#'i am going to create a Design that is so Dresses Cooler Than They Would/Do In Canon'
fox-guardian · 2 years
thinking about oliver again and that one type of fanon oliver in which he's this mysterious grim reaper figure in fics and stuff. very ominous and cool, often dressed to the nines and then i look at canon oliver and its like. he's not so much "mysterious" as he is sleep deprived and horribly unused to talking to people. he also probably doesn't dress that cool but i will say that's fair and he deserves it
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atlafan · 4 years
Lock the Door
a/n: college!Harry one shot because why the f not??????? I’ve wanted to write a good college!Harry au for aw while, and I’m happy with this. 11K of friends to lovers. (not proofread) 
Warnings: Smut.
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It was junior year of college, Y/N and her friends were thrilled to finally be out of the dorms. Even though they were still living on campus, they were in a student apartment, and incredibly thankful. Now instead of sharing a bathroom with hundreds of other people, there would only be four of them. The only thing was Y/N’s parents weren’t thrilled about the people she was rooming with.
There was her best friend, Liv, who her parents actually really liked. It was the other two roommates that made them feel uneasy. See, Liv really wanted to live with her boyfriend Chris, but they didn’t want to exactly live by themselves, and the student apartments for just two people were really expensive. They’d been dating since second semester their freshman year so it wasn’t weird that they wanted to be in closer proximity. Y/N also thought Chris was an amazing person. He and Liv never made her feel like a third wheel, it was an ideal situation. The three would have been fine to live together, but the university had certain policies in place. One guy was not allowed to live with two girls, they needed another guy. That’s when the topic of Harry came up.
“I know he’s not your favorite of my friends, but the other people he was supposed to live with are going off campus, which he can’t afford to do.”
“It’s not that he’s not my favorite, I just don’t know him that well.” Y/N shrugged. “If that’s the case, I think Liv and I should share a room…”
“Yeah, that works. Chris and I don’t wanna be on top of each other all the time, we’re just sick of going across campus all the time.” Liv says. “So, you’d really be okay with Harry living with us? You’ve said before you don’t really care for his lifestyle…”
“He’s just not the first person I would hang out with, but if it means we get this apartment, then I’m cool with it. We’ll get to know each other better if we live together, right?”
When Y/N broke the news to her parents they got into a big fight with her about it, but she assured them that a lot of other students did what she and her friends were doing. Living with boys really wasn’t that big of a deal. If anything it would give her practice for when she someday actually got a boyfriend that she would eventually move in with.
The four of them got coffee together the morning they had to have the housing application in. Harry didn’t say much, clearly not a morning person, but he seemed alright with the situation. He and Chris were good enough friends, and he was also excited to not be in a dorm next year.
“I just have one request.” Y/N says. “A lot of the apartments usually have one room that’s bigger than the other, from what I’ve noticed. I’d like for Liv and I to have the bigger room. Chris, I’ve seen your dorm, you literally have like nothing in there. Liv and I have a ton clothes and other things that we’ll space for…”
Chris and Harry look at each other and shrug.
“Alright, that’s not problem.” Chris says. “We should make a group text so over the summer we can see who’s bringing what. We need to figure out dishes and other kitchen shit.”
“And we’ll still need a mini fridge for extra shit, one of my friends was tellin’ me there’s not much room in the apartment fridges. I can bring the one I have.”
“I have a microwave.” Y/N says. “Happy to bring that too.”
“We’ll also need a chore chart.” Liv says. “Just because Y/N and I will be the women of the house does not mean we’ll be the maids. I am not going to be on my hands and knees cleaning the bathroom all the time. We should also pool in money for toilet paper and stuff like that.”
“Good idea, babe.” Chris kisses her cheek and Harry rolls his eyes.
That was is right there, the attitude that turned Y/N’s stomach. She thought Chris and Liv were a really cute couple, their affection didn’t bother her at all, but Harry seemed overly annoyed. All it was, was a peck on the cheek.
You all wished each other a good summer when the time came. The four of you group texted off and on best you could to make sure there was little miscommunication about who was to bring what. Since Harry was an international student, he would be moving in a week before everyone else. Y/N was actually happy about this because he would be there to help her move in. She’d be coming up the night before move in to get a good parking spot, and then her parents would come the next day with the rest of her things.
For the first time, she texted Harry outside the group chat when she arrived at her apartment. He opened the door for her only wearing a pair of shorts. Her eyes grew wide, and he notices.
“Sorry, it’s hotter than satin’s asshole in here, I hope you brought a fan for yourself.” He rubs the back of his neck, and you laugh.
“I did. That’s the worst thing, no A/C in these old apartment. At least it’s only hot like this for a couple of weeks, right?” He hums his response as she walks in. “To be honest I was expecting a mess…but it looks good in here.”
“Not much to make a mess with.” He shrugs. “I rearranged some of the furniture in the living area so it was less tight next to the kitchen. Got the TV set up too.”
“I can see that, it looks nice.” You smile.
“So…do you like need some help with your shit?”
“That would be great, actually. The microwave is pretty heavy.”
“Thank god you brought it with you. I’ve been dying for some popcorn.”
“Great, you can stink it right up.”
“Relax, I was kidding.” He rolls his eyes. “Take a joke, Y/N.”
Her mouth falls open as he walks out to her car. He opens the trunk and hoists the microwave out while she grabs her luggage bags that were full of clothes.
“I can bring that up for you. It’s an up and up, so Chris and I are on that level, and you and Liv will be up top. That was the bigger room just like you requested.”
“Thanks, I appreciate that.”
Harry helps get everything else inside while Y/N goes to get a prime parking spot. Harry felt sort of awkward just standing around while she unpacked certain things for the kitchen.
“Jesus, it really is hot in here, I need to go change.” She wipes some sweat from her forehead.
Y/N goes up to her room and opens the two small windows, and turns her fan on to try to get the air to move. She comes down a few minutes later in just a sports bra and a pair of shorts.
“This is sort of awkward, but you help me with my bed? I’m having a tough time getting it up a little higher…”
“Not awkward…at…all.” When he looks at her he sees how little clothing she’s wearing.
“If you get to be shirtless then I get to dress like this.” She says, putting her hands on her hips.
“I didn’t say anything.” He smirks. “Besides, I’m sure we’ll be seein’ each other in a lot less as the year goes on.”
She shakes her head and follows him up. Harry’s able to get the bet up a few pegs so Y/N can slide the small dresser underneath it, creating more floor space.
“That’s perfect! My parents are bringing those plastic pins you can stack as like a makeshift dresser that fits in the closet tomorrow. Hmmm.”
“Well, usually my mom helps me make the bed. It’s just so long, it’s hard to get a good grasp on the sheet.”
“I can help if you want.”
“You’ve done enough.”
“It’s fine, I don’t mind.” He smiles. “After this though would you wanna get out for a bit? I feel like it’s cooler outside. We could go downtown for a slice.”
“Oh, I like that idea a lot. Pizza is a must right now.”
Harry helps you get her sheets on her bed, and she tell him she’ll fix the rest later. Y/N knew she wouldn’t need a lot of extra blankets tonight. She throws on a shirt and so does he, and out the door they go. They walk down town the local pizza place, and grab a booth after getting their slices.
“Nice and cool in here, huh?” He says.
“So much better.” She giggles. “Where are your other friends living?”
“They’re over on Russell Street. It’s kinda nice, I’ll have a place to go party, and then have a quiet place to come back to afterwards. Think it all worked out for the best.”
“Can you remind me again what your major is? I know Chris is Sports Management…”
“I’m an Art major…” He says quietly. “And yes, I know it’s going to be hard for me out there once I graduate.”
“Woah, I didn’t say anything.” She puts her hands up in defense. “I think that’s cool actually. What do you do? Paint? Sculpt? Draw?”
“Mix of all three actually. Basically if I can get my hands dirty, I will.” He smirks. “I just wanted to get a degree in something I liked doin’, but I do have a minor in graphic design just in case I need somethin’ to fall back on.”
“Oh, is that how you and Chris met? That’s his minor too.”
“Mhm.” He takes a bite of his pizza. “We had a couple of classes together and got paired on some projects, hit it off right away.”
“That’s great.”
“How did you and Liv meet?”
“We roomed together second semester freshmen year. Our other roommates both dropped out so we got paired randomly. She’s the best, I got really lucky. She was already dating Chris when we met.”
“The three of you seem close.”
“He’s really nice, always included me. They never made me feel like a third wheel which was nice. I mean, I have other friends, don’t get me wrong. I found things to do when they needed their alone time.”
“And you ever find any alone time?”
“That’s an awfully personal question, don’t you think?” She scoffs.
“Thought we were gettin’ to know each other a bit here…sorry.”
“It’s okay…um…I mean, there are guys I’ve been alone with…” Y/N clears her throat. “I use Tinder like every other college student, you know?” He hums his response and finishes up his slice. He leans back and sits with his arm strong across the back of the booth. “What about you?”
“Eh, I like to meet people in person, at like a party or somethin’.” He thinks for a moment, and leans on the table to be a bit closer so no one else around could really hear. “You’re pretty, Y/N, why do you use Tinder?” She blushes. “I mean, surely you could just meet someone out.”
“I…well, I don’t really go to big parties, mostly kickbacks.” He nods and finishes up his bottle of soda.
“You ready?”
They both walk back to the apartment, and he keys in. She goes upstairs to keep unpacking and to tidy up. She was trying to hang up some curtains, but she fell back from trying to reach to high. Harry hears the thud and rushes right up. He had a nicer short sleeve shirt on now, and a nicer pair of shorts.
“Are you okay?!”
“Yeah.” You laugh. “Just lost my balance. Do you think you could help me hang these up quick?”
The curtains get hung and they look great with the twinkling lights Y/N strung up.
“Liv and I love these lights.” She looks at him. “You like nice.”
“Matt’s havin’ a party…do you wanan come?”
“God, with the amount of time I’d need to get ready you’d be late.” You laugh.
“I wasn’t plannin’ to leave for another hour, plenty of time to freshen up.”
“Sure, I could come out for a bit, thanks.”
He leaves her to get ready. She puts her hair up in a cute, messy bun, and touches up some makeup. Y/N finds a cute pair of shirts and a crop top to throw on and down the stairs she goes. Harry was pouring two shots of raspberry vodka into two small glasses.
“Here.” He smiles. “Wait, you drink, right?”
“Yes.” You giggle. “I can’t wait to turn twenty-one. Just a few more months.”
“Same here, February actually.”
“No way! Me too. When’s yours?”
“The first, yours?”
“The fourth.”
“Wow, that’s crazy.” They clink their glasses and off to the party they go.
Y/N drank way too much last night, and she knew her parents would be able to tell. They were there bright and early with the rest of her things. They also put Harry to work.
“You have a lot of shit, you know that?” He says, setting another box down.
“I’m well aware.”
Eventually Liv and Chris show up and it’s hugs all around. Y/N and Liv get a minute alone in their room, finally.
“So how was last night with just you and Harry?”
“It was good! We went out for pizza, he helped me a bunch with my things, and he took me to a party. I’m glad we had the time to get to know each other a little bit.”
“Me too. He can be kind of shy from what Chris tells me.”
“Apparently he’s an art major.”
“I wonder if he’ll hang any of his things up.”
“You know, he’s been in our room a ton already, but I didn’t think to go into his.”
“Well, let’s check it out.” They both go down and into the boy’s room.
Both sides were organized, but they could tell whose side was whose. Harry had his art supplies all over his desk, and had boxes of paint and brushes under his bed. He had a couple of things up as well.
“Looks good in here guys.” Liv says.
Y/N and Liv end up going out for lunch with Y/N’s parents, and then they go on a trip to the grocery store to pick up what they think they need.
“Alright honey, I guess we’ll see you at Thanksgiving, if not sooner.” Y/N’s mother says, giving her a hug.
“Please, be careful.” Her dad says.
“I’ll be fine. Let me know when you get back home. Thanks for everything, love you both!” She sighs as she closes the door. “Finally.”
Y/N and Liv go up to their room and continue decorating it to their liking while Harry and Chris get their gaming consoles hooked up to the TV in the living area.
“So…you got to know Y/N a little last night?”
“Yeah, she’s pretty cool so far. I was kinda worried, I didn’t think she liked me every much.”
“She just didn’t know you, that’s all. What did you guys do?”
“I helped her with her things, we grabbed a slice of pizza, and then I took her to Matt’s for a party. I think there were like three different guys that tried to take her home, but she turned them all down.” He shrugs.
“And what did you do?”
“She didn’t have a key yet, so I made sure she got back here, and then I slipped out an hour or so later to hook up with this girl that gave me her number at the party.”
“Well, thanks for getting her back here at least.” Chris chuckles.
“I’m not a fuckin’ asshole.” He nudges him playfully. “She did have fun at the party, I’ll probably bring her out again. You all can come any time. I feel like that place is gonna be my second home.”
Y/N and Live come down with all the things they like to keep in the bathroom and the boys look scared. For a student apartment it was a decent size bathroom, with a good size tub-shower. Liv opens the cabinets under the sink, and you hand her two boxes of pads and tampons.
“Yup, definitely livin’ with women.” Harry smirks and crosses his arms.
“If feminine products are going to bother you-“ Liv starts, but he cuts her off.
“Got a mum and a sister back home, periods don’t scare me. Was just simply makin’ an observation.”
“Good.” She grabs a small trashcan puts a bag in it. Y/N hands her the lid. “Listen to me very carefully, this is just for Y/N and I. There’s another small can for community use, but this is for her and I’s…”
“Say no more.” Chris says. “Just keep it under the sink and we won’t touch it.”
“I also would like some courtesy with shaving.” Y/N says. “I really don’t wanna see pubes around the toilet.” She crosses her arms. “If you make a mess, you clean it up.”
“I feel like the two of you think we’re savages.” Harry laughs. “I’ve been in a girl’s bathroom before, and I have to say, I think girls are way more disgusting.”
“Why were you in a girl’s bathroom?” Liv asks.
“I was asked to join someone in the shower.” Harry says bluntly. “And it didn’t last long because we both walked in and saw a fuckin’ bloody tampon on the floor. So we went to the men’s bathroom and it was spotless. And while we’re on the topic, you both have long hair, so if you don’t wanna see pubes around the toilet, I don’t wanna see hair in the drain.”
“Deal.” Y/N says. “Let’s move on to the kitchen, shall we?” The four walk out to the kitchen area. “If you make a mess in the microwave, you clean it immediately, don’t leave it for someone else.”
“If someone’s name is on something in the fridge, don’t eat it.” Chris says. “However, I would like to see us cooking together. Like if someone makes pasta, someone else could throw in a meat or veggie.”
“That’s a good idea.” Liv says. “If you make a mess in the fridge clean it up. Check expiration dates. Oh! Trash is a big thing. We all need to take turns with that. If you see it getting full, just take it out, don’t leave it for someone else.”
After spending over an hour on a chore chart and going over more house rules, the four feel satisfied.
A few weeks into the semester, and Y/N noticed that Harry wasn’t home a lot. He was either down at the art studio, or at his friend’s apartment. She also noticed he didn’t sleep there much on the weekends, but it worked out well for Chris and Liv so they could have the room alone when they needed. Y/N never saw Harry bring a girl home with him, and she was sort of relieved.
Living with two guys wasn’t as awkward as Y/N and Liv thought it might be. Everyone was really chill, and it was nice to cook together. It was like being in a little family.
One morning Harry woke up late for class, but desperately needed to shower. Y/N happened to be in there. Everyone usually showered at the same time, but Harry was in a rush and annoyed. Liv and Chris had already left for class. Harry was standing the hall, just in a towel, waiting for you to finish. When he hears the water turn off, he sighs with relief. When she didn’t come out right away, he groans.
“The fuck is she doin’ in there.” He knocks on the door. “Y/N?! I’m runnin’ late, and I need to shower!”
She opens the door immediately and they both freeze. Her eyes fall to the towel that was hanging low on his waist, and then up to him. Her towel wasn’t exactly as secure as it could be either. Her hair was just brushed out and dripping wet down her chest.
“I’m so sorry, why didn’t you knock sooner? I, uh, just let me grab my blow dryer…” She snatches it and scoots by him.
“I’ll be quick if you need to get back in there…”
Harry takes his very quick, and semi-cold shower, and gets ready for class. He had ab out ten minutes to spare. Y/N comes down the stairs, and slips into the bathroom to grab some spare tampons, and bumps into Harry on her way out, causing her to drop them.
“Shit sorry, I’m fuckin’ up your entire routine this mornin’.” He bends down to pick up what he caused her to drop and blushes when he sees that they’re tampons. He grabs them anyways and hands them to her.
“It’s okay, really.” She takes them and sticks them in her bag. “Um…well, have a good day Harry.”
“You too.”
“Y/N?” Harry knocks on her bedroom door late one night. She climbs out of bed and goes down the few steps to open it.
“Is everything okay, Harry?”
“Yeah, I think Liv and Chris fell asleep…and I really don’t wanna sleep on the couch, nor do I wanna go in there in case they decide to get busy again.” He huffs. He looked exhausted, he was at the studio all evening and just wanted to sleep.
“Oh! Well…okay, I could sleep in her bed if you wanna sleep in mine?”
He follows her up the stairs.
“I’ll just sleep in hers, we’re all close enough now. She doesn’t really have a leg to stand on to say much about it.” He yawns and takes his shirt off.
“Okay.” He watches as she uses the small step stool to get back into her bed. He waits until she’s scrolling on her phone to take his pants off, and he climbs into Liv’s bed. “I’m gonna turn the light off now.”
“Goodnight, Harry.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Similar nights to those kept happening, and Harry was starting to get aggravated, so he called for a roommate meeting to discuss it.
“I’m sick of not bein’ able to sleep in my own bed. I know I’m not here a lot, but when I am, I’d like to be able to just go to my room and go to sleep.”
“You’re right, Harry. I’m sorry.” Liv says, sort of embarrassed.
“I think you two should just share a room. It’s clear that’s what you want anyways.”
“But what about Y/N?” Liv looks at her.
“I feel like Harry’s been my roommate anyways.” She shrugs. “We share every other room with guys, guess I wouldn’t mind rooming with one either.”
“What if your parents find out?” Chris asks.
“It’s not like we’re gonna push the bed together and sleep next to each other like you both are probably gonna do. He’ll have his side, and I’ll have mine. I think it makes the most sense too.”
That afternoon everyone helps move things around. Liv gets situated with Chris while Harry gets his things the way he likes.
“You know secretly, I’m happy they didn’t ask for the bigger room. It’s way nicer up here.” Harry says, sitting down on his new bed. “You sure you’re okay with this? I don’t wanna take away your privacy…”
“I’ll just change in the bathroom more.” She shrugs. “Or, I mean, just look the other way if I happen to need to change quick up here and I’ll give you the same courtesy.”
“I know I’m not here a lot on the weekends, but for the times I am, I mean, uh, like do you ever bring anyone back here with you? If you could just text me a warning or somethin’ or put somethin’ on the door.”
“I don’t…I haven’t, um, it’s been a dry start to the semester.” She blushes. “I had my period, and then I’ve started to get busy with my classes…I’ve gone out a few times, but there’s also no one I’ve really wanted to hook up with. Don’t worry, if the occasion happens I’ll give you a heads up.”
“Is that what you’re out doing on the weekends? Hooking up?”
“Sometimes…mostly I just end up sleepin’ at Matt’s. They have a futon for me there for when I get too drunk to walk all the way back here. You should come out to another party, he’s havin’ people over tonight if you wanna come. Let the lovebirds down there have a little privacy.”
“Good idea, yeah, that sounds like fun.” She gets up and goes into her closet to pick out a casual dress. “Is your friend Matt single?” She asks without looking at him.
“Uh, yeah. Why?”
“I don’t know…I think he’s cute, and he was really nice to me last time I was there. Gave me a bunch to drink.”
“Well, that’s just common courtesy when you bring a girl to a party. Get her all liquored up.” Harry smirks.
“Mhm.” She rolls her eyes at him, and grabs a blue dress from her closet and her jean jacket. “Do you think he’d be into me?”
“What’s not to be into?”
“Oh stop it.”
“M’serious! You’re really nice, and you’re cute. He’d go for you.”
“Thanks, Harry.”
Harry walks Y/N to the party after pregaming a bit at their place.
“Harry!” Matt says as he walks in. “And you brought Y/N again, hey.”
“Hi.” They smile at each other.
“We’re just setting a game of flip cup up in the kitchen, you guys wanna play?”
“Sure!” Y/N says brightly.
The night was a lot of fun. Harry found himself talking to some girl who was clearly trying to get him to go home with her, but in the pit of his stomach he wanted to make sure you got home okay.
“Let me just find my friend and make sure she’s all set, okay?” He say, leaning into the girl and she nods.
Harry searches for you. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Matt in a while either. He walks into the kitchen and stops short when he sees Y/N sitting up on the counter with her legs wrapped around Matt’s waist, and his tongue down her throat. He wants to say something, but he opts to just text her that he’s left with someone.
“She’s all set, let’s go.” He takes the girl by her hand and leads her out of the house.
She tells him where she lives and that her roommate was gone for the weekend so they wouldn’t be disturbed. She was a good shag, Harry was having fun, but just as he coming an image of Y/N’s legs wrapped around his own waist, instead of Matt’s popped into his head.
“Shit.” He groans and looks down at the girl underneath him. She smiles up at him and he smiles back.
He pulls out and throws the condom away. She frowns when he starts to get dressed.
“You don’t have to leave…”
“I know, usually I would spend the night, but…uh…I.” He sighs and looks at her. “Listen, I don’t really have a good excuse, I just wanna go sleep in my own bed, I’m sorry.” He leans in and kisses her forehead. “I had a lot of fun though.” He gives her a reassuring smile. “You have my number?”
“Text me anytime.” He winks, and leaves her there.
When Harry gets back to his empty room, he’s not entirely sure what it is about it that’s bothering him. Eventually he’s able to fall asleep, but he’s woken up a few hours later by the sounds of Y/N coming up the few steps to their room. She was carrying her shoes to not make much noise. She gently opens her dresser drawer to grab a large t-shirt and shorts. He looks away while she changes, not that he could really see her anyways with how dark the room was. He hears her get into bed, and the satisfied sigh she makes turns his stomach.
The light creeping in from the curtains punched Harry in the face. He sits up and see Y/N on her side facing him, scrolling on her phone. She looks up at him when she sees he’s awake.
“Morning.” She says quietly.
“Hey.” He stretches and gets up. Even though they’d been sharing a room for a while, she would never get used to seeing him in just a pair of boxers. “M’takin’ a shower.”
“Okay.” He stops short before going down the stairs.
“What time did you get home last night?”
“Um…like 3AM I think. I was surprised to see your shoes downstairs. I’m glad I caught them or I would’ve flipped the light on and barreled up here.” She laughs. “I thought you went home with someone.”
“I did.”
“Didn’t feel like spendin’ the night.” She hums her response. “Did you hook up with Matt?”
“Yeah.” You blush. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, why the fuck would I care?” He crosses his arms.
“I don’t know…I mean I figured you knew what my intention was since I asked you if he was single, but if you don’t want me hooking up with your friends, I don’t have to again.”
