I hope you enjoy this! Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, buggy x afab!reader, no use of Y/N, dry humping, heavy petting, buggy is still bad at feelings and communicating. All parties are consenting adults. Tags: @angeli-fucking-cat
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You woke up the next day as restless as the sea. Waves swayed the ship as you slept, rocking your body through memories of the night before, cloaked in dreams. A party of stars laughed and danced around you, each one burning brighter than the next, until they all exploded into darkness leaving you behind. Whispers of loneliness and confusion slipped away like sand as the mid-morning sun carried you to consciousness.
A big yawn and stretching didn’t shake the sleep from your body as efficiently as sharp knocks at the door, followed by words that flipped your stomach with an icy chill. 
“Hey, you ‘wake? I need a favor.” 
With the weight of an iceberg in your body, you cracked the door and were greeted by a face of desperation and hope worn by one of your crewmates. You slumped against the doorframe as relief melted the tension in your body. The pirate frantically explained that he was scheduled for night duty and needed to switch, but everyone he asked so far had refused. The reasoning was difficult to follow. There was something about a friend of their cousin, dancing, a dinner party, and not wanting to let down family. Once the pieces were cobbled together, you were able to see the whole puzzle.
“So, you don’t want to miss a date with a townie?” you asked bluntly.
“I mean- well- that’s a part of it. Ya’ see, I told him that…”
You cut off the rerun by agreeing to swap duties - one overnight shift for two bathroom cleaning shifts. After an appreciative handshake with both of his hands wrapped around one of yours, he bounced off to prepare for the date. His jubilant exit left you wondering if you should have bargained for a better deal. At least this gave you a reason to look for the meteor shower again. You ignored the pit in your stomach, choosing to believe it was from the last-minute changes and not related to anything else that might involve stars or favors.
With only a half-day left before your shift, you headed to town for food and freedom. Elsewhere, someone breathed easier knowing that you were no longer on the ship. It was only a coincidence that the captain was watching the dock when you departed. He’s responsible for his crew and should monitor who comes and goes - that’s what Buggy told himself. Truthfully, he kept finding reasons to stay near portholes so that he could look for you without the risk of getting too close. 
Buggy felt dirty. Shame had him in a vice grip - stuck between remorse about what happened and guilt because he enjoyed it. Commitment to the crew had you willingly follow your captain’s filthy, degrading orders. Every lecherous detail - the way you felt, how you sounded, your sinful expressions - was etched into his memory. Yet, he still wanted more. For that reason, he also wanted to avoid you. 
The second desire was bypassed when Buggy went to check on the night guard. Unaware of the shift change, he didn’t expect to see you lounging against the railing, back to the sea. Most of the crew opted to stay on shore when they weren’t working, and the rare few who did come back only returned to sleep. Unfortunately for Buggy, you were awake, alone, and alert. Despite darkness flooding the deck, the captain was in clear view. What fucking luck. He considered a wordless exit, but before he could retreat, you called out to him.
“Good evening, Captain.”
A simple greeting. One that tugged at his achy heart and added to the guilty pressure he felt. He knew that walking away would only add to the restlessness. Pulling courage from the part of him that was glad to have an excuse to be near you, Buggy walked over to return the greeting. He joined you in leaning along the railing, foolishly hoping that your presence might actually pacify the turmoil in his body.
The tension radiating from your captain mirrored the nervousness you felt. It was obvious you startled him and you didn’t know why. Not exactly. Did he want to see someone else? Was he trying to avoid you? Both questions were similar and neither offered comfort. You stared at the illuminated town, hoping to find clarity in your tangled thoughts. The ambient sound of waves from the sandy shore and trickles of music emphasized the silence on the ship.
“On guard duty, again?” Buggy repeated his questioning from last night, feeling stuck in the stillness between you two.
You wondered if that was the answer you were looking for. The captain of the ship wasn’t aware of who was protecting the ship and expected to see someone else. That sounded reasonable and the thought made your heart lighter.
“Yeah, I was asked to swap shifts. Something about going on a date,” you explained while waving a hand towards town.
“You- going on a date?” The question cannonballed out of the pirate’s mouth faster than he thought it, along with an uncontrolled glare. Both were met with a confused look. 
“Not me… I just swapped shifts,” you responded with a softness that disarmed him.
Buggy nodded silently, his jealousy collapsing into humiliation. Unlike yesterday, being near you was anything but peaceful. Each piece of him was screaming to get closer and he could hardly control himself. Everything he did or said added to the rubble of guilt he was trapped under.
“It gives me another chance to look for shooting stars, though.” You continued talking, desperate to move past the awkward miscommunication by clinging to one topic that felt safe.
