#🫡🫡🫡 good luck out there comrade
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foxbirdy · 7 months ago
What exactly is you job because I want it so bad?
It changes with the seasons, but right now I'm a chainsaw crew lead in Oregon! We're a full-time camping crew, roving through different FS districts in the state. My term will end in a few weeks & then I'll be back in the ocean. If you're interested in doing the kind of work I've been describing, I'd recommend looking into conservation corps programs in the region of your choice, with a focus on saw crews!
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foreststarflaime · 17 days ago
A paranoid aroace’s guide to surviving Valentine’s Day
Best not to venture outside or anywhere with lots of people today. Too many potential targets for the arrow bastard to attempt to sic on you. Instead lock yourself in a defensible location
Following up on the previous, an apartment a few stories up is ideal—people have to funnel through limited number of chokepoints to get to you. Board up all your windows so he can’t shoot through them. If you live on the ground floor DO NOT go on a roof, the feathery shit can fly, try a basement instead
Give yourself lead poisoning. His gold arrows (the ones that make people fall in love, lead are the ones that sew hate) probably won’t work on you anyways depending on how much of a repulsed aro you are but better safe than sorry
On a similar note, arm yourself with a nail gun. Make sure the nails have as much lead content as possible. Don’t try to beat the little baby bitch at his own game—instead, turn his game into Splatoon and be determined to win.
Sharpened pencils are also acceptable in a pinch if you can’t find nails. Also maybe keep some on you for close range combat
You may be tempted to put up decorations such as roses dipped in blood or severed human hearts on pikes to mock his theming. This can be effective, but better is to still have your decorations up from Halloween. As an aroace that was the day your power waxed the strongest. Keep symbols of it around as a threat display
Do not touch anything gold. Just in case. Especially golden apples marked “for the most beautiful goddess.” That will get you wrapped up in the stupid love polygon squabbling called the Trojan War
Also do not trust the animals. Or suspicious otherwise inanimate objects for that matter
If all else fails, make like a tree
And now a moment of silence for our fallen comrade Daphne 🫡🕊️🍃🌳 good luck all of you out there stay strong
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my-memed-tw-adventures · 1 month ago
Book 4 — Chapter 3
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Boi you think that’s all for Ruggie? I mean, fair assumption but he’s got gram gram to feed man.
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The children! The street children! Ruggie playing big brother to them all. It’s adorable. And yus gram gram gotta eat good too. Bye Ruggie!
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*coughtsunderecough* Nope! Tell us all about your precious cacti Jack. No way you only got one there.
I love that for Ruggie. And Jack explaining it all to us is just showing off his admiration for him. It's adorable.
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Damn Grim 😂 I mean, if he grew up lacking in food it only makes sense that he’d wanna help kids dealing with the same shit. Ruggie likes his food but he ain’t selfish unlikesomepeople
Leonaaaaaaaa! Nice to see you sirrrr. My eyes have been blessed this day.
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God this man. One kid, bitch we know you taking about Cheka. Just bring the child here, I shall happily take care of him. Cheka is the most adorable little thing.
And yeah of course he doesn’t need anything here. He rich. He’s got plenty of shit. Mans probably wouldn’t care for most of his stuff if it disappeared. Wish any of us could say the same. I literally just got my first smartphone over here. So like Leona, care to share your number? Hmmmmmm?
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I MEAN MOOD THO. Fuck work for school breaks. It’s called a break for a goddamn reason. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to do our school work between dumping wood and feeding ourselves and praying Ramshackle's roof doesn't cave in.
Also Jack, don't call me out like that
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Also bro what you mean Trey's family runs one of those. Haven't you'll been like besties for 3 years now? Surely you know this shit. And like I'm sure he'd take cute small Trey siblings and baking over whatever drama happens at his house.
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RIDDLE BABY! He is not okay. Poor boi. Riddle, send a sign and we will murder. We got a phone now, one text and the bitch will die 100% guarantee. Rip to his poor mouth when he's home. Wonder what disgusting shit she'll cook up for winter holiday feasts.
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All the luck. You've got this, comrade! 🫡
Also man, Trey got the ban from the house? I suppose that's fair seeing as he's got all the sugary sweets. Would Riddle even be able to go to the store with his mom breathing down his neck? I have my doubts
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YESSSS FLOYD RIDDLE CONTENT FOR THE WIN! Floyd, we may need you on stand by for murderous purposes, just in case ya know. May need some manslaughter up in here. For Goldfishie!
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acmeangel · 27 days ago
Yn is levi's wife and the two are on a mission with some other comerades. basically, levi finally convinced himslef that yn wont leave him like everyone else when UH OH- DISASTER STRUCK. Yn gets SERIOUSLY injured and is on the brink of death, so her, hange, levi, and other comrades rush her back to headquarters. but she gets limper on the way and levi thinks shes DEAD (cuz they dont have modern education) so he literally breaks down in front of everyone and theyre all like "🫨WTF?" but by some miracle, a month later, she actually survives and wakes UP! then levi literally forces her to leave the corps :D
I love this request! I hope reading it come to life will make you able to concentrate in math again. <3 Good luck with school!
Wrote this for you here!
