evilneo · 11 months
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high effort system meme feat. my Power Trip HLVRV and Freemans Mind fictives
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
So glad we now know A is rich. I'm quickly becoming a massive fan of this individual.
A, if you read this, would love to know:
What's your favorite food?
Are you a morning person?
What's your 5 year plan?
Do you know what a VHS is?
(If you don't understand sarcasm, please leave the restaraunt for a while)
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ashtraysystem · 1 year
I'm thinking (in a good way) about the comment my partner made of "is Tommy bi?" earlier.
To me it's extremely obvious, but I guess I'm never around long enough to properly discuss much.
So in interest of sharing, just because I can:
I am bi, yes.
I prefer to be the "top" so to speak. or the big spoon.
I am very much a trans ally. While technically the body is trans, I do not think of myself in that way. I think of myself as a cisgender male.
I can have my more effeminate moments.. at least from my perspective.
I do enjoy the company of others quite a bit, even if I do not directly engage. It can however be a bit difficult to shut me up when I start debating about something with someone.. I've noticed this particular quirk.
I enjoy fruit, such as peaches specifically.
I get very snippy when overstimulated, which can happen easily around loud sounds or sudden movements.
I've noticed some specific changes in my mannerisms since I was first formed, specifically that these days I have a bit more patience and a bit more awareness of when I am being more or less an 'asshole'.
Communication between me and the rest of the system is very difficult, and none of us are really sure how to remedy that. Sylas says that most of the memory logs from my time fronting are essentially unviewable for the rest of the system.
To put it into a bit of a metaphor that we use: our 'memories' are essentially all stored on a large bookshelf, many different file formats but all there and all accessable. There's some floppy disks, books, vhs tapes, cassettes, all sorts of things. As long as its recorded it doesn't really matter what form it takes. My memories in particular tend to be vhs tapes, for some reason, and when anyone else tries to view them it just appears as static to them, maybe with a few flickers here and there of what happened, or just the audio of an event but not visual, or vice versa. To me however, they play just fine, and I can translate it to them. But it's always secondhand information, they can't access it on their own.
Perhaps any advice on how to improve communication between us is welcomed.
That's all I can think of to share right now as my eyes are very tired at this point.
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tiptapricot · 2 years
hopefully the emojis dont format weird but for romero 🍩 🍰 and for jackson 🍪🥃 -cas
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(IDs in ALT)
Romero (read ab this character here!)
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Finding the line is hard for Romero, because he’s not exactly moral in the same way humans are. Which doesn’t mean he’s evil, he’s just divorced from humanity and so doesn’t think in exactly the same ways when it comes to natural laws of good and bad. But I think he still lines up with a lot of things. The main thing for him is people destroying beautiful things, things that make people happy, or ruining a good existence. But what ends up counting as that varies from case to case, and he can often be unpredictable in the things that make him angry, in the people he ends up hating.
So for one example: he’d find it unforgivable to burn or destroy books and literature, especially in a protected space like a home or monument or holy place, because that is something you can’t get back, that is someone’s history and creativity and escape.
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Murder. And he does so pretty often because his husband is a partial vampire. As with the above, taking a life for him varies heavily depending on context, and he doesn’t like taking innocent lives but will if it’s necessary. It’s a messy, contradictory thing, but Antez will always come above humans for him. Arrest wise, probably something more tame like stealing, or getting into a fight outside of a bar. He’s not in a place to get arrested much though, since he doesn’t go into many towns.
Jack (read about this character here!)
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
Jack overlooked a group of younger vampires for a few centuries earlier on, creating a strong found family that helped to take care of each other and fill the lack of companionship many of them were experiencing, either as humans or as recently turned vampires. But a group of hunters ambushed the household in the early 1800s and destroyed things, leaving only Jack and another vampire, Faustus, remaining. I think Jack’s held onto things from that family. Pictures, crafts, jewelry different members used to wear, shoes and belt buckles. It’s a sad memorial of pieces of people long lost, but he keeps their memories alive when he tells the stories of the things he’s kept, even if that happens infrequently. He’s still healing from what happened and it takes energy to dig those feelings up again. But the bits are there, scattered between boxes and old files, waiting to give up their memories.
