#'oh hey maybe other synths are also human beings' like dude thinks he's the exception
my-thoughts-and-junk · 2 months
been thinking about how danse is who nora is endgame with in death shroud. it compels me
#random thoughts#fallout#okay first of all. and this is largely unrelated but i'm watching a danse romance comp#and??? his authority over you and his desire for your obedience + him saying machines need to be controlled = need to see him on his kneess#i don't like him but i need someone to fuck this man#okay anyways. nora's husband who was in the military was killed. nora then shacks up with a member of an evolved version of the military#and the way danse is written. like he very much could dedicate himself to nora in the same way he dedicated himself to the brotherhood#dude is very vulnerable to cult tactics idk what to tell you#also the fact he's like 'physically im a synth but mentally and otherwise im a human being' and doesnt stop ans think#'oh hey maybe other synths are also human beings' like dude thinks he's the exception#also nora adopts synth shaun. danse is assumedly his adopted dad. ???#this man is so good at compartmentalization like jesus#even funnier if you consider the headcanon that nora is also a synth. they're both just like 'i hate synths but you and i. we're different'#how do nick and curie feel about nora marrying danse.#like wtf you're romantically involved with someone who actively views synths as lesser???#'he's working on it' WELL MAYBE DON'T FUCK HIM WHILE HE'S DOING THAT???#and hancock!!! HE LITERALLY. HE. HE HAS NO EXCUSE FOR HIS GHOUL BIGOTRY#'he was raised in a cult' yeah and he should work on that. maybe the person who's friends with several minorities shouldn't DATE HIMMMM#like yeah be friends with him sure that's fine people in cults need friends outside the cult when adapting to the outside world#but nora. girl. why are you doing this#all this could be cool if they meant to do it but i know they put zero thought behind it#also my headcanon for nate and nora is nate was an asshole who pressured nora into quitting her job as a lawyer to be a sahm#like in a 'it's just temporary honey! unless...' way#and nora absolutely did not bond with the baby and started hating her husband and her baby (very guiltily) and her life#and then she started getting really into cheesy noir dramas. to cope.#that was absolutely unrelated but i needed to get that out there
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nukenai · 5 years
thank u
favorite thing about them: We will be here all goddamn day. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE. Everything that is not the following bullet point is my favorite thing about him. How he complete melts even from a point of screaming anger when Sole says “I care about you” during a low affinity dialogue. How he basically internally ignites when he’s flirted with. How he constantly talks about being bad at talking about feelings, but also really really wants to talk about his feelings. His big, beautiful sad eyes. GOD, EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM.
least favorite thing about them: Though it’s completely understandable, his general grumpiness toward literally everyone. Danse this is why everyone snarks at you on companion swaps! Stop being so mean to everyone! What did Piper do to deserve your ire!! Please calm down you big puppy man it’s going to be ok! But yeah he absolutely chills out after BB in a better-programmed world anyways so. It’s fine.
favorite line: In my game in particular, he has a habit of saying “I hope nothing’s troubling you today” when I tend to be playing while in a very bad mood, and HOO BOY, does that bad mood immediately become the non-est-issue that has ever not-existed in my life.
brOTP: I really feel like he could get along with Preston so much. The two would sit around and talk Strategy and stuff and he would be so at home in the Minutemen and oh my god don’t get me started but also if they wanna kiss that’s fine too
OTP: Listen. Nearly everyone should be kissing Danse. Preston Garvey? Absolutely. My OC, which is just me? Absolutely. Your OC, which may or may not be you? You bet your ass. Every single person who genuinely loves and cares for Danse should be smooching him, forever, and always. He deserves at least 10 boyfriends and girlfriends.
nOTP: the one exception to the above is Maxson. Why do people do this. I mean, okay, they’re allowed to. But that doesn’t mean it’s good. Which it’s not. Maxson deserves kisses from one person: a fist, and by kisses I mean he needs to get knocked upside the head by someone’s fist, not mine, I will break my little hand on his gross beard.
random headcanon: He actually really likes animals. All of them. You’d think he’d be able to easily choose dogs as a favorite, but having the companionship of different kinds of critters makes him happy. Beneath all his rage at the world getting destroyed by humanity, he sees how forgiving animals are, and how they keep on living and are still so full of love for their caretakers. And he realizes, okay, maybe humanity isn’t so bad. Maybe humanity can be forgiven…… because I love this cat I found…..
