hazsofties · 1 month
Aftercare With Velvette, Rosie, Lute, Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily x Gender Neutral Reader (Separate)
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Minors & pro/shippers DNI!
After the act, Velvette loves soaking up compliments from you. She's happy to give them back, so long as it doesn't feel like you're phoning it in. And she can absolutely tell if you're phoning it in and will call you out on it.
If you disliked anything, Velvette wants you to tell her, and assures you she won't be mad or upset.
Velvette enjoys just relaxing in bed with you. She doesn't plan to go anywhere anytime soon and she wants to ensure you're feeling alright.
She's a bit shy about mushy feelings talk, but she also understands the importance of it, and is willing to listen to you and squash (in a good way) any fears or insecurities you may have.
Velvette enjoys cuddling after, though is also understanding if you need your space or want minimal physical touch, like just holding her hand.
She teases you playfully if you're extra lovey-dovey afterwards, but it doesn't annoy her. If anything, she sees it as a sign she did a good job and you enjoyed your time together.
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TW: References to cannibalism and blood drinking (not yours).
Rosie gives you a moment to process before asking, "so, how was it?" with a playful smile.
She is very encouraging when it comes to open communication, saying, "Tell Rosie how you're feeling. What thoughts are going through your head right now?".
Rosie offers to help you clean up and is happy to give you anything you might need in order to do so.
She makes a lot of cannibal jokes about your shared act, such as comparing you to a delectable feast. She loves how it both flusters you and makes you laugh.
Rosie typically drinks a glass of blood afterwards, offering you a glass or just a regular drink.
She is absolutely a hugger, and will give you several if your open to it. Not to mention compliments about your appearance and similar words of affection.
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Lute immediately wants to shower, and she offers to let you join her. Though it's a straightforward offer, you understand that's her way of flirting.
She helps you clean yourself off, being gentle and keeping a close eye on your reactions to ensure she isn't making you uncomfortable.
Lute finds it easier to talk about the more emotional side of things while she's distracted with the shower, admitting how difficult it is for her to be intimate with others, and how safe she feels with you. It helps you open up about your own feelings.
Physical affection wise, Lute is willing to offer you a brief hug, though is too shy to do much else.
Lute inspects your body to search for any aches and the like, offering to attend to them whenever she notices you show physical discomfort.
Afterwards, she insists on cooking you both something to eat, encouraging you to relax in the meantime. You know you're in good hands with Lute.
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Charlie is really cuddly afterwards, and wants to shower you in hugs, kisses, and love. She is willing to give you any physical affection you need.
She gushes about how much she loves you and how lucky she is to have you. She completely melts if you do the same back.
She asks you if you need anything, like water or a snack or if you need any help cleaning up. She's happy to provide.
Charlie is always willing to talk through any concerns you may have. If you express you were made uncomfortable by anything Charlie did, she promises not to do it again next time.
It is extremely clear Charlie finds you beautiful and wonderful, your shared act only increasing these feelings.
Charlie enjoys sticking by you, but also understands if you need the space to process.
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The first thing Vaggie does is ensures you felt comfortable with everything you did together. She's protective of you and she'd never want to hurt you, even unintentionally.
She promises to keep in mind any feedback you give her and is very receptive to any of your input.
She's worried about your health and safety, so she helps you clean up and gets you something to eat and drink as well.
Even if she is skittish towards vulnerable talk in other instances, she makes sure you know she's there to listen, and isn't afraid to be affectionate with you.
Vaggie outright asks you, "do you need a hug? Someone to hold your hand?". If you get emotional, she assures you it's nothing to be embarrassed about.
She stays by your side, just enjoying the moment of intimacy with you.
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Emily is so excitable about the whole thing, telling you, "Oh my gosh, that was amazing! You're amazing! Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself".
She encourages you to tell her how you're feeling, being incredibly supportive and kind. If you have any concerns, she talks you through them and, if not, she's just cheery alongside you.
She offers you hugs and cuddles, using her wings to give you extra support and squeezes if you accept.
She gives you verbal affection by saying things like, "I hope you realize just how much I love you, and how wonderful and beautiful I think you are" or "You are such a wonderful partner. I'm so glad we could share this moment together".
Emily has snacks that she shares with you, telling you that you used up a lot of energy and should take care of yourself.
