#'congratulations / I'm just / so happy for you / I can't contain the way I feel - big deal! big deal'
ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: May 19
"Big Deal” by LeAnn Rimes
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hisui-dreamer · 7 months
hiii, congratulations on hitting 2k followers!! im super happy that you hit a really big milestone 💕💕 your writing is just so heartfelt and tender i love seeing ur posts float across my dash aa!!
for your bloom event, can i request jamil + sampaguita (apparently the origin of the flower's name loosely translates into "i promise you" and sometimes, garlands of sampaguita flowers are given to bestow honor on the recipient)
please tag me @/diodellet too, thank you! i hope you have a wonderful dayy💕💕
feverish promises
Pairing: Jamil Viper x gn!reader
Synopsis: jamil may be busy, but he'll always have time to care for you
Tags: sickfic, fever caretaking, reader is sick, jamil has responsibilities, food, fluff
Word count: 1.3k+
Notes: thank you for requesting @diodellet!! im so so honoured you like my writing 🥹💕💕 i hope you'll enjoy the fic!!
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flower of choice: sampaguita
sampaguita gets its name from the Filipino words “sumpa” and “kita” which means “I promise you”
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Jamil couldn't help but feel a sense of worry gnawing at the edges of his mind as he made his way towards Ramshackle. He had heard from Grim how his “henchman got super sick and is stuck in bed” and how your forehead was “so scorching hot it burned his paws”. Even though he already had his hands full with taking care of Kalim, Jamil just couldn't shake the desire to check on you.
So, there he was, a small bouquet of flowers in one hand and a carefully prepared meal in the other, standing outside your room.
Knocking gently on the door, Jamil waited for your response, his heart pounding in anticipation. "It's me, Jamil," he called out softly, straining to hear your muffled reply from behind the door.
The door creaked open, revealing the slightly messy room, Jamil couldn't help but notice the scattered belongings and the disarray that hinted at your weakened state. He supposed that you wouldn't have the energy to keep everything clean in your condition.
Your pale face flushed with fever as you looked up at him with bleary eyes, a faint smile tugging at your lips. "Jamil, is that really you? I’m not dreaming or anything, right?" you murmured, your voice hoarse and weak. "I'm so glad you're here."
He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him as he approached your bedside. "Yes, it's me. I brought you something," Jamil said gently.
With a tender smile, he arranged the bouquet of flowers and the neatly prepared meal on the bedside table, ensuring they were within your reach. "I thought you might like these," he said softly, his eyes warm with affection as he observed your reaction.
"These are so pretty!" you exclaimed, sitting up slightly to appreciate the delicate blooms. "And they smell lovely too."
"They're sampaguita," he explained, his tone gentle. "I heard its scent can be relaxing."
"That's so sweet of you, Jamil! Thank you," you replied as you reached out to touch the delicate petals.
“So, how are you feeling?" Jamil asked, his concern evident in his voice.
You let out a tired sigh at the reminder of your condition. "Terrible," you admitted, your words slurring slightly. "My body aches, my head is pounding, and I can't seem to gather my thoughts... But having you here makes me feel a bit better."
He frowned, feeling a pang of guilt at your words. "I'm sorry you're feeling this way," Jamil said softly.
The food container at the bedside table caught your gaze. "What's this?"
Jamil found himself flustered by your question, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks as he awkwardly explained, "I made some chicken soup for you… It's what I always have when I'm feeling sick."
Unable to wait a moment longer, you lifted the lid of the container, the aroma of the steaming chicken soup wafted through the air. It carried hints of savory chicken broth, rich and aromatic, mingling with the subtle notes of fresh herbs and spices. Jamil watched anxiously as you took a hesitant sip, his heart pounding in anticipation of your reaction.
To his relief, a bright smile spread across your lips as you savored the soup. The broth was warm and comforting, infused with the earthy flavors of carrots, celery, and onions. Each mouthful was a burst of savory goodness, the chicken tender and succulent, its juices mingling with the fragrant broth to create a symphony of flavors on your palate. "This is delicious, Jamil!" you exclaimed, your eyes shining with appreciation. "It’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever had!"
He chuckled at your enthusiasm, a warmth blooming in his chest at your praise. "I'm glad you liked it."
You sighed contentedly, murmuring, “It’d be so nice if I could have your cooking for the rest of my life…”
Jamil couldn't help but be taken aback by your sudden proclamation. This was... unusual. You were always so calm and considerate towards him, never pushing his boundaries or reluctant to bother him. Is the fever messing with your brain-to-mouth filter? He couldn't deny he had always hoped you would be more vocal and honest with your feelings.
Unable to resist the urge to probe further, Jamil ventured cautiously, "You really mean that?"
You nodded earnestly, your eyes locking with his in a rare moment of unguarded honesty. "Absolutely! Your cooking is incredible, Jamil. I can't imagine ever getting tired of it."
A small smile tugged at the corners of Jamil's lips as he absorbed your words. The idea of spending the rest of his life with you... It wasn’t bad at all.
"Thank you," he said softly, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "I'll make sure to cook for you whenever you need it."
As you slowly finished the last spoonfuls of the delicious soup, the conversation between you and Jamil flowed effortlessly. He shared snippets of his day, recounting the various tasks and events he had attended to. But as the evening wore on and the weariness of the day began to take its toll, you felt a heavy weight settling over your eyelids. Despite your efforts to stay awake, a yawn escaped your lips, betraying your exhaustion.
Jamil watched you with a gentle expression, his heart feeling strangely full at the sight of you finding comfort in his presence. He reached out a hand to gently brush a stray lock of hair from your forehead, a tender gesture that sent a shiver of comfort down your spine.
Sensing that it was time to leave you to rest, Jamil started to rise from his chair. But before he could take a step, you reached out and caught his hand in yours, your grip surprisingly strong despite your weakened state.
"Don't go yet," you murmured, your voice soft and pleading. "Stay with me a little longer."
Turning back to you, he was met with the sight of your earnest gaze, filled with a vulnerability that tugged at his soul. Your eyes, shimmering with unshed tears, held a silent plea, begging for his presence to chase away the shadows that clouded your weary mind.
"I’ll be back as soon as you’re awake," he reassured you, trying to pry his sleeve free from your grasp. "You can text me anytime, right?"
But you wouldn't let go, your grip tightening as you pulled him closer. "Don't leave me," you whispered, your voice filled with a mixture of fear and longing. "I'll miss you."
Jamil's heart clenched at your words, torn between the pressing weight of his unfinished tasks and the overwhelming desire to fulfill your heartfelt request. In that moment, you looked so utterly lovable, with your tousled hair framing your face and your lips forming a hopeful curve. He knew he couldn't stay by your side forever, but in this moment, all he wanted was to ease your suffering and soothe your fears.
You pulled his hand towards your cheek, nuzzling into it's warmth as if seeking solace. Your touch sent a shiver down his spine, stirring emotions he had long suppressed.  "You need to promise me," you said softly, your breath dancing across his skin. "Promise you'll never leave me."
Jamil hesitated, feeling the weight of your words pressing down on him. How could Jamil make such a promise when he was bound by his duty? And yet, as he looked into your eyes, filled with unspoken longing and hope, he knew he couldn't deny you anything.
"Alright. I promise," Jamil said finally, his voice barely a whisper.
A sense of resignation washed over him as he uttered those words, giving in to the depths of his feelings for you. And as you smiled up at him, a sense of peace settled over him, knowing deep down that he would do anything to keep you safe and by his side, for now and for all eternity.
"Forever and ever?"
He smiled. “Forever and ever.”
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
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Grey gave me a rock-star review. Yeah, well, he should. You're amazing. I'm excited. I'm excited. Let's go to dinner tonight and celebrate. T-- Tonight, I can't. I'm sorry. I really, really want to, but I can't. I promised my friend that I would help him with something. Tomorrow night. Okay. Do you need any help? No, no. It's something I got to do on my own. But tomorrow night, it is a date. We are gonna celebrate you. Congratulations. They're really lucky to have you. Thank you.
The joy these two exude every time they see each other, even if it's just in passing, is so pure… And the way neither of them can contain their excitement in this scene makes it that much more beautiful. Especially with how it parallels another moment, where Grey offered Tim a promotion. His reaction was so muted then, despite his obvious pride at his score, which served to highlight Lucy's enthusiasm. But now, he's just as ecstatic, like he's about to burst. This is so different, almost unTim like… And yet, it feels natural. Lucy is the only here, so he can fully be himself. There's no longer a need for pretense or walls. More than that : he knows that she will be just as happy and proud, so he doesn't have to hide his feelings.
I love how he doesn't immediately give her the news though, making her walk through the process instead… Which is so ironic, since she knows all about it. But in that moment, this was all about him for her. About his achievement. There's this second where her face falls a bit, after he corrects himself and explains that technically, there was an opening in Metro. It's something that tends to be overlooked but this is a good reminder that, while she may have orchestrated this five-player trade, she had no idea if it was going to work out, that he would be considered or offered the spot. That was completely out of her hands. She created an opening but he still had to get the job on merits. She was making a gamble with her career with no guarantee that it would pay off. That's how much she loves him. Of course Tim is unaware of her turmoil, all too happy to tell her the good news. And look at her being so enthusiastic, hitting him in the process - seriously, these two are making 'playful physical violence' a love language. It is so funny to see her suddenly remember where they are and check around her before dialling it down a notch, like she did in Follow-up Day, after catching Grey's and Tim's looks. And now, he is the one bouncing on the balls of his feet, almost bouncing. How the tables have turned!
And her words of affirmation, with the most loving look… the way the lighting is hitting her eyes, making them shinier… You can feel all the love. No words are needed here. And Tim being so over the moon… I don't think we have ever seen him that ecstatic before. The way he whispers the first 'I'm excited', just for them… They are in their own bubble, even though they are standing in the middle of the bull pen, with their colleagues in the vicinity. For two persons who used to avoid PDAs with their previous partners, it's quite telling.
The fact that he wants to take her out and celebrate this with her… this is a complete contrast from his prior reactions, including when he became a Sergeant. Lucy might be bummed that she can't celebrate with him that night, but Tim is not missing a beat. It doesn't matter when it happens. His big grin when she insists that they're going to celebrate him… The lower, and quite suggestive, tone of her voice… And again, those heart eyes and her words of affirmation… I love seeing this side of Lucy. Her choice of words are so significant as well : both in Follow-up Day and here, she makes sure to emphasise how 'lucky' the department is to have him. It really feels like a full-circle moment : back then, Tim gave up his promotion to finish her training and here, she played a part in securing him a new one. They're standing so close to each other, almost as if Tim is grabbing her belt to bring her closer to him… It even looks like they were about to kiss before Lucy catches herself and moves away, laughing. With a final lovetap on his shoulder. His big grin… The twinkles in his eyes… And his little nod at the end, as if he can't believe that this is truly his life… And you know what? I can't believe this is canon either.
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fantasy-relax · 8 months
Drabble because of this wonderful work of art made by @crispyfriedchikem that loves causing pain to Bela :
Two lines.
How? They have been careful!.
....Did she wanted it?.
The image of you playing with a child mixed with your and her features made her heart beat with a happiness that couldn't be contained even if she were still under the spell of Miranda.
It's only been a few months since both of you leave! How this could happened!
A baby, she was pregnant with your baby and now she has to tell you.
She was scared, excited, happy, anxious it feels like she was feeling everything at once, God the worst part of getting back her emotions is having to deal with them.
"Bela?" Of course you had to enter now.
"I-I-I" were her eloquence had gone? She hides her face behind her hands trying to collect her thoughs and words.
She hears you walking just to stop in front of her.
"Love, look at me" the sternly way you said made her comply, you grab her chin with a gentle but firm hold.
You clean her tears with you hand, when she started crying?
"Its true?" you pointed at the test in the table.
"Yes" she tries to avoid your eyes but you don't let her.
"Did you want to have it?" Did she?
She never thought of what her future will be she was too busy trying to free her family from Miranda claws.
Now she can't stop thinking about you, a home big enough to have a office for her and an art room for you. Thinking a little more she can picture one room more, with walls of soft colors, toys everywhere and a baby sleeping soundly in their cradle.
A child of hers.
A child of you.
She wanted it.
"I do" There was no doubt in her voice.
You hug her tightly.
"Me too" the tears fall in her shoulder, she just hug you back.
She was entering in her four month of pregnancy when she decided to tell her sisters.
Daniela scream of happiness almost let her deaf but she could be mad at her enthusiasm, the redhead was already making promises of free babysitting. She was sure that her child will end with a miniature of Dani skateboard.
Cassandra found extremely funny that the infamous ice queen got pregnant in her first relationship. After being mocked for what feel like hours, Cassandra finally gave her congratulations and well wishes, stating that if they need help with anything just to call her.
"I wouldn't tattle you to mother tell her if you want to is your decision, I have rehearsals to go, take care I love you"
She never called Alcina.
Eliza was crying in her cradle, she wake up first it was her turn anyway. Picking her baby girl she bounce her slightly.
"Shush, Copilul meu, mama is here."
She stopped crying at the sound of her voice but her little hands started moving searching for her mother. Bela sit on the bed and indulged her child wish.
Eliza had her hair and eyes but your everything else. She looked at you sleeping after a hard day of taking care of your child, surprisingly it came very easy to you, the feeding, the bathing everything come to you like a second nature. She smiled and put the blanket back in your shoulders.
Looking at her daughter, something was nagging at the back of her head. Dread, but for what?
She was free, she had you, she had her baby, Miranda had nothing to gain from her or you.
So why she was so scared?
"AgM" a tiny hand was touching her wet cheek. It seems like you, your child not liked when she cried.
"Mama is okay Eliza, sorry for worrying you" she kisses the child head.
"I'm not going anywhere"
"Miss Bela?"
"Um.. What?"
"Go to your room to rest if you need it, I going to tell Miranda that the paperwork is going to be ready tomorrow morning."
"I-Thank you MC"
"You are welcome, I know how my wife work you to the ground"
"... Yes she does, excuse me"
Everything is numb, her heart is no more and she knows it but when she is in her room the sobs that escape out her mouth threat of wrecking her body.
The worst is that she doesn't know why.
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yanderecandystore · 2 years
Oh my god!! Welcome back!!!
This is my first time requesting, I've been reading your works for a long time now...
Can I please request, the yandere bullies on how they'd react to their darling getting another girl pregnant, like a secret girlfriend, and then darling marries her out of responsibility and love but not only that, the girl happens to be wealthier than the Coldwells.
TW/Tags: mentions of pregnancy // rich people (that's an tw of it's own lol) // kidnapping // implied torture // angst // this is pretty short and messed up // mentions of sadism and mentions of unhealthy worship // implied unrequited touch
Wedding vowels [Yandere!Bully OCs x Amab!Reader x ??? - Headcanon]:
Way to subtly flex your hot wealthy gf on them 💀 If you tell me that she isn't a possessive, obsessive AND abusive partner then damn, they're screwed.
I mean how can you do better than that?? She is perfect and they're a complete mess, I'm pretty sure you can imagine how they would feel.
I'm going to assume this darling is amab, though I'll keep referring to them as they/them because I can.
This is pretty short but I'll say it again, it's kinda depressing.
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
A private call between two best friends has been recorded without the knowledge nor permission of either parties.
"- I can't even begin to explain how happy I am! The preparations for our wedding have just begun and there's just so much stuff to do!"
"- Oh my God congratulations! I'm so happy for you, I know you two have been together for a long time so it's not really a surprise that you would get engaged-"
"- Yeah- Hahaha! Oh I forgot to tell you how it happened! You should have seen their proposal, the ring- Sigh, just so beautiful- Though, again, it's not like we weren't planning it for a while already-"
"- I know but… Aren't you two may be rushing things? Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude, it's just that this was all so sudden and you didn't even graduate yet."
"- See, I have other news to tell you, I didn't want to tell others because you know how things spread around the academy."