unpopular opinion: As much of a hot slice of beefcake as he is, I feel like he would be genuinely kind of shy about his body, especially after realizing he’s a synth. Sure he’s a Dude so he’d just walk around shirtless sometimes if it’s hot out, but ESPECIALLY with a significant other or someone he’s developing feelings toward, he would be quite shy. I also think he’s absolutely a bottom a whole lot of the time but hey that’s just me.
song i associate with them: I have so many that I’m honestly pulling the “Don’t even” angle with this because I am legitimately, ultimately, Too Embarrassed.
favorite picture of them:being jokey with this because if I show off my actual favorite picture of Danse I will die of heat. so here you go. sorry
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rozenmich · 6 years
Tae, The cat. Introduction
~Ladies and Gentlemen, peers, mah dudes.
Welcome to the shitshow. Sorry I already failed. I'm supposed to just inform you that the content below is full of profanity, dumb jokes and shounen ai content. That means romantic cutely sweet guys being gay. Cause this is my love story. Or some shit like that. So go ahead and enjoy.
Or hate it. I don't know. I'm not your mom. So far actually it's just about me and my bestie. But we will get there people. Baby steps. Baby steps.
Do please show your love if you are interested in my story, cause even tho I find it creepy. God. Or more like the loser writing this story, likes attention and it's a deeply flawed person with no self esteem.
So yeah
-Love, Tanner
"Tae... Tae!..." Her voice was being suffocated by the loud music coming from his headphones. He was staring to the table in front of him, a blue tray with food siting between his arms. Suddenly a third arm appeared slamming the table scaring the living shit out of him. But he immediately recognised the caramel brown flawless skin of his best friend Isabella, God damn her and her naturally soft skin, who then pulled from the cord of his headphones, them falling on his shoulders, Tae pouted following her with his grey eyes as she sat on front of him, she seemed upset. He could tell by the way the strand of hair in the top of her head curled, and not really from the wide eyes, heavy breathing and frown she was dedicating him.
"Dude! What the hell?!"
Yeah she definitely was upset, Tae's dyed light blue and pink cat ears lower themselves in guilt as he realised what was wrong. He quickly grabbed his phone and pause the music. They usually walked to the cafeteria and had lunch together, but Isabella, a teacher's pet, was talking with the science fair coordinator and Tae after class just went his own way.
"I'm sorry man, I-" Tae began explaining but Isabella shaked her head shushing him while she took a bite of her mash potatoes, She knew Tae had trouble reading people, he was clueless when it came to normal human expressions, but she was the exception, they had known each other for so long that Tae knew by heart her other tells about her mood and her usual triggers, so she could guess what he was about to say.
"Man, it's not only that you left me behind. You have being distracted lately. Are you Okay?" The tone of concern in Isabella's voice scared Tae, and also surprised him. He tilted his head trying to think how to phrase his worries as he grabbed a fork and started eating with her.
"It's San Valentine's Day soon..." Tae started explaining looking at his food, avoiding her gaze "I usually don't care too much but. It's the first time I will spend it completely alone eating Cheetos on my pyjamas while playing Final Fantasy all day. That's a really sad thing to do in a day for friendship and love you know?"
Tae had just started living on his own, no family, no roommates. And he felt unexpectedly lonely.
Isabella open her eyes in surprise, hearing those words coming out of shy, scared of people, awkward Tae was truthly amazing. Isabella thought that the scenario Tae just described would be heaven for him, but she wasn't one to dismiss the worries of her best friend.
"But Final Fantasy are all about friendship!" Isabella joked which made Tae just look at her like 'seriously?' with a smirk as he still found it funny, she thought about it for a moment leaving the joke behind.
"Since when you became a sad cliche? Tae, come on, I would totally crash at your place if you want me to!" The young girl said with a soft smile trying to cheer him up, Tae looked at her lifting one of his cat ears in interest.
"Mmm? I thought you where going to this concert with your boyfriend"
Isabella chuckle softly and shrug. "Yeah that was the plan. But he didn't want to go once he heard who the band was and where it was. I can't blame him, he's not the one for those kind of things." Isabella pulled her backpack from her back and started rummaging through it. It was blue and was full of pins with nerdy puns and chemical symbols, just the sight of it gave Tae a headache as school wasn't exactly the favourite thing in his life. Finally Isabella handed him a ticket.