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stormyoceans · 8 months ago
there's way too much happening in july i'm getting SO stressed out omg what are you going to keep up with? i'm gonna give myself like 3 or 4 shows but i really can't do all of them 💀
my QL shows tracker/calendar is indeed getting just. just a tiny bit too crowded this month ;;;;;;;;;;
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IT CAN'T EVEN DISPLAY EVERYTHING ON A COUPLE OF WEDNESDAYS GOD..........it probably wasn't the best of times to start another GL........and there goes my plan to catch up with sunset vibes and love sea too like yeah that's not gonna happen any time soon ;;;;;;;;;;; honestly i feel like it wouldn't look so overwhelming if three of these shows weren't airing two episodes per week but alas
i think i may put on hold takara no vidro (it just started and im not that into it tbh), my marvellous dream is you (i actually enjoy watching it but it's an absolute mess), and my love mix-up (sorry but im just....not really feeling it ;;;;;;;), and then binge century of love and this love doesn't have long beans after they end
so im gonna try to keep up with the secret of us, we are, the rebound, hidamari ga kikoeru, meet you at the blossom, the trainee, battle of the writers, and 4 minutes, and maybe sneak in ayaka-chan loves hiroko-senpai since the episode are only 25 minutes long, which means staying.......around 6/7 shows per week..............
well comrades. good luck to all of us we're gonna need it 🫡 (but also i hope we can all remember this is supposed to be something fun and enjoyable that we do on our free time, so if it becomes too overwhelming it's okay to take a step back and put shows on hold and focus only on a couple of them!!!!!!)
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dancergurl3000 · 2 months ago
An open letter to my hero. An essay.
You don’t know me. And I don’t know you. But I know you’re a young mom right now of two, and I wanted to express my deepest and sincere apologies if you have in fact indeed lost your beautiful Los Angeles home due to these raging wildfires. We’ve spoken only once during the time when I was a community college student. I never expected you to respond. You did. Allow me to tell you that I am only a fan of your work. Just allow me to tell you I am sorry. Just allow me to tell you how much you meant to me growing up in an alcoholic home. You meant everything to me when I was in middle and high school. Even if I was being beaten up that day because I was a teacher’s daughter nothing more, I would race home to find you on my Television set. Maybe that’s just how I made it to adulthood. But I felt comforted by escaping my childhood by living in Buffy’s world for a time. I still think truly in my heart that Buffy and Spike belong together in the end. But because of you I am a decent human being. Because of you I am a writer. I did in fact graduate college because I looked at my Buffy tattoo every single day thinking that she would graduate college too if she were in my shoes. But having empathy is a skill many other humans do not have. Take my father for example. He has never read a book in his life. He watches politicians, football. Not much goes on in that man’s head. But because of you I am kind to animals. Because of you and what you taught me about life and love and the true meaning of acceptance, I find myself bereft and baffled at the unimaginable idea of a millionaire such as yourself being homeless. I was homeless once myself in my late 20’s in upstate New York. And it’s a nightmare so I can understand how horrible hotel life and hotel living can be. So I want to offer anything I can to your lovely family. And while I can’t offer ANYTHING immediate and tangible like my actual home (I live in cold, snowy, dreary upstate New York), just know that there are fans out there who aren’t trying to be crazy and stalk you as some I’m sure might seem to do, but offer you simply a hand to help. If I can extend my hand, whichever hand you want to hold since I did break both of my elbows this past summer fighting off a mugger downtown then please let me know. The world is a bleak, terribly dark place, but the good news is (well the only good news here is) that we do have each other. My mother is my best friend for example sober. She was my worst nightmare drunk and alcoholic but ever since she got sober I am reminded of just how generous and kind hearted she is at knowing when to lend a hand to someone else. She is also the youngest full blooded Italian woman of six, her sisters are brash and harsh at times but her older brother was a working actor, so he understands how celebrities just want to be left the fuck alone most of the time. I just know this is hard. It was hard for me to be homeless too at the age of 28. Point is I pulled myself out of that, and you and your family will too. It’s never easy for anyone myself included to be completely down on your luck, but there have been many many times I have been there, dad kicked me out, my senior year of high school a fucking solitary nightmare, my father never realizing how sexist and racist he truly is, (I mean I’m in love with a Malaysian singer for christs sake!) But the point is you have each other. And you will continue to have each other if you just stick together. And your fans are here for YOU dear woman if ever need be. Never forget that real relationships are two sided so that goes both ways for me. Love, your friend and comrade, a lovable millennial narcissist ❤️‍🩹🫡
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cleaverqueer · 2 months ago
hey brother no need to respond to this if u dont wanna or anything but would u mind tagging anon hate u get? either #anon hate or just #hate work for me, thanks in advance 👍good luck out there w ur anons
Ofc comrade 🫡
I'm usually better at doing that, my apologies for any that slipped by. I usually use the second one jsyk
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kerri-the-skunk · 2 years ago
Fucked up, if I had any crop tops I'd wear em' out of solidarity with your pending legal case luenkel v. The Social Construct of Gender 🫡 good luck comrade
It's actually a crime that I haven't seen any guys in crop tops irl this year. I'm going to sue gender norms
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