#'tall slender very hot person with white hair and pale skin falls for short awkward person with dark hair' has happened twice as well
lazylittledragon · 2 months
if i had a nickel for every time i've been obsessed with drawing a gentle 40 something year old wizard man who would go to extreme lengths for love getting with a beautiful elf woman with red hair and a thing for skeletons, i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
Thank you nature
Character: Kite
Show: HxH
Reader: shortMale
Category: Nsfw/smut 
Warnings: sizekink mainly
Summary:After years of teaming up together for several missions, the tension between you and kite gets too much to handle.
Request open!
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It's the fourth day you stand down to guard with Kite in this new research. Something about a tiger evolving a new skill had brought your group together to observe it and analyze it's new behavior. It was a slow and quiet process that got any person bored if they weren't mentally prepare for it. But for you and kite it was one of the ways you both seemed to interact better. Neither spoke as you both got into a task, but lately that silent was slowly suffocating your lungs as the missions, days, and hour pass for you.
You don't know when it started, the brush of his hands against yours when he handed you things. His worried tone when you both encounter enemies, how in most occasions even though he always says if you can't keep up with him don't bother to follow. But quickly turns around to shield you from any attack. His hair gently touching you as he leans a bit too close, to his low chuckled that vibrated against your ears when he's the only one around to laugh at your jokes. Lately now just a simple glance of your eyes locking had your breath itching.
"Nothing still?" Kite's voice snap you back too reality as he lean over too look at the monitor clenching in your hands. He's hair falling slightly over your arm and hand. It tickled a bit, making your cheeks heat up at the proximity.
"Uh no, nothing yet" you mumble back, your eyes staring at him as he lean back to pull his hat to cover more of his face.
"at this rate we might not get anything, maybe we should move locations?" He hold into his chin as he stare back at you for confirmation. For a second you felt your eyes trail down to his lips, as soon as they looked down they snap back to the monitor to turn it off.
"yeah I think we should, i’m kinda getting tired of just standing put here" you mumble out as you stood up. Both of you were sitting near trees, which had you both hidden this entire time. He followed your lead on standing up, his looming body towered over you easily. Which normally in the start it pissed you off to a whole other level, because for a guy you were ridiculous short. Even though you were strong and could handle yourself, your height made people think other wise. Meanwhile Kite never really tease you or mention how short you where( he actually adored it.)
Looking down at you he had a lot of urges to pick you up randomly, but that would be too out of character. So the closest he has ever done too actually physically show it was his random Pat's in the head when you both finish a job. It follow no comment but a slight smile. In the start you didn't think much of it, but now it was something you itch in your weird quiet friendship with the tall hunter. You two where good friends, so you thought but the idea of actually admitting your feelings for him seemed impossible in any near future. But the feeling of bursting and screaming your feelings and desire where clearly taking over by the minute.
"let's head down north, I saw a cave over there" he suggested, you only nodded in agreement as you both started walking,your surroundings was mainly trees and bushes to no end. So when you both stop to the sound of something breaking not even Kite expected to be suddenly sliding down along with you down a narrow creak. He's arms instinctively wrap around you and pulled you closer as you slide down rapidly, your eyes squinting shut as Kite used his legs to stop the harsh impact, but not enough for you to not hit the ground and slide off his grip.
Both of you panted slightly at the scare, you look around the close gap area you both where stuck in. Your body was pressing against him as your hands grip on his white sleeves.
"you okay?" He finally breath out in his normal calm town.
"oh yeah totally, that woke me up for sure" you slightly joked, then the situation in hand woke up more in the position you where in. There was little space to move, and if you two wanted to get out it was going to take a while to even squeeze out. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that both his and your hips where press together along with your chest on his upper stomach. His hair was a curtain over you as his hands stranded you from above as he hold into the solid wall of rocks behind you.
It had your face bursting into a blush as you looked away, there was no way you will escape with out making this one awkward, you could feel your excitement growing by within you. Don't think anything dirty don't think anything dirty DON'T THINK ANYTHING DIRTY
"y/n I'm going to try and move too make it easier to get out" he suddenly warn in a quiet tone, his hot breath made you slightly light headed as you let go of his arms.