Emily goes about the rest of the day or night with you, absolutely beaming the entire time.
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mintartem · 4 months
Guitarhero thoughts because I need food for my ship: 🛡️🎸
1. Sinner!Adam hates himself, especially now that he is a lowly sinner. Everyone in the hotel are either passive-aggressive or totally agressive (Vaggie & Al) towards him while Charlie tries to be nice (but sometimes its just hard for her). Emily visits the hotel with Michael as her bodyguard. Michael sees Adam in the hotel but instead of reacting as Adam thought he would, disgusted and disappointed at him, Michael’s face and overall demeanor brighten. His eyes shone brightly and his lips curled in a genuine happy smile. that surprised Lucifer and made Emily giddy.
“No matter what form you take, you’re still so beautiful” said Michael with adoration and happiness in his voice.
2. Eden!Guitarhero where Michael at first was so reluctant to visit the garden considering they were told to only watch, not interact with it. But he was ordered to go in the garden and protect/watch over the creations instead of Lucifer. The first person Michael interacted with was Lilith and for some reason, Michael didn’t really clicked with her. But he ended up liking Adam instead. They fell in love with each other but this didn’t sit right with Heaven (they let them be because Michael isn’t really a bad influence).
3. Adam decided to retire as the leader of the exorcists early (maybe like 7 years or more before the show) to live with Michael and works as a florist/gardener and he’s now Michael’s husband *cough*malewife*cough*. Whenever Michael overworks himself, or he notices Michael is spending less and less time in their bed and more in his office, he is the one who grounds Michael and drags him to their room to cuddle and rest (“Angels like me do not need to rest, Adam” “I know, Mike”) maybe even more if Michael is really pent up. (Since I’m a sucker for “Sera is like Adam’s mom” fics, Adam asked Sera to give Michael a day off. Sera gave Michael 3 days off . “Only because Adam asked” she said)
4. Michael, Adam, and Emily, who is sort of like their child, visits Earth just to have fun at a Carnival. Adam knows that some games are rigged and told Michael about it. Much to Adam’s surprise, Michael agreed to “play the game these conmen are doing” (basically, “They’re cheating? Well, it’s only fair we do too”) What Emily doesn’t know wouldn’t hurt her now, would it?
5. Adam during his time on Earth prays for protection whenever he has to go out hunting and/or exploring. Michael secretly protects him like the guardian angel Adam knows he is. Adam cannot see Michael but he can feel his presence. He never forgets to thank Father and “his strong Guardian Angel” whenever he prays at night.
6. Alpha Michael x Omega Adam. Adam is in heat and needs his alpha. He took all of Michael’s clothes, especially his cape(?), and adds those to his nest. He touches himself begging for his alpha. Michael, on the other hand, is impatient and snappier. He wants to go home and get to his omega, darn it! The moment the meeting is over, he immediately created a portal home. Adam’s scent is all over their home. His omega is in heat! Michael decided that he will put off his work for the next three days. His omega needs him.
Only 1 servant at a time was allowed to visit their room to give them food and water… and a check-up in how they’re doing.
Well, that’s all I have in my head right now.
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hazsofties · 3 months
Angel Dust, Lute, Charlie, Husk, and Vaggie Cuddle Headcanons
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Minors & pro/shippers DNI!
⬅️ First set of headcanons
Angel Dust
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Angel acts confident when it comes to cuddles, teasing and flirting with you, yet the physical contact makes Angel nervous at first. He doesn't want to give you the wrong idea of what he wants in those moments.
However, you soon make Angel feel safe and respected, and he begins relaxing during snuggles rather than masking. He's his most natural self when cuddling you.
Angel uses his multiple arms to cuddle you from all angles and to carry you at times, if he is able.
Fat Nuggets often gets involved with the cuddles too, unless you are allergic or afraid of animals.
Angel constantly checks in with you during cuddles, ensuring you're comfortable and feel held or warm enough. He speaks softly and lovingly to you.
He adores stroking your hair or fur, and loves having his fluff stroked in return. In general he is a fan of both giving and receiving.
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Lute isn't very cuddly at all, and it takes a while for her to become comfortable showing physical affection.
That being said, if you are ever injured or extremely upset, Lute will put this aside to offer you comfort.
When cuddling, Lute encases, or attempts to encase you, with her entire body to ensure you feel safe and supported. She sometimes uses her wings like shields around you.
