#''willll can you figure out what's the right one :(?''
hazmatazz · 1 year
you think lumax and byler are the same until you imagine them playing animal crossing. max would do nothing but hit lucas with a net while he's doing something and mike and will would somehow share a bell account
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midnxghtsunwrites · 4 years
previous post
warning: ⚠ domestic abuse ahead ⚠
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FOR THE SIXTH TIME IN TWO hours, Nadine's phone blares its annoying ringtone. She could only assume that those calls are coming from the same people she's been avoiding for the past week. Nadine has managed to take the week off of work to avoid seeing Gemma and/or Jax.
Now, she's sat in a bar on a Friday night, sipping on a gin and tonic and bobbing her head to the music playing over the speakers.
She glances at her screen to see the familiar name pop up.
Jackson Teller.
She was in her feelings when she changed his name in her phone and she doesn't see herself changing it back in the near future. Honestly, she doesn't know what to do. It seems impossible to avoid these people considering everywhere she turns, someone associated with the club is in her face.
Of course, her friendship with Lyla was the only constant and based on the fact that the porn star brings up Jax in every one of their conversations, he knows it too. Does she want to just wait it out until they're tired of trying to reach out to her or does she try to make another getaway?
She just got here and she loves her job and her kids and she already can't imagine leaving them.
Guess she'll have to suck it up.
"I really can't tell if you're drunk or just vibing," The voice belongs to a black woman who'd been sitting beside Nadine for the better part of thirty minutes. She has an eyebrow raised and a glass of scotch raised to her lips, "Or both."
Nadine shakes her head in amusement, "Definitely both." Sticking a hand out, she introduces herself, "Nadine."
"Amelia." The woman shakes the teacher's hand, "Why haven't I seen you around before?"
"That is a great question," Nadine jokes as she sips her drink. She's barely tipsy, which is far from where she wants to be. The conversation continues to flow as the woman is drowned out by Nadine's phone blaring obnoxiously for the third time in ten minutes, the teacher ignoring every call.
Noting this, Amelia tilts her head in interest, "Boyfriend?"
The teacher scrunches her face at the thought, "Nope."
"I wish."
"Almost boyfriend?"
At Amelia's teasing tone, Nadine rolls her eyes in amusement, "Definitely not."
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NADINE WAS DOWN THREE GLASSES of whiskey before she felt the effects of the alcohol on her senses. She giggles, fruitlessly as she tries to drink from her glass only to miss completely and basically pour it down her shirt.
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Amelia bursts out into laughter, drunk to her ass. The women had been drowning themselves in tequila shots — for reasons they choose not to admit. Apparently, Amelia has lived in Charming her whole life — she's an OR nurse at St. Thomas's Hospital and extremely talented when it comes to her job.
Nadine didn't get much more than that.
"Oh, crap," Nadine snorts as the woody aroma from the alcohol wafts to her nostrils.
Amelia points in amusement, her eyes squinted as a loud laugh escapes her, "You smell like a bar!"
The teacher nods and leans back on her stool, almost falling on her back, "That's 'cause we're in a bar, silly!"
Staggering forward, Nadine peers through the mirrored wall behind the shelves of alcohol — the clear space allows her to look at the rest of the bar patrons behind her. She takes note of the large spot on her grey shirt and groans, exaggeratedly as she throws her head back.
Luckily, drunk Nadine still has some sort of logical reasoning, "I'll be right back — I gotta clean this up before it stains."
Amelia just tilts the rim of her glass of scotch towards the teacher and sends her a dopey smile, "Have fuuun." She sings, joyfully.
"I willll," Nadine mimics as she throws cash for the drinks on the bar counter.
Fortunately, the dark spot hadn't dried in the time it took Nadine to go through the line of women standing outside of the bathroom. A lack of stalls seemed to be the verdict for the long queue. Standing there in the bathroom, she hovers over the sink, wiping a damp paper towel over her tank top.
The stain is almost out — the woody smell being replaced by stale tap water. She should've just kept the stain there if that's the case.
