#'I gotta snIFF THE DOLL' 'well uh. okay.'
the marble scene from spongebob except it’s the Hunter and the Doll
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angstysebfan · 4 years
But I Love You... Part 5
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: You and Bucky are best friends after meeting the Avenger at a coffee shop. You are both extremely close, and you start to catch feelings. But Bucky starts to date someone else.
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It’s been a few weeks of hell for you. You went out on a few more dates with Greg, and really enjoy his company, but you have also continued to see Bucky and enjoy being with him. You knew that you would have to make a decision soon, but then a bomb was dropped on you, or was it a gift.
You walk up to your front door after a long day at work. When you walk in, you smell dinner in the oven, smiling to yourself. Bucky walks into the living room, bringing you a beer and giving you a small peck on the lips. After a few moments, you are both sitting on your couch, watching a movie and eating.
You are mostly playing with your food, nerves eating away at you. Bucky notices and mutes the TV. “You okay there Doll?” he asks. You give him a small smile and shrug your shoulders. He turns his body for toward you. “What’s going on?” he asks. 
You look down at your hands for a moment, nervous to tell him about the recent events that happened at work. Bucky starts to get nervous himself, and puts his hand on yours. “Y/N, you’re freaking me out here.” he says. You look at him with a nervous smile. “Sorry. I am not sure how to say this. Something happened today that is both great and bad at the same time.” you say quickly.
Bucky stands, looking annoyed. “You chose him, didn’t you?” he asked. You stand up shaking your head. “No. I didn’t choose him. I got a promotion, a big one. It’s something I have been working towards for years and I finally got it.” you say. 
Bucky gives you a huge smile and wraps his arms around your waist lifting you off the ground. “That’s amazing! Congratulations! We need to celebrate!” he shouts. When he puts you down he notices your face is not as elated as it should be. “Why aren’t you more happy about this?” he asks, really getting nervous.
“Bucky, this promotion means that I am moving out of the city. I would be moving to San Francisco to be in charge of the division out there.” you say looking into his eyes. Bucky’s smile slowly disappears from his face. “But... you can’t leave.” he says in a panic.
He wraps himself around you quickly as if you are about to disappear in front of his eyes. You wrap your arms around him too, and eventually you find yourself sitting on his lap with your arms around tightly round each other. The silence goes on for so long, that you almost wonder if he fell asleep. You pull back slightly to look at him, and see he has tears in his eyes.
“Oh Bucky, please don’t cry.” you say, your voice cracking. You hold him tighter and run your hands through his hair. “We were supposed to end up together.” he whispers into your neck, which makes you cry silently. “I know. But I can’t give this opportunity up.” you say.
You both pull back look into each others eyes. Bucky kisses your forehead before you nuzzle into his neck. You hold each other for awhile, neither of you speaking. Bucky finally breaks the silence. “How did Greg take it?” he asks. You can’t help but laugh, hiding your face into Bucky’s neck. You sit up and look at Bucky, who has a small smile on his face. 
“He was fine, because he got my job. No harm with him.” you say, tucking hair behind Bucky’s ear. He pulls you back into his arms, enjoying the feel of you. “When?” he asks quietly. You take a deep breath, “I have to leave on Saturday.” you say. 
You feel his arms get tighter. “Can I stay with you until then?” he asks. You look at him and smile, “I would love that.” you say before kissing him. The kiss starts to turn more passionate and eventually you find yourself on your bed with Bucky expressing your love physically. 
The next few days was more of the same. Bucky was attached to your hip, and every night you spent together in your arms in the throes of passion. On Friday night, you sat in your nearly empty apartment, snuggled with the man you love. “How am I going to live without you right here?” he asks. You sigh, as tears fall down your face. “Could always come with me.” you say.
6 Months Later
You had flown back into New York for a conference. You would lie if you said you didn’t miss that city. You did like San Francisco, but New York was home. You knew you were going to do everything you could to get back there. After saying goodbye to all of your old co-workers you leave the building, pressing the contact on your phone. 
“Hey, I was hoping to see you before I left, but I have been so busy. Maybe next time? I miss you, a lot. Okay... call me when you get this. Bye.” You say sadly. Your black SUV pulls up and you get into the back. You head to the airport to had back to the west coast. During the ride you think about your last night with Bucky.
“Could always come with me.” you say. “Y/N... I...” Bucky hesitates. “I can’t leave. What if I am needed for a mission or something?” he says. You nod, knowing this would be his answer. “I know.” you whisper.
“But we will talk every day, and I’ll come back and visit. I mean who knows, we could still end up together, right?” you ask. Bucky smiles and nods. “Right, Doll. I know you are it for me.”
You land back in San Francisco and turn your phone back on. You see a few missed calls and a text from Bucky.
-Hey Doll, sorry I missed you. We have been very busy here. Hope to see you next time.
You smile sadly at this. You head back home and order yourself take out. You flip through Instagram and see Bucky with Lindsay. They got back together about 2 months after you left. You were happy for him, though you were very sad. The last post he made was of them lying together on the couch watching movies with the caption reading, “Love my best girl.”
You sigh as you sign off and turn on TV. You can’t help but wonder if you and Bucky would have made it. He seemed to go back to Lindsay pretty quick, and half the time he doesn’t even answer your phone calls. Maybe it was never meant to be. 
As you sit there, your phone rings. You smile reading the caller ID. “Hey Buck.” you say softly. “Hey doll. I am so sorry I missed you. I was off on a mission.” he says. “No, it’s ok, I understand. How is everything? How’s...” you cut yourself off.
Bucky sighs, “You ok, doll?” he asks. Tears flow down your cheeks. “Uh, yea. Just miss home.” you say. “I know. I miss you, too.” You sigh now, “You seem to be doing fine without me.” you say sadly. There is silence for a few moments. “Lindsay understands. I mean yes I like her, but...” “Please don’t Buck. I can’t hear what you are about to say.” you interrupt.
“I’m sorry.” he says after a moment. “Yea, me too. But um... I got to go. I’m going to be really busy with a new project over the next few weeks, so I might be silent for awhile.” you say quickly. You hear him sniff, “Oh. Okay, well I’ll try and reach out. Maybe I will get lucky and catch you when you have a moment.” he says.
“Yeah, I doubt it, but you can try.” you say. Bucky knows your hidden meaning and closes his eyes for a moment. “Y/N, I’m really sorry.” he says. “I gotta go Bucky.” you say. You hang up before he gets another word in. You look at his contact in your phone and scroll down to the bottom.
“I love you Bucky” you whisper before hitting the block button.
Previous Part
Wanted to try my hand at an angsty ending. I did write a happy ending also that I am considering posting also. What do you think? Feedback is appreciated.
Taglist: @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @swiftmind @aleaisntcreative @joannie95​ @buckybau​
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thetheatregang · 4 years
any 3 of your choice with rj
Okay I was gonna write three different RJ drabbles but THEN I noticed that the three I chose all kinda could relate so I ended up making it into one big mini one-shot! If you want me to do more I can!
12. It’s not a toy, it’s an action figure. 25. I just had a couple drinks. 44. We can either just cuddle, or you can sleep on the couch?
Just as Ricky finishes mixing together his pot of mac and cheese, the doorbell rings.
“IT’S OPEN!” He yells, unsure if he should have invited a stranger into his home without even checking who was at the door.
“Hey, Bowen!” EJ stumbles in. By his demeanor it is immediately evident that he has indeed been drinking.
“Dude, are you… Are you drunk?” Ricky chuckles.
After HSM wrapped, EJ has more or less become more of a friend to Ricky, than a foe. They’re no longer after the same girl, therefore are no longer in constant competition.
“I um- I might be a little drunk!” EJ announces tripping over his own feet, somehow managing to make it all the away to the kitchen without falling.
It should be noted that EJ is not just “a little drunk”, but is as Big Red would say “effin’ wasteypants”…
“Okay buddy, why don’t you sit down.” Ricky smile, sitting EJ in a chair and handing him a glass of water.
“I just had a couple drinks…” EJ sniffs. “Did you cook something?” He asks.
“Yeah, you want some mac n cheese?” Ricky spoons out two bowls of food and hands one to EJ.
“Fuck yeah!” EJ’s eyes light up at the mere sight of the pasta dish. “Mac n cheese is food of the gods!”
“So uh, what are you doing here, EJ?” Ricky wonders aloud.
“I was gonna ask if I could borrow your chem notes. I spilled beer on mine! I would’ve just texted you, but I actually can’t find my phone anywhere!” He admits, shoving a whole spoonful of mac n cheese into his mouth happily.
Um, has he heard of Find My iPhone?
“Um, yeah. Sure, I’ll go get them!” Ricky walks upstairs, and EJ follows.
“They’ve gotta be around here somewhere?” Ricky digs through a stack of things on his desk.
“Hey! Cute dolls!” EJ says, picking up one of Ricky’s limited edition Darth Vader action figures.
“Put that down, it’s expensive.” He barks.
“Damn, Bowen, okay! I didn’t mean to touch your toys!” EJ laughs, putting the figurine back on it’s proper stand.
“It’s not a toy, its an action figure.” Ricky rolls his eyes, retrieving the notes. “Here. Chem notes! Will ya get out of my room now!”
“Fiiiiine, I’ll get out...” The taller boy replies, stumbling back down the stairs, walking towards the front door.
“Hey!” Ricky frowns. “Where are you going?”
“Home I guess, weren’t you just kicking me out?” EJ sighs in response.
“No… I just said to get out of my room. You are in no shape to drive or walk anywhere.” The shorter boy explains.
“You want me to stay here?” The green eyed boy smiles, relieved.
“Well, yeah… Crash here tonight!” Ricky says as if to say ‘obviously’.
“Thanks, Bowen.” EJ picks up his bowl of mac n cheese.
“I’m gonna obviously sleep in my room, so I guess we can either just cuddle, or you can sleep on the couch?” Ricky smiles slyly, and EJ almost chokes on his food.
“I’m so down to cuddle, Bowen.” The taller boy smiles pulling the shorter one down onto the couch, and turning on the TV.
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rebelliouslala · 4 years
For You
Jimin x reader :3
genre: modern western, cotton candy fluff with some language and alcohol consumption, angst if you lean in reAAAAAl close partner
1.5k words I surprised myself there whoa there
The chirp of midnight birds and the tune of grasshoppers are the background music that everyone chatters over. The entire turnip field, now plucked and withered, had the weeds crushed by the wheels of trucks and cars. It was a week before college, and even though you had a flight tomorrow, you wanted to make a bit of extra cash.
You and your friend operate the first booth at the entrance, a small tailgate, all on your friend’s dusty green truck. Your other cousin, Nami, counted how people were going to be in the field and paying for their entry, waving people off. You, simply, hum and take off your hat and wipe the sweat from the humid evening.
“Y/n, this idea was great! Three bucks each for a ticket and five for the couples? We made almost 300 bucks!” Your childhood friend, Hiram boasts to you. You smile and bend down with him, picking up the popcorn machine that had broken fifteen minutes earlier.
Your other friend, Lily smiles and she comes out in her roller skates, wearing a hoodie and long, boot cut jeans, “Hiram! Don’t lie to her, it’s a fuckin’ mind blowin’ hustle!” She winks at you, before your cousin pushes you, and she skates away.
Before you can make the next round of orders with them, your cousin pulls you away and hisses to you. You sigh, “Nami, you almost burnt me! These biscui—,”
“There’s a huge group. They don’t count as anything, and—,”
You look over to see seven young men in flannels, one wearing a wife beater underneath. They all sit in a truck, one of the men rolling down his window while the others in the back grumble. He smiles warmly, two holes poking in his cheek. “Pardon us, we wanted to pay twenty for our presence. I know we ain’t couples,”
“Okay first of all you can go suck a bull’s—,” says one of the boys in the back, but another one cuts in. “Shut up!” Hisses the driver, a broad shouldered man, pushing his light brown hair back as his lips pucker out in annoyance.
“Twenty sounds perfect!” Your cousin says, nudging you as you take the tall man’s currency, and the other man who drives the kids nods at you, however there’s some chatter.
“Grab us some grub.”
“Why me—?”
“GET. The food.”
The man stumbles from the truck as he flips off the truck that drives around the field, ruining the disturbing weeds already growing.
“Hi! Would you like anything?” You smile sweetly, seeing that Hiram can now operate the popcorn machine again.
The man groans, rubbing his temple and he leans on the table, eyeing you, his flannel open with enough buttons for you to see his toned chest. He says softly, his voice laced with exhaustion of his friends, “Mind pourin’ me a drink? It’s gonna be a long fuckin’ night if I gotta deal with these boys.”
He had a nearly guttural voice, if it wasn’t how smooth he let the words slip out he was. You turn around and quickly fix drinks as Hiram helps him with the food.
“So, you.”
Hiram beams are the handsome man, “Yes—?”
“Not you. Although you’re a cutie. I meant your friend. Are you in charge?”
You turn around from organizing the drinks to the man.
“Uh, yes?”
He pauses softly and he smiles, “Ain’t you tired from this? It’s nearly school season. Why aren’t you gettin’ ready or somethin’?”
You open your mouth before Hiram cuts in, “Listen, if you if you’re trying to hit on my bestie I think, you gotta relax and just grab your shit and go, little man.”
The man stares up at him, smirking slightly before his gaze lands back on you, taking the drink you poured for him.
“Sir, the drink, including the snacks, it's five dollars.” You fib quietly, pursing your lips.
“Y/n—!” You hush your friend and pout at him. Turning to the man, you look up and smile, “It’s just so I get some extra cash before I go, for good.” You take a deep breath and smile, “You know what I mean?”
He leans in, taking in a sip of his alcohol and he continues to smirk softly. “So you are the genius who organized,” he gestures around and leans on the table, around the pretty country view, “this?”
