#''or Offer New-born Children to the Devils''
colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
hi! Please ignore this request if you don't want to do it/your request are closed.
Do you think you could do a part 2 to hells angel? Or at least like more bonding moments between the two Im in love with father alastor sm 😭🙏
It’s not closed! It’s open, wide open and yes, I’ll happily write more for Papa Alastor! I’ll happily continue the little saga of Papa Alastor and his little fawn! Kinda short but I hope that’s okay!
Alastor- Shopping Trip
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“Is this one something you’d like, Princess?” Alastor asks gently, his voice both menacing because of the radio effect and soothing because of the genuine love pouring out uncontrollably, as he draws down an adorable puffy old-fashioned but colourful little dress, long sharp fingers snapped on the small silky shoulder straps slightly. A outfit just the right size for a young girl
Specifically, his little girl. Leitora, a unique deer-featured soul born from pure powerful demonic magic. The one now forming his own soul and heart, he is so glad birthing the little devil darling was successful
His precious baby daughter, a seven year old with matching little deer ears and crimson red gradient in her pretty long hair. She has been waiting a long time to be able to spend time with her father and now, Alastor has taken the whole day off from duties at the Hazbin Hotel, to spend it exploring a wild wondering sinner-filled shopping institution with his babygirl
“Yes, Père! I love it!” You immediately pipe out soft yet eccentric back, excited and hopping right in front of the Radio Demon as he quickly hooks this little clothing present onto the size-appropriate hanger it was originally left on and hands it to you without another word. He currently has a few more shopping bags over his left forearm and an another much bigger shopping bag over his right shoulder as well as your needed travel supplies in a cute old fashioned pastel schoolbag over both of his shoulders
Your father doesn’t mind carrying everything nor does he mind overspending. After all
This is a father-daughter all-day shopping trip
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. A pretty clothing store, full of women’s to men’s to children’s fashion. The fifth store you’ve gone in with Alastor since the pair of you woke up early in the morning and headed over to the biggest mall in the Pride Ring, the mall both of you stand in at this very moment. He has been needing to get you some new clothing for a while now so being able to get your opinion on the cute dresses, tights, accessorises, pyjamas and much more he picks out for you is simply perfect
Alastor has truly missed being able to spend time with you, even if it includes milking his credit card. You’re worth far more than all the wealth he’s stolen and gathered
Taking your hand with a lean down, Alastor waits patiently for you to take his offer as you quickly readjust the clothing store hanger holding up your cute little present. Moving that hanger from both hands to your wrist, you reach up and immediately grab his much bigger hand. Two to three fingers are enough to hold your whole hand, the size difference is simply precious
“Père! Père! Look! Look!” Speaking with a adorable little French accent upon pointing out and chiming excitedly in fluent French, Alastor’s crimson red eyes sharply fling away from the cute rows of female children’s clothing to the single rack of children’s hair accessorises to jewellery. The reason you pointed it out, only seconds after taking your beloved father’s hand was because you noticed something really pretty you wanted your father to see
“What is it, Princess?” Alastor lets you drag him over to the colourful rack, his own eyes wondering around with tall fluffy deer-like ears flicking a bit as if an instinctive twitch. You still have the dress your father handed to you and you reach up as a sign for Alastor to help you. Following your little cute pale fingers, the Overlord picks out a set retro pearl tassel hairpins. Something he never thought you’d like but it may fit with your red hair
He isn’t sure if he wants the metal touching your skull however, so he holds the white cardboard support holding the hairpins still, just scanning over them a bit firmly and if not protective over you
Until your voice breaks him out of his intense thought. His ears shooting up in shock as your own ears draw back slightly, not necessarily concerned but wondering why just a pair of cute accessorises would possibly make him fall so deep into a thinking trance
“Père… What’s wrong?” You’re now the one asking your father to speak to you with big sparkly eyes looking up at him, he takes a few seconds of his head shaking in slight disorientation before he finally gets back to his senses and speaks out his opinion, uncertain but yet uncertain if he wants to reject you
Alastor is not good at saying no to you, he’s good at giving out needed discipline and can be rather strict about specific things but when it comes to mundane things like a pair of mere hairpins, he doesn’t like to say no
What can be said? Alastor is the type of father to spoil his daughter absolutely rotten
“Princess… are you sure you want this one specifically?”
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bloogers-boogers · 5 months
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Anyways guess who finally got some sleep at the hotel? And also a nightmare! Yup, Adam
(Eden Adam AU)
-Cain and Bernadett-
In this Au Eve had abandoned Adam with their first born son Cain (who turned out to be Lucifer's son confirmed by the angels). Adam and Eve were seen as 'Night and Day' Adam represented humanity and hope, a bright future ahead of them. While Eve represented sin and darkness, an eventual death.
One cold night Eve had parted ways with Adam claiming she'd go fetch some of their clothing in the river while Adam looked for shelter to protect Cain who was sick from a really bad fever, he found the shelter, a cozy nice cave big enough for the three of them, he waited outside while Cain was tucked inside wrapped around the fabric of his robe, he stood for hours freezing himself in a hug waiting for the arrival of his wife. Yet she never returned. At first Adam remained hopeful she would return even after a period of him searching for her around the fields and woods; worried she may had gotten attacked or lost, yet still found nothing that could lead him to her.
The angels one day landed on earth, Adam was sparkling with joy hopeful that they knew where Eve was. Yet, they gave him a devasting news that almost broke him.
Informing him that Eve was seen leaving earth to join Lucifer in hell.
At first Adam couldn't believe it, there was no way Eve would abandoned them. She would never abandon Cain! Anger and betrayal surfacing and taking over cutting through his heart like an axe. He wasn't even given the time to process this after they also revealed Cain wasn't his and instead; was the son of the devil. Instinctively Adam hold on to Cain protectively thinking the worse of the angels, it was the only thing he had left, he wouldn’t be able to bare losing him too, but they reassured him they couldn't do anything as it wasn't in their right to do so. That Adam must pay for his sins (and for his wife's) and raising a son that wasn't his (the son of the devil) was enough of a punishment. However, they would return eventually to declare of the next solution to the now growing concern: The possible extinction of humanity. Now that mother of humanity was no longer in the picture, who would bare the children to the world? It was only Adam (male) and Cain (male, baby). So solutions needed to be discussed with, and pronto.
And oh, did they in fact, find another solution.
It took five years, five dreadful years alone raising his son Cain, alone. Through sickness and pain, starvation and fear, cold and heat; he did it all to keep his son alive. His gut told him that Cain would take his spot keeping humanity alive and he couldn't ask for anyone else better enough to take that role better from him. And somewhat he was right. The angels returned, finally giving him his new task, on what was going to happen next. He was prepared, he even made sure Cain looked presentable enough among the devine to show them the future ruler of earth.
So Bernadette was born. A beautiful baby girl with blonde curly hair and green eyes. She was made from leftover dirt from the creation of both Lilith and Adam. She was technically an 'equal' but she remained inferior to both first humans by the little amount use on her which is why she was made a baby instead of becoming Adam's third wife.
Her purpose was to be Cain's wife. As Adam had already guess, Cain would take his place as father of humanity and he was okay with that. However, his new purpose given was to raise the children until they were at the age to fend for themselves.
With time the children grew older, Cain was always by Adam's side no matter what. He was his biggest support in his most weakest moments, he was there to help him provide a safer living, he was a strong and caring boy, and Adam cherished his son more than anything the angels could've offer him. Bernadette was his biggest comfort, she'd hold him tight when things became too overwhelming, and knew the right words to cheer him up. She had a strong character, her emotions where always kept control, fearless and courageous. She kept them fed and made sure their home was always guarded while they hunt for food or other resources.
However he would not deny that he felt a bigger connection to Cain because of his mother and because he was there at his birth, he was there when Eve presented her first symptoms of pregnancy, the months of pain and struggling Eve dealt with while carrying him. He was his, blood or not.
But the angels had made it cleared that both children weren't Adam's. Adam would called them his family, angels would defined them as a group. Adam would call Cain his son, angels would call him son of Eve. Adam would claim that Bernadette was capable of doing the same tasks as Cain, angels would claim she shall not. Adam would claim that Bernadette was an equal to Cain (inferior), angels would remind him she was not (superior).
Bernadette would spend most of her time around the angels when they were present, they guided her through everything and they made it know that Adam was not her father and Cain was her soon to be husband. While with Cain they left him alone most of the time, and they let it slide for him to call Adam 'dad' as he was not much of their concern, conflicted opinions was casted on Cain when they had no choice but to resort for the second father of humanity. This difficulty was all linked being the son of the actual devil when Bernadette was not. Bernadette was their pride and joy. Cain was just… Cain.
With years passing by Bernadette became more beautiful, an absolute gem under a bunch of mud. Cain fell head over heels for her in a heartbeat. At this point the angels had separated Bernadette from Cain and Adam. Their claims were because there was still so much to prepare Bernadette before becoming mother of humanity, she would be the main leader of earth being Cain (corrupted) an inferior in their eyes and she should not indulge in sin just yet.
Both Cain and Adam protested not liking the idea of her being alone but angels stated they will guard her until she was ready to conceive a child.
Adam still didn't understand why she needed to be separated.
Another few years had past and the angels came back to Cain stating Bernadette was ready and she was now bride of Cain. Cain eager to greet Bernadette after years of not seeing her, was excited. However Adam took caution of the careful wording of the angels "your bride Bernadette, Cain" "Bernadette your husband" (having been used to the this sublime type of wordings the angels would use on them (on his son) this could be also seen as Bernadette not entirely belonging to Cain. Why didn't they use wife?)
Adam also notice that years really did went by fast, Bernadette was now a grown woman, completely changed and he wondered if she could see the changes on Cain too.
Cain had become stronger, he wasn't the same scrawny looking boy she had grown accustomed back when they were just children. He was well fitted, more than capable of protecting her and their soon growing family. He was the perfect provider and husband Bernadette deserves.
Adam was proud to say the least that he managed to do his job well on creating the perfect man and father of humanity earth needed. Now newlyweds lived separated from him.
However, thinking his duty was finally over, that was far from the case.
Bernadette showed no interest on pursuing Cain, neither was she impressed of his courting. Adam would try giving advice to his son but neither was he understanding of the matter considering he never needed to court Lilith or Eve to form some bond, they just did? Though, he knew the feeling of not being able to receive the affection from your spouse (Lilith) but there was a point Lilith and him were attracted to each other, it just didn't last long as what the angels would've wanted. Either way, his advice was pretty much useless because Bernadette made it too difficult to Cain.
She did what was told, she gave her body to Cain and was now expecting their firstborn. But eventually, Cain would come looking for him and tell him he couldn't feel the love being corresponded and that he yearn to feel her warmth. Adam sympathize with Cain, having felt this himself with Lilith.
But he really couldn't do anything.
What he didn't expect was for Bernadette to keep looking for him. Yes, she was wife to Cain and lived in separate homes but they weren't too far apart. Bernadette would give her part on the matter, complaining about Cain's lack of ability to understand her. Telling him that Cain would have temper tantrums and lash out on her. Things Cain never told Adam about but he knew his son well enough to know these were true. Cain was perfect in many ways but he had a temper, he was inpatient and impulsive. But it never went so far on causing too much damage. So maybe he should speak to him about it.
So far, Bernadette was still the sweet and caring girl he raised. Gentle, loving and soft spoken. Though, now there was more elegancy and grace in the way she spoke from being around the angels for far too long. She was also more frail looking compared to when she was with them, her rough edges had smoothened down with delicacy all of the lectures and teaching from the holy beings overshadowing her previous teachings of survival. Hopefully her skills weren't forgotten.
Oblivious to all, Adam never consider there was even the slightest possibility that there was something far deeper into the behavior of Bernadette.
Bernadette was in love with the first man: Adam.
Yes, she had fallen in love with the first man even before the angels had taken her away. She never felt the connection of father and daughter dynamic Cain would claim them as, he even once called them siblings because "equals but not entirely" thing he'd tease her for. Neither did the angels felt comfortable in that matter, they agreed with her that Adam was a whole separated thing from them. He was initially perfect, yet corrupted from sin by being tricked of his own wife. He was innocent and loyal since the very beginning. That snake and unfaithful woman ruined everything! Adam was meant to be father of humanity and by the wording of God himself.
It was only right for her to stand next to him as the third and actual deserving of the title: mother of humanity. Adam's wife. But unfortunately they were not successful in making her as such; from the lacking of material stored. So she had to be confirmed with Cain.
