#'i can fix him' disease
Something something second chances...........
“And you don’t have to worry about threatening to kill me if I hurt him,” Anders added. Where he had been sheepish before, he now spoke with that disconcerting certainty that had scared Varric so much so many times over the last year. “If I hurt him again, I’ll take care of that myself.”
Varric could’ve just let the comment go. He was tired enough as is, and Anders had already given him enough grief for a lifetime. It was probably well within his rights to let the self-loathing slip by.
Instead, he sighed and said, “Blondie, you’ve got to stop saying shit like that.”
“I mean it.”
“I know you do. That’s why you have to stop. As a storyteller, I get the appeal of the whole tragic self-sacrificing lovers thing. It makes for one hell of a dark romance novel. But as your…” Varric’s tongue stumbled into it before his mind did. For a moment, he actually paused to try to think if he knew a word for the recently acquired partner of his partner who was also once his dearest friend until being directly responsible for ruining their lives. For all his years of wordsmithing, nothing came to mind, and he tried to cover up his faltering with a cough. “Point is, this is real life, not a novel, and in real life, sometimes you hurt people you care about. You have to be okay with that without immediately jumping to this ‘he should want me dead’ shit.”
“After what I did in Kirkwall—”
“We’re not in Kirkwall anymore!” Varric didn’t mean to snap with quite as much vehemence as he did, but there was a hole in his heart where his home used to be, and all the self-flagellation in the world from Anders wasn't going to fill it again. It just reminded him of how much his chest ached. “Cyrus made his choice. He wants you to live. Start wanting it for yourself too.”
Anders had been looking like a kicked puppy ever since he had slunk into the Gallows with his tail between his legs. He had the self-hating pout down to a damn art form, and still he managed to outdo himself then. Head ducked, shoulders hunched, spine buckled underneath the weight of what Cyrus and Varric had asked of him. He'd only look more pathetic if he was sopping wet, and damn it if Varric didn't feel his heart stirring with pity.
“Look,” he tried again. “Cyrus and I have talked about why the two of you separated the first time around. You freaked out because he did his 'please let me die for you' shtick, right? Remember how scary that was to listen to? That doesn't become a fun, cool, normal thing just because you're the one doing it.”
“I…” Anders' voice cracked. “I suppose I see your point…”
“I sure fucking hope you do, because I already have one dead-set would-be martyr in my life. I don't want another.” He paused, shook his head, and let out a rough chuckle. “Fuck, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe the two of you deserve each other.”
“He deserves you,” Anders insisted quietly. “You don't know… It's so difficult to stop thinking like this. It's hard enough for me to imagine starting down that path, let alone making the progress Cyrus has… had, until I… But even then, you were there to stop him from spiraling further. You've helped him so much.”
Varric folded his arms and sighed again. “If you stick around, I'll help you too, Blondie.”
For the first time, Anders turned away from the fire to stare at Varric, his eyes wide and trembling. “Do you really mean that?”
Varric responded with a shrug, as if this was a simple, off-hand matter. As if he wasn't still boiling with anger over all the mage had cost him, had cost Cyrus. Maybe it was. Maybe he wasn't, or at least wouldn't be forever.
“What can I say? I'm a fixer.” He glanced past the fire to the elf curled up on their shared bedroll, sleeping as soundly as he ever did, escaping from all the horror and loss and tragedy, if only for a few hours each day. “We both are.”
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decepti-thots · 2 years
idw bumblebee will see the worst guy you've ever met, go 'is anyone gonna befriend him' and not wait for an answer
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parseolegacy · 10 months
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The idea of my inquisitor growing his hair long while my main is napping in carbonite popped into my head and completely derailed me from Huevember... Ekkon looks so distinguished now compared to the cranky gremlin he used to be 🥺 They grow up so fast...
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
the thing about the master is all three showrunners have gone No! I’m doing MY THING with them! shut up! i don’t care about your headcanons!!! and im obsessed with continuity of their motivations and i’ll line this whole goddamn corkboard with string to force them to make sense.
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macadam · 2 years
Transformers lore is the way it is because if there’s one thing the writers are good at it’s how to commit to the bit
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
self sabotaging destructive bisexual brit that believes he's doomed and wears a silly coat 🤝 self sabotaging destructive bisexual brit that believes he's doomed and wears a silly coat
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unsafe-chikku · 2 months
I think Fluttershy and Discord should get divorced at least once. Bc I don’t think he’ll be good at it until he gets his ass kicked out of it.
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racke7 · 3 days
... So my doctor answered my "more pills"-request with:
"Wow, your back still hurts despite not working a physically demanding job? How strange. This is totally new information for me."
I've been TELLING you that I've had this pain for six fucking years, been taking pills for five without side-effects, and I'd worked at my job for 1,5.
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blackwaxidol · 19 days
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Concepts for Ru'thûn and La'zaar's wings, both viewed from the inside.
Ru'thûn's wings are only chiropteran as far as appearances go. She folds them at her back in the same way a moth does, rather than wrapping them around her body like Oryx did.
Atrophied flight muscles make La'zaar's wings too fragile to support his armoured weight, so he'll not use them for anything more than helping him leap towards or away from a threat.
#OC: Ru'thûn#OC: La'zaar#blackwax art#For some reason Hive wings are mostly detailed on the inside... which is why La'zaar's wings are so fancy.#I'm not sure about the design on the larger wings but I only worked on them very briefly since it is so late for me.#A fun fact... that album cover* with the face used to scare the fuck out of me when I was a child.#We had it in our house and I'd always try avoiding it whenever I had to look through discs for something.#*(It was ''Worlds Collide'' but I chose this version of it—''I'm Not Jesus''—since it fit the red colours I was working with better.)#I'll probably redesign the wings a little better when it is not 3:30am. They feel crowded.#Also trying to flip the canvas upside down lags my program so I couldn't do detail even if I wanted to currently.#I think having something that scared me as a child be etched into La'zaar's wings suits him very well though...#I'll also go back and give Ru'thûn some more detail... I spent less time on her colours because I already knew what I wanted.#Addendum... the dead moth on La'zaar's page is a ''Black Witch Moth''.#I liked their wing shape. I'm not a fan of how Savathûn's wings look so I wanted something sharper.#These are only really WIPs on a surface level.. feel free to share if you'd like.#Addendum II: I think what I want to fix about La'zaar's wings is making the designs more subtle or blended in.#Which can be done after I have slept on it surely.#Not on his wings... I'd catch some kind of terrible lung disease from the shed scales...#I imagine his wings are just as powdery as moth wings.
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visenyaism · 1 year
interview with the vampire boldly declaring that vampirism is an inconvenience it’s i can fix him disease that is the mortal affliction
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asilosmagdalena · 1 year
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Me if sexualizing and objectifying and fetishizing and wifey-ifying Asakura was illegal
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j0ht0-gh0sthunt3r · 4 months
my dad’s off from work early today, so he’s coming back to New Bark for the rest of the week :)
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papa-poutine · 8 months
So you can still find notes and letters about/from the dark urge on a normal playthrough... Does this imply the dark urge is somewhere out there, running around? Someone please go find them and keep an eye on them I know what happens if they're left to their own devices
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crancisfrozier · 1 year
Hi I’m not dead I’ve just been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 everyday for 3 weeks straight
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macadam · 2 years
Very funny that by making optimus and megatron coworkers all the sexual tension was completely sucked out of the room
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ruvviks · 4 months
thinking about nathan going insane going INSAAANEEE
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