"uh okay, um uh just be careful..." You whisper out as you hold in a breath. Kite sudden movement had your eyes shutting open as his hips rolled against yours as you tried moving left. Oh fuck, you bite down your lip as he moved again slightly trying to shake his way out which just felt like a way worse idea. Your face felt like it was gonna explode by all the blooding going up, and it was not helping that you were getting hard. Heat was spreading over your body like rapid fire.
"K-kite hold on I don't think this is working-ah fuck" you hand flew over to cover your mouth. Even though it was a quiet moan you knew he heard it, he's hips had thrusted forward while he tried standing straight and you let it slip in mid sentence. Your head was glue down as you looked down at your own hard on, your legs felt weak and the embarrassment made it worse as you look at the tent in your pants. Now you where freaking out as he stop moving, you grossed him out you knew it, he didn't say anything but you knew he was staring down at you. Shame was eating you up as your legs shocked ever so slightly.
"Sorry, sorry I really am! Y-you are just s-so close and you kept moving and my head feels dizzy an-" you suddenly blabber out as you tried arching your back away as your hips moved away from touching his. You didn't even know what you where saying anymore but he's voice cut you off.
"...Did that felt good?..." He breath out, the first time you looked up at him. Only to be greeted with brown eyes looking at you in almost a haze as his pale skin was light pink. Kite's nen could normally warn anyone on how strong he is and scare them away but right now you felt like you were stuck in place as you stare at him. You felt weak on the knees as you slowly now focus how he's breathing was going faster and heavy as he lean closer to you.
"Y/n... I asked a question" he whisper out, and you felt like coming just then and there.
"y-yeah it did.." you breath out in a shaky tone as you didn't look away from him. A small hummed escape him as his hands trail down to your sides and grab you by the hips to pull you against him again. Feeling the friction between both your groins had you almost whimpering as you shut a eye close.
"let me...take care of that then..." he whisper out as his hands on your hips tighten as he's lips meet yours in a desperate sloppy kiss. His nose bumping against yours as he tried pulling you closer, you felt yourself melt into the kiss quicker than you expect, your thoughts going blank just by the fact that Kite was actually even kissing you in the first place. You expect something but definitely not this. It was also clear, he was very inexperienced by how sloppy the kisses where. But right now you didn't care, your hands tangle themselves in his hair. The kisses becoming more desperate and more in sync with both your actions, a light of passion and frustration built from it. Now apparent to you that you weren't the only one with desire for the other.
You let out a small yelp as he pulled you up and rested you against the wall, his thigh between your legs roughly rubbing against both your back and cock had you whimpering again as he pulled away from the kiss. He was staring at you with hungry eyes underneath that hat, his thumb rubbed against your swollen lips.
"y/n...you're such a good boy.." your body arch at his words, his hand trailing down to lift up your shirt and undo your pants so quickly your brain was still processing the heated kiss until you felt long finger rubbed against the tip of your cock.
"k-kite..ah" your hands grip on his shoulders as he planted more kisses on your face and neck side. "So small, I feel like I could break you if i’m too rough" he mumbled out between kisses and nipping. You pouted at this slightly, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer. "T-try me.." you mutter out, there it was. You felt him smile against your skin as his leg moved forward to grind against you as he pulled your pants and underwear down to your ankles. You hold in the breathy moans as he wrap a arm under your bottom to hold you still. Your erection had him humming in your ears as he place a finger on your tip. "You are quite cute like this.." he said to his own amusement, he never imagine seeing you make such expression. He never imagine he would ever get turn on the way he is right now just by a little of foreplay and you cornered.
His slender fingers wrap around you and gave you slow strokes as he planted gentle kisses on ear, he was eating up every little moan that escape you. Pleasure slowly building up on the pit of your stomach. Your voice only seemed to get louder in his ears as he pulled away his hand from your cock, bringing it up to suck two fingers of his. "Quite desperate are you?" He muse as he watch you effortlessly grind your hips up in a haze. So small you practically sit in one of his thighs no effort. You didn't respond as you lean your head against his chest, heavily panting as he lifted you up slightly.