When you are distressed, Lute acts confident during snuggles and assures you she has everything under control. If giving cuddles in other contexts, or if asked for them, Lute is shy but will oblige.
She gives very intense squeezes and holds onto you like her life depends on it.
Lute is most likely to cuddle you when or if you two share a bed, as she wants to protect you as you slumber.
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Charlie adores giving you cuddles and offers them at every opportunity, even when cuddling may not always be the most convenient.
When standing, Charlie will cling to you like a koala or give you long hugs to serve as a cuddle.
When sitting, Charlie is happy to play the role of either the big spoon or little spoon depending on what feels right in the moment or makes you the most comfortable.
Charlie loves telling you how adorable and wonderful you are whenever you cuddle.
Her enthusiasm can cause her to be a little intense, but she doesn't mind toning it down if you're the more sensitive type.
She's a chatterbox that wants to talk with you about anything and everything. During cuddles, she especially loves sharing secrets and feelings.
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Though Husk loves cuddles, it is very difficult to make him admit this and he will lie if asked. He will admit to liking cuddles with you a little if you seem upset by him denying this fact.
Yet, if you ask for cuddles, Husk will "reluctantly" oblige for your sake. And probably without making eye contact.
It takes Husk a while, but when he really trusts you, he begins not only holding you with his arms but his wings as well. He offers to take you for a flight sometime, if you'd ever be interested.
Despite trying to hide it, Husk purrs like a motorboat during cuddles, especially if you give him pets or ear scratches throughout. He feels extremely fluffy and soft.
Husk prefers cuddling in private, but will make an exception if you seem very upset or like you've had a rough day.
He can be very flirtatious during cuddles, once he gains more confidence around you. He adores flustering you for a change.
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Vaggie enjoys cuddles and will gladly offer them, especially if you seem upset or afraid.
Yet, Vaggie becomes very shy when you get mushy during cuddling, and tends to silently enjoy the moment more often than not.
She is quick to offer comforting words if you appear upset or panicked, and she promises not to leave you alone until you feel better. In these instances, she will cuddle you for as long as you need.
Before bringing cuddling into your relationship, Vaggie was very direct and asked you a few questions to ensure she knew what you were comfortable with and what you weren't.
Vaggie will cuddle and carry you if she is able and if you appear sick or unwell.
Though she tends to avoid feelings talk, during cuddles she ensures you feel loved and know how much she appreciates you.
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hazsofties · 2 months
Vox, Adam, Alastor, Vaggie and Emily React To Reader Happy Stimming X Gender Neutral Reader (Romantic)
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Minors & pro/shippers DNI!
Initially, when you start dating, you're really nervous about letting Vox see you stim. Others have seen you as childish for it or annoying, and the last thing you want is for Vox to see you the same way.
The first time you happy stim in front of Vox, it's by complete accident. Something romantic he said or did made it difficult for you to help yourself. You expect him to tease you when he laughs but, soon, you realize it's because he's charmed, Vox saying, "I'm glad it makes you so happy, dear. I didn't know you stimmed!"
Vox ensures you understand he won't ever tease you for it, and that he is completely fine with you stimming around him. If anything he encourages it, getting a kick out of making you so joyful.
Vox is shy about stimming in public but, in private, seeing you stim makes him feel more comfortable stimming as well. It's shocking to see at first, but you're just so glad he trusts you that much.
Whenever you seem nervous letting yourself stim, Vox gives you extra kisses and physical affection to encourage you. If you're not a fan of either, he gives verbal praise and encouragement.
If anyone makes rude comments about your happy stimming, Vox gives them a sharp look that shuts them up immediately.
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Adam was aware of your happy stimming before you started dating. Though you initially held back, Adam made it his mission to make you so happy that you couldn't anymore. He saw you finally happy stimming as a victory, and the amount of joy he showed towards it made you more comfortable stimming around him in the future.
Whenever it feels like you're holding back, he makes it a sport to encourage you to happy stim. It genuinely brings him so much joy to see.
Initially, you only stim around him, but Adam does his best to make you feel safe stimming whenever he's around. He promises you, "Babe, if anyone's mean I'll totally handle it. So just relax!"
Adam is extremely proactive in ensuring you feel comfortable to happy stim. It doesn't matter if it's one of his friends, if anyone makes you feel self conscious, he tells them off.
