#''i just gotta get in his mindset is all'' *proceeds to make fun of his loser ass*
vaggieslefteye · 3 months
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Husk + Screenshots of Despair
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hanatagami · 2 years
Batfam! Reader x Platonic! Damian Wayne - cuddle sessions
this is probably some wishful out of characterness but i dont really care, i just want some fluffy damian sibling time in my life screw capitalization
and please dont look at the tags i dont know if im doing them right
i also haven’t checked for grammar errors
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so im gonna show a damian under some very specific conditions
its gonna take you being a very affectionate person
but also someone who doesn’t tease, or knows when not to cause if you do it even once this is never happening again
its gonna take him being absolutely completely sure you wont tease him, or utter a single word about it to anybody in the house
he also has to be completely sure you won’t say no, like 120% sure you won’t say no
heres what i think thats gotta happen for cuddly sibling damian
first is to show an example of how much you want to crush him with affection but don’t because he wouldn’t like it
the scenario i imagine to start this is a competition between all the wayne siblings
the winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser
you are the fortune winner, damian is the unfortunate loser
well he wouldve been unfortunate if it was anyone else
ignoring all the suggestions from the others that would most certainly piss damian off, you already had your heart set on something
“You gotta let me hug you for an entire minute!”
que jason laughing (just ignore him)
the others get a big smile on their face for multiple reasons i dont feel like getting into
but damian grumbles and reluctantly steps up to you
(dick is in charge of the timer)
you crouch down and proceed to wrap him in what you want to make the best hug in the world
you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him to your chest, cradling his head in your arms
you gave a good amount of squeeze, a good comforting amount of squeeze
you don’t think you’d get a chance like this again, damian would never let himself lose again no matter what it takes if you have a good chance of winning
lost in the feeling of finally being able to smother your youngest sibling with affection you didnt really take notice of his reaction
you didnt notice how his body melted into your embrace (though only just a bit)
you didn’t feel how his breath on your neck began to slow down and relax 
or how his eyes began to droop halfway
you were lost in your own little word- and so was he
in fact when dick decided to break you out of your trance, it seems you both had gone passed the promised time without realizing
you had assumed damian was keeping count and would shove you off immediately after it hit the 60 second mark
but he didnt
and by the embarrased look on his face you could see he had MEANT to, but for some reason forgot
you had never seen his composure so broken as jason took the chance to immediately poke fun at him
(tho damian didn’t know that jason was also a secretive fan of hugs from you)
it was a good time 10/10 would hug again
lets skip a bit
but just know theres been a lot of thinking while damian has been on his  lonesome
he liked your hug a lot more then he thought he would
it was so warm and comforting and he had found himself unconsciously leaning into it
his mother wasn’t an affectionate person, being an assassin didn’t allow such luxuries
bruce wasn’t much better, though he tried to be
and by the time his siblings and him got any kind of close he was already uncomfortable with such affections
he never realized how truly touch starved he was cause at this point in his life he didn’t see why he would indulge in such niceties, it was unpleasant
but it more pleasant then he expected, and he had let his guard down which was a critical mistake in both assassination and vigilantism
but there was an itch he now couldn’t scratch with that mindset
he’d been going back and forth with himself for days about asking you to hug him again
(cause lord knows he wasn’t asking anyone else)
and after a particularly stressful day, people at school just bugging the hell out of him, and not being allowed to go out on patrol that night cause bruce noticed his stress
and damian could only assume bruce thought he’d take it out on criminals
which damian was too proud to admit was possible
So imagine your surprise when Damian just bursts into your room, slams the door shut, and turns towards you with his eyes squeezed shut and his arms out
now this is what i meant about teasing and joking, a teasing “no” or any other funny comment and he’ll be humiliated and outta there faster then he was in and he will never come back
its a good thing you knew that right?
you couldn’t help the smile that spread on your face as you approached him and gently wrapped your arms around him
you could tell he was grateful you didn’t say anything
you’d have to guess he has been wanting this for a minute cause it didn’t take him long to completely snuggle up into you
You hadn’t realized he was so craving of affection, and you hazard a guess he hadn’t known either
it was a couple minutes before he broke away from you
when he looked up and saw your warm smile he turned completely red and sped out the door
how cute!
and now to your greatest hopes, it had started becoming a common occurrence!
your youngest brother is now actively seeking out your affection and its an incredible feeling
after the first couple times you had actually gotten him to speak to you during or after
and then a couple times after that, you had gotten him to stop speeding out of your room
he came the most at night, after dinner when everyone would be too busy working or in their room to notice his venture to yours
it was now common for you to silently hug him with one arm with him sat with you in your chair while doing homework or studying for college
or when you play something he’ll sit in front of you and let you rest your head on his
one of your favorite memories is him falling asleep on your lap on accident and him being so embarrassed when he woke up he pretended to still be asleep
you could feel the heat in his face so you decided to do him a favor and pretend you hadn’t noticed and instead moved him to your bed
though you couldn’t help the small kiss you planted on his forehead, knowing he couldn’t bring it up without outing himself
he’ll have to live with it
and you were surprised to find out he was the kind of brother who would sneak into your room at night
now you never caught the reason why, but you at least knew he didn’t want you to know
he came in and laid next to you when you were “sleeping” and left before you “woke up”
you assumed he was facing some inner demons when he did this, and wanted the small comfort but didn’t want the embarrassment of waking you up and asking you
you and alfred now have a hidden code, not that alfred knows (he probably does but you didnt tell him, but you were sure him and bruce had noticed and got a good idea as to what was happening)
well its not much of a code but when alfred asks for you or damian for one thing or another, you can send him something along the lines of “hey, ive got damian helping me with something” and alfred seems to get it and leaves you two alone for now
im not gonna say how, you and damian dont even know he does, but bruce has pictures
which is crazy cause you’ve never taken one, even while damian is asleep, cause this isn’t something your ruining
but bruce has pictures and he keeps them safe and secure for only him and alfred to see
seeing damian be so close to you makes him so happy
not that he’d say, him and damian are alike in that way
but alfred knows though
he always knows
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 year
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you're toxic, i'm slippin' under with a taste of a poison paradise
(i always jokingly call their ship 'my chemical romance', mostly bc of the fact that crane is awfully good at chemistry, among the other things. n' i do dearly love this aspect of their relationships. gotta adore how it's literally 'toxic' love, bc the fear toxin is a thing, n' they both end up sniffing it, every time they met. so it's less of poetic language here. it's just that they end up inhaling fumes n' havin' a bad trip. plain as day.
anyho', these arts are circling around the idea of what if at one point, crane dosed both of them on purpose. n' what if he did it as the scarecrow. or more so, when he was in mindset of the scarecrow.
btas crane n' old comic ones are usually depicted as sadists, who ironically are afraid of pain themselves. as jonathan is the sort of man, who is afraid to suffer / be hit / be picked on, bc it was his whole life. he knows how it feels n' he's dreading it. n' while it's cute, i was wondering about more crazy n' drastic measures, that crane might take, even if he knows that it would hurt him, but at same time, would grant him smth that he wants very-very badly. in this context, some 'discomfort' should be fine. n' i believe, that if he's 'out of it' or desperate enough, he might do it.
in this context, him using ft for smth dare i say kinky, isn't out of question. i often think' that crane might view his ft as a connecting link between himself n' batman. even if he doesn't know who batman is, the difference between them is evident. starting from the looks n' ending up with their personalities. but when batman is afraid, it's like jonathan bringing bruce to his level, isn't it? at that moment, they're the same. crane dosing them both is almost a power move. kind of harmful, bc crane cannot quickly overcome his own toxin like batman does. but still, it would take batman aback. give jonathan those 10 seconds of being the 'big bad' man in the room. but that's just a cherry on top. the main point of this is that jon can get away with smth, like a kiss or smth more, bc it would all be lost in horror soon enough. with this nearly an ultimatum in mind, he can waste those few moments *where he still udnerstands what's real n' what's not* to be bold.
i feel like btas crane will be a tad more modest about it still vs his more unhinged comic counterpart. but batman would be caught off guard, either way! i generally do enjoy the situations, where bruce is ruffled n' taken for a ride from time to time. he's very serious n' very prepared, n' all that, but it's fun to let jon score a win. even if it's small, it still would plague batman for days. his enemy dosed both of them, crawled into his laps, kissed him n' then just.....refused to explain himself. n' while it would be puzzling from bruce's pov. i love how it would have been the fear-included kiss for both of them, but jon would have been afraid of it *touching lips with him* even without ft, so this what makes it painfully appealing to me.
i stan by a hc that pleasure is generaly very hard concept for crane. n' he doesn't fully know what to do with it. or how to proceed. any fantasy, where things just nice n' not complicated feels untrue to him. he can't do what harley did n' just smooch the bat. he's not a pretty gal or even someone, who has any skills in that area. more so, the mere idea about how the bat might be willing to do smth with him, outside of being low-key cornered into it or lured into, is beoynd him. which is pretty sad, but it just feels kinda....like, well, jon, haha. i can't picture him as someone, who can overlook his self-hatred n' disgust this easily. but causing smth, when controled by fear n' despair for having that one thing he's pinning for, now this would sound realistic to him.
as for bruce, he can take his revenge by simply kissing crane back. n' also explain nothing. i imagine, that when it happens, crane's brain will freeze. it's like an instant defeat.)
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slasherkisss · 5 years
Hello my lovely dear!!!! How would any of our deadly babes (your choice who) respond to an s/o who tends to hyper fixate on like projects as a coping mechanism??? I have been having that going on lately bc issues and have made waaaayyyy to many origami butterflies (it's all I know how to do) Love you!!!!
[ooo lets go with some classic and some underrated shall we-]
Slashers With a Hyperfixating S/O:
Michael Myers:
Doesn’t particularly mind or care so long as you don’t drag him into it
Or it doesn’t interrupt anything he’s doing. Or it doesn’t hurt you in any way.
Like if you end up hyperfixating on a puzzle or a sculpture he’ll leave you to it, just kind of peering over your shoulder once in a while to check your progress
Calls of ‘Hey Michael! Do you wanna join me?’ are just blatantly ignored and he tries to just let you have your time
When you finally DO get him to join you in something though, you have a 50% change that he’ll accidentally hyperfocus/hyperfixate on the thing right along side you
He doesn’t mean to do it, it’s just his ability to garner new Obsessions is a constant detriment to his health and mindset
He might go even harder than you.
“Michael did you stay up all night just to use up all the origami paper and make those butterflies?” -sleepy nod- “Now I gotta go out and buy more paper for myself!” -shrugs- “>:/” 
This brick wall of a man is a disaster to have at your side either way, proceed with caution.
Bubba Saywer/Leatherface:
Always interested in whatever you’re doing, Bubba is the most supportive of the bunch when it comes to your projects
He knows how it is to want to learn how to do something and do it well! His decorations that he makes with bones aren’t just for show, you know!
He’ll learn all about your fixation and find you the best presents to give you! 
Will want you to teach him how to do whatever it is you’re doing at all times. He’s not the fastest learner, though, and it may be frustrating but be patient with him! He’s doing this so he can spend time with you!
Will be there to remind you to eat and take breaks
Gentle nudges and plates of food and lemonade/sweet tea set in front of you, followed by worried grunts and mumbles if you ignore it
“Just one second, Bubba, I’m almost finished with-” -LOUDER WHINE- “Okay! Okay I’ll eat I’m sorry!” -proud hum-
Wants you to enjoy your things but also remember how to function as a person
Asa Emory/The Collector
Admires your commitment and urge to finish things
Will buy you supplies whenever you need them. 
You won’t know, though. You’ll never ask. They’ll just appear at your workspace one day with a little note and that’s it. He shows his support in those small ways
He won’t get as into your projects. He has his own life and studies to work on. He’s a busy man, after all
If your projects start to get in the way of his time with you then he’ll get annoyed, pushing past them to be your main focus out of spite more than anything else
No you CAN’T keep working on the rubix cube tonight, Y/N, it’s OUR night and i’m going to make you focus on ME
Has very set rules of when is appropriate to work on the things, which may get annoying for you since your mind is always so intensely focused on them
He hates having to set a schedule for you on it, but until you prove that you can behave and manage your time like a normal adult it’s what he’ll do. 
Nathan Wallace/Repo Man
The most worried of the group.
Like he’s super happy you have something that you’re so passionate about! He really is!
He’s just. Concerned.
“Are you sure you need to focus all this time on that one thing, dear? Take a break for a moment, okay? Let me fix you a drink. Want a sedative to calm you down?”
Nathan himself is very gentle with you in his fatherly sort of worry, always touching at your shoulder and frowning when he thinks you need to take a break. Offers you a lot of food and hot teas to pull you away from it and coax you into relaxing.
Repo Man on the other hand? When he gets annoyed at your actions he just hauls you over his shoulder and drags you off with him.
If you protest he just cackles and rolls his eyes
“Enough of that, Y/N, it’s BORING. I got something much more fun to have us do~.”
That either means he’s going to fuck you or take you and make you kill people with him, you don’t get a choice either way. Anything to get your mind off of it. 
Nathan apologizes later and buys you more supplies to make up for it. 
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mnthpprt · 4 years
Chapter 38: Nocturnal
[Am I procrastinating by writing yet another chapter? Yes I am. Pls send help.]
I wake up only a couple hours later to find Arthur is gone. He must have gone back to write in is room. I don something comfortable and pick up my blood soaked clothes from the bathroom floor to wash them. Though Sebastian knows what I did, I don’t want to wake him up in the middle of the night for this. He has done enough already, and I can deal with the stains myself.
I fetch a bucket and a jar of salt from the kitchen and bring it back to my bedroom before filling it with cold water. I then proceed to scrub as much as I can off the clothes inside the shower, using a thick salt paste, and when the water stops running red, I lather them in soap and leave them to soak in the bucket. The stains are fairly fresh, so hopefully they will come out in a day or two.
After drying myself off, I leave to aimlessly roam around the mansion. I need to do something, anything, to keep my mind occupied. I eventually end up in the attic, crawling onto the roof through the dormer window. I am pleased to find Jean is there. I don’t think I could handle being alone with my thoughts.
“Mind if I join you?” I ask, knocking on the window frame. Jean turns to glance at me before shuffling over, making space for me beside him on the edge. “This is becoming a habit, huh?”
“It’s not one I’m opposed to,” he shrugs. I light a cigarillo, and he looks at it disapprovingly. “Unlike that one.”
“Sorry.” Before I can smother the flame on the roof tiles, he holds my hand to stop me.
“I was joking...” he mutters. “I don’t mind if you smoke.”
I... did not think Jean had a sense of humor. His is a lot like Mozart’s, I think, in the sense that it’s hard to tell when they’re kidding. I chuckle and look up at the sky. The sun is still nowhere near the horizon. It must be around 3 in the morning.
After exhaling a cloud of smoke, I glance at Jean to notice him staring at my arm. My sleeves are still rolled up from the laundry, and most of my tattoos are fully exposed.
“Is that some sort of plant?” he shyly asks. I nod.
“A monstera adansonii. I used to work in a flower shop, and this is my favorite plant that we sold,” I explain. Though it is commonly referred to as ‘Swiss cheese plant’, the holes on its leaves have always reminded me of the craters on the moon.
“I own a shop too,” he quietly informs me, catching me by surprise. “I sell weapons.”
“Sounds about right,” I chuckle. His fascination with the objects is evident in his bedroom. “Do you make them yourself?”
“Only some of them. I mostly just make slight alterations.”
“Must be a lot of work, if you also own the place,” I ponder out loud. “No wonder I rarely see you during the day, you must be so busy.”
“Napoleon helps me with the paperwork. I wouldn’t be able to manage without him.” I tilt my head, wondering what he means by that. “I, uh... I can’t read or write,” he explains.
“Oh.” It makes sense, given the time that he lived in. Most people back then were illiterate. I open my mouth when a thought occurs to me, but quickly close it and sink down against the chimney, resigned.
“What is it?”
“I was going to offer to teach you, but I’m not much better off myself,” I chuckle. “I could not spell in French if my life depended on it. I can kind of read it, though. That, I might be able to help you with.”
“... Thank you,” he murmurs after a brief pause, before turning to look at me with his good eye. “I am glad that you are staying here, Anaïs.”
“Yeah, about that...” I mutter. “I think I understand how you felt that night. These baby vampire impulses are... a bit too much to handle. It’s rough.”
Jean nods slowly and looks away from me, as if thinking about something. When he finally speaks again, his voice is even softer than usual.
“You slipped, didn’t you?” His unexpected question makes me tense beside him. I guess he feels it, because he continues. “I was up here when you came back. I saw you.”
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” I sigh. “It was bad. I mean, it was self defence, but that doesn’t make it any less awful...”
“It does,” he declares. “Do you think that person would have died if they hadn’t attacked you?”
“Not really, but-”
“Then they deserved it and their blood is not on your hands,” he cuts me off. “Not literally, at least.”
I hadn’t thought of it that way. The logic in his argument is not exactly airtight, but it’s better than blaming myself for what I did. I helped Jean hate himself a little less, it’s time to let him do the same for me. Satisfied with my new mindset, I bring the cigarillo to my lips and inhale a deep puff.
“... People,” I finally correct him after I blow out the smoke. He looks at me, confusion in his ocean blue eye. “There were two people.”
“And you took them down on your own?” he inquires. I shrug. It’s not exactly something I’m proud of. “Impressive. I didn’t think a frail little woman like you could defeat one, even as a vampire.”
“Hey, I’m stronger than I look,” I laugh. I am still not sure whether he was teasing me or not, but I chose to take it that way. He looks at me before shaking his head.
“Nah, I don’t believe that.” Yeah, he is definitely messing with me this time.
“I am, I swear!” I play along, gently smacking his muscular arm. “Wanna take this to the training room?”
Instead of replying, he gets up and offers me his hand. I take it, letting him effortlessly pull me to my feet, and follow him back inside.
“You know,” I say on the way there, “I’ve been wanting to learn how to fight properly for a while. Ever since I saw you and Napoleon on my first day here.”