She also grew resentful of the constant labeling when it came to being wife of Cain. Every lesson was to be of a good mother and spouse. To serve and love her husband, all of that silly yapping she supposed they had firstly taught the first woman and the second.
Still, initially oblivious of their ulterior intentions. The angels and Bernadette were far alike when it came on holding the same opinion and wishes in regard of Adam.
The angels were hopeful that if Bernadette was separated from Adam for a certain period and then reunite them again after so long, seeing her as the full grown woman that she's now become, that he'd take a liking to her and claim her as his wife; retaking his initial purpose. But no, not even a spark on those eyes when she reached out her hand to greet him, just genuine fondness and happiness to see her alive but never more. While Bernadette was holding herself back from jumping on to the first man's arms and claim him as hers.
However, they waited long enough and the angels insisted for she to claim Cain and conceive a baby. She denied and protested she was not in love with Cain and did not want him, to calm her down and not attempt a 'Lilith' they made a agreement that benefited both; a promise that her second born would be of Adam's.
This was enough to let Bernadette pleased.
Adam was shocked when the angels had called him and Cain in for some news. Cain was still overwhelmed with many feelings after the birth of his first daughter Merida. The first man was immediately alert for literally anything; he did not trust them.
But what shocked him the most was what they told them.
"To make things quicker you must share Bernadette. The timing of your development delayed many possibilities of growth so we must now make up for the time lost," Raphael told them.
Adam wanted to screamed for the amount of bullshit that was, but he had to keep it cool these were superior beings from them, "pregnancy still last for nine months why am I needed for all of this? It only requires one man to give her seed."
"It would help prevent birth defects if the children aren't fully from the same blood," Michael simply added.
"It is not a choice Adam, it's an order," Sera spoke much stern compared from the others, " your seed is crafted by God's hands, it's a blessing and it would garantee to grant more than one child in Bernadette's womb as the intended purpose of the creator was for you and the first woman to create very quickly. While with Cain we are not certain when exactly they'd have multiple."
Adam glared at them in the first time in forever he wanted to run away and never returned, now he understood why Eve left. Fuck, why Lilith left him too..
He glanced at Cain and he was absolutely furious from jealousy.
"Doesn't Bernadette have a voice in the matter?! This is so wrong! Adam is like a father to us!"
"But he's not," Michael coldly admitted.
Cain eyes opened wide, "w-what is that supposed to mean?!"
"That he is not your father, never was and never will be. He was only there to raise and keep you alive. We made that cleared countless times. You're son of Eve and fruit from infidelity, the son of Lucifer: the devil." Raphael continued on.
The second man gasped tearing out, "I thought you guys were just messing with me about that!" Seemingly forgetting to consider angels rarely humored anything.
"we do not mess around with humans," Michael cleared out any of his doubts, something in that sentence hold a whole different meaning.
"You should feel grateful we had to spare you as it's not in our right to take you out, only God can," Gabriel added.
"And Bernadette is okay with it. We've already discussed this with her and she's fine with having to bare one of Adam's children," Sera lastly added, to finish the discussion. And started their exit; leaving both humans alone to deal with their issues.
Cain that day broke in tears, falling on his knees and accepting a truth he tried burying for so long. He would always be seen as the son of the devil.
Adam knelt beside him and wrapped his arms around in a hug to comfort him.
And it went like that, Adam and Bernadette's first son Abel and daughter Azura was born. Bernadette was happy, genuinely happy compared to her first labor. Cain couldn't help but difference her reaction from carrying his father's baby over his. Jealousy rising in his heart everytime he'd see how Abel and Azura overshadowed Merida, the way Bernadette after conceiving with her father would now try latching on him with every opportunity she'd get (to try and conceive again with him). Let's not forget about the fucking angels favoring the children of Adam and the idea of her continuing birthing more of Adam's children was far more recommended.
However for everyone's displeasure with the exception of Cain, Adam kept denying and distancing even further away from the ideals of heaven. He was left disgusted from his intimacy with Bernadette, it changed him. It was becoming worrisome as it was a sign Adam was losing his faith so they all started being more subtle and decided not to push the issue any further than they should (which made Bernadette upset.)
It took nearly five years but the angels manage on convincing Adam to conceive a second time with Bernadette. Adam's spark for living was returning in flames (but not in the way the angels would've wanted. Not a leader. It was paternal) by having to raise Abel and Azura. They were his life. He was smitten of love for them. Protect them at all costs. He did the same with Cain’s children but it was just slightly different.
Even more time went on and children from both Cain and Adam wondered around the (now) small village; starting to become a more common thing to see. Now descendants became a thing, and eventually it grew in bigger amounts that the humans started dividing themselves in different sections.
Eventually conflict arises as newfound jealousy became more intensely evident once Abel grew older, Cain felt that his father had completely replaced him (even if that was far from the case.)
Abel was attached to the hip of Adam. He was the shoulder the first man could rely on for everything. Those were all things he use to be! And Cain hated it. It was a feeling he couldn't shake off, no matter what he did, even when Abel was so nice to him and there would be times they'd get along. He had even become null over Bernadette and Adam having sex, it was far more easier to forgive than whatever hatred he holds for Abel.
He also despised how the angels would prefer his offerings over his.
It didn’t take long for things to take a turn to the worse. When Adam began feeling life wasn’t as bad as he thought it’s, all hoped shattered when Cain murdered Abel. The light in his eyes had drained out completely. No longer did he care.
The banishment of Cain broke him.
Things drifted differently and he was forced to take Bernadette as his wife. To continue repopulating.
But Adam was far disconnected to even realize how much easier it was to submit to the angels wishes.
Life was basically meaningless, only made to follow orders, submit and worship. And so he did.
Like a puppet. Lilith’s words echoing his head in ongoing whispers, ‘we’re nothing more than objects with no free will to them. While we submit they will remain in control. They would destroy, change, put us through pain and reconstruct us again, break us again, and do it again over an over until we’re nothing more than dust and broken shards. No longer fixable, no longer useful.’
Bernadette took the name of Eve. For Adam’s displeasure and the angels delight.
They were both promised heaven.
Adam and Eve were back and ‘thriving’.
And with that, Adam wakes up, sweating and anxious unable to move. His body frozen, unable to scream, cry as darkness wrapped around him like a blanket. A red brightness coming underneath the bed hovering the walls and ceiling forming a form of a smiling woman and a apple.
Before vanishing in seconds and returning to the same silent darkness of the night Adam was already use to. Able to move, Adam calmed his breathing, seeking answers far from what he could able to understand. Things he couldn’t piece together. He didn’t know what it all was, what it meant. But he sure knew, he did not like it..
He feared being alone, and he let that know to the closest person he could find comfort with.
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heauxvibez · 5 months
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Born Again Virgin III
warning: none, enjoy!
"I'm not sure I can handle this," Amaia whimpered, sinking into Micah's embrace.
Micah held her close, gently stroking her back, offering what comfort she could to her friend who was clearly feeling sexually frustrated.
"But it's only been a few hours," she murmured, pulling Amaia's head to her chest.
"You don't get it. This guy is not just fine. He's like, f-i-o-n-e fine," Amaia explained.
"Wow, that fine?" Micah exclaimed.
Amaia sat up, reaching for her phone on the table. She scrolled through Google images until she found a picture of Roman.
Passing the phone to Micah, she watched as her friend gasped at the sight.
"Oh, Maia. I'll pray for you, girl. You weren't kidding about him being fine. He's definitely something," Micah remarked.
Amaia sighed, snatching her phone back. Micah could sense the weight of the situation. Amaia was committed to her vow of abstinence, and if she broke it, it would hit her hard.
"How about this," Micah suggested, swiftly taking the phone and securing it before placing it back on the table.
She interlocked her fingers, her eyes gleaming with a plan.
"Why don't you slip into something cozy, and then we can binge-watch some Martin?"
"Really?" Amaia's voice sparkled with excitement.
"I can't think of a better way to spend my day off, boo."
"Well, alrighty then."
Amaia bounded off the couch, dashing into her bedroom like an eager child.
Micah chuckled, clicking the remote and queuing up all five seasons of Martin on HBO Max.
As she hit play, a few knocks echoed at the door. She approached the door, peering through the peephole.
A slight frown creased her lips. The figure was too tall to see clearly. In a world where danger lurked around every corner, she hesitated to open the door to a stranger.
People can be unpredictable. One misstep could lead to a kidnapping, harm, and all sorts of awful scenarios. She was definitely a worst-case scenario type of thinker. Right now, opening the door felt like a risky move.
"Who is it?!" she called out, her ear pressed against the cold, polished wood.
"Your new neighbor," a deep voice replied.
Ah, yes, the new neighbor. She recalled seeing boxes in the hallway earlier, even stumbling over one as she fetched her mail.
With a click, the door swung open, revealing the towering figure leaning against the frame.
His eyes widened with concern as he observed the smaller woman's startled expression.
It was the same guy Amaia had shown her a picture of.
"Um, hey... I'm your new neighbor, Joe. I came to introduce myself, but by the look on your face, I'm guessing you already knew that," he chuckled.
"Micah, who's that?" Amaia queried, pulling her braids into a neat ponytail.
Micah slammed the door, shutting out the person on the other side.
"Just some... uh, girl scouts... selling, you know, girl scout stuff. Cookies and..stuff. I told them we didn't want anything.." she stammered with a nervous giggle.
Their new neighbor persisted despite Micah's efforts to make the man disappear. Micah let out a grunt.
"Seriously, dude," she muttered under her breath.
"Move," Amaia gently nudged her friend aside, taking matters into her own hands. With a bright smile, she flung the door open, anticipating a troop of uniformed children clutching boxes of cookies.
But her excitement quickly turned into shock when she laid eyes on the familiar face, causing her to let out a startled scream that made the man jump.
He grinned. "Hey, Amaia. Didn't know you lived here too."
Shaking her head to regain composure, Amaia asked, "What do you mean, 'lived here too'?"
"I just moved in. I'm your new neighbor, right across from you," Joe explained.
This ain't nothin' but the Devil's work.
"Are you okay?" Roman noticed, observing Amaia's twitching eye, a telltale sign of her losing her shit.
"I'm fine," she replied through clenched teeth, her voice strained.
He flashed his perfect teeth once more, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I guess I'll be seeing you a lot more often, neighbor," he remarked, emphasizing the words as he squeezed her tightly.
Reluctantly, Amaia returned the hug. The sensation of his muscles through his shirt against her own body made her weak.
She could have stayed there forever.
But the disappointment hit when he released her. Despite her inner turmoil, she forced a smile as he made his way across the hall to his condo.
"See you tomorrow," he called out, loud enough for her to hear, as he unlocked his door.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Amaia whispered, slowly closing the door before sliding down against it.
With a whimper, she bit her lip, battling her inner desires.
"How am I supposed to do this? He's so sexy, and perfect, and he smells so good. Did you hear his voice? It sounds like sex. Not only do I have to work for him, I live 8 feet away from him as well. I can't."
Micah squatted down in front of Amaia, taking her hands into hers.
"Listen, you're going to get through this virgin thing, okay? You know why? Because I'm going to help you. I'll make sure you don't do anything with any man, no matter how fine he is... Jesus, and he is fine."
Amaia lightly slapped Micah's hand. "What? He is! You're lucky I'm not a triflin' ass friend, or I'd be over there knocking boots. But watch out for Kaydence, she'll steal your man."
Amaia rolled her eyes. "He's not my man. She can have him. I'm not feeling him like that. I just find him attractive."
"Yeah, right. I know you. I can tell when you're into someone, and you were not trying to let that man go."
"Psh, I've only known him for a few hours."
"And knowing you, you fall for people within a couple of days. That's why you're always having one-night stands. You get it in once, and no feelings are involved because they're out of your bed before the sun comes up."
Her face scrunched up in confusion. "That doesn't even make sense."
"You don't make sense!" Micah chuckled.
"Whatever," Amaia laughed, getting up and walking to the couch with her roommate trailing behind her.
They watched two seasons of Martin before both falling asleep on the couch.
Knocks against their door woke Amaia up. Groaning, she checked the time on her phone.
12:32 AM
Rubbing the crust from her eyes, she approached the door, already knowing who it was without bothering to look through the peephole.
"Kaydence, why are you always forgetting your keys every nig—Joe?" she asked, surprised to see her neighbor instead of her best friend.