"M-Mmh? What are y-" you caught yourself gasping and gripping on his sweater. He inserted a finger in. Your legs slightly twitching as he pumped it in slowly before putting another on in with easy. "Oh they slip right in, those it hurt y/n?" he mumbled out. "A-ah a bit.." you manage to breath out. A small hum came back as a reply, he kept working his fingers inside you. Twisting and pushing as far his long fingers could reach. It had you moaning and groaning against his sweater as he stretch you out. He quietly observe every little reaction of your body and voice, how you will clench around him when he push far enough, how you where somehow getting wetter as he kept pumping his fingers inside. It had him biting his lower lip in anticipation and trying to look for self-control as he watch you become undone under him. The way your voice kept calling out to him was about to make the man snap.
"k-kite, s-stop" you mewled out in between his fingers harsh harassment. Your eyes watering up slightly as you look up at him, he stop moving. "did I do som-" "no..no just put it in already, the teasing is a pain" you complain as your hands dived down to undo his pants. His protest where quiet down by your lips as soon as he tried stopping you. It was a desperate attempt to get too the point, but also to just quiet his worries away. A low groan escape him as soon he felt your hands against his cock. It was long and big as you expect, the little voices in your head slightly worried on how your small figure was going to take it in. You gave it a few slow pumps which had him hissing as he place his hands against your hips as you position yourself against him.
You shivered at the contact, his hips jerked up to press against you. Self control was slowly slipping out of his mind as he panted against your neck. "S-shit.." you gripped on his shoulder as he place mouth open kisses on your neck. "I'll be gentle.." he whisper out trying to reassure you. His hands slowly brought you down, the stretch slow mix with pain and pleasure. A shaky breath left pass his lips until he bottom out. The whole time you hold in you breath as you tried relaxing around him.
It took a few minutes, the whole time Kite kept placing gentle kisses up to your face trying to calm down both of your nerves. Between each nip of your skin and the feeling of heat invading each area you heard a small praise from him. A low groan escape you as shifted on him. "Y..you can move now" managing to breath out those words his hands grip on your waist again. He slowly pull you up before slamming you back down. Earning both a low moan from both of you. He repeated it, having you slam down on his cock until he had a steady pace as he thrusted into you. Each time earning high moans from you and whimpers as he hit each spot of your walls perfectly.
At this point you both seemed to have forget where you were. Not giving a care at all as he pull you closer to him as your nails dig on his sweater. Bending slightly and changing the angle had him hitting your prostate in the most delicious way possible. It had your eyes rolling back as you shocked on his hold. Your walls clenching around his cock drew a low groan from him as he felt you get close to climax.
"Kite! Oh fuck I'm close- s-so close ah oh god" He pull a hand behind your head as he drew you to another messy kiss. His thrust becoming frantic as he reach down your orgasm. Your body arching and spasing around him as he rode down his own before pulling out. His lips drown out your moans as he came. Your body stay stiff as your cum hit your own stomach. His legs finally give in and slide down with you still in his grasp too sit down. Both of you panted heavily as you lean your head against his chest.
Both of you stood still as you took in what you both just did. His hand drew up to push your sweaty hair off you face. "So....uh is it to late too say I like you now?" You blurt out while smiling up to him. He stare at you before letting out a small laugh as he look to the side. "No Y/n I like you too" he pulled you closer as he place a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't help but smile out of relief. “thanks nature for this one right? this took too long” he almost cough up at your words. “Y/n..” 
"great, but how do we get out of here now?"
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malfoii · 7 years
Reader x Malfoy Pt. 1
Summary: Awakened by nightmare, Malfoy gives up on sleep and takes a 3am walk along the school hallways - during which, he meets a new student that might finally bring him some comfort. 
Warnings: None
Hogwarts Castle stands silent and lonely, stoic against the darkened sky. Its weary bones shudder and sigh beneath the gaze of the white moon, whose pale light floods the school’s courtyards, creeping over the hedges, weaving its way into the silent dormitories of sleeping students.
 Despite his affinity for absolute darkness, it is this same light that finds its way into the gloomy dungeons of the Slytherine house; the same light that now glances over the pallid, sickly skin of Draco Malfoy – who tremors in his sleep.
 Twisting and thrashing, the body of Draco Malfoy contorts itself into a wretched mess of knots and angles. Nightmares engulf him, and he grasps desperately at the empty air, as if hoping for someone to save him. When no such comfort can be found, and the familiar fear continues to swell in his chest, he finally awakes.
 It is 2:38 in the morning. His roommates remain asleep, their boorish snores fading into the night.
