#'I'm so sorry your dad isn't nice to you. but if you want I can share my dad with you. he wouldn't mind. you know. he loves you so much-'
for the megumi and the world's most inconvenient custody battle, i just head canon geto and gojo screaming at each other in front of kfc (AGAIN) and the conversation goes something like:
megumi and the kfc workers are so so done someone get these gay men couple therapy pls
i have so normal feelings for ideas i totally dont think about them every single day.
The funny thing is that Megumi actually have no awareness of Gojo at all during the custody battle due to the intricacies of the binding vow (there's a clause where Megumi has to kill himself if Gojo intervenes at all during the span of the agreement. Geto wanted the clause to be that Megumi has to kill his sister, but Megumi threatened to kill Geto and then himself if he made that the clause. Geto doesn't actually want to make Megumi kill himself, it's just a dead man's switch to keep Gojo from swooping in and ending the entire thing prematurely. There's nothing Geto can do to actually stop Gojo, but he can deter Gojo with the consequences of a binding vow which even Gojo cannot break, and he knows Gojo won't actually risk his son, so he'll let the entire thing run it's course naturally). So it's just:
Megumi: *very grumpily going ice skating with Geto's twins because he's under binding vow to play nice and cooperate with the cult members during the terms of the vow*
Geto and Gojo, squatting behind a vendor's cart: *having the world's quietest and most hostile divorcee bitch fight*
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drunkonimagination · 2 years
no but the potential of thomastair as childhood friends??
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theelvishfiddler · 3 months
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No, sorry it's actually not an artist's guide to drawing hands. Those are just warmup studies (which I'll talk about in this post.)
This is a guide to Your Hands and how to take care of them when making art.
No one ever sits down and teaches artists how to take care of their hands. They didn’t even teach me this while I was in art college. This is just what I've learned myself through years of pain and scouring the internet for advice.
This is going to be a long one and geared towards illustrative traditional/digital/pen/pencil artists specifically, but artists of other mediums and crafts should take care of their hands too! Well, we all should take care of our bodies in general, but this is about hands.
(advice is below the read more)
First off I'm not a professional or anyone with actual medical advice. I'm just some guy with chronic hand pain who makes art. This advice is free for you to use or discard.
Ever sit down in the morning to draw and wonder why your art is so stiff and looks so much worse than what you were drawing last night? It's because you didn't warm up!
You know how for physical sports they all warmup and do stretches before getting into the actual sport. To prevent injuries and all that? Yeah, it's good to do that for art too.
One way to warmup is to just draw lines. Try to keep them as straight as you can. Going up and down and diagonal. Draw squares. Big squares. Small squares. Circles! You are warming up, keep it loose and relaxed! Basically just scribble away.
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(examples. I usually keep going until there is no paper white left. This can double as practice for drawing straight lines without a ruler, which is a great skill to have when freehand city drawing.)
Before hopping right into drawing people you can try doing some quick gesture drawings. Line of Action has timed sessions with a large variety of clothed or nude models. I usually do the 30 min class as it has a nice balance of short and long timed poses. The point isn't to draw nice art, but to warm up. Try to get the basic form down, not the details. I find that doing a full class session can really help my drawings feel more loose and grounded in reality for the rest of the day.
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Some examples I found in my folders. I suggest looking into what a line of action (not the site) is and giving it a try with some of the studies!
For sports it's to return your body back to your everyday baseline after a workout.
Example; you are working on a big project! A masterpiece! It's detailed and cool! You have been focusing on this for hours and drawing so intensely. But you need to stop working for the day.
A cooldown is for winding down out of the go go go mindset. Put away the big project and do a couple small doodles and sketches. You are relaxing your hand and letting it stretch out. Keep the sketches loose. Let the art happen slowly. Don't polish anything, that can happen another day. Just ease yourself out of drawing.
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Cool! Now we get into the meat of this thing.
How to avoid it and how to manage it if you already have it.
I love you artists and creatives, I am begging you to please take care of your most important creative tools. I really don't want this to sound like scare tactics like "oooh you better do this or blah blah!" Nope. I just had to learn all this the hard way and I'm extremely passionate about it.
Take this advice or don’t ╮(゚~゚;)╭ I can't tell you what to do, I'm not your dad
Adjustments and Small Solutions
If you are feeling physical discomfort while drawing there are many different solutions to try! Here are some suggestions that may or may not work for you.
Hold your pencil more loosely. Stop gripping that thang so tightly!!! Relax that hand! They make these… squishy pen grip things... I think they are called Adaptive Pencil Grips or Adaptive Writing/Drawing Aids? They stop your hand from being all cramped up by making your drawing tool wider. It's going to take a bit of time to adjust to drawing with it, but it's worth it for those who hold pencils too tightly.
Don't press as heavily. For traditional art, if you find yourself pressing really hard to get darker lines try moving to a softer pencil. Most standard pencils are HB, the B pencils have softer graphite. Experiment until you find the right one for you. For Digital, adjust your pressure settings so you don't have to press as hard to get thicker lines. You should not be pressing so hard all the time, it wears out both your hand and your tablet! It takes a bit of time to adapt to pencil or pressure changes. Try doing some unimportant sketches, they don't have to be good. You are just training your hand and mind to adjust using less pressure.
Draw with your arm and not your wrist! It's small repetitive motions that cause the most strain. You probably hear this one a lot, what does it even mean? It means moving your arm with the motions of your line, and trying not to make too many tiny movements with your just your fingers or wrist. This one is hard! It takes time and conscious thought to change the habit. Tips? Work bigger. Zoom in more. Use bigger sheets of paper.
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(Motions exaggerated for a clearer example)
Change the angle of your drawing surface. They make angled tablet holders, angled desks, angled desktop raisers. Experiment, find and angle that is comfortable and the one that causes the least pain. (It's also good to make sure you don't have to hold your head at an uncomfortable angle when drawing. Staring straight down or hunching over a paper flat on the table can cause pain!)
Compression Glove? Wrist brace/tensioners? Some folks use them and I've been thinking of getting one for years now. I can't give advice on this one, because I don't have experience with it. Look into it if you want!
Managing Pain
First things first.
IF YOUR HANDS START TO HURT WHILE YOU ARE DRAWING. STOP! Put the pencil/pen/paintbrush/whatever down. The art will still be there for you to continue tomorrow.
I know from experience that it's extremely hard to pull away when you are hyper focused on an art piece. It's hard to remember all sorts of basic needs like food or bathroom when hyper focused. But you Need to stop when you feel that pain. (Preferably even before the pain…)
Take Breaks! Let your hands rest when you can. Just like a machine, if you don't schedule maintenance, the machine will schedule maintenance for you. Often that means having to wait a few days for it to return to functional. Best to take a day off from heavy usage or take an occasional 30 min break throughout the day to let your hands rest.
Stretching is important! Full body stretches are good; your arms, shoulders, neck, and spine are all connected, but I'm specifically talking about HAND and wrist stretching. There are a lot of stretches and massages for carpal tunnel and arthritis out there. I find they work for hand pain in general. Move into and out of each stretch slowly. Do not push a stretch if it hurts!! Be gentle!!
I am not a qualified professional and I will not be giving out specific stretches (that is beyond my personal comfort level). There are other artists out there who have made helpful stretching info-graphics which are cool, but I will not be because i don't want to be responsible for someone accidentally hurting themself. Ask your doctor for stretches & advice or look some up on your own.
Don't feel bad about forgetting to stretch frequently! Of course it is good to do it regularly and frequently, but I would be a hypocrite if I said that I remember to stretch daily. Setting timers for stop and stretch sessions can work for some people, but also doing stretches whenever you remember is fine! If you are sitting on the toilet you can idly do some hand stretches. On the bus? Laying in bed? At the beach? Do a couple stretches! Even just once a week is better than… nonce a week.
Using Cold or Heat to treat pain. If you really overdid it, put your hands in some cold water or wrap a cloth around an ice pack and apply it to your hand. Cold works best for me, but warmth works for others. This is just pain reduction and reducing inflammation from overuse! This is not a permanent solution.
If your hand hurts a lot! Frequently! Talk to your doctor? Idk mine has never given real advice. Just gently poked my hand and told me there isn't much to be done about it :/ but there are really good doctors out there who will care and give helpful advice!
Again. IF IT HURTS TO CONTINUE DRAWING. STOP DRAWING! This is not a "no pain no gain" type situation. Drawing so much that you hurt yourself isn't noble, it's just… limiting yourself. You only get one set of hands. These things are very handy to have.
Other Advice
Things I couldn't figure out how to fit into the earlier sections.
Your other hand can't handle the strain! Lets say you hurt your drawing hand... the other hand is right there free to use for art. Right? Wrong. Your other hand can't keep up with the demand, it hasn't been trained to the same extent as your dominant hand, it does not have the built up muscle. If you want to use that hand for drawing you are going to have to use it s l o w l y and train it bit by bit over a long period of time. When I tore a tendon in my right hand I decided to just keep drawing with my left and I got Really Good at it. It only took like two months before my left hand hurt too much to move. Then I had 0 functioning hands to pull up my pants. Not fun!!
People who draw on phones. That is extremely impressive! I'm amazed by the things people can create on such a small space. But phone artists are the ones I see most frequently mentioning hand pain. please please please make sure you are taking breaks. Would a stylus work instead of using a finger?
Outside of Drawing. Sometimes it's things outside of drawing that are causing the pain. For me there are multiple sources, but I also have tiny baby hands. Holding a phone too long causes pain. The handheld mode for my Switch causes A Lot of pain. The way my hand rests while typing on my laptop hurts! Playing tense videogames for too long hurts! Find the source of your pain and make some changes. The same things will apply to most; take regular breaks, do some stretches, and find soft things to prop up or rest your arms on.
Change your Artstyle. This one is more of a last resort. You might have to change your art style if you are getting sharp pains every time you draw. I loved drawing tight clean lines and many small fancy details, but drawing like that left me in so much pain at the end of the day. In 2023 I had to take the better part of year off from illustrations just to learn how to sketch and draw more loosely. I had to learn how to be gentle. To stop gripping my pencil so tightly. Learn! Adapt! You might discover a new style that you love even more!
A lot of this stuff gets more complicated in a work setting where you have to draw fast and long in order to get paid. Things like reducing your workload can help, but that can be... financially rough. But outside of that, it’s ok to be a slow artist. Going full steam and hurting yourself is not worth it.
Aaaaaanyway, thats all folks. Today's rant brought to you by me! The guy with chronic hand pain who always forgets to stretch! The guy who got frustrated with a sketch yesterday and decided to push to keep drawing for just one more hour! The guy who woke up this morning and had to spend 2 hours massaging and stretching their hands. The guy who probably shouldn't have typed all of this out because ooww ow ouch
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If your hands do hurt, it's going to be ok! You don't need to be a speed demon who draws all the time. It's ok to take your time and take frequent breaks. You are going to do great things! Just be gentle with yourself...
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spidybaby · 2 months
Summary: Gavi noticed how suddenly you became quiet and shy around him. Thinking he did something bad, he confronted you about it.
Warnings: cursing.
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Gavi and you are opposites. Everybody knows it.
You are an extrovert, you love to be around people, you love talking, you love attention.
Gavi is an introvert, he's shy, he's quiet, he prefers when people talk and when the attention is not on him.
You say that's what makes you perfect for each other. Because you motivate him to be more open and he calms you down when you need.
It's like having the best of both worlds, that's what his parents would say.
"Y/n, you are here!" Aurora runs to hug you. "I thought you were in Sevilla."
"I was, but I wasn't going to let you spend your birthday without me." You hug her tightly. "Open your gift."
She pulls you to the couch, opening the gift as soon as you hit the cushion. "No way!" She smiles. "You didn't."
"It was hard to get, I'll admit." You say. "But I know how much you wanted it." You hug her again.
"Thank you, you are the best." She kisses your cheek. "By the way, Pablo is with dad and mom. He's pouting, so I think you can fix that."
You laugh with her. Walking over to the garden where family and friends are. You walk slowly to Pablo, he was watching something on tik tok.
You sit next to him, his parents smiling at how distracted he is. "Hola, preciosa. It's so good to see you." His father says.
"Pablo, serve some water to Aurora's friend." His mom says, trying to get him to notice you.
He left the phone on the table, grabbing a cup and serving some water. He hands you the cup with his eyes still on the screen.
"Gracias, Pablo." You say, about to laugh at how cute he looks all focused.
He lifts his eyes, looking at you. "Guapa!" He smiles. The table laughed at how his eyes got shinny and his mood got better.
The rest of the evening, he didn't separate. He didn't look at his phone. He was focused on hearing you talk about your vacation trip and your last days at sevilla.
He loves hearing you talk, he finds all your stories very interesting. He loves how your eyes shine when you talk about the memories you made.
"Hola, Pablo." A elderly woman says. Touching his shoulders.
"Hola," he says in a serious tone. "This is my girlfriend, Y/n." He introduced you. You wave to her, smiling. "Y/n, this is my aunt Paloma."
"Nice to meet you, ma'am."
She sat in the chair in front of you two, talking with Pablo senior. You two keep talking, well you keep doing it.
"I got that recipe of those cookies you liked." You smile at him. Telling her all your plans. "I think I can make it for you, I just need some ingredients. And I saw this tik tok of a very healthy and non sugary glaze for cookies that you will love. Now that you are back on your diet, I think I can make the cookies more healthy with some organic ingredients." He smiles, knowing that you supported all his restrictions.
"I'm going to go get some juice. Do you want some?" He asks. Getting up from his seat. You nod, thanking him. "Be right back."
You check your phone, you answer some texts from your family, and answer some dms you got after posting a story with Pablo.
"You are such a sweetheart." His aunt says. Making you pay attention. "Isn't she one Pablo?"
"She is." His father smiles. "She's such a nice girl to our Gavi."
"But my oh my, sweetie." She laughs. "You like to talk, I don't know how you do it. I feel lightheaded just by hearing you ramble."
You shily smile, knowing you do talk a lot, and that can be stressful for some people. "Sorry." You say.
"Maybe that's why Gavi likes her." She says to his father. "He gets to be the quiet one like he always was."
They laugh, making you blush. You know you sometimes do talk about a lot of things in one moment, but Pablo never complained.
"Don't get me wrong, cupcake." She says, still laughing. "He totally likes it."
You smile. Pablo has no problem hearing you rambling all night if that's what you wanted to do.
"Here's your juice, Princesa." He says, taking a seat next to you again. You thank him, and he got closer to kissing your shoulder. "Now, why don't you tell me again about that museum you visited in Paris?"
You smile, turning fully to him to tell him again about your adventure at the Louvre museum.
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"Fermin, can you get me a bottle of water too?"
Pablo and his friends from La Masia were at his house, they were visiting Pablo and having a little goodbye party for Marc.
You weren't there to bother, but Pablo invited you to go out with him and his sister and you were a little early, so they asked you to joined them.
"Hola, sorry about crushing the party. I was a few blocks away, and it made sense to just come by."
They all say hi back and tell you to enjoy with them the rest of the time they'll be there.
"Hi Marc, sorry to intrude your goodbye party."
