#'my peppa book is broken because I broke it'
docholligay · 1 month
beeb: Crying in her bedroom Jill: What is troubling you, my lady?
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jungshookz · 4 years
Im going to need you to do me a solid and put my heart back together after you broke it with that library!Joon break up cliff hanger drabble. I know you can fix this, I need you to fix this. I can't function knowing my favourite pairing ended up at that point without closure. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I beg of you, heal our hearts. 💜💜💜
i’m here with my peppa pig bandaids and i’m ready to mend some broken hearts :D
also whAT is namjoon doing with his face in this gif hfshjkjs
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➺ pairing; kim namjoon x reader
➺ genre; librarian!jooniverse
➺ wordcount: 1.6k
➺ what to expect; “i will accept this breakup if you can give me one logical reason as to why we don’t belong together.”
you know
now that you think about it, it probably wasn’t a good idea to break up with namjoon because a) he is the absolute love of your life and you can’t imagine going on without him but aLSO b) …the two of you are co-workers
so it was a little awkward coming into the library this morning and seeing namjoon sitting behind the counter
and it was a little awkward saying good morning to him when four days ago you told him that it’d be better for the two of you if you didn’t see each other anymore
and it was especially awkward having to put books back into their slots while namjoon was pushing the book cart along right behind you
he usually reads the serial number out loud so that you know exactly where to put the book back in a quick and efficient manner but instead he just handed the books to you without a single peep
you’re finding it pretty hard to (no pun intended) read namjoon
usually it’s easy to tell how he’s feeling whenever you look at his face but right now it’s just… nothing.
you see nothing
there’s so much that you want to say to him but it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t want to talk to you right now
which is completely understandable, of course
every time you close your eyes you just see namjoon’s sad little face staring right back at you
“i will accept this breakup if you can give me one logical reason as to why we don’t belong together.” the sound of books being ploppED onto the counter has you looking up from the monitor
namjoon props both his arms up onto the pile of books before resting his cheek against his fist, “you heard me.”
“i-“ you clear your throat before letting out a chuckle, “i really don’t think right now is an appropriate time to be discussing-“
“no, now is the perfect time. we’re in the middle of a global pandemic. there’s literally nobody here.” namjoon reaches up to push up his glasses, “go on, y/n. just one good reason to explain why our relationship didn’t work out.”
one good reason
“fine.” you lean back against the chair and cross your arms, “we’re complete opposites in terms of everything. you like classical music, i like pop. you like mustard, i’m more of a mayonnaise fan. you like oranges, i like apples. you prefer a night in, whereas i prefer to go out. it’s as simple as that, namjoon.”
you think that was a pretty solid point
you give yourself a mental pat on the back before looking up at namjoon with a particularly cocky smile
opposites attract, sure… but not complete opposites, right??
you can’t be with someone who supposedly isn’t compatible with you whatsoever!
“that would’ve been a good argument, except for the fact that you love that we’re complete opposites.” namjoon points out, “you once said that it adds more spice to our relationship.”
you poke your tongue against the inside of your cheek when you realise that namjoon is (unsurprisingly) correct
you DO love that the two of you are like water and oil because it just makes you appreciate and love namjoon more!!
you love hearing him talk to you about the history of the fibonacci sequence (well, you don’t loVe hearing about it, but still) because it makes you think about how lucky you are that you get to learn about new things every day!
okay, well…
you can come up with something else, right?
“we’re breaking up because… you’re too dorky for me and… i don’t vibe with that aesthetic, you know?” you shrug before shaking your head
yeah okay
that definitely wasn’t a good reason
now you’re just grasping at straws
namjoon scoffs and resists the urge to burst into a maniacal CACKLE
that’s a funny joke!!!
tell another one!!!
“hey, remember that time you wore my glasses AND one of my cardigans while riding my-“
you immediately shoot up from your chair before slapping a hand over namjoon’s mouth
“okay, fine, whatever-“ you grumble as you pull your hand away, “i don’t know, then. i guess i… i don’t know.”
namjoon is quiet for a couple of seconds before he speaks up again, “do you love me?”
that question has you looking straight up at him and you find yourself nodding before you even know it, “of course i love you.”