 Malfoy sits upright in bed, squinting at the dull shapes around him. His hair is plastered with sweat, his bedsheets drenched with the same moisture. And, if his sense of smell is anything to go by, something else too. He groans.
 Bed-wetting? he can hear his father’s voice, pounding at the back of his head. And you call yourself a Malfoy?
 “Humiliating.” Malfoy mutters to himself. “This is humiliating. A disgrace to the family. An embarrassment.”
 Pulling the sheets from off the mattress, he winces at the stench. “Also,” he adds, “Not your most attractive feature.”
 The boy works quietly and quickly. Light from the moonshine makes his skin whiter than it already is, and carves out the sunken hollows of his bare chest. Stress and fatigue have lay waste to his figure, reducing him to a lanky structure of boney limb. Physical physique, as he’s noted before, is also not his most attractive feature. 
  “At this point, I’m not sure you have any attractive features left,” murmuring, he hampered the sheets and wiped down his body with a wet rag. Despite the pathetic nature of the statement, it wasn’t entirely false. His father, the death-eaters, the eminent war - all of it had taken its toll on Draco Malfoy, and he was quickly deteriorating into a pitiful husk of what he could have been. A combination of fear, anger, and guilt festered and grew - to the point where he felt as if he were continuously drowning - day in and day out. 
  While he had been skinny before, he was verging now on skeletal. 
  Where he had been snarky and conceited, he had become cruel and malicious.
  When Malfoy caught glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, he was struck with the feeling of total and utter despair - a hatred for the person he was, and an inability to change it. 
  His father, he knew, would be disappointed with his coward of a son. And the Hogwart students, on their end, were repulsed by the brutality of his nature. Malfoy was well aware of the rumors spread about him, nasty things, and the names he was called - most of which were deserved.
  In the end, Draco felt himself accepted neither at home, nor within the corridors of the school. No matter the place, he was haunted by the same nightmares - and the same wet sheets. 
Haven given up any chance at sleep, Malfoy dressed quickly and hurried out, feeling that the confines of his room had become suddenly suffocating. 
  The time now teeters on 3am, and the school is swallowed up by a pitch blackness. From Draco’s wand, a yellow light glows softly – but rather than provide security, it only succeeds in casting long and horrid shadows across the walls, dancing and flickering with every movement. 
  Memories of his nightmare overwhelm him, and Draco swears he can feel the icy breath of unseen dementors against his neck. Against his will, he shudders, and begins to move faster. 
  Every footstep echoes and rings against the walls - the hallways seem to get longer and longer - the lights flicker and tremble and twitch - they’re coming, they’re coming, they’re coming -
  Malfoy breaks out into full sprint, feet pounding down the corridor as he runs. Wand held out in front of him, he waves it maniacally, as if it were a sword and the air around him demons. Once or twice, he almost drops it, his vision spinning and distorting as oxygen levels slump. 
  Finally, at last, he smacks straight into the doors of the library. It’s not where he intended to end up - he meant to go for a short loop and come back - but it’s good enough. He doesn’t waste a second in throwing it open, falling through with a wheeze and a cough. 
  “Merlin, I’m out of shape,” he pants, gasping breathlessly. 
  “Wow, you really are.”
  Malfoy’s head snaps up, and his eyes narrow with the realization that he’s not alone. Floating (floating?), a girl he’s never seen before – with a thick billow of black hair and a pair of rectangular glasses – wearing long and billowy Ravenclaw robes. 
  “I mean, the Slytherine dormitory is, what, 500 meters away? You couldn’t have run more than that.” she continues, glancing over him with a flicker of amusement. 
  Glaring, Malfoy starts to defend himself, “500 meters is” - pant - “a long distance” - pant - “when it’s 3am and” - pant - “Merlin, I need to sit down.”
  The girl, with a poorly suppressed smirk on her face, brandishes a wand and gestures it towards the chairs. With ease, a single stool slides its way over to Draco. 
  With a snort, he moves to sit on it. It slides back away. “A ‘thank you’ would be appreciated.”
  The girl wasn’t suppressing her smirk anymore, and her arms were folded across her chest. 
  Malfoy glares daggers. He could feel the tips of his ears redenning with embarrassment. 
  “It’s 3am in the bleeding morning.” he snaps, grabbing the stool with his hand and dragging it back. “You’re not even allowed to be here.”