"Hola, no biggie, sit and enjoy some cake." Marc smiles. "Gavi, get her some cake."
Gavi walks over to the table where the cake is placed, cutting a piece for you. You loved chocolate cake, so he gets you a big piece.
"How are you, Y/n?" Fermin asks.
"I'm good, been busy lately, college pre courses and things like that. How are you feeling after the Euros?"
"It was amazing, winning and being able to share my first tournament." He smiles. "Gavi wasn't there, but I know he will come back, and we will play together."
You love the relationship Fermin and Pablo have. They all have an amazing brotherhood. La masia really made them a family.
"What courses are you taking?" Fermin asks.
You began telling him about the pre courses you were taking to be able to graduate early.
If someone loves hearing other people talk apart from Gavi, was Fermin. He enjoys a good talk, being able to have long conversations.
So, to him, it was nice that you extended the conversation as long as you wanted.
You tell him everything, literally everything, and he asked things here and there for you to explain.
Hector is seated next to Marc, who is in front of Fermin and you. He was paying attention to the conversation.
"Hey, Guapa." Gavi says, getting your attention. "I forgot your drink." He smiles, handing you a soda can.
"Thank you, I'm thirsty." You joke with him. Making him chuckle, walking back to Ansu.
Hector is someone who's brutally honest. He had no filter when he wanted to say something. Not that it's bad, but sometimes he just says what he thinks without processing the words.
"You must be." He laughs. Making you turn to him. "After everything you told Fermin. You've been talking for a good ten minutes without stopping."
You look down to your untouched cake. Feeling shy about being called out for talking too much by two people close to Gavi.
"God, maybe that's why Pablo never talks." He jokes, not sensing that you don't understand he's joking. "Because he must be tired for you."
That makes Marc and Fermin laugh, they did understand the joke. But they don't notice how you don't laugh or smile.
"Sorry, I sometimes get carried away with conversations." You say, eating the cake and not lifting your sight to hide the fact that your eyes got glossy.
They talk with each other for a little bit. You excuse yourself to move upstairs. You don't feel like talking anymore.
You always got told to shut up by people around you when you were little. Always sensing the discomfort of people when you joined a party or a new group.
That changed when you met your friends from college, they encouraged you to talk and to be as open as you want with the stories you wanted to share.
And when Pablo and you met, at first you were careful, trying not to show how "crazy" you were by literally throwing words up.
But once you were in full trust mode, you started with the talking. Pablo then confessed that he loved how much you talked.
But lately, you were getting the comments you used to get. Feeling like you needed to be quiet and just say a minimum of ten words or less.
Thing you forced yourself to do, only ten words every time someone asked you something you made yourself answers with few words.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Pablo asks. Closing the door behind him.
"I was -" You stopped. You know he's very quick to get angry, and if you tell what happened, he was going to shout at Hector. "I just gave you space to be with your friends." You fake smile. "Go back, I'll have you tonight."
You kissed his lips and then pushed him out of the room. "I'll make them leave so we can spend some time alone."
"Don't" you point at him. "Go enjoy your friends."
But Pablo didn't mind hurrying the party to an end. Letting the others pick the mess while he watches.
"Thank you for everything, bro." Marc says, hugging him. "I'm going to miss you."
"I'll miss you too." He says, smiling. "Have fun in Chelsea."
"Will send you a jersey." They laugh. "Tell Y/n goodbye for me."
"For us too. See you at training." Fermin and Hector say. Giving Gavi a high five.
He hurries upstairs carefully because he doesn't want to trip on the stairs and hurt himself. He opens the door, finding you watching something on the tv.
You smile at the sight of him, opening your arms. He smiles, throwing himself at you, settling between your legs and pressing you down the mattress.
"Dios mio, Pablo." You laugh, feeling his weight.
"Te amo." He smiles, kissing your neck and cleavage. "Let's call my parents and tell them we are not going."
You humm at the way his lips feel on your warm skin. How his hands are now on your ass, lifting you.
"Don't stop." You beg, moaning.
His hips move, creating a static feeling between your clothed body. A warm feeling that is making your roll your eyes.
Your hands pull his shirt off. His hands unbutton your pants, hand making its way down your most needed part.
He loves the way you moan his name, the way your eyes roll with every trust his hips make. He's intoxicated by you. The same way you feel intoxicated by him.
"Don't you think it is rude to leave your parents and sister alone at the restaurant?" You ask, seating on top of him.
"No, I don't." He laughs. "Arms up." He commands.
You pull your arms up, and he dresses you with his shirt. "Mmm." You exaggerate. "Smells like you." You laugh, kissing him.
He smirks, proud of himself. The look of you is worth like a work of art. Your messed-up hair and your dilated pupils, and the way you are bitting your lips while tracing his muscles with your fingertips.
"Te ves tan preciosa." He kisses your shoulders. Hugging your body and caressing your ass. Making you moan at the feeling of relaxation.
The moment is broken by his phone ringing. The ID caller showing the name of his sister. He groans, moving one of his hands to answer the phone.
"Hola." He says, putting the call on speaker. Leaving it in the night stand and focusing on hugging you again.
"Pablo, did you get my text?"
"No, what is it about?"
You kiss his cheeks. Drunk in love and still into the effects of the orgasms he gave you. Your hands comb his hair while you kiss his temple.
"We picked food and are about to get to your home. The restaurant had an emergency and closed the dining room, but they had takeout.
"Qué?" He asks, checking the text. She asked multiple times what he wanted from the restaurant, then what she was picking, she mentioned she texted you and also picked for you and that they were leaving the restaurant.
"We are like fifteen minutes away. Can you order something for dessert?"
"Si, I'll do it. Bye." He hangs up. "Preciosa, let's get dressed."
"No," you say, extending the o. "I want to stay like this with you."
"Mee too, preciosa. But my parents and sister are coming any moment now, so let's change and when they leave we can cuddle. Deal?" He asks, kissing your forehead.
"Deal." You bump your nose with his. "But I want to stay in your shirt. Please."
He kiss you. "Let's go get ready."
He helps you with your clothes. Sharing some kisses here and there. He tries to get the room to not look like the mess you two make. In case his mom or dad needed to get inside.
He goes downstairs, finding you putting the table together. "Guapa, what kind of dessert do you want?"
"Oh, maybe that pina colada cheesecake we tried the other day." You smile, feeling hungry for it.
He orders it. Just in time because his family git a few minutes later. They greet the two of you.
"I texted you guys." Aurora says.
"It was my fault, I asked Pablo to explain this NBA game, and the phone was silent."
"The Lakers one?" His father asks.
"Yes, they won." Pablo smiles. Kissing your shoulder.
They all ask Pablo how his trainings were, if he was has difficulty with how he's exercising. You stayed quiet, still feeling a little sensitive about the comment Hector did.
Aurora looks at you. She finds how weird it is for you to be quiet. She thinks that maybe something happened with her brother and that's why you are so quiet.
You received the cheesecake, telling them that you would cut it and serve it for them. Aurora took this as an opportunity to talk with you in private.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asks, noticing that you are quiet even with only her.
"Just tired." You half lie.
You were tired after yours and Pablos activities, but also not in the mood to bore people or to make them dizzy with your conversation.
"You know you can talk to me."
"Thank you, I'm fine." You hug her. "I promise I'm just tired."
Pablo noticed it too, you were silent.
You weren't as smiley as you were with his family around. You were more serious. He wanted to ask.
"Are you okay?" He asks, kissing your head.
You two were laying down in his bed, his fingers combing your hair, and his other hand was rumming up and down your back.
You humm, trying to drizz to sleep. He let it go. Blaming your mood on being tired and wanting to sleep.
"I can take you to class tomorrow, is that okay?"
"Si, I'd really appreciate it." You snuggle closer.
He knows you would tell him if something was wrong, if you were hurt, or if he did something. You were honest with him.
But you really weren't honest with him. You chose to retake what you used to do back in the day when people asked you to stop talking.
You fully controlled whatever came out of your mouth. When you were with Pablo or with his family, you were into this new mode.
That made them worry. You told them that you were just stressed with homework and with projects.
Pablo on the other hand didn't fully bought that story. He thought it was something else, but he was way too afraid to ask.
He felt guilty because he thought that maybe something he did was the cause of this behavior.
Aurora told him off, believing that you were just overwhelmed with college things. Maybe because she was, and she chose to believe you.
But when he picked you to go get lunch, he saw you with your friend, you were laughing and talking with such naturality that it makes him feel worse.
"Hola!" You say to him from outside the vehicle. "Bye, I'll call you later."
"Bye, have fun, please do call me. I need you to keep telling me more about the story." She smiles. "Hi and goodbye, Pablo."
"Hi and goodbye to you." Pablo says, smiling at her. "Let's go, Guapa."
The first part of the drive was very quiet. You don't think there's any tension. You just stayed a little too quiet, but it was not like you were mad at him.
To him, it was hell. Why weren't you talking? Why weren't you telling him about your day? He wanted to hear you.
"How was college?" He asks.
"Good." You smile, bringing his hand to your mouth and kissing it.
"What story was your friend talking about?" He asks, trying to get you to talk.
"Oh, nothing." You scuff. "How was your day?"
"C'mon, you know I'm a chismoso."
"It was just about my trip to Valencia."
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"Venga! What the fuck is that yellow for?" Pablo says, angry at the referee on tv.
You two were watching a game, he was invited to go with the team but he wanted to spend some time with you.
He was getting busy and close to his comeback date. So for him, it was about spending all the time he could with you and his family.
"That was wrong." You say.
It's been almost six weeks since the incident at his house. You were very good at controlling how much you were talking.
But him, he was losing his mind.
He tried asking questions. Nothing.
He tried asking if something was wrong, not directly, but he did asked.
He tried making Aurora ask. Nothing.
He tried everything, but talking to you.
"Hey, do you remember that one trip we took to Ibiza?"
You smile at the memory, you loved remembering things you two did together.
"Yes, we need to find some time to do that again."
"We do." He smiles. "But I was asking because I tried to remember this story about that painting we saw at the museum tour."
"The one about the princess?"
"Yes, do you remember what it was about?"
"It was about an Aztec princess who -"
You got interrupted by the commentator screaming at a goal Raphinha just scored.
"Jo'er, that was good, and we lost it."
You got quiet again, thinking that maybe he got mad about missing that.
"You were saying, preciosa?"
You shake your head, hugging his waist. "I forgot what I was saying. That was an amazing goal. I can't wait to see you back on the field."
He forgot for a moment what he was trying to do, hugging you back and combing your hair while the fame continued.
"Aurora and I are going to a bonfire tomorrow." You tell him. You were happy about it because you missed your friends and Aurora.
"That's so cool, why for?"
"Just a nice after tests reunion." You smile at him.
"Don't burn yourself, but do eat marshmallows." He jokes, making you laugh.
You two continue to watch the game, enjoying each other's company. You love times like this because Pablo has such little free time that when you do get the time to just be on the couch in each other's arms. You can't complain about anything, just enjoy.
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"Hola!" Aurora shouts to all your friends. "We are here, and we got the drinks." You lift the bottle and the package of red cups. "Ready to party?"
Your friends yell in happiness. Making you two laugh. "Hey, I have someone I want to introduce you to."
You followed her inside the beach house, leaving the bottles and cups in the snacks table where everyone dumped what they brought.
"Mikayla, come here." She calls someone in the kitchen. "Y/n, this is Mikayla. She's new in the faculty, Mikayla, this is Y/n."
"The girlfriend." She says.
"Yes, she's Pablo's girlfriend."
You smile at her, weird comment to make about how you are "the girlfriend" as if Aurora haven't told her your name just a second ago.
"Nice to meet you." You fake smile. "I'm going to go help outside with the fire and everything. Can you bring the things to make the smores?" You ask Aurora, not really paying attention to the girl.
You helped your friends with the fire, with mixing the drinks. You were having a lot of fun. You were talking with one of your class friends about how this project you two are doing.
The day was going great, you had so much fun talking and spending time with all your close friends.
You were sat on a beach blanket, drinking a piña colada and texting Pablo how the evening was going.
"Can I sit?" You hear someone saying. Making you look up.
"Sure." You say to Mikayla, going back to your phone. Pablo sent you a photo of him on the physio.
She takes a seat in front of you, "Aurora told me a lot about you."
You smile, knowing Aurora always talks about you with love and care.
"When she told me about you talking a lot, I never thought you were a word dumpster." She laughs.
You got serious, smile disappearing from your face. You want to smack that horrible grind and quiet down that laugh.
"You talk what everybody here doesn't talk." She keeps going.
"What are you talking about?" Aurora joined.
"For once, I think I'm the one talking because your friend right here was doing all the talking all day."
You didn't laughed, you didn't smile. You just looked at them laughing.
"But we love her very much, mom and dad love having her over and how much she loves Pablo."
"Oh, I'm sure she's a pleasure to be around." She says in this sarcastic tone. "I'm sure you love always hearing her talk."
"We do! Even tho sometimes I hear her more than I ever hear Pablo." Aurora jokes.
You got up, getting away from them. You went inside the house, picking your things and ordering an Uber. You don't want to be around people anymore.
"Hey, are you leaving?" Aurora asks, noticing you are walking away. Following you, trying to stop you.
"Go back to your friend Mikayla." You say, stern tone. "I'm leaving."
"Y/n, why are you mad?"
"Nothing Aurora, go back to your fucking friend. I'm sure you can tell her how fucking much I talk and both of you can have a laugh out of me."
You left angry, trying not to cry in the Uber. You felt like a nine year old after your family asked you to be quiet because you were giving them a headache.
You take a long hot and hot shower. Leaving the sand and the worries away. You eat something and watch your favorite movie.
Halfway through the movie, you heard a knock on the door. You roll your eyes, you are not in the mood for visitors.
You find a frowny Pablo on the other side of the door. You know Aurora told him about you leaving, he asked you what happened over text.
"We need to talk."
You walk back to the couch, not feeling like talking with him. "Please, not today." You whine.
"What's going on?" He asks, sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Is something wrong?"
"I don't want to talk."
"But why?" Hes worried, he holds your hands, caressing them with his thumbs. "Amor, I don't understand why you don't want to talk."
You feel your eyes watering, you hate feeling that way around him. He was your safe space, he was the person you feel more comfortable with.
"Because everyone makes fun of me for it." You confess.
He hugs you, letting you cry into his arms. He doesn't understand how people can do that to you when you are a sweetheart.
"Who is doing this?"
"Everyone, Pablo." You pout. "You friends, your aunt, and even your sister."
"My sister?" He asks, confused on why Aurora would do that.
You explained everything, how the comments of his aunt, Hector, how Fermin and Marc laughed, how this new girl made fun of you, and what Aurora said.
"And I just didn't want you to feel tired of me, I don't know."
He softens his expression, noticing how you are really concerned about him growing tired of you and leaving you.
You told him how you used to get these comments when you were little. How your mom and dad always asked you to shut up and to go away.
"Guapa, mirame." He sits next to you. "I love hearing you talk. I love how you tell me about your day, how you tell me about what you are doing in college, how you planned things, how was your trips, you hangings with your friend. I love you for you."
