#''i'm gonna mulan the shit out of link''
monpalace · 11 months
who wants to read an 800 word word vomit on amoy's (lu oc) backstory?
You will.
cw .. forced prostitution
Amoy (no legal last name) has no family or place to call home.
She grew up in the streets of a town too small to be put on the map, often using thievery to steal what she needed before hiding away in the nearby woods.
To her shock and surprise, she's never been caught or recognized. The villagers would often brush it off as a rodent, or the like.
She was confident (not cocky!) in her abilities and knew how to pick the right person to steal from. She only ever stole what she needed (clothes, bread, and blankets— she's always been a vegetarian so no food)— but that didn't stop the villagers from calling the nearby witch.
It didn't take long for the witch to find and punish her.
A curse that both felt like and was a branding was what Amoy received. It was public and the entire town gathered, like an execution of sorts.
It took her months to heal back to full health— all of which she spent wandering since the villagers burnt down the woods during her branding.
The time between her wandering and finding another village to "settle down in," is blurry, but this one was significantly bigger than the one previous, but just as bad.
Amoy took longer than she would've liked to figure out a system that allowed her to avoid the hiccups that came with such a crime-infested city, but she got by well enough in the first months with the help of another young villager; Link.
They were in similar enough situations. Both in the same age and gender demographic, often picked on by the crueler villagers.
They became quick friends despite Amoy's initial hesitancy.
Conversations of Link joining the royal army and him taking Amoy with him were common when it was just the two of them huddled underneath a ratty blanket in the middle of the afternoon.
(They only ever functioned as people at night. Amoy would constantly tell him he needed a better sleep schedule if he wanted to get the benefits of a knight. Link always told her that he felt better being on the same schedule as her.)
The town only ever knew how to act orderly when the army came around to enlist more members.
Amoy prides herself in not showing emotion but, truthfully, she was rather emotional for the time that led up to Link's departure.
Life continued after he left, naturally. Amoy readjusted well enough to the change. She was alone before Link, she could relearn everything she did as a child.
It was an unlucky run, or one of the soldiers said something about a "suspension," as a joke, or something along those lines— but Amoy was eventually caught by a brothel owner.
Originally repaying her debts by acting as a janitor and assistant to everyone within the brothel, later turned into a sex worker (for regular clients) and escort (for the few political clients in the town) once the owners realized she'd pull in more money that way.
Even before her occupation was changed, Amoy had begun to be called "Betsy," among all the villagers due to her Holstein cow-like "spots."
(She also underwent surgery— unwillingly— to see just how much like a cow she was. That had lasting effects but I'm not about to get into that.)
Link visited the village when he could (which wasn't often), always bringing what he learned from the capital and what he felt she'd enjoy with him.
He'd bring clothes, books (he taught her how to read as he learned), and teach her how to use whatever weapons he'd managed to smuggle out.
He'd buy up her slots for the week with his new soldier money and they'd spend the time together locked in her room huddled together like when they were younger.
Once he caught onto her interest in magic, Link began to bring more books that contained the topic, assuming she'd turned to it to try and undo her curse.
Amoy found her calling in blood magic, and Link was a willing test subject.
Their schedule continues like this for the next several years with promises of him buying her out of her servitude.
Link does, eventually, save up enough money to release her and moves her into the castle since he so quickly moved up the ranks (the Hero of Legend, and all).
Though they were never officially, legally married, the two were engaged.
Because she had no last name to take or give, Link gave Amoy the last name Opal for the fairy charm he gave her as her engagement ring (and the color he preferred to see her in.)
(He had tried to give it to her before he bought her freedom but she turned it away in fear someone would steal it.)
(Her Link, like, dies.. and I haven't worked any of that out, but I do know that he dies in front of her, so pretend I dedicated five paragraphs to that.)
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miss-musings · 2 months
The Dad Batch as DBZA Piccolo quotes
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Hunter, seeing Omega for the first time in 1.01 "Aftermath": I'm gonna steal that kid.
Wrecker, confronting Fennec Shand as she tries to abduct Omega in 1.04 "Cornered": Bitch, you look like Mulan.
Fennec: And you look like a pro wrestler.
Wrecker: I get that. Now hand over the kid.
Fennec: Oh, you want this kid?
Wrecker: I want her.
Fennec: You want this kid?
Wrecker: I want her.
Fennec: You want this kid?
Wrecker: I want her.