Suddenly, it's like time stops. Chills run down her back and the hairs on the back of her necks rise. Goosebumps line her arms as she furrows her eyebrows. There's a sinking feeling in her gut — so deep that Nadine is knocked out of her drunken stupor and forced to grab on to the ceramic sink.
Almost as if she could predict it, there's a knock on the door. Nadine blinks profusely and calls to the person, "Someone's in here." That doesn't make the person on the other side back off — no, instead, the doorknob that was once locked is twisted and pushed open.
So much for locking the door. She ponders.
The figure that enters is tall — and so familiar. It's too dark for her to see a face but for a moment, Nadine assumes that Jax found her. She didn't put it past him considering he has so many connections that probably tipped him off and she doesn't put it past him to break down any barriers between them.
This leads her to her beginning sentence, "You don't have to check up on me, Jax. I just need time to myself."
As the figure steps closer, Nadine's breath hitches in her throat. Fuck. Tears fill her eyes as she looks upon the man that's caused her so much turmoil for two years. The man she fucking ran away from. Ezra Moore in all his mysterious obscurity stands just feet away from her.
She tries not to let her gaze shift to the pepper spray in her bag.
The man smirks, sadistically as he steps further into the room, almost steps away from his target, "This place should really get some better locks."
As his patronizing tone, Nadine jumps towards her bag on the sink, only to be shoved backward by her assailant. Her back lands against the filthy tiled wall and he holds her there, a grimey hand wrapped around her neck.
There were times when she loved to peer into those chocolate brown eyes — they used to give her a certain comfort. Now, they're the epitome of terrifying.
"What? You thought you could get away from me, you little bitch?" He growls, leaning so close into Nadine that the palm of his hand pushes into her larynx and the stench of cigarettes and nasty beer invades her senses. "No matter how far you go, what name you use, or if you change your phone — I will always fucking find you."
"Please —"
"Shut the fuck up!" He yells into her face, spit flying to land on her cheek (the way my COVID brain just threw up). "You know you can't run from me, Nadine." His voice lowers as he jerks her head to the side and leans towards her ear. His lips wrap around her lobe, bringing tears to her eyes. His grip tightens, taking her breath from her — "You've been a little slut since you left me, haven't you? Fucking Jax Teller? That little biker I've been seeing around here?"
She can't speak. She can't breathe.
Ezra doesn't care.
"Answer me!"
Whipping her head around swiftly, she shakes her head and gapes her mouth, wanting to speak but no words can make it past Ezra's tight grip. Seeing this, he loosens it for a split second so Nadine can muster a small, "No."
That wasn't the answer he was looking for, "Don't fucking lie to me! That's all you've been doing since I met you." He forces her to look at him, frowning for a moment at the sight of tears running down her cheeks, "You're a fucking liar, you know that? And such an actress. Even right now — all these crocodile tears that you've been saving for me. For two years. All that fake love. Did you even love me?"
Nadine watches in pure horror as Ezra's voice breaks and tears begin to fly down his face. This man is insane, she sobs. Thoughts flurry through her mind as his grip loosens significantly. She's so taken aback that even her mind seems to be lagging. She wants to go home where the locks work.
"I did." She whispers, cringing as her voice cracks, "I-I do. I do love you, Ezra." It pains her to speak these lies, but she has to go and the only way to do that is to feed into his crazed actions, "I love you, baby. So much." She lifts a shaky hand to cup his cheeks, willing her tears away at the thought of touching her oppressor. "I'm sorry I left you. I don't know what I was thinking."
Her back stiffens when he falls into her, dropping his head into the crook of her neck. He sobs, savoring the feeling as she runs a hand through his scalp. It was something she did years ago to help him out whenever he had a stressful day — she used to love doing it.
Now, she feels like she needs to take a shower in acid to scrub the feeling of him off.
Her neck is sore when he releases her — surely, she has bruises.
Now is her time to get away — with that thought, she swiftly thrusts her knee up in between his legs and pushes him off of her body. He falls to the floor with a pained groan, cupping his groin.