You smile, crying again while hugging you. It was the band-aid your heart needed.
"Te amo, and you would never bored me."
"Te amo, Pablo."
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"Are you ready to yell at the referee in live?" You ask him, squishing his hand while laughing.
"I hope I don't have to." He jokes. "Menudo hijo de puta el anterior." (The last one was a son of a bitch)
You were with him on the corridor, the players getting ready for the game. You have the privilege to be able to go with him to all areas of the stadium.
"Wait for me here, I just have to go to the bathroom."
You sit on a bench that was in the corridor. Texting with your friends and updating them on what was happening at the stadium.
"Hey, Y/n."
You lift your head, finding Fermin and Hector there. They have their uniform on.
"Hey guys, good luck today!"
"Gracias, we wanted to talk to you before the game."
"Si, tell me." You smile, standing to talk with them. "Are you okay?"
"He are." Hector says. "I just wanted to say sorry about that one time when I joke about you talking too much, I didn't think it was that bad but now I know it was. Lo siento."
"And I'm sorry about laughing, it was mean of us yo do that, please forgive us."
You smile at them, knowing that Pablo was behind all of this. You can't help but feel thankful with him.
"It okay, no bad feelings." You hug them both. "Now go finish getting ready, you need to go out and score so much goals."
They say goodbye, and magically, Gavi appeared from a few seconds later from the same direction they left.
"You are such a sweetheart." You laugh, hugging him and kissing his lips. "Let's go to our seats, we need to cheer extra hard for your friends."
"Let's go, Guapa." He kisses your head. "Remember, after the game, we are going to my place. You still need to tell me about that presentation you have."
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl hi 😝💕
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shivroygirls · 1 year
can i just say something? at this party here there are maybe 40 of the most important people in america and you have just walked all around, all evening, telling them all that i'm gonna get fired. no, it was implied, lightly, as a little... god! part of a tactical kind of joke. will you explain to me, the joke? because i don't get the fucking joke. MY GOD, TOM! i don't get the joke, i don't get the joke. it was something that he said, that isn't true, that we needed to say. but you stood by his side, and he said it, and you were like "okay, well, that sounds good to me." fuck's sake, i'm not doing this right now. you know i'm in serious trouble, that was a play. you will be okay because you are a tough fucking bitch who will always survive because you do what you need, you will do what — are you even listening? i will be okay? — you will do whatever you need. yeah? really? yeah, you sure you're not projecting, because that is actually you. should we have a real conversation? with a scorpion? no. that was a friendly thing. that was a friendly thing. yeah. sure. real friendly. yeah, no, i'm a scorpion, you're a hyena, you're a... you're a street rat. actually, no, you're a fucking snake. "here's a dead snake to wear as a necktie, tom", "why aren't you laughing?" (pause) i wonder if we shouldn't clear the air. yeah? yeah. sure. i think you can be a very selfish person and i think you find it very hard to think about me — what the fuck? — and i think you shouldn't have even married me, actually. what the fuck? what the ACTUAL fuck? you proposed to me. you proposed at my lowest fucking ebb. my dad was dying, what was i supposed to say? perhaps "no"? i didn't want to hurt your feelings. thanks! thanks for that! yeah, you really kept me safe while you ran off to fuck the phone book. fuck off. you're hick — and then, and then.. — conservative hick — you hid it, you hid it because you were so scared of how fucking awful you are. you were only with me to get to power. you got it now, tom, you've got it! I'M WITH YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! bullshit, you're fucking me for my DNA, you were fucking me for a fucking ladder because your whole family is striving and parochial. that's not... thats not a fair characterization. no? well, your mom loves me more than she loves you, because she's cracked. you want to... you want to actually clear the air? fine. you betrayed me. YOU WERE GOING TO SEE ME SENT TO FUCKING PRISON, SHIV! AND THEN YOU FOBBED ME OFF WITH THAT FUCKING UNDRINKABLE WINE AND YOU WON'T HAVE MY BABY BECAUSE YOU NEVER EVEN THOUGHT, HONESTLY, THAT YOUD BE WITH ME MORE THAN FOUR FUCKING YEARS, I DON'T THINK! YOU OFFERED TO GO TO JAIL! YOU OFFERED TO GO TO JAIL BECAUSE YOU'RE SERVILE! you're just... YOU'RE SERVILE! YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF THINKING ABOUT ANYBODY OTHER THAN YOURSELF BECAUSE YOUR SENSE OF WHO YOU ARE, SHIV, IS THAT FUCKING THIN! oh yeah you read that in a book, tom? YOU'RE TOO FUCKING TRANSPARENT TO FIND THAT IN A BOOK! you're pathetic, you're pathetic. youre a masochist and you can't even take it. i think you are incapable of love, and i think you are maybe not a good person to have children! well, that's not very nice to say, is it? i'm sorry. i'm sorry, but you... you... you have hurt me more than you can possibly imagine. and you, you took away the last six months i could've had with my dad. no. yes. no! yes. you sucked up to him and you cut me out! it's not my fault that you didn't get his approval. i have given you endless approval and it doesn't fill you up because you're broken. i don't like you. i don't... i don't even care about you. i don't care. have we cleared the air, huh? feel good now? yeah. yeah. fucking great. tip top. you don't deserve me, and you never did. and everything came out of that. so fucking flat.
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
Dog Mom 🤝 Cat Dad
Y/N Leclerc is a dog mom. Max Verstappen is a cat dad. The two go hand in hand
Social Media Au
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liked by username, charles_leclerc, and 1,456 others
spottydogrockie Rockie says thank you uncle Charlie
view all 194 comments
arthur_leclerc I'm the favourite uncle
spottydogrockie sure you are, arthur
lewishamilton Bring him to the next grand prix!
spottydogrockie he'll be in Ferrari red 🫡
username01 i have never been jealous of a dog
username02 Rockie Leclerc is my favourite Leclerc
charles_leclerc my favourite nephew
spottydogrockie your only nephew?
maxverstappen1 cats are better
spottydogrockie are you lonely, max?
maverstappen1 no i have my cats
spottydogrockie guys i think he's lonely
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liked by lorenzotl, maxverstappen1, and 4,865 others
spottydogrockie more talented than uncle Charlie
view all 438 comments
charles_leclerc sure you are, Rockie
username03 The real talent in the Leclerc family!
username04 pls put him in Charles' car next time you attend the race!
maxverstappen1 I could hear this from my apartment
spottydogrockie your ears have been blessed
maxverstappen1 i'm legally deaf now
spottydogrockie i'm legally obliged to say i don't care
username05 anybody know if Max and Y/N Leclerc really hate each other?
username06 omg charles was asked about this in an interview lemme find it real quick
username07 begging the instagram algorithm gives me the answers to this
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liked by arthur_leclerc, landonorris, and 6,448 others
spottydogrockie sweater is now covered in dog hair
view all 557 comments
username08 THIS ISN'T Y/N'S SWEATER WHO'S IS IT???????
landonorris sus
username08 WHAT DO YOU KNOW
charles_leclerc nice sweater you got
arthur_leclerc where did you get it?
username09 no because I swear I've seen this sweater before i just can't remember who on
pierregasly rockie is gaslaying
spottydogrockie ew that was disgusting
spottydogrockie leave me and my son alone
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tagged maxverstappen1
liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 8,345 others
spottydogrockie contrary to popular belief, we don't hate each other
view all 587 comments
maxverstappen1 conveniently not mentioning the part where rockie chased jimmy through my apartment and broke my trophy
spottydogrockie he wanted to humble you
username10 I'M SORRY WHAT?
username11 oh my god Rocky did a Lando
maxverstappen1 its rockie, actually
username11 MAX OMG
landonorris sus
spottydogrockie why you so obsessed w me
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liked by username12, y/n_leclerc, and 18,036 others
f1gossip eagle-eyed fans spot Max Verstappen walking Y/N Leclerc's dog in Monaco. In the picture we can see Max walking Rockie through the snow with no Y/N in sight. Fans who frequent the dogs social media page with the apparent feud between cat dad Verstappen and dog mom Leclerc. But not everything is as it seems?
View all 1986 comments
username12 they're dating c'mon
username13 max not sim racing is already surprising enough but i was not ready to see him with a dog
username14 no but rockie posted the other day that they had a playdate at Max's apartment and rockie broke a trophy they're 100% dating
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 10,643 others
spottydogrockie mom calls it stirring the pot
view all 4951 comments
username16 NO THEY'RE DATING
usename17 WHO?
username18 not rockie soft launching 😭
charles_leclerc you have my approval
spottydogrockie never asked
athur_leclerc want me to send the pictures I have?
charles_leclerc ARTHUR
spottydogrockie oops
username19 Max not commenting?
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liked by y/n_leclerc, charles_leclerc, and 600,812 others
maxverstappen1 us
view all 6,758 comments
username19 HARD LAUNCH
y/n_leclerc is this your way of telling me you got me another dog?
maxverstappen1 i'm a cat person
y/n_leclerc sure you are
username20 this is the cutest thing i've ever seen
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tagged maxverstappen1
liked by maxverstappen1, arthur_leclerc, and 16,593 others
spottydogrockie 'i'M a cAt pErsOn'
view all 1,739 comments
maxverstappen1 blasphemy
landonorris sus
spottydogrockie get out of my hard launch
landonorris no
arthur_leclerc i approve
spottydogrockie you're hilarious
username21 not y/n outing max as a dog person
roscoelovescoco converted him 🤝🤝
spottydogrockie dogs are so much better than cats 😈😈
maxverstappen1 no comment
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sourlove · 5 months
Could you please do how yandere mha boys would react to pregnant darling pretty pleaseee?
ft. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Aizawa
Thanks for the ask!
When Izuku first finds you throwing up, he's beyond ecstatic. Growing up with his mom was great but very lonely. He always wanted a white picket fence kind of family with three kids and a dog. To him, that was a perfect family, and there was nobody better to start that with than you.
After months of trying he was finally successful. Sure, you weren't exactly on board with the whole pregnancy thing and maybe he had to switch out your birth control pills with placebos but he was just doing what was best for the both of you! Why couldn't you see what he was trying do?
What was that? You don't want to keep it? Oh...well, that's just too bad. Izuku would do just about anything to get the family he's always wanted. Even drugging you and chaining you up in his basement. Don't panic, it's okay! It's just temporary. As soon as he changes your mind, Izuku will let you go, okay?
Katsuki isn't really a family man to be honest, so he doesn't try to intentionally get you pregnant. But he's willing to see the silver lining when you do get pregnant. After all, maybe a baby is just what you needed to stop acting like a fucking brat all the time.
Plus, he likes when you start needing him to do things for you, like giving foot rubs and back massages and making healthy meals for you. But Katsuki's a bit of a sadist and can withhold these things, leaving you to fend for yourself, if you don't behave. You can't leave so there's no other person you can rely on.
Overtime, you start to become more docile, not just for the purpose of getting something. Mostly because, its...nice to have Katsuki dote on you. He can be sweet when he wants to be and you need all the help you can get right now. It doesn't hurt that he's pretty level-headed most of the time and can easily handle your pregnancy hormones flaring up your emotions.
Maybe being trapped in his house wasn't going to be as bad of a situation as you thought.
Shoto is very freaked out. He had a really sad childhood and the worst father so he doesn't even want to put himself in a situation where he ends up just like Enji. If you also don't want the baby, he is so relieved and starts looking into adoptions, etc.
But if you do want the baby, well...this is him...
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He's trying his best okay?
Shoto really does try to be supportive because he would do anything for you to be happy. But like...yeah. It's easier before the baby gets there, when it's just you and him. Once the baby comes, good luck getting Shoto to even stay in the same room as them.
Shota isn't too bothered about you getting pregnant. He wasn't a fan of condoms and you didn't use birth control so it was bound to happen sooner or later. He would be a pretty good dad too, albeit a little strict and would help with the kids, unlike someone else *cough Shoto cough*
Shota finds it adorable how you waddle around or cry because your tea is warm instead of hot. He loves when you become more needy and cuddly. Honestly, Shota's just having a good time. Good enough that he wouldn't mind getting you pregnant over and over again.
He never saw himself wanting a family before but seeing you so cute and round, just does things for him and he can't help but want to see you pregnant all the time. Whether you want that or not :)
A/N: Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this! I love when you guys leave asks so go ahead and drop one or two if you wish. Sorry if this is short, I'm hungry :)
@justabratsworld @pinkrose1422
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1-800-local-slut · 4 months
Word of Advice...
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Spencer Reid x Black! Fem! Pregnant! BAU! Reader
Spencer Reid Masterlist <3
Spencer and his fiancée are having a baby, and everyone has some advice for them.
I based this on JJ's pregnancy in season 4. This is basically the three times someone gave Spencer some advice about being a dad and his fiancé some advice, I cried writing this because of hormones y'all
Warnings: pregnancy, brief mention of sex, mention of a daddy kink, nothing really, fluff, twins
Request are also open if anyone wants to send anything!
"You know, no matter how much you research it won't help when you have to actually hold the baby."
Spencer's head jerked up from his computer, no longer fidgeting with his nails and glanced over to Derek. Tabs upon tabs of information distracted him for the past hour. 'What to do as a first time dad', 'When to Start Expecting Cravings', 'How to Prevent Diaper Rash', 'Baby-proofing 101' and more.
The office buzzed softly behind him, other agents bustling around. It was a cool morning, nice and bright but had all the cold spring air Spencer had grown to love with the early call time of his job. Hotch was up in his office, Rossi was currently in the bathroom attempting to battle some sort of meal his stomach didn't agree with, Emily called in sick, JJ had a doctors appointment and wouldn't be in until later and Penelope was busying herself with some random task.
"Sorry, what?" Derek chuckled, his eyes ran over the mess on Spencer's desk. All of his case files, the parenting books he'd bought, the cups of coffee littering the area. How was this guy gonna keep his house clean with a kid running around in it?
"Morgan is right, even though he should be focused on his work. A word of advice, its good to get into the habit of picking up as you go along. Helps in the long run, you know." Hotch appeared from nowhere, in typical Hotch fashion with words of wisdom.
It was true. Spencer Reid, at the age of 27, got his girlfriend fiancée (he was still getting used to the title) pregnant. He got her pregnant, and then all the initial joy and imaginary world where everything would be perfect everything came slightly faded for him. He suddenly remembered him and his fiancée work a hard job with hard hours and an even harder toll on the mind. But he'd been trying not to focus on that, instead just trying to stay on the constant upside.
"Well yeah. I guess coffee cups all over the place aren't gonna be helpful in trying to keep the place tidy." Spencer chuckled, tapping one of the coffee cups on his desk with a random pen.
"I’ll say. You know your girl isn’t down with the nonsense, you better keep that house spick and span if you want to keep your ass clear of a beating. And if she's gonna be the one stressing with child care it'll be safer is you just stay clean and out the way.” Derek lamented. Hotch chuckled and Spencer glanced down at his hand while he grinned.
While he wouldn’t normally wear his engagement ring to work, they weren’t in the field today (hopefully) and he may have forgotten to taken it off this morning when they decided to stay in bed for an extra 45 minutes to sleep soundly. So what was the harm in wearing it? It was a little bit of his home life he would let seep into his daily life.
