#'Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities
Track of the day // James Holden - In The End You’ll Know
From the album Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities, out March 31st via Border Community.
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knightofleo · 9 months
James Holden | Common Land
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beatsforbrothels · 1 year
James Holden - Continuous Revolution
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iamlisteningto · 1 year
James Holden’s Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities
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santoschristos · 5 months
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Eye of Providence
"The false self wants. The true self has."
"How many unconscious lies are you saying I AM to? There is only one concept of self you need to aquire. When you shift your identity from a less serving to a more serving identity instantaneously a bunch of rules and values change, beliefs change, behaviors, and language will shift to meet the new identity/concept. So, how do you know the most ideal high leverage identity? Wouldn't it be great to have your dominant identity match up with the truth of the infinite energetic I AMness of infinite possibility and infinite potential that is All That IS every second of every day? Shifting your core root paradigm is as simple as Accepting and Choosing to believe that you are the Source of infinite potential and possibility. The moment you realize and truly feel and know that if you are infinite there cannot be any scarcity, if there's no scarcity there's no lack. If there is no lack this means there was previously only mental chatter and perceptions and interpretations experienced through the lens of previous programming or a False Self concept and delusion.
This False Self includes beliefs that you're unworthy, not good enough, guilty, ashamed, unlovable, and unsafe. You were not born with a label on the back of your neck that says defective or broke or afraid or undesirable but we behave like we were. If you act from a false premise, you will get a false result. Likewise, if you manifest from the false self you will get a false outcome. The false self is the conditioning that takes over after we are born. False beliefs, programming and identities like I'm guilty or unworthy, money is evil etc. creates the false self and overrides the true self.
You were born because the Infinite Intelligence realised the Earth Plane could no longer live without you. Once you do transition, your highest identity becomes clear, I AM that or All That IS. If you can transition into this concept beyond an intellectual understanding and into the reality that you as an infinite being can express anything and are worthy, good enough, lovable, not guilty, unashamed and safe and secure, then you realize most of your previous beliefs and rules and values were a lie. You will also see that most of your previous language and behaviors were motivated by untruths which put you out of integrity and separate from your Godself, feeling like a limited being in a scarcity universe. When you change your core paradigm from the False Self living a lie to your True Self living the truth, everything changes and your life will never be the same."
"A new state may override resistance and/or parts/subconscious beliefs but it often won't override an upper limit. An upper limit is your personal barometer or comfort zone. You may manifest a million dollars but your upper limit will ensure you spend yourself back to your comfort zone (state of origin or primary state). This is typically called "self sabotage".
The ego is not a singular entity but rather a composite of a multitude of parts/identities. Some of these parts don't want what you do (main personality) and will take over the main personality and ensure they feel safe by relieving you of your manifestation which it perceives to be a threat. Self sabotage is then a flight to safety for a threatened part that is exiled/wounded."
"What is the cause within?" should be your go to mantra. If you aren't asking yourself this question multiple times a day you are not being proactive (5D Awareness) and probably stuck in reactivity(3D).
"You are not in 3D. You experience 3D from 4D & 5D."
"You are consciousness, this means your awareness is local and non-local. Your awareness can be in more than one place at once. Imagination is the 5th dimension. The Fifth Dimension is an inter-dimensional reality that exists outside of the normally accepted space/time continuum. Humanness is created in a fifth dimension. It is the gap which is filled by imagination. Next time you're daydreaming try catching a glimpse of your 5th dimensional self. Then, assimilate yourself into the 5D you, feel the majestic brilliance of your true self. Now, look at your 3D version, and project all of your 5D magnificence into the 3D you and assume that power and glory. Once you See, you can never unsee. Always remember who you are. Be You and everything will come from you effortlessly and automatically."
"We can't change our mind from our mind. We can't change our primary state from our primary state. We can't manifest into the 3D from the 3D. Imagination exists on another plane. Imagination and abstract thought is what allows us to perceive and see into the 5th, 6th, and possibly even higher dimensions. Next time you meditate, leave all of it behind. Journey out through your heart, beyond the earth's atmosphere, through the galaxies all the way to the Sun then ask for permission to enter. The inner Sun is feminine, the rays of the Sun are masculine. The inner Sun is pure love. Imagine from there."
"If you want to manifest faster, take your attention away from yourself by asking "what does the universe want?" or "what does Gaia want?" If you let go of yourself this puts you in the Flow State. To remain there just do what comes next."
--The Eye of Chance
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
I find myself really enjoying OSR/NSR systems like Cairn, or Durf, i like that their rules-lite, and have a lot of freedom for player/gm alike but find myself wanting classes with possible class abilities, or similar mechanics, I'm curious if you have any recommendations of that
THEME: Rules-lite Systems with Classes.