"You bitch!" He screams at her as she shuffles along quickly to make her getaway. She snatches her bag from the sink, grabs her pepper spray and unleashes hell on the man writhing on the floor. He screams bloody murder before Nadine exits the room, closing the door behind her.
Nadine tries to wipe away the messy mascara under her eyes before heading for the exit of the bar, ignoring as Amelia calls after her.
The teacher drove home in fear that her shaky hands would make her swerve into oncoming traffic. That and her blurry vision, eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears. She's spent too much of her life crying over that man — she'll be damned if he gets anymore from her.
Taking extra precautions, she checks behind her every few seconds to make sure she isn't being tailed — even taking the long way home.
When she arrives at her apartment complex, she double checks the locks on her car before making her way up the stairs, her key already in one hand and her pepper spray in the other. When she sees another figure crouched by her door, the woman jumps. She doesn't want any more surprises tonight.
As she steps closer, arm extended with her pepper spray, her eyes catch sight of the familiar dark hair and the lit end of a cigarette. Nadine holds her breath as she realizes that that cigarette belongs to the woman she's been ignoring for the past week.
With a broken voice, Nadine freezes and whispers, "Gemma?"
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elvendara · 8 years
Elmwood Ch 4
Elmwood Reading List
I feel like I should add a trigger warning. There is some torture and mental anguish at the end. Sorry!
“You idiot! You were supposed to be watching him!” Jumin was livid and screaming at the guard in charge of Saeran.
Saeyoung and Yoosung were stunned. Both feeling a strange sense of betrayal, albeit for different reasons. Yoosung thought he had been getting through to Saeran, that he had made a connection.
“I’m sorry Saeyoung, I thought, I thought…” he couldn’t finish, breaking out into a sob.
“Not your fault Yoosung. You did what you could. That lich has a hold of him somehow, we won’t get him back until we deal with her.” Yoosung nodded as Saeyoung patted him on the back. He had to agree with Saeyoung’s assumption. Something had been holding Saeran back, no matter how close he had come to trusting Yoosung.
“We will stay with Jumin and his band. If he is going after her, I want to be there too. I willll help him rescue his brother, if he will help me rescue mine.” His jaw was set, the course decided on. Yoosung merely nodded again. They would find them, they would save them. They had to.
“We just lost our best chance to find her.” Jumin fumed, he was no longer yelling but his anger was still palpable.
He strode around the area where Saeran had been the night before. He was casting a spell the words he used taking form in wisps of smoke emanating from his mouth. They streamed out, creating a circle above where Saeran had lain, Jumin uttered a final word and the smoke exploded outwards dissipating. He stared at the area, his eyes seemingly focused on something no one else could see. After a few minutes, his eyes grew large and he turned away in frustration.
“Gah!” he spat on the ground. “That foul demon!”
“What did you see?” Jaehee asked.
“She gifted him with shadow magic! Why did I not detect magic in him? He could have escaped at any time.”
“Shadow magic?” Zen asked.
“It allows the user to travel from shadow to shadow. You could conceivably traverse the world, as long as there are shadows to inhibit.” Yoosung explained. “They can also be used to cloak oneself, but, that kind of magic drains the body.”
“Yes, the boy is using his own life’s essence to fuel the magic.” Jumin finished.
Yoosung and Saeyoung exchanged glances.
Saeyoung asked Yoosung, “What does that mean?”
“It means every time he uses the ability, it shortens his lifespan. It’s small increments, but they add up.” Yoosung responded.
“And judging by the kind of work Rika has him doing, he is bound to have used it considerably.” Said Jumin.
“So, he is slowly killing himself?” Saeyoung was shocked.
“Yes.” Was Jumin’s cold answer.
“Something else is bothering me. I should have been able to sense it as well. Shadow magic is dark magic, evil, it should have been palpable. How was it hidden from both a cleric and a mage?”
“Good question, another one to add to the list of research I need to do. Pack up, we move out as soon as possible.” Jumin walked towards his tent.
“We’re coming with you.” Saeyoung said.