"Isn't it a little bit too early for you to be looking at all of this anyways? I mean I guess it's technically never too early but she's only what a month a long?" Derek asked, settling himself to sit on the corner of Spencer's desk.
Derek pushed an empty chip bag out the way, as he had settled on the one clear part of the desk. Spencer instinctively grabbed the bag and tossed it into the small trash bin he kept under his desk.
"It's never too early! I figured the better I prepare, the better I'll be able to help out when I'm home. I want to take as much paternity leave as I can, I want to be helpful when I'm home with her." He really should be attempting to clean. A stack of papers straightened, coffee cups gathered into one hand and tossed into the bin two at a time.
"Word of advice..." Hotch grimaced, as he tapped a coffee cup that sloshed and Spence had to grab to keep it from spilling all over his desk. "If you keep your desk as clean as you intend to keep your house, she'll be sending you back to work faster than you can imagine." With a ghost of a smile, Derek chuckled and ruffled Spencer's hair. Hotch smirked, seeing Spencer's mouth hanging open, and the two decided to take their leave to go back to doing the jobs they get paid so much for.
It was true, Spencer is usually a very clean guy but sometimes things get a bit messy. And usually, his fiancée wouldn't mind as long as it wasn't too outrageous but pretty soon those pregnancy hormones would come in full force. A shiver went down his spine as he imagined facing her anger at him leaving piles of books and coffee mugs all over the living room with a chubby baby sat on her hip. Picking up the last few coffee cups, Spencer straightened up his desk once more and finally tried to focus on work.
"Morning JJ, you want some coffee?" Of course, I was joking. The joke was that JJ (who had recently returned from her maternity leave) was pleased that she could drink coffee again. If anyone bounced right back from pregnancy it was Jennifer Jareau. She looked flawless, glowing even more after her pregnancy. I can only pray to have that same miraculous recovery.
I couldn't drink coffee, the smell making me sick now. Of course I already couldn't have it, you know growing a baby, but it was far easier to resist the temptation.
A job like this has you running on caffeine, quitting cold turkey was like stopping cigarettes over night. Now I settled for some decaf tea, like peppermint or lemon and ginger.
"So, how's things going for the first term?" JJ chuckled, as I placed my spoon down on the counter and blew on the tea. This morning was some hot apple cider with cinnamon and I had a nice everything bagel on the side with some cream cheese spread over it.
"Well I've had too pee every sixty seconds, my tits are expanding with every second, and everything I eat makes me gain forty pounds thanks to bloating. So, great." The happy mood I had this morning was gone. I got to work and suddenly I wanted to put my fist through the steering wheel. And for some reason, Spencer's aftershave was making me want to cry. He just smelt so good, and he looked so good driving us to work, and lately he's just so handsome. Maybe it's knowing that we were about to have a bundle of joy?
"Mood swings getting you, huh?" JJ chuckled, turning around and heading to her desk as I followed behind.
"I'm ready to stop coming in now, I don't know how you were here up until you gave birth. You literally went into labor, I'm ready to go home now. Right now." I scoffed, and grumbled in irritation. I was even ready to stop wearing heels to work.
It felt like at any moment, I would just explode. That extra 45 minutes of sleep helped very, very little.
"Well, a word of advice, positive self talk is so helpful. I don't know why but when I was pregnant everything Will did drove me up a wall, I'm talking I wanted to take down his side of the bed only." JJ chuckled as we approached our desks. I slid into my seat, chuckling. JJ threw down her jacket, a push present from Will, and stretched.
Across the bull pen, Derek and Penelope walked past giggling about something. The two of them thick as thieves like always. The Sun had fully risen, and the world was wide awake. Cars honked outside, the team was wondering around on the floor and of course with no reason to be in the field today it was time to hunker down.
Sit down, do some paper work, the whole 9-5. I couldn't focus on the 9-5 though, hormones driving me to run into my fiancé's arms. To smell him, to hug him and remind him just how much I love him by showering him with hugs and kisses.
"How would you even take down his half?" I laughed as a blew on the cider and opening the file on my desk.
"I was looking at chainsaw's on Amazon, I had a plan I just needed to do it." JJ shrugged, opening her own case file and looking up at me through her lashes.
"Listen, my point is, you just have to try to talk to yourself. You're mind is vulnerable right now to all sorts of crazy emotions. You might suddenly hate everything about Spencer. You can randomly wake up and decide you hate him, you hate yourself, you hate the way your house looks, and that you should just take your baby and run away but you have to remember to keep yourself grounded in reality." With a soft sigh and took a sip of my tea, glancing over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't about to hear what I was about to say.
"I'm having the opposite issue with Spencer. I want to like, live in his skin." Was I ashamed to admit it? No. Was it slightly embarrassing to say it out loud? Yes.
"Oh! Okay! I mean, if that makes you happy!" It would make me very happy. Happier than this bagel was presently making me.
"No but I mean it. The mood swings will get worse as your first trimester goes on, you have no idea. Just try talking to yourself as often as possible, journal. Take care of yourself."
"Okay okay, I will. Thanks JJ, you're the best." With a shared smile, it was finally time to get some work done. Or just finish my bagel. Yeah, I'm just gonna finish my bagel.
"No, mom you need to stay in the house. Yes, she's home with you, you will be fine. I saw my fiancée this morning, I don't miss her that badly in the two hours I've been outside. I'm at Target mom. Okay. Love you, bye mom."
Finally off the phone, Spencer slid his phone back into his back pocket. Diana was there for a visit, something she begged Spencer enough that she wore down his negotiating skills. So she got out of the ward for a fun few days.
And yes, Spencer did love the time he got to spend with his mom. He was more than happy to have her. But preparing for a baby, his fiancée either soul crushingly sad or horny or showing him things for their baby because in four months she'd be forcing it out of her body, and keeping your mom on her meds and your fiancée on her prenatal meds...sometimes a man needed to go to Target.
Sometimes a man needed to make breakfast, intentionally finish the milk and eggs, and suddenly have other errands that needed to be run outside.
Pushing through the aisles of Target, they all blended together. Everything just seemed crazy now. His fiancée was pregnant. She was pregnant, and their baby was coming in four months. She was nesting now, according to JJ.
When they found out she was pregnant she remained logical. She mapped out each important date, each doctors appointment, and left major shopping for a bit later. Spencer was the one buying mountains of books, crying over the minuscule things. Now though, she was crying over the little things, waking up with insane cravings (his favorite one to be woken up at 2:47 in the morning over? Buffalo sauce. Not like, buffalo wings. Buffalo sauce by itself but it needed to be hot and in a bowl and when Spencer protested she looked ready to rip him in two), and each day was filled with 'Spencer look at this, Spencer we need this, Spencer we HAVE to have this for our baby or we're shitty parents, Spencer, Spencer, Spencer.'
He was in heaven.
His wife couldn't get enough of him, literally sniffing him like he was a big ass pile of coke, his mom was over, it was almost time for their gender reveal (which Emily and Rossi somehow ended up in charge of planning but whatever), and he would be a literal daddy. Not in the sense that she called him but in the actual way.
Without even realizing it, he was in the baby section. His feet basically dragged him there. There was a little onesie, which would be the perfect size for his baby, a pair of baby booties randomly placed near by. But the couple made a promise to themselves, they wouldn't buy anything without each other unless they literally had to have it for their baby. Like the really cute onesie that Spencer found with a little 'R' on the front. 'R' for Reid. Soon they'd be Mr. and Mrs. Reid. Their baby's last name would be Reid.
His fingers ran over the soft cotton fabric of a pink onesie, that had the cutest little flowers stitched on the toes. He pictured it for a moment, a little chunky light skinned baby with curly hair and dark eyes. Brown eyes and chubby cheeks for his/her mommy and daddy to bombard with kisses.
With soft little fingers and little toes. With big eyes filled with innocence that was Spencer's job to guard, that he already knew he'd lay his life down to protect in a heart beat. A baby with a tiny heart beat that he'd be honored to hold. His baby. Their baby together that they made together.
Spencer didn't know when he started moving again, or when he weaved through the groups of people making their way around Target, but he was now on his way to the front and suddenly stopped in front of the cribs.
A large wooden crib with pretty little birds carved into the side. A mobile hung over the soft insides. There were some pillows inside and a mattress inside that looked nice and soft. On the left of it, a white crib, nothing on it but it looked nice and sturdy. And he knew they could probably find some nice designs to put all over the sides.
"First time?" A deep, scratchy voice pulled Spencer from his thoughts. It was an older man maybe 15-20 years older, with his wife standing close to him. Their cart was filled with toys and an abundance of blue. Blue onesies, blue bottles, blue pacifiers, blue toys, blue bibs, blue blankets, blue teething rings. If it was blue, it was in the cart. Clearly not their first time.
"Yeah. I mean, yes, my fiancée. She's pregnant." The smile and blush of happiness that came whenever Spencer told anyone came back. Heat filled his face with joy. Not nerves or anything just pure joy. He wished she was there with him. He wished she was with him looking at the cribs and holding his hand while they looked around. The couple chuckled at how pink he got before the wife began to speak.
"Word of advice, crib shopping without her is a good way to start a war. If he went crib shopping without me for out first I would've murdered him." People say such crazy shit when they don't know you're in law enforcement. Spencer knew she was kidding and couldn't care less but sometimes he wondered how different everyone around him would act if they knew he was FBI.
At work, when he walked onto a scene wearing that jacket with the letters big yellows letters on the back people steered just a bit more clear of him. I mean the FBI is literally the FBI. If he was a normal ass cop he'd be a bit intimidated as well.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she'd do the same thing. I'm just looking right now though. I don't want to do any part of this without her." Spencer would never be this open with strangers but some strange part of him, maybe the part that wished he had grandparents, had him telling this couple with kind eyes. And he of all people knew not to judge a book by its cover. Sometimes it was the nicest looking people who committed the most vile crimes.
"Oh, sometimes you'll have too. Of course, you would never make that choice but take it from 40 years of marriage and 38 years of parenting: sometimes you have to make the calls on your own. It doesn't seem likely now, but as a father you may have to make the best call for your child if your partner is unable to make any sort of choice." Huh.
He never thought about that. Well he should've. He's seen marriages torn apart (usually by the most stressful situation possible, your child being kidnapped or murdered or something) because of one parents choice. Usually it being glancing away for one second. But what if his kid needs something while she's out cold? Maybe she's fast asleep and his kid wants to go outside or something. God forbid it's something far more serious, Spencer would have to make a choice.
Maybe. Who knows. But it was true. Sometimes, Spencer would need to make a choice on his own. And although they promised to make any and all big choices together smaller things would require an adults attention.
The realization was too clear on his face because the man chuckled.
"I'm Clive and this is Judy, it was lovely to meet you young man." He extended a hand, and Spencer took it, returning the firm handshake.
"Spencer. It was nice to meet you too. Thank you for the advice."
Music was one of the most emotional things in the world. It connected people, spoke to people, saved people. Right now it was destroying me. Right now, I could only hear my heart beat and the Billy Joel song that was wearing me down. The song had me in tears.
I was sitting at our bay window, Diana was watching Judge Judy and sitting calmly after she took her medication this morning with her breakfast. I had a blanket thrown over my legs, a pillow behind my back and my headphones strapped over my ears. She was softly breathing, clutching a pillow to her chest and fidgeting with the soft fringes around the edges of the pillow. From here, she looked a bit like Spencer, eyes focused on the screen with her head tilted slightly to the side. How much would our baby look my me? Or Spencer? Or even Diana, maybe his father or my parents? Anything was possible.
The soft rain pitter-pattered on the window and it just added to my mood. Was I sad? Was I happy? Bitter-sweet was the right word. How would I feel as our child grew before my very eyes? As I watched my baby get bigger with each passing moment? Before eventually they stood on their own two feet and walked completely on their own? I whimpered, an ache in my chest. Each day would be a beautiful reminder of what was to come.
I tried my hardest to keep it down, lest I bother my baby's grandmother. Oh god, grandmother. Diana would be a grandmother. The dam broke all over again and I buried my face in the sheet that was thrown over my knees
"A word of advice," I perked up when Diana's voice added to the mix of music, muffled sobbing and Judge Judy screaming at some random lady.
"When I was pregnant with Spencer, I was all over the place. I kept it to myself, I felt alone. I felt that because I was off my medication my feelings weren't normal but they completely are. Keeping my feelings inside, that turned into stress. Then resentment. For myself, for my husband and sadly for Spencer. Try talking to Spencer about your issues instead of letting them fester."
She read me like a book, what the fuck. Okay I hadn't been the most inconspicuous with my crying BUT dang I wasn't expecting that. I was actually planning to go into the bathroom because I didn't intend to disturb her. Something about being and FBI agent meant emotional constipation. Therefore, I didn't want to talk about my feelings on a deep level, and I did not want a whole thing to be made of it.
But Diana didn't look at me. She didn't turn around and look at me with pity or understanding, she didn't stand up and attempt to hug me, she didn't try questioning me on what was wrong. She just said it. She said it, blue eyes trained onto the TV as a commercial for mesothelioma played. I did my best to wipe tears from my eyes, and from down my face. Perhaps it was time to do away with the music. But in a way, I didn't want this feeling to end. I wanted to feeling to stay. The bitter-sweet feeling washing over me like a blanket. My heart hurt in the best possible way.
"Thank you Diana. I'm not upset, just...feeling things." With a chuckle as I wiped my eyes rubbed my no doubt puffy eyes.
"Well. As long as you're feeling something." Her eyes glued to the TV screen as Judge Judy came back on.
"Hi everyone, thank you for coming. I just wanted to say thank you for coming to our lovely couples baby shower, Lord knows we all expected to be here sooner." Derek chuckled, raising his ginger ale to us, as we sat perched on the couch next to Rossi's pool. Chuckles and laughter went up all around us, Spencer laughed into his Pepsi. His smile lines crinkled under his sun glasses. God, he just looked kissed by the Sun. God (if there was one) took his time. He took his sweet ass time sculpting each little crease, crinkle, each hair on his head. And it truly paid off.
"Now, if the parents will just come to the front, we'll have them figure out the gender." Finally, Jesus. I loved Derek. I do! But my God could the man talk. And talk. Then talk some more. Maybe it was just the heat bothering me.
It was a sunny day, not too hot though just hot enough to annoy me. People in pink and blue bathing wandered around, Hotch was lounging in his blue swim trunks, Jack standing next to his dad and asking him a stream of questions (he was in that stage) had a the funniest amount of hot pink I've ever seen a child have on.
The wind gave a gentle breeze that offered slight reprieve from the heat as JJ and Will sipped virgin pina coladas from fun sippy cups in their matching pink swim suits. Henry was left with the rest of the kids in the play area with the baby sitters (the same company I planned on using for our wedding) and he arrived in a precious little pink ensemble with pink little sunglasses and sun hat.
And Penny, who could ever forget the darling Penny, who was coming back from the bathroom, with pink hair dye and basically everything else on her body. Even pink eyeshadow. I felt put to shame, thinking my all pink get up was a lot. Spencer had on a blue buttoned up shirt only for the sake of possible opposing sides.