“I guess you haven’t seen any yet. If I knew you were here, I woulda came prepared.” Buggy picked up on your unspoken cue. Following the script, he aimed a finger towards the sky above the town and cocked his hand back as he let loose an imaginary shot.
“Well, there’s always next time.” And with that, the space between you two shrank.
Buggy marveled at how you handled his clumsy conversational skills with ease. Each step he took with uncertainty or pushed by feelings he couldn’t handle, you redirected until he was on the path he really wanted. One that he could pretend he was walking with you, hand in hand.
“You don’t mind being stuck on the ship while the island is all freaked out?” Buggy chuckled when you groaned at his choice of words. 
“Not at all, actually. I like it here…I like the ocean.” You turned your back to the town and spoke to the water’s horizon. “I also don’t mind helping out when I can. I’m just glad to be part of your crew.” 
His crew. You watched Buggy in the corner of your eyesight, hoping he understood what you were telling him. Nerves had you dancing around the subject, afraid to get too close to the fire burning in your chest. But the light and the heat were too much to ignore or keep inside.
The spark you sent his way ignited thoughts that were far too flammable. Fragile ideas that housed his insecurities. Buggy heard that you liked to help the crew. That must be why you indulged him yesterday - you simply wanted to help the captain of the crew you belong to. Anything beyond that was a shadow puppet cast by his desire and used to chase away loneliness. Something inside the pirate clung to that puppet, begging Buggy to say the words that would let the errant fire consume him entirely. He listened to that small voice and chose to believe the ache in his body was just physical desire.
“In that case, I need you to help me with something,” Buggy said before stepping behind you.
The familiar tone in his voice had your heart pounding wildly. A similar sensation was mirrored down lower as Buggy pressed his body against yours. With gloved hands holding the railing on each side, you were surrounded. Buggy rested his head on the back of yours as he fitted his body around your form, only softening when you eased into his touch. 
You weren’t surprised by his hardness this time. Actually, you may have surprised Buggy with how you accepted his request. His grip on the railing tightened as you pressed your ass against his erection to make sure it was nestled and snug.
“Is this what you need help with, Captain?” You hoped the shake in your voice was unnoticeable. A nod against the back of your head confirmed both hopes, so you began to grind against him.
Buggy’s face was buried in your hair and the roll of your ass against his cock took away what little breath he had left. In need of fresh air, he moved his head until his cheek was resting on your shoulder. Now he could clearly hear the quiet huffs you let out as you rolled your hips. The sweet sounds enticed his body to buck against yours, making the soft sounds crescendo into throaty moans that you tried to hold back. Craving more, Buggy pressed his lips against your neck. Your skin was hot and smelled delicious. He needed a taste.
The feel of his tongue and heavy breath on your neck sent electricity through your body. Every nerve was lit up, lighting the way for instinct to come and overtake your mind and body. The slide of Buggy’s cock against your ass did nothing for how your body desperately craved more. Your underwear was soaked and you could feel the slickness as you angled your hips to grind against his entire length. The slippery feeling filled your head with images of his thick cock sliding deep into your dripping cunt before fucking you like an animal.
“C-captain, can I-” Your words were cut off as a hand flew up and squeezed your cheeks, silencing you like the night before. Frustrated, you snatched Buggy’s hand off your face and shoved it between your legs. 
“I wanna come,” you whined as you pressed his fingers against your clothed folds until there was contact with your needy clit. You guided his movements, making his digits circle and massage exactly where you needed them. 
Buggy’s hips stuttered, before moving to a rhythm that your unrestrained sounds orchestrated. His thrusts were hard, wedging his aching cock in your ass and helping him imagine he was fucking your pussy. Imagining how it would hold and squeeze him, as if it didn’t want his cock to leave. As if it belonged there. As if he belonged with you. Giving in to those feelings, Buggy smothered your neck and shoulder with sloppy kisses in between mindless moans that tickled your skin. 
His impassioned attention was fierce and intense, overwhelming you until your body gave in with a loud cry. Trembling against your captain, ecstasy took over. Your blissed-out sounds and movements carried Buggy with you. His hand continued rubbing your clit under your shaky grasp as you both rode through your climaxes.
Eventually, his movements stilled and your sounds quieted down. Buggy’s chest pressed against your back with each heavy breath. His hand returned to the railing, taking its warmth away. He felt weak, both physically and mentally. Seeing, hearing, feeling your orgasm against his body was more than he ever hoped for, but it only happened because you were following your captain’s orders. Because you’re a nice person.
“That felt good…I’m glad you needed my help.” Your breathless voice cut through the noise in Buggy’s head, but didn’t bring comfort. 
“Don’t say that,” he snapped with a little more bite than he meant. He didn’t really need your help, he just took advantage of your willingness to help.