“So if I really had a problem with it, you wouldn’t fuck him again?”
“If you had a valid reason, sure. I mean…it was a nice hook up, but not the best I ever had. It’s not like I need to have his dick again.” Harry had never really hard Y/N talk like that before, it surprised him. “Oh god, don’t tell him I said that…”
“What wasn’t good about it?”
“Well, if it wasn’t the best you ever had, what wasn’t good about it? Come on, you can tell me?” He leans back against the wall.
“I didn’t get off.” She says bluntly.
“And I had to fake it so we could be done.” Her cheeks grew redder.
“You sounded pretty satisfied when you got back…”
“I sighed with relief because I was exhausted and was finally in my comfy bed.”
“So you faked it.”
“Why not just tell him he was doin’ it wrong.”
“He was so drunk, Harry, I don’t think it would’ve made a difference. He passed out after, and I slipped out the door.”
“Wait, you walked back by yourself?” He frowns.
“If that happens again, just call me, okay? I don’t like that.”
“But you were with someone.”
“So? I’m always there for my friends, come on Y/N. What if somethin’ bad happened?”
“Okay, okay, I won’t walk alone again.”
“Go shower so I can shower, will you?”
“We could just save water and shower together.” He jokes, and she whips her pillow at him. “Oi!” He picks it up and whips it back at her, making her laugh.
Harry came home with paint all over his hands, and was scrubbing them profusely when Y/N came in through the door.
“Thank god it’s Friday, I’m beat.” You sigh and flop onto the couch.
“Me too, I think I’m gonna stay in tonight.”
“Oh?” She was shocked.
“Mhm.” He sits down next to her. “Might play some video games or somethin’. What about you, do you have plans?”
“As of right now, no. But who knows, my friends my text and say something’s happening.” She shrugs.
“We could hang out if you wanted.”
“What would you wanna do?”
“We could watch a movie.”
“Sure! That sounds nice actually. We should see if Liv and Chris wanna join. I feel like we never all hang out.”
Harry was annoyed, but not visibly. He really hated hanging out with couples.
That night the four get cozy on the couch for a movie. Chris made everyone drinks, and Y/N popped some popcorn. The girls sit in the middle of the couch while the boys take the end seats. Not that that mattered, because eventually Chris pulled Liv into his lap, and they got comfortable together. The wine Y/N had been drinking was making her sleepy, and her head dropped onto Harry’s shoulder, not that he minded.
She wakes up to the feeling of being carried up to their room.
“Harry?” He sets her down on her bed.
“Yeh fell asleep.” He smooths her hair away from her face. “Brought yeh up.”
“Do you…never mind.”
“I don’t know…it’s stupid, never mind.”
“Y/N, would you just tell me what you want?”
“Well…sometimes I get a little jealous that Chris and Liv can just cuddle, and I didn’t know if you’d wanna have a platonic cuddle with me for a bit.”
“A platonic cuddle?”
“Yeah, but only if you want.”
“What does that entail exactly?”
“Well, you could lay next to me and I could just rest my head on your chest. No spooning unless I’m the big spoon.”
“Why’s that?” He chuckles. “Not that I don’t like being the little spoon.”
“I wouldn’t wanna give you a boner if I was little spoon.”
“Ah, right, because I have zero zelf control.”
“Do you wanna cuddle or not?”
“Yeah, alright.”
He climbs onto her bed and lays flat on his back so she can rest her head on his chest, just like she wanted. He puts an arm around her and rests his hand on her shoulder. What Y/N didn’t know was that Harry had gotten a booty call text, and was supposed to be out the door, but this was something that Harry just couldn’t say no to, so he texts the girl and apologizes, and tells her he’ll be over another time. He feels her nuzzle into his chest further. Harry realizes he very much likes the attention he’s getting from wine-drunk Y/N.
They both asleep like that, cuddled together on Y/N’s bed. Her eyes fluttered open, at first she was confused when she saw Harry, but then she remembered she asked him to cuddle with her. She didn’t remember getting so comfy she had fallen asleep. Both of his arms were around her, and she had a leg over one of his. His lips were parted and light snores were coming from him. Y/N desperately needed to pee, but she also didn’t want to disturb him. She notices his phone lighting up with texts, and her curiosity got the better of her. After all, it could’ve been an emergency.
Lindsay – Matt’s Party: are you serious?   12:04AM
Lindsay – Matt’s Party: you’re rly not coming over? 12:07AM
Lindsay – Matt’s Party: this is the 3rd time you’ve done this, H. I’m done. 12:15AM
Y/N sets his phone back down, and looks back up at him with a raised eyebrow.
He blew off some girl for me? She thinks to herself. He could’ve gone…maybe he didn’t really like her that much.
Harry’s eyebrows furrow and his eyes slowly open. He has the same slight confusion Y/N did, but then he relaxes when he remembers he voluntarily slept next to her.
“Hey.” He mumbles in a sleepy voice, one she had gotten quite used to and liked a lot.
“Hi.” The air suddenly felt awkward. “I need to pee.”
“I didn’t wanna wake you up.”
“So, I’ll just…”
She sits up slightly, and ends up straddling him to try to climb over him. Her head suddenly started hurting and she almost fell off. Harry grabs her by her hips to steady her.
“You’re like really clumsy.” He says to her.
“I’m aware.” She looks down at his hands. “I still need to pee, can you let go of me.”
His cheeks heat up and he lets go of her so she can continue trying to get off her bed. Harry was still tired, and he could easily go slip into his bed, but he liked Y/N’s bed, for whatever reason. So he rolls onto his side and checks his phone.
“Fuck.” He says when he sees the texts from Lindsay. He thinks to text her back and apologize, but he didn’t want to lead her on anymore because odds are he’d stand her up again. ]
Y/N comes back up a few minutes later, feeling much better after having used the toilet and brushed her teeth. She chuckles when she sees Harry still on her bed.
“What are you doing?”
“M’not awake enough to move yet.” He mumbles as she grabs some clothes from her dresser.
“Well, I have some homework I need to get done, so I’m gonna shower and then go to the library.”
“I’ll be at the studio most of the day, and then I’ll probably go to Matt’s tonight…”
He watches her go back down the stairs and he sits up. The two had gotten into the habit of giving each other a play by play of their plans. Harry figured it was just common courtesy as a roommate, but maybe it was a little bit more. It was like they were an old married couple who slept on two different beds. Harry changes into some new clothes quick and goes downstairs. Chris was eating some breakfast as he grabs a Gatorade from the fridge.
“Mornin’, mate.” Harry says, taking a sip of his drink.
“Morning, thought you went out last night?”
“Nope, I stayed in with Y/N instead.” He shrugs. “I feel kinda bad, the girl was pissed…but I think it was for the best.”
Things were a tad awkward between Harry and Matt since Y/N slept with Matt and never really followed up.
“Did she ever say anything to you?”
“No.” Harry lies. “You hook up with girls all the time, why are you hung up on her?”
“I don’t know, she was a good fuck, I’d like to hit it again.” Harry rolls his eyes as bites down on his cup. “You haven’t brought her here since.”
“She hasn’t seemed interested.” Harry shrugs and turns to see Lindsay talking to her friends. They make eye contact and she flips him off. “Jesus.” He walks over to her. “Can we talk?”
“Why? Because you suddenly have the time?” She huffs.
“Fine.” They step aside from her friends.
“You know, you act like I didn’t even tell you I couldn’t come over…”
“One second you’re saying see you ten, and the next you’re saying not tonight. So what happened? Get a better offer?”
“No, it wasn’t that…my roommate needed me…”
“Right, the girl you conveniently share a room with.” She crosses her arms.
“It’s only like that because our friends are dating.”
“What did she need from you then, Harry? Your dick?”
“No!” He groans. “It’s not like that with us, we’re just friends.”
“So then what did she need?”
“She got a little wine drunk, and she seemed like she needed me to stay, so I did. She didn’t know I had other plans when she asked me to hang out a little longer…” Not a total lie, not a total truth. “I really did wanna see you.” He puts his hand on her shoulder.
“I hate how crazy you boys make me, I swear. It’s not like you’re the only person I’m hooking up with…”
“Yeah, same goes for me.”
“I just thought we had a regular thing going, and that was like the third time you blew me off. If you don’t wanna-“ Harry cuts her off by kissing her.
“Let’s get outta here.”
She nods and takes his hand. They walk back to her place, and start to get busy. He was just about to go down on her when his phone rings. He pops his head up to grab it.
“You can’t be serious.”
“It could be an emergency.” He sits up and squints to see it’s Y/N. “Hello?” He starts fingering Lindsay while he’s on the phone with her.
“Harry?” She slurs.
“What’s up?” He rubs Lindsay’s clit and her head rolls back into the pillow.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but.” She hiccups. “Liv and Chris left, or maybe I just can’t find them, anyways, I wanna go home, and you told me to-“
“Where are you?”
“On Russell actually…uhhhhh, 19D I think.”
“Okay, I can be there in like ten minutes, can you hang tight?”
“Mhm. I’ll sit out on the steps for you.”
“Okay.” He hangs up and tosses his phone. “What?”
“You’re a nutbag.”
“Do you want me to fuck you or not? Yeh get me for ten minutes, how do you want it?”
Y/N was sitting on the front steps of the house she was at, waiting for Harry. She was slightly cold from the crisp fall air.
Harry: be there soon :) 1:30AM
She sighs with relief when she gets his text. She sees him walking up the drive and stands up and walks towards him.
“I’m so sorry if I ruined your night.” She stumbles as she walks over to him.
“You didn’t, I’m glad you called.” He hooks his arm around her waist to steady her.
“You smell like perfume.”
“I just hooked with someone, sorry.”
“You what?!” She starts laughing.
“I was in the middle of it when you called, actually.” He starts laughing. “She wasn’t too happy, but I made up for it. Although I deleted her number after I left, it was sort of a parting gift.”
“Sometimes I forget you can be just like every other guy.” She scoffs.
“Hey, I told her it was the last time before I left. She said it was probably for the best anyways.”
“Oh, well as long as she knows.”
“I thought you didn’t really go to parties like this often.”
“I don’t…but Chris got invited out so he brought me and Liv with him, and we all drank a lot. I don’t know how I lost them. I texted them both and told them you were coming for me.” She looks down at the heels on her feet. “I have to take these off, they hurt.”
“It’s too cold to walk barefoot. Lemme give you a piggyback ride.”
“Sure.” He shrugs.
Y/N gets on his back, and he carries her the rest of the way home. When he gets her inside they see Chris and Liv on the couch.
“There you two are?!” Y/N yells as Harry sets her down. “Where the fuck did you two go?”
“Liv got sick at the party, so I brought her home, we’re so sorry Y/N.” Chris says standing up.
“Yeah, Y/N…this is the first time in over an hour I haven’t had my head in the toilet. Chris cleaned it up so it’s all good.”
“Well I’m sorry you got sick.” She starts unbuttoning her pants and scurries to the bathroom. “I have to pee so bad!”
“Thanks for getting her.” Chris rubs the back of his neck.
“It was no problem. I told her I didn’t want her walkin’ alone and to call me if she was in a place where that might happen.”
Y/N comes out of the bathroom and looks at everyone.
“Feel like I’m gonna pass out so I’m going to bed.”
“I’m gonna take a quick shower, I’ll be up soon.”
“You two sound like us.” Liv jokes.
“M’just bein’ courteous.” Harry points out and goes to take his shower. He didn’t wanna smell like Lindsay anymore.
When he gets upstairs, only in his towel, he see Y/N sitting up in bed wearing just a large t-shirt and panties. Harry walks by her quick and hope to god his face isn’t red.
“Yeah?” He turns to look at her.
“Would you come cuddle again?”
“Course. Now turn around so I can change.”
She playfully covers her eyes and he shakes his head as slides his boxers on.
“This is all I’m wearin’, hope that’s okay.”
“S’fine with me.” She yawns, and he turns off the light.
“Scootch over.” Instead she just rolls onto her side, facing the wall. “Thought you said no spooning.”
“Thought you said you had self-control.”
“I do…” He looks down and sees the t-shirt was now bunched around her hips and he could see the lovely curve of her ass in her cheeky panties. “Just don’t wiggle against me like a brat.”
“I’m never a brat.”
“Mhm.” He mumbles sarcastically as he settles in. He slips a leg between hers, and wraps an arm around her stomach. She adjust against him, just to get comfier, and they both settle.
“Goodnight, Harry.” She yawns.
“Night.” He liked the smell of her perfume much better.
“What the hell happened up here?” Liv cackles the next morning, well, more like afternoon, it was already noon. Harry and Y/N wake up and groan. Harry was still spooning her.
“Liv…no offense, but this isn’t your room anymore.” Y/N groans as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.
“I just came up to grab my sweatshirt that I let you borrow a couple days ago, but I can see I walked in on something. How long has this been going on for?”
“How long has what been goin’ on for? We’re just sleepin’.”
“Harry you don’t have any clothes on!”
“Not true! I’m wearin’ boxers.”
“What’s wrong with your bed?”
“I asked him to sleep with me, just sleep, well cuddle really.” Y/N speaks up. “It’s platonic.”
“Yeah, not all of us have a boyfriend to go to sleep with every night, Liv.”
“Well, pardon me.” She scoffs and grabs her sweatshirt. “You know it wouldn’t be a big deal if you two hooked up. I think it would make sense, and-“
“Goodbye, Liv, have a nice lunch with Chris’ parents.” Y/N says. “Hope you’re feeling better.”
“Much…and I’ll tell them you say hi.”
They watch as she goes back down the stairs, and then look at each other.
“Wanna grab brunch downtown?” Harry asks.
“God, that sounds amazing. Just let me jump in the shower quick?”
“Go for it.”
Harry waits for her to leave before getting out of bed. He removes the blanket and looks down at his morning wood. He was sort of glad Liv woke them up so Y/N didn’t have time to notice it poking her. Or maybe she did and just didn’t say anything or care. Either way he wasn’t going to say anything.
He gets dressed quick and waits for her in the living area. Once she’s ready they walk downtown to the diner, and get a booth for two. They both order coffee and water.  
“Wanna split some hashbrowns?” She asks, looking at the menu. “I might get a veggie omelet.”
“Yeah, we could do that. That sounds good too, I think I’ll get the same.” He chuckles.
They both give their orders to the waitress.
“I hope Liv didn’t bother you, you can sleep in my bed any time you want. I kinda like having your wait on me.” She blushes.
“You mean your three weighted blankets aren’t enough for you?” He laughs.
“I do not have three…I have two, and no, they’re not.” She crosses her arms. “I don’t really think it’s that weird.”
“It’s only happened twice too…” He takes a sip of his coffee. “Your bed is way comfier than mine, so I think I’ll be taking you up on that more often than not.”
“Works for me.” She smiles. “I’m really glad we’ve gotten so close, Harry.” She puts her hand over his and it gives him goosebumps. “You’re like my best guy friend.” A punch right to his gut.
“I’m glad we’ve gotten closer too.”
It didn’t happen every night, but Harry and Y/N had gotten into a habit of cuddling and falling asleep together pretty often. There was just something soothing about it for the both of them.
“What the fuck happened up here?” Harry says coming home late from the studio one Thursday night.
“I’m so sorry, I have like two midterms tomorrow and I’m trying to study for both of them and I’m freaking out!”
Y/N had papers and books all over the place. Her laptop was open and she had music playing.
“How long have you been studying for?”
“Hours.” She groans.
“Well, maybe you need a break.”
“I can’t take a break! What if I don’t…what are you doing?!”
He was in the middle of taking his clothes off.
“Hi, I’m Harry, and I tend to get paint all over me, so it required me to change quite frequently. What’s your name?”
“Your sarcasm isn’t helpful. You’re supposed to tell me to turn around.” She pouts.
“Y/N.” He sighs. “You’ve seen me in next to nothing, and to be honest, I don’t really care if you look.”
“You don’t?”
“No.” He throws on a fresh shirt and some sweatpants. He sits down on the floor in front of her. “Look all you want.” He shrugs and picks up her flashcards.
“What are you doing?”
“M’gonna help you study.”
“You don’t have to. I’m sure there are better things you could be doing with your Thursday night.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, don’t you have some girl you need to go fuck?” Harry’s jaw drops. “I’m so sorry, that sounded meaner than it was supposed to. I didn’t mean-“
“But you still said it.” He shakes his head at her. “Is that what you think of me? Some guy that just fucks a ton of girls.”
“Well, to be fair, you do fuck a lot of girls, Harry.”
“A lot of guys do.” He huffs, and then he smirks at you. “You know what your problem is?”
“What’s my problem?”
“You don’t get fucked enough, no scratch that, you don’t get off enough. That’s why you’re so stressed. You get A’s all the time, you know this shit. You’re just tense because you can’t get there, and you share a room with a dude so it’s not like you’re gettin’ yourself there, unless you’re doin’ it in the shower.”
“Would you listen to yourself?” She laughs. “Can you please quiz me?”
“Thought I had better things to do?” He grins.
“Harry.” She sighs.
“Okay, okay.” He squints at the flashcard. “What is Andre Bazin’s main film theory?”
“Correct, see, you know this.”
“That’s an easy one!”
“I still think you’re just wound up.”
“Would you like to do something about it?” She scoffs.
“I would, actually.” He puts the cards down.
“What? I was kidding, Harry.”
“Well…I’m not.” He sighs.
“You…wait, I’m very confused.”
“To be blunt, I’d like to have sex with you.” Her eyes grow wide and her cheeks flush. “But…I don’t wanna do anything that might ruin-“
“Go down and lock our door.” He’s stunned.
“Wait, really?”
“Do it before I change my mind.” She whispers.
Harry stands up and quietly goes down to lock their door. When he comes back up he sees Y/N bent over cleaning everything up off the floor. She puts everything on her desk, and turns her twinkling lights on. Then she turns the main light off, creating more of an atmosphere.
“You really wanna do this?” Harry asks.
“You’re like the hottest guy I’ve ever met, of course I want to…I just didn’t think you wanted to. You treat me like your little sister or something sometimes.”
“I…wouldn’t call the way we sleep the way I would sleep next to my sister.”
“You really do like grind right into me.”
“So you have noticed that.”
“Of course I have…I just figured it was something all guys did in the morning so I never said anything.”
“You’re on the pill?” He asks, stepping closing to her.
“Do you want me to use a condom?”
He nods and goes into his desk drawer to grab a couple, he sets them down.
“Let’s do it on my bed, it’ll make less noise, yours will rock too much since it’s up higher.” She nods and goes over to his bed and sits down. He sits down next to her. “You’re positive?”
He caresses her cheek.
“You’re shaking.” He says softly.
“I’m nervous.”
“Why? S’just me.”
“That’s exactly why I’m nervous. You’ve always made me nervous, Harry. I’ve just been good at hiding it.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“Because we have a really good, chill thing going here. And I like being your friend.”
“This doesn’t have to ruin anything…” He cups both of her cheeks with his hands. “Let me make you feel good, Y/N.”
He pulls her in and crashes her lips to his. Her eyes flutter closed as he swipes his tongue across her bottom lip, and she opens up for him. He tasted just like the mint gum he chewed constantly. She was making out with the guy every girl wanted. Y/N knew about Harry’s reputation, but she also knew a different side of him. She knew the side of him that liked his head scratched to help him fall asleep, and the way he really did just want a banana and nothing more for breakfast, and the way his hands always smelled like paint no matter how many times he scrubbed them.
He pulls back from her to get some air, or so she things, but his lips connect with her jaw and then to just under her earlobe. She gasps when she feels him suck on her skin, but she loves it. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself, so she just grips at his shoulders, while his hands roam down to her hips.
In a swift motion, he sits back on the bed, and pulls her onto his lap so she’s straddling him. She rolls her hips down on his while they’re lips find each other again. He groans against her bites down on her bottom lip. He hands tug at the hem of her shirt.
“Can I take this off?” He says, panting.
He lifts it up over her head, revealing a sports bra that was really pushing her boobs up. He pulls her close and kisses on the tops of her breasts while she continues to grind down on him. She was starting to feel how hard he was and it was making her wet.
“Just take it off.” She says.
He nods and lifts the bra off her. He moves to take his own shirt off as well before cupping her breasts in his large hands. He tweaks her nipples, making her head roll back.
“I’ve wanted to see you like this for a long time, Y/N.” He says as he wraps his lips around her, sucking one of her breasts into his mouth, and letting it go with a pop.
“You have?” She gasps as he does the same thing to other one.
“You have no idea.”
He pulls her close so they’re chests are flush and they go back to kissing. His hands slide down to the globes of her ass and he gives her a good squeeze. He shifts them to lay her down, and she wraps her legs around his waist, just like how he’s wanted for a while. He kisses down her neck, chest, stomach, and then hooks his fingers into her leggings.
“You’re sure?”
“Please, just get them off. Get my underwear off, just take everything off of me.”
He smirks and does everything she says. She was full exposed to him and it was a glorious sight to see. Every curve, every dip, every mark on her was beautiful. He kisses her left knee and works his way to her inner thigh. He looks up at her one more time and he gives him an approving nod. She grips the blankets when she feels his tongue on her. Her hips buck up towards him, but he uses his arm to press down on her waist. He gives her a few slow licks at first, and then flicks his tongue back and forth on her clit. She moans softly, and then grits her teeth when he sucks on her. Her hands fly to his hair when she feels a finger slip inside. He looks up at her again and she just nods yes.
His mouth works her clit while he pumps in and out of her, knuckles deep, curling his fingers up. She gasps and groans, desperately trying to stay quiet so Liv and Chris don’t hear anything. Y/N’s legs were shaking around Harry, and he loved it. Her back was arching, he could tell she was close from the way she clenching around his fingers.
“Oh, shit!” She gasps and claps a hand over her mouth.
Harry waits for her to finish riding for him to pull his fingers out. She watches as he sucks them into his mouth, and hers falls open. She blinks tears away.
“Are you crying?” He runs a thumb under one of her eyes.
“I just…um…that was intense is all.”
“Do you wanna keep going?”
“Yes.” She props herself up on her elbows. “Do you want me to, uh, return the favor?”
“Maybe another time.” He stands up and pulls his joggers down. “I really just wanna fuck you, if that’s alright.”
“Mhm.” She smiles. Wow, we haven’t even finished yet and he’s already talking about another time. She thinks to herself.
She watches as Harry slowly takes his boxers off. Her eyes grow wide when she see it. It was big, and thick. Suddenly her mouth felt dry. He grabs a condom from his desk and rolls it on with ease. He gets back on the bed, between her legs.
“You’re certain?”
“Yes, Harry, I want you.”
He smiles and kisses her quick. He looks down so he can line himself up with her dripping center. He slowly presses his tip in, and she can already feel him stretching her out. He accidentally slides in a little fast, though.
“Holy shit!” She moans loudly, and he presses his hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wild looking up at him.
“I know, okay, I know, but if you wanna do this you need to stay fucking quiet. I don’t want them to hear. Can you do that f’me, Y/N?” She nods her head yes, and he takes his hand away. “I didn’t mean to just shove it in like that, m’sorry.”
“S’okay, it felt good.” She giggles. He looks down between them.
“S’really snug…you’re so tight.” His words make her clench around him. “Can I move?”
