#'he STILL wasn't entirely done trying to kill Varric'
felassan · 3 months
More on the Varric deaths stuff, two, as well as on DAII Exalted March and DA:I -
"This expansion was going to be called Exalted March, and here, Varric was going to finally step out from the interrogation room so we could play in the present day, so to speak. It was also here that Varric - in a climactic confrontation new villain Corypheus, introduced in Legacy - was going to die. "So what I wanted to do with the expansion was: there's a lot of stuff we cut and I really wanted to put a bowtie on the Dragon Age 2 story," former lead writer David Gaider told me earlier this year while chatting about the creation of the Dragon Age world for a piece about maps. "It had the confrontation with Corypheus and the whole thing. We'd introduced him in a DLC, which I didn't want to do, but we did it, so I wanted to sort of tie that off. And I wanted to kill Varric because he was the viewpoint character and I'm like, 'This is his story, it needs to end with his death.' "He was the unreliable narrator, right?" he added. "I felt like it had to end with him. So we had this great moment where Corypheus is using the Red Lyrium and it's growing out of control, but [Varric is] a dwarf so he's a little bit immune, so he's able to do the Wrath of Khan Spock thing and get in close and destroy it. And he gets Corypheus enough so the party can take him out, but then he's dying from Red Lyrium poisoning so there's this nice moment with him and Hawke as Hawke says goodbye. And with his death, the story ends. And I felt that's appropriate for Dragon Age 2's arc." Exalted March, however, was never released. BioWare cancelled Exalted March to refocus the studio on new game Dragon Age: Inquisition and the move to new engine Frostbite. The expansion was "cannibalised", as Gaider put it, talking to me, and expanded to become Inquisition. Which is how Corypheus suddenly became the main villain in Inquisition, and how Varric managed to stay alive. It didn't stop Gaider trying to kill him again, though. "I tried to kill him in Inquisition," he told me. "I think mainly because I didn't get to do it in [DA2]. And everyone was like, 'But the Inquisitor isn't Hawke! It lacks the same meaning.' And I was like, 'Yeah, I guess you're right.'" Still, it was a difficult thing to let go of. "I was a little bit upset," he said, "and I remember I went and said - because they wanted to start work on Dragon Age 3 immediately - 'Well, you can make me do that, yes, and I will just be the guy in the meetings doing this [he makes a standoffish posture]. Or you can let me go home for a month or so, get this out of my system and grieve, and I will come back. And I swear, when I come back, I will be ready to go.'" He was true to his word, but he still wasn't entirely done trying to kill Varric. In March last year, Gaider revealed there were once plans for Corypheus to attack the Inquisition's mountain castle base, Skyhold. "The threat of Corypheus after Haven was never truly realised," Gaider tweeted. "An attack on Skyhold would have upped the ante. Maybe I could have killed someone finally... but instead, Corypheus remained a remote villain you chased but were rarely chased by. "By the way," he then added, "if you're wondering who I would have killed in Skyhold, given the chance, the answer is obviously Varric. That dwarf was meant to die in the (cancelled) DA2 expansion and escaped his fate despite having been in my crosshairs ever since." Varric survived again. "After Dragon Age Inquisition came out I'd already left the Dragon Age team," he told me."
what I'm reading, if I understood it right, is that Varric has survived death at least 3 times thus far.. (;・∀・)
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pegaeae · 6 years
Look, I romanced Fenris as a mage, and tbh Anders was nicer to me than Fenris ever was, Fenris, I can't really blame him, he has trauma and has trouble opening up to people but I felt like I was giving him my all and he just distant. I won't spoil what happens but by the end I wasn't even certain we were dating until the end when Varric said we were together, meanwhile Anders was physically affectionate and kind and humble, so much so I almost regret romancing Fenris
OK i thought about this a lot and while i have romanced fenris i’m not super confident talking about his character/romance so i enlisted lisa “queen of fenhawke” jawsandbones for help and she has this to say:
Fenris and Anders are both love starved characters. Their previous relationships, before Hawke, have either been dysfunctional or have been ripped away from them. You recruit Anders by helping him kill his former lover who has been made tranquil. You find out exactly how much abuse Fenris has endured at the hands of Danarius and other mages, later in the game. They both react and deal with what has been done to them in different ways. Whereas other relationships are entered smoothly, and without much conflict, Fenris's romance features something different: he walks away. He is very much touched by his past, and trying to recover from that. He realizes that a relationship between himself and Hawke would only be harmful for them both. Anders takes to Hawke quickly, that one bastion of support, and cements himself by their side. Here is someone who has helped him confront his past and is willing to stand with them.
Most of Fenris's relationship is done through talking. If you're willing to listen to what he has to say, then he'll open up more and more to you. He'll laugh with you, and tell you how much it means to have someone like Hawke in his life. He may not be making overt physical moves, but that's because he doesn't want to bring Hawke down with what he's still chained by. After killing Danarius, immediately after, he shows Hawke that he's happy they're at his side, and tenderly touches their face. He asks Hawke to confirm their renewed relationship. Their reunion is a passionate kiss, and a passionate embrace. Here is someone who has been a slave, whose entire self has been at the whim of someone else - and he tells Hawke: "I am yours." He willingly gives himself to them. He tells Hawke that he "can't bear the thought of living without you," and that, "nothing is going to keep me from you," followed by one of the most intense embraces and a deep kiss. He consistently reminds Hawke how much they mean to him, and how much he's willing to do for them.Of course, if you don't listen to his conversations then yeah, of course it might seem as though he's distant. He isn't peppering each conversation with "I love you", but it's there if you want it. He makes it very clear you're in a relationship, and that he is giving everything he has to that relationship. “Nothing could be worse than the thought of living without you. If there is a future to be had, I will walk into it gladly at your side.”
i think this is very succinct and also it’s just... so important to remember that they are different people. anders becomes distant in act 3 the same way fenris does in act 2. but everyone has their own characters that they love and if u choose to romance anders next time i hope you have a great time doing it. 
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