#'i shot the sheriff' 'but you didn't shoot the deputy' for context
riflebrass · 2 months
Well this was an absolute clusterfuck. The link starts the video right at the time of the shooting but if you want a better understanding of the context I'd watch the video leading up to it.
Sonya Massey called the police regarding a suspected prowler in the area. After looking around for a bit they found nothing and knocked on her door to talk to her. She was acting strangely, but not in any way that was threatening.
While they were talking a pot of pasta or something was starting to boil over. The deputy asked her to take it off the heat before it sets off the smoke alarm. She went a step further and seemed to pour it out to strain it in the sink. As she moved to the sink the officers moved back. She asked where they were going and an officer said they were stepping away from the hot water. She said "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" and then things went to 11. One of the officers replied "You better not or I'll shoot you right in the fucking face" and drew his gun at her. She immediately apologized as he started yelling at her to drop the pot of water then he shot her in the face.
The shooting happened on July 6th. I heard he was fired but I didn't see any mention in the info at the beginning of the video. On July 17th the body cam footage was shown to a grand jury and they indicted the deputy on murder charges.
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foxthefanboi · 4 years
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3x12 - Jus in Bello
Sam disapproves of Dean’s inappropriately timed jokes
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