#'sunny water metaphors r so last year' hey shut up
camplazlow-blog · 8 years
` May I have this dance? ` ♡
             She talks like water— cold and smooth, hiding the void behind a placid surface smile.  ( laslow can see his reflection in her when their eyes lock; another dancer hiding something, but as soon as they touch it is gone— lost to the ripples and the flood. ) When he accepts her invitation, a hand outstretched, it is as cold as the waves on a winter shoreline, bleak.
            Ah, memories.
                                 It begins with a step. 
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             He knows the routine better than he knows his own names, better than he knows himself at this point. Each movement is practiced, reaching, yearning for the thoughts of himself as a child; every twirl echoing nights under the watchful eye of the moon, bodies pulling with the tides. 
                Forward, right, left, then pull her close, turn—
          ( but who is she dancing for? who breathed love down to the soles of her feet, melted her warn-torn soul into something so graceful? )
                Back step, left, forward again, repeat, turn slowly now, guide—
         ( who’s arms was she in before this, learning each movement as one learns soft words? who is she writing this love letter too? )
            And as they dance, Laslow wades into the dark, swallowing seawater until all he can taste are the stars reflected back to the sky.
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