#'lets just ... get some sleep okay? i'm not in the mood for any more posturing or testosterone tonight'
shadowglens · 3 months
dutch brings grace along to bronte's ball at the beginning of chapter 4 and arthur is Mad about it
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Knight in Dulled Armor: Ch. 9
Chapter 9: Asterian Emergency
Tw: Written Blood/ Mild Gore
Word Count: ~6,500
The tavern today is packed; with lots of people traveling in advance for the upcoming summer events in the surrounding cities. Many see it as an inexpensive alternative to larger residencies in the cities, while some prefer staying at a bar over monasteries or abbeys while traveling. 
I've been running food and drinks all day as well as managing the hygienic aspects of my job. With so much to do, I could certainly use more help but Hidorah could only do so much between cooking orders. I still haven't talked to him about Braiewood, and he seems to be avoiding me because of such.
Marietta was supposed to be here an hour ago, and she doesn't seem like the type to sleep in. Things have been difficult without her but I feel as though I've been waiting long enough. I go to talk to Kenrik who'd been helping manage tasks as well. "Kenrik, is there any way we can know if Marietta is coming in today?" I ask
"Well, she usually walks here with Hidorah. If she were sick he'd know, but he says she wasn't at home this morning. Might just have to send a search party." Kenrik explains. He lets out a whistle, calling for Kyzu. I see the dog jump out from Kenrik's room in the basement, settling beside him. "Do we have anything that has her scent? Bet Kyzu could find her real quick." he pauses, and I use the time to tell him that I have one of her uniforms. 
"Though, I'll want someone to go with, can't have Kyzu gettin' lost again." he continues.
There's a moment of silence while Kenrik decides on a plan. He strokes the stubble on his face and clears his throat, "Hidorah!". 
"Huh?" He asks, leaning on the kitchen door frame. 
"Would you two figure out who's going to stay here and who's going to find Marietta?" Kenrik asked us.
"As much as I'd love to go get Marietta myself, I'm not too inclined to do so with something that took a chunk out of me at one point," Hidorah says, glancing down at Kyzu. 
"I need to hold down the tavern at least somewhat, it’s a lot of work for anyone, let alone Kenrik. I wouldn't want to force my workload on him. We could stop taking food orders and just bartend, right?" I reason with them. Honestly, I didn't feel comfortable taking Kyzu alone and only held a small desire to keep to the tavern. 
At this point I see Kenrik lose interest and resort back to tending the bar. Despite the new bit of space between us, Hidorah decides to inch closer to me still.
"That's true, but I think Marietta would appreciate you going to find her more than she would appreciate me doing so," Hidorah says, putting his arm around my shoulder. He punctuates this with a squeeze to attempt to sway me.
"Why? Would she not appreciate a criminal stopping her and bringing her into work?" I spout, quickly shoving a hand over my mouth. I shake him off of me, crossing my arms, yet still keeping my chest compressed and posture low. I ease out a breath, exhausted at the idea of having this conversation now.
"Okay, I see what this is about. I get that it was super sketchy of me to run after seeing you with my wanted poster," Hidorah says, reaching his hands out toward me.
"Glad we both acknowledge your sketchy and borderline incriminating behavior. What do I owe you to admit that?" I dig further. 
"Listen, it is a long story but I assure you that if it will ease your mind I'll tell you. Tonight. Let's please focus on getting through this shift without Marietta right now. I am not in the mood to get reprimanded from Kenrik." Hidorah pleads though I say nothing. "Okay, what if I get Marietta? I can tell you don't want to be the one to go, and that's okay." He says.
I shrug, wasting no time fetching her uniform and tossing it to him. He leaves with Kyzu, giving me a wave as a send-off. I doubt it would take much time at all, Marietta most likely was just late after some early morning errands. Hidorah will probably run into her already on her way to work. 
I keep up with drinks and cleaning at tables and booths while Kenrik runs the crowded bar. While they were gone we'd told customers notice of no chef being on duty at the moment, and most didn't have an issue with waiting until they returned. That is, except for one man truly set on having lunch here. Luckily Kenrik recognized him when I explained his concerns. He was a regular and meant it when he told us he had no other means of eating based on where he was staying and his work schedule.
Kenrik humored the man he considered to be a good friend and took an exception to the no-order rule. While I appreciated witnessing this kind act, it did mean that I had to man the bar as well as my usual area. For a short time, I'd been manning an entire tavern by myself with the sense of accomplishment peaking above the large amount of effort it took to do so.
Running back and forth between sections of the tavern was stressful, doing my best to memorize drink orders, run them out, take empty glasses, and clean tables. Though there were other tasks I only needed to do once or twice in the growing timeframe such as sweeping and washing empty glasses. 
Kenrik finally arrived from within the kitchen, setting the food down at the counter. I wipe my brow with my uniform collar, push on, and head back to my booths. I decide to take a small break to dispose of trash and maybe get a bit of wind to cool me down. After dumping the trash into the larger container behind the tavern I head back onto the patio. I lean over a wooden beam, letting out a sigh as pressure releases from my sternum. 
My quiet rest only lasted a moment before sound erupted from the desert. I hastily turn my neck, seeing a large black smudge in my vision like an ink thumbprint smeared at the corner of a page. I fling my arm up to an erratic wave, seeing several silhouettes on the horizon, and excited to know my remaining day was about to get easier.  
 I couldn't be more wrong. The more seconds passed the closer they were bounding toward me, unleashing a tremendous foreboding feeling settling within my gut. Something is wrong, though I won't know fully until they arrive. I wait with bated breath until they reach the porch.
A panicked flurry whips around us, shouting from Hidorah and Marietta blending together into a cacophony of meaningless noise. "What is going on?!" I shout, both of them quickly looking at me while on either side of Kyzu. Marietta grabs Kyzu's neck, pulling her over to turn her side toward me.
A hefty shining mass sat on the large dog’s back. Two metal gloves enveloped the beast’s neck, desperately clinging to it despite heavy shaking emanating from them. Val sat hunched over the back of the beast, seemingly weak and fatigued. A rickety string of breaths echoed from his helm. His armor seemed glossier than usual, though it seemed strange to have such old damaged armor waxed.
That was when I saw it, the gloss slowly running down the armor. A drop tapered off, dripping onto the dry sand beneath. Red. I felt my heart sink, trying to muster up something before panic consumed me entirely. "Get him inside!" I yell, pulling on Kyzu to make his way through the doors. 
"Elaine, do you care if we put him in your room? I need to treat him." Marietta says with a panic in her eyes. I nod my head, following close behind. 
"On the bed, quick," I say, making an attempt to steady the situation. Everyone does their best to support his weight before setting him on the bed with a small thud. "Aghh. Please..." Val gasps. 
"I'm sorry! What-" I try to say, but Marietta cuts me off.
"We need to get his armor off. I need to see the wound, I've narrowed it down to his torso." She explains. 
"Your torso?" I ask Val, a worried expression plaguing my face. 
He does nothing but give me a weak nod and further grip my bedsheets. 
"We'll need to sit you up to get your chest plate off, won't we?" I ask, putting my hand behind his head to support it.
I am met with another weak nod. 
"Hidorah, sit him up, will you?" Marrietta asks flatly, the small jumps in her voice showing much more than what her calm tone indicates. 
He does so immediately, doing nothing to warn or brace Val for what is happening. My eyelids lock shut for a moment at the thunderous, grunt-like sound that followed. I spare no time to squeeze behind him and begin to unfasten his chest plate. I attempt to pull it off on one side with the shoulder plates now clanking against the gauntlets. I pull one off, revealing scuffed and stained dark leather gloves. I hastily make my way to the other side and do the same.
They clatter to the wood floor and I couldn't care less. I'm fairly sure Marrietta didn't squander this time and was rounding up her medical supplies. Hidorah on the other hand seems to be waiting for instructions. "Tell Kenrik what is happening, I'm sure he'll want to know," I tell him, making sure to look him in the eyes as I say it.
I finally am able to slide off the chest plate, trying not to nudge him so much so that it would evoke pain or discomfort. I take the armor to the corner so that it won't become a tripping hazard since we'll need to move often. I come back, finally noticing the gray long-sleeve tunic he wore. It stretched tight across his large chest, a part of it clearly wet and dark around his left side. It clung to his torso, the warm blood slowly seeping through more and more. My shaky hands scaled both sides of his shirt until finally slipping under the lip. I position myself more evenly in front of him, having to nestle against him between his spread legs. 
I never accounted for him being such a large man, seeing how small I look compared to his colossal frame. Even with him sitting down I was still only around eye level with him now.  His shirt fabric scrunches as I lift it up to reveal the wound. Not wanting him to need to lift his arms in his condition, I stretch the base of his shirt behind his helm at the nape of his neck. I’m careful not to tear the fabric on the horns that protruded from his helm. This provided us with enough area to work as well as kept his arms in place and covered. I am faced with the body I'd seen in the bathhouse days prior. A scarred, evergreen complexioned skin on a built frame yet again met me in poor conditions.
I start to stutter out an apology upon seeing him stare at me through the slit in his helm, "I'm, I'm sorry, I feel awful about vi-violating your privacy, even if it's an emerge-" He cuts me off, grabbing my hand. His leather gloves were obviously softer than his gauntlets, so I’m not sure why I now feel so surprised by his warm touch. 
"You're very quick. And gentle. Thank you." He says through gritted teeth, struggling to maintain such a soft-spoken tone.
Without any notice, Marietta grabs my wrist and guides me to the side to make room. She pushes him back, Val now lying on my bed propped on a couple of pillows. A gasp escapes him, though his wound is much more visible now. I see her search the wound, most likely examining for an exit wound, debris, and possible cause. 
Her brow furrows, "I need space to work, this wound is deep, and penetrates further into the abdomen, possibly into an organ." I take her advice and leave the room, my hands shaking and suddenly cold. 
I do my best to start sweeping again as if I wasn't occupied with more dire matters moments ago. A hand on my shoulder startles me, "Elaine, look around. I closed the tavern. Those who are still drinking can finish up and leave, the only ones who need to be here are staff and people who rented a room." Kenrik explained. "We'll open back up once things are handled, alright?" he assures me, and I nod. 
I take a seat next to Hidorah at the bar, settling in to wait. He looks just as anxious, his fingers running through his hair as his other hand supports his head. He nudges his elbow on the countertop, hunching lower to the bar. "Are you that nervous?" I ask. 
"About Val? A bit, but I have a lot on my mind right now." Hidorah says, turning his head to face me. His hand pressed against his cheek, squishing his face and causing one eye to squint. I purse my lips, getting ready to speak but holding off. My mouth shuts, not wanting to press further.
“Do you think there’s any chance you could heal him?” I grimly ask, already knowing the answer.
“I’ve been trying to heal everything from bruises and burns to cuts on me and my friends. Nothing is working. I think my body produced just enough magic to heal me in a panic.” he sadly explains.
"I think we'll have a bit of time while Marietta is... busy, with Val, so to speak. Trying to stabilize him. So, why not break the tension? It’s not like it’s not a good time for it, better to pile it on and get it over with. That way we'll at least be able to face each other at work after this." Hidorah tells me. He takes his head out of his hand and sits up at the counter. 
"Alright, well. Get to explaining then, I'm sure it’s a very long and very reasonable story as to why your face was plastered all over old wanted posters in Braiewood. Somewhere you should not be if you were a fugitive of sorts, and then proceeded to run when you saw that I had one of said wanted posters." I say to him.
"Okay, well. Luckily you're right. As usual, Elaine. You see, I actually have like, the best reasoning there is. But first..." He paused, looking at me with a smile and placing a hand on my back, "Could you pour me a drink?" 
I scoff, getting up regardless. I uncork a small, blue bottle of wine, not wanting anything that could debilitate him in small amounts. To my surprise, it pours a light blue into the tall thin glass I've set out. It was reminiscent of some of the berries Hidorah had served me during the apology breakfast he’d made me. 
He takes a sip, "Ahh,". 
"Hidorah," I say, eager with him to get on with the story. 
"I know, I know. Alright. Let's start from the beginning I suppose. Of my criminal record, I mean," Hidorah says, rubbing the base of his neck over his shoulder. I let him continue, giving him a nod. 
"I had made a living exporting Elven goods into very profitable areas, elven culture, and tourist shops in large, wealthy cities. My cut was enough for me to live very comfortably, but I was a bit reckless with money. I was barely out of my teenage years and at the time this was completely legal. The issue was that, eventually, many elven cities closed their doors, with the nation of Braiewood at the front lines of this embargo." He says coldly.
"What would cause a large elven empire to just... stop the exporting of their goods? Close their border like that. Braiewood used to hold a booming economy just a few years ago, didn't it? It was very well respected, was it not?" I ask, wondering if the book I'd gotten would touch on the subject. 
"Oh, I don't know. Say, the disappearance of an important Aramooran political figure with evidence tracing back to elven goods?" He says, creating a tension so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife.
"Hidorah, did you kidnap someone?!" I say, whispering with panic in my voice. 
"What? No! Do you remember when I mentioned Marietta's family history?" 
"Yeah, that she was a pri-" I stop. That she was a princess. Hidorah chuckled as he saw the pieces click together in my mind. Hidorah had sold products to Aramoor, Marietta's home kingdom. This product was left as "evidence" in her home when she had gone missing, not because she was kidnapped, but because Marietta had become increasingly restless in her place with inherited fame and fortune. 