  The girl waves her hand in dismissal. “Neither are you. How would Dumbledore like it if he knew the infamous Draco Malfoy was sneaking around the corridors at night?”
  Draco felt his entire face blossom red now. “I wasn’t - I wasn’t doing anything, I was just -”
  “Uh-huh,” the girl turns away, and back to the bookshelves. “I won’t snitch if you don’t.”
  “Uh, yeah. Yeah. Deal.” 
  Once recomposed, Draco looks back up towards the girl, observing her in greater detail. She had a pixie-ish nose that turned up at the end, and long slender fingers that flicked through the pages with a quiet tenderness. Her eyes were large, and the color of dark, creamy chocolate. They reminded Draco of an incident, several years back, when his father had taken him on an unlikely father/son hunting trip. It wasn’t until the last day that he finally found his prey - a stocky legged, white spotted doe. Her eyes, big and brown, were betraying of an open vulnerability, a certain fragility, that forced Draco to hesitate. And it was in that brief moment of doubt, that the doe got the best of him, and sprinted away. Looking at the Ravenclaw girl in front of him now, he couldn’t help but feel the same confusion, the same wonderment that he did in the forest.
  “Who are you anyways?” Draco blurts out.
  The girl arches an eyebrow. “My name’s (y/n). I’m a new student this year.”
  “Oh.” Malfoy stretches out his hand to shake, then realizes how far the distance is and turns it into an awkward wave instead. “I’m Draco. Draco Malfoy. I guess ... you’ve heard about me?” This last sentence comes out with a tinge of apprehension. 
  (Y/n) snorts. “Of course I’ve heard about you. It’s all anyone talks about here. You and your whole family.”
  Malfoy could feel his heart drop to his stomach. Rumors travel fast, I guess. 
  “Yeah. Anyways.” (Y/n) glances over at him, looks him up and down. “I thought you’d be more...”
  He braces himself for what would come next. 
  “I mean, for the arch-nemesis of Harry Potter, I thought you’d be a bit more impressive looking.”
  Draco could feel his face getting hot again, and was about to say some very nasty, Malfoy-like things to her - but stops, when he realizes that she’s keeled over, laughing. 
  “Are you –” he squints at her “Are you making fun of me?”
  It’s an odd sight, seeing someone try to stay afloat while laughing. Her body spins in awkward somersaults as she cackles, her legs flailing at the air, robes flapping wildly about. 
  “You should have,” she pants, “you should have seen the look on your face. Looked like a cherry tomato!” And falls into a fit of howling once more. 
  Draco blinks once, and then twice, his anger melting into bewilderment. “Haven’t they warned you to stay out of my way?”
  “Or what, you’ll vex me?” (Y/n) snickers. “What, with those arms? I could turn you into a pumpkin before you even pick up the wand.”
  Somehow, Draco didn’t doubt her. Abashed, he rubs the back of his neck and sheathes his wand, wary that he’s turning into a tomato again. 
  “You know, I never thought I’d meet anyone more annoying than Potter. And yet, here you are.” 
  (Y/n) beamed. Her body was now hanging completely upside down, and her hair had toppled over her face in a mess of knots. “Well, Malfoy, I’ll take it as a compliment.
  “Say, do you think you can help me down from here? This levitating spell isn’t really made to work on humans, and I think I’m a bit stuck.”
  Without meaning to, Draco chuckles. It’s been a long time, he realizes, since anything’s felt so simple - even if it’s just for a moment. He crosses the room to meet her, and looks upwards. “So, err, what do I need to do?”
  “Well, for starters, hold your arms out flat.”
  Doing as he’s told, Draco stretches out his arms. “Like this?”
  “There’s too much hair in my eyes for me to see, but how wrong could it be? Okay, ready?”
  “Ready for what?”
  (Y/n) grins, and snaps her fingers. Without a warning, her body plummets downwards, tumbling into Draco’s arms. “Oof!”
  Staggering, Malfoy manages to catch her - barely. 
 “Hey, you’re stronger than you look!” she exclaims, pushing her hair back to meet his gaze.
  For a moment, (y/n)’s breath hitches in her throat. From the trio’s descriptions, she had pictured Draco Malfoy to be a dour little creep with freaky, soulless eyes and fangs for teeth.