“How about I teach you that, and you teach me how to read?” he suggests. I smile.
“I’ll do my best.”
When we enter the training room, Jean turns the switch on the wall, making the lights turn on with a flicker. I wonder how he feels about all this new technology, so unfamiliar to him. He seems to have gotten somewhat used to electricity and running water, at least. Although I’m pretty sure his brain would implode if he saw the things that are common in my time.
He exchanges his rapier for a wooden version of it he takes from the rack in the corner, and hands me another one, identical to his. It’s heavier than I expected. I hold it between my thighs to tie my hair up as Jean expertly waves his sword around with a flourish, getting accustomed to the different handle in his hand. What did I just get myself into? Whatever it is, it’s going to be fun.
“En garde!” He takes a stance, and I try to mimic it, but my thin right arm is unused to the weight of the weapon, so my left hand instinctually joins to support it. “No, use only one hand,” he instructs. “Like this.”
I am surprised to see I can easily hold it up once I get past the mental barrier of what my human body was capable of. I am stronger and more resilient than I have ever been, though I think I’ll need some time to get used to that.
“Alright, I’m going to attack now. Try to block it,” he warns be before lunging forward and thrusting his sword towards my stomach. The movement is deliberately slow to give me time to deflect it, which I successfully do. 
He slashes at me again, stepping closer. I push his sword to the side with my own, but it comes back in full force. I barely manage to block it this time, reeling backwards.
“Focus,” he orders me. “There is more than one way to avoid being hit.”
I nod, taking the hint. When he attacks again, I am quick to dodge his sword, focusing on agility rather than strength. While I struggled significantly to parry Jean’s hits, I can effortlessly jump and twist out of the way without ever having to lift my own sword. His movements accelerate, and I follow along, resulting in a graceful dance between us. It reminds me of waltz with Mozart, how he had spun me around the ballroom until my vision blurred and I struggled to keep up with his quick footwork.
“Ow!” I cry out in pain when Jean’s sword hits my hand, right on my knuckles.
“Désolé! (Sorry)” he apologizes, lowering his weapon. “Not bad, Anaïs. How come you’re so fast? You’ve never trained before.”
I simply point at my skates across the room, the red suede boots having become part of the training room’s vast collection of equipment over time. I started leaving them here, on the floor near a corner, when I realized I could never use them outside of the mansion.
“When you’re falling from a triple spin in the air, you gotta be quick or you end up breaking your leg, or something,” I chuckle. Jean nods, his eyebrows raised, as if he just considered that possibility for the first time. He probably did, but to be fair, he has been watching me skate for a month now. He should know better.
I slowly flex my fingers over the sword’s handle, but wince in pain when I try to move my pinky. It’s too sore for me to continue training.
“Are you hurt?” Jean asks, concerned. I shake my head.
“I’ll be fine, it’s just my pinky,” I brush it off. “It will be healed in a day or so.”
“We should continue another day, then.”
I want to argue, but he’s right. I can barely hold the sword straight. My pinky might have taken the brunt of it, but the dull ache expands through my entire hand.
“Okay, but I’m gonna skate instead, if you don’t mind,” I finally give in, walking to ‘my’ corner of the room, before kicking my shoes off. “I have way too much energy. I fear I’ll end up eating someone again if I don’t get rid of it somehow.”
As I struggle to tie my laces with a semi-numb hand, I remember something. I look up at Jean and stare at him for a few seconds before voicing my thoughts.
“Do you know any songs?”
“Yes, why?” he asks, confused.
“My headphones are dead.”
“Headphones?” He sits on the floor beside me and tilts his head.
“Yeah, you know those little things I wear in my ears sometimes?” I remind him. “They play music. And, well, it’s kinda weird for me to skate without music, so I was wondering if you could sing something...”
“Did I accidentally hit your head?”
I snort at his genuine question. Of course, he seems even more confused by my explanation. It is then that I remember my phone still works. I turned it off after my first night here to preserve the battery. It must be in my room somewhere, along with my wireless earplugs.
“Wait here,” I tell him, quickly pulling off my skates. “I’m just gonna show you. I’ll be right back.”
That said, I jump up and run barefoot out of the training room. I have no idea how I’m gonna explain this to Jean without him thinking it’s witchcraft, but it might be better if I just let him see it for himself.
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rwby-nwbe · 5 years
Just Finished RWBY Volume 2...
[Warning: Spoilers for Volume 2 and Long Post.]
New antagonists! More huntsman action! More characters and interactions! And the fights, tho. THE FIGHTS!
*Ahem* Okay, clearly I just need to start from the beginning...
Episode 1
We start the new season by being reintroduced to our new antagonists, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. They may be villains, but they're also obviously teens (Mercury radiates prick energy) and they're dynamic is entertaining. Also, RIP Tukson, he seemed like a nice dude...
We then cut back to Team RWBY and JNPR, who are apparently on break at the moment. It's also nice to see Sun again, and we also get to meet Neptune. Anyways, someone throws a pie in Weiss face, and you know what that means...
Seriously, THESE KIDS ARE CRAZY. Ruby can apparently surf on lunch trays! Weiss used ketchup and a freakin' swordfish like Myrtenaster! Blake used baguettes and a sausage link like Gambol Shroud! Freakin' YANG was punching things with TURKEY! JAUNE... threw a melon, that was cool; nice to see that he's losing the noodleness of his body. NORA RIPPED OUT A PIPE, STUFFED IT TO A MELON, AND CALLED IT MAGNHILD! Note to self: never challenge Pyrrha to a fight near a vending machine (or anytime, really). Ren can kick WATERMELONS, and fight with LEEKS. HOW CAN THEY EVEN DIGEST ALL THAT FOOD!?
RIP Neptune's hair though, I hear grape is hard to wash out...
Then we cut back to the White Fang and Torchwick, who are then met with Mercury, Emerald, and later the great Cinder Fall herself. I'll admit, Mercury's funny but a jerk, and Emerald... I'm pretty sure I was mentally screaming "YOU'RE BEING MANIPULATED" when I saw her and Cinder. First she doesn't give Emerald a hug, then she tells her to not think and just obey? RED FLAGS. RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE.
Oh, speaking of Cinder, while she does radiate boss energy, I'm glad that I don't personally like her. I don't know what it is, but it might be the fact that she's treating everyone else like her pawns (and considering she used a chess piece later in this volume, I wouldn't be surprised). I mean, good villain, but like any good villain, I want her to get roasted, though that might not work given her Semblance.
Also, Roman Torchwick, you beautiful jerk, never change. I love ya, but I also love seeing you get dragged, which is what Emerald did to you at the end of this. Yep, I'm on board for this season!
Also, the new opening. I thought nothing could top "This Will Be The Day." I was wrong. Haven't listened to all of it yet, but "Time To Say Goodbye" SLAPS.
Episode 2
So, several things. There's board games, insert Yu-Gi-Oh reference here... Yang has too much power. Also, if I remember the lingo right, then this is also the episode where the White Rose shippers got crumbs, the White Knight shippers were once again denied, and where the Iceberg shippers were born (while the rest of us were titling our heads in confusion with Jaune). Jaune continues to be a social dork (what's with the blonde boys blowing Blake's secret? Don't think I've forgotten about Sun...). Blake is being consumed with the burden of RESPONSIBILITY. I feel that Blake. Oh, and the ending...
Why do out villains have to be clever enough to infiltrate the actual school!? And Weiss' "We're doomed." I hope that's not secret foreshadowing...
Episode 3
Jaune fails yet again at wooing Weiss (at least Yang comforts him at the end), and the gang begins their espionage. We meet Penny again, Weiss deals with her past, albeit briefly, and Penny... oh boy. She's hiding something, and the hiccups make it obvious. What could it possibly- oh...
Episode 4
Most of us had our suspicions, what with Penny's awkward demeanor and ludicrous super strength, but yep, she's a robot! Aw, get yourself a real one like Ruby. Oh, and Neptune's useless with Yang around. Speaking of, HEY, good to see you again, Junior! So Blake and Sun intercept the White Fang rally and... oh fudge they got giant robots. BAIL! We also get to see Neptune's weapon and Sun's semblance (before they nope off the road and leave the rest of the fighting to RWBY, while they go off and get ramen, the jerks...). Also, nice to see that they have team attack names (I believe some of them double as ship names), and this is where we get to meet the Ice Cream Queen Neopolitan (not to be confused with the now officially dubbed Ice Queen Weiss Schnee. If even the villains are calling you that, then congrats, you have a new title)! Neo then proceeds to give them the slip, and I personally believe that Yang only disliked Weiss' pun because it highlighted her failure.
C'mon Yang, at least she's TRYING!
Episode 5
Pyrrha is a combat queen. 'Nuff said. Suck it, CRDL.
Oh no. Mercury is both a smart aleck AND smart. This will not end well.
Blake, take a break. No, seriously, working yourself to death just because you think you can doesn't mean you should. You will only feel worse. TAKE A BREAK.
Well Jaune, mission failed. You'll get her next time.
Pyrrha Nikos. Sweetie. We're talking about Jaune Arc here. He's not gonna get the hints you're dropping unless that "hint" is a full blown irrefutable confession so obvious that even he can't screw it up. I know you want to help him because you like him (and yes, even like like him), but it's clear Weiss isn't interested, at least not now. Capitalize on that!
And our villain group continues to be dastardly. *Chuckles* We're in danger.
Episode 6
The dance draws near, and it seems that both Blake AND Jaune could use a pep talk!
Poor Blake. It appears your faunus trait makes you more cat-like than just the ears.
Also, poor Ren. He just wants a nice bath, but alas, the power of bromance.
Oof, tough love from Yang. Pretty good flashback, though. Also, Pyrrha, your selfless nature will be your undoing, listen to Nora.
...oh God, if I'm saying "listen to Nora" when the world isn't ending, we might ACTUALLY be in danger.
Aw, the dance looks fun. Poor Jaune, tho. Don't worry, at least Yang, Blake, and Sun are having a good time (and this is the part where I realize I'm becoming a SunnyBee shipper, crap). Poor Ruby, having to wear heels. Don't worry, Ozpin will keep you company.
Oh crap, the villain kids are here! What are you up to!?
Episode 7
This one gets the runner up for my favorite episode. Alternatively, I give it the title "Team Leaders Know What's Up."
Jaune, you may be a dumbass, but you're the rare "Surprisingly Competent Dumbass With A Heart Of Gold," and you get my respect for that. Being socially awkward with Ruby? Comedy gold. Putting things into perspective for Neptune? Props, my dude. Comforting Pyrrha? Friendship goals (even though it should be more than friendship goals, but hey, you put on the dress, I'll give you that). Nice dance moves, by the way, JNPR.
As for Ruby... drinking Jaune's punch? Iconic. Noticing Cinder sneaking away? Nice. Fighting her in heels of all things? You, my dear red reaper, are on another level. A shame that Ironwood couldn't get there faster and that Cinder had to bail, but oh well.
Also: Penny continues to be heckin' adorable. I will never NOT stan.
Episode 8
HEAR YE, HEAR YE, THE NOBLE DOG ZWEI HAS GRACED US WITH HIS ADORABLE PRESENCE. Tremble before his ability to fit in boxes and melt Weiss' heart. Oh, and RWBY gets exposed to Ozpin, but surprise! Even Ozpin doesn't have to play by the rules! Though that could get him in trouble with Ironwood later...
Why does this show keep showing me characters that I want to get to know better in record time!? Team CFVY looks so interesting, and it's nice to see Velvet again! Ooh, I hope we see them more later...
Also, Professor Oobleck, I know we saw a bit of you in Volume 1, and I wish we got to know you better. You seem delightful.
Episode 9
Okay, my previous statement of DOCTOR Oobleck still stands. I love this chaotic fast man.
He's both funny AND deep! His reaction to Zwei? Comedy gold! Him picking apart RWBY's motives and the Grimm? Disturbingly thought provoking, but enjoyable. Also, Ruby, you're great, but you're not entirely a genius, you're just a little bit lucky.
In conclusion: there are a lot of characters to stan in RWBY. Dr. Oobleck is one of them.
Episode 10
We learn about WBY's motivations, now excuse me while I go crying in the club right now.
OH NO, RUBY GOT KIDNAPPED! AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE HER SCYTHE! FRICK, it's a mindset kind of deal! Without her scythe, she thinks she's useless! Oh, and Roman's there too, that's not good.
...that is REALLY not good, Oobleck! Get down there, all of you! Wait, is your thermos... your WEAPON!? HOW THE FU-
(Sidenote, I looked up the name, since most weapons have them and I'm impatient for them getting name dropped. "Antiquity's Roast," eh? Fitting...)
Episode 11
So... this episode.
Poor Ruby. She failed to fight back, she almost ran away but then it turns out Melodic Cudgel is also a GRAPPLING HOOK. Thank god Yang and company finally busted their way in.
...why are Roman and the White Fang going kamikaze with those train car bombs? Oh right, the Grimm. Crap, that ain't good.
Ah, Oobleck. You may have accidentally repeated Ruby's line, but a swig of your thermos/club/flamethrower and then using it to bat Zwei into a cannonball of death redeemed you!
So Neo's back. She's skilled, sassy, has something going on with her eyes... Oh boy, Yang's getting outclassed by a pipsqueak. That's gotta suck.
Does every faunus (baring Blake, Sun, etc.) hate the SDC? Seriously Weiss, what did your father DO!?
Roman, do not get flirty with Blake. Junior tried something similar with Yang way back in the Yellow Trailer, and he got socked in the face. You deserve that kick in the head.
Oh look, Yang's mom is here! Nice, now Neo can't kill her (don't you dare, you little ice cream, I swear...). Oh. OH. That's a big sword. Yeah, ya better run, Neo. You ain't winnin' this fight. Great, now I want to know what Yang's mom's deal is. Figures she just warped away afterwards...
And now the Grimm are above ground. Yeah, seems like a good time for the season finale.
Episode 12
Now THIS is my favorite episode.
Look at that, Jaune's getting good instincts! And it's nice that Team JNPR was able to help RWBY. Also nice that Jaune can actually kill a Grimm now. Good job, man. You earned Pyrrha's smile of approval.
As much as I'm wary of the antagonist trio, I'll admit, they can fight good. Especially Emerald, her guns are sick. Why am I warming up to her so fast? What is this magic!?
...CFVY. CFVY. WHY ARE Y'ALL SO BADASS? Seriously, Yatsuhashi's carying an entire sword and a half. Fox just pulled a Ren and caused a Grimm to explode. Coco... God, Coco- WHY DOES RUBY HAVE SO MANY QUEENS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!?
"You just destroyed my favorite clothing store. Prepare to die."
And she just murders Grimm with a BRIEFCASE. That turns into a GATTLING GUN. BECAUSE OF COURSE IT'S ALSO A GUN. (BTW, Gianduja is a really cool name for it.)
And now I want to know Velvet's weapon! It doesn't look like much now, but apparently it took a semester to build. And we know that Velvet can fight based on what we saw with her and Fox, so how does she ADD to that!?
Welp, Roman got handled, though I doubt it's for long... Yay, RWBY finally gets a break! Oh boy, trouble brewing between Ozpin and Ironwood, that ain't good.
...bull man's back. Uh, guys, Adam's back! And he's helping the bad guys! THIS IS REALLY NOT GOOD.
...oh, so your name is Raven? And that's what you look like under the mask. There's the resemblance... Oh boy, where have you been all of Yang's life?
So all in all, Volume 2 was even better than Volume 1, in my opinion. It's like they took the first volume and amped it up to 11. Longer runtimes, great comedy, great action sequences, great CHARACTERS. It's just a complete trip! 10/10, would ride again. Welp, it's getting late, so I can't immediately start Volume 3. But what Volume 2 gave us is good enough to tide me over.
...I am so glad I started this series. Well, this is goodbye for now. Cheers, internet!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (22 March 2020)
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twilightvolt · 5 years
Twilight Thoughts (BEASTARS Episode 6)
Episode 6:
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- Ok, so first we--someone’s dead again.
....o h .
Of course, everyone’s like “Whelp, gotta dip, carnivores. cya.” and Jack be a sad boi. ;w; man, these guys have it hard.
- Then we get introduced to our next main character from the trailers: Juno!
Imma be honest, i was really iffy about her before this because i was hoping her character isn’t what i think it would be. and i’m sure any Persona 4 players who’re watching this show can get what i’m about to say.
.....I hope she’s not like Rise.
For those of you who haven’t played P4, Rise came off as SUPER clingy to the main protagonist. at least in my opinion. i know some say she’s best girl, but no. not for me. that’s Naoto’s title. lmao
I am praying that Juno doesn’t do the same and become clingy towards Legoshi and like, becomes that character that just feels like a shoehorned love interest because y’know, she’s a wolf too. so far, she seems ok. she was being bullied and Legoshi stepped in and played hero for a moment which was great. but her mentioning she was also in drama and also one of his kind just kinda raised a little red flag for me. i dunno.
Also, shoutout to the way he saved her. like “I’m her older brother.” but then she sees her face and he like “D-damn! We look nothing alike!” i’m sorry, i’m ded. lmao
- I was excited to see what the world outside the school was like. i’m the type who likes taking in all the little things and seeing the town be all bright and bustling was just so nice. then i heard Louis be like “Don’t go to the black market.” and i was like “Wh-....b...black market?” O_o
Oh no, things’re gonna get crazy again, aren’t they?
Y’all don’t just tell people not to go somewhere. that’s cartoon talk for “Go there. That’s where the plot is.” lmao
- So they eatin’, gettin’ that W c D o n a l d ’ s , and i’m like “Huh....I want fries now.” and then a little while after the episode, we come home with fries. and i never outwardly asked. it just happened. and i was like “MY FEELINGS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED.”
And Legoshi’s just sitting there quietly eating like a third wheel and i’m like “Dude, same.” also, Bill acts very much like one of the popular kids at school that i totally used to have to be in the same classes with and i swear i felt a twinge of old school annoyance resurfacing.
Still, it was fun seeing what the town was like. i’m hoping we get to see it much more in the coming episodes.
