#'but Sharpwood'
not-poignant · 1 year
Hi Pia! Hope you don't mind me asking but is Mihail from TGATNW autistic? I love the way he's written. And I also love Sharpwood! He's a really interesting character and I'm curious about what a scene between him and Pitch would actually look like.
Is Sharpwood a character you would ever put into one of your original stories like Anton and Flitmouse?
And did Jack ever actually end up letting Anton top him?
Hi anon!
Mihail is definitely neurodivergent, but Lune doesn't have things like 'autism' as a diagnosis, so within the world, he's not autistic. To that end, characters like Mihail can be interpreted how you like!
I write a lot of neurodivergent characters because I am neurodivergent, but unless they say 'I have ADHD' (like Arden), or 'I'm autistic' - they can be what you want them to be in terms of specific diagnosis, because there's multiple neurodivergences that can cause Mihail's behaviour!
I've been tempted to write Sharpwood, but I'm not sure how I'd do it. In The Golden Age that Never Was, I know his final kind of 'partner' he ended up with was a woman, and as I don't like reading or writing heterosexual relationships, I don't really want to write (or read) that. But it also puts me in a quandary of how I'd put him in other stories. His relationship with Pitch wasn't exactly healthy, it was just all he had, until he got home again to something good for him. And I imagine he's going to need many many decades to heal.
He's probably one of the most interesting (to me, I'm biased) characters I've written for a very side character who got hardly any screen time, lol. I was fascinated with the culture of Grisaille (which I threw together haphazardly and then was like 'wait, this is cool'), and sometimes I think about writing something within a version of that world? But it's a bit brain-breaky to think about.
Like, I could keep his world and mind very kind of 'alien' when he was a side character. But I think at this stage in my writing I don't know if I'm good enough to preserve that if he was a POV character, or if I wrote his world. I think I'd be very tempted to humanise it into something more recognisable to me, and that's a big challenge!
But I do love Sharpwood, I have a very big soft spot for him and his awkward ways, and also his...life of heartbreak and loss and being manipulated and essentially being so servile to Gavril out of pure desperation to get something back home after he realised he made a mistake.
Maybe I'll write a human Sharpwood one day! But the things I loved about him most were how...not human he was, and how his biology influenced so much of what he did. I wonder how much of him would be left - at least the parts of him I love so much - if I turned him into a human in the process.
ETA: Forgot to answer this, but yes, I definitely think Anton eventually topped Jack! :D
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neonixarts · 7 years
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woahg!! my kids are here!! it's 7AM and i hAVE NOT slept!! ya!! accept this humble pile of sketches as i am juggling work requests and basic human needs
separate images under the cut!!
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linuxgamenews · 6 years
This Is the Police 2 releases a new Trailer
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br/> This Is the Police 2 releases a new Sharpwood trailer for Linux, Mac and Windows. Which also shows off the premise of the gameplay. Since Sharpwood is a cold place, a desolate place. Corruption spreads, violence escalates. So local cults gain more power, as do criminal gangs. And the Police? Well, everybody has to make a living, right? So "To serve and protect" - but whom? And who can you trust? If some criminals also wear a badge? Welcome to Sharpwood.
This Is the Police 2 - 'Welcome to Sharpwood' Trailer (Linux, Mac, Windows)
The trailer paints a more distinct picture. Which has my attention. Since there will be some decisions to be made. And the outcomes will depend on how you face those situations. Having to face different personalities, fears, strengths, weaknesses and so on. What has my attention is how this will affect the gameplay. This Is the Police 2 is coming to Linux, Mac and Windows as a digital version on August 2nd 2018 via Steam and GOG.