"- Absolutely, I mean people are thinking you're dead or stuck in [Y/n]'s basement- Some have even made up that you're pregnant!-"
"- … Well~ I guess it's no new news then!"
"- Oh my God- OH MY GOD, NO WAY-"
"- I'm sorry!! Again I didn't want it to spread like wildfire, ya know??"
"- But you know how I need to get emotionally ready before any major event, how am I going to spoil your kid if I don't get a heads-up first??"
"- It's been just three months."
"- And I heard about it just now, Sophie!"
"- Ugh, you're so dramatic~ It's no big deal anyway-"
"- No big deal??! Girl-"
"- What? I'll just be marrying the love of my life and having a beautiful family together and I'm totally NOT on cloud nine right now."
"- Sophiee~"
"- I'm just- I'm just so happy I can barely contain it, ya know??"
"- Sophie?"
"- … I just - I love them, and I can't-"
"- Sophie, are you crying??"
"- Y-Yesh."
"- Sophie Anderson, you better cheer up right now because I'll personally invade your house and hug the shit out of you."
"- But I am cheered! I'm overjoyed, words can't express how much this means to me."
"- Well, I know, I know that- I'm just trying to stop you from crying!"
"- Heh, I know. Thank you, Vans. But don't worry, there's no way in hell that I would ever be sad, not from now on at least."
"- Awn, I wish the best for both of you, I hope you'll be happy!"
"- Thank you..!"
"- I'll have to go now, but I want ALL of the details okay?? You still didn't mention how they proposed, knowing them I bet it was a mess- I'll call you soon alright? Please take some rest."
"- Pfft- Hey, give them some credit! It was just the sweetest thing (and not messy at all!), I'll tell you all about it later then, see ya soon!"
End of recording.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
Can you imagine how pissed off and devastated this girl is??
"- NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!! This isn't FAIR!" She would scream while banging her head on the table, which I guess anyone would do if they were in this weird situation.
Can you imagine falling in love with someone, but then hearing that not only they had a partner already- They were ENGAGED and were going to have a CHILD TOGETHER??!
To add salt to injury, it was fuckin SOPHIE ANDERSON, because of course it was!!
"- That two-faced, darling snatching whore! How could she?! How could she, how could she, how could she, how could she, how could she, how could she?!!"
Sophie and Alexandra weren't exactly the best of friends, but at least they weren't exactly on "bad terms" (not until now at least). I like to think they used to know each other from some sort of choir that Alexandra participated in when she was younger (and when people couldn't really judge her horrible singing voice).
Sophie Anderson wasn't considered a public menace like the Coldwell twins, but people did know she was rich.
"- Oh I bet she BOUGHT them with her kindness and stupid loads of money, God, darling you're such a CHEAP HOE!"
She is fuming with rage and betrayal, thinking that Sophie was aware of her crush on you. Her "tsundere af" crush on you.
Okay let's be honest, it wasn't exactly a secret that Alexandra had a thing for you, but everyone including you just assumed it was part of the bullying schedule to be pinned down and whispered twisted sweet nothings.
Oh, and how could you, how could you impregnate another woman, an absolute nobody who's only good at singing because her parents are rich music fanatics! She knows how much money they wasted in making that girl a "natural talent".
She has cried and screamed for hours after hearing the recorded call, I guess you can imagine how awful it would feel to be in her position and see you proudly take responsibility over a kid that shouldn't even exist (in her eyes). She wished she could go back in time and be the exact person you see in Sophie, maybe then you would have given HER a kid instead of this- Wicked siren! Who stole you away from her!
"- What does she have that I DON'T!?! What could she ever provide to you that I couldn't make it double, you selfish brat!!"
One day before your wedding the only thing you saw was the look of an enraged Alexandra who had painstakingly planned your entire new life beside her overnight. Or more accurately, under her.
"- I give you freedom and the first thing you do is betray my trust, I thought you would know better than to sleep with some lowlife- CLEARLY, you need someone to teach you a lesson or two about respect!"
"- You stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid-" She can't find the words to continue, she wants to curse you, to yell at you and to punish you from misbehaving.
But then again she also wants to kiss you and be held by you, to be reassured that she isn't this monster you're so desperately trying to crawl away from, but she is.
She knows she is. She knows why would have chosen sweet Sophie over her, Sophie never bullied you.
Sophie probably wouldn't have kidnapped you and hurt you to get your love back, because she doesn't need to do that.
You love her for who she is, you love her without being told to and that's something Alexandra will never have.
"- I… I can be better than her-! I can give you a kid too- I can give you anything… As long as you obey. As long as you're not stupid again, dumbass…"
For a moment she considered comforting you, but after a regretful torture session she doesn't have enough courage to look at your fearful and spiteful eyes and give you a slice of her softer side. But since you're here with her now, she'll have plenty of time to rebuild what she completely destroyed.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
Can you imagine how absolutely depressed and devastated this boy is?
He hasn't come out of his room ever since hearing the recorded call between Sophie and her friend. He kept trying to "wake up", as childish as this sounds.
"- … It's a nightmare, it's a nightmare, it's a nightmare, it's not real, please…"
Can you imagine falling in love with someone, but then hearing that not only they had a partner already- They were ENGAGED and were going to have a CHILD TOGETHER??!
And to add salt to injury, it was Sophie Anderson, the little singer wannabe.
"- Heartless…" He couldn't believe he helped boost her music career by using her song on some of his reels. He'll be deleting those if he doesn't end up just deleting his Instagram account.
Differently from Alexandra's relationship with Sophie, Adrien DID consider her a friend, or at least someone trustworthy- He had never suspected that you two were a thing…
"- You're heartless- You're also so fucking heartless, darling!" He didn't come out of his room that day, just mumbling to himself and whimpering at the thought of you not only marrying someone else, but also building a family with them.
Just because he can't give birth to a kid, doesn't mean he wouldn't go above and beyond to give you one- If he knew that it was something you dreamed about then he would bring your fantasies into reality, be through adoption, artificial insemination, tube babies, he doesn't care!
He would have preferred using witchcraft to birth a demon child (despite his skepticism and disinterest in the occult) than to ever see you holding someone other than him in your arms.
"- … You're evil… You're so, so evil dear… I could have given you anything, I was READY to give you anything you desire… I just wanted you to be mine…!" His voice is pathetically wimpy for someone who has kidnapped you just a day before your wedding, probably because he hasn't taken really good care of himself during the meantime, only focusing on planning for your new life beside him. Or more accurately, above him.
He has been broken down so severely that although he is aware you look at him with nothing but hatred and fear- He doesn't care anymore, he just wants to be able to have you and worship you.
It wasn't a secret that Adrien had some sort of weird crush towards you, though you just assumed he was infatuated with the pain he used to bring you, not WITH you.
"- I gave you freedom and the first thing you did was to betray me… I thought you would know better than to sleep with some- Traitor. But that's okay- I can still fix this! I can show you how much you can truly be adored…"
How sickening, to be crawling to you as if you were a deity and he was the dirty mortal trying to beg for forgiveness, and in a sense, he was!
But deep down, despite his worn-out condition and overall adoration towards you, his pathetic attempts to make amends with you are hiding his desire to take you by force and smother you with love and hate.
He wished that YOU would have been in his position, to be the one to beg for forgiveness and to come close to him willingly- To worship him and prove to him he isn't this vermin of a person who adores you but also loathes you.
"- I can give you so much, I could be so much better than she could ever be… Why don't you just listen to me, for once!" He begs you, the gagged and heavily tied down victim, to give him a crumb of your attention.
But as he notices your reluctance and clear disgust over his presence, he is sure that this isn't just his mind talking- You really do think he is a vermin! A pest poisoning your veins with each word of praise, with each trembling soft kiss and with the callused touches wherever his filthy hands get on your body.
He knows you can never love a vermin, he knows that you'll never look up to him as you looked up to Sophie. He knows he can't give you what your heart desires, he knows that even if he could give you a kid, you wouldn't be affectionate to it like you seemed to be to your "other" kid.
But even if he can't offer you a real family, he can offer you his servitude! His loyalty, his desire, his soul, his body, all of his money. All of his love, even if he doesn't have enough courage to openly say it, he feels unworthy of even saying he loves you.
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vespersposts · 2 years
A little too much
🏣 The first drabble in the series is about Taiga and the consequences of silence. It's a somewhat melancholy story, but I think it's a fairly common situation, so much so that I used a fact that two passengers were talking about during one of my commuter trips.
🔴‼ The story contains NSFW references and allusive content, so it is suitable for audiences 18+ ‼🔴
Any other reference to anyone is purely coincidental; I made it all from my own imagination.
Taiga of course belongs to author Tadatoshi Fujimaki.
-> more knb stories here 🏀
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Sooner or later he will understand.
Every time he makes mistakes, but every time he finds a way to make it up. It is normal to be confused. After university, real life begins with its ups and downs. At the age of twenty-five everything and everyone is a mess. Hormones, the search for employment, parties, alcohol.
You can't always be perfectly aligned.
“You can't, even if you wanted to” you repeat, attracting a brief glance from your host, who continues to eat his ramen as if nothing had happened. He cooked it himself in front of your eyes, in absolute silence, while you told him how things between you and Nobunaga were getting tangled up for the umpteenth time. 
"Every time we see each other I end up ranting about him!" you smile, taking a sip of the pale ale he offered you with dinner. You watch his eyes shift back into yours. You see him wipe his mouth with a napkin, probably to avoid commenting on your words, as his disappointment in your attitude comes through loud and clear.
"What about you?" you ask, trying to figure out if there was any hope that his visit to Japan could seal his definitive return. 
You miss him a little too much, and not just when Nobunaga disappears for the weekend and you are left waiting. You miss him when you see the kids playing at the basketball court, when you go grocery shopping and think that he would surely know what to do with the dried seaweed. You miss him when you pass young couples on the street with children in tow, because you know that he would make a great father. You miss seeing his expressive eyes lingering in yours, those bizarre eyebrows furrowing every time you tell him something he doesn't agree with, his mouth that bends imperceptibly downwards, but from which no contemptuous judgment comes out. You miss his laugh, the early morning chats in the kitchen of your small flat, the nights spent tangled in the sheets telling each other it would be the last time, because you were nothing but each other's plaything.
You keep telling yourself that is normal to think about him when you shower and your hand slides between your legs : his strong arms around your waist, his warm body pressing yours against the mattress, his fiery red hair tickling your skin, his lips against your shoulders as he lets you know how he will give you pleasure. You know it's just an innocent game to overlay his face on Nobunaga's during intimacy, but you also know that if you didn't do it, you wouldn't feel anything.
"I'm engaged! " he tells you, pulling from his shirt a necklace on which a thick silver band is strung. "Engaged" you repeat, as if that word had no meaning in your language. You see him smile, pull out his mobile phone and in an instant the face of an unknown girl appears under your nose, smiling happily in his arms.
It is not you.
It's not the two of you.
"Congratulations, Taiga!" is all you manage to say before a big tear lines your right cheek. You grit your teeth and smile at him, a closed-lipped smile, a smile so tight and so painful that the tears quickly multiply.
"You're so happy because you finally got rid of me, tell me the truth!" he smiles as he gets up from the table to join you and give you what you know is your last embrace.
You nod, hiding your face in the warmth of his chest. What happens next you can't know, but you don't want to know either.
The only thing you know is always the same: you can't always be perfectly aligned.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
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Right everyone hold on to your feels, you will shortly be boarding Angst Express 101. Just look at this brilliant and angsty ask I'm speechless. Even the pairings you asked for are so unique and well thought this is a perfect angst concept. And I really hope I could do this justice. Thank you so much for this ask @saltypaperdestiny
So very sorry for the delay, this was the longest ask I've ever written and boy was I delighted. Though I have to admit I had to cry through some of them myself. This is PART 1. Rest of the brothers and the newly Dateables coming soon in part 2.
Who loved you first? Pt1
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Lucifer : Simeon
It was time, he decided. After months of being in your presence, his prideful heart had melted enough to recognise his feelings for you. You were the only he'd truly humble down for, because the affection and care you displayed was unparalled.
"MC please get dressed in something nice. I'm taking you to Ristorante Six as a thank you for helping me with Cerebus and the council paperwork" He says to you, barely containing the excitement. He couldn't wait to see the look on your face when he confessed and how you'd blush when you kissed your knuckles and your cheek and wait - What is Simeon doing in your room at this hour?
He didn't want to interrupt, surely it might be nothing to bother about. He patiently waited outside until he heard what Simeon said.
Simeon: MC... You look beautiful, what's the occasion?
MC: Aw thank you Simeon. You're always so kind. It's nothing much, Lucifer is taking me out as a thank you.
Simeon: Oh do you have to leave right away...?
MC: Oh no no. It's okay I have some more time.
Simeon: Well I originally came here to invite you to try Luke's latest attempt at some new recipes but now there's something else I feel like I must tell you. *Blushes* Something I've been holding back for too long.
MC: *joking* Oh what have you been hiding from me, angel? Speak I beseech you!
Simeon: *laughing and then going solemn* MC... *Takes your hands in his* I love you. I love you with all my heart.
MC: ....me? You love..me? But I'm not nearly-
Simeon: You're the most beautiful soul I've ever met. You radiate kindness and forgiveness and everything pure, overcoming the seven biggest evils you reside with. How can I not love you? Tell me, MC, will you accept me as yours?
Lucifer had a half a mind to storm in and laugh in Simeon's face. What a failure this attempt was going to be. His pride grew inside him as he stifled a laugh. MC was his and only his and now he would take pleasure in watching Simeon learn that. Surely MC was going to turn him down nicely but still. He creeped closer to the door, looking through the open crack.
MC: *in tears* Oh Simeon, I love you too! I never thought an angel could ever love me back!
Simeon: *kisses her knuckles* So... It's a yes?!
MC: Yes yes yes! Oh of course it's a yes! *Hugs him tight* My guardian angel who protects me in the dark, oh how I love you.
Simeon: *laughing as he picks you up and spins you around* Oh how happy you've made me MC! I'm the happiest being alive!
MC: *kissing his cheek* So am I, Simeon. I love you with all my heart.
It took Lucifer all his strength to not collapse or go into a violent frenzy. He balled up his fists so tight, the gloves started tearing at the seams. He watched you smiling so gleefully in his arms, looking so radiant. When Simeon dipped his head down to kiss you, the moonlight poured in through the window as if blessing your union.
It was supposed to be him. If only he made it to your room sooner, it could have been him. Embracing all your beauty, being the cause of the shining smile. IT COULD HAVE BEEN HIM.
At his best
"Are you really that happy with him?" he asks you later that night. The blush on your cheeks and that cheeky smile says it all.
"Congratulations MC." You look so joyous even at the thought of Simeon, how could he ruin that?
His temper is worse, more unforgiving towards all his brothers. He has to bear with your absence in the house all day. The fact that he knows you're at Purgatory hall, sipping tea and arm in arm with him pains him to think.
You bring Simeon along to the council to help him too. He outright denies and asks both of you to leave.
He only ever feels calm to see you alone, but that is even rarer with his brothers around to hog his remaining time.
Eventually makes his peace with it, maybe you're better off with someone as pure as yourself than a demon like him.
At his worst
His wrath is back. It's almost bad enough to birth another Satan. His sense of entitlement is through the roof.
He snaps three weeks later when Simeon and you tell everyone about it and decide that you'll be moving to Purgatory hall soon. Everyone claps and rejoices while Lucifer, drunk off Demonus, crashes the fun.
"Simeon, you dirty cheat, pretending to be all pure with your white wings and devious smile. How dare you?!" He says in calm and deadly rage.
"Lucifer... what's wrong-" You approach him to ask. He looks at you and you see the little tears in the corners.