“I am, thank you.” You say simply, helping him with a small and easy take away bag as you shrug, “Nami just likes to take control. She’s organizing everything, even though, it was my idea.”
“Mm,” he takes it and he sighs, “So do my other friends.”
You chuckle and lean forward, smiling at the man in front of you, “Perhaps, we should take control tonight.”
He watches your hand and he takes a sip of his red cup filled to the brim with booze, “Hmm, perhaps.”
You look up and smile, “My name is Y/n, by the way. I have control on that.”
“Jimin, but you can take any alias for me.”
You giggle at his little joke and lean in, “Hmm, anything? How about Jiminie~?”
He laughs, his laughter sounding like the chime of light cowbells ringing in for home.
Making you feel at home.
You giggle with him, and he winks at you, “I like the sound of that, dollie.”
You sigh softly when he waves goodbye. This gives you time to work until the twenty minute mark, at the most boring part of the movie, when the charming young man comes from the back, and knocks on the bar of your booth, his knuckles rapping against the steel bars.
“Jiminie?” You ask softly, making sure Hiram doesn’t see you slack. Even though he’s probably reading a comic.
“Doll, you seem bored,” he says softly.
“Yeah, the crowd is dying down though. What’s up?”
“How about you and me grab some snacks, sneak on the truck, and watch the movie there. No one but you and I.”
Your gut churns, however, you can protest, he smiles, his eyes curving upwards as you softly say, “What about the booth?”
“Well it’s on a truck, darlin’. We can sit on the roof and wait there. Watch the movie and lay on the back. Your friend will be here, and your friend Lily can see us too. My friends won’t know, and I can’t stand them making fun of me.”
You giggle and turn to where he is, ruffling his hair and smiling too. The both of you start giggling like sugar high children, “Then that sounds great, Minmin.”
You follow the young man up, holding the brown bag and soda cans close to you, when he lifts you up to the top of the truck.
From the front of the drive in, the screen is a bit of a distance away from how the first people of the drive in can see the movie, yet you didn’t mind. You shiver from the sudden breeze of the night.
Jimin takes off his flannel and wraps it around you, smiling and rubbing your arms to give you some warmth before he widens his eyes. “Oh, shit, sorry I didn’t mean to—,”
“It’s fine, I’m cold anyways. What a gentleman.”
He smiles, and even in the dark night, you can see his crimson face, “Well, I got the caramel popcorn. It’s my favorite, I love it when it sticks to your teeth, you know?”
You laugh and take a piece, chewing and sighing, your body relaxing at the first piece of food in five hours. “Mm, so good.”
Jimin drinks more and wraps his arms around you. and leans on the roof a bit more, “Almost as sweet as you huh?”
You chuckle at his joke and nod, gently wrapping his flannel around you and buttoning it up. You were almost surprised yet not with how he smells. Like a cloudy day but humid day in the countryside of peaches. You gently sniff his collar and that smelled like the peach had been ripped apart in front of your naked nose and you smile, “You smell good.”
“What a nice compliment, I’ve never gotten that one before, darlin’.”
You laugh and look up, as he starts to snicker softly, “You’re a strange man.”
“And you’re a strange person who let me have a mini date with you.”
“A mini date? Does that mean I gotta walk you home!”
“At least back to my truck, please.” You giggle and lean on him, watching the stars and listening to the old Western voices as he whispers, “Either way, I think this night is the best one I’ve had in awhile.”
You exhale and relax in his arms as he chuckles, and he shakes his empty can once he sips the rest. “Uh, do you mind pourin’ me another one?”
“Maybe, if I get a peck.”
Jimin leans down, and he smirks. You gasp quietly, almost mutely, as his plump lips softly make contact with your cheek, letting a quiet smooch sound echo in your ear, “Just for you, dolly,”
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starcountesseevee · 4 years
A Rocket Coincidence (Part 18)
Part 17 / Part 19
     It seemed the weeks were flying by in a blur as Kali settled into a routine. Her and Mara alternated days working at Simply Yoga and on her off days Kali found herself bored again as the days grew chillier. Celadon City was far enough south that it didn’t experience a full winter, part of the reason Kali loved it there, she couldn’t imagine how people lived places like Freezington in the Crown Tundra where it was cold year round. Celadon did, however, get enough of autumn-like weather to make the holidays feel like well, the holidays. So to fill her time on her days off Kali threw herself into decorating their apartment and studio for her favorite holiday, Halloween.  
     "Are you sure this isn't too much?" Kali asked Mara for the hundredth time as she hung another string of cobwebs across Simply Yoga's front display window. 
     "It's fine." Mara laughed as she handed Kali another Spinarak cut out to hang. "Are you sure you don't want to come tonight? Jules really is okay with it." 
     "If I go then who will hand out all the candy?" 
     "I'm sure plenty of other places are handing out so it's not like you have to." 
     "I know but I enjoy it." Kali smiled. "So really I'm fine! You don't have to worry about me. You two have fun." 
     “Alright, alright.” Mara grabbed her keys and headed to the front door. “Save me a few pieces then will ya? Oh, and don’t wait up!”
     “No promises!” Kali finished hanging the last bit of cobweb before getting down from the stool and locking the front door while she headed upstairs to change. As she entered the apartment she nearly tripped over Nero and Rowan as the two came bounding over to her only to spin around just as fast, chasing each other back into the living room. Both their sleek black bodies were decorated with white bones chalked onto them courtesy of another bored morning Kali had. She set her keys on the hall tree next to Aslan’s pokeball. This year Halloween fell on a Saturday and while there would probably be an abundance of kids out that didn’t have school the next day Simply Yoga was also in close proximity to places like Echo so Kali was going to have the large Arcanine downstairs with her. Just in case. 
     She would have preferred to have Cliff there for security, among other reasons, but he had another mysterious work assignment elsewhere that he couldn't talk about. Which was fine, she thought as she pushed open her bedroom door. She knew getting into this he wouldn’t be able to be around all the time but that didn’t make her miss him any less. 
     Her costume, a purple Mismagius hat and dress she had found at the Halloween store, was already laid out on the bed waiting for her. As she changed she took a moment to adjust her bra and snap a quick picture, sending it to Cliff with the caption *What you’re missing.* just to emphasize that maybe he should have been there. She didn’t even get a chance to pick up the dress before she got a response.
     *That’d better not be your whole costume.* Kali bit back a laugh as she toyed with how to answer before deciding on teasing him a little more. 
     *And if it is?* She set her Pokegear down to pull on her costume where it remained suspiciously quiet as she finished dressing. As she reached for the hat she heard the ringtone go off and was only a little surprised to see an incoming video call. She grinned, he was too easy. 
     "Relax I'm just teasing you." She answered, laughing at the relieved look that crossed his face as he noticed how much more covered she was. 
     "Well maybe I just wanted to see more of the other costume." He backpedaled, trying to sound suggestive but Kali had a feeling he was trying to cover a bit of jealous worry.
     "Oh this?" Kali extended her arm holding the Pokegear as far as she could and with her other hand teasingly pulled the bottom of her skirt up to flash him a bit of bare thigh.  
     "You're killing me dollface." Cliff groaned, glancing behind him to make sure no one else was nearby. "If I wasn't at work I'd be having you take that whole thing off."
     "Oh what's that? I think I hear trick-or-treaters?" Kali cupped a hand to her ear like she was listening carefully.
     "Maybe you can call back after the kids go home and we can continue this, hmm?"
     "I dunno, it might be late." She teased.
     "I would stay up till sunrise to get to see you take that off, doll."  
     "I'll think about it." Kali blushed, dropping the hem of her costume.
     "I'll be thinking hard about it too. But right now I gotta go."
     "Alright, mountain man. I'll talk to you later." She blew him a kiss before ending the call.
     Kali put on the final touches of her costume and headed back downstairs, deciding at the last second to grab Ember's pokeball as well so Aslan would have some company. The two got settled on the floor in front of the receptionist desk, the large Arcanine taking up most of the room while Ember curled up on his back.
     Flicking on the storefront light Kali stepped outside to survey her work. She had replaced the lights in the large display window with purple ones and hung cobwebs in front of them to create shadows. Fake Spinaraks were nestled into the webbing and a few fake Zubats hung down in the middle as if flying; it was spooky enough without being over the top scary. Kali wasn't a big fan of bloody and gory Halloween displays meant to scare and preferred to keep things kid friendly, after all Halloween was her favorite holiday partly because of the fond memories she had of going trick-or-treating with her mom when she was a kid. 
     Hearing the unmistakable laughter of a group of kids Kali ducked back inside to grab the basket of candy, turning back to the door just in time to see three young children approach. One of her regular patrons waved at her from behind the trio who were oohing at the window display but when they spotted the large basket of candy Kali was holding their attention quickly shifted. They ran up to her with a shout of 'trick-or-treat' before diving into the basket to pick out their favorites. 
     For the first hour or so there was a steady stream of kids but after the two hour mark it slowed down. Kali was leaning against the doorframe considering calling it a night when she spotted a young man about her age escorting a small girl dressed as an Eevee, his face familiar but she couldn't quite place him. He apparently had the same feeling because he was scrutinizing her as they approached, the girl clinging shyly to his leg. 
     “Go ahead, Dee.” The girl released her grip on his pant leg and took a few cautious steps forward. He looked back up at Kali, recognition dawning on his face. “Oh! It’s you! From the Silver Conference, we tied in the semi-finals!” 
     “Yes!” Kali smiled, racking her brain for his name. “I thought you looked familiar, too. Cole, was it?” 
     "Yes!” Cole laughed nervously. “I'm sorry, I don't remember yours. But I do remember you used all Eeveelutions!" At this Dee’s eyes lit up and she stopped digging through the candy. 
     "Really! All Eevees?"  
     “Yupp!” Kali smiled warmly down at the girl who was staring up at her in wide-eyed awe. “Do you like Eevees? Is that why you’re dressed as one? What’s your name?” 
"I love Eevees!" The girl exclaimed, her shyness gone. "My name is Delilah and I want to be a trainer too! With all Eevees!" 
     “Nice to meet you, Delilah. My name is Kali.” She said mostly for Cole’s benefit. “Have you ever met a Flareon?” 
     “No…” Kali didn’t think Dee’s eyes could get any wider. She glanced back at the street but no one else was coming. 
     “Would you like to?”
     “You really don’t have to-” Cole began but Kali shushed him before calling for Ember who trotted happily to the door.  
     "It's so cute!” Delilah gasped excitedly as Ember approached. She reached a hand out but stopped herself and looked back at Cole. “Can I pet it?”
     "That's up to the nice lady." 
     "Can I pet it, please?" 
     "Of course. But hold your hand out for her to sniff first." Dee cautiously obeyed, crouching down closer to Ember who sniffed the offered hand before trilling and rubbing her head into it. Kali smiled, watching the two before turning back to Cole. “Your…”
     “Niece! Delilah is my niece, my sister’s kid.” 
     "She's cute. I didn’t know you lived in the city.” 
     "I don't, actually. My sister travels a lot so I help out from time to time while she's away so Dee doesn't have to move around." 
     "That's sweet." 
     "So, uh, do you...work here?" He glanced up at the sign. 
     "Yeah, my friend owns the place. I work here in between training." 
     "That's cool. Do you train somewhere in the city? I’m always looking for a new place to practice. Maybe we can train together sometime? I’m, uh, sure Delilah would love to see your Eeveelutions in action.” He glanced down at the young girl but she was paying them no mind. 
     “Oh, yeah, sure! There’s a park a few minutes from here I go to a lot.” They both glanced back as they heard another group approaching. “Well, hey, I don’t work on Tuesday. Why don’t you two meet me here around 10? And we can go?”
     “That sounds great.” Cole smiled before crouching down. “Alright Dee, we’ve got to go.”
     “Aw, okay.” Delilah was obviously disappointed as Cole took her hand.
     “See you Tuesday.” Cole and Delilah waved goodbye and Kali gave a small wave back before greeting the group that had just come up. 
     After they left Kali leaned back against the doorframe, looking up at the night sky as Ember sat down at her feet and began cleaning her paw. Ten more minutes, Kali decided, then she’d call it a night. After all, she had a call to make.
Part 17 / Part 19
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evening-rose-309 · 5 years
Heeeeeyyy! So. Imma write somethin' dark again. I'm sick, I have tests, but apparently that's no excuse for my idiot hindbrain to not throw ideas at me at 4 am in the morning.
Anywho, enjoy today's mad excerpt (yes I know I should be writing Nachtkrapp and the works but oh well, I miss this ship):
The bell to the shop rang sweetly as they walked in. Queenie’s was a quaint little shop in the meagre baking and sweets district, far enough from the eyes of the high rolling cafes and thus away from most of MACUSA’s board, whilst still being a convenient enough route stop for Percival to drop in now and again for a pastry when he was in the mood. The coffee was pretty good too and the golden haired witch would normally already have his order waiting on the counter long before he’d open the door.
“G’morning Mista Graves,” said golden haired beauty beamed as he walked up to the counter. Queenie Goldstein was what you would mistake for an angel if you saw her walking down the street. The average Joe in his thirties looking for a lucky break would assume just that, only the thing with angels was, as comically accurate to the no-maj bible, they know exactly what you mean to do before you even do it. However with Queenie Goldstein it had less to do with unseen divine power and more to do with-
“Treat’n someone today?” Percival smiled. She most likely guessed from the way his Companion was standing shoulder to shoulder with him with its paws on the counter. It shook her hand the first time they met and seemed to do this ritual of standing off the counter every time they’d come in.
“Hi you,” Queenie reached over to pet it, to which the creature offered its bound muzzle for her to scratch. “Mista Graves treat’n you nice huh? Came all this way to get you a sweat.”