Some things to keep in mind: OSR games are stripped down to bare bones because character ingenuity (rather than brute force) is meant to take the forefront. This is why characters don’t usually have class abilities. 
What I’m hearing you ask for is something that keeps light rules, in the same way OSR systems do, but still provides a way to differentiate characters from each-other. I don’t know if all of these suggested games can be classed as OSR or NSR, but they require the same amount of creativity to push the game forward.
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24XX Tides Will Rise, by Tubatic. 
The crew finds themselves at a settlement preparing for a huge seasonal storm.  Using mechs like in that one movie with the aliens, or whatever you choose, help prepare the settlement to survive The Storm.  
24XX Tides Will Rise is a microgame  / oneshot designed in the style of Jason Tocci's 2400, created for submission to the 24XX Jam. 
24XX games are a distillation of OSR games, usually only about two pages or so, with dice that scale up or down in size depending on your character’s situation and aptitude. Your character will usually get a special ability related to their class, career, background, or in this version, Pilot Skill. There’s also a simplified money and gear system that gets you one or two pieces of useful items that are destined to break at some point, in order to reduce whatever harm you take. Tides Will Rise is about preparing your local settlement for an extreme weather event using giant mechs, but 24XX games could happen in nearly any setting, and are almost always deadly for your characters. If you want a quick game that you can learn and get up and running in less than 30 minutes, this is the game for you!
Hexfall, by titanomachyRPG.
You are a hyperpowered being who came into larger-than-life abilities because of a profound cataclysm. Heartbreak. Grief. The depths. Physical, emotional, multidimensional–something unlocked incredible power in you. People like you have many names across Stratus Cay, but the most common is “Diver,” a nickname derived from their affinity for falling through the Rift, either on dangerous jobs or just for fun. 
Divers’ abilities run the gamut of even the wildest imaginations, and their extreme power and durability makes many of them reckless thrillseekers. The pay is too good and the thrills too extraordinary to turn down the opportunity to go on a dive.
What will you do, falling soul?
Hexfall uses Caltrop Core, a rules-lite system that requires 3d4 and that’s it. Like many OSR games, it uses a hex map that your characters will navigate as they fall through an inter dimensional space called the Rift, their movements and obstacles determined by the roll of the dice. The characters gain tokens as they fall, which act as player currency that can affect narrative beats or navigation rolls as you play. Finally, there are 12 playbooks that you can choose to represent your character: will you be a resilient Giantborn? A liberating MotherThawed? A masterful Myconaut? Each character playbook comes with special moves that only you can do.
High Magic Lowlives, by Gem Room Games.
High Magic Lowlives is a Post-Dungeon Fantasy Tabletop RPG about wizard school dropouts who get into trouble with the Immortal Aristocracy to make coin and build their #brand. Like old school RPGs this is a game about a crew of weirdos finding subterranean vaults filled with treasure, kicking down doors, beating up guards, setting off traps, and taking home as much coin as you can carry. Like new school RPGs the mechanics are simple, drive the story forward, and don't rely on a ton of preparation in advance.
Unlike any RPG you've ever played before you can get paid for livestreaming your fight against the jack-o-lantern queen of zabraxas. Your companions would probably prefer you help them survive the fight, but they'll forgive you when you capture their critical hit for all to see.
High Magic Lowlives uses a ruleset that is a combination of Powered by the Apocalypse, Forged in the Dark, and the Black Hack. Your lowlife has 6 attributes, which could range from 0 to 3. Each character also selects a General Deal, which grants you a special ability, such as access the local library, sweet-talk computers, or gather food in unlikely places. Similar to OSR games, there are tables and tables of items that you can use for conventional and non-conventional uses, and, in step with PbtA mechanics, there are graded levels of success when it comes to hitting things with a weapon. You also have Risk Dice, which deteriorate as you use them, lending the feeling of dwindling resources as you play. If you want a game of high risk, high reward, I recommend High Magic Lowlives!
Aetherway, by Jason Tocci.
Hit the road between worlds with a black cat, a clockwork assassin, a fallen star, and a pilgrim who huffs the ashes of a dead saint. Deliver lumber to communist skeletons living on the back of a gargantuan crab. Ride a comet to a party in the skull of a cosmic god that was converted to condos.
Aetherway is a quirky, planet-hopping RPG zine, compatible with both Tunnel Goons and Troika! Use it to improvise your own adventures, as set of extra Troika! backgrounds, as a conversion guide between Troika! and Tunnel Goons rules, or a bunch of random generators for any other game of planeswalking hijinks. 