About This Is the Police 2
Just like the first game, the hard-hitting sequel is a mixture of adventure and management genres. This time it benefits further from game mechanics that will strengthen both the strategic and tactical parts of the game. It won’t be enough just managing the equipment of your policemen. Keeping in mind their individual skills. Hinted at in the trailer. So every challenge requires the player’s direct participation on a tactical combat scene. And the outcomes will depend on every decision you make. Now your subordinates aren’t just a resource. They are living people with their own strengths, weaknesses, fears and prejudices. And you'll also have to reckon with all these things in order to survive. This should make for a solid Linux release. This Is the Police 2 will also launch on PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Nintendo Switch™ and the Xbox One family of devices including Xbox One X later this autumn.
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strategiaingioco · 3 years
#TITP2 #1 Il ritorno di Jack
Il secondo gioco di questa paginetta è “This is The Police 2”. Avevo giocato al primo episodio senza finirlo, non perché fosse subentrata la noia, ma, immagino, per questione di pigrizia. Quindi, la scelta: gioco al secondo capitolo e poi, quando lo finirò, riprenderò in mano il primo. Scelta bizzarra, lo so. Siamo a Sharpwood e non a Freeburg, dove è ambientato il primo capitolo. A capo del locale dipartimento di polizia c’è una donna, Lilly Reed. Il problema più serio sembra essere una banda di narcotrafficanti. Durante una retata in una casa, dove si trovano 27 kg di cocaina, ricompare il nostro “eroe” di This is The Police, Jack Boyd, in fuga da Freeburg. Poco dopo aver scritto una lettera indirizzata ai suoi figli, per spiegare i fatti di Freeburg (358), viene arrestato (dopo un violento “scambio di opinioni” con l’agente Charlie) e spedito in cella, dove fa la conoscenza di Lilly.
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Qui viene scoperta la falsa identità del detective (sui documenti contraffatti il suo nome è Warren Nash), ricercato dai federali per il casino accaduto nel primo episodio (che, avendolo giocato anni fa e, come detto, non avendolo terminato, rimane per me un’incognita).
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Tra i due, però, nasce del feeling e Reed viene convinta dal nostro eroe a non denunciarlo: in cambio darà una mano al dipartimento (in incognito, cioè utilizzando il falso nome) dopo aver provato la sua abilità nella risoluzione di un caso.
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narwana-games · 4 years
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This Is the Police 2 - jeszcze więcej kapryśnych policjantów, pączków z dziurką i niecierpiących zwłoki zgłoszeń
This Is the Police 2, sequel ciepło przyjętego tytułu z 2016 roku, został wydany niemal dokładnie dwa lata po premierze pierwszej części. Za powstanie serii odpowiadają białoruscy twórcy gier z Weappy Studio, którzy przedstawili projekt This Is the Police na Kickstarterze, na przełomie 2014 i 2015 roku, i zostali wsparci przez 1 910 osób na łączną kwotę ponad 35 tysięcy dolarów. Pieniądze ze zbiórki pozwoliły na pieczołowite prace nad produkcją. Na szczęście na tej jednej grze się nie skończyło, bo poza tym, że stworzono drugą odsłonę serii, to rok później ukazał się spin-off o tytule Rebel Cops, dostępny na Steam za 40 złotych bez grosza. Ceny gier Weappy Studio to ogromna zaleta, ponieważ nie nadwyrężają portfela, a oferują kilkadziesiąt godzin rozgrywki. Przejdźmy jednak do bohaterki niniejszej recenzji i wybierzmy się do Sharpwood - mroźnego, nieprzyjaznego miasta położonego w północnych rejonach Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Fałszywa tożsamość Jacka Boyda
Głównym bohaterem ponownie zostaje Jack Boyd, a to, w jaki sposób ukazano go w scenach otwierających, może zaszokować każdego, kto pamięta go jako podstarzałego, zmierzłego komisarza policji. To odległe o lata świetlne wcielenie protagonisty należy pozostawić w przeszłości, bo w życiu Jacka zmieniło się absolutnie wszystko. Splot korzystnych i niekorzystnych dla niego wydarzeń sprawia, że pod fałszywą tożsamością zostaje współpracownikiem szeryf Lilly Reed. Młoda kobieta, nieco zagubiona w roli, jaką przyszło jej pełnić, zna tajemnicę Jacka, ale i widzi w nim szansę na ocalenie Sharpwood.