“okay.” namjoon nods, “and you know that i feel the same way about you, right? you know i love you.”
you’re not sure why but your throat is starting to tickle and you can feel your eyes starting to glaze over a little
you immediately lower your gaze
you already hate crying in general
and now you’re doing it in public?????
you big old baBY
“y/n…” namjoon reaches over to cup your cheek with his hand and you nuzzle into it instinctively, “i love you, you know that. i just… i’m struggling to understand why you… why you’re giving up on us… you have to meet me halfway here-“
“-i feel like i’m not good enough for you!” you’re bursting into tears a millisecond later and namjoon’s heart clenches in his chest at the sight of you being so clearly distraught over him
“baby, no-!” namjoon abandons his books to join you behind the counter, “how could you ever think that??”
he sits down in his own chair and you let him plop you down onto his lap
“you’re just- you’re so sm-smart and i, i literally don’t know an-anything and i-i always feel so stu-stupid-“ you sob and reach up to wipe at your hot cheeks, “i just- i just feel like you’d be happier with someone who’s more on your l-level and i’m clearly not that person-“
“y/n-“ namjoon shakes his head, “you-“
“i j-just want you to be happy and i thought this would be the right decision-“
“y/n!” namjoon reaches up to pinch your lips shuT in between his pointer finger and his thumb, “i need you to stop talking and just listen to me.”
you sniffle before nodding
namjoon pulls his hand away before resting his arm over your lap, “i’m sorry, but you don’t get to decide how i feel about you. you don’t get to break us up because you think that i think that i’ll be happier without you, it’s as simple as that! i’m aware that you’re… a little insecure when it comes to our… intelligence levels…”
there might’ve been a better way to phrase that because it just sounds like he’s calling you stupid
which you’re not!!!!!!!
you’re not stupid at all!!!!!!
you just… need to have better note-taking and studying habits, that’s all!
namjoon’s never been great at comforting people and that’s pretty evident at this moment in time
“i’m sorry if i’ve ever made you feel like you’re not smart enough for me, or that you’re not good enough for me. i never ever want to hurt you and i promise i’ll try to be more careful with what i say and how i respond to your questions.” namjoon reaches up to dab away your tears with his handkerchief, “y/n, you… you are so perfect for me, you know? if anything, i should be the one worrying that i’m not good enough for you! you’re- you’re literally the girl of my dreams.”
“i am?” your bottom lip begins to tremble again
jesus christ
why are you so weepy today?!?
“i mean, you were there, you saw how hard i was pining after you before we got together! i made lunch for you, i gave you one of my pocket candies- and i never give anyone my precious caramels!” namjoon points at the extra stash of caramels sitting behind his monitor and you can’t help but smile, “so, i guess the short version of what i’m trying to say is that i love you, and you’re not stupid. …unless you still want to go through with this breakup - in that case, i think you’re being very stupid-!”
you push namjoon’s head back gently before leaning down to press your lips against his in a soft little kiss
the apples of his cheeks are bright pink when you pull away and you grin when he wraps his fingers around the nape of your neck to bring you back down to him
it’s only been four days but he really missed your kisses
“you have my heart, kim namjoon.” you whisper lightly
namjoon resists the urge to pull a page out of your book and start clowning you for that CHEESY eye-roll worthy line
“i know.” he smiles proudly as he gives your thigh a pat, “so… does this mean that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend again?”
you pull away with a snort, “you sound like a third grader when you say it like that-”
“we’re back together for one second and you’re already starting to bully me-“
“can you blame me? you’re so easy to bully-”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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b--zus-blog · 6 years
  Alright so where were we? 
   After my friend Yessy took me in that night, the next morning we went back to my place. I was so happy she was down to come, knowing I could not interact with B. Yessy actually called her friend D to join us and she came right away, We were in my room, laughing talking chilling, and I think planning something. Oh by the way,  they actually skipped class to make sure I was safe. ( I was really grateful ). B then knocks on my door, we all go silent. I looked at them and told them I can’t , and wont open the door. D noticed my shaking, if you ever heard CheddaTheConnects - Flick of the Wrist - that was my right wrist. I honestly wish I could have controlled my shaking at the moment, it was making me so vulnerable. Yessy and D read my vibe and called their boyfriends to come through. Both of them came within minutes . .  . I admired, and envied that so much. If there was anything I wanted so bad from my ex who we will refer to as Lucifer , was protection. Those men came after hearing their girls worried, and I knew I wanted that some day. So since they were all here B actually stayed in her room. D who was held at knife point one time at the club has always carried pepper spray on her since then. She gave me a cute little pink pepper spray keychain. (Listen at this time I either forgot , or assumed pepper sprays were legal if there was a certain amount of peppa in the spray. I know mace, especially military grade mace is illegal. This fucking pink keychain in no way shape or form did I think was illegal).  I took it. Fuck it. I’m sorry I knew my roommate wanted to beat the shit out me because I called the cops on her boyfriend. I will fight for my life, I don’t give a fuck. 