Emily and Rossi (the only people who knew the gender) both wore black swim suits as they sat at the bar. Both giving us no clues at all to the babies gender. Honestly, this entire thing was a bit too big for a regular baby shower.
But we weren't setting any forest fires. Just spending a lot of money on our first child. And with the money we make, of course our children would be pampered each step of the way. No expense needed to be spared. And Spencer, easy going as it is, allowed me to handle the planning for our baby shower (as much as Emily and David allowed me) along with planning our wedding.
The bar, custom drink menu I created, the baby sitting company for all of our friends to bring their kids (honestly this is a small practice run for our wedding), catering company, the pool toys, the kiddie pool Rossi let us set up, and the goodie bags. And Spencer showed up, looking perfect as usual.
Rising to his feet, Spencer gave me a hand and pulled me up from my seat. We waddled (I waddled, Spencer pushed through the small crowd) through the waves of folks who came to see us today (or just came for free food) and eventually climbed to the front.
Looking out at the sea of faces, I almost cried again. I felt Emily place a palm on my shoulder and I wiped my tears before they could fall down. She handed Spencer and I both ice picks, Rossi directing the videographer and the photographer (a personal gift from him). Two black balloons, held in place by David and Emily.
Two black balloons that held out entire future. Two black balloons meant more to me than I thought was humanly possible. My heart beat pounded, as Derek said something about a countdown. The crowd began counting down from ten, as if a countdown was enough for the most important moment of my life, my hands getting sweatier by the moment. Spencer gripped my hand and I glanced over.
And I realized then Spencer was terrified as I was.
But we were terrified together.
And we'd feel everything together from the moment this baby came
No matter what happened, no matter how many faces we saw before us right now, it was Spencer and me, and our baby. And maybe one day, more of our babies.
My soon to be husband, and my child. My eyes welled up again, and Derek made a joke about mom crying early. I'd have to curse him later for being so funny. Our little family was no longer just him, I, Diana and my parents, who were in matching blue outfits watching in anticipation.
My tears and heart beat combined sounded like the ocean thrumming in my ears and Spencer chuckled nervously and stared down at his flip flops.
Almost right at my future, the rest of my life.
Jesus just get to one!
I nearly froze from fear but pushed the ice pick into the balloon, and a sprinkle of pink fell over me. I screamed, my heart soared and I jumped onto Spencer with joy and people clapped an cheered. My mom screamed, literally sobbing as she fell to her knees.
A girl. A girl, to love, and care for, and teach. I wouldn't have cared, either way I wasn't worried but I had always wanted a baby. To have a girl. To love a daughter was truly a gift.
Spencer stood stalk still, like he was a statue and he a terrified grin crossed his face. I saw Rossi nod as Derek chuckled. There was a man holding up a sign, right in front of us with a giant '2' written in pink. Right in front of Spencer, no matter he saw it first.
"Uh oh, Dad's looking a bit- oh my god, oh my god!" And Spencer was flying backwards into Hotch and Rossi.
"Oh, you can see him start to look a bit pale right there." Penelope narrated to his mother, who they were showing the video too on face time. Spencer was now sitting up right on the living room couch and sipping a ginger ale with trembling hands.
Spencer Reid was having twins. Could his life get any better? What did he ever do to deserve this much happiness? His head hurt just a bit, mainly from when he slipped off the couch after being set down and cracking his head on the floor but this was really happening. It was real.
Suddenly he felt a familiar presence. There she was holding two of his children inside of her and staring up at him with the most gorgeous eyes. She was gorgeous, even more so with the knowledge he had now, and he didn't even know it was possible.
He couldn't help himself, the tears filling his eyes as his mother and Penelope suddenly ended the call and she excused herself gracefully (the internet in the home was shitty, so she'd probably be calling back within the hour) and now he felt tears rushing down his face. She smiled at him, so softly that he couldn't even speak.
"I love you." She whispered as she drew her face closer to his and pressed a kiss onto his forehead.
"I love you too. And I love them." The words whispered, just for the two of them.
Well. The four of them.
The end! I cried a lot during this for no reason lol. I literally bawled my eyes out, I'm suffering from massive baby fever. Anyways, I hope you all like this one <3
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nikkeora · 1 year
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e-42!Miles Morales headcanons (fluff) ㅡ
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Okay, so, I've seen a lot of people headcanon that Miles is going to buy you anything and everything you even look at
but while that's fine because they're headcanons, let me remind you the boy is 16. He's not gonna be walking into Gucci and buying everything off the displays like a webtoon.
That being said, if he has a little extra cash he'll most likely spend it on you.
I'm talking little meaningful things though. Flowers, books, little trinkets that reminded him of you and such,
if your hobby needs supplies, he'll discreetly scan your stock when he's over and get you a refill of whatever you're low on.
He also cherishes whatever you gift to him and refuses to throw anything from you away.
Like once, you got the both of you matching shoes. They've been his favorite pair ever since.
And also dates.
Dates are a little rare between the two of you ngl, because 1) New York is literally Gotham atp, and 2) being the Prowler takes up a lot of time.
so you mostly hang out at each other's places as a substitute.
But when you do go out, Miles will plan everything down to a T
because let's face it, he tries to act cool but boy is nervous
You're the first person that isn't family he's actually opened up to. He doesn't want you to have a single bad experience with him.
But even if your dates go sideways, either one or both of you always find a way to make it better :)
At the start of your relationship, he's not too big on PDA.
but as it progresses, he starts getting more comfortable about stuff like holding hands or chaste kisses in public.
Once he's completely sure of himself and the two of you, he's always touching you in some way;
linking pinkies, holding hands, hand/arm around your waist, etc.
Never, I repeat never in front of Uncle Aaron though.
It's not that he's embarrassed of you or anything, but his uncle will definitely tease the living hell out of him
Speaking of Uncle Aaron, he likes you.
The first time he heard about you was a week or two after he taught Miles the Shoulder Touch™
Keep in mind, this is before Miles's dad passed away and all that,
so the boy was awkward.
When he tried it out on you, you couldn't help laughing, just a tiny bit.
Then he made the mistake of telling his uncle, who made it so much worse
"Can you please stop laughing? I'm being serious!"
"I'm sorry man–"
"No you're not 😒"
Back to physical affection, Miles is a sucker for any that you give him.
hugs, cuddles, kisses, you name it.
He will literally melt into your arms.
He'll try to deny it at first but it isn't fooling anyone, so at one point he just gives up the tough guy act when it's just the two of you.
Forehead/top of the head kisses? PLEASE PLEASE P L E A S E
he needs some soft affection.
He is down bad.
You get back hugs. all the time. extra when he's sleepy.
he will literally penguin walk you everywhere.
A lot of times he'll put his head on your chest and hear your heartbeat to remind himself you're still there and his. Especially when 'work' was hard.
Speaking of, he also told you he's the Prowler.
Of course, he tried to delay it as much as he could, but once the two of you were absolutely stable he felt wrong keeping it a secret.
Especially when he had to bail on plans for some inpromptu work thing and couldn't give you a reason why.
You'd kinda put two and two together at that point, but it was nice to hear him actually tell you.
After Miles comes clean though, his protective tendancies will double.
He isn't controlling or smothering, but he has some strong feelings against you walking in the streets alone after dark and such.
And they only get stronger after he tells you what he does. If something happened to you because you knew, he'd never forgive himslelf.
So he takes precautions. Whenever he drops by your place after work, he always changes first so that no one sees the Prowler frequent some random apartment.
he'll never let you anywhere near his job. You don't need to watch all that nasty shit.
and so on, so forth.
He's also a big whiner. He will drag his words out to the ends of the earth if he has to.
"Miles, my paper's due in two days."
"Finish it tomorrow then. Necesito sostenerte, hermosa."
Mrs. Morales also loves you. You're basically her daughter in law already.
Which is great!
Until she starts showing you the baby pictures.
"Miles had the cutest little face–"
"Má, please–"
She loves having you around and will let you stay the night whenever (as long as the door's cracked open).
You're invited to every single family event courtesy of Rio.
Miles will try to participate in anything you're interested in.
you like doing makeup? put some on him pls.
he'll also watch youtube tutorials to learn how to do it himself and do it for you.
which doesn't work too well the first few times, but now he's a natural!
his first time doing your eyeliner though:
"Miles, you've been at it for like 10 minutes. Let me see!"
"Is that– is that a wing?"
"No, no, it's nice– it's so nice–"
Rio almost died laughing.
If you like to draw, he'll take you on grafitti dates !
But if you're nervous about that, then he'll just sit and draw with you or something.
don't look at his paper, he's drawing you and will be very flustered (he'll try to play it cool but blushing isn't rly something he can control)
so yea look at his paper
If you're part of a fandom, he'll study everything he can find on it so that he can understand what you're talking about.
He'll most likely like it too, and you guys could spend hours talking about it if you want.
but if he's not that into it, he'll just sit and listen contently to you talk about it with the stupidest smile on his face like :]
He has the softest spot for you even a blind person could see it.
He just loves you so much pls love him back
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probably do a pt.2 soon
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whirlybirbs · 24 days
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— BURNER CELL ; 2 ; DABI ; 荼毗
summary: after a week of silence, you finally text dabi. pairing: dabi / f!reader ; quirkless word count: 1.3k tag: humor, maladjusted dabi meets normal adult woman, flirting, canon-based world building, cancer mention, texting as a plot device, slight au, univeristy student!reader a/n: this stole all my concentration. siri play emo boy by ayesha erotica ← previous | the tag
It's the kind of week where, aside from class, human interaction isn't really on life's setlist. 
It's also the kind of week where you rediscover making a meal of raw cookie dough straight from the package. Your econ textbook might have a stranglehold on you, but you make enough time to scarf down a few globs between chapters — after all, who needs protein or fiber when you're sure this five-year master's program will kill you first?
Your head hurts.
You slump against the counter, refilling your water bottle. 
It's late now — and you can feel the quiet woes beginning to wane as you blink at the clock. By now, your friends are probably on their second or third drinks. You turned the invite down when they asked yesterday. Nuri tugged on your sweater sleeve and pouted the best pout she could manage, but you didn't budge. 
I've gotta finish this paper, I'm sorry, Nur'. 
You roll your jaw as you shut the faucet off, wandering to your freezer to wrangle some cubes from the tray. You bend it slowly, deep in thought. A few pop out, and you idly drop them into your water bottle with a twang. 
You're staring at your phone. It's by your computer on the counter. 
...You never did text Dabi. 
You told yourself it was for the best — after all, you weren't looking for a catastrophic derailment of your life at the moment. Things are good. You're two semesters away from finishing University, your family's bakery back in Kyoto is doing well, and Dad's chemotherapy seems to be working. Things are good! It's almost fall, you've managed to stick to your monthly budget, and Mizu settled in happily to your new apartment. 
No four-day poop strike like the last time you moved.
The large tuxedo cat in question ambles through the kitchen — brushing against your leg and letting out a long, low mrrooow. 
Things are great! 
You shouldn't text Dabi.
But... even if you did, it's not like it'd be the end of the world, right?
Wait, could he figure out where you lived from your number...?
You could use one of those anonymous texting services. Then, it wouldn't even be your number. Just some fake string of digits that allow you to satiate the bizarre curiosity that's been swirling in your head for the last week. 
You're sure the novelty will wear off. 
He's probably not even going to respond. 
You're telling yourself this is stupid as you begin to set up an account with the service — the app boasts privacy, andunlimited calls and texts... You can't help but feel a little strange as you finalize your account. 
It's done.
You import his contact with two taps and stare at the blank screen. 
...Now what?
Are you really going to do this? I mean — he's a wanted criminal. He's a member of the League of Villains. If anyone ever found out you were in contact with him, you'd be toast. You'd have All Might kicking your door in and demanding to look through your phone and that mental image is enough to make you cringe. Say goodbye to your degree, goodbye toyour future as Sakura Flour's owner, and goodbye to freedom. You're sure the Safety Commission would place you on some watch list for the rest of your life, and frankly, your tweets are already questionable. You don't need more scrutiny. 
...So, there are two options. 
Delete his number and move on... or don't get caught. 
You shouldn't text Dabi.
...But, you do.
Truth be told, he isn't shocked to see that cute Nuri girl hanging on Giran's arm again. The Broker seems pretty into her — the guy even mentioned something about taking her to a nice dinner during the week as a congrats on passing some big test. Dabi can't blame him. She's cute. Looks good in red. Not his type, but he can appreciate it from time to time.
However, Dabi is a little shocked that you're not a part of the group cheering in Giran's VIP section. There's bottle service being ordered, laughter, dancing, and a gaggle of pretty, five college girls — and none of them are you. 
His lips twist into a scowl. 
He decides he's leaving; his piss-poor drink is tossed back, and he dumps a bill down for the bartender before tugging his hood up and sucking his teeth. 
He never liked this club anyway.
He's crossing the threshold of the back door, stepping into the damp and dark alley, when the phone in his back pocket buzzes. Someone's smoking a Marlboro by the dumpster. The familiar smell makes Dabi's fingers twitch. 
He's tryna quit.
He tugs the phone from his pocket, no longer bothered by the splintered glass screen. His battery is at 13%. This fuckin' thing barely holds a charge anymore. 
The number on the screen isn't one he knows.
Dabi's passcode is unnecessarily long. His phone clicks open as he narrows his eyes and shambles towards the opening in the alley. He doesn't know this number. He has everyone's cell memorized that he needs. Shigaraki, Toga, Spinner, Jin, Compress, even Giran. He doesn't keep contacts. Doesn't work when he's ditching phones all the time. He's got his noggin. That's good enough.
The text is one word:
Dabi's squinting at the text when another buzzes through. 
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:48pm sorry, this is bar girl
→ dabi ; 11:46pm thought u were never gonna txt me ur girlie nuri is here where r u
There's no way.
Your phone buzzes three times from its far place where it sits face down on the counter — you just walked away from it, hellbent on distracting yourself while you waited out the potential reply. You go rigid in your kitchen. 
Did he seriously text you back immediately?
You purse your lips, then slink towards the phone. It buzzes again.
→ dabi ; 11:47pm c'mon don't leave me hangin pretty
Your eyes are wide as you stare at the string of replies. He has read receipts turned on like the psychopath he is. 
You lean back against the counter, chewing your cuticle as you let out a ragged sigh. Nuri is with him? Or... No, they said they were going to that club you hate. 
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:4pam oh, are they at the bar?‎
Dabi's fingers move fast.
→ dabi ; 11:49pm nah in downtown club tropical or whatever the fuck it's called
You snort a little.
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:49pm i hate that place. their drinks suck.
Dabi has started making his way back to their hideout — back to the shit box apartments they're renting above Kurogiri's bar. He's slow, idly texting as he weaves through the crowds of nightlife in Kamino Ward. 
→ dabi ; 11:50pm a girl after my own heart where r u ur dodging my question u on a date or smthng????
He's insistent, you'll give him that. You cross your legs as you lean back against the laminate counter and chew the inside of your lip.
He's typing. It starts, then stops, then starts again. 