She emancipated herself and became a baroness through her own work, as she'd mentioned to us before. Because of her disappearance, the blame was placed on someone of elven origin. With Marietta still working here and this embargo still in place, the already fragile state between the two nations had divided further. 
"So, were you alone tried for her disappearance as the exporter of the found evidence?" I ask.
"No, my name was thrown around but there wasn't substantial evidence of my presence, and for good reason. I had only met her a few times, and it was in her city and we kept our interactions short and sweet, despite my fascination with her. I was actually tried for the illegal exportation of elven goods and they stacked some issue regarding immigration status on there too." Hidorah said, now refusing to make eye contact.
"So you continued exporting despite the trade restriction? Makes sense if it was your only income. Wait, hold on, fascination?" I ask.
"Well, as I mentioned before, they also got me for my immigration status. While I continued selling product, even with the law change, I often stayed outside of Braiewood. I figured since I was out so much I'd stop paying my rent and would find a place back in Braiewood once I finished my large inventory. I'd sell what I had, then be done with it and find a different job. Since I no longer had a residency in Braiewood and had cut my lease just before the embargo, by new elven laws, I was no longer allowed in my own city. Still, since I was for some reason claimed as the owner of a legal business, I was allowed within Elven territory on business terms, now only supposed to sell within the area." He pauses, taking a moment to breathe. 
"As for the fascination aspect, I started staying at the tavern most nights. Not because it was cheap or in a good location, I mean, look at this place. It was because while I was still selling in Amoora shortly after the embargo, I asked Marietta where she was staying to keep a roof over her head. After all, I'd picked up on who she was at this point. No one without enough coin to fill a pool would stop every other day to buy expensive exported goods. She said she was working and living here for the time being. I sold everything as fast as I could. The tavern seemed like the perfect place to stay if I couldn't be in Braiewood."
"It must have been strange for her to reside in a nation she no longer meant anything to for so long." I pin the thought for later, "So, are you allowed in Braiewood or not?" I ask, drawing attention back to the topic.
"I'm pretty sure I'm just not allowed long-term residency, but their laws are confusing." He sighs.
"It sounds like it, I actually just got a book that goes over things like this. We could take a further look to see if there are any loopholes to get you back there if you want. It's just in my bag... that is in my room." I say, fading into nothing toward the end. Never mind, I suppose. 
"Well, honestly, that is a pretty good reason to be wanted but still in the city. But... why did you run when you saw me?" I ask with still one question lingering in the air. 
"Oh, yeah, I'll admit I panicked on that one. Last I saw you, you were upset at me because I kind of chucked something at your head. It seemed like you might have followed me to Braiewood, and the wanted poster in your hand as you sat in the window solidified that fear. I ran, thinking were stalking me. But when I came back later I heard from Kenrik you left on your own and had no way of knowing where I was going." Hidorah confesses.
"Huh, an interesting coincidence with both of us heading to Braiewood and me finding an old wanted poster on the ground. Well, I'm really glad that's cleared up, I wasn't looking forward to working with a convict." I scoffed. 
He nods, the silence settling in once more between us. Even with our own discourse addressed, thoughts of Val's condition slipped into my mind. We'd been talking for a while, but still no sign from Marietta that it was okay to answer. There wasn't much to do but wait, I feel guilty trying to entertain myself in an attempt to ease my mind of worry. Hidorah offers me a drink, and I debate having one to steady my nerves. "It'll do you some good, loosen up. Marietta was able to heal that massive wound that Kyzu calls a nibble on me and Val's wound is nothing compared to what mine was. Val is a big, tough guy. He gets wounds like this fairly often in his line of work." He tells me, already pouring a drink. 
"So all we really can do is wait, isn't it? I mean, Marietta will treat him until he either stabilizes or..."  I say, trailing off. 
The waiting was some of the worst I'd ever had to go through. The tension, the nerves, the thoughts of Marietta treating Val. I shake the last from my mind, refusing to admit that this bothered me. A selfish, nonsensical thought. She was much more qualified than I was to treat him, I barely had any reason to be worried. We hardly know one another, Marietta knows him much better than I do on every account. I set my head on the counter, feeling a weight heavy on my shoulders. My eyelids flutter open and shut, eventually succumbing to the exhausting feeling.
I wake up my name being yelled across the tavern, having to unbury my head cradled in my arms on the counter. Marrietta stood in my open doorframe in bloodied clothes. "I don't think I'll be able to get him stabilized." She says in a monotone expression. 
"What are you doing in here? Take all the time you need, I-" I try to continue, but she cuts me off. "Val says he wants to speak to you. He's been pressing it. Apparently, I need to leave the room for a moment. I examined the wound and on every account, it looks fatal, it's amazing that he wasn't dead when I found him on my way to the store this morning. Go." She says, maintaining the composure in her voice but not her face. She discreetly wipes a forming tear from the corner of her eye.
I step into my room, closing the door behind me. I approach him from the edge of my bed, standing over his weak, now pale body. "Elaine, I was near Asterian territory when this happened. A guard saw me and questioned my reasonings for being there.” He tells me before falling silent. Val sucks in raspy breath, his helm making it sound all the more hollow. 
“I told him I was passing through the area when I was then asked about you. I said nothing, but he claimed your disappearance could be linked to me. After I was uncooperative in being detained I was attacked, and my horse fled." Val says.
"Val, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen. I have no idea how-" He cuts me off, his helm turning toward me after saying this. 
"You have no idea how they've connected us? You have no contact with your family?" He asks.
"No, the only way they'd know is if someone had recognized me with you in the area and told them directly," I say, trying to assure him.
"Elaine, even if I survive this, no one here is safe. I was attacked with no evidence toward me. If they find the tavern they'll burn it to the ground. We need to take preventative measures. I wouldn't want to force your hand back into a dangerous family, but know the tavern comes first." He cuts through.
"No, I understand. There was no way for me to emancipate myself under Asterian law, it was selfish to assume I'd be able to start new with no effort to find me and I'm so sorry for dragging you into this. I wouldn't even be alive without you, and you've been so kind to me throughout my time here..." My voice breaks apart, and I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I desperately wipe them away, trying to pull myself together.
"No, don't cr-" Val jumps into the conversation, sitting up in my bed. He lets out a grunt before continuing. "Don't cry." a thinly gloved hand wrapped itself around both of mine gently. I feel him attempt to squeeze, with nothing more than a muted grasp shining through. He collapses back to lying down. My heart aches to see him so weak. 
"I don't want this to happen, but I don't think I have a choice, Elaine," he says, glancing down at his torso. He stops for a moment, his breath so soft I can no longer tell if it’s there. I can't see his eyes to determine if he's fighting sleep, sending me into a light panic. I wait a moment, with him giving no indication if he is asleep. Then another, still nothing. Anxiety builds when I still can't monitor his breathing, I finally decide to take a step.
I put my ear against his chest, bracing one hand on his uninjured waist side and the other on his chest. I shift myself a bit with bated breath until I finally hear the softest, fastest, "Thump, thump, thump." He was alive, but his accelerated heart rate most likely meant he was moments before death. I curl his shirt in my fingers, trying to hold back any tears I could. 
"What are you-" he says, cutting himself off with a muffled cough, his voice just above me. I go to jump back but feel a hand clutching my waist. 
Increasingly shallow breaths. He was close to death, possibly mere moments away. My shaky hands grip his clothes. I swipe my face across his shirt, trying to wipe away stinging tears while in his grasp. I begin to sob, not trying to unpack or judge these feelings, and instead take them as they are with such little time left. I know I like him. And he likes me. He risked his life to pry my body from the desert so I, someone he didn't know, could live. He's sweet, and kind, and I'll never get to know more about him or look forward to an unexpected visit from him at the tavern while working again. 
Something strange begins to happen as I sit with these feelings. A light flicks its way around the room, growing, shifting, spreading in the air. A bright, fiery, familiar luminance dancing around us. I feel a pain in my side, burning deep within my flesh, I clutch it, pulling away from Val and slipping to the floor. It burrows its way further, finally nestling halfway through my body. The pain slowly fades to a throbbing ache, far more tolerable than the stabbing pain prior. 
"Elaine!" Val shoots up from my bed, attempting to pull me from the floor. I look up, seeing that some much-needed color has returned to his previously pale complexion. The way his arm gripped my shoulder showed a return of some strength. I stumble upwards, bracing my arm on Val's knee to get up. The jolt upwards shook his hair from his helm, thick black locks now flowing down his shoulders. I glance at his waist, his deep, bleeding wound has become a gnarly, scarred-over scab, but the bleeding has stopped. 
"I don't- I don't understand," I tell him. 
"Well, it seems to me that you’re magical, Elaine." Val says, pausing for a moment for breath, "I owe you my life."
"It's alright, I already owed you mine." I try to force a chuckle.
He looks at me in silence for a moment, then it clicks that he must have been making a confused expression beneath his helm. 
"When we first met, in the desert; you saved me from the Feijugh," I explain.
“I suppose I did. I owe you my life, and you owe me yours.” He laughs.
“That’s right, what do you suppose we call us? Even?” I respond.
“If we both owe each other our lives…I’d call us married.” He says in a tone I couldn’t tell was joking.
“Is that what you’d figure? I suppose it makes sense,” I laugh, trying to gauge if he’ll return the demeanor. 
“It would take care of your family issue, too.” He says, gesturing to me and going to take a drink from the bottle I still had in my bag. 
“How so?” I ask, more genuine than joking now.
“Asterian laws don’t allow royalty to wed with commoners or foreign citizens, and if they were to, they’d be ex-communicated from their family. It's happened enough in your line, don’t rule it out.” He says.
“Hmm,” is all I can muster for a moment until he adds on.
“You’re classified as missing right now, not eloped. There is not one article saying you ran away to elope, however, there are many stating missing. If you were found by your family married to… someone like me, then you’d be quietly cut from your family, so as not to draw attention to the masses with a taboo, alluring story. No mess, no problem, just a quiet, mutual understanding between family and your new freedom.” He says.
I have no idea how to respond to this, I’m overwhelmed by feelings, to say the least.
“You must forgive me, I’ve… lost a lot of blood. I understand if I’ve been incoherent.” He spits out, quickly getting up to leave. He hides a grunt, muffling the sound of pain shooting through him.
“You’ve got your armor here, and you still seem hurt. It's a nasty scab, you should still be monitored to make sure it's healing properly. Also, your shirt is still partially off.” I say.
“Yes, right. I think I'll need to strip down to clothes. I can’t stand the weight of my armor right now.” he says, sitting on the bed again. He starts to unfasten his greaves. He decides to keep his helm and boots on, since I doubt he’d had any other shoes on beneath other than footwraps. He waits for a moment, and I decide to fetch Marietta to examine the now scabbed-over wound.
I open the door to see her already waiting with a poor attempt to hide a disgruntled look on her face. She flashes a small smile, not being able to muster it for long as she approaches Val. She pushes down on his collarbone, guiding him to lie on the bed. She brushes her fingers over the rugged patch of skin, and I hear Val’s breath hitch. 
“Did you… cauterize this?” She asks straight-faced as if already knowing the answer.
“No, to be honest, I’m not sure exactly what happened. How does it look?” I ask, unable to form a proper response. It seems the shock of the situation was still settling in.
“It looks as if it’s been healing for about a while now…” She pauses, her eyes locked on his abdomen, “As if we were able to stabilize him. What exactly happened here?” 
I struggle for words, Val sees this and chimes in, giving his account of the story.
“Elaine, why did you shout and fall to the floor?” Her tone was so blunt and cold that it felt as though I’d done something wrong by saving his life. 
“There was a quick, sharp pain in my side, but then it faded to a dull throb moments later,” I tell her.
“How does it feel now?” She asks.
“It’s difficult to describe, it's more of a warm constriction now. Like if you were to put a hot compress on my body. The warmth runs deep, halfway through me, I’d say.” I manage. 
I see Val put his head down when I say this, making me wonder what occupies his thoughts. Marietta nods, turning toward me.
“Elaine, do you mind showing me your waist?” she asks.
“Where would I change? Val is in here and I can’t go anywhere else…” I sheepishly point out. 
“We could try the bathhouse, but it’s still open, so there’s no guarantee of complete privacy either way. Val? Do you think you’ll be able to leave the room for a moment?” She asks, obviously skeptical and only humoring me. 
He pulls his shirt down over his chest, further adjusting his clothes before getting up. He braces himself this time when getting up, clearly trying to be careful. He takes a few steps before stumbling to the floor in front of the doorway. 
Marietta and I each jolt to aid him, but he interjects by jutting his palm out toward us. 
“I’ll just…look away then?” He says, embarrassed. He manages to get back up onto the bed without much assistance. 
“Um… How do I know your eyes are closed? It's difficult to guarantee without being able to see your face, you know.” I say with an awkward chuckle. 
“Well,” He says, grasping for his helm. My breath hitches, waiting in anticipation, even Marietta can’t take her eyes off of him. 
He takes his helm in his hands, twisting it around until we can see the solid back of his helm without removing it. 
“Can you breathe like that?” I say without thinking. He responds by putting his thumb up in my general direction. 