This is mostly another chance for me to talk about Troika again, because it’s a) a really funky setting, and b) a game that borrows a lot of elements from OSR-style games. You have random roll tables, backgrounds that give your characters skills and abilities, and an initiative order that leaves everything up to chance. However, you can also use Aetherway to play Tunnel Goons, which is a rules-lite game that contains much of the hallmarks of OSR. 
Planet Dungeon, by Nathan Lathroum.
Ever since birth, the dungeon is all you’ve ever known. All you’ve ever seen. All you were ever meant to see. Who built the dungeon? Is there anything beyond it? How long has the world been trapped here? You can almost smell the fresh outside air. You can almost feel the heat of the sun. You can almost taste victory. But your journey is not over yet.
Ten floors of the dungeon remain. This is all that stands between you and the mythical surface of the Aboveworld. Does it truly exist, or is it merely legend? Is there still a world beyond these walls?
Planet Dungeon is a tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) designed for 3 to 5 players. This book contains all of the rules, systems, and mechanics you will need to play. Additionally, Planet Dungeon requires two regular dice for each player and a singular deck of playing cards. Be warned: Planet Dungeon is not easy, and is intended for players willing to lose.
This game uses 2d6 and a deck of playing cards. As a table, you will create the planet you live on, and select backgrounds for your characters. Each background carries with it a pre-determined set of stats and a unique ability - including the Wretched, which starts woefully bereft of any ability, but has the chance to level up dramatically the first time you reach a boss in any given session. The rooms of each dungeon are determined by a card pulled from the deck, with the suit determining the type of the room. Cards also describe your death, should it happen, as well as what the end of the story looks like, once you escape. If you like simple rules and overwhelming odds, this might be worth checking out.
Lost Eons, by David Blandy.
LOST EONS is solarpunk sci-fantasy. In Lost Eons you will emerge from the darkness into a new light, one dominated by inscrutable and terrible forces you must seek to understand. Using this guide create a post-human character, ready to face the mysteries and dangers of a far future Earth.
LOST EONS is a fast but deep toolkit. Play instant no-prep one-shots and sustained campaigns. Discover beautiful and horrifying new adventures through evocative prompts and procedural generation. This game is no-maths and instantly playable. Mashing together 24XX and Blades in the Dark, gameplay is streamlined, flexible, fast and potentially brutal. Level-up through mutation, your body changing as you evolve. Character Playbooks let you create a character in seconds, yet have limitless customisation through play.
LOST EONS uses all of the basic dice types to tackle obstacles, depending on what you’re doing and what piece of equipment you use to help you. Like Blades in the Dark, this game uses clocks to track consequences, health and adventures, while similar to the grit of dungeon-delving games, the characters find their inventory slowly dwindling the longer they adventure. Survival is difficult in this post-human future. At character creation, you choose one of six different archetypes that will give you a set of skills and a unique talent. If you’re looking for new approaches to play while holding on to some of the tone of OSR games, LOST EONS may be a good fit for you.
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valorums · 7 months
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respond to the prompts out of character!
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? So uh … sweats nervously … bit of a funny story here. Shi’al Valorum first came to be in February of 2020, when I was in my final year of high school and playing the violin in the orchestra pit for the theatre department’s Phantom of the Opera production. A single thought of “okay but consider this … imagine a character who is a renowned opera star like Christine Daaè but in ✨space✨” led to me developing the basic elements of Shi’al’s prequel trilogy storyline, and over the next few years, she crystallized into more than just a Christine Daaè knockoff. Somehow, I’ve (or at least, I think that I’ve) managed to flesh her out into a multi-dimensional original character. But yeah — there’s Shi’al’s very embarrassing origins as what amounts to a Phantom of the Opera alternate universe. 😭
is there anything you don’t like to write? Naturally, the minute that I sit down to respond to this question, everything that I don’t like writing just vanishes from my head. Genres wise, the first that comes to mind are fandomless modern timeline threads and modern alternate universes in general. I do not mind writing my muses into fandoms with a modern setting such as Percy Jackson or Red, White, and Royal Blue — but I hail from the historical fiction writing community, so modern settings without fandom ties are difficult for me to invest in. I go to roleplay for escape into different worlds and exploration of intriguing themes, neither of which (in my opinion) modern timelines really allow. I am also not that fond of writing angst with no purpose or resolution as well as what I call its “cousin”, hurt with no comfort. If I put my characters through hell and back, it has to be for a specific narrative purpose; I cannot just torture them mercilessly with no intent of giving a reason for that torture, even if it is as simple as enabling another muse to rescue them later on. First meeting threads are also difficult for me to write — I prefer pre-establishing dynamics in our plotting conversations and then “filling in the blanks”, so to speak, of those dynamics by writing their key developmental moments out in threads.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? Absolutely! The first thing that comes to mind is threads which involve the hurt / comfort trope — I enjoy a perfect balance of angst and fluff, and the fluff oftentimes serves as the reward for putting my characters through the pain required by the angst. Threads like these allow me to explore the full emotional depth of my muses in a way that most other broad tropes cannot allow. Alternate timelines also come to mind as a possible answer to this question; yes, Star Wars is a tragedy that ultimately nothing could prevent, but I enjoy playing in the sandbox of this universe far too much to adhere to canon all the time. I LOVE straying from Shi’al’s established narrative to explore the various storylines I’ve created for her, such as her Force Sensitive universe and the fix-it timeline that I’m still in the process of developing where she becomes Chancellor like her father before her.