- And then they get lost (Thanks, Zoozle Maps. XD) and accidentally end up in where? the black market.
And i was thoroughly traumatized.
I was like, “Oh, it’s an old shopkeeper. probably sells weird trinkets or so-” *Shows his fingers. or lack thereof*
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U-uhh....w h a t ?
Like, it’s the black market. i expected it to be weird. but like....not this disturbing.
He was just, like, selling off his LIVING body to the carnivores and i was like “Oh god, that’s horrible.” goodness, i signed up for this, huh?
Then i hear the market theme and hear some sick beats and i’m like “dONTCHU THROW SOME JAMS AT ME AT A TIME LIKE THIS I CAN’T VIBE TO THIS nO-”
And then Bill be like:
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And suddenly i wanted to beat him upside the head. thankfully, my boi did that for me. lmao
But for real, i was mad, but like....it’s understandable? like, i hate that i understand enough to not be totally angry with him, but like....he’s a tiger. and ngl, after the bunny blood, i did NOT put it past him to react like this. i just wish he weren’t so....B i l l , y’know? the more he’s on screen, the more i wanna smack him, but i still actually kinda like him enough to see where he might go as a character. cuz he’s not a bad guy, he’s just.....an idiot. it’s weird. XD i’m still holding onto my theory that he killed Tem tho.
Just....man, this is heavy.
And then they cut to right after the last episode where Legoshi and Haru finish their heart to heart moment and then they cut back to him running off through the market street not knowing what these feelings are. like, he genuinely likes her and he can’t stop thinking about her.....but at the same time, he’s uncontrollably drooling?....i dunno man, sounds like you’re just hungry. and that concerns me.
Oh, right, right afterward he gets taken in by the panda from the trailers whom i believe is named Gouhin? but yeah, he ties him up in chains and a muzzle and proceeds to interrogate him about his feelings toward the one he thinks he “likes.” and then shows him a wall of pictures. pictures of carnivores just like him that have tasted meat and couldn’t get over it. to the point where they uhh......yeah, let’s just say i was shook by the things he said. like, that could potentially be what happens to Legoshi and honestly, that’s really sad and i don’t want that to happen. i legit felt a chill when i saw some of those photos. no joke.
Then i guess he takes him to the next room and has a little chat with him. what the conversation was about was basically Gouhin telling Legoshi that his “love” isn’t real and he should cut ties with Haru if he wants to not eat her by accident. but in a way where it sounds like he’s telling him off for it cuz Legoshi was like “That’s not true! we’re friends!” and he basically says that Legoshi’s way of thinking is a childish, flawed mindset. like, d a m n . he verbally smacked him. lmao
Then he starts to leave, but not until Gouhin hands him a copy of bunny porn.
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“If you get excited over this, then you’re just a young boy with a fetish for small animals. if not, and you stick with your one rabbit, that’s bad.”
Ok, so if he feels something, then he’s just a weirdo. but if he doesn’t, then he’s in danger of eating her and that’s a BIG problem. huh....kind of a lose lose situation here, don’t you think? ._.’
But yeah, Legoshi runs out thinking to himself about how much he hates this and that he wants to forget everything that just happened. and honestly, this is the point where i kinda felt sad enough to cry. cuz this is an innocent kid that wants to stay connected to someone they believe they love, but then reality just hits them REALLY hard. and they just want to cover their ears and stay unaware about what’s really going on.
All this time, he believed the adults just stayed vegetarian cuz that’s probably what he was taught or maybe what he assumed because of how he was taught. but when you think about it, not everyone can repress their true feelings forever. they’re animals. it’s in their nature.
He keeps trying to tell himself that this is okay. that he won’t hurt her anymore than that first night. but....is that true? can that be true? or is this just some twisted sense of “love” that ends in yet another unfortunate death? things seem to be getting more and more frustrating for him and if i didn’t feel some form of sympathy for him i sure as hell am now.
But....i wanna believe he can overcome those feelings and stay close to her. maybe they won’t be able to be a couple. they might just have to stay friends. but anything to let him be happy, y’know?
The episode ends with him finding Aoba the eagle again. he tells him that he just couldn’t go through with eating that guy’s fingers cuz he thought of his herbivore friends which just made him feel icky about it. and yeah, that’s understandable. birb boi is a good boi....who probably just stuck by Bill cuz he wanted to fit in, but y’know.
This causes Legoshi to cry and yeah, i broke after that. i was highkey imagining an alternate ending where he just runs up to him and hugs him crying in a full on bro moment and i kinda wish that happened cuz honestly that would make me cry a river. for real. i would die.
And i guess that’s that. this episode was quite a wake up call for Legoshi at least. but here’s hoping things look up next episode. see you again!
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galaxygerm103 · 5 years
An Unpopular Opinion + an Analysis
Hello Be More Chill fandom, today I'm gonna share a very unpopular opinion that's probably gonna get me killed, but it proves self awareness and that's good.
My opinion? Boyf Riends is low-key toxic.
Now you're probably gonna be like "no it's not? It's cute and soft and-" yeah, yeah, I know. Everybody and their mom seems to stan this ship so… this is gonna get me killed.
But hear me out. I'm gonna actually explain why I think this.
So, to show that their romantic relationship would be toxic, we gotta look at their friendship first.
So, we'll start with the first interaction they have in "More Than Survive". It starts out basic enough, Michael shows up listening to music, Jeremy predicts exactly what it is he's listening to, and then the song ends. Michael proceeds to tell Jeremy he "looks like ass" which is something friends do so that's not bad. Then Jeremy brings up the backpack thing. He's clearly upset about it, but instead of trying to cheer him up, Michael doesn't even seem to notice he's upset, and laughs off the whole thing. The topic changes and one of the most iconic lines in the musical shows up aka "there's never been a better time in history to be a loser". Now this line seems harmless but in one rehearsal video, Jeremy's response is a dry "thanks" because this isn't the mindset he has. He doesn't want to be a loser but Michael doesn't understand that. It's kind of the foundation of the problem. Michael isn't noticing his best friend's feelings, there is a lack of communication here. Also, he should be telling Jeremy he's not a loser, not that he should embrace being one, because what Jeremy needs isn't what Michael needs.
Okay, interaction 2, right before "I Love Play Rehearsal". This one's short but it boils down to Michael low-key(very low-key) manipulating Jeremy into continuing his effort to talk to Christine. By telling Jeremy that he'll make fun of him forever if he doesn't go into the auditorium, which I know sounds like playful teasing and maybe it is but that doesn't matter, by saying that, Michael gives Jeremy an ultimatum. And I doubt Jeremy wants to be teased about being a coward forever by his best friend. That just doesn't sound fun. So to avoid even more teasing in his life, he opens the auditorium door.
Interaction 3 is "Two Player Game" so this is gonna be a long one. Now, the first line of verse 1 is I think the nicest thing Michael really says to Jeremy, because he actually calls him cool, which is validating to our self hating protagonist. Then it falls downhill when Michael says "you're just a nothing in this highschool scheme" because that's only gonna make Jeremy feel worse. The rest of the first verse is just Michael tryna explain to Jeremy that they'll be fine if they stick together. The chorus is kind of once again ignoring Jeremy's feelings because he doesn't want to wait to be a loser anymore. He wants to be able to love himself and be liked by others in the present day. He's been waiting since he was little for the chance to be liked it seems. The next verse gives us Jeremy's insight on the whole situation, and he says he "wants to move on" which implies that he's sick of being a loser in the eyes of everybody, including both himself and Michael. Michael seems to completely ignore the fact that Jeremy is upset once again because when Jeremy points out they're not in college, Michael shrugs it off like "it doesn't make any difference". The only part of the song where we see any open communication between them is the third verse. Jeremy's pretty vulnerable here because, in context, he's worrying about his future if he doesn't stop being a loser. The "favorite person" part is probably the sweetest moment these two share through the entire musical, and it's the closest we ever see them, although I'm starting to think Michael means more to Jeremy than he realizes, which is why he asks Jeremy if he's really his favorite person. Jeremy has nobody else so of course Michael is the one person he tells everything but Michael doesn't really seem to get Jeremy's feelings so Jeremy stopped telling him all the things he feels(aka the things he talks about in "Loser Geek Whatever"). The rest of the song is just a reprise of the beginning of the song so it's not entirely important to this argument.
Interaction 4 is the mall scene and this has a pretty telling moment in it. Ignoring the Payless part, the food court scene has more to unpack than you'd think. So Jeremy takes the Squip and when it "doesn't work" he's upset. He needs comforting clearly, although he pretends he doesn't("leave me to mourn in my chili fries forever"). Michael, instead of providing comfort to his clearly distraught best friend, sees this as a chance to go grab some discontinued soda that he could get later. He could take five minutes to comfort his best friend but instead he goes off to do his own thing. He's ignoring his best friend's needs for his own wants. It's actually selfish.
The next interaction is short and one sided, in which Jeremy sees Michael twice during "Sync Up" and is saddened when he doesn't see him. He would've seen him by now, so he's confused when they haven't seen each other all day. This probably made Jeremy think Michael was avoiding him, which we find out isn't true.
Interaction 6, the beginning of the maybe end. The end of act 1. Jeremy and Michael are both confused by the fact they haven't talked all day. Michael is quick to blame it on Jeremy avoiding him, but Jeremy figures out that it was the Squip pretty quickly. Of course, during this interaction we get Jeremy's solo("Loser Geek Whatever") in which we see one of the most telling things about their relationship. "Michael thinks that weird is rad but feeling weird just makes me sad". This sums up their relationship pretty well, Michael is comfortable with himself but doesn't realize that Jeremy isn't comfortable. This interaction ends with Jeremy blocking out Michael. He's sick of having his feelings ignored by his only friend, and maybe he can have his feelings noticed and validated by other people. He's done being in Michael's shadow, because there's more to him than just being Michael's player 2.
Interaction 7, the bathroom intervention scene. This scene has a LOT to go through so let's get into it(using the new version here). Jeremy runs into the room panicking and when Michael reveals himself, the first thing he gets on about is how Jeremy left him. He stops when he sees Jeremy smiling because Jeremy missed him. He's happy to see him but then Michael gets on about the Squip and is talking about how there are consequences to it. Jeremy points out that Michael said technology isn't dangerous and the two of them get into their fight and Michael says he's looking out for Jeremy. Jeremy says for once in his life he can look out for himself, then the scene continues like the original and Jeremy calls Michael a loser. Jeremy isn't in the right state of mind in this scene, he was almost raped and he's scared. You'd think Michael would ask him what's wrong but he doesn't. He gets pissed at him without even being concerned about his emotions. Yet again we see that Michael is bad at recognizing Jeremy's feelings. I'm not saying he doesn't care about Jeremy, because he does(or else he wouldn't be here in the first place to warn him about the Squip), I'm saying that Michael is bad at recognizing Jeremy's emotions to a point where he ends up accidentally making the situation worse. Michael's actually the one who started the argument because he brought up the Squip without realizing how scared and upset Jeremy was. Not saying Jeremy's to blame, he could have handled the situation better but Michael started the whole argument. As for Jeremy calling Michael a loser, I think this may be Jeremy projecting. Because Michael is explaining every doubt Jeremy had about the Squip. Jeremy was even scared to take it("what if it's dangerous?"). Jeremy finally has more people to talk to, he finally isn't alone, he isn't in a healthy place and he's clearly not happy, but he's seemingly convinced himself that he is. He's convinced himself that the Squip is the only thing that can help him so when Michael warns him about it he lashes out, calling Michael the same thing that they'd both been called for years. Michael's reaction is probably due to shock and the realization that maybe he low-key drove his best friend away. Although he doesn't think he did anything wrong so who knows. We know Jeremy feels bad about this the next day though because he says this: "I didn't wanna hurt Brooke! I didn't wanna hurt ANYONE! Now Rich is in the hospital, my best friend thinks im a jerk, and Christine, you were supposed to make her like me!"
Now the next isn't an interaction but it's something Michael does that's extremely petty. Michael gives up on Jeremy completely. And he admits to it by the end of the musical("oh I was ready to watch you suffer"). It took Mr. Heere's convincing and low-key cheesy methodology to convince Michael to save Jeremy.
The next interaction is the fight during the play. In which Jeremy isn't in control of himself and is fighting the Squip internally while fighting Michael physically. The Squip seems to have been putting negative thoughts about Michael into Jeremy's mind but Jeremy knows it's not true. Also Michael was being extremely selfish during this scene by not letting Jeremy have the MDR when he knows the dangers of the Squip. (Like c'mon man Jeremy could be shocked so much he'll die. Stop being petty.) I mean yeah Michael is high but I'm pretty sure he's high during every scene except for the Halloween party(weed helps with anxiety and Michael's anxiety clearly got the best of him there, so-) and the other scene is coming up. This scene just shows Michael's pettiness.
Final interaction, right before "Voices in my Head". Jeremy asks Michael why he came back and Michael reveals that he was gonna let Jeremy suffer until Mr. Heere came by. Michael just admitted to his pettiness, and I think, maybe, he realizes that he was a shitty friend. Also I don't think he's high in this scene because his giggles are gone and, from what I've heard, he is a lot more awkward this scene.
So now, why do I see Boyf Riends as low-key toxic? Well, taking into consideration the conflicts between the boys' needs and wants, and the lack of communication, and the sheer amount of petty behavior Michael shows, plus his quick blame of Jeremy after "Upgrade", Michael wouldn't be the best partner for somebody like Jeremy, who needs validation and needs somebody to listen to and understand his problems, and help him through them. If time is given to them both, yes sure it could work(a good example of this is the Boyf Riends breakup comic by @Artistic.Hoarder on Instagram), but with the canon and nothing else, Boyf Riends couldn't work without some level of toxicity. (This is only referring to Broadway.)
Thank you for reading. Feel free to kindly express your opinions. This isn't ship hate, I don't hate Boyf Riends, I feel if done right it can be a good ship.
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nie7027 · 5 years
Super5 headcanons pt 2
Edit:    Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4   Part 5
Minegishi can only stare
"Where the fuck have you been?"
"What do you care?"
"Why are you here?"
"I was bored"
Shimazaki could be here to kill him for betraying him but Minegishi is too tired for this and there are dishes to wash.
In the time it takes him to do the dishes and calm down his plants, shimazaki falls asleep so he goes to the living to room to get a better look at the man
Shimazaki looks almost the same except maybe a bit thinner and with possible hollower eyes. The crooked nose is definitely new. A crooked nose?? Did he broke his nose at some point?? He is even wearing the same clothes as last time. His precious jacket ripped at the edges. Scorching marks and bullet holes here and there.
With a long sigh he takes out his phone, turns off the volume and opens the super3 chat(the too spicy for Seris innocent eyes). The messages start to come in rapidly
Minegishi: Shimazaki is back
Hatori: what
Hatori: what do you mean Shimazaki is back???
Shibata: how did he find us? Did he try to fight you?
Minegishi: i mean he is asleep on my couch. No, he just ate all of my cereal.
Shibata: what the fuck?
Hatori: what the fuck?
Minegishi what the fuck indeed
Shibata: did he say what he wants? Do you know why is he here?
Minegishi: He didnt talk and I dont know
Hatori: what do we do?
Minegishi: i dont know.
Minesishi: i cant make any calls or else he could wake up and seri isnt logged in so can someone call him and tell him whats going so they can take the necessary precautions
Shibata: im on it
Shibata: hatori is freaking out in his room anyway. I think he is begginin to build a security system.
Minegishi: ...
Shibata: yeah yeah ill go calm him after i talk with Seri.
Minegishi stares at his phones and then at the man on his couch, he cant blame them. Shimazaki is a really dangerous person and they dont know what he is doing here. Minegishi just wanted to do the dishes, water his plants and go to sleep.
The super5 will never know but Shimazaki wasnt lying per se. He WAS bored.
After he ran away from the fight against seasoning city espers he hid here and there taking his sweet time at recovering and once he did(his nose still felt strange but he ignored it) he started to look at what to do.
He joined many criminal organizations, afterall a teletransporter was very valued in the underworld. But not matter how petty or big the crime was, he got bored. So he ended leaving all of them. he even left some in the middle of a important job, not caring whether his employers got caught or not( it was their fault for being stupid and not having a backup plan anyway)
After some months of this he realized he was bored of normal criminals. He was bored of normal persons with narrowed mindsets who conformed with just comitting stupid crimes. HE HAD BEEN PART OF A PLAN TO TAKE THE WORLD and now he was trafficking some drug?? Lame.
Most of all he missed the thrilling sensation of being surrounded with persons that could actually put a fight against him. So he searched for something alike to claw, an organization of espers.
His search turned out fruitless and he decided then he should return to where all started. Claw. It was time to pay a visit to his expartners.
It took him just a week to locate them. It would have took him just a day but he was finally having some fun and god he was gonna drag it all he could.
So here he was in a tiny empty apartment, the crazy amount of plants with a certain aura being the only indication that it belonged to Minegishi...WHERE THE HELL WAS HE? Oh well. He had been waiting for a year. He could wait a little more. In any case in his hurry to get here he forgot to eat and he could hear a fridge running.
Shimazaki, still on the sofa, wakes up the next day at the sound of a blender. He is being held in place, bounded by lots and lots of thick green vines and sturdy roots from which he easily frees himself. The moment he does so the noise at the kitchen stops and an annoyed minegishi steps out. Shimazaki can feel him tensing, preparing for an attack and that makes him smirk .
Until an alarm clock goes off that makes Minegishi mutter a curse
"If you are gonna do something do it now. I have better things to do and i have to go now"
"Better things to do?? What can possibly be better than this??"
"I have work so if you are gonna just stand there and smirk be my guest"
"Yeah, work. you know? That thing you do for a living and that contributes to society? Fuck it.You probably dont. Anyway i gotta go" Turning his back on shimazaki is probably the worst idea but he couldnt sleep at all, he is late and he hasnt had breakfast so if shimazaki wants to kill him he will gladly accept it.
He miraculously manages to exit his apartment and make it to his work. He only hopes theres an apartment to come back later.