Joe rubbed the back of his neck, hesitating with his movements, clearly consumed by his thoughts. His bottom lip caught between his teeth, looking amazing even though he was only wearing plaid pajama pants and a black t-shirt.
His eyes wandered over Amaia's body, taking in her attire—a loose-fitting black tank top and black boxer shorts that hugged her figure. Her thick, ebony legs secretly drove him crazy. He'd kill to have those wrapped around his waist.
He would be lying if he said Amaia hadn't been on his mind all day. Since seeing her, he couldn't shake her image from his thoughts. To him, she was perfection, flawless in every way.
He considered it a blessing that she worked for him and lived right across from him.
A blush crept across Amaia's cheeks as he continued to scan her body with his dark eyes. She became nervous as he stepped closer, his gaze fixated on her lips. His hands wrapped around her waist, bending down to kiss her.
She wanted to stop him, but it felt like she was paralyzed.
When his lips touched hers, she melted into his embrace. Grabbing onto his biceps, she slipped her tongue between his lips, forgetting about her rule against sex.
Roman moaned into the kiss, his hands moving to grab her bottom.
Now they were in her doorway, lost in each other, oblivious to the world around them.
He pulled away, sucking on her bottom lip in the process.
Her breathing was uneven, stomach full of butterflies as he panting against her lips.
"I just came to say goodnight.."
Yall foldin'? Or would you be able to resist?
Tags: @harmshake @southerngirl41 @spritelucozade @empressdede @alichesmi @msbigredmachine @theninthwonder @blacst4r @sassginamillls @wrestlingprincess80 @headoftheetable @trashbin-nie @sheyaish @tshepisho
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darkmodechaoticlight · 5 months
Satan was all bluster when he told Evie that he wanted her to bear his children. But that night when they were attacked by Angels in Gehenna- his daughter came into the world. I hc that Satan and Evie were in a dangerous battle when Evies water broke. Evie had hidden the pregnancy during the previous battles of Gehenna, knowing that Satan would worry more of her than his people. -Evie had an extreme pain tolerance and like her family rarely expressed pain. A small twinge in her leg or up her spine was all she felt as she was killing the angels with the other devils. Their blood seemed to fuel her rage. -She was able to rip one angel apart before she growled in pain. Something truly demonic. Satan and the others recognized the cry of pain being the Call of a Prince. The Angels, alarmed shift aim to Evie and her incoming child. She was able to summon a barrier as she was ankle deep in angel blood. -Satan heeded the call immediately, answering in a soothing tone even if he could barely be heard over the rush of battle. Sitri openly offers Satan his blood to make the weapons of his king. Ppyong was able to stay by Evie's side before Satan made his way over to the protective bubble. -Satan only saw her blank face, the pressure was there, the pain that had flared up not so long ago was now gone. But the babe was incoming (Ppyong: It was the first time I had ever seen a head coming from that place.) Weirded out by her apparent no reaction to labour he had to scramble to catch his daughter. She was alive, and filled with the same rage as her parents. Her cries seemed to have heralded the end of the seige. -Satan got first skin to skin contact with the baby. He is very protective of his daughter, being very active in her care. Evie chuckled when he only let her feed the infant before taking care of her. -Satan allowed his first born be named after Evie's mum, another devil called Maia. -Maia was fairly average compared to her incoming siblings. A soild seven pounds even. She looked like Satan, down to the blinding red eyes and pale pink hair. Bonus: Satan: *Sharing the news that he had an heir, sending a picture of a sleeping Maia in his arms to the King Group chat.* Asmodeus: Lucky for you and our dear Evie, I love milfs Satan: Keep your lubed up hands away from her! Asmodeus: Don't be so coy Satan, don't you remember Woodstock? I'm sure we could come up with a compromise Beelzebub: Does this mean shes free? Belphegor: So shes been broken in. Thank you Satan. Lucifer: Now that was uncalled for. Belphegor: Well, if shes keeping her side of the bargain with bearing our heirs she better enjoy her free time now.
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
A Sun is Born
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Pairing: Claudio Serafino x Mishima!Devil!Reader 
My first time writing for Claudio, so I hope I did well!
Summary: Their entire life being nothing but pain and fighting to awaken their devil and please their father, the reader finally has enough when the opportunity for their own freedom presents itself, hoping to find purification in Italy from the exorcist, Claudio, who learns that the reader is no devil...
Warnings: The reader is mentioned to have faced death and has a messed up past (but that's about it!)
Word Count: 1.3k 
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My father and grandfather had been fighting one another for far too long, but at this point, I didn't care anymore. For the first time in my life, I was disobeying my father and doing what I wanted, doing what I felt was right even though I was scared.
Tonight, my life was going to change forever. I wasn't sure if Father would hunt me down once he noticed I was gone. It was too late to try and theorize every consequence of the actions I was about to perform.
Italy was a beautiful place, finding the Arches of Sirius Exorcists and their leader:
"You're Claudio Serafino, correct?"
"I am..." Looking in the corner of his eye, he could see my figure in the shadows of the cathedral, stepping out and pulling my hood down as I introduced myself:
"I'm Y/N. Y/N Mishima...."
His eyes widened with shock. At first, he was speechless, his mind racing with thoughts and questions, but he asked in a severe but soft tone:
"A Mishima? Are you another one of Heihachi's children?"
"No," I answered, trying to keep my emotions back as I hated to say, "Kazuya Mishima is my father."
"I thought Jin was his only child." Claudio grew more perplexed, looking towards the moonlight shining through the glass and onto my face. Staring intensely into my eyes, his intuition told him I was being truthful, swallowing a breath as he asked one last question, "What brings you here?"
My life with my father was brutal. For as long as I can remember, it was all about fighting, training, and gaining power. Nothing else. I couldn't even dare to mess up, or there would be consequences.
All those thoughts made me tear up, crying to this man who was still but a stranger to me, shaking as my body pulsated, my eyes piercing into his as they turned bright red against the moonlight, begging in my cry:
"Help me. Please, Claudio."
That was six months ago, and almost every day, I wondered about my father. Did he know where I was and didn't care? Either way, this war and the madness he was causing needed to be put to an end.
I was fortunate to create a bond with Claudio. I wanted to purge this devil from within me, and he offered me hope and a future along with it. Although we had so much to learn and needed to communicate as, the brother I had never met, Jin Kazama, had faced off with our father. Then a new King of The Iron Fist Tournament?
As much as I hated it, I may need this devil's power to help achieve our shared goal.
We were getting closer and closer as Claudio and I met Zafina, who had excellent knowledge of the devil gene and its origin.
"So, you have Azazel's power in your arm..." Claudio was fixed on her arm, to see a form of the devil itself was quite the sight for a sorcerer and I could only watch in shock.
I had hoped every day that maybe this was all a bad dream, but it was right before me. Watching Zafina's hand glow, she pulled out a dark orb, placing it in her hand, showing this red star being consumed by a dark force.
"Jin's light is diminishing..." She began to explain. It seemed to be that Jin was the key to finishing off Father, which I had no complaints about, but as I stared into that orb, my eyes gazing on her purple claw, my body pulsated hard, a pound in my head, which made me shut my eyes quickly.
"Y/N..." Claudio immediately sensed my discomfort, so caring as he took my hand softly, stepping closer to whisper, "Are you okay, dear?"
"Yeah," I lied, taking a deep breath and barely opening my eyes to seek his confirmation, beginning to pant softly, "May I be excused?"
"No need to ask," He whispered, concerned as I turned away from him, going to a balcony nearby, hoping the fresh air would help.
It must've been Azazel's power. It was the origin of the power within me, and my devil was responding to Azazel within Zafina.
Groaning out, I began to hold my head, remembering how my father made my entire life hell and pushed me to the brink of death, all to make me 'stronger.' My teeth started to sharpen the more I groaned, feeling the tips of my horns trying to escape my temple.
"No," I gritted out, my body tensing up as I hunched over a little, the memories continuing to flood my mind, but my heart telling me, "I'm not like him!"
Gasping for air, I was able to keep my devil suppressed. Stabilizing with deep breaths, I cleared my head as intense, dark emotions always led to something like this happening. After a few moments, I opened my eyes, looking at the pretty blue sky and clouds, trying to smile and be proud that I was able to handle myself, but I jumped slightly as I heard a soft, caring voice behind me:
"You're so strong, my dear..."
I had a feeling Claudio would come to check on me, a tiny smile on my face as he had seen the little fight I had within myself. His compliment made my cheeks warm. Looking away from him as I tried not to look so flustered, whispering:
"I guess I am."
"Believe in yourself, Y/N," Stepping closer and taking my hand, it was the first time in my life that I had someone's pure and genuine encouragement, "It takes great strength in one's mind and heart to overcome the things that you have."
"T-Thank you, Claudio," Looking at my hand in his, a tear fell from my eyes, a bit embarrassed that I didn't know what care was like, but I was grateful, a few more tears leaking out as he caressed my cheek next, wiping away those tears, a smile growing on his face as our gazes met.
He could easily read the emotions I felt through my eyes, stroking my cheek once more before wrapping his arm around my neck, pulling me to his chest, his other arm wrapping around my waist as he kept me warmly embraced.
Burying my face in his chest, I couldn't help but quiver from fighting off cries. I had never hugged anyone. All my memories were horrible ones, and to know that I could look back on this and be happy made my heart overflow with passionate emotions.
Squeezing me some as he felt my quivers, he placed his head alongside mine, whispering to me softly:
"And as you said, you are not like him. Deep in your heart, I know that you are pure, amor."
His care and sweetness were going to make my heart explode; growing some courage, I picked my head up a little to look at him with a single eye.
The way the sun shined into his heavenly blue eyes only made my heart thump harder, but it felt so good, and it was such a divine sight that I couldn't look away.
With a fingertip, he gently pushed my chin up, showing my face, his little smile against the sunlight making him look even more handsome; my eyes shut when I felt his nose brush past mine, feeling a slight shock when our lips pecked each other softly, then pressing into a deeper, tender kiss, my handful of his jacket and never wanting to let this go.
I pressed my lips for as long as I could before my head fell a little, gasping a little, giggling as his hand rubbed up and down my back, cooing to me:
"Breathe, amor."
"I'm sorry," I giggled, growing quiet as I found his eyes and immediately got lost again, "I just couldn't get enough..."
"Don't apologize or worry," In my dark world, I had finally found a sun that was so bright that there were no shadows. He was my sun, believing his every word as he was now my new and sure hope, his smile so precious and handsome as he put his nose against mine, "You'll get plenty more." 
2024 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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【Made of Mist】
Benn Beckman x Reader
Content: Afab Reader. She/Her. Lovers to Strangers to ??? Single motherhood.
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Benn stared down at the whiskey glass in his hands, shifting his cigarette between his teeth. He swirled his drink, watching the golden brown liquid swish around. The merriment of the Red-Haired Pirates and the burning booze did little to drown Benn's discomfort. He'd felt deep unease ever since Shanks set course to this island. The multi-day journey mainly consisted of his crewmates incessantly mocking him, eventually turning his apprehension into real distress. Benn knew (Name) would be on the island, ready to tear him a new one when she got a chance. He wasn't trying to shy away from that, Benn knew he'd deserved it, but the pain on her face was almost too much. He could forget to give (Name) a heartfelt apology if he couldn't even look her in the eye.
"Benn," Lucky crooned, pushing his way up to the bar, "Your little girlfriend is across the street."
Think of the devil, and she shall come. "Is she waiting for me?" Benn asked, preparing himself for the shitstorm he'd created. He tapped out his cigarette as (Name) hated the smell of the smoke.
Lucky looked far too amused for his comfort. "I don't think so. She saw me and looked pissed, so I don't think she's trying to chat you up."
The jeers from his crew mates rolled off Benn's shoulders. Despite the mental preparation, his stomach still churned. The thought of seeing (Name) made his stomach hurt. It had been nearly two years since they'd seen each other. There was no doubt in Benn's mind that she was royally peeved. Sucking his teeth, Benn finished his drink. A little liquid courage couldn't hurt. He strode out of the bar, his eyes scanning the storefronts across the street from the bar. Benn's head snapped toward the sound of her voice. It was the same as he'd remembered, making his knees weak.
"Thank you so much for keeping an eye on him," (Name) said to another young woman. She was standing on the porch of a home near the bar. A heavy satchel was slung over her shoulder, weighing her down.
"(Name), sweetie, you look worn out; I don't mind letting your sweet boy sleep here tonight," the woman offered gently, her own children clinging to her skirts, "You don't have to always be doing all the parenting by yourself."
