#''The site that hosts your hobby project might explode and you know what will make this even funnier?''
bonefall · 7 months
Hi Bones! In light of Everything happening on tumblr (Trans debacle, vaguing about pulling the plug, midjourney), what are the plans for this blog's future? Not even just like immediately, more of a 'if tumblr one day just stopped existing, where should we look' sorta thing?
Head's up: blog is a little slow because I got bowled over by a depressive episode (I'm fine, this is my normal) + studying for some exams.
But I'm watching the fire with my fuzzy pajamas and a cup of coffee, backing up my drafts, downloading an updated archive (you can do this in your blog settings), and if the hammer explodes the car I will go to Cohost.
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facepozz-blog · 6 years
Best ways to make money online in 21 century
Tumblr media
. Best ways to make money online in 21 century
1. Make Money With an Awesome Blog. A lot of people start a blog as a way to express their views or as a creative outlet. Yet, there are many cases of people not only earning a living from their blogs but even turning them into massive companies,like the Huffington Post . Not every blogger will hit these figures, but if you take the right approach you have a solid chance of earning money with your blog. With a blog, it’s important to have a long-term vision. You won’t make money right away. But, as your writing improves, your skills grow, and your site picks up more traffic, it’s a definite possibility.If your goal is to start a blog that makes you money, here are some tips to keep in mind: 1. Choose an evergreen topic like health,finance, relationships, hobbies, or personal growth; 2. Always aim to try and create the best resource on any given topic; 3. Learn about SEO and ranking your site in the search engines; 4. Network with popular bloggers and other influencers in your space. The above tips will help you get going in the right direction. Once you have an authoritative blog that gets a large volume of traffic you’ll have many opportunities tomonetize your site like: Paid advertising;Selling your own courses and products;Selling affiliate products;And much more! Most of the methods of making money from a website can all apply to a popular blog you’ve created. 2. Start An Affiliate Website. Promoting products can be a great way to earn revenue. You can even start doing it here on An affiliate site is built upon recommending or reviewing certain products. Then, when a reader buys that product through your link,you’ll receive a commission. Although it might not seem like a big revenue generator, there are multi-million dollar sites based on affiliate revenue alone. For example, Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income generates a large chunk of his monthly income through affiliate marketing. You might also be familiar with the site the WireCutter. Essentially, this site is a massive product review site. This model can be very profitable as the WireCutter was recently purchased by the New York Times for $30million. When creating an affiliate site you can base your revenue on recommending and reviewing products. Or, you can integrate affiliate marketing into an existing blog by showcasing resources you recommend. For example, let’s say you have a site that's dedicated to helping lose stubborn belly fat. You could create posts that review relevant products and supplements, and every time you mention the product, include an affiliate link. 3. Build an eCommerce Website. eCommerce sites have been exploding in popularity in recent years. With the prevalence of platforms like WordPress and WooCommerce, creating an eCommerce site couldn’t be easier. If you prefer dealing with physical products and selling something tangible, then opening up an eCommerce store could be a great fit. There are two different methods of running a successful online store: 1. Creating and selling a niche physical product to a dedicated group of buyers. 2. Purchasing cheaper goods manufactured in foreign countries, repackaging them,and selling them at a markup. The first approach can be very successful,but it does require a passion for the product and the willingness to do a ton of research,product development, and testing. But, the massive success of stores like SkinnyMe Tea , BeardBrand , and Ratio Coffee show that you can reach the heights of success with your eCommerce store. If the first approach seems a little risky for your first online business, then you might consider the second option of reselling popular overseas products. This method involves sourcing a popular product from a platform like Aliexpress , repacking the product, and selling it through your own storefront. Beyond selling the right products you’ll also need to think about how you’re going to ship your products. You can personally handle shipping and order fulfillment yourself. Or,you can employ a popular method called drop shipping, where the manufacturerhandles it for you. 4. Resell Web Hosting. Reseller hosting is another great way to make money online. In fact, we offer this service on our sister project Hosting24 . The basic idea of reseller hosting is providing a dedicated server space, which you can use to build your very own Web hosting brand. It allows you to: 1. Create cPanel-powered web hosting accounts; 2. Set custom resource limits (disk space,bandwidth, and similar); 3. Conveniently manage all accounts using WHM. Since cPanel is the best known tool to manage a hosting account, it will be easy to attract new users. The server uptime is also monitored by an in-house administrator team, which ensures good uptime and availability.Last but not least, a dedicated 24/7 support staff will be there to help with all your questions and queries. The following perks will let you focus on user acquisition, rather than the technical aspects of server management. If you’re familiar with how web hosting works , reselling it will be a walk in the park. Who knows, you may become one of the web hosting giants if you put enough effort! 