Harry pulls out slightly and thrusts back in, and eventually he found a pace that suited the both of them. He buries his head in the crook of her neck, and hooks his arm under one of her legs, while her other leg was wrapped around his waist. Her nails were digging into his back, and it all just felt so fucking good. Her face was hidden in her shoulder to keep her moans and cries muffled.
“Takin’ it so well, Y/N.” He peppers kisses to her sweaty forehead. He drops her leg and uses both of his arms to prop himself up so he could really give it to her. The bed was shaking, but it wasn’t making much noise. “How’s it feel?”
“So good, so fucking good.”
“Yeah? Like havin’ me in you like this?”
“Yes!” She gasps as he hits her g-spot. “Oh my god.” She says shocked and then looks up at him. “Do…do that again.” He gives her another thrust right on the spot and her eyes roll into the back of her head.
“You’ve never come vaginally before, have you?” He grins.
“Oh, baby…hold on tight.”
She grips his shoulders while he hits the spot over and over. Her teeth were clenched, trying so very hard not to make much noise, but when he hits it just right again, she lets go and cries out. Harry crashes his mouth to hers to swallow it best he can. She was writhing beneath him, having never had orgasm so strong before. Harry can’t last much longer after that, and spills into the condom. He collapses on top of her for a moment or two, just trying to catch his breath. He slowly pulls out of her and she winces.
“Sorry.” He whispers. “You…might be a little sore.”
“A little?” She scoffs. “I can’t believe you fit that whole thing inside of me.” She sits up and grabs her shirt. When she stands her legs feel like jello.
“Where are you goin’?”
“I have to pee, you went down on me, I’m not gonna risk getting a UTI. Just get into my bed, I’ll be back in a second.” He smiles and nods. He was happy she wanted to cuddle.
It stung when she went to the bathroom like she figured it would. She was thankful Liv and Chris didn’t seem to be awake. She fills a glass of water and brings it up with her. She takes a sip and hands it to Harry as she climbs into bed. He takes generous sip and hands it back to her to finish. He puts it on her desk when she’s done. They both sink down and she lays her head on his chest.
“How do you feel?” He asks, breaking the silence.
“Good, how do you feel?”
“Good…didn’t realize there was that much tension between us.” He chuckles.
“Harry, I don’t wanna be one of those girls, but what’s supposed to happen next…”
“We’re gonna cuddle and go to sleep like we usually do. Then tomorrow you’re gonna ace your midterms.”
“And after that?” She looks up at him, and he looks down at her.
“I think I only wanna be a one woman kinda guy…” She smiles up at him. “Would you wanna try going out on a date?”
“There’s a free skate happening down at the ice arena on Saturday night…any interest?”
“No interest in doin’ anything tomorrow?”
“Someone’s a bit eager.” She smirks.
“Alright, ice skating actually sounds good for Saturday. I have a couple of midterms tomorrow too that are gonna take a lot outa me.”
“How about pizza and a movie tomorrow night then?”
“Oh, I like the sound of that.” He kisses her hair line. “What should we do about Chris and Liv?”
“Let’s see how a couple of dates go before we tell them anything.”
“Good idea, although, I’m sure they probably heard you.”
“I wasn’t that loud, and it wasn’t my fault if I was.” She swats at his chest.
“True.” He looks over at his bed. “This could work really well. Use my bed for the fucking, and then we have your nice comfy bed for sleepin’.”
“Yeah, and then there’s no gross wet spot to worry about.” She giggles, and he bursts out laughing.
“I didn’t hurt you or anything did?”
“No, not at all. It felt really good the whole time, I promise. It hurt when I went to the bathroom though.”
“M’sorry.” He sighs. “You were so tight, I didn’t really know how to be any gentler than I was.”
“It’s okay, really. You took really good care of me. I feel way more relaxed now. I think you were right about me just needing to de-stress before my exams.”
The two end up falling asleep, and it’s a miracle Y/N hears her alarm go off the next morning. Harry knew Chris and Liv would be gone already since they both have 8AM’s, so he gets up with Y/N to take a shower. They didn’t do anything sexual, but it certainly was an intimate shower. She thought about him all day, everything from last night replaying over and over in her mind. It was a wonder she could concentrate during her exams.
She orders the pizza when she gets in later and sets up the movie. She bumps into Liv after freshening up upstairs.
“Hey, haven’t see you all day. How’d your midterms go?” Liv asks, about to take a slice of pizza.
“That’s not for you!” Y/N yelps. “And they went fine, Harry, uh, helped me study last night.”
“Oh, good! And who’s it for?”
“It’s, um, for Harry, as a thank you for him staying in to help me last night.”
“Um, okay?”
“Sorry…in fact, I’m gonna go put it on his bed so no one touches it. What are you and Chris doing tonight?”
“We were gonna go to Charlotte’s place. Do you wanna come?”
“Nah, I’m exhausted, I’m gonna stay in, but thanks.”
Y/N: I’m bringing the pizza up to our room, I think we should watch the movie up here too…
Harry: are chris and liv home??
Y/N: for now, but I think they’re going out. I just don’t want them snooping
Harry: good call…I’ll be home soon btw, just finished one of my graphic design exams
Y/N: Yay!
Harry gets in, and goes right upstairs. He locks the door behind him. Y/N was sitting on his bed with her laptop and the box of pizza.
“Hey.” You smile.
“Hi.” He smiles back. “That still warm?”
“Think it’ll stay that way?” He asks, taking his shirt off.
“I guess we’ll find out.” She sets it on his desk, along with her laptop.
“Been thinkin’ about you all day.” He says, leaning down to kiss her. She lays back on the bed so he can get on top of her.
“Really?” He hums his response as he kisses on her neck. “I thought about you too.” He yanks her shirt up over her breasts and kisses on them. “Harry, I really wanna do this again, but I’m…too sore…” She sighs and he sits up. “But…maybe now I could return the favor.”
“Yeh wanna suck me off, baby?”
After one hell of a blowjob, Harry and Y/N cuddle up and crack open the pizza that was waiting to be eaten, and they start their movie.
“How do you think your exams went?” He asks.
“Good, I think I did really well. What about yours?”
“Piece of cake.” He scoffs. “Graphic design is so easy, I don’t know why Chris complains about it all the time.”
“He’s just not as creative as you are. I wish you’d hang more of your paintings up…”
“Really? I have some down at the studio I could bring home.”
“Please! I’d love it, and I’m not just saying that, I think you’re genuinely talented.”
“Thanks.” He kisses her temple.
“I have to say, I was nervous having a guy I barley know as a roommate this year, but it’s worked out way better than I ever could’ve imagined.” They both giggle.
“Mm, I’m sure your parents will be thrilled when they found out their fears came true.”
“God, I can’t even think about that.” She takes a bite of pizza. “I was gonna ask you to come home for Thanksgiving before all this happened, but now maybe that wouldn’t be such a great idea.”
“You were?” He gives her a thoughtful smile.
“Yeah…I didn’t know what you normally did.”
“I usually stay here and eat shitty food at the dining hall. I’d come home with you.”
“You would?”
“Sure.” He shrugs. “We’re tryin’ somethin’ new between us, but at the core we’re still friends right?”
“So then I’d love to come home with you for Thanksgiving either way, and I think it’s very nice of you to think of me.” He takes a bite of pizza. “Plus, then I can see if your family likes me at all.”
“Good point.” She puts the pizza box on the desk and nestles in closer to him. She looks up at him and puckers her lips. He happily gives her a kiss. “I like you, Harry.”
“I like you too.”
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lala-ladybug · 3 years
Healing Hands: Chapter 4
Yesyesyes I’m super excited to share this one with you guys!! The game is finally beginning, ahhhh!!!!
Jasonette Sword Art Online AU
Read here on AO3
Tag list: @iloontjeboontje
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Chapter 4: Goddamn wimps, all of them
Marinette opened her eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight. She stood in a huge village square filled with hundreds of people, the gaps between them growing smaller as more and more players appeared. The sun shone merrily, and an excited chatter began rising in the air. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It felt good to be back.
“Marinette!” She looked around to see Alya and Nino waving a few yards away. She broke into an excited smile and jogged over to meet them. They must have spawned in relative to their actual locations since Kagami, Luka, and the others from her class were already there.
“Hey guys!” Marinette said breathlessly. “Almost didn’t make it. Thanks for the call, Alya.”
The brunette gave her a quick hug. “Anytime, girl. Now you and Lila can show us the ropes!” She bounced excitedly.
Marinette barely caught herself from rolling her eyes and just nodded instead. Of course Lila would be able to help teach the others how to play. It definitely wouldn’t just be Marinette teaching everybody. Again.
Meanwhile, Max and Nathaniel were remarking on how realistic the textures of the cobbled streets were. Marinette did a double-take when she saw Adrien standing next to them. He had an immensely intricate and ornate suit of armor. There was an excess of spikes, ribbons flowing from every joint, and every inch of him was covered in metal. A tall helmet adorned with skull decals cast a shadow over his grinning face.
“What are you wearing?” She spluttered. He pointed a thumb to his chest with some difficulty, the thick metal creaking with the movement.
“This bad boy is the toughest armor in the game! I may have made a few embellishments of my own, so now I look even cooler.” He stated with pride.
Marinette shot a look at Luka, who wore a light set of simple leathers. He grimaced and shook his head, warning Marinette not to question their friend’s surprisingly atrocious taste in fashion. Or serious misunderstanding of armor weight classes.
“You know you could’ve picked any armor you want, right?” Adrien asked.
“Oh, I know. I crafted this set during beta testing!” Marinette spun around to show the boys, gladly welcoming the change in subject. She was dressed in a light suit of armor, the metal tinted a deep red. Black fabric peeked underneath the gaps, a strong yet flexible design of her own making. A simple grey cloak hung off her shoulders, concealing the quiver behind her back.
While Luka and Adrien complimented her brilliant design, she spotted Lila. She looked a little out of her element, hanging back to awkwardly watch a conversation between Kim, Alix, and Kagami, oddly enough. The three were dressed in heavy sets of armor, lamenting about how there weren’t any monsters to battle yet.
Chloe sauntered over to join them and, having heard how even Kagami was itching for a fight, wrinkled her nose. Marinette giggled to herself. This was going to be interesting, to say the least.
* * *
Jason’s eyes snapped open and he threw out an arm to steady himself. The transition from logging on was dizzying, but the sensation faded with every deep breath he took. He noted the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the air. Damn, even he had to admit this tech was impressive. Dick and Tim stood next to him, wearing blue and red-toned armor respectively. Tim was looking around wildly, grinning like an idiot.
“Timmy!” Cassie Sandsmark sprinted towards them to tackle her boyfriend in a hug. Oh great, looks like the rest of the kiddy patrol was here too. Looking to where Cassie had run from, Jason indeed saw various members of The Team. Connor looked just as nauseated as Jason had felt after joining. Roy stood next to him, unmoving as he stared down at his very realistic-looking hand. Ouch. Jason had to have some sympathy for the poor kid, not that he’d ever tell him that.
Bart and Garfield, on the other hand, appeared to be having the time of their lives. Bart got into a running stance and Garfield gleefully jumped into the air, both falling flat on their faces. Jason snorted as he watched Jaime help his boyfriend up. Jaime asked him, “Whoa there ese, what gives?”
Bart shook his head and muttered, “I don’t have my speed.”
Garfield furrowed his brow and strained his face. “You look like you’re either really constipated or trying to shift,” Artemis informed him.
Ignoring her, Garfield locked his panicked eyes with Connor’s. “I can’t shift either, SB.”
“Der kaolc ym nrut,” Zatanna intoned quietly. When nothing happened, she nervously said, “My magic doesn’t work either.”
Jason rolled his eyes. Goddamn wimps, all of them. “Looks like all you supers will have to stoop to our level.”
“Stay whelmed everyone,” Dick stepped in to mitigate half the group’s outrage. “It’s just a game, we don’t exactly need our other skills right now.”
Before they could say anything else, an enormous bell mounted in the center of the town square began to ring. A hush fell over the crowd. The sky darkened as red hexagons interlocked to create a massive dome around the town.
A tall being flickered to life in the air above them. The hooded figure floated high overhead, their face eerily concealed.
“Attention players,” the figure raised their hands. “I welcome you to my world.” Well that didn’t sound ominous, Jason thought to himself. He felt the mood from the others shift into high alert.
“You may call me the Game Master, and I am the only one in control of this world. You may have noticed that the logout button is missing from your main menu.” The figure paused dramatically. “I assure you, this is no defect in the game. It is all as I have designed it to be. You cannot log yourselves out, and no one outside the game will be able to remove you forcibly. If anyone tries to do so, a transmitter inside the VR headset will emit powerful microwaves into your brain that will end your life.” Shit, shit, shit. This was just supposed to be a dumb game he played to make Replacement shut up about it, what the hell?
“Of the 10,000 players, 215 have already died because their family or friends ignored this warning and attempted to remove their headsets. Media outlets have been reporting on this, so it is safe to assume the danger of your headsets being removed has passed.” This guy had to be joking. Though if he wasn’t, Babs would surely research everything within her power to try to remove them safely.
“One other feature of the game is that you are no longer able to revive players. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will die and the headset will destroy your brain.” Jason’s eyes widened and his head whipped to Dick. He ran a hand through his hair, looking just as horrified as Jason felt.
“The only way for a player to return to the real world is to clear the game. You are currently on Floor 1, the lowest level of the castle. If you make it to the dungeon and defeat the level boss, you may progress to the next level. Defeat the final boss on Floor 100, and you will clear the game.” This motherfucker couldn’t be serious.
The game master, god what a pretentious prick, raised his hands and began to disappear once more. He said, “Good luck, players,” before disappearing entirely. The sky returned to its cheery blue.
 A beat of silence passed before someone started screaming. Then the thousands of players erupted into a cacophony of sound.
* * *
Marinette stood stockstill amidst the chaos. She felt more than heard masses of people panicking around her. Her eyes darted back and forth without truly seeing anything, mind racing to figure out a solution. If there was no way to safely remove the headset, then they’d have to beat the whole game. What about the Kwami? Could they connect with their miraculi? What about the small powers they’d each accumulated over the years? If those were accessible, then they might stand a chance, but god if they weren’t--
A hand on her arm made her snap her head to attention. It was Adrien, his jaw clenched tightly. She gripped his arm in return, the small reassurance barely that. Around her, the new Order looked to their leader for orders, direction. And behind them, her classmates....
Most were white in the face. Max had his hands clenched in his hair and was muttering to himself about the likelihood that the headsets actually could kill them. From the way he was shaking his head, she guessed it was a definite possibility. Lila looked like a cornered animal, twitchy and desperately looking for an escape. Even Kim and Alix wore uncharacteristically serious expressions.
“Well?” Chloe prompted Marinette. The latter took a deep breath. Better focus on solving the smaller problems first. “Your VIP package came with a house on the first floor, right?”
Chloe blinked in surprise. “Yeah, it did,” she replied uncertainly.
“Good.” Marinette whistled and gestured for the rest of her friends to gather around. “Listen up! We don’t know how everyone else is going to react, so it’s best for us to go somewhere safe to lie low for a while. I can teach everyone the gameplay, and we’ll do our best to help beat the game.”
She looked Alya and Nathanial in the eye, since their hands seemed to be shaking the most, and said with all the confidence of Ladybug, “Think of all the bullshit Hawkmoth’s put us through. We are not going to die here. That’s a promise.”
Marinette drew her bow and half-strung an arrow, holding it parallel to the ground. “Chloe has a house on the first level. Let’s go.” She nodded to Adrien, Chloe, Kagami, and Luka to establish a perimeter around the rest of the class as they moved. She exhaled a quiet, shaky breath and led the way out of the square.
The crowd did not part easily. People were sobbing, shouting, hyperventilating. They needed to get out fast before the shock wore off.
Someone stood in front of her. The poor soul was probably just as scared as they were. She put her bow back in her inventory, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible.
“Excuse me,” Marinette gave a little half-wave to get their attention. “May I please get through?”
“Oh, sorry,” He had a deep, male voice. One hand gestured to the direction she was headed as he stepped out of her path. “Go right ahead.” His hands weren’t shaking as the other crept towards his belt. Not good, not good.
A flash of silver was all the warning she got before Luka pulled her back. A knife collided with his hastily raised shield, shedding sparks as the assailant nearly dropped his weapon in surprise. Marinette dropped down to sweep her leg beneath Luka’s shield, knocking the man off his feet. He gave a shout of surprise as he went down, and Luka disarmed him in the confusion.
“Come on, move it!” Marinette shouted over her shoulder. She re-equipped her bow and surged forward, picking up the pace to get the hell out of there. Such a large group was an easy target, they had to get out of the open and fast. People were starting to react beyond their shock, and more of them were bound to get violent.
Her eyes scanned over the buildings in front of them. There. A momentary break in the throng of players allowed her to spot Slipcut Alley, a favorite shortcut of hers. It was only a few yards away. The alley was too narrow for anything but a single-file line, but it provided cover and was hidden by a spell that only other beta testers would know about. It was their best option.
She squared her shoulders and pushed through the last of the crowd. She turned to face her friends, who gathered around her as they too made it out into the small clearing. Chloe, Kagami, and Adrien were watching the crowd behind them, ready to defend against any other attacks.
Marinette put her bow away one more time and asked, “Do you trust me?”
Shaky nods and wide eyes. That would have to do.
“Then follow me,” she said, and walked straight through the wall before them.
* * *
“Our first step should be finding shelter for the night,” Dick said sharply. “We can figure out the rest tomorrow, but it’ll do us no good if we die tonight.” Tim nodded, ever the protégé.
“And just how do you suggest we do that?” Jason countered. He couldn’t help it if it came out a little accusatory. He did not sign up for a damn death trap.
It was Garfield who had the answer. “Well, in order to do anything, we need money. So we need to start killing some monsters!” He palmed his fist with a resounding smack. “And then we can see about an inn or something.”
Connor rubbed his chin. “That’s not a bad idea, kid.”
“Just tell me where to hit them,” Roy said in a low voice, sounding about as pissed as Jason felt.
“Let’s split into three teams. Alpha squad will be Artemis, Wally, Bart, and myself. Tim, Roy, Gar, and Connor will be Beta. Jason, you’re with Jaime, Cassie, and Zatanna for Gamma.” Great, Jason was the only non-super there. What a grand old time that’ll be.
He made to leave the square and disappear into the panicking crowd, but Dick held his arm. “Hey, I’m trusting you to keep them safe,” he kept his voice low. “It’s been a while since they fought without powers, so keep an eye on them.” He then turned to address the rest of the team. “Alpha will take north. Beta, go south and Gamma see what’s west. Meet back here at sunset. Alpha will secure lodging before engaging enemies.”
“What, no pep talk?” Wally elbowed Dick. The latter didn’t crack a smile as he said, “Just stay alive.”
Beside him, Garfield swallowed hard and said weakly, “Noted.”
Jason rolled his eyes and jerked his head in their assigned direction for the other three members of Gamma squad to come with him. He’d follow along as long as Dick made good plans, and Jason didn’t exactly have any better ideas for now.
He put on his very best I know exactly how to kill you and I’ll do it if you don’t get the hell out of my way face and lead the way out of the packed square. The crowd parted easily before him, and they were out on an open street within a matter of minutes.
”Where to first, ese?” Jaime asked, shifting nervously from foot to foot.
Good question. Jason looked around for a map or something that could tell him the way out of the damn town. When he glanced back for a quick headcount and only counted two, he cursed and asked Cassie, “Where the hell is Z?”
She pointed at a nearby stall where the magician was chatting with the vendor. Zatanna waved to them, then sauntered back over to the rest of the team. “The shopkeeper says there’s a bridge further down this street and to the left that’ll take us west out of the town.”
Cassie frowned. “Was that a player with their own shop already? Man, we are behind.”
“Oh, no it was an AI.” Zatanna readily supplied. “An NPC?” She added on seeing the confusion on her companions’ faces. “Honestly, was I the only one to do research on this game before playing it?”
Jaime sheepishly scratched his head while Cassie squeaked, “Well....” Jason had to agree with them, he just did this to keep Replacement happy. And get Dick off his ass, the meddling prick.
Zatanna shook her head. “Look, AI stands for artificial intelligence, and NPC is a non-playable character. They’re computer-generated people, not actual players.”
Jason caught enough to surmise that these NPCs were created by the same maniac that locked them up in here. He crossed his arms and asked, “How the hell can we trust their word if they’re controlled by that fuckin’ game master freak?”
Cassie bit her lip and had the good sense to look concerned.  Zatanna just shrugged and said, “I guess we’ll just have to find out. We can try following their directions but stay cautious in case it’s a trap.”
“Fine,” Jason sighed. “Let’s go.” He was already resigned to the absolute stupidity of the situation anyway.
They made it to the end of the street without incident, and turned where the shopkeeper had directed them to. There was a bridge, spanning a merrily bubbling river, and open fields dotted with trees beyond it. Jason could smell the greenery and apple blossoms from here.
“Wait!” Jaime threw his arm out. He made a face, then sneezed. “Aw man,” he gave a tremendous sniff. “Can’t eben escabe allergies in a video gabe.”
Cassie laughed at her friend and slapped him on the back, which only made him sneeze again. Dumbasses, they didn’t have time for this. Jason rolled his eyes for what felt like the umpteenth time that day and walked up to the base of the bridge. He slowly, carefully stepped across and edged his way to the other side.
The other three followed suit, and upon joining him, Zatanna said cheerfully, “Seems like we can trust the NPCs!”
“For now,” Jason muttered, still not convinced. He turned his gaze to the rolling hills before him, warm breezes sending waves that shimmered through the knee-high grass. He didn’t see any monsters, but there had to be some... right?
He used two fingers to swipe the air in front of him, opening his inventory. At least he remembered that much from the tutorial. He equipped the crossbow he’d loaded in when he created his avatar. Damn, that night in the Batcave felt like it was a week ago.
Jason took a wary step forward, into the grass. “Fan out,” he directed the other three. He didn’t turn to watch as he heard them draw their own weapons and creep up to flank him.
A rustle in the grass ahead had him throw a clenched fist into the air to have the others hold their positions. He waited until the movement stilled, then crept forward a few more steps, careful to keep his footsteps silent. He was within feet of it now, whatever it was. He hoisted up his crossbow to brace it on his shoulder and trained it on the last place he’d spotted movement. There was a sharp inhale behind him, and then Jaime sneezed loudly.
The head of a wild boar whipped up and it lunged for Jason. “Shit!” he yelled. Damn kid and his perfect timing. Jason blindly jumped backward and fired a bolt at the same time. It met its target and the boar shattered into glittering dust that resembled pixels. In front of him, a notification popped up that 20 copper coins, the crossbow bolt he’d shot, and a boar tusk had been added to his inventory. Huh, that was surprisingly easy.
“Wow, that was so crash!” Cassie pumped her fists in the air. “This game is gonna be a piece of cake.”
“Not so fast,” Zatanna frowned. “Remember, this is only the first level. It’s bound to be easy. It’s only going to get harder from here.”
Jason turned around to face them. “And just because that little shit was easy to kill doesn’t mean they all will be on this level.” He noticed Jaime hanging back, looking embarrassed.