Taking the pudgy baby from her friend, (Name) offered her friend a small smile. "It's just been the two of us since before he was born," she insisted, "So I don't mind staying up a little later. I'll just sleep when I'm dead." Her smile grew when she looked down at her son as his dark eyes stared quizzically back. The extra weight of her son made (Name) wince with discomfort. So she waved to her friend and marched off down the road.
Benn felt sick. What, that little boy in his (presumably) ex-girlfriend arms his son? The child had to be less than a year old, but he had only been gone- he paused, the math churning in his mind. Benn assumed his stomach hurt in the bar, but as his body moved without his mind's consent, his gut twisted painfully. His long legs brought Benn to (Name) far faster than he'd like. So fast that he didn't have time to come up with an opening statement. His arm reached out to grasp her, it felt so natural to bring her into his arms, but Benn felt short.
"(Name)," Benn mustered in a voice far lower than he intended, "It's been a while." He winced when she flinched in what Benn hoped was a surprise. The look on her face nearly gutted him. It was an expression he'd seen before. Her face was full of vitriol that was whisked away when the baby in her arms began to fuss.
"Hey now, sweet boy," (Name) cooed, "Don't start that now." Her trembling fingers gently trailed over the tufts of jet-black hair on her son's head.
Benn couldn't stand to interrupt the tender moment, and he was thankful for it as his throat constricted. It was like staring in a mirror the longer Benn stared at the child with dark hair and deep eyes. He felt as if he was seeing someone long forgotten.
Once her baby was soothed, (Name) turned her attention back to the man standing in front of her. "What do you want, Benn?" she asked dryly.
"I'd been intending on apologizing," Benn pursed his lips, his hand gesturing to the baby, "I think I should be doing more."
She cocked an eyebrow, unimpressed with Benn's weak attempt. The weight of her bag became more painful the longer she stood there. "You're really killing it in the ex-boyfriend department," (Name) snarked, rolling her eyes.
Benn scrunched his nose before quickly smoothing out his expression. He desperately wanted a cigarette. "I'm sorry for being gone for so long. I never intended to abandon you. I thought we'd only be away for a few months- but if I had known," he gestured to the baby again, "I would've come back in a heartbeat." His words felt clumsy in his mouth. Benn longed to pull (Name) into a tight hug, to squeeze all his emotions into her bones.
Exasperated (Name) huffed. "I was alone through everything Benn. Do you get that? Sure, I have my friends and neighbors, but that doesn't make up for my son's father not being around," she swallowed thickly, angry tears; hurt tears threatened to stream down her face, "I thought you were going to come home. I thought I would run down to the dock and surprise you with the pregnancy. You'd be so damn happy that you'd stay with me. But that was fantasy; I know that now."
Staring at the little boy, Benn covered his mouth with his fist. "He's really mine," he uselessly cleared his throat, "(Name), I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I would've stormed through hell to get back to you if I'd known."
"Worst part of all of this, Benn, is that I forgive you," (Name) murmurs, readjusting the baby in her arm. Finally daring to meet Benn's face, she was surprised to see the ache on his face. "I knew you loved the sea; I was just foolish enough to think you could also love me."
"I did love you. I do love you," Benn protested; he crossed the tense air between them, "Don't shut me out, please, at least not from our baby."
"Our baby?" (Name) spat, her weary expression twisted into a harsh glower. She clutched her son closer to her chest, "You don't get to make that claim. I carried, birthed, and raised my baby all alone. This is my son."
Benn's words faltered. (Name) was right; he'd damn near vanished off the face of Earth. Benn had boarded that ship confident that his lover was well and disappeared into the early morning mist. "Please, let me make this right," he begged softly.
(Name) sighed, the pain in her shoulder and back becoming unbearable. Kneeling, she rested her child in the grass and pulled a lengthy cotton cloth from her back. She carefully began tying the fabric into a carrying pouch. Tears prickled her eyes when Benn crouched beside her, and (Name) didn't stop him from picking up her son. Benn was a damn bastard, but (Name) trusted him. She loved him, ached for him, and seeing her pudgy little boy fit so well in Benn's arms made her heartburn.
"Why did you have to go?" (Name) asked, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. She situated the cotton pouch across her body, testing the strength of the knots.
Benn pursed his lips, looking over his shoulder toward the bar his crew was drinking at. "Shanks he-" Benn stopped himself, looking down at the fragile baby in his arms. His son made his chest hurt in an unexpected way, "I don't know. I shouldn't have." When the baby yawned and nuzzled into his body, Benn felt his entire being melt. He hadn't felt such a strong desire to protect anyone until then. Benn didn't think he could give the boy back to his mother.
(Name) didn't give Benn that chance to protest. Her hands tenderly yet quickly situated the baby into the well-secured pouch. Her sleepy son relaxed into the soft fabric, content with his place at his mother's breast.
"You never told me his name," Benn murmured, not knowing what to do with his uncomfortably light arms.
"You never asked," (Name) replied with a rueful smile that didn't meet her glassy eyes. Then she hoisted her painfully heavy satchel back onto her shoulder, making her groan. She turned to leave, but the weight made her stumble.
Benn grasped her shoulders, steadying her tired body. "I'm asking you now. What's his name?'' His voice was tender, masking his grief. Benn couldn't let (Name) go, not like this.
The warmth of Benn's touch made (Name) feel more exhausted than ever. The weight of the past two years was suddenly crushing. Closing her eyes, (Name) leaned into him. "Charlie," she murmured, "Charlies Gibbs."
Benn pulled the bag from her shoulder. "(Name), I can never say it enough, but I'm sorry. I should bring you with me," Benn murmured solemnly, "I was a coward then." His hand pressed into the small of her back.
"I know," she slouched further into him. (Name) had been so angry for so long. She thought she'd slap him, yell at him, and spill all of her fury when they met face-to-face. The pain written all over Benn's doused those flames in an instant, leaving exhaustion and heartache.
Benn's eyes drifted down to their baby, who was far less concerned with the emotional turmoil brewing in his parents. "Let me make it right," Benn pleaded quietly, his chin resting on her head, "Come with me. Shanks has a little brat now, so one more baby wouldn't bother the crew."
(Name) thought of her cramped second-floor apartment. The two-room space, overtop a noisy storefront, couldn't be more comfortable than on a ship. She would have help with her son, and Benn would be there.
She wanted nothing more than to melt into Benn's touch, to let him rescue her, to let Benn care for his son while she slept. Despite that ache, her pride wouldn't let go of its vice grip.
"Okay, I'll come with you, but we're not a couple. Gibbs and I have been through a lot without you, and I'm not the same woman you knew," she conceded, pulling out his touch.
Benn nodded at her stinging words. He had nothing else to blame but his own selfishness. Slinging (Name) 's bag over his shoulder, Benn stuffed his other hand into his pocket. He itched to take her back into his arms, to hold his little family.
"If you help me pack, I can be on your stupid boat by tonight," (Name) said, walking away. Her jaw clenched, resisting the urge to look over her shoulder. (Name) wanted to trust that Benn was following, but doubt wormed into her thoughts. She tried to tell herself that if Benn didn't want to help, then she didn't need it. She didn't need him.
Benn followed like a hound nosing the ankles of its master. He wouldn't say it aloud, but he would never let those two go again.
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ivararara · 29 days
howdy guys im still crying over jade shadows
there's SO MUCH about this quest that Mcfreakin gets me dude.
hunhow actually encouraging stalker to ask the tenno for help. the tenno have been these twos' enemies forever. stalker formed who he was based around a major thing the tenno had done. he wants them dead. hunhow wants them dead. they stole his daughter and royally screwed up his plan to exterminate the orokin
but here hunhow is, advocating for stalker to swallow his pride for jade (and the baby). it's not about past conflicts now. hunhow knows what it's like to lose someone as close to a person as their own child (erra and natah) and he doesn't want stalker to have to go through that pain in his own way.
and look at stalker now! no longer is he filled with hatred for the tenno, despair at what's happened, and dread at what is to come. he's instead rebounded with love for his child, hope for a better future for it, and an eagerness to see his son grow!
and he knows the tenno, while they may be void-born devils, are willing to do whatever can be done to keep him and his lil baby safe. sure he still goes after us, but that's likely a mercenary part of things. he has a lil guy to support now, gotta get them creds somehow!
i just REALLY like their dynamic. hunhow recruited stalker to become the fearsome Boogeyman to the tenno with hunhow's aid. in the new war, hunhow has a change of heart...no parent wants to see their child slowly wither away at the hands of someone hated. he offers the tenno nataruk. when stalker is surprised by that, hunhow doesn't berate him, he simply encourages stalky to go along with it.
obviously, hunhow was outraged in the natah quest. his daughter has left him--for children of her own. he can't fault her for that. he's a parent. he loves his children. natah should be able to feel that fondness for her own kids as well.
he's not the Big Bad Hunhow anymore. he's a dad. he's a close friend.
he's not Big Bad Heartless Stalker. he's a dad trying to keep his son safe.
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sadcoms · 8 months
“nine would never do this” “nine isn’t afraid like ten” oh my goddddd they are literally the same alien but they come from different circumstances and are defined by different things:
nine comes from loss. the time war and the destruction of gallifrey is new for him. therefore, from his perspective, he has everything to gain - the main one being rose. that’s why he genuinely has to decide between losing rose and saving the world, because he hasn’t gained the world. if anything it’s a backdrop. but he has rose.
what nine needs to learn is that things and people can change - himself included. he is far less of a pacifist than ten because his morality is giving things a chance, ie the nestene consciousness in the very first episode. this is also the crux of the dalek episode, rose’s point is not entirely “guns are bad” but “it’s changed”. you see this change in the difference between how nine and ten treat cassandra, specifically in how cassandra shows empathy for the sick woman.
ten, in comparison, has gained. he has rose and a family to have christmas with. and that means he really only has things to lose - again, the main one being rose. because nine came from nothing he was essentially content enough to just have rose in his presence and have her choose him. ten now sees his relationship with rose in longer terms (i cannot stress enough that nine was not counting on his survival but was very accepting of his death, so he’s basically just elated to still be alive and to have rose reciprocate his feelings before he regenerates) and therefore has to recognise that he will inevitably lose her one day.
nine is not thinking about “the curse of the timelords” because he exclusively thinks of himself as a survivor.
it’s the fear of loss that really separates the two characters. because ten’s morality is actually pretty similar to nine’s for most of s2. people say that his “you get one warning” speech from school reunion is a prelude to time lord victorious but it feels much more like nine to me. he has compassion, for the cybermen and even cassandra and the werewolf, but he doesn’t really offer to save anyone with the frequency he will in later seasons. when it comes to the wire, the devil, and the daleks (aka the main three that threatened rose) he’s ready to kill them with limited preamble.
but then he does lose rose and he cannot bear it. he loses her and then murders a bunch of children, gets called out, and then goes pretty much the complete opposite way because he cannot bear any more loss. think about it: nine hears the ENTIRETY of satellite 5 get massacred and is horrified but keeps going. if ten had heard that he would be a screaming wreck.
"ten is a coward" is literally the ENTIRE point? some of nine's last ever words are "coward, any day" because he is sick of being a killer. and i actually fundamentally disagree with that action of his, but i get why it matters. because it shows he changed, and that's not what he believed when we first met him. he thought he was broken and that humans were a bunch of stupid apes, and by the end he is deeply in love with a human and knows he was fantastic.
it is therefore not surprising that davros is the doctor’s worst nightmare because he comes for two regenerations: he breaks nine when he says people can change, but you changed them for the worst; he breaks ten with the reminder that people have lost their lives for and because of him. so you get this pure trauma response of ten offering actual fascist davros safety and yelling at tentoo for "committing" genocide (and tentoo likely reverts back to that nine-era morality not only because he's "born from blood" but because he's actually born from gain - he got rose back).
ten is also a tragedy (where nine is not) because he is ultimately, utterly, completely defined by loss. nine was resigned to his fate (everything has its time and everything dies) and ten was born from hope and love, which systematically get ripped away from him. he was born wanting to live, specifically with the woman he loves, and he doesn't even get to die in the same universe as her.
also the whole "nine would never gitf" ten wouldn't be ten gitf if it was written properly but may i remind you that a couple of hours before he kissed and died for rose he was also blatantly flirting with lynda with a y? "ten was disrespectful he made rose act as a dinner lady" and nine let jabe ask HIM if rose was his prostitute after he’d called rose his plus one. they are not healthy aliens when it comes to people they like!