  After everyone was in the room, we were getting hungry. D & her boyfriend left. So I became third wheel with Yessy and her boyfriend. After we ate, I went home alone, but I was on the phone with a friend because I still felt uneasy about shit. 
  I  was sitting on my couch, when B knocked on my door again. I didn’t answer. She kept on knocking and then says “Yo, I’m missing $400 and my card”. I said “No B, sorry I am not opening the door and I have no idea what you are talking about.” I kept the door close. She kept knocking for me to answer, and I continued to ignore her and the last thing she said was “Iight don’t open the fucking door.” 
Literally 2 minutes after she said that. My main entrance opens , and I got up so fast and gasped for air, like what the fuck, because all I saw was a hat and man, so I thought it was honestly Bobby. No, it was Lucifer. You see, to rewind time for a bit Lucifer semi moved out a month prior to all this mess. He moved back to his mothers house, but heres the catch with the apartment. His grandmother owns the whole building. So he was able to come in and out as he pleased. 
You know what I actually said? I actually said “Thank God.” But for a second I was allowed to feel safe, before Lucifer screamed at me with every amount of hate he had in his body; “WHO EVER YOU ARE ON THE PHONE WITH, HANG UP AND PACK UP YOUR SHIT BECAUSE YOU ARE OUT OF HERE! - WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO CALL THE COPS!?” 
Lucifer: “THEY COULD KILL EACH OTHER FOR ALL I CARE, THEY ARE PAYING THE RENT YOU AREN’T” ( Which was a fucking lie I actually did have the rent already, fucking asshole, but yes he’s helped me out at times. People do like to throw shit in your face after they help you.) 
 After he stormed out of the room, my body was reacting to past trauma , and abuse. Lucifer, has dragged me out of rooms before, and for some reason all I saw in my head was him dragging me out of the room by my hair or something, especially in front of B. Maybe to prove a point. So I locked him out. And he banged on the door so hard, I was just so fucking scared. I unlocked the door because he was slamming it so hard asking me who the fuck I was. He then stormed in the room then chased me out the main entrance. Then I went on FB live. I never felt so fucking mentally ill in my life. Lucifer. Who I spent 5 years with, spent an endless amount verbal, mental, emotional abuse. Secrets that I kept, holding it down, to just  for him not give a fuck. He did not ask me anything about the situation. He did not care. He never did, if anything if he couldn’t accomplish killing me to hide his secrets,using these crackheads to get me the fuck out of the apartment was the next best move. It worked. It broke me down so bad. My friend Xtina saw my FB Live and ordered me a Lyft right away. I left with the clothes on my back and my purse with my lap top.
In the cab, I was crying like a blubbering idiot. Trying to let it all out before getting to Xtinas. With my head leaning against the window, the sun was out and all I kept thinking about was California. I was trying before all this to book a flight and I was going to, didn’t know when , and did not know how. But I kept saying in my head “California, California, California.” I finally got to Xtinas, and she embraced me with a huge hug and place to stay on the couch, She has been there for me before through all of Lucifers, bullshit. She’s never wanted me to go back to him, and I am so glad she never gave up on me for doing so. I just remember feeling super low. Writing this out I can feel where I was, and it was broken. Thats all I could describe it as. Fucking broken.
Since I already had my mind set going to California, my cousins ex girlfriend JonQuiii actually was the one to reach out to me and was like “Dude please contact your cousin, we are here for you and will help you”  I finally worked up the courage to contact my cousin. I remember walking in the night chilly as fuck, walking in Long Island City, to the Roosevelt Island waterfront and called her. I told her “Listen, this is going to be hard for me to ask, because I am going to tell you things my best friends don’t even know.” I let out everything. I told her EVERYTHING Lucifer has done to me, and I wish I could go into it at the moment but I am honestly not ready to write it out without the right therapy. so we will just leave it at that. She was like “You need to get out of that negative environment, and those negative people.” and for once, in a really long time I was able to sigh in relief. I told her I would let her know when I book a flight. Then hung up. 
I returned to Xtinas, we smoked, chilled out and she kept talking to me, reassuring me I will be ok. She has been through this before in different circumstances, and that I will be ok. It was like I’ll disappear in a daze and she would be able to bring me back to this dimension. She wouldn’t judge me for crying, she hugged me when I needed it, and would put on Love and Hip Hop to make sure I am still comfortable and in my element. I just felt, numb, and she was there to make sure I knew I was still existing and that my “feelings aren’t real”. We were in the middle of a show, while I was texting another friend who I will call, JC. JC lives in California too, we had a past, a good one I would think, we were both in the ARMY and from the same town, and we reconnected through this as he was concerned watching my live videos. Before I proceed with this story JC is married, and has children. Our convos have always been nothing but platonic and respectful. He came across asking me about California and how the conversation went with my cousin. 