how do you come up with headcanons?  It’s difficult for me to pin down my exact process, but if I had to trace the sources of my headcanons — they’re either inspired by outside sources (movies, tv, music, books, things that I learn in my university classes), conversations with mutuals, or ideas I’ve gotten from ruminating on my own general vibes and emotions.
do you write in silence or do you play music? The easy answer to this question is both, but the more complex response is that I do everything in my power to avoid writing in silence. Writing my replies in a space wherein I can listen to music or the ambiance of surrounding dialogue (such as the classroom 🤭 or the university cafeteria) is crucial to my productivity, and it also stimulates my creativity. Sometimes, though, writing in silent spaces is unavoidable if the inspiration to do so strikes at a crappy time.
do you plan your replies or wing them? For me, it honestly depends on what precisely I’m replying to in the first place. I always go into “reply mode” with at least some idea of what I want to write, but my askbox meme replies tend to be more spontaneous than actual thread replies or starters.
do you enjoy shipping? Yes yes yes YES! A thousand times YES! As I stated in my rules and as multiple PSA’S I’ve reblogged indicate, I enjoy all forms of shipping, whether it is romantic or even platonic. No matter how long we’ve been interacting for, if you detect a possible ship between our muses, TELL ME! Chances are, I probably ship it already.
what’s your alias/name?  Callie.
age?  21 years old.
birthday?  May 16th.
favorite color?  Blue, Purple, Red.
favorite song?  Aw come on; you’re really making me pick? Anything listed on my character playlists is fair game and a valid answer for this question, but if I had to select one song … I’d say that my current answer would be Sarah Cothran’s Poor Marionette simply because of the fact that the Shi’al vibes it gives me are immaculate.
last movie you watched?  I watched the 2005 Pride and Prejudice on the plane ride back home from spring break!
last show you watched?  Bridgerton Season 2 Episode 2. I’m watching the entire franchise for the first time as part of a project in my Jane Austen seminar course about Austen adaptations because apparently it’s Austen fanfiction?? Before y’all ask I’m LOVING it so far!
last song you listened to?  Don’t Blame Me — Taylor Swift.
favorite food?  Uhh … pizza? Ice cream? Idk
favorite season?  Springtime.
do you have a tumblr best friend? This is honestly kinda sad, but I’m not sure. I have multiple mutuals who I think I’m really close to; however, I’m nervous to voice those thoughts out loud just in case they don’t feel the same way about me lololoool
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TAGGED BY no one. I stole it from @prcspcr LOL and I’m going to tag a BUNCH of old and new mutuals across various fandoms because I am very curious about these prompts.
TAGGING @jaigalorad, @k4ssa, @alootus, @tapalslegacy, @sorehsu, @unwaivering, @pilothearted, @shexopt, @deficd, @reiignonme, @menaceborn, @nieithryn, @misfittcd, @debelltio, @strcngered, @oflightsbeam, @stars-written, @lostwcrlds, @shadowedlights, @spokewar, @vendettavalor, @frxncaise, @ncmad, @adversitybloomed, AND YOU.
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boonesfarmsangria · 10 months
@stroyent random recs (from @circaradio )
just what i been into lately + some maybs youre not familiar . not like burial cuz what is
novaform/blueshift ep by machinedrum
imagine this is a high dimensional space of all possibilities by james holden
the hum by james ellis ford
black classical music by yussef dayes
pearls ep by clive from accounts ← love everything he does
peter gabriel is amazing if you like weird sounds and vocal acrobatics for no reason but because ... pick any album
monument by portico quartet cant really go wrong with any of their stuff either
sufjan stevens age of adz and planetarium are forever great
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bordercommunity · 9 months
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The first chance to Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities of 2024 comes on Monday 22nd January in Milan, when James Holden & his saxophone-toting companion Chris Duffin (of Common Land fame) will be taking full advantage of the Auditorium San Fedele's 50 speaker strong 'Acousmonium' system.