Lucifer was louder now, hysterically angry, throwing his glass on the floor. "AND I KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE PICKED ME IF I GOT TO THEM FIRST! I LOVED THEM TOO DAMNIT." Simeon stood in front of you to protect you from Lucifer's rage. You hid your face in your hands, breaking down in sobs. What is happening? Where did you go wrong?
"Look at them, Lucifer. Look. At. What. You've. Done. And don't tell you've forgotten how many times you've threatened their lives before." Simeon said, holding you tight as you cried into his chest. "How dare you still feel like you deserve them?"
Lucifer sees you broken down, clutching onto Simeon for dear life, crying. You were smiling just a minute ago what has he done? Simeon blocked off his view with his pearly white wings. A reminder of what Lucifer used to be and cannot be again.
Mammon: Asmodeus
You were his human. And he was your first demon. No one was more territorial about you than him. So he finally made up his mind to seal the deal. No more lying about his feelings. He was going to claim you, once and for all. He imagined you smiling and running your hands through his hair and kissing him returning his feelings.
"MC! I brought the movie of the day!" He barged into your room excited, but you were nowhere to be found. Where could you have gone? It was your movie night with him. You were supposed to be waiting for him inside. He asked his brothers and they said you were with Asmo. He stomped his way up to Asmo's room and called out your name. No response. Not till he peeked inside the dark washroom. You were holding Asmo who looked very unstable and weak, sitting at the side of the bath.
MC: Asmo why don't you listen to me when I tell you not to drink so much!?
Asmo: I'm sorry MC *hic* I needed it today...
MC: Why? What's so scary that you don't have the confidence to do sober?
Asmo: MC do you think I look beautiful?
MC: Of course Asmo, you always do.
Asmo: Even with my runny make up, red nose and swollen eyes and this horrible complexion?
MC: *grabs his face* You're always beautiful to me MC.
Asmo: I...I stopped sleeping around MC. I couldn't do it anymore. *tearing up* Because to them, I'm only beautiful with a perfect covered up face.
MC: Asmo...they're blind and shallow demons who don't know anything! I know you, and I know how much more beautiful you are inside out. Don't listen to them.
Asmo feeling insecure about his appearance? What a big fat lie. Is this his new ploy to get to you? How irritating. It's not going to work, Mammon knows you're smarter than that. The Avatar of Lust can manipulate in many ways. Surely his human was smart enough to see through that!
Asmo: MC, I knew you were the one only who truly loved me. And today, I found the one I love too. Much more than I love myself. So I needed a drink to tell you this.
MC: Asmo...
Asmo: *holding your face gently* MC you saw past this pretty face. You saw the things I do more than what I am. Or what I pretend to be. I know it's hard to believe coming from the Avatar of Lust... But MC, I truly really love you. *looks down and sobs* But you probably can't believe me right?
MC: Asmo. Look at me. *You run your fingers through his hair and he looks up with teary eyes* I believe you. And I've loved you too. You're the only one who never hurt me. The one who willingly made a pact with me. You've been so sweet to me since I came. How could I love anyone else?
Asmo: MC I want you all to myself. Will you be mine? Only mine? I swear I'll keep you happy always!
MC: Of course Asmo. I'll all yours. I'm your little human. *giggling and kissing his head*
Asmo: *grabs and kisses you* MC, if you want, I can be your actual first tonight.
Mammon fell to his knees. He wanted to barge in and scream. He wanted to wrestle Asmo to the ground. He wanted to break his face for saying the words that were special to him and you. But your response had him paralysed. You...accepted him. You agreed to be his.
Silent tears streamed down his face as he watched you embracing Asmo, peppering kisses all over his face, running your hands through his hair, laughing and frolicking in the water with him. The colored moonlight through the stained glass danced on their skin like a scene from his favourite movie.
At his best
He cries to himself for days. Spends as much time outside as he can.
Maybe he is an idiot for thinking he had a chance with him. How could he compete with Asmo's charms.
Maybe it hurt more because Asmo didn't even have to use his charms.
Only ever tries to talk to you if he's sure your alone. One time he barged into your room and caught you and Asmo tangled up together and it broke him all over again.
He watched as you twirled around in a new outfit Asmo bought. He scoffs. He could have bought it for you too.
You both look so cheerful and in love, he decides to accept it. For the sake of his little brother and the human he loves.
At his worst
Breaks down and lets his emotions out in the worst way possible. Too desperate to win you back somehow.
Asmo and you were just telling Solomon and Simeon about your relationship when Mammon barged in through the doors of Purgatory halls.
"MC look! Look what I got you!" He came in all ragged. He knelt down and pulled out a ring. "Take me instead! I was your first wasn't I MC? Don't let him take my place please!"
"Mammon no... No please don't be this way...I'm sorry..." You kneel down next to him as he screams and sobs like a child. You feel guilty. You caused this. You lead him on. You fight your own tears as you keep apologising.
Asmo yanks you up and wraps his arms around you, staring down angrily at Mammon. "Mammon, leave."
Mammon lunged at Asmo. "I was going to tell them. That night was our movie night. You stole that night from me. YOU STOLE MY CHANCE AND MY MC!"
Asmo mocked at him with a sardonic laugh. "You still assume MC is yours without even telling them. You kept lying about your feelings and hurting them in the process. And yet, when they finally look happy, you come and make them cry. You are a scumbag Mammon."
Mammon looked at your tear stained face, nestled inside Asmo's arms and wings. He really felt like nothing but a scumbag.
Leviathan : Belphegor
Levi fell in love with you since your first act of kindness. As a shut-in whose only conversations were with his own eccentric and dismissive brothers, you were an angel who had brought him the gift of true companionship. Honestly he was okay being your best friend, until the day he started craving more. So he decided it was time to tell you.
'MC come to my room! I have a new game to show you!' It was a virtual dating game where he was going to confess digitally. You always loved his creative ways of doing simple stuff after all. He decided to play your favourite game while waiting for you. He even left the door ajar. Now he wished he didn't.
Belphie: MC do you have a minute?
MC: Yeah I was just heading to Levi's room what's up?
Belphie: I think I fallen in love with you, MC.
MC: .... Huh?
Levi almost burst out laughing hearing Belphie's confession. What kind of a bland confession is that? How can someone say that so easily? No that was definitely a joke on MC or something. Surely MC wouldn't take this seriously.
Belphie: I had a dream just now. About you.
MC: Uh huh?
Belphie: In that dream, we were up in the sky, among the stars. And you looked so pretty glittering along with them all. So I kissed you impulsively. And you kissed me back.
MC: ...that's a sweet dream. *blushes*
Belphie: *takes your hand* I woke up and my first thougt was I wish that was real. And then I realised it can be.
MC: ...
Belphie: I want to be able to kiss you always. I want to be able to take you far away. I want all your time. I love you MC. Be mine.
MC: Belphie I-
Belphie: I know, how can you possibly love your own murderer...? *Sighs* I cannot undo what I did. I'm sorry MC. I can only swear that I won't ever let that happen again.
MC: *smiles and cups his face* You were locked away for 3 millenia I can imagine your endless anger and grief for your sister. I forgave you long ago.
Belphie: So does that mean you'll accept me?
MC: You're already mine, silly. And now I'm yours. You're the only one I can relax with in the whole realm.
Belphie: MC... Come here. *holds you close and kisses you*
Levi's game screen displayed the message "GAME OVER: You lose". Levi couldn't see it clearly. His vision was blurred by the tears brimming on his eyes. You and Belphie looked to distant shadows on the moon.
He blamed himself for even thinking he had a chance with you. But maybe just...maybe if he had gotten there before? He stared at the screen and then at his spare console that he had declared yours. He picked up it, and locked it inside. Probably won't be needing it anytime soon.
At his best
He barely comes out of his room anymore. He tries to return your smile at breakfast but then returns hurriedly, leaving Beel to finish most of his food.
"Are you sure you want to play games? Wouldn't you rather go up to the attic" He mutters under his breath sometimes and then says it's nothing when you ask him.
Pains him when he sees you curled with Belphie in random places, dozing off. Might cover you with a blanket. Just you though.
Spites Belphie. A lot of people have said they look and act alike. But somehow you like sleeping more than anime and gaming?
Just accepts it as his fate. Atleast he's still your best friend, right?
At his worst
He's called the Avatar of Envy for a reason. He can barely hold it in seeing the both of you together constantly.
Belphie you and Beel were having a jolly time watching a movie and eating snacks while Belphie slept curled up in your lap. Levi happened to walk in while you were rubbing Belphie's head soothingly.
For some reason, Levi couldn't hold it in anymore. "UGH YOU FUCKING NORMIES!" he screamed out of frustration.
Belphie woke up drowsily when you stopped at stared at Levi holding back tears in the doorway. "Levi..what's wrong.." you call out to him.
He barges in and pushes Belphie off you and grabs your hands, tears falling and him screaming. "Why do you care, MC?! I'm a just disgusting shut in otaku right?! But guess what even as that I do more than just sleep and drool all fucking day! AND MORE IMPORTANTLY ATLEAST IM NOT THE ONE WHO KILLED YOU! So why him? WHY NOT ME MC?!"
"Levi...no..." You plead with him to calm down, tearing up yourself. You should have known. You should have known this would happen.
Belphie violently pushed Levi off you and grabbed him by the collar. "You were the first one to attack MC in this house. And I'm sure you would have killed them if not for Lucifer. So stop pretending you're better than me, you ridiculous creep. A shut in like you is worthless. The only thing you're good at is making MC distressed."
Levi looked at you trying to pull Belphie back, tears streaming down your face and hung his head low. It was simply an Otome game and MC didn't choose him.
Satan: Solomon
Satan took his time to fall. With late night studying session, every cat cafe date, every trip to the museum - he fell more and more each time. To the point where he wanted to spend every waking moment with you. And he was ready to tell you.
For a whole week, he kept writing and scrapping the perfect love letter for you. Then he realised you were someone who preferred simple honesty. "MC please wait for me in the library I'll be there shortly." He'd said before he dashed out to bring a boquet of your favourite flowers and a book which reminded him of you. He'd almost made it to the library, he saw you waiting inside for him eagerly. That was until someone flew in through the window.
Solomon? What's he doing at this hour? Satan peeked in through the half open library door. He wanted to be alone with you so he'd wait till Solomon was gone. He shouldn't have waited.
MC: Solomon! You scared me silly!
Solomon: *laughing* Your face just now MC...so adorable! Like a scared kitten!
MC: You wooshed in through the window!
Solomon: Okay okay my bad. Now what are you doing in the library so late at night. I went to your room and couldn't find you.
MC: Oh Satan called me out here. Told me to wait for him. Maybe there's a new book he wants to read.
Solomon: Do you guys do that often? Reading books this late?
MC: Haha yeah usually we just read in my room or his at night, in case we fall asleep.
Solomon: *sigh* So unfair.
MC: What's unfair?
Solomon: You and I are the only humans here. Why did they put us in different houses? Shouldn't we... be together more often?
MC: Well logically yes we should. Just classes and magic lessons aren't enough! You should live here too!
Solomon: I doubt Lucifer would be okay with that. But well.. here's the real reason I'm here now. *brings out a little basket*
MC: That's...that's a kitten! Hi baby! What's her name!?
Solomon: MC.
MC: Yeah what?
Solomon: No I named the kitten MC. This way I get to call your name as much as I want haha. The silly things us humans do for love, huh?
Satan had a sick feeling in his stomach. Watching you and him sitting in the moonlight, surrounded by books, cuddling a kitten and confessing...that should be him. Him not Solomon. He didn't like where this was heading. But just like you can't help but stare at disaster - he couldn't look away. What was MC going to say...?
MC: Solomon... *blushes*
Solomon: Does my affection scare you? *reaches for your hand*
MC: Of course not...I.. *gets closer and intertwining your fingers together*
Solomon: Is this your way of showing-
MC: *blushes* Yes. I love you too.
Solomon: I believe I've lived for a 1000 years just to hear those words. *kisses you against the bookshelves*
MC: I believe you've gotten 1000 years worth of romantic lines stored away in that head of yours. *Laughs and kisses him back*
Solomon: Let's take this to the moon shall we?
Satan watched as he took you and kitten in his arms and flew out the window. Satan rushed in not wanting to lose sight of you, dropping the flowers and books. Balling his fists, he choked on his angry tears as he watched you both laughing and kissing against the bright light of the moon. He felt like his own happy ending was stolen from him.
When you disappeared from view, he let out a blood curdling scream, pulling at his own hair and knocking over the bookshelf against which Solomon kissed you. The wrath inside him made him thrashing around in pain, burning him inside out. The flowers he dropped, lay there next to his sobbing body, wilting in his pain.
At his best
He manages to put on his best fake smile and go about his day. Tries hard to hide his annoyance if you bring him up.
But you seem so happy and you often invite him to new cat cafes and shelters. So despite Solomon's presence, he feels calm because of you and the cats.
Is secretly happy you get to spend more time with him than Solomon. Takes advantage of that and hogs you all to himself while in the house
While he can't hold or kiss you the way the Solomon does, you're here next to him, reading his recommended books. That's enough to soothe his yearning heart.
At his worst
The war for love is on. He doesn't care if Solomon already won. He will still declare his love no matter what.
It started out as subtle, he did what he knew Solomon couldn't. Cooking MC's favourite dishes whenever it was his turn to cook.
Tries to subtly reinforce his intelligence over Solomon when you're around. What's 1000 years of knowledge worth, Satan has been there since the first millenia ever
But the day Solomon and you announced you'll be moving to Purgatory Hall, he charged at him, his demon form angry and glowing. "How dare you think you can take them away from us? You think you can win against us... against me? You may have taken my chance with them but I won't let you take them away! They belong here with me!"
You inched closer to Satan's form. You'd never seem him this angry. "Satan please calm down-" Satan wasn't listening. He let out a feral growl and attacked Solomon.
Solomon held MC by his side and made a protection shield Satan couldn't get through. You started crying, watching his wrath take over, he must be in so much pain.
Solomon felt you curl up against him in fear and guilt. Gritting his teeth, he grabbed Satan by the scruff of his neck, like you'd do with a misbehaving cat.
"You say you want to protect them and yet look what you did instead." Solomon said. Satan looked helplessly at you, crying with your face buried in your hands. Glancing at his horns in the mirror, he called out to you sadly, "MC..."
Solomon creeped closer and said in a deadly low voice. "You love fairy tales right Satan? Well in the story of Beauty and the Beast, they could only be together because the beast was actually a human." And Satan was far from being a human.
Asmo : Mammon
It happened the day Asmo looked into the mirror and felt something missing. Suddenly his own reflection wasn't enough anymore. He pondered what it was when you happened to walk into his room and hug him from behind. And then he found the missing piece. You. He simply had to make sure you would become a part of him now.
Now contrary to popular belief, he did get nervous while thinking of proposing. This man is all about lust and a little kid when it comes to love. It's a whole new emotion and he's unsure how to deal with it. With some advice from Satan's romance books he lights your room up with candles, groomed himself perfectly, waiting for you to return to your room. Only you don't come. "What's taking MC so long?!"
He headed out and found you in Mammon's room instead. Asmo saw in the reflection off the mirror, Mammon's shirt off and him lying on his front as you poured ointment over his scars.
Mammon: Oi MC please don't be so upset...
MC: You didn't deserve this. You didn't. I did.
Mammon: MC, not again.
MC: You took my punishment. You took the blame for the broken vase for my sake.
Mammon: I didn't want ya getting hurt ya stupid human!
MC: Don't be calling me stupid and then go off doing stupid stuff yourself! *cries*
Mammon: MC...no don't cry. Please I'm sorry.
MC: Don't apologize for this! Mammon you're too kind... You keep taking blame for others, and the others just UGH.
Mammon: I've gotten used to Lucifer's punishments, MC! I'm more used to it than my brothers so I can take it!
MC: .... You're such a sweet big brother. You can't stop protecting the people you love, can you?