The thing bore its yellowed fangs to her in a mock smile. He wondered, briefly, if it had done this as a human and would have done this if it still were. The thought was squashed accordingly as Queenie pulled out a tray of freshly baked goods from under the counter.
“Nothing too sweet Queenie,” he said, scooting over to let the dog sniff the tray. Good, make it look like it has a choice.
“Mmhmm,” the gold witch nodded. “Of course Mista Graves. Jacob knows I’m, uh, servin’ dogs now-”, she giggled, “-just yesterday we were talkin’ over new recipes to make for your little friend here an’ he teased me about makin’ a whole new branch with him special for dogs. He called it Puppy Pastries. That man. Knows just how to make a girl smile. Ain’t it funny, Mista Graves? Donuts for doggies?”
Percival hummed, before dropping his voice into a lower tone bordering on warning.
“Careful Queenie,” and the smiling witch’s giggles ceased abruptly. “Wouldn’t want the President to catch wind of your little arrangement here.”
Queenie tensed, her fingers no doubt curling where Percival couldn’t see.
“Of course Mista Graves,” her voice answered curtly. “We was just jokin’. Jacob...he knows the risks. He ain’t told nobody cus’ of it. Not even his Nana-”
She bit her lip, eyes wide and glazed in a way that would put most men on their knees. Before Percival could get a word out, the wolf was already lurching over the counter and nosing her neck, a paw over her shoulder.
Queenie sniffled, chuckling sadly. “Aww- sniff -are you sad for me? You sad for poor little ol' Queenie big boy?”
The hound keened and Queenie put her hand on the creature’s neck, a harsh grip in its course fur that it didn’t seem to mind.
“Mmm, what a good boy you are,” she smiled. She didn’t notice his grimace, the little tick in Percival’s eye. She didn’t know, he reasoned. She didn’t know what horrible atrocities the beast wiping away her tears with a damp tongue had committed. What sort of grimmy scummy thing it had been before it became the bear like beast that came to her shop every now and then. Percival himself didn’t know, hadn’t bothered to open its file. The Germans hadn’t mandatorized it, and thus he hadn’t bothered, what with the mountains of other things piling over his desk.
He watched as the beast pulled its head away, Queenie cupping its furry face in her hands.
“Good dog,” she rubbed at its cheeks. “Now don’t you be sad for Queenie, okay? Me and Jake’ll make it, you’ll see. We’ve got Mista Graves on our side and he’s been a big help so far! ”
Yes, Percival thought, Mista Graves. Good ol’ Mista Graves with his shining knight smile and war worn wisdom, keeping a too pretty girl and her modest no-maj boyfriend out of the eyes of the unjust law. Because he was the law, he was, Percival Graves. The law and myriad of other things. He wasn’t doing this for her, he knew. He was doing this because she was a distraction, because angels like Queenie had no business in MACUSA where they’d be relegated to becoming glorified pin up dolls serving crude old men too good coffee and tempting their eyes off the work that needed to be done for the good of the country. He was doing this, had kept her little secret, had eviscerated her records and contracts with MACUSA, convincing Sera and Tina to let her go, because he knew they’d be better off without her.
But she didn’t know that. No, all Queenie Goldstein knew was that her former boss was helping her out in exchange for free coffee and sinfully delicious pastries. How someone like Jacob Kowalski, a no-maj with dull hands and a duller disposition, could craft such utterly indulgent things was a mystery to him and most likely every wizarding baker within a five mile radius of the conjoined shops.
“Take two,” she said to him as she handed him his cup. “For- you know, and this smart little boy here.”
He nodded, smiling appreciatively as he picked out a pair of pukwudgie shaped donut things. The dog had walked off, more interested in the dark red door closed off to the back of the shop.
“Does he have a name?”
Percival froze. “Hmm?” a name? Of course it did, but-
Queenie chuckled. “The dog, Mista Graves. I’m gettin’ tired o’ callin’ it 'You' all the time. It’s gotta have a name right?”
A name, yes, a name. A name on a manilla folder bolded in red. A name the ICW thought fit to chain up and parade around MACUSA as a testament to it's rudimentary rehab system. A name the Germans uttered in reverence and secrecy, as if the mere mention of it would doom the speaker as any fatal curse would. A name Percival had never uttered or used himself, not for the same reasons as them, but simply because he thought the creature didn't have a right to it anymore.
"You know what," he said to Queenie, smiling still, at a volume well within earshot of the beast.
"Call it whatever you like," and then he left, coffee and bag of pastries in hand, dragging along his loathsome ward whilst Queenie stood pondering what he meant.
He couldn't give a rat's ass about whether the beast heard or not.
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jokerfan99 · 6 years
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Diabolical Thieves!!! (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
2300 Hours in Red Base's Living Quarters
Ruby awakens from the rumbling beneath her heart that is her stomach. She sits up and get out off bed before heading toward the door and into the slightly lit hallway. Despite having two bowls of ramen back at dinner, her stomach still cries out for more sustanance. In order to calm it down, she decides to get a midnight snack and then return to bed.
Ruby: Now where's the food dispenser? Aha!
She sees the dispensing machine on the corridor's walls up ahead. Still on tonight's menu, there's turkey dinner, chef's special, ramen etc. Though what caught her eye the most on the menu is good old sweet cookies. The military version, although she wouldn't mind so long it's enough. She presses the menu and machine dispenses her order. She grabs the plastic covering and start to open it, until her eyes caught a glimpse of the locker room's lights.
Ruby: That's funny, I thought Lopez turned off the light.
Ruby heads to the locker room to investigate. When she enters, there doesn't seem to be anyone inside. Its empty. Before she was about to leave, she noticed one of the lockers are open and on it is engraved with the name, her name. 'ROSE'. Then she starts to become worried. She rushes to her locker and looks inside. Her face turns to pure horror.
At Sarge's Room
Sarge: Of course, Douglas MacArthur. Have some more tea. No Sun Tzu, it's not Chinese, it's English!
Here we see Sarge, sleeping peacefully with a Patton doll wrapped in his hands. From what he's muttering, we can tell his dreaming himself having tea with the greatest generals in Earth's history. Must be peaceful in that head of his.
Not anymore. A loud scream was enough to wake him up. He shot up from his bed with his arms posed for a close-quarters combat.
Sarge: Who goes there?! Show yourself in the name of the Red Army! Huh, must be nothing. Ruby: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sarge: Or not. Sweet jibblets, that sounds like Rose!
Sarge then jumps out of hid bed and rushes towards his personnal locker. He quickly opens it and grabs both his helmet and trusty shotgun. Now armed and ready, instead of opening the door like a normal person, he kicks it down before running through the hallway heading towards the source. Until he runs onto an obstacle that is Donut. Both men fell onto the ground.
Donut: Ow, my spline! Sarge: Donut? What are you doing here?
Both of them got up.
Donut: I was asking the exact same thing. Ow! What's happened? Who'd be screaming so close to midnight? Sarge: That's the sound of Rose in peril and it came from the locker room! There must be a Blue intruder in here who seeks to sabotage our plans and he's possibly holding Rose hostage! Donut: Yikes! We better wake up the rest! Sarge: That will take too much time, we need to move NOW!!!
At the locker room
Ruby: She's gone. She's gone.
We see Ruby with her knees on the floor. Tears flowing down from her large silver eyes like waterfalls as she continues muttering 'She's gone' again and again like a mantra. At the same time, Sarge and Donut arrived at the scene.
Sarge: Freeze dirtbag and let go of my private! No wait, it's just Rose sitting there. She's fine. Donut: Oh crap. Rose, are you okay? Ruby: WAAAAAAAH!!!
Ruby launches herself onto Donut, hugging him tightly around and burrowing her face onto his pink striped pajama shirt soaking it with her seemingly neverending tears.
Ruby: It's horrible! She's gone, she's GONE!!! Donut: Gone? Who's gone? Ruby: Crescent Rose. Sarge: Rose, compose yourself and explain us clearly! What do you mean gone? Ruby: *sniff* My rifle... my baby... SOMEONE KIDNAPPED HER!!!
Ruby points at the inside of her locker. Inside was supposed to store Crescent Rose, Ruby's sniper rifle. But there is no sight of it anywhere and all that's left is a sticky note with writing saying, 'NO TOUCHY -Love, Ruby'.
Donut: Oh, her rifle's gone. That's no big de-GAAAH!!!
Ruby suddenly violently shakes Donut by the collar.
Continues crying on his shirt. Feeling both pity and confused, Donut pats Ruby's back and tries to comfort her.
Donut: There, there. Everything's going to fine! Uhm, Sarge?
Sarge takes a closer look at the locker. He noticed something locker's door. Above the handle is a hole where the lock should be. It looks as though somebody torched it.
Sarge: Suffering catfish! Someone did stole her rifle! WHO DARES SIGN THEIR OWN DEATH WARRANT!!! Nobody steals the private property of my favourite markswoman! Donut: Doesn't make sense, who would want to steal a single wea... uh,  I mean... Crescent Rose.   Sarge: It's obviously the Blues! They must've realized how powerful Crescent Rose was in combat and they decided to steal it for their own diabolical schemes! Possibly mass-produce it. Donut: You mean like, tearing it apart from the inside and... Ruby: That's not helping!!! Donut: Sorry, sorry! So what do we do? Sarge: Simple, we'll steal it back by force! Call Lopez, Simmons and Grif.
Somewhere on of the cliffs near Blue Base
Simmons: Holy shit!!! Another clean shot!
Simmons was more disbelieved to witness the accuracy of the shot. Grif silently laughs by Simmon's reaction as he aim for another shot with Crescent Rose.
Grif: So what do we have next? Simmons: Hmm, let's see.
Through the binoculars. he could see the damage Grif cause with the rifle, from the destruction of the tank's control panels to the Blue base's floodlights. To test the trajectory, he'll need to find something much further. Moving away from the base to another shooting area, he spots is bush much further and on that bush is a small red fruit on it.
Simmons: See that small fruit on that bush to the left? Grif: Yeah? Simmons: Shoot it. Grif: With pleasure.
Grif steadily aims at the fruit. Despite Crescent Rose's large size, it is surprisingly light so it wasn't a problem to hold it by hand. Once the crosshair's aimed at the fruit, he pulls the trigger.
The explosive sound echoed through the cold night air. In a second, through Simmon's binoculars, the fruit exploded into a gooey mash, leaving nothing but bits and such.
Simmons: Alright, I think that's done it! Grif: Man, why didn't Command make this kind of weapon in the first place? It's awesome! Simmons: I totally agree. It's powerful, accurate and more lighter than the standard sniper rifles. Just imagine if we mass-produce this kind of weapon and equip the army with it, it'll be a turning point to the war. Grif: And we can finally end it early! If only Rose isn't so clinged to it all the time. Simmons: Oh I'm sure she'll understand how beneficial it would be. It'll only take a few tear outs to figure out its functionality.
Donut through radio: This is Pvt. Franklin Delano Donut, do you read me over?
Donut's voice came through both of their helmets' radios. Simmons responsed first.
Simmons: Read you loud and clear, Donut. What are you doing up so late at- Donut through radio: Where are you guys? You weren't in your rooms! Simmons: Yeah sorry about that, we were doing a late night spying on the Blues. What's wrong? Donut through radio: We... kinda have a bit of emergency. You know Crescent Rose, Ruby's weapon? Someone stole it.
Simmons and Grif looked at one another with worried looks behind their visors
Simmons: Uhm... stolen? How? Donut through radio: Well an intruder entered the base just and we found a hole burned through Ruby's locker, possbily made by a hand-held blow torch. Sarge suspects its the Blues and since your both outside, have you seen anyone out there holding it? Simmons: Uh.. negative we haven't seen anyone out here nor anybody leaving the Blue base. Donut through radio: I see. Well then if you see them, do whatever it takes to stop 'em. Pvt. Franklin Delano Donut out!
Grif: We are so dead. Simmons: We? You're the one who decided on the 'dirty work'! We should've opened that locker discreetly! Grif: It's locked up tight like ancient Fort Knox! There's no way we can pick it with a pin. Simmons: Whatever! Fuck, we can't let the others know. Grif: Or worse, Sarge. We gotta hide it. Simmons: And where Do we hide it, genius? Grif: How the fuck should I know? Bury it maybe? Simmons: Wait, I have an idea! Donut said Sarge suspects its the Blue's work, right? Grif: Ooooh, I know what you're thinking. Hehehehe. Let's put it in Caboose's room.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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RITA: No way, boss! You are not comin’ in to the office today, and that’s final!
JUNO (FROM COMMS): (CONGESTED) I am not taking a day off, Rita. Crime doesn’t take a day off, and you better—
RITA: Well, that sounds like crime’s problem, boss.
JUNO: Don’t try to change the subject, Rita. I swear to God, if you don’t unlock—
RITA: Oh boy, Mista Steel, you sure sound sleepy! I think I’m gonna hang up now and let you take a little nappy.
JUNO: Wait, hang on! Don’t hang up, god dammit! I need you to—
RITA: G’night, Mista Steel!
JUNO: Rita, unlock my door! Rita!
RITA: Whew! Good thing I talked Mista Steel into those digital locks last year. If I couldn’t lock him into his apartment, he’d work himself until he was in real trou— (GASPS) Oh, I better lock the windows, too.
It sure is hard work to care so much. I think I earned a little snack or ten. Or maybe just five big snacks. Or maybe seven medium-sized ones. Or—
(GROWLS) Mista Steel! If he ain’t in bed, I swear, I’m gonna—!
Boss? Just whadda you think you’re doin’?
VOICE (FROM COMMS): Boss! Oh, I’m so sorry, this must be the wrong number, I’m just in such a state and I—
RITA: Is that… (GASPS) Patricia Marlowe, stream star, and game show host, and philanthropist?!