It clicks just then that Val… is a bit of an idiot. Or at the very least holds an obscure sense of humor. My mind flashes back to watching him sweep the glass pile in my room for minutes on end in awkward silence. No, he’s an idiot. Despite this, I still feel a warm glow radiating within me whenever I even see him. Why was this? 
My attention breaks back to Marietta when she begins lifting the skirt of my tavern uniform. I attempt to shove away the feeling of embarrassment, knowing that it was for good reason. Finally, she hoists it up past my waist, giving a small gasp. 
“Look for yourself,” Marietta says, pulling fabric to the side to reveal a large, bright scar on my waist. It was the same color as the light that permeated the room when I was alone with Val.
“This is unlike any healing magic I’ve ever seen, even in elven areas. I don’t know what to deduce from this.” She looks mortified as she speaks.
“I’ll need to discuss this with my family. If I go back then I- then we won’t have to worry about another attack like this either. I had no idea I was capable of magic, on every account I shouldn’t be.” I say, racking my brain with possible explanations. 
“But what abou-” Val says, stopping when Marietta shoots him a glance. 
“But what about what, Val?” She says, stepping closer to him. “Nothing, I didn’t say anything.” He says. She leans in close, holding his helm at either side. She turns his helm around, attempting to make eye contact through the dark eye slit in his helmet. He continues his silence.
“Well, if you’re sure you didn’t say anything,” she says. She lingers in the doorway before leaving, “Val will have to rest here until he’s able to at least support his own weight. I hope you two don’t have an issue with that. Could be hours, days, even weeks.” She says dryly. 
“Anyway, I’ll tell Kenrik that it isn’t an emergency anymore and that he can feel free to open the tavern up again. You’ll be able to work, Elaine?” She asks. I simply nod, staying quiet and reserved after her strange demeanor. I dare not say anything about the headache I can already feel forming. 
I go to leave my room when Val stops me. I am once again reminded how his unarmored hand felt so much different; softer, warmer. I pull my attention to him. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean what I said. I don’t know why I did, and I’d never want to make you uncomfortable. I assure you that I was just thinking of ways to help.” He says quickly, trying to shove the topic off. 
“I understand,” I say, holding onto his hand still over mine. I run my thumb over his thinly gloved knuckles. “You were bleeding out, I can’t expect you to think too clearly. I think it's sweet that you were still trying to aid me in such a weak condition. If you’re feeling well soon, I think I might need an escort into Asteria, family issues to discuss and all.” 
He nods, letting his hand slip from mine. As I sneak out the door I look at him, “You know, you should really try to be more selfish sometimes.” I chuckle. His kindness is what has gotten him into such a troubled situation, I think preserving himself would do him better. 
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
lockscreen | t.h.
tom holland x famous!reader
warnings: none just fluff
summary: tom goes on jimmy fallon for a game of 'show me your phone'. being the oblivious child he is, tom forgets about his lockscreen.
wc: 1.4k
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"Welcome back! We're here again with the star of the Spider-Man series, Tom Holland!" Jimmy's announcement drew cheers from the audience. "Tonight, we are going to be playing a game called 'Show Me Your Phone'."
Jimmy went on to explain the game to the crowd as Tom sat across from him patiently waiting. Jimmy pressed on the button first and ended up showing the world that his last photo was a selfie taken minutes ago in the washroom. That gained a lot of laughs. Then it was Tom's turn.
"I'm terrified. I don't even know what's on my phone." Tom shook his hands before firmly pushing the button. It landed on the iMessage icon. "Oh? My last text message convo?" he began to unlock his phone. Eyes skimming over his lockscreen.
"Yup, and once it's locked in, you can't touch it." Jimmy reminded him of the rules as Tom quickly skimmed through his last conversation.
Tom ran a hand down his face before chuckling, "Oh, geez. Alright, some context, I needed help picking a tie for tonight and my mate, Harrison, is nowhere near helpful."
He placed his phone in front of the camera as the conversation appeared for the audience to read.
Tom: haz what tie? red or blue?
Harrison: youre ugly either way
Tom: you look like dolores umbridge. pick a tie ffs
Harrison: mm my babe umbridge. jokes. i'd say purple
Tom: you're gross and no help at all
Harrison: have fun babe the bed is waiting for you
Tom: don't make me puke before i go on the show
Harrison: puke on me daddy
The crowd bursted out into laughter along with Jimmy as Tom covered his beet red face in embarrassment. "He is going to kill me for showing that." Tom was laughing as he spoke.
"That's hilarious! Okay, my turn." Jimmy ended up sharing a voice memo of him reminding himself to do chores around the house.
Tom wiped his hands on his pants before pushing the large button again. It landed on the lock icon. "What does that mean?"
"You have to share your lockscreen."
Tom's posture visibly stiffened at the information given. He wished he had gotten some warning before coming on the show. A caution sign telling him to erase everything on the iPhone.
His lockscreen was a memory. A keepsake. You. A piece of his heart. A reminder of happiness and the loving moments you shared with one another. It was taken a little over a year ago at Zendaya's house for a get-together with a few close friends.
You were propped up on the kitchen island, a wide smile on your face. Tom standing in between your legs with his back to your chest. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as he tilted his head and placed a kiss on your cheek. Jacob Batalon had captured the moment. A heartwarming interaction that you had both done an outstanding job at keeping under wraps.
You had been dating for nearly two years. How you had managed to keep it hidden for such an extended amount of time was a wonder to everyone who knew, including yourselves. It wasn't that you were both set on no one ever finding out, you just never saw the need to. It was your relationship, only meant to be shared between the two of you.
Tom hoped you wouldn't be mad if the world found out, but he enjoyed the privacy and the feeling of having something that was only his. Something he didn't have to share with the globe. Tom debated on his options. Showing the picture and making headlines for the next week or refusing to do so and ruining the game while making everyone suspicious of him.
The former won.
"Okay, um." Tom nervously let out a laugh, "Surprise?"
With shaking hands, he placed his locked phone on the stand and avoided looking into the crowd as reactions varied throughout the studio. Gasps, cheers, 'aww's, even some screams. Both of his hands shielded his expression from the cameras as he allowed the audience to examine the photo.
"Oh, my god! W-what?!" Jimmy stammered, shocked what his eyes saw, "That's Y/N Y/L/N! A-are you two?" his eyes flicked from the phone to Tom.
Tom nodded slowly, "Yeah, yeah. It is and we are. Nearly two years steady." this intel drew more shocked reactions from the habitants of the studio.
"This is amazing! We love Y/N! But wow, how did no one know?!" Jimmy was still in disbelief.
Tom smiled at your name, "I may be loose-lipped with movie spoilers, but this is proof that I can keep secrets."
Jimmy's mouth was agape, "I have so many questions and you are so lucky that we are out of time."
Tom released a breath he didn't know he was holding as Jimmy said goodbye to the cameras and they stopped recording.
As Tom made his way backstage to head to his hotel, his heart began to beat out of his chest as he thought about your reaction.
Lounging on his hotel comforter, Tom pulled out his phone once again and clicked on your contact. m'lady. Pressing the FaceTime icon.
Your bright smile lit up the screen, illuminating his mood like the sun on a stormy day.
"Hello, lover. To what do I owe the pleasure of this late night call?" you chuckled while sitting up against the headboard of your bed, Tessa laying beside you.
Tom couldn't suppress his grin at your presence even if it was through a screen, "Hi, darling. I didn't know if you would be awake. Isn't it nearly three in the morning there?"
You nodded and pushed your glasses up on your nose, "Had to run some lines with Tess before filming tomorrow. She's a great actress." you panned the camera over to the sleeping pup.
"Sometimes I think you're only with me for my dog." he joked with a light laugh.
"Shoot. I thought I had you fooled." you teased back, "Why did you call, bum?"
He scratched the back of neck and avoided looking at the screen. That was enough for you to know that something was up.
"What part of your movie did you spoil this time?" you chuckled.
Tom shook his head with a smile, brown curls flopping on his head, "Nothing about my film, love. More or less about us." he mumbled the last bit, but you heard it.
Your shoulders tensed involuntarily, "I'm gonna need more information than that."
"We were playing a game where you have to show certain things on your phone and I had to show my lockscreen and, well, you know what my lockscreen is." his nerves grew with every second that your face stayed expressionless.
"Okay. How did they react?" you stifled a yawn.
Tom's eyebrows furrowed at your response, "Y-you're not mad?"
You chuckled, "Do you want me to be mad?"
"No, no, no." he quickly protested, "I just didn't know if you were ready to tell the world about us and I'm sorry for not informing you before making that big of a step in our relationship."
You smiled at the caring boy in your life. His thoughtfulness overpowering any negative emotions that could've surfaced. You weren't mad at all. Two years was a long time to keep a relationship hidden especially when both of the parties are well known to the public.
"No need to apologize, mi amor. It was about time everyone found out. Long overdue if you ask me. I would've appreciated a heads up, but I'm not mad." you insisted, and it was true.
Tom visibly relaxed at your words, "The audience was shocked and some gushed and screamed. Can't wait to see the headlines and news articles tomorrow."
"I can see it now: 'Spider-Man Actor, Tom Holland and Actress, Y/N Y/L/N's Hidden Love'." you spoke in a mocking voice making your boyfriend laugh.
"Can't forget; 'All the evidence of their relationship that the public overlooked'." he joked in the same tone as you both laughed together joyously.
Your laughter died down while a peaceful smile lingered on your lips, "I'm glad you had fun tonight. I should get some rest. Need to be in hair and makeup at seven."
He nodded understandingly, "Have fun on set, darling. I'll talk to you later. Goodnight, sleep tight, sweet dreams."
"Goodnight, sleep tight, sweet dreams, lover." you gave a little wave before ending the call.
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nymphigeon · 3 years
From me, to you || 07
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♤ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
♤ Genre: fluff, angst, romance, hybrid au, hybrid!Taehyung, detective!reader
♤ Words: 2.5k
♤ Rating: PG-13
♤ Warnings (for this chapter): Mentions of hybrid abuse, swearing.
♤ A/N: Surprise! I'm really sorry it took me this long, but I finally found the time and drive to write again :) Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Synopsis: A story in which he has never known love, so you’ll give it to him.
Series masterlist
06 07
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"What do you mean this hybrid doesn't exist?"
Her eyes are wavering with an unspoken fear, perhaps caused by the bitterness my questions holds. I'm not happy, and she knows.
“It’s just, the chance that a dangerous breed such as the tiger hybrid would escape our system is basically zero..” The gaze she held on the computer screen unsurely moves my way. My expression must've instilled another layer of anxiety to the already existing one, as her mouth abruptly stops moving and her pupils dilate.
“Go on, explain.” The tone of my voice softens a bit as I notice her visible discomfort worsening. Even if there is no way that I’ll get any information from this place regarding Taehyung and his owner, I would still like to know why they’re both not showing up here.
Eun-ji takes a few deep breaths to stabilize her voice. As she does her posture slowly relaxes just a little and her eyes lose some of the nervousness they held before. “Because the first ‘successful’ tiger hybrid ran rampant after killing their creator, anyone who still breeds or creates them is being watched very closely by us, as well as by some other institutions.”
Perhaps it’s my lack of reaction that causes her to trail off at the end. Though I’m not judging her or her story, unlike she may think. To encourage her to continue, I give her a nod, tilting my head to show interest.
“The regular citizen isn’t even allowed to have one, needing special training to handle them. It’s like that for most hybrids that find their origins in wild animals. Creating tiger hybrids obviously requires a lot of knowledge when it comes to playing with genes and breeding them…. Well there are only three organization that are authorized to do so. All the resulting hybrids are registered and chipped.”
The explanation, which turns out to be a lengthy one, gets broken by a shuddering breath leaving her lips. She composes herself, clinging on to the little confidence she has left in her line of work to speak about the rest of her clarification.
“Of course people have tried to do it themselves, but those d.i.y operations have always ended in disappointment. If not taken proper care of, with substances only a board certified hybrid doctor can provide you, the pregnancy will fail. These are no easy practices they are dealing with.”
After the girls’ last words I give myself some time to think, letting a silence full of tension fill the room. It must be obvious that my mind is somewhere else at the moment, as the other girl in the room does her best to stay quiet. I don’t need much time however, my thoughts having quickly rearranged themselves as they were trained to do.
“So what you’re saying is, since tiger hybrids are hard to ‘create’, if you will, there are only a few people who actually manage to bring them to life. And so those few people are kept under close watch, as are the hybrids they successfully wake, am I correct?”
Eun-ji nods affirmatively, clearly happy that I seem to understand the situation. “So there is absolutely no way that someone without authorization has had a decent attempt at either genetically merging a human together with a tiger or getting a tiger hybrid pregnancy to be successful?”
Perhaps there might be a bit of scepticism in the question I asked, as her attitude immediately changes into a defensive one. “There is not! Whatever hybrid you’re searching for either gave you a false identity or is not a tiger hybrid at all, which would seem rather unlikely. I told you they get chipped right? Why not go look into that.”
“He doesn’t have one. We already had a hospital take a look at him, they didn’t find anything. ” The statement seems to shock her, the gears in her head instantly turning as to find an answer to this riddle. She however can’t seem to get one.
“They can be removed, can they not? They’re just under the skin. If someone decided to just cut it out they could. Terrifying, but plausible. Either that or one of your faithful authorized employees has been leaking information to outsiders.”