“Why?” you asked as you turned to face him, despite being caged by his arms.
Buggy avoided your gaze, wishing that his body would finish recovering so he could leave. This wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have. He would rather have his perverted memory tainted by self-pity, not by vulnerability or because he hurt your feelings.
Cautiously, you placed a hand on one of his before picking it up. You removed his glove and repeated the question, breaking through the wall he hid behind. Green eyes finally met your gaze as he succumbed to your request for sincerity.
“You were just following orders. Doing something nice for the captain of your crew,” he spat. “Saying that kind of shit might make me think that I could be more than just your ‘captain.’” 
The words hardly left his mouth before they were replaced by your lips. You pressed into the kiss, ignoring how his mouth twitched with words that died under the contact. Pulling back, you were greeted with eyes opened wide in shock and you had to hold in a giggle.
“You can think that. I would like it if you were more than that…if this was something more.”
Buggy studied your face, looking for any hint of a joke. Deep inside, he knew you wouldn’t tease him like this. You refused to waver under his scrutinizing stare, holding fast until he accepted your unabashed confession.
“Me?” he finally croaked out. You nodded in response so quickly that Buggy felt butterflies fill his chest with the same eagerness.
You watched patiently as he leaned in, hesitated, and then closed the space for another kiss. This one was messy and full of nervous excitement. Buggy started talking against your lips long before he pulled away.
“M’gonna extend the stay.” He planted kisses on your cheeks. “You’re also off guard duty - there are more important things that you should be doing than this.”
“Like you?” He set you up for the response and you couldn’t resist sending it back with a grin.
Buggy could have sworn he fell into the sea and died. Even if that had happened, his oxygen-deprived mind couldn’t have concocted a story like this.
Before he could say another word, something caught his attention. Buggy twirled you around and tilted your head up towards a shooting star. Your shout of joy seemed to encourage more stars to begin their journeys and soon the sky was full of dazzling light - a beautiful show for two.
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legobiwan · 17 days
Post-Weirdmageddon Stan & Ford
Trying to sort out their characters to get a better grasp of what I'm doing for some writing projects and, yes, I'm subjecting you all to it.
Ford makes a big, showy deal about burning his Bill paraphernalia, to the point he comes across as a bit manic the day of the bonfire, engaging in loud, rapid-fire conversation with Mabel and Dipper. Stan has a sneaking suspicion his brother may have palmed one or two items before he and the kids carted the frankly disturbing number of triangle artifacts up from the basement. Later on, Ford makes a production out of both throwing his journals in the Bottomless Pit and shooting Bill’s psycho diary into an interdimensional rift. His brother is every bit as dramatic as Stan is, which is why Stan can’t help but think Ford is using these events to “prove” he’s past the thirty-year obsession he had with a malevolent piece of geometry homework. This instinct is only strengthened by the times Stan caught Ford creeping out from his lab the nights following these events, trailed by the odor of cheap gin. (Stan very much tries not to think about the fact their father drank gin, too).
Stan and Ford approach genuine emotional conversation like two skittish alley cats. Half the time Ford’s emotional response is caught up in cerebral traffic and what he does feel he can’t put a proper label on until days, sometimes weeks (sometimes years) later. Stan has difficulty shedding the Mr. Mystery mask, thirty years of shoving every hurt feeling behind the flick of a cane and a colorful tall tale now so instinctual Stan sometimes feels he can’t separate the two, like he’s lost track of the narrative of his own life. They’ve been able to power through one excruciating session (with the help of an ample amount of bourbon) in regards to the night Stan was kicked out, their watery apologies heartfelt, if a bit slurred. But Stan’s afraid to push his brother too far, still feeling as if he has the Sword of Damocles swaying above him, and that at any point Ford’s going to snap out of his self-imposed sentence of contrition and bring down the blade on Stan’s neck himself.
Because of this, Stan gives himself little landmarks, little goals and dates to hang on to, to convince himself this is all real and that the rug won’t be pulled out from under him. Two weeks without the kids and Ford not kicking him out of the Shack. One month before they’re supposed to leave for the Arctic with them surviving their first real argument. He figures if they can get through three months at sea without Ford kicking him off the boat and leaving for good, there’s a chance Ford’s change of heart might be permanent. He has the date circled in a calendar they have hanging in their shared quarters. Ford’s asked about the importance of it, if there was a birthday or anniversary he was ignorant of, or if perhaps it was one of those new superfluous holidays Mabel has told him about, like National Waffle Day. Stan pretends he can’t remember why he circled the date at all, which, of course, prompts all kinds of intensive questioning from his brother regarding his mental acuity and the memory gun. Stan laughs it off - probably something to do with the taxes I’ve never paid, he says with a long, Cheshire grin. 
