#'natsumi aren't you reading too much into this?'
keroradio · 6 months
It's the first of the 10 audio dramas!
This one was originally one track, but the file was too big, and the script is quite long, so I picked an unobtrusive place to separate it. I hope you don't mind it being separated like this, and will look forward to part 2 tomorrow (^.^)
K66: Pekopon Invasion CD, first story: Fight! Pekopon Soldier, complete collection, yes sir!
N: Fight! Earth Soldier, the first is the "Super Natsumi Appears" volume
N: The Keron army base built in secret deep beneath the Hinata house, there and now a fearsome plot was hurriedly, and roughly progressing.
K66: Well then, the me that until now has been spaced out and making gunpla every day has deceived you!
The time to seriously return to invading Pekopon has come
TMM: Mr Sergeant is- M: Uncle is burning!
K66: Eh? Ahh! Hot hot hot!
N: That's burning too much
TMM: Setting that aside, Mr Sergeant, if we conquer Pekopon, I want to ban rice and bread! Then we'll make it all cake, and make cola flow from the taps, I think that would be good!
G66: Well I think P.E. in Pekopon's elementary schools should be made 12 hours each day. Of course, during summer it would be alright to be late or cause trouble, at long you get strong.
966: Ku ku ku, if it were me, I'd teach them evil science and eventually build an army of evil cyborgs.
D66: I, yes, would cultivate bountiful hearts-
K66: Hey, uh! I would, um! I'd add gunpla to the curriculum to teach children the joy of making them! (1)
D66: I think empathy should-
K66: Let's do it!
D66: Uh-
TMM: Tamatamatamatama
G66: Girogirogirogiro
966: Kurukurukurukuru
D66: Well, alright, good sir. Dorodo-
M: Surveillance system anomaly! It's an intruder! They've made it past security systems one, two, and three! You could say, deep infiltration?
K66: No way! Seriously!?
TMM: Is it an enemy alien?
G66: Geh, I'll face it!
K66: Giroro!
G66: You guys, hurry and get out of here!
If it comes, I'll- argh!
TMM: Uwaa! Mister Corporal was taken out before he could do anything!
(Sounds of Giroro being brutalised)
K66: Just what kind of thing is-
723: I see through your ambitions!
K66: Uwo~
723: Today I put a damper on the ambitions of heinous aliens! The mysterious Earth soldier, and that name is: Super Natsumi, appears!
K66: What?
G66: Per Natsumi, is it?
N: The form standing before the heinous alien Keronians is that of the mysterious soldier, Super Natsumi. What is his-that's is, her true identity? If you want to hear, wait for the next part. ------
N: We're back
K66: So fast!
N: Either way, second is "Super Natsumi's Defeat" volume
723: Today I put a damper on the ambitions of heinous aliens! The mysterious Earth soldier, and that name is: Super Natsumi, appears!
N: The form the Keronians saw before them was that of the mysterious Earth soldier, Super Natsumi! Now, with her super powers she'll do what she will to evil doers!
K66: Well, that's probably Natsumi-dono, right?
723: Naive. Aren't you naive? Written as Seven, two, three, and read as Natsumi, no relation to the girl you know
TMM: It really suits you, Natchi
723: Wh-what? Anyway, I won't let you guys just do what you want!
K66: You're so arrogant, Super Natsumi!
723 (mentally): He he, it's just as I thought. As long as I have this shining faster than light power suit I got from Kururu for 3 installments of my allowance....
723: Here I go! Na. Tsu. Mi! Super Natsumi, seven hundred and twenty three special powered, inescapable "rock" punch! (2)
TMM: She's using rock instead of paper!?
966: That one's really earnest, written as earnest, read as serious (3)
723: Tera~
What? No way! I can't move!
K66: Gero, gero, gero, gero.
723: Could it be?
966: Ku ku ku. After all, I'm the top Keronian. The shining faster than light power suit, it was designed so I could freely control it from the outside with one flick of this switch.
Action, cue~!
723: I don't-....My body's somehow-....Stop it!
K66: Gero gero gero gero! How delightful!
723: Hey!...(struggling)...It's embarrassing...this is!
G66: Waugh!
K66: In addition, this month's song, come on!
(Pekopon Invasion Ondo starts playing)
723: Even though I don't want to dance, I'm dancing~!
K66: Gero gero gero gero! It's too bad you can't see this because it's a CD, her pose is ridiculous!
723: Uwo!....Iya!....I'm glad...ugh...it's a CD!