This is where Eun-ji seems to give up. Her shoulders sagging and a heavy sigh leaving her lips. “There would still be the problem of the missing equipment, test subjects, practice… How would you even get hold of fertilized human eggs to play around with? But I guess that wouldn’t be totally impossible. As for cutting it out… There would be a noticeable scar. The implants are always put in the same place, it wouldn’t be hard to miss.”
I make a mental note stating to ask Taehyung about all of this when I get back. If anyone knows how he got onto this world it would be him. “Is there a possibility that you could have someone look into it?” The girl nods in defeat, paying more attention to the ground than to anything else. “I’ll see if I can get someone on the case. I’ll have them contact you if we know anything.”
After those words she turns around in her chair, facing the monitor that had already put itself into sleep, and turns it off. Taking a notepad out of the drawer to her left, she quickly writes something down with the pen from her breast pocket. “I’ll get on it right away. Would you like me to walk you back to the exit?”
I shake my head. “No It’s okay, I’ll find my way back. Thank you for cooperating.” Eun-ji gives me a small smile, followed by a bow and walks out of the room taking the note with her, presumably immediately keeping herself busy with the extra work. Not wanting to waste any time I copy her, walking myself back into the direction we came from. Turns out it proves quite easy to find the exit by myself.
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It’s already far past dinnertime when I make it back to the office. Not many of my colleagues have remained in their seats, most of them opting for a nice meal with their families. The few that have stayed behind are mostly known to live alone, quite like myself.
I quietly knock on my supervisor’s door, but when no response emerges from within the room, I can safely deduce that she too has already returned home. “I’ll have to write her a report about today later..” I mutter to myself, before stepping away from the door and instead heading to the cells at the back.
Technically the arrest period had already ended for Taehyung, as the law wouldn’t allow us to keep him locked up for any longer without any charges being held against him. His cell however technically was never locked and so even now, he is free to go wherever he wants. Though it didn’t change the fact that he still has no place to go to.
“Good evening. Had anything to eat yet?” He just chose to stay here and we accepted it. “Oh, hello! Yes, that tall handsome bulky man gave me something earlier, I can’t remember his name. He said something about it ‘being the best shit in town’.”
I slightly giggle at his quote, knowing immediately who it belongs to. “That definitely sounds like something Namjoon would say. What did he give you?”
Taehyung looks a lot better than he did yesterday. The stress of the interrogation seems to have completely worn off, instead traded for the sweet bouncy personality he used to show around me.
“Umm it was something in the shape of a circle and it had meat all over it… Oh! I think he called it a pizza? It was delicious!”
“You’ve never had pizza before?” The words leave my mouth before I actually get the chance to process them, causing me to instantly regret ever even opening my mouth. These days are stressful enough for him as they are, he doesn’t need a painful reminder of the life he never got to live on top of that.
The question doesn’t seem to hit him as hard as I though it would though. In fact, his demeanour doesn’t seem to change at all. Although sadly, it doesn’t make his next words any less painful. “Nope! When I first got adopted all they would feed me was wet cat food. It wasn’t great, but at least I got my three meals a day. The foster family I stayed at after my first owners mysteriously disappeared didn’t actually have the money to even take proper care of themselves, so at that time all I would get was whatever was left of their dinner that day, if there was even any left. It was mostly just greens. The lack of meat made me real sick at the time.”
He pauses talking for a second to look up at my face through the metal bars. The content look on his face quickly changes to one of worry once he catches my eyes. It’s no mystery why, I know I look at him pitifully. Even if he may not wish for my concern, I am only human. I can perfectly hide it when I need to, but this is not one of those cases.
“There it is again, that sad look on your face…” He sits up straight on the side of his bed to fully observe me, a tilt of his head giving him away. I send a sad chuckle his way as I reach for the door of his enclosure, inviting myself into the small space with him. He doesn’t object.
“Is it that obvious?” It was meant more as a way to lighten the mood, not as an actual question that needs answering. He still does however, giving me a simple slow nod. “You don’t need to feel bad for me.”
“Someone has to. You deserve at least that much.”
There’s a chair neatly placed under a small desk in the room. It used to be quite lively, with all kinds of bright colours blending into each other. It was a little positive additive into the dark grey room, but after all the anger that has been acted out on it, it no longer has that same shine.
I pull the chair out to place myself upon it, straddling the seat while I rest my arms on top of the back rest. Facing the tiger I use my arms as a pillow to lean my head on, making myself comfortable on the creaking furniture.
“Say, Taehyung, do you remember anything from when and where you were formed?”
He seems slightly taken aback at first, though quickly regains his composure. He also doesn’t immediately answer, first taking some time to think before coming back to me. “I was born a hybrid to two purebred tiger hybrids. They did their best trying to care for me in the little time we got to spend together, but seeing as it happened on a breeding farm getting to spend time with my parents wasn’t the plan. I got sold off pretty quickly, as soon as I learned to hold my first few full conversations.”
“Do you… Would you happen to know what happened to the farm? To your parents?” I fail to hide my apprehensiveness, needing too much space to form a careful approach. This shouldn’t feel like an interrogation to him, I never even announced one. There is little reason for him to answer me, the vital information from his side has already been given anyway. Nonetheless, even though I probably shouldn’t be doing this right now, I can’t just miss this opportunity.
“I heard my adoptive family talking about how the place was burnt down a while later. Most likely the police had caught a hold of it and they had to delete their left behind evidence. Both building and hybrids.”
Despite talking about the death of his parents, he seems to tell the story with relative ease. Probably not having much connection with the far past, his brain too young to truly hold on to the memory of them.
“They were successful too, as the case got dropped faster than lightning. It wasn’t long before the general public forgot about it too, believing it was just another misunderstanding. Besides, hybrid lives weren’t as important anyway.”
The amount of rights hybrids had when they were first created back in the day were close to zero, only strictly being seen as objects to show off whatever possible wealth one may have had. For a while there was even a popular theory going around that hybrids didn’t actually have the ability to feel any kind of emotion or pain. The genetic puzzle wouldn’t allow for it, as it had been tampered with to an extreme extent. This only built on the carelessness shown towards them, slowly chipping away at their sanity.
Although the rumours were wrong, they came from a place of truth. Facial expressions were rare for hybrids, as was the ability to speak. Most of them couldn’t even keep up with regular humans, exhaustion quickly taking over the little anger they could show. Scientists hadn’t yet quite figured out how to perfectly combine the pieces of genetic code and so hybrids were more like living dolls in the eyes of evil humans. Having no voice to object and barely any means to actually hurt anyone, it wasn’t much of a surprise the selfish nature in humans came to rise.
Luckily, or depending on how you look at it, sadly, these first generation hybrids were never able to reproduce. The doll like hybrid features eventually died out with the rise of the newly perfected pieces and the theory was debunked by a group of scientist who actually did care about the hybrids’ wellbeing. Those hybrids had lived through countless punishments, and every single one of them had hurt. A lot.
Right now hybrids in a lot of ways are superior to the rest of us. Having the combined senses of both animal and human alike, society has reluctantly given up on trying to contain them. They are still to be bought and owned, but no longer to be treated like dirt. The smartest of hybrids have even already gotten complete freedom to do as the please, no longer having to be bound to a human to roam freely. However, those unable to pass the close to impossible tests aren’t so lucky.
“I’m sorry about what happened.”
Taehyung gives me a reassuring wave of his hand, effectively trying to lighten the mood, along with a sad smile. It wouldn’t take a trained professional to know he still longs for his parent’s presence, even if he may do well hiding it.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.”
That doesn’t make the situation more okay, but I hold my remarks back. For now, that might just be for the best.
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@suhappysuho @intellectualxprincess @sana-b @littlewolfieposts @nellaphine @the8luvr @deathkat657 @elenaramos1 @namjoonies-dimple
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lalahbug · 3 years
Guidance - Zuko x Reader Chapter 6
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender Word Count: 3,232 My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: General 18+ Angst
Author’s Note: under story ___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Story under cut, 6 of 8, Guidance Masterlist
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        A few weeks had passed, ___ was healed and quickly became the new mother figure of the group. Teaching about survival, chi blocking, and helping with most of the chores. Of course, she also played with the group and lectured them like a mother as well.
        ___ and Aang were meditating together, during a sunrise, which Aang wasn’t too happy about after being up most of the night traveling. Aang peaked at her as she exhaled deeply, relaxing further, still keeping her posture. 
        “Staring at me isn’t going to help your mediating, Avatar.”
        “You didn’t even open your eyes; how did you know?” He pouted but started meditating again.
        “Your breathing went normal instead of trained.”
        “How do you do that?”
        “Do what?”
        “Hear so well, know when I’m doing something I’m not supposed to do.”
        “I’ve had heightened senses for a long time. But as for knowing when you’re doing something, we’ll chalk it up to Mother Instinct.” She chuckled softly. “You’re really not in the mood to meditate, are you?”
        “No!” Aang groaned before falling backward.
        “Okay, practice your breathing with me for a bit then I’ll let you go.”
        “Okay!” Aang agreed with a smile while sitting up. 
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        Aang and Katara were practicing some waterbending, while ___ watched their movements.
        “Why don’t you come join us? Aang could use the opportunity to fend off two waterbending foes.” Katara smiled and splashed some water at Aang.
        “Thank you, but I don’t know many waterbending moves, I’d be an easy target. I can only whip water and create waves.”
        “That’s right, being from the North Pole, they never taught you. But didn’t you learn on your own?”
        “I only got the water whip and the wave, that’s all I learned on my own.”
        “Why didn’t you say anything? We could have taught you.” Aang urged.
        “I’ve never been a good waterbender, there’s no point in teaching me. I’m an average healer and I can do pretty movements with a full moon, but that’s it. My strength is chi blocking and fast reflexes.”
        “Well, I think you could be a good waterbender. Why don’t you practice with us? You can learn some new moves and there is no pressure if you can’t do it well. Because like you said, your strength is chi blocking.” Katara urged, ___ shrugged before disrobing a bit, and getting into the water with the two masters.
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        One day before the invasion, The Day of Black Sun, and Aang wasn’t able to sleep. ___ was up with him, just after sunset.
        “You can’t stay awake before the invasion. You need to be rested. But I think if you’re alone, it’ll be worse. So, would you like to go over the chakras to help you with the Avatar State?”
        “I think I know them; I just can’t do the last one.”
        “Ah, you mean the Thought Chakra? Is it because of Katara?”
        Aang blushed a bit before sighing. “Yes, but also, I don’t know how to let go of Earthly attachments when I have to protect them.”
        “The Avatar is bound to this earth to protect it. You must learn to balance these or they will be your downfall. You let Katara go completely at Ba Sing Se, you were then attached to cosmic, too attached to cosmic energy. As the Avatar, you must find balance with your cosmic energy and your Earthly attachments. You can open the Thought Chakra, by learning to balance your attachments. Earthly, Avatar, cosmic, love, spirit, and even your nomad teachings.”
        “What about my nomad teachings?”
        “There will be a day where you might have to sacrifice your beliefs for the greater good, to keep balance in the world. But because of your teachings, I know you’ll find a way to balance the good with your morals.”
        “You’re talking about the Fire Lord, aren’t you?” Aang curled up and placed his weary head on his knees.
        ___ smiled at him gently, examining the bags under his eyes. “You can face him, you can beat him, we all believe in you, especially as he is powerless during the eclipse. But, what if, you can’t get to him in time. Don’t get me wrong, Sokka’s plan is amazing. Things don’t always go as planned. If you can’t get to him in time, you will have to fight him someday. How will you restrain him? Or will you have to take his life? I worry about the outcome of this plan a lot. From my talks with Roku to how devious the Fire Nation is. I just hope you know, if this fails. It’s not your fault. There will be some other factor that makes it so you can’t get to him in time. I have no doubt about you facing him, just our timing.”
        “It’s terrifying to even think of facing Ozai, but hearing the faith you have in me helps. Hearing that you don’t expect me to defeat him tomorrow, really helps. But your question haunts me. How will I restrain him?”
        She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I believe in you Aang, the world does. But in the end, you are just one kid, and you will need to listen to words of wisdom from your past lives. From ancient sources, and learn to bend life and energy itself if you are to defeat Ozai without taking his life.”
        “Bend life and energy? How do I do that?”
        “I’m not sure, I only read about it in the spirit library. You will have to hope that an ancient source shows you.”
        “Well, with you and the Spirit World to access, I think I’ll be able to find it if needed.”
        She smiled at him before meditating with him. She knew of the group's plan to make a bed for Aang so he could finally sleep, she was just keeping him company in the meantime.
        “___?” She hummed softly in reply, still meditating. “What if we see Zuko during the invasion? What will you do?” She opened her eyes, a sorrowful smile formed as their eyes met.
        “Depending on where he is in his journey, I’ll either have to disable him or listen to him.”
        “What do you mean?”
        “My first night in the Spirit World with Roku. He let me know of my future, to help me mentally prepare for it. He told me a beautiful tale of me falling in love, with his great-grandson. But he warned me, his great-grandson has the ability to be good or bad. As Roku and Sozin are both his great grandfathers.”
        Aang gasped, “Zuko’s mom is the granddaughter of Roku?”
        “Yes, that’s why he is at war within himself. Between his two natures. He also didn’t have the healthiest of families to help him cope with it either. His uncle, although wonderful, found his path in life a bit late. I hope Zuko will find that path one day too, but I can no longer be the one to guide him, he must find it himself. But only time will tell if he will find it soon or if he will live a long life trying to find it.”
