#'in the cradle gilded they are left to rot and never bleed'
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wanderingibon · 6 months ago
yaelokre's new album songs of origin is so good GWAHHH the vibe the lyrics, im chewing on this so hard.. especially for dragon age ocs, not to be cringe on main but 'bird cage blue and yellow' is giving crow rook and lucanis (in terms of their characters / story parallels) to me severely. let me cook
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amanda-519 · 6 months ago
Clementine's song in Songs of Origin is so interesting to me!! I had to theorize about what it means. Do spoilers for the song!! I'm going to analyze each and every lyric to understand what Clementine's childhood was like.
Starting off with the lyrics:
"Bird cage blue and yellow"
The lyrics start off with a bird cage, something that traps which is supposed to be free. I think in this song the bird cage is Clem's old home, and bird, in a sense, is them. I think the entrapment is more emotional than physical, but I'll get into that soon.
As for "blue and yellow" I think it symbolizes opposing emotions, like blue for sadness and happiness for yellow. Maybe it describes how sometimes Clemie was happy in the house (but still trapped) and sometimes sad.
"Candles warm and windows bare" continue on his dual nature. The candles bring warmth, but the bare windows suggest that Clem felt vulnerable, or isolated. It represents warmth but also exposure/emptiness.
"Tracing upturned smiles of portraits/drawn to disappear" the first line could be read in two ways I think. The first is that Clemie is tracing the smiles on portraits because they don't feel happy/feel that it's fake. Like, that the smiles are fake or forced, and that outside of the portraits they disappear.
And my other interpretation is Clemie's family used to be happy, but maybe something happened (like a death) and the smiles that once existed in the photos are now gone, ans Clemie is reminiscing on them.
"Flowers never talk, they never want/they never need" this line suggests to me that Clemie was seen as a flower. Pretty, but neglected (which is more clear in the next verse).
"In a cradle gilded, they are left/to rot yet never bleed" again I think in the song Clemie is the flowers. They were treated as something precious but neglected. I think the neglect is mainly emotional, since the sing also has themes of isolation. Like Clemie was left alone or maybe even isolated from other people.
I also think the "never bleed" line is about how Clemie wasn't supposed to show their pain. Like they're been "left to rot" yet they're expected to "never bleed" (show pain)
"Eyes of silver, mirror, mirror/Thread on wood and steel" These lines actually threw me a bit. Clemie has silver eyes, and this is a shot in the dark, but maybe Clemie's parent(s) also have silver eyes, and the "mirror, mirror" part is the parent seeing themselves in Clemie, and thus thinking they are beautiful, but neglecting them or keeping them away from their peers?
I'm not quite sure what "Thread on wood and steel" is supposed to mean. Maybe something mechanical that contrasts with Clemie's natural association with flowers?
Maybe it's about how Clemie was woven into a harsh, unfeeling life?? Like, wood and steel being harsh materials, and how the rest of the song is about how Clemie was controlled in their previous environment.
"Keep what can be kept" this ties to into my (mostly unfounded) theory that Clemie is the child of a dead parent, and their other parent, in a effort to preserve the dead parent, is "keeping" them, maybe even putting them in a glided cage, something pretty but still a cage, in a effort to protect them?
"And heave to see which one will kneel" this line suggests some kind of fight for control. Maybe Clemie eventually got sick of living in a glided cage and tried to fight back?
"I've been told to wait/but why should there be silence" finally! A less ambiguous line. Maybe Clemie, after getting tried of living in a glided cage, rebelled, and was told to wait/be slient. I'm not quite sure what they're being told to wait for, though. Maybe it's more of a general dismissal, like "ask me about this later" when "later" being "never".
"Dawning pretty laces/Weaving capes of gold/and framing muffled faces" these lines tie into the rest of the songs themes, with beauty, weaving, gold, and being silenced.
I think Clemie's parent(s) had a lot of money, and thus they lived a life of "luxury". They were seen as something pretty, like a flower, and wore pretty laces and gold, but their issues were silenced (muffled).
"I can be different" this line suggests a breaking of a cycle. Maybe, since Clemie's family was rich, they were expected to act a certain way, and this is them claiming that they're allowed to be different from their family.
"I can't be puppeted!" (Funnily, I actually missed this line the first time I wrote this out because I was going off the description lyrics, and the description is missing this lyric).
Pretty self explanatory. Clemie is saying that they can't be controlled. This is they fully fighting against their "gilded cage".
"Garden evergreen/was what I thought I would see" garden symbolism, which ties into Clemie's nature/flower symbolism. Maybe when Clemie was young they liked their home, but as they were controlled more and more, and isolated, it became both "yellow" and "blue". But they once saw it as a place of peace/growth.
"Branches meet my steps/their kisses open up ravines" As Clemie walks through their home, now feeling controlled, they find branches. Maybe the "garden evergreen" they once pictured has died, and all that is left are branches.