“I know.” He shot over his shoulder. Stopping a moment later he turned around to face Saeyoung. “We should still visit that psyonicist, he could be helpful in figuring out what to do about the mind control she has on both our brothers.” Saeyoung nodded, everything was worth a try.
“Mind control, yeah.” Zen muttered.
“Zen!” Jaehee scolded.
Saeyoung and Yoosung looked at the beautiful silver elf questioningly. Jaehee’s lips were tight as a drum, but the tall elf merely smirked.
“Jumin’s brother V was next in line to the throne.” He began.
“Enough Zen.” Jaehee whispered harshly. Flicking her eyes to the tent in which Jumin had disappeared.
“If they travel with us, they have a right to know. Do not argue with me.” His tone was harsh, but his eyes were soft. Jaehee sighed and nodded in assent.
“He fell in love with a beautiful and kind sun elf. This is not technically forbidden, but as the heir to the throne, he was expected to take on a high elf wife. He balked, of course, he was in love. But his father forbade him to ever see her again. Rika... “
“Rika?” Yoosung and Saeyoung echoed, incredulous.
“Yes, the one and the same. She was a capable mage but her power was relatively weak. She desperately wanted to help people, but her thin power was not enough. She tried many things to enhance it, nothing worked for long. Then she turned to dark magic. I’m sure she told herself that she would use it for good, but you know once you begin down that road…”
“You end up wanting more and more power.” Yoosung finished.
“Exactly.” Zen agreed with a wink for Yoosung.
“It began to consume her until all that was left was her desire for more and more power, her original intent forgotten. She convinced V to run away with her, that they could be happy together, away from the elven court. The fact that V had a younger brother that could become the next heir helped. He left with her. Jumin can believe whatever he wants, but I do not think that Rika cast a spell on him, or controlled his mind, I think he left and stays with her willingly because he loves her.”
“That is only conjecture, we do not know for sure.” Jaehee countered.
“But if you are right, then there is no saving him.” Saeyoung said.
“Agreed. If I am right, Jumin will have to come to that conclusion on his own, and I fear it will be a painful one.”
“You sound almost sympathetic, I thought you did not like him.” Saeyoung alleged.
“I hate that haughty privileged lord!” Zen spat. “But even I know that what he does he does for family and love, and that, I cannot hate. If I had family, I would do the same.” He looked down, clearly upset, and walked towards his own tent.
Jaehee watched his back, sadness in her eyes.
“I imagine he has his own story?” Saeyoung asked softly.
“Do we not all?” her eyes clouded over, as if remembering her own.
Saeyoung had to agree, his own story was anything but pleasant. He strode to his horse, Yoosung had already saddled it and his own. His earliest memories were of when he and Saeran were five years old. Their mother was a whore who worked for money, food, or a pretty trinket. The hovel they inhabited had no extra rooms, so when she “entertained” the twins would leave. They walked the streets, usually with no shoes, and always dirty. One day they followed a family, a father, mother, and son that appeared to be their own age. He wore a clean, crisp, white tunic and wool overcoat that looked warm. His breeches were the same olive green as the overcoat and fit him perfectly. There were no holes in his shoes and the leather was well worn and shiny. They were entranced by the stylish family. The mother and father smiled at each other and held their son’s hands. What would that feel like?
The family stopped at a sweets stall and asked their son what he wanted. He chose a fruit pastry and a bagful of honey roasted nuts. The twins watched greedily, they had never tasted anything so fine. The boy turned away from his parents as they haggled with the merchant and saw the twins in the alleyway watching him hungrily. He had taken a bite of his pastry and chewed slowly. Saeyoung knew he should pull his brother away but he was just as mesmerized by the sweets. Saeran stepped out and approached the boy.
He smiled at the twins, “Hello, do you want some?” he held out the bag of nuts to the Saeran. His parents turned and saw the dirty street urchin and their son holding out the bag to him. The mother screamed and her hands flew to her mouth, terrified. The father grabbed his son and yanked him back so hard the boy lost hold of the bag and the nuts went scattering all over the cobbles.
