#'In name of Oranje open the gates'
pelova4president · 10 months
That stupid smile of hers II
Esmee Brugts x nedwnt!R
I of that stupid smile of hers
summary~ after the World Cup y/n goes back to North London and Esmee to Barcelona. Will they at least try to make things work?
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Vic was running after me, yelling my name. I stepped into our changing room and sat at my cubby, head in my hands, how Esmee was sat just moments ago.
Victoria stopped in her tracks, i could feel her eyes on me. “Kijk y/n, ik weet niet wat er gaande is tussen jou en Esmee dus alsjeblieft vertel het me zodat ik kan helpen” (Look y/n, i don’t know what is going on with you and Esmee so please tell me so i can help) she begged. I took my hands off my eyes and looked up at her. “Vic ze gaat naar barça..” (Vic, she’s joining barça..) she held her arms open and i sobbed onto her shoulder.
Vic knew that Esmee’s and my friendship wasn’t all platonic but she didn’t ask questions, she just held me. But i fell, i fell hard and fast and there was nothing she could do to protect me from that heartbreak now. “Ssshh.. het komt goed, we hebben de internationale breaks nog en je kunt dr opzoeken als we vrije tijd hebben… het komt goed y/n” (Ssshh.. it’s gonna be okay, we’ve got the international breaks and you can visit her in your free time… it’s gonna be okay y/n) she assured me.
We got onto our flights, Vic and I to London, Esmee to Barça. I haven’t really talked to her since she told me about Barça. Before she walked to her gate she gave me a hug and put a piece of paper in my hands.
I got onto the plane, exhausted from the last 24 hours. I fell asleep and when i woke up I remembered what Es gave me.
‘I’m sorry but i couldn’t waste this chance. It’s a once in a lifetime chance y/n, it’s my dream. I get that you’re upset with me but i hope you’ll give me another chance’
I couldn’t hold the tears in, my emotions were all over the place and i couldn’t control them all anymore. Vic looked at me and hugged me. I had to tell someone so i told Vic everything, about how i thought she was annoying, all the times we got lost, how she told me they wanted to offer her a contract in England and the kiss. I knew she knew i had a crush on Esmee but it felt good to actually tell someone about it all.
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liked by esmeebrugts and 12.563 others
wore the badge with honour, i can’t thank you all enough for the support. I love this team. so thankful for the people i met ❤️
svandesanden only love 🫶
victoriapelova ❤️❤️
esmeebrugts to many more adventures 😍
esmeefan22 is that esmee on photo 1 and 4??
↳ y/l/nisaballer it has to be, y/n is also wearing esmee’s sweater in photo 4!!
↳ esmeefan22 they’re sooo cute together i can’ttt
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liked by y/n_y/l/n and 11.419 others
a dream come true playing at this world cup. So proud to be part of this amazing team. Our dream ended too soon for us… Thank you to all the Oranje fans, the staff and my teammates. Onto the next adventure
ps. I may not have won the World Cup but I did beat the ‘fifa champion of england’ 😉
y/n_y/l/n i won the first game so it doesn’t count
↳ esmeebrugts the first one of twenty games yeah
y/nbrugtslovr soft launching??
↳ brugts4life they’re definitely dating
When i finally got home i texted Esmee.
y/n: hey es, ik heb je briefje gelezen. Je verdient deze kans, ik zou nooit boos op je kunnen zijn. Laat het weten als je bent aangekomen in Barcelona. (hey es, i’ve read your letter. You deserve this chance, i could never be mad at you. Let me know if you’ve arrived in Barcelona)
es: hi y/n/n ik ben veilig aangekomen. Ik mis je nu al, het spijt me dat we zo afscheid moesten nemen maar ik kom je snel opzoeken, ondertussen kunnen we facetimen. Het komt goed. (hi y/n/n i’ve arrived safely. I already miss you, i’m sorry we had to say goodbye like that but i’ll visit you soon and we can facetime in the meantime. Everything’s gonna be alright.)
I spent the next few weeks facetiming and texting Esmee whenever i could. Her signing hadn’t been announced yet but she has met the barcelona squad and told me all about it. Her first few days were hard. Only a few of the girls spoke enough english to have a conversation with and Esmee couldn’t really talk any Spanish let alone Catalan. It was Aitana Bonmatí who took her under her wing, with a little bit of translation from Ingrid.
The move from The Netherlands to Spain was still hard though, the culture was different, she didn’t really have someone to rely on and she was homesick. So she was looking forward to the first break they had.
When Barça announced her signing i was way too proud not to comment on it.
esmeebrugts, fcbfemeni
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liked by oranjeleeuwinnen and 35.679 others
Excited to announce a new dutch talent to barça, welcome Esmee Brugts
liekemartens vamosss 🔴🔵
y/n_y/l/n so so proud, you deserve it! ❤️
We had a few days off before the season started and i wanted nothing more than to see Esmee so i booked a flight, to Spain. I wanted to surprise her and spend some time with her after only seeing each other over the phone.
It was well into the evening when i arrived at Esmee’s apartment. I bought a bouquet flowers for her at the airport, what kind of gir- friend.. would i be if i came empty handed.
It took Es a few seconds to open the door after i knocked but there she was, a sleepy Esmee looking at me like she’d just seen a ghost. “Mag ik ook nog binnen komen of…” (Can i come in or…) i laughed. She opened the door for me and gave me a hug.