Mammon: *turns around to lie on his back* Now you get why I need to protect ya, don't ya?
Asmo's eyes flew open as did yours. Mammon just confessed to you. Albeit indirectly, but really did. But he felt pity for his older brother. Sure he was caring and sweet sometimes, but mostly he was a thief and a scumbag who constantly gets into trouble. He didn't stand a chance against Asmo's charms.
MC: Mammon... You silly demon. I love you too. *Lays their head on his chest*
Mammon: *blushes and coughs* Of course ya love the Great Mammon, human!
MC: *smiles against his skin* Swear to me, you won't ever do that again else I will fight Lucifer myself!
Mammon: *smiles* He's attacked ya thrice and yer face still loses its colour whenver he's around and yet yer thinking of fighting him for my sake, MC?
Mammon: But I don't want that. Ya did too much for all of us when ya sacrificed your life to bring Belphie back. I should know, I held ya in my arms. *Tears up* Ya know ye were smiling still?? So calm and undisturbed as if ya didn't care what happens to ya now that all the brothers are together?
MC: You caught me...
Mammon: And I never want to catch ya like that again, get that human!? I will be a good protector as I was meant to be.
MC: Mammon... you're far too kind to be a demon. *Kisses him and gets on top of him*
Mammon: *grips their arms and holds them close* Stay with me tonight.
Asmo watched as you nodded and took off your top and lay down over him again, your skins in gentle and intimate contact and you both wrap your arms around and you presses kisses onto each other. The moonlight danced on your entangled bodies.
He stared and stared, his insides burning with an alien feeling. He hadn't known envy till you came along. His signature move would be to call both of you out and suggest a threesome, but what you both seemed to have was impenetrable. And in the mirror where he saw your reflections, he couldn't see himself.
At his best
This demon had never known love. He might have if Mammon hadn't decides to confess that very night.
But who cares? What's done is done. It's time to root for the both of you. He still has his followers to turn to.
"Mammon finally confessed huh?" He asked jokingly. Until he saw you blush and nod.
"You both must have fun together huh?" He says with a dry laugh.
Your hugs and headpats still keep him going. He takes you buy new dresses knowing it's to impress Mammon instead.
Tries so hard to conceal his tears and tantrums around you. He doesn't want to lose the small part of you that he had left.
At his worst
He cannot stay home. The sight of you both together makes him irritated and stressed both very bad for his skin.
He drinks and parties uncontrollably, bringing home demons and succubi that always seem to resemble you.
One night, Lucifer had enough and caught him by the collar, forbidding him to go to his room. Asmo giggled until Mammon and you showed up.
He swiftly escaped Lucifer's grasp and lunged at you, holding your face between his trembling hands. You look at him closely, his make up was messier than usual, the cresent underneath his eyes was darker than usual.
"MC...look at me. Look at only me. Just for a little while." Asmo said and his eyes glowed. He'd turned on his charm on full force as he leaned into you for a kiss.
Mammon pushed him back and stood before you protectively. Asmo fell back, laughing like a maniac. "Stupid Mammon they are with you out of pity! How long do you think you can make them stay with that stupid brain and sub par beauty?"
You teared up and screamed, "Asmo stop saying things like that! You dont even know anything about him!" Mammon hugged you tight, trying to calm you down.
And then in a lowly growl he said, "Asmo don't let me see ya laying a finger on MC again. Ya would see how people really see ya if you learnt to look away from your own reflection!"
But Asmo did. He did look away from his reflection. He looked at you. Only you didn't look back at him.
Keep reading Pt. 2
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btsxmalereaders · 3 years
♡ Meant To Be
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x male reader
Fluff ♡ | Requested
Word Count: 2,8k
Don't forget to vote on whosfan and stream
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"Aren't you even a little curious about it?"
You've heard this question thousands of times already; yet, the answer for it has never changed.
"No, not really." You shrug while your friend stares at you in disbelief. "Why do you ask knowing my answer?"
"I just had the hope that you changed your mind," Jeonghan says. "You know, out of everyone in our group of friends, you're the only one who hasn't found their soulmate."
You take one last sip of your tea and sigh, "And you're telling me this to make me feel bad?"
"No! It's just... I thought that would make you feel at least curious of the person whose name is written on your wrist ever since forever."
Your eyes immediately go to your wrist, and your other hand covers the name with your sleeve.
"And I still don't get your habit of covering it, as if you don't want us to know." He laughs. "Are you trying to ignore it and expect to find them like people picture it on dramas?"
Inevitably, you roll your eyes, "I don't know what to tell you. I just think that if we're really meant to meet, then it's gonna happen... someday. I'm in no rush."
Jeonghan nods in understanding, "I guess you're right."
"I am always right." You chuckle. "Now keep telling me about Injae, how is it going with her?"
That's exactly the way you would always dissociated yourself from the topic every time you were asked about it. It wasn't something you really cared about, unlike to your friends. You were happy with the way things are right now.
"... we are taking things slow, and it's all going great. I am really happy about it." He puts on a goofy smile and his ears and cheeks quickly covers in a tinted pink.
"Aw, my little Jeonghan is in love, who would've thought?"
"Shut up, who said anything about love?" He tries to act cool, but he's still smiling and feeling nervous.
"Please," You scoff. "That smile tells me you're head over heels about her. And the way your eyes shine whenever you talk about her? Seems like love to me."
"Ha, ha, ha, you really like to make fun of me, don't you?" He sarcastically blurts. "I am dying to see how you're gonna be once you meet your soulmate. "
"Mmh, we'll see about that..."
Just when you're about to continue reading your textbook, your phone buzzes over the table. You already got distracted by talking to Jeonghan when you both were supposed to be studying for the upcoming exams, but you decide to read the messages you received.
"What's better, keep studying or going out to grab lunch with Sihwan?" You throw the question in the air, to which your friend hums.
"Your friend that works at JYP entertainment?" You nod. "I mean, anything is better than studying for socials, so if I were you, I would go."
"You say that because you want to bump into an idol, don't you?"
"If you meet Twice, could you ask them to  autograph something for me?" He says with a pout, making you laugh.
"I am not that lucky." You say and quickly start gathering your belongings to put them on your backpack. "You're meeting Injae later, right? I'll catch you up at the dorm?"
"Sure, I'll see you later."
With that being said, you start walking to the building. Even when your friend has invited you a couple of times already, you couldn't help but feel nervous. That weird feeling in your stomach and the tingling in your skin, like chills. Trying to ignore it, you pass by a nearby restaurant and order Sihwan's favorite food, carrying the bags carefully until you reach the entrance of the building.
After a few messages letting him know you're already there and a few more minutes of waiting, your friend greets you with a smile and a pat on your back, helping you with the bags in your hands and guiding you to the elevator. Unusual, but you don't say anything about it.
"I have more work than usual today, I hope you don't mind eating in my studio."
"You won't get in trouble?" You ask, feeling concerned,  but he only denies with his head as he presses a button.
"Don't worry, it's fine."
You silently follow him, trying to not look at anyone in the eyes when you walk through the hall, all the way to the studio. Anyway, no one seems to be aware that you are a regular college student. Lots of people work in there and it's hard to keep track of everyone in there.
"Come in, seriously, it's okay." He chuckles by seeing how you look around and slowly walk inside. "I've been working on the melody and guide for a new group these past hours."
The door is closed and Sihwan sits on the office chair and signals the sofa behind it for you to do the same.
"You brought food from that new restaurant down the street? Sweet." He says and opens the bag, placing the food containers on the wooden table between you two. "I've been starving."
"Working for a new group, you said?" You ask with interest, grabbing what you ordered for yourself and start eating as well.
Sihwan nods, "A girl group, they've been working hard and will debut soon, I hope you can listen to them."
"I am kinda old school, but for you I can do it, I guess..."
You two continue having a conversation about music and how you've been doing at college while sharing food. The last time you met with him was a couple of months ago, so the conversation keeps going for a while until he decides it's time to go back to work.
"Well, in that case I'll leave you. I've got to go back to study too." You say as you stand up and clean the desk.
"Mmh, okay. Thanks for this, how about we go have dinner next week? It's gonna be on me."
"Sounds great to me. Text me the details later?"
"Sure thing." He promises and smiles. "You know how to get back, right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. See you!"
As soon as you step out of the studio, you look around to make sure no one is walking in the hall, so you almost run to the elevator, not expecting that someone would bump into you as they exit one of the offices.
You fall to the ground and start apologizing immediately, feeling embarrassed.
"I am so sorry, I didn't see you." You hear them saying.
"No, I am sorry, I shouldn't have ran here." You say, and as you try to stand up, they're extending their hand to you to help you up.
You take the help and do a reverence as a thank you and clean the invisible dust on your clothing, and as you're about to walk to the elevator, their voice stops you.
"Y/N L/N?"
You stop on your tracks and finally have the courage to stare at them in the eye and realize that it's a guy, and a very handsome one, you must add. Your legs tremble at the sight, clearly stunned by seeing someone so good-looking. Your immediate thought is that he's an idol or trainee.
"Uh, do we know each ot-?"
Your question is interrupted as he shows you his wrist, and that's when you see it clearly. Your name tattoed on his skin.
"I am Hwang Hyunjin... your soulmate."
You're at the loss of words. The only thing you can do is get lost in his eyes staring back at you, looking for whatever to say, but the situation feels unreal. It's like your body is frozen.
"Hey, Hyunjin, is everything okay out there?" A third voice coming from the office brings you back down to earth.
"I am sorry, I gotta go." You quickly say the second he is distracted, running as fast as your legs allow it and get in the elevator, pressing the bottons and seeing him run in the hall one last time before the doors finally close.
You exit the building and walk to the bus stop, looking back from time to time only to realise that Hyunjin has not followed you. With your heart beating like crazy and your hands shaking you get to text Jeonghan to let him know you were on your way back to the apartment and that you had big news. He was definitely not going to believe it.
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"Ow! What was that for?" You groan as Jeonghan grabbed a pillow and threw it to you.
"You just ran away?!"
"I panicked, okay? You can't put the blame on me for that!"
"With all due respect, you're an idiot." He sighs. "You met your soulmate and just ran, oh god... What are you going to do?"
"Uhh... nothing?"
Jeonghan grabs the pillow again just to throw it at you, but your hands stop him.
"Okay, okay, I'll do something about it. I'll go see him again!"
"That's a big lie, you say that as if I don't know you." He rolls his eyes.
"Yes, I am a coward. I don't know what should I do, help me." You say with a pout.
"Your friend? He may know him, don't you think?" He states as if it's so obvious.
"Ooh, you're right! I am going to have dinner with him next week, I can ask him..."
"See? It's like the universe is conspiring for you to meet again... Properly meet, I mean."
You stop listening to him as he starts complaining and making fun of the way you reacted earlier.  Your mind is now finding a good way to reach out to him.
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"...And I could finally finish that song." Sihwan says with a grin and takes a sip of his beverage. "I was practically isolated and had no proper human contact for a while, so thanks to our talk and delicious food I could finish in no time after that."
You giggle, "Really? Then I am happy I could be helpful, don't forget to add me on the credits."
He laughs at the joke and continues talking, "You didn't get caught on your way out, right?"
"Well... about that."
"Wait, are you serious? Did you get in trouble?" He asks, concerned.
"No, no! It's just that... Do- do you know Hwang Hyunjin?"
It's now or never.
Sihwan seems to think about it for a second, feeling confused. "Yeah, I mean, our team is not working with them, but I've talked to him and his group a couple of times. Why? You ran into him?"
"Yeah, but also..." You lift the sleeve of your shirt, letting him see the name written on your skin.
"No way! Really?" He says with a big smile. "Hell, congratulations! How- wait, why don't you look happy about it?"
"Because I panicked and ran away before I could say something to him." You say and hide your face behind your hands out of frustration. "I need your help, hyung."
"Okay," He chuckles. "Of course, what can I do to help?"
You sigh and take out a folded paper from the pocket of your ripped jeans, looking at it for a second before handling it to your friend. "Could you give this to him?"
Sihwan takes it and nods. "Of course, I'll give it to him as soon as I can."
Now all you have to do is wait.
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You plop down in the sofa and stare at the screen of your phone for the millionth time today, feeling hopeless at this point. It has been one week since you asked Sihwan to give that letter to Hyunjin, and ever since, you couldn't help but wait for a message from him, or even a call, despite you don't knowing what would you even say.
"Hmm, you haven't heard anything from him?" Jeonghan asks and sits next to you. You deny with your head and sigh. "Maybe he's busy. I heard his group is going to do a comeback soon."
"A what, now?" You ask, and your friends looks as you in disbelief.
"Don't tell me you haven't looked up for him on internet. I mean, he was in JYPE for a reason."
"Oh my god, I swear you are..." He doesn't finish his premise. Instead, he takes the phone from your hands and looks up for his name on the web. "Stray Kids, you didn't look up for him? I can't believe this, are you even on social media?"
"Shut up, let me see this."
You quickly read their information, going directly to the names and pictures of the members, quickly finding Hyunjin and realizing your friend is right. How come you didn't think of it?
"Oh yeah, here says they're releasing an album in a few days..."
"Told you." He murmurs. "Are you still going to wait for him to text you?"
"Do I have another option? I don't think I can go around the building just looking for him, even if I am with Sihwan."
"Hmm, you're right. I hope you can talk soon, though. Imagine this: you and Hyunjin together, we become friends and he gives me a tour in JYPE to meet Twice."
You roll your eyes and stand up, "You're being delusional. I'll go to sleep now, goodnight!"
"That's rude!" He groans and sees you walk away. "I hope you panick and run away again next time you see him!"
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The next morning when you wake up, the first thing you do is check your phone, and your heart almost stops when you see a new message from an unknown number.
You go clean your face and take a deep breath to gather the courage you needed to finally read the long-awaited message.
With trembling hands you unlock your phone and click on the notification.
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It was no surprise to see how easy was to talk with him. You two started talking on regular basis, when he was free from his schedule and when you weren't studying, which happened really late at nights.
Soon, those thousands of messages became frequent phone calls and videocalls that lasted hours, and to say that you both trusted each other with your lives was an understatement. You were still getting used to the idea that your soulmate was an idol; and it was weird to see him constantly on the internet, as of course you started following every other fan account you found on social media. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was trying to be very supportive of your studies and kept sending you messages of encouragement as well as listening to your ramblings about your career and complaints about your professors.
"So you've caught feelings for him, right? It was about time, Y/N" Jeonghan says with a shrug. "I know some soulmates only work as friends and all that, but it was pretty obvious to me that you'd end up in a romantic relationship."
He nods and smiles. "Of course! Are you going to ask him out?"
"I was planning to, but what if he doesn't feel the same? What if he just sees me as the friend type?"
Jeonghan hums. "Well, I think it's gonna be okay. You're soulmates for a reason, don't you think?"
You hesitate to grab your phone and open the message bar, typing a question and hoping things will go well after pressing the send button.
"Hyun, is it okay if I ask you out?
Like, on a date?"
A few minutes later you receive an answer,  needless to say, you didn't expect him to reply now, so you feel as if your heart is about to make a hole on your chest right now.
Hyun ♡
God, I was really hoping I wasn't the only one feeling this way.
Of course it's okay
I would love to go out on a date with you, Y/N ♡
You now feel at ease, the butterflies flying in your stomach and your body feeling so light as if you were floating. Is that how being in love feels like?
"He said he'd love to go on a date with me." You announce with a smile.
"See? There you go, my plan of meeting Twice soon is going awesome." He says and you give him a deathly glare. "I am kidding! But I have to say, who's smiling and blushing like a dumb right now?"
"Jeonghan!" You groan and grab a pillow to throw it at him, but he's quicker to stand up and walk away, still laughing.
Hyun ♡
Now you're not being shy, eh?
You won't run away from me when we meet?
You're the worst, you text back.