He asked me whats stopping me from just booking my flight to LA. I told him I knew someone in the airlines who could probably hook it up, and if not I was going to start a go - fund - me account I swear. He then sends me a text. 
“I will pay that for you right now, just to get out of that shit hole and recuperate. It leaves April 17th.” 
I look at Xtina like this. 
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I’m like what do I say!? She was like “SAY YES!” 
He booked me the flight, and sent all the info. Without wanting anything in return. Just for me not to miss the flight. 
So I did. I told my cousin,  and all she said was “Shit that was fast.” 
As amazing as that blessing was. This story is still not fucking over.  Stay tuned for part 3. 
Getting my shit, getting arrested and how the next two weeks of hell were. Stay tuned . 
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thecathyguadagnino · 6 years
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Title: Tigeress
Author: L. Grubb
Cover Designer: Stephanie Witter
Formatter: Abigail Davies – Pink Elephant Designs
“He made me uncomfortable and no man makes me un-fucking-comfortable. But he did. Something about him that I can’t put my finger on shakes me to my damn core. It burns like the sparks of a firework. Ridiculous.”
Add to #Goodreads TBR ↓
#BuyLinks ↓
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2OMRH9o
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2OkG8W1
Kobo: https://bit.ly/2vvJwXd
iTunes: https://apple.co/2vQUGVO
B&N: https://bit.ly/2vRMXGJ
Synopsis ↓
I used to be bullied and it broke me down but it also built me into the ruthless bitch I am today. 
I don’t take no prisoners and I don’t beat around the bush. People call me mean, heartless, and that’s exactly what I am; I’m not going to deny that. But what’s the alternative? A broken little mouse who walks along the side-lines? The one ignored and picked on for being quiet? The one excluded from activities because I just don’t fit in? Nah, that’s not me. That’s the old me.
Jemma Jade Jackson transformed her life after high school, now three years on and attending college, she’s changed her whole persona and lifestyle. She’s no longer the beaten but the beater. She’s no longer the cowardly tramp that sits in the corner. She’s ruthless, badass, and she doesn’t take no shit from no one, much less from bullies.
She’s nicknamed Tigeress; her roar is almost louder than her claws, but she embraces it. She embraces the fear she puts into people when she walks passed them. Covered in tattoos with bright purple hair, she makes herself as unapproachable as possible. Jemma is so full of hate that her aura is red and visible to everyone. She throws warning signals just in the way she carries herself and it’s taken three years to perfect.
Long gone is the goofy teen who let people hurt her, she’s a spanking new person inside and out and uses her assets to ruin men’s lives. She’s paid well to honeytrap stupid idiots who hurt their woman just because they can. Just like what happened to her. 
But is her perfectly put together life about to be shook? Is her ice-cold personality about to be thawed? More importantly… is he ready to play her games?
His finger traces the side of my neck and the shocks of electricity that zips from him to me makes me clench my jaw in an attempt to distract me from the contact. “You’re very persistent. I’m not interested.”
“Your body’s reaction tells me otherwise,” he whispers into my ear and a shiver skirts down my body, my toes curl instinctively and I have the urge to groan as his husky voice floats over me like another layer of skin.
“Back off, Damon.” My tone is cold, icy. I’m not familiar with these feelings racing through my body, every inch of me burning. It scares the hell out of me.
“Or what, Tiger?” His lips are whispering against my ear and I fight the fluttering of my eyelids.
Author Bio ↓
Lucii is a your typical British girl, hates the sun and hibernates when summer arrives! She lives at home with her 2 daughters, where they spend the day watching Frozen and peppa pig and playing play-doh.
She started off as a regular person, job, home life, health issues and a love of reading. After reading the Fifty shade phenomenon, she went onto social media to seek other authors writing the same or similar genres. She entered a world she didn’t know existed and went to open a successful blog. 
Inspiring dreams took a back burner, while she learned the book community and met a bunch of amazing authors and readers alike.
A year later she decided to start writing, hoping against hope that her friends and fellow readers will like what she brings to the table.
Author Links ↓
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bWnlAH
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L.GrubbAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/L_GrubbAuthor1
Twitter 2: https://twitter.com/lucii_90
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luciig_tattoos/
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