"Their kisses" could represent their family or parent(s). How they might try to comfort Clemie, but all it does it create a bigger wedge (ravine) between them.
"Fences frozen in a dance/they're yet to perform" this could symbolize how rigid Clemie's old life was. I was pretty stuck on what "fences" could represent.
A wall between them and the outside world? A boundary? A barrier?
And how that ties into the rest of the line/song.
Like did Clemie feel like they had barriers in their previous life that made them frozen? What about "in a dance"?
I eventually settled on the idea that this line implies tension between freedom and restriction. A fence is a boundary, but it's ready to move/dance, but it's frozen. It's yet to preform, but it wants to.
"I leave the house and the Baroness/buried in before" this all but confirms that Clemie came from a house with money, maybe they're the child of a baroness?
Or, it might not be so literal, with the baroness simply being Clemie's mother that is strict on them, playing the part of a baroness.
The "buried in before" line represents Clemie leaving behind their old life.
The line "Finndu mig í framtíðinni", according to Google translate, means "find me in tbe future". This could be Clemie saying that they have completely abandoned their previous life, that you will only find them in the "future".
"Rödd eins og bjalla/heldur okkur öruggum/ frá framtíðinni" means "A voice like a bell/keeps us safe/from the future" this line is really interesting to me.
The "voice like a bell" represents, to me at least, the Bellringer, someone Clemie feels a connection to and looks up to. Though I'm not sure "keeps us safe/from the future" in this context means, why would Clemie need to be kept safe from the future? If what they're left buried is the past? Maybe Clemie just feels anxious about the future.
In conclusion, to me Clemie's song tells the story in which they grew up in a rich house (maybe even as a child of a baroness). They were seen as pretty, but emotional neglected by their family and isolated.
At first Clemie liked their life, but as they grew up and their family became more controlling, they found that their life wasn't "evergreen". They started having conflicting emotions about their life, feeling trapped inside a glided cage, but still warm.
Until it becomes too much and they start rebelling against their family, until they finally run away.
What do you think? If you have any ideas/thoughts, please send me an ask or reblog with your thoughts!! I loved the new songs so much!! Who knows, I might even do something similar for Cole's song!
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 5 months ago
Guys guys birdcage blue and yellow by Yaelokre is so Vast coded
analyzation below:
Bird cage blue and yellow Candles warm and windows bare Tracing upturned smiles of portraits Drawn to disappear
Vast within the Avicane- the "portraits drawn to disappear" can refer to Kalia. An important family, but one that can make others and some of their own disappear. Candles warm and windows bare = the coldness of the Cadere family, the only warmth from the candles they light.
Flowers never talk They never want, they never need
"Flowers" being the children of the Cadere family. Never speak up or against, don't ask questions, don't ask why. In a cradle gilded They are left to rot yet never bleed Can refer to Kalia's death, or the rotting of any empathy within Vast, the death of the person he could've been from the start- the person he's now becoming.
Eyes of silver, mirror, mirror - Vast's own cold eyes staring back at the husk he's become Thread on wood and steel - The blood that Vast has shed Keep what can be kept And heave to see which one will kneel - Vast luring people to their deaths- which one will yield first? Her sanity, or her prey?
I've been told to wait But why should there be silence Dawning pretty laces Avicane talking to Vast, his brain revolting Weaving capes of gold And framing muffled faces "Muffled faces" the people Vast has killed- the people the avicane has killed I can be different I can't be puppeted! Vast realizing he can be independent- that he doesn't want to be a puppet anymore. Garden evergreen Was what I thought that I would see Vast believing everything would be better now, just to face the scars and consequences (both physical and mental) of what they were Branches meet my steps Their kisses open up ravines Vast still leaning into her past patterns, hiding things, thinking certain ways, falling prey to Vee Fences frozen in a dance They've yet to perform Vast frozen during the obelisk scene when Armor and Rune show up, frozen in what could've been them being dragged back home (if PMV then this would include Vee's death) I leave the house and the Baroness Buried in before This one is more either Vast leaving the Avicane behind, but more Vast leaving the Avicane behind for good, burying Vee with a barely marked grave. No turning back now, he's all in on leaving.
Finndu mig í framtíðinni (Find me in the future) Finding who he wants to be in the future, the person she truly shall become
(Malayang maya) (Malayo-layo) x4 --- (Fly sparrow, fly far) Running from the Avicane- (also could be a reference to Armor in this section)
Rödd eins og bjalla Heldur okkur öruggum Frá framtíðinni (Voice like a bell saves us from the future)
Voice like a bell = The voices of those around him, encouraging her to heal and be better
(Malayang maya) (Malayo-layo) x3
Flying far from his tattered past
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queenmabsim · 6 months ago
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~ flowers never talk they never want, they never need in a cradle gilded they are left to rot yet never bleed
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