#🩰 : random posts haha
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anantaru · 1 year ago
I'm kinda new to Tumblr and pretty sorry to just send such a general question but you're pretty much the only wirter/blogger i follow on here (I found you stories on ao3 so good just had to check you out on here)
the main point is I'm not sure how this whole reblog system works? kinda?
like do i just hit reblog or do I have to tag smth and if yes how much or do i just write stuff generelly? I'm sorry if this is stupid concerns n questions but I don't wanna do smth wrong if that makes sense, just thought i'd ask first...
Hope you having a nice day/night/whatever time it is for you rn!
hey love 💓 omg hello and welcome to the anantaru village 💖 i am such a bad explainer but i will try my best 🧍🏻‍♀️:
basically if you like something you see, you can like it and then reblog, reblogs are THE THING on tumblr okay 👹, so like, creators on this app really appreciate them but don't feel like you have to reblog every single thing you're seeing just for the sake of it. if you like something, reblog it and make your blog look cute, also, you do not need to tag anything and can just reblog. if you do use a tag it can be easier for you to find things on your own blog though.
lets say: you reblog for different fandoms, take genshin and honkai, you can make a tag looking like 💖 — genshin and then one for 👑 — honkai (those are just examples) or even a personal tag where you reblog personal stuff you like, 🩰 — personal or something 🗿💓 HAHA so if you tag the posts you reblog with a random tag (you can make the tag look however you like) and later search that certain tag on your blog, you have it way easier to find all the fics, art, etc. of that particular fandom and don't have to scroll all the way down to find them!
i hope this makes sense, also make sure you have your age somewhere visible! 💖 you can decorate your blog and just have a fun time!!! you're always welcome here 🏡💖
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persicipen-archive · 2 months ago
hello my lovely manu!! i hope you managed to rest well at the time of this ask 💗 this is very random maybe lol, but i’m not familiar with the fate series or gilgamesh — but i’m always so happy to hear you talking about how much you liked him and for how long, so if you haven’t spoken of it already … what are a few of his traits that made you fall for him so hard? 🌸
even just seeing your posts about him has me tempted to begin the fate series just to meet him and see, but i have no idea where to start LOL, ill add it to my list of 2025 resolutions though 🥹✨ ILU, i hope the new year has been treating you kindly so far!
my lovely vana! 🩰 thank you for asking, i’m currently waiting for my chai latte to brew and snacking on canned peaches 🍑 i hope you slept well tonight and have lots of energy to seize the day!
whether someone likes gilgamesh or not, no one can deny he’s insanely charismatic! he quite literally steals the spotlight whenever he’s on screen, leaving no room for doubt that he’s the king and the most ancient of heroes ✨ it wasn’t necessarily his looks that made me fall for him, albeit he did resemble my previous well-liked characters, but his personality and role in fate/zero. and also a mix of amazing music, stunning animation and some other clever production details. it was simply entertaining and interesting to watch his part in the story 🙂‍↕️
i would LOVE to see you watch the fate series! of course, more importantly, for you to enjoy it! navigating the series is a meme at this point but people make it more confusing than it actually is just for the jokes haha 😋 there are mixed opinions on the starting point, but tbh it’s quite similar anyway until you rewatch it and see all the hidden nuances. i personally recommend watching fate/zero (2011, two seasons) first and then unlimited blade works (2014, also two seasons) — it’s probably the best gateway into the series and ufotable put their entire pussy soul into these adaptations. it should pretty much solidify if you like the concept and the characters enough to continue with other series or not 🤍 i don’t want to make it overly complicated for you, so i will stop here and not mention other titles yet 🙂‍↕️
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lucysarah-c · 6 months ago
hi lucy, it’s me again :)
recently i’ve been having a lot of inner turmoil and anxiety, and reading your blog has really helped. levi is my comfort character, and unfortunately i can relate to him in more ways than one. i always love reading your posts and you are such a kind person. thank you for giving me something to look forward too at the end of the day. my mental health really sucks as of lately and sometimes i feel like i’m not worth it anymore. maybe it sounds weird or maybe something is wrong with me, but sometimes i like to imagine that your levi is with me so give me some sort of peace. i love you as a writer and i love your community so much. thank you.
Hi, love!
OMG, BABY!! I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO REPLY! Thank you, thank you for all your kind words. I simply can't imagine having this kind of influence on anyone T-T Honestly, you guys make my day—logging in here, posting something, and getting all of your sweet asks, ideas, comments, and reblogs. <3
You all brighten my day, and I never know how to thank you enough. I'm so sorry to hear that you're not going through an easy time right now, but hang in there. Talk with your close friends, and find support. I can 100% assure you, you're worth it—I say you're worth it.
I always say that it was the most random people with small acts of kindness who pushed me forward in my darkest times. Your comment made my night! And I can guarantee you that you're such an important person in someone else's life too. <3 You're worth it, and it's okay if you're not feeling okay—what matters is that you're trying. <3
I don't think it's weird, haha. If it makes you feel better, when I was studying chemistry at university, I used to imagine I was studying alchemy with Edward Elric to stay motivated, lol. And now that I have an office job, I imagine I'm filling out paperwork with Levi, lol. Sometimes, we need music, imagination, and being delulu to keep moving forward!
Sending you the tightest hug!
BTW… when people say they love my "community," I literally feel like this:
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I literally feel like I'm just a silly girl posting pictures of my cats next to a Levi fic. I don't understand at what moment I created a community that you all feel part of.
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chestnutninny · 10 months ago
Oh my gosh you’re like the most productive person ever. Three posts in a row, damn.
The Liz fic was great, loved the idea from the person who had send the request and of course your execution. Such a fun read!
And the Sonya fic- where to even start?? Literally exceeded my expectations and own ideas by far. The chemistry, the love confession, the overall wholesomeness- just perfect.
Thank you so so much!!! Truly appreciate your work tremendously!!!
And about the emojis- I kinda like the tea pot a lot, I just discovered it today since I always use the same few emojis. But while doing so I came across a few more I hadn’t seen before that I find pretty cute. 🎐🔖📨🧺🏩🩰🧂🧃🥤🌰🍄‍🟫🐥🪿🪽(some of these have probably been around for a while without me noticing I’d guess). But some of my faves also include 🦦🦥💫✨🪐🌞🌻🫧🍒🍓🫐🗽🎠🎞️🧿🧸🎀🎏🪩🩷🩵🫂.
BTW why would anyone need this🫗?? So random?? If you ask me, the hug 🫂 emoji is truly so underrated- it’s wholesome, it’s simple and looks kinda neat. Gets the point across. 10/10 in my books.
-🫖 (should I go with this one? Do I have any particular fondness for fine china or hot coffee? No, but it’s still adorable in its own way haha
I‘m such a yapper im sorry😅)
I honestly think that you should stick with the tea pot one because its so cute.
I'm only productive today because I have a four day weekend lol so I'm writing on here instead of doing the assignments that I have due in next week.
I'm all caught up with requests now, which is a bit boring. I'm honestly classing you as my best friend on here, I have better conversations with you than I do with some of my friends in real life.
I think I'm going to adopt the strawberry emoji as mine because I have a slight craving for them recently.
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yeotree · 3 years ago
listing wjsn, fromis, and weme members on a roadtrip because im trying to stan them~❤️
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