Shimazaki can only stare increduously to where minegishis used to stand. 'Work'? 'Contribute to society'? THE FUCK WAS HE BABBLING ABOUT this was completely unexpected and he doesnt know what to do until he notices theres a smell coming from the kitchen where Minegishi left his untouched breakfast. Well he supposes he can muse how to proceed over breakfast.
Hatori isnt allowed to use his phone at work but he is too anxious to care and he has powers to do it without anybody noticing
Spicy3 chat
Hatori: how did it went?
Minegishi: ...well...i guess?? I am alive and my flat was still in one piece last time i saw it
Hatori: he didnt try anything?
Minegishi: he woke up when it was time for me to go...so i just kinda left
Shibata: you just left? He didnt try to stop you???
Minegishi: no
Minegishi:but i think...
Hatori: WHAT
Minegishi: i think he is...tired.
Minegishi: I bound him while he was sleeping and he never woke up nlr stirred. He didnt notice.
Hatori: weird
Minegishi: i know. Worst of all i couldnt eat and i have 2 hours more left until my break.
Shibata: i can pass on my way to gym and sneak you something
Minegishi: thanks
Hatori: if you want you can hang in our apartment for the time being. We still need to know what he wants
Shibata: yeah, and if he shows up we can fight him together💪
Minegishi: if Seri asks, everything is under control
It takes a week for Shimazaki to finally show up. Meanwhile Minegishi has to use Hatoris and Shibatas washing machine to wash his work uniform daily(it can get very dirty when you work in a flower shop) because his other sets of uniform are back at his place trapped with Shimazaki. So is his money and he has to lend some from Hatoris and shibatas and ask his boss for an advencement in his payment. He hates Shimazaki more now.
They cant do anything but stare blankly when he suddenly shows up in the middle of the living room where they were eating pizza holding an empty box of cereal and says "Theres no more food back there and i want more of these but i cant see how they are called" while pointing at the box.
Sometimes its very easy to forget he is actually blind. Hatori weakly says the name of the branch of cereal he is holding and Shimazaki dissapears again before anybody can say anything.
"Did everybody saw what i just saw right??what the fuck? What the fuck?" shibata exclaims
"...my food"minegishi laments
Its not until an hour of wondering what was that and wracking their brain for an asnwer after that shimazaki returns, a brand new box of the cereal in his hands. He picks up a slice of the forgotten pizza and sits besides Shitaba.
"You didnt pay for that did you?" asks Shitaba
Shimazaki just turns around and stares st him with his hauntingly empty eyes "you too?"
"Weve changed"
"Yeah we have jobs and stuff, we help peopl"
The man frowns and rapidly done with the conversation teleports away.
Minegishi finally returns to his place, his web of plants telling him Shimazaki isnt there anymore. Re stashing his fridge and cabinet is a pain in the ass.
Shimazakis plan had been to either find his expartners and form something alike to Claw with them or just antagonize them until he gets the fight he so much craves. None of that has happened because all of them had turned to a bunch of weakling pussies and he cant even find Serizawa.
He could still try to fight them but he bitterly realizes he wont get any satisfaction of beating them if they keep acting like that, restraining themselves and trying to be civil as if they werent the same persons that destroyed this very city a year ago. It would be like punching flowers!
The point was to get rid of his boredness and now he is just angry!
He needs them to drop the act.
Thats when a plan starts to form in his head and he smirks. He is going to show them what they are missing on.
Thats how he finds himself back in minegishis apartment.
"Im just saying you could probably grow tons of weed, good quality of course. And i take care of the transport i know a bunch of people-"
"Weed? Are you serious? Is this why you came back? To start a drug trafficking bussines?"
"Im just saying with my teletransporting abilities and yourplant thing we could save lots of money in transport and become richer than-"
He then tries with shibata, approaching him during one of his morning running routines. Teletransporting every 2 meters at his side while he keeps running clearly ignoring him
"With your force, not that i need it, we could terrorize all the bussines of a whole prefecture and force them to pay for protection. We win, they win"
"Not interested"
"Why not?! It would be so easy"
"I dont want to"
"Could you stop running? This is important"
"No thanks"
"You arent even listening!"
He finally tries with Hatori thinking he would be the easiest of them
"You hack the system and we force all those politicians to pay us to not release all their dirty secrets"
"I am busy"
"No you are not. You are playing mario kart. I can hear Yoshi"
"Ive changed"
"Have you? Really???" at this point Shimazaki raises an eyebrow, he is so done and he wont keeo with this bullshit "because everywhere i have been, and i have been everywhere, the interpol, cia, you name it HAS BEEN AFTER ME whereas you three can waltz into a store like nobodys bussiness. WE COMMITED THE SAME CRIME. WE DESTROYED THIS CITY so how come im the only one being persecuted? Huh? You think I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU DID"
Hatori pauses the game and glares at him. Good, he is finally getting a reaction.
" i did what had to be done and i wont let YOU of all people tell me-"
"Me? Of all people? You believe yourself so grand and high when you are nothing but THE SAME AS ME" immediately shimazaki feels hatoris aura flare. what must have been his console shifting and changing into something new. Whatever it is, he is sure he can block it.
"Really? You are gonna fight me? I want to see you-" a horrible sound like nothing he had ever heard before pierces his ears making him howl in pain and he teleports away.
After that accident shimazaki never mentions Hatoris dirty secret again but that doesnt stop him from keep trying to get them to commit felonies again.
He thinks he once "saw" Serizawa on the street but his aura was quickly eaten by the aura of the person by his side. He didnt stayed to find out and quickly teleported away.
And this goes like this for 3 months, his proposals becoming more and more desesperate until one day he just... gives up.
Shimazaki should have left or killed them months ago but for some reason he prefers to stay here. He wont admit it but hes having more fun living on their couches annoying them than what he would have had they accepted his proposals.
He takes special delight in annoying them when they had hard days. (Minegishi comes home covered in something stinky and almost strangles shimazaki with his own hands after he comments this wouldnt have happened if he had accepted to traffick weed in a yacht with him)
...besides he has noticed that now in both apartments there is always a box of his favourite cereal (hatori sweared it was the cereal what placated Shimazaki given how docile he was whenever he was seen eating it, shibata and minegishi just liked it)
The super3 cant believe it themselves but they have now gotten used to the constant presence of Shimazaki in their lives (which isnt surprising given they spent at least 3 years together).
Well constant is a way to put it because the man still has the habit of dissapearing 3-5 days every once in a while and reappearing like nothing happened
But they know this cant keep going like this and thats how minegishi finds himself texting the super3 chat one day he comes to an empty apartment
Minegishi: is shimazaki there?
Hatori: yeah, hes playing smash with shitaba
Minegishi: playing smash??
Hatori: its seems he learned the patron of my movements by observing me and now hes kicking Shitabas ass as princess peach
Minegishi: ?
Hatori: we told him he was playing bowser
Minegishi: whatever, tell him to bring his ass back. I need to go grocery shopping and i need his help
"Why would i help you grocery shopping?" says shimazaki suddenly to his right
At the same his phone sounds 2 times
Shibata: hatori said something to him and he just teleported
Shibata: is safe to assume he is with you?
Minegishi: yea, im taking charge from here
"Im teaching you to do grocery shopping"
"I dont need you to teach me shit"
" yes, you do if you want to keep eating that cereal you like and that you finished this morning"
Shimazaki raises his eyebrow, teleports and after 5 min returns with 5 boxes of the damn cereal in his arms
"There. Its done"
"THATS NOT THE POINT"Minegishi stops, breathes amd tries again "Shimazaki you cant keep doing this and i dont mean just the whole robbing, i mean i dotn know what you do when you dissapear for days but when you are here you just eat our food, wait for us to come home from work and then annoy us?"
"So? I can do whatever i want"
"Do you realize how pathethic it sounds?Is this really all you want to do? Do you even know what you want to do?"
Shimazaki doesnt wanna hear anymore of that and teleports
He ends teleporting to a random alley where he passes the night
The next days his mood isnt any better and he spends them sleeping, terrorizing random deliquents he finds in his way and kicking bags of trash until one day of the "bags" lets out a yelp.
Its shibata who finds him some days later during one of his running routines when he follows the sound of a hurt dog
Expecting to see a bunch of nasty kids terrorizing a poor animal he steps up to confront them only to find his missing "friend" glaring at poor dog and screaming "STOP COMPLAINING ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT MOVING I DIDNT EVEN KICK YOU THAT HARD"
He texts a quickl "Found him" to the group chat and marches up to him
"You shouldnt be kicking random things in the first place"
"Get lost"
" are you sure you didnt kick him hard? He is limping and we both know your kicks arent exactly soft"
"If i had wanted, a limp would be the least of its problems" still he makes a face as if he isnt sure
With a sigh Shibata carefully picks up the dog and motions to shimazaki "theres a vet nearby. You kicked him so you own him that at least. Dont worry ill pay" he doesnt wait for Shimazakis response and walks, relief overflowing him once he hears footsteps behind him
The consult is quick and the vet gleefully hands shimazaki "his" dog while she explains to shibata the treatment they should follow the next three months
Shimazaki...had never in his life pet a dog, much less carried one. His fur feels dirty and is tangled everywhere but the vet said it just needs a bath. It is warm and he can feel and hear his steady breaths. His mental eye allows him to perceive the flowing of his blood, the currents in his brain, the beating of his heart...all what makes a living being held in his arms. Things he has always perceived but never payed attention. The fact that the dog starts to lick his hands doesnt go unnoticed and he feels strangely calm. His grip tightening.
They are about to exit the clinic, shibata saying his last thanks when a woman and a girl enter. That very moment the dog starts to squirm in his embrace. And he doesnt know what to do
"Hey are you alright? I can hold it if you want" asks shibata noticing his turmoil
" yeah, its just the stupid dog WHO HAS FORGOTTEN HE CANT WALK"
The girls who shibata notices has red puffy narrows her eyes and yells "DONT CALL HIM STUPID YOU ARE THE STUPID" before turning to look at shimazaki, whatever she was going to say next is forgotten as she stares with wide eyes.
Both the moms and shimazakis replies are drowned by the girl scream of "UESAMA! MOM ITS HIM ITS MY DOG"
For some reason shimazaki feels his blood run cold and lifts up the dog even more when the girl comes clashing at his legs desesperately trying to grab her dog
Shibata who noticed shimazakis earlier expression cant believe what hes seeing (please god, please tell me he isnt gonna fight a girl over a dog) when the vet decides to come out to see what is happening
"Im sorry, my little girl believes those boys over there have Uesama"
"Uesama?..." the vet stares some seconds in confusion before her eyes grow wider "Oh how didnt i notice it before! Im sorry sirs but it seems you have found this little girls dogs" the vets looks expectantly at shimazaki
Shimazaki who has been holding a very squirming dog and listening to the screams of a girls is starting to get very annoyed. The tempation to teleport away with the dog too big to ignore. Hes about to do it when he hears the dog crying again.
With a huff he hands it to the very thankful mother and exits the clinic as quickly as he can.
Shibata follows suit "I saw your face before they arrived. I can tell what you did"
"Shut up"
The walk home is strangely quiet but at least he is back.
The joke on the spicy chat is that the super 3 are dumb and believe they are protecting oh so pure Seri when in reality they just share dumb penis jokes while Seri is actually riding Reigens dick.
And yes as his last crime Hatori threatened with realeasing all the state secrets of all the goverments and provoking a worldwide crisis if they didnt allow them to try to live normal lives
I just noticed this is more of a fanfic than a list of headcanons now but meh. What i wanted to actually be part 2 is gonna be part 3? 4? I didnt even get to write the prank the super5 were gonna pull on shimazaki but now you have something to look up next time.
Im not that happy with how the second half turned out but maybe im just tired.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Ooh could we get some Breaky smut based on that pic of John and Bearded Bri from ages ago that u tagged "a Breaky fic waiting to happen" maybe they're roleplaying as strangers??
I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer this love!  It turned out as part of a series I’m doing on AO3 and a full-fledged fic! Here it is and it can also be found here!  
“Meet somewhere unfamiliar,” John read to him over morning coffee.  “Pretend you two have never met.  Proceed to have an exciting rendezvous.”  John waggled his eyebrows at that, setting down the little book that he carried with him nearly everywhere now, reading it to Brian at nearly every opportunity.  
Brian sniffed.  “So we’re to play strangers then.”  
John smiled.  “Exactly babe.  But I want us to really play it up.”  He was using his hands now, picturing the entire thing in his head. “I want us to look different, act different.  I want us to feel different.”  
Suddenly, a flash of inspiration hit him.  
“Grow your beard out Bri.”
“No, John.  I hate the way I look with facial hair.”  
John scoffed.  “And I think it’s dead sexy.  Grow it out.  For me? For the book?”  
Brian laughed.  I’ll do it for you.”  
It took him weeks to grow it out to John’s liking, but the day finally arrived that Bri had what John described as a “sexy stranger” beard that would be perfect for their next role play. John chose a bar they’d never been too, some newly opened nightclub in a trendy section of London…perfect for a clandestine encounter.  He kissed Bri goodbye and told him he’d text him the location.  His clothes were in the car since he’d have to change at work.  
“Can’t I come home first, love?  I mean, we can pretend when we get there. We can at least ride together,” Brian argued.  
John shook his head.  “No, Beardy Bri, we cannot.  This has to feel authentic.  So change at work.  Meet me there.”  
Brian scowled.  “For God’s sakes stop calling me that,” he said as he rubbed his chin with his hand.  
John caressed his face. “I love it, you know.”  
Brian sighed.  “I’m shaving it tomorrow.”  
John took nearly an hour to pick out what to wear.  He tried to get in the mindset of a single man going out for a night of fun, so he picked out a pair of tight fitting jeans, a sharp looking button down and coordinating jacket.  He checked himself out in the mirror.  Very good…very gay…very doable.  He wondered if he might catch a Brian tonight.  A sly smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.  The Uber he’d called suddenly texted him, reminding him he was downstairs.  He would have to text Brian the location on the way.  
Inside the club it was dark and noisy, with pink and blue neon lighting lining the walls and ceiling. It wasn’t exactly the most aesthetic club he’d ever been in, but John had never been one for clubs really. Only he wasn’t himself tonight.  He was still forgetting that.  He leaned over the bar and ordered a White Russian, something he would ordinarily never drink, and just waited.  
Did club things. Looked good in his clothes. Scouted the room.  What the hell did you do in places like this?  He began to panic without Brian, but he kept his cool.  Then, someone brushed shoulders with him, and he sighed in relief.  “Brian, where have you be—“
But when he turned around, the words stuck in his throat.  A stunning blond wearing shades and a toothy grin was staring back at him, his arms crossed on the bar.  “White Russian eh?  My old man used to drink those.” The man called for two beers, while John just stared.
“Who are you,” he finally got out.  
“Roger,” the man said, never removing the shades, only it came out “Roggahh,” and John’s eyes never left the man’s mouth.
“You’re Brian’s hubby aren’t you?”
“Y-yeah,” John finally managed, a bit flustered, “but how do you know that?”
The beers arrived, and Roger handed John one.  “Brian’s my mate…we work together.  Me and my boyfriend Freddie.  See, he’s right over there.”  
Roger pointed to an equally beautiful and exotic man at a corner table who gave a smile and a little wave in their direction, probably used to being introduced that way.
John took a swig of his beer at about the same time Brian arrived, a confused look on his face.  
“Roger?  Fancy meeting you here.”  His eyes traveled between the two men.  “You met my John then.  John, this is Roger, we work together.”  
John swallowed thickly. “I gathered that.”  
Roger slapped John heartily on the back.  “Well chaps I’ll leave you to it then.  Perhaps we’ll meet up some time, yeah?  Freddie and me and you and John.”  
Brian nodded.  “That would be nice.”  
John smiled.  “Very nice.”  
Roger disappeared onto the dancefloor, weaving his way back to his and Freddie’s table.
Brian never said a word to John.  He just sat down at the bar and ordered himself a drink.  He gave John a cursory glance, and smiled.  
“I’m Brian, by the way.  I’d buy you one, but I see you’re already covered,” he said shyly, easily slipping into the role play.
John nodded in Roger’s direction. “John.  And that gentleman kindly offered.”
Brian smiled.  “Lucky him, John.”  
John could feel his cheeks heat.  “It doesn’t mean we can’t have our drinks together.”  He cleared his throat.  “What is it that you do?”  
“Social media marketing for a PR firm,” Brian rattled off easily.  “It’s fun work…can be stressful at times.  Like any job I suppose.”  
John cocked an eyebrow. “So you get to post on Instagram for a living?”  
Brian laughed, low and throaty, and inched casually placed hand on the younger man’s arm.  
“No, no, don’t be silly. It’s more…involved than that.  But I wish.”  
“So tell me, John, what do you do?”  
John took a few more swigs of his beer.  He was feeling flushed, the high of the role play and the buzz of the alcohol racing through his veins.  “I work in IT,” he said.  “I’m just a computer geek.”  
“Ooh,” Brian cooed softly, his lips making a perfect circle.  “Geeks rule the world.”  
John’s fingers played with the sleeve of Brian’s jacket where his arm lay on the bar.  “You think?”  
Brian blushed deeply and took another drink.  His bottle was empty, and they ordered another round.  The White Russian lay sweating and forgotten.  “I know it.”
John felt bolder by his third beer, and he was leaning in on his elbows to practically swim in Brian’s hazel eyes.  
“Tell me why someone hasn’t already snapped you up Brian.”  
Brian smiled, slow and easy. “I’m difficult to live with,” he said with a frown.  “I’m cantankerous and frustrating and never compromise,” he said with a huff.
“That’s not true,” John whispered.  “I mean I’m sure that’s not true,” he said he’s hand going out to stroke Brian’s face.  John smiled.  “You can’t be all that bad.”  
Brian leaned into his touch. “It’s true,” he sighed.  “I’m all that bad sometimes.”  
John stroked his thumb across his lips.  “We’re all that bad sometimes.”  
A few moments went by as they just drunkenly swayed into each other, nearly tipping off the bar stools. “Would you like to dance?” John asked suddenly.
