#'i just can't the end with our field of dreams engulfed in fire' makes me wanna die every time
lady-a-stuff · 4 months
What makes loml the saddest song for me is that she isn't talking about just losing him, it's losing all her dreams about getting married and have kids, it's losing hope she'll find the forever (the prophecy), she didn't lose only him, this relationship, she's hopeless now, she lost everything, therefore the loss of my her life
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spectres-fulcrum · 5 months
SenshixShitennou-Loss of my Life
What if I said loml by Taylor Swift is so devastating SenshixShitennou that it was that interpretation that made me tear up? Cause it’s true. (And by the conman/betrayal/etc it’s because of the brainwashing/the girls believing it on the Moon/history repeating)
[Verse 1]
Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames
If we know the steps anyway?
We embroidered the memories of the time I was away
Stitching, "We were just kids, babe"
I said, "I don't mind, it takes time"
Like who is going to stop them from reliving history? They were reincarnated to live happier lives, with no failsafes but to be prepped to fight when Beryl awoke first. And they were all just literal children-fighting each other doomed to repeat the horrors of the life they lived before. No one to stop them. Just the girls praying to save things.
When your impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fakes
Well, you took me to hell too
And all at once, the ink bleeds
A con man sells a fool a get-love-quick scheme
But I've felt a hole like this
Never before and ever since
But on the Moon? They didn’t realize it was brainwashing. They thought they had fallen for tricks, gotten betrayed, and it destroyed life entirely. And now they see their guys brainwashed but as they were and again-a hole. Ever since that fateful night.
You cinephile in black and white
All those plot twists and dynamite
Mr. Steal Your Girl, then make her cry
The Dark Kindom vs the Inner Senshi was black and white until Venus came and in a battle of dynamite, she unleashed a plot twist. They were fighting their ex-lovers. And Queen Beryl was Queen brainwash your man, then make him betray you.
You shit-talked me under the table
I wish I could un-recall
How we almost had it all
Dancing phantoms on the terrace
Are they second-hand embarrassed
That I can't get out of bed
'Cause something counterfeit's dead?
It was legendary
It was momentary
It was unnecessary
Should've let it stay buried
The Shitennou are shit talking them in the Dark Kingdom because the Senshi are enemies. But Makoto, Ami, and Rei can suddenly remember the love they lost. The amazing, short, useless love. But they didn’t live it. Their family and friends would laugh it off as as childish fantasies because they never lived it in this life. It was just a past life that just feels so real and painful and they probably wish they could forget it all,
Oh, what a valiant roar
What a bland goodbye
The coward claimed he was a lion
I'm combing through the braids of lies
"I'll never leave," "Never mind"
Our field of dreams engulfed in fire
Your arson's match, your somber eyes
And I'll still see it until I die
You're the loss of my life
And we all know what they saw on the Moon. Fire. Destruction. The eyes of their lovers cold as steal. And they think it’s true betrayal. And they trusted Serenity to be near them. And so they fight to the death and kill each other and are reborn in hopes of-
And then they waltz into rekindled flames, knowing the steps. And they remember the night. The loss of their lives.
(Little Tortured Poets Department reminds me of modern SxS. The cycle. Who is going to know them/decode them? Who are they going to trust like them? But also they aren’t who they were, this isn’t the SilMil they’re modern people. It gives me strong Jade to Rei while Rei is fighting her feelings cause she’s scared he’ll end up betraying her again. )
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sprouseandall · 1 month
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Blood was oozing out of the newly formed hole in the middle of my chest. Breathing was getting harder for me to inhale so maybe it was safe to say its quite possible that the bullet has punctured one of my lungs. My facial and emotional expression matches that of Cole. Just the fear was different; for him of losing me and for me... to leave him alone in this unforgiving world. I can see our field of dreams engulfed in fire which matches the background of this mansion in way; bullets showering like rain.
The sound of shots being fired did not bother me anymore. In each shuddering breathe my lunges managed to fill in, I was more concerned about Cole, who was weeping holding my fragile frame close to his, shielding me from any danger since the beginning of the shootout showdown.
"C'mon Ashley. Keep your eyes open for me, please Ashley." Cole begged, tears blurring his vision. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes with his palm before applying pressure on the open wound.
"I c-can't." I croaked out, moaning in pain.
"Yes you can, you're stronger than this. You can face this you know I'm with you. Just keep on savin' your breathe."
"It's okay." I weakly places her bloody hand on top of Cole's.
"No! It's not okay. Nothing is okay and you know it! I won't let you go I-I-I just can't. I love and we promised, remember? J-Just keep on breathing babe."
"It's not your fault Cole." I managed to say, pulling him impossibly closer to me, wanting to feel him one last time before I die in the arms of the man I loved. Of course I did not plan on dying this soon but at the end of the day if this is how I end, I have no regrets. I did the right thing.
I could feel the weakness taking over me. I was feeling paralyzed, weight of my body getting heavier when the click-click sound appeared getting louder and louder.
Cole still held me tight in his drip while his free hand went to grab the gun placed beside me. He upheld the gun high aimed in the direction of that sound with his finger resting on top of the trigger, just in case it was one of Martinez scoundrels.