“Stay away from my son you filthy vagrant!” the father screeched.
Saeran’s eyes filled with tears and he shrank back. Saeyoung took hold of his brother and pulled him close.
“Fuck off you putrid piece of dung!” he screamed at the man. The man’s eyes widened and he grabbed his family and shuffled away as fast as they could. Once they were out of sight Saeyoung knelt and began to pick up the nuts, putting them in the dropped bag. He grabbed his brother’s hand and ran back towards their home. He stopped them under an awning in front of a closed shop and they huddled in the entryway. Saeyoung looked around, making sure they were safe. Then he pulled out the bag, opened it and stared at the golden treasure within. He pulled one out and handed it to his brother. Saeran’s eyes were wide as he grabbed the nugget and slowly placed it in his mouth. His eyes closed as the sweet nectar exploded in his mouth. They ate the entire bag, Saeyoung making sure Saeran ate the most. The look on his brother’s face made him glad.
Saeyoung smiled at the memory.
“What is that for?” Yoosung asked, bringing Saeyoung out of his reverie.
“I was just thinking about how much Saeran loved sweets. I wonder if he still does?” He rolled up his blanket and tied it to the back of the saddle, he went around the horse and checked his bags and weapons.
“Move Out!” Jumin sat on the wagon’s bench next to a guard who was driving the horses. He had large book in his hands, opening it and flipping through the pages. Jaehee rode in the back and appeared to be stretching her limbs. Zen was already on his horse, plate mail shiny and gleaming, just like him. The rest of the guards were spread in front and behind the wagon. They began to move, Saeyoung and Yoosung quickly mounted their horses and followed the wagon.
“I want to talk to Jumin. I will be right back.” He spurred his horse forward until he was beside the wagon next to Jumin.
Jumin closed his book and glanced at Saeyoung.
“I am sorry about your brother. I know what it feels like to have lost someone you love. To have them back and lose them again…I am sorry.”
“Thank you. I…uh…appreciate that.” They continued in silence, nothing else needing to be said.
“I am curious about something you said earlier. You said Saeran could have escaped at any time. Why did he stay as long as he did?”
“I have been wondering about that as well. It could be that he thought he could still gain the objective he was tasked with. Or, learn some information important enough to take back to his master.”
“What do you think they were after?”
“Me. She has been trying to kill me for years.” He shook his head. “But this attack felt different. No, they were after something. I just wish I knew what it was.”
“It would have been helpful to keep Saeran talking.” Saeyoung glanced at the short haired mage. “I have a different theory.”
“About?” Jumin’s eyebrows rose.
“About why he stayed so long. I think it is because of Yoosung.”
“The half-breed?” Jumin scoffed.
Saeyoung’s glare was enough to silence the mage.
“His name is Yoosung! And a better person I have never met. No matter how much you disdain him, put him down, call him names, if you need help, he will give it to you and expect nothing in return. Can you say the same?”
“The world does not work that way.”
“Yoosung’s world does. He…he has a way of worming into your heart when you are not looking.” Saeyoung recalled his own experience with this. “I felt the same a you when I first met Yoosung. He smiles too much, he is too trusting, you do not have to steal from him, all you have to do is ask him for what you want, he will give it to you if it is within his power to do so.” Saeyoung smiled at the memory of Yoosung taking his boots off and giving them to the man who had just robbed him because the man’s own boots had no soles.
He shook his head, “There is something special about his spirit and it has nothing to do with his god. No, I think, somehow, Yoosung made a connection with Saeran. Something I do not think Saeran has had in a long time. Not since…”
“He was with you? He is not just your brother, he is your twin, yes?” asked Jumin.
“Indeed, that is a very powerful and magical connection.”
Saeyoung nodded.
“If you are right, then our most powerful weapon against him is the cleric…” he glanced sideways at Saeyoung before uttering, “Yoosung.” Saeyoung nodded and they both turned around to stare at the object of their discussion.