Ford refuses to talk about Bill. He doesn’t even attempt plausible deniability when he grabs the steering wheel of the conversation and makes a squealing U-turn worthy of a bank heist escape if they stray too near Bill’s name. The times Stan has tried to initiate conversation, has waded near that radioactive topic, his brother has either outright ignored him or given Stan a look so cold it would probably register as a climate anomaly. It’s easier…and safer for both of them to avoid it. (This won't end well).
This isn’t to say they’re having a bad time prepping for their journey or on the boat. Overall, it’s the most relaxed Stan has felt in years (and best of all, the likelihood of the IRS having a maritime patrol is vanishingly small. Stan can’t help but think - with no small amount of smug satisfaction - that if Capone had taken to the sea, he might not have ended up in the federal clink). And despite the fact his brother can be a pretentious, argumentative, know-it-all pain in the ass, they’re getting along. Having fun. Even if Ford is an absolute cheater when it comes to card games.
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zz0nie · 10 months
Genshin Hcs, Women EDITION.
Furina, Navia & Clorinde.
notes; im not the most familiar with the girls, ESPECIALLY clorinde, imo she's just not have enough screentime to deduct enough things out of her. :( Sorry if shes ooc
You definitely need to have high patience for Furina, as her outgoing performances of being Fontaine's Archon, she must act the part! Holding your hand - basically dragging you - across Fontaine. "Oh this would look AMAZING on you, simply amazing!" She would announce to the world as she is holding a piece of extravagant clothing against you. Maybe it was on purpose to let people know you were close, as it comes with a little matching trinket she also coincidentally owns. She wouldn't admit it to your face though.
Like previously; she would LOVE to take you places, whether it be sweet treat testing, clothes shopping or just being in awe at the scenery around you, for Furina would frequently be looking back to make sure you are enjoying yourself. If you point it out to her, she will - much to her dismay - refuse to admit she was looking at you and would in fact try change the subject to a cat she saw walking on the roof of a building behind you.
Would 100% LOVE to be fed cakes she enjoys, something humane and sweet while you are sat in her room together, as a recorder you were suggesting for Furina to listen to for a while runs quietly in the background. As much as she loves to be fed, she would tell you to open up and go "Ahh" as she gently places a small piece of a cake in your mouth.
She will talk a bunch on the return after watching a "performance", If you just admire her she will either become more flustered or will feel more entitled to keep on talking, you wouldn't mind either way. While she talks she uses her hands to communicate with gestures, as you sit across from her, head resting in your palm as you listen. Maybe take note on any if they have any romantic drama, she might be hinting at you that she wants something.
Will force you to come to meetings with her, and if it is with someone who makes her anxious, expect her to hold your hand and play with your fingers cautiously.
Has 0 shame in PDA, however, would prefer to keep it to a minimal of hand holding or hugs in public, she prefers to verbally tell the world you are hers and she is yours.
Many many Baking dates! If you can't bake, that's okay! Stir something for her! Or help her by cleaning something up. Just you being there makes her so happy you want to enjoy something she does.
Definitely goes and buys matching pendants for you, if you aren't that sort of person she will find an object that you can both hold dear to you. Such as matching teacups! She is a very flexible person when it comes to gifts. She loves buying you whatever she can, however she does prefer to stick to sweet goods.
Dancing in her kitchen together, or if you're alone any make-shift kitchen she creates in the moment. While waiting for the macarons to bake, you gently place your hand on her hip and lift her arm up, swaying slowly as she giggles and places her hands on you in return, gliding around as you twirl with her.
Loves it if you ask her for anything, any help, you two are there for each other so why not make use of it? She can become a very busy woman though, so don't go over boarding the requests!
She plays with her hair when she is nervous, just grabs a strand and twirls it in her fingers. If she doesn't want to be as obvious, the hem of her dressing will become her new best friend. Gently twisting the fabric on her hands, rubbing it together as unease sets over her. Hold her hand - give it a soft squeeze - let her know she is okay and you are there.
(once again, i apologise if this is ooc)
If anything does ever happen she's quick to find out and come to your aid, you are her priority. If you're clumsy she'll keep a box of aid on her at all times, due to this while you walk she will have an arm hovering around your side, as she isn't a fan of PDA herself, she will keep a distance between the two of you.
Practically acting as a bodyguard as most people assume when you are first spotted while walking together in the streets. No one will confront you or try straggle for higher prices around the two of you. It’s like walking a doberman, you have big scary dog privileges.
She will refuse to teach you her sword art. However, she will be 100% on teaching you how to defend yourself - if you don’t know how to - coming close and personal to you if you posture is off, standing right behind you as she helps you position yourself for defence or attack. She just wants to make sure you’re safe when she can’t be there to help you. Though, while you two are together, she's soft like putty, completely melts in your arms and just wants to relax. You are her safeguard at home when you are alone.