Hyun ♡
I may be
But I am your soulmate, so pretty much you can't get rid of me
He was right, but you were not intending to do that.
Because, now more than ever, you were sure things were meant to be this way. Right next to him forever.
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY ANON: hi there💞 can i request where reader and antiono dawson are dating in secret and she's pregnant and now they getting it on with some smut in his office and her father hank catches them with some angst please
❚❙ WORDS: about 1.9k
❚❙ NOTES: There's no smut because I couldn't imagine the situation of being caught in the act, also keeping in mind that reader is Hank's daughter. There's no way Antonio would take that kind of risk.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @anotherfan07 @ocetevasgirl @sophie-writes @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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Since you knew this morning that you're pregnant, you haven't stopped thinking about how you are going to say it to Antonio. It's not a big deal, but it means that your father will know it too. And that's a real problem. But the happiness inside you doesn't let you worry now about that. It's been a long year hiding it from him and maybe it's a good way for him to discover it.
Honestly, you can't wait till coming to his house to tell him and, by the time it is, your father must be in your home already. So you decide to drive to the District. Antonio has to be there, since he hasn't text you yet. Leaving your car in the private parking, you walk in by the back door, going upstairs straight to the Intelligence Unit, passing away what they call the cage and the interview rooms. You can't contain the smile curving up your lips when you find your boyfriend very focused on something in his computer, writing down some kind of notes in a report. He doesn't even notice your presence, till you're in front of him.
“Voight left ten minutes ago”. He says, keeping up appearances just in case someone can hear you.
“We're alone”. You reply raising both eyebrows.
Leaning back on his chair to check both sides of his office, he drags his seat away from his desk enough for you to sit on his lap. Infected by your smile, Antonio can't help but draw the same gesture while placing an arm around your waist and his other hand on the back of your head. He's delighted to see you after a long day of paperwork and his ass stuck on his chair. Sometimes he doesn't know if it is worse to be there or to be in the street. But you're his reward, so he doesn't complain.
His lips find yours in a sigh, purring against them when he feels your warm wrapping him. The only thing he needs. His kisses are soft, slow, gentle. Just like his caresses. Just like him all the time. You found the most tender man you could ask for, and you thank God every day of your life. He takes care of you like no one else, with the most minimal details, without asking anything back. You two are made for each other, that's a fact.
“Antonio… baby, I have to tell you something”.
“Can't it wait?” He mumbles pecking your lips once and again, watching him bite his in the short meantime of meeting again.
“Yeah, actually for… like seven months, more or less”.
With his mouth on yours but not moving a single inch, he pulls himself away from you frowning confused. Your boyfriend doesn't last longer than two seconds to put his brain cells to work and connects the dots. His gesture changes from playful and joy to a big pout, as his eyes are filled up with tears.
“Dios mío”.
It's the first time you watch him crying since you know him, for more than eight years. You don't doubt cleaning the tears that fall down by his cheek, as his sobs become a little constant.
“Are you sure?” He asks with a broken tone of voice, tilting his head for a moment. You just nod in silence. “When did… you know?”
“This morning. I'm two months now… Are you… happy?”
“Of course I am, princesa”. Lively laughing, he urges you to stand up to do the same and push you into a tight hug between his arms.
Of course, it wasn't something you two planned. And of course, it wasn't something you two were expecting. But you have never felt this blissfulness in your life. You're in a rollercoaster of emotions right now, just like your boyfriend who doesn't know what to say, nor what to do more than to spread a bunch of kisses all around your face trying to transmit you every single thing he is feeling right now.
Since Laura left him, Antonio thought he would never be loved with so much intensity, and then, you clapped eyes on each other. You know him ever since practically, but that time was different. You had a rare day in the hospital and he had closed a two-months investigation satisfactory. But you were tired like never before, feeling vulnerable and with a mix of emotions roaming your bodies. You came to the District looking for your father, but he was gone to celebrate already, so he offered himself to drive you home. And it just simply happened.
One year after, you're expecting your first baby. And probably not the last.
“Making friends?”
The well known tone of voice of your father interrupts your moment. Your bodies are frozen against the other, putting distance between both slowly. Gulping and turning toward the sergeant, you watch him waving a hand waiting for an answer. The tip of his tongue licks his teeth, arching an eyebrow as his face hardens. You aren't able to say anything, looking at your boyfriend who seems more terrified than you, rubbing his forehead.
Your father grabs his gun from the holster on his belt, taking the safety off. You know he's just pressuring you to talk, but you block his possible target by putting ahead of Antonio. Just in case.
“Dad… Dad, list—listen”.
“I'm listening, baby girl”. He scoffs, placing his hands crossed under his abdomen.
“We… Uh…” Your heart is racing so fast that you're afraid to collapse, until you feel one of Antonio's hands hold yours, placing himself by your side. “We're together… like… a couple”.
“You're not anymore. Go home and wait for me there”.
“Don't make me say it twice, (Y/N)”.
“Go. We will talk later, I promise you”. Your boyfriend's whisper doesn't make you feel convinced, but you obey in silence not being another option.
With your arms around your abdomen and your hands trembling tangled on your own uniform, you leave the District looking back every two seconds. It's not like Hank controls your life, but this is a question of honor, and you trust in Antonio. You know they need to be alone to talk some sense into him. But you also know what is going to happen.
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Two long hours sitting on your sofa, desperate with your phone between both fingers waiting for a call, a text, anything. You knew it wasn't a good idea to hide it from your father, but to be honest, you didn't know that Antonio and you could go that far. The baby wasn't something planned, it just happened. You haven't even had time to react, but you still have some hope. Hank would never forbid you to continue this relationship now that you're pregnant. Though you know it's not going to be easy for him to assimilate it.
When the lights of a big SUV illuminates the street and the facade of your house, you don't lose time getting up from your seat to run to the entrance, opening the door and waiting for your father to say something as he steps out of his car. He doesn't look happy, not at all. You've lied to him all this time and you're aware of how hurt his ego is right now. It's going to cost you more than a sorry to bring back his trust in you. Licking your bottom lip in silence, you can't help but go downstairs to meet him on his path.
Hank has his hands kept in the pocket of his jeans with a rough and disappointed gesture in his face. You aren't sure what to say, being just a couple steps away from him.
“Maybe Antonio tripped and broke his nose”. He just says with feigned innocence, causing you to arch an eyebrow and cross your arms on your chest. “He's in the Chicago Med. You should go”.
Your father is about to pass you away to the inside when you stop him by a hand on his chest, pushing him back to face you.
“You're still my favorite man on earth”. You mumble bowing your head down for a second, till he holds your hand to place a kiss on the back of it.
“That's why he isn't dead, princess”.
“Isn't it because I am pregnant, and he is the father?” Not trying to contain a soft grin, you grab his other hand to lace your fingers with his and place them on your belly, knowing it's going to work.
“His grandfather is more than enough”. Hank replies squinting at you, before tilting his head to press a kiss on your forehead.
Leaving the front of your house straight to your car, he waits for you outside till you abandon your neighborhood to take the highway and reach the hospital faster. You're ashamed, you can't lie, but if your father didn't have a single scratch means that Antonio didn't hit him back, which is good. He still knows who the alpha is. You can go against the world, but not against Hank Voight. That's a fact. Everybody in Chicago knows it.
Not caring too much about how you park your car, your legs move quicker to the Emergencies being received by Will, who is trying to not laugh pressing both lips against the other. Making you a sign with a silent congratulations, your eyes travel around the open doors till finding Antonio sitting on a stretcher with his head bowed down, swinging his feet.
Knocking on the white metallic frame, you stick your head out of it with a sweet smile on the corner of your lips. “Need a ride back home, inspector?”
“May I need a nurse too”.
His brown eyes have a shine that only appears in them when he sees you after a long, long day; when he's about to be hugged by you, kissed, touched, loved. Putting down from the stretcher, you help your boyfriend to wear his jacket and zip it up over his torso.
“You okay?” Feeling your cheeks burning because of the shame, you put both hands on his neck to take a look of his nose covered with a gauze.
“He just threatened me and punched me. Honestly, I thought he would bring me to a remote place to make me dig my own grave. I think it did quite well, don't you?”
Antonio's positivism makes you laugh, nodding with your chin. Holding your arms and taking them to his mouth, he kisses both with so much care and tenderness, before tilting his head to catch your lips between his. At first, it's weird and awkward for you to be kissen for him in public, after a year hiding it. But it only lasts a short second. You can't wait to stop containing your impulses for hugging him and holding his hand and calling him amor in front of all; not in front of your dad, obviously. You're too young to die.
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kozutenshi · 4 years
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kenma smiled as he took the wine glass, taking in a small amount of the bittersweet red liquid that warmed his throat. looking sideways, he saw you, your smile as big as the other guests but brighter.
"is there something on my face, kozume?"
"wait what? where?"
"happiness. everywhere."
you rolled your eyes but you can't help but warm up on his claim. "you sound like you're in a trance." he only shrugged at your mocking statement and sipped again, only to shift uncomfortably when he realized how much people are in the venue, the music fading.
he felt a warm hand clasp his tenderly, drawing therapeutic circles on its back, and as the song slowly started seeping back to his ears, his eyes meeting yours.
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— a wedding tradition where the newlyweds dance as the guests pin money on their clothes. then, the couple goes around each table with one plate or container in hand to collect money.
— gift giving is a different part from this tradition.
— envelopes has more money than the direct cluster of money usually so the envelopes are mostly what is hoped for by couples.
— this tradition symbolizes the guests' well wishes and prosperity for the couple for many years, somehow telling them to use what they gave as a foundation for their life.
— in our family, we do the dance and the plate thing in two different parts of the program: one for the tables upfront, one for the ones at the back. the tables upfront are usually the family and the closest branches + closest friends, while the ones at the back are mostly neighbors, far relatives, and the nakikikain (people who just went to the ceremony to eat).
— the closest friends/relatives of each side will count the money with the couple at the end of the ceremony.
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your legs felt like lead but the shake of kenma's hands made his nerves known more. as you slowly swayed to the waltz, friends and relatives started to rummage through their bags, earning a sigh from kenma.
"why did we have to do this anyway? we have enough."
"don't say that. it's their own way of wishing us well materialistically."
"but.. it's uncomfortable.."
footsteps approached and lev towered in front of you with two envelopes in his hand. your blood ran cold as he took out the pins, making kenma chuckle. "lev, I think, since you know, you're tall.. and towering.. maybe you should find someone smaller?" your voice made him nervously chuckle, also knowing himself that he might accidentally stab you.
"i'll do it!" kuroo's bed head comes to view. "you're still tall-" pushing and cutting off lev, kuroo stood beside kenma. "so how many kids do you want?" kenma reflexively kicked him, making all the guests laugh at kuroo's panicked expression.
once calmed down, he carefully pinned lev's and his envelopes on the two of you, a fond smile on his face. "you two grow up so fast."
"but you're just a year older than them, kuroo-senpai."
"shut up lev."
the two of you laughed at the two as they walked back to their table. kenma drew you closer, reminiscing that one time kuroo said the same thing and got hit by yaku for getting too sentimental for someone a year older.
"what's on your mind?" he looked at you for a moment before answering. "just thinking of how fast time really flies." he looked at yaku and his other teammates drawing closer to both of you, each having their own envelopes to attach, fukunaga being the only one different having two sashes of paper bills attached together; one for you and one for him. he detached himself from you for a bit, signalling you to be aware of his highschool friends.
"you really.. got them.." teary-eyed, yamamoto pinned his envelopes, almost stabbing his own finger as kenma rolled his eyes at him. yaku wished the two of you well animatedly along with hinata. kissing your cheek, hinata also wished you well, making kenma swat his hand on his friend's shoulder. "sorry! it was a dare! 500¥ was at stake!" before placing paper bill crowns on the top of your heads.
the two of you looked at kuroo who tried to hide behind yaku and sighed.
you were glad to see them behaving normally even though the ceremony can be described as formal. and though their energy might seem unnecessary, the familiar warmth made kenma ease into a more carefree feeling.
you watched him slowly become more comfortable and you only smiled warmly at him, making him wonder what you were thinking but not questioning it.
the other guests went by on a blur, a good cluster of volleyball players, college friends, and company workers. then, with your parents, the two of you went to each table, nishinoya huffing proudly as he drops three envelopes and deflating when bokuto drops his own five. kenma narrowed his eyes at the collection, thinking of how much taxes did the ace forget to pay just to give the amount.
"if you're wondering if he ran from his taxes, he didn't. well, at least not intentionally. we paid for it." akaashi nodded at the two of you as he drops six envelopes, making everyone on the table stare at him with mouths open.
"akaashi where did you get that?"
"akaashi-san please tell me how much is at the envelope!"
"akaashi, I didn't know you were that rich!"
the said guy only sighed, congratulated the two of you and tapped kenma by the shoulder while he smiled respectfully at you, urging you to move out of the chaos of his table.
once again it reminded you of when akaashi helped the two of you tell the truth to the others, that you and kenma had started dating that Christmas night, the bustle of the crowd long forgotten as you kissed in a park bench secluded from people. hiding from the public wasn't really necessary now that you think of it, as the people still spotted the two of you, but the memory was something you held close to your heart.
soon after, everything was settled and the two of you were back at your own table. the envelopes and money collected are stacked on each of your side, and the best man, kuroo, stood at the podium for his closing words.
"you know, I feel like a father standing here." both of your parents laughed at his statement, along with the former nekoma volleyball team and coach nekomata.
"as someone who watched them get together, I can't believe kenma really landed himself with them. it's not that he doesn't deserve them. he was just.. not that outgoing, if you get what I mean." his eyes looked at the two of you happily, his eyes glowing under the light proudly. "but, I'm glad that it's the two of them that ended up together."
"through all the trouble you caused me back in high school, how the two of you always had alibis when kenma is late for practice, how y/n hides him from me for fun, and how they bully me just because I'm an old man, I'm grateful to see the two of you still happy even until today."
kuroo remembered your gleeful expression when you had told him you're moving in with kenma. boxes in tow, he assisted you and his childhood friend voluntarily, welcoming a new part of your life.
kuroo remembered how you tackled kenma chanting "yes" loudly when he decided to give you a ring to finally call you his fiance.
and now, another memory to remember is added.
raising his glass, he smiled charmingly at everyone. "thank you so much for attending the wedding. may you all rest well after this beautiful evening."
like a hungry cat, kuroo smiled at the money on the table as the guests emptied the venue like the cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland. yaku held kuroo back as both pairs of parents said goodbye with suggestive smiles. hinata joyfully started counting the money on your side while kuroo was still struggling on getting away from yaku, a handful of bills on his hand.
a beautiful evening indeed.
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FARERS: @akasuns @doodleniella @kenmakodzu @lyzzklm @mfcassandra @oikaw-ugh @seijohlogy @thesecondapplepienation (merry christmas to all of u)
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
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Title: Seal the Deal
Characters: Bokuto x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,848
Author's note: So, I haven't written in a long time and I know I'm kinda rusty. Please bear with me.
Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu!! and the characters, but I own the plot for this fic.
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'Congratulations! You have been selected as one of the winners in the Bouncing Ball Corp's Monster Generation giveaway. A limited-edition Nendoroid and a special surprise will arrive at your delivery address. Please confirm if you are available to receive this tomorrow by responding to this message. Thank you.'
You must've read the text message over a hundred times in the last twenty-four hours, but it still made your heart skip a beat. Setting your phone down, you stood up and tried to straighten up the flat that you had just moved into last month. It wasn't much - a cozy one-bedroom apartment with a small living area, which usually doubled as your dining area on days when you could eat a nice meal at home. It certainly was a far cry from the lavish three-bedroom apartment you once shared with your ex-boyfriend, but at least it was easier to clean. 