Guess not because I recognized that voice. It was Dylan's voice. He knelt next to us with shock plastered on his face.
"Oh god at this rate she will bleed out to her-" He did not dare to finish the sentence.
"We need to stop the bleeding until the help is arriving." Cole says looking around to search for something useful but he did not find something.
The light bulb of his brain glowed. He began to slip off his flannel shirt and belt off his waist. He made a bundle out of the shirt and placed it on top of my wound. He asked Dylan to strap the belt tightly onto my chest as he held me a bit upright, thinking it stop the blood flowing and keep the cloth in place. When Dylan proceeded to do so, I yelped in pain.
"That's it. That's it Ash. You got this." Cole coos, trying to comfort me. Dylan shot a few times in between, killing a couple of Martinez mens and missing a few times.
Dylan passed three ammo magazines to Cole as reserve when a voice came through his ear piece on comms.
"Come in alpha-one. Angel is here, I repeat Angel is here."
"Copy that daybreak. The sweetness is fading. Need a cover out, Charlie team flood in please." Dylan ordered.
"You heard it. Fast dry on my mark. You need to take Ashley out of here."
"I'll come back for you" Cole says.
"No you won't. You're already in this mess because of me."
"Did you ever listened to me?" Cole tried to shake it off, making Dylan shake his head as a grin broke into his face. Cole clutched Ashley's limp form, her blood-soaked body draped across his arms. The brothers shared one last look and then Dylan moved across the next pillar scanning the area for any signs of danger.
"Now!" Dylan yelled, his voice piercing the din of gunfire.
Cole sprang into action, dashing towards the entrance with Ashley cradled in his arms. Bullets whizzed past, but Dylan's covering fire kept the attackers at bay.
He panted and kept on saying "Almost there Ash, almost there. Just a couple of more seconds. Help is here, just hand on for me, just hang on for me, just live for us baby." He cradled her delicate frame. A bullet grazed his left arm and he hissed at the physical contact but his grip never loosened and nothing else mattered to him at that moment as they burst through the mansion doors, Cole spotted the friendly forces, their guns trained on the mansion still going inside.
KJ and Camila spotted their bandmate and KJ flew in to help Cole while Camila brought the medical personnel, rushing forward with stretchers at the ready. The nurses helped Cole to lay Ashley on the stretcher.
Cole removed her hand off his bloody t-shirt which as Ashley held on to it. "C-Cole" she murmured.
"I'm right here Ash, I'm not going anywhere." He said with urgency.
The medical team swept in, surrounding Ashley with a flurry of activity. Cole watched, helpless, as they worked to save her life.
Cole instantly broke down in tears, KJ wraps him into his embrace, rubbing his back and said "You know she's going to be alright. You know that right? She will be back in your arms, pinching your nose before you know it." Cole was instantly hit with a wave of their memories together and this particular sweet gesture shared between them multiple times. This was their love language; simple little yet sweet things.
"Okay now lets get yourself cleaned up mate." Cole broke their hug, wiping the length of his eyes across his cheeks and rubbed his hands to the sides of his jeans.
"You keep Ashley safe. I have to get back in there."
Camila stepped in, "Are you crazy? You can't go back in there!"
"Look man, I know Dylan is inside but I cannot let you back in, okay? rest of the team is going in, they will make sure Dylan make it out just fine safely." KJ tries to reason with Cole but he does not bug in.
"I promised Ashley I'd always protect her, I failed. Didn't you just see her in that state? She's fighting for life because she chose to take a bullet for me. I promised her, I will keep us brothers safe, it should not matter what happened between us in the last few months. One bad deed can't outrun all the good ones, Dylan IS my brother and I still do care for him. I can't sit here let the worry eat me alive for him and Ash. I have to go back to him." Cole finished.
KJ signed deeply and gave in. "Fine but on one condition: I'm going with you."
"No" Cole replied without a pause, earning a look serious look from his friends.
"That's non-negotiable" Camila says, arms resting on her hips.
"Okay fine!"
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Dylan sprinted through the mansion's grand hall, bullets ricocheting off the marble floor as he dodged and weaved between columns. An agent burst from the doorway, gun blazing, and Dylan leapt into a flying tackle, slamming them to the ground.
They wrestled, punches flying, as Dylan struggled to pin the agent's gun arm. But another agent closed in, boot raised for a crushing kick. Dylan rolled, avoiding the blow by mere inches, and countered with a lightning-fast jab that sent the second agent crashing into a nearby vase.
The first agent broke free, gun raised, and Dylan knew he was out of time. But before the trigger could be pulled, a shot rang out, and the agent's gun hand exploded in a crimson splash.
Cole, Dylan's brother, stood in the doorway, smoking gun still raised, a hint of a grin on his face.
"Need a hand bro?"
"Yeah but can't say the same about him though." Dylan says sarcastically referring to the dead man laying in front of them.
"I told you not to come for me." Dylan teases though no matter what happens knew his little brother would forever come to save him.
"It's always me saving your ass. You can't last 5 seconds without me."
"I may agree with the first part however I did last for ten minutes until superhero Nat King Cole saved the day!"
Cole chuckled, eyes still scanning the area. "We need to roll out. More are coming."