"Maybe we should go after all. I didn't thought about inviting you sooner since I thought you don't like this kind of music either"
Tae was one hundred percent more into foreign pop music and indeed heavy rock wasn't much of his style so he was a bit doubtful at first. He grab the ticket and inspect it more carefully. Late at night, some shady basement, several bands from town but different schools...
"Maddo Pinku?! Oh for the love of spaghetti with meatballs dude!" Tae's tail started to wave in excitement as he lifted his eyes to look at the other side of the cafeteria where a small group of eccentric people had gather lively talking about something Tae wasn't able to hear from so far away. The girl was obviously the center of attention. The table shined with the glitter of popularity and social status. The girl had way too much eyeliner listening to the bassist yelling the loudest he was all over the place, the drummer which had a face mask resting under his chin to be able to eat, was having a more chill conversation with the guy on the synth trying his damn hardest to not listen to his bandmate's rambling and yelling. Dispite them all going dressed in black they managed to stand out.
That was Maddo Pinku, or at least the girl dressed like a Gothic lolita, the rest of guys where her band mates.
"Yep, That's Taylor alright." Isabella replied with a sweatdrop. Maddo Pinku is just her stage name, but she insisted on being called that to everyone even teachers as she hated deeply the name Taylor. "I didn't imagine you like their music"
"I do!" Tae said turning to her but then shaked his head relaxing a bit "Well not exactly, I like the style of kawaii metal, obviously" Tae made a sign to Isabella to look at him, light blue with pink coloured hair, glasses, a lilac hoodie with a Hello Kitty pattern and some black jeans and finger less gloves. Of course also his cat ears and tail but that was just a biological advantage for his aesthetic. Isabella rolled her eyes with a smile "but heavy music does hit me hard so..." Tae looked back at the ticked and ended up shrugging sliding it into his pocket "What the hell let's go. If we are lucky they end up being terrible and at least we get a good laugh out of the whole deal"
Isabella gasped pretending to be shocked putting her hand on her chest as she laughed, happy that she had someone to go with "Tanner, you evil maniac" Isabella wasn't exactly fan of Maddo Pinku but of music in general. It had a lot more power than people realize.
She stuck her tongue out at Tae, who's full name is indeed Tanner, in a teasing manner.
Tae could relate to Taylor, as he also disliked his name but he didn't had a cool stage nickname like Maddo Pinku for people to call him by instead. But hey Tae was pretty dope too.
Their table was completely empty, Isabella and Tae where nerds, different kind of nerds but nerds nonetheless and their friend circle was... Limited. Apart from Isabella's boyfriend no one else talked to them much unless they had to and they both where perfectly okay with that. It's not that there weren't other gamers in school, geeks or even weeabos, but Isabella and Tae where shy people, and just with one friend was enough, so they never forced themselves to get more. They where sort of invisible most of the time and they found comfort in that.
Isabella had her boyfriend but Tae... Only had Isabella. When he found himself unable to sleep late at night, when Isabella wasn't in class, when he was picked last on the science fair he realised.
He was lonely.
It was completely different, more cold, than being alone. Lonely meant he had no one around to share his happy moments with, and it was starting to weight on him. He didn't want to overwhelm Isabella but he also didn't undestood too well the art of making friends. He wasn't streight up weird however, or 'that' kid, so he still had some hope about making a new friend dispite his struggle to understand people's intentions. He wants to step out of his comfort zone and live the best life he can.
Even Isabella was just a happy accident he didn't plan. After Tae was failing chemistry he was tutored by Isabella and they ended up making a lasting friendship after Tae drag her with him into the vast void of procrastination.
"How did you got this tickets anyways?" Tae asked suddenly which disoriented Isabella for a moment, but she then smiled proudly.
"I won them in a podcast giveaway! I love listening to podcasts" Isabella mimicked being a DJ making a funny face that made Tae laugh.
"Really? I'm kind of surprised"
"Yeah! I like to hear them while im working, the voices make me feel more comfortable"
Tae smiled softly nodding in understanding, he took a deep breath in a bit of relief. The fact that Isabella had a similar problem made him feel a little bit better. There was always the possibility she couldn't relate and ended up judging him a bit for it but Tae knew Isabella isn't that kind of person.
Tae looked up at the band group eating together again, he found himself actually looking forward to it. Not because the band but because he would have a lot of fun with Isabella.
Adventure. Friendship. Music. It was perfect.
More perfect that he could even imagine.
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