orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
@ourple-octoling​ (from here)
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Cerrin fell silent, unsure of how to explain exactly how much he remembered. It really wasn’t much, hell he didn’t even remember being a soldier -- But his inexplicable skills with various weaponry had to come from somewhere, and since most Octolings under Octavio’s rule wind up in some part in that army, he just kind of assumed that was the case.
Part of him didn’t even want to explain anything. He was afraid of how Vio would react, but since the other Octoling seemd to want to help...
“The only thing I remember from before I entered the Metro,” he began quietly. “Is the Squid Sisters’ performance while Koa and Octavio fought. That song did... something... and that’s when I decided to leave.” 
Cue a sigh. “Everything else before that is a blur at absolute best. And, I’m not even entirely sure how I got into the Metro in the first place -- I just woke up and Cuttlefish was talking about how Koa and I had been fighting before someone else attacked us, and he and I somehow ended up there...”
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 2 months
pov: you are cerrin's father (higher res image under the cut)
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3 / 4 / 8 / N3O
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@inkantation [from here]
A small chuckle escaped Cerrin's throat. He should have known Eden wouldn't let him go easily, hell, she rarely did after a long night like the one she had just come home from. Not that he minded, of course, but he did have things to do today -- Mainly, a double shift at Grizzco...
But, putting his life in danger for some extra cash just didn't seem too preferable right now, especially when the alternative option was more time with his precious girlfriend.
"Oh, alright." he said as he adjusted himself so he could wrap and arm around her more comfortably, a soft smile on his features. "I guess I can sacrifice a day of work to stay here with you."
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@ourple-octoling said: [ PERCH ] receiver sits on the counter while sender cooks. || Soft prompts!
"I don't know what you're making, but it smells better than it has any right to."
Cerrin sat atop Vio's kitchen counter, watching as the taller Octoling prepared a late lunch for them. Whatever he was making, it looked and smelled delicious, and Cerrin was getting just a little impatient to try it.
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"I don't suppose you'd be willing to give me an early taste?" he asked, hoping his boyfriend would indulge him just this once.
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
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Anonymous said: I am... Jealous of what you have. It's something I could never have myself.  And yet, here am I trying to get rid of these feelings for you. I hate that I like you so much, Cerrin. || Anonymously tell my muse something you wouldn’t say to their face!
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Widened blue eyes scanned the anonymous note left to him. Everything it said... Somehow, it felt familiar. Somehow, Cerrin felt like he knew who wrote this.
(He wouldn’t say anything about that, though.)
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“Never say never, anon. You can have anything you want, if you’re willing to fight for it.” he said, a small laugh escaping him. “I mean, I went through hell to get what I have now, and it was more than worth the fight I had to put up for it. So, I’m sure what you want isn’t so far out of reach as you think.”
Cue a pause, the faintest of pink blushes coloring his cheeks before he continued.
“And it can start with me, if you want.”
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
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@ourple-octoling​ said: [  flower  ]  sender  places  a  flower  behind  receiver’s  ear.  For any of your muses! || nonverbal prompts
Cerrin almost flinched when Vio lifted his hand... Only to realize the taller Octoling was just putting a flower behind his ear.
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“...Vio?” He uttered the other’s name cautiously, blue eyes looking up at him. “Everything alright?”
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Vio's a girl now?
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...Nope, he's not staring, mouth agape, completely at a loss for words because fuck she's still gorgeous. Definitely not.
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
@ourple-octoling​ (cont’d from here)
“It’s, uh... It’s Cerrin, actually.”
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An awkward laugh escaped the blue-eyed octoling. He’d never had someone get his name that wrong before. Granted, very few of the people he met had ever gotten his name wrong to begin with... But “Cereal”? Really? It was almost like the other octoling didn’t even try.
“And the baking thing was my idea...” he admitted. He had thought it would have been a nice, chill way to hang out, but apparently that was a miss. Maybe some other time, he supposed. “But if Turf Wars are more your style...”
Cerrin then gave Vio a nod, a determined look in his eyes. “I’m not about to be shown up by the Squidbeak newbie. Let’s go!”
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‖ ♥︎ 》 hey guys it's like 1:40am and i should be sleeping but instead i drew this
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‖ ♥︎ 》 he sneepy
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
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“Why is everyone talking about biting people???”
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
@rolleragent​ ❤️️ for a starter...
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...and got Cerrin!
“Agent 1!”
Cerrin waved to get the other Agent’s attention, desperately hoping he was being loud enough for her to hear. He had something he wanted to tell her, but was a little nervous. After a few moments, though, he decided to suck it up and move toward her. He hoped he wasn’t being rude...
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“Hey! I’m glad I caught you!” he said as he caught his breath. “Do you have a minute? There’s something I wanna, uh, talk to you about.”
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‖ ♥︎ 》 how do i good backgrounds
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@ourple-octoling said: "You should try drinkin' with me. Just once-- I'll make you an easy drink for you so you won't feel like shit..!" for cerrin... he just wants him to drink with him at least once...
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"I appreciate the offer, Vio, I really do, but... I'm a total lightweight. It's actually almost hilarious, how badly I tolerate alcohol."
Was he afraid of embarrassing himself? Absolutely! He wasn't lying when he said he was a lightweight -- He could barely handle a few drinks without turning into a giggly, goofy mess! Or a sad, sobbing mess. Depended on his mood going into it.
But he didn't want Vio to see him like that! It would be completely mortifying, and he'd probably never live it down...
"I don't think you'd want to deal with my stupid, giggly, drunk self, haha..."
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[Cerrin picks up his phone, hastily texting Ursula...]
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"Well... I guess that counts as remembering something..."
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"Sooooo... What Splatfest teams are you all choosing?"
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"Courage, duh!"
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"So, I'm alone on Power, huh?"
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"Uh... I picked Power too..."
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"Seriously? Awesome!"
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"Whaaaat? That doesn't seem like you, Cerrin."
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"I thought you'd be more of a Courage type, to be honest..."
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"Really? I mean, I don't think it's that out of charact--"
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"You picked it because you think that Ganondorf character is attractive, didn't you."
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"What?! You only picked Power because you're thirsty?!"
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"So? Ursula did the same thing."
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"Excuse you, it isn't my fault they made Zelda perfect."
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"You have to be joking..."
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