Your ex-boyfriend - the wild, and oh-so-adorable big baby you'd loved since high school, the same one who broke your heart a few months back when he couldn't choose between you and the sport he loves, and the reason you sent in several entries to the Bouncing Ball Corp's giveaway. You sighed. If your friends found out you'd won a limited edition Nendoroid of that same person they had worked so hard to help you get over, you knew you'd be done for. But how exactly does one get over the sweet summer storm that is Kotaro Bokuto? And besides, you thought, at least a Nendoroid won't leave you unless you throw it out. 
** Ding-dong **
The sound of your doorbell snapped you back to your senses. "Just a minute," you called out as you quickly tied your hair and hurried to the door in an oversized sweater and shorts. You could feel your heart beat faster at the thought that your precious Nendoroid was within reach. 'Oh, and the text message said there was a special surprise, too,' you thought quietly. Maybe, if you were lucky, you'll also get his signed jersey. That wouldn't be so bad, you thought again as you unlocked the door and pulled it open. 
You gasped, as the person waiting right outside the door greeted you with the warmest smile and his signature line. 
"Hey, hey, he -," he paused halfway through upon seeing you. "Y/N-chan?"
Hearing him say your name almost made you cry. You had missed how he always managed to make it sound so beautiful. You also missed his naughty smirk that usually came with calling your name. As you gazed at your reflection in his golden eyes, you wondered if - like you - this beautiful man thought of you, too. You had no idea how long you've been looking at each other, but it wasn't until you heard your neighbor's baby crying that you both shook yourselves out of your reverie.
"Oh, uh.  Did you need anything?" You asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. 
"Yes, I'm here to personally deliver the prize from Kenma. Kuroo asked to go, and this was the address he gave…," your ex-boyfriend said as he fumbled over his phone, looking for the exact message his friend has given. Glancing back and forth his phone and the number on the door, he scratched the back of his head. "See, it says 2404 -"
"Yes, Bokuto-san, I won the contest," you finally admitted, as you felt a blush slowly creep up your cheeks. 
"You did?" He flashed you a dazzling smile, his eyes sparkled and you looked away. When he noticed your eyes move to the paper bag he was carrying, he cleared his throat. "Uh… yeah, this is for you…"
"Uh, thanks," you replied shyly, as you took the paper bag containing the Nendoroid of the very same person you were talking to now. Your gaze darted from his handsome face to the suddenly empty hall outside your flat, and you could tell he was feeling just as awkward. "So, uh…"
"So, uh, this is where you moved to?" He asked as he took a step forward to peek inside your humble abode. 
"Uh-huh," you replied. "I-I'd invite you in, but…"
"Don't mind if I do," he said, stepping inside your pad. Even with his back facing you, you could tell that he was surveying your space, and you felt more and more flustered by the minute. "You have a microwave. I need to get me one of those."
"You have a microwave, Bokuto-san. It's top-of-the-line, and it was working fine when I moved out," you quipped, as you watched him from behind. 
"Was it? Then I must've destroyed it the other day when I tried to use it to heat water," he said casually, as he looked around your pad some more.
"Your couch looks comfortable. I should probably buy one for my bedroom."
"What's wrong with the sectional? If I remember correctly, you had it customized by Fendi," you retorted. 
"Did I? There must've been a reason I did, but I can't remember," he muttered, turning his attention to the wall.  "Oh, this is a nice painting. I need one of these."
"That's just a painting I bought at a trift shop," you said, cocking an eyebrow at your tall ex-lover. "You have original Murukamis on your walls, Bokuto-san. We bought three of them in the fundraiser that Kuroo hosted."
"Oh. Of course," he sighed. "It's just that… well, your place is -"
"No, it's not that," he responded, as he gazed upward as if trying to find the right word. 
"Tiny? Minuscule? Compact?" 
"Hey, those all mean the same thing," he whined before plopping down on your couch. You quietly watched as he leaned back and stretched out his legs, trying hard not to bump the coffee table, but he still managed to do so. Something about the scene before you were so endearing, you found yourself smiling before you could stop yourself. And right about that time, your dashing ex-lover happened to look at you and smile back. Lifting his hand out to you, he said, "I'm just saying your new place sorta gives off a certain kind of vibe, you know."
Raising an eyebrow, you stared at his hand and thought twice about taking it. It wasn't like you never held hands before, but now that you've broken up, it all seems so weird. 
But you wanted to take it. Oh, how you've imagined holding his hand a thousand times since you broke up, so just before he pulled away, you moved forward to grab it, and fell on his lap in the process. As you struggled to stand up, the dashing MSBY Outside Hitter put his arm around your waist to keep you from budging. "Ah, now this scene looks awfully familiar."
"Stop it, Bokuto-san," you said, hitting him on the chest so he could loosen his grip on you a little bit. 
"Oh, but don't you think seeing each other after several months is fate?"
"More like a certain capitalist's underhanded scheme," you retorted, as you tried to wiggle your way out of his grasp. 
"Just… just let me hold you a little longer, Y/N-chan… please?" 
You stopped squirming as you listened to his silent plea, and you slowly turned your eyes met his. "Bokuto-san…"
"You could do better than that," he said, as he lifted one hand and traced the side of your face with his long fingers. "I… I missed you, Y/N-chan. I know this was all my fault, I just didn't think you'd up and leave."
"That's what usually happens when you say you love your career more than your girlfriend, Kotaro," you managed to reply, as you thought back to that fateful night when you had come home from attending another one of your friends' wedding stag because he had practice. He was watching one of their games against the Adlers, paying close attention to Ushijima and Kageyama's quick attacks when you sat beside him and recounted how beautiful the ceremony was and how much more fun it would've been if he had attended it with you. He'd usually humor you - asking you to tell him what you liked best about it, how the food was, and listen intently to what you had to say - but lately, he'd neither had the patience not the drive to hear you out and on that night, you weren't having it either. After your stories were met with silence, you decided enough was enough. And on that same evening, you called your old roommate to let her know you were staying over. 
"I didn't mean it like that, Y/N-chan. I was under a lot of pressure before," he said, drawing you away from your thoughts. "I was under a lot of pressure. You knew a lot was riding on winning the championships."
As he looked at your blank expression, he huffed and pouted. "I know, I know… I could've chased after you - and believe me, I wanted to, but… uh..," he trailed off.
"But I wasn't your priority," you deadpanned. 
"To be honest, I thought you'd come back the next day, and when you didn't…"
"You got angry and thought you shouldn't come after me?"
"No… more like I thought you'd come back the day after or the day after that, and before I realized it, so much time has passed and it was too late to chase after you…"
"So you decided not to?" You watched as he nodded silently, admitting defeat, and you sighed. If this were someone else, you would easily doubt what he said was true, but this guy wouldn't lie to you if his life depended on it. The tightness you had felt in your chest started to ease up, and rolled your eyes and clicked your tongue. "That's so like you, Bokuto-san."
"And there's no one else but you for me, Y/N-chan," he replied, holding you steady in his arms. "So, what do you say, do you think you can give me another shot at this?"
"At what exactly?"
"At this," he gestured to the both of you. "At us. Please? I'll be a better boyfriend. I'll attend all the parties you want to go to, or I'll listen to whatever you want to say to me - even when you repeat it several times, I'll do whatever you want, Y/N-chan, so please…"
You could feel your heart melt as he pleaded with you, and you silently scolded yourself at having your resolve crushed so easily. You knew your friends were probably not going to be happy, but you also knew no one else would do for you. 
You sighed and turned your attention back to him. "I suppose you are cuter than the Nendoroid," you said haughtily. 
"So, will you date me again?"
"As long as you promise I'm your priority from now on."
He squeezed you to his chest and squealed. "You don't need to worry because you're the only one that matters," he said before his lips met yours to seal the deal. 
The end. 
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wildehopps-rasps · 5 years
Flour Pawlace Series
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Order 14:
Blueberry and Carrot Cake
I'm sure that all of us hold dear events in our lives. Moments from the past that brings us peace, laughter or any other form of happiness. If you would ask me now, I will say, without a doubt that that day holds the highest spot within mine...!
I lost the count of how many times I fixed my tie. It wasn't like the mirror was going to show me anything different from the first twenty times. The truth was that even though I had baked so many treats for a ceremony of this kind, I never attended to one myself...
How I wished papa and mama would have been there to tell me everything was going to be alright. One look at their smiles from the picture on the wall gave the confidence I was looking for!
"You look fine. Let's go." Finnick's words also helped!
Even after securing the order on the back of his van I dared to ask if he didn't prefer for us to go in my car. He said he wouldn't trust me behind the wheel on my current state. I was indeed nervous, so I took his words once again and we were on our way!
The air stroke my fur in such a way it took me back to where it all began. Or at least near it. I can't really point the exact moment. Maybe after Nick returned from the police academy or at the concert Gazelle offered for the whole city!
Either it occurred way before or later on, I must confess I was secretly expecting it! From their very first day as partners, when they told me about that "hundred yard dash" sloth. Who knew they could actually be that fast!
Ever since, they shared so many of their adventures together. Like that time Chief Bogo disappeared! Thank goodness he was alright. And I can't deny every time I felt something. It was a familiar feeling that it only became stronger with each one of their visits!
A bond I thought I was never going to see again. Not after mama and papa...
I never felt so good about being wrong in my entire life! And with as much excitement I baked that cake! Aiming to mix not only those different yet well known flavors, but all those feelings as well!
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Same cake that was on the back of a van on its way to deliver it! Finnick was rather quiet however, and that would only meant one thing. He was as nervous as I was, he was just better at hiding it!
It actually surprised me when I was told he was the one that was going to help me. I mean, I like to think we are friends, we just don't see each other that much. After all we met under "peculiar" circumstances. Let's just say I like him better on a black suit than on the elephant one!
It's always a funny story that never fails to make him smile, and that time wasn't the exception! Which was another wonderful thing about the union we were about to celebrate. Even being as different as we are, our friends never failed to bring together the best of two worlds!
Once we reached our destination, Finnick disappeared among all the mammals gathered there, saying he needed to check on 'someone'. I didn't mind since I was able to set up everything with the help of a certain bunny couple!
I think Mr. Hopps was as nervous as me. Luckily, Mrs. Hopps was there to calm him down like always. I still remember the day I met them at that fair I was invited to in Bunnyburrow. You should have seen their expressions when they found out about their daughter's relationship!
It wasn't easy, but they accepted it eventually, recognizing that Judy's choices have opened their eyes more than once in the past! They knew better than mistrusting her by now! Just like when they started to work with Gideon!
A lovely acquaintance from Judy's childhood that struggles as much as me with the youngsters of her family whenever they start to ask if we are a couple because we are both bakers. They are adorable!
I do wish he was able to be there and experienced with his own eyes what we all saw. The moment the Hopps welcomed a fox to be part of their already big family...!
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The ceremony was a success! And I was glad that my tears weren't the only ones shared when they both looked at each other in that heart melting way...!
I was as nervous as excited when they cut the cake. Gladly, I was embraced by the joy of everyone around me! Judy's parents, Nick's mom, even Finnick was smiling! And many others!
They both were soon congratulated by all of their fellow officers. The chief included and of course Benji as well! Although, he might have been more excited about the cake! He's the sweetness thing!
I didn't want to keep him waiting, but I was already quite busy delivering all of the extra treats to every member of the Hopps family. Fortunately, a single scene turned my exhaustion into happiness...!
Truth is it never ceases to amaze me how well Mrs. Wilde and Judy got along from the very first time they met! Unlike the Hopps, I guess the two of them have more things in common besides being rather fond of a certain fox.
And there they were, exchanging smiles, laughs and hugs as if they knew each other since forever! You may think that I cried after that, and you won't be mistaken, but how could I not? After all I never saw Mrs. Wilde as proud of her son as when he became a police officer...
After enduring the unthinkable and overcoming so many obstacles and still being able to smile at each other as big as ever, I think that's the same feeling that runs through my body. So proud!
And I believe I made it quite clear when I ran to them before Judy threw the bouquet! I couldn't help myself! These two have taught me so much already! Just like mama and papa. Whether we want to believe it or not, the impossible happens all the time...
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I could never say that is an easy task, but as long as you hold close those who bring you happiness and never give up on what you love, the road is surely to be easier to walk on. And that's how much they have inspired me!
Who knows what the future has in store for me?
No one really, but at least I know where I want to be! After all, a good friend once told me: "The change starts with you."
Never stop working to fulfil your dreams, no matter what anyone tells you. "Never let them see that they get you." As another wise friend said.
Now the day is about to be over, but I was visited by a certain couple with what possibly be their biggest adventure yet!
I can't barely contain my joy! However, I must admit, that now I want to be the one that lives those adventures instead of just telling the stories...
Maybe one day I'll find my soulmate as well and then I'll have a new tale to tell! But for the time being, I wish to Judy, Nick, and all of you the best of luck...!
Until next time, loves! If you happen to feel down one day, remember that the Flour Palace will always be there for you...!
After all...
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"Everyone deserves a bit of sugar on their day..."
So we reached the conclusion of this little story. I did cover the events of the whole movie. however since I published it as a "WildeHopps" story a bit of imagination was needed for the last chapter and epilogue! ^///^
Thank you so much for coming along on this little adventure! And special thanks to the artists! Until next time, loves! :3
Art by:
Skeletonguys-and-ragdolls / SkellyDoll
Trashasaurusrex / Trish
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getitinbusan · 5 years
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Jungkook friends to lovers, angst and smut. Inspired by Lana Del Rey's California. Please leave feedback if you'd like more.
It was a rare rainy August day in California, the heavy drops creating a melody on the window as you put the dishes away. You were tired, lonely and the feeling you had in your gut kept nagging at you, maybe it was time to give up. Well into the second month of not making rent, it was only a matter of time before your roommates would stop exchanging house cleaning duties for money. Standing in the kitchen feeling stupid, It had taken way longer than it should have to come to the realization that in LA you were nothing, not pretty enough, rich enough, skinny enough or talented enough. 
Gathering up the mail that was strewn across the countertop, you shuffled through to sort priority. Junk mail, bills, personal… one standing out in particular. The penmanship was nice, black ink, unassuming envelope, but it was the stamp that caught your attention, it was sent from Korea. The top had already been torn, the letter having been read, was cradled back safely inside. Addressed to your roommate a frown crept onto your face, why wouldn't he write you? It was a ridiculously  hopeful notion but you widened the envelope and inhaled trying to find his fragrance, something to trigger a happy memory. How many times had you borrowed his sweater just to have his smell on your skin? Cool California nights were the best excuse to wrap yourself in his scent. You missed him, it had been a year and a half since he'd last come around.
It was too tempting to resist, your fingers pinched the paper inside of the envelope and pulled it free. 
"I'm feeling low, I don't know who I am, only who I'm supposed to be. What would life be like if I had stayed in California? We could all be roomates, hanging out and having fun, going to the beach on weekends. Does she even think about me? It sounds greedy that with how much I have right now, it's not enough, I would give anything to wake up everyday in bed beside her. I want more than anything to be able to talk to her about these things but I can't, I made the mistake of trading her for fame and now I'm destined to keep her at an arm's length so she'll never know the price I paid. How does she even see me now?  Just an Idol? Has she forgotten the days we spent together? I've been wrestling with myself, whoever that is. I wish I could be the teenage boy from that long ago summer again. I wrote this song thinking about it…"
~When I see you smile in the screen
You're good at everything
You're just perfect
Feels like I've never been you
Do you even see me?
Do you know who I am?
Or how do I look now?
You don't like me like that
I want to be your decalcomania~
"I'm afraid I may not get back for a while,  please write. Your friendship and thoughts of Y/N are the only things that are keeping me tethered to some semblance of reality."
Clutching the letter to your chest your mind took you back to that day. "Decalcomania, the art or process of transferring pictures and designs. Making a copy of the original on a different medium"  You'd both laughed at the strange name, reading the description of the art on the museum wall during your visit so long ago.  
