#'I'm not gonna elaborate' I said
Not yet going to elaborate, especially since we have yet to see the mini series release in full
But I am skeptical that the scene we saw in the preview for the shadow short series is actually a memory
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bitternace · 9 months
Any number? 23 and saïx :)
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couldn't count all the ways that i've died for you
[ID: a digital drawing of saix from kingdom hearts. He is shown from the hip up, his body in 3/4's and his face in profile. He is shadowed in warm tones. He has a neutral expression, and he's standing straight.
The background is transparent except for a circle that lays from the middle of his shoulders and upwards, with three sections that have a slightly bigger circumference where one to three, seven to eight, and eight to nine would be on a clock. All scenes are blue tones with a noise overlay. these three are all from saix's perspective.
In the first, there is a cloaked figure shown from the waist down, the tip end of young xehanort's keyblade leans forward and some of it goes out of bound, tiled floor as a background. The second one is saix's hand reaching for kingdom hearts. The third is his hand reaching towards Lea, who lies on the floor of radiant garden's lab.
The rest of the circumference is a labyrinth wall in keyblade's graveyard, with a harsh diagonal line of light on the upper half. Most of the circumference is lined black, except from nine to one o'clock, lined white. /End ID.]
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vegaseatsass · 8 months
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chipistrate · 9 months
I'm not even upset that Vanessa and Mike are in love or whatever- I'm really just upset that they're rushing into it
Vanessa refers to their meeting as a "meet cute" and Mike tries to kiss her mid-trauma dump- like is that??? Really necessary????
Can we not wait until they know each other a bit better????? Have some nice character moments outside of their traumatic experiences at Freddy's?????????? Please???????????????
I'm just so sick of romance being rushed, can we PLEASE get some nice character moments before we start having the protagonists fall in love I'm BEGGING
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notanotherinfjblog · 1 year
ENTJ: Do you know those moments when you’ve got so much to do that you have no idea where to even start and so you start making a list of things that are too unimportant to waste your time on right now? But at the same time you’re wasting time by not working on the things that actually are important. You’re just making lists of all the tiny aspects of your work that you can throw out just to make yourself feel like you’re doing something.
INFJ: No, I don’t know those moments. I’m less productive, you see. When I’m overwhelmed by all the stuff I have to do, I panic and stare at the wall for three hours.
ENTJ: You’ve been doing that a lot lately, haven’t you?
INFJ: ... yes.
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gojoux · 1 year
Just woke up from one of the worst nightmares I've ever had. Crazy for me 'cause, I somehow slept anxious about the upcoming leaks in 3 days, AND it just gave me the worst possible vision of his death COME ON now I can't sleep 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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allfillernothriller · 5 months
Welcome to Unhinged Hours, a series of posts that will be tagged as such in which I will overshare my cringiest and most awkward thoughts because I've no self-control over my need to vent. And who knows. Might help someone else.
Don't mind the dubious syntax and weird grammar.
[cw brief mention of abuse]
When I was 17-19, I was mortified to discover I was attracted to (much) older people. During my early twenties, the majority of my crushes were in their thirties. I knew the age gap was too big and I was too young, so I did nothing about them and naively thought this was something that would fix itself with time. I thought "at least I know I find people in their thirties attractive so I just have to wait to reach mine and date people my age then" (lmao good one past me). Well. As I'm inching ever closer to said thirties, it's more and more evident that the issue clearly did NOT fix itself, those old crushes are nearing their forties and I haven't stopped carrying them in my heart. They're attractive in new ways. When I look at pics from back when I first developed a crush, I find that my current 27yo self isn't physically attracted to their 32yo self I was originally attracted to anymore. And I know for a fact that 21yo me wouldn't have found 38yo [redacted] hot. But current me is still attracted to current them (38yo [redacted] is indeed very hot). And you might wonder what's the issue here, so lemme tell you. I've been frequenting online feminist spaces for a decade. I've read countless accounts of teenage girls and young women who were manipulated and abused by older partners. I've read an inordinate amount of warnings, the gist of all of them being “don't date older folks during your formative years, don't believe them when they call you 'mature for your age'”. And let me be crystal clear — I still think it's relevant and infinitely important to relay those accounts and protect girls and young women, and help them spot red flags and predatory patterns. It absolutely is, I am not blaming feminism for my existential struggles. I am simply giving you context. The thing is, I've internalised this as “don't ever pursue older folks, period” (which is a completely different thing, I knew that then and still know it now but couldn't help it) and as a result I've been lugging around self-inflicted guilt and shame for years (and don't I love the internalised biphobia that adds to it when the person happens to be a man /s). And these crushes I've been telling you about? They're one-sided! They've never expressed any interest, so that's always been a safe situation for me, but did that prevent any self-loathing from taking root in my brain? Course it didn't! I can't seem to shake the feeling that there's something wrong with me and I've grown tired of this. Scolding myself over human emotions is getting fucking old.