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theycallmeratt · 2 months
Snippet Saturday?
Tagged by @redroomroaving . Tagging @beesht @coreene @fistfuloftarenths @lolliputian @aviatorasharak
A snippet from Touch & Transformation, a SFW fic about Wyll and the Tiefling refugees at the celebration party.
"Great work today," Asharak said. With the goblin threat gone, the tiefling had taken a break from training the children and dipped into the celebration for a pint. He gave a tight lipped smile. "It was inspiring, seeing you fight up close."
Flattery, Wyll was certain, and a little thickly laid on. Asharak was nearly twice his age. Nearly his father's age. Still, there was a starry-eyed-ness to Asharak that suggested this might be the truth, and Wyll would be lying if he claimed the words didn't soothe him. Soon he found himself pouring it all out: how he couldn't sleep because of his horns, and when he did the flailing from his nightmares meant his horns cut and bruised his arms. How his teeth ached and kept cutting his mouth, how his skin and bones felt bruised from his new ridges rubbing against them.
"But listen to me. Talking to you as if you don't understand," Wyll said. "Oh, no, insulting you, too! I didn't mean it like—there's nothing wrong with horns. I only… damn. I'm sorry."
"I don't understand," Asharak said. "I was born this way. Well, my horns were smaller, and I was shorter—a bit, only a bit—but I've been a tiefling forever. My parents were tieflings. My sister is–was one. It's who I am. You've had horns for…"
"Eight days."
"Gods. Right, well. This is my body. That is the body you were forced into. But I've put together an entourage for you, if you're willing. We have Guex here, horns nearly as big as yours."
"I have an excellent method for preserving headboards!" Guex said. "It's called: do not use them, ha ha!"
"And Alfira, to help with the fangs."
"We'll have you back in your old voice in no time," grinned the bard. Wyll nodded gratefully; even though his teeth looked the same, each was razor sharp, slowly turning his tongue into a fringe.
"Bex has offered to alter your clothing, make it easier to take everything on and off," Asharak said.
"I'm not the best," Bex said, "but I did all of Danis's, and I think he looks great! Although, that might just be Danis."
"And finally… myself. For support." Again, Asharak gave that tight lipped smile, like his help was a thing that was inevitable. Wyll gave up.
He listened as Guex outlined various sleeping positions and showed him the easiest ways to get a shirt on and off. Lakrissa showed him how to oil his horns and ridges, and massage his neck. Cal and Lia delivered knitted covers for him to wear at night, the base padded with rabbit fur to protect the sensitive skin, the tips padded with old wine corks.
"If you're petty," said Rolan, refilling his wine, "Take pleasure in knowing that she gave you horns any devil would eat themself for."
"She really did," Dammon agreed. He gifted Wyll a set of cuffs with matching combs and ornaments for his hair, and a mouthguard to use at night. In a low voice he said, "A lot of us use them when our adult fangs come in. Wax can help it stay."
Wyll popped it in then popped it out, fumbling it into Karlach's pint. She laughed until she coughed and dared him to chug it.
Alfira nearly got his teeth handled by the end of the evening, and Wyll only nicked his tongue once saying "salutations". Lakrissa, with a wink, offered to teach him how to kiss, but Alfira whacked her on the horn until she apologized. The kids gave him a bag of hard candies they said could help his mouth heal. All the tieflings held flame behind his horns until they were convinced that it had a core and not a root, and thus wouldn't shed, then Zevlor himself taught Wyll the best way to avoid bleeding out from a broken horn, Karlach chiming in about her own experience losing one.
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aphrodisiac-siren · 1 year
Dynasty of Flames
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen-Royce Reader
Summary: Being born into the most respected and equally feared houses in the realm made people look up to you as if you were a god and the devil himself, in equal measure. People say that when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin; and when news of the birth of Daemon's firstborn- a girl, spread, people could only wait in anticipation to see which side of the coin faced up during her birth.
Warnings: Incest (duh)
Part 20
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Y/N never believed in ghosts, not even as a child. The idea of someone dying but then again, not really staying dead sounded so absurd. Like it was a mere lie adults told kids with the intent to incite fear.
Floating in mid air, walking through walls, it all sounded so silly and she often questioned other children who fell for stories of the castle ghosts.
And yet here she was almost twenty years later, contradicting her own beliefs as she gazed with sheer astonishment and disbelief at someone who was claimed dead only a few days ago.
She refused to blink, move or even breath as if by doing any of the three the person drawing closer to her by the second, would disappear into thin air and Y/N wasn’t sure what she was more afraid of: the possibility of a ghost advancing toward her or the permanent disappearance of said ghost.
“What is the matter, Y/N” the familiar voice addressed her as the person it belonged to offered her a playful smile, almost as if it was obvious what was going on in her head “you look like you’ve seen a ghost”
“Have I not?” She immediately responded, feeling her heart beat faster.
The princess made the bold decision of tearing her gaze away from him to look at Alicent, just to make sure that she wasn’t the only one who was seeing this. She was fearful that the traumatic events of the last few days was starting to make her hallucinate but judging by Alicent’s expression of disbelief, she let out a breath of relief. Y/N was half expecting to not the person again when she turned but to her contentment, that was not the case.
“Marry Daeron” the council’s earlier statement was repeated by the one who had managed to take everyone’s breath away with their mere presence “you lot seem to work quite fast, don’t you? It has barely been two days since king Aegon’s death and you’ve already begun scheming for who is to sit the throne after him”
Y/N wanted to walk closer and feel their touch, almost as if she still wasn’t convinced that this was all real.
“Princess Y/N is already betrothed is she not?” It was a rhetorical question really and silence was all that was received as an answer “or do all of you hold absolutely no regard for the princess and the promise she has made to the man she is to take as her lord husband?”
“We-“ Alicent began but was quickly cut off.
“I wasn’t done talking to them. Y/N is my betrothed and she will marry me and me alone. Anyone who tries to tear us apart, will be met with the sword” he beamed as he eyed each and every member of the council, his gaze lingering on Otto “I do not jest”
“Aemond” Y/N called out, like she was merely confirming that it really was him. She needed it to be and if it wasn’t, if this was nothing but a dream then she never wanted to awake from this slumber.
The prince turned to look at her upon hearing her call his name and with the shrill voice, it was obvious she was close to tears.
Aemond’s hair was a bit shorter than what it was and Y/N noticed the eye patch he wore was a bit different from what he usually wore. He had a cut lip and she was sure if he took off his vest she would find more scars or bruises from his recent battle.
“Come” he simply said with his hand outstretched to her and she obliged, walking toward him and sliding her trembling hand into his.
“The princess and I will be wed, of course” he spoke once again to the council as he held Y/N possessively around the waist and close to his own frame “but after she has been coronated. I will not have her win her own right to the crown by performing an obligation of marriage that you seek to impose on her”
“But it is you who will take the place of king” Otto reminded, as if he was trying to lure his grandson in with the tempting offer “you were next in line after Aegon”
“Until his sons come of age, yes” Aemond’s voice was calm and composed, as was he. He wanted to be king, that was once his ambition until Y/N. After he’d fallen for her, his only ambition in life was to protect, love and serve her. He would burn down this very castle if she asked for it for there was nothing in this world, not even the prospect of being king that could tempt Aemond from abandoning his beloved “and then what, hm? Forfeit the crown to Aegon’s first born when he’s of age? Live the rest of my life as a dowager king? Condemn my wife to the same life as well? Why would I do that to her when she is the rightful queen to the seven kingdoms?”
“Enough” he snapped, losing patience. The sudden shift in his tone seemed to frighten the others for they ceased talking about the argument they had put forth “I will not have you question her claim. You seem to have no trouble picking an heir regardless of his ability to rule. The princess is more than capable to rule and I will hear no argument for even if she is unfit, which she is most certainly not, that throne is hers and hers alone”
The others were quiet when Aemond finished speaking and it was either because they feared him or the princess’ dragon looming behind the throne. The fear they held for each of them was great amount and they could not for certain pick which of the two outdid the other in terms of ferocity and ruthlessness. But then again, it was no surprise; they were both dragons, were they not?
“Leave us” Alicent announced and she didn’t need to repeat herself twice. She couldn’t think straight now that her son had ‘returned from the dead’. She would chose him over the prospect of being power-hungry and would more-than-willingly let Y/N sit the throne if it meant no more bloodshed of her offspring.
Once the others had left the throne room, leaving only Aemond, Y/N, Alicent and a sleepy Achlys, the dowager queen rushed toward her son and engulfed her son into a tight embrace, tears streaming down her face.
“Don’t you ever leave me like that” she sobbed and Aemond comforted her by humming and gently patting his mother’s back to assure her he wasn’t going to leave her “where were you all these days? I was absolutely devastated and-and I-“
“I’m alright mother truly, though I apologise for not letting you know sooner I was still alive and well” he pulled away and wiped away her tears, letting his mother see his face and the assuring smile he offered “I took refuge in Oldtown after the battle and stayed there until my wounds healed, at least to a point where I could return to King’s Landing with Vhagar”
“And what of your brother?” Alicent asked through the tears even though she already knew the answer “Aegon. Is he really-”
“He did not survive” Aemond regretfully answered his mother before turning toward Y/N who stood at a distance from the both of them “nor did Jace and your Father”
“I know” was all the girl managed to say before tears pricked her own eyes and she too began to sob bitterly. She wasn’t sure why she was crying. Was it because of Jace and Aegon’s death? Her father’s death? Aemond’s arrival? He was still alive?
Maybe all of it.
She brought her hands up to her face, to shield herself from their eyes. It was rather uncharacteristic for her to burst into tears whilst in the presence of others. Especially when she herself did not know what exactly vexed her.
Aemond broke into a weak smile before he walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest as he placed a chaste kiss on top of her head.
“Shh, my sweet girl” he cooed in an attempt to calm her crying and he hoped it might work since he was terrible when it came to consoling people.
He ran his fingers through her soft curls, fingers brushing against the skin at the back of her neck
“You do not wish to be king?” She asked, still holding him.
Alicent too had the very same thought cross her mind. It was no secret to her of her son’s desire to be king ever since he was a boy. That was yet another difference between him and Aegon; while the latter did not wish to bare the burden and responsibility of being king, the formed slogged day and night to prove himself worthy of ascending the throne should he be presented with the chance to do so.
And he was, right now and yet he publicly renounced his claim and instead vouched for Y/N and showed his support for her claim.
“I thought you wanted the crown” Alicent asked her son tenderly. She wasn’t trying to persuade him to take on the role but merely asked him that since she was curious as to what had changed his life long dream, a deeply buried secret that only his mother knew of.
“I did, mother” he answered in his signature monotone voice, laced with a soothing calmness that some found alluring as opposed to Y/N, who found it rather soothing “but I want to be hers more than to be king”
Aemond still liked the idea of him wearing the crown and sitting the throne, he felt like he was rather capable of handling the duties that he would have to shoulder but he was aware that by doing so, he would lose his Y/N. He had never thought he would put his love for someone before his duty to the realm but here he was, holding on to the person he would kill for, the person for who he’d withdrawn his claim, the person for who he would kneel and swear obeisance.
"In this case loving her is your duty"
And he did follow that advice, all through the war and until he would breathe his last.
Duty is the end of love, some say but in this case,
He had made loving her, his duty.
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Y/N’s heart was beating in sync with the drums as she made her entrance, hands held together as she marched through the sept. Her long gold and black cape flowed behind her elegantly as she walked gracefully with her head high under the guards who held their swords above her head. She was clad in the colours of her house: red gold and black.
At the alter, stood her betrothed, her half-sisters Baela and Rhaena along with Luke, Alicent and Helaena.
She remembered how she was the one standing there the day Aegon was coronated and it pained her that he nor Jace were present along with the rest of them to witness this.
What upset her the most was that her kepa, the man who had raised her to grow into the fiery and headstrong woman that she was and she wished with every fibre of her being that by some miracle he too would return to her but the reality of the situation was that he was gone and no matter how flawed he was, he made sure his daughter would survive in the harsh and cruel world he’d left her in.
She kept stealing glances at Baela and Rhaena, almost like they were her source of strength. And in a way, they were. The girls were only bit of family she had left. Of course, there was Luke, Joffrey and her other half-brothers but none of them were as close as the twins.
Her only other close companion, who she trusted completely, was Aemond.
