#'i don't care if he's a pirate; he's perfect for the job' like. jumalan. pLS lmao
itsjustascarecrow · 5 years
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hap birth to Jumalan Valo! born on the 4th day of the Festival of Lights, 44 BBY!
father of three lovely children in Tähtien, Minun, and Auri! he’s also Aamun’s younger brother (and therefore Tuli’s uncle), and was once in an unfortunate relationship w/ Darthustra.
which is essentially where his story starts. he was simply running some errands on Cloud City one day when he encountered this strange woman he’d never seen before, but there was something about her he found oddly intriguing. so, fast forward to not quite a year and half later when Darthustra is heavily pregnant w/ their child, she somehow convinces him to take her back to Dathomir so the child could be born there (probably mentioned something about it being a cultural/Nightsister thing, and who would Jumalan be if he denied someone their culture; that and it was during the Festival of Stars when people go about traveling anyway, so). but it was only too late when he realized she wasn’t gonna let him return to his family any time soon, and given that she had her “Nightsister magicks” to aid her, he would be basically powerless against her if he tried to run. plus, he wouldn’t dare risk the safety of his child, not w/ someone like her around.
so he did the best he could to raise Tähtien how he would’ve wanted, even giving them a name to reflect their heritage, despite Darthustra insisting on calling them a different name and the wrong gender. and what with his own father being nonbinary, he recognized similar signs in Tähtien at a very young age; they were only together for four years before Darthustra sold them, but even by then, he knew his child better than anyone else. and he knew that they would never be truly safe w/in the Empire. but unfortunately, Darthustra knew he would’ve definitely tried something if she didn’t sedate him first, so he was stuck in a trance as the Grand Inquisitor shuttled off w/ Tähtien. it wasn’t until several moments after when the spell wore off and he confronted Darthustra about it, but in the heat of the moment, he was so upset w/ her that at one point, he shoved her so hard, she fell backwards and hit her head on a particularly sharp rock, which killed her instantly. and as much as he hated her for everything she’d put him and Tähtien through over the past four years, he was so horrified w/ what he’d done, it was all he could do but run.
eventually, completely exhausted from the trek and emotional turmoil he’d been through, he stumbled across the Nightbrothers’ village where one of them, a man by the name of Pious, took Jumalan in and listened to his story. relaying that info to the head of the village, they decided to take pity on Jumalan (and hey, who are they to complain; this dude just took out the last of the Nightsisters for them, lol) and helped him get on his way back to Bespin.
once he was back home, the first thing for him was therapy and grief counseling, b/c this poor dude had just been through so much (not to mention he came back to find out that both his parents--Kultainen and Pimeä--had passed away while he was gone), and while he still had the rest of his family to help get him through it all, his best friend from childhood, Jasne Niebo, was right back by his side as well. the two of them were close enough growing up that his return only strengthened their bond, so eventually they properly married and had two daughters (one of which being trans) that they were both incredibly protective of.
but he still held out hope that Tähtien was still alive; he knew it to be true in his heart (aka Force Bond). so it was no surprise to him when they eventually found their own way home. and he was more than willing to accept those who had helped them survive over the years into the family as well, including (but not limited to) K6, Maul, and even Lydas (the latter of whom he eventually asked to be Tähtien’s godfather).
~one year later...
big changes in the family tree, particularly revolving around his children. no longer a father of three but a father of five, adding two boys one younger and the other older than Tähtien. tho technically the elder brother, Arvokas, is not his biological son; he’s from Darthustra’s first relationship and was raised alongside Jumalan’s actual bio son Taivas. when Taivas was born, Darthustra was pissed he wasn’t a daughter instead, so she tried to get rid of him but Jumalan saved him by leaving Taivas in a strategic location where (he hoped) the Nightbrothers would find him. which they did; in particular, Pious stumbled across him and fostered the boy until Jumalan made his escape to the Nightbrothers’ encampment. but b/c he was also already a foster/adoptive dad to Arvokas, Arvo didn’t want to be separated from his foster brother so Jumalan took him in as well.
fast forward a few weeks (or maybe months) when Jumalan and Arvo finally take the time to sit down and talk about general family stuff back on Dathomir and Jumalan makes the connection that he’s Darthustra’s son and thus Taivas and Tähtien’s blood brother. but he ends up keeping it to himself b/c just thinking about it would trigger his trauma over dealing w/ his ex-wife. once Tähtien finally returned, they figured it out themself pretty quick, so the jig was up at that point, but anyway. he appreciated the relationship the two boys had, even if Arvo started to gravitate more towards Málmur Ætt. and if nothing else he wouldn’t mind helping someone else move past their trauma as well, esp since theirs was shared to an extent.
~continuing updates...
man, it’s been a trip having to update the family tree on all of his relatives’ posts, ghsjkgh. neither Arvokas nor Taivas are his biological children; when he sought refuge w/ the Nightbrothers, these two young boys (now both older than Tähtien) wanted a better life, so taking pity on them, Jumalan agreed to bring them home to Bespin and pretty quickly adopted them into his clan/ætt. Similar to before tho, he was initially unaware of who their birth mother was, and when he eventually figured it out, he just kept it to himself--partly for his own sanity, but also i like to think there was a part of him that didn’t want to remind either son of their lineage either.
but yeah, was starting to feel that Taivas’ og backstory just didn’t make a whole lot of sense, so having both he and Arvo raised together by the Nightbrothers and meeting Jumalan by chance worked out better. as for Jumalan’s relationship w/ them, however, i do kind of get the feeling it would’ve taken him a little while to come around to it. it was mostly Jasne and Aamun who welcomed them in right off the bat, but again, given the trauma, he might’ve needed some time to warm up to it. but w/ Taivas being so close in age w/ Tähtien, those two prob would’ve bonded faster than Jumalan w/ Arvo, esp w/ the latter being taken in by a different family after a point. tho that just ended up creating a different relationship between the two, both as equals at the head of their respective families.
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