Yoosung rode his horse between the wagon and the two guards in the rear. His blonde hair loose around his shoulders and his clerical robes once more pristine. His face was solemn and Saeyoung knew he thought about Saeran and what he might have done wrong and what he could and would do better next time. Yoosung never gave up on anyone. He worried that Yoosung would only end up getting hurt. He wanted his brother back, but he had to admit to himself that it might not be possible, that he was too far gone and in the clutches of the bitch queen.
Watching Yoosung, he had to hope for the best, because that is what Yoosung would do. He smiled once more, nodded to Jumin and fell back to ride beside his best friend.
“Stop lying to me Saeran!” Rika stood in front of him. His body was bound to the cold stone wall at his ankles and wrists by iron shackles.
“Why do you make me do this?” she purred into his ear as she ran her fully fleshed fingers down his jaw, his neck, and his chest.
“I have the reports of the contingent that went with you to recover the staff. They told me about the blonde half-elf. And the red-head. They captured you because you were weak, because you were soft, because YOOSUNG captured your heart. I thought your heart belonged only to me.” She whined, digging her nails into his flesh.
“NO!” Saeran screamed. “They mean nothing to me! I only stayed to try and obtain the staff. I swear.”
“So, love had nothing to do with it?”
“Love??” Saeran laughed. “What do I need with love? My heart is black as coal, you should know.”
“Ah, but, your actions prove otherwise. Imagine his face, his lavender eyes, his blonde hair, his milky white skin. Imagine his lips, his mouth, his soothing words in your ear. Can you see him?” she teased quietly.
“No, no, no.” Saeran shook his head, trying to keep the image of Yoosung out of his head, but he was failing. He remembered how close he had been to the half-elf’s face, the heat of his breath, the smell of his hair, the thrill that went through him when Yoosung had said his name.
“Yes, perfect.” Rika snarled before shooting Saeran with electric energy through her fingertips. He screamed, throwing his head back slamming it against the stone. His short hair stood on end and his body shook with pain.
“Again!” she ordered.
“No, please, stop.” He pleaded, but her intrusion sent the image of Yoosung inside his head once more, the gentle eyes, the calming resolve, the self-assured certainty that Saeran could be trusted someday. And just as he embraced those images, another bolt of energy was sent through him. The pain encapsulating him and screeching through his nerves. He screamed yet again, the images of Yoosung burning away into ash.
“You can make the pain stop Saeran.” She cooed at him, licking the side of his face. His breathing was harsh and tears smeared his face. The dark coal he used to line his eyes streaking over his cheeks.
“Can you see his face?” Saeran shook his head. “Can you feel his touch?” he squeezed his eyes shut and sobbed. He felt Yoosung’s warm hands cupping his face sending calm energy into him. He remembered not wanting the feeling to end. And then…more pain erupted from his abdomen and spread throughout his body. He arched his back, his arms and legs straining against the shackles, his screaming so loud his voice cracked from the strain on his vocal chords.
Over and over it went. Rika forcing Yoosung’s image into Saeran’s head then punishing him for it. Saeran’s body was covered with sweat and he sobbed uncontrollably, the weight of his body straining his wrists.
“Please…” he pleaded, the pain was unbearable.
“Please what?” Rika whispered in his ear.
“K…K…kill me.” He begged through the torrent of tears.
“Never.” She trilled and laughed in his face. She took his chin in her hand and tilted his face to stare into his minty green eyes. “If you want the pain to stop, you must eliminate the source. Whose fault is it Saeran? Whose fault is it that your world has come crumbling down? Whose fault is it that your body is wracked with pain? Whose fault is it?” she demanded.
“Y…Yoosung’s.” he cried. Rika grinned.
“Yes my lovely, it is all Yoosung’s fault. And how do you stop the pain?” she asked, eyes sparkling.
“K…Kill…him.” He grated through clenched teeth. Rika let go of him and twirled, raising her hands to the air and releasing a torrent of electric bolts, laughing hysterically.
This chapter may be a little rough. It was really hard writing that last bit and I just couldn’t go over it anymore. I’m sorry Saeran! Next chapter may not be till next week. Weekends are always busy and, well, hurting Saeran was hard.
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