Head HERE for tickets & more info about the rest of the Inner_Spaces concert series.
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blogovision · 9 months
blogovision 2023 150-200
150. Aversions - "You Wanted The Bike" (24) 151. Ryuichi Sakamoto - "12" (24) 152. Metallica - "72 Seasons" (24) 153. Saul Adamczewski - "Adventures In Limbo" (23) 154. Iggy Pop - "Every Loser" (23) 155. Overmono - "Good Lies" (22) 156. Sweeping Promises - "Good Living Is Coming For You" (22) 157. Coti K.,Yiagos Hairetis, Panos "Tsiko" Katsikiotis - "Ρ​ι​ζ​ι​κ​ό Φ​α​ν​τ​α​σ​ι​α​κ​ό / Radical Imaginary" (22) 158. Danny Brown - "Quaranta" (21) 159. Palms Psalm - "Ohana" (20) 160. Arooj Aftab, Vijay Iyer, Shahzad Ismaily - "Love In Exile" (20) 161. The Veils - "...And Out Of The Void Came Love" (20) 162. Victory Over The Sun - "Dance You Monster To My Soft Song!" (20) 163. Grave Pleasures - "Plagueboys" (20) 164. Hotel Lux - "Hands Across The Creek" (20) 165. Death Valley Girls - "Islands In The Sky" (20) 166. Kevin Morby - "More Photographs" (20) 167. May Roosevelt - "Pearl" (20) 168. Julie Byrne - "The Greater Wings" (20) 169. James Holden - "Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities" (20) 170. Fews - "Glass City" (20) 171. KVB - "Artefacts" (19) 172. The Reds, Pinks & Purples - "The Town That Cursed Your Name" (19) 173. Me Lost Me - "RPG" (18) 174. Kate Davis - "Fish Bowl" (18) 175. Deeper - "Careful" (17) 176. Home Front - "Games Of Power" (17) 177. Pretenders - "Relentless" (17) 178. Liv Kristine - "River Of Diamonds" (17) 179. Bonnie Prince Billy - "Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You" (17) 180. Shabazz Palaces - "Robed In Rareness" (17) 181. Tirzah - "Trip9love​.​.​.​?​?​?" (17) 182. Evil Blizzard - "Rotting In The Belly Of The Whale" (17) 183. Bear Ghost - "Jiminy" (17) 184. Faidra - "Militant : Penitent : Triumphant" (17) 185. ††† - "Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete" (17) 186. Tuber - "Joyful Science" (16) 187. Acid Arab - "Trois" (16) 188. Feist - "Multitudes" (15) 189. Yeule - "Softscars" (15) 190. Manii - "Innerst I Mørket" (15) 191. Kofi Flexxx - "Flowers In The Dark" (15) 192. Årabrot - "Of Darkness And Light" (15) 193. Hyperculte - "La Pang​é​e" (15) 194. April Magazine - "Wesley's Convertible Tape For The South" (15) 195. Beirut - "Hadsel" (15) 196. HMLTD - "The Worm" (15) 197. Loopsel - "Oga For Oga / Eye For An Eye" (15) 198. Misanthropes - "The Misanthropes" (15) 199. Trevino - "Back" (15) 200. Telehealth - "Content Oscillator" (15)
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schnuron · 10 months
2023's albums I like
Here are the albums I've been liking in this year:
Darkwave: Hallows - A Quieter Life Shad Shadows - Assault Saigon Blue Rain - Oko Mareux - Lovers from the Past - Iggy Pop - Every Loser Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn into You Luke Vibert - Machine Funk Kelela - Raven Mitski - The Land is Inhospitable and So are we Spiritbox - The Fear of Fear Gunship - Unicorn Mega Drive - 200XAD
Ambient: Alva Noto - HYbr:ID II Field Lines Cartographer - Phases of This and Other Moons Hinako Omori - stillness, softness... Polypores - Multizonal Mindscramble Ital Tek - Timeproof Augustus Muller/Boy Harsher - Cellulosed Bodies Midnight Smoke - Retronoir / Empty Floors EP Warrington-Runcorn New Town Development Plan - The Nation's Most Central Location Carbon Based Lifeforms - Seeker
Honorable mentions: Katatonia - Sky Void of Stars HEALTH - RAT WARS Korine - Tear Nuovo Testamento - Love Lines Veil of Light - Sundancing Pearly Drops - A Little Disaster Battle Tapes - Texture Rebecca Black - Let Her Burn Tkay Maidza - Sweet Justice Sun June - Bad Dream Jaguar Jonn Serrie - Elysian Lightships Yves Tumor - Praise a Lord Who Chews, But Does Not Consume… Yves Malone - Kill the Copy in your Head Biosphere - Inland Delta Bibio - Sunbursting EP Eartheater - Powders Fragrance - Dust & Disorders Dominic Fike - Sunburn Olivia Rodrigo - Guts Sleep Token - Take Me back to Eden Danger (not the French one) - Blade EP Alison Goldfrapp - The Love Invention In Flames - Foregone Clark - Sus Dog Oval - Romantiq Saya Gray - QWERTY EP Sophie Ellis-Bextor - HANA Speakers Corner Quartet - Further