That brings me to today's crisis — at which point in one's life does it get easier to accept? How old is old enough to stop caring about the age gap? When will I stop blaming myself? How do I drop the guilt?
Because if it was "just" the fact that I'm still swooning over the same people (who are now soon-to-be 40), that would be too easy, wouldn't it? But nooo I just had to go and get a new crush on someone who's already in their forties. Where does this end, please?
(You might've noticed that the overuse of the word 'crush' and choosing to focus on the physical aspect of attraction here is a poor attempt at a euphemism. I mean some of them are simple crushes, as for the others... past a certain point, still calling them crushes is just denial on my part. I'm basically fooling myself.)
“This is a crisis. A large crisis. In fact, if you've got a moment, it's a twelve-storey crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24-hour porterage and an enormous sign on the roof saying 'this is a Large Crisis'.” (Blackadder Goes Forth, ep. 6)
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royboyfanpage · 3 months
For the yes/no ask game: does Roy/Kory work as a romantic pairing?
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
person a sits at a bed with a frying pan. person b lays in the bed. any time person b wakes up, person a slams the frying pan into their head
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ghostboyjules · 2 years
about me
omg tagged first by @mathomhouse-e and then right as I was abt to post this @wordsinhaled tagged me too!! so delighted and honored to be in this wonderful group of mutuals, y'all make my heart warm 💖🥰
Nickname: Jules, I guess, counts? other than that I don't really have a current one... @weirdfishy has been calling me ghostie tho, which I absolutely adore 🥺💕
Sign: Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Gemini Rising (Cap Mercury, and if y'all wanna talk astrology my dm's are always open lmaaoo)
Height: 5'7 or 5'8 on a good day (a.k.a when my sciatica isn't elbow dropping me to death)
Last thing I googled: "piercing places" and before that, "images of a shrimp" which I'm including because I thought that was very funny
Song stuck in my head: surprisingly I don't have one up there right now?? well.. I guess kinda,, but it's like a mix of a couple. All Up In Your Mind by Beyoncé, Genghis Khan by Miike Snow, Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac, and In a Week by Hozier.. weird combo of songs but they're kinda cycling through my brain like a weird spirit box-esque radio station
Number of followers: 713 (😳, most of these are like, weird bots or deactivated blogs but still woah..)
Amount of sleep: hmm generally I get anywhere from 3-7 hrs, but as of right this moment (10:38pm) I've had 4hrs 36mins of Actual Sleep (from last night to when I woke up for work this morning) and then a 2 hr nap (before I started dinner this evening)
Dream job: Archivist of Some Sort™ in the Library of Congress,,, with a specialty in Thanatology?? I don't really know the specifics yet but something along those lines ig, if at all possible
Wearing: ..... a gray Cowboy Garfield t-shirt with the phrase "when I die I may not go to heaven. I don't know if they let cowboys in." and black underwear (THESE ARE MY PAJAMAS, OKAY? had to include the undies so you would get the Look™, I can't just say I'm wearing a t-shirt and leave it at that obvi... ajdjakfkg)
Movies/books that summarize you: my brain can't decide which way it wants to take this, so I'm just gonna answer with the Books/movies that I feel has shaped who I am as a person, currently. LOTR & the Hobbit trilogies, The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater, the Conjuring (only the first one 🔪), Spirited Away, and The Labyrinth. OH SHIT almost forgot, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
Favorite song: this changes daily 😐 rn tho I think probably Blood Upon the Snow by Hozier and Bear McCreary
Favorite instrument: Pipe Organ, Cello, Bass Clarinet, and the voice
Aesthetic: uh... weird goth gay uncle who is lazy and also a witch? is that anything?