Clorinde is serious and always ready to take things head-on. This does not involve a private life full of fun and puns. She may be slow to catch onto sarcasm too, taking everything you say seriously - she wants the best for you - even if you made it rather obvious that you were joking. She, was not - which may have causes a couple small arguments or surprises.
She loves animals as much as she may not admit it. She’s probably had a few pets in her lifetime, so when she comes to you and you’re holding a stray kitten, she can’t say no to you when you both send pleading eyes her way. You didn’t think it would be that easy, but it was all worth it when you see the two of them on your sofa, sleeping together, Clorinde holding a protective hold against the kitten who’s snuggled into her neck as she’s on her side. Gently pulling a blanket and kissing her forehead gently you wish her a good sleep.
When Clorinde has to go for duty for longer than usual, you’ll see her gazing out into the window or door as she is in her office. She looks up expectantly as her door opens, however to her dismay it wasn’t you. Wow, how she missed you so much. When the person leaves her office she pulls out a picture you took of the two of you for her, with a small note on the back, “Miss you so much, remember to take care of yourself!” She looks, smiling at the picture before swiftly place bc it back in her pocket. Another person came in.
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imbadatwrighting · 10 months
Sneaky Cat
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I was going to write this as a songfic but changed my mind last minute so it took a little longer than expected. Anyways to the person who asked for this I had to smush some things together I hope that’s alright and the smut lowkey ain’t dat great. Also just started watch future man…do what you want with that information
Pairing: Selina Kyle x Male reader
Tags: NSFW 18+ at the end, sex with plot? (Idk I’ve never read a post with that), Wayne!reader, adopted!reader, sweet!reader, fluff, smut, Bruce and reader having tension, no use of Y/n, 2nd pov, soft dom!reader, brother issues, lowkey rushed to the sex half way through, oral (reader giving), unprotected sex, cream pie, missionary , prolly a lot of spelling errors
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“Selina! Have you seen my tie?” Your voice boomed across the whole second floor of the house unintentionally.
“This tie?” your girlfriend of two years asked, holding up a gold tie. She leaned against the door frame staring at you with her classic cat eyes.
A smile plastered on your face, walking towards her. “This is why I love you,” you grinned, reaching down to plant a kiss on her lips and grab the tie.
You could feel the smirk she made through the kiss before breaking it off. “No other reasons?” she asked, a devious smile on her face.
You walked back to your mirror, staring at her through it while you put your tie on. “Not any I can remember I’m afraid.”
She swayed closer to you, wrapping her hands around your waist and maneuvering her head to be beside your shoulder. “That’s too bad. Here I was thinking you loved me for my brilliant ideas,” she pouted before hiding her mouth with your shoulder so you couldn’t see her smile.
A small groan left your lips as you ran your hands through your hair. “I wouldn’t say making me go to this gala was a good idea.”
“You own the most stocks and are a co-owner of Wayne Enterprises, I’m afraid you have to go.”
You turned around to face her, slowly wrapping your arms around her waist. Her hands moved up to your chest, smoothing out a wrinkle. “You only want me to go so you can steal valuables from the guests, my dearest.”
Selina huffed before turning away towards the door. Her hips swayed as she walked away. “Let’s not leave Alfred waiting much longer mi amor,” she grinned.
You stood still for a moment, unsure of what you heard was right. You ran towards Selina, observing her eyes for any sense of sarcasm or lying.
“Do not tell me Bruce will be there too,” you spoke slowly, walking down the steps of your mansion with Selina. The sounds of heeled shoes hitting marble, echoed in the area.
“If I remember correctly, your parents gave Wayne Enterprises to both you and Bruce and he still plays apart in it,” she replied hastily, not caring enough to make eye contact.
“When he’s not playing good guy in his bat costume, sure, but all he cares about is fighting crime over and over again, he cares little about what happens to Wayne Enterprises or even me!”
“If I remember correctly you fight crime too.” Selina walked faster, reaching the first floor before you, grabbing a necklace on the marble counter.
She stared at the black diamonds shinning under the light, eventually moving her hand with the necklace towards you, gesturing you to put it on her.
You sighed, grabbing the necklace. “When I was with his all I did was stare at the computers in his little cave.”
“You still do,” Selina hummed.
“That different,” you grumbled. “When I was working with him, no one even knew my name or I was a vigilante at all. You had no idea who Umbra Mortis was after I told you. Or that I was his brother.”
“I do now. People know who Umbra Mortis is now.” Selina turned to face your towering figure after felling the necklace be latched on.