        “Do you still love him?”
        Her eyes fell to her stomach and the bump there. “I do, but when he took another woman because I was unconscious for weeks, I feel as though maybe my love might have been blinded by the fairy tale Ruko told me. For he never mentioned a child. He only mentioned I would have to choose to forgive Zuko or not, and that it would be very difficult for me. I love him, but I'm not sure if I can forgive him just yet."
        "It must be hard, not knowing if he loves you or not, yet still having this child."
        "It hurts not knowing, but it's not too hard. I'm not worried for some reason, not when it comes to this baby."
        Aang had a flash of the small baby named Hope that Katara had helped deliver a few months back. "Babies are a beautiful thing, especially when you have someone to share it with."
        "Katara asked me to stay until the baby is born at the very minimum, so in a way I will, you guys are the closest thing I have to family right now. So, I'll share that experience with you."
        "So, I get to be an uncle?" He smiled.
        "You'll be the best uncle!" They giggled softly and she smiled at him fondly as the group approached them, ready to help Aang finally sleep. 
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        After the invasion, Aang wanted nothing to do with the planning for the next steps, next attack. ___ shut herself away from the group and the others with them now. She should have been left behind with the other adults, but they wouldn’t hear her protest, since she was pregnant. 
        Walking along one of the many corridors of the Western Air Temple, she hummed softly to herself, enjoying her solitude, wanting to fix her mental state before joining everyone. No one needed a pouty pregnant woman around, all because they didn’t listen to her. They had her and the baby’s health in mind, they weren’t trying to make her feel more useless or weak. So; she needed to be alone to fix the brewing thoughts before they burnt anyone needlessly.
        She walked until she felt lost and sighed and started to head back to the group, for dinner. But when she arrived everyone was sulking and arguing about something.
        “What’s wrong?” ___ asked while getting some food after Sokka said something about not adding animal cruelty to the list.
        “I’ll tell you-” Katara started, ready to vent to someone else.
        “Wait,” Toph cut off Katara. "___ how would you feel, if Zuko came here asking for forgiveness and to teach Aang firebending?”
        She understood what had happened just from Toph’s question, her heart sped up, the broken pieces throbbing, she took a breath to reply. “Aang needs a firebending teacher, and Zuko, well he’s a good firebender. I don’t know how I feel about him asking for forgiveness, but if you thought he was sincere, Toph, I would let him stay. Because if you think he was sincere the whole time, it hopefully means he’s finally found the correct path.” She looked to Aang with a sad smile, reminding him of their conversation when he was so sleep-deprived.
        “How?” Katara asked softly. “How can you just allow him here? Forgive him and trust him? Especially after what he’s done to you?”
        “I don’t forgive him; I don’t trust him. But the options of firebending teachers are pretty limited to Aang. Only time can tell if he can earn trust and forgiveness from any of us. We have to look past ourselves. The world needs the Avatar, the world needs Aang to learn firebending. If we still can’t trust him after he’s with us and he’s taught Aang, then you can give him the boot and send him packing.”
        “I hate when mother is right,” Sokka grumbled.
        “I am not your mother,” ___ snapped. “I’m a friend. I’m tired of being treated like some soft pregnant woman with motherly love. I’m a fighter. My pregnancy doesn’t change that. I will only let motherly change take me when the world is no longer at war. I can’t soften and hold everyone’s hand through this. You’re all kids to me, but the world can’t have the Avatar, a master of waterbending, master of earthbending, and a sword master, be kids. You have to keep the goal in your mind.”
        “You’re still mad at us for making you come with us? Instead of letting you stay with the other adults, aren’t you?” Aang asked softly.
        “Yes.” She exhaled sharply before taking a deep breath. “But I know you did it because you care about me,” she rested a hand on her stomach. “About the baby. But you wanted me here, so I’m here. And I think you should listen to what Zuko has to say without emotion.”
        “All I know is that while he was talking to us, he was sincere. Maybe you’re all just letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly.” Toph said in agreement with ___.
        “Easy for you to say, you weren’t there when he had us attacked by pirates.” Katara spat.
        “Or when he burned down Kyoshi Island,” Sokka added.
        “Or when he tried to capture me at the fire temple.” Aang finished.
        “Why would you two even try to defend him?” Katara said so frustratedly she was shaking.
        “Because, Katara, you’re all ignoring one crucial fact. One ___ has already told you!” Toph stomped up to Aang and poked him in the chest. “Aang needs a firebending teacher! We can’t think of a single person in the world to do the job. Now one shows up on a silver platter and you won’t even think about it?” She shook the ground with a couple more stomps.
        “I’m not having Zuko as my teacher!” Aang walked away from ___ and Toph.
        “Aang-” ___ started before Sokka cut her off.
        “You’re darn right, you’re not buddy.” Sokka stood tall, finalizing his backup with Aang.
        “Well, I guess that’s settled,” Katara said smugly. ___ sighed before looking at Toph.
        “I’m beginning to wonder who’s really the blind one around here.” Toph stormed off, ___ followed behind her.
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        Toph and ___ were walking through the forest, to find Zuko.
        “You didn’t have to come with me,” Toph sighed.
        “I know, but I would like to talk to Zuko too. I think I know him well enough to tell when he’s lying, whether you can detect it or not.”
        Toph giggled pointing to ___’s stomach, “I would hope you knew him well enough.”
        “Oh shush,” she pushed Toph playfully, but it was clear she was a bit exasperated by the comment.
        “Do you think Zuko would try to trick us all; like he did to you and Katara?”
        “Zuko didn’t trick me. I don’t think he meant to trick Katara either. I think he loved me in his own way. He was good in Ba Sing Se. But the allure of home was stronger than the good.”
        “But now that he’s here, you think the good called him back?”
        “I’m hoping that. I’m hoping he found his true destiny.”
        “I’m hoping you’re right,” Toph said with a sigh.
        While moving through the brush the women alerted Zuko.
        “Who’s there?” His voice was groggy, the sound of it stung ___’s heart. As they got closer, he yelled. “Stay back.”
        “It’s me!” Toph shouted back, but it was too late, Zuko had already lashed out fire in his fear, Toph even tried to make herself an earth shield. She fell as the flames licked the soles of her feet “Ow! You burned my feet!”
        Zuko was up and running towards her as she started to crawl away. “I’m sorry, it was a mistake!” He cried while chasing after Toph, but sudden strikes to his body made him collapse.
        “Get away, Zuko!” ___ shouted while scooping up Toph.
        “___?” He gasped, trying to sit up, she only chi blocked his right side. As she started to walk away, he called out to them. “No, please, come back! I’m sorry!” He tried to get up, but the weight of his right side would not shift and he fell back. He groaned along with his heart ache seeing ___ walk away and ignore his plea, his apology. “Why am I so bad at being good!” He cried to the sky, wishing to be able to rewind time.
        He’d go back so far if he could, but he pleaded now silently inside his head. “Please let me go back, even just 5 minutes.” He exhaled in defeat, wondering what the girls had wanted to say, but now he’d never know.
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          Days passed and the threat of Combustion Man was gone, Hokada and Suki back. While sitting around the fire with everyone, Zuko served tea again, while he did so, he noticed ___ left the group. Excusing herself to go lie down. And the night where he burned Toph’s feet came to mind. She came with Toph, what did she want to say?
        After his failed joke and everyone had settled their laughter. “Does ___ leave the group often after dinner or is that because of me?” Zuko asked softly, silence rang afterward. Katara and Aang shared a soft look.
        “Before the invasion, I was restless, ___ was meditating with me. I asked how she would react if we were to run into you since, at the time, you were still an enemy, a threat.” Aang sipped his tea before continuing. “She simply said she'd either disable you or listen to you. She believed in you even then, she just wasn’t sure when you'd find your correct path in life.”
        “But when she thinks about you, hears your name, or even just briefly has a polite encounter with you. Her heart beats sickeningly. Like the broken pieces are trying to pull together.” Toph added since she was able to hear and feel ___’s heartbeat.
        “I want to explain myself, talk to her. But I want to do it alone.”
        “You should be thankful she even acknowledges you exist,” Katara spat, still angry.
        “I am, she’s always been forgiving. But I don’t know how forgiving she’ll be with me.”
        “___ still loves you,” Toph encouraged him.
        “But before we allowed you in the group, she did say only time would show if you deserved trust and forgiveness,” Sokka added, Suki elbowed him. “What? He should know the truth, the good and the bad.”
        “Thank you, that helps. Maybe she’s not ready to hear my apology, because she doesn’t forgive me or trust me yet.”
        “Make sense, you engaged her, impregnated her, broke your promise then left her for another woman because she was basically in a coma,” Katara stated with venom.
        “I never left her, but I was too cowardly to tell my father no to the arranged marriage. Scared to not be his perfect son again.”
        “Mai still seems to love you, since she helped with the prison break,” Sokka said.
        “Another heart I broke, by being a misleading person. She loves someone within me that I’m not. She doesn’t understand that I’m trying to save my country, my kingdom. The world fears and hates the Fire Nation. I need to try and heal that and help the Avatar bring balance back into the world.”
        “I think ___ just needs a little time, she was for having you here from the get-go with me,” Toph popped some more food in her mouth. “She’s just not ready to deal with you. Since she’s been having some health issues with the baby, every time we have stress, she gets sick.” Toph said sadly.
        “Well with the invasion being over, Combustion Man gone. Hopefully, things will calm down.” Katara said before standing up. “I should go check on her and the baby before we sleep.” She stood and left towards the way ___ had left earlier.
        Zuko sighed and sipped his tea. He would need to be patient a bit, wait for some alone time with his love, and keep an eye on her troubled health with the baby.
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Author’s Note:
Hello, I know I’ve been gone for awhile, but I’m getting better mentally and personally. I can’t promise when the next chapter will come out, but I’m hoping by the end of May. 
I’d like to thank everyone that’s liked previous chapters and stayed with me on this. This is still my indulgence, anime fanfics, but after this series. I might go into show/movie fanfics (like Marvel and Supernatural), make a list of who I’d be willing to write for and open a for request for a bit. 
Also, for the one lovely who wanted to be added/tagged for new chapters, here you go; thank you for your love on this <3
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
"if you hurt me again, I swear I won't forgive you"
Previous one here
WARNING ⚠️: Slight violence, mention of abusive relationship and sexual violence.
Dinner time was around the corner, sometimes you and mina arrived at the table at the same time. Gaining looks from everyone else at the table, they had already been suspicious when they'd heard you make her laugh, to which she had replied that she was just laughing at how ridiculous you were.
People were really wondering what you had done to gain Ms Venable's clemency.
Wilhemina venable was a strong woman, she needed to keep her bitter and strong look in front of everyone else, even if she truly loved you, at times she had trouble trusting herself enough to let you help her and show you her true self. When the lights were down she'd let herself sweep in your love as you'd hold her in your arms, and spray kisses up and down her neck. You're love making was tender and passionate most of the time, you were still surprised at how well she could let you fuck her recklessly. Here moans filling your hears so nicely.
She had never known love before you, and she convinced herself she would never. But you showed her true adoration.
At dinner tonight everyone was sat down she entered the room and made a move to lower herself on the chair, but as she was bending down, a pain shot trough her back and she stepped outwards before stumbling. She fell on her ass and Everybody started laughing.
You immediately stood up to pick her up, leaning down to help and she flinched when your arms reached her shoulders. She lashed out suddenly at you. "AND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING MS Y/L/N." She stood back up regained her scary posture, straightened up her back. The look in her eyes was unlike anything you'd ever seen, the mina you knew was far gone. With those eyes she could have killed you. You're hands reached up to hold her steady and you muttered.
"Mi..ms..venable....are you okay.."
Something flashed before her eyes and she raised her hand in the air and slapped your face. You stubbled and backed away into the corner of the room.
"Everybody out."
She ordered the other survivors and guards when they didn't move.
"Grey's too"
You were shaking badly and starting to hyperventilate. Head resting between your knees as you held your body in your hands protectively.
She tried to get on the floor next to you when she realized what she had done.
"Oh god. I'm sorry y/n" when you didn't reply she tried to place her hand in your hair, the movement in your shock state made you push her away.
"DON'T touch me !"
"IF YOU want to have it this way."
She got back on her feet and left the room.
The evening passed and you were able to calm down a bit. You're heart was still racing fast form the panic attack and you're palms were sweating.
Another grey came to you and tried to make you feel better. They talked to you and brought you some water.
When you had fully came back to your  senses you got up.
The nauseated state you were still in made it hard for you to go back to your room but you still managed to make it.
You were definitely not expecting wilhemina to sit on the edge of your bed.
"What are you even doing here"
"Come on. You can't be mad at me for such a simple thing"
"Get out. I'm not in the mood. I'm too tired to fight with you"
She stood up and went to you.
"Seriously mina. Go back to your room, maybe some sleep will actually show you how much you fucked up"
"How does it feel to be such a touchy feely person"
"I'm not a "touchy feely" person you slapped me ! In front of everyone"
"I can't treat you any differently than anyone, they'll get suspicious..."
"I don't care. We are dating ! And the real problem isn't that you can't treat me different. It's that that's how you treat everyone else."
"You never had a problem with how I treated people, that's who I am."
