#'do y'all think that in the future people are gonna look back at the stellar combustor thing like people look back at leaded gasoline?'
telomirage · 3 months
"let austin break something!!" - friends at the table: palisade without context
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theintentioncraft · 3 years
Have you played Twelve Minutes yet? Would you recommend it?
okay full disclaimer i have not finished this game yet because i was up playing it until 2:30am last night and i am feeling the consequences of that at work today, oops...
also my comments on this post will be spoiler-free for the benefit of anyone who hasn't played it yet, so if anyone reading this knows any spoilers i'd massively appreciate it if you also refrained from sharing them here!
short answer: yes i've played it and yes i'd absolutely recommend it.
long answer: i'm not saying these guys knew just how well they were catering to the bisexuals by casting james mcavoy and daisy ridley but they knew exactly how well they were catering to the bisexuals by casting james mcavoy and daisy ridley...
the voice acting is superb! i know a lot of people first paid attention to this game because of its voice cast so i'm gonna say right now that the cast's work in this is just as stellar as it is in all of their other roles. every character feels surprisingly well defined and is developing (again, haven't finished the story, just going off what i've played so far) in ways that i honestly wasn't expecting. also willem dafoe can sure play a villain y'all! his character can genuinely evoke an "oh shit" feeling when he arrives each loop and you realise your time's running out.
gameplay wise its super simple - point-and-click to move/talk/interact, drag items with other items to combine them or use them on things as appropriate, all that simple jazz. the game holds your hand as far as telling you the controls and then that is it - once you're in the apartment you are well and truly on your own. there's no hints or obvious answers and you gotta figure everything out yourself.
i'm currently sixteen loops into this game and it feels like there's still a lot left for me to figure out. there's something you find out about early on that you can look for and i still haven't found that yet, but i have found info in other aspects of the mystery that is giving me ideas for things to try in future loops. there is a surprising amount of choice in each loop and i'm currently sitting on an increasingly long list of things to try when i pick the game back up tonight because i have a lot of thoughts about possible routes to take!
i have lost multiple loops to trying things that didn't work for one reason or another, and you do need to go into this game with the expectation that you will lose multiple loops to that reason too, but i'm not finding the reptition frustrating at all. if anything it's actually been nice to have the challenge of not being able to figure everything out quickly. i don't have a clue where it will go or end, but i'm very excited to find out.
in summary it's definitely worth it! but i would say that if you are thinking of playing it, try to go in blind and avoid spoilers if you can - i normally don't care for spoilers, but this feels like an experience that truly is better if you don't know what's coming or what to expect!
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tuesdayscanons · 5 years
seacoastcity-rp said:
{ tagged by @gamblealife }
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((Being tagged in this made my night better, so I hope I can do the same for y'all.
{ I'd feel awkward if I tagged you twice, but it'd also feel weird if I didn't mention you at all...so I'm gonna write some stuff in these fancy brackets.
Firstly, I wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to write Fessie and Maddie if you hadn't made a point about wanting to interact with a Professor Squawkencluck. I'd seen pictures of her and she looked pretty cute, but I didn't really think about her again until then. The show seemed neato from what I saw on my dash and I figured that I'd give it a shot...and the rest is history.
I'm starting to ramble, but I love the ships we've made together and it's always a pleasant surprise when I'm greeted with a flood of asks from you even if I've been really slow at answering them. There's so much potential to explore and I'm looking forward to writing more threads with you!}
I'm tagging your hub because it wouldn't be fair to leave out any of your stellar rp blogs.
I've told you time and time again how much I love writing with you, how wonderful your art & ocs are, how wonderful YOU are...but I couldn't help but remind you again.
I have the message you wrote me on that one post on my phone screen so I can go back and read it whenever I'm feeling bad about myself. I go back and reread your messages often (no matter how many times I've read them)...to think that you'd do the same in return feels kinda surreal in a way. I'm glad that I bring you as much joy as you bring me because you completely deserve it! >v< ♡
You're such a nice person and I enjoy seeing you on my dash. The threads with Violet and Goosewing are so precious. They have such a nice dynamic (though poor Violet is gonna need a lot of patience). I'm so glad you reached out to me and excited about writing with you more in the future.
You rp Gumball so well...I absolutely adore his interactions with Anais. I'm also excited about the new multi-muse you made and I'm looking forward to interacting with you there too. :3
You have one of the best portrayals of Donald I've ever seen. He's stern, yet caring...I enjoyed the threads we wrote together and hope to get the opportunity to write with you again on your Duckula blog.
Tbh, I associate you with Igor (and just the 80's Count Duckula in general). You and DJ were probably the first people who introduced me to the show and I'm glad that you are still passionate for the show. I really want to interact with your Igor more, as well as your multimuse.
Seeing you on my dash feels comforting. You've been there for me for a long while now and that means a lot to me. Your portrayal of Dexter is excellent—I hear his voice in my head whenever I read one of your posts. I love your blog aesthetic too! I'd really like to interact with you more sometime.
@gearloosened / @boydbeaks-exe
I'm not sure if you'll see this since you haven't been active lately, but I've spent hours on end exploring all sorts of AUs with you and it still makes me happy to see your personal posts even though we haven't been talking as much lately. You're really creative and your Gearloose Angst is top notch! Your art is beautiful too! I think you're a rad person and look forward to seeing whatever you create next.
When I was trying to think of blogs to include in this post, you came to mind. I know it's been a while since we've interacted, but I still think you're cool and I'd like to have an opportunity to write with you again. :>
You write and draw so well. I love seeing the ocs you create! I still remember Florence...
We don't really talk as much anymore, but I still smile when I see you post or when you reblog something of mine to your resource blog.
and last, but certainly not least...
Gosh, I remember back a few years ago when I was anxious about reaching out to you because I thought you looked so cool and I wasn't sure that you'd want to interact with me.
You might as well be a Care Bear because you're as sweet as one! I can't help but smile every time you message me—your joy and excitement are infectious! I'm so lucky to have a friend as supportive as you.
It makes me happy to see that you've been sharing your art more too. Your style is so unique and full of personality. I always love it when you share your art with me.
I could go on for ages, but I just want to give you a HUGE thank you. You make me feel valued and I hope I do the same for you. ovo ♡
And to the rest of y'all, I appreciate all of my superb followers/mutuals! I wouldn't be keeping up with this blog if it wasn't for your support. ♡ ))
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