Brian nodded, and John led him to the dance floor, wrapping his arms around his lithe figure, slotting his leg between his hips so he could softly grind against him to the thrumming beat. He could feel the firm jut of his erection pressing into him, and it pulled at something nostalgic within him, like the first time they’d ever made love.  
John ran his hands of his endless chest, so lean and beautiful, and up to cradle his face.  “May I kiss you Brian?” He asked sweetly. Brian didn’t answer him, he just fell into his mouth, slotting his lips against his in an agonizingly slow and lingering kiss that left John starved for more.  
“I’m so glad I met you,” murmured Brian against his lips.  
John sighed, his breath uneven.  “Me too.”
They danced, swaying and undulating to the rhythmic beat until both of them were slick with sweat. John leaned over to Brian, nipping at his ear.  
“I hope you appreciate honesty,” John began.
Brian looked at him seriously, his eyes traveling to his lips.  “Of course.”  
“Honestly I just want you to take me somewhere and fuck me.”  
Brian captured his lips, taking the lower between is teeth tugging.  “I can do that,” Brian said breathlessly.  
They called a Uber, given them directions to the nearest hotel.  Adrenaline was coursing through John’s veins as they approached a scowling receptionist, giggling, hand in hand.  She gave them the key and they just made it to the seedy motel room and they were stripping off clothes, their mouths fused together.  
“I want your cock so bad Bri,” John panted, “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. Fuck me right now.”
“Gotta get you ready sweetheart.  Jesus we don’t even have any lube.”  
John whined, stroking his cock.  “Use the little bottle of complimentary lotion.”  He was already on the bed, his bum in the air.  “Come on, Bri!”
Brian started with two just to satisfy him, and John moaned, immediately rutting on his fingers.  He wasn’t going to last, neither of them were. The walls were paper thin…people were probably dialing the front office right now.  Brian didn’t care.  He was stroking himself in time with his hand on John’s sweetspot.  John took a third finger like a leaf settling onto a clear pond.
“You read for me baby? Ready for me to fuck this pretty ass of yours?”  
John whined, twisting beneath him.  “Been ready. Fuck me Bri. Fuck me hard.  Make me scream.”
Brian pushed into him, causing John to gasp out his name.  He didn’t wait long before he was moving inside of him, hard, jerky thrusts that moved John up the bed and knocked the headboard against the wall.  
“We’re gonna wake the neighbors my love,” Brian stuttered out between thrusts.  
John just mumbled out a weak “Fuck” as he caught his breath between being pounded into the mattress.
John was touching himself as Brian came, slamming into him so hard he lost his grip on his cock. He helped him finish, stroking him until he was coming and calling out his name in pleasure.  
“You’re so good for me,” Brian said as he soothed into his hair, gathering the younger man up to his chest as he came down from his high.  “So perfect for me.”  
John smiled.  “Even though we just met?”  
Brian wrapped his arms around him.  “Haven’t you ever heard of love at first sight?”
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forvalor-blog · 5 years
       The Murphy Orchard has always been one of the most lucrative pieces of land in Huron.  Rows upon rows of trees grow all year round, fruit bared like stars as the seasons roll by.  With no Winter to kill them, they remain in endless bloom, fruit ready for picking at the drop of a hat.  To make things better, the land has blessed them with varied saplings.  If a particular fruit doesn’t bloom in Spring, they have other trees to harvest from instead.  It’s simultaneously the richest and luckiest place in the world.
       Kuro has become accustomed to helping Murr pick the fruit for a small amount of pocket money.  All but conjoined, their parents get along well too.  When Murr goes over to Kuro’s house and helps cut the wheat, his father rewards him with tractor rides and small bags of candy.  Kuro receives coins  (  like a grown-up, it makes him feel mature  ) and a second home.  As attached as they are to their own families, it very much feels like they both have two sets of parents.
       At some point, they finish their rounds, tired but satisfied, and Murr dumps his basket unceremoniously in the field and flops down onto the grass.  It’s thick and soft, but he still folds his arms behind his head, sighing softly as he stares through a myriad of leaves and up into the early evening sky.  His bushy hair spreads around his head like a haphazard mane, and he isn��t surprised when Kuro lays down and copies him.
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       ❛❛ Hope that wasn’t too painful fer ya, ❜❜   Murr says with a grin.  Kuro shakes his head in response.  He’s always been quiet.  It’s never been something that bothered him.  He can talk enough for five people, nevermind two.   ❛❛ Ya know, ya don’t have ta keep workin’ like this just ‘cause my mama asks.  She’ll understand if ya don’t wanna. ❜❜
        ❛❛ I like helpin’ yer momma, ❜❜   Kuro replies, rolling onto his stomach.  Though he’d gone to copy Murr because he thought he looked cool, the late evening sun was steadily beginning to irritate him.  Too bright…  too loud.   ❛❛ Besides, I get t’work with you. ❜❜
        ❛❛ Aww.  Yer like a dog, Kuro.  Maybe I should start callin’ ya Ku-roh. ❜❜
        He listens as his friend snorts.  It’s a sound that doesn’t escape him often.  Though he’s a perfectly happy child, he’s also an incredibly stoic one.  It’s almost as if he’s too afraid to let others know how he feels.  Murr doesn’t understand why he’s so closed off, but at the same time it fills him with joy.  After all, he gets to hear him laugh when he tells stupid jokes;  he gets to watch his face light up when he lets him tag along with him, wherever he’s going;  he gets to see the true Kuro, the one he typically keeps under lock and key.  Everybody else can go to Hell.  Kuro is my friend.
        ❛❛ Hey, ❜❜   Murr starts, forcing himself to sit up.  His small body aches but he doesn’t mind.         ❛❛ Let’s do somethin’ fun.  Huh?  We’ve been workin’ all day. ❜❜
        ❛❛ Okay.  What d’y’wanna do? ❜❜
        ❛❛ Hmm... ❜❜   He makes a show of stroking along his chin, eyes rolling skyward as he thinks.   ❛❛ I know.  Let’s climb the Big Tree. ❜❜
        ❛❛ The Big Tree…?  But it’s so…  big. ❜❜                   And your momma told us not to.
        ❛❛ Well duh. ❜❜   He climbs to his feet, stretching his legs before he begins to march forward.   ❛❛ C’mon, Kuro, don’t be a chicken.  It’ll be fun! ❜❜   Without another word, Murr begins to run, hurtling down the hill.  It’s as if the wind carries him along, jacket flapping behind him like a pair of makeshift wings, hair wild, eyes alight.  Kuro stands up, chasing after him.  He’ll always follow him.
       They dash through a low-cut field of weeds, small yellow flowers turned high towards the open sky.  It’s like running through a tunnel of sunshine, and by the time they begin to charge up the hill where the Big Tree stands, Kuro starts to feel exhilarated.  He isn’t scared of much in truth, but this tree is something he holds a healthy level of cynicism towards.  It’s abnormally large, branches spanning over the length of the hill like a collection of gangly arms reaching desperately towards the heavens, and from where they stand beneath it, it’s so tall it seems to disappear into the sky.
       From their places below, they think about how best to proceed.  Its trunk is thick but gnarled with age.  Plenty of footholes, Murr thinks.  Ever the after-thinker, the eldest of the boys jams his foot into one of these spaces and begins his desperate shimmy up the weathered bark.  He slips and slides several times  (  at one point he even ends up falling down, landing on his rear with a disgruntled cry  )  but eventually he reaches the branches.  From here, it only gets easier to scale.
        ❛❛ Aha! ❜❜   Murr cries victoriously, arms extended high over his head.  He wobbles, teetering on the wide branch he’s found purchase atop, and he cautiously throws his arms around the trunk to steady himself.  When he’s sure he won’t fall, he continues, one shoulder raising in the form of a lofty shrug.   ❛❛ See? Piece’a cake! ❜❜
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        ❛❛ Y’fell though, ❜❜   Kuro points out.
        ❛❛ ONLY ONCE-- ❜❜   Murr huffs indignantly.   ❛❛ Yeesh…  ya really gotta critique my every move?  Just get up here, dummy.  ❜❜
       He watches as Kuro stares up into the sea of bark, clearly wondering whether he should.  He’s a small boy.  Trying to tackle something so big might just be a bad idea.  Nevertheless, he wants to seem cool to his best friend.  Murr is effortlessly so, and he wants to emulate that.  Murr doesn’t think too much, so neither should I.
       The ascent is difficult.  However, after a lot of determined wriggling and a hand up from his companion, Kuro stands atop the same branch he does.  Heights have never bothered him really.  Even though they’re a short ways off of the ground, a decent few feet between them and the grass below, he feels decidedly neutral about it.  What if I fall? is not a question that exists in his head.  Instead, he tilts his head up as Murr begins to climb higher.
        ❛❛ C’mon! ❜❜   he calls from a branch or two above.   ❛❛ Hard part’s over now! ❜❜
       The dedication with which they scramble upwards is admirable but wasted.  With nobody around to witness their bravehearted efforts, it becomes an odyssey fit only for two.  However, the ascent in itself is rewarding.  As they scale branches as easily as they do stairs, the sun beginning to peek through as less and less obscures it from view, excitement begins to pool in their stomachs.  Just one more branch is an incredibly addictive mindset once you’ve already committed to the climb.
       At some point they begin to slow down--  not out of fear but out of necessity.  The branches are getting thinner and thinner, more resembling twigs than safe places to stand on, and it begins to hinder their expedition.  Murr stops incredibly close to the top, trying to lean his body upwards so that he can attempt to break the surface of the leaves.  When he hears part of the branch crack under the strain, he hurriedly resets his stance, begrudgingly accepting that this is as high as he can go.
        ❛❛ So!  What do ya think? ❜❜   A glance is cast down to where they started.  All the way up here, locked away in a cocoon of wood and blossom, they feel untouchable;  as if they’ve found a small slice of another world tucked safely in the trees.   ❛❛ Not so bad when ya conquer it head-on, right?  Hey, we could set up a base here!  Nobody’d find us up here. ❜❜
        ❛❛ Yer momma might get mad--  ❜❜
        ❛❛ What she don’t know won’t kill her, ❜❜   Murr replies, shuffling down a short ways to be level with his friend.  The branch he stands atop isn’t thick, but it doesn’t groan under his weight either.  He thinks that means it’s fine.   ❛❛ Besides, she’s been lost ta the government already!  We’re out fer ourselves! ❜❜
       Kuro will be the first to admit that he doesn’t really understand the games that Murr plays with him sometimes.  They’re always ‘’running from the government’’ or ‘’hiding their thoughts from aliens’’;  making silly hats made of foil in barns and building ‘bunkers’ out of hay in fields. They hide from what Murr insists are spaceships whenever they see lights in the sky and build multitudes of small houses in bushes so that they’re ‘never in one place for too long’.  He goes along with it because it seems to make Murr happy.  He doesn’t mind playing with him, even if it can be difficult for his brain to keep up.  It’s fun.  It gives him a thrill, even if none of it is real.
        ❛❛ What would the Government want yer momma fer?  ❜❜
        ❛❛ Probably fer her cookin’, ❜❜   Murr replies idly as he begins to snake his way back down.   ❛❛ Secret agents get hungry too. ❜❜
        ❛❛ That makes sense. ❜❜
        He makes a comment about the High Court using her for her Wednesday Hot-Pot and Murr snorts with laughter.  That’s the best feeling in the world:  making Murr laugh.
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        ❛❛ Now yer gettin’ it, ❜❜   Murr tells him through a snicker, the footfalls beneath him starting to get bigger as they make their way back down to the bottom.   ❛❛ ‘s like yer in my brain. ❜❜  There’s a pause then, an accusatory glance thrown over his shoulder.   ❛❛ Yer not in my brain, right? ❜❜
        ❛❛ No. ❜❜   There’s a pause as Kuro threads his body between two branches before he continues with:   ❛❛ But if I was, I wouldn’t tell y’. ❜❜
        ❛❛ … yer good. ❜❜
       They’re about halfway down when Murr begins to play the fool.  He starts pretending that he’s going to slip, kicking his feet up, throwing an arm back whenever he doesn’t need to hold on as much, and every time Kuro feels his heart leap into his throat.  They’re nowhere near as high as they were, closer to the ground than the sky, but that doesn’t mean that he wants to see him get hurt.  At one point he yells at him for being reckless  -  and that’s when he himself loses his footing.  It’s a minor blip in his concentration, but he feels his boot slip on the mossy finish of a branch he’s stood on and his sense of equilibrium is thrown sideways.  For just a moment, Murr thinks he’s joking, opening his mouth to make some smart comment, but all that escapes him is a cry of Kuro’s name as he realises that his friend is for real.
       His small body goes hurtling towards the ground, and when he lands in the grass he isn’t sure how to feel.  A flash of searing pain burns through his right side, hot and heavy before it dissipates into alarming numbness.  Stunned, Kuro doesn’t move.  His breathing is shallow, afraid to upset the temporary reverie he’s found in the blissful static that has consumed his arm.  For a short while, he hears nothing but the sound of his own blood pumping in his ears, elevated heartbeat seeming to hammer in his temples.
       Am I dying?  How high did I fall from?  I wasn’t even paying attention to myself--
        ❛❛ Hey!  HEY!! ❜❜
       The sound of Murr’s voice brings him back.  At some point, the boy had struggled his way down the tree, dropping safely into the grass below before dashing to his fallen friend.  When Kuro makes hazy eye contact with him, he realises that Murr’s are full of tears.
        ❛❛ … yer cryin’... ❜❜   It’s all he has to say.
        He watches his friend’s face, first a picture of horror and fear, dissolve into one of great relief.  There’s no blood…  no gruesome wound he’s going to have to heroically seal shut with his favourite hoodie;  just a dazed Kuro laying in the grass, bleary-eyed and blank.  Murr uses the sleeves of his jacket to wipe his eyes, a laugh full of both mirth and derision escaping him as he hovers over the other.  It’s the first time Kuro has seen him cry.  Though he knows that Murr is a softie beneath it all, he’s never let himself shed a tear in front of him.  It’s just part of his cool-guy routine.
        ❛❛ Screw off... ❜❜   he mutters fondly, reaching down to pat at his friend’s body, checking for damages.  When he reaches his arm, Kuro hisses, writhing in pain.  It’s the most emotion he’s shown since he fell, and Murr can’t help but be thankful for it.  His friend sometimes comes off as a robot.  He’s happy with his life yet unable to show it clearly, and Murr can’t for the life of him understand why.  Every day that he spends by his friend’s side is a day he wants to scream about from the rooftops.   ❛❛ A-Are yer legs okay? ❜❜   He watches as his friend bends them slightly, then nods.  His jeans are slightly ripped down one side, having caught a branch on his way down, but aside from a superficial scratch there doesn’t seem to be anything of note.   ❛❛ Yer made of steel, I swear ta Raku, ❜❜   Murr jokes with a feeble laugh, eyes shining with comfort as he watches his friend weakly smile back at him.  Kuro has such a quirky smile, barely there but full of warmth regardless.
       He slinks around to his friend’s other side, beginning to help him to his feet.  Kuro stumbles a little, ankles clicking under the weight of his unbalanced body, but no strain on his right arm renders him able to at least walk the short distance home.  Small fingers clutch at the broken appendage as if it’s going to drop off, and every so often as they descend the hill he stops and hisses, the decline in terrain sending small shocks of pain through his injured limb.
       When they get back to Murr’s house, they both receive an earful about listening to Murr’s mother.  However, both parents are quick to relent, walking Kuro home and explaining to his folks what happened.  His mother is quick to coddle him, arms thrown around him before she realises she’s hurting him.  His father tuts at him, but in the fond way he always has.   ❛❛ Dumbass, ❜❜   he says, lightly ruffling his hair before guiding him out of the house.  Perhaps there’d have been more commotion had their son been visibly distressed, but his impassive disposition lends them all a pang of reassurance.
       As much as they try to get Murr to go home, to convince him that once Kuro sees a doctor he’ll be fine, the boy refuses to stay behind, accompanying his friend to the local office.  They sit in the waiting area together while his father requests assistance from the receptionist.  So quaint and peaceful a place, Huron’s emergency services are never that pushed for space.  The majority of the time, it’s possible to simply walk in and request aid, especially if it’s for something dire.  Though Kuro doesn’t appear to be in much pain on the surface, a broken bone is still something of discernible gravity.
        ❛❛ … ya didn’t cry at all, ❜❜   Murr says quietly, nudging Kuro’s foot with his own.   ❛❛ Are ya sure yer not a drone from outer-space? ❜❜
        ❛❛ I’m quite sure, ❜❜   Kuro replies, head bobbing once in vague affirmation.  It’s quiet for a few seconds before he carries on.   ❛❛ … I was okay ‘cause y’came t’get me.  It hurts a lot, but just havin’ y’here with me makes me feel better. ❜❜
       His friend scoffs at him gently, his elbow knocking against his (  thankfully  )  good arm.  With a warm smile:   ❛❛ Of course I came t’get ya.  I’ll always come fer ya, Kuro. ❜❜
        ❛❛ Always? ❜❜         ❛❛ Always. ❜❜
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       They both straighten up slightly as Kuro’s father emerges with a doctor by his side.  He wears a friendly smile that goes nicely with his pale coat.  He asks if Kuro is ready to see him and the boy nods his head, stopped only by Murr getting up and defensively standing between them.
        ❛❛ ‘n’ how do I know yer a real doctor, huh?  Ya could be a voodoo practitioner. ❜❜   He listens as the older man chuckles gently, pointing to his uniform, then to the official Huron embellishment sewn into his breast pocket.  Only licensed professionals have those.  He’s seen police officers that have the same emblem faithfully stitched into their sleeves, too.  This guy’s the real deal.   ❛❛ Hm… okay, but ya’d better be nice ta him. ❜❜
        ❛❛ I assure you that I will be, ❜❜   he replies, a gentle hand placed on Kuro’s uninjured arm, beginning to guide the boy into his office.  Despite his hardy exterior, Murr feels worried.  The anxiety he feels when they’re apart is intense, even with his young age.  His friend’s father’s hand lands gently on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze as he moves to sit down again. It’s alright, he tells him.  He’ll be alright.  It ain’t yer fault.