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Jako Warren Nash zostaje zastępcą szeryfa i przejmuje na siebie niektóre obowiązki Lilly. Relacja tych dwojga jest nieoczywista i przez większość czasu trudno powiedzieć, co jedno myśli o drugim. Samą historię określiłabym jako przyzwoitą, choć wydaje się nieco rozwleczona i nie śledziłam jej ze szczególnym zainteresowaniem. Szkoda, bo przerywniki filmowe zostały zrealizowane na wysokim poziomie. Ilustracje, względem poprzedniej części, są bardziej dopracowane i pojawiają się na ekranie w prostokątnych ramkach, a ich układ przypomina strony komiksu. Profesjonalne aktorstwo głosowe, z głównymi rolami Jona St. Johna, Sarah Hamilton i Michele Benzin, to miód na uszy. Pojawiają się nowe postacie i te poznane w pierwszej odsłonie. I mimo wszystko czegoś mi w tym zabrakło, a największą satysfakcję czerpałam z zarządzania pracą policjantów.
Tak krótki dzień, tak dużo pracy do wykonania
Wymówki, pijaństwo, niechęć do pełnienia służby dzień w dzień. Pozwolić na wolne, czy zmusić do pojawienia się na posterunku i zaryzykować utratą szacunku? Niektórzy mundurowi nie są lojalni Jackowi, więc nie noszą kapelusza z rondem, odmawiają udziału w wymagających akcjach i nie słuchają jego poleceń. Zyskanie ich przychylności jest możliwe, ale i losowe, co oznacza, że nigdy nie wiadomo, jaka decyzja wpłynie na pozytywną zmianę. Lojalnym policjantom także zdarzają się dziwne zachowania. Potrafią odmówić towarzystwa innemu mundurowemu z błahych powodów i nie zawsze zjawiają się w pracy, choć mają pełny pasek energii. Wobec takich sytuacji bardzo łatwo obdarzyć sympatią policjantów, którzy są gotowi na każde wezwanie. Po udanej akcji otrzymują punkty premii pozwalające na rozwijanie sześciu umiejętności: siły, inteligencji, szybkości, krycia się, strzelania i negocjacji. Każda z nich jest trzypoziomowa i odblokowuje cechy przydatne podczas misji taktycznych, kiedy spośród tych posiadanych można wybrać cztery. To głównie rodzaj mapy oraz liczba przestępców decydują o tym, z jakimi perkami wystartuje policjant. Jeżeli gracz zacznie od nowa, będzie mógł zmodyfikować zestaw cech.
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Misje taktyczne, zwłaszcza te trwające więcej niż dziesięć tur, są czasochłonne. Bywało, że zbliżałam się do ujęcia ostatniego złoczyńcy, ale jeden z gliniarzy ginął i decydowałam się na powtórzenie całości. Zabrakło mi możliwości anulowania ruchu w czasie jego trwania albo cofnięcia. Dobrym rozwiązaniem byłoby dodanie płatnych bonusów do misji i pozwolenie na trzy do pięciu takich działań, żeby jedno przypadkowe naciśnięcie LPM w nieodpowiednim punkcie nie zmuszało odbiorcy do nużącej powtórki.
Dzień na posterunku Sharpwood zaczyna się od wyposażenia policjantów w pałki, paralizatory, tasery i granaty hukowe. Przedmioty te, wraz ze wcześniej wspomnianymi umiejętnościami, dają sporą przewagę nad podejrzanymi, gdy gliniarze dotrą na miejsce zdarzenia. Przeciwnicy chętniej wykonają rozkaz policjanta potrafiącego negocjować, a kiedy napastnik ucieka, większe szanse na schwytanie go ma sprawny fizycznie, szybki policjant. To, kogo przydzielić do jakiego zadania, z czasem wchodzi w krew, dzięki czemu rozgrywka staje się przyjemniejsza. Samo przyjmowanie zgłoszeń jest ciekawym aspektem gry, bo wśród nich przeważają te absolutnie niedorzeczne i zabawne. Zdarzają się fałszywe alarmy albo zasadzki, a jeżeli poślemy na miejsce pijanego policjanta, istnieje prawdopodobieństwo, że zostanie ranny w wypadku drogowym albo zginie.