5. Create a Digital Course. It seems like digital courses are everywhere today! So, if you have valuable knowledge that someone would pay for, this could be a great option. In addition to having your own courses,learning platforms such as BitDegree offer a chance to become an instructor. It’s a unique opportunity to pass your skills and experience to thousands of people eager to learn about new technologies. Digital courses can be produced in a lot of different formats, from simple PDF downloads, all the way up to self-produced video courses that have dozens of hours of content. Creating online courses can be very powerful path. Since it’s under your control, there's no limit to how much money you can make. Like most other methods on this list, digital courses can be integrated into most styles of websites including blogs, Edom mercer sites, and even affiliate sites.If you’re looking to create a digital course,but haven’t settled on your topic it’s a good idea to poll your audience. Often, they can tell you exactly what they’d like to learn and would be willing to pay for.For example, the online course Learn Scrivener Fast is completely dedicated to helping writers learn the ins and outs of the software Scrivener. The creator of this course, Joseph Michael, uncovere the need by reading 6. Create a Membership Site Membership sites have exploded in popularity recently. The idea is easy enough to implement. But, it does require having an existing audience of some sort. For example, Mark Manson runs a popular self-development blog. On his site, there’s a membership portion that gives users access to online courses, videos, and additional article commentary. For fans of his work, it’s a great deal. People are already visiting your website because they like what you write about and how you write it. So, you create a membership part of your site tha has premium content that sits behind a paywall. Now, every single person who visits your site won’t take you up on the offer, but your dedicated fans will find it irresistible. The type of membership site you create will depend upon the kind of site you run and the level of depth you want to go with your premium content. 7. Sell Advertising Space. We’ve all seen sites that use advertising throughout their content. Sometimes the ads are intrusive, but other times they integrate naturally with the content. Monetizing your site via advertising is usually reserved for when your site is receiving a large volume of traffic. But, if your traffic numbers are high and only continue to grow, then this option could be worth exploring. The amount you’ll get paid will depend upon the network, but usually, you’ll get paid based upon the number of impressions or clicks. There are many different ad networks to choose from. Google Adsense is probably the network you’re most familiar with. With Google AdSense, you apply to the network, and once you’re approved you can start adding ads to your site. Typically, the payout for Adverse ads won’t be great unless your traffic is in the millions of visitors per month. There are other ad networks like Ezoic and Media.net . Both of which have an approval process and site evaluation. These networks also have the benefit of working with you to optimize your advertising revenue. If you don’t want to work with an ad network you also have the ability to sell advertising yourself. If you have a niche audience, this can be a pretty lucrative option. Let’s say you have a site dedicated to sleep optimization. Instead of using one of the ad networks above you could sell ad space to large mattress companies. You also have one final option of creating sponsored content. This is where a company will pay you to create sponsored content and you post the content on your site. Sites like Buzzfeed and Millo have taken this approach. 8. Sell Your Services. Selling services from your website is one of the fastest ways to make a profit. There are two different approaches to selling your services: Create an Educational Blog and Offer Your Services Create a niche blog that contains useful information about a certain topic. Let’s say you have a blog about holistic wellness, and you’ve built a decent sized email list, or get solid traffic numbers.You can add a services page to your site where you offer health coaching, whether in person or through mediums like Skype. Create a Basic Website and Pitch Your Services. The other method involves creating a website for the sole purpose of pitching your services to companies and individuals. Let’s say you want to be a freelance writer.You choose a niche and build your website. Then, you create a few pages telling people who you are, the services you provide and showcase a few samples of your work. Then, you start generating leads for your new service business by doing things like guest blogging, podcast interviews, or cold outreach. If you’re looking to take your service-based business to new heights, then combining the two methods will give you great results. 9. Create a Subscription Job Board. Job boards can be a pretty lucrative way to earn a living with your website. The process is simple. People looking to hire someone in a specific niche will post a job listing on your site and your visitors will apply for the job. You can either charge people to post job listings. Or, you could charge your visitors a monthly membership fee to access the job board. Keep in mind that you do need to have decent traffic in order for this to work. A company won’t pay to post a job on your site if you aren’t sending any qualified applicants their way. For example, let’s look at the ProBlogger Job Board . Here companies and individuals will pay a fee to post a job listing on the site. Then, it’s entirely free for anyone to access and apply for the job. Since ProBlogger is an authority site with a large audience, businesses who post a job will get hundreds of applications for each listing. When creating a job board make sure you have a solid audience that has a synergy with companies in your space. 