“They still don’t know I’m his brother. He refuses to tell people I’m his brother because I was adopted.”
“That’s not true,” Selina said, following you out the door.
“How’d you know? You ask him?” You smirked.
“Maybe,” Selina replied, before grabbing you arm, only being a couple feet away from the limo containing your brother and his butler. “Listen be nice to him and you might even get a special treat,” she grinned, pulling you down into a kiss.
It felt longer that it was but you savored every second of it. You observed the taste of cherries that presented itself onto your tongue.
You hummed as she broke away from the the kiss slowly. You wished you didn’t have to go to the gala, instead staying home with Selina watching her favorite movie in bed.
You opened the door of the limo, letting Selina get in before you while you held the door. You could hear pleasantries given from where you stood as you desperately wished you would have to get in the limo with you older brother.
You could feel your brothers gaze on you as you entered the limo.
“Greeting Master Wayne,” Alfred nodded, quickly driving off. You smiled at the man, he always had called you by your last name since you could remember. It wasn’t that you weren’t close to him, he just wanted to always show his upmost respect towards you.
“Brother,” Bruce greeted. It didn’t seem like the type of greeting you would give your brother, more like a greeting to a stranger.
A curt nod was given to Bruce as you intertwined your hand with Selina’s soft hands. Your fingers played with her rings that she stole from multiple museums.
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Bruce brought up, eyes still trained on your figure. Your eyes broke away from Selina’s perfect figure.
“Whose fault was that?” you murmured, rolling your eyes. Selina’s heeled foot quickly hit your leg in annoyance. Your eyes quickly looked over to your girlfriend before moving back to look at Bruce.
Bruce paid no mind to your comment. “I see,” he commented, not saying anything else.
A wave of awkwardness took over the limo as the two brothers or interact with each other, or at least one of them did.
“Talk to him, querido,” Selina whispered in your ear, running her nails down your suit.
You rolled your eyes not looking at your girlfriend. “What are you doing here Bruce?” you say bluntly, being forced to say something.
“I’m going to a gala, brother. It’s good for my image.”
“Alfred making you go?”
“It seems you know me too well brother.”
You hummed. “Well, after having to be around you, most of my life, it seems I have to. If not, I might have become a worse brother than you.”
Selena scoff at you as Bruce squinted his eyes. “I gave you no reason to say I am a bad brother.”
An irked expression fell on your face as you glared lightly at your brother. “You have multiple recent to being a bad brother! You left me on a mountain by myself, at fifteen!”
An annoyed expression fell on Bruce’s face. “How many times do I have to tell you it was an accident, I thought you already left,” he said, fingers massaging his temple.
“How am I supposed to believe that when just an hour before you were screaming at me and wishing I wasn’t in your life,” you glared, feeling Selena’s hands down your back and comfort and also as a warning.
“Boys, enough of this, we’re already at this gala so pretend you like each other,” Selina smirked, an obvious fake smile before elegantly getting out of the limo.
You spared Bruce no mind as you got out after your girlfriend, you hand finding the perfect resting spot on her waist.
“Just talking to me and a couple guests won’t get anything you’re hoping for tonight,” she whispered, slowly pushing your arms off her waist, a smile still on her face. “Talk to Bruce or you’re getting nothing tonight.”
With that same grinning smile she walked off, most likely towards the bar full of drunk old fish man with pockets full of money.
With a sigh you slowed your walking, letting Bruce catch up to you. “My apologies for my inappropriate acts Bruce.”
“Don’t act like that,” he said, talking in a whisper, occasionally nodding his head at a couple men and woman.
“Act like what?” you ask.
“Like we’re not brothers. You haven’t talked to me like a brother since you were fifteen.”
“You throw me in the side Bruce, you always have. I had no reason to treat you like a brother when you were too busy to acknowledge me.”
Bruce looks at you with an unreadable expression on his face before taking a deep breath.
You went to scoff before he spoke up. “I’m sorry,” he said is a hushed voice. It almost made you stop in your tracks. Not once has your brother ever apologized to you. Not when he pushed you down the stairs, or when he played a mean April fools day prank on you.
You stayed silent for a minute smiling when contractors and other business partners walked by.
You didn’t care about them at the moment, your first thought was on your brother. Then of course Selina forty feet away at the bar.
“I’m sorry as well… brother,” you spoke, slowly walking away from Bruce towards Selina.
“I talked to him and even said sorry,” you smile, hand going up to her shoulders.
She turned around staring up into your eyes. “Considering Bruce looks like a kicked puppy I would say you did it like you were supposed to.”
You frowned at her words. “Listen it’s the best you’re going to get out of me tonight, now can we just go home?”
Selina digs a gold watch out of her purse, looking at the time. “We’ve been here for no more than ten minutes so unfortunately not mi amor.”
