#🪨Venture x Cyndy🌦️
lattea-cakeezz ¡ 5 months
a/n, self insert writing for me and me only(/J) after I had one thought about tattoo artist! Venture hhhhhhhh
(I blame a certain friend for encouraging me to finally post self ship stuff on here…. You KNOW who you are. ily sev 🫶 )
Warnings: Mentions of nudity(I think?) and tattoo needles. Other than that, self indulgent fic that I tried to make as fluffy as possible with a bit of tension ehehhhuhuhe,,,
Oneshot is under the cut! (And the gif, look at em go my little silly blorbo)
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Was Cyndy really about to do this? Walk right in and ask for something to be inked permanently on heyr body(Despite the fact it'll be well hidden)? Looking up at the tattoo studio building, standing just outside of it, it seemed shey was.
And why wouldn’t shey? No judgemental parents and friends meant no one was trying to hold heyr back, and it wasn’t like shey didn’t want to get one, shey really did.
It’s just now that shey was standing at the door of the tattoo studio, it felt nerve wracking. Especially when shey was going in alone. Heyr friends and even heyr mom had insisted they tag along, for moral support and encouragement, but shey knew they wouldn't exactly want to see heyr topless for heyr tattoo.
Trying to brush off the worst case scenarios that will most likely not happen from heyr thoughts, shey finally made heyrself push the door open. The bell atop the glass door jingled loudly as Cyndy entered the empty tattoo shop, pursing heyr lip nervously as shey looked around the waiting room area.
The walls were decorated with photos and drawings of various different tattoo designs, all ranging in size and extravagance, and the black leather chairs against the walls looked comfortable enough at least. And it smelled clean, which was surprising but still a good sign.
Looking back over at the front, shey spotted the front desk. There sat a woman who seemed only a few years older than heyr and once shey walked over, she perked up and smiled, purple hair almost bouncing as she moved.
She was quick to greet heyr and after Cyndy mentioned already calling ahead of time for a certain tattoo artist at the shop, named Sloan, she handed a form for Cyndy to fill out while shey waited. Shey couldn’t help but glance at the tattoos sprawled along her arms, wondering to heyrself just how painful it was to get her entire arms covered like that.
Cyndy gently sat down against one of the leather armchairs in the waiting room, now being left alone in the waiting area as the purple haired woman strut off to the back to get the artist. After quickly filling out the form and leaving additional contact info, shey glanced around the room once more, leg jutting up and down the longer shey had to wait on the leather chair.
It was really happening. Heyr first tattoo… Shey felt a rush of excitement yet unease wash over heyr all at once. Now a little voice in the back of heyr head wished shey had brought a friend along for support.
The artist seemed eager and friendly enough when shey had contacted them though, sending them heyr measurements and even the tattoo design shey had made for heyrself. So hopefully, they were just as outgoing as they were online.
It wasn’t long before shey heard the sounds of footsteps approaching and when looking up, shey was met with someone practically covered head to toe in various permanent ink tattoos, the one catching heyr eye being the flames around their neck that ran down to who knows where, as well as a piercing on the edge of their eyebrow. Shey was almost at a loss for words from their appearance. Is this Sloan…?
Their smile was friendly and revealed a chip in their tooth as they raised their hand up to offer a hand shake. Shey also couldn’t help but take notice of their toned arms. And the way they looked so cool... And so attractive.
‘Get a grip, girl!’ Shey quickly thought bitterly to heyrself in order to quit heyr staring as shey brushed a strand of hair out of heyr face.
“Heya, you must be my client! It’s great to meet you!” They greeted heyr, voice energetic and lively. When Cyndy returned the handshake, their grip catching heyr by surprise, shey smiled back with a nod. Their friendly nature immediately put heyr at ease.
Enough for heyr to not notice the way they looked heyr up and down almost slowly, just as entranced as shey was by appearances alone, eyes lingering on the piercings along the bottom corner of heyr lip and the way heyr dirty blonde hair cascaded over heyr shoulders.
“Yes, uhm, I’m Cyndy.” Heyr voice snapped them out of their short daze and they gulped, grin back on their face in an instant. An attempt to brush off sappy feelings.