VOICE (MARLOWE): Oh, is that you, Rita? You flatter me, darling, but there’s really no need…
RITA: And entrepreneur and pet psychologist and social commentator and food critic and pet psychiatrist and—
MARLOWE: It is a delight to talk to you, darling, you know it is, but this is rather urgent! I need to speak with Juno this instant, Rita, do not delay a single moment, this is a matter of life and death!
Hello? Rita?
RITA: Patricia Maaaaaaaaarlooooooooowe.
MARLOWE: Rita! Where is Juno?
RITA: Mista Steel! Sorry, Ms. Marlowe, but he’s outta the office today. Got a bad case of the… the… whatever ya call it when your throat’s all red and swollen?
MARLOWE: A tumor?
RITA: Yeah, that’s it. He’s got a bad case’a the throat tumors and the doctor gave him some pills but they ain’t gonna work unless he gets lots of rest. You should call back tomorrow, though.
MARLOWE: This cannot wait until tomorrow! I’m sorry, darling, but I’ll have to call him at his apartment. This is entirely too dangerous to—
RITA: No! Stop! Wait!
MARLOWE: Quickly, Rita, I’ve not a second to lose!
RITA: (QUIETLY) This is your big moment, Rita. Mista Steel is countin’ on you. Lives are at stake. And also: if Patricia Marlowe calls the boss, you won’t get to hear her dreamy voice anymore.
MARLOWE: What was that?
RITA: You gotta take control, Rita. You gotta show Mista Steel you got what it takes to protect him. You gotta show the world that you can be a… a private eye.
MARLOWE: Yes, hello, hello? Could you speak up, dear?
RITA: I said, I’m gonna help you, doll-face! This is Rita, private eye, reportin’ for duty!
MARLOWE: Are you certain you could help?
RITA: The boss left me in charge!
MARLOWE: Did he really?
RITA: When you’re a private eye like me, you learn that it’s what people don’t say that’s really important. What seems t’be the problem?
MARLOWE: Well, there’s a package, you see. It arrived at my doorstep this morning, and—
RITA: Have you ordered any packages lately?
MARLOWE: Well, of course, but not th—
RITA: Case closed! That was easy.
MARLOWE: But not this one, and my God, it’s ticking! I’m just so worried, you don’t think it’s a bomb, do you?
RITA: Please, Ms. Marlowe, leave the detecting to the detectives. What have you done so far?
MARLOWE: Only called you, but… perhaps that’s it! Perhaps I should have called the HCPD! They must have a bomb squad of some sort, they could send someone right over and—
RITA: Hold it right there!
MARLOWE: Why? You don’t think… (GASPS) A conspiracy! The HCPD sent the bomb!
RITA: Nah, I don’t think so. I used to work there and we got all kinds of bomb threats all the time and that turned out to be nothin'. It was real annoying.
MARLOWE: But what do I do?
RITA: Well, you’re afraid of this package, ain’t you?
MARLOWE: …I believe I’ve made that clear, yes.
RITA: But you don’t even know what’s in it, right?
MARLOWE: Yes, but—
RITA: I don’t think it makes any sense t’be afraid of somethin’ you don’t even know anything about. And a good private eye needs clues! And all the clues are right inside the package!
MARLOWE: …You can’t be serious.
RITA: So open it, open it! I wanna know what’s inside!
MARLOWE: Really? You’re certain about this?
RITA: ‘Course I’m sure. I’m Rita, private eye! Now open the box please please please please PLEEEEEEEAAAASE!
MARLOWE: Well… alright…
RITA: So? What is it? What is it?
MARLOWE: It’s… well, it appears to be a…
RITA: Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me—!
RITA: Oop, nevermind. Hold on a second. I got a call on the other line.
JUNO (FROM COMMS): Rita, you’ve got to unlock these doors!
RITA: You again! Mista Steel, I told you I got everything under control here!
JUNO: This isn’t about that anymore! Rita, I think there’s something in my apartment!
RITA: Oh, really.
JUNO: Yes, really! I keep hearing them banging around the walls! If you just unlock the door I can make a break for it—
Damn it, they broke through!
RITA: Nice try, Mista Steel, but you can’t kid a kidder. I faked healthy all the time when I was just a little Rita and I never bought it then, either. So, you get back in bed and sleep, boss. Now.
JUNO: Assassin drones! Dozens of them! Unlock the door, Rita, you’re gonna get me killed, you—
RITA: So, toots, how did it go?
MARLOWE (FROM COMMS): A bomb! It’s a bomb, a bomb, a bomb!
RITA: A twist, huh. Well. I guess no good case goes by without a good twist. I usually like it when they come later, though, like in the last five seconds of the movie and then you get a big DUN-DUN BWEEEEOOWWWWWW and then it all goes black and you get in a fight with Mista Steel on the way home about what it all meant and—
MARLOWE: Rita! There is currently a bomb in my home, and it’s ticking much more quickly than I feel comfortable with! Assist me, now!
RITA: Alright, alright, you don’t have to get so rude about it. Any brands or logos or anything on it? BlastForce, maybe? The Kaboom Room? T an’ T an’ You?
MARLOWE: It doesn’t say! I think it might be homemade!
RITA: Aw, that’s sweet. Ain’t nothin’ like a homemade bomb. I kept my Ma’s old recipe but they just ain’t the same when they don’t come outta her oven.
MARLOWE: Is this part of the investigation?
RITA: Just send me a picture’a the bomb and I’ll figure it out. Sheesh.
MARLOWE: Alright…
So, what do I do? What do I do?!
RITA: To do what?
MARLOWE: The bomb is going to explode!
RITA: It is a bomb, Ms. Marlowe.
MARLOWE: (SHRIEKS) No! No no no no no! You must fix this, Rita! You must fix it immediately!
RITA: Again? I think I’m startin’ to see why Mista Steel’s always so tired. This is exhausting! Just bring it here, willya? I can just defuse it when it’s here.
RITA: No buts! I’ve had enough buts for one day, and let me tell you, I don’t like buts even on the best of days– well that ain’t exactly true but you know what I—
Oop, got another call, seeya soon!
RITA: Mista Steel, if this is you again—
JUNO (FROM COMMS): No time, Rita! I got out of the apartment through the window but now I need your help!
RITA: Boss, how dare you! I locked that window!
JUNO: Yeah, well, I broke it. Might’ve broken something else, too, that’s nearly a thirty-foot fall.
RITA: Well if you broke that window so easy you can march right back up and unbreak it, you—!
JUNO: There were more drones than I thought, Rita, I’ve got nearly fifty of the things chasing me down the street and I need help. I’m headed for the office right now, so get a blaster ready!
RITA: To the office?! Oh… no, boss, you can’t come to the office, you gotta turn around right away.
JUNO: Rita…
RITA: No! It’s- it’s- it’s… it’s on fire, Mista Steel; um, it ain’t decent, uh, you can’t come, you gotta wait until next week, maybe or a month, or two, that’s it—
JUNO: Rita, what did you do?
RITA: (QUIETLY) I tried to solve a case while you were out I’m sorry.
JUNO: You—! We’ll figure this out after we deal with the drones.
RITA: No can do, boss! It’s Patricia Marlowe, boss, and she’s got a bomb and I kinda told her to bring it to the office ‘cause I thought I’d have time—
JUNO: A bomb! That’s it!
MARLOWE: (DISTANT) Juno? Is that you?
JUNO: Patty! Throw me the bomb!
MARLOWE: Gladly!
JUNO: Alright, you stupid bugs. Eat shrapnel! (GRUNTS)
RITA: …Boss?
Boss, is everything—
JUNO: Rita.
RITA: Yeah, boss?
JUNO: (SNIFFS) I’m feeling a little under the weather. I think I’m gonna take the day off.
RITA: You do that, boss.
JUNO: Just… just don’t take any more calls. Please.
RITA: Okay, Mista Steel. Have a nice sleep, and be sure t’drink plenty of—
JUNO: Rita?
RITA: …Yeah?
JUNO: Don’t.
RITA: Okay, boss.
Bein’ a P.I. ain’t easy, it turns out. Maybe I oughtta retire. Spend a little more time with the family, like Frannie and Mista Steel. Take up a hobby, or—
Nope, nope. I ain’t gonna answer it.
I… ain’t… gonna…
Hello, this is Detective Rita, private eye, of Detective Rita Private Eye’s Detective Agency! We accept all forms of payment, but especially gift creds for that nice bakery down the street. Now, what crime can I stop for you today?
The second Rita Minute starred Kate Jones as Rita, with Joshua Ilon as Juno Steel, and Sophie Kaner as Patricia Marlowe. It was written by Kevin Vibert, and directed and sound designed by Sophie Kaner. The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Kaner and Kevin Vibert.
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murasakiyugata · 6 years
John’s Perfect Family
Description:  Fanfiction about John and his pet guinea pigs.  Takes place between the first and second Telltale Batman games.
Warning:  Contains animal abuse.
“Tell me the truth, Hazel.  There’s someone else, isn’t there?”  John spoke in a gruff voice, moving the guinea pig he held in his right hand to indicate it was talking.  The creature was beige, dressed in a suit, and very much wanting to be put down.
“Why, I declare, Jeremy!  How could y’all even think such a thang?!”  The guinea pig in John’s left hand who apparently spoke in a rather unconvincing southern accent had black fur, a simple dress, and no desire to be part of any of this.
“Don’t lie to me!” continued John, switching back to the first animal.  “I’ve seen the way you look at that hamster from the discount pet store.  You’d rather be with him, wouldn’t you?  I get it, I get it.  The guy’s way furrier than I am.  And he has a great set of wheels.”
“Hush, Jeremy!  You’re speakin’ right nonsense!  Y’all know you’re the only one for me!”
“Then why, Hazel?  Why can’t we be together?”
“It’s…it’s my pa.  He think you’re too old for me.”
“Too old?!  Well…I was born two months before you.  In guinea pig years, that’s almost a century!”
“I know.  But, Jeremy…I don’t care.  I love you! I plum wanna be with y’all forever!”
“Oh, Hazel!”
John hit the creatures’ faces together while making kissing noises.  Hazel closed her eyes and bowed her head, waiting for all this to be over, while Jeremy struggled to get away.
John let out a contented sigh.  “Oh, you lovebirds.”  He placed them back in their cage, where they proceeded to ignore each other as they usually did.  “Well, I can tell the two of you want to be alone, so….”  He tapped his phone which began playing 80s porn music, and set it by the cage.  He gave Jeremy a wink before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him, thoughts of little, furry grandbabies scurrying through his head.
No thanks to John’s encouragements, Hazel did, in fact, become pregnant.  John was overjoyed and made haste sewing the happy couple a gown and tuxedo for their shotgun wedding.  It was a lovely ceremony, complete with flowers, cake, and a plush doll of Bruce Wayne serving as the minister.
In the weeks to come, John spent more time than usual doting on his pets.  He made sure to steal plenty of pickles and ice cream for Hazel, and frequently imparted life lessons to Jeremy that he’d picked up back in Arkham.  John had a lot on his plate outside of his home, but the guinea pigs were rarely far from his thoughts.  Coming home to them, being sure to feed them regularly, cleaning the melted ice cream out of their cage – these helped provide well-needed structure to his life outside the asylum walls.  He was eager for the birth of the pups to the point of frustration, which he channeled into creating several tiny outfits of various different styles.
When John finally came home to find that two new healthy, happy family members had been born, he let out an excited gasp and clasped his hands together it utter joy.  He pulled out his phone, and was about to snap a picture, when he noticed something.  A third pup had crawled out from behind Hazel.  But this one was different than the others – white as snow, with red eyes and adorable pinkish ears.  It was quite possibly the most lovely thing John had ever seen.  He put away his phone and reached into the cage with an uncharacteristic tenderness.
“Come on, little buddy.”  He allowed the little creature to sniff his hand, before gently coaxing it into his palm.  He raised it up slowly, reassuring it.  “It’s okay. I gotcha.”  It was so soft, so cute, and it didn’t seem scared of John at all. Choking up a little, John held it to his cheek.  “You’re perfect.”  He lowered it to look at it again, and smiled.  “I’m gonna call you…Bruce.  You’re gonna do…great things, little buddy!  I just know it.”  He then carefully returned it to the cage.
“So!”  John grabbed Jeremy abruptly and held him up, grinning.  “You and I…we gotta talk.”  He looked at Hazel.  “Excuse us. This is sort of a man-to-man thing.” He took Jeremy into the next room, shutting the door behind him, then set the guinea pig down next to a set of tiny clothes.  “Wow!  Big day for you, huh?”  John started dressing the animal in a new plaid, button-up shirt. “This changes everything!  No more nights getting plastered at the bar. Might have to pick up a few extra shifts at work to make ends meet, am I right?  But, hey, all part of being a good dad!  And you’re definitely gonna live up to the part!”  He finished buttoning the shirt and admired his handiwork. “You certainly look it.”  John cupped the back of his hand to his mouth and lowered his voice a little.  “And, uh…just between you and me?  If any of the kids ever feel a little…um…different?  Just make sure they know you love ’em.  Let ’em know…they’re beautiful just the way they are.  Kay?”  He looked at the animal for a response and, getting none, moved it with his hand and said in a gruff voice, “Don’t worry, John!  You can count on me!”  John smiled and responded, “That’s what I like to hear!”
He returned Jeremy to the cage.  “Your turn, missy!” he said, lifting up Hazel.  The usually compliant animal squirmed and struggled, looking nervously at the cage.  “Separation anxiety, huh?” asked John.  “I get it. But Dr. Leland says you shouldn’t get too fixated on one thing.  We’ll be back soon, I promise.”  He took her into the next room, shutting the door behind them.  For her he had a polka dot dress and white apron, which he fastened around her as he spoke.  “So, how often do you think we should throw them birthday parties?  What’s normal in guinea pig culture?  Once a month?  Once every couple weeks?  We gotta be careful not to spoil them.  Eh, who am I kidding?”  He chuckled to himself.  Once he’d finished dressing her, he held her up and signed happily.  “Look at you.  All primmed and ready to be on the front cover of Better Rodents Housekeeping.” He rubbed her head affectionately.