“You’re just being mean at this point,” you groan walking to wherever Selina sways to.
“At least an hour then we can leave,” she smirks pulling you to the dance floor. “For now, we dance.” She puts one arm around your neck and the other into your hand and she waltz’s to the relaxing music.
Your eyes met her sparkling black ones as waves of emotion overflowed your body. She made you fall in love with her every day.
“I can’t stay here Selina,” you growled in her ear.
She paid no mind to you as she twirled and danced. She was enjoying this and you both knew it.
“Selina,” you growled once again. Your heart was practically beating out of your chest.
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait. I’m not going home because you’re horny.”
Your hand traveled down her waist, lightly grazing her ass. Her subtly eyed you, eyes narrowing down. “Relax my love, no one is watching,” you whispered, softly biting her ear as you leaned down.
You could feel Selina get hotter as you continued to dance on the dance floor. Your thoughts were not on Bruce nor anyone else but Selina. You didn’t care about anything except Selina.
“You’re playing a dirty game baby,” Selina murmured in your ear, hands gripping your body.
“I wouldn’t have to if we left.”
Selina stayed silent once more, like she was contemplating the answer she would choose. “…fine,” she murmured.
A grin fell on your face before you dragged her out of the gala, you opened the door of a rentable limo. You didn’t have to say any words to the man. Almost everyone in Gotham knew where you lived. It was hard to miss it.
Selina sat down close to you, kissing your neck. You exhaled a breath, holding her waist. “If you keep it up, I’m going to get a boner before we get home,” you groan.
She seemed to only hum and that, keeping up with the original pace.
The drive home seemed longer than anything before. It felt like the limo driver was going slower on purpose. Selina didn’t let it stop her as she spread hickeys all over your neck.
The white limo stopped at the entrance to your mansion. Selina and you quickly rushed out, leaving behind cash for the driver. Poor man must have been a little traumatized.
You pushed Selina through the door into your room. Her hot breath could be felt on your face.
You unzipped her black dress before she reach for her necklace. “No,” you breathed out. “Keep it on.”
You could feel her lightly moan against your neck as you removed your tie and shirt.
You hoisted Selina up before gently throwing her on the bed.
“Fuck,” you moaned out. Crawling on the bed to be face to face with your girlfriend. “You’re so hot baby.”
Her hands reached up to your neck, pulling you down into her. The kiss was sloppy; full of lust. Her legs wrapped around your unclothed waist.
You head traveled down kisses her neck towards her tits. She grabbed onto your hair as you left a trail of kisses to her clit.
Your hot breath only made her wetter. You licked her clit slowly before making eye contact with her. She let out a breathy moan as you stared her down. Your mouth latched onto her clit sucking and licking like a mad man.
“Fuck,” she moaned, gripping your hair harder. You let out a quick sound before resuming your task.
“God I love your pussy,” you rasped, sticking two fingers into her drenched hole. Her shaky legs wrapped around your head.
Your fingers thrusted in and out of her as your teeth lightly grazed her clit. She could feel her orgasm already coming. “Baby,” she groaned, quickly tapping your head. You removed your mouth from her wet clit as you looked up at her.
“I need it in me,” she whispered, almost like she was embarrassed. She could hear you undoing your zipper as soon as the words came out of her mouth.
Her legs released you from her grip as she pulled you up to be face to face with her. She could feel your hard cock rubbing against her clit. A soft moan came out of her as her arms wrapped around your neck.
“I’ve wanted you all day, baby,” you groan, lips attacking her own as you slowly entered her wet pussy.
“I know,” she smirked out before moaning loudly as you thrusted in and out of her. “God, I forgot how big you were.”
Your arm traveled down to her waist giving you a better angle to thrust into her. “You’re so tight, honey,” you breath out, hair falling down on your eyes.
Nails grazed down your back as you thrusted harder into your girlfriend. Her girlfriend arched your back letting out a whimper. “I’m close baby,” she whimpered feeling her orgasm about to come.
“Just a little more. You can hold out baby,” you grunted, pounding into her at an inhuman pace. Your cock overwhelming her senses.
Her legs shook as her head turned to the side, giving you a better view of her neck. “I’m close, I’m so fucking close,” she panted.
Your hand gripped her waist tighter, feeling her slowly get tighter. “Let go baby,” you muttered, feeling your release about to come.
A high pitched moan left your girlfriend as her pussy tightened around you and legs vibrated rapidly. You gave a few more quick thrusts before coming inside her.
Your moved you hand to move your girlfriend face towards you. Her fucked out eyes looked at you as she panted hard.
You slowly pulled out of her before kissing the top of her head. “I love you,” you sighed, getting up to clean her up.