Out Than The Edge The Ongoing Concept - Again Ellie Goulding - Higher than Heaven Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation A Certain Ratio - 1982 Glen Hansard - All That was East is West of Me Now Fireworks - Higher Lonely Power Cicada - Seeking the Sources of Streams James Holden - Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities Andrea - Due in Color Enslaved - Heimdal Skrillex - Quest for Fire Orbital - Optical Delusion Kimbra - A Reckoning GLT Nurnberg - Ahida Mary Lattimore - Goodbye, Hotel Arkada Julie Byrne With Laugh Cry Laugh EP Peter Gabriel - i/o Not Waving - The Place I've been Missing Ben Howard - Is It? Slowdive - Everything is Alive Stimming - Elderberry Spangle call Lilli line - Ampersand Ruby Haunt - Between Heavens Anberlin - Convinced Amir Obe - after. Soft Vein - Pressed in Glass Ghost - Phantomine Kaelan Mikla - Undir Koldum Nordurljosum Strange Ranger - Pure Music Disclosure - Alchemy Carly Rae Jepsen - The Loveliest Time Art School Girlfriend - Soft Landing Crosses - Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete. David Eugene Edwards - Hyacinth
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Track of the day // James Holden - Common Land
From the album Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities, out March 31st via Border Community.
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trevlad-sounds · 11 months
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The Meld Well #003 on Eternal Fusion Radio. First broadcast 2023-11-02.
Artist track timestamp album label Year 1 Sam Gendel Bird of Paradise 00:00 Fresh Bread LEAVING RECORDS 2021 2 The Animals at Night Alpine Blinds 04:22 Future Colors 2021 3 Yves Malone Black Trucks Fill the Night, Empty Then Full 06:52 Kill the Copy In Your Head 2023 4 Bright & Findlay Fireflies 10:09 Fireflies Athens Of The North 2023 5 Chris Prine The Effort 13:10 Glacier Locked Werra Foxma Records 2022 6 James Holden Four Ways Down The Valley 16:43 Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities Border Community Recordings 2023 7 Metamatics Vocodor Odour 20:04 Midnight Sun Pig Hydrogen Dukebox Records 2023 8 Sophos Other Sunlight 30:28 Tales from Urania Cyclical Dreams 2023 9 Pan-American Quarry A 34:10 In Daylight Dub Foam On A Wave 2023 10 The British Stereo Collective Something Wicked This Way Comes 39:30 Music is Vast: A Tribute to the Music and Legacy of Vangelis Castles In Space 2023 11 Don Melody Club Psychonauten 42:34 Pure Donzin Les Disques Bongo Joe 2021 12 Indian Wells Alcantara 47:03 Pause 2015 13 Puma & The Dolphin Mind & Feelings 52:54 Indoor Routine Invisible, Inc. 2020 14 Jonathan Snipes, William Hutson To Keep from Falling Of 57:49 Room 237 (Rodney Ascher's Original Soundtrack from the Documentary) Death Waltz Recording Company 2013 15 Panamint Manse Saline Sands 1:02:09 Undulating Waters 1-7 Woodford Halse 2022 16 Alan Braxe, Annie Never Coming Back 1:05:43 The Upper Cuts Singles (2023 Edition) 2023 17 Hawke, Bluetech Garden Of Your Mind - Bluetech’s Mountain High Mix 1:08:52 Phoenix Rising (Remastered Bonus Edition) Behind The Sky Music 2021 18 CV Vision Insolita 1:16:26 Insolita Growing Bin Records 2021 19 Aural Design Silver Clouds 1:19:04 The Dead Astronaut Woodford Halse 2023 20 Gravité Reptile 1:20:23 III Höga Nord Rekords 2023 21 Sick Robot Core Level 1:23:55 A Field in Yorkshire 2022 22 Lo Five Complex Entanglements 1:29:37 Persistence of Love Castles In Space 2023 23 Christian Kleine Beyond Repair 1:33:48 Beyond Repair 2021 24 The New Honey Shade Oganesson 1:41:20 Cinq / NEXUS Handstitched* 2022 25 Den Osynliga Manteln LILA SKOG 1:43:05 Under Grön Himmel Castles In Space 2023 26 Milieu Euflorian 1:47:30 Eufloria Milieu Music Digital 2011 29 Thomas Ragsdale & Richard Arnold Rings Of Grain 1:52:34 Elements Frosti 2023
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theam-cjsw · 1 year
The AM: April 3, 2023
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This week, we open with an early track from YMO's Ryuichi Sakamoto, indulging in some ambient tracks before drifting into some rare grooves in the second hour, and delicious dream pop in the third. All to fuel the first week of April. Hope you enjoy.