Dylan nodded, and together they charged forward, guns drawn, returning fire as they battled their way through the mansion's deadly maze. They leapt over shattered furniture, dodged falling chandeliers, and took down agents with precision shots.
The body count increased and the noise quieted down.
KJ informed Cole over comms that he with the help of delta team has captured the last man alive: Martinez's left-hand - Enrique.
The twins dart towards the East entrance, when they arrived at the scene the group of their alliance members shifted and made a passage for the boys to come forward, face-to-face in front of this last rascal.
Dylan and Cole loomed over the gang leader, guns pressed to his temples. "Last chance," Dylan growled.
"Who's behind this?"
The rascal spat blood, eyes flashing with defiance.
"You can suck my balls."
Cole's gaze narrowed. "Wrong answer."
With a swift motion, Cole slammed his gun into Enrique's jaw, sending him crashing to the floor. Dylan followed, pinning the leader's arms behind his back.
"You see, we have a problem with stubborn people," Dylan said, his voice dripping with menace.
Cole knelt before Enrique, a cruel smile spreading across his lips. "We like to break them."
With a swift kick, Cole sent the man scraping across the floor, the sound echoing through the mansion. The leader groaned, his body trembling.
"Who's behind all this?" Dylan repeated, his grip tightened. Enrique's eyes bulged, but he remained silent.
Cole's patience ran thin. He propped himself straight ahead of the blood wheezing man and placed the mouth of his gun on top of Enrique's right kneecap and with that devilish glance and then Cole pulled the trigger, a scream filled with agony fill the air, his knee bust open with all the blood splattered all over the floor and all over the twins face, down to their clothes staining them in crimson color.
Cole leaned in, his voice a whisper. "We'll keep asking until you talk. Or until you can't talk anymore."
Dylan's eyes locked onto the leader's, a fierce intensity burning within. "You choose."
The leader's face contorted in agony, but still, he refused to yield.
With a nod, Cole resumed the brutal interrogation, the brothers working in tandem to extract the truth. The leader's screams echoed through the halls, a haunting symphony of suffering.
Finally, as the leader's voice cracked, he whispered the name.
Suddenly the man started to laugh like a maniac. "How do you suppose you'd make it out of this mess alive? Huh? Who are you? You are nobody. NOBODY."
Dylan and Cole exchanged a look, a spark of mischief igniting between them. In perfect sync, they smirked, and their voices became one: "We're Popstars." as two bullets got fired at the same time piercing the eyes of a now useless man, blood pouring down rapidly.
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A/N: I thought I will not be posting this story until the whole thing is done and written but I couldn’t resist! I was so excited to share this so here it is, I hope you enjoyed it.
Taglist is open! Let me know if you wanna be added 🤍
Like, reblog and comment they are appreciated. DON’T YOU DARE STEAL MY WORK. I WILL FIND YOU AND THAT IS WRITTEN.
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lostcoves · 3 years
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ft. tenya iida x fem!reader
genre: fluff
wc & warnings: 2k | mentions of wanting to v*mit
premise: thanks to your friend’s magnetizing quirk, you and your not so secret crush tenya iida are stuck together for the next six hours 
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tenya iida, oh how you were enamored with him. his leadership, his quirky nature, everything about him made you melt into a puddle. but you were merely another face, a general studies student with an average quirk. you felt like you could never amount to anything compared to the hero course students. yet, fate had other plans for you and him.
"(l/n)-san!" your classmate kirumi yamamoto yelled your name across the classroom one afternoon at the end of the school day. you approached her- although, confused- and asked her, "what is it, yamamoto-san?"
"i need some help with my quirk practice and was wondering if you could help me?" she twiddled her thumbs, smiling like a cheshire cat. you pressed your lips together hesitantly before sighing and answering to kirumi, "okay, i'll help you."
kirumi quickly embraced you and grinned, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"
you would later come to regret this decision.
dressed in your gym uniform, you stood in an empty practice field and waited for kirumi to come out. she emerged from the school and waved at you, you greeted the wave and shouted to her, "whatcha need me to do to help you with your quirk?!"
"you're gonna be my target!" kirumi's quirk was magnets, she could make anything organic into a living magnet. your eyes widened at her response and opened your mouth in protest when she shot a beam at you. letting out a surprised scream, you stood frozen with kirumi's quirk pulsing around you. shit, you were a living magnet.
"now, who should i make into a magnet?" kirumi pondered on the thought until she noticed a group of people walking by near the field. kirumi smirked at the sight, tenya iida was in the group. she yelled to him, "hey iida-san, watch out!" before "accidentally" shooting her quirk's beam at iida. iida tried to duck but the beam was too fast, magnetizing poor iida in one blast. your eyes widened with realization and you let out a shout when iida came flying towards you. the two of you crashed into the ground, both disoriented and in pain.
"sorry!" kirumi laughed nervously.
"yamamoto-san!" iida exclaimed, "undo your quirk this instant!"
"yeah.. no can do!" she rubbed the nape of her neck sheepishly.
"w- wait do you mean?" you stammered, scared.
kirumi let out an anxious chuckle, "my quirk lasts for between thirty minutes to twenty four hours, depending on what i magnetize."
panic bubbled in your chest, you were gonna be stuck to iida for upwards to a day!?