Favorite authors: oof alright, well. Maggie Stiefvater, Neil Gaiman, Nora Sakavic, Gege Akutami, Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler), and a handful of Fanfic Authors that I won't list here because I'm terrified of forgetting someone, but know that I am absolutely counting them and will forever remember their names
Random fun fact: I really love playing guitar hero games but I've never once really tried to learn how to play the guitar
thanks again for tagging me, you two 🥺🥰🥰 y'all have already tagged a lot of the peeps I would have tagged in fandom (so if I tag you again, my bad beloved homies just ignore me lmao), but let's see here... @weirdfishy, @watermelon-mafia, @rabooots, @aquilathefighter, @leave-me-alone-doctor, @eel-divinity, @an-asuryampasya, @pacospandora, @rainbowvamp, @runningheadless, and @howlittleweare <3 WHEW no obligation to do this at all obvi, but if you don't, this is just a reminder that ily 😘 if you do tho, I also love you 💖 okay g'night, loves
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I'm genuinely nervous about saying this out loud, and let me say first that I can elaborate if anyone cares, but I genuinely think stancy is endgame
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Brain is shifting over to timeline stuff so imma say... Chica is also potentially responsible for Roxy's insecurities.
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navree · 2 years
Curious gives Daemon is well…. Daemon and etc, what do you think he would have been like if he had been born a woman ? Would have there still been dangerous and etc ? And her influence? ( Might be strange question I know).
I think the copout answer would be to say "probably a lot like Rhaenyra", but I don't do copouts.
I think what we'd know first and foremost is that Daemon would never have been thought of as Viserys's heir. Daemon in this case would be the King's sister, and never even considered as part of the line of succession, and even after naming Rhaenyra, would still be behind her, and behind whatever children she'd have with her husband. So that sense of entitlement, and subsequent anger over being denied, never would have existed. Any influence had over Viserys would have been not as an heir, or even as a peer, but as a sibling, and likely with a closer relationship in childhood due to them both being orphaned at a young age, especially for Daemon, and general "men protect women" sentiment compounding that. I think hints of stuff we see with Daemon in the show, like his abandonment issues, his yearning for acceptance and connection from loved ones (no not even I am immune from Daemon's poor little meow meow forehead touches to Caraxes or Viserys or Laena), would be hyped up a bit, as there's rarely a position more suited to loneliness than "royal female relative who can't even be considered in the line of succession).
Personality wise, it'd be interesting. A lot of Daemon's traits are gendered, like that aforementioned sense of entitlement and his disdain for nearly everyone around him, born out of his vaulted position as brother of the King and de facto heir to the Iron Throne besides. If Daemon were a woman, traits like that would likely be lessened, or even outright taken away, given that there is no vaulted position involved anymore. Daemon's other traits, like his intelligence and his cunning and his propensity for restlessness and his need for independence would stay the same. The hair trigger temper would still be there, but not in the same way. In our own world, women who get vocally angry about things are subject to misogynistic comments and dismissal (if you're American, we've become all too familiar with the phrase "nasty woman"), and Westeros is much more patriarchal than our world. Any anger Daemon would feel would likely have to be kept severely repressed, bottled up deep inside and at risk of exploding out only in moments of extremely high stress (much like Aemond, wow he really is eldest daughter coded), but even then never in public, almost exclusively in private. Daemon would be much more publicly reserved, but quietly a maelstrom of emotions. And obviously there'd be elements of haughtiness and pride and derision of people she doesn't like, because Daemon would still be royalty and also Targaryen exceptionalism, etc.
One thing that would likely stay the same is the issue of marriage. Daemon's hatred of Rhea Royce (setting aside his misogyny and just general bad attitude) also comes from the fact that he was married to someone not of his choosing, and that he apparently had no say in it (I know there are people who say that he could have wormed his way out of it if he wanted, because he was a Prince, but ultimately a command from the King is absolute law in Westeros, and Daemon in universe wasn't risking his position as heir over trying to fight against a wedding). Were Daemon a woman, that tension would still be there, and probably exacerbated (again, not dissimilar to how Rhaenyra feels when she thinks Viserys is trying to marry her off), especially due to the fact that Daemon as a woman would be considered a really high prize. Hatred of whatever spouse exists would absolutely be present, and likely more vicious, likely on both sides, given that a Westerosi man might not be super stoked to have a wife higher in rank than him. It'd still be the same in regards to living situations, because Daemon would still likely have a dragon (more on that in a bit), and could just be at court and use the excuse of "oh yeah hubby's tending to his lands and whatnot, if he wants me back he's a big strong lord he can come and fetch me back".