Fennec: You want, you want?
Wrecker: I WANT THAT KID!!
Fennec: *throws Omega at Wrecker*
Omega: Hi, Wrecker!
Wrecker: Merry Life Day!
Wrecker: *gets the shit beat out of him by Fennec*
Omega: Wrecker!
Omega, as she's falling to her death in 1.09 "Bounty Lost": WRECKER, HELP!
Wrecker: *appears with the Bad Batch and lifts her out of the flight pod to safety*
Omega, genuinely surprised: Holy cow, that worked!
Hunter, telling the Bad Batch to leave him on Daro in 1.14 "War-Mantle": You guys get on out of here. I'll take on these troopers myself.
Omega: But Hunter!
Hunter: No buts! Echo, you take care of Omega.
Echo: So keep doing what I've been doing then?
Hunter: Yeah-huh.
Echo: Yeah, I figured.
Echo, to the others: Let's go.
Wrecker: Oh, thank the Force!
Omega, as they’re leaving: Hunter, beat them within an inch of their lives! And hang them up by their entrails!!
Hunter, thinking: Wow, she sounds like she's had a hard time. Echo should REALLY have a talk with her.
Omega, as she falls to her possible death in 2.09 "The Crossing": Crapbaskets!
Tech: *jumps after her, grabs her and helps her get to safety*
Omega: Tech, you saved me again!
Tech, realizing they're now trapped in another part of the cave: "Saved" is sort of subjective here.
Makko yelling at Benni and the other kids who are essentially his slaves in 2.10 "Retrieval": Well, I'm sorry but ... I don't listen to BASTARDS.
Benni and the other kids: *shocked*
Tech: Omega?
Omega: Yeah?
Tech: You're a good kid.
Omega, confused: Oh... thanks?
Hemlock: *taunts the Bad Batch about Tech's death in 2.16 "Plan 99"*
Omega: Tech!!
Hunter, holding her back from fighting Hemlock herself: Omega, no!
Omega: I'll kill him! I'll f*cking kill him!
Hunter: You can't! Hemlock is too strong for you.
Omega: Tech would let me go.
Hunter: No, he wouldn't. And he's smarter than me.
Omega: Oh... that's actually a good point.
Crosshair putting himself in harm's way to protect Omega in 3.04 "A Different Approach": WHY CAN'T YOU SAVE YOUR OWN DAMN SELF!?!?!
Echo reuniting with Omega in 3.05 “The Return”: Omega! Are you OK? Do you need some juice? Did you get into that school you wanted?
Omega: Doesn't look like it.
Echo, screaming so loud all of Pabu can hear him: NOOOOOOOO!!!
Crosshair, as he and his brothers go to Tantiss in 3.12-14: Alright, better go save Omega.
Hunter, referring to the clone prisoners: What about the others?
Crosshair: What about the others?
Hemlock, as he guards the captured Batch Bad members in 3.15 “The Cavalry Has Arrived”: I'm going to drag each one of them down here and murder them until you finally give me what I want.
Omega, from a distance: No, please!
Hemlock, to Omega: Shhh. It's OK. I'll save your dad for last.
Hemlock, to the Bad Batch: HEAR THAT HUNTER?!!!!
Hunter: I mean, if you're just going to say it.
Wrecker: I don't get it.
Omega: *hugs Crosshair for the first time in 3.15*
Different versions of Crosshair: *reacting in his mind*
TCW Crosshair: Did our heart just skip a beat?
Imperial Crosshair: That is precious.
S3 Crosshair: Shut. The. F*ck. Up.
NOTE: I decided to throw an extra Tech one in there in honor of our bestest boy, and an extra Crosshair one because I'm a CrossDad fan. Plus, Piccolo and Crosshair are very similar, so I feel like Piccolo's quotes really work best for him.
If you'd like to watch the DragonBall Z Abridged / TFS clips for yourselves, I've linked them here.
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 year
giving disney princesses godly parents 'cause i'm bored
RAPUNZEL: I feel like Apollo is probably the most obvious option. She has a talent for singing and is incredibly creative: she sews her own outfits, makes candles and paints every blank space on her walls with colourful depictions of the things she sees and dreams of. Not even mentioning the healing powers. With the ungodly amount of time she had trapped in that tower, I'm gonna guess (using all the scenes of her completing her MANY hobbies) that she has a lot of knowledge of the most random shit. Also, the whole single drop of sunlight thing. I suppose you could also argue Asclepius as her parent, since she did manage to bring Eugene back to life but I'm gonna stick with Apollo.