John opened the door and carried Hazel back toward the cage.  “Alright, kiddos, time for…”
He stopped suddenly, dropping Hazel to the ground.
He looked silently at the cage.  All three of the babies were dead.  Bitten, scratched, bloody corpses.  Jeremy was there, looking relaxed, eating Bruce’s remains.
It was over.
After a few moments of staring, John closed his eyes and clenched his teeth.  “You weren’t supposed to do that.”  He grabbed Jeremy and held him in front of his face, glaring.  “You weren’t supposed to do that!” The guinea pig struggled to get away. “You’re not!  A good!  Father!”  With the last word he threw Jeremy against the wall.  The creature fell to the floor, injured and frightened, but still alive.
“That won’t do.”  John walked over to a baseball bat he had propped up against a wall and grabbed it.  “Not at all.” Jeremy tried to scurry away, but was having trouble in his crippled state.  “You think you can run?” asked John approaching, eyes wide.  “You can’t run from justice!”
He brought the bat down again and again.  Shattering bones, splattering blood, decorating the wood with red pulp.  John didn’t know why he was laughing so hard.  But it didn’t matter.  He kept beating the creature until its eyes bulged from its head and it’s body stopped twitching.
John was focusing on his breathing when he heard a noise behind him.  He turned to see Hazel scratching desperately at the doorframe, trying to get out. John thought back to how anxious she had been when he’d taken her from the cage.  And then it hit him.  “You knew!”  He dropped the bat and ran toward her.  She tried to flee, but he caught her under his foot, then picked her up with both hands and shook her fiercely.  “You knew this would happen!  And you said nothing!”  He looked her in the eyes, a pained expression on his face. “You were their mother!  You were supposed to protect them!”  Hazel struggled, terrified.
“But that’s okay,” said John, his voice quieter now as he squeezed his fingers around her as hard as he could.  “You can join them.”  Hazel felt herself being crushed, felt the air being squeezed out of her lungs, as she struggled desperately to free herself.  But it was no use.  The last thing she saw before she died was her caretaker’s hideous grin.
Once John was sure that all the life had been squeezed from her body, he relaxed his grip.  He observed the animal casually before tossing it over his shoulder. Then he turned and looked at the cage with a frown.
He walked over to it slowly, then very carefully lifted Bruce’s body out.  He sat on the floor and cradled the guinea pig’s corpse against his cheek.
“It’s okay, little buddy,” said John softly.  “I gotcha.  I gotcha.”
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fallen029 · 7 years
Of Jewelry and  Misunderstandings
"You know, Natsu and Lucy went out on a date today."
No. Why would Laxus ever know that? Or care?
"Well, I think of it as a date," Mira went on as she walked around his living room, picking up some. Somehow, he always managed to not do that. Like ever. "I mean, sure, Happy's going. And Gray. And Erza. And Lisanna. And I think Levy was tagging along too, but only because she was headed that way anyhow-"
"But it's still definitely a date," Mira finished before glancing over at where he was stretched out on the couch, staring blankly up at the ceiling above him. "Don't you think, Lax?"
"Of course," she kept going, because the demon always kept going, she had no off switch. "Sometimes I also like the thought of Lucy with Gray better. I mean, they're just so cute! He's always shirtless and she's always…not. It works, Lax."
"But then Natsu, well, there's just something there, you know?"
"Any woman would be lucky to have him."
"Any woman?" he asked as, when she passed the couch, he reached out to grab her arm and hold her there. With a grin, Mirajane shook her head.
"You know what I mean."
"No, I don't."
"Not me, Lax," she said, allowing herself to be pulled down onto the couch with him. "Like…Lisanna for example."
"Or Erza. Have I ever told you about how I kinda can picture that?"
"Yes," he sighed. "Many times."
"Well, it's true. Natsu can basically be with anyone and it would work. Lucy too. They're interchangeable."
"Then why," he asked as she settled atop him, "would you waste them togheter?"
"I dunno," she admitted. "I just think they're cute. Don't you think they're cute? And I mean, the two of us are interchangeable, huh?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Lax, I could place you with tons of people."
"Sure. Lucy-"
"No thanks."
"Now you're just playing with me."
She giggled. "And I could be with tons of people too. I-"
"No," he said with a definite tone then that made her smile, staring at him. Shifting on the couch, he held her close as he said, "We don't belong with others, demon. We belong together."
"Oh, dragon."
"It's the truth. There is no changing. For the Salamander and Lucy, fine, but me and you? Someone'd have to be crazy not to see that. Not to get that. And to think that anything could ever stand between that."
When she leaned up to kiss him, she stopped for a moment, taking a sniff. "You smell really good, dragon."
Of course he did. He'd spent an hour, at least, preparing for her arrival.
"Oy, boss," Bickslow had complained earlier that day as he sat around, watching the man get ready. "Where are you and your lady goin', huh? That you gotta get all fancy?"
"We're not going anywhere," he grumbled from the bathroom. It was right off the living room and, as he rarely had any shame, he'd left the door opened while he got ready. He was having a conversation anyways. "I do this whenever I plan on seein' my demon. She likes me spiffy."
"Spiffy, huh?" Elfman remarked from where he too was in the living room. "I always struck Mira as, I dunno, liking her guys manly."
Freed was there too, actually in the bathroom, helping decide on which cologne to go with that night. To his idol, he whispered, "Why is he here again?"
"The demon's orders," Laxus grumbled in response. "I gotta hang out with him twice a week."
"And if you don't?"
"Then I don't get the demon's little twice a week present."
Freed blinked. "She buys you things, I take it?"
"Oh, she does a lot more than buys me things."
"I don't-"
"Just drop it," he growled then, figuring the other guy was purposely trying to misdirect him. "And pick one already. Which smells better?"
"Well, what are the two of you doing today?"
"Hmmm. Probably laying around the apartment, having her cook me something, and then screwing or something. Why? Does that affect anything?"
"No," he said as he handed the guy one of the cologne bottles. "I was just trying to figure out if I was going to be allowed to stay or-"
"No, Freed," he grumbled. "You and Bickslow are going out together, I thought."
"If we have to-"
"We have to," Bickslow called from the other room. "I'm feelin' frisky! Let's get risky!"
"Frisky," his dolls that roamed around sang. "Risky."
"Yeah, you're taking him the hell out of my apartment soon," Laxus said, glaring out the doorway and over at the couch. "You idiot."
"Oy, boss, you're hurting my feelin's! I-"
"Not you," he growled at Bickslow. "Him."
Craning his neck, Freed glanced out there to. "Um…Elfman?"
"Are you…stealing things from Laxus?"
"Of course not," he grumbled from where he was, over at the man's coffee table, shoving something in his pocket. "Men don't steal!"
"Then what are you-"
"It's Ever's," he said as Laxus just glared over at him.
"What is it?" he asked. "And Bickslow, he's takin' shit from my place right in front of you. The hell are you doin'?"
"Uh, boss, I'm tryin' to rest a bit before I get out there and get frisky, yeah? So maybe you can stop putting so much pressure on me-"
"Look you little helmet wearing freak-"
"It's a ring," Elfman told them all then. "She said she took it off for…for… Hey!"
"What?" Bickslow asked, cuddling back into the couch as the man suddenly got irate. "What's wrong?"
"Why," the muscular growled as he headed over to the open bathroom door, "did Ever take her ring off in your apartment, Laxus?"
"I don't know! Why would I know?"
"I am confused," Freed said slowly. "It is not a wedding ring. Just a regular ring, yes? So why would it matter where she took it off?"
"Because," he went on, "it…she… She shouldn't be taking anything off! Not here! Not with you!"
"Sheesh, I agree with you," Laxus complained before spritzing his neck. The demon liked when he smelled delicious. And he wanted to be good enough to eat. Or maybe just taste. "I've seen all of Ever that I need to, thanks. I am also very happy with the demon so-"
"You're sleeping with my sister and my girlfriend?"
"When did I say that?"
"You said it with your eyes!"
"We're not even facing one another!"
"We don't need to be!"
"For you to see my eyes? Damn straight we do!"
"You're all yelling," Bickslow complained from the living room. "While I'm trying to rest."
"Bickslow," Laxus growled then. "You are not getting frisky. At all. With anyone. Never. Not gonna happen. So get the hell over it and shut the hell up!"
"Oy, boss. That hurts."
Freed just shook his head. "Laxus, if we are going to style your hair before Mirajane shows up-"
"I have styled it!"
The other man just gave him a look. "And you're expecting something out of her tonight with…whatever it is you've done with your hair?"
"I'm trying a new look, okay?"
"And that involves…what now?"
Laxus sent the man a glare. "It's kinda, you know, a spiky, weird-"
"No." Elfman lost his edge for the moment. "It just looks like bed head."
"It's supposed to! It's messy, but not too messy-"
"It's just bad," Freed told him. "Let me-"
"No! It's my hair! And it's my apartment! And Ever's my friend, Elfman. So if I want her to strip, damn it, she will."
"What?" Bickslow was back into the conversation then. "You've been sleeping with Ever behind our backs? Freed, I'm so hurt for you. How could she do this to us?"
"He is clearly being facetious, Bick- What do you mean you feel sorry for me?"
"Well what?"
"Just well, Freed!"
"I need you all out of here," Laxus said with a long sigh then. "Now. Right now. All of you. Bye, Freed. Bye, Bickslow. And Elfman, tell your damn girlfriend not to leave shit here if she can't come get it for herself."
"She won't be back here anyhow!"
"Oh, I bet she will."
"I bet she won't."
"I bet she-"
"And I bet when I tell Mirajane that you just said that you have Ever strip over here-"
"I wasn't serious! And do men go tell their sisters when-"
"No! And I was just betting. I'm not telling her. I can handle you myself!"
"Oh, you can? Really, Elfboy, you can handle this? Huh? Because I bet you can't. And I bet when I send your ass home in bandages, your precious little Ever-"
"What, Freed?" he growled, glaring over at him then.
Sheepishly, he reminded, "You're speaking to the younger brother of the woman that you're having over tonight. Just to remind you."
He had to take a moment too, to compose himself, before saying simply, "I'm not talking to anyone anymore. All of you, out."
"What? You need me to-"
"We're not finished-"
"You, Elfman, before I wring your thick neck," he growled, "and you, Bickslow, before I put you in an eternal rest. And, Freed, just…stop trying to make me over! It won't work! I like my hair this way. Your help is no help at all. Just go!"
"Oy, boss, cut deep why don't you?"
"Men don't have meltdowns, you know!"
"I will go, Laxus, but honestly, do something about your hair. If only for your benefit."
"Just get out!"
And he had to cool down again, after they left. Then, when he took a second glance in the mirror, he saw just how bad his hair was and had to try again. Sigh. Those stupid…guys. Friends. Whatever they were to him. Stalkers was probably closer. For Freed and Bickslow. Constant annoyance was more Elfman's angle.
That felt like forever ago then though. At the moment, he had the demon all snuggled up real nice to him and she was sniffing him and damn if he hadn't made the right cologne choice.
"Thanks, demon," he said as she kissed his neck. "You know, I do all this for you. Always for you. I love you."
"You know what else I did? Just for you?"
"In the kitchen," he began.
"Yeah? What?"
"I bought some chicken for you to fry up for dinner for us."
For some reason, she didn't seem all that excited by that.
"Is that it?"
"Of course not. What do you take me for, demon?"
"Oh." She giggled. "What else did you buy me then?"
"There's some vegetables in there too for you to cook." He held up an arm and flex. "This ain't all just meat, babe, that made this. It- What's wrong?"
She just stared at him with a crumbled face. "You said that you got me something, but all it was were things to make for you. You got my hopes all up, Lax, and then-"
"Oh, demon, don't cry." He gave her a grin before shifting. "I bought you something. Right over here. Sat it right next to the couch. On the table. And…it's not under this magazine…or by this cup…or…uh…"
"Laxus! No cursing!"
He couldn't help it. That stupid little-
"Your brother stole your gift!"
"Yeah." Laxus gently shoved her off before moving to stand and look over the coffee table. "That stupid-"
"How did he-"
"He said that Ever left a ring or something over here," he grumbled as he checked the table, just in case. "I figured the dope would have realized that if she did, it wouldn't be in a fucking box, but apparently-"
"You bought me jewelry?"
"I bought you a ring, dummy."
Growling, he got out, "I'm sorry, demon, but I'm a little-"
"…Sure. The point is that your brother has your engagement ring and-"
"My brother has my what?"
"Your ring! Your-"
She was standing there next to him too then, eyes wide. "Y-You bought me an engagement-"
"What other type of ring does a man buy for a woman," he growled, turning to face her. When he saw the look on her face, he just reached out to grab her face in his hands and press a kiss to her forehead. "You sexy little demon. And look, I would love to go over this in full-"
"Wait, you were going to propose just now?" She didn't sound as enthused, some of the thrill dying down. "After just asking me to make you dinner?"
"Uh, yeah. I mean, I was thinking maybe after dinner or sex or something, but-"
"You didn't…plan something? Or-"
"Plan? Demon, I bought a freaking ring. What more do you want from me?"
"Did you even tell anyone? Or talk about it? With your friends?"
"Heck no! Bickslow would have spoiled it, Ever would have hated it, and Freed would have tried to have you killed."
"He would have what?"
Pushing that from her mind, she said, "I just think that you could have put some thought into-"
"Look." He patted her on the head. "I would love to discuss all this silly little thoughts in your head right now-"
"They're not silly! You should take time and plan a proposal, not just-"
"But," he went on, "I got a ring to track down."