"Great! Just follow me to my room in the back and we’ll start with getting ready for the tattoo.” They gestured for Cyndy to follow them and they both walked through the waiting room and to a different room.
Once inside and closing the door behind them, they turned back to heyr with the same grin on their face.
“I already have everything set up, so just take a seat and we can get started.” Shey heard them pulling on black plastic gloves as shey sat on the long leather chair in the center of the room, making heyrself somewhat comfortable.
“So, I know you said it was a rib tattoo you wanted over the email, and the design you sent looked great! I was surprised you made it yourself, it looked so good!” Their grin turned cheeky, speaking in a lighthearted tone. “You sure you’re not a tattoo artist yourself?”
Cyndy fought back a smile from their compliments. “Who knows, maybe someday you’ll have competition.” Shey jested back, earning a dramatic, fake gasp from them. They both had a good laugh from their banter before going back to the task at hand.
“Alright, I just need to know the placement for where you want it and we can get started!”
At their words, shey chewed heyr lip nervously. Shey felt somewhat embarrassed mentioning where shey wanted it to be done, and didn’t mention it when shey contacted them via email. A stupid decision on heyr part.
“So… I don’t know if it’s something you do or are comfortable with, but I want the design, um,” shey paused to gesture under heyr bust with a cupping motion. “Under these. Like, along the underside.”
Sloan seemed surprised for a moment, eyes widening and a blush darkening their cheeks, before snapping back to being as professional as they could.
“A-Ah, so, basically a sternum tattoo then…? That explains why the design was curved downwards...” They chuckled to themself as they pulled out a picture of the tattoo design they had printed, before looking at heyr with a creased brow. “If this is your first tattoo, you sure you want a rib one? I’m not trying to stop you or anything, it’s just that they’re pretty painful!”
Cyndy huffed. Shey’s heard that warning before numerous times, both from friends and countless anonymous people online. But it didn’t deter heyr in any way. “I think if I can handle braces, I can handle getting tattoos.” Shey spoke in a lighthearted confident tone.
This made Sloane let out a genuine laugh, a sound that made Cyndy’s face feel warm and flushed.
“Haha, fair enough! But if it gets too bad, let me know and we can take a break, okay? You’re my only client for today so we have all the time you need!”
They felt the urge to place a hand on heyr leg in a gesture of reassurance, but stopped themself before they even could. It would most likely be seen as unprofessional. And damn did shey make it hard for them.
Giving them a nod, as well as feeling comforted by their concerns, they both had started discussing any adjustments towards the design as well as improving it so that it showed in the middle of heyr cleavage as well. And after a few minutes of more discussion, questions, and looking over measurements, it was time to stencil the design onto heyr body.
Sloan glanced at heyr eyes and gulped silently. For some reason they felt nervous about doing this part with heyr.
“Um, well now you’ll have to change so we can do the stencil and tattoo. Are you prepared, or do you want to… borrow something?” They asked, gloved hand rubbing the back of their neck almost nervously.
Cyndy perked up, a blush blooming across heyr cheeks again. Sloan couldn’t help but find the rosy color cute.
“Right, uhm.” Shey reached down for the bag shey brought in with heyr. Opening it up, there was a button up sweater, water, several snacks, headphones, and something else Sloan couldn’t see very well.
“I looked online and a lot of people said to bring stuff for breaks and to keep me distracted, and something to wear so I don’t get cold but so you can still work, so… I think I’m prepared.” Shey rambled and gave them a smile before remembering something, brows raising for a moment.
“Oh yeah, and-“ shey pulled out the mystery item. “Nipple coverings, to hopefully make it feel… less awkward.” Shey fidgeted with the package,
Sloan blinked, staring at the bag for a moment before looking back up at heyr. Shey really did come prepared… and damn was it cute! Quickly snapping themself out of it, they gave heyr a lopsided grin.
“Well, that makes it easier for me, actually! And good on you for preparing yourself! I can just, uh… turn around, and let you change, just let me know when you’re done!” They faced the corner of the room, arms stiff by their sides as they kept babbling. “No pressure… at all.”