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Do innych czynności, znanych z pierwszej odsłony, należą prowadzenie śledztw i eliminowanie gangów. Postęp w dochodzeniach zależy od tego, ilu (inteligentnych) policjantów wyśle się w teren w celu sprawdzania tropów i zdobywania dowodów. Gdy posiada się wystarczającą liczbę elementów, wystarczy ułożyć sekwencję zdarzeń ze zdjęć i oskarżyć o przestępstwo jedną z dwóch osób. Za to nowością jest handel z paroma kobietami, u których można zakupić potrzebne obiekty albo sprzedać to, co przypadkowo wpadło w ręce Jacka. Handel jest łatwym sposobem na zarobienie w krótkim czasie dużej sumy pieniędzy.
Co jakiś czas na mapie Sharpwood, wykonanej na styl makiety, po której poruszają się wozy policyjne, wyświetlane są dodatkowe zadania od prywatnych osób. Te przysługi wymagają od gracza pewnego wykorzystania mundurowych, ale to kolejna droga do łatwego zarobku, ponadto wyrazem wdzięczności bywa szansa wysłania pracowników na kurs i zdobycie umiejętności bez konieczności zebrania punktów premii.
Sam Warren Nash jest nagradzany po każdym dniu służby zawleczkami od puszek. Im więcej rozwiązanych spraw i ujętych przestępców, tym większa górka zawleczek. Punkty są odejmowane w przypadku śmierci policjanta, cywila czy niewykonanej misji taktycznej, natomiast zebrane zawleczki można wymienić na nowego gliniarza tudzież sprzęt do codziennej walki z przestępczością.
Jest co robić, ale czy warto?
Produkcja Weappy Studio zajęła mnie na wiele godzin i przewiduję jeszcze kilkanaście. Jest udanym sequelem, ale ma swoje wady i niezwykle żałuję, że przedstawiona w niej historia nie zdołała wywołać pożądanego przeze mnie dreszczyku emocji. Wina częściowo tkwi w Lilly, która nieudolnie próbuje być dobrą duszą Sharpwood, ale ciągle jest niepewna własnych czynów i niezwykle ospała. Większą uwagę przykuwałam do rozgrywki toczącej się poza wysmakowanymi przerywnikami filmowymi. Cieszyła mnie nieprzewidywalność większości akcji oraz skutków decyzji podejmowanych od rana do nocy, a także to, że niektóre zdarzenia były generowane losowo.
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Nie trzeba umieć myśleć strategicznie, żeby przejść This Is the Police 2. Warto jednak zapoznać się z pierwszą częścią albo przeczytać podsumowanie przedstawionej w niej historii, ponieważ łączny czas cutscen w drugiej odsłonie to trzy godziny. Mimo że fabuła nie jest jej najmocniejszym punktem, byłoby szkoda, gdyby losy Jacka Boyda okazały się dla odbiorcy jeszcze bardziej nużące albo zupełnie bezwartościowe.
Do następnego!
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fuzeforge · 4 years
This Is the Police 2 est disponible sur Fuze Forge
Rendez-vous sur Fuze Forge pour découvrir le titre This Is the Police 2. Il s’agit d’un jeu de stratégie dans lequel vous suivrez les aventures de Lilly Reed, le nouveau shérif de Sharpwood et de Warren Nash, un nouveau venu en ville... Retrouvez ce jeu dans la sous-rubrique « Stratégie » de l’interface.