       It might be, Murr thinks to himself.  It very well might be.
                                                       _____   【 🞮 】   _____
       It feels like forever goes by before Kuro finally re-emerges from the room he entered.  Murr had fallen asleep in his seat without realising, waking up to the gentle nudge from his friend’s father.  When he sees his friend standing in front of him, sporting plaster and a somewhat dreamy expression, he can’t help but leap up, checking extensively for wounds that he didn’t enter with.  After feeling certain that he’s fine, he flicks lightly at the cast.
        ❛❛ Y’know, when I said we should get matchin’ sleeves when we got older, this ain’t quite what I had in mind. ❜❜
       Kuro laughs.   ❛❛ Damn…  I  kinda like this thing. ❜❜         ❛❛ Yer crazy.  Kooky Kuro has entered the stadium. ❜❜
       Kuro immediately whistles the beginning of the Passcode theme in response.  That gets Murr going, a boisterous bout of laughter escaping him as he re-enacts some of the song’s greatest dance segments in full right there in the waiting area.  That makes Kuro laugh too, though shorter, and his giddy display is interrupted by his friend thrusting a pen and a lollipop at him.
        ❛❛ The doc said that friends should sign the cast. ❜❜   As an after-thought:   ❛❛ I also convinced him t’give me two candies so you could have one. ❜❜
        ❛❛ Yer the best, ❜❜   Murr chants, plucking the pen from Kuro’s fingers and signing his name in big bold letters across the length of the cast.  Perhaps it’s selfish of him, but he doesn’t want to see anybody else’s name on this short expanse of pot.  He’ll draw all over it if he has to.  In fact…   ❛❛ Hey!  I’ll draw ya a sleeve on the other side!  Then ya’ll look cool! ❜❜   He pouts, though only playfully.   ❛❛ Can’t believe ya’ll have a ‘tattoo’ before me though... ❜❜
        ❛❛ If y’go break yer arm as well, I’ll draw a sleeve fer you too. ❜❜
       Murr snatches his lollipop from him then, sniggering to himself.   ❛❛ Screw off, Kuro. ❜❜
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alacranite · 7 years
It is very important to me that you answer all the character design questions ouo Pls
oh hmm. well if it’s really that important, I gotta answer them all :0
🕸 1. Who’s the oldest character of yours that youstill use?
I think the oldest character that I still use is Hatori, a really laid-back yet stiffly formal-speaking guy who I originally made as my naruto oc hahahaaaa his appearance and backstory tends to change often though his personality is still pretty much the same!
⭐️ 2. Who’s the oldest character of yours, defunct ornot?
hmm, I’m not entirely sure! I think it is Hatori, but I feel maybe there were some other characters before him that just aren’t coming to mind!
💡 3. Has creating a character ever made you realizesomething about yourself?
I wanna say yes, but then I start thinking that it was something I realized outside of making a character??
🦋 4. Any minor characters that have either taken overor branched off into their own stories?
none so far!
🐲 5. Do you prefer to make human, animal, monster, or_____ characters? Why?
I prefer making character of a supernatural nature! like beings that are usually spoken of in folklore or myths or other such things! there’s just something really enjoyable about it for me that I can’t quite place my finger on
I also enjoy making humans with deep hidden vices for cathartic reasons and also humans that become integrated with the supernatural one way or another
🎨 6. When creating a character, do you come up withthe visual concept or the written concept first?
I think I come up with the written concept first! though most of the time I forget to write down anything about them,,,, I just store it all in my dang noggin and regret not having written it down somewhere
📌 7. Do you have characters that you know you’llnever use, but can’t bear to get rid of/recycle?
surprisingly not!
💖 8. Is there a character that embodies your goodtraits, or traits you wish you had?
s e v e r a l
🖤 9. Is there a character that embodies your badtraits? Several characters? Which ones and what traits?
see above
♨️ 10. Is there a character that explores yourinterests or fetishes (orrrr is that just all of you characters)?
✒️ 11. If you have characters that embody certaintraits of yours—good or bad—has writing them changed how you view those traits?Has it affected you in any way?
not really? like, I tend to self-analyze myself a lot (in a mostly negative light hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) so writing about these things doesn’t really make for any changes in my views. if anything it just starts a back and forth in my head about such and such and I end up getting distracted for a while
💭 12.  Do you fantasize about being any of yourcharacters, or are you more detached?
I usually stay detached, though I do find myself fantasizing being capable of doing the things some of my characters can do
🎵 13. Do you create playlists for your characters?
I don’t usually but sometimes I find songs that really speak to me in regards to some of my characters
I’ve also made a few characters based on songs, which I found pretty dang fun
🎇 14. When writing for specific characters, is thereanything you have to do to get into the right mindset?
I just think: “what would ______ do/say? how would _______ react?” and proceed to wrack my brain until I stumble upon what feels right for them
🌻 15. Which character is your guilty pleasure?
my boy Lucius eheheheheh he’s a wonderfully kind and caring gentleman on the surface but cruelly apathetic and unforgiving underneath. he’s basically a huge mess and I love writing about him, being one of many cathartic characters
🌩 16. Is there a character of yours who’s a realstruggle to write/draw? Why do you think that is?
A L L  O F  T H E M
mostly because when I try to write about them, my brain turns to mush for a long time,,,,,,,,
🔑 17. Which character is the easiest to draw/write?
they’re all fairly easy to write about if I can just get myself in gear!
💎 18. Is there anything you really wish you could do,character-design-wise, that you feel is outside your current skillset? Aconcept that you wish you could pull off but are uncertain about?
concept: having concrete designs for all my characters
🏆 19. What’s more important to you: visual design,unique personality, a trendy character aesthetic, etc? If you’re not sure, thenwhat’s the first thing you usually nail down in a character?
usually what I start off with is their personality! I try and hammer that down until it feels natural and authentic before I work on anything else
🎬 20. Do you ever plan to do anything (comic,animation, etc) with your characters? Or are you just happy to have them?
of course I’m happy to have my characters but I always find myself dreaming up big plans for huge things that I wanna do with them
and that’s that anon ^ u^
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Canon(ish) RP - Ship Spats
(Artemis-mod here.  Occasionally, in the downtime between sessions, we tend to mess about and do roleplays as our characters over on our Discord server.  It works particularly well for stuff that wouldn’t otherwise be particularly interesting to play in sessions--like a looooong journey by boat!  So, without further ado, here are the logs from those assorted RPs.)
 *Irwin scurries across the deck, leans over the starboard rail, and hurls into the water below*
Giga (Danica)
 "Uh... Irwin?" quickly climbs down from the crow's nest "Are you okay?"
 *he's draped over the railing motionless* Uuuuunnnggh...
Giga (Danica)
 "Ah. Seasick?"
 *he slowly turns his head to the side.  He looks like he could be a zombie.* First time... on a boat...
Giga (Danica)
 "Ah. Still need your sea legs then. Don't worry, it'll pass." leans onto the rail peering out into the water.
 I don't know how you do it.  It's got to be so much worse up there on the lookout thingy.
Giga (Danica)
 "I just focus on everything else. Honestly, being out on the open sea is reassuring to me."
 I thought it would be fun... but now I just want to get back to land.
Giga (Danica)
 "Well, with any luck, we won't be stuck in the Temple of Faith as long as the Temple of Time... Seriously where does Absolute get his stuff for this place?"
 Yeah, I'm a little nervous about what we may find there.  I'm glad to be helping Casia though.  I may have been dragged here against my will, but I can appreciate what Absolute does. *he slowly looks up at the land in the distance* And besides, this place is pretty beautifURP- *he leans over and throws up again* *he then proceeds to crumple down into a ball on the deck* Euugh...  Do me a favor, and just knock me out until we get there...
Giga (Danica)
 "I uh... would rather not take the risk of accidentally taking your memories..."
 Maybe I'll be better off below deck... *he proceeds to crawl away ever so slowly*
Giga (Danica)
 winces as Irwin crawls away, then looks out at the sea "...wonder how Rippy's doing..."
Sarah Blossom
 she's been enjoying herself..the little cheater she's FLOATING so she doesn't get seasick how whos doing Dani?
Giga (Danica)
 "Oh, hey Sarah. Well, my Samurott Riptide for one..." Puts her head against the railing "...he must be worried sick..."
Sarah Blossom
 looks over at her and leans on the rail smiling happily ahh..you got "family" back home to...i hope my crews doing ok....but I'm sure they're fine!
Giga (Danica)
 "I hope so... Rippy has a tendency to... uh... rush into things if something's wrong, to say the least..." turns to Sarah "What about you? You got folks or Pokemon waiting back home?"
Sarah Blossom
 laughs ah..bon bon is like that....but she thinks on it looks to her "mostly pokemon at this point....knowing my luck...but i call them my family, 5 of em and an egg to be exact!
Giga (Danica)
 "Oh, really now? Who, and what, are they respectively? If you don't mind me asking."
Sarah Blossom
 smiles oh no trouble, in no order really, a sylveon ribbons, an espeon Psy, Nebula the clefable...who was my mom's mon by the way, chance the blissey and bon bon the lopunny
Giga (Danica)
 "Huh... interesting. Riptide's the only Pokemon I've ever really had, per say, and he's been with me for... well, since my earliest Plasma days, I think... way back when he was an Oshawott..."
Sarah Blossom
 "aww that's sweet...nebula and chance have been with me since before i could hold a screwdriver!, Chance was a gift to me when I  turned 2...according to my dad...Nebula and chance might be most worried...but i love all of them...back when the two were happiny and cleffa
Giga (Danica)
 "Heh... that's nice." Looks out towards the sea (again) "Rippy was apparently found from an abusive trainer. I was assigned to take care of him while I was still getting basic training and other such courses... Wow, that feels like such a long time ago..."
Sarah Blossom
 smiles looking out to sea once more "Ouch...I...I really hate abusive trainers....i found psy and ribbons as Eevee's ....i was...few years before I was trainer material...two trainers left them and they were scared....nurse joy had mentioned it when we went to carefor the others....i saw them...they weren't causing trouble...they just needed a snack...they followed like a lost lillipup for the whole day!"she giggled..."it feels a lot longer then.... she blushed sorry..i..i uhh ..rambled
Giga (Danica)
 Shakes head "It's fine, if anything, the rambling is a nice change from... well, y'know."
Sarah Blossom
 laughs haha yeah....adventure...it is nice...plus..I uhh..haven't gotten a chance to really talk to you since....like we first met
Giga (Danica)
 "Yeah... considering we've had to spend most of our time and attention is spent trying not to lose ourselves... well, I'd say that it's a fair statement to make..."
Sarah Blossom
 "It's..putting it nicely...meanwhile I..spent my time wandering and my mind drifting!...Only just recently did you guys help me set straight in my mind
Giga (Danica)
 "Glad to be of some help then. I just hope that we'll be sane at the end of this..."
Sarah Blossom
 "ha, me to, no offense but..you Dani my girl..drive me a tiny bit bonkers with some of your antics"
Giga (Danica)
 "Oh?" smirks slightly "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Sarah Blossom
 "i call shenanigans, you egged me on to talk to irwin....and he felt the same way..because you wanted a few extra berries....or the fact you are my wing girl 98% of the time....*raises a brow smirking *
Giga (Danica)
 "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah..." still smirking mischievously "...it was ridiculously obvious that you two were pining for each other. I'm just grateful that it happened sooner rather than... well, too late..."
Sarah Blossom
 "It is the best thing you got me to do!...We realized how much we wanna get out of here...now we don't EVER want to evolve... I'm letting Irwin keep the stone until we find a way to split it in two halfs and make it wearable...and uhmm...*looks around..making sure no one is listening(if anyone wants to try to listen perception roll!!!!~) We uhh...we..kinda got into a talk in the tent the other night...
 *the distinct sound of a Quilava stairs can be heard in the distance, followed by a ghostly wail*
Giga (Danica)
 "Wow already at that phase of the relationship, huh?" Insert Sarah's reaction here "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! But do go on."
Sarah Blossom
 EXTREME BLUSHING GO AND WING FLUTTER hahahaha!!!  I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.....nono....she whispers..we umm...kissed....
Giga (Danica)
 "Ohoho~" Leans in closer, an interested glimmer in Danica's eyes "You have my full attention ma'am."
Sarah Blossom
 she's blushing umm....we kissed..o-on...t-the lips..soft voice
Giga (Danica)
 beams "Well, well, well~ Now this conversation just got infinitely more interesting~"
Sarah Blossom
 &*shes blushing so hard"s-shush!!!....just..i...on the cheek..he did the same..and..it sorta...happened
Giga (Danica)
 "Well then, how was it?"
Sarah Blossom
 blushed how was it..umm..well uhh..i dunno...i mean it's..it's just a kiss right?
Artemis the Absol
 The Dark-type makes his way above deck.  It seems like he'd been suffering some of the same issues Irwin had been--poor bastards.  "Hi, girls...urp."
Sarah Blossom
 turns around huh..oh look it's our giant amount of fluff that's mega evod....were you listening to us?
Giga (Danica)
 "Nice to see you too Artemis. Also, I believe you do have a minor explanation to give about... well..." points at Artemis' floof wings
Sarah Blossom
 you mean the fact he mega evolved?
Giga (Danica)
 "Wait, you know what he did?" is genuinely confused
Sarah Blossom
 looks at her  WHAT?! you've never heard of mega evolution?!
Giga (Danica)
 "Uh... admittedly, Pokemon related stuff isn't my strong suit..."
Artemis the Absol
 "Mega Evolution?  It's..."  He says, giving a bit of a noncommittal shrug.  "It's something I've been able to do for a while, honestly.  It's uncommon in the tribe, but not unheard of.  I don't use it much since it takes a whole, whooooole lot outta me.  And I can’t fly, even with--"  A rather rough wave rocks the ship, and Arty grips the railing of the boat tightly, wrenching his eyes shut.  "Bleeegghhhh..."
Sarah Blossom
 "well..you DID say you weren't from kalos..so i guess you don't know,,,"she laughs "it's the bond between pokemon and trainer, some pokemons bond is so strong..some have the capability to do whats called Mega evolution a temporary step further of evolution its seen as a trainer has truly bonded with its pokemon as one being... only a number of them can do such a thing...but those that are able to wield the mega stone with its pokemon can be even stronger than before... taking control of it isn't easy..but those who have the right mindset should feel as if they and their pokemon are one
Artemis the Absol
 Artemis squints and peers at her with suspicion.  "You keep saying that word.  What in the world is a 'Trainer', exactly?  Something to do with humans and Pokemon together, that's about all I can tell."  He says, hiding the venom in his tone.  Mostly.
Sarah Blossom
 She speaks of it as if it's pure bliss a trainer...something I am considerably..catching pokemon..but as friends..to perform with me on stage..her voice went from sweet to bitter sour...a mean glare in her eyes do you have a problem with that fluffy boy? (gotta roll intimidate you gotta focus roll arty) (for me that's....2d6 and your focus is what? @Artemis the Absol !roll 2d6
RPBotBOT  @Sarah Blossom rolled 10. (6 + 4 = 10)
Sarah Blossom  (OH MY GOD)
Giga (Danica)
 steps in between both Sarah and Artemis "Ladies, ladies, you're both beautiful, but I believe Fluffy the Terrible deserves an explanation, at least."
Artemis the Absol  (Focus and Intimidate should both be 4d6 iirc)
Sarah Blossom  (your intimidate should be disadvantaged because you're too fluffy (and she went from sweet to...BOOM SOUR
There is a loud series of clacking noises ringing from across the way. An automated voice rings out. Sarah, are you picking on Artemis?
Sarah Blossom
 and she's back to sweet what no!...i could just sense the venom in his voice when he said trainer.*she sounds happy once more
Giga (Danica)
 "Oh hi Vivian. Not feeling too seasick, I assume?"
Vivian  !roll d20
RPBotBOT  @Vivian rolled 17.
Sarah Blossom  (tip:you can type just ! roll it's still a 20)
Artemis the Absol  !4d6
RPBotBOT  @Artemis the Absol rolled 12. (5 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 12)
Sarah Blossom  (ok umm.your..your mildly startled by that sudden tone change)
Vivian  She takes a few seconds to type out her response. No. This trip has been a lot easier than I thought. She grips her phone tightly as the boat sways. That doesn't mean the trip hasn't been without its problems, though...
Artemis the Absol
The floofdoggo is relatively outwardly unfazed by her sudden change in demeanor, though the sudden venom leaves him a bit rattled.  Jeezum, temperamental much?   "If you say so."  He says shortly, clearly unconvinced, though he'd rather not press the issue.   "...I'm inclined to agree with Vivian on this one.  I was worried about wasting time, about not doing anything to try and find the rest of my family, but..."  Artemis grimaces as he recalls the impromptu reunion with Mercury.
Vivian Vivian furrows a brow. Who?
Sarah Blossom not temperamental, just one protective girl for her pokemon, don't test her"we won't waste time..vivian had you told me you wanted to get back to your trainer....well you  like i said remind me of someone...every trip has hiccups...but we're making it through height
Giga (Danica) "...the ultra fast Absol, right? He had a bell, didn't he? Sounds pretty similar to what was happening at Lilac Town..."
Sarah Blossom "yeah that absol was wicked fast!
Giga (Danica) "...dare I ask, but are any more members of your family special snowflakes like him?"
Vivian Vivian types on her phone, eyes apparently disenchanted with the conversation. And here I thought you all just forgot about me. she continues typing, not looking up. By the way, next time there's a trap, try a little harder not to let us get captured.
Giga (Danica) gives Sarah a certain look. :/
Sarah Blossom looks away i was looking! i didn't detect anything!...looks away pouts i have a hard time seeing at times..these goggles are gonna make like easier...
Giga (Danica) "Remind me to upgrade the Trap Harvester next time we're in Casia..."
Sarah Blossom "yeah snivy was wondering about it...you never got to speak to him i guess
Giga (Danica) "Corwyn did rush us out of town pretty quickly..."