When you start typing, the bubble disappears. 
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:50pm nah, got a huge paper to finish uni student, remember? sorry to disappoint 
→ dabi ; 11:51pm ur missin out giran got bottle service  him and nuri looked cozy
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:51pm not shocked she thinks she can fix him
→ dabi ; 11:51pm ooooo love when that happens poor girl
→ dabi ; 11:51pm u think u can fix me? :p
The emoji makes your face break into a smile — it's so... not what you expected. 
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:52pm nah i'm not stupid
→ dabi ; 11:52pm just busy.... really lame of u tbh coulda been fun
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:52pm wasting cash on mid drinks is the opposite of fun
→ dabi ; 11:52pm i meant seeing me
Oh, what the fuck.
Why does that text make your face feel hot? Why does that text make you feel like you're not texting the League of Villain's #1 Arsonist, but some cute boy from class? He's not a cute boy from class. He's a danger to society. 
You're glad you don't have the opportunity to reply. Your phone is buzzing in your hands, the haptic feedback lighting the neurons in your brain on fire.  
→ dabi ; 11:53pm gtg phone is gonna die have fun with ur paper u loser hope u get a good grade or whatever i'll txt u later
You shouldn't have texted Dabi.
But you did. 
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kryannoy · 7 months
Can we see Andrew with Reader raising their own children?
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genre: fluff, sfw
character: husband!andrew graves x reader
a/n: sorry for taking a bit too long, i didn't notice the ask TT i'm sorry!
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First of all, I can totally see he'd be a girl dad.
The first time he ever held his firstborn, he fell in love. Her skin was so soft and smooth, she weighs like a feather yet heavy enough to know she's a healthy baby. Her eyes still shut from the world but her mouth was open slightly, snoring peacefully. He was so scared to hold her yet so excited.
Sometimes he thinks he's not worthy of holding such a pure soul in his filthy and dirty hands, but you were there to reassure him that she was his child too.
He didn't know how to hold a baby properly so he had to sit next to you on the bed as you show him the ropes. He was tense and stiff when he had his daughter in his arms.
But those eyes . . . his eyes showed pure and spiritual love. His eyes never left the baby. And the smile, oh, how happy he was to finally have a proper family with you. To start anew.
Andrew loves to take over for you when you need a nice shower, or when you're cooking meals. He'll be willing to make sure the toddler doesn't cry nor upset when mommy isn't around.
Bedtime with daddy is somehow the best time. Why? Because he'll read her to sleep or even make up a story. Sometimes, he'll make an immersive storytelling by acting it out. And those times, you hear laughter in the kid's room rather than silence.
On a tiring day of work for Andrew, your daughter wants to surprise him by wearing a cute sparkly dress, crown, cape, wand and makeup. Of course you did just that and brought her downstairs to meet with daddy slouching in the living room.
His green eyes light up and his face brightens once again. He'll compliment the little one, take her hand and twirl her around. He wants nothing more than his precious daughter to be treated this way by a man when she grows up, to let her know this is how she should be treated.
The sight of your beloved man holding your daughter's hand makes you wonder a little, what happens when he sees his daughter in a prom dress? Or a wedding gown? Would he tear up? What kind of expression would he make?
But all he knows is he wants to be the kind of father who would be there for his kids.
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
Bob and AdmiralsDaughter!Reader where the dagger squad finds out he's dating/engaged/married (whichever)
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 @bradshawsbitch 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱!!!
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𝐚 𝐁𝐨𝐛 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛
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"Yeah, the little white one is Pearl," you excitedly tell the Dagger Squad as you scroll through the photos of your newest foster kittens. "And the little brown tabby is Poppy!"
You're leaning over a table in the training room, grinning ear-to-ear as you show off the billion pictures you've taken of the sweet little kittens that have been consuming your life.
The squad is doing everything in their power to show interest in the photos, swallowing yawns and making over-exaggerated nodding motions when you turn to look for their approval. It isn't just that they love you and genuinely wouldn't want to seem uninterested in something so important to you, but it's also that your dad could have their heads mounted on the walls if they so much as upset you.
You're a Simpson--Cyclone's only daughter and youngest child--but you couldn't be more opposite of your father. You're a bubbly person by nature, someone who could talk to a brick wall. You're the kind of person that could ruin their favorite jeans and still somehow have a good day.
Rooster and Phoenix have their arms crossed as you scroll through the endless pictures, one blurry picture of a little kitten to the next. But they adore you--you're grinning so big that you could light up a dark room. So they keep watching, smiling and nodding.
Bob's watching from across the room very subtly. At this point, the two of you have mastered subtly. As much as he wishes he could be one of the people that crowds around you to look at kitten pictures, he knows that he wouldn't be able to help himself from getting a little too close to you. He doesn't think he'd be able to stop himself from pecking your cheek or wrapping his arm around your waist. So he doesn't go out of his way to be overly affectionate to you when he sees you around on base, which is often. He's Bob, which means he's overtly polite and overly-nice, and he treats you the same as he'd treat anyone else on base. But it's these little stolen glances that keeps him going throughout the day--just ticking the minutes until the day is over and he can go home to you and your kittens. There he can do whatever he damn well pleases with you without having to worry about prying eyes.
"Oh, and just look at this video I got of Poppy..." you laugh, scrolling quickly through your camera roll in search of a video of Poppy trying to climb the sofa.
Your heart jumps in your throat when you pass the picture. It's quick, really, just a fleeting image across your screen. But you know what it is: it's the picture you took of Bob napping with the kittens the other day. It's unmistakably Bob, too, despite his stubble and un-gelled hair. You're praying no one else saw it, praying that everyone's lost interest by now.
But you have six of some of the world's greatest Fighter Pilots around you, watching your phone with their eagle-eyes. Nothing really gets past them.
"Wait," Hangman interrupts, pointing to the phone with furrowed brows. "Go back."
The rest of the squad makes a sound of agreement and you try to stutter something back, something that resembles an excuse, but then Rooster is reaching out himself and swiping back through the photos.
The chorus of gasps that fill the room draw Bob out of his trance. He looks away from where your fingers are curled around your phone and sees that all six of his squad-mates are staring at him with their jaws slacked and their eyes wide. Except Hangman--no, he's grinning ear-to-ear. You're already looking at Bob, too, apologetically grimacing and mouthing I'm so sorry to him.
"Bob Floyd," Phoenix starts lowly, glancing down at the picture again. Her voice is stained with disbelief--how could she have missed you and Bob? She loved both of you so much and Hell, she even trusted Bob with her life. How could she have not known before?
"You sly, sly dog," Coyote says, grinning, clapping you on the shoulder.
"Simpson's daughter?" Fanboy adds, like you aren't standing right there. "Floyd, you animal!"
What the squadron doesn't know is that your father is actually quite fond of Bob--he even insists that Bob call him Beau. They've shared a couple glasses of good scotch and Simpson has even invited Bob to play golf a couple of Sunday's. Really, your relationship is only a secret from the squadron--and you feel vindicated for making that decision as you watch all of them scramble to pat Bob on the shoulder.
"Well, I'll be damned," Rooster whistles with an impressed grin, squeezing your arm. "You and Bobby Floyd."
You're blushing something fierce, watching as Bob flushes at all the sudden attention, not confident enough to stand while the boys ruffle his hair.
"Guess the cat's out of the bag," Bob finally manages to say, laughing dryly at his poorly-timed pun.
Payback grins at you.
"You're a lucky lady, aren't you?"
The truth is you are a lucky lady. You and Bob have been together for longer than any of the squadron would ever guess, carefully tip-toeing around base when you see each other to not draw attention to situation. Bob makes your coffee every morning and you adopt kittens together. You iron Bob's uniform because you used to do it for your father and you think Bob is just as important. You dance on sunlit porches and share good wine with your family on Saturday nights after big dinners. Bob's the best person you've ever met.
And Bob knows that really, he's the lucky one here. Because you're the best thing that's ever happened to the world--period. You're funny, like the kind of funny that has him laughing before the sun's even come up and he didn't think that was possible. You still get excited every time he comes home, racing to the foyer and smashing your lips against his as you chatter about your day and help him unlace his boots. You're the kind of person that will bottle-feed kittens every two hours and not so much as complain about it, not even when the feedings are at three in the morning.
The two of you are totally and completely in love--you have been for a while. But, yes, Bob's right: the cat is out of the bag now.
"I am a lucky lady," you tell Payback, locking your phone and making your way over to Bob with a sweet, sweet smile.
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here is my tag list!!
𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐊𝐨𝐟𝐢 ☺
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firewasabeast · 29 days
The Aftermath
Part 2 of my Meeting the Parents series. Each part can be read individually, but it's better together. Here's part one, you can read part two here or on ao3.
After Tommy's dinner with the Buckley's goes surprisingly well, Buck's issues with jealously causes his and Tommy's first big fight.
“So,” Buck began nosily as Tommy drove them toward the loft, “what were you guys talking about?”
“Oh, you know, they were telling me all about baby Evan. How much you loved running around the house naked, stuff like that.”
“Okay, that was only for like six months and I wasn't even two and-”
Tommy laughed, reaching over and taking Buck's hand. “I'm kidding, Evan. I didn't even know that was a thing you did. However, now that I do, I will be using it against you in the future.”
“Ugh,” Buck whined. “Come on, Tommy. What'd you guys talk about?”
“Not a whole lot, really. Your mom asked if I actually went by Thomas, and when I said no she started calling me Tommy. Then, she told me I could call her Margaret.”
“Seriously?” Buck eyed him, unimpressed. “That's it?”
“Actually,” Tommy spared a glance in Evan's direction, “she told me a little more than that.”
“Yeah? Like?”
“Like, that I- I'd probably be calling her mom soon anyway.”
Buck was glad he wasn't the one driving, because if he had been, he probably would have swerved right off the road and into a ditch. “R- Really? She said that?”
“Mhm. That's what she said right before you came out. She was sweet about it, seemed happy. May have been the wine though.”
“No, she... I'm sure she meant it.” Buck turned his head to stare out the window, hoping Tommy didn't notice the fact his hand was getting a little sweaty.
“Hey,” Tommy squeezed his hand, “it's not like she's planning our wedding or anything. She was being nice. Probably wanted to make me feel more comfortable with calling them by their first names.”
Buck managed a quick smile in Tommy's direction before returning his gaze to the highway. “Yeah. Yeah, probably.”
Tommy entered the loft behind Buck, letting the door swing closed behind him. “You okay?” he asked, resting a hand against one of Buck's dining room chairs. “You were quiet most of the way home.”
“I'm fine,” Buck lied, plastering on a smile. “Just tired. Family time can get kinda exhausting for me sometimes.”
"Mm." Tommy set the keys on the table and pulled his phone from his pocket. “I gotta make a reminder to reserve a chopper in December. Phillip and I are gonna go to a Lakers game in Vegas.”
“Y- You made plans with my dad?”
“Mhm. Your parents are coming back in town in a couple months and your dad said he'd get tickets if I flew us there.” Tommy shrugged, “Seemed like a pretty good deal to me.”
“Mm, yeah. Yeah, it is. Sounds fun.”
Tommy looked up at Evan from his phone, noting the expression on his face. “I'm sure he'll get extra tickets if you wanna go? Maybe Howie could come along too. I just figured since basketball isn't really your thing...”
“No, no. I- You're right. I wouldn't wanna go. You two should go together. Bond,” he replied, before muttering out loud enough for Tommy to hear, “Since you'll be calling him dad soon anyway.”
Tommy sighed, putting his phone away. “I knew something was wrong. Come on, Evan, hit me with it. What'd I do?”
Buck headed to the fridge to grab a beer. “You didn't do anything.”
“Obviously, I did. You're clearly pissed at me.”
Buck shrugged. “I just think it's weird, okay? It's weird that my dad wants you to fly him around to basketball games. It's weird you were talking to my mom about marrying me when we don't even live together. Hell, we've never even talked about marriage.”
Tommy shook his head. “God, Evan, it's not like I'm dragging you down the aisle right now.” The words came out harsher than he intended. “And we didn't talk about marriage. It was something she said in passing. Sorry for being happy she thinks we'll last.”
“Forget I said anything, okay?”
“No, I'm not gonna do that. This is a really weird thing for you to be mad at me about.”
Buck slammed the bottle down on the counter so hard it caused a loud clang. “I told you I'm not mad at you!”
Tommy crossed his arms over his chest. “So you yell for fun now?”
"I'm not yelling!" he yelled. He took a breath, collecting himself before he continued. "I just don't wanna talk about it right now."
"Well that's too bad, because I do wanna talk about it. You can't get angry with me for things I didn't even say and then not explain why you're mad. That's not how this works."
Leaving the beer behind, Buck headed for the living room. “You wouldn't understand,” he said, waving Tommy off.
���Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do.” Tommy followed behind him until Buck grumpily turned back to him. “Gotta be honest, did not think you'd hate the fact that I got along with your parents. You were the one making a presentation on how to interact with them. Would you have preferred if I acted like an ass? Stepped on their toes? Made them uncomfortable?”
“I don't know, maybe.”
“You cannot be serious.”
"Well, it would've been better than you sucking up to them. Basically kissing the ground they walk on."
"Maybe you're right. We shouldn't be having this conversation right now." Now it was Tommy's turn to walk away and Buck's turn to follow. They made it to the dining room table before Tommy swirled back around to him. “You know, you are acting like such a child, Evan. Maybe I should call Howie and set up a playdate for you and Jee.”
“They're just trying to replace Daniel with you!” The accusation escaped him before his brain caught up with his mouth. The way Tommy stared in shock should have been enough to stop him, but it didn't. “That's all this is, so, you know, enjoy it while it lasts! As soon as they realize you're not what they imagined him to be, you'll be left behind.”
He'd gone too far. He'd probably gone too far a few minutes ago, if he were being honest, but now he'd definitely gone too far.
Tommy's face fell. Buck wasn't sure he'd ever seen him so visibly shaken before. “Wow. Okay. Uh, I don't... I think I'm gonna go home for tonight, Evan.” He picked his keys up from the table and headed for the door.
Half of Buck wanted to beg for him to stay. The other half wanted to yell and tell him that's fine, he wanted to be alone anyway!
He settled on not saying anything at all.
He kept his mouth sealed shut as Tommy left. He didn't even slam the door behind him. Buck wished he would have.
It took three series of knocks before Tommy answered the door. He was wearing a sleeveless tank and a pair of boxers, his hair wildly free of product. There were dark circles under his eyes as he stared at Buck indignantly. “It's three in the morning.”
“I know.”
“Why are you here at three in the morning?”
“Can I come in?”
There was a pause, then Tommy moved out of the way so Buck could come inside. Tommy closed the door behind him, but stayed in the entryway. If this was going to turn into round two, he wasn't sure how long Evan would be welcome to stay. “Did you forget you have a key?” he asked.
“Yeah, sneak into the forty year old army vets house in the middle of the night,” Buck answered with a nervous smile. “I'd give you a heart attack... or get shot one.” He was trying to lighten the mood, but Tommy couldn't quite find the humor in the moment.
“Why are you here?” he reiterated.