Listen on Soundcloud
Stream at CJSW
Spotify Playlist (missing a handful of tracks, but what can you do?)
Other podcast links
Hour One:
thatness and thereness Ryuichi Sakamoto • B-2 Unit
East Chinatown Stroller Masahiro Takahashi • Humid Sun
3pz Khotin • Release Spirit
Umi No Ue Kara Yasuaki Shimizu • Kakashi
The Last Wave Saint-Samuel • Love is Like a Bomb
North Fever Ray • Radical Romantics
These Small Noises Brian Eno • ForeverAndEverNoMore
In the End You’ll Know James Holden • Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities
Centauri NETRVNNER • Into Orbit
Upside Down Inside Out Rooster37 • Upside Down Inside Out EP
Fountains Of The World Teen Daze • Fountains Of The World
Only the Pink Dinosaur The World Next Door • Find Your Face in It
Hour Two:
The Second Variety Penguin Cafe • Single
What Are We Made Of Shigeto • Single
Winter Chip Wickham • Cloud 10
Kwaeli Sunbirds • Sunbirds
Harmonica and… Sven Wunder • Single
A Decision of the Flower Mahogany Frog • Faust
SOS Mark Pritchard, featuring The Space Lady • The Four Worlds
The Widow Unknown Mortal Orchestra • V
Minor Attack Bristol Manor • A Distant Urban Forest
Hour Three:
Fairground Deary • Single
Brain Capers Yo La Tengo • This Stupid World
The Sky Was All Diseased Black Market Karma, featuring Tess Parks • Friends in Noise
Nobody Black Belt Eagle Scout • The Land, The Water, The Sky
Men Without Homes Child Actress • Milking a Dead Cow
Magique Silver Dapple • Moody Boots
Pest Control Pozi • Smiling Pools
From Avalanche Genevieve Artadi • Forever Forever
Oiseau du matin Limousine • L'été suivant...
So Informative Dada Plan • The Madness Hides
I’m Dancing Shabason & Krgovich • At Scaramouche
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
James Holden - Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities
“I wanted this to be my most open record, uncynical, naive, unguarded, the record teenage me wanted to make,” says electronic explorer James Holden of his generically unconstrained new album of rave music for a parallel universe 'Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities'. “I used to balance my clock-radio on a wardrobe to catch the faint pirate FM signals from the nearest city, dreaming of what raves would be like when I could finally escape and become a New Age traveller. So it’s like a dream of rave, a fantasy about a transformative music culture that would make the world better. I guess it’s also a dialogue with that teenage me.” Standing in contrast to the expanded band and live take recordings of its predecessor 'The Animal Spirits' (“Dramatic, colourful and Holden’s fullest-sounding work yet” 9/10 Loud And Quiet), Holden’s fourth solo artist album is more of a continuous sound collage, artfully juxtaposing audio worlds in his own inimitable manner, with a respectful hat tip to the pastoral classics of his early nineties youth (notable mentions to The KLF’s timeless 'Chill Out', and the sprawling radio soundscapes of Future Sound of London). But where his first wave forebears pilfered freely from the history of recorded music to date, Holden’s sample sources are custom generated, drawn from recordings of his own performances on the modular synth, keyboard, organ and piano plus the lesser explored drones of his childhood violin, cut-up bass guitar, overblown recorder, all manner of percussive trinkets and the serendipity of the odd field recording, as well as guest contributions from various members of the wider Animal Spirits live family: long-time touring companion drummer Tom Page, tabla-championing percussionist Camilo Tirado, multi-instrumentalist for hire Marcus Hamblett (here, on double bass and guitar) and saxophonist Christopher Duffin (on loan from Xam Duo and Virginia Wing). 'Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space of All Possibilities' will be released via Holden’s own proudly DIY Border Community label on 31st March 2023, on double vinyl, CD, digital download and streaming. For the album’s distinctive hand drawn artwork and accompanying twelve page comic booklet insert, Holden called upon Amsterdam-based illustrator and musician Jorge Velez to help flesh out the visual component of the immersive fantasy world that is conjured up in 'Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space of All Possibilities'. The result is a twelve panel storyboard (one per track) documenting the rave rituals of an alternative reality populated by magical creatures, which owes much to the pair’s shared love of the soothing retro-futurist colour palettes of the late and truly great French cartoonist Moebius (included in pdf form exclusively with Bandcamp downloads). Cover artwork and all illustrations by Jorge Velez. Instagram: @jvelezdrawings