"No. That's not "who" you are, that's how you act. Now get out" she let out a Laugh before trying to place her hand on your arm.
"Why are you making such a big deal out of this ?"
"Because I was trying to help you up and you hurt me ! For no reason ! I saw the look in your eyes Mina ! I saw what you are capable of."
"Is that really what you think of me ? Do you really believe I'm going to hurt you ?"
"I honestly don't know. And I can't take that chance so please leave"
"I..i don't understand...i thought..i thought you loved me ?"
"I do. But that has nothing to do with what you did"
"I don't understand... Slapping is nothing.."
"Slapping isn't nothing"
"My parents slapped me and I turned out just fine !'
"Yeah, that's why you're scared of being vulnerable, never show you're feelings, has a shit tone of self hatred. Seriously ? "
"Yes slapping isn't the most violent act ever, bit it's usually the first one before them. I can't let you hurt me. I can't even take the chance."
"I...I would never hurt you again...I'm sorry I was just out of my mind... humiliated..I didn't know how to react anymore..."
"I know. And I'm sorry for that, I truly am."
" I never thought you'd react so badly"
"That's the thing, you don't know what people might feel when you hurt them. Some of us have trauma, some of us have complex and singular PTSD, some of us can't bear being yelled at, some of us have spent our lives being degraded by people we loved, you can't just go around treating people like shit."
"I...know..I'm just..."
"Trying to protect yourself I know, but you don't need to anymore, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere unless you hurt me ever again, and I love you"
"I'm sorry."
"I know you are, you should be"
"I really am, that's why I came here, I feel terrible about it. I should have never raise a hand on you" she didn't know all of your past, of course you had talked about it a bit, but you left the hardest parts away, she didn't know about the tremendous amount of times where she had apologized to you like this after hurting you, you swore to your life you'd never fall for that again, and here you were forgiving her, you needed to make things clear, wilhemina had her own demons, but sharing them would make them easier to fight. Together.
So, you took you're clothes of and went to bed, signaling her that she could do the same. Your gaze following her silhouette across the room while her hand ran through her hair, and the other one adjusted her nightgown.
You both laid facing each other, mina's apologetic Look piercing your skin and you battling away when was the right moment to speak. Her hand found your cheek where she'd hit you, her delicate fingers caressing you as if to say, 'you are safe, I made a mistake and I'm deeply sorry, but I love you still'. You took a deep breath and started
"..I reacted badly because...I've been there before. I've let it happen once, what's to say it's not gonna happen again. Here. Where I don't have anywhere else to run to. I can't let that happen again, it hurt to much then. It took me years to build myself back up, years of medication, therapy, and it had taken me years before that to build me again. I've been shattered to many times, I've had people break me for fun, for love, for traditions for family to many times before."
She listened in silence a single tear leaving her eye as she tried to sniff quietly.
"There was the person I called my best friend, there was my biological father, there were my other relatives. They all hurt me by using my body for their own pleasure, some more violently, but in the end Sharon was the only one who apologized, she was the only that I loved and the only one who claimed to love me back. In the end she ended up with her hands around my throat and my blood on her clothes in front of my son."
Her hand found my neck while she tried to bring me, or was it herself, some comfort.
"And I need you to promise me that you will never ever do anything like what you did to me today, I don't care if they know, my safety should be more important than hiding our relationship."
"I know...I'm sorry for what I did today, I love you so much" she said while crying sofly.
"And I love you too mina baby"
You said cupping her face and kissing her lips gently.
"Now we should sleep it's late and I'm exhausted."
You both laid in each others arms, the live you had for each other was enough to heal the bleeding wounds that you both wore on your heart.
A/n sorry for the delay I'm very very very very busy
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marvinswriting · 4 years
scary damian scary damian scary damian scary d-
prompt: the title speaks for itself lmaooo thank you bear for dealing with me sending you every other paragraph to make sure i got the energy of the fic right orignal g/t mg
I shoved my phone into my pocket, approaching the tiny pick up zone. I felt bad pulling Damian out of class but I'd feel worse if I passed the fuck out from exhaustion and got him worried.
Nothing telling my teacher I'm going to the nurse won't fix. 
I walked through the tiny halls, the unfinished ceilings and led beams hanging down. The occasional light flicker really setting in the horror genre feel. I tried not to concentrate on the hallway decor too much, it hurt more than anything. The half-assed drywall with bulletin boards hung occasionally. There were tiny lockers that went largely unused and some vending machines that haven't been refilled since I was a freshman. 
I yawn, approaching the tiny pick up zone. 
As expected, the hallways are quiet. The occasional student walks past but nobody pays me mind. I liked it better that way anyway.
I slumped against the wall, letting my head fall forward. I was exhausted. Don't know why. I actually got sleep last night. Can too much sleep make you more tired? Oh well. Gonna get more.
More footsteps pass the tiny pick up zone, but these ones pause before backtracking. I look up to see Shane Omen. 
Because who else?
I lower my head again, too tired to deal with this. 
"Yo, space dyke." Shane doesn't seem to happy to not get a reaction out of me. "I'm talking to you."
"Sure you are." I feel like I should be running, but my brain is sluggish and I don't feel any fight or flight kicking in. When I would normally be up on my feet, creating as much distance between us as possible, I'm just trying not to fall asleep.
I have enough energy left in my brain to know being unconscious around a giant, especially Shane Omen, isn't the smartest idea.
"Space Dyke." There's a hand reaching for me.
That makes me flinch backward but- its too late at this point. 
Is it bad to call this interaction familiar at this point?
Because it was.
I made a noise of surprise as Shane grabbed me off the platform roughly. My hands weren't pinned at my side this time, as I fruitlessly tried to push his fingers off of.
They wrapped around my entire body even pinning my legs together. 
"Shane, please!"
"Are all tinies as rude as you? Never respond when they're being talked to?"
I was not in the mood. My body felt as though it would shut down at any second and this interaction was frankly sending me into overdrive. My brain was panicking, trying to stay awake, trying to find the strength to fight back, trying to find energy where there was none. 
"I always find it amusing. You tinies are so big and bad with giants. But when you're alone- look what happens." Shane's fist tightens.
"Where's you giant, huh? Isn't that something you freaks do? You try and twist our words positively? Embrace it? Hate to break it to you, it doesn't seem to be working. You're still a pathetic annoyance."
Shane's right. Where is Damian?
"I could drop you right now," Shane says, and my blood runs cold. "It'd be ruled as an accident. They don't check the cameras about these things. You're just a tiny. You freaks fall off ledges all the time. Your name would be in the school newspaper this month and then never spoken about again."
Shane's grip loosens and while it's normally a welcoming sign, I struggle to find purchase, grabbing at his fingers, not wanting to fall.
"Shane, please."
"Please what?"
“Please, get your hands off my tiny."
Both Shane and I turn to the new voice. I could cry in relief. There stood Damian walking down the halls. He looked pissed but I knew him long enough to see he was as scared as I felt. 
Damian never said 'my tiny'. I called him my giant, sure, and he knew I was his tiny, but he always said despite it being embraced among tinies, he felt like he was taking ownership of a valuable life. Which was totally valid and I understood, but to hear him say it now put a smile on my face, despite the situation I was in.
The smile didn't last long as Shane's fingers once again tightened painfully around my body.
"And why should I?"
Damian was in front of us now. Shane wasn't short, but he wasn't tall. Damian was tall. He glared down at Shane. 
Holy shit.
None of my giant friends were fighters. Yeah, Cady has verbally chewed out some people, Gretchen has paid jocks to beat up others, but none of our giants were physical. But right now? Damian looked fully ready to throw hands.  
"Please hand me Janis." He held out his hand expectantly and for a second I thought Shane was just gonna comply. His grip loosens and his hand moved forward slightly before pausing. "No."
Shane said it with the authority of the girls on TikTok who bully people in the comments, saying no and throwing a heart emoji after.
"I'm sorry?" Damian's voice was low. Like the night Cady threw the part, but this time he wasn't trying to hide his anger or keep calm. "I heard what you said. About dropping her? Yeah, I think it's clear I'm not gonna let you do that. What you said counts as a threat by the way. If Janis wanted to report you, they'd check the cameras and you'd get into some serious trouble."
Shane seems metaphorically cornered for a second. Only a second.
God, I'm so fucking tired. I just want to be in Damian's pocket, where it's warm and safe and I can sleep, god damnit.
I can't tell if it's the total exhaustion or Shane's tight grip on me but my vision feels like its fogging up-
Oh my god, I can't breathe. 
How fucking tired do you have to be to notice you're not breathing?!
I let out a very incoherent plea and both giants look down at me.
"You're hurting her."
"Am I?"
"Knock it off dude. Let her go that's not funny."
"Let her go you say?"
The fingers wrapped around me are suddenly gone as I let out a gasp of surprise and for air. Shane Omen fucking dropped me. Wow.
I didn't fall far before landing on another hand. I knew it was coming but that didn't make me any more prepared as I land with an ungracious thump.
I'm not held by Damian for long as he gently places me on the tiny pick up zone. As much as I love Damian, I'm grateful to be back on solid ground as I stumble backwards leaning against the wall. 
"What the fuck is your problem, Shane." Damian isn't bothering to hide his anger at this point. 
Shane takes a step back, his hands going up in defense. "Chill dude. It's just a tiny. I don't understand why you get so upset. You're like the only one who gives a shit about space d-"
Shane didn't get to finish his sentence as Damian suddenly swings his arm, fist connecting with jaw.
I jump back, out of surprise more than anything.
Holy fuck.
I suddenly felt a lot more awake and in tune with the situation going on in front of me.
Damian never got violent. He was always the teddy bear friend. But this teddy bear had one good right hook. Where did he fucking learn that?
My illusion of big scary Shane Omen is broken as Damian towers over him, Shane bending over, hand on jaw. If anything, it's Damian who looks scary right now.
That's something I never thought I'd say. 
Damian shakes his fist out like he's trying to flick away the pain. "Don't ever talk about Janis like that again. If you or any of your friends use that nickname again, I'll-"
"We won't!" Shane is quick to reassure. "Swear on it, dude. Uh- Damian. We- we won't."
Damian doesn't seem convinced at this as he continues to glare at Shane. Shane turns to me and I instinctively flinch back. He raises his hand in defense. 
"Sorry- Janis."
 I don't think I've ever heard Shane call me Janis before? It's always been space dyke. Woah.
"I'm," Shane points behind him, skittishly. "I'm gonna go now, so-" He doesn't finish his sentence, just turns and speed walks down the halls. 
The second he's out of slight, the pressed lips and stiff posture fade and Damian looks a lot more- well, Damian.
"Are you okay?" His voice is back to a hushed concern. I jump regardless.
"I'm fine. Now." I say slowly. My brain feels like it's rebooting from what I've witnessed. It needs time to let the files load.
Damian punched somebody. 
Damian punched Shane Omen.
Shane Omen was scared of Damian.
Damian Hubbard the dude who wouldn't hurt a fly if he was paid to, punched Shane. Omen. 
And it was equally a mix of badass and scary.
I never thought I would call Damian scary. He hates being viewed as scary. And for the most part, he's not. But that? That was scary even if it wasn't directed to me.
My head snaps up. Damian looks nothing like he did thirty seconds ago. Now he stood timidly, like he was afraid to move and set me off. "I know you don't like yelling. I'm sorry."
I nod. "Thank you for coming when you did."
I pushed down all uneasiness I had. It frankly made me feel guilty. It was just Damian. He wouldn't hurt me. I didn't think he'd hurt Shane Omen either but-
It's Damian.
"You really had Shane ready to piss his pants," I say lightheartedly. "It was tits, dude."
Damian chuckled nervously. "I just saw him holding you and I got so nervous and I-"
"Hey hey hey-" I rush to the edge of the platform. "I'm here right now. I'm okay."
Yeah, it was pretty scary watching Damian tower over his peers aggressively. But it was also badass. And if Cady did the same I'd be gay. But the Damian I'm seeing right now? That's my best friend who would never hurt me. That's my platonic soulmate who goes out of his way to keep me safe. 
Which he was doing earlier, just in a new way. 
Damian scoops me up, holding me to his chest. I can feel his heartbeat slightly faster than normal. 
He was as worried as I was.
Just being held by Damian and the familiarity of being safe was all I needed for the exhaustion to set in again.
"I'm gonna fall asleep." I mumble. 
Damian laughs. "That is why you called me to pick you up, right?"
"Yeah," I say sleepily.
Damian shifts me into the familiar chest pocket and there's some rustling as I assume he puts on the whit pin before we're off. 
There's a couple of things we should talk about. Like him punching Shane Omen for starts. Or Damian calling me his tiny for the first time. But right now it's nap time.
Back to Damian's English where I can fall asleep without worry of Shane. Not that I think I'll be worrying about Shane for a while.
bear told me i write shane omen well and i guess that just means i make a good fucking villain lmao- also was damian at least a little in character? i tried. @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce
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jimin-and-things · 5 years
Home pt.2
Pairing: Yoongi×reader
Warnings: none
A/n: Y'all it took me a hot minute to finish writing this and it kinda sucks, but here I am, publishing it anyways
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It's been over a week since you've seen him.
You've been so busy with trying to unpack and get acquainted with living in the new house. You wanted to talk to him, sure, but you were scared, what were you gonna say? You couldn't just go up to his house and knock on his door. So maybe you just had to wait for the right moment.