Whenever someone gives you weird looks or makes weird comments about you stimming, Adam gets directly in their face. He says things like, "What do you have against my partner being happy, hm? Do you not like it when people smile either?"
Adam flaps his wings whenever you happy stim, and has to stop himself from hugging you, as your joy is infectious.
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You're very nervous to stim around Alastor even when you start dating him, unsure if he'll understand what it means.
Yet, when you do happy stim around Alastor for the first time, he just smiles and says, "Does that mean you're happy, dear? That's adorable".
You explain stimming to him, and he's completely accepting of it, telling you that you don't need to hold back around him. "I want you to be happy, dear. And if that makes you happy, you should do it," he tells you.
The more Alastor gets accustomed to your stimming, the more he begins to mimic you. It's not to mock you, he assures you he'd never do anything of the sort, he's just curious and actually seems to enjoy it.
Better understanding stimming through you makes Alastor more comfortable allowing himself to stim as well, and you're so glad to see it. He often does this through flicking his ears or waving his hands.
If anyone is ever mean to you about it, Alastor tells them they're being rude and to mind their own business.
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Vaggie has always encouraged you to just be yourself so, when you start dating, you begin happy stimming around her.
She is always delighted whenever you are comfortable enough to happy stim with her, and it genuinely puts a smile on her face.
If you ever feel self conscious about your happy stimming and fear it's too much, she tells you, "Hun, no. You're never too much. It's okay to be happy and to show this in your own way. It's beautiful, you're beautiful".
She encourages the others to say positive things whenever you happy stim as well so you feel comfortable doing so at the hotel. She points out to you that you confidently stimming will encourage the others to be comfortable doing the same.
She loves when you happy stim after you hug, kiss, or, if you don't like physical affection, she tells you she loves you.
Vaggie is very protective of you, and not afraid to tell anyone off that makes you uncomfortable about happy stimming.
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You've always felt comfortable stimming around Emily, seeing as Emily is very open about stimming herself.
Whenever you happy stim, Emily is elated and starts happy stimming along with you!
If you live in Heaven, Emily promises no one will be mean to you about you stimming. If you're not from Heaven, Emily gives you a safe space to stim around her.
She pays attention to the topics and things that make you happy stim the most, saving them for later.
Emily often compliments you on your happy stims, letting you know just how much joy they put out into the world and put into her life.
If anyone is mean or rude about your stimming, Emily tells you, "they're just a joyless, grumpy person! Ignore them".
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hazsofties · 3 months
For Your Soft Hazbin OC x/& Canon Needs
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Rosie's Advice Corner
A place for all your soft OC x canon. OC & Canon, S/I & Canon, or S/I x Canon Hazbin Hotel needs! This blog was created to write softer variants of divisive characters. Be respectful and, if you don't like it, there's always the block button. Please review the pinned post before sending in requests and we look forward to hearing from you! Run by @leedollop (Silver's Hazbin blog, mod🚿) and @horsegurltrainor (mod🌷).
Our Requests Are Currently Open. Our ask box is purely for requests, please and thank you. We only take requests in English. (It's also okay to send nice messages or ask questions about requests if there's any confusion).
You can ask for...
Mood or aesthetic boards, imagines, song recs, headcanons, userboxes, and in character asks (you can request to receive these in your inbox or receive an in character response to your ask). For any of these requests, please give full requests over making us infer, or make it clear you want to let us just go wild with an idea or a concept.
If you enjoy one of our prompts, but we didn't do it for one of your favorite characters, you are absolutely free to request it again for said characters.
Our Boundaries
⚠This is a Valentino and Niffty free zone!⚠
We are against AI here. If we see AI on your page, you will be blocked.
Pro/shippers and minors are not welcome here. We're not comfortable writing underage readers, sorry. Bigots, sexists, terfs, and plural unfriendly individuals can stay out.
This blog is for soft content. The only angst we write is hurt/comfort and we typically avoid making content revolved around murder or character harm. We reserve the right to delete asks that make us uncomfortable, and potentially block users that push our boundaries.
Bigoted, minor x adult, noncon, or incest revolved asks will be yeeted into the void.
We are not comfortable making content with yandere, possessive, or abusive themes, so don't ask for that.