"i'll say you guys are gonna be stuck together for maybe.. six hours?" kirumi hypothesized.
"six hours?!" iida was on the verge of passing out.
"sorry! i'll inform our teachers!" kirumi sprinted off, leaving you and iida to your own devices. queasiness enveloped your body, as you fought the urge to puke on your shoes. six hours, suck to your crush? this was a nightmare!
"before we do anything.. do you need the restroom?" iida questioned to you, his face blushing tomato red.
you shook your head, "thankfully, no. how about you?"
"same for me."
you two were in for an interesting six hours.
hour one - five hours remaining until quirk wears off
you and iida were in iida's bedroom. the teachers thought it would be more suited for you to be under the care of aizawa-sensei and the other pro-heroes specialized with this sorta situation. unable to go two meters without being sucked back to one another, you and iida made the executive decision to remain in his dorm room.
"so (l/n)-san.." iida cleared his throat and gave you an awkward smile, "what's general studies like?"
"like regular old high school," you mused, shifting a little to get more comfortable. iida felt himself getting pulled as a result, much to both of yours annoyance. kirumi's quirk was so frustrating! nothing compared to your simple quirk of water manipulation, a quirk that was a dime a dozen.
"what's it like being a hero course student?" now it was your turn to ask the questions.
"exhilarating," iida breathed out with a smile. he looked so beautiful when he smiled, you smiled in response. he then added to you, "we get in a lot of trouble with villains, though. something that i'm not happy about. they keep interrupting our studies and it's just.. annoying, to say the least."
"i bet," you hummed.
"so uh.. what else would you like to discuss? we got–" iida checked his watch, "–five hours and forty three minutes."
you huffed in exasperation, "good god, this is agonizing."
"hopefully, i'm not upsetting."
"no! you're not! it's just.. it's just.. i need my space," you confessed. iida nodded understandingly and replied, "i understand that. i'll do my best to ensure you're as comfortable as possible while we're stuck like this."
you gave iida's hand a squeeze, "thanks, iida-san."
he returned the hand squeeze with one of his own, his larger hand engulfing your smaller hand.
"of course, (l/n)-san."
hour three - two hours until quirk wears off
perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. you managed to learn a lot about iida while confined to his dorm room and under the magnetizing quirk. he pursued professional heroism as a result of being from a legacy of hero while you attended general studies to ensure a better future when you inherit your family's florist business. your quirk was good for subsidizing costs at the shop but you needed a better education in order to keep the family business afloat. general studies at ua offered a future for you.
"so iida-san," you plucked a grape off the platter of food iida's friend deku dropped off for the two of you, "if you could have any quirk in the world that's not your own, what would it be?"
"are we playing twenty questions?" iida tilted his head in bewilderment. you gave him a nod and he answered, "well, i have.. i'm a little jealous of my classmate todoroki-kun's dual ice and fire ability. i think it would be interesting to have a quirk like that."
"good answer," you plopped the grape in your mouth and gestured iida to ask you a question. he mulled over his question before proposing to you, "what's your ideal partner?"
you nearly choked on your grape but caught yourself before you could. why in the world would tenya iida ask you that kind of question?
"well.. i.. i, er–!" you adverted your gaze from your crush, "i like.. i like intelligent people who are good leaders and want the best for others."
"interesting, interesting.. what about appearance wise?"
you eyed iida warily, "i don't care too much about appearance but.. i like buff people and i think glasses are sexy."
iida made a mental note of your response, "i hope you find someone who matches your ideal lover one day, (l/n)-san!"
iida, you idiot! you thought to yourself, you match my ideal partner!
"so uh!" you cleared your throat, "next question.. what's your favorite food?"
this banter went back and forth for the next hour or so.
hour five - one hour until quirk wears off
you were getting exhausted and it was nearly nightfall at the dorms. your exhaustion was noted by iida, who offered you one of his blankets to sleep with. you grew flustered by the offer but nonetheless accepted it. so here you were, back to back with your crush and laying in his bed. was this a nightmare or a dream come true?
you couldn't sleep. i mean, obviously it was difficult to fall asleep in the presence of your crush. you tossed and turned a bit, the magnet pulse keeping you stuck to iida. the glass wearing boy sighed and turned himself around and whispered, "can't sleep?"
you gave him a nod and iida smiled, "what if i told you a story?"
"a story? what am i, a five year old?" you laughed awkwardly. iida frowned, disappointed. you didn't want to disappoint him so you cleared your throat and changed your answer, "you can tell me a story."
"good," iida wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close, "my mother would tell me this story a lot when i was little. it starts with a knight and.."
iida went off to tell you the story of a knight cursed to be a beast until he could save a kingdom's princess. it was a story of heroism and sorrow, as the knight failed to save the princess. yet, the princess managed to save herself and in turn, broke the knight's curse with the power of self-forgiveness. you never heard such a tale before so it was definitely interesting to listen to.