K66: Then, next we'll make you strike the most embarrassing pose in space!
966: Roger!
723: Wait- Stop it~!
G66: Wait, Keroro, that pose is....ah....
TMM: Mr Corporal is bright red, this one too
G66: It's just that pose~!
FYK: Pardon me! I came to- from a survey company!
D66: A marketing survey, good sir?
K66: Or so they say, but there's no mistaking they're really delivering the limited number HG company with missles I ordered from net tsu, yes sir!
FYK: Ah, excuse me, don't mind my intrusion!
K66: Yes?
FYK: On that note. Wait a minute~!
Aiding Super Natsumi, the peace of earth will be saved by this second great Earth soldier, Miracle Fuyuking!
K66: What!?
TMM: Miracle Fuyu
G66: King? You say
N: Coming to Super Natsumi's aid, a second great Earth soldier, it's Miracle Fuyuking! Don't give up, Fuyuking! The future of Earth depends on you!
D66: Saying that, isn't this Fuyuki-dono?
N: To be continued!
1-Like in the intro drama, Keroro uses a younger sounding form of "I" than usual here
2-The words used aren't the normal ones for stone (ishi) and paper (gami), but specifically for rock paper scissors
3-This is based on kanji & furigana, the latter being when kana are put next to a kanji to show how it's pronounced. We usually think of it being used in publications for children or teenagers to help make a word easier to read or look up, but it's also used in cases where a word borrowed from another language is used to tie the unfamiliar pronunciation to the meaning, or a word is said differently from normal, or to add further meaning.
The last is what Kururu is referring to, where you write the kanji for one word that applies, but the furigana for a more accurate word, or one with your additional meaning. This one was a bit tricky since both words can mean serious, but different degrees, so I went with a different translation.
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chibicrow · 7 years
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I was going through my caps and.
Look, I get this moment occurred after Shingo was being typically Shingo, but the way Crow-sama’s like “ok so y’all are out of your minds.” and Yuya’s like “UH EXCUSE ME?”
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thewhitefluffyhat · 3 years
the uminekoooo mei event :D i'm so surprised you haven't posted about it yet!
Yesss, Umineko in Mei! I originally started playing Mei in hopes of an event like this! And it took over a year, but it's finally here!!
Hahaha, but as usual, I'm very slow to react on tumblr. Meanwhile, in the game itself I'd already zipped through all the gameplay content in the first few hours after it went live! ^_~
There's also a group that's planning to translate the story, so I'm waiting for those awesome people to finish rather than attempting to make sense of it myself. (I'm sure I'd probably getting a bunch of details wrong if I tried, both Higurashi and Umineko are a fair bit harder to read than Magia Record!)
And another thing - I've been following all the leaks and datamining for the event, and obviously those color my opinions and expectations quite a lot. There's been some backlash against the leaking, though, so I'd rather not discuss that kind of stuff in a public place like tumblr.
So, for example, I won't be talking about the choice of characters that got units for a while...
What can I say at the moment, though?
Well, I'm actually pleasantly surprised by the cutscene portraits. I haven't been much of a fan of Mei's expressionwork until now, but they've actually made an effort to try to carry over some of Beato and Erika's personalities. More of that kind of thing, please! (And while you're at it, maybe some more varied expressions for the game's main characters? Pretty please?)
The little emoji that you can use in the in-game chat are pretty great too.
I'm a little bit more disappointed with the card art, tbh. As many people have noted, Beato's cards in particular are very similar to some of the existing console CGs. And they show Beato at her least intimidating, which I think is a bit of a shame. (The new Seal with Natsumi Kei’s artwork, though, that one I'm definitely maxing out regardless of its stats!)
Dlanor's cards aren't super interesting either, though it is nice to see the rest of the Eiserne Jungfrau make cameos. Standard "please give her pants" disclaimer applies, however.
As for Erika... she'll probably be the one I end up trying to get, though I'm not about to try and 6 star her just for the Bern cameo. I don't think I've mentioned it on this blog anywhere, but I actually have pretty mixed feelings on Erika's character as a whole!
(If the art had been her exit from Episode 6, though, I might have tried. That's probably my favorite moment for Erika, and one of my favorite villain exits in general...)
And then there's Nao. Her working together with Rena is really cute, as much as I dislike the Chiester Sister's uniforms.
Honestly, I think the thing I'm currently most excited about is that Nao seems to have a pretty big role in the event story alongside Erika. That's definitely not a combination I was expecting, and I'm really curious where it will end up going!
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