“Let me change already.” Cyndy spoke jokingly and even snickering at the fact they actually stopped. It took heyr a few minutes to change and figure out how to work the coverings, cursing quietly under heyr breath(which made Sloan bite back a chuckle), and once shey was done shey spoke up.
By the time they had turned around, shey was sat back down on the chair, shirt discarded and sweater hanging open. The sight of heyr bare skin and covered breasts were surely testing their professionalism. And unfortunately for them it seemed painfully clear to Cyndy, who started feeling shy under their fixed gaze. An awkward cough from heyr was enough to snap them out of it.
Gulping and grounding themself, Sloan gestured to the chair as they went to grab stencil tools, cursing themself for the stutter in their voice as they told heyr to lay back in the chair.
As they started working the stencil onto the transfer paper, hunched over just a tad, Cyndy took this moment to take in their features once more. When focused like this, their expression seemed more relaxed.
Apart from the slight pout of their bottom lip that Cyndy found cute.
Shey knew it's weird to be staring, especially towards someone shey had just met, but shey couldn't bring heyrself to look away from the attractive artist.
Looking over the design once more, Sloan felt intrigued by the rune-like lettering. “So what’s the story behind the design? Looks a lot like runes.” They piped up to start small talk. Both to put their client at ease and to stop getting distracted. Cyndy perked up at this, blinking as shey snapped out of heyr daze.
“Oh! Well… It’s kind of nerdy, but it’s from a game I really love and have played for years. It’s the dragon language from Skyrim.” Shey explained nervously, always afraid to gush about heyr interests. But luckily for heyr, Sloan turned to heyr with a twinkle in their eyes.
“Hey I’ve heard of that game! Well of course I did, since it’s kinda popular… I’ve never played it myself, but I’ve seen a few things about it here and there,” They smiled. “But that's so cool! I had no idea about the whole... Dragon language thing from it!”
There was a pause in the conversation as they turned to heyr, moving to spread the paper under the curves of heyr bust. Their eyes turned heated for a moment as shey brought heyr hands to move them up before glancing back up at heyr eyes under their lashes.
"So, if it's a languange, then what does your tattoo mean?" They asked as they pressed against heyr skin gently. The eye contact made heyr blush, as if their hands weren’t mere centimeters away from heyr breasts. Shey pursed heyr lips for only a moment in thought, letting a soft hum sound from heyr throat.
“Well, the letters spell out ‘Brit Dovahkiin’. Which means ‘Beautiful Dragonborn’,” shey wasn’t wrong, they couldn’t help but think to themself. “I guess it’s like… something personal to me. Like a nod to Skyrim and something that’ll make me happy when I look at it.”
As shey murmured, they watched heyr speak with softness in their gaze, thumbs rubbing against the skin over heyr ribs. The strokes over heyr skin felt soothing and shey relaxed in their hold.
"That, and doing something like this could bring some excitement in my life."
With a snort, Sloan nodded as if in agreement. A few minutes of silence passed before they peeled away the paper. Glancing down, shey could see just part of it
"If it'll make you happy, that's all that matters," they grin at heyr, chipped tooth shining. "And I think it looks pretty badass on you so far!" They took notice of the rosy blush blooming across heyr face, never tiring of how beautiful it looked, their grin softening.
But now it was time for the hard part. For Cyndy, at least.
They stood up only for a moment to move the metal cart over by the chair, glancing up at heyr. Shey took a deep breath at the sight of the needles and ink, already imagining the sight and feeling of it piercing heyr skin. Sloan’s hand hovered over one of the needles as they seemed to sense heyr unease. “Nervous? Don’t flake out on me now!” They teased, giving Cyndy a grin that made heyr let out a snort of laughter.
Their gaze softened though. "But seriously, let me know when you're ready. Want you to be as comfortable as possible here.”
The flurry of butterflies just from the look in their eyes alone made it hard for heyr to relax, taking a few breaths to soothe the beating of heyr heart.
The pain of the tattoo was only a part of the process and Cyndy knew it would have to be over with sooner or later, cute tattoo artist or no. Stalling would only make it more unbearable.
"No no, I'm ready. I can do this."
They grinned. "'Atta girl!"
(I'm gonna do this in two parts since this is getting a little long, hhhhhh and now I go hide in a hole until I make part 2…….)
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