“Hey kid,” Jason jerked his chin at him. Jaime's head snapped up. “Do you want to try the next one or wait by the bridge until your allergies clear up?”
Jaime opened his mouth to respond but had to sneeze again. “I think I’ll just waid by the bridge. I’b really sorry guys.” He trekked back to where they’d come into the fields.
“And then there were three. Ladies first,” Jason mockingly bowed, gesturing to the open fields beyond where the boar had been. Zatanna smirked and Cassie stuck her tongue out at him, which he returned with a rude gesture.
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javisjeanjacket · 4 years
👻Halloween / Fall Headcanons with My Favorite SW Men🎃
A/N: people it is that time!!! SsSpPpOOoKkkKyYy tTiIMMee ooOoOOooOoo
I am a huge fan of Fall and Halloween time and I wish I could experience it with all my favorite SW men :/ These will have to do! lol 
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(not exactly a fall gif, but it’s wintery and that’s close?? idk man im trying)
Poe: So Poe Dameron doesn’t really have a lot of experience with Fall and cold weather since he’s from Yavin 4. But, the more excited about Fall you are, the more excited he will be. He has no idea what a jack-o-lantern is or why you suddenly want to hang spiderwebs and skulls everywhere, but he likes seeing you bubbly and happy about it regardless. Once you explain to him what trick-or-treating is and why only children are allowed to do it, he gets upset because he wants to dress up and get candy also! He would also totally be down to go apple-picking or to carve pumpkins with you. I think once you show him how much fun it is, he will actually get more into it than you are. (If that’s even possible) 
Din: Our sweet precious bounty hunter doesn’t really have time for holidays or celebrations and can’t even remember when his birthday is. He likes the cooler weather (that beskar is like a fucking sauna) and has heard of Halloween before, but has never experienced it. When you explain it to him he is very confused and doesn’t understand why it’s a holiday in the first place. Din is a sweetheart on the inside so he will do whatever you want to celebrate the season, but he especially likes carving pumpkins. He can use a vibroblade to create his design and it takes him like 5 seconds to finish it. The man loves efficiency. 
Cassian: Cass used to celebrate Halloween with his family when he was little, but as he’s gotten older he has left it behind. He likes seeing you get excited about it and will help you decorate if you need him to. He likes watching scary horror movies with you while you’re both curled up on the couch. He loves it when you squeeze his hand and cover your eyes by nestling them into his chest. He’s also a big fan of the Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin special and will watch that on Halloween night while you’re handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters. 
Finn: The ex-stormtrooper has never heard of Halloween and when you explain it to him he absolutely can’t stand the idea of it. He doesn’t understand why people would want to dress up and celebrate being scared. He doesn’t like to watch scary movies or the creepier parts of Halloween, but he will definitely watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, Halloweentown, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch with you if you want. He also loves talking to the kids that come to trick-or-treat and he has to make sure that their parents are looking out for them nearby. 
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cwfweekly · 4 years
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“Yule is a time of giving, now give me what I want and get yourselves a new wardrobe for 1983.″ - Camille Rowle 
This years Yule ball definitely ended the year with a bang, many of you have improved since my last article and for that I am eternally grateful. I would like to think you listened to my unsolicited advise and I am the sole reason for many of your much needed wardrobe updates. Alas there are still many of you out there who’s outfits left much to be desired and so, please read the following article with a fine-toothed comb, in fact I would suggest checking it twice.
It would seem that some of our males took their being left out of my last article personally as many of them up-ed their game so much so that they can now feature in this months edition. Firstly is none other than Lucius Malfoy || @lxciuss who went from fading in to the background on All Hallows Eve to looking like he had just stepped out of 18th century Russia at the Yule ball. From the looks he was gaining from many of the female population, and lets not lie, males too the man could have given any Durmstrang boy a run for his money. His red coat was extremely striking against his pale complexion and the fur that surrounded him made sure that you couldn't help but picture yourself snuggled up inside it with the man in question. 
Next on my list of reformed men is James Potter || @jamspctter, it takes a bold man to wear full white and can I just say for all of us out there who saw him enter the Pavilion, he wore it will. His crisp white suit showed off the cooler tones of Yule, ones that I personally believe are much harder to pull off than your basic reds and greens, and so I applaud anyone who tries it (myself included, the pair of us sitting at the bar together must have looked like angels). Although, a word of warning Mr Potter, the white trousers looked much better with the ensemble than the blue pair that you seemed to have swapped with Mr Tonks || @badgepuff half way through the night. So next time please keep your clothes to yourself, unless you’re sharing them with my bedroom floor. 
Now, as much as I said green was a basic colour to wear during Yule, if you have to wear it, then do it correctly like Regulus Black || @regulus7. A Slytherin through and through I wouldn't expect any other colour choice for Mr Black this Yule but it worked well for him. Taking a slightly more traditional approach the man wore a green velvet outer coat with puff sleeves and a white shirt with frill detail to really offset the masculine features of his face. Overall the slightly feminine curves of his attire did wonders at showing just how beautiful the boy truly is. Topping it off with a holly crown to get in the spirit of Yule made him a boy I could scarcely forget, one that would make any Slytherin parents fawn over if you were to bring him home, however, with that Black family crest peaking through Gryffindor parents may not feel quite the same. 
Now time for the ladies that impressed, once again red is a basic Yule colour that I saw many of you wearing and so here’s some advice, if you are to wear red for Yule, go all out and make it pop just as Patricia Rakepick || @patrakepick did. Her Column silhouette gown showed her figure off perfectly, gracing us all with how tall and slender she is, the long sleeves and high neck redefined the meaning of sexy, proving you can gain every eye in the room without showing a single ounce of skin. Paired perfectly with her diamond encrusted ruby necklace and red shoes with diamond detailing made the girl sparkle from all the way across the room. The finishing touches being her red lips and striking red hair, well done Patricia, I can teach you no more. 
Last but not least is another striking redhead Lily Evans || @oh-evans. For years the myth ‘don’t pair pink with red’ has been haunting stylists like myself. I take personal pride over the fact that Miss Evans has dared to look outside the box, not many would. The soft pale pink dress only enhanced the colour of her hair, making her skin look even paler and making her a sight one would not want to miss. The simple design of the dress was perfect on her figure creating an almost mythical effect that could rival any Veela I know. Finishing it off with a bold eye look was almost one step too far, but because the girl has already proved her boldness I think it worked perfectly, showcasing that this girl is not one to be reckoned with.
That concludes this months article, for those of you who were not mentioned don’t come crying to me, you only have yourselves to blame and I am making it my new years resolution to not take pity on those less fortunate - in the style department - than I. You have a whole year between now and next Yule, so maybe a few of you would like to set your own new years resolutions in regards to your wardrobe, some of you should burn it all and start from scratch. Start your spring cleaning a bit early this year and you may feature in the next addition of Unstitched, but for now, have a very merry Yule and an even happier new year!
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guerilla935 · 4 years
My Favorite Games That Made Me Care About How I Looked
I’m very self conscious about the way I look in video games. Not only is it normally very easy to change an outfit or get a haircut in a video game it also says something about how I’d like to be perceived, especially in an online game. There are a lot of games that allow their players to express themselves in a lot of really fun and unique ways and I think that it’s really special when you get to celebrate a style that you would never get to portray in real life. These games that I am about to talk about are all games where I was able to look at my character and feel some ounce of pride at something that I had created. Some full disclosure for these images, I pulled them from official gaming outlets and developer blogs but none of these that you are seeing are my original characters. If anyone would like to request to see any of my characters from these games (or any other games!) I would be happy to go and grab screenshots of those characters.
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Grand Theft Auto Online
This is a pretty easy choice for most people. I chose specifically GTA Online over any GTA game or Red Dead game because I think the really special part about this is its setting. Your image is not only your character and your outfit in GTA Online but also your car, your house, and your business. There are a lot of different places to choose to call home and there are a lot of things to get “invested” into. For example, my good friend mojo5 runs a night club and wears suits and spends a lot of time gambling at the casino. That’s a character that would be different than mine who dresses and acts like a street racer. It gives your character a kind of personality and back story that is hard to achieve in other games. I have always kind of considered Grand Theft Auto Online to be a modern MMO of sorts, a playground. And as much as it is a huge lobby where you wait to start activities, it is also a sprawling city-space where you can essential live, make money, create this fun fictional life for yourself. And as far as fashion goes, the outfits, the cars, and the real estate help you shape that fantasy. Basically, I can tell you that I spent way more time customizing my character than I spent in actual activities in Grand Theft Auto Online.
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Saint’s Row Series
I love Saint’s Row. It is very similar to the last entry in this article but has this unique and goofy style that makes a lot of things okay that I would never do to my GTA character. In Saint’s Row I can have a neon blue Mohawk wielding a 10 foot melee weapon that is designed to look like something extremely unmentionable while driving a night rider space car that is also a tank and it’s totally fine because in the next cut scene you are about to fight Roddy Piper in Keith Davids nightmares. The games are incredibly wild and I love how I can let loose with a lot of different styles, and in the same way that I feel like I am creating my gritty street racer in GTA, I can make my goofy crime lord super hero secret agent in Saint’s Row. I think specifically in Saint’s Row 2 I took it a little more seriously because the tone of the game is a little more serious than the other entries however I have a specially place in my heart for how wacky each game allows me to be.
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons
You knew we couldn’t just not talk about Animal Crossing: New Horizons. With the current situation, the Animal Crossing community is insanely huge. I cannot avoid the heap of Animal Crossing videos and screenshots all over social media. On my island of Sandover Village, I am patiently awaiting the Able Sisters to set up shop so that I am able to put in codes from everyone else’s custom designs that I’m seeing on twitter. That is because I have on my phone a stockpile of sweatshirts, sweaters, robes, and hats that I am actually really excited to show off in game. I tried to create some of my own but I am not one of the gifted seamstress’s that there seems to exist on the internet. I am not very far into Animal Crossing but by looking at other peoples games I know that I have only scratched the surface of my options in the game. I have to commend Nintendo on the amount of individualization that the design pro feature gives to its players. I have never seen a game give players the option to design their own clothing and it makes the social experience of the game feel so fresh.
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Dark Souls III
One of the most badass games that I have ever played as far as character design is concerned is Dark Souls III. When I put on a new set of armor I sit in awe of how it looks because I can see each tiny tear in the cape, every dent in the helmet, and the wear and weight of the armor. I was dragged through this game by some friends (because I could never in a thousand years have the patience to beat it by myself) and I followed them to every cursed swamp and death crypt because I wanted to see every weapon and every armor set. You look absolutely ghoulish in every armor set and I love it to death. This game allows so much in the way of customization and I think it helps that almost every gear set is good enough to get you through the entire game and that allows you to play with a lot of different looks and game play styles. This game is tough, really really tough, but you look really good even when you die.
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Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 is a really special online shooter. I think in the month that I played this game religiously the thing that kept me playing was coming back to the stores to see what kind of clothes were in stock and what kind of items I could steal off the players in the lobby. I think that the developers of Splatoon 2 knew that the players were in it for the threads because every reward for playing the game was most likely a piece of clothing. The clothing options kind of vary from academy prep to Patagonia camp wear to skater outfits. And it comes together in this very hipster overall aesthetic that blends really naturally. The game features a mechanic that I really like wear you can walk up to anyone in the online lobby and look at what their wearing and order it. By the time I logged on the next day I had (a noticeably weaker version of) the exact same item but it really makes you feel like anything you see, you have access too which is really cool. And the ordering of the items kept me coming back to play every day.
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Final Fantasy XIV Online
I’ve heard it said many times that the real end game content of Final Fantasy XIV Online was the glamor and housing systems, and for most people they aren’t wrong. I will never stop being surprised at the outfits that players can put together in this game. I have seen millions of players in my 750 hours in Eorzea and I have not seen two characters look the same. The customization options are really limitless and I truly believe that. I played a healer mage and in my time at max level I had outfits that made me look like a cowboy, a thief, a fox spirit, a grim reaper, and even one that made me appear like a real healer mage. The clothing options throw a Final Fantasy twist on every kind of style that they set to replicate. So even though all the outfits can be wacky they never feel out of place in the world. If you want a game that you can make almost 50% just about customizing your character and taking it out to the town to show it off or in big raids to flaunt your style then this might be your game.
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Pokemon Sword And Shield
Pokemon is still trying to get it right but Sword and Shield is Game Freaks best attempt at trainer customization. The clothing options in the game are very European, well, they have always been that way but they are ESPECIALLY European in this one. Probably the greatest customization offered is the hair which in the world of anime characters is the most important one. I loved designing my character in this game but it was just so brief because shopping in this game is so boring as most clothes in the actual stores are very samey which makes the act of shopping pretty boring most of the time. I would roll up to a new town really excited to see what kind of stuff they had in the shop but it was just new colors for the same weird duffel bag that your character had already. Note that the game is mostly about the Pokemon so they really didn’t have to put any trainer customization in the game to make it a good game but they did a half decent job putting this much customization in the game and I feel like it’s going to keep getting steadily better the more times they implement this feature into their games. Big plus, you can design your trading card in the game and it is the most adorable thing and feels like a huge payoff to have a cool card if you’ve put a lot of effort into your trainer.
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Soul Calibur VI
So I haven’t actually played Soul Calibur VI, I bought the game and went immediately into character creation and started making my own roster of fighters that I ended up using maybe once or twice and moving on from. The character creator in this fighting game is really special. So the idea is that you choose a character that already exists and you keep their move set and fighting style but change how they look and immediately the things that came out of the community were hilarious. Some are kind of terrifying but they come shockingly close to being somewhat recognizable. For me it almost comes down to that being someone who is unfamiliar with the cast of Soul Calibur VI I cannot tell the difference between actual characters from the game and characters frakensteined together in the character creator. As on of the most fun character creators I’ve ever used I think it’s at least worth googling what other people have created.
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God of War (2018)
The newest God of War introduced something that we never got in the older games and that was the ability to change out what Kratos was wearing. While it was important in the game to maximize his stats, it also made you look cooler and cooler as the game went on. I wouldn’t say that you have a lot of options of things to wear in this game but I always felt bummed when I picked up something with relatively low stats that looked amazing. Later on the armor sets become more like trophies for completing hard tasks. The design of each piece of armor is really intricate and amazing to look at and while you can’t just pick whatever you want, I really wish that you could.
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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
In the Reaper of Souls expansion pack a new vendor was added to Diablo III that changed the way that I looted in the game. The vendor was called the mystic and she would make a piece of gear look like any other piece of gear of the same type. This meant that I could look amazing all the time without sacrificing strength. The way that the database of appearances you could pick from expands over time gave so many options that I couldn’t decide at some points. The coolest armor in the game was now accessible at any time. And the armor in Diablo III looks tight, sometimes I would argue that unless you pick some unique stuff it doesn’t make that big of a difference because of the isometric point of view in the game but it is really fun to have an added layer of customization in Diablo.
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
So this is actually a section dedicated to Nexus Mod Manager because Skyrim in itself doesn’t actually have a whole lot of variations in the ways you can dress. But with the powers of modding you can now do absolutely anything and there are a whole group of 3D modelers out there getting you immersive and lore friendly items that make you look a whole lot cooler. The wonderful world of modding can turn kind of creepy very fast, a lot of very suggestive mods are out there and a lot of very inappropriate things so you know, a fair warning. It’s incredible when you can make it work and keep it from getting to the level of ultimate Skyrim. You can change and add clothes and weapons, add hair styles, and even add entire races into the game. Sometimes though I really believe that I like browsing mods a lot more than I like actually playing with them but I found that it is really satisfying to download a mod like Immersive Armors and see just how much it changes how diverse the selection of armors that not only you but everyone in the game now wears can be.
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
So I believe that some other previous Zelda titles had the ability to change Links outfit but never to this extent. What I think is the coolest part about the clothing system in this game is that you wear certain clothes to survive certain climates but you can also forget all that and make a yummy meal instead that lets you be warm wearing the desert clothes in the snow. The amount of armors that you can amass in this game starts off kind of underwhelming but becomes really fun and interesting and serves all sorts of fun fan service for fans of the series. This game doesn’t have the versatility and variety of some of the other games in the series but any game that lets you cross dress to sneak into a city of warrior women is credited for its costume design in my book.
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League of Legends
I have spent a shameful amount of money on skins. I hate League of Legends and I hate most of the business practices of Riot Games but their skins just look good. I can appreciate when someone I don’t like makes something good and they consistently pump out awesome looking skins that are frankly worth the money if you play the game regularly. Back when I played this game daily I put up way too much money, even I think about 18$ just on a skin that changed colors when you typed a specific command. Anyways that’s really all I have, there aren’t a lot of games where I like the skins, especially the fact that they are mostly behind pay walls but League gets a pass I suppose.
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Destiny Series
I used to be really into playing a specific game mode in Destiny named Iron Banner. I played a lot of it in Destiny and a good portion of them in Destiny 2. When you played enough Iron Banner in a year you were able to collect an armor set to commemorate the achievement. Almost all the cool armor in Destiny has purpose to it. Not only do you get to decide how you look but it also is you showing off the fact that you completed a raid, were really good at sparrow racing, or kicked major ass in the crucible. Each armor was recognizable and everyone knew what it meant. I think that is what makes the customization in Destiny so rewarding, its that it is in itself an actual reward for completing hard tasks that not everyone will be able to complete.
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Code Vein
Out of all the anime games I’ve played I think what stands out to me the most is that their character creators have all been really bad. This is where Code Vein really shined. Code Vein has this dystopian vampire aesthetic that is really unique and allows for a lot of ways to make cool characters that fit into the look of the game. I don’t think that what they’ve done here is completely new but they have this style that is exciting to play with. Making a revenant is fun and builds this anticipation for the rest of the game. I also respect the games decision to allow you to make modifications to your character after the game has started which is not something that most games would allow. Code Vein has these cape’s that you can wear to gain abilities and those are cool to add onto your outfit but I don’t think that it outshines what the character creator has done here. It’s a niche thing I guess but if you have always wanted to make your own anime vampire then this is it.
A Persona
I really like making characters for a reason. I think a lot of the escapism of video games hinges on me placing myself into the character on the screen. That’s why I love what you can do in games like Animal Crossing that is all about creating exactly what you want and Final Fantasy XIV Online where you get to exist and share in a world as a persona of sorts. Being able to customize a character in a video game does not make that game good or bad, but I think that when you are given the option the developer is given an opportunity to make it a very special experience and allow you to be unique within a community of people online. And the internet has made that sharing of characters really special, allowing everyone to see how unique of an experience you can have with a game by beating it with “your character”.
Special Shout Outs For Stylish Games And Characters
SSX series being dripping in 90s style
Also NBA Street Vol. 2 for the same reason
Persona 5 for being the most stylish game ever
Halo because space marines rock extra style points
Katana Zero for being badass and 80s neon will always be in style
Specifically Graffiti Mario in Super Mario Sunshine he had flair
Samurai Legend Musashi for having a stylish game case but being a horrible game
Devil May Cry just for existing
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oddsnendsfanfics · 5 years
Unraveling at the Seams Pt 2
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Well this is going over better than I thought it would. For that, I thank you all :)
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr for the header :D
Catch Up Here 
“Momma,” The voice stirred through the sea air, rolling in off the Channel like a faint whisper. Nell scrunched her nose, her toes in the cool sand,  surrounded by the tiny grains. “Momma.”
This time of year the bay was beautiful, she remembered her first time seeing it, France to the East and England slightly to the North West. It had to be one of the most beautiful places Nell had ever...
“Momma!” The voice raised, accompanied by a violent shaking. “Mum! Mum!”
“Wha---” Nell groaned trying to roll away from the brutal wake up. Ivan could have at least waited until her alarm went off to wake her. “Ivan, stop.” she held her arm over her face, trying to block out the sunlight from the bay window.
“I need a new bag.” Ivan halted the attack on his sleeping mother. His dark curls a mess of bedhead, his blue eyes bright.
“Why? What happened to the one that you have?” Nell tried to find the time. Blindly grabbing for her phone, she gave in to defeat. Her alarm was due in five minutes, though there was no chance in getting those last five minutes of sleep. Her hair in it's own state of bedhead, she sat up and stretched her arms.
“I can't use it.” Ivan shrugged, standing beside her bed with the blue and red bag in his hand. He'd managed to get dressed, at least. Nell grunted, unable to form any more words at the current second. How she wanted to be back on that peaceful and quiet bay. “Momma.”
“What ever is the problem, my dearest boy?” She was awake now.
“I need another bag.” Ivan huffed. How many times did he have to tell his mother this? She was hopeless before he first cup of coffee. “I don't like this one, anymore.”
“Because nobody at school likes Superman any more. It would be so uncool to have it.” Ivan's eyes were wide and his voice serious. Nell chuckled, kids.
“Then go to your cupboard and get your old one, for today.”
“Okay, but we need to get rid of this. I can't be seen wearing this, ever!”
“Tell your father, he's the one who gave it to you.” Nell scratched the back of her head. Ivan dropped the bag and dashed down the hall. It was too early and Nell was too tired to remind him not to tear his room apart looking for something else.
Finally, the Superman drama causing book bag was replaced with one from the previous year. Nell assumed that since Superman was out, it would be cooler for her son to roll up to his class toting an old Peppa Pig bag. She would never understand kids and their crazes.
Breakfast. Check. Thanks to the blueberry muffins made by Bridie.
Lunches. Check. Shepherd's Pie, apple slices, a granola bar, and orange juice box for both of them.
Work bag. Gym bag. Keys. Coffee. Ivan.
And Nell was out the door.
Mornings like this were hectic to say the least, but they were Nell's favourite. Going into work later was always a bonus, though the real treat was getting to spend the early morning with Ivan. Nobody else there to interrupt them or tell them what or how to do things. It was the best part of the week, aside from Sunday, when Nell had the full day off and they indulged themselves in a late breakfast and an afternoon full of never leaving the couch.
At work Alex hadn't intended to wait for Nell, his schedule had been pushed back, which meant he had a little more time to hang out in the studio. It wasn't as if he had planned to be lingering when she walked into the department.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Alex greeted her before she could register what was going on.
“Uh, yeah. Hi.” Nell gave him a curt nod. “Rayna, can you help me unload those costumes we packed yesterday? I think there are one or two that need to be restitched.”
“Finished, sweets.” Rayna replied with a knowing smile and a wink.
The young actor had been following Nell around for too long, it was about time he got his due. At the very least, Rayna could help him get in a proper conversation with her colleague. It was less than a minute to her break, handing Alex a box of pins, Rayna instructed him to wait for Nell.
Settling into work, Nell ditched her bags and grabbed the folder she needed to begin mapping out the next round of costumes. Damn Rayna. Nell heard her tell Alex that she was leaving. Smooth on her friend's part. Taking her sweet time, Nell moved at a glacial pace. Small talk and nosy people were two things she wanted to avoid at all costs.
“Nell?” Alex poked his head around the door. “Ray said...”
“I heard.”
“Oh. Do you need any help?” He leaned against the door frame, his smile doing the best to charm the designer. His hair twisted into a bun, waiting for his hair and make up call, to transform him into whatever version of Ivar that they wished to create today.