Then he leaned down to nuzzle her head before turning to walk off.
"You stay here. I got-"
"Laxus, are you in there?"
A sudden knock at the door startled them both. Laxus just frowned.
"That sounds like Ever," Mirajane whispered. "And she sounds excited."
He paled. "You don't think-"
"I have something to show you!"
"Laxus, that woman has my ring."
"Yeah, I gathered that, demon."
"Well, get it back!"
"Gah, demon, you're about to not get it. Not even an I do yet and already you're nagging."
"I'm goiin', I'm goin'."
When he opened the door, it was to be practically tackled by Evergreen.
"What is your prob-"
"Elfman proposed to me!"
"Why the hell would you be happy about that? I'd run to the hills."
Elfman, who was behind them, just forced his way into the apartment before going over to his glaring sister.
"I messed up," he whispered.
"I know."
"No, Mira, you don't. I didn't, like, do this without telling you first if that's why you're-"
"It's not."
"Then what-"
"Mira, look!" Ever was finished with the clearly critical Laxus and headed over to her, holding out her hand. "Isn't it beautiful?"
Mirajane just stared at the ring though, mainly the diamond, hardly able to speak. "Oh. It's…amazing. Let me-"
"Yeah," Ever sighed, still showing it off. "But the band is a bit big. It's like Elf thought I had huge fingers or something."
Mirajane blinked. Then she glared at the other woman. "I'm sure that is not what he thought."
"I think it is. I mean, why else would he-"
"Elfman." Laxus didn't feel like getting in between the women at the moment. "Can I speak with-"
"Yes, please, let's talk!"
Laxus' glare was full of malice as they rushed off to the kitchen.
"What the hell, Elfman? You-"
"How come you didn't tell me you were proposing to Mirajane? You have to ask another man before you ask his sister to marry you. It's a thing!"
"It is not a thing," he hissed.
"It is too."
"It is not."
"Is too."
"And now," Elfman went on, voice low, but dark, "Ever thinks that I'm-"
"I know."
"And I'm not!"
"I know."
"I can't get married."
"I know."
"I- Wait. Why do you know that?"
"Because, Elfboy, I know that you're not good enough to marry Evergreen. You-"
"How dare you?"
"Very easily!"
"Just for that, I'm marrying her!"
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am."
"I'm doing it!"
"Fine! I don't care! Not really!"
"Super! But you're not doing it with my damn ring."
"Watch me."
"Elfboy- You get back here!"
He was heading back into the living room then and, without much of a choice, Laxus headed after him.
"Hey, Ever," Elfman greeted as she grinned up at him. Laxus would admit, he'd never seen her so happy to see him before. "Me and Laxus just talked about it and, guess what?"
"He wants to be my best man."
"No way!"
No, really, no way. Sigh. Laxus had to hand it to the lout; he wasn't as stupid as he appeared. He knew saying it in front of Evergreen cemented it in there. Gah! First he hijacked his ring, now he was punishing him too?
Since when did Elfman get the upper hand anyhow?
Now, sure, Laxus knew that he could easily burst Ever's happy little bubbles, but…even though he tried hard to hide it, he did love the Thunder Legion. They were his people. His most loyal followers (in Laxus' mind, everyone else was just a regular follower who didn't realize they were following him just yet). He couldn't hurt her.
"Demon." He went to grab her arm and pull her away from the other couple. She was still shooting daggers at Ever though. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, "We have a problem."
"Yeah, I know. She's wearing my-"
"Not that," he said, making her glance up at her. "Look, your brother is mad at me and... What if I just buy you a new ring? Huh? You can even pick it out. Any one you want. Within reason, I mean, but-"
"No, Laxus. That is my ring and I want it!"
"Ever," she called over to the other woman then, gaze still icy. She didn't want to come right out and ruin the moment or anything, but hell, she was going to have to do something. "How did Elfman…you know, propose?"
"It was so cute." She didn't sound like herself, at all, and it made Laxus wanna puke. "He pretended like he got the necklace that I left over at Laxus' for me and then just gave me this black box that was obviously a ring box and I-"
"A necklace." Laxus couldn't help it. "You were over here and you didn't get a necklace, Elfboy, you got-"
"You keep quiet, you filthy dragon!"
"Only the demon can call me dragon! And filthy."
Mirajane glanced at her boyfriend. "What context would I ever call you fil-"
"Trust me, demon, we'll get there."
"What," Ever hissed, glancing between Elfman and Laxus, "is going on?"
"Nothing," Laxus grumbled. "Just-"
"Good." She almost sounded like she was the one in control, Evergreen did. It was enough to shock Laxus into silence. "I need to go tell-"
"I can't do this, Laxus," Mira said loudly then. "I can't."
"Mira, I will get you another-"
"That is my ring and I want it!"
"You sound bratty."
"I don't care. I hardly ever want anything, but dang it, Laxus, I want my ring!"
That made Ever stop her stride to the door. Looking back over at Mirajane, she repeated, "Your what?"
"Oh geez." Elfman looked ready to faint. "Uh, Ever, did I ever show you how manly the front of Laxus' apartment building is? Let's go-"
"Who the hell would that distract?" Laxus complained. "Other than you?"
"Hey! I'm trying, okay? I-"
"What," Ever said then, looking to her boyfriend, "is going on?"
"That's my ring." Mirajane tried her hardest to look annoyed, but with her goofy bangs up in that pony tail and her usually posture, it was hard. "And I want it. Laxus bought it for me."
"He what?"
"This is what I wanted to avoid."
"Avoid?" Laxus repeated. "Elfman, you're the one that made it get this far!"
"I'm not good under pressure, alright?"
"No fucking kidding."
"Elfman." Evergreen turned to fully face him then. "What's going on? Did you not…buy this?"
"No," he admitted. "Ever, I didn't even really mean to ask you to marry me. There's so much that goes on in my head constantly."
"No kidding," Laxus grumbled.
"And I got a little mixed up," he went on. "I thought that you left a ring here, not a necklace, and I went to find it."
"You thought that she left a ring? And even put it in a box?" Even Mirajane frowned. "Elf-"
"Sometimes I don't think," he said then with a frown though he was still staring at his girlfriend. "And Ever, I never meant to hurt you, but I can't-"
"You didn't propose then?"
"No," he sighed. "I didn't."
"Oh, thank goodness." She literally about dropped then, her body become so relaxed. She even moved to pull the engagement ring right off. "Elf, I like you, like a lot, but I was already trying to plan how I was going to stand you up at the alter and still get all the wedding gifts."
His frown deepened. "You what?"
"I was excited by how nice the ring is and that you care about me, but Elfman, I can't be married. I can't even keep a pet! And I'm not a very good friend. Or girlfriend. Could you imagine me as a wife? I- Hey, Mira, you could try not-"
"It's mine," the demon said simply as she came to snatch the piece of jewelry from the other woman's hand. "So give it to me."
"Here, you stupid- Hey! Wait!" Evergreen looked to her idol then. "L-Laxus? Are you asking Mira to-"
But his eyes were completely focused on his girlfriend then, her own staring heavily down at her newest prized possession.
"Demon," he started, the sound of his voice making her look up. Coming closer with a grin, he reached out to tap her nose gently. "I screwed this all up, I know, but that's our life, you know? Everything's one big screw up after another. And most of them turn out for the better. But if you want me to try again, plan some sorta…whatever the heck you think people do for proposals, well, I'll-"
"Oh, Laxus, I can't even… Yes. To the proposal. I-"
"Well, I didn't really ask yet, but uh, demon, would you…um…well, marry me? Is that good enough? Or do you want me to ask you some other way? Because- Oof!"
Elfman snickered as Mirajane literally tackled the dragon to the ground in a way that Ever hadn't even come close to.
"I love you, dragon." Mirajane was straddling his stomach too, staring down at him with big eyes. "I just… I can't believe this! My night is perfect. It-"
"Mine is too," he breathed, grinning slightly as he stared up at her. "Other than, like, the fact that you two dopes are still here-"
"My sister is so manly!" Elfman wiped at his eyes. "She takes disappointments like a man!"
"Disappointment?" Laxus mumbled. "Wha- Hey! Are you calling me a disappointment? You stupid-"
Evergreen sniffled. "It's like watching you grow up, Laxus, finally, completely. And I just…I mean, I wish it was to someone else, but what can you do?"
He just kept glaring at Elfman. "Right back at you, Ever."
That brought her emotions back into check. Glaring at Laxus then, she walked around him and Mira and into the bathroom before returning with the necklace that she'd no doubt told Elfman about. With that in hand, she went to grab her boyfriend's other one and drag him out.
"Don't be seduced by all this though, sis." Elfman was coming back to his senses, apparently. "I don't want him as a brother."
"I won't ever be your brother," Laxus growled in response. "No matter what."
"Goodbye, Elfman," Mira sang as she sat back some atop Laxus, though that was more to stare down at the ring she'd put on her finger. She had no idea what Ever was talking about. It fit perfectly. "See you later."
"We have some things to talk about anyhow," Ever hissed to him as they left.
"Like what?"
"Like, uh, gee, how you just embarrassed me!"
"Oh. No, I don't really feel like talking about that."
After the front door shut behind them, Laxus moved to rest his hands on Mira's hips.
"You like your ring then, I take it, demon?"
"Yes, Laxus. Oh, yes. I love it. I love you."
"And you're really going to love being my woman, huh? For real now?"
"That's great." He patted her hips with a grin. "First course of action is, you know, getting to work on that dinner I was talkin' about before."
That made her smile drop some. "Are you…serious?"
"Uh, yeah, demon. My stomach doesn't just stop growlin' for special occasions." Then, reading her facial expression like a pro, he grinned sheepishly. "Err, uh, you know, I could make dinner tonight or some-"
"That would be great!" Her grin was back. Getting off him then and back to her feet, she said, "I love you."
Yeah. So long as he wasn't asking for food, apparently…
Standing himself then, he dusted himself off before reaching out to cup her cheeks. "I love you too, demon. And I can't wait to make you Mrs. Laxus Dreyar."
"Me neither," she giggled. "Mr. Laxus Dreyar."
"Although," he said as he leaned down to kiss her head, "that's mainly because I hate you sharing the same last name as your idiot brother."