10. Create An Online Directory. Online directories aren’t as popular as they used to be, but they can still be profitable. They work in a similar fashion to the job board above. But, instead of people paying to post jobs, or get access to the job board,they’ll pay you a monthly fee for a directory listing.If you have an authoritative site or get a lot of traffic, then these listings are pretty valuable. Let’s say you run a site that's dedicated to web development and design. You produce high-quality content and have a solid amount of authority. You could create a directory portion of your site where web developers and agencies can purchase a listing.This will not only provide them with a solid authoritative backlink, but it could be a nice source of traffic for their business.Usually, directories work by charging a monthly subscription fee to be listed. You could even charge a premium fee to let businesses list themselves at the top of the directory, getting even more eyeballs on their listing. 11. Sell Your Website. The final way to make money from your website is to sell it! Depending on your site this can be a pretty lucrative option. Although it probably won't make you wealthy, it can result in a pretty nice lump of cash.On average your site will sell for a multiple of your monthly income. The multiple will depend on a variety of factors, but you can usually expect to sell for anything from a 12x to 30x multiple. The following factors will influence the selling multiple: 1. The age of your site; 2. Your domain authority; 3. How much traffic your site receives; 4. How much profit you generate; 5. Your revenue diversification; 6. The steadiness of your revenue; 7. Whether your site is growing or stagnating. If you’re curious how much sites will generally sell for, then spend some time browsing through the Empire Flipper listings. When you’re thinking about selling your site make sure you weigh the pros and cons between getting an influx of cash and losing a side income stream you’ve worked hard to create. How to Make Money Online Without a Website Creating a profitable website is a great way to create a long-term income online. But,there are still ways you can start making money online without having to create a website. Keep reading to learn over 20 different ways you can start earning money without a website. 12. Publish Kindle Books Today is the best time in history to become an author. If you’ve been dreaming about writing books for a living, then your dream could be closer than you think. The self- publishing revolution has made it possible for anyone to make a living by publishing books. Since there’s a lower barrier to entry, this also means more competition. But, by writing the best book possible, and satisfying reader expectations, you can increase your chances of success. When publishing your own Kindle books,every aspect of the publishing process is under your control. This means you’re responsible for writing, editing, formatting,getting a cover, uploading it to Amazon, writing your book description, and marketing it. But, for all that extra work you get a bigger slice of the pie. Depending on your book’s price point, you can get as much as 70% of each sale. Here are some tips to improve your success as a self-published author: 1. Do your market research. Make sure there’s a viable book market that isn’t too competitive but still has readers. 2. Write the best book possible and invest in a professional editor. 3. Invest in a high-quality cover and book description. These two elements work to sell your books. 4. Publish your books in a series and aim to dominate a given market. Your success as an author is entirely under your control. Write the best book possible and build an email list of your ideal readers. The more you publish, the more you’ll learn, and the more money you can make. 13. Email Marketing. If you’ve been online for any time at all, then you’ve heard the expression, “the money is in the list”. This expression couldn’t be truer.Think about how many emails you get in your inbox every single day. A lot of these are probably from email newsletters you've signed up for. Some you can’t wait to open every day, while others – you wonder how you got on their list. Creating a niche email newsletter can be a great way to reach a targeted group of people and create a solid and sustainable business. Million dollar businesses like The Skimm have been built on the back of a daily email newsletter. Best of all, starting an email newsletter doesn’t have to be difficult. With tools like ConvertKit , Drip , MailChimp , and Aweber , it’s never been easier. Here’s the process for you to follow: 1. Decide upon a niche you’d like to serve,and the style of your emails; 2. Choose an email marketing provider; 3. Create a simple landing page and drive traffic to that page; 4. Send regular emails to that list. The goal of your email list is to build trust,so they open your emails every day. Once you have a sizeable list that opens your emails you have multiple ways to monetize that list like: 1. Selling your own digital products; 2. Offering a membership course; 3. Sending your subscribers to affiliate offers; 4. Selling sponsorships; 14. Freelance on Sites Like Upwork. There are a ton of freelance sites full of hungry clients who are looking for someone with your skillset. There’s more demand for freelancers than any time in history.Some of the most popular freelancing sites include: 1. Upwork 2. Freelancer 3. Fiverr 4. Guru To succeed on these platforms it’s important to establish a niche. The worst thing you can do as a freelancer is brand yourself as a generalist. Since the competition is so high,you’ll want to brand yourself as the only solution to a specific type of client. For example, are you a WordPress developer for SaaS companies, a cryptocurrency writer,or a startup founder ghostwriter? With your niche established it’s time to build out your profile, create some relevant samples that show off your skills, and start pitching. If you’re serious about making a living on platforms like Upwork, then spend some time digging through the site Freelance to Win . This site is dedicated to helping you become a highly paid freelancer. 