We'd likely see a lot of Cersei parallels. I know Alicent gets them mostly (for some reason even tho any comparisons to Cersei are incredibly surface level), but a female Daemon would be where it really hits. Because Cersei hates her gender. She doesn't particularly care for men either, but that's because she thinks the men in her life have flawed personalities. Women, on the other hand, she detests as a whole. She has some of the worst internalized misogyny I've ever seen, and so much of her POV is devoted to how she wishes she were born a man, but not in the way you might expect. Cersei likes being a woman herself, she enjoys things like her allure and the fact that men find her beautiful, but she wishes she were a man instead of the men she knows, because she'd be better at it. She wants to be a man not because she actually wants to be a man, but because she wants to be not a woman. She despises being a woman, and despises other women for also being women and inherently weaker and setting the stage for her own gendered upbringing and the misogyny and abuse she's faced in her life. And that'd be Daemon. We see Daemon react violently in the show when realizing that Viserys never wanted him as his heir after all, Daemon as a woman would have that same loathing for the idea that she doesn't get what she wants, and a similar detestation for being denied things solely on the basis of her gender.
Two things that would immediately become more interesting is a) Daemon's bond with Caraxes and b) Daemon's charisma. For one, the show made a choice to have Caraxes be a deformed dragon, to have been born faulty and likely the runt of the litter, which is OK for idk their second son thing they've got going but would become amazing were Daemon a woman. Then it's a deformed dragon and a girl who is never even considered a candidate for any succession or power in her own right, two creatures barely given a second glance who bond and grow stronger and more impressive and fearsome. It'd give a female Daemon power she never would have expected otherwise, and would likely give them a much stronger bond, almost to the level of Aegon and Sunfyre or even Dany and her children. For two, Daemon is (we are told) incredibly charismatic. Do I see it? Nah, but it's there, there's a reason why the City Watch is so loyal to him personally, and why people keep following him into battle in the Stepstones, hell probably why Viserys keeps letting him get away with shit. And as a woman, who likely cannot be as militant and as strong in warrior prowess, that charisma would be so much more honed and so much more necessary. It wouldn't be dissimilar to what we've seen in leaders like Cleopatra, or her rival Octavian, both of whom couldn't be strong military commanders and unrivaled soldiers and had to rely on political skill and forging personal bonds due to femininity in the former and having the same health points as a soaking wet chihuahua in the latter. And that would likely make Daemon an incredibly skilled politician (which he is Not in the show, at all, he's got the political skills of a worker ant), practically silver tongued, and far more adept at getting people's love and getting others to do things for her than we see in regular Daemon. A Princess of the City, just in a very different and likely much more personally loyal way.
Would there be danger? Not overtly, not to the level where Otto is constantly warning everyone and their mother that Daemon is a problem that needs to be dealt with. But it'd be there, and very much more of a "serpent in the grass" kind of danger. Would she have influence? Most likely, just a different kind of influence, drawing on a different set of skills and a much different relationship to Viserys than current Daemon has.
As for interpersonal relationships, it'd be a mix of changes and similarities. The relationship with Viserys would likely be much closer, due to Daemon pushing buttons less and aforementioned gender roles and parental loss mentioned above, while the relationship with Rhaenyra would be much more distant (or maybe not, but adding discussions of sexuality to this would make it longer than it is and it's already pretty long). The relationship with Otto would be much less contentious, and all other relationships Daemon has tend to arise from the story, which is more up to interpretation based on just rewriting everything from the ground up with "Daemon is a woman now".
In short, not the strangest question I've ever been asked, but certainly a very interesting one.
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moreweightamongplanes · 3 months
ok so idk if this means anything to anyone but me specifically but: virginia woolf would hate terfs. she'd hate them so much.
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syd-carm · 4 months
just another day of raza hating on raza 🙃
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
i was watching heartbreak high the other day (i'm actually 12) and i was looking at a certain actor thinking like i wish women were allowed to be ugly
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