Buck sighed, scratching at the back of his neck. “Couldn't sleep,” he admitted. “Could... Were you asleep?”
Tommy knew what the question really meant. Were you able to get rest after what happened earlier? Were you able to let this go?
“No, I wasn't asleep.”
“Oh, okay, um. Good. I mean, not good. But, good that I didn't wake you, I guess. Even though-”
“Evan, where's this going?”
“Can we,” Buck motioned toward the living room. “Can we sit? Talk for a minute?”
“Sure,” Tommy breathed out. “Of course.”
They moved to the living room, sitting stiffly on opposite ends of the sofa. There was an awkward minute of silence before Buck turned toward Tommy and began to ramble, “I'm sorry I acted like an idiot. I didn't mean the things I said, I swear. I think I got so jealous that you got along so easily with my parents that it made me feel, I don't know, insecure. Then I took it out on you, which wasn't fair. I was such a dick after a perfect night-”
“-and you didn't deserve that. I know I screwed up. I- I know I did. I practically maimed you with my words the same way I maimed Eddie when I was jealous of him, and I-”
Buck stopped. He looked up to see Tommy had turned toward him, watching him closely.
“What?” he asked.
“I forgive you.”
If things weren't so serious, Tommy might've laughed at the shocked expression on Evan's face. “Yo- You do?”
Tommy nodded. “I do.” He let out a sigh, scooting closer to Evan, “And I'm sorry, too. I just- I didn't think. I wanted to make a good impression, and I was so happy everything went well. I didn't think about what it would all mean to you. I'm sorry.”
“Oh God,” Buck dropped his head down. “I may actually be the worst person in the world. Tommy, I- I'm not mad they like you.”
“No, really. I promise, I'm not mad. I'm,” he let out a laugh, “I'm thrilled. They have never really shown an interest in my life, not until the last few years. Even then, I never thought to introduce anyone to them. The fact they get along with you, it... it's incredible. See, it- like I said before, it's my jealousy. It's the fact it doesn't come that easily for me. I acted stupid, and immature, but I'm not mad at you. I'm not even mad at them. I'm just... sad, that it's not that way with me. And I took it out on you. You have no reason to be sorry. I'm sorry.”
“You told me about all the crap they put you through growing up, and I hate that they did that. It's not fair to you or Maddie. But you said they were trying to be better,” Tommy explained, “and they seemed so nice tonight. They liked me, or at least I think they did, and I was happy. It felt good, and I got caught up in that.”
“They did like you,” Buck assured him. “They do like you. A lot. And that's a good thing. I swear to you, Tommy, it's me. It was so easy for you to fit right in. I mean, I'm their kid and they had to go to therapy with me just to accept that. It... I don't know, seeing you guys getting along, I- it was a me problem, not you. Not them.” He moved himself closer to Tommy now, so they were both nearly in the center of the couch.
“I don't have to go with your dad,” Tommy said. “Really, I don't mind. And I know I probably freaked you out with the stuff your mom said, but I really think she was trying to be polite-”
“Tommy, no, I-” he reached out for Tommy's hands, who folded them into Evan's easily, “I want you to go with my dad. I want you guys to get along and have a good time. And the stuff my mom said, it... it didn't scare me.” He looked away, blushing a bit. “I like the thought of that. A lot.”
Tommy squeezed Buck's hand to get his attention back, a crinkly smile growing on his face. “Oh yeah?”
Buck nodded, grinning. “Yeah.”
They both leaned in at the same time, pressing their lips together in a gentle kiss.
“You tired?” Tommy asked when he pulled back just enough to speak. “We can go to bed.”
Buck brought his hands up until they were curled around the nape of his neck. “Bed sounds nice.” He kissed him again, less gentle this time. He licked across Tommy's lips with his tongue until Tommy, without a seconds hesitation, opened his mouth to let him in. Tommy rested his hands on Buck's waist, gripping at his shirt.
“You're not tired, are you?” Tommy mumbled between kisses.
“Nope.” Buck ran his hands down Tommy's shoulders, over his chest, letting his nails drag over Tommy's clothed nipples. “You know, this is our first big fight,” he informed Tommy, lifting his shirt just enough to get his hands under the hem, feeling how Tommy sucked in a breath at something so simple as Evan touching his skin.
Tommy moaned, dropping his head to Buck's shoulder. “Make-up sex?”
Buck nodded. "Make-up sex," he agreed, taking Tommy's hand and they stood to head for the bedroom.
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noisynaia · 9 months
Written for the lovely @pedrostories Secret Santa event 2023
My dear giftee is @katiexpunk, hope you like it! 💕
pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader 
word count: 3.2k 
summury: You moved into your new house six months ago, and you love your new home. It is spacious and has a lovely little garden, and it also just so happens to include the hottest single dad with the sweetest little girl you’ve ever met as your new neighbors. Over the months you have gotten to know them more and more. Little Sarah has fallen head over heels for your labradoodle Sofie and often comes over to play with her in your garden, and as you have gotten to know him more and more, you have fallen head over heels for her father, Joel.
note: Pre/no outbreak. Next door neighbors. Fluff. Baking. This is the first fic i've written in seven months, so sorry for being super duper rusty. English isn't my native language. This was supposed to be something completely different, but my laptop broke, (the 'screen part' literally just fell off?!) so I didn't have near as much time for this as I would have preferred, so sorry if this seemed rushed (it sadly was). But nonetheless, happy holidays ya'll! I'm so happy to be back, and aiming to write much more again in the new year ♥︎
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Joel stands in the kitchen, staring hopelessly at the empty sugar canister while cursing under his breath, feeling the dull pressure behind his eyes and nasal cavity which usually indicates an incoming tension headache. He had been sure that it was full, but no, it’s as empty as his hope for successfully making these damn muffins. The curse words escape his lips like a symphony of frustration, echoing off the empty walls of the kitchen. Joel can feel the frustration sinking into his bones. 
He had promised Sarah that he would bake muffins for her school function, despite not being a very good nor patient baker. But he would do anything to make his little girl happy. He had thought that they could bake them together, that it would be a fun father-daughter activity, but work and chores and Sarah’s soccer practice and honestly just life in general had gotten in the way of those plans. 
So now he stands here, the night before Sarah needs the muffins, without one of the most essential ingredients. It’s late, way past Sarah’s bedtime, who is sleeping soundly in her room.  Joel would  have to wake her up and take her with him if he’s going out to buy more sugar. But he really doesn’t want to wake her, she needs her sleep, but there is also no way in hell he’s leaving her alone while he runs to the store even if she’s just sleeping. 
As he stands here contemplating his options, you appear in his mind. You do that frighteningly often these days, and deep down he knows exactly why, but he has to suppress it. He is too busy, and too grown, to go around getting crushes on pretty women with cute dogs who move into houses next door to him, and who is always so sweet and funny, and who is so sweet and nice to his daughter, and…. No. He has to stop this. He shouldn’t think about you like this. 
He is mature enough to admit to himself that he is attracted to you, very attracted to you, but admitting to the feelings he has caught is a whole other can of worms, which he is not going to even attempt to look into. He is a single dad to a six year old, focused on taking care of his daughter and providing for her needs.
But in this moment, as he stands in the kitchen with an empty sugar canister mocking him, he feels a tug in his heart, a desperate need for help. He reluctantly gives in to the idea that perhaps you might have some sugar to spare… 
It would be nice to see you, but he also really doesn’t want to disturb you, and something about knocking at your door this late at night gives him a funny feeling in his stomach. 
Joel shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts as he focuses on the task at hand. He glances at the clock on the wall, realizing that time is slipping away. With a sigh, he reluctantly decides that he has no choice but to go next door and ask you for some sugar.
As he walks across the lawn and up to your front door, Joel can feel his heart racing. Why does he feel so nervous about such a simple request? He hesitates for a moment, contemplating whether he should knock or just turn around and forget about the whole thing. But the thought of disappointing Sarah and ruining her school event pushes him forward.  He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, attempting to calm his racing thoughts.
Shortly after, the door swings open, and there you are, standing with a warm smile on your face. Your eyes light up as you see Joel, and Sofie, your adorable dog happily greets him as well. Joel can’t help but feel his heartbeat quicken even more at the sight of you.
“Hi,“ you smile at him. “What brings you here at this hour?” you ask curiously.
Joel awkwardly shifts his weight from one foot to the other, his nerves getting the best of him. “I hate to bother you, but I’m in a bit of a jam. I promised Sarah I would bake muffins for a thing at her school tomorrow, but I ran out of sugar. Do you, by any chance, have some to spare?" 
Your smile widens, and you tilt your head slightly. “Of course, I’d be happy to help you out. Come on in, I’ll grab it for you.”
Joel breathes a sigh of relief as you invite him inside. He steps into your warm and inviting home, noticing the pleasant aroma from what he guess must be a scented candle or something of the sort. It feels comforting and familiar, contrasting with the chaos and frustration that he left behind in his own kitchen.
He follows you into your kitchen, taking in the sight of the cozy space. The countertops are clutter-free, and a few potted herbs sit on the windowsill, basking in the moonlight. It’s a stark contrast to his own kitchen, which is always a whirlwind of activity and unfinished tasks.
As you retrieve the sugar from your well-stocked pantry, Joel can’t help but admire the ease with which you move around the kitchen. Your familiarity with the tools and ingredients is evident, invoking a sense of calm in him. He wonders how you manage to maintain such a serene environment amidst the chaos of daily life.
Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Joel finally musters the courage to ask, “How do you do it? How do you manage to keep everything so neat?”
You pause for a moment, a kind smile on your face as you hand Joel the sugar. “Well, for starters, I don’t have a kid," you chuckle, “and I guess it’s just about priorities, and since I work from home, I find that having a clean and organized space helps me stay focused and reduces unnecessary stress.”
Joel nods at your answer. He can’t help but admire how put-together you seem, both in your home and in your life. It’s something he strives for but often falls short of, with the chaos that comes with being a single parent. 
“You’re doing really well by the way,” you smile at him, interrupting his thoughts, as if you can sense his doubts. “Sarah is really lucky to have you.” Joel’s cheeks flush at your compliment, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him. He never believed he was doing enough for Sarah, constantly doubting himself as a parent. But your words validate his efforts and provide a much-needed boost of confidence. “Thank you,” he says softly, a mixture of appreciation and relief lacing his voice. “I always worry that I’m not doing enough, that…” he pauses. 
Your expression is filled with understanding. “I can’t talk from experience, but I know that parenting is never easy. But trust me, Joel, Sarah knows how much you love her and how much you’re doing for her. And I think you are doing a wonderful job,” Joel’s eyes meet yours, and he sees genuine sincerity reflected in them. It’s as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, the burden of his self-imposed expectations slowly dissipating. You speak with such warmth and wisdom, Joel’s heart swells with gratitude for your presence in his life. He never imagined that a simple request for sugar would lead to such a meaningful conversation. 
“Thank you,” Joel says, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. “That means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
 You smile warmly at him, reaching out to gently squeeze his arm. “Joel, you’re a great dad. Don’t ever doubt yourself.” As Joel thanks you once again, he can’t help but feel a warmth spreading throughout his heart. It’s a feeling he hasn’t experienced in a long time, and it fills him with a sense of hope and possibility. Before he leaves, Joel can’t help but ask, “Would you wanna come over for dinner sometime? I am a much better cook than baker and Sarah has begged me to have you and Sofie over and visit.” 
You smile and nod, your eyes sparkling with excitement. “I would love that, Joel.” 
Joel feels a surge of warmth, at your smile. Thanking you again he turns to leave, sugar in hand, he musters up the courage to say one last thing. “I’m happy that it was you who moved in next to us.  It’s been nice getting to know you and having you around.”
You smile warmly, your eyes twinkling, and an almost bashful expression on your face which catches Joel a little off guard. “Likewise, Joel. I’m always here if you need anything, whether it’s sugar or just someone to talk to.” you add the last part with a teasing smile, but the sincerity in your words are clear. 
“I really appreciate that,” Joel says, his voice filled with sincerity. 
“And just so you know…” you give him a bashful smile.“That includes help with baking muffins.”  
Joel feels how his stomach does a flip as he understands what you’re saying. “Would you like to help me bake some muffins?”  
“I’d love to,” you say happily, your smile growing and Joel can’t help but feel a sense of excitement through his body. “I’ll be over at yours in ten, how’d that sound?” you ask. 
Joel’s heart leaps at the thought of spending more time with you. “Sounds good to me.” 
“Cool, see you in ten then.” You grin at him. Joel smiles back at you, feeling a sense of anticipation building within him. 
As Joel heads back to his house, sugar in hand  he can’t help but smile, he had been so tired and frustrated only a little while ago, but now he suddenly feels fully recharged. 
Ten minutes… You have ten minutes to make yourself look somewhat decent, in a casual, ‘I’m just going over to my extremely attractive dilf neighbor whom I have a big fat stupid crush on’ way. No pressure at all. 
As you race to your bathroom to check yourself over in the mirror, you take a deep breath to calm your racing heart. You touch up your makeup, adding a touch of lip gloss and swipe on a new coat of mascara, you brush your teeth, and spritz on a little perfume. After making sure you look presentable, you opt for a comfortable yet cute outfit, realizing that you don’t want to come off as too overdone. 
Satisfied with your appearance, you grab a small container of homemade blueberry jam from your fridge. It may not be muffins, but it’s a sweet treat that you can bring to share. With jam in hand, you head out the door, your heart fluttering with anticipation.
As you approach Joel’s house, you can’t help but appreciate the calmness of the night. The moon shines brightly above, casting a soft glow on the neighborhood. You hear the faint sound of crickets chirping, and the warm breeze carries the scent of blooming flowers. Everything feels serene and magical, heightening your excitement.
You reach Joel’s doorstep and take a moment to collect yourself. You remind yourself to be casual and relaxed, even though your heart is pounding in your chest. With a steadying breath, you knock on the door.
Joel opens it with a warm smile, and you instantly feel at ease. His eyes light up as they land on you, and you can't help but blush under his gaze. “Hi,” he greets you softly. “I'm so glad you could make it.”
You return his smile, extending the container of blueberry jam towards him. “I brought some homemade jam. I thought it would be nice with the muffins and I remember Sarah telling me she loves blueberries.”
Joel's eyes widen in pleasant surprise, and his smile widens. “That is so thoughtful of you. Thank you, darlin’.”
‘Darlin’...’ Your heart flutters at the endearment as you step inside his house, the word falling so naturally from his lips. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, mingling with the scent of warmth and comfort. It’s a homey and cozy feeling that instantly puts you at ease.
As you enter the kitchen, you notice the ingredients for the muffins laid out, ready to be used. There’s a twinkle of anticipation in Joel’s eyes as he gestures towards them. “Do you want to get started?”
You nod eagerly, not wanting to waste any more time. “Definitely. Let’s make these muffins amazing.”
For the next few hours, you and Joel work side by side, measuring ingredients, mixing, and chatting as you go. The conversation flows effortlessly between you, ranging from lighthearted jokes to more personal stories, and the atmosphere somehow turns more and more flirty, making excited butterflies flutter in your stomach. With each moment, you can feel the connection between you deepening, like ingredients coming together to create a perfect blend.