  But here, up close, his face certainly doesn’t match the expectation. His eyes, neither freaky nor soulless, are actually kind of nice - a soft gray that matches the smoke off a kettle, or the dispersing clouds after a storm. Also not so bad, are his sharpened edge cheekbones, the soft pink of his lips, and the muss of blond hair, disheveled and bedraggled from sleep. What’s best, however, is the small smile that now plays across his face.
  “Well, Miss (l/n),” he says, setting her on her feet, “I’ll take it as a compliment.”
 With a laugh, she re-adjusts her glasses and glance away. “Touché.”
 Quickly, she picks up the discarded books from where she dropped them on the floor, and piles them in her arms. “Well, as you said, it is 3am. I ought to be getting back to the dormitories.”
“Oh, and just when we were getting acquainted. Don’t tell me I scared you off already?” Malfoy jokes weakly. The thought of being left alone again is petrifying, and strange and odd as she might be, he’d much prefer her company over that of the darkness. 
“Even great witches need their sleep. Besides, I’d hate to annoy you anymore than I already have.” She retorts, stepping around him to leave.
“Annoy?” Malfoy swerves to catch up with her. “You haven’t annoyed me at all. Quite the opposite, really.”
“Well, aren’t you the flatterer.”
“At least let me walk you back to the dorms.”
“A flatterer and chivalrous!” She grins at him from beneath a tousle of thick hair. “Very well. I will allow it. Under the condition that you hold my books the whole way.”
“Your wish is my command, princess.” Malfoy takes the heap of books and shifts it, with a grunt, into his own hands. “Merlin, this is heavy. Can’t you just do a levitation spell?” he huffs. 
“I mean, I could. But this is so much more fun, don’t you think?”
  Malfoy rolls his eyes as they leave the library. The corridors, still dark and eerie, don’t seem so awful when he has someone by his side. “Why are you up this late, anyways?” he asks. “The library isn’t exactly the most exciting place to sneak off to, you know.”
  “Well,” she fiddles with her wand nervously. “I mean, you’re going to think I’m pathetic.”
  “Probably, yes.”
  She punches his shoulder, making the books wobble. “Shut up.” He chuckles. 
  “This is only my first week here, and I’m still, well, I guess I’m still a bit homesick. Sleeping is hard. Especially when I barely know any of my roommates, have almost no friends, and the timezone differences are huge!”
  “Oh.” Malfoy fumbles for words - this isn’t the sort of stuff he talks about with Goyle and Crab - he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to say. The silence between them grows, filling the air awkwardly, until he finally says, “That’s not too pathetic I guess.”
  “Yeah. Thanks.” She answers sarcastically. They turn a corner, and Malfoy knows that they’re almost there. “And you? Mr-Famous-Draco-Malfoy, arch rival of Harry potter - what are you doing up? Plotting something sinister, now?”
  She says it as a joke - doesn’t mean anything by it - but Malfoy can feel his chest tighten. “Uh, no. Just, uh, just nightmares. That’s all.”
  (Y/n) looks over at him, and her expression softens. “Nightmares?” For the first time, she notices the dark circles beneath his eyes, the gauntness of a sunken face. “Say, Malfoy, you don’t look so good.” When Potter had described Draco to her - when the Ravenclaw students shared their horror stories and gossiped and prattled - she had been left with the image of a stone-hearted, emotionless, sinister demon. But again, she found herself surprised at the reality of it - which was, that despite all his talk and all his reputation, Draco Malfoy didn’t look anything more than a scared little boy, haunted by fears she couldn’t even imagine. 
  “I’m always this pale, if that’s what you mean.” He smiles at her from behind the pile of books. “There’s nothing wrong with me, just the way I look.”
  She purses her lips, and touches the back of her hand to his forehead. He flinches in surprise. “Your skin - it’s cold as ice!” Shaking her head, she grabs him by the elbow and steers him towards her dormitory. “It’s too drafty in this school. Come on. I’ll make us some hot chocolates, and you can wrap up by the fire. The Ravenclaw common room is the best when it comes to our blankets.”
  “I’m not sure your friends would appreciate me being in there,” Malfoy murmurs - but other than that, he offers no protest. In fact, if she would just turn to look at him, she’d find the stupidest grin plastered all over his face. 
Pt 2
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