Sarah Blossom "yeah..i wasn't to happy about that..
Vivian Vivian scowls, as loud clacking emanates. He doesn't seem keen on warning us about traps, either. She continues. I think we should consider throwing them overboard before we get to the place.
Giga (Danica) "Big problem though, they know where the hell we are. And where the Temple is, at that fact..."
Sarah Blossom "viv..you..do know they can swim right?
Artemis the Absol "I didn't expect to meet with Mercury like that--that 'ultra fast Absol' as Danica put it."  Artemis says, nodding to Vivian as he explains.  "Mnh...a lot of them tend to have markings like that.  Gilgamesh is a bit like me, more of an all around-er.  Scathach--Scatty--specializes in bladed weapons.   Bit weird for an Absol, but..."   Another violent wave rocks the boat, and Arty's face turns even more green.  "I'll...be right back.  See if I can't find more of those little tablets Kevin gave me..."   Down below deck he goes--holy shit IRWIN DON'T DIE BRO.
Vivian How well can they swim while packed into a storage crate?
Giga (Danica) "Vivian please, I'd rather not get lost at sea after a mutiny..."
Sarah Blossom smirks save your evil for later..use that on plasma for me ok dear?
Vivian Who?
Sarah Blossom "oh sorry..eherm..those evil goons who kidnapped us before
Vivian I'm supposed to fight evil with evil? Doesn't it add up to being one big evil?
Giga (Danica) "The recruitment standard has really gone down in the last year..."
Sarah Blossom "heh, it's because they all made a mad dash for world ending team flare*she jokes
Vivian Vivi shrugs. Team this, team that. Is everyone on a team these days?
Giga (Danica) "Apparently? Heck, technically we're our own team at this point..." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sarah Blossom "yeah but we're the good guys!
Vivian Says the absol bully. Vivi gives a blunt look as the message plays.
Giga (Danica) "Well, personally I'd rather keep Plasma from essentially killing people mentally..." "And uh, from accidentally destroying the fabric of time, or messing with things that they shouldn't..."
Sarah Blossom "hah..least your team isn't trying to start a war that could end all humanity
Irwin *Irwin lies at the bottom of the stairs, watching as the silhouette of the Mega Absol descends toward him*  ...An angel...? *his eyes take a moment to adjust* .......oh........
Artemis the Absol The Disaster Pokemon waves a paw in front of his face, pulling and tugging him back up to his feet.  "They warned you about those stairs, man.  What with how rickety and shaky this ship can--urp."  He quickly cuts off his chiding, a wave of nausea hitting him.  "Ok, nevermind.  Let's get to Kevin.  Get you checked out and get seasickness away.  Seasick bad."
Irwin Thanks.  *Irwin sways, and leans up against Artemis steady himself* You're not... looking too hot yourself there.
Artemis the Absol "L-like I said.  Kevin can help."  Artemis murmurs, biting his lip and rolling his shoulders, letting the Quilava rest a bit more of his weight against his side.  He's a big boy floof, he can handle this.   A few twists and turns later and Arty noses the far door open... aaaand no Kevin?  Lovely.   "Sonofa..."
Irwin That's okay... *he stumbles his way to one of the beds* Only medicine I need... is a bucket... *he practically falls into the bed* and some water...     I'm no...  sissy... How 'bout you?  You need me... to take care of you? *he chuckles a bit, but it quickly turns to heaving*
Artemis the Absol Arty shakes his head and grins, giving him a light pet on the back before moving to rummage through some of the things on Kevin's desk.  They're sure to be there somewher---aha!  "Oh thank Arceus."  He murmurs, spearing the old, oooooold packet of tablets with a claw.  "Saw him take one of these earlier.  I asked about it and he said they help with seasickness...  bit odd for a Water-type to have, but he did say he used to be human...somehow..."  The Dark-type shrugs, confused--though now really isn't the time to fiddle with that.  NOMF.
Irwin Well hey!  Don't hog 'em... *he stretches his arm out as far as he can without moving his body*
Artemis the Absol "Since you asked so nicely."  He deadpans right back, spearing a second one and plopping it down into his outstretched paw.  "Enjoy."  Artemis says, grinning to himself.  "I'll go ahead and head back up.  See you there?"
Irwin *he stuffs the pill in his mouth and rolls onto his back to help him swallow* Nyeh... Yeah... I'll just... give it a chance to kick in.
Artemis the Absol Arty pauses for a moment, then nods back to the Fire-type, flaring out his wings to keep his balance as he pushes through the ship's winding corridors.  Only a few minutes had passed since he'd left before he finally pokes his head up above deck.  "And back.   Irwin should be here shortly."
Sarah Blossom looks backpoor irwin..i feel bad he's getting so sea sick
Artemis the Absol "Eh, dunno why Kevin didn't' give him any of those lil' pill thingies, then."  Artemis says nonchalantly, shuffling his 'wings'.
Sarah Blossom "well..i guess not...i got a little dizzy at first..but i'm fine now
Irwin *Irwin carefully climbs back up the stairs and greets the others* Hey guys, I'm feeling... a lot... *he runs back to the railing and throws up*
Artemis the Absol Artemis can't help but frown at that.  Maybe they simply aren't as effective for the Fireself?  "Eh, give it a bit to kick in...I guess.  Where were we, again?  Something about...special snowflakes?"
Sarah Blossom "that was all dani
Artemis the Absol "Where'd she wander off to...?  Odd."  Artemis murmurs, frowning and shaking his head with a scowl.  All over the place, this team.  "Was there something you wanted to know, then?  You had that kinda look on your face."  He says, gesturing vaguely towards her.
Sarah Blossom "what me?....well...you seemed...bitter at trainers specifically..
Artemis the Absol "Forgive me if I'm distrustful of humans."  The Dark-type says, growling and baring his fangs.  "Especially since this group we're fighting, all the humans turned Pokemon, they were 'Trainers' too, weren't they?"
Artemis the Absol Artemis rolls his eyes and shakes his head, snapping his jaws shut menacingly.  "And how, exactly, is that any different than the rest of you, beating them to near unconsciousness and taking them from their homes?!"
Irwin Hey hey hey!  Don't snap at her!  I know you just went through something horrible, and I'd be mad too, but we need to be able to trust each other if we're going to make it through whatever's ahead of us. I'm not a trainer, so if that's what's nagging you most, then at least trust me to start. *he leans back against the railing and closes his eyes* And try to keep in mind that this isn't just about your tribe, or my team.  We've seen others being controlled like your friend back there, including a family of young Totodile.  We need to work together to stop this.
Artemis the Absol Arty growls, but he can't deny the logic in his words.  "When we get to shore, we're going to need to have one hell of a heart-to-heart.  And no, NO PUNS!"  He says, quickly regretting his choice of words.  "That's...only for very close friends and loved ones."
Irwin *Irwin looks like he's about to say something, but instead he just slumps down and sits on the deck* If you don't want to talk any more right now, I won't make you.  But don't judge us.  Some of us have been through a lot.  At least let our future actions speak for us.
Adrian St. Artiel "How are we different?" Adrian, with worn bound sketchbook in hand and propped up against the mast, glances nonchalantly at the agitated absol before shifting his gaze back to his work. "For starters, we aren't ALL trainers."
Artemis the Absol Arty stops to the far side of the deck, tail swishing angrily through the air, and he digs his claws into the railing.  "Fine.   Fine..."  He murmurs, lidding his eyes and forcing himself to take a few deep breaths.  That's the other reason he doesn't Mega Evolve often-otional.  "If you're not trainers, then what ARE you?"
Irwin ... *he looks up to the sky* We're Team Wayfinder.  Visitors from various lands, on a mission to rescue and protect the inhabitants of Casia from Team Plasma.
Adrian St. Artiel "I can't speak for the rest, but I've never captured nor battled with a single pokemon... least not until becoming one."
Irwin Same here.  I've almost never even interacted with Pokemon growing up.  I don't even know what type of Pokemon you are, now that you've evolved.  This shouldn't matter though.  I'm not saying we're perfect.  We're all flawed, and will do dumb things, but we're trying our best. We never asked to come here, but we all chose to stay to help. Anyway.... How's that drawing coming along, Adrian?
Giga (Danica) climbs back down from the Crow's nest
Adrian St. Artiel "Adequately." he responds, half brushing the poor fire type off and half too disheartened in his work to respond otherwise.
Artemis the Absol "From my understanding, that Team is what you became after getting stuck here."  He says, putting a bit of a point on it.  "Even so... you...mngh."  Artemis stifles a swear.  Why are words eluding him this evening?   Damnit!  "As for what Pokemon I am, I'm still me.  Still an Absol.  Can't even fly with these things, as much as I might want to."   The Dark-type says, gesturing to and fluttering those 'wings' of his.  "Temporary boost in strength, to put it simply."
Giga (Danica) "Honestly, it's not something I see in Unova very often..." "...or at all..."
Irwin I... can't say I follow.  It happened at a good time at least.  Speaking of which, I'm sorry you had to fight your friend back there. *he holds his paws together and stares at the deck* I don't think I'd have the heart to do that. *he trails off and begins mumbling to himself* If I had known Jack was......
Artemis the Absol Arty tenses up and shoots him a pained grin, baring his fangs once more.  "Bit closer than just 'friend', but I appreciate the concern.  Mercury's my half-brother.  Same mom"  He explains simply.  "And now he's disappeared after that fight... I KNEW I should've...!"
Giga (Danica) "Whoa now!" steps in a bit closer "Look, judging from how you're reacting, I'd say he's pretty close to you, huh? ...we'll find them. If we've run into him once, then I'm more than certain we'll find him again, and more than likely, we'll find the rest of your family not far behind..." Irwin *Irwin stares off in the distance, now with a wide eyes expression of shock* He was your... actual brother?? *he curls up a bit, looking pretty depressed* I... you... *he pauses as he tries to find the words* ...I'm... so sorry.  Don't worry, I'm sure he OK...  If he got away, then he must be.
Artemis the Absol "Maybe not as close as most other families, but with how much we both care for Mom, yeah, we're close."  Artemis says, trying and failing to stifle a low sniffle.  He'd been strong and brave during the fight, but adrenaline was on his side then.  "As glad as I was to see him, to get some kind of a clue, with how he was acting, with those other...twins?  Copies of him?"  He says, stamping a paw on the deck.  "Part of me is afraid to see what they've done with the others.  He was always fast, but THAT kind of speed... I've never seen nor heard of anything that quick, nor strong.  Maybe...once, twice I've seen something even getting close to that level."
Giga (Danica) "Hmm... I wonder... he had a bell around his neck, right? That Dewott at Lilac... he had one too, and I remember he was trying to get it off of him..."
Irwin If that's true... we should at least try and get that off of him.  Though you weren't wearing a bell when you fell under their control Danica.  As for his speed, we have seen a lot of fast Pokemon when dealing with Team Plasma.  They were doing research on manipulating time, back when they had that staff Adrian carries with him.  I wonder if they learned how to do it without the amulet... If we do have to fight him again, I think Adrian can get him down to a manageable speed. Maybe we can even capture him safely.
Giga (Danica) "Speaking of those powers... try not to get into too much trouble. I haven't been able to use mine after what happened at Town..."
Irwin Did you use it in town?  I hadn't even noticed.
Giga (Danica) "...that's because I used it on you Irwin..."
Irwin ..what? *he laughs* Did I fall into the well or something?
Giga (Danica) "Well... you aren't wrong about the water part, let's put it that way..."
Artemis the Absol "If we're lucky enough to get that to work...  And that's assuming that it's the bell that's causing it."  Arty retorts, glancing between Dani and Irwin, canting his head.  Why in the world is she not telling him?  Sure, he got fucked up, but it's not like he was the only one who got hurt that night, either.
Adrian St. Artiel "The powers we gained are likely tied to the temple of time."  Adrian muses, still scritching away at his pad with what would appear to be charcoal. "The fact that I was given the staff is likely the only reason we still have them. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd also assume the temple of faith is where froslass and plasma have been pulling this bell trick from." Adrian glances over at Irwin, somewhat unnerved. "You really haven't figured it out yet? Really? Think. You've seen how her power works. And more importantly you saw the look on Sarah's face that day. It shouldn't have taken you this long to put two and two together."
Irwin Eesh.  You guys are always so cryptic.  It's like with the thing about the water.  Why am I always the last to hear about stuff?
Giga (Danica) "Ehehh... I swear I meant to let you guys know about the water sooner..."
Adrian St. Artiel "It's not cryptic Irwin. It's rather simple actually. You died. Congratulations."
Giga (Danica) "Well, you got pretty close..." shudders at the memory
Artemis the Absol Artemis nods grimly, only to let out a low yawn.  "Well, maybe not died, but--yes."  He turns his gaze up to the stars and the moon above--has it gotten that late already?  It must be past midnight, easily.  "I'm going to head below deck to grab an hour or so of sleep before my watch and meditation.  Good night, you three."  He says, yawning once more and dipping his head.
Irwin And so you give me sarcasm instead.  Right.   Wait, pretty close?   ... W-wait.  OK, just say it, what happened?
Adrian St. Artiel "Whether you choose to believe me or not is up to you. I won't repeat myself."
Giga (Danica) "Well, you decided to go after Primarina, who then hit you with a wateris- Attack and... well... yeah... it looked like it hurt, to say the least..."
Adrian St. Artiel *Adrian nods and waves at the absol as he leaves
Irwin *He looks at Danica, then Adrian.  He looks concerned, to say the least* S-so which was it?? *he gets up to his feet* Did I... die?  ...or not?  Am I like Eddie now?? *and turns back to the water* Tharina...
Giga (Danica) "First off; no, you aren't dead. Second of all, you got close. From what I've seen, the effects more or less got reversed when I pulled off the wibbly-wobblyeyey shit again."
Irwin So if you hadn't been there... if the mind control hadn't been broken... I... hrrp... *vom over the railing*
Adrian St. Artiel "Dani's power reverses the flow of time for someone for a set amount of time, just like how mine slows it, like messing with the playback on an old cassette. When she found you... as you were you were too far gone for normal healing measures so we essentially cheated, and made it so that for you, the whole thing never happened."
Adrian St. Artiel "But it did happen, and we did all see the results of you failing to control yourself."
Irwin *Irwin wipes his mouth, lurches over to Danica, and gives her a hug* Th-thank you, then... for saving me...
Giga (Danica) returns the hug "Well, I couldn't just leave you there... It wouldn't be right..."
Irwin Failing to control myself...?  I don't even know what I did.  *he turns around and begins to sulk off* I... need to go... process... for a bit...
Giga (Danica) nods solemnly "No worries, if you need to talk to one of us though, just say the word."
Irwin *he waves limply without turning around*
Adrian St. Artiel *softly, so as to not have Irwin hear "He had to find out sooner or later."
Giga (Danica) at the same volume as Adrian "Admittedly, he took it significantly better than I expected..." leans back over the rails and sights
Adrian St. Artiel "He's definitely the most tolerable of the group, but damned if he isn't oblivious as hell most of the time... ugh." Frustratedly, Adrian rips the page he was working on out of his notebook, crinkles it up and tosses it over the side of the ship.
Giga (Danica) "...no luck?"
Adrian St. Artiel "Not exactly. Just... something I shouldn't be thinking about right now." He sighs and puts his art kit and supplies back in his bag. "I'm heading in too. Likely going to be a while till we hit land. Might as well try to get something vaguely resembling sleep."
Giga (Danica) "No worries. I'll keep watch then..." Waits for Adrian to start moving off before chiming in again. "...Hey Adrian? I need you to be honest with me, do you think we made the right choice in... staying here?"
Adrian St. Artiel Adrian looks back over his shoulder and raises an eyebrow."Hmmm? Oh that? Well, to be honest... No. We probably didn't. But at the same time, I don't think it really matters." "Something tells me leaving wouldn't have been the simple matter that Absolute eaking it out as. We'd likely be pursued by plasma anyhow, whether we were human or pokemon, simply because we were here, and we have seen what's been going on. You think a place like this would stay as is if the whole of the outside world knew about it? Plus I've begun to suspect that Absolute and Moira aren't quite as all powerful here as the think. There's more to it. Stuff they're either not telling us, or don't know themselves. Least from what I've gathered. And also..."
Giga (Danica) "Hmm?" turns to look at Adrian more clearly
Adrian St. Artiel "I don't think I CAN leave. Not yet anyway. Just personally. Being here has made me... remember things. Ironic right? Things that I haven't thought about in a while. Things I didn't want to think about. I think, for a good long while before coming here, I haven't really been trying to think at all. At least not about myself or what I was doing. I kind of just... kept moving, not looking nor caring where I was going cause it felt like if I stopped, everything I left behind would eventually catch up and I'd have to answer for a lot of.... well, let's just say lapses in judgement and leave it at that. But here... it's different." "The outside world can't touch us in here, at least not directly. It's like someone pressed pause on life, and then gave us the time, for better or for worse, to think things over, and try to make sense of where we are. At least, that's what I've been trying to do. I know I can't go back to the way I was, not really. I've at least realized at this point that I was going nowhere, and keeping a lot of things bottled up. And so I've decided that, before I even consider heading back, that I would figure out just where I went wrong and to make plan to at least try and fix things... whatever that might entail."
Giga (Danica) "...guess we're in the same boat then." looks out at the sea. "I don't know what's going to happen to us here... Hell, I can't even guarantee our own physical safety... And there's only one thing that I'm completely certain about." looks up to the stars. "That once we leave, once this whole crazy adventure is over, we're never going to be the same people we were beforehand, like you said, be it for better or for worse... Between you and me Adrian, I don't have a lot waiting for me back home. Main reason I'm not accepting staying here... well, I've got things I still need to do as Danica." grips onto the railing. "...I can't afford to falter in my duties... not when... not when the alternative is... when failure is..." Frowns, then shakes head in frustration. "...Not when there's so much at stake." "But enough of that. Tell you all what, I've got a decent amount saved up. Once we're done with this place, how about we all go on a trip to Alola? Or something, either way, getting away from all the world's stresses sounds pretty good right now."