He was the only one among the Green Council who had supported her claim and hence the only one who had earned her trust. She was well aware that Alicent and Helaena loved her as well but she knew they could easily be swayed by Otto Hightower. To keep herself protected against any ‘misfortune’, she would have to pick her own queen’s council carefully.
When the crown was placed upon her head, she could swear the rays of the sun that shot through the windows of the sept grew brighter, almost as if her father was looking down on her from the heavens with Rhaenyra, Jace and perhaps, even her mother.
She caught herself smirking when a thought crossed her mind; a thought so silly it managed to amuse even herself when she was nervous.
Did kepa even make it to the heaves? If anything, I’m sure he’s a ghost lurking around the Keep.
She felt a sort of heaviness upon her chest and she found it almost symbolic- like it was the weight of being queen that had befallen her.
At long last, the iron throne- the seat that caused war and led people to their deaths, was finally hers.
“Queen Y/N Targaryen, first of her name” Luke announced, much to Aemond’s dismay who had also taken a step forward to speak but his nephew beat him to it “queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the first men. Lady of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm”
“Long live the Queen!” Aemond said aloud, throwing a look toward Lucerys that Y/N missed since she was far too busy calming her breathing before the crowd gathered in the sept.
She let out a shaky sigh when she was met with silence. Her nervousness reached a new level as she feared the possibility of not being accepted. After all, centuries of tradition had been broken by her being named queen.
The silence was almost deafening and she wanted the ground to swallow her whole for the embarrassment she was facing was far too much and a rather foreign feeling. She was not used to being treated this way and Daemon had to be credited for spoiling her too much as a child.
“Hail Queen Y/N!” A meek voice shouted from the crowd and a few others joined in chorus until the entirety of the masses were chanting her name, raising their fists in the air whilst some clapped.
The princess smiled with relief, beyond happy that her reign was welcomed by her people.
As the townsfolk cheered in pure admiration, Aemond walked toward her, standing at her side. He made sure to bow his head slightly with respect before he could speak to the girl.
“My queen” he smirked, liking how it sounded. He leaned in to whisper even though he wouldn’t be heard if he spoke normally, the chanting almost drowned his voice completely “drink as much as you want in celebration tonight for tomorrow, you and I both have a certain wedding to plan”
Taglist: @ladybug0095 @sahvlren @bunny24sstufff @dellalyra @ellabellabus07 @champomiel @fan-goddess @lilostif16
Bold means I could not tag you
AN: omg one more chapter and we’re done with this series ahgjsfa
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snippychicke · 1 year
Deal with the Devil --Part Two--
I promise, I haven't completely abandoned this. I do love the idea... And Lord Sullivan...
Part One
My Library
"If our deal has… changed, I would like to pay you back." 
Sullivan frowned as he watched you place a small bag of coins on his desk. He was used to you coming and going as you pleased, reminding him of Opera all those years ago when he first found the cat-like demon. 
"You are paying me with your companionship," Sullivan stated, pushing away the coin. "Besides, I am the one who offered to change the terms, and that was not part of the deal." 
You crossed your arms, defiant as always. He found it rather endearing, to be honest. True, you did not really understand how powerful he really was, but you had an inkling and still bravely stood up to him. 
"My 'companionship' isn't worth all that you have given me," you argued. "This is just a potion of what I made selling my produce and such. Think of it as rent." 
He had more than enough wealth, more than he really knew what to do with. The gifts he had given you: a home, land, the tabs you had opened before, wasn't even a drop in the bucket. What he lacked was someone, a family,  a clan, to share it with. 
You didn't realize how much your company was worth to him. He hadn't, until he thought more of what it would be like to have children as a deal with you, and found it… less than pleasing.
Though, part of him hadn't entirely given up on the idea, but only if you wanted to. As part of a relationship, as his mate. 
But courting you, wooing you to the idea of courtship, would  be a challenge. He wasn't even sure you would ever feel anything romantic towards him at this point. 
"Alright, I accept. But only because you're so insistent, my dear."
You flushed, becoming even more adorable somehow. It gave him hope, making his smile wider. 
As time progressed and humans advanced, the divide between the Earthly realm and the Netherworld grew larger. Periods between Summonings by foolish humans became few and far between. And when you summoned him for reasons not borne of greed but desperation, he wondered if humanity had turned a new leaf. 
And then the Suzuki couple summoned him. He had hoped that maybe it was something akin to your own desperate attempt. 
But it was worse. Far, far worse. 
It had been eons since he had been offered not just a soul as a sacrifice, but a child at that. 
All for wealth and indulgences, for a pair that wasn't even struggling to survive. 
Perhaps it was because he had longed for a child of his own, or seeing the small blue-haired boy they offered as sacrifice sit so calmly in the circle, but Sullivan felt something twist inside him. 
He barely contained his rage as he accepted the deal, pulling the boy close to him. The child didn't even cry out for his parents, but accepted his fate with a grim sort of determination. As if he was years older. Or, perhaps, being sold and used was nothing new to him. 
Oh, those humans would have their hearts desire, though it would be short lived. But this boy… this boy would have the life his parents desired and would never want for anything again. 
//Please come to the manor. I have someone I would like you to meet.//
You weren't exactly sure what to make of Sullivan's request. He never invited you to come over, especially by text. Usually he would be ringing the bell at the front of the gate, steadfastly keeping to his word regarding never entering uninvited, if he wanted your attention. 
Who did he want you to meet? One of the teachers from his school? Surely not one of the other demon lords. While you were gaining more confidence to stray further from your cottage, making small talk with a few regular shopkeepers, you could hardly be called sociable. 
Opera greeted you when you arrived, their expression… oddly annoyed you realized as they bowed slightly to greet you. Instead of stepping inside, your feet stood firm on the stone outside. "What is he up to?"
The cat demon was silent for a moment, thoughtful. "To be honest, I am not sure myself."
Their answer was far from reassuring. You groaned as you fidgeted, anxiety warring with your trust in Sullivan. You trusted him explicitly, knowing that he would never put your knowingly in harm's way. And you knew despite his dopiness, he was far more intelligent, and cunning, than you often gave him credit for. 
But yet he did act sometimes without thinking, acting like a complete airhead at times. Often to make you laugh, but sometimes you only ended up worrying. 
"You're safe, " Opera said, breaking through your thoughts. "Lord Sullivan's… guest is no threat to you. Or anyone." 
With that worry settled, you follow Opera into the manor, down now-familiar halls towards one of the sitting rooms. It's not one of the formal ones, but the cozy one that you often found yourself in when spending time with the demon lord. Soft, overstuffed chairs arranged around a fireplace that gave it an intimate, cozy feel. 
Sullivan perks up when you enter, looking every bit his usual excited self, but there was something off. He was… nervous? Excited, but with a hint of anxiety to it that you rarely saw. "Iruma, I'd like you to meet my special friend," he introduces, addressing…
A boy. A young child that looked even smaller amongst the large furniture, with big blue innocent eyes and messy matching blue hair. You were surprised enough to nearly miss Sullivan's next words. "She's human, like yourself." 
"Human?" You and Iruma echo at the same time. He's human? A human child in the Netherworld?! 
What was Sullivan up to? Your stomach twisted, remembering the initial agreement, as well as how he had mentioned he had hoped someday you would be willing…. And things had slowly begun to take a romantic turn…
Did he decide the wait wasn't worth it? That he would procure a child via other means?  (Did it mean… he didn't want you anymore?)
"Can I speak to you, alone?" You spoke without really thinking, your heart a mess. Anger, confusion, betrayal, jealousy, so many emotions demanding your attention. 
"Ah, yes!" Sullivan agreed after an initial moment of surprise from your request. "Go ahead and stay here, my boy. We shouldn't be long." 
Iruma nodded his head obediently, though still looking rather wary and confused. How did Sullivan even find him? Did he kidnap a random child? Iruma looked far too young to Summon a demon as you had. 
Were there other ways of grabbing a demon's attention from the human world? 
Sullivan followed you into the corridor as Opera stayed to keep Iruma company. 
"Now, dear," Sullivan spoke softly, tapping his knuckles together guiltily, "I promise, this isn't what it looks like."
"I don't even know what it looks like!" You hissed back, wary about being overheard by young Iruma. "I don't--I don't even know where to begin! Where did he come from? What about his parents? How long is he going to be here for? How old is he?!" 
You hadn't been aware that you were shaking until his hands clasped yours, the gesture instantly grounding you. Or maybe it was just Sullivan's presence, that odd feeling of power wrapping gently around you like a comforting embrace. You took in a deep breath, and then a second as your heart slowly calmed. 
"Iruma agreed upon a contract of adoption," Sullivan said, his voice calm and even. "He will be staying with me for the foreseeable future as my child." 
"But why? How?" You asked again. "Did he summon you himself? Or did you go to earth and find some orphan needing a family?" 
His expression darkened, not with anger but something else. "His parents summoned me, and volunteered him in a trade." 
The words made your blood turn cold. "They… they volunteered him? As in you didn't ask…?"
"Correct." He confirmed gravely, his thumbs rubbing yours reassuringly. Though you weren't sure if he was trying to calm you, or perhaps himself from the expression on his face. "I told you before, my dear, you were a very special case. Humans who summon demons are never as good as you are. From what I could gather, young Iruma has had a hard life already. I promise, I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't think it would be the best."
Your throat was dry. Any anger or irritation towards Sullivan died as you mulled his words. You could hardly believe someone could offer their child up to a demon, especially not understanding what the demon world was really like. 
"He'll be raised as my son," Sullivan continued, "and…."
"No," you interrupted without thinking, surprising Sullivan. His eyebrows raised, his golden eyes flashing with surprise. 
"You object?"
You swallowed, this was hardly what you had planned for today, if ever, but your heart seemed steadfast on the idea that your mind could hardly make a logical argument. "...our son. I'll help you take care of him. I mean, he is human. I'll be able to help him adjust and answer any questions…"
The surprise shifted into excitement barely restrained. "You want to raise him with me?" 
Part of you relaxed, having been worried he would react differently to your interference. "If your agreeable to it."
Sullivan knelt down quickly, his hands clasping yours even tighter. "Darling, little else would make me happier than to raise little Iruma with you." 
Your heart caught in your chest from the honest look in his eyes; and you could barely believe the… love your mind whispered. 
But there were more pressing matters to worry about than if he held such feelings for you. "Well then, shall we?" You stated, throat dry and feeling like it had a knot in it. 
It wasn't important. It was just a look. Yet it kept replaying in your mind as Sullivan took your hand, warm and firm, and led you back to his office.
Opera had a very impish look on their face, though you could only tell after knowing them for so long. 
But.your gaze drifted.to the small blue haired boy. Small, thin as a rail, clothes in disrepair…
His parents sold him. 
You put on your kindest smile despite the simmering rage towards his parents. "Sorry about that, Iruma," you apologized before introducing yourself. "I… heard that you're going to be living with us now." 
"Yes ma'am," he answered, bowing slightly with impeccable manners. "What would you like me to do?" 
"Excuse me?" You asked, a bit perplexed.
"Opera was explaining to me that they take care of most of the house duties here," Iruma started as Sullivan laid a hand on your shoulder, to reassure you or restrain you, you weren't sure. "So I wasn't sure what my work will be."
"Work?" You echoed, filling that rage boil even higher he couldn't be older than ten, yet he so readily assumed he had worked? And was so… accepting of it? 
Yet Iruma smiled as he nodded. "I've done a variety of jobs before. My last one was working on a Tuna ship before Mister Sullivan…"
"Please, just Sullivan my dear boy," the demon interrupted kindly. "And, you're not here to work. As I explained, the contract you signed meant that you are now my ward, my adopted child."
"I understand, sir, but my parents had me work to bring in extra income…" 
"Sullivan," you whispered quietly through clenched teeth as you turned your head to look back at him. "Take me to earth. I want to have a word with these people." 
"Your own contract prevents that, but let's discuss this later," he whispered back with his usual.smile before addressing Iruma. "There's no work for you here, my boy. In fact, your life is going to be completely different from now on." 
Sullivan had known you would be an amazing mother. Watching you take to Iruma as if he was your own filled him with joy, his heart feeling like it would burst as you tucked the boy in later in the evening, reassuring young Iruma that everything would be okay. 
But seeing your mood flip the moment the boy's door was closed lit a different passion in him. If he thought he had seen fire in your eyes before whenever you would argue with him, he was a fool. That had been an ember.