California had lured you into its promise when you'd just turned 14. Having been accepted to The Movement Lifestyle Studios intensive dance program in LA you left all your friends for the summer. You were going to be discovered! It was July and it was hot, the dancers stepping off the bus one at a time to take their places in the studio. Looking around there were so many older kids, you were probably one of the youngest. They called out names and put you into groups, it appeared to be by age and you made your way to the tiny gathering of four. Shy introductions were made as one more member was ushered over to where you had congregated, "This is Jungkook." He had the cutest smile and barely spoke english but his eyes twinkled like the constellations.
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Immediately drawn to each other you became fast friends. Absolutely exhausted at the end of the first few days he'd knocked at your door. He was homesick and lonely, used to being surrounded by his six members and he couldn't sleep well without someone beside him. You let him crawl into bed with you, you were 14 and it was innocent.  Inseparable, days were spent side by side and the others referred to you as the twins. It was the best summer of your life. Promising through tears to keep in touch and stay friends you went your separate ways. 
Jungkook would send silly videos of his practice sessions, goofing around with the other members.  He'd facetime and text but he always loved to send handwritten letters. They lived in a box under your bed and contained stories of how hard he was working to become an idol. He always signed off with an I miss you and a few lines of lyrics he'd written. You didn't know then how important they would become, the only tangible piece of him you could still hold on to.  
Whenever he came back to America you did everything you could to see him. You went to the small tour stops when they came through in 2015, KCon in 2016, but 2017 was different. Facetiming you with the news that they were bringing the Wings tour to NY, Chicago and Anaheim, he asked if you'd be part of the dance crew. How could you turn down two weeks with Jungkook? They were getting bigger, more popular and their lives were changing. 
Jungkook would sneak you into his hotel room so you could spend the nights catching up. He had rules, the fans came first and girls were 
not allowed. Even though it was just friendship it could be easily misconstrued, everything had to be done in secret. The boys would bring in food and cover for him while you both stayed locked away out of sight. While you were happy to be with him, you could tell there was an underlying sadness he was holding on to. "I wish I could go and explore the city with you, like we used to," his voice trailed off. You were laying in each other's arms cuddling on his bed.  Leaning over he kissed the top of your head, "All I wanted was to take you on a proper date. I've been waiting so long to become someone, to become a man worthy of your affection. Now I'm stuck, I have everything and I'm not allowed to share it with you." His arms gripped you tighter, "I'm sorry, this is a terrible confession. I don't expect you to love me back, not under these circumstances, I just need you to know, you're the only girl I've ever loved and there won't be anybody else, ever." 
You remembered every word of his confession,  every moment of that last night in the hotel room. The words of a 19 year old boy whose life had become bigger than the feelings of two people. He left in the morning without knowing, too afraid to tell him, you loved him too.  
LA became home right after the tour left Anaheim. Focused on dancing, if you became good enough maybe you could tour with him. A letter with a big bouquet of flowers arrived a few weeks later.  
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"Congratulations on your new house in LA! I hope that all of you are getting along as roommates, it's hard living with others sometimes. Last night I dreamt that I was there with you and all our friends, we were having a party on the beach and we sat together and watched the sunset. Remember after practice we would skateboard as fast as we could to the ocean so we wouldn't miss the colors? Maybe one day my toes can feel the sand there again. I miss you, I miss me… the me I am when I get to be with you. We are coming back in November for a few days and I'm hoping I can see you, I'm lonely already.   
~Won't you please stay in dreams
I can hear the sea from far away
Across the dream, over the bush
Go there where it becomes clear
Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria
When I'm with you, I'm in utopia~
When The AMAs came, all of your friends in LA were involved with the awards production. Your roommates helped organize the coup to steal Jungkook away so you could take him on a real date. Having enlisted Namjoon to help, the boys would cover for his whereabouts. The day before the awards they were only scheduled for styling, as long as he wasn't late for the press rounds the next afternoon your plan could work. It was Namjoon's job to get Jungkook out of the building. Telling him to follow his lead, Joon convinced the managers that Kook must have eaten something bad for lunch and wasn't feeling well, he was whisked away to meet you at the hotels back receiving door. Sitting in the shiny red rented convertible you tossed him a pair of sunglasses, what you wouldn't give now to see that smile again. Barely giving him time to get in you'd sped away heading straight for In And Out Burger. "Jungkookie, I hope your ready for the best day of your life! We're going to eat until we explode, drink and party at the beach and then instead of returning you to your 5 star fancy hotel you're staying the night in my crappy little house with a tiny uncomfortable bed!!" He laughed, so pure and happy, thinking about it now made you sad. Was that the last time he got to be his true self, Jeong-guk the man not Jungkook the personna? 
Knowing you only had one day to give him everything, one day to show him you loved him, you tried to make the best of it. Picking up the food Jungkook held onto the red and white bags in the passenger seat, sneaking his hand in to steal fries when he thought you weren't looking. If you weren't sure you were in love with him before you you certainly were now.
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Pulling up beside the tree on the beach he was stunned, "Ahhh Jagi, I can't believe you brought me here." Happy that it meant as much to him as it did to you, you both sat on the branch and ate. Two blocks from the old studio it used to be your escape, every break you'd make your way to the tree for a time alone, together. 
With the burgers done he turned to you and smiled,  it felt like he wanted to say something, cutting him short you pulled him up and back towards the car. Making your way to the Movement studio the students were starstruck when he walked in. After insisting that he teach some choreography, he reluctantly led the class. Your eyes were glued to him as he moved in front of the mirrors, no longer that awkward teenager but a full grown man mesmerizing you with every move. You were careless, It didn't take long for the photos to hit social media. Getting back to the car he stopped you before you reached for the handle. Putting his arms around you he pulled you in close, "You stink Jungkook, I think our next stop is the ocean" You remember pulling away, how stupid you were, you should have held on to him longer. Reaching into the back seat you revealed a pair of swim shorts and a towel. He looked disappointed that you kept interrupting his attempts at intimacy, but you had a plan and limited time to execute it. 
The Ocean was perfect, and the wind was warm, he came out of the change room with the shorts on but was still wearing his shirt. "Kookie, this isn't Korea, you don't have to be so modest here AND you may not believe it but when your skin is sunkissed… you look like a god." He raised his eyebrows and quickly removed the shirt at your request. Running into the water you splashed and played and he took great pleasure in picking you up and throwing you as far as he could. The sun was getting ready to set and you wanted to dry off before the cooler air set in. Leading him out of the water you both laid down on the towel. He put his arm around you under your neck and you cuddled into his side. "My god Jungkookie,  look at your abs!" He blushed like crazy as you traced the muscles on his stomach. "Stop, it tickles." he giggled. But you didn't, you kept tickling him until he held you so tight you couldn't move. He had you pinned and flipping you on your back he shook his wet hair flinging water droplets all over you. Pleased with himself he leaned in closer to you, his eyes asking for permission to kiss you. As the gap between you got narrower you could hear his name being shouted and footsteps running closer. He flopped onto his back and sighed as your roommates and friends piled on top of him. Eating, drinking and catching up with everyone you watched each other from across the bonfire. Moving from person to person he slowly made his way back to your side. "Welcome back, Kookie," running your hand through the back of his hair it was now or never.  Pulling him closer your lips finally met in the way they were destined, soft, slow and full of love. His hands instinctively moved to cup your face as the world stopped around you. "I love you," you whispered, nose to nose he smiled and it was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. It didn't last long, his phone started going off incessantly. The managers knew, the photos and videos from the studio had been discovered online. "I'm so sorry Kook, I didn't mean for you to get in trouble." His eyes turned hungry as he grabbed your hand. "Let's get out of here, you promised I wouldn't be going back to my hotel tonight." If he was going to get in trouble anyway, why stop now?  
The drive back to your place was quiet,  adrenaline and hormones flowing like electricity through you both. The time for smiling was over as the seriousness of the situation hung in the air. It wasn't just being in trouble or being caught, but the fact that you both knew what was going to happen when you stepped into your bedroom. One act that would change everything between you, holding the power to change the dynamic of your relationship forever. Leading him to your room you closed the door and stood staring at him as he sat on your bed. He raked his fingers through his hair before he spoke, "I've never wanted anything more in my life than to be able to make love to you. BUT I also know that when I leave I'm not going to get to see you again for a very long time. Management is going to do everything to keep us apart and that won't be fair to you. I think that maybe we should just let our happy memories of today be enough, I don't want you to get hurt." 
Walking closer you stood between his legs and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "The only way I can be hurt is if I never get to experience all of you. I can't live not knowing how it feels to be totally yours if only for the night." He rested his head against your chest, "You'll always be mine," his hands traveled to the hem of you shirt and his fingers ran over the soft skin of your stomach. Undoing the button of your jeans he slowly slid them down your legs and you stepped out of them.  Standing up he lifted the thin fabric of your shirt over your head and you stood before him waiting as he took his off too. Unclasping your bra he sighed as he looked at you taking in your shape, his fingertips hovering over your hard nipples. "I've never done this before," he confessed. "Me either," you whispered, "So, I guess the bars pretty low." His giggles cut the tension before he pulled you on top of him onto the bed. More relaxed he let his mouth start exploring your body. You were goosebumps and shivers beneath him as his tongue found it's home between your legs. He was soft and careful placing his lips over over your clit,  sucking it in delicately until your moans couldn't be contained any longer. You could feel his eyes burning into you as he watched in awe as his finger slide inside you. "It's good Kookie, please…i can take more." He sighed as his mouth picked up speed and another finger slid in slowly. Moving your hips to meet his mouth you were unravelling quickly, "The way you taste is better than anything I had imagined." Circling your clit between his words you came hard on his tongue. "I made you so wet," he said, impressed with himself. "I need to feel myself inside you." Moving up to where your head lay on the pillow he pushed your damp hair off you face, "are you ok? do you need anything?" he placed his forehead against yours. "Just you Kookie, I love you so much, please… I want you so badly." Moving slowly he lined himself up with your wet entrance. "Tell me if you need me to stop okay?" He pushed slowly and you could feel yourself stretching around him. He watched your face and froze when he saw the tear roll out of the corner of your eye. "I'm so sorry, let's stop, I didn't mean to hurt you." He thumbed away the tear, "No, baby… I'm okay… I'm just so happy, so overwhelmed with how much I'm feeling right now" he smiled down at you, pressing his body closer as he gave another push until he was fully inside you. Your bodies fell into a beautifully choreographed rhythm until Jungkook was so lost in pleasure he began to move at his own pace. Quicker and deeper he moved until he finally spilled into the condom. 
You kissed, and kissed, and kissed until you fell asleep wrapped around each other. Every few hours he'd wake you up, checking to make sure it wasn't a dream, making love each time,  harder and faster. It was 9 am when he caressed you awake once more. "I have to leave soon, I don't want to," he spoke nestled into your neck just under your ear, "Please tell me to stay." Your heart broke at his words, "If I ask you to stay, I'm selfish, you'll always wonder if you made the right decision. If I tell you to go, your dreams come true… " your voice trailed off,  "and I'll always wonder if I made the right decision," he finished. 
Your phone started ringing and you knew time was up. It was Joon, "I'm outside, sorry, I held them off as long as I could. I told them I'd come get him so you could at least have time to say goodbye." Your tears fell out in heavy ugly sobs, "Okay, five minutes… and Joon… thanks, I know you're probably in trouble too." Hanging up you turned back, Jungkook was already out of bed with his clothes thrown on. He stood with open arms waiting, 
 "Thank you for yesterday." Laying your head against his chest you took a moment to listen to his heartbeat. You could hear him sniffle, and knew he was crying. You flashed back remembering that night long ago when he came to you homesick, holding you so he could sleep while he tried to hide his tears. There was a knock at the door and
Namjoon's voice broke through the moment "We've got to go Jungkook." Stepping away you'd left his shirt soaked in tears, handing him his sweater he pushed it back towards you, "keep it." He kissed you one last time and turned the handle opening it to reveal Namjoon. His Hyung put his arm around his shoulder and led him to the car.
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Turning one more time he eyes were filled with tears and he gave a small wave before getting in the back of the big black sedan. 
For months you pretended that management was the only thing keeping you apart. You held onto your silly notions until May, they were coming for the Billboard awards. For weeks leading up to them you waited for a message, a secret meeting arrangement, but you got nothing. His image was all over the TV and his voice echoed through you empty heart and then he was gone again. 
Now, here you stood in your kitchen, his letter bringing him to the forefront of your mind,  opening old wounds. He was just as sad as you but what could you do? Picking up a pen you began writing… 
I shouldn't have done it but I read it in your letter
You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better
I wanted to reach out but I never said a thing
You don't ever have to be stronger than you really are
And honey, you don't ever have to act cooler than you think you should
You're brighter than the brightest stars
You're scared to win, scared to lose
I've heard the war was over if you really choose
The one in and around you
You hate the heat, you got the blues
You're changing like the weather, oh, that's so like you
I'll pick you up
I'll catch you on the flipside
If you come back to California
We'll do whatever you want, travel wherever, how far
We'll hit up all the old places
We'll have a party, we can dance till dawn… 
October came and a chill was in the air, the smell of winter hit your nose and you stopped to take it in. Bundled in Jungkook's hoodie you threw your bag over your shoulder and began your walk to work. Movement had hired you on for a new intensive program and today you were going to meet your students. So many memories flooded your mind as you made your way through the familiar neighborhood. It still hurt but things were beginning to feel happy again. Writing the letter had given you closure, he knew how you felt and beyond that there was nothing else you could do. Opening the heavy door to the studio you caught a familiar reflection moving in the mirror writing something on the glass, It couldn't be? Hearing the door click back into place he turned to face you, "Hi." he walked towards you slowly, unsure of what your reaction would be, he approached with caution. "Hi," you were breathless, in the months of not seeing him he'd grown more handsome. "I can't change what happened… and for the rest of my life I'll be sorry for all of the time we missed." He was getting closer,  "But I can't take another day not knowing if I can fix this… somehow…" he reached for your hand. Pulling it back away his head fell in disappointment, "Jungkook, I can't listen to this… look at me," reaching for his chin you pulled his head up until he was facing you again. "I refuse to listen to you apologize for something that was out of your control. Your life was decided before you met me and I can only be grateful that I got to appear in some part of your story" he tilted his head and pressed a small kiss into the hand that was still holding his chin. "God I've missed you" he said as he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist. "How long are you here? I've got to teach class.. It's my first day but I'd love it if we could catch up?" He laughed at you and your knees buckled at the sound of his happiness. Taking his chance he pressed his lips to yours and you could feel the smile forming on his face. "I'm your private lesson Jagi, I've booked you for the next two weeks" Taking a step back you had to ask, "How Jungkook? What will you be giving up?" Pulling you back to his embrace he began to dance with you, "There is no more giving up… on anything. Our contracts were over and I only had one thing I wouldn't negotiate on…that's you." 
Holding you tightly he moved you to look at the mirror,  'I wrote you something"
The only thing I can do
In the garden
In this world
Is to bloom a pretty flower that resembles you
And to breathe as the me that you know
But I still want you
I still want you
"Y/N I promise I'll never let you go again" 
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I can't believe it's 11:30. If both feels way later than that and we're earlier. I'm tired. But I'm not as exhausted as I think I would be normally. Today was a really good time. It just feels like it was 6 days in one.
I slept okay last night. I woke up at 8 and got ready to go to the museum. I got there a couple minutes late because of traffic but it was no big deal. I setup my project and the kids came basically on time. It was the largest group ever had for in the neighborhood but they were really good kids. I had 21 but four of them were special needs and so they didn't really participate and then they just kind of walked around the museum when we were on tour. So I had 17 and that was fine. It was nice. They were good kids and paid attention and did all the things I wanted them to do. The teachers and chaperones we're just on point and it was great. Whenever I needed help they were right there. It was awesome.