You had your first day of school a few days ago, it wasn't terrible, but it's highschool so you can't expect it to be amazing. The teachers were decent and the clubs seemed pretty fun, you might go to a few but minus that, the kids seemed like assholes. You had no friends at the new school yet and you didn't plan on making any. No one seemed to want to talk to you and you were completely fine with that. But this meant that sadly, you had to eat lunch in the bathroom, it really wasn't that bad though. It meant you had some time to think about everything and it gave you time to do homework.
You were sitting in the stall eating the last of your chips when the bell rang, you shoved everything into your backpack quickly and began walking to your class in the chaotic sea of people walking in the hallway. You head to your locker to pick up your Biology textbook and thats when you feel a set of eyes on you. You shove the textbook into your backpack and turn around to find the eyes that are staring at you. The eyes were dark, like they could stare into your soul from across the busy hallway. Yoongi, you knew those eyes. You could stare at them all day but before you could head over to him, he simply gave you a small grin and with that, he disappeared into the dense crowd. You frown and scold yourself for not going over and talking to him sooner but with that you head off to your bio class.
"Did you not hear me ms.Y/l/n?" You jolt up quickly raise your head off your desk, shit, you must've been daydreaming again, but you quickly snap back into reality when you see your teacher starting you down with an irritated look, "I...I'm sorry, I was just..-" he cuts you off, "daydreaming? Well not in my class, keep your head out of the clouds" and with that he turns around and continues writing to write about genetics on the whiteboard. You groan and try to pay attention to what your teachers writing but your mind can't help but wander off again.
Once the bell rings, you race off into the sea of people in the hallway that just want to go home. You don't waste time to stop by your locker, you just want to go home and sleep. You finally make it outside of the school and thus begins your slow walk home. You've only taken a few steps when you hear someone calling your name, you turn around and you feel the person bump into you, making you drop your phone to the ground. "What the hell??" You stumble backwards and wipe your hands on your shirt and you can hear the person who collided with you apologizing profusely. When you look back up you see that it's Yoongi and he is holding your phone out to you, "Yoongi!" You hate that you just blurted that out, it made you sound too excited, considering that he just made you drop your phone. He chuckles and once you grab your phone from his hand, he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, "well hey atleast the phones not broken" you let out a small laugh and smile up at him after you examined your phone for any scratches, "So did you need something or..." You both continue to look at eachother before he breaks the silence, "Oh! Yeah I was wondering if...if maybe...I could walk you home?" He looks down at the ground nervously rubbing his hands together, and you're glad he is because you don't want him to see how your eyes lit up, "Sure, I'd like that, it would make up for knocking my phone out of my hands" you smirk at him and he lets out a soft laugh.
You two begin walking when you both hear someone shouting Yoongi's name, when you turn around you see a girl walking over towards him, she's gorgeous, she's extremely pretty from head to toe. You've seen her around school but you don't know her name, but you know enough about her to know that everyone loves her. She strides towards Yoongi and when she's standing in front of him she sticks out her bottom lip and does a pout, you hate it, "Yoonggiiii,  where are you going? I thought we had plans today?" She gets closer to play with the bottom of his jacket.
"Right...I uh...look, I'm busy right now, just let me walk y/n home and then I'm yours for the rest of the day okay?" He sighs and gives you an 'I'm sorry' look. She pouts even more and her eyes make their way over to you and you swear she gives you a death stare that could rip you to pieces but you try to remain calm and you glance at Yoongi, "Sure, I guess you can walk her home but just be ready for tonight" she gives him a quick peck on the cheek and she walks off, when she walks off he lets out a big sigh almost as if he's been holding his breath. He doesn't say anything and just starts walking off and you have to speed walk to catch up to him.
You two both continue walking side by side in an awkward silence, "so what was that all about?" you wanted to break the silence but you thought it was a stupid idea to bring it up again, but that's exactly what you did. He chuckles awkwardly, "She's not my girlfriend or anything like that if that's what you were wondering, she's pretty, sure, but can I tell you something?" He has a playful smile on his face, "sure" he lets out a sad laugh and sighs, "I don't even like her that much, I have no clue what I'm doing, I feel trapped almost" then why stay around her? you give him a sad look, "then why did you even make plans with her tonight?" He gives you a quick glance as you both continue walking, "well she more or less just said we were hanging out today and then she walked away before I could have time to say no, so here I am" he sighs and he has a defeated look on his face. You feel bad for him, how couldn't you feel bad for him? You try to lighten the mood and you playfully bump into his shoulder, "Well let's look on the bright side, atleast you don't have to see her right now, you're with me!" He has a big smile on his face now and he chuckles, "Yeah you're right, but I really don't know that much about you...how about we play a game" The playful glint returns to his eyes and he's smiling, "hmmm, sure whats the game?" He pretends to think really hard for a moment until he opens his mouth to speak, "Well it's sorta like 20 questions, we can ask eachother whatever we want, unless the question makes you uncomfortable of course" you think about it for a second then you nod your head, his smile grows wider, "Alright I'll go first, hmm, why did you move here?" You laugh, "Really? Why did I move here? I thought these were gonna be juicy" He grins, "Well this is just a warm up question" he stops walking and you turn around to see him smirking at you, "we're just getting started here" you can't help but blush, he looks too handsome with that smirk on his face, you look at the ground and continue walking, clearly flustered by what just happened. You hear Yoongi chuckle behind you and he catches up to you, you both continue to ask eachother questions for the rest of the walk.
Talking to Yoongi is amazing, it puts your mind at ease. You almost forget how beautiful the scenery is around the two of you. You guys walked home the long way so you could talk longer. You are walking down a dirt path thats right in the middle of a forrested area. The rocks are overgrown with moss and theres a small creek flows by the two of you and it goes into a pond that is inside the park not far from here. The sky is grey and is swarming with clouds but the sun still shines through and theres a small gust of wind blowing through, making the leaves blow onto the path and fly through the air. Its a shame that you're almost home though, you don't want this moment to end.
"I can't believe you haven't seen that! It's one of the best movies ever!" Your laughs fill the cold air, "Well it's not my fault that no one ever wants to watch scary movies!" He chuckles and you two both walk up the stone steps that lead to your front door, "Alright well then I'm gonna sit you down one day and make you watch it, you have to watch The Shining!"
"Sounds like a plan to me, how about we do it this Wednesday? You can bring the movie over to my house and we'll watch it, just you and me"
You're staring up at him now with your mouth agape with wide eyes, you know you look stupid but you cant help it. He wants to hang out with you. You give him a hopeful smile, "Really? You want to hang out...with me?" He stares at you and his eyes get smaller because of the big smile plastered on his face and he chuckles, "Of course I wanna hang out with you, this walk was pretty good, it makes having to hang out with Taeyeon after this alittle more bearable"
His expression softens a bit and there's a look in his eyes that you can't read. You two share a look and you stay like that for what seems like forever. The buzz of a phone breaks the silence between the two of you. Yoongi takes his phone out of the pocket of his jacket and when he sees who the notification is from you hear him curse under his breath and sighs. He types out a quick message and with that he puts the phone back into his pocket and he grins at you one more time, "Duty calls, it's time for me to await whatever torture Taeyeon has planned for today" you laugh softly but a part of you hurts, a part of you wants to reach out for him and keep him all for yourself, but you keep your nonchalant posture, "Alright drama queen it can't be that bad, go have fun" you playfully hit him and he chuckles as he begins walking away, "Stop by my house at 4 for the movie, and don't trip on your way there this time!" You can hear the teasing tone in his voice by the end of his sentence and you roll your eyes and try to hold back the smile forming on your face, "It was a one time thing! Let it go!" And with that you turn around and unlock the door to your house.
The first thing you do when you step into your room is find The Shining and place the Dvd on your nightstand. As the sun begins to slowly set, the sky becomes shades of orange and pink. You do your homework while the sky goes from light to dark and before you know it, stars begin popping up throughout the sky. It's taking you so long to do your homework because your mind can't help but wander off, Yoongi is the one thought that's been crowding your mind. You can't wait for Wednesday to roll by, you're honestly just happy that you can call atleast one person your friend in this town so far
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bosstoaster · 7 years
I'm sorry if this isn't the type of prompt your looking for but I thought that idea of the black lion being able to take over her pilot in an emergency was interesting and I'd love to see Keith and pidge's reaction whether they see it first hand or hear about it from lance and hunk :))
I’m looking for all kinds of prompts!
For the curious, the fic in question is here.  Honestly, I’d forgotten all about it, so thank you for the reminder.
Of all the members of the team, Keith considered himself the most used to how strange Shiro could be when the mood struck.  No one else had seen Shiro go through phases of almost obsessive interest, no one else had heard him laugh over their potential deaths after wiping out in the desert, no one else had seen the way he’d carry on outrageously over anything but a perfect score on a test or essay.
That being said, this was still odd.
First of all, there was no reason Shiro should have been out of bed.  Allura had personally banished him to his room after their last battle, once he’d admitted he hadn’t slept that night, and not really the night before.  It had shown, which was proof enough how bad the situation had gotten.
Secondly, Shiro had taken over the kitchen, which was not at all his usual domain.  Thankfully he wasn’t trying to cook anything, but he had a line of bowls spanning the entire fifteen-foot length of the counter space.  Each one was filled with small amount of- well, of just about every kind of food they had, it seemed like.  They were all perfectly lined up two inches from the edge.  As they watched, Shiro put the last one down, then readjusted it until it matched the others.
So this was odd.  Even for Shiro.
(Read More Below)
Keith glanced over at Pidge, who looked equally baffled at the display.  Her eyes were wide with a silent question.  Um, what? He shrugged back - no clue.
“Shiro?” Pidge asked.  “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is well,” Shiro replied, tone flat and affectless.
Yeah, funnily enough, that didn’t make Keith feel better.
Once the last bowl was in place, Shiro walked all the way back to the start of the row.  He heaved himself up onto counter and sat on top of it, then picked up the first bowl.  Using his foot, he opened one of the drawers and withdrew a spoon, then started to eat.  
With each bite, Shiro paused, brow furrowed like he was considering something very important.  Finally, once every scrap of food was gone, he nodded, then put the empty bowl in the cleaning unit.  Without a word, he started on the next one.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Keith asked, taking a cautious step forward.  “You’re-” What was the polite way of saying ‘you’re kind of freaking me out right now’?
Shiro looked at them again, head tilted.  “My paladin is fine,” he confirmed.
My pala-
Lance and Hunk had mentioned this, the one time Shiro had managed to make this sort of connection.  The news had thrilled Allura and Coran, even when they’d been told it was essentially a fluke.
The fact that the lions could override their paladins hadn’t made Keith feel especially comfortable.  Learning that it was only with permission helped, but he still didn’t like it.  Luckily, Red hadn’t expressed any desire to even try.  When he’d asked, he’d gotten the sense that Keith should be able to get out of situations on his own, or else Red would come get him in their vastly superior metal body.
Frankly, that worked for Keith.
“Okay,” Pidge replied carefully.  “Hello, um, lion.”
Shiro gave a distracted nod.  Once he finished the bowl, he made a face and dropped it down into the cleaning unit as well.  “No. Not a good taste.”
“Sorry about that,” Pidge said, her eyes cutting to Keith again.  “But, um, Allura said Shiro was supposed to be in bed.”
“My paladin required nutrients,” Shiro - okay, the Black Lion - said.  “He is resting.  Mentally.”  Then he (she?  they?) looked down Shiro’s nose at them both.  “The Princess may rule you, but she does not rule me.”
Oh, Allura would just love hearing that tone.
Keith hesitated.  “Does Shiro know you’re, um-” taking his body for a culinary joy ride - “up and about?”
The Black Lion gave Keith a flat look. “Of course.  He is aware.  Mostly.  But he is resting.”  The expression turned into a glare.  “Do not disturb him.”
Well okay then.
Keith was ready to give the lion the benefit of the doubt and make his escape, honestly.  The whole thing was weird, but Shiro had just been embarrassed of it last time.  Lance hadn’t stopped teasing about giving Shiro ear scratches for a solid week, so far.
But apparently Pidge had other plans.  She climbed up next to the Black Lion on the counter and watched the experiment.  “You’re seeing which ones taste better?”
“Taste is interesting,” the Black Lion replied.  “Why do chemical compounds with such minute chemical make-ups cause such extreme reactions?”  When Pidge opened her mouth, the Black Lion held up a hand.  “It was explained.  I simply wish to experience it.”
Lips curling up, Pidge reached over the Black Lion as comfortably as she would have with Shiro.  “Try this one, next.”
The Black Lion put aside the latest bowl, then took Pidge’s offer.  “My paladin says you are ‘messing’ with me.”  She paused.  “What does it mean to mess someone?”  There was a silence like someone was offering an answer.  “Why is that messy?”
Yeah, Hunk had been right.  That was very weird.
“Are you going to try it?” Pidge asked, smiling eagerly.  
The Black Lion nodded firmly, as if waving off mental objections.  “Yes, I am.”  But after one bite, they froze.  “Oh.  That is... That is displeasing.”
Snickering, Pidge glanced at Keith.  “Yeah, the food goo is pretty bad.”
So even the lions thought it was disgusting?