"do you feel like you fail at self-forgiveness sometimes, iida-san?" you questioned to your crush, his arm still around your shoulders. god, it felt like the two of you were a couple. iida thought it over and responded, "sometimes. there are times where i feel like i can't forgive myself, such as not being able to avenge my brother for what the hero killer did to him."
you squeezed his arm sympathetically in response, "i'm sorry about it."
"it's.. well, it's not fine but thank you," he answered.
you fell silent, unsure of what to say. you sighed and turned to iida, "tenya iida, can i help you something?"
"sure, (l/n)-san."
"what would you do if someone told you that they liked you?"
"you mean as a friend or romantically?"
"romantically," your pulse quickened and your palms grew sweaty.
"it would depend on the person."
"iida-san.. i know someone who has a crush on you and they're scared to tell you," maybe you could avoid heartbreak if you go with the hypothetical situation.
iida furrowed his brow and removed his arm around you to hold his hands, "someone has a crush on me?"
"yes," a bead of sweat fell from your forehead, "they think you're heroic and sweet and amazing and a true leader. they're just scared to tell you because of the rejection."
"that's understandable," iida nodded. he unclasped his hands and looked back at you, "is that person the one telling me this?"
you gulped, "wh– what do you mean?"
"do you like me, (l/n)-san?"
you adverted your gaze.
"i do."
it felt as if a weight had been lifted from your chest at your confession. now, time for the rejection.
"i like you, too."
what? he liked you too?!
"wait, you do? but we barely know one another!" you protested, surprised at iida's reply. iida chuckled and elaborated to you, "it was the sports festivial, (l/n)-san.. or could i call you (y/n)-chan?"
"(y/n)-chan works," you answered.
"well, that was the first time i really saw anyone from general studies perform with their quirks but you.. i saw a hero in you. i remember seeing you aid another student who struggled to get through the race. you helped her all through the race, not caring about winning the race. that was heroic and the start of my infatuation with you," iida explained.
you remembered, a girl had gotten injured and you dragged her through the course. iida saw that?
"then i began seeing you around school and i wanted to talk to you but i never had the chance until now," iida finished with a nervous smile. you let out a soft huff, followed by a laugh. you couldn't believe it, iida shared similar feelings with you. this was a dream come true!
"can i kiss you?” you proposed to iida. he nodded, “you can.”
timidly, you leaned in close and pressed a gentle kiss on iida’s lips. the kiss was tender and sweet, innocent and exploratory. 
“wow..” he whispered against your lips, “that was amazing.”
“you think so?” you murmured, your lips still stuck to his.
“i know so.”
“hey tenya– i can call you tenya, right?”
“of course.”
“good, but uh.. i can’t remove my lips.”
iida’s eyes widened and he pulled back, only for your lips to connect together once more. horrified, you realized that you two would be stuck like this for the next hour or so. damn kirumi and her quirk!
yet, this wasn’t a miserable outcome. at least, you and iida confessed to one another. that was more than enough for you.
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oh-theatre · 4 years
You Can't Force A Fairytale (Chapter 4)
Chapter title: Pain Cuts Deep
A/n:  HI HELLO!! This sucks lol! no seriously im so sorry that this is so bad!! although some stuff was revealed!! also also..whats up with patton? and remus? And all of them! Aaa !! Anyway i hope you enjoy even though its trash and make sure to leave me comments!
Also yes Im keeping Dolion because then I can have... janus ;)
also if this is confusing i understand, so please tell me and ill try and clear it out!
words: 3516
summary: The group is scattered and needs to make a plan soon.
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, eventual demus, eventual remile (These might change but for now im love them)
warnings: bow and arrow, violence, injuries, magic, swearing, bruises, scars, blood, fighting, stabbing, pain
Ao3 Link  
“Are you alright Patton?” Logan whispers, guiding the horses into a hidden cove of the forest, followed by the rest of the group. The prince swallows, the images couldn't stop running through his mind, staining the memories permanently in his mind. He doesn't understand why it set a quick blaze and a blush to rise in his face. Logan takes his hand, stopping them, his glazed eyes stare curiously.
“Im alright” Patton promises, hopefully the shadows hide away his blush. Logan looks doubtful but nods anyways, the others in tow. Prince Roman helps an unsteady Virgil practically tumble off the horse, a quick shove to a giggling Roman. Prince Remus follows suit with Dolion, though he is much more graceful and regal stepping off the horse. “Follow Logan into the cove, through the hanging leaves.” Patton guides, they follow suit.
“Good luck” Logan gives Patton's hand a gentle squeeze. The prince nods, giving Nork a sweet pat before Logan leads them away. Once the clearing is empty, he takes to the amulet around his neck, his hand enveloping the magical touch.
“As we search for cover in this mossy forest cove, let no one uncover or discover what's hidden in the mangrove” He chants, a sweet spur of magic dances around him, green flecks as they follow his spell. They take a moment to give Patton an entrance, once hes safely inside the dank dwelling they shut the group away from the outside world, protected from magic and tyrants above. He whispers a quick spell watching his hands engulf in safe flames, the light allows him to regroup with the others.
“Is it done?” Logan cautions, Patton nods feeling exhaustion hit him.