We are okay with NSFW asks, but will delete asks that we are not comfortable doing. We will not make any smut content involving impregnation/breeding, foot stuff, or pain/blood in any way. Expect most smut content to be sweet or fluffy in some way.
Sinner Adam content will be tagged #adam🤘 for those who want to block the tag.
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The Characters and Tags
(Placed in the order of most confident to least confident writing)
🐷Angel Dust
🍳Sir Pentious
#hazsoftimagines, #hazsoftaesthetics, #hazsoftmusic, #hazsoftcanons, #hazsoftboxes, #hazsoftasks, #hazsoftreblogs, #hazsoftscreenshots, #hazsoftboosties.
The tw angst tag is for content where characters experience upset. #hazsmut is for smut content, so feel free to block that tag if you don't wanna see it.
Headcanon List
Shared Vox & Adam Cuddles
Vox's Panic Attack Comfort
Adam Panic Attack Comfort Headcanons
Adam Bubble Bath Headcanons
Vox Bubble Bath Headcanons
Vox, Angel Dust, Adam, and Lucifer Catch You Self Pleasuring W/ Gender Neutral Reader
Angel Dust Soft Pre-dating Headcanons W/ Gender Neutral Reader
Vox, Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, and Velvette Cuddle Headcanons
Angel Dust, Lute, Charlie, Husk, and Vaggie Cuddle Headcanons
Vox, Adam, Lucifer, and Emily Nightmare Comfort Headcanons (Romantic or Platonic, Reader Gender Neutral)
Vox, Adam, Angel Dust, and Husk Let Gender Neutral Reader Use Them As a Stim Toy (Romantic Or Platonic)
Vox Helps An Ashamed Gender Neutral Reader
Vox, Adam, Lucifer, Alastor, and Angel Dust scent headcanons
Vox, Adam, Alastor, Vaggie and Emily React To Reader Happy Stimming X Gender Neutral Reader (Romantic)
Charlie Sets Gender Neutral Reader Up With Angel Dust
Lute On A Picnic Date W/ Gender Neutral Reader
Vox And Angel Dust Comfort An AFAB Reader After Their Period
Velvette, Rosie, Lucifer, and Vox Help Gender Neutral and Neurodivergent Reader With a Low (Romantic)
Emily, Husk, and Vox Defend Neurodivergent and Gender Neutral Reader When They're Treated Like A Child (Romantic or Platonic)
Vox Confirming a Reader Afraid of Storms (X Reader)
Vox Comforts GN Reader Struggling To Sleep (Romantic or Platonic)
Adam Comforts GN Reader About Their Body (x Reader)
Vox, Adam, Angel Dust, and Baxter Help GN Reader Feel Confident In Wearing More Revealing Clothing (x Reader)
Lazy Bed Cuddles With Lucifer (x GN Reader)
Vox Comforts AFAB Reader W/ Pre Period Anxiety (x Reader)
Spicy Headcanon List
Aftercare With Vox, Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, Angel Dust, Husk W/ Gender Neutral Reader
Aftercare With Sir Pentious and Baxter (Separate) x Gender Neutral Reader
Aftercare With Velvette, Rosie, Lute, Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily x Gender Neutral Reader (Separate)
Vox And His Perks (x GN Reader Smut Headcanons)
Mutual Self Pleasure W/ Vox (x Reader GN Smut Headcanons)
Adam & Alastor Dick Headcanons x GN Reader
Baxter Comforts Sexually Ashamed Reader (GN x Reader)
Mutual Self Pleasure W/ Alastor (x GN reader)
Fic List
Angel's Bubble Bath (Angel x GN Reader)
A short fic where Angel Dust gives the reader a nice bubble bath.
Nonverbal Snuggles (Vox x GN Reader)
Vox uses bed cuddles to soothe a reader who has gone nonverbal due to stress. Reader is implied to be neurodivergent.
Consensual TV Sinner Voyeurism (Vox x Shy GN Reader)
Based on these headcanons, Vox excites a gender neutral and shy reader by allowing them to watch him self pleasure.
Dating The TV Demon (x Vox)
Dating The First Man (x Adam)
Dating The Radio Demon (x Alastor)
Dating The King Of Hell (x Lucifer)
Dating The Bartender (x Husk)
Dating The Spider Sinner (x Angel)
Aesthetic and Moodboards
Vox Slime Board
Adam Slime Board
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