This… this was hotter than any he had seen from even the most skilled demons. 
"I don't want to go to earth to stay," you snarled as you grabbed his hand and led him down the hall, away from Iruma's room. "Just long enough for… a chat." 
He should try to calm you down. But he also wanted to see how riled you could be. So long he had watched you restrain yourself, he wanted to see you free. 
"A chat?" he asked, feigning confusion, which you saw right through as you narrowed your eyes. 
"A chat where I bite these assholes' heads off!" You spat back, voice rising as you walked with him further away from the child's room. "I had assumed my case of being in a better life here was a once-off thing! But you heard him, Sullivan! Camping alone while forging in a forest filled with dangerous creatures! Working on a fucking Tuna Crawler! That boy can't even remember the last time he went to school! How-how would someone treat a child like that? To sell him to a demon! I mean, thank whatever deity that they summoned you. But still! They didn't know that! I was desperate enough, but if I had a child, I would never, never…" 
Your words got caught in your throat, tears in your eyes, and it was the last straw. Sullivan pulled you into his arms, holding you close. "Oh my dear, shhh. It's okay." 
"It's not though," you sniffed though as you returned his embrace, clinging to him tightly. "I-I can't understand it. He's just a boy."
"He's our boy now, they're never going to be able to hurt him again." He rubbed your back, and perhaps indulged a bit of having you so close. Of you holding on tightly to him. 
Our boy. The thought still sent shivers down his spine, from wing base to the tip of his tail. It wasn't exactly what he had been dreaming of, but for all intents and purposes, Iruma was the child he had been yearning for. And you had offered to raise him outside of your initial contract. 
But, demons were selfish creatures, and he couldn't help but hope that maybe young Iruma would be the first of the children he would raise with you. The next, perhaps, borne from your own body. 
"Hey, Sullivan?" You asked after a moment. "I hate to be a bother, but… I was wondering if I could use one of your spare rooms for the night? Just in case something happens." 
He could barely restrain his smile to something warm and soft instead of wide and eager. You wanted to stay that close to Iruma already? You trusted him enough to sleep under his roof? "Of course, my dear. My home is always open to you." 
Devi, help him, anything you wanted was yours. Including his room, his bed, should you ever want it.
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im-goofball · 4 months
Heyy!! Now that you have mention it I got some questions about Imu and Lili💖 first little questions did they meet ? And/or did they know each other ?
Thank you in advance 🥰 I got another one that i send you right now ^^
Oh those two? Now that's a messy history right there.
Right so, let's get some things clear first.
1. Lili was a six-years-old child and Alabasta was an verge of collapse as the drought that came upon it has been destroying livestock, farms and rivers for all over ten years now. She wanted to save Alabasta and heard the legend about a being, the Devil of the Sea that could save her country if she freeded it.
2. Mu has been chained up and put to deep sleep under the All Blue for over 3000 years right now, and it just happened to be right under the northen coast of Alabasta.
So Lili accidently woke up an ancient evil and promised to free him from the Determainon Chains (made out of pure stars' energy that burned Mu's skin and kept him in place) via. using the Crystal Lili. It was a special flower on Mt. Tansai, located in what was called the Moon's End by the old races and it was an island which used to be Tsumara's garden before humans took it after Tsumara returned to her realm and renamed the Moon's End into Wano.
Lili set onto a journey to find the last Crystal Lili and free Mu under the condtition that he'll save her people and kingdom.
After a year, Lili returned battered, tired and dying. But she held the nine-petal flower in her blood-stained hand and offered it to the Devil of the Sea, before she passed out.
Lili woke up in her chambers to a storm a mortal eye hasn't witnessed in five hundred years. And with the floods and thunder came a small, pale boy covered by cloak of night with serpent's eyes of bright crimson.
After Alabasta was saved, Lili and Mu became friends. They would soent most of their childhooh years playong, pulling pranks on servants and Lili's parents, fighting with the Du Kong Seals and racing on the Speeder Ducks.
Lili gave Mu a new name. Nheronaah. The Black Angel. Mu loved his new name, and he gave her his own. Khamataari. The Starlight.
Lili was never afraid when Mu was around. She never saw anything wrong with her friend. Did she recognized him as the chained up ancient evil? Perhaps she did, perhaps she didn't. The Devil never gave his name.
But sometimes. . . Sometimes he scared her. Whenever they ate, Lili felt uncomfortable by the ridiculously large amount of teeth in his mouth, teeth as long and sharp as needles. Or how his eyes never seemed to loose that glow, even at night they shone brightly.
When she found another friends to play with, born nobles like she had. They scorned his supposed low blood and didn't want Lili to play with him. She liked her friends, she really did, but she never tolerated rude behaviour. But Mu seemed fine with it.
The other day, the noble-born children were found sobbing and crying in their beds, their bodies trashing as they couldn't wake up from nightmares. They died after they woke up.
Another strange occasion was with the Royal Chef. He refused to give Lili dessert after she misbehaved and left her chamber after curfew.
That afternoon he was found with a broken arm and mouth stuffed with cakes.
But it didn't matter. Mu was her friend. Mu. . . was her friend. Right? He would never hurt her.
. . .Would he?
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galionne-speeding · 7 months
What're the eight gods like in your Sonic Pantheon AU?
Aah thank you so much for asking! I wasn't sure how/when to drop all the character info ; but now I've got the perfect excuse! To make it more digestible to read (and easier on myself) I'll copy/paste my character doc! (with some slight adjustments)
- - -
Name: Boreas (Also known as "The Cursed Winter", "Lord of Ice") Age: 25 Gender: Male (He/They) Species: Megaloceros Emerald: White
Several millennia ago, the last known megaloceros tribe was wiped out by its neighbors who greatly feared its people's ability to control ice and the cold. The sole survivor of the massacre, Boreas, was able to flee and it is believed he found a Chaos Emerald during his escape. Imbued with new power, he would soon return to avenge his people and slaughter those who had taken their lives ; until a small group of warriors was able to seal him deep inside an underground ice lake.
Name: Piia (Also known as "The Trickster", "Devil's Child", "The Moon-Kissed Spirit") Age: 8 Gender: Non-Binary (They/Them) Species: Pygmy Rabbit (Albino) Emerald: Light Blue
Piia was only a child when their village was hit by a disastrous harvest ; and they were offered as a sacrifice to the mountain their people worshiped. They were thrown into a deep crevasse and were killed on impact. However, their body had landed next to a Chaos Emerald which seemingly fed so much energy into it, Piia was brought back to life and granted an array of supernatural abilities. The young rabbit would go on to terrorize their old village, until they were tricked by another child into sealing themselves into a small mirror.
Name: Zeutaros (Also known as "The Storm", "The Great Dragon", "The Beast") Age: 201 (Early 40s by Zeti standards) Gender: Male (He/Him) Species: Ancient Zeti Emerald: Red
A Zeti Warlord of terrifying renown, it is believed Zeutaros fell to Mobius from the Lost Hex in ancient times. He seemingly found a Chaos Emerald near his landing site which charged him with immeasurable power and soon began ravaging the land in an enraged frenzy. The carnage would only end when Zeutaros accidentally broke the roof of a large underground cave system, where he fell and was buried by the rubble.
Name: Mother Agnes (Also known as "The Sunset Witch") Age: 62 Gender: Female (She/Her) Species: Luna Moth Emerald: Yellow
Little is known about Mother Agnes’ past ; only that she suffered greatly in her youth. In her early 60s she opened a boarding school for lost and troubled children which saw great success ; until all of the children put under her care began to vanish. It was soon discovered that she was in possession of a Chaos Emerald, which she was using to put the children into a comatose sleep in order to feed on their dreams. Her school was promptly swarmed by villagers and Agnes was captured and burned at the stake, at which point all of the children woke up. Her medallion is currently displayed in Sunset City’s history museum.
Name: Désiré (Also known as "Prince Raj", "The Adored One") Age: 17 Gender: Agender (They/Them) Species: Jacobin Pigeon Emerald: Purple
Born into wealth and nobility, Prince Raj was raised from the youngest age to be the next ruler of the kingdom and believed to have everything one could ever wish for. Yet many ; servants and nobles alike ; had noted how disheartend and dejected the prince always appeared both in public and in private. When the future sovereign turned 17 they were gifted a large purple gem which they took a particular interest in. Not long after this, communication from the kingdom to its neighbors slowly dwindled until it fell completely silent. It was soon discovered that the large purple gem gifted to Prince Raj was in fact a Chaos Emerald ; which they were using to warp the minds of the entire kingdom, so that all alike would see their lives now revolving around their new ruler as they worshipped and adored Raj day in and day out. The spell was only broken when an assassin was sent to enter the palace and successfully killed the prince.
Name: Malda (Also known as "The Hermit", "The Pestilence Witch") Age: 51 Gender: Female (She/Her) Species: African Common Toad Emerald: Green
Malda used to be a peaceful and solitary hermit living deep in the forest, making herbal remedies for those daring enough to visit her hut. When a villager went missing after visiting her however, she was quickly accused of causing his disappearance- as well as all others in the area. While historians now believe she was innocent, villagers at the time condemned her to death by drowning in the nearby lake. Not long following her death, the region was hit with several devastating epidemics ; which were only quelled once the lake was drained and The Pestilence Witch’s skeleton placed in an airtight coffin. A Chaos Emerald was found near her remains during the draining process.
Name: Manas (Also know as "Royal Seer Manas", "The Devil's Tongue") Age: 57 Gender: Male (He/Him) Species: Manul Emerald: Dark Blue
From a young age, Manas had always displayed the uncanny ability to learn everything from an individual, just by shaking their hand or touching their clothes. As this ability was sharpened over the following years, Manas began to slowly amass followers who were bewildered by his visions and predictions of the future. Little did they know, Manas was granted these abilities by a Chaos Emerald he was keeping safely hidden. As more and more people joined the ranks of his followers, the manul declared himself emperor and set his people on a path to conquer new land ; aided by his visions and knowledge. It is believed this conquest lasted for several decades and saw hundreds of war victories for the manul- until it all fell apart. One of Manas' visions turned out to be inaccurate, leading to a crushing defeat and the loss of nearly three quarters of his army. Disillusioned and under the assumption their ruler had knowingly sent them to their deaths, it is believed the survivors tracked down Manas and brutally murdered him for his failures.
Name: ∅ / Null Gender: ▇▇▇▇ (It/Its) Species: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ Emerald: ▇▇▇▇
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Which historical romance books would you recommend to someone who would like to get into the genre but doesn't know where to start? So far my preferred genre was fantasy romance but I think I exhausted it completely at this point so I'm looking for something new. I tried Bridgerton but I didn't like, so I would appreciate any other recommendation. Thank you in advance.
Hey! I am happy to offer some recs. Imo, the Bridgerton books are kinda dated and work for a very *specific* reader, so it's not surprising to me that it wouldn't work. We can find something!
Sarah MacLean is a great gateway--I read every single adult historical she had out when I was first getting back into them in the early pandemic days. She typically writes very strong heroines (not always in a "we do battle" way, but always in mind and heart) and heroes who are just.... like, honestly, MESSES. Guys who can kick ass and fuck hard but are actually, deep within their souls, simps. From her backlist, I'd recommend as entry points:
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake. Her debut, and I recommend it because it's super compulsively readable and very beloved, with good reason. It's the story of a wallflower type who's like, "Jesus Christ, I am so tired of being this person" and sets out to break these nine "rules" and have adventures. She ends up enlisting this known Slut Man to help her (in exchange for helping introduce his long lost sister to society) and naturally, he is soon after her. I will say, MacLean's first series is the most ballroom that she gets? Her tastes are definitely a bit wilder, and they get so from this book. It's funny, it's sexy, it's a romp. My favorite series of hers is the Rules of Scoundrels series, which is about a group of friends who own a gambling club and like getting emotionally destroyed by their lovers. But since you read fantasy romance, I will also suggest...
Wicked and the Wallflower. This is the first in her Bareknuckle Bastards series, which has a very fantastical, fairy tale-like premise. Basically, this guy's wife gave birth to an illegitimate daughter. At the same time, he had three illegitimate sons born together. So--girl not his, sons his. But he claimed the girl was a son upon baptizing her, and decided he'd pick which son was worthy of being his heir in what was essentially an extended CHILD BATTLE ROYALE. Anyway, the books focus on the grown children years later--two of the sons have become rulers of the London Underworld, taking the girl with them. It's wild, it's fun, the stakes are high.