MERIDA: So, not a godly parent but I'm counting it.. She'd be a Hunter of Artemis. The events of the entire movie are ripples caused by the rock that is Merida's refusal to get married (she's so aromantic, I love her). She'd much preferred to spend her time out in nature, shooting her arrows and doing everything that isn't expected of her as a princess. Again, I think it's pretty easy to place her.
MULAN: Okay, so my first thought was Ares. She's courageous and a brilliant fighter; an inexperienced woman surrounded by assumably-more-experienced men, yet she manages to be better than basically all of them. She's a victor of war. Maybe Mars, since I believe he's basically the more controlled and less brutal version of Ares? (atleast in HOO, anyway). You could also say Athena, she's strategic and seems to easily come up with strong plans mid action (the disguise herself as a man, the avalanche, the men disguise themself as women, the fan, the diy zipline. There's probably more that I've forgot). Maybe there's other obvious options but I'm lazy and sticking with my first thoughts but I'd be happy to hear other ideas.
MOANA: So, Poseidon was the first thought, for obvious reasons. She's got the whole connection with water and a longing to sail the seas that's linked towards her heritage, culture and it's history. Maybe, she's like Frank, a descendant of Poseidon with a family that's always seemed to be connected to the sea god (minus the shapeshifting powers, obviously). You could also link her to Palaemon, who I don't know much about so feel free to correct me, the protector of sailors (I believe he is a sea deity, or atleast thats what I read??). Choosing a greek deity for Moana is low-key hard cause she already has dieties (is that a word??) within her story so I'm gonna leave it at that because why not.
AURORA: So, most people's minds probably jumped to Hypnos immediately 'cause she's.. well.. sleeping beauty. Or maybe even Aphrodite 'cause, again, sleeping beauty. I can't argue against that because those are very valid ideas, though I'm more for daughter of Aphrodite than Hypnos because the whole sleep thing wasn't something she willingly wanted and was actually just tricked into doing. My mind kind of went to Pan- if thats possible- because I distinctly remember a scene with her in the woods, connecting with woodland creatures/wild (I don't know anything about this movie, help).
SNOW WHITE: Okay so I'm gonna say Aphrodite and leave it at that because I remember NOTHING about this movie other than her step-mother or someone wanted her dead for the absolutely treacherous act of being prettier.
ANNA, my beloved: Definitely not the most obvious option, but I want to go with Aphrodite again. She has an obsession with romance, she's desperate to be loved and feel love. She wants the butterflies, the pounding heart, the hand holding and the warm expanding feeling in her chest when she sees her lover. She literally tries to marry a man she just met. I also love this idea because it goes against almost every stereotype of a child of Aphrodite; she's a fighter, fierce and easily capable of defending herself; she isn't weak or helpless. She's one of the few princesses who gets the man whilst still being presented as a total badass. Furthermore, she loves so strongly in non-romantic ways too. She constantly stands at that door, trying to reconnect with a sister who suddenly refuses to talk to her. She SACRIFICES herself for that same sister.
ELSA: Boreas, he's the god of winter and ice. She has ice powers. I can't be bothered trying to think of a less obvious option but feel free to tell me about one that comes to your mind.
ARIEL: Triton. It's literally canon.
BELLE: Minerva is probably a very obvious option, if she can have kids the same way Athena did (can't remember). Belle values books and knowledge, the wisdom that comes with reading. She feels like the type of girl who would love to go to school and Minerva is supposedly the goddess of that. I'd like to be a bit less obvious and probably a lot more wrong (oh well) so I'm gonna also say one of the Muses is a possible option. Wikipedia tells me they were considered goddesses of literature, science and the arts. If I had to pick one I'd pick Erato probably, the muse of love poetry since, if my memory serves me correctly, Belle was reading a romance??
CINDERELLA: Maybe the child of Hestia? That is, if Hestia decided one day to throw away her oath of virginity or found a way to have kids without that. I'm not sure entirely why, it's just a vibe. Maybe favoured by Hera, since a marriage literally saved her from a life of abuse? I don't remember much of this movie, whoops.
I have absolutely no idea for anyone else and I give up so take what you have been given! Thanks to anyone who actually stuck with me and read through all this.
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