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hookprevails98 · 8 years
Negan (15)
"You alive, doll?" I perk up at Negan's voice. I've been waiting all day. Almost literally. Abraham left at lunch to go do his shift at the wall. He was replaced by Rosita, who I am taking a liking to. She's very...nice. When she wants to be. Which is....pretty cool. She doesn't have a problem voicing her opinions. Not one bit. It's actually really cool, yet scary, to see someone that can just....say what they want without being afraid of repercussion. I've never been unafraid of that before. She doesn't seem to hate me, either. She doesn't look at me like most other women always do. She seems.....calm. And almost accepting towards me. With is nice. It really is. "Yeah. T-t-ti-tired." I really fucking am. We just finished dinner, so it's settling in. Meaning I'm getting really tired. The physicality of what I've been doing it catching up to me. "Hhhhhhow- " "They're fucking feeding you?" He asks. Feeding me? I smile at the grass under my bare feet. "Yes." Daryl and Rosita, as soon as Negan started speaking, left. Not all together just gone, but they're a few feet away. Neither of them like NEgan. For good reason. "Good. You better be fucking eating. And fucking sleep. Don't let them fucking push you the fuck around. I should have fucking stressed that more." He mutters. "Fuck. I gotta get the fucker- " He cuts out after that. I just smile. He probably won't be contacting me again until tomorrow or way later tonight. "Hhhhave-have a g-good nnn-night." I can't wait to be back home. I just....I miss my bed. And my charged computer that I'm too nervous to use here. And I miss my music. I'm dying without it. "What? I ain't fuckin goin anywhere, doll. I'm right fuckin here. Read the rest o that fuckin book, by the way. She's got serious fuckin issues. You have the same shit?" He asks. Daryl looks over at me, causing Rosita to do the same. Which makes this a little more awkward, but....I look down again. "Uh......'' I swallow hard. "C-can....wwwwwwe-we-we t-talk tom-tomor-orrow? I-I'm r-reall-really ssorry." That's something that's really hard to put into real words. I've never been able to until I read that book. So...yeah. It's hard for me to talk about. "Yeah that's fucking fine, doll. It's getting fucking late. You should get the fuck to sleep. Give me to Daryl. Please." Please. Woah. That's rare to hear from him. Like....really rare. I think I've only heard it from him a couple times. Not that....he DOESN'T say it. He does. Just....not often. I hand him off to Daryl, who gives me a weird look. He doesn't know why I'm giving Negan to him. And I'm not sure I WANT to know? I don't know. I just know I'm tired and....tired. "Hey." It's not a nice hey. It's the kind of hey that demands attention. I look over to Rosita curiously. She nods me over to her. Uh-oh. My stomach turns when I walk over. "Abraham wouldn't touch you. He's not in a good place, but he wouldn't hurt you unless he needed to. I'd kick his ass if he did, anyways. your names Eve?" She asks. I just nod. Everyone keeps saying that about Abraham. I think I'm beginning to get it through my head. He's no going to murder me. Got it. Understood. I mean....I hope he won't hurt me. I still don't really know. "Okay." I mumble. "I.....I-I.....I'm.....I'm real-ly sorry ab-about......your fffffriend. Th-the one Negan kil-lled." I offer, staring at the ground again. Everyone here, I've found, is very close to one another. I really love that everyone here is so close. Literally everyone knows each other. Everyone knows everyone's names, ages, where they live....it's great. And this place is....I think it's big? Negan's group is much bigger, obviously. But the fact that everyone here knows each other, gets along for the most part. It's really nice to see such a loving and caring place. I wish the Saviors were more like this place. It's safe here. At home, people fight all the time. It's hard to get real friends. People are in groups, too. Clicks. If it were more like this place, it would BE and FEEL safe. "You should be." She shoots at me. "You ALL should be. Sasha never did anything wrong. Your people are killing MY people. Forcing us to WORK for your people, and proposing that our WOMEN could GO to your damn leader and what?" She draws back, her head, in a circular swivel kind of way, before blinking very aggressively. It feels like just her voice and her....bodily movements could hurt me without touching me in any way. She's terrifying to be around. "Screw him?" She asks. I cringe and step back. Yeah, they do that. but...it's more than that. It's a way for them to work without having to be in real danger. He's giving them a good choice. instead of putting them in unwanted danger. "Leave her alone." Daryl orders. I step back again when he shoves his way between us. Negan DID hurt one of them. But they killed so many of our people. It's not our fault. It's not NEgan's fault. He's a good leader. He's even a good man. I think. In my opinion. From what I've seen of him. He's pretty awesome. And smart. But I get that it's hard for them. It's not fair that they had to lose someone. Someone GOOD. That they loved like they do. "Why? She's one of them. CArl made a good point earlier. She shouldn't be here. She's just another one of his dirty- " "Get outta here!" Daryl yells. Dirty whores? Is that what she was about to say? No. "No." I step around him while the anger bubbles up. Almost over. I haven't felt so angry in years. "They aren't whores. You don't know what a whore even IS! You don't know what it's like to have to even BE in that position! To be so afraid of going out into the world with the dead?! They aren't whores! They are doing a job that keeps them alive! It is NOT a forced decision. He will NEVER hurt them. He would NEVER do that to ANYONE unless they REALLY deserve it! They aren't whores. They're surviving and they're okay! You have NO IDEA what it's like to not have a choice!" Fuck I can't breathe. I need to breathe. I have to breathe. "Jesus fucking Christ. What the motherfucking fuck did you do to my fucking body guard?" I freeze entirely. The gravelly voice, the all too familiar gravelly voice, catches my attention. It's so deep.and so demanding. It's really hard to not freeze when I hear it. It noteven coming over the radio. It's right here behind me, very angry. Very not happy. Holy shit fuck. What is he doing here? He said he wasn't going to be here until tomorrow? Even blinking proves that he's real. Not my imagination. Does this mean he lied to me? He looks.....angry. Obviously. But good. His beard is a little out of hand now, but he's got Lucille on his shoulder, too. "Well? Somebody better fuckin speak up." Rick's just next to him. Even HE looks confused. On his face, confusion is a very very evident thing. His head tilts, and his eyes grow very narrow. His mouth even opens. "Negan." I don't know why I say it. It just comes out. Which makes him look at me. He's here. The moment finally catches up to me. Confusion gets replaced with relief, and I rush over. His body tenses when I hug him, a lot, but after a few seconds his arms find their way to my back. He smells.....like NEgan. Sweaty. Very sweaty. That's unavoidable in this stupid heat. At least it's going away soon. Then there's the undertone of his cologne, I don't know how he found it, and the soap he uses in the shower. Sweet, somehow. He's much taller than me, so my face winds up getting pressed against his upper chest. "Rosita, what happened?" Rick asks. Negan's thumb, only one since he's holding Lucille in the other, runs over my right cheek. I'm crying? I pull back and wipe my face off angrily. "Sorry." I mumble. I hadn't realized I was crying. I'm so stupid! "Don't be fuckin sorry, doll." Negan orders. "It was just a comment. I didn't mean for her- " "Are you fuckin okay?" Negan asks. Okay? I sniff and nod. "Never fucking seen you that fucking mad before. What the fuck was that about? You fucking defending me?" I just nod"YOU better not have fucking TOUCHED her your people fucking owe me. And I'm going to fucking collect before I fucking leave." Negan growls at them. I still can't believe he's here. He said he couldn't make it until tomorrow. "She didn't mean anything by it. It was just a- " "I don't give a fuckity rat's goddamn motherfuckin ass. I told you what you had to do. You didn't fucking do it. Simple as that. Come on, Doll. You look tired as fuck all." Negan puts his free arm around my shoulders. It's not an all too familiar action, but it's not unheard of. He does it to people to scare them, usually. But with me....he already scares me, so I don't see the point. I'm just happy he's here is all. I guess. The weight of it hurts a little, just because of the weight it puts on my side, but I won't say this to him. I want him here. He takes me back to the infirmary, which we weren't that far away from, at all. We were on our way there before the shit got here. At least he's here to make everything better. He helps. "Why the fuck are you defending me to those pricks?" He asks as I'm climbing into the bed again. IT's a process, a painful one. A SORE one, at the least. For anyone not accustomed to pain, it'd be a lot more painful. For me it's like I'm just really sore. You get used to it, I guess. "What?" I ask him. No one else followed us here. It almost feels normal now. Like I'm back at the Sanctuary. "You fucking heard me." He answers. He's in the chair now. On the right side of the bed with Lucille in his lap. He's angry. It's evident that he's angry. I bring the blanket up to my shoulders. "Uh......" Good question. "W-was I? D-def-defend-defending y-you?"I ask. I thought I was defending his wives. To be honest. He rolls his eyes at me. "Sh-she....I look down at my lap with a shrug. "I-I wassssss d-def-defending y-your wivessss." That seems to catch him off guard. "Why?" He asks again. "C-cause......thhhey aren't......they aren't whores." I answer quietly. The whole point was that I would be defending them. "Evelyn......" He shakes his head. I only see it out of the corner of my eye, but it means something that he's doing that. "No." I shake my head. "Th-they aren't. N-no." There aren't even words. Not really. "They....." I take a few deep breaths. "They are NOT whores. They are surviving. They are humans. They are married to you. They are not whores. They're people. Not whores. Ever. No." I growl. "You saw. You SAW." I whisper. "You don't.....d-don-don't do this." I nod down to myself. My scars. "Nnnnot-not to them. They WANT it. When......." I can't even talk anymore. It's stupid I can't form real words. "And they- " I shake my head again. "Th-they a-aren't......prop-p-p-prop-property. Shhhhe doesn't kn-know whhhhhhat she-she was ssssssay-saying." I clutch my side. Too tense. You need to relax. If you don't relax, it'll hurt more. Carol told me that the first night. "Alfuckingright then. How the fuck does your side feel?" He asks. My side. "Fine." I answer. "Hhhhow.....how's th-the Yuma thing?" I ask. At least now it doesn't feel so stupid tense. Negan sighs before dragging a hand down his face. "That shit's handled. Don't have to fucking deal with her anymore. Her fucking side guy's face got what it fucking deserved." Exactly like what happened to Dwight. I remember how loud Dwight screamed when that happened. Hadn't stayed to watch it. But no one could get away from the sound. "Spot's still fucking open." Our eyes meet at that. He isn't joking. He doesn't seem to be in the usual jokative mood. So I won't joke when I answer him. "No. I-I thhhhhhhought-thought you c-couldn't-couldn't come t-today?" I ask. Lucille is laying across his lap now. It's normal when he's not back home to have her close by. "Figured I'd fucking surprise you tomorrow morning. Get here after you fucking fell asleep." He explains. Oh. Well I guess that makes sense. I guess..... "Okay." What now? What's supposed to happen? Are we leaving, or staying until tomorrow? Am I in trouble? "We.....a-are we sssstaying the nnnnni-night?" I ask He simply nods. "Too late for me to fucking comfortably take you home right fucking now." Guess that's good? I don't know. I don't know. "You fucking miss me?" He asks. Miss you? I smile and nod. There was never any NOT missing you, Negan. "Good. You look too fucking tired. They overfuckingworking you here? You're supposed to be fucking resting." He mutters. I smirk. "I-I am. Mmmmmet-met......people. A-and....wwwwwalk-walked around. That-that'sssss it. Sl-sleep a lot." I explain. I HAVE been resting a lot, considering what I normally do. Walking around, working out, doing things. Not laying around all day. "You don't like fucking meeting people. Who the fuck did you meet?" He asks. "Sleep with anyone?" I glare at him. Are you joking right now? You stupid dude. I shake my head. "Yup. All the guys. Sleep-sleeping with all th-the guys hhhhere. Sp-sp-special-llly th-the big-big one." He rolls his eyes at me again. "Wh-what? It wwwwas a d-dumb qu-qu-ques-question." I get colder when he frowns at me. "Dumb fucking question. Gues that's fucking true. You ready to come the fuck home tomorrow?" He asks. Oh yeah. I nod with a smile on m face. SO ready. "Good. You need to fucking sleep." That's an order. "A-are yyyyou......." He meets my eye again with a......curiosity. I guess that's the word for it. "What? Sleeping with you again? Are you fucking comfortable with that?" Comfortable? Last time actually wasn't that bad at all. It felt.....almost nice. I've never been able to relax in a bed before. And you weren't mad at me. "A-are YOU?" I won't look away from my lap now. Maybe he doesn't like me anymore. He DID say he read the book. And that book is really really close to what I am, or was or whatever. Maybe now he see's me as a thing, or used up. Maybe he doesn't see me the same anymore. "I fucking asked you a question." I flinch at his tone. He's a very dangerous person when he takes that tone. He's never spoken to me with that tone before. He talks to Dwight with it, or people he hates. Not me. See? This is what you get when you're bad. You're being bad. You deserve to feel like crap, you deserve to get beaten. This is why Ivan and David beat you. Answer him! Answer him now! "Yes." It comes out just above a whisper. That's it. And honestly that all I want to sound like. The tinier I am, the smaller I am, the less of an inconvenience I am. It's because he saw you. And you got shot. You're being annoying, and you're causing trouble between him and this place. The people here. You're making things worse. "Are you fucking sure? You don't sound fucking sure." I just nod, though all I want to do is cry at my failure of being his guard. Being his friend. At least...I THOUGHT I was his friend. Wh's he so mad? Is it because of me? What can I do to fix this? I need to fix this. "Evelyn." He growls. I flinch again. He's mad. Fix this. "Ssssssss-so-" Breathe, Evelyn. You have to breathe or you'll never work through this. It's fine. If you're bad in this situation, you have to remove yourself from it. Not sure where I can go right now, but I have to GO. Before this gets violent. Before anything bad happens. To you or him. That's the best decision. That's the only option when things go south. This is your game plan. "Evelyn. Fuckin breathe." I don't WANT to leave Negan. I love being at the Sanctuary. /listen to him. Breathe. Work oxygen through your lungs. IT's hard, but I force myself to do it. I don't want to leave him. Not the life I've made in the last six months. I like it there more than anywhere else I've ever been. But I'm good on my own. If I left, it would be fine. For all of them. He wouldn't have to worry about freaking me out every time he raised a hand. He wouldn't have to worry about being weird. He wouldn't have to be annoyed with me. He could focus on his wives. His job. His men. Not me. Not protecting me, or trying to bed me. He'd be better without me here. Everyone would be better off if I just left. "The hell did you do to her!" I yelp, then I yelp again at the pain that the first flinch gives me. Stay safe. I pull the blanket over my head. IT's the literal only thing I can think of for protection. It won't help. I know it won't help. It's not safety. It's just a thin blanket. But maybe if I'm smaller and they don't see me, they won't get hurt. They won't be angry if I'm not here. "Get the fuck out of here before you fucking meet Lucille. Out. Fuckin now. Sh'es one o my men. Out." Negan orders. Just curl up, ignore the pain the best you can, and stop existing. Stop existing. I flinch when there's a slam. Sounded like the front door. "Evelyn- what the fuck?" Yes I'm hiding under the blanket. Go away. "Did you fucking fall asleep on me, Doll?" His voice is a little less aggressive now. Asleep! That's a fuckin amazing idea, Evelyn. Act like you fell asleep. If that means he won't be angry anymore, be asleep. I close my eyes quickly and bite my cheek so I don't move. No moving in any way that might mean you're awake. The blanket is slowly taken away from my face in the next minute. DO NOT MOVE. BE ASLEEP. It feels like an eternity of him staring at me. My eyes feel like they're going to blink, or my mouth might twitch. You're breathing too quickly. Breathe slower. If I breath slower, I won't be breathing. Don't move. Relax more. Negan sighs before putting the blanket back on my shoulders. His hand lingers for a moment. Maybe he'll hit me or something. He isn't hitting me, why not? I SHOULD get hit, right? I pissed him off. "Nod your fuckin head if you're okay with me fucking sleeping in that fucking bed." Does he know I'm awake? Do I nod? Well I shouldn't NOT. I don't lie to him. Fuck. Fine. I slowly nod my head, opening my eyes so I'm staring at the wall by the door. It's white. Sort of dusty, now, but pretty white. After I nod, I scoot over till I'm on the edge of the bed. It hurts a lot. Not the worst pain, but not the best. A few seconds later the bed starts to move. Rattle around and wiggle like.....duh, someone's getting into it. This someone being Negan. His body sort of presses to mine, more his side presses to my back. But it's....good. Better than before. Weird I've been sleeping with my back pressed against a wall, now Negan's there. "I'm fucking sorry if I fucking scared you. Did I fucking scare you?" He asks. You should lay on your back. Your side hurts, you should lay on your back. But Negan's probably comfortable. Shouldn't disturb him. Answer him. You need to answer him. "Yes." I answer quietly. No moving. I don't want to right now. Not in the mood. Too scared. I flinch at his hand on my arm. "I told you I won't fucking hurt you. You need more than fucking that?" He asks. more than your word? Quite possibly. It's....just fear. I just nod. "I'm fucking sorry. You know I don't say that a fucking lot, but I'm fucking saying it now. You know how I fucking get when one of my fucking girls steps the fuck out. Put trust in em, they go turning it the fuck around on me. How bad is your fucking side?" He asks. Oh it's Yuma. Yeah, that's understandable. She hurt him. Hurt his pride, hurt his trust. She shouldn't have hurt him. It's a hard thing to do. If he trusts you, and you break that, I haven't seen anyone get it back fully. Dwight stepped on his trust once when he took those two girls out. Negan still doesn't trust him and that was a good few weeks ago. So he's probably never going to put her in as his wife again. She's destroyed any trust he had. She'll never get it back. He probably assigned her to work far away from him. "Neg-Negan?" I ask, turning onto my back. He's glaring at the wall in front of us. When I say his name, though, he grunts. "C-can-can-can- " I sigh. "Can wwwwe.......sw-swit-switch? P=pl-laces?" I ask. Can't lay on my side facing him if he's on my left side. "Why- Oh. Yeah alright." He moves and before long he's out of the bed. It's such a simple movement, but I honestly didn't know it'd hurt so much. Just simple movements like that. I move to the left side of the bed and settle on my side. He climbs in, and it's settled. Good. I have to work some courage up, but it doesn't take too long. Not really. My hand finds it's way to his mid chest. It's okay. People do this to feel better. People do this to comfort others. It's a comfort thing. "Sorry." I mumble quietly. Maybe this is too forward. Should I take my hand back? I do just that, or go to. He winds up grabbing my wrist. Guess this IS okay. Which is good. It's good. This is good. "Get some fucking sleep, Doll." He orders. As long as You do, Negan. Only if you do. His other arm, the one not holding my hand to his chest, is wrapped around my back. This is a very comfortable position, as long as you don't account for the pain in my side. He smells good, too. Sleep, right. Sleep.