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
(Won’t be giving too many specific media examples because I honestly don’t know enough that would fit bUt)
Jack is technically in this universe, just in the 80s and where monsters exist, and I think he’s a big fan of long running comedy or drama shows, stuff with a laugh track or that gets constant reruns. Even in modern day he’d have a VHS player and stuff he’s taped in the past. He’ll occasionally watch horror, but they really just end up as satire for him, and he doesn’t have many strong opinions. He thinks they’re funny and fun and that’s about it.
Book wise I think he gravitates towards nonfiction/history, and philosophical realistic fiction. He enjoys taking in peoples experiences and viewpoints, thoughts on life and existence that have grown over time, or logs of events he didn’t get to experience firsthand. He finds reality more interesting than fantasy most times, and since he’s more of an audiovisual guy with other media, when he reads that’s what he’ll go for.
Band wise he has an extremely eclectic taste and wouldn’t have a singular favorite band (besides the fictional one his kids do). His Spotify wrapped or YouTube review or whatever would be a hodge podge of classical and techno and jazz and hyperpop and rap and opera etc. because he listens to as much as he can, samples sounds as often as possible. His main base is rock and jazz, but he’s always so fascinated by what people do with sounds that he has something good to say about everything. Would not know the names of all the artists after a certain point though, would know people he listens to again, but would cycle through things enough he’d know a ton of songs and none of who made them.
Social media wise, I don’t think he’d use it. He prefers socializing in person, and besides maybe the occasional email or something he wouldn’t interact on them much. Might download YouTube or Instagram if his kids make posts there so he can spread stuff and support them, and may make an account for his music shop if one of them encourages him to, but posts would be sporadic and non-detailed, and he wouldn’t follow anyone.
Send me an OC ask!
Picture of Romero by spicyboelives (tumblr, ig), picture of Jack by Danny Cragg (tumblr)
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evilneo · 11 months
Is. Is Gordon Challender doing OK? Like. Is he still alive.
his brother (Trip) says he is! and as for is he ok? no!
here are some fun facts about Mind:
lives in his sisters basement in headspace
has a knife wall in his room and is always carrying one around with him
has like 3 guns in his basement room
blog is like. only knife pictures?? @gordonfreemansmind if youre curious
is the reason we have a swiss army knife
said basement is 100% wheelchair accessible because his big brothers (Mal and Randal, who are in LCC) are wheelchair users and he misses them
↑ wont ever admit that bc he has the emotional range of a brick /affectionate
he has beef with my in-sys dad, LL
cant front without HEAVYYYY supervision bc he WILL try and sui-bait the bodys parents, and last time he fronted unsupervised he called the bodys mum a bitch to her face (BAD IDEA????)
has like no internal gauge on whether hes hungry or thirsty so he schedules when he drinks water (if he remembers)
has been here for just over 2 years and still hasnt picked out a proper nickname so we just use "Mind" to avoid confusion LOL and he begrudgingly accepts this
bisexual but nobody wants him /ref
↑ THATS ACTUALLY NOT QUITE TRUE ON SECOND THOUGHT. the only people who have shown visible interest in him are Tord Eddsworld fictives tho???? LIKE. TWO SEPARATE ONES. IN TWO DIFFERENT SYSTEMS JSJSK
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I just made a dream about L and N I have to share.
They were having a PR meeting around a table chairmen style. Everybody was wearing black and white suits even N (except hers was red) and the PR people were panicking because they received a brown envelope with a VHS tape inside (?!). But they couldn't read it because who tf owns a VHS reader nowadays???
But then Nicola was like "It's fine, Luke has one in his pocket." (because ofc he does)
So they start the thing and it's most outrageous, raw, filthy sex tape of them. And apparently for PR people that's a problem but Luke doesn't see why, they look great.
So PR was like "You have get married to prevent scandal!" but Luke was not amused "Again?" "OK then announce you are pregnant." Nicola not amused "We have 5 kids, Jane."
PR team was really sad and anxious so Nicola took a huge camera out of her bag (because of course she does) and said "Fight fire with fire. We'll make our own sextape."
And then I woke up.
Am I normal? How do I stop those two invading my brain?
lmfao y'all are too much
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evilneo · 3 years
awesome front group of today ig/s me(the neo)(tired) Mind (VERY angry) Dirk (wants to give someone info they shouldnt have)
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