Adrian St. Artiel "Hah. We'll see. First we have to make it through the night. And on that note-" Adrian turns and waves behind him. "-I'm off. Take care Dani."
Giga (Danica) "Heh, night Adrian. I'll keep watch and let you guys know when I see land."
Adrian St. Artiel Adrian gives a thumbs up (Or at least, the smeargle equivalent of one) as he descends the ladder into the ship's depths, but says nothing else, disappearing from view.
Out of the corner of your eye, over the railing, a glimmer of moonlight reflects off something and catches your attention.
Giga (Danica) "Hm?" Tries taking a look at what's reflecting the light...
Adrian St. Artiel You peer over the side and for a split second, you spot a patch of white amidst the dark ocean below. A face, a human one maybe, hard to make out from distance and darkness and saturation, stares back at you from just slightly beneath the water's surface, inscribed on a crumpled up wad of paper that is slowly unraveling itself, bleeding black clouds of water and coal as it sinks below the surface. You only get a quick glimpse of it, what you are able to make out, before the passing wave sweeps it behind the boat and out of sight: Long hair, tied in a pony tail. A bright smile, nearly erased by the waves. And the letter K...
Giga (Danica) Dani's brow furrows in confusion. "What on...?" ((Cue intuition roll!)) !roll 4d6
RPBotBOT @Giga (Danica) rolled 18. (2 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 18)
Adrian St. Artiel While the girl depicted is not familiar to you in any way, the material she was drawn on is. In fact, you're fairly certain you saw a teammate of yours huck a similarly sized, if not identical wad of paper over the edge moments prior. What this means however, is a mystery to you. You can say this much at least: from what you could still see (and water damage aside) the picture looked very realistic. And very detailed. Painstakingly so.
Giga (Danica) "...oh geez..." looks over to where Adrian was earlier and then frowns, before climbing back up onto the crow's nest to keep watch over the horizon/surroundings. "...there really is way too much at stake for us, huh?" ((Uh... end RP?))
0 notes
Dating anxiety, need help? - GirlsAskGuys
New Post has been published on https://onlinedatingloves.com/trending/dating-anxiety-need-help-girlsaskguys/
Dating anxiety, need help? - GirlsAskGuys
Recently I came across a guy who was interested and I wasn’t before because I said it would never happen. We had conversation and after a few weeks I woke up with a feeling in my stomach. I was so frustrated at myself and now I sleep at night thinking of him no matter what I do. I have anxiety because I don’t want to get hurt and he hasn’t shown me any red flags the month we’ve gotten to know one another.
I had two crying episodes because I’m falling for him by the second, I’m receiving no answers on what to do next, and I can’t take it anymore and it’s weighing heavy on me. I need all the advice I can get because anxiety is no fun at all
Seems to me you regret rejecting him.
There are missing pieces to this puzzle and something that I need you and all women to understand.
Healthy heterosexual men and women; can’t just be friends for extended periods of time.
You haven’t at all indicated your general level of attraction towards him only that you now have anxiety.
Now, I’m going to go out on a limb, but that regret you feel may not be due to infatuation in the since of typical attraction.
This guy gave you attention, security, someone to talk to and possibly emotional support through all of it the time you’ve been talking. You can’t help but feel you should reciprocate that or that you’ve burned a bridge.
The anxiety affecting you now is, possibly your fear of losing him as you said he hasn’t displayed any red flags which means that could possibly be a big chunk of positivity in your life. Essentially, he is emotional validation.
So I—we need to know in definite words how you feel about him and now how you feel because of him.
The only bit I gleaned is that you are falling for him.
Anxiety is a serious issue. One not to be taken lightly. Because of past experiences you definitely want to protect yourself. But we do have feelings and emotions and they at times rears its head. Since you’re preoccupied with this notion and feeling, you have to trust yourself. If you cannot weigh everything to your satisfaction insecurity curiosity etc it will consume you. You have to put your best foot forward and trust you are the best judge of character by being you and not holding back. If you are all you say you are then if they are true to themselves it will come out. By being all of you with every nuance behavior mannerisms etc if they cannot deal with you then they cannot deal with themselves. It’s not what’s wrong with you on the contrary its what’s right with you. Everything requires work. Nothing is easy even when you think it is it requires time and effort. Once motivation drive interest and lack of agreement on many issues by not seeing eye to eye gives you enough information to proceed or not. We have hearts love compassion and so on. But if they like you they will go out of their way all the time. If that interests even dips there’s a reason. Communication is detrimental to survival and longevity. You should be able to talk about anything and if you can’t you can’t grow. Even at a snail’s pace everything grows if not then it just stands still.
Frankly, here is what I can offer. I think you need to be brave (and only you can be brave enough to stand tall, even when inside you may feel quite small) and if you have enough courage and you feel ready. Speak to him face-to-face… But, only if you feel comfortable, tell him that you have dating anxiety. Option No. 2: If you are too overwhelmed and anxious, talk it over with your closest and most trusted friend and see what they say.
You are just nerveous, it’s normal especially if you like someone. Don’t try to diagnose yourself with a mental illness.
I went to the doctor already I have anxiety way before this situation.
Well you rejected him so he probably moved on so if u want him you are going to have to put in effort to get him back
What? Look , if you like him then go ahead and do everything to grab him , if you don’t like him then be neutral and pet a dog to relive yourself of all the stress.
Talk to him. Admit the anxiety issues and go from their.
I guess having that anxiety in u on your first date, can at least teach u how it feels for the very first time… i guess after that date, you won’t even stop thinking about it.
If you have dating anxiety, you shouldn’t date… It’s for the best,
I know from personal experience… It will just be awkward
the most common causes of anxiety within relationships/dating are mostly linked to bad history of experiences, as we go through our lives we will meet honest and not so honest people, some will be healthy for us and others will be purely out to get whatever they want to satiate their own needs and not be interested in returning the favour… and bad experiences with the latter will inevitably question any future connection with other people and the severity of that depends on the seriousness of the damage those people caused… if he hasn’t given you any red flags or any reason to doubt him or his intent then talk to him and explain to him how you feel and how you feel about him and the situation and if he cares about you he will understand and be patient with you
Firstly, you’re walking a dangerous line right now lady. Lemme tell you from experience, infatuation while having anxiety is more stressful that it’s worth.
Secondly, I think it’s time for you to take a step back and realize that it isn’t the end of the world. You’re not gonna die or get hurt from being a friend. That’s all you are anyways, friend (in this case, they’re a friend you happen to have a crush on).
Thirdly, talk about your feelings with someone else. Even if they give you crappy advice, at least you won’t have to fight your battle alone. Remember, when it comes to anxiety, you are literally your own worst enemy. Everything you are thinking is just that, a thought, nothing more.
If you figure it out, let me know. I have a friend who is going through this.
it’s normal, fear gives a bad impression to the person you like. keep calm and go on a date.
So you friendzoned a guy and now you want him when you had the opportunity before but didn’t take it? Why should he give you the time of day now? What’s to stop him from friendzoning you the way you did him? If I were him I would. If a woman doesn’t take the opportunity the first time around very seldomly do I give them a second chance and even then I regret it afterwards for them wasting my time. If I were him I wouldn’t even bother. You made your bed now you lie in it. Choke it up as a learning experience and move on with your life
Ok here’s my advice. He needs to run! Not walk. Run as fast as he can away from you. Because you are completely out of your mind.
Pain is a part of life. How you deal with it, is another thing
I’m actually in a similar situation, and you gotta just go for it. Even be open about how you felt before and what’s changed up until now. Just because you weren’t into it the first time around doesn’t mean things/people can’t change. You got this! Just try. The mindset I like to have in this situation is, our time here is limited. People are constantly changing and growing, so when you get an opportunity, don’t think, just do! 🙂 We spend so much time over thinking and analyzing.
Your too obsessed and you need to stop. You are not ready for a relationship, and your reactions are signs of fear, not because you want a relationship with him. You fear that you will NEVER date somebody because of your fears. Listen to what your heart is trying to tell you. There is a reason why you feel like your going to get hurt again. Do what makes you happy right now. There is no rush for you to get into a relationship and into something your not ready for. Do you want to make him miserable because you can’t get it emotionally together? Only you can be responsible for you. He cannot be catering to everything you don’t have unless he wants to. But now he has to be responsible for that. You are in no position to be dating. Dating with all of that baggage and anxiety is a big no-no. You want to that badly, go seek counseling. They cannot help you, but they can give you some guidance into understanding yourself and getting to the root cause of your problems.
I have same anxiety and just embraced it a month ago. I am a bit busy right now I will share you my experience later. You are not alone in this.
I totally understand that situation, been there myself, it is hard to let someone in your heart and give them the power to hurt you, but then again, relationships and love always involve a risk. It is an integral part of life, living in fear is not living at all so don’t let it control you. You would miss out on so many experiences, good or bad, they are all valuable. You are stronger than that fear, trust me, so go there and chase your happiness. Just live and see what happens. I pushed these bad feelings away, took that leap of faith and have not regretted it even for a second, even if it is not forever, I will be forever grateful for the memories I have made now. 🙂
I think you need take a chance and tell him and eat crow.
Take some Pepto Bismo and you’ll get over it.
Talk to him about your fears. If he knows what you’re worried about, maybe he’ll understand you better. I think you should go for it 🙂 it sounds like you like this guy. Invite him to coffee or something chill and enjoy your time together.
I hope this helps!
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mtgsharzad · 6 years
GRN Prerelease Notes
WeIt’s been a while since I’ve gone to a prerelease. I think since...BFZ? But with the free Arena sealed voucher and the return to return to Ravnica, Magic’s greatest setting, I schlepped my way to the game store (after swallowing two edibles).  It’s a different store than the one I used to prerelease at. A narrow room is filled with one line of tables and barely enough space on either side of them to walk past. The counter stretches...6 metres? It’s a game store, like many and unlike many others. I showed up 3 minutes late and all the non-Izzet prerelease packs have been taken. Not much of a choice, izzet? God, kill me. I get a promo Firemind’s Insight and a really conflicted Sealed pool. I have three Selesnya rares, a Steam Vents, an Assassin’s Trophy (which I’m going to trade away) and the new 1R growing elemental guy.  I have, like, no playable creatures, and end up reaching for two copies of Muse Drake just to be able to play more than 8 battle dumplings. I built into a grixis fliers/midrange deck, mostly anchored around my copious removal and my UUBB guy.  I always forget how long we’re allowed for deckbuilding at these events. I’m usually a quick deckbuilder, but the drugs kick in and I find myself looking at the same 25 possible includes for a straight 15 minutes. I cut my second copy of the 1UB enchantment and grab basics, and proceed to have a really pleasant conversation with the guy diagonal from me about Legacy Pox. What a beautiful deck! He confessed to running the 1-of granddaddy Pox, as well as 4 Sinkhole, 4 Wasteland, 4 Smallpox, etc. Gotta love a man who plays the 1-of. He said he plays Percy as a finisher though, instead of the Nether Shadow recursion/beats strat - “make a percy, swing three times, you’re dead”, he explains. Sounds interesting! Round one. I’m up against a friendly Asian guy in his late 20s. He’s on BUG, and we have a good back-and-forth, but I take the series 2-1. Nothing really memorable or exceptional here; just some good old fashioned Sealed gameplay. I take game 3 with a reasonably-thrilling combo kill out of nohwere with Wee Dragonauts buffs and 6 points of burn going dome. Really great games, I say, and he agrees. I report the match win to the store owner, who I think gives me a little wink of approval. Who is this strange newcomer, who can win her first game? I imagine he’s saying. She must be a powerful sorceress. Round two. I deckbuilt across from this guy, so I know that he’s on Naya and has a foil Trostani (jealous). He had a bye R1, so I’m nervous, but I pretend I didn’t know this when he explains it to me. “So, you feeling good, then?” I ask, and he replies with something that’s music to my ears: He’s a total scrub! He has no idea how to play Magic, and is “usually the worst guy in the room”. I’m about 5% wary of some kind of hustle, but I don’t think I’m being hustled; this guy is earnest about how bad he is at Magic, so let’s just have some fun games! In game 1, I keep a risky hand with UR mana and two B spells. I never find a Swamp, and Sammy Scrub over here just develops a board and beats me down.  The whole time, he’s table talking nervously about how this is the best it ever goes for him, and this is probably the best he’ll do all day. A turn before I’d die, I say gg and flop the hand, which now has 4 B spells and still no B mana.  ”That explains a lot”, he says. In game 2, I take a dicy mull to 4 looking for lands. I’m sitting on Swamp, new Rupture Spire, Dinrova Horror, Goblin Cratermaker, which is at least an all-stars version of my shitty, shitty deck. I manage to do some nice stack trickery with Cratermaker that fizzles one of his Auras. After clarifying the difference between Auras and Equipment, I take game 2 easily. 
This seems like an apt point to take a moment to take a personal stand: I hate the way he taps his mana. He keeps all his lands in a single pile, behind his library (and therefore more or less underneath his arm from my viewpoint). This game, he did this thing where he’d hold up 3 mana for like 4 turns, and I’d have to keep clarifying that he had mana up, with him even doing things like casting a Worldsoul Colossus with X=2 so he could hold up mana (I Dead Weighted it. 😭Brutal😭). Turns out he was holding onto a Plummet effect; when I slammed the Dinrova Horror, he said “oh, that has flying, right?” and tried to kill it. Damn, sorry dude, but it also has Hexproof... Anyway. The experience of playing against multiple people with really incoherent mana presentation made me resolve to be even better about my own land display. It’s something Magic Arena couldn’t possibly have reminded me about; the messiness and personal flair that goes into the way each player taps, plays, and manipulates their cards, all outside of the game itself.  Game 3 also comes down to some board stall where I blunted his early assault and stabilized with Wee Dragonauts. Once I hit 6 mana I did the 4UR split card spell to search for an instant (the jumpstart draw 2) and a sorcery (the 3bb murder surveil 2). That was my endgame value chain, and he just couldn’t beat it. I played really forgivingly and walked him through my understandings of several combats in a way that I think made him a more equitable opponent to me, and so for that reason I think we had some really captivating fun games. I really liked this guy, and I hope he did well after we fought. We go to turns, so my idea to buy pizza before R3 is tragically dashed on the rocks. I still haven’t eaten (always take pills on an empty stomach, kids), and I’m starting to feel it.
 My opponent this round is a happy looking fat kid, who the entrenched player cracking a box to my left apparently mentored in Magic’s rules. The moment we square up I realize he’s a “Real Opponent” in a way the round 2 guy simply wasn’t; he does the pro player card shuffling tic, announces every trigger, and his cards make the loud SLICK SLICK SLACK of a player who knows exactly which card he’s putting where, and who intends to waste no time doing so.
We both mull to 6. “Ooh, hope you didn’t keep a fast one, or I might need to go to 5″, I tease. He tells me he kept a fast one, I stay on 6, and true to his word, he grizzly bears me into the dust by turn 6. Brutal! I mire in self-abnegation. You IDIOT, I think. He said it was a fast one, I castigate. Oops! This is not the mindset of a champion. I reset quickly for game two. At this point we’re comfortable enough in the dance, two mature players (one a child) with cleanly-laid-out mana and creatures and full understanding of the Stack, and we’re bullshitting and talking Modern while we play. It’s a joyous experience, the best time I’ve had playing paper Magic recently. I take game 2 pretty cleanly when he’s stuck on two lands, and the land clump he hits on turn 5 is too little too late, even though he slams a locket as soon as he can play it. I misplay a little by forgetting some of his announced triggers during combat, and get a 1-for-1 on my Dinrova Horror instead of the 2-for-1 I’d planned on. Oops! I win handily, though.  In game 3 I kept a risky 6 - 5 lands and a two-drop. I draw more lands and just can’t spend gas fast enough to keep up, and he curves me into the dust with his efficient little battle dumplings. RIP, really great games. The thrill of combat and the hot copper taste of blood (I think I bit my cheek accidentally?) fill my veins.  In the pizza meta selection subgame, I walk in the door thinking Potato, but audibled to Feta and Sundried Tomatoes because I heard Boros had good chances against the field. 
I walk back down the street to the LGS. The pizza did what it needed to and has loosened the feelings of self-doubt that come with your first tournament loss of the day. I am a champion. I am a queen. I’m beautiful. I visualize myself going 3-1.  My opponent for the fourth and final round is another teen, but he’s way worse than the cute friendly pro-to-be. He’s really soft-spoken, which wouldn’t be a problem but Putative Pro is the other match on this table and he and I are still occasionally shooting the shit, much to Surly Kid’s annoyance. Sorry, dog! I would normally use your turns to plan strategy or whatever, but he takes such ponderous long turns I feel like I have no choice. He’s moaning that he’s had to mull to 5 5 times already. My heart goes out to the kid, but maybe he should learn to trust in the heart of the cards!~ He’s built a pretty solid GWr aggro deck, lots of lifegain and Mentor effects. Exactly the kind of deck I’m not built to answer! But it turns out that spot removal works okay against mentor if you can keep them from having two guys attack on any given turn. I bleed out before I can stabilize game 1, though.  Game 2 I barely remember also, but I think I had a solid early curve and managed to discard his 1 answer in-hand. Hard to complain about that!
Game 3. Game 3 is scary. We both mull to 5 and have shaky starts. He hits me with early pressure and takes me down to like 5 real early, while I’ve managed to chip him down to like 16. FIVE TURNS, comes the booming announcement. Oh shit, I think. I have to take this. A 3-1 finish is so close, I can taste it. I end up stacking Wee Dragonauts and Electrostatic Wall triggers to find exact lethal on my last of the 5 extra turns. It’s incredibly, viscerally, beautifully satisfying. I feel electric, triumphant, and exultatory. This is my apotheosis. 
I win...three packs! Oops. The kid who beat me in R3 came first (satisfying to only lose to the winner), but because of the byes, someone has a 3-0-1 record, and they get the 6 packs due to second. Still, it’s a delight to place. TRADES:  traded away my Assassin’s Trophy for a K Command, new Niv, some cube cards / foils and some pocket change. 
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