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purrfics · 7 years
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Summary: Nancy opens up on some history to Flake and Darryn and Melissa are upset over the camp. Chapter: Nine - Keeping It Old Style Author’s Note:
[Masterpost] [Quotev] [Blog]
Melissa holds Darryn’s hand as they stand at the edge of the camp, watching as the sun rises above the mountains and shines down on their faces.
“It’s rather beautiful, isn’t it?” Melissa says, squeezing Darryn’s hand.
“Yeah. It’s lovely.” He tells her, his eyes squinting as the rays hit against his face. Melissa leans forward slightly, looking down at the valley below them.
“Why do you think they decided to camp here, out of all places?”
“It’s secluded.” Darryn tells her, looking around. “Nothing is around, It’s the perfect place to be, I think.”
Melissa nods, thinking to herself for a moment. “Why do you want to leave, then?”
“Really?” Darryn asks, laughing slightly. “You know why.”
“Not really. I just know you don’t like that Flake guy.”
“He’s shady, Mel, I don’t like it one bit.”
“Well. You don’t seem to like anything, do you? Come on, let’s go get something to eat, I’m starved.” Melissa smiles, pulling at his hand. Darryn turns, grinning briefly at her as they walk down the pathway.
Grace and Sabrina stand at the food storage as Drake comes wandering along, stopping as he spots the two girls standing in similar stances, their arms crossing, biting their lip, leaning more on one foot than the other.
“Is there something wrong?” Drake asks out of curiosity.
“We’re running low, we’re trying to figure out a way to make sure everyone eats.” Grace tells him without looking away from the pile, her eyes moving across the different types of food lying.
“I think Flake said he’ll take some of us out for a mission tomorrow. We’ll probably have to walk.” Drake says as he begins walking away. Grace just mutters a “uh hu” in response. Her eyes linger before she looks towards Sabrina, squinting at her as she reaches over, using her thumb and index finger to pull a twig from her hair.
“Hey!” Sabrina calls out of surprise, feeling her hair.
“Did you goto bed dirty?” Grace questions, rubbing her fingers together until the dirt falls from her skin. “You look nasty.”
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry.”
“Like you’ve been rolling in the mud.” Grace adds.
“Mark and I were playing a game, that’s all.” Sabrina tells her, walking over to the pile and picking up a can. “Want some?” She offers, changing the subject as just earlier she had snuck back into camp after a small adventure outside the walls.
Grace shrugs, “Sure.”
Flake rolls his neck, yawning as he sits at his desk, sitting back in the chair as he stretches back, the front legs of his chair coming off of the ground as he yawns again. A small knock comes from outside the door.
“Come in!” Flake calls from the desk, standing to his feet as the door slowly opens. Nancy pops her head around the door.
“Hey…” She says slowly, pushing herself inside, holding the door so it’s just ajar.
“Can I help you?” Flake asks.
“Yeah. I just wanted to say thank you for taking us in yesterday.” She begins, leaning against the door until it closed behind her. “It was real nice of you.”
Flake looks at her, her stance leaning right against the door as it clicked behind her, her eyes barely making eye contact.
“There’s no problem. Gotta stick together.”
“Yeah-- I wanted to talk to you about something. Do you have time?” She asks, biting her lip.
“I always have time, what is it?”
Nancy puts her hands behind her back, her wrist held in her hand as she doddled towards Flake as he sat back in his seat.
“I know who you are.”
Molly and Sammy sit in their bedroom, holding two dolls in their hands as they quietly play. Jessica sighs as she watches them from the living room through the open bedroom door, Robbie standing beside her as Scrap sniffs around the kitchen.
“You don’t need to put all the pressure on yourself, you know that right?” Robbie tells her as Jessica sighs loudly.
“Pressure of what?”
“You know, taking care of them. It’s not just your sole responsibility.”
“Yeah-- I guess I know that.” Jessica tells him, rubbing her eyes. Robbie inches closer to her, wrapping one hand around the back of her neck and bringing her into a hug. Jessica huffs into his shoulder, wrapping one arm around his body as he wrapped his other arm around her. “Thanks.”
“No problem. You know I’m here for you and all these people out there are, too.” Robbie tells her as they break away from the hug.
“I just wish life wasn’t this unfair.” Jessica says.
“Sometimes It’s just like that.”
“You know who I am?” Flake questions, squinting at her. Nancy takes a deep breath, sitting in the seat opposite him.
“I was a freelance reporter working in Manhattan in early 2010. It wasn’t the best job in the world but I got to travel around alot.” Nancy begins explaining, shuffling in her seat as Flake’s gaze never leaves her. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to ruin your reputation or anything. It was a small case and I doubt these people know who you are.”
“Continue.” Flake tells her after a moment's silence, leaning back in her seat.
“Uh-- Well. I found out about your case, the murder case. It was really interesting, not to say that you-- Nevermind. I did a lot of research on you, Sebastian-- Sebastian Flake, 34 years old when he killed Francis Holden.”
“That case was thrown out. Nothing came from it.”
Nancy nods, “Yeah. I thought that you were framed when the reports I found started to come in. I don’t care if you did it or not. I don’t even know why I’m telling you that I know. I just want you to know that I know.”
“Okay. I understand.” Flake tells her, the colour seeming to drain from his face slightly.
“I just want to know that my friends and I are safe in your company.” She adds.
“You are. You know the whole story, you should be able to make that decision on your own.”
“Yeah. I do know the whole story and frankly, It doesn’t matter if you did it out of cold blood or you did it for some other reasons. I did enough research to know that what you did was not morally wrong.”
“I’d rather us to be done here.” Flake says.
“Of course. I didn’t come here to make your uncomfortable or frightened. I actually came here to warn you, not exactly a warning but more of a friendly gesture.”
“Which is?”
“People you meet out there may know who you are and that may put your life or your position as leader at risk. I would suggest telling people about this but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I presume nobody knows and if you’d prefer to keep it that way, I’ll keep my mouth shut as will you.”
“Thank you.” Flake mutters.
Nancy stands up, “Thank you for letting me talk to you. I hope our alliance stays strong between our two groups.” She smiles, holding her hand out. Flake shakes her hand quickly and she makes her way towards the door, pulling it open and making her way out.
Flake sighs, sinking more into his chair and squeezing his eyes shut, tapping his fingers against his chair.
Grace puts the metal tin down on the porch as her and Sabrina sat on the porch. Sabrina’s legs crossed on the top stair and Grace’s head resting in her hand.
“Hmmmm” Grace hums, swaying her legs.
“what’re you doin’?” Sabrina asks.
“I’m thinkin’... D’ya wanna do something today?” Grace asks, sitting up and turnin to look at her sister.
“Like what?”
“Uhhh, I don’t know. Maybe so--”
A loud scream suddenly rumbles through camp.
Darryn falls into his backside as one of the undead grab at his ankle, snapping their teeth as it pulls itsself along the ground, half it’s legs missing. He grumbles as he sends his foot flying towards the undead’s face, snapping it’s neck back as it losens his grip. Darryn manages to crawl away and stand up.
“What’s going on?!” Drake asks, running over with Robbie, Melissa and Grace close behind.
“This thing--” Darryn smashes his foot down on the dead’s head, causing it’s brains to splatter across the ground, he stamps down twice more to make sure it’s dead. “Attacked me, In the camp!”
“How is that possible?” Drake says, mostly to himself.
“You tell me, genius! You say this place is safe?”
“They can’t get inside. It’s impossible for them to climb inside the fence.”
“Well maybe your logic isn’t exactly correct.” Darryn snaps,wiping his foot roughly against the dirt, smearing blood across the ground.
“Where is Flake? I want to speak to him.” Darryn asks.
“Yeah-- Me too!” Melissa pipes up, pushing past Grace rather roughly.
Flake suddenly appears, walking up the pathway. “What’s going on?” He asks, rather casually.
“Oh. I’ll tell you what’s going on.” Darryn begins moving quickly towards Flake, his fists clenching. Robbie suddenly steps sideways a little and grabs Darryn, attempting to hold him back. Darryn swings his arm and shoves Robbie aside.
“Hey!” Grace snaps, practically catching Robbie in her arms.
“Your camp almost got me killed.” Darryn snaps as he reaches Flake, just inches away from his as he spits in his face. “We’re leaving. Your camp isn’t safe.”
“It’s safe. The walls are secure.” Flake tells him, trying to achieve a louder volume than him, although it didn’t seem to be working.
“I could have died and it would have been blood on your hands.”
“Then leave.” Flake bluntly says after taking a few seconds of silence. Darryn scoffs, kicking the dirt slightly.
“Fine. We will.” He tells him, emphasising the ‘We’ as he begins walking away. Melissa puts her hands on her head, pushing her hair up as she groans loudly. She starts storming after Darryn.
“This isn’t over.” She says as she passes the foursome, her shoulder hitting off of Flake’s as she makes her way after Darryn
Darryn opens the door to the cabin where he finds Nancy, Tanya and Carlos talking. They look up at him, eyebrows raised as he grabs his gun.
“We’re leaving.”
“Woah-- What’re you talking about?” Carlos asks, standing up.
“Flake doesn’t want us here. He even said.”
“What? Did he say that?” Nancy asks, her voice rather shaky.
“Yeah, why?” Darryn asks, leaning to his side as he looks at her. “Did he say somethin’ to you?”
“No! He didn’t I was just wondering…”
“Well. He did say that. He said for us to leave.”
“I don’t think he meant it like that.” Melissa says as she makes her way inside the cabin, closing the door behind her.
“What do you mean?” Tanya asks.
“Come on baby. You know we can’t leave. You can’t be so ridiculous.” Melissa pouts, moving over to Darryn and taking his hand. “Just a few more nights?” She asks, fluttering her eyelashes. Darryn bites the inside of his lip, clenching his fist.
“I don’t know, Mel.”
“Come on, Darryn. We can’t go out there anyways.”
Melissa winks at Darryn, unnoticable to anyone else but him. Darryn smirks at Mel. “We leave first thing in three days?” He requests, Melissa shrugs.
Robbie approaches the cabin door, raising his fist to knock against the wood.
“Be careful. Don’t want any of ‘em to bite your head off.” Grace comments as she wanders past, gesturing her head towards the cabin.
“Yeah. I’ll be careful.” Robbie says as he knocks against the door. Tanya opens it, her eyebrows raising.
“Oh, hi! I didn’t expect anyone to come by.” She says.
“Yeah, I was just checking on you to make sure you’re okay and not leaving.” Robbie tells her, “I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced, either, I’m Robbie. Mind if I come in?” He asks.
“Oh, sure! It’s a bit messy but…” She moves for him to enter, which he does. He spots Carlos sitting at the small table in the kitchen and Nancy lying on the couch. Tanya clears her throat to get the attention of the two sitting in sight. Carlos raises his head.
“Hello!” He exclaims, standing up. “Sorry, for Darryn and Melissa, for earlier.” He immediantly says.
“It’s fine.” Robbie says, shaking his head.
“We don’t have any intentions to leave.” Carlos tells him, Robbie nods, smiling.
“I’m glad. You could be useful here.” Robbie tells him.
“Good, we’re happy to be here.”
“Where are they, anyways? Darryn and Melissa?” Robbie asks.
“In the bedroom. It would probably be best not to disturb them.” Carlos says quietly. Robbie raises an eyebrow, shook.
Grace walks until she reaches Sabrina, who lingers at the front gate. She snekas behind her and quickly clamps her hands down on Sabrina’s shoulder. Sabrina practically lets out a loud scream, shaking slightly as she turns.
“Hey, don’t do that!”
“Me and you, tonight, let’s play jenga.” Grace tells her, poking her sister lightly in the chest.
“Where did you find Jenga?” Sabrina asks, shoving her hands into her pockets rather awkwardly.
“In Mika’s bedroom. I thought maybe we could play and maybe Jessica could join us with the kids?”
“Mmm, maybe. Sure.” Sabrina shrugs, Grace rolls her eyes.
“It’s just one game of Jenga, Sabby.”
“It’s a two player game?!” Sabrina yells jokingly, reaching her hand over while it’s still tucked into her jacket pocket, hitting Grace slightly with it.
“Okay, whatever! I’ll make a makeshift twister mat or something.” She shrugs, smiling.
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