“No thanks.” Nell shook her head. “You don't have to stand here, you know. I'm sure you have better things to do.”
Resting against the door, as if holding it upright, Alex's nose crinkled. “I am waiting for the call, I really don't have anything else to do.”
On a typical day Alex would be nowhere to be found, while waiting for a set call. Like the other actors sleeping, reading, or generally goofing off was how he tended to spend his time. As of late he was choosing to spend more and more time in the costume department.
He watched Nell move around, gathering this piece or that, piling them up on a table at the end of the room. Whether she was conscious of it or not, her hips swayed to the music in her head, while she began to work. Her full attention set on the task at hand, she did an excellent job at ignoring Alex.  
The drawings on the paper before her had Nell's full attention, it was one of the bigger pieces, taking weeks to create and it still had fine details to be finished. It would be worn in the second half of the season, the actress it had been made for would look even better than Nell had imagined when this piece had begun. Her nimble fingers worked over a piece of costume, checking the stitching inch by inch. Alex had never sat and watched all the detail going into the clothing he wore day after day, while in character.
Such effort and care.
Nell could feel the steel blue eyes following her around the room.
He was tenacious, to say the least. There weren't many men his age who would stand that quiet and patiently. As awkward as Nell should find this, having Alex watching her felt familiar in a way. His presence reminded her of another time in her life, when another young actor had worked this hard to gain her attention.
This time she was going to be smart. Humor Alex with some chatting, rewarding him with a smile,  and nothing more. No longer was Nell going to swayed by gorgeous blue eyes and a flashy smile.
Alex was never quiet this long, strangely Nell liked him this way. His chatter was too much sometimes, despite him meaning well by it. She knew that he assumed she hated him. Yes, he annoyed her, never intentionally. What annoyed her was what he reminded her of, not him directly.
Shifting to prevent his leg from going to sleep, Alex stayed quiet and watched. He'd never noticed that Nell moved with absolute grace or that she had a small tattoo behind her left ear. At that he began to feel a tiny bit creepy.
“I may go get a drink, would you like anything? Coffee?”
“Uh,” Nell glanced up, catching Alex's eye. He was rather cute, standing there in half in his costume, looking like a lost puppy. “Scotch?” Nell's laugh was easy.
“I don't have any of that here, otherwise I would gladly share.” Alex winked. He liked her laugh. Was it too bold to tell her that?
“Unfortunate for us.” Nell joked. “Since there is no scotch, I'll take a coffee. Please. Black one sugar.”
Mock saluting, Alex grinned widely. “One coffee, black, one sugar on the way.”
Hearing that Alex and Nell had some easy interaction would surely please Rayna all while fueling her imagination.
She had told Nell more than once to enjoy the attention. He was young, handsome, generous, and could still be taught a thing or two where it would count. Each time, Nell would laugh trying to escape the conversation. Alex would soon move on, the second he found someone else to fawn over. He was young and handsome, women his age would eat that up in a second.
A handsome, sweet nature, generous actor was a recipe for disaster. Nell learned that first hand and would not, under any circumstances, go back there. She had been down that path and while it had left her with Ivan, she wasn't up for a second round.
“Coffee.” Alex held out the cup. “And!” he held out a package of chocolate chip cookies, tearing open the top he offered the first choice of the two cookies to Nell. “I grabbed these right before Marco, lucky score.”
“Well now I feel bad, poor Marco. What is he going to do?” Nell bit into the cookie.
Snickering, Alex shrugged. His friend would get over it.
“Don't you hate days like this?” Nell wondered out loud. “The slow days where nothing is happening, I hate waiting.”
“It's not my favourite, it's part of the job I guess.” Alex replied sipping his coffee and taking a bite of his cookie. “I'm not patient.”
“Neither am I,” Nell admitted. “Though being a mom has helped that.”
Alex swallowed his cookie and took another sip of coffee. After yesterday, he didn't want to step on any toes by discussing Nell's son.
“I don't...I don't know if I could do that.” Alex gently moved the conversation along. “Parenting must be a tough job. I can barely look after myself, it's why Marco lives with me.”
“I felt that way, at first. Especially after...”
“Right,” Alex wiped the crumbs of the cookie off of him. Sheepishly grinning at Nell. “I have to go find out what is going on for my shoot. If you're around later, how about we get together for another coffee?”
Saving her from going down a road that seemed rather personal for work, Alex crinkled the cookie package in his hand.
“Hmm,” Nell wrinkled her nose. “Not going to happen, sorry. Ivan will be here after school and I am off early.”
“Maybe tomorrow? Or Monday?” Alex was wishful that she would take his offer. He felt as though Nell had chatted with him to be polite or because she was bored, whatever he would take this as a personal win. If he had balls, he'd ask her for coffee over their days off.
“We'll see.” Nell smiled softly, her eyes creasing gently in the corner. She had stunning eyes.
“Until then, enjoy your shitty coffee. And good luck with all this work.” Alex waved backing out of the door.
He had accomplished a nearly impossible task today and it left him feeling invincible.
Lost in her work, time began to slip away. Deep in her element, Nell hadn't bothered to look at a clock since Alex had left. She knew it would soon be time for Ivan to come, a excitement began to bubble. Her son loved hanging out at work with his mother, his mood would change the older her got. Until then, Nell would take full advantage of the time he wanted to spend around his mother. Even if he did it because of how cool  it was to see people battling one another with swords?
“Nell, visitor.” One of the ladies who worked as a various runner knocked on the door. Nell's head jerked up, a smile on her face.
“Thank you,” Nell dropped everything she was doing to meet Bridie and collect Ivan.  Thanking their nanny and waving her off, the duo headed back inside. The afternoon warmth was welcomed on the other hand, the air conditioning was nicer.
“How was school?” Nell ruffled Ivan's hair and hugged him to her side.
“Long.” Ivan rolled his eyes, leaning into his mother. “Can I play with your phone?”
“Slow down, wild boy.” Nell eased. “You can, but if there is any school work it has to be done first. Go on, I will clear a space for you.”
“No school work.” Ivan beamed proudly. “I got a gold star today and don't have any.”
“Such a smart boy.” Nell held open the door for her son to pass through. “Give me a second, I will get you a spot to hang out and play games.”
Ivan's quest for a game to play was sidetracked, when he stepped inside to find the familiar man hanging out, waiting like every one else seemed to be today. Bouncing the rest of the way across the room, Ivan greeted his friend. Calling to his mother. “Mum, I don't need to play a game right now.”
“Ivan!” Jordan cheered, his laugh coming in a growl. “How've ya been, buddy?”
Jordan and his girlfriend lived in the townhouse across the courtyard from Nell and Ivan. Having met Jordan at work with his mother; Ivan would sometimes join the actor in games of basketball on the small court behind their complex. On Saturdays, providing there was nothing else going on, Jordan would invite Nell and Ivan over to watch whatever football match was on. Jordan and Ivan would sit in front of the tv yelling and cheering, while Nell and Sophie ignored the chaos and spent time gossiping about this and that.
“Good, I guess. Ms. Inglewood has been giving a lot of homework.” The seven year old groaned, flopping down on the chair next to the actor. “Mountains of it!” His eyes were wide. “But not today.”
“Ah, all part of the school game, little man.” Jordan clasped a hand over the boy's small shoulder. “Tell me what you've been learning about.”
Nell snickered, pulling a rack of pants from the large cupboard behind the chairs, Ivan had been complaining for the last two weeks about this very subject. Jordan had opened a can of worms.
“Vikings.” Ivan replied in discontent.
“Well, look at that!” Jordan's enthusiasm was about to be squashed. He nudged the boy in the arm, smiling. “You must be at the top of the class, then?”
“No.” Ivan mumbled, folding his arms across his chest. “Ms. Inglewood has it all wrong and when I tell her that, she gets mad at me.”
“What do you mean?”
“She knows nothing about Vikings! It's all big and hairy men, wearing hats with horns, and how they were big bullies.” Ivan huffed, turning in his seat, he grasped the armrest, leaning over into Jordan's face. “She's crazy and not a very good teacher!”
“Hmm,” Jordan pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes. “Do you tell her that she's wrong, often?”
“Every day!” Ivan nodded firmly. He'd sat back a few inches, giving Jordan room to turn and face him.
“Maybe that's why she's always mad?”
“But she's wrong!” Ivan argued. “Wrongggg, Jordan, wrong!”
“So, the next time she is wrong, try being nice. Rise your hand and politely explain how what she is saying, isn't true.” Jordan offered the solution.
“Ugh.” Ivan sat back on his chair. “She won't listen to me, but...” He smirked. “She might listen to an adult.”
Nell listened to the conversation, no matter what Jordan said Ivan would try his best to get his own way. The little boy had a charming smile and those dazzling blue eyes, it was difficult for adults to deny him. A charm his father had as well. If he grew up to be like his father, the world was going to need some help handling them both.
“Buddy, I'm not sure that I'm the right guy to talk to your class. I don't now much about Vikings, I just pretend to be one.” Jordan shrugged, standing to finish putting on his costume. He had spent enough time with the boy to know how to deflect that charm. “Why don't you see if your mum can't help you find someone else?”
“But you're my best friend. And adult girls like you.” Ivan continued to argue. The various people in the room getting a chuckle, as the little boy tried his best to convince the actor. “Please.”
“Okay, Ivan, enough.” Nell cut in, running her hand through his hair. “Jordan has to get to work. We can discuss this later, let him go.”
“Mummm.” Ivan whined, ducking away from her. “I need someone to talk to Ms. Inglewood. Otherwise, she's going to produce a bunch of morons.”
“Ivan! Language!” Nell scolded her son. “Lets give this a rest, why don't you go see what they're doing in make up? I'll be right over with the rest of today's costumes.”
“Fine.” Ivan grumbled, sliding out of the chair. “But someone needs to talk to this woman. Where's Mr. Peter? He knows a lot about Vikings right?”
“Go and leave him alone, too!”
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bumblebeug · 5 years
Paris, City of Heat.  Felinette November Day 6 and 7
I thought it would be fun to make a combo day out of Day 6: Roadtrip and Day 7: Couple’s Firsts. This piece can be considered a companion piece to Paris, City Of Love (or Felinette November Day 4: Vacation). This takes place during a, August heatwave because I am trying to invoke warm feelings (it’s snowing where I am).
Paris, City Of Heat
Felix groaned and rolled over, it was only 7am and already much too hot to stay in bed. It was only the second day here in France and already Felix wished he were back home though, logically, he was aware that if a heatwave had hit Paris, England probably wasn’t much cooler. Below, he could hear murmurs. Well, he thought swinging his feet to the floor, it can’t be much hotter down there than it is in this room.
Despite his thoughts, his hand hovered over the knob, what if he interrupted their breakfast? While his grandmother seemed happy that Felix was visiting, he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was holding…something back. What, he had no idea- but it was something to do with Mr. Fu. Perhaps her unwillingness to talk about her relationship was a hint that Felix wasn’t as welcome as his grandmother was pretending.  Felix frowned at the door, maybe he should make his excuses and return home – consequences be damned.
Before he could make a decision on what to do a light tap on the door interrupted him.
“Dear, are you up?” Marianne twisted the knob and Felix was forced to step back in order to allow it to open without hitting him, “Good morning darling, bet it was the heat that’s gotten you, hm?”
Mutely, Felix nodded and shuffled slightly away from her reach, not wanting her to ruffle his damp hair.
She smiled, “It’s the humidity’s fault – if it weren’t for that, it wouldn’t feel so hot. You best get dressed though – guests will be arriving soon and you don’t want to get caught out in your jim-jams.”
“Oh yes, every Saturday my Fu leads a group tai-chi session; you’re welcome to join,” Marianne winked, “That girl from yesterday usually attends with her mother.”
Felix felt his face heat up in embarrassment, “Grandmum, please.”
Marianne smirked as she walked away, “Just thought you ought to know.”
Washing up took no time at all, but Felix found himself paying extra attention to how his hair looked in the mirror, pushing it this way and that.
“Stupid, stupid,” he muttered to himself before giving up and pulling it into its usual look, “I mean honestly, what am I expecting? ‘Oh strange-personal-space-invading boy, I love what you’ve done with your hair.’ Bah.”
In the kitchen, he fixed himself a piece of toast and looked out into the courtyard. As his grandmother had said, there she was – the girl from yesterday, flowing through the motions with an unconscious grace that was at odds with her nervous behaviour yesterday. Not wanting to be caught staring, Felix hurriedly ate his breakfast and retired to the living room to wait out the tai-chi session by reading. Or at least look like I’m reading, Felix thought ruefully as he stared blankly at the words on the page. No matter how hard he tried, as soon as he reached the end of one paragraph, he had forgotten what the beginning of the passage said.
“Felix?” A girl’s voice asked him.
He glanced up and nearly through his book to the floor in shock.
“Hi,” she extended a hand toward him, “I’m Marinette; it’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” he managed, shaking her hand in return.
“Your grandmother told me that you’re here visiting and that you wanted to find a way to beat the heat.”
Over her shoulder, Felix met his grandmother’s gaze and narrowed his eyes. She hurried off in the direction of the kitchen.
“Do you have a bike?” Marinette continued talking, oblivious, “If you want, we could go to the Paris-Plages and swim. No one will mind – after tai-chi, all the adults stay and drink tea for a while.”
“Are you sure you won’t be missed? You seemed pretty upset that you were late for something yesterday.”
Marinette waved her hand, “Oh that, I had forgotten that my… guided meditation session had been cancelled because Marianne was visiting.”
Felix cocked his head to the side slightly, Marinette had the same hesitation when it came to talking about Mr. Fu. Why? It briefly crossed his mind to ask her, but he pushed that thought aside – if no one told him, it probably wasn’t his business.
“Alright then,” Felix agreed, “But I don’t have a bike, will that be a problem?”
He felt relieved when Marinette shook her head.
“Just ask Master Fu if you can borrow his, I’m sure he won’t mind.”
Marinette was correct, Mr. Fu was more than happy to lend Felix his bicycle, requesting only that he return it in the condition it was in when he borrowed it. So soon they were off, cycling away to the man-made beaches designed to beat the summer heat.
The artificial breeze on Felix’s face felt good. The fact that he was set to spend an afternoon with Marinette felt better. As they pedaled, Felix and Marinette got better acquainted by trading childhood stories and anecdotes about their families.
“…and then my there was my Dad, desperately miming to the barman that he needed to use the toilette – completely forgetting that the German word and the English word are exactly the same.” Felix laughed at the memory and Marinette nearly crashed her bike, she was laughing so hard.
Suddenly, she looked up and cried, “Andre’s ice-cream!”
Felix pedaled after her, wondering what the big deal was – it was just ice-cream after all.
“Welcome to Andre’s famous ice-cream stand!” Andre boomed jovially, “Ah, I have not seen you before, young man.”
“It’s his first time here!” Marinette squealed excitedly and pushed Felix to the front. As an aside to Felix she whispered, “He has the best ice-cream in Paris. Some even say its magic.”
 “Hmm, yes. I know the perfect combination for you!” Andre twirled his scoop, “Spirulina banana blue for her eyes, rhubarb for her lips, and, to garnish, a chocolate-covered cherry for an unexpected surprise.”
“For the lady: coconut ash, a saffron spice with candied lemon like his hair, and a butterfly pea flower just like his ice-blue stare.”
Andre refused all attempts to pay, waving away Felix’s money and proclaiming that new customers never had to pay. With a shrug, Felix turned to see Marinette staring down at her ice-cream with a contemplative look.
“Is something wrong with your ice-cream?” Felix looked at his own dubiously, disliking that not only that he wasn’t allowed to choose his own flavours but that Andre hadn’t even let him pay – not even a tip. He hoped it meant that Andre had profited enough from the hot day to let two sales slid by.
Her head snapped up, “No, nothing is wrong with it. It’s just… not what I expected. Anyways, we’re only a minute or two away so we can walk the rest.”
“Ah, so the road-trip ends,” Felix joked as he licked his cone, surprised at how well the tastes went together.  
“So it does,” Marinette said tilting her head upward pretending to be royalty. Felix smiled.
“Hey. So what is it about Andre’s ice-cream that makes people say its magic?”
“Uh, well...” 
So Paris-Plages are a real thing that offers French people and tourists a neat way to swim in the Seine River in the summer - usually they are created near the Bassin de la Villette. I based the location of Marinette’s house off of the real-life bakery that inspired Tom and Sabine’s. Because Master Fu is within running distance of Marinette’s house that means that she is only a 20ish minute bike ride from the Paris-Plages and I imagine that it is a popular spot for her and her friends in the summer. 
I have no idea why I went through all the trouble looking this up. 
Also, side note, coconut ash gelato is my favourite flavour of ice-cream - it’s very slightly gritty and makes the gelato a light grey but it’s basically vanilla with a hint of coconut. 
Paris, City of Love
Paris, City of Oo(ps)-Long Tea
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lonelypond · 4 years
Soldier Game: Operation LA Smile, Ch. 3
NicoMaki, Love Live, 4K, 3/?
Nico shouldn’t be nervous. It was her party. Her idea. Her reminder that whatever else was going on in the universe, whatever unappreciative individuals might think of Nico’s charm and abilities, Yazawa Nico could always draw a crowd. With almost no notice. Take that aloof, rich, redheaded sexcapade. Nico didn’t care. Casual came with the territory. Hearts broken all over the globe.
Kotori had done an amazing job with the panther theme, finding huge, stuffed velvet panthers and leopards to scatter across the rooftop terrace under strings and strings of multicolored fairy lights, small brightness against the stunning Tokyo nightscape. Charged by the atmosphere, Nico twirled under the lights to the amusement of the woman setting up the bar. Nico winked. It was always good to appreciate your audience. She adjusted the bow at the neck of her black and gray glitter clouded leopard pattern sleeveless maxi dress. Kotori had a shiny brown jaguar fabric in a shirt tucked into high gold disco glamour trousers. Nico’s see through black stockings with vine texture added to the wild vibe.
Pretty soon, pretty pretty women were going to be screaming to be let in. Nico wondered when the celebrity guests of honor would arrive and then Kotori stepped out onto the roof, Umi on her arm, in a very elegant and modest little black dress, with a fascinating and subtle open knit texture Nico would have killed to design. What would the boxing redhead show up in, Nico wondered? Some more expensive designer than Nico?
Think casual. Last night in Tokyo. Eli smiled and bobbed her head at a young woman who couldn’t decide between approaching Eli or joining the swarm around Nico. Eli was enjoying the breeze, the cool darkness. She’d spent all day in their cramped office, having to deal with various government functionaries who did not believe Eli was official enough for the level of clearance she held. She was looking forward to being in the field, making spur of the moment decisions based on reconnaissance and sitreps. She pushed the sleeves of her loose white blazer up, black cigarette pants, and light blue linen shirt completing the outfit. Feather Smile had dressed like the sizzling hot, shine the spotlight here team they were and Umi had chosen her dress with her usual exquisite attention to detail. Eli smiled and leaned on the bar, “Vodka tonic, please.”
“Yes, miss.”
And then there was Maki. Arriving late, as always. Because it wasn’t a truly fashionable party unil Nishikino Maki arrived. The room practically stopped. No conversation as Maki strode through, brazen, confident, shooting dagger sparks if anyone dared glance her way. Maki pulled entire rooms without even trying and tonight, when she was letting the banked down fire burning in her core light those priceless amethyst eyes, there were actual gasps when she walked into a space for the first time. Eli was expecting something designer, but Maki had opted for gym chic?!!!? And then, Nico gestured at the DJ and a song Eli had almost forgotten came over the speaker system.
“Three, two, one, zero! Here's my intro Please look at me; I'm completely serious My thrilling beauty will win, without fail”
Soldier Game. The silly pop single they’d recorded in high school. Umi seemed surprised but smiled when Kotori giggled. Maki whirled, completely red, glaring at Nico, who dismissed her with an offhand wave and went back to being surrounded by a crushing crowd as the song continued. Maki, arms wrapped around her torso, was slouched behind a panther, nearly obscured, her bold energy burst.
Eli took her drink over, “Want this?”
Maki shook her head, cheeks still reddened.
“That’s a real blast from the past. I keep trying to forget it. Those photoshoots.”
“That tiara dug into my skull. I hate photoshoots.” Maki groaned.
“So this assignment will be fun.”
Maki’s nostrils flared. Eli knew she was biting back an ‘only if l get to shoot someone’ comment and kept the conversation going before Maki totally lost her temper.
“Well, you’ve made an entrance anyway.”
Maki scowled, “Now we do small talk?”
“I’ve had a government bureaucracy runaround kind of a day and I just want to stay off my phone, enjoy a breeze, listen to music, and have a few drinks. In order to do that in peace, I have to first make sure you won’t throw anyone off the roof.”
“What did Umi tell you?” Immediate suspicion.
Eli shrugged.
Maki sounded ready to strangle someone, “Just leave me alone, Eli.”
“Fine.” Eli raised a glass in a toast, “But remember why we’re here.”
“Fine.” Maki shoved past Eli. “I’m going to go be a rich brat.”
And she wasn’t even going to have to try, Eli thought as she downed her drink.
Nico was sliding across the floor, new, top tier dance moves, to amuse a set of twins, one with pink streaks, one with purple, both with leopard ears topping their hair.
“Nico Ni always dances her way to ideas. And then once Kotori creates them, Nico dances in them, because if cute girls can’t move and breathe in a Feather Smile design, no one but Nico sees it.”
“Do you get your ideas from concerts...or movies...or celebrities?” Pink Streak asked with a giggle. “Or do you just dream them up?”
“Nico only hangs out with the most stylish....”
“Zookeepers?” Maki asked drily as she leaned over the panther, having fueled her courage with double tequila shots. “”S really not innovative, or…” a shrug and the whole panther moved, “interesting really. The feline as an expression of feline…fury...furry...” she blinked, “I mean female sensuality. Overdone. Copied from cooler…” a pause for frantic blinking, “errors...ermines…”Maki couldn’t find the word and had to settle “years...not even rocker chic,” Maki giggled as Nico felt annoyance start to prick and Maki continued, “scraping rocker bottom chick.”
Nico rolled her eyes, Maki was obviously inebriated. She and the streak twins watched as the redhead stood, swayed, and decided she wasn’t finished
“Unless…” Maki leaned forward again, supported by both arms on the stuffed panther, and only a quick shoulder shove by Nico prevented Pink and Purple Streak from having two panthers sprawled all over them, “you’re into that?”
Pink Streak was closer so Nico grabbed those ears, leaned forward, stuck them firmly in sweaty red hair, whispered, “Do you purr?” and watched in amusement as Maki jumped back, dragging the panther with her, and sprinted for a bar.
Eli had spent much of the past three days sharing an office with Tojo Nozomi and the only conclusion she had drawn was that Nozomi, as she’d forced Eli to call her, was an enigma, with little hints of tantalizing layers of....mischief occasionally surfacing in those sea green labyrinth of eyes. Having done her duty as a friend to Maki and provided her temperamental compatriot an opportunity to vent off some steam, Eli found herself wondering where Nozomi was at this event. Not at one of the bars on the terrace, or rubbing up against the nearly five foot tall stuffed panthers like so many of the younger dancers, nor, as far as Eli could see, tucked into a corner conversation somewhere. Maybe she was inside, in one of the cool, dark wood alcoves, staring out at the Tokyo nightscape. This was certainly a view worth the price of one of the hotel’s rooms.