I finished up there around 12:30. I had agreed to do an extra half an hour but that made me late to work at the school. Not that it actually matters besides my paycheck but not a big deal. I'll make it up somewhere else. But since I already knew I was going to be late I stopped at Chipotle and had nachos.
While I was eating my nachos I solve two ends of the spectrum of police officers in Baltimore. I saw traffic cops wearing fluorescent vests and I saw Baltimore Police in camo. So the most visible and the least visible. Very strange. You're in the city why are you wearing camo.
I missed the bus right as I was going up the hill. But another one was about five minutes away so it was fine. The blue line runs all over the place so I don't know why I ever bother worrying about the next bus. It'll either be there in the next 2 minutes or it will take 45. No in between.
I got to the school at 1:30 and got to work on some prep for the day. There wasn't a ton to do. When I went and got the kids I have them come right upstairs with Chelsea and had everyone bind a book. So there's only like three or four left. So that's excellent. And the kids were mostly really good today. We did have one thing happened at the end of the day that wasn't cool. But Chelsea really laid down the law and their were tears but I think they got some understanding.
Right before the end of the day though me and Damien took Otto my clock and turned him into a graduation Furby. I had really wanted to get a graduation for me to bring to Charlotte's graduation tonight but it just didn't happen. And that's not what I really need. It's just a black and white wearing a little hat. And Otto is black and white so we made him a little graduation cap. And then Damien told me he wanted to make a certificate. And I didn't know what he was talking about but I told him go ahead. And he brings me a little scroll with a little ribbon on it because he made a diploma. He didn't know that's what it was called that's what he made. Absolutely precious.
All of the kids got picked up real early and I was able to make the early bus. So I got home before 6. I took a shower and I got changed. I redid my makeup and fix my hair. I packed my purse up and then I called a car.
My driver was really nice and we had a really nice conversation all the way to the tap room. And James was outside. And it was so nice to see him. He looks so handsome. His hair was all done up and his shirt was really cute.
And I had a great night. I helped set some stuff up. I took the plastic off stuff for his mom. I said happy birthday and happy graduation to his sister because both happened today! So congratulations to James's sister Charlotte for graduating from Hopkins with 9 cords. I think that's what they're called. The colorful ribbons that they put around their necks when they have a bunch of extra things. Because she's incredibly smart. And she's very nice. And tonight was a really good celebration.
I got to meet a bunch of change this family and family friends. I got to tell stories. And I got to meet Hopkins grads that thought I was fascinating and that was cool. I wish I would have had more time to learn more about them but they kept asking me questions. I had a really nice time. We got to go on a brewery tour and there was a bunch of rats back here and we all thought I was hilarious. Not uncommon because you know wheat and barley and things. I don't know why other people were surprised by it. It's Baltimore. I'm sure everything is clean enough in the actual process of beer making.
I had a really good night though. At the end of the night James mom told me to take as much stuff home as possible. So I got three plants and two plates of food and both the Diet Cokes that they bought for me. Someone accidentally crushed with my plants but I think I'm going to be able to save them. When I got home after my Lyft ride. Which was very good. The man was very very nice and we had a really nice conversation. I use chopsticks to take them back together. So I'm hoping with some babying I'll be able to save them
James stay behind to finish helping clean up. And I got home and got washed up. Brought all of my stuff inside. Put all the food in containers and opened up my new package. Which is my new weird pink robot dog. Which is absolutely incredible for a 14 year old dog. It rolls over and plays dead and it does guard Duty. I'm very excited to explore this thing a little bit more. The books that came with it has a basic function and an advanced function and there's a lot of things that can do and I'm excited that has autonomous features. Those are my favorite kinds of robots.
I'm going to get ready for bed now. I'm very tired. I have the next four days off and I'm going to finish my tooth sculpture and I'm going to finish my lesson plans. I'm going to go to the Xfinity store and figure how to cancel my internet because there is no option for that on their website or explanation on how to do it. I keep saying I'm moving. But it just wants me to move my service to my new place. James has internet I don't need to internet. But I will figure it out. But I'm hoping it's just a nice weekend. And I can take the bus long distances to stores I don't get to go to often. And James has his job interview on Saturday and then we have the whole afternoon together. And hopefully we'll move some more stuff to his place. And I'm just hoping it's a really good day.
I hope it's a good night for you guys as well. Sleep well everybody. Stay safe out there.
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ohjjang · 4 years
BTS Live Interview KBS News9 2020.09.10
🐨 We're so happy to have completed our debut stage. We'll continue to do our best as BTS.
👥 Bangtan! Thank you! We'll do our best!
🐱 It's good to dream big, right? I'd like to be No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. I'd also like to be No. 1 on the Billboard 200.
🗣 The Billboard music award goes to... BTS!
(No. 1 on the Billboard Album Chart in 2018)
(No. 1 on the Billboard Single Chart in 2020)
(No. 1 for two weeks in a row in 2020)
🐥 We never expected it but we're so happy to hear that we made No. 1 on the Hot 100. We're all in awe. It's hard to express it in words.
📺 KBS News9
🐹 Hello. I'm BTS' worldwide handsome, Jin.
🐱 Hello, I'm BTS Suga.
🐥 Hello, I'm BTS Jimin.
🐨 Hello, I'm BTS RM. Nice to meet you.
🐿 Hello! I'm your hope, J-Hope.
🐯 Hello... Hello, I'm your hope, V.
🐰 Hello, I'm Jungkook.
👩🏻‍💼 I'm sure you were here for "Music Bank," but how do you feel being in the newsroom?
🐿 It's really cool here.
🐹 It's really solemn here. It has a serious vibe.
🐱 It's our first time in the newsroom.
🐨 I think this is the coolest place in KBS.
🐿 To be honest, it's quite fascinating.
👩🏻‍💼 Jimin, does it feel real yet?
🐥 Oh, it doesn't feel real. When something good like this happens, we should be meeting with the fans in person and hug, cry, and celebrate together. It's a shame because of the current situation. But it's an honor to be here on KBS. I hope the fans will be happy.
👩🏻‍💼 It's really difficult for a non-English speaking artist to enter the Hot 100, right?
👥 That's right.
👩🏻‍💼 Why do you think "Dynamite" was so successful? How was it able to have a universal appeal?
🐱 Well, the situation isn't good in Korea and overseas, right? So when we first came up with this song, we wanted to do what we're good at, what we were able to do, in order to provide strength for our fans. That was our biggest motivation. And fortunately, our fans really loved the song, which is what brought this amazing result. That's what I believe.
👩🏻‍💼 It's a really exciting and funky disco track. Did you choose that genre on purpose because things are so tough right now?
🐨 In these tough times... When you're feeling down and depressed, there are many ways to relieve that, right? We chose to go with our field of expertise. It's a disco-pop that everyone's familiar with. We wanted it to just be cheery. And we felt like we needed something that was hopeful. That's why we chose this genre.
👩🏻‍💼 Do you feel like you're world stars now? V, how do you feel?
🐯 First of all... It does feel more real than before. Friends of our families say that they're part of ARMY. And even many of our friends have become ARMY. We're really encouraged every time we hear that.
🐿 So many people cheered loudly for us when we entered the newsroom.
🐨 They congratulated us.
🐿 I think that makes us realize our popularity a little.
🐯 It makes us wonder how we are this popular.
🐱 It wasn't like this at "Music Bank."
👩🏻‍💼 From what I know, you had hard times in the beginning. I heard there were times when you'd go hungry.
🐹 Yes. Even for us... We used to catch fruit flies with a vacuum cleaner. We'd have rotten bananas that attracted lots of fruit flies. There were times we survived on chicken breasts. It's a relief that things worked out for us.
👩🏻‍💼 What has changed between then and now?
🐯 Our lunch boxes...
🐹 Back then, when we weren't earning much, there was a limit to what we could eat. But now we can eat whatever we want. We can have two slices of steak if we want. That's where we're at.
🐥 Our minds... I think we have more peace of mind. We felt rushed back then and felt we needed tenacity. But now, we can relax more.
👩🏻‍💼 Then what hasn't changed between then and now? Something you've kept all this time. Jungkook, what do you think?
🐰 We've changed a lot in terms of our appearances and personalities. But the one thing that hasn't changed is our love for the fans and our attitude towards music. I think that still remains true.
👩🏻‍💼 I'd say your teamwork hasn't changed either. This year is the 7th year for the 7 of you. Your album has "7" in the title as well. This would be impossible without teamwork.
👩🏻‍💼 Do you have a secret to your successful teamwork? Does the eldest keep everyone in line?
🐱 No, not at all.
👩🏻‍💼 Or perhaps the leader?
🐨 I think we all just really get along. I think that's how we maintain our positive teamwork. And if anything comes up, we always gather and have meetings. We're always trying to gather ideas for a positive outcome. I think that's why...
🐿 I think we respect each other and are considerate of each other. I think that's how we were able to get to this point.
🐨 I mention this comparison often. I believe we're all in the same boat facing different directions. The 7 of us grew up in different environments and we live life enjoying different things. It's impossible to be completely alike. But the fact that we're in the same boat. If we have that clearly in mind... And also, if we're too close, that can cause problems. So at times, we're like family and other times, we're like partners. We maintain an appropriate distance from each other to respect one another. I'd say that's the secret to our teamwork.
👩🏻‍💼 J-Hope, you mentioned May 18, the Gwangju Uprising in your lyrics. Suga, you've incorporated daechwita and gukak in your music too. Do those ideas come from your discussions? From sharing your feelings and thoughts?
🐿 That's right. Being able to tell the stories that we want to through music is in itself such a great honor as artists. In my case, I felt it was a part of history that we should never forget. And I thought it was good to express that through my music. Daechwita!
👩🏻‍💼 I'm sure all of your songs are precious. But is there a song that you particularly love? In particular?
🐱 "Dynamite."
🐨 "Dynamite"!
🐿 "Dynamite."
🐹 For me, it's "I NEED U." That's the first song that got us 1st place.
👩🏻‍💼 In western pop culture, it has been difficult for Asian artists to be in the spotlight. It was hard to be mainstream. But now you're right in the center and the entire world relates to you. What's your secret?
🐨 To be honest, I don't know if we're there yet. However, The Billboard Hot 100 is very symbolic. And being No. 1 for two weeks in a row is something we never expected. So I personally think... First off, the song "Dynamite" was probably more approachable because it broke down the language barrier. And as mentioned earlier, disco-pop is a familiar genre. Even for the older generation. So it's easy to listen to and at this point in time, it provides hope. It provides comfort through being simple and upbeat. I believe these factors played a big part. And more than anything, I'd say people are most curious about this. It's how we got this far. They ask us that a lot and are curious about it. But what I want to say is that we've been on the Billboard Charts since 2015. And I think we've been achieving milestones since. It's not like we had a set strategy from back then. We didn't calculate how to climb up the Billboard Charts. We were able to overcome the language barrier and other national and ethnic boundaries through the truths that we conveyed. That's what reached the many people and turned them into our fans. These things all came together and the resulting explosion was "Dynamite."
👩🏻‍💼 Don't you have ARMY to thank as well, Jimin?
🐥 We have so much to thank them for. Since the early days, I think we had a strong bond with the fans. Even when our team was really small, it's the same in our music and performances, I think it always felt like we were together. Even in this moment, we're so thankful. We want to quickly meet them and thank them in person.
👩🏻‍💼 I really studied a lot so I wouldn't get told off by ARMY. I noticed you always thank the fans whenever you receive an award. Just as Jimin said, you seem so close with the fans. Where does that tight relationship come from? Would you like to comment on that, V? That tight bond with ARMY.
🐯 First of all, it's because they were with us since the difficult times. That'd be the foremost reason. Also, our sad times, happy times, the times we were congratulated, everything was shared with ARMY. So the people that know us best are by far always ARMY.
👩🏻‍💼 To all the youths around the world that have to live with COVID-19. Is there a unique BTS challenge you can propose? (Jung Eungyeong) Who would like to answer that?
🐥 V? Since he has unique ideas.
🐨 Since you're so creative.
🐯 This is my personal opinion. Right now, there are so many things we can't do because of COVID-19. So once COVID-19 passes... Once it's completely over... Then what is... What is the very first thing you want to do? The thing you want to do the most. You could write that down or express it in some way. Perhaps draw it. That would be my challenge suggestion.
🐿 It's a dream challenge.
🐰 A dream challenge.
🐯 Dream challenge.
👩🏻‍💼 We're all spending so much time at home because of COVID-19. You guys are doing a lot of activities online. J-Hope, you made beaded wristbands. You made gimbap too. Is there anything else you'd like to try?
🐿 Yes, I did do many things, right? Well, I don't know. I'd like to do things that I haven't tried yet. I'm not very good with my hands. So I'd like to make a lot of things. For example, carving wood and making something pretty. I'd like to try a lot of those things. And share them with the fans.
👩🏻‍💼 I'm sure you have a lot more personal time now. I hear RM has started to work out. Jungkook is learning the guitar and Suga's learning to draw. What else are you guys doing?
🐱 After things became like this, we shared a lot of our daily lives through various platforms. So that's why we have new hobbies. In this day and age, I'd like to share and show more. I started learning the guitar recently too.
🐰 He's practicing really hard right now.
🐱 I really am. I'd like to continue sharing things like that.
🐥 We're working on our next album as well.
👩🏻‍💼 I hear you have a new album coming soon. Can you briefly tell us what it'll be like?
🐥 Actually... It's hard to say what the album will contain as of now. There are songs as good as "Dynamite" and some even better, so please look forward to it.
🐨 We already love it.
🐥 Also... It's great. After topping the Billboard Charts with "Dynamite," I thought that it would be awesome if the entire album could enter the Hot 100 😄
🐱 It's good to dream big.
🐥 It's always good to dream big. So I imagine that at times.
🐰 Our level of participation for this album is extremely high for each of our members.
👩🏻‍💼 Each of your albums have a unique message. Finding yourself, for example. What do you think the message will be for this album?
🐥 I think it'll contain a variety of messages. It's like... The things we feel whether that be sadness or joy. I think we added those raw emotions. I'll end the spoilers there.
🐨 Right now... It's like... BTS is just 7 young guys. Of course, we don't live your average normal life. But the sentiment we're feeling right now... And what we dare to believe that people need right now. We added songs that will satisfy that. So I just hope many people will listen to them. That's how I feel.
👩🏻‍💼 I have to ask Suga about your next objective. Everything Suga has said has come true. Is your next goal the Grammys?
🐱 Well, first off... Yes... I've been lucky, haven't I? I'd personally like to be nominated. Once you're nominated, you can perform a song at the Grammys. And so after we perform at the Grammys, if possible, It's only our wishful thinking but... I don't know if I can say this. But if we can win a Grammy... That would be so...
🐨 Of course, it's not up to us.
🐱 Yes, of course. But we can dream, right? It's okay for us to dream, right? That's our wish.
👩🏻‍💼 Please agree to be back if you win.
👥 Oh, of course!
🐨 It'd be an honor to be back here.
👩🏻‍💼 Then to end this interview, for the people that are struggling because of COVID-19. Whether that be ARMY or viewers all over the world. Could you say a word for them?
🐰 We mentioned the challenge earlier. I'm sure many people are going through hard times right now. It was really tough for us too. We had so many things scheduled but we couldn't do any of them. That's how serious it is right now. Many people are putting in the effort. And we're doing the best we can too. I hope you can find something within. I hope you find that silver lining so that you can find some kind of joy in this dark times. It's tough but I hope you fight on.
🐨 I have a heavy heart. I can't dare say that I understand those struggling right now. It's difficult for me to say that. To tell you about "Dynamite" from our circumstances, it would not have been born without COVID-19. So, I believe... I believe that with the bad, there's always the good. Though that could take a long time. At night, the shadows are long but the sun will surely rise. I know it's tough for so many people. But we'll do our very best so please stay hopeful. And I wish you all stay healthy. Thank you.
👥 We'll shout it out! 2, 3. Let's go!
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