“Bath or no bath?” you asked, grabbing a hand towel from the bathroom.
“No bath,” she grinned weakly, pulling you towards her. “Just want you.”
“You got me baby,” you smirked, handing her one of your comfy shirts after cleaning her up the best you could.
She slipped on your shirt, it draped over her figure as she huddled towards your figure getting in bed.
You looked at the shirt, too big for your girlfriend. “God just looking at you turns me on.” You kissed your smiling girlfriend.
“You’re handling that issue yourself.”
You smiled harder at her. You didn’t care about Bruce in the moment or fighting crime, just caring about marrying the girl laying next to you.
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
Hi... can i ask a little thing?
I dont know if you do this but...
Pleaseeee can you write something about mountain x reader x aether?
I was thinking about a lil fic but choose whatever you feel inspired to do (sfw and/or nsfw, i dont care at all)
(If you dont like poly trio can be at least mounty x reader? He's a little giant puppy, i would cuddle 🥰 him all day if he was real...)
Oooo today's your lucky dayyy
A Spring's Soft Greeting
Mountain x Reader x Aether
Established relationship (Poly) No Warnings! Just lots o' fluff / kissing n stuff
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The air was crisp just as it was gentle when the ministry's willow tree swayed with the breeze. Though one could still feel a chill when the wind blew, the sun was warm and comforting. Blanketing the green grass and the wildflowers as their colors reached their peak. Spring was here, finally.
Aether and Mountain had planned this day with you for weeks. They made sure the weather was perfect, even going so far as to cast a few good weather charms. The Ghouls and the Sibling's of Sin had off from their duties today, and nothing would ever get in the way of their perfect picnic Mountain and Aether had planned for you.
Aether was carrying two hefty baskets of dishes and food. A ghouls' gotta eat. Meanwhile mountain had flowers hidden behind his back. With a pep in their step, they headed over to the Willow tree where you said you'd meet them. And there you were in all your beauty.
You were sitting on a checkered blanket, sunning yourself with a hat over your face. They smiled and picked up their speed as they approached you. Though they were thinking about catching you off guard. Aether gently set down the picnic baskets, the of them got on their knees and crawled towards you. Their tails flicking in anticipation.
They sprung at you, attacking your face with kisses on both sides. "Guys!" You shouted in surprise as they sandwiched you into a hug. "Hey Love" Aether purred in your ear, his sideburns tickling your face.
"Hello my handsomes, glad you showed up" you sat up from your position, a little dazed after the sneak attack. Mountain held a bouquet of flowers under your nose. It was clearly a fresh batch, hand picked by the ghoul himself. Gasping, you give him a giant smooch on his nose and he chuckles.
The day was spent lounging on the blanket and eating whatever Aether brought along with him. Everything was perfect, down to a dot. It was moments like this that you had to take a step back and feel the world around you. Nobody made you feel as loved as Mountain and Aether did. They were similar, yet very different, and they enjoyed eachothers company as much as they do yours.
Spring was around now, which means the ghouls were as cuddly and lovey dovey as ever. Their moods changed with the seasons, and in warmer climates the ghouls certainly prospered.
With a full stomach, you rested your back on the blanket, looking at the branches of the Willow tree. The two ghouls joined you, squishing you between them. "What's up beautiful?" Mountain chimed into your thoughts, taking your hand and kissing it.
"I can't wait to go skinny dipping" Aether almost choked on his spit when you replied. "How blunt" Mountain laughed "I get to join you, right?"
"Duh!" You looked at Aether with a smirk "You're also invited if you want." The quint grinned "How could I refuse?"
With Mountain and Aether tucked into both of your sides, you couldn't help but blush. Mountain had his tail wrapped around your leg with his head next to yours. While Aether had his head resting on your stomach, his strong arms relaxed around your hips.
The quint ghoul slightly lifted your blouse and left small pecks on your stomach, and the earth ghoul decided to join in. He lightly suckled on your neck, and all of a sudden it was kinda like you had two cats giving you affection.
"So warm" Aether mumbled into your abdomen face first. "So soft" Mountain said into the skin of your nape. You massaged Aethers scalp and placed your palm on Mountain's cheek.
"You two are very touchy today" you commented, but it certainly wasn't a complaint.
Aether detatched his face "It's not our fault, you're just-" "irresistible" Mountain finished. "Took the words right outta my mouth"
You sighed "Just don't do too much, we don't want to give the others a show"
"And why not?" Aether pouted.
Mountain chuckled and rubbed the quint's head "If anyone here is needy it's you." Aether face planted back into your stomach, groaning as his tail swished around.
"Don't tell me it's that time of the year" You sat up on your elbows, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked at him.
His tail fell and he looked up at you "Well-"
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