Eli wandered back into the bar. Not as many people clumped here, some masked, because now masks were fashionable. Eli had by now thoroughly reviewed the FeatherSmile dossier. They were one of the first companies to develop a gossamer fabric, diaphanous, like a movie genie’s veil, that still cut the dispersion of droplets. Thanks to Yazawa’s connections and innovative demands, FeatherSmile was often on the leading edge of textile tech. No Nozomi here though, veiled or not.
Eli wandered back out, to the high ceilinged open terrace, casually grabbing a handful of chocolate eclairs and macarons, and there was Nozomi, legs pulled up underneath her, in a very formal navy business suit, a floral shirt her only concession to the non office setting, sitting in the very middle of things, on something that in the very middle of furniture and sculpture
Eli, hands full of chocolate, slid in next to her, “You still look like you’re at the office.”
Nozomi smiled, “I am still on the job.”
“What is your job?” Eli couldn’t help it. She was usually good at figuring people out, at knowing who to ask for a briefing, at knowing which paperwork would fill in the sketch of a briefing, but Nozomi, for all that she looked a proper, mid-level bureaucrat, had none of the mid-level bureaucrat paper trail attached to her name or office, which made Eli think there was more going on here than a simple tourist jaunt covering for a drop off.
Nozomi shrugged, “I manage people.”
Another veronica, swing the distracting cape of an answer. Eli bit into a meltingly amazing pastry to consider the next tack to take.
“Ever been to America?”
“Yes. You?”
Eli ate the final, exquisite bite, “I haven’t spent as much time there as Maki. Family business kept me mainly in Russia or Tokyo.”
“Yes, it’s a very unique nexus you three represent: Japan, America, and Russia. Must have been an interesting high school.”
Eli laughed, “It was. I was student council president.”
As if cued, another Soldier Game song played.
“And the high school idol’ing?”
Eli sighed. No more chocolate left. And this was the topic.
Nozomi leaned forward a little, almost touching Eli’s knee, “Sorry, was that too personal? Something you want to forget?”
“No. It’s pretty common knowledge, although most people don’t know the backstory.”
“Maki’s drive to compose, Umi’s need to express herself in lyrics, my….”
Nozomi gave off a calming aura, encouraging Eli to talk. This wasn’t top secret info. Nothing was really stopping Eli from sharing. It was just a part of her past she preferred to…
Nozomi had waved a waiter over to break the tension, “Shirley Temple, please. Eli?”
“Vodka tonic.”
“Of course.” The waiter bowed.
“Sorry to push you. We can talk about the lovely view if you’d rather?” There was that mischief as Nozomi’s eyes met hers, and Nozomi giggled. “Or you can tell me if Maki always gets this drunk.”
“Only on tequila.”
“And you?”
“Never on tequila.” Eli laughed and leaned back against a concrete pillar, “I could never crack the upper echelon of Russian ballet schools. So I had something to prove.”
Eli heard a confirmation in the ‘ah.” So Nozomi had already looked up the story. No real connection here. Price of doing business. Everyone knows more than they say and still fillets you for information. Confirm, look for weaknesses, memorize flaws. Eli suddenly felt worn.
“I’d better check in with Umi.” Eli stood, “I’ll see you on the plane tomorrow.”
Nozomi half rose, startled, but then settled back down, hands composed in her lap, “Of course. I hope you get some rest, Eli.”
Eli’s name sounded flat as Nozomi said it, but Eli still smiled and returned the courtesy, “I hope you can manage some off the job time.”
Nozomi shrugged. Eli turned away. Chocolate first, then Umi, then sleep. It had been too long a day.
Maki glared, then threw back the tequila shot she’d been carrying. Florrie’s ‘Begging Me’ was echoing and she wondered exactly how much control Nico had exerted over the DJ’s playlist. Long Island Iced Tea next, this was a Long Island Iced Tea night.
She marched up to the bartender, demanded the drink, took the bare minimum amount of time to drink it down through a cold metal straw, lips nearly frozen. A little buzzy, a little daring, feeling the need to just…
Everyone not actively chatting up a potential partner in the low lighting, dark wood interior of the bar had spilled out onto the roof, where with no time at all, Feather Smile had set up a sort of prowling fur extravaganza, huge velvet panthers and leopards arrayed in clusters, doubling as seating, people leaning or riding on them, a bar at either end of the terrace. The lights of Tokyo were everywhere there weren’t stars or fairy lights and Maki took a deep breath, trying to just check out of the party scene and let the lights and movement scatter her looping thoughts. It was usually a very solid escape plan, but just as her shoulders relaxed, someone giggled, “Oh, Nico, that tickles” and Maki spun to see Nico leaning over a woman leaning back into a velvet black panther, the woman’s shirt off, her see through black lace bra shimmering darkly. Nico had a metallic pen and finished off her signature with a flourish. And a kiss on the fabric to seal it.
Another giggle. And something whispered. And Nico leaning over the woman to whisper a reply. Maki headed back to the bartender who’d done her marginally satisfying Long Island Ice Tea.
“Make it better this time or I’ll make sure you’re fired.” Maki snapped.
The bartender bowed, “Of course. I’m so sorry the last one was not satisfying.”
“More tequila.”
Umi’s voice cut in, “Whatever she’s having, make it with less tequila. Cute ears by the way.”
Maki reached up and ripped the Nico tainted accessory out of her hair.
Umi leaned on the bar, shaking her head at Maki. “You have to stop getting random staffers fired. People won’t like you.”
“People,” Maki couldn’t help that her glance went to Nico, “Don’t like me now.”
Nico had her arms around a woman’s waist and they were swaying to music that was too sexy to be swaying to in public. Maki pushed herself off the bar, but Umi caught her arm.
“Weapons.” Umi demanded.
Maki waved her hands down the length of her torso. Her side slashed, short, armless tunic covering a sports bra, offered a view of her torso that showed no hidden armament. Her form fitting shorts also proved that there was nothing unnatural about any of the curves the fabric was clinging to. “I just want to dance.”
Visual check cleared, Umi offered Maki the terrace, “Enjoy.”
Maki’s eyes burned with fierce intensity, ‘I plan to.”
And a mellow song, Surf Mesa’s "ILY", rolled but there was nothing mellow about the way Maki walked into the center of the terrace, threw out her arms, closed her eyes, and started mouthing “I love you, baby” as Emilie did, arms raising, wrists crossed over each other, muscle pulses so tight that it seemed like her whole torso was throbbing as she circled her abdomen, thrusting her hips incrementally forward, flexing her knees to crouch down to bounce up, tossing her hair back in near slow motion and red strands flamed in the pattern of flashes that suddenly surrounded her as everyone pulled out their phone, images of Maki lost in a blur, not captive, as the Tokyo nightscape provided a brilliant, blinding backdrop.
Nico did not like the speculative, predatory look in Kotori’s eye. She was very familiar with it and they had a strict first seen, first claimed agreement that Nico’s boxing ring encounter with Maki certainly would have invoked but Nico did not want to be so open about her...there was no right word..interest, annoyance, remembering her most recent encounter with Maki, Nico laughed at herself and decided animal attraction was probably the truest.
With so much attention on Maki and the terrace full of dark patches, Nico and Kotori had found a moment to meet. Kotori was leaning into her elbows, watching Maki, idly twisting the straw in her drink.
“Don’t you have a very stylish samurai stashed somewhere?” Nico decided on a diversionary tactic.
Nico knew her partner very well. Kotori turned away from watching Maki, with a squeal, “Did you see that dress, Nico? And the texture, exquisite, I couldn’t rip my hands away. I just want to take it off her so I can see how they did that open knit.”
Nico leaned into obvious, with a snort, “That’s not the only reason.”
Kotori arched an eyebrow, “I never discuss proprietary tactics, Nico.”
Nico chuckled, ‘Well, there seem to be a few other people interested in that…” Nico paused and pointed over her shoulder to where Umi was walled off by a crowd of women fascinated by the most inscrutable member of Soldier Game, now that Maki had decided to dry heave near a plant, “dress.”
Kotori’s lips twisted and anger flared briefly in now cold golden eyes, “I’ll see if Umi-chan wants to sit and sip some champagne.”
Nico was watching Maki run shaky fingers through her hair and slap herself on the cheeks. “And I’ll get the dancing started up again.”
Eli leaving had left Nozomi unsettled. So she took her Shirley Temple in hand and decided to roam. Her first target, Nico, who was once again somehow not being crushed by a crowd of young women demanding Nico sign their bras with her private contact info. Nico’s flirt style was an art, all wink and dash, never lingering, but always making a connection. Eager, thirsty eyes followed her everywhere. Nozomi was impressed by the range of her charisma and how professionally in stride Nico took the adoration.
“Care to sign something a little less personal for me?” Nozomi asked when Nico spun into her zone.
Nico demurred. “Nico always needs a treat.” A completely outrageous wink as Nico moved to the next young woman, who had unbuttoned her blouse, exposing ample curves that almost escaped their lacy lilac support, “Hi. Nico Ni wants to know. What’s your name and favorite color?”
“Oki and Green.” The blonde woman flushed as Nico let the pen linger a little.
“Nico will design a holiday set to showcase these memorable curves.” NIco finished her signature with a flourish, “Look for it. Nico thinks Santa will bring a good girl like you, Oki, a very special set.”
“Don’t talk about Santa like that.” An angry voice interrupted.
“Maki! We haven’t had a chance to talk all night.” Nozomi stepped in, trying to divert Maki and guide her away by the elbow, but the riled up heiress brushed off any restraint.
Maki had one target in her laser focused sights. Nico. “Don’t use Santa as a shill for your lingerie.”
Nico winked at the blonde, before answering Maki, “Nico got all her elf paperwork in on time last year. Completely certified to deliver North Pole approved presents. Ask half of Tokyo.”
“Ask Santa.” Maki’s fist were clenched. Nico had no idea why she was in the middle of a fight about two beloved holiday traditions, Santa Claus and FeatherSmile’s Christmas Cuddle lingerie line, but Maki had once again impulsively shoved them both into something unexpected.
“Okay, Nico will.” Nico took her pen and started to write a note on her arm, but Maki grabbed the pen and wrote a number on Nico’s arm as she spoke.
“Text me when he tells you you’re officially on the naughty list.” Maki snorted, “I want to laugh at you.”
This was an incredibly strange way to get the number of the hot, crazy girl she’d already had sex with. But Nico could roll with anything. That was her real superpower. And why she was so good at ALL of her jobs.
But before Nico could retort, Nozomi took the pen and wrote a number under Maki’s on Nico’s arm, “Text me too.”
The blonde giggled. Nozomi smirked at her, and leaned down to whisper, “I’d like to see green on you. Can I get you a drink? I have a Christmas at the South Pole story that you’ll never forget.”
And that left Nico with the glaring Maki. The crowd had been repelled by the waves of fury rolling off Maki. Nico sighed, “What are we really fighting about?”
“Santa.” Maki said stubbornly.
“It’s June, Nico loves Christmas, but Nico was planning to think about the beach and bikinis for at least a week.”
Maki crossed her arms over her torso as another Soldier Game song came over the speakers. “Did you have to play them?”
“People expect it.” Nico listened for a verse, “Plus, they’re catchy. You sound good. You wrote the music, right?”
“Wrote, composed…”
Maki leaned very much into Nico’s face, blinking, “Sewed, painted, same thing, right?”
“Fine. Nico will use the right words. Do you still compose?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“What do you want to talk about?” Nico opened her arms to the room, “Nico has adoring fans eager for a few minutes of her time and your minutes,” Nico glanced at her watch, “are up.”
Maki pulled back. “I don’t want to talk.”
Nico stepped close, and could feel Maki tense at the proximity, “Well, Nico does have a suite reserved if you really need some…”
“Stop.” Maki’s hands shot out, Nico guessed to push Nico away, but they just lingered on her shoulders.
“Well, if you want to dance, Nico never disappoints a pretty lady.” And Nico dropped both hands to Maki’s waist, pulling her in, and starting to sway as the tempo of the music slowed. Maki shadowed the motion, her eyes closing, for a minute and then she froze, eyes wide open, looking down at Nico in horror.
“Um...why...no…I have to…”
“Run?” Nico suggested, her tone teasing.
Maki’s wry smile, full of unguarded charm, was a change of mood more surprising than anything that had happened to Nico so far, “How’d you guess?”
Nico was getting intrigued. This wasn’t the plan. But Nico always had a stock answer, “Nico knows.”
“Santa knows. Nico fakes it.” Almost a playful growl.
“Still on Santa? Did I mention June?” Nico decided to pull Maki close enough that their hips were bumping. “And nothing Nico does is faked.” Nico dropped her voice, closing in on Maki’s ear, “Don’t you remember?”
Full, complete flush. WIld blinking. Nico had a sudden inspiration and released Maki’s waist. “Thanks for your number. Nico might call you, if you’re lucky,”
With a frustrated growl, Maki suddenly had both hands in her own hair, rough tearing it, and Nico wanted to feel the texture so bad it took enormous physical effort to hold her hands back. Then Maki was standing straight again, so tall, slashed tunic showing muscle and tan and curves, a sexy dream fuel snarl mouthing words that took Nico a few seconds to actually register the foreignness of, “Da parte mia, ritengo che sia meglio essere avventurosi che cauti, perché la fortuna è una donna.”
Was that Italian? How many languages did Maki speak? Nico decided she needed less homework not more as Maki walked away from her, a tequila induced sway threatening to tilt her into a bystander.
Hanayo glanced away from the FeatherSmile party livestream. If she’d been there, she would have been a mouse in a quiet corner. She couldn’t hear anything but the music but the party was still almost as engaging as a good Korean drama. Hanayo enjoyed watching the women move in and out of conversation groups, dancing, leaning into close, cozy chats that Hanayo could imagine might result in even cozier conversations. Nico was a blur of motion and charisma, Kotori cool and calm and centered as she glided everywhere, from woman to woman, a quick kiss on so many cheeks, a sly smile when no one was looking but the camera. Hanayo wondered what it would be like to be in the same room with them.
She glanced at the small chat window on her business phone. Her agricultural contacts wanted an in person meeting coinciding with her FeatherSmile obligations. She opened a text window on her laptop. Nozomi had warned her about something like this happening.
A/N: The Italian is a quote from Machiavelli: "For my part I consider that it is better to be adventurous than cautious, because fortune is a woman."Hi.
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cheryllcher · 5 years
A Merry Sprinkle Christmas
it’s christmas!! and of course i had to write something about a sprinkle-loving human :) presenting a lil very long fic of my sprinklebug au!! im overseas now so my laptop is miles away and i cant add the cut so ://
“3...2...1... IT’S CHRISTMAS!”
Marinette squealed as the clocked that ticked away on the living room wall proudly displayed 12 o’ clock. There were sparkles in her eyes as she tried to decided which gift to open first while she scurried to the christmas tree from her place on the couch, making Tom and Sabine chuckle. It was always a Dupain-Cheng tradition to open a gift at midnight every christmas, and this year was no exception.
Their home had sprigs of mistletoe sprinkled (yes this is intentional :> ) around with the scent of fresh hot chocolate filling the air. Stocking hung along the pretend fireplace aka the window, custom made by one (1) aspiring fashion designer of course. The kitchen was filled with food, drinks and ingredients for the upcoming christmas party happening in less than 18 hours. (Marinette was shamelessly counting down.) The tree was the centre of attention though, bringing twinkles into the house- courtesy of the fairy lights wrapped around it. Ornaments, each unique with a story behind them, was carefully placed on some of the branches of the tree, the collection constantly growing. There was no star though, as they don’t see the need for one. Tom joked that Marinette was their star what with all the commissions she’d received from Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. (“Dad, no! I’m not a star!”) Marinette once tried to add sprinkles to it but they all just fell to the floor which formed a pile of sprinkles around the base of the tree that made her sad.
Marinette was a whole new level of Christmas. She was decked out in her oversized self-knitted sweater with hand-sewn sprinkles decorating it and a cat pun right in the middle. (Gummy Chat would be proud of the cat pun part) Her christmas hat was lined with fake fluffy fur and a big, fluffier pom pom at the tip, decorated with-surprise!- even more hand-sewn sprinkles. Warm fuzzy socks were on her feet, in christmas’ colours, made to look like elf shoes with again, sprinkles made of thread. Almost covered by her hat were mistletoe sprigs pinned to the hair ties that held her hair in pigtails, a huge contrast against her black hair. Tiny bells jingled away on her wrists and ankles, making sounds wherever the sprinkle-obsessed girl went.
“Hang on Marinette. We have some new ornaments to add to the tree this year,” Sabine called out to her daughter, effectively halting the jingly movements. Another tradition in the Dupain-Cheng household, putting up new ornaments if they have any new ones to introduce to their myriad of not-so-new ones. The petite woman pulled out a blob from a box on the table. How did I miss that? Marinette thought as she finally caught sight of the red cardboard cube.
“This,” she gestured to the animal shaped piece, “is to commemorate Paris’ heroes for all they’ve done for us. Sprinklebug and Gummy Chat may not know this but I think they deserve to be celebrated with our other memories on the tree considering their contributions and everything that happened this year with the akumas.” She then put it up on an empty spot on the tree. It was a black cat with a ladybug on its nose. Marinette tried to keep her tears hidden, surprised and touched at the same time. At least one of them knows, Mum.
“There’s a second one, but it’s one of your presents and it can wait till tomorrow if you choose to open another present first.”
Any thoughts of which present to pick went out the girl’s mind, scrambling to figure out which box it is in. Tom laughed at his daughter with fondness before locating it for her, booming with much more laughter as a mass of sprinkles launched for it. 5 seconds of paper tearing and a lid thrown aside later...
*Gasp* “SPRINKLES! A sprinkle shaker! I’ve looked forever for one of these and you’ve finally found one! THANKS MUM AND DAD!”
Operation: Prepare for Christmas Party was almost complete by the 1 hour left mark, so Sabine told Marinette to go and prepare all her gifts and get ready for the party using the remaining time. (She knows how serious that human takes these tasks.) Marinette already triple checked everything the day before and planned her outfit, so all she was left with was hair and makeup which only takes 15 minutes. This means that she was able to sneak out the skylight as her super-secret-alter-ego to meet up with her partner as scheduled. Tikki was interrupted from admiring her present from Marinette, a mini sprinkle-themed dress, but she didn’t mind. Gift in hand, Sprinklebug soared across her city before finding the cat themed hero lounging around on the Eiffel Tower, whistling a christmas tune. He opened an eye at the sound of her landing, a grin taking over his features.
“Merry christmas, sprinkle-boo!” Chat said as a greeting, Sprinklebug returning it in a sing-song voice and a hug. The feline boy kept his eyes on the item his lady brought with her, curiosity definitely triggered. This made Sprinklebug giggle and give in to his silent request, taking hers from the centre of the roof when her friend’s tail pointed in that direction. They opened their presents together, too eager to wait another moment of say another word.
“Omg it’s sprinkles shakers with fancy sprinkles! I’ve been meaning to paint on some for fun and this is perfect! But... isn’t this an expensive brand? Chat-“
“Nuh-uh, no can do madame. I insist and you can’t say no. Also you gave me like 3 different things I should’ve gotten you more!”
They went back and forth for a bit before they burst into giggles, ending whatever “argument” they had. Chat then asked about the ornament that she had given him.
“Ornaments are sort of my family tradition, so i thought I’d make you one. Cat’s and gummy worms and a small pun too. It’s one of a kind.”
Tears swarmed in Chat’s eyes, threatening to fall. He needs to hurry home soon so that he can cry and swoon in pure bliss. He picked up golden thread when pushing away his hat so that he won’t accidentally get it wet. Inspecting it, his saw the name of his princess. Sprinklebug cursed herself mentally for not setting aside of her habit of signing articles of fashion with golden thread.
“Oh, that. I couldn’t knit myself so I commissioned Marinette to create this hat. I’m sure you’re familiar? But please don’t go asking her who I am as I did it via super suit. And before I forget, inside the bag with gummy worms is plagg’s cheese and tiny hat. Wish him merry christmas for me please.” My, what a mouthful you idiot!
“Ah, okay. Please do that same for me with Tikki. And thanks for reminding me, give her one of the shakers. It’s indicated with a little tag.”
They did a little more talking, ultimately bringing the topic back to how Sprinklebug gave Gummy Chat way more things which were also cooler and that he should have gotten more to balance it out.
“It’s really alright, minou. Seeing you smile and enjoying your present is way bigger than all the presents I gave you combined.” A warm smile was directed at Chat.
“Awwww is m’lady finally falling for my smile?” He was being a jokester and he knew it.
“You wish.”
They then parted ways at half past 5, Sprinklebug to prepare for a party and Gummy Chat to soon head over to said party. Not that either of them knew.
Sidenote: Adrien did cry and swoon in bliss for about 20 minutes once home though. Plagg just munched on the edible part of his present and asking him to stop producing “eye-pee” and check for everything before heading to pigtails’ party already.
so there it is! i wanted to write about the christmas party but it’s kinda long so maybe a part 2?? but i also kinda wanna just leave it as a oneshot. hmm decisions decisions... but i hope you liked this thing that i wrote and merry christmas!!
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skultrashfics · 4 years
Mhmm, you said, you wanted to write more happy things, right.. I may not be so good in it, but what about a Gallow/China, dancing together at a Requiem ball or her getting a secret visit from him in her library. (I hope, you're OK with / like the ship, although it didn't stand on your favourite ship list)
That is lovely, I am so glad everyone else seems to love the idea of Requiem Bal romance just as much as I do ;) 
Pairing: Gallows x China Word Count: 992 Themes: Dancing, Assassination plot, Fluff
The evening of the requiem ball was no laughing matter, choosing the right outfit could be the make or break of the evening. Especially if your status had to be reflected through what you wore, how you wore it and who you spoke to. This was the social event of the whole decade and it was always a spectacle to behold. China had spent as much time with Ghastly Bespoke as she could, making sure her dress was perfect in design and fitting. She did not expect any less from Ghastly and somehow he always delivered something extra to the dress that she did not know she needed. This time, it was a glittering fine layer of black lace draped over the body tight dress creating the illusion of an a-line skirt adding elegance to the outfit that had not been there before. Turning to Ghastly she smiled brightly, “It is perfect. Every time you outdo yourself Bespoke”. Ghastly seemed very pleased by her comments but he was also a little bit antsy, “I have to hurry you, unfortunately. I have other picky clients waiting for their fittings too”. She laughed fondly and nodded, “Of course, of course. I will see you later tonight”. 