She went to get something to drink for me and i took in her apartment, it was so typically Esmee. It was modern but cozy and there were photos everywhere. A photo of the two of us after a game on the bus standing next to her television.
She came into the living room, holding two cups of tea. “Ik heb je echt gemist weet je” (I’ve really missed you, you know) she told me once we were both settled. “Ik jou ook” (I’ve missed you too) I told her. I put my cup on the table and layed my head on her chest, the sound of her heartbeat bringing me to sleep.
When i woke up we were both in bed, I was still laying on top of her but i had her hoodie on and a pair of her barca sweatpants. Esmee was still asleep so i walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast for the two of us.
I was almost done with the eggs when i felt two arms wrap around my stomach and a head rest on my shoulder. She hummed good morning and gave me a kiss on my cheek, something she hasn’t really done since we’ve been apart.
Eating breakfast i told her about my journey and about Viv and Vic. Esmee had the day off so she would be able to show me the city.
We went to Esmee’s favourite cafe, did some shopping and went out to dinner. Es had made a reservation for the two of us at some fancy restaurant. She had asked her teammates for advice and they came with a few of the best restaurants in Barcelona.
After dinner she took me to her favourite spot. She told me all about it, this was really the only place she felt like home when she first arrived in Barcelona. Her appartement was still empty and didn’t really feel like a home. This place reminded her of home, the green grass and the water, it was just so peaceful. Esmee wasn’t used to all the noise and choas in the big city.
She took a blanket out of her bag and placed it on the ground. We layed next to each other, my arms around her stomach and my head on her chest. She gave me a kiss on my forehead and took in the moment.
Esmee took my hand in hers and squeezed it. “y/n wil je mijn vriendin zijn?” (y/n will you be my girlfriend?) she asked me. I kissed her and told her just how much i wanted to be her girlfriend.
The days went by quicker than i would’ve liked. I was dreading the day that i would have to go back to London and we would have to communicate over the phone again. I liked it here. I liked to be with Esmee.
The next break i got i went straight to Barcelona to see Esmee play. The stadium was absolutely packed and i couldn’t contain my excitement watching her play.
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Traveling between England, Spain and The Netherlands was getting exhausting so when Barça offered me a contract i couldn’t say no.
I was sad to leave London, to leave The Arsenal but i needed a new challenge, i needed my lover and that is where Barça is.
I haven’t told Esmee yet but i might have a little plan of telling her.
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liked by fcbfemeni and 15.439 others
lieverd, i’m coming home
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Not long after i got an incoming call from a certain Barça player. “wat bedoel je met ‘lieverd, i’m coming home’?!” (what do you mean by ‘lieverd, i’m coming home’?!) she almost yelled. I giggled “Es, je weet wat ik bedoel. Ik ga naar Barça” (Es, you know what i mean. I’m going to Barça) i told her.
This time around those four words were everything i could’ve hoped for. I was gonna be with my lover, i’m gonna go home.
esmeebrugts, y/n_y/l/n
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liked by victoriapelova and 27.673 others
she’s coming home everybody. she’s a culer.
victoriapelova credits to me for making this happen?
↳ daniellevddonk i think we deserve a medal or something
y/nsbrugts i knew it!!!
brugtsfan22 they’re so cute together 😭
wosofan11 if you look close enough you can see me jumping off that eiffel tower 🥰
When i arrived at Esmee’s apartment, or should i call it our appartement, our home. I was greeted with a big smile, that stupid smile of hers and a kiss. “Stop met zo naar me lachen, je ziet er dom uit” (Stop smiling at me like that, you look stupid) i shoved her.
“Niet liegen, je houdt van mijn domme lach” (Don’t lie, you love my stupid smile”
A/N thanks everyone for reading my fic. There aren’t really any Esmee fics so i thought i’d write my own. If you have any fic ideas let me know!! <3
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ask-thenetherlands · 6 years
Dear Tim, how did you actually get that scar, if you don't mind me asking?
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Netherlands: “I broke the dikes in order to flood the city of Leiden, so me and the watergeuzen could sail into and liberate the city that Spain besieged… and apparently, if you purposefully damage your own land, it’ll give you a scar.”
((Watergeuzen, or sea beggars, were initially noblemen who turned against the Spanish king and tried to reclaim cities mostly through attacks by water. In 1574, the Spanish held the city of Leiden under siege, starving the population for four months in the attempt to force them to surrender and accept the Spanish king as their leader. It got so bad, that the mayor of the city, Pieter van der Werf, offered his arm as food to his people, so that they would not surrender. The Spanish army leader had not attacked the city yet, as his lover Magdalena Moons begged him not to for she had friends and family living there. In return, she promised to marry him, which they did.
A few weeks before the watergeuzen came to the rescue, on board also Willem van Oranje, one man was able to smuggle homing pigeons out of the city to ask for help about their dire situation. This proved to be fruitful, and under the leadership of Willem van Oranje, the dikes were broken. Thanks to the upcoming great storm in the night of 2 and 3 October, their ships were able to sail into the city, freaking the Spanish out so much that they fled as fast as they could, and Leiden was liberated. The watergeuzen knew about the starvation, and brought tons of herring and white bread for the hungry people.
According to legend, one boy found a kettle with parsnip, onions, carrots and chunks of meat in an abandoned Spanish camp, a mixture that were the early ingredients for the modern day traditional dish of hutspot. To this day, the liberation of 3 October is still celebrated in the city, and hutspot, herring and white bread is given for free to the inhabitants.))
Seven united provinces event: 6/?
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