As the muffins bake in the oven, filling the kitchen with their delicious scent, the two of you take a well-deserved break. Joel pours two cups of coffee, and you find yourselves sitting at his kitchen table, sipping the warm brew in comfortable silence.
The soft glow of the overhead light casts a warm and cozy ambiance over the room. Despite the tiredness in his eyes from a long day, a smile tugs at the corners of Joel’s lips as he watches you take a sip of your coffee. There’s a comfortable silence that envelops the two of you, a sense of ease and contentment that comes from being in each other’s company.
As you set your cup down, you turn to Joel, your eyes filled with a mix of playfulness and sincerity. “You know, Joel, I have to say. These muffins wouldn’t have turned out as amazing as they did without your expert baking skills.” A teasing smirk dances on your lips.
Joel chuckles softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, I may have had a little help from a certain someone,” he says, a hint of affection lacing his voice.
You playfully nudge him with your shoulder. “Oh, so now I’m just your personal baking assistant, am I?” you retort, pretending to be slightly offended.
Joel’s smile widens, his eyes sparkling with humor. “No, no, not at all. You’re so much more than that,” he reassures you, his voice brimming with sincerity. “You’ve brought light into my life, darlin’. Ever since you moved in next door, things just feel...better.”
The warmth in Joel’s words seeps into your heart, igniting a deep stirring within you. A connection that goes beyond the simple act of baking muffins is forming between the two of you, growing stronger with each passing moment.
Before you know it, the timer for the muffins goes off, snapping both of you out of the gentle bubble you’ve created. You share a laugh, realizing that you may have gotten carried away in the moment.
Joel stands up and walks over to the oven, his movements fluid and confident. He takes a deep breath, a look of anticipation on his face. “Well, here goes nothing,” he mutters to himself as he opens the oven door and retrieves the tray of freshly baked muffins.
The delightful aroma wafts through the kitchen, filling the air with its tantalizing scent. Joel carefully sets the tray down on the counter, the muffins still warm to the touch. He reaches for a plate and begins arranging the muffins, creating a beautiful display.
You watch him with admiration, seeing the dedication and love he pours into everything he does. In that moment, you can’t help but feel an overwhelming surge of affection towards him.
As you join him by the counter, your hands instinctively reach out to brush against each other, sending a spark of electricity up your arms. Your eyes meet, and in that instant, everything else fades away. It's just the two of you, connected in a way that feels destined. 
Joel's gaze is warm as he gazes at you, and his voice is filled with sincerity as he speaks. "I just want you to know how grateful I am for your help, for everything. You've brought so much happiness into our lives."
You smile softly at him, feeling your heart swell with affection. “The feeling is mutual, Joel.”
Joel takes a step closer, his gaze unwavering and filled with a mix of vulnerability and longing. You can’t help but notice how his gaze keeps darting from your eyes to your lips, and you feel your own heartbeat quickens in response, but a sudden surge of bravery fills you as well. You can’t just be imagining this. “You can if you want, you know.” you whisper.
You can almost see how Joel’s breath catches in his throat by your words, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. He searches your face, trying to comprehend your words. “If I want...what?” he asks, his tone laced with both curiosity and hope.
A soft smile graces your lips as you reach out to gently take his hand in yours. “You can kiss me,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. “If you want.”
“I want to, more than anything.” He brings his free hand up to gently cup your cheek, his fingers grazing your skin with tender affection.
With bated breath, the world seems to stand still as your faces draw closer together. The anticipation hangs in the air like an electric current, and as your lips finally meet, it feels like a rush of warmth cascading throughout your bodies.
The kiss is soft, tender, and filled with an underlying passion that has been building between you. It's a culmination of longing, uncertainty, and hope, all coming together in that single moment of connection.
As your lips move against each other, the outside world fades away, and all that matters is the tenderness you share. Time seems to stretch, allowing you to savor each second of this newfound intimacy.
When you finally break apart, breathing slightly heavier, Joel's eyes search yours, seeking reassurance and confirmation. "Was that okay?" he asks, his voice laced with vulnerability.
You smile warmly at him, a sparkle in your eyes. “More than okay,” you reply, your voice filled with sincerity. “It was everything I hoped it would be.”
A wave of relief washes over Joel as he pulls you into a gentle embrace, his arms enveloping you in a sense of security. Resting his chin on the top of your head, he whispers, “I'm glad, because I've been wanting to do that for a long time.”
And in that moment, as you stand in Joel's warm embrace, you realize that sometimes the sweetest moments in life come unexpectedly. As you snuggle into his embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your cheek, you can't help but be grateful for the empty sugar canister and the twist of fate that brought you together. Love has a funny way of sneaking up on people, and you can’t wait to see where this new chapter with Joel and Sarah takes you. With muffins in the oven and love blossoming in your hearts, this late-night adventure is just the beginning of a sweet, heartfelt journey together.
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svuguru · 2 months
Dad Toji spanking his babygirl because she let another boy fuck her 🤭
Incest minors and antis dni!!!!! UGH I DON'T LIKE THIS FOR OBVIOUS REASONS I'M SORRY, I swear I don't usually write this bad... it took a turn that was not built up at all kind of :p
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oh yeah he's so mean, no remorse. usually he does like being as nice as he could be (which isn't saying much) with you because you're his sweet girl, but the moment he found out you were stuffed with another guy's cock? he was furious, let me tell you.
"What's your problem, hm?" Toji grunts, his eyebrows knitted together as he lands another smack to your ass. "You think you can just flaunt yourself around like that? What a dumb girl."
"You never said I couldn't..." You roll your eyes and huff, still keeping up that bratty attitude you knew he hated and adored at the same time despite how upset he was, which made him even more frustrated.
"Still," Toji brings both hands up to your skirt and lifts it up to the waistband of it, exposing your panties and he can very faintly see the damp spot forming in the middle of them. "You're such a dirty girl," his hands reach for the top of your underwear and tugs it down your ass, continuing that motion until your panties reach the middle of your thighs.
In response to that... you have nothing, just burying your face in your hands and kicking your legs, which only results in another harsh pat to your ass and a grumble.
"You know just how to get on my nerves, hm?" Toji looks down at you in frustration before placing his hands on your hips and shifting your position until you're flipped over. "What, you want more cock? Is that it?" He laughs and rubs your thigh for a moment before it slides between them, rubbing your poor sensitive cunt and smearing the wetness of it around.
All that leaves your mouth is a soft whimper, followed by a sharp gasp when you feel him threaten to slip one finger inside.
"Just... stay fuckin still, okay? You'll get what you want, I swear you jus can't keep your hands to yourself," Toji mutters under his breath, admiring the way your hips buck and the way you raise your hands to hide your face.
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tarjapearce · 10 months
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Summary: Gabi gets her period ~ Comfort ensues.
A/N: Based on a couple of asks in my inbox ❤️✨. (Haven't forgot about them c: Comments or reblogs are highly appreciated ☺️)
The arising time was always at six thirty, school days at seven yet Gabriella had ignored Miguel's wake up calls.
And now it was twenty minutes past seven.
"Is Gabi awake yet?"
You mumbled half asleep, Miguel however grumbled underneath his breath as he took his towel to get himself ready to start the day.
"Let me."
With a sigh he went to Gabi's room and knocked the door. Voice firm yet gentle.
"Gabriella, you'll be late for school."
"I don't wanna go to school!."
That was a new tone he didn't know, a tone that made his bushy brows to instantly furrow.
"Gabriella O'Hara."
His voice didn't mean to sound harsh, but the sniffle behind the door made his sudden parenting anger to melt instantly, morphing into an alert.
"I... I want Mama."
"Solecito, are you ok?"
"God, just get mom!"
Her voice also didn't mean to sound disrespectful, but her emotions were into a raging fit that she didn't know what to feel, and Miguel's urgency only made it worse.
She knew her beloved Papa meant well, but she didn't want him to handle whatever this thing in her hands was. This was something beyond her control, but she had seen you go through it so many times, it was dumb to not call you.
Miguel however just stood there on the door, perplexed. Both at her angry words and the sudden urge she had for you. Not that he bragged about being her favorite parent, but most of the time Gabi seeked him either for advice or random talks, not that she didn't talk or bonded with you.
Hell sometimes you'd stay past sleeping hours talking about little things, she just felt more inclined to Miguel cause he was a bit more lenient on her and let her get away with little things. But this was different.
She needed you and needed you now.
He didn't need to wake you up, since you were already next to him, a concerned look etched on your face.
"Gabi, bebé are you ok?"
Upon hearing your voice, her door creaked open, and closed on Miguel's face. And before you could reprimand her for her attitude, she pulled you in closer and fiddled nervously with her fingers.
"... Mami."
"Wanna tell me what's going on you slammed the door on your dad's face?"
"I'm... Im sorry. I panicked and..."
Her eyes turned glossy, and you sighed while taking her shoulders.
"You know you can talk to us, mi amor. But disrespecting your dad like that isn't right."
"I know" She sniffed and hiccuped, worry blooming in your heart, "I'm scared."
"Why are you scared?"
"I'm... I don't know. I just..." She hiccuped, a soft frown came into your grimace, but instantly widened in surprise upon seeing the back of her pants, stained. Little spots that made the clear colored fabric to focus the attention in the dark red stains nearby her inner thighs.
"Ay, mi niña. Come here."
"I'm all covered in blood, Mama"
Her crying voice only made your heart wrench as you hugged her and wiped her tears.
"It's something completely normal, ok?"
"Is it? It hurts and I just... feel so moody and I didn't mean to yell at Papa."
"I know, mi niña. I know. Let's get you help ok? You'll be fine."
"Does this means I am a woman now?"
"What? No, corazón. You're still a child, ok? Your body is going through natural changes. Now, go shower, take warm bath. It'll help you ease the discomfort in your abdomen."
She nodded but looked nervously at the bed.
"I stained the bedsheets"
"It's totally fine, mi amor. I have stained the sheets too."
"Have you?"
"Yes. Dad always spoils me around those days. And now we get to spoil you too."
There was a nervous smile while she grabbed her towel.
"Can I tell your dad about this? Or-"
"It's ok. You said it's a normal thing, and he's a scientist so... yeah."
"Alright. I'll tell him to prepare you something nice and warm for you, ok?"
She nodded and headed for the shower. You removed the bedsheets, leaving the mattress bare. Thankfully the stains had only reached for the fabrics you now held, and not into the mattress.
When you came out, Miguel's eyes settled on you and the bundle of linens in your hands. The little spots of blood made realization hit harder than a train wreck.
"Oh... She's..."
"Yup. Can you prepare her something nice and warm? I'll get her the pads."
"Is she ok? I mean, feeling ok? I've got some painkillers if she needs them."
"Yeah, bring them over. I noticed she was a little bloated."
Miguel could just nod a bit shocked but his thoughts would be assessed later during pillow talk with you. Right now, he needed to make his little girl feel better and comfortable. He headed to the kitchen as you rummaged into your monthly drawer. Full of pads and tampons, ugly yet comfy underwear, and snacks.
While Gabi was on the shower, you changed her bedsheets for something more plush and warm. Just like Miguel had done for you plenty of times in the past. And when she came out, you explained how to wear the pad, then left her to change.
Miguel came with a tray with a freshly made raspberry tea, a banana and a pair of ibuprofens.
You tucked in Gabi in the sheets and Miguel knocked on the door.
"May I come in?"
She nodded while you sat on the edge of the bed.
"How are you feeling, Solecito?"
"Weird and pained. Like a dull ache in my lower belly."
"Its completely normal, Mija. I've got you some tea, a banana and painkillers."
"I didn't mean to yell at you or being disrespectful."
"I know. I'm sorry too for coming out like that."
Miguel placed the tray next to her bed and urged her first to eat the banana.
"It'll help you to ease the cramps a bit. In these times, you loose blood and that will make you tired, moody and even crying."
"Yeah," Gabi gave him an awkward smile, "Noted."
"Bananas have potassium, and it helps to keep the cramps at bay. You gotta drink alot of water, ok?"
"Oh... OK."
"And if it hurts too much, you gotta tell your Mama or me, ok? This is a completely normal thing in girls your age."
"But... Raquel said that her parents told her she was already a woman."
With a shake of your head your squeezed her hand
"Mi niña, a period does not make a girl to suddenly become a grown woman. Again, you are still a little girl that is going through puberty."
"So... am I allowed to play and stuff?"
"Of course you are, princesa! The only thing period changes in you is your hormones. Some days you'll be really tired, other days you'll have mood swings and the like."
"I see."
Gabi took the mug from Miguel as she sipped the tea.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah, Thanks you. I'm sorry about school."
"Don't worry baby, Mama's got you. Is your abdomen cramping too much?"
"I... don't know?"
"In a scale of one to ten how bad you'd describe the pain?"
"I think it's a six."
"I see. After you finish your tea, take one pill and sleep, ok?"
Miguel kissed Gabriella's forehead and got ready to work. He was already late, so he took his time, knowing that you'd take care and pamper Gabi.
When he returned, the first thing he did after kissing you hello, was to go to her room and give her a little snack bag, with the condition for it to last the upcoming days, along some pads.
Once the night had settled in and everyone was on bed, you could see Miguel on the bed, staring at the ceiling, with a hand behind his back. Eyes too focused on a spot above, thinking.
Until you snuggled next to him, breaking his focus to set his attention on you.
"I'm scared too you know?"
"She's... growing so fast."
"Yeah, I know."
"In a few years she'll be dating and then she'll move out to college."
"Miguel, mi amor, look at me."
Soft and half lidded eyes stared at you.
"I know this means so many things for us, but we still have her. She still needs us. And we will be there until she decides otherwise."
You kissed him and his shoulders slumped.
"I know. Just wished I could stop time."
You gave him another kiss and he curled into your chest, hoarding you in his arms.
"Even though we can't, we can create the best memories together. We still have a lot of time, amor."
"How was she today?"
"Hungry, sleepy and her usual self."
It was his time to kiss your chest and close his eyes.
"I'm scared too you know? I know teenagers are a handful, but we've raised her well."
"Don't remind me."
A little chuckle escaped your lips.
"She's a good daughter."
"One of the best."
Your hands caressing his hair made him sleepy.
"Still, couldn't help to feel I could've done more."
"Miguel, you did your best today. And that's all your daughter needed. She's happy, loved and pampered."
"You think?"
"Yeah. She was literally panicking because she yelled. Don't rack your brain on it. We did good. I'm proud of us. And guess what?"
A sleepy grunt came from him.
"She trusts you. Which is good. Other teenagers don't even speak up, but she did."
That did the trick enough for him to let a deep relieved sigh.
"She adores you. So rest assured that she's not going anywhere any time soon."
"Te amo. No se qué sería mi vida sin ti." (I don't know what my life would be without you.)
He mumbled between sleepy and slurred words. You kissed his forehead with a giggle.
" A mess, probably. But también te amo."
Gabi slept soundly, like Benjamin and Rosie. And so like you both.
In Miguel's office however, there was this little calendar, where all the milestones his family were tracked A new entry was added. He had marked the day as a special one. Gabi's first period .
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