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This is the Police 2 for Xbox One
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This is the Police 2 for Xbox OneInterpret the law as you see fit in This Is the Police 2, sequel to the acclaimed noir drama This Is the Police! Run the sheriff's department, manage your cops, investigate, interrogate, incarcerate, make tough decisions - and try to keep out of prison yourself! - in this story-driven mixture of adventure and strategy, set in a cold border town riven with violence. Welcome to Sharpwood, where people know their neighbors by name and faithfully keep to their traditions, no matter how barbaric those traditions might be. Smugglers, gangs, and screaming populists call this town their home. Despair grows like a cancer, hand in hand with violence. It's a hell of a job for the new sheriff, Lilly Reed (voiced by Sarah Hamilton, of the celebrated adventure saga The Longest Journey). She's struggling to maintain order and peace, while her subordinates are uncouth men who aren't used to taking commands from a young woman. But everything changes when a mysterious stranger calling himself Warren Nash appears in Sharpwood. And no one knows what he'll bring to the town: salvation or perdition.FeaturesJump into a surprising Mix of gameplay styles. This is the Police 2 draws on different genres and mechanics, merging them into a one-of-a-kind story driven experience.Participate in a harsh story where No One is completely innocent.Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Read the full article
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capsulecomputers · 6 years
This Is the Police 2 Welcome to Sharpwood Trailer 
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not-poignant · 1 year
Are Grisailleans sexually active? Do they have an interest in those sort of things? Does the dark/submissive and light/leadership translate into physical intimacy as well?
Sorry if you have answered these questions before. I'm just really interested in the concept of biologically necessary submission and dominance
Hi hi,
I don't really see the Grisailleans as being that sexually active and frankly don't even think they have like... standard sexual organs in the same way that we generally do. I don't even know if they procreate via getting pregnant.
That stuff was never core or integral to The Golden Age that Never Was, and I didn't want to overthink it beyond 'they are very alien to us despite looking like us' - and now that it's been many many years later, I just remember that they don't experience dominance/submission or the light/shadow the way that say, Pitch and Jack do.
The clearest example you get of it is literally when Sharpwood is reunited with his people at the end, and you can see the way he acts, and the way Greenbriar acts towards him, and that's like...the bond and the system. More is explained about their culture in that moment than in the rest of the story!
In a way it's like BDSMverse but also kind of not (BDSMverse turned sex averse? Idk). I do know that Sharpwood will be considered aberrant for having been trained to want sexual satisfaction, and that will be considered something that needs to be healed/fixed.
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neonixarts · 7 years
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yup heyheyhey! so i made a thing! tbh this is mostly for art trade use but mehhhhhhhh the orange text is written by Chris in case that wasn't clear a little more personality- For Chris, he's a pretty big asshole but he's nice deep inside but deeper he's an even bigger asshole he's pretty arrogant and tends to just "wing it and then we'll see what happens", he's the type of guy to first jump in a pit of snakes and then ask why he needed to do that kinda easy to trick but he somehow still manages to trick others better criminological mind in an empty head, he's annoying and childish but hella loyal and loving not that anyone but Cheddar likes him back. And for Cheddar- Clever, cynical and calm are the three c's to describe him he may seem harmless at first but anger him too much and he can pack a punch! and like an actual one! Cheddar is a ghost type being and he can spawn hands to his aid at will he's the voice of logic in Chris's messy brain and if anyone can make Chris not jump into the pit of snakes it's him he does enjoy his fair share of goofiness and pranks but he get's tired of it way faster than Chris he wont admit it but he's a total air head saying "my head is to busy thinking that it has no place for memory".
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Ich habe klar gemacht wer jetzt das Sagen hat. Jetzt gilt es der Stadt wieder einen Tag lang Sicherheit und Ordnung zu geben. Ich entscheide bei jedem Notfall, nicht nur wer entsendet wird, sondern auch wie sie vorgehen sollen. Das ist nicht immer eine leichte Entscheidung und leider auch nicht immer die richtige, aber ich gebe mein bestes. Ich bin Warren Nash, ich bin Polizist! Wir haben es gespielt.