Or, wait.  The Black Lion was using Shiro’s mouth and Shiro’s perceptions of good and bad.  So she was really just trying out his tastes.
“It is terrible,” the Black Lion replied, taking another bite.  “Amusing.”  A smile curled up Shiro’s lips.
Well, when taste at all was novel, even bad ones were a fun experience.  Though Keith could imagine Shiro’s feelings on the subject.
Ah, well.  Apparently this somehow both checked off Shiro taking a break and getting his nutrients.  Despite how odd the lion was, Keith doubted she would do anything that harmed Shiro, even in such a little way.  So it couldn’t bother him that much.
Even so, Keith bet that Shiro would be more comfortable if they weren’t feeding the Black Lion anything disgusting.
Walking along the counter, Keith started to pick out a few items, mentally cataloguing what he could recognize from Hunk’s cooking.  Then he placed them all down next to the Black Lion.
The action earned him a pout.  “I was getting to those.”
Keith arched a brow, far to used to Shiro in a sulk to be bothered.  “Trust me.”
The Black Lion stared back, considering.  Then she nodded.  “Alright.”  She picked one up and tried it tentatively, then perked.  “Oh.  It tastes like... cheese?”  The word was slow and drawn out, like it had to be felt in the mouth.
“A little,” Pidge agreed, watching in fascination.  “Since you have different memories from Shiro, do you think your tastes are different?”
The Black Lion shook her head.  “No.  I have no memory of taste.”  But then she paused.  “But I did share memories with my former paladin.  So perhaps.”
Pidge let out a chuckle, then clapped her hand over her mouth.  “Sorry, I was just thinking- going on a secret mission that makes all the food in the main fleet taste like something Zarkon hates.”
“That would be very petty,” the Black Lion mused.  Then she nodded.  “I would enjoy that.”  Finishing up that bowl, she moved onto the next.
Then she let out a yelp.  “It burns!”
Keith’s smiled toothily. “I may have mixed in a surprise.”
Snatching up another, the Black Lion sucked on the spoon, full on sulking again.  “I trusted you,” she mourned.  “You are rude.”  There was another pause.  “Stop laughing.”
Maybe this wasn’t great for Shiro’s rest, but if Keith was making him laugh somehow, it was very worth it.  “I humbly apologize,” he drawled.  
“I do not believe you are being sincere,” the Black Lion muttered.
Pidge grinned.  “Want me to give you more suggestions instead?”
Considering her, the Black Lion slowly shook her head.  “No.  I do not believe that would be wise.”
Taking the next bowl, the Black Lion paused.  “This is sweet.  I like this.”  She looked at Keith.  “Are any of the others tricks?”
Keith’s expression softened.  “No.  The rest are what Shiro likes.”
“Oh.”  Smiling softly, the Black Lion nodded.  “I- Thank you.”
Judging by the tone, for just a second, that had been Shiro again.
By the end of Keith’s choices, the Black Lion’s jaw was working in a muffled yawn, exhaustion catching up.  She blinked slowly, like a contented cat, and Shiro’s normally perfect posture slumped forward.
“I think it’s time for bed,” Pidge commented, patting the metal arm.
The Black Lion frowned.  “The food will go to waste.”
Yeah, that was probably a Shiro objection, no matter who said it.  Keith shook his head.  “We’ll finish them up, and some of this we can put away.”
That got him another slow, sleepy blink.  “I see.”  The Black Lion stood, then frowned down at Shiro’s legs.  “Being organic is inconvenient.”
“I say that every day,” Pidge offered.  “C’mon, I’ll help you down the hall.  It’s the least I can do, since Shiro does this for me all the time.”
The Black Lion nodded, the movement loose. “Yes.  That would be wise.”  She tumbled forward, and Pidge stepped closer, acting as a brace.  “You are very small.”
“Don’t start with me.”
Pidge glanced over her shoulder, brows up in question - can you start cleaning?
Nodding back, Keith waved them on.  “Sleep well.”
“He will, I assure you,” the Black Lion replied, before the door closed behind them both.
Odd.  Very odd.
But not the weirdest thing that had happened to them so far.
Keith rubbed his temples and sighed.  Space was weird.  But as long as it wasn’t bad, he could manage.
It was easier to deal with when he didn’t have to clean dishes, though.
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btsbloodtearssquees · 8 years
Study Buddy
When you’re too shy to tell them your feelings, you figure out some kind of excuse to be around them...
“Hey!” Quick footsteps clomped down the hallway as the person belonging to the voice made their way towards you. Both amused and uncertain, you watched classmate Park Jimin approach with an armload of books which nearly hid him completely. He panted for a moment on arrival. “How do you get out of class so fast?!”
Your mouth twisted into a smile. “I don’t have so much to carry.” His cheeks turned pink briefly before he recovered with a gentle flick of his head. It didn’t do anything to get the hair out of his eyes. “You should probably get a haircut,” you mused. “Probably.” He brought his knee up to help push the slipping books back into a comfortable position, before giving you a cute smile. “Umm… do you need a hand with those?” As if to prove his own capability, he straightened his back and lifted his chin slightly. “No, thank you.” Again with the smile. You glanced away, unable to not take his little gestures to heart. “I came to ask you for a favour, actually,” he spoke again but in a much smaller, shy voice. His head tucked down towards the ground but his eyes looked back up at you. “I haven’t been doing so well in my English class…” You blinked. Park Jimin, the popular guy who everyone had a crush on even if they weren’t in his lectures, was telling you that he was struggling with English? “So I wondered, well -” his hand itched to rub the back of his neck shyly but it was impossible with all of the books. “Because you’re really good, I thought maybe you could help me out… a little. If you have the time.” Your eyes widened a little too much, causing him to blush and look away again. “Well, I - yeah. What do -” you swallowed nervously. “What do you need help with? Well obviously English but I mean, like…” He smiled over your nervous rambling while you totally forgot everything that you learnt in English. “Mainly just structure and word endings and spelling.” “So most of it?” He laughed nervously and cleared his throat while shifting the books up higher. “Yeah…” “Okay,” you repeated again. “I’ll help. When…” your voice trailed off as you realised what he had actually asked. To meet with you. Maybe regularly. “I have a meeting to go to now but,” his eyes crinkled into a hopeful, self-conscious smile, “we could do it after that?” You nodded, giving him a wave and turning to get out of there as fast as you could. “Wait, could I have your number so I can text you when I’m done? And to find out where to go and stuff?” Giving him your number?! You took his phone and shakily added your contact into it. “Thanks,” Jimin said, face breaking into a giant grin. This time when you waved and turned - you walked away from him as fast as you could so that he couldn’t see how shaken you were.
------------- “How do you spell ‘regulation’?” Jimin leant back against the wall and put his arms up behind his head. You looked away at the sight of his pronounced muscles. “R e g, umm u e - wait no! No e, so it’s r e g u, l a… t i o n.” “Very good,” you praised. “How about ‘correspondent’?” He licked his lips in thought. You had gone over this word with him just a few minutes before. “C o r… r, e s, p o n d, a n t.” You smiled and shook your head gently. “It’s an e at the end.” “What!?” Jimin protested. “But it sounds more like ‘ant’!” “When it comes to English, don’t judge spelling based on sound.” He pulled at a few fluffs on your duvet then smoothed it back over. “English is dumb,” he muttered. “Yes it is, but it’s also important.” You smiled at his pout and then thought back over to the first tutoring session where he had explained that his family had only moved over from Korea when he was sixteen. For being only twenty now, he was actually a lot better at English than he thought. It was mainly the spelling and sometimes the pronunciation which tripped him up. “Do you want to go over this list again or do something else?” He stared at you in consideration before tilting his head back against the wall. “Let’s just have a break.” A little surprised as your sessions had only ever been an hour long and with no break, you shifted on your desk chair uncomfortably and fiddled with your notes. “Are you going to the party this weekend?” Jimin asked casually. Your posture stiffened as your thoughts considered why he would be asking. “No, probably not. I should probably study for my exams next week.” “Oh, yeah.” The air grew thick as you waited for him to say more, but he didn’t. “Your spelling is actually a lot better,” you complimented to break the silence. He lowered his arms to pull down his shirt. “It’s because I have a really good tutor.” “A tutor isn’t anything without a good student.” Your chest constricted when he responded with a flirtatious wink. Flustered, you stood up to go put your books away, but it was unnatural with his eyes on you the entire time. “How come your flatmate is never here?” “I’m fairly certain she’s always drunk.”
“Oh,” he chuckled. “Great. Hey, why are you cleaning during our break?”
“It's a break from your studying. I still have lots to do.”
He watched you flicking through some papers and tossing most into the rubbish.
“Do you ever relax and just have fun?”
“Of course,” you answered defensively, not wanting him to think of you as a nerd with no social life.
“Perhaps you should come to the party this weekend,” he said in a meek voice. “I'd look after you.”
Your heart beat quickened as you hid your face from him until your cheeks had cooled. Why did he have to play with your feelings like this?
You faced him in disbelief.
“You would spend your fun party with someone as awkward and boring as me?” The question came out less lightly than you had hoped. Jimin shrugged self-consciously.
“I don't find you boring.”
Flustered, you continued stacking your papers.
“Let's continue studying,” Jimin urged, clearing his throat awkwardly.
You agreed and retook your position on the chair in front of him. It was two hours later and you were still together. The air had changed and now you were both on the bed, doubled over in hysterics due to Jimin's ridiculous pronunciation. You couldn't help but laugh harder at how cute his laugh was.
“That is horrendous!” You chided his deliberate failure.
“Horrendous,” he mocked your accent in response, but it was awful. You fell into laughter again.
“Park Jimin, I - can't -”
“Horrendous,” he tried again. Somehow he had gotten worse.
“Stop!” You begged between laughing. “I can't breathe!”
He went to poke your aching cheeks but fell over in his own amusement. You fell back too; exhausted from the long episode. Eventually the giggling subsided and you realised just how tired you were.
He licked his lips and turned his head towards yours as you did the same. A sense of shyness and nerves came over you as you realised you were mere centimeters apart. He noticed it too.
“Will you -”
You watched his cheeks grow more pink by the second.
“- say horrendous again?”
The mood was broken and you shook into laughter again. Jimin giggled beside you.
It was well into the morning by the time you came to your senses. Stirring ever so slightly, you suddenly noticed a warm presence wrapped around you. It was comfortable. Still sleepy, you tucked into it more.
It wasn't until the warm thing groaned tiredly that your eyes shot open. Looking up slowly, your heart lurched as you saw Jimin's sleeping face bent down over yours. His arms were tight around your middle; one hand gently in your hair. Your legs were intertwined.
How on earth had you two fallen asleep and ended up like this?!
Jimin began to stir, sensing your unease. You watched as his eyes slowly squinted open. Once he had fully registered the situation, he sat up very quickly and promptly whacked his head on the bunk bed above.
“Aohh…” he rubbed the sore spot, stunned.
“Are you okay?” You sat up also.
“Yeah, I'm…” he looked at you in confusion and embarrassment.
Jimin swallowed and used his teeth to play with his bottom lip. Neither of you were brave enough to address the situation directly.
“Thanks for the lesson,” he mumbled, going to clamber off the bed before he realised that required clambering over you. “I, uh -” he ruffled up his hair.
Humiliated, you moved to allow him to escape; feeling confused by the mix of embarrassment and disappointment. Jimin waved on his way out the door, seeming relieved to get out. You were sinking down into a mix of emotion just as the door reopened only a few moments later. He shut it behind him politely and stood with his back against it, hands still on the doorknob.
“I don't have any classes today,” he rushed out breathlessly. “We could have breakfast together, but only if you like… I mean you probably want to study or you have your real friends to eat with, and you won't want to be stuck with me but, I just wanted to let you know…”
A small smile spread across your lips, masking the butterflies you truly felt. He seemed to be mentally cursing himself over his awful speech.
“Okay. Just… let me get into something else…”
He stared at you with a dumbfounded expression for a moment before spurring into sudden action.
“Oh! Right… I'll just be outside.”
You smiled and then shivered in happy anticipation once he had left, beginning to pull out something suitable to wear. It was difficult, but you had to be quick with him waiting outside. Slipping into some mini jean shorts, a floaty floral three quarter length shirt, and some strappy sandals, you quickly ran a brush through your hair and then dragged yourself out the door. Jimin straightened from the wall as he took you in.
“Oh, uh,” he ruffled his hair again with a small smile. “You look really pretty.”
“Thanks,” you managed back breathlessly.
He swallowed and then held out his arm. You linked it with yours.
“And what does my tutor like to eat for breakfast?”
Feeling unusually confident with Jimin beside you, you didn't hesitate to answer.
“Ahhh, a sweet tooth,” he observed with a teasing voice. “It suits you.” “Really?”
You looked at each other, ducking away in shy smiles. Just before you reached the outside door, Jimin's hand slipped down into yours; clutching it both gently and firmly. You looked at him as the butterflies increased. He pushed open the door and led you outside.
“There's so much to learn about you. Perhaps we can both skip the party and… do something else?”
You looked away shyly again, unused to so much attention from anyone, let alone the handsome Park Jimin.
“Okay,” you agreed again, earning a beaming smile from him. “Let's go find some pancakes, then,” he announced; walking so close that sometimes you would bump into each other. ----------------- Just a cute little scenario I wrote a little while ago ;). -Dolceice
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