Lisa Kleypas is a classic writer of the genre. She tends to write very emotional books, often focusing on very competent heroes (except that time she didn't and everyone clapped). For her, I always recommend her most famous series--it's a great crowd pleaser.
The Wallflowers. Four friends who are striking out on the marriage mart agree that at all costs, they will help each other find husbands this season. I recommend reading these in order, but the two strongest entries are It Happened One Autumn (book 2, an enemies to lovers situation, he's uptight and she's wild) and Devil in Winter (villainous hero enters into a marriage of convenience with the shy girl, gets absolutely emotionally compromised because she's actually everything), which MUST be read in order for max enjoyment. All the books are good, though, and book 1 is a great start with this kind of indecent proposal angle.
Monica McCarty's Highland Guard series could work for ya! It's a medieval series that centers on this group of knights who do these kind of black ops missions for Robert the Bruce as he's trying to take the Scottish throne. There's a lot of history, battling, Secret Love Shit. The first book is The Chief, which centers on the leader, this cool and stern guy who ends up in an arranged marriage situation with this woman who wants to Know Him Emotionally. These books have tons of adventure.
The Uptown Girls by Joanna Shupe. This series focuses on three sisters of a prominent man in Gilded Age New York, all of whom get into various types of trouble, some of which does involve organized crime. Fun and scandalous~ with a bit of danger. Also, super sexy.
Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane series is a great one that takes place in Georgian England. Lots of working class characters, walking on the wild side, danger. I'd recommend starting with book 3 (Scandalous Desires) as a starter, as it centers on a river pirate who basically takes this widow woman into his lair~ (he's actually trying to keep her and his daughter, who she's been caring for, safe--but he has ulterior motives, obvi). These books are super hot and often quite daring. Some of my personal favorites.
I think these are some options you can sample and maybe find a match or several with--imo, finding your niche is important. Like, I know Julia Quinn often doesn't work for me because I prefer books that are a bit ... heavier? And definitely with more sex and passion, often with less focus on the marriage mart. With exceptions, clearly!
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blackjackkent · 6 months
Unsurprisingly (I guess) we don't have the option to tell anyone in camp about our weird nighttime visitor. We do have a couple of other somewhat interesting little chats to clean up, though.
Rakha asks Wyll how it feels to be a devil. It's a matter-of-fact question as much as anything else - curious whether it affects his abilities, what exactly Mizora did to him - but he seems pleased that she asked, a slight smile touching his face for a brief moment.
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"It's said that anyone who bathes in the River of Blood emerges as one born anew. It's a lot like that, I imagine. I feel the weight of these horns on my head, curling upwards like a mammoth's tusks. I feel these ridges snaking down my back." His lips twitch, his eyes narrowing in a flash of humor. "Not to mention a few bumps and prongs in unmentionable places."
Rakha raises an eyebrow uncertainly.
He clears his throat. "But... I haven't seen my reflection just yet." His smile fades and he looks at her with sudden, unexpected intensity. "Be my mirror," he says softly. "What do you see?"
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She blinks, surprised. That he wants her opinion is surprising. That she wants to give it is equally so. She finds that there is something familiar in what he describes - how he has been saddled with a darkness that he did not ask for, a piece of himself that he has no control over.
Like her, in this moment, he seeks to know who he is.
She has no deep answer to offer. She says what she sees as the plain truth - he has not changed. In the same way that her own brutality and the Urge's darkness stand separate in her head, so Wyll's personality - the bewildering altruism that he has already shown her multiple times - bears no connection to the monstrous form he has been saddled with.
"I see the Blade of Frontiers," she says calmly. "No more. And no less."
He relaxes visibly, and this time he really does smile, and looks at her with a new sort of respect and more than a little gratitude.
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"It's because you know the heart lurking under the horns," he murmurs. His shoulders square and his back straightens, his jaw lifting with a new confidence. "The people will see a curiosity," he says thoughtfully. "Maybe even a beast hungry for their souls. But I will slay their monsters, keep them safe. And one day they *will* see the Blade of Frontiers again."
He is so earnest, so certain of the rightness of his intentions. It draws a stark contrast to the strange, creeping, skeletal creature who visited her last night, who spoke excitedly of the blood on her hands.
Since it's now morning, Rakha asks Shadowheart again about her Shar worship. Shadowheart's still pretty reticent about it, but Rakha talked her into giving some more information.
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"I am indeed a disciple of Shar, Mistress of the Night and Lady of Loss. I assume you've heard of her?"
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"Remind me," Rakha says, deeply dry, because of course she hasn't.
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Shadowheart's description is surprisingly intriguing. "Most fear the dark, like children, because in darkness they see their fears reflected. But Shar teaches us to step beyond fear. Beyond loss. In darkness we do not hide - we act. Pain, hope, the promise of better days - all of these are heavy cloaks that bend our backs and burden our hearts. We shed those cloaks. Before Shar we stand gloriously naked, beyond the vanities of mortals."
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Rakha takes this in thoughtfully. It is her first real exposure to the concept of religious philosophy (besides Lae'zel's oblique references to Vlaakith and, of course, whatever is going on with the Absolute). What Shadowheart describes is an approach to life where there is no hope but also no fear, something that steps beyond raw emotion. A stark contrast to Rakha's experience of life since she woke up, which has been all rage and blood.
Shadowheart seemed surprised, too, when Rakha expressed no obvious fear of her - that Rakha in fact stated, quite matter-of-factly, that she held no judgement of Shadowheart's beliefs one way or the other.
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"Curious. Most are afraid of my Lady," she says, squinting at Rakha pensively. "I think I did well by joining you. Most agreeable company."
(A/N: Leaving aside all the murder, one assumes. XD This is a whole string of oddly nice conversations for Rakha, which is kind of pleasing to see directly on the heels of the business with Sceleritas. The contrast is pretty dramatic.)
Rakha talks with Lae'zel a bit as well. I think she tends to drift to Lae'zel's corner of camp whenever she's not actively occupied with something; Lae'zel has a stabilizing effect on her, and though she doesn't actually explain what happened with Sceleritas, she is sure the gith can tell that something is bothering her.
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Rakha has a dialogue option with Lae'zel - "I didn't kill Alfira, no matter what you might think." I don't think this is exactly what Rakha says here, to be honest - she really hasn't at any point made the assertion (to herself or anyone else) that she didn't kill Alfira. But perhaps she does reiterate to Lae'zel that there is something strange going on, that some power she doesn't understand is influencing her, watching her, using her.
And I really, really like Lae'zel's response, as it sums up a lot of how I see their relationship right now.
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"I'll tell you what I think anyway," she says, flat and calm and serious. "I won't miss Alfira. But I won't stand for chaos. Govern your hunger, before it governs you."
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epicstuckyficrecs · 2 years
Favourite Stucky Fics of 2022
This feels a little bit like a farewell, but don’t worry... I’m never too far away! Here’s my favourite Stucky fics of 2022 :) 
💙 FUBAR by Ginny_Potter/ @hipsterdiva​ (Post-Endgame Fix-It | 64K | Explicit): Steve jumps in the past to return the Infinity Stones and doesn’t come back. When Bucky travels to 2012 to look for him, the Ancient One tells him just one thing: “Captain Rogers decided to move on”. Back in the present, Sam Wilson is more driven than ever to find his friend, believing him to be lost in the Quantum Realm but Bucky knows, just knows, that Steve made a choice and the choice was to stay in the past. Struggling to cope with a world he doesn’t recognise, Bucky falls in an addictive spiral of jumping up and down the timeline under the vigilant eye of the Ancient One, just to see Steve one more time, just to get his next fix. And in doing so, without even realising it, he heals and in the end finds out if he was right. Or, Time Travel is addictive, Steve is lost, and Bucky slowly realises that healing together is better than healing alone.
💙 he said, there’s a paradise beneath me (she said, am I supposed to bleed) by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid​ (Hunkyclunks aka Winter Soldier Bucky/Modern Beefy Steve, BDSM | 23K | Explicit): “If you kiss me like that, Rogers, you’re gonna have a hard time convincing me you want to fuck me.” “Can’t have that,” Steve says and— And the fucker bends Bucky back like this is a goddamn romcom and kisses the everloving shit out of him. (Part 1 of some sweet violent urge)
💙 The Devil and Captain Rogers by kocuria-visuals (kocuria)/ @kocuria, zilia/ @ms-zilia​ (Post-Avengers, Canon Divergent | 55K | Mature): Steve Rogers woke up in the twenty-first century and joined the Avengers to defeat Loki and save New York. But afterwards, he finds himself struggling to adjust to his new circumstances, desperately lonely and missing Bucky more than ever. So when the Guardian of the Soulworld visits him and offers to give him one person back from the dead, he jumps at the chance to get Bucky back. The only problem is, when he arrives in the Soulworld, Bucky doesn’t seem to be there.
💙 Maybe we’ll get it all (If we choose one night) by sourwolphs/ @sourwolphs (A/B/O AU, Sex Worker Bucky | 69K | Explicit): As it turns out, it’s pretty hard to find a job as an ex-firefighter omega with PTSD, no left arm, and no high school diploma. After the accident forced Bucky to leave his job at the fire department, he stumbles upon ComfortCycle— a service that helps alphas and omegas get through their heat and rut cycles— and becomes a trained Cycle Partner. And for the first time in his 34 years of life, lonely, rich alpha Steve Rogers is considering paying for sex.
💙 Blooming Under the Dappled Light by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic (Historical AU, Secret Identity | 52K | Explicit): Despite being the son of a gentleman, James “Bucky” Barnes could scarcely allow himself the hope of one day being tied to another in happy matrimony. In a society where the first-born children are revered and inherit all of a family’s wealth, last-born Bucky feels trapped in a life he did not ask for. When he makes the drastic decision to run away and become a tutor for a wealthy family, he is hoping to save enough pennies to someday have a dowry and be worthy for marriage despite his deposition. What he is not anticipating, however, is falling into the rough and skilled hands of his employer, the rakish widow Lord Steven Rogers.
💙 Okay, so he can play… (pretty’s got nothing to do with it) by darter_blue/ @darter-blue (University Hockey AU | 50K | Explicit): This is supposed to be Steve’s year. He’s meant to be taking his team to finals. He’s meant to be the number one draft pick. He’s meant to have it all. Until in walks the new kid, with his beautiful face and his tiny shoulders and his long hair and his graceful skating. Who doesn’t look anything like a proper hockey player. Who’s going to ruin everything. Bucky Barnes is about to bring Steve Roger’s world crashing down. And Steve is about to realise that’s a good thing.Maybe the best thing that ever happened to him.
💙 Rhapsody on a Theme by Astaraiche, Bittersweet_in_Boston (Orchestra AU | 41K | Explicit): in which Steve Rogers, principal cellist at the Boston Symphony Orchestra, meets Bucky Barnes, piano soloist and BSO artist in residence, and the inevitable occurs. 
💙  Read, White & Blue by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Shrunkyclunks, Librarian Bucky | 99K | Teen): If Steve was certain one thing would have stayed the same during his sixty-something years in the ice, it was that libraries were still the place to go if you needed information. And Steve needed information. Lots and lots of it. aka Librarian Bucky helps freshly desfrosted Steve learn how to use computers and catch up on everything he missed whilst he was in the ice.
💙 hey now, you’re an all star (get your game on, go play) by buckyismybicycle/ @buckyismybicycle (NHL Hockey AU | 18/? | 55K | Explicit): Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong.
💙 Love isn’t always a ‘coup de foudre’ by Becassine/ @becassine, kocuria-visuals (kocuria)/ @kocuria (Bridgerton AU, A/B/O | 6/13 | 26K | Explicit): When Steve Rogers is presented at Court as a desirable Male Omega to the world, he has no idea what to expect. But after meeting the sought-after Duke of Buchanan through a chance encounter, his life is forever turned upside down.
💙 A Story We Must Tell by AHM1121/ @love-ha-fge​, MissyRivers (Modern AU, Fisherman Steve, Writer Bucky | 8/15 | 61K | Explicit): Or, the story of how ex-military turned Author - James Barnes collides with ex- Army Commander turned Lumberjack/Fisherman Steve Rogers and all the ensuing fluff, drama, romance that comes their way.
💙 This is (not) a Ghost Story [COMIC] by PottersPink/ @potterspink​ (Post-WS | 10/31 | General): Steve moves into a haunted house. Well — everyone else is convinced it’s haunted, anyways.
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