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linuxgamenews · 6 years
This Is the Police 2 releases today, a bit early
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This Is the Police 2 strategy adventure releases today on Linux, Mac and Windows. And so far, the reviews are Positive. Holding at a solid 88% on Steam. So what's wrong with our publishing buttons? Somebody write Weappy Studio a ticket. Since they also forgot to press the ‘Go Live’ button for the original This Is The Police PC release. So this time Weappy pressed it a bit too early. Apparently this is a new strategy. Therefore ignore the previous 2 August release date. Since This Is the Police 2 is out now on Linux, Mac and Windows. And that two-day head start is good, as Sharpwood desperately needs a new Sheriff. Hopefully you’re ready to report for duty.
This Is the Police 2 launches early on Linux, Mac, Windows
So welcome to Sharpwood, a cold and harsh border town riven with violence. where no one is completely innocent. Smugglers, gangs, and screaming populists call this town their home. To maintain peace and order, the young sheriff Lilly Reed (Sarah Hamilton, The Longest Journey) will have to team up with fugitive criminal Jack Boyd (Jon St. John, Duke Nukem), and pray that her dangerous plan doesn’t spiral out of control. About This Is the Police 2 A mixture of adventure and management genres, This Is The Police 2 picks up the original’s baton and introduces new mechanics that strengthen the strategic and tactical elements of the series. Now it isn’t enough to simply manage your police force’s equipment and individual skills. Every challenge requires your direct participation in tactical combat scenes where outcomes hinge on your decisions. Subordinates aren’t just some resource: they are living people with their own strengths, weaknesses, fears and prejudices, and you'll have to grapple with all these components in order to survive. This Is the Police 2 launches today, priced at $13.49 USD, including a 10% discount off the regular $14.99 USD. So this means day one support for Linux, Mac, Windows on Steam, GOG and Humble Store.
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rageworks · 6 years
This Is the Police 2 Out Now
This Is the Police 2 Out Now
The release trailer for This Is the Police 2 asks the all-important question, “Why am I here?” Protagonist Warren Nash has an “existential discussion” with Sheriff Lily Reed. He continuously asks her this question and her answer just might shock you. This Is the Police 2 is out now on PC via Steam.
About This Is the Police 2
A mixture of adventure and management genres, This Is The Police 2 picks…
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kazvent · 7 years
Breve: THQ Nordic anuncia This Is the Police 2
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THQ Nordic y Weappy Studio han revelado que la secuela de This Is the Police estará disponible a lo largo de este año para PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch y PC. En This Is the Police 2 los jugadores se pondrán en el papel de la nueva sheriff Lilly Reed (con la voz de Sarah Hamilton) que además de mantener la paz y gestionar la comisaría debe lidiar con subordinados que no están acostumbrados a recibir órdenes de una mujer joven. La historia de This Is the Police 2 se desarrolla en Sharpwood, una ciudad donde la pobreza y el hambre han provocado un aumento de la delincuencia y… Leer noticia completa y comentarios » from ElOtroLado.net http://ift.tt/2E1T8hO via IFTTT
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samtheflamingomain · 4 years
this is the police 2: 2 this 2 police
I had a love/hate relationship with This is The Police, a strategy game from 2016. It was hard, long, unforgiving, and at points downright infuriating. But it was worth it for the story.
I can't say the same for the sequel, cleverly named "This is The Police 2" instead of "This is Still The Police", or if they wanted to be accurate, "This is Barely The Police".
Because as hard, long and unforgiving as the first game was, it was all that to a point. I can't recall just how many millions of posts I came across during my playthrough that basically said, "It's supposed to be grueling and difficult and punishing," and they were largely right. The point of the game was, at times, to feel defeated. It SHOULD be really hard to run a cop shop while trying not to be the Mafia's bitch. Makes sense.