Approaching Edgley Manor in a black Mercedes Benz, China applied one final layer of lipstick before she was satisfied and tucked her mirror away in her purse. It was brightly lit and plenty of sorcerors were exiting their own vehicles dressed in a multitude of colours and shapes. Even the men had taken t upon themselves to vary the suits and dresses that they wore. China wore a smile as she saw him waiting outside for her. Jaron Gallow. They had planned to meet at the ball, but she did not think he would be such a gentleman as to wait outside for her. She noted his black suit, paying homage to the Diablerie and felt that connection within herself as she had decided to wear the same colours. As she pulled up to the front after what felt like an age of waiting she ascended the steps toward Gallow, “Did you really wait here all this time for me?”, she questioned relishing in the fact rather than needing an answer. In response, he took her arm and began to lead her inside, “I had not been waiting long, especially since waiting for you is time well spent”. Walking into the main hall, you could easily realise how it could be made into a suitable ballroom. China took note of the small changes here and there, but ultimately her attention fell on the dazzling scene before her. Sorcerors young and old, good and undetermined, once opposite sides of a war partaking in food and wine and dance. This event was enough to remind one of all the conflict that carried on even after the war and how this once every ten years it was thrown aside to make such a scene of splendour. 
Gallow had returned with two glasses of champagne and China took a sip of hers with relief, “Thank goodness. I was dying for a drink”, she smirked. Gallow had been stealing all of her dances thus far, it had certainly gained her attention as the ploy intended. He gestured toward a side room and she followed him into the much cooler space, suddenly regretting wearing a dress with sleeves as it had made her much too warm. She silently cursed under her breath realising that Ghastly had warned her of this but she had paid no mind to it. “China…”, Gallow began to speak, “Do you remember when we spoke of Eliza, and how she had gained sponsors for the new church of the faceless…?”. She nodded thoughtfully, “Yes, and we decided not to do anything until things were more clear and we knew for certain who they were”. Gallow then produced a small piece of paper and waved it in front of her, “What if we did know who they were?”. China’s eyes widened and she lowered his hands as she looked around, “Gallow be careful, this is not any ordinary assassination attempt. How did you find them?”, she asked taking the paper from him and scanning over it quickly. He sighed, “I had to put a lot of money into it let’s just say that…”. She scowled and put the paper in her purse, returning it to her person, “Jaron, if you are sure you want to do this I would be happy to have you”. Gallow nodded in response, “I am sure. I’ve gotten this far….”, he held onto China’s hand and she looked at him slightly in alarm. But she did not pull her grasp away from his. Time ticked by as they stood in the room, with only the books to listen in as sweet nothings were whispered into China’s ear only to be followed by a soft and gentle kiss. As Gallow pulled away he smiled, “I would do anything for you, China. I better leave you be for now as people may get suspicious if I steal all of your dances tonight”. China shook her head and then returned to the ballroom, “Not if I tell them not to be suspicious”. As the next dance began Gallow took an eager hold of her as they danced around the room. She glided across the floor with each step and their faces were full of anxiety and joy, relieved at finally being able to execute their plan but also happy to be there in that moment with each other. China leaned on his shoulder as they moved to the melody of the song, Gallow taking extra care to be more delicate to not upset the unusual hold they had on each other. It was not until the song ended that China stood upright again and they bowed before each other and then left the dancefloor each going their separate ways.
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loquaciousquark · 5 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E73 (Aug. 6, 2019)
Gooooooood evening good evening good evening all! @eponymous-rose is off packing for a cross-country move (as if THAT’S an excuse), so here I am isntead to lay waste to all you love. 
Tonight’s preroll: Sam’s costume from the liveshow getting dunked in acid.
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Tonight’s guests: Laura Bailey & Sam Riegel, in a fully human and normal tshirt and jeans. Everyone oohs and ahs over Laura’s adorable live show outfit; Sam waits eagerly for equal attention. And waits, and waits...
Tonight’s announcements: Huge thanks to everyone who came out to the live show in Indy last weekend (I was there! It was great!). Laura talks about everyone singing the theme on the intro. Sam sent his entire costume back with Dani so he wouldn’t get stopped in the airport. Poor Dani! Season 3 of Between the Sheets, featuring Amanda Palmer, is up for Twitch subs now and will be up on YT on Wednesday. CR is headed to Austin, TX, for a live show on Sept. 23! Everyone talks about how Doty will definitely, definitely be in this show: The Adventures of the Darrington Brigade, ft. the return of Sam as Taryon. Sam says he already has something in mind for his costume; everyone else will be playing new characters. Laura’s got an idea for a backup character for Jester, but BWF advises her not to use this for the live show since Jester will def be dead in less than 20 episodes. Go to critrole.com/events for more.
Episode 73: Uthodurn, which is not spelled at all like I thought
CR Stats! Nott dealt 124 damage this episode, only 23 of which was friendly fire. Sam: “You know, he just needs to get out of the fucking way.” Nott rolled her 50th nat 20, resulting in a 43 stealth check. Laura and Sam quietly talk about Sam’s tendency to touch everyone else’s dice as opposed to his “playing fairly.” Sam also laments he’s lost his dustbuster in the studio somewhere after the last bit. Jester is tied with Beau at 9 for the most HDYWTDTs. Jester also played her 50th prank this episode: creating the ballpeen hammer as an offering to the Allhammer.
Laura thinks part of Jester’s new anger in battle is part of losing Yasha, especially when she disappeared right in front of her and Jester wasn’t able to help her at all. “Jester mammoth-raged.” Laura raves about being a mammoth & talks about needing to work on her elephant noise. Both Laura and Sam fail miserably at making the noise.
Sam slowly drinks a shot. It’s... a thing.
We have a close-up of Sam’s nail polish, which was done for the live show. He doesn’t own nail polish remover, it turns out.
Nott will talk to Cad about the explosive arrow whenever Cad brings it up. First, Cad was invisible & therefore at fault because he couldn’t be seen; the second part of the blame goes to Laura Bailey, who leaned over and told Sam right before his turn he had to kill this thing right now. The explosive arrow was the best thing he had; Sam accepts one part of the blame for forgetting it would be fire. Sam & Laura agree the bolt should have had some thunder/force damage associated with it because of the concussive blast. (Hilariously, my father presented this precise argument to me with GREAT VIGOR right after this episode aired.)
Jester’s call to the Traveler was just in the heat of the moment. All of her power comes from him, so Jester calls out to him (and Laura thinks it cool) when she gets a big oomph. Sam wonders aloud if her powers genuinely come from the Traveler or not. Laura: “I mean...as far as she knows.” Sam’s also distracted that the question card had a straight-up name on it rather than a username.
Sam considers the outcome of the election a win, since he’s one of the bi-Presidents of D&D Beyond until further notice. “It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you get there.” Laura asks if he thinks about it being a hollow win when he goes to sleep. Sam: “Do I look like the kind of person to have thoughts as I’m falling asleep?”
Nott’s usage of the pistol’s single shot was pure pettiness. Sam thought Nott had a shot because she’s acrobatic & fast & has some tricks, and he just didn’t want Beau to win. Making loud noises & drawing attention didn’t even cross my mind.
Jester was very proud of Fjord making those strength checks, but she wasn’t surprised. “He’s very strong, even though he looks like he’s not.” Laura thinks it’s funny and poetic that Travis rolled so well after ditching his sword/powers.
Travis has three sets of dice. Liam has a bunch of sets, but they’re all red (says Laura, offended). Laura only used purple dice at the live show because of how she was dressed.
Cosplay of the Week: a great Scanlan cosplay with Ioun’s third eye by @cxptaingrayson.
Sam realizes something that’s been holding back the Nott-Fjord relationship is that Nott has always been a little suspicious of Fjord. Now that he’s “talking like a real weirdo” and is still brave, braver than before, she can trust him more.
Laura’s asked about Jester’s conflict between healing & DPS. Laura: “Do you think Jester asked to be a fucking healer?” When they were deciding their characters, Laura was originally going to be a warlock with the Traveler as her patron; then Travis was like, warlock! What a cool class! Can I have it? And Laura said sure, she’ll be a cleric, that sounds cool. “And now he got rid of his fucking patron! Who knows if he’s going to be a warlock anymore? What a waste of a warlock!” She likes being a cleric--but even from Jester’s very first inception she’s always been a healer who hates healing. Brian: “She’s a battle Mercy.” She’s not regretful she healed Beau; the reason Laura didn’t immediately heal her is that she thought from Matt’s face that the remorhaz was very close to death, closer than it actually was. She confirms Jester is Chaotic Neutral.
Brian tells Laura he texted Travis to tell him Laura accused him of stealing the warlock class. Laura: “YOU DID NOT!” Brian: “You said it on the air!!”
Travis, via text to BWF, apparently in all caps: “I WAS CHANGING RONIN. YES I STOLE WARLOCK.”
Nott’s teasing of a powerless Fjord is 100% just because she thinks it’s funny. Sam: “There’s not really a deep reason to it. They tease each other all the time. Why would that change just because he tossed his sword in the lava?”
Laura needs to do research on other animals she can become since she enjoyed the mammoth (and giant eagle) so much. Sam keeps a list of flying creatures Laura can turn into because Laura struggles looking it up and often keys it into her D&D Beyond app before she’s even started. BWF: “This is uncharacteristically unselfish.” Sam: “Well, Laura is--I love her. Laura is pure harp music and I would do anything for her.”
Their environments are just getting better and better for Nott in terms of how goblins are seen. She’s given up the mask now, but it’s nice to have people look and not scream.
Both Sam & Laura pause to fan over the design of Uthodurn. It’s way cooler than either the Empire or Dynasty to them right now.
Laura points out that Nott has been fairly outgoing lately; it’s been a while since anyone said “you’re a goblin, stone her!” She’s beginning to come out of her shell as she gets used to her body (not that she likes it in any way), but it’s a development from Veth’s original shyness. She’s also drunk a lot; Sam says this will continue until he gets more Laura Bailey speeches.
BWF still has Laura’s copy of Game of Thrones, which he borrowed in 2011. Laura doesn’t listen to books on tape because she likes the inflections in her own head.
Fanart of the Week: a cool grouping of portraits of the M9 by @dylanbydoodles.
They apparently threw an election party after the D&D Beyond President reveal. Sam talks about convincing the Lyft driver on the way back that it was a swinger’s party in the most ridiculous way possible. Poor Indianapolis.
Nott & Veth’s relationship is getting very complicated. Sam says they’re beginning to blend a little together, but he’s now coming to realize there’s a part of Nott deep down that is deeply scared of going back to Veth & losing her rogue abilities, her adventuring; she wants to be herself again for sure, since her body is definitely wrong, but she’s beginning to fear the loss of some of what Nott is now.
BWF sincerely thanks Sam for the effort and thought he puts into his character. Sam sincerely thanks him. It’s a lovely moment.
Jester’s slip about Fjord’s powers was deliberate on Laura’s part but accidental on Jester’s. Everyone’s a little worried about Fjord without powers, even though he proved himself in the remorhaz fight. She thinks the slipup happened because Jester wasn’t on guard--because Fjord had done so well in the fight, she’d forgotten.
So far, Nott’s choice to leave the family behind in Nicodranus is worth it; no one’s died and they’re making headway on their goals.
BWF: “The Mighty Nein: no one’s died-ish.”
Apparently Matt owns the building they’re filming in? I missed part of this and genuinely can’t tell if it’s a joke.
BWF talks about how Liam, Matt, & Travis have all been genuinely mad at him before. Matt and Travis were mad; Liam was just disappointed.
How did Sam lose the election? He doesn’t think it’s because of him or anything he did. He thinks there’s a demographic shift in America; the electoral college hurt him; both he and Liam ran the campaigns they wanted. Liam’s was serious issues & serious passion, while Sam farted around for three months. BWF asked Adam Bradford at D&D Beyond, who’s the General Manager, about the results; apparently the pie chart was VASTLY in favor of Liam with only the tiniest sliver for Sam. Laura thinks it’s because Sam’s done nothing but troll Sam for five years and this was their chance to troll him back. Sam: “To that I say: good job.”
Dani & Max both voted for Sam. Laura didn’t vote. BWF voted for Liam. Chris forgot there was a vote. Zach voted for Liam.
Sam talks about the game they play, the app for D&D Beyond, and how the whole campaign allowed him to shine a spotlight on himself. “I didn’t get as many votes as Liam, but I got a lot of attention.”
Everyone loved this last live show. Laura legit loved wearing her dress; Travis & Liam looked great. Tal looked normal. Brian marvels at his own tattoos. He and Tal went through a lot of ideas before they committed to the bag situation--he sent it to Jaimie Alexander before the show happened so she could vet it. Ha! “Her response was 25 crying emojis and ‘please send this to my boyfriend.’“
Reminder: Mica Burton, Overwatch League host (and daughter of Levar Burton), will be guest-starring on Critical Role this coming Thursday.
And we’re out! Is it Thursday yet?
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notmyrick · 4 years
General Arc 7
/She had a Rick once/ She remembered, she used to love sweets. /She had a Rick once, but she also had a Diane./ She remembered her life in Washington, in Michigan. /She had a Rick once, but she also had a Diane. Then she had a Beth. / She remembered the fights, the tears, the chaos. /She had a Rick once, but she also had a Diane. Now she only had a Beth. / She remembered her lowest point in life, how her sun can in the form of a small little girl. /She had a Rick once, but she also had a Diane. Then a Beth. / She remembered a house filled with only women at one point. /She had a Rick once/ She remembered her life before she pushed papers for the council. A life before she became the most trusted advocate for the Citadel of Ricks, before she used her business expertise to grow this space hub into the most glorious city on the central finite curve. She also remembered how she was experimented on for her "unique" effects on Ricks. /She had a Rick once/ And she'd be damned if she didn't get her Rick back. /She had a Rick once/ After 10+ years, both Rick and Roxxanne dropped back into the lives of Beth. She was undoubtedly pissed, but after a few months, and a lot of yelling, Roxy was able to explain what happened, to Beth. With this Roxx and Rick was introduced to the newest edition to the family, they might've been 14 years too late, but the boy finally got to meet his grandparents. The first thing Rick did with his grandson was go on an adventure. By the time both came back for dinner, Rick was yelling "Rick and Morty forever, 100 years!" Roxy smiled, age lines starting to grow in. Rick and Roxx finally looked like grandparents. /She had a Rick once/ Rick roped Morty in his antigovernment sentiments and most of their adventures started to target either the Federation or the council of Ricks. While her husband and grandson went off adventuring, she had a mission of her own as well. She started to target every Rick that has done her or her husband wrong during their time in captivity on the Citadel. With her unauthorized portal gun and a husband who could make portal fluid with a snap of his fingers she was able to maintain this lifestyle for a while. She didn’t know why it took her forever to learn that her actions create consequences. But by the time she learnt her lesson, it was already too late. /She had a Rick once/ And her Rick bled on the asphalt of the street. The red liquid painted the ground with majority on black pavement instead of his body. She walked into the Beth's home, where all their, now only her, memories were kept. The destruction in the living room, the kitchen, the garage, everywhere. Her lips trembled, truly scared of what she'll witness, but she must. If not for her, at least for them. For her Jerry, for her Beth. For her Summer and her Morty. But most of all for her Rick. "Surveillance, playback security cams. Reenact crime scene." She ended up puking for an entire day after watching. /She had a Rick once/ "Blow up dimension SW-33T. Record destruction and blame on terrorist Ricks C-550, 301B, C-132, and C-137. Follow same procedure for dimensions A-17, Zeta 02, and alpha 9 and all their sub-universes. Send "evidence" to the Citadel." "Action confirmed, now commencing destruction on 12 multiverses." The AI replied. Roxxanne did it, she got all her revenge to the people who did her wrong, but she never felt so empty. She caressed the portal gun her Rick made her. She modified so she can go unseen, by even the council of Ricks. She was able to create her own Portal fluid since the passing of her husband. She felt empty, and now wanted to fill the void. /She had a Rick once/ She did drugs, alcohol, and sex, but they were so temporary. Why couldn't something more fill the void, why couldn't be happy? Then she found her vice. 
/She had a Rick once/ She turned her body toward the man she was sharing a bed with. Her vivacious red hair turned strawberry blonde. Her body, although impressive for her age, was still saggy in some places. She turned away from the ebony skinned man and got herself dressed. It was time for the act to begin. She grabbed the expensive but very valuable cigars he gifted her last night and left. She came back with a drugged-out woman with similar hair color as herself and draped her across the man. She checked their pluses and vital signs to ensure they were alive but knocked out. Finally, she gave a call. --- Roxxanne with makeup, a tank top, and tight jeans ran into the motel room and covered her mouth. She looked at her "friend" then at the two dead bodies on the bed. She ran back out, stuck a finger down her throat with her hands still covering her face and puked over the railing. Her "friend" came out and held her hair. Roxxanne started to pinch her skin, willing tears to come out. "I told you where he was at so you could work things out, not kill him!" "Roe! He was cheating on me! With a sex offender! That woman is a known sex offender in at least 2 states!" "What if you husband was the victim!" "Oh don't give him too much credit. Once I could believe, twice I'll pity, but for months! There is no way!" Her "friend" tried to bring Roxxanne inside, for a more private discussion, but she could already see the neighbors calling in the cops as the look out their window. "I’m going to jail. I should've never told you where he was! I can't go to jail, what am I going to do with my granddaughter!" Roxxanne broke down crying in public, she edged her peripherals to see some of the callers seem to pity her. Perfect. "Roe! Get in the room!" "No! I don’t want to! Please, don't make me go back in!" She protested and "struggled" against her grasp as she was dragged into the murder scene. The man she slept with hours before her "friend's" arrival had his head blown into smithereens. The woman she dragged in had her insides spilling out of her. She was a known sex offender with quite a racist profile, she would rape people of color and either cry wolf or torture them. Both were shot with a shot gun at close range, which is why the scene was so messy. "Roe, take the shotgun and hid it somewhere." "Please, please don’t make me do this." "We are already in too deep, you are now an accessory of murder. If you want to ever see your granddaughter again, we need to clean this up." Roxxanne looked passed her friend and saw and undercover cop car, parked outside. Roxxanne vehemently shook her head side to side, but her "friend" shoved the gun in her hands and shoved her out the door. Roxxanne shivered and shook as she descended the motel stairs with a shotgun cradled into her arms. Suddenly a man appeared in front of her and covered her mouth. She "jumped" and bit the inside of her cheeks to start the water works. "Okay miss I need you to- wait calm down, look I'm an undercover cop, not some bad guy look. Here is my badge. Everything is going to be fine now. We got witnesses that can testify for your innocence. You’re not in trouble." Roxxanne nervously shook her head and "complies" with the police. He took the gun away from her arms and told her to go to his colleague and pointed at the undercover car she spotted in the window. She agreed. --- That day her “friend” was instantly arrested and was sentence to life imprisonment. “Roe” came by and visited that friend for 3 months. Roe kept this friend sane and happy. For it was Roe who told this friend about her cheating husband, for it was Roe that was with her through the toughest times of her marriage. This friend talked to Roe everyday she was in prison through a phone and glass. In a short while, this friend looked forward to the everyday, mundane transpires of Roe. Everyday she waited for her to come back. Until one day she didn’t. This friend waited for hours, then days, then a week. This friend asked one of the guards what happened to Roe. They informed her that her friend “Roe” was assaulted last week and died just outside the prison. That friend got emotional really quick. The following week after being informed, she challenged and fought many inmates. By the next week her “friend” was found dead in her cell with no one cause how she died. The official cause of death statement: depression. Just like Diane. "Roe" disappeared neatly off the census and so was her “friend”. Roxxanne was on her driveway, garage open, smoking a big, fat cigar with a margarita on the side and sunglasses. Her strawberry blonde hair was dyed lighter and bit more pink. She puffed hazy air, relishing on the high she was on, lounging on a chair. She tapped the singe off in the designated jar that was placed on a cooler along with her drink. Although this game was quite messy, she killed three birds one stone. The void in her chest seemed to shrink, it almost made her feel complete, but previous attempts told her this was only a temporary bliss. 6 months, this game lasted her 6 months. 3 for the husband, and 3 for her "friend". She honestly thought the game would last longer; she overestimated her targets. She was always down for the long game. She had the time, money, and patience. For a 63-year-old she didn’t look a day over 50. Or at least that what she told herself. She was obsessed with a few things in life. One of them was beauty. She wanted to look young even though she did not feel young at all. Personally, if she had the option to choose, she would rather feel young than look, but she hasn't felt young since she lost her husband, so she could only go for the next best thing: looks. She was also obsessed with pushing people to their own toxicity. It didn’t really matter who, but she still has morals so she tries to aims this obsession to the disgusting people of the world. Finally, she was obsessed with- "Ah gee, Rick, we- we need to clean this up before mom gets home!" "Sh...ut up Mooorty. I... I've... You k-know what, just don't think about it. I al... always have a p-plan." A blue haired scientist just crash landed on his own house, burping through his sentence with alcohol splayed on his face. Beside him was a young brown-haired boy hunched shoulders looking at his grandfather nervously. The space craft skidded on top of their house and into their driveway. Thankfully for Rick it didn't crash into the garage, but the vehicle itself looks worse for wear. Oh, and the roof. Roxxanne took a sip or her margarita as she watched the Smith duo from afar. Her shades displayed nothing abnormal on the outside, the world oblivious to her actions. The scientist grabbed a familiar box and pressed the button. "Hi I'm Mr. Meeseeks!" "Mr. Meeseeks, repair the roof." "Can do!!" The blue humanoid immediately began the process of repairing the roof. Rick ordered Morty to pick up the metal scraps scattered on the driveway from the space craft. With only very little resistance, he agreed, and the blue haired man took off his lab coat and start fixing his hovercraft. The woman sighed and took off her sunglasses. The Smith house disappeared as she did so. Her eyes gazed around the neighborhood she actually lived in. Generally, a better-looking neighborhood than the Smith family. It was more well-kept, a bit more pretentious, and still a suburbia: the grass was a bit greener, the streets were well paved with no cracks, and the sidewalks were clean. She was a few blocks down from where the Smith family lived. She stretched in her chair before moving to place everything back in her garage. In her driveway was a posh looking car and inside the garage was a motorcycle. "Great aunt Roxx?" She stopped briefly and looked at the person who called her. She smiled and continue to pack up as she replied. "Yes, sweet pea?" "Can my friends and I stay over your house for a study session?" "No problem, just tell me the date." "Thanks grandma!" "No problem, Jessica." Once the teenage redhead left back inside her house, she finished packing. Smoking the last of her blunt, she also downed her margarita like it was a shot. The sunglasses she took off hanged on the shirt near her chest. She took a brief look back at the Smith house and saw the same scenario. She took the glasses off and placed them in a cabinet in her garage. The garage was well maintained and clean. One half was dedicated to her tinkering or self-repair for vehicles, while the other hosted her joy ride. She closed the garage door and entered her two-story house through the garage. In this dimension, she never met Rick. In this dimension she didn't meet Diane. In this dimension she never had a Beth. In this dimension, she didn't have anyone. Not until she got an invitation to a funeral. A funeral of her apparent older sister by a few years. She went out of curiosity, and met her grandniece, Jessica. Memories, probably suppressed by this Roxxanne's body, flooded into her. She had a family? In this dimension, she never found anyone who could keep up with her, thus making her all alone. In this dimension she was smart, too smart for her own good. She was a successful business woman, did time in the army, and loved to tinker with improbable science ideas. This dimension was almost an exact mimicry of her own, the only difference… The only difference was she had no relation to the Smith family. Her consciousness, after she died in her original body, rerouted her to this dimension. To be honest she was ready to start over, turn a new leaf, be a better person. Sure, she had an estranged family, but this was her chance to reconnect. In addition, she could be herself and not act in front of them because they didn’t know her. The set up was perfect. Yet, it all came crashing down when she saw a familiar family at a grocery store a month after.