The sight was something. The wet stone was not faint of aroma, the moss that encircled the area was refreshing. The horses seemed to enjoy the small yet spacious patches of grass that led out the other side into a hidden pool of water. Remus, regal as always, lied flat on his back snoring away already. The gray stone may present itself as hard yet the prince seemed so cozy. Patton almost wanted to join him.
Logan sat ever so sweet under a shaded area, in the intersection of the cove leading out into the pond. He read his book, a routine while he ran his hands through a sleepy Nork’s mane. The horse sat next to him, almost as if he had forgotten what animal he was and was content to act as a smaller one. Thank god the space let him.
Dolion and Virgil seemed inseparable, they both sat with their feet splashing away in the water, their muddy boots by their side. The pair spoke in hushed whispers, hesitation to trust the characters around them, finding solace in the similarity of their situations. Patton did find his heart tug at him as he watched however, their soft delight at each magical essence this strange world presented was something that never got old and something you just couldn't deny.
Finally Roman, Patton had to admit, the sight was hard to watch. The prince stood against the rock in the corner with a bland look to his face. He watched the prince skip stones across the pond, bored, his crown that typically rested perfectly upon his head now flopped a bit with no sight in mind to fix it. Romans steed, Dracaena, neighed in concern but had no qualms about returning to her important task of chomping away at the grass around her.
“I wonder if she would be more comfortable in her other form?” Patton inquires, catching Romans ear instantly.
“I think the same, I sense she's eager to be on alert in case of danger though” He expresses. Patton nods understanding, though he did miss the vicious, mischievous creature, he understands. “I don't believe we will be staying for long, correct?” Romans body shakes with impatience. His clear want to ride through the open fields with a hunger for victory was clear. Patton could feel the fiery passion that boiled his blood, not that he needed his powers for that. The amulet strung on Romans neck was alight with the amber blaze.
“I'm not sure Ro” He glanced towards the foreigners, their anxieties at bay for now. “There is alot to process and we mustn't put innocents in danger over our own goals” Patton explains, Roman knows he speaks only truths but still his anger was unkempt. “For now though, we are safe and this gives us ample time to come up with a plan...a much needed one” He reminds stringing his arm through Romans. This releases a chuckle from the prince. “Come, for it was not I who led the battle of Sarcane to victory, but you our brave warrior at the front line”
“Well I had assistance” He smiles at the newly appeared dragon that rested upon his shoulder, a quick breath of fire in excitement.
“But of course, much credit to Dracaena” Patton gives the creature a sweet pet, adoring the soft murmur of affection. “Now come before Logan and Remus tear eachother apart”
“My opinion?” Virgil gasps with a vile sarcasm. “I think you're all insane and i'd like to wake up from this nightmare!” He shouts, ending with a bite and smirk. Should Roman find that defense so pulsing for his heart?
“I do indeed second that” Dolion whispers with a yawn, the cross-legged boy sits sleepily next to Remus. He holds in another sign of his tiredness before settling very lightly onto the prince's shoulder. He hadnt meant to but he simply couldn't keep his focus much longer, and the prince was there. Remus froze of course, terrified to move, he didn't want to wake the boy. And he surely didn't want to call attention to his reddened face.
“Maybe it would be wise for us to rest for the evening,” Patton suggests. Logan huffs shutting his book, the maps and scribbles collected quickly by him. He shakes his head, muttering to himself walking to a secluded corner. “Lo” Patton sighs, he eyes the others asking them to set up the proper conventions for the night before following his quiet friend.
“We dont have time to rest!” He utters, throwing his items away from him, Patton quickly waves his fingers making sure they dont sink into the water. “Thank you” Logan stubbornly acknowledges, watching the prince delticaltyl stack his things next to him. “We must prepare Patton”
“Lo we dont even know what we’re up against” Patton sits beside him, the stars shine through the only opening, reflecting delicately upon the water. “Everything escalated much too quickly” He takes his friends hand, it always eased them both.
“You and I both know that he will be coming soon” Logan reminds, the image of the army marching towards them, led by the figure of whom Logan speaks flashes familiar in Patton's mind.
“Yes but we mustn't allow it to consume our minds as of now” Patton assures “You need rest as much as everyone else, for now we are safe” They hear wild giggles from behind them, turning to see the four enjoying their time. Remus dances kookily around the cover, Roman finishing his meal with delight as he watches Dolion and Virgil quite entertained. “Even in darkness, a light can shine through to guide you” Patton whispers, Logan nods from behind him, he takes the words to heart. “Ill take first night!” Patton announces, receiving no arguments from the group. He goes to stand but feels a tug at his hand.
“Promise me i'll see you in the morning” Logan begs, the soft features catching his eyes. “Come back to me?” He worries, the forest though magical and enchanted was not short of danger. A gentle Patton places his gloved hands on Logan's cheek.
“Always and forever” He swears, Logan nods, the exhaustion now dawning him. “Get some rest Logan, your mind has been at work for much too long”
“Agreed” He yawns, he rolls out his makeshift cloth, a comfy pillow and takes what little warmth he has. Quickly Patton watches him follow into his dreams. The shivering did hurt him just a tad, so when he knew no eyes were watching him, a quick spell he cast.
“On this cold and fateful night, give him warmth, give him light” Patton watches the amber flecks dance before shrouding Logan. He smiles to himself before taking his bow and horse and makes his way to the front.