But there's always a line where you get diminishing returns. A game that must be played nearly perfectly to complete is a hard sell to me. I got through the first game with minimal help, but this one, for some missions I was following step-by-step from a Youtuber and it still took me 50 tries.
That's just the intro. I have a lot to say about this game, mostly bad. So let's get to it. Plot/Story, then gameplay, then miscellaneous thoughts.
In TITP 1, you are Jack Boyd, respected and well-liked Police Chief of Freeburg. By the end of the game, you're a loathed piece of corrupt garbage on the run from the FBI. I criticized the "choices" in the game because both endings, no matter your choice, were ultimately the same. You either end a corrupt cop, or a really corrupt cop.
I start with the first game's story because in TITP 2, the story is so wildly terrible that it hit me like the Harry Potter spinoffs, in that it almost ruined the original for me because it was so bad.
You still play as Jack Boyd, who gets arrested for reasons that I either missed because the subtitles fly by faster than any human can possibly read, or because they sent their writer on a cruise instead of making them come up with a reason.
There's very little reason for anything that happens in this game, which I will demonstrate by telling you what happens next: you, Boyd, someone extremely well-known, whose face has no doubt been on many a new channel in the time since the last game because you're on the run from the FBI, you are put in a drunk tank. When you come to, you are in a cell directly in front of the desk of the Police Chief of Sharpwood.
You manage to convince her that you're Jack Boyd, former Chief of Freeburg, on the run from the law (and why would you be telling her this? Unclear! Fuck you!) and she decides it'd be a swell idea if, y'know, she gave her entire damn job to a criminal who hasn't even made an effort to disguise himself in his flee from the feds. Surely none of the hundreds of cops that work there would recognize him. A former cop. A former Chief. Of. Police. On the run. From the FBI.
I'm not kidding. She lets you out, you go home, and come back the next day and start the game as the First Deputy of Sharpwood. I kind of feel like an insane person because I read nearly a dozen reviews of this game and not a single one addressed how absolutely batshit absurd this opening is. Let alone the rest of the "story"
I'm not even going to bother with the rest of the story because I literally could not suspend my disbelief enough to get past the first goddamn day on the job. To wrap up the shittiness of the plot, I'll just say it was boring, too long, and completely linear. No choices, no multiple endings. Jack Boyd is a shell of his character in the first game, I didn't care about him, and I could barely follow what was happening half the time. Characters just go ON AND ON about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for SEVERAL MINUTES at a time. A 5-minute cutscene could easily have been written as a 30-second cutscene, but hey, the game's 1/3 the length of the first, gotta pad it out somehow.
Onto the gameplay. This time round we have four kinds of gameplay. There's the regular dispatching of officers to crimes like in the first game, investigations like in the first game, turn-based assaults (like XCOM), new to this game, and finally, what I like to call the "HR" gameplay. Let's start there.
There's quite a few elements and mechanics that to me, seem like they'd fall under the jurisdiction of a Human Resource manager rather than the goddamn Chief of Police. This includes remembering things like how Officer Mustard refuses to work with women. Nothing you can do but fire him and be short-staffed! Or, since he has a lot of skills, you just put up with it. Just a whim you have to kowtow to! Spolick won't work with anyone ranked lower than her, and Bradhi won't work with those out of uniform. Those are 3 of about 12 fucking examples, out of 25-30 officers. Sounds like they need a team-building exercise so the Chief of Police doesn't need to have a goddamn Excel spreadsheet open to remember which assholes won't work with whom.
But it doesn't stop there! Not only get to be Chief and Head of HR, you also get to be a chef! On Day 12-ish, the precinct's kitchen staff just leaves, so now you have to plan fucking menus for 5-course meals for your officers. And as if that was tedious enough, all 30 of them have bullshit allergies or whiney shit like "I can't drink coffee because it reminds me of my dead aunt" (Not kidding). The one up-side to this annoying bit of gameplay is just seeing what the meal looks like after literally catering to your officers' every whim. Nothing like a nice bowl of Cajun chili to start, then sushi, a side of enchilladas, orange juice, and for desert, a donut. Or 15 servings of Bananas Foster. Only like $5 more.