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timekeepertwister · 2 years
TBD Subject Record: C/A-95
Name: White Lily Cookie
Subject Classification: Ancient
Subject Type: Cookie
Allegiance: Unknown, assumed none
Origin Timeline: PET-K
Known Abilities: High Intellect, Dark Moon Magic, Communication with (and medium control of) Nature, Magic Drawn from Soul Jam
Status: Unknown
Pronouns: She/Her
Availability for Inquiry: No
Last Update of Subject Record: February 27th, 2023
🥖 Baguette Cookie’s Audit: Requires Decryption of Bracketed items. Send your decryption proposals to the ask box to expedite decryption. Decrypted by Croissant Cookie. Trainees and Employees should refer to this TBD Subject Record as a reference to what any given Record should look like when fully decrypted.
Canonical Image:
Tumblr media
“Forbidden Curiosity”
Date: [The Late 19th Century] - 4/30/1939
Locations of Interest: Blueberry Yogurt Academy, Witch’s House
Once a friend of the other Ancients, especially so with Pure Vanilla Cookie, her curiosity often got the better of her in some of the most peculiar subjects imaginable. Sometimes, it would cross boundaries never meant to be crossed at all, especially in one case where everyone but one Cookie at her old magic academy was turned into a spirit. The one holdout, the professor of arcane geology, ultimately reacted differently to this dimensional magic, resulting in a slow mutation into a chimeric curio of sorts because of their own research in other arcane minerals. This catastrophe uncovered a subconscious dimension between time and space which would ultimately be dubbed the “Lilywhite Space” in remembrance of the Blueberry Yogurt Academy’s most intelligent student that happened to cause such an unforgettable disaster.
Even with her academy years behind her and after she reconciled with the academy’s student and professor population, she still hungered for knowledge. On April 30th, 1939, also known as the Night of the Witches, she would seek the “Tower of Sweet Chaos” to inquire about the reason for Cookiekind’s creation, to which she saw the Witches [eating Cookies] to her horror. One misstep off the table landed her into a cauldron of [Ultimate] Dough and placed back into the Oven out of one Witch’s own curiosity to twice-bake, which gave rise to Dark Enchantress Cookie.
Current Whereabouts
Her current status is unknown, as all witnesses to the events of the Night of the Witches were silenced either out of fear or [Attacked by Dark Enchantress Cookie’s armies]. Many high-ranking Cookies like Pure Vanilla Cookie and [Clotted Cream Cookie] say that Dark Enchantress Cookie and White Lily Cookie are the same entity, but our best lead suggests that she instead survived the Oven’s heat, albeit badly burnt, and was subsequently whisked away by a hooded and winged figure that resembled a raven into a portal. Further counterpoints suggest that she was still present for the end of the Dark Flour War in the year [1945] in the Vanilla Castle before vanishing again during the final battle alongside the other Ancients.
Triangulated interdimensional signals suggest that she’s fled back to the aforementioned “Lilywhite Space” she uncovered, but sightings have been reported by [GingerBrave’s party] that she still roamed the physical plane of Earthbread for a while before disappearing again… just as Dark Enchantress Cookie appears again in the deepest vestiges of the old Blueberry Yogurt Academy.
A recurring witness from the Saint Pastry Order, who wishes to remain anonymous for their own safety on penalty of [being crumbled by the Shadow Sisters] if they would be found out, has also come forward to verify several of these claims. As such, their TBD Subject ID will not be printed on this report. They cite recurring nightmares involving what White Lily Cookie has seen on the Night of the Witches and suggests a possible way to contact the hooded/winged figure seen within these dreams, often accompanied by figures [named Dark Amethyst Cookie and Moonlight Cookie]. The witness’s dreams never saw White Lily Cookie and the hooded figure in the same space. It is unknown if White Lily Cookie exists completely on the physical plane at all.
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