15. Buy and Sell Websites. The process of buying and selling websites is like the process of flipping homes. You buy a home that has untapped potential, fix it up, and sell it for a profit. The process is pretty straightforward. But, just know that there is risk involved. So,don’t invest money in a site you can’t afford to lose.Here’s how you buy and sell sites for a profit: 1. You find an undervalued website that you know you can improve. Check out marketplaces like EmpireFlippers , Flippa ,and We Sell Your Site. 2. Do your site research to uncover revenue and traffic numbers, link profile,and the real reasons for selling the site. 3. If it checks out, purchase the site. 4. Make site improvements to maximize it's traffic and revenue. 5. Sell the site for a profit! If you’re interested in exploring this process in depth, then check out these resources and success stories from Hostinger users: How I Turned My WordPress Blog Into A Five-Figure Business 20 Ideas for Your First Online Side Business 10 Steps to Making a Profit Buying and Selling Websites How I Made $180,000 Profit Buying And Selling Websites Part Time How to Buy and Sell Websites: Expert Advice on Maximizing Your Profit. 16. Buy and Sell Domain Names. We mentioned flipping websites above. But,did you know you can also flip domain names in the same way?Buying and selling domain names for a markup is also known as domain flipping. You buy a domain name for a lower price,markup the domain, and see it for a higher fee. Here’s a more in-depth overview of the process: 1. Use tools like Just Dropped and purchase unique domain names 2. Re-list the domain names 3. Wait for buyers 4. Sell and profit Some people have been able to make hundreds or thousands of dollars per year employing this exact strategy. And you can start doing it. 17. Sell Stock Photos and Footage. If you love to take pictures or recording footage, then you can make money off this passion. There are tons of sites that allow you to upload your stock photos and footage. These sites have huge user bases, and when someone licenses your photo, you get paid. Some of the biggest stock photography websites include: Shutterstock iStockPhoto If you’re a videographer, then some of the top sites are: VideoHive Pond5 VideoBlocks Dissolve When creating your stock portfolio, spend some time browsing through the marketplaces above to find the most popular styles. Then, create your own niche and upload as often as possible. The larger your portfolio the greater your chances of success. Beyond making money with your photos and videos, using these sites can help to build a fanbase for your work as well. 18. Invest in Crypto currency. Cryptocurrency has been exploding in the past few years. Chances are crypto currency came on your radar last year with the huge Bitcoin peak. But, even if you didn’t invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies a few years ago, it isn’t too late.By investing today you can still take advantage of being an early adopter. Investing in cryptocurrency is a lot like any other form of investing, and there will be some risks involved. But, by taking the time to educate yourself you can make some sound investments that’ll pay off in the long-run. The first step in your cryptocurrency adventure is to get your knowledge and skills up to speed. Bitdegree is a great resource that’s full of useful tutorials and courses that’ll get your crypto currency knowledge up to speed. There are multiple approaches to earning money off cryptocurrency including: 1. Investing in coins before they IPO, or grow in value 2. Learning how to program and work with blockchain 3. Become a cryptocurrency writer 4. Getting a job at a cryptocurrency startup Since cryptocurrency and block chain technology are still in their infancy, it’s a great time to learn the necessary skills to position yourself for future success. 19. Sell Your Crafts on EASY. Do you consider yourself a crafty person? If you specialize in making handcrafted goods,then you could make a nice living selling these goods online.Etsy is one of the biggest platforms for selling your crafts, from unique iPhone cases, to brackets, rings, and more.You can get started without a website or an online presence. They already have a large audience you can tap into directly. Plus, if you develop enough traction, then you can always transition over to your own self- hosted eCommerce store in the future. To increase your chances of success keep the followings tips in mind: 1. Do your research to make sure there's an existing demand for your creations on Etsy. 2. Consider how much time it takes to make each item. Is your time and material cost worth the price you’re charging? 3. Think about what makes your product stand out? You’ll want to have a unique style, while still hitting the expectations of your buyers. 20. Sell Your Products on Amazon. (FBA) Amazon is one of the biggest online retailers, with over a billion products currently listed on the site. We already mentioned creating a niche eCommerce store above, Read the full article
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