The main game, sending officers on calls, seems a lot more complicated than it actually is, which is probably the only positive thing about it. In TITP 1, each officer had 2 stats: their "professionalism" (basically how experienced they are) and, literally, whether or not they're an alcoholic. That's all you need to know or ever will know. Send good cops to the calls? Good results, usually.
In 2 they beefed it up. Now each officer has 7 more stats: intelligence, negotiation (those two should be the fuckin same), shooting, speed, stealth (we do not need all 3 of these) and strength, as well as a stamina bar. Someone learned how to program in RPG stats and got too excited.
Now, I've read in most reviews that people don't like how "random" the calls seem to be. Now, unlike the last game, every single call requires action that you will dictate to the officers at the scene. You get 3 options on how to proceed. Say a robbery - shoot the perp, run after them, or taze them. Well, it's not random what happens. If you pick "run after them", and pick an officer with high speed skill to do this, success. The skills translate directly with these actions. I don't think I ever lost a single call because of something "random".
The same cannot be said of the tactical missions. To be kind... it functions. Barely. There's too many perks, many don't do much of anything, or are used once and never again. Also, adding in equipment was a mistake. Last thing you need is a surprise tactical mission at the end of the day and the only officer you can send that has a tazer is fuckin Persy with his 15 prof score and zero skills. Too many variables spoiled the pot that could've been a decent part of the soup of gameplay. Sorry, that analogy got away from me.
A lot of people will shit on how 90% of these missions need to be done with complete stealth, but aside from the one really, really hard one near the end, total stealth isn't too hard to do.
In TITP 1, I used a walkthrough for every single "investigation" where you have to put the images in order to recreate a crime, because the art style was too minimal to even tell what was happening in each frame. They heard that and put a label on each frame saying what it's depicting, so that's an upgrade. Overall, though, I'd say it's the only one done well.
Finally, stray thoughts. I mentioned how shitty the plot was, but also, so are the characters. Spoilers for the ending now, but let's be real, 90% of players won't bother playing through. Lilly is just a fucking doormat with no character development. Lana goes insane in 0 seconds flat and somehow keeps Boyd prisoner in his house while still letting him go to work? So then Boyd shoots her after a few days of that. Then what the hell, also strap a bomb to Lilly's snowmobile and kill her. Why? Very unclear! Fuck you!
Then, in the final scene, despite having literally shot someone in his house, Boyd's chillin in his chair while his courrier brings him groceries. It mirrors the opening scene in which a courrier brings him shittier groceries. What a development.
Jack did questionable things in TITP 1. And I played a "clean" game - I was as uncorrupt as the game allowed you to be. But in this game, he's just a pathetic drunk who goes through absolutely nothing, no character development, and STILL gives a shitty ending. Because, in the last game, the ending was shitty because it was kinda sad. Boyd wasn't a bad person. But in 2, he is. He's a dick for no reason and ends up on top, all enemies defeated, he's Chief of Police despite still being a wanted man. (Again, have I mentioned how stupid that is? He's not fucking Clark Kent.)
That's about all I got. 2/10, do not recommend. Even the highlights are hard to recall. Play the first game, though. That one, especially compared to this hot garbge, is worth the struggle.
Stay Greater, Flamingos.
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fuzeforge · 5 years
This Is the Police 2, téléchargez ce jeu sur Fuze Forge
Aimez-vous les jeux de stratégie ? Dans ce cas, rendez-vous sur Fuze Forge pour découvrir le titre This Is the Police 2. Dans ce dernier, vous retrouverez les aventures du shérif de la ville de Sharpwood, Lilly Reed, et d’un certain Warren Nash… Pour en savoir plus sur ce titre, dirigez-vous vers Fuze Forge.
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