“Patton!” He would be lying if he said he hadn't jumped, for the voice, though cheery came at the blackest of moments.  Emile and his graciousness fluttered to where the Prince lay sleepily on his horse, trying his hardest to keep awake. Though what protection could he grant with his bow on the floor and his arrows scattered. He was delighted to see the godfather however.
“Emile, your sorcery” He greets, allowing the fairy to fix him up, feeling the boost of energy boil through him. “How did it go?” Patton questions, adjusting his position.
“I was able to clear my own name of crime and reinstate my position but the royal guard is on the hunt just as suspected” He explains. “They're sending out the cavalry”
“Goodness not Remy!” Patton whispers furiously. Emile nods solemnly. “The King is truly going all out...but why?” Patton wonders “What does he know about these foreigners that we mustn't, and what does my needing to get a suitor hold over the kingdom?” His thoughts pour out of him. Emile shrugs as he fiddles with the flowers around him, watching the echinopsis dance around him. He heals the ones that had not been tended with pleasure before summoning a treat for Nork. “We can't stay here then, when morning befalls us we must travel once more” He sighs
“I will do my best to keep you updated, I must go now my dear prince, but I shall visit soon again” Emile promises, an understanding nod from Patton and the godfather disappears in a dazzling shower of light.
Luckily the night went on without any incidents, Patton scoured the area, took Nork for a calming venture before returning to the hideout as the sun came to fruition. He remained outside, reading through one of his many books he had tucked away, Nork allowed him to sit easy while he grazed the small land.
“Good morning” He heard from behind him. Logan emerged from the dangling leaves, a yawn escaping him. “What, might I inquire, are you perusing?” Logan questions, Patton shows him the novel. “Ah very well, I do adore flowers”
“As do I” Patton agrees, he shuts the book marking his page, stuffing it carefully into his sack. Logan observes the area, his eyes admiring every small inkling and detail that surrounded him. Patton extends his hand, a sweet smile. “Care for a morning ride?” He asks, Logans excitement may have begun with his curiosity for the world but it only grew with Patton's proposal. He takes his hand as he had done many times before and allows Patton to hoist him behind him. The simple buzz Patton experiences as he felt Logans respectful hands wrap their way around his waist and his head rest easy on Patton was something he would simply never ever fail to love.
Scratch that… as Logan laughs timidly while they rush through the saplings of the forest, the love that filled his eyes and the mental notes he saw the prince take, the giggle that escaped as water splashed his face
That was something he would never fail to love
Logan was something he would never fail to love
“I swear to god princey if you don't shut up i'm going to tape your mouth shut” Virgil moans, his head falling into his hands. Roman feels taken aback, the shock of such disrespect and yet the almost...excitement from the nickname was something else.
“For such disrespect the kingdom could have your tongue” He retorts, his face hot with anger but almost wanting to engage.
“And yet here you stand with your tongue” Virgil teases, he hears a faint smoky laugh from Dracaena, she slithers away from a silent Roman nestling into his lap. At first hes frightened, but the soft purring spreads a warmth over him. Roman...well despite feeling mocked...enjoyed the gentle view. He takes a place next to Virgil, watching the young teen flip curiously through some of Logan's journals while keeping a steady pet on the dragon.
“What do you think you're doing!” Speaking of the prince, Logan rushes into the room, fuming with shy anger. “Those are my journals! My property!” A scrambled Patton follows him, a look of anticipation for though rare, Logans outbursts were...unpleasant. He quickly snatches them away from Virgil, a glare towards the black haired boy. “Only I and a select few…” He glances towards Patton, did his defenses fall? “Have access! So stop touching others things!” He demands
“And so with Logans anger boiling, and Virgils own fury at storm the two are at odds, will they be able to ban together for a new threat approaching fast?” Remus spouts, Roman takes his side instantly knowing the pain that would come. “I hate it, I hate it” Remus sputters, the sweat fast approaching. Dolion, who while he enjoyed the princes antics found nothing charming as of yet, was intrigued by the sad honesty of the pain. “With that! The group should begin on their way” He barely manages, tears forming as Roman aides him.
“What does-” But Virgil is quickly cut off by the distant sounds of shouts, determination as each beautiful thing in the forest is stomped by power and raging fury. “Oh”
“Nork!” Patton calls, Logan stuffs his books away before allowing Patton to assist him on the horse. “Come now, we haven't much time” He signals to the others. Roman whispers a quick check to his brother, Remus nods. Though pained, he's ready to flee on his own steed. Unsure, Roman calls to Dracaena. She flies away from Virgil before a mist of shrouded light appears and a midnight horse takes her place.
“Coming?” Roman questions, extending his hand to Virgil. The teen rolls his eyes but joins the prince. “Hold on” He warns, and though his own blush denies him, Virgil grips tight to Roman. He watches as Dolion helps Remus to his own horse.
“Estrella” He whispers sweetly, the horse neighs with affection. This fragile moment tugged at Dolion, he missed his own home. New Orleans seemed like such a distant place, Luna, his cat could still be heard purring. “Up up and away” He jokes, Dolion takes the reins, thanking his mother for the horse riding lessons. He doesn't even mind when Remus collapses on his back, the warmth of the prince was...nice.