She knew then, this was the catch and she was too curious for her own good.
What was this Rick like? Was he good? Was he Evil? Was he bad? Old habits die hard. Yes, she had one more obsession. She was obsessed with Rick Sanchez. This Rick was one of the terrorist Ricks. One of which she blamed for the destruction of a few multiverse. /She had a Rick once/ Rick SW-33T. /She had a Rick once/
And this was not her Rick.
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marhabhaonlineshop · 4 years
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Ladies! The summer is here! You know what that means, it’s the NO PANTS SEASON!!! Now don’t get me wrong, there are some excellent summer pant options, but that’s a topic for another day. Most of us can agree that dresses are much more convenient than pants or trousers. For instance, you don’t have to go through your entire wardrobe, trying to find a matching bottom for your top. Oh, and the relief it provides of not having to put on a gazillion pants before finding a one that actually fits your waist and thighs and is of the perfect length! Moreover, it is also very comfortable, airy, easy to wash, has a lot of options, and is not motion restrictive. Honestly, I can go on forever! But for now, let’s jump on to our list of 5 casual summer dresses you can wear this season.
Button Front Dress
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Literally, everyone has been sporting this dress in the last few years, and they have paved their way to the bestselling sections of some of the leading apparel brands. It has become one of the most trending summer dresses, and rightfully so! The buttons in the front almost give it a vintage touch (remember those beautiful skirts of the ’40s and ’50s?), and it comes in chic patterns. Not only does it provide the best of both worlds, but the dress is also incredibly breezy. Plus, you can always undo the bottom few buttons to create a faux front-slit effect.
Check out this Striped Black and White Button Front Dress by Topshop. This sleeveless midi-length number is made of 100% viscose, which breathes well in the hot and humid conditions, making it an excellent choice for this summer. The neutral colours and basic patterns make it a perfect choice for someone with a minimalist aesthetic. The vertical stripes elongate your body, and you can accessorise according to the event. Pair it with sneakers or sandals and a tan or brown bag for a casual day out. Try on some wedges and a more structured straw/bamboo bag for a dressy casual look. Dainty jewellery like necklaces or stacked bracelets work nicely with the dress as well. Don’t forget the shades!
Styling Inspiration:
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Cut-Out Tie-Front Dress
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Another trendy dress that has been gaining a lot of popularity is the cut-out tie-front dress. I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of fashion bloggers slaying in them. Both cut-out and tie-front trends have been around for many years. The tie-front can be seen on different clothing items from swimwear to tops, while the cut-out dresses are notorious for making its uses look sexy with the strategically placed cut-outs. But the combination of these two has provided us with a more fresh design. The dress dials down on the sultriness as it’s less revealing and makes it more playful, youthful, and flirty. The knot provides a perfect cinch detail giving it a fantastic silhouette that will flatter anyone.
Try this Cut-Out Tie-Front Dress by Blue Steel. While the plum colour does not scream summer, the details of the dress, such as the eyelet embroidery and it being 100% cotton and sleeveless, makes it totally appropriate for the season. You can go for a monochromatic look by accessorising with blush or lavender shoes and bags. Or you can opt for more contrasting colour options such as white or yellow.
Styling Inspiration:
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Off-the-Shoulder Dress
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Ah! Here comes the all-time favourite summer dress option, the off-the-shoulder dress! Actually, let me correct myself; some people don’t really like it as much due to the ever slipping, non-supportive strapless bras and the restrictions it puts on moving our arms. However, I’ve seen many people flaunt this style over the years, and how could they not? The neckline highlights your collarbones and shows off just enough skin to add a sensual and flirty element.
This 100% cotton Chelsea and Theodore Off-the-Shoulder Dress is an absolute steal for the season. The almost tribal-looking patterns on it combined with the ruffle detail gives the dress a bohemian feel. Although, the colours are a lot cooler as opposed to the traditional warm tones of the bohemian aesthetic. Not only do the ruffles add a chic element, but it could also help conceal if you’re going braless. Now, it goes without saying that the best advantage of this dress style is that the neckline allows you to show off your necklaces, chokers, or earrings. I personally love to throw on a pair of big tassel earrings, or other statement pieces, that bring out the colours in the dress. Of course, you can also choose to wear simple styles of jewellery.
Styling Inspiration:
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Floral Dress
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Anything floral is my favourite! These prints have been trending for so many years now, and personally, I don’t think they are going any time soon. Afterall, why mess with perfection? While breezy floral dresses are more of a staple springtime outfit, it is also well sought out during the summer. It’s cliché yet classic. Everybody loves flowers; it represents joy, celebration, love, new beginnings, amongst many other positive connotations. These dresses are very versatile in the shape, size, type, and bloom of the flowers (along with the different dress silhouettes, of course).
Marhabha offers a variety of floral dresses. However, I am biased to the Floral Dress by Gap. It made up of 100% viscose material, which keeps it breathable, light, and airy for the summer. The cinch at the waist provides structure to the otherwise flowy dress. You can pair it up with dainty jewellery, wristwatch, sandals, or sneakers with a satchel to throw in your essentials, and you’re ready for your brunch with friends. The floral pattern provides enough texture, so I would say keep it simple on the accessories. But hey, if you can pull off bold, colourful pieces, then why not?
Styling Inspiration:
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White Dress
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A simple white dress is not a summer statement piece, right? Wrong! I believe it is the LBD of the sunny days, a summer essential. It is appropriate for almost every summer occasion and gives you a crisp and fresh appearance. I know that we must all be a little too cautious while wearing an all-white outfit, but trust me, it’s worth it. A white summer dress is a no-brainer; we know it is the perfect colour for summer as it doesn’t absorb heat (shout out to middle school science!). Also since there is no actual colour, it gives you so much freedom to experiment with fabrics, styles, and accessories.
For instance, this All White Dress by Kaporal has textures, embroidery, and a silhouette that gives it a bohemian vibe. It is perfect for a casual day out to the beach, a picnic, or even brunch. You can accessorise with gold accents for a classic look, or experiment by adding pops of colours. You can also wear it over a white button-down shirt to add more structure and add on a nude or white pump. Or you could make it more casual and lean into the boho aspect and pair it up with a straw hat,  jute bag, sandals, or some statement jewellery. The options are endless with this one!
Styling Inspiration:
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Information Sources:
https://www.quora.com/How-many-women-prefer-wearing-skirts-or-dresses-instead-of-pants https://magicpin.in/blog/best-dresses-for-summer/ https://www.vogue.com/vogueworld/article/best-summer-dresses-shopping-under-300-dollars https://www.glam.com/fashion/shop-button-front-dress-trend https://sewingiscool.com/is-viscose-breathable-in-hot-weather/ https://runninginheelsblog.com/why-the-cut-out-tie-front-dress-is-so-popular/ https://www.thefashionspot.com/style-trends/796435-tie-front-tops-and-dresses/#/slide/10 https://www.besttrendsforlife.com/blog/off-the-shoulder-vs-cold-shoulder https://www.thetrendspotter.net/all-white-outfit-ideas/ https://fashionmagazine.com/spring-fashion-2013/floral-print-trend/
Picture Sources: All inspiration pictures are taken from Pinterest.
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 years
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Name: Ink Theory
Debut: Splatoon 2
You know, for all the months I’ve been writing for weirdsplatooncharacters.deviantart.gov, I’m surprised it took me this long to get to my absolute favorite Weird Splatoon Characters, Ink Theory! Now, as we all know, it is a scientifically proven fact that Splatoon music slaps. Anyone who’s played Splatoon knows that, and anyone who disagrees is a coward who has never heard of taste. How disappointing!
But can you boil down music that slaps to a science? In-universe, the band Ink Theory decided to put that to the test, blending “academic music theory with modern sensibilities” to create what, in theory, should be the jamminest music of all! So what does the jamminest music of all entail?
Being able to shred a trumpet, apparently! I did not know that was possible, but then I played Splatoon 2, and learned that everything is possible. That’s Great!
Some people, again, cowards who have never heard of taste, might say this music sounds bad, but personally this is my favorite music in the game! I love the diversity of the Splatoon soundtrack, and I love the absolute chaos that seems to unfold whenever one of these tracks is playing. Is it just me, or are matches where Broken Coral plays the most chaotic matches of them all? And by extension, the best matches?
I am glad that Splatoon has frantic jazz tracks, and even more glad that there’s a canon in-universe band that produces these frantic jazz tracks, and even MORE glad that said jazz band consists of six lesbians. Don’t believe me?
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Well then believe this Splatoon art posted on Valentine’s Day! That’s an entire day dedicated to romance! We have a whole triple date worth of lesbians here! It’s weird, there was an entire Nintendo Direct on that day, featuring Mario Maker 2 and a new Weird Mario Enemy, and yet somehow, this image is what stood out to me the most.
But enough talking about the band as a whole! Let’s talk about the six individual members, because they each have a whole lot more to talk about. All of this is under the cut!
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Name: Yoko
As the band’s trumpet player, and focus of their sound, Yoko serves as the band’s frontman, though, from what I can gather through “translating her bio in google translate,” her relationship with the other members of the band is a little bit distant. In fact, it’s not just that, it seems she just. Has depression! Her bio more or less mentions her feeling a bit dreary regardless of the weather, though nonetheless, she is always to give a solid performance on the trumpet, so that’s good I suppose!
You might notice that as an Inkling, Yoko has four differently colored tentacles, which is not really a common thing! Apparently, she has a mutation that causes her tentacles to appear different colors, which might sound cool, but it’s also likely to draw unwanted attention, and apparently, if my translations are right (they probably aren’t) leave her susceptible to atmospheric pressure.
Yeah, it’s a bit unfortunate that Yoko lives such a terrible life. They could write anything they wanted for this weird squid girl, and they decided to give her depression! But it’s not all bad! Let’s zoom in on that Valentine’s Day art!
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Apparently, her hat doesn’t have gibberish Splatoon characters, but actual Japanese kanji! Kanji that spell out “Karen.” And who’s Karen?
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Name: Karen
The band’s pianist, and from all logical evidence, Yoko’s girlfriend! While Yoko is the band’s frontman, Karen is the band’s founder, and she is (currently) the only Nautilus we’ve seen in the Splatoon universe! While squids, octopuses, and apparently cuttlefish are all pretty heavily anthropomorphized and humanoid in this world, nautiluses are more-or-less exactly the same, just larger and with longer tentacles. In fact, can we focus on that for a second? I love that Karen’s entire body is like, 85% tentacle. If she wasn’t wearing a dress, Karen would mostly just be a writhing mass of tentacles.
But Karen isn’t a nudist! She’s a pianist! One time she listened to the music of Hightide Era (another obscure Splatoon band) and said, “wow, this slaps,” and after that decided to start her own band! She graduated at the top of her class, and combined with her positive attitude, she’s been able to get a lot of moral support from her bandmates. Karen’s life is fortunately, nowhere near as difficult as Yoko’s, but she does occasionally worry about the band lacking proper motivation, which I suppose is a fair enough thing to worry about if you’re leading a band.
And this might just be me, but I feel that Karen is totally the mom friend of the group. Like, this was something I thought before I knew the names or personalities of any of them, but all official information is completely backing me up here. I mean, her name is Karen for crying out loud! If you have that name, you’re probably either a mom or a computer.
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Name: Bibi
Okay, let’s get this all set straight. Bibi is cooler than any of us will ever be. I mean, look at her. You could say anything you want about Bibi, and not only would she be able to blow it off, but she’d probably make you look like a fool for saying it in the first place, and to make it all the more humiliating? She does this all while playing the kazoo.
Shredding the trumpet? Playing a kazoo and looking cool? I mean, Ink Theory is full of all sorts of impossibilities, and I am here for that.
Bibi’s bio was unfortunately kind of hard to translate, but I was able to pick up that she’s the member of the band that gets the most mainstream attention, and is kind of sick of being swarmed by the paparazzi all the time. Also, she’s never struggled much financially. Oh yeah. She’s rich and fabulous. Again. While playing the kazoo. I’m usually not a fan of rich people, but I don’t know if the law legally allows me to say anything bad about Bibi. I fear the repercussions for that.
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Name: Aachin
Alright, so what species do you think Aachin is? Any guesses?
Three.... two... one...
Okay! Time’s up! She’s an urchin! A very specific type of urchin, actually,  Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus! No common names in English over here, I’m afraid! But if you didn’t figure it out already, Aachin’s name is really just “urchin.” Because she’s an urchin! Look at her hair, it’s based on a test of an urchin, rather than the spikes we are used to seeing, but don’t worry, if a spikier urchin is what you want, we still have that! I guess Aachin just likes to go around with a shaved head.
According to what I translated, Aachin grew up in a strict household, always appreciating contemporary music herself, but as time passed, she grew to appreciate modern music as well. Now! The last sentence of her bio actually threw me for a bit of a doozy a few months back, as after trying to figure it out like seven times with no better tools than Google Translate, I believed that Aachin had fallen in love with someone depraved! Did they seriously just put this funny urchin in a toxic relationship?
Nope! I’m just terrible at translating things. Apparently the gist of that sentence is just that she’s a bit shy and inexperienced when it comes to romance, and she admittedly falls for people who are “bad,” in some nebulous sense of the term. Are we talking like, 1950s cool biker bad? The person that corrected my mistranslation said “slobs,” so maybe she just falls in love with people who are really messy.
While it’s good that this lovely urchin is not in a toxic relationship, I still think she deserves better, on sheer account of being Aachin. She always deserves better. Even if she has it good! She deserves better. Because I love her.
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Name: Mayaya
Up next we have Mayaya! Mayaya is a sea anemone (not a sea cucumber as I previously believed) whose facial anatomy slightly baffles and scares me, but that’s okay, because I still love her.
Another top-of-her-class graduate, Mayaya’s own professors said she’d be best teaching music herself, but Mayaya decided she’d rather have fun making her own music, and decided to join the band! She plays “percussion,” which seems to suggest any percussion instrument other than drums and cymbals, and she doesn’t just play for Ink Theory! While Ink Theory is her main squad, she apparently freelances percussion for other bands in her free time. Which bands? We don’t know! It’s never specified! But any time you hear any percussion ever, just know it might be Mayaya herself playing.
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Name: Kitamura
And last, but not least, we have Kitamura, the band’s drummer, who might just be the most adorable character design I have ever seen in any piece of media ever! And that’s saying a lot, considering all we’ve covered on this blog. Urchins are hardly ever unlovable, and the little ribbons simply make her all-the more adorable, but what really draws me in here are those eyes. Now, urchins don’t technically have eyes (though their spikes can function as a makeshift compound eye) but as far as eyes go, Kitamura might have some of the most precious looking eyes they could give an urchin. They almost look scrawled on! Heck, part of me wonders if Kitamura just draws on her own eyes to look cute. It’s either that, or her eyes just naturally look like that, and I am personally fine with either possibility.
Oh! Right! Her lore! There’s actually not too much about Kitamura that we know, but we do know that she is fittingly, the band’s mascot, lives on her own, and pays close attention to her curfew. She apparently has a high singing voice also, but we never hear it because none of the Ink Theory songs have vocals. Maybe someday! Maybe someday...
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In the Valentine’s Day artwork, we see Kitamura getting to eat a whole lot of ice cream. Do you think Kitamura deserves that much ice cream? Because I do.
This is far from all I have to say about these characters, but there’s not much more I really can say without diving deep into headcanon territory, so I suppose that’s all for now! I hope you appreciate this deep dive into Splatoon lore, and have a wonderful day!
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mst3kproject · 5 years
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403: City Limits
I only have one story about this movie and that’s how a while back I had a dream in which Kim Cattrall and Jennifer Connolly were trying to escape from an evil toy factory owned by Nicholas Cage, and in the dream I was thinking wow, City Limits is different than I remember.  Moving on.
In the non-dream version of the movie, a plague has killed off all the adults except James Earl Jones – I must admit, if you have to keep one he’s a pretty good choice.  He adopts some bland kid named Lee, who grows up, puts on a Cubone costume, and heads off into the ruins of Los Angeles to find other badly-dressed, motorcycle-riding survivors like him.  If he had any sense, he’d have stayed in the middle of nowhere with Horse Girl, since the first bunch he meets try to arrest him and the second just aren’t impressed by his resume.  Lee ends up killing some guy named Dirty Bob, so the various motorcycle gangs that now rule the world decide to subject him to trial by combat, based on something they read in a comic book.  Somehow this results in smashing a couple of dinosaur skeletons and uniting the gangs to take on the federally authorized Sunia Corporation, who shoot anybody who doesn’t want to work for them.  What the hell happened to Horse Girl?
Yeah, I have a lot of trouble following what is going on in this movie.  Most of it takes place in poorly-lit darkness, the characters all look alike and dress like piles of laundry, and nothing anybody does is properly motivated. There’s something almost Ed-Wood-ian about the way scenes in City Limits refuse to add up to a narrative. Reaction shots get dropped in with no explanation of why characters are reacting the way they are, and there’s some bits, like the Beer Santa or what Yogi sees out the window, that I honestly can’t tell whether they’re flashbacks or not.  It’s a good thing the narrating voice of James Earl Jones shows up from time to time to tell us what people are doing, or else I would have no idea.
What does the Sunia company want?  They say they want to provide electricity and food for the world, and if this is just a front for something evil we never hear about it.  Shooting people who won’t work for them is pretty evil, but if there’s a larger Evil Plan at work I couldn’t tell.  What do the Clippers and the DA’s want?  They might have had some kind of system of their own at work before Sunia showed up but all we hear about is the truce between the two.  What was Lee’s plan at the end?  Why bother having people zoom in on armored motorbikes if Albert was right there with the air support?  Why the hell is Carver the main villain when he never even gets out of his fucking chair?
Note To Self: if I ever want to conquer the world, I should avoid saying I am inevitable.  It doesn’t go well for anybody.
Maybe Sunia isn’t the problem, but the government that sponsor them?  Possibly, but we know even less about what passes for ‘the federal government’ in this dystopia than we do about Sunia.  We never meet anybody who represents them.  What kind of government can you have after almost everybody over the age of twelve died of the plague?  This is one of those things that, if the movie hadn’t brought it up, I would never have thought about it – but once they’ve mentioned it, it bugs me.
The impression I’m left with is City Limits is basically a sequence of ideas somebody thought were cool, with minimal effort made to string them together into an actual story.  Skull Helmet?  Cool. Motorcycle race through dinosaur bones? Very cool!  Biker Viking Funeral? Extremely cool!  James Earl Jones blowing shit up with RC kamikaze airplanes?  What could be cooler than that?  And yeah, all this stuff is fun to watch, but unfortunately that’s just not the same as actually caring about it.
Without coherence or character development to get us interested, the audience is left in exactly the spot Space Mutiny managed to avoid: we just don’t see the point.  The only real entertainment value in the film is a few moments of amusing absurdity sprinkled in here and there.  The fake-ass dinosaur skeleton is hilarious – as is the establishing shot of the museum, which looks extremely well-groomed for having been ruled by motorcycle gangs for fifteen years.  The stinger moment of Bolo hollering in panic as the dinky RC plane closes in to blow him up also got a laugh out of me.  Even these would be much improved, though, if we had a better idea what was actually going on.
Because of all this stuff stacked against me giving a shit, I had to watch the movie twice to get anything out of it.  On the second viewing, when I stopped expecting to understand what was happening in the plot, I managed to find a couple of interesting ideas peeking out.  One was how, here and there, City Limits tries to create a culture for these people who were abandoned as children.  Like the film itself, this is based on what a twelve-year-old might think looks cool: the clothes and lairs made out of scavenged bits of 80’s culture.  The party-animal, bike-riding lifestyle.  The use of comic books as a guide to what life was like before the apocalypse.  The weird funeral they hold for Whitey.  There’s a Trashpunk Neverland sort of vibe to the whole thing, as if we really are in a world designed by children who never grew up.  I wonder if that’s brilliant, or just a poor reflection on the maturity of the film-makers.
The other is an apparently earnest attempt to say something about colonialism.  Dr. Wickings (who the hell is giving out doctorates after the end of the world?) argues that the bikers are human beings who are just defending their homeland, and should be treated with compassion.  Her bosses at Sunia reply that the bikers are barbarians who need to be gotten out of the way.  This is the logic of everybody, everywhere, who has ever conquered anybody else. The Romans said it about the Gauls, the Spaniards said it about the Aztecs, the bad guys in Avatar said it about the Na’vi.  In each case, the conquerors who call the conquered ‘barbarians’ use it as an excuse to treat them barbarously.
This is stated explicitly enough in City Limits that it’s clearly intentional, and the analogy continues: Sunia has technology the locals don’t, and that could be of real benefit to everybody – but Sunia aren’t interested in peaceful trade or selfless charity, and the only benefit they want is for themselves (presumably, since like I said, their overall plan is never gone into).  The natives had plenty of problems and enmities of their own before this outside force showed up, but they had a system and it worked before Sunia pitted them against each other for gain (again, presumably).
As a theme, this falls apart in two places, both of which I’ve already mentioned.  First, we don’t care – we don’t know who these characters are and we can’t tell them apart, so we’re not invested in whether they get conquered or not.  I think the laundry-heap costumes are also a major contributor to this.  They tend to make all the characters look alike, jumbles of colour without distinguishable silhouettes.  Costuming can say quite a lot about a character, but if there’s too much going on the details get lost.
Second, we don’t really have a compelling reason to consider Sunia the bad guys.  I swear I know better now than to expect that MST3K cut anything that really mattered, but it was still kind of a surprise to find that there was no missing scene that detailed Sunia’s Evil Master Plan.  A supervillain with no Evil Plan is a pretty lousy supervillain, even if his non-evil plan is to be achieved by evil means, and especially when we don’t care about the victims.  We just don’t know enough about what was going on here before Sunia showed up to be able to say if it was better or worse in any way.  As it stands, Sunia’s offer of food, medicine, electricity, and an end to the gang warfare seems like a pretty good idea to me.
A couple more random notes that didn’t fit anywhere else in the review: since I work in that field myself, I have to say that I’m happy glasses survived the end of civilization.  It must be much easier to rediscover all the other technologies when everybody can see.  Maybe that’s why there’s so much gasoline and electricity in this post-apocalyptic world – people like James Earl Jones and Kim Cattrall with their glasses could see well enough to keep them coming!
Then there’s the fact that everywhere Lee goes, girls kinda smile awkwardly at him and then immediately take his side.  Horse Girl does it, Kim Cattrall does it, Rae Dawn Chong does it… why?  There seem to be lots of boys around, so it’s not like the apocalypse left the world with a shortage of dick.  This is why so-called ‘incels’ go on shooting sprees – because movies like this have told them that dull white boys should have girls all over them just because they showed up.
Seriously, what the hell happened to Horse Girl?  Why was she even in the movie?  She comes and goes before the opening credits are over and has no effect on the plot.  Did she reappear somewhere and I just never noticed?  That’s one of the big rules of storytelling, folks – if you place a horse on the mantlepiece in Act I, you have to use it!
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