“On my signal” Patton heeds, and so one by one they gallop through the woods. The horses follow one another, protecting each other from danger and shielding themselves from the public eye. They reach an opening after what seemed like hours, the rope burning on Dolions hands was almost too much to bear. Remus had healed so they switch positions. It seems the sun was setting which set off a yawn in Virgil. He grew more comfortable on Roman, practically hugging him. Not that the prince minded, he enjoyed their journey. And his mind couldn't stop thinking about ...one particular-
“-Moment!” Virgil huffs “Just give me one moment” He slides off Dracaena, clutching his stomach. The group decides to take a rest near the waterfall, Logan leans against a tree and begins reading. Roman makes sure Dracaena is secured before following Virgil to where he sits by the lake.
“Are you alright?” He questions, sitting next to him.
“I feel...sick” He groans, Roman finds his little puffed features adorable. “It just keeps...making noise” He points to his stomach. Roman fiddles with the glass before pulling something from his satchel.
“You haven't eaten have you?” He shakes a small container holding delectable treats. Virgil scrunches his face in realization. “Here” he opens it, pulling out what seems to be a biscuit. Through his own habit he goes to feed Virgil. Virgil takes the first one, before both take a second to come to reality. “Apologies” He rubs the nape of his neck, Virgil laughs watching crumbs fly out. “Habit I guess”
“Fwo wat?” Virgil swallows his food, taking a handkerchief and wiping away the crumbs that had escaped
“Well when I had to meet suitors I had to charm them.” He explains, I suppose the mindless princesses my father found for me enjoyed being treated like a baby” Virgil snorts, Roman would love to hear that sound more.  “ Oh but thats just a few of them! Ive met so many amazing ladies of royalty, each so smart and strong” he muses
“And yet here you are...alone” Virgil notes, he wasn't going to lie. Roman was the spitting image of every disney prince. He should have been scooped up by now.
“Heh...I suppose the shoe...just hasn't fit yet” He gulps, the truth of his uncertainty was something he had only ever confessed to Patton. He wasn't even sure! And yet even with his doubts...No Roman. Once all of this has calmed, you will return home, a perfect princess will be ready for you and you may rule.
Better that,  than living the torute he watched his brother endure. He takes a peek back at Remus, he sits giggling away with Dolion, the look he gives the foreigner was one he had only seen once before. He did miss Janus, he was a wonderful fencing coach, and always challenged the twins. But no one missed him more than Remus.
Ugh! Roman enough! This is ridiculous. You're being ridiculous. You don't know anything, you've never tried anything.
Ok so maybe he didn't enjoy the entire scene, but...he takes a quick peek at the curious raven haired boy, he enjoyed Virgil.
No Roman...
For the crown
For the kingdom.
He looks to Patton. Follow his example, he tells himself. The prince didn't just have a kingdom on his shoulders, he had the entire land of which they rode across. He had endured more suffering than anyone.
But he laughed away the idea of a suitor, he walked away from it
Roman purses his lips...he did, didn't he?
So why can't you
“Are you alright?” Logan whispers from his position. Patton coughs coming back from whatever daydream he was engaged in. He tightens his hold on the reins, nodding away his suspicion.
“Yes of course, are you?” He wonders. Logan doubts his answer but shrugs it away.
“I am, I am more than ready to find a resting spot. I simply must show you these new spells, and oh the mus…” He rambles on, Patton listens, he does but suddenly the world goes silent. He looks to Nork but finds scared darkness. He panics trying to find anything familiar until he hears a voice...his own.
Hes watching himself, he watches the scene that had been haunting his mind for days unfold once more.
“No stop” He tries to call out, but the fearful hoarse cry was nothing. His eyes follow as Future Patton races through the castle, fighting his way. He knows what's coming, he doesn't want to see it. Not again, not anymore… “Stop!” he cries, nothing changes, his future self continues on his path. Tears swell in his eyes as he tries to avoid seeing the tender moment but he can't peel away. He gasps in pain relief, preparing to return to his body.
“What a sad sight” He peeks through his tightly closed eyes. What's this? He doesn't remember this. The King had not spoken before. But now he spoke and moved. “He was brave, tougher than I thought” The King expresses, Patton watches himself keep a protective hold on the frozen Logan. “But he just wasn't strong enough”
Logan's figure collapses, Patton wastes no time kneeling beside him. Patton watches himself and Logan share a hush conversation, but his eyes quickly glance towards the towering figure. The King moves silently as he takes his sword. Fear quickly engulfed Patton. The prince wanted to cry out, scream, do anything, but all he could do was watch.
And listen to the ear piercing scream as the sword slashed its way into Logan. It became too much, The Kings dastardly laugh, Pattons desperate sobs, and the fades of Logans demise. Too much ...too much. Patton clutched his head before the world went black and he felt himself hit a grassy meadow. His eyes fluttered only to catch Logan jump off of Nork and rush to his side. He heard mumblings and worries but soon he lost all senses and fell into a deep sleep.
But not a pleasant